diff --git a/Documentation/Cookbook/rst/ExtendedFilenames.rst b/Documentation/Cookbook/rst/ExtendedFilenames.rst
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/Cookbook/rst/ExtendedFilenames.rst
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+.. _extended-filenames:
+Extended filenames
+Extended filenames is an interesting feature of OTB. With it, you can control
+several aspects of the beahvior of the OTB in the OTB-Applications or in our
+own C++ applications. Historically this feature has been desingn to solve
+an issue with how to handle geo-referencing information. 
+Indeed, there are multiple ways to define geo-referencing information. For
+instance, one can use a geographic transform, a cartographic projection,
+or a sensor model with RPC coefficients. A single image may contain
+several of these elements, such as in the “ortho-ready” products: this
+is a type of product still in sensor geometry (the sensor model is
+supplied with the image) but it also contains an approximative
+geographic transform that can be used to have a quick estimate of the
+image localisation. For instance, your product may contain a “.TIF” file
+for the image, along with a “.RPB” file that contains the sensor model
+coefficients and an “.IMD” file that contains a cartographic projection.
+This case leads to the following question: which geo-referencing
+element should be used when opening this image in OTB. In
+fact, it depends on the users need. For an orthorectification
+application, the sensor model must be used. In order to specify which
+information should be skipped, a syntax of extended filenames has been
+developed for both reading and writing.
+Since the development of this feature we have extend this mechanism for 
+other aspaects: like band or overview selection in reader part or support
+create option of gdal in writer part.The reader and writer extended filename 
+support is based on the same syntax, only the options are different. 
+To benefit from the extended file name mechanism, the following syntax 
+is to be used:
+    Path/Image.ext?&key1=<value1>&key2=<value2>
+**Note that you’ll probably need to “quote” the filename, especially if calling
+applications from the bash command line.**
+Reader options
+    &geom=<path/filename.geom>
+-  Contains the file name of a valid geom file
+-  Use the content of the specified geom file instead of
+   image-embedded geometric information
+-  empty by default, use the image-embedded information if available
+    &sdataidx=<(int)idx>
+-  Select the sub-dataset to read
+-  0 by default
+    &resol=<(int)resolution factor>
+-  Select the JPEG2000 sub-resolution image to read
+-  0 by default
+    &bands=r1,r2,...,rn
+-  Select a subset of bands from the input image
+-  The syntax is inspired by Python indexing syntax with
+   bands=r1,r2,r3,...,rn where each ri is a band range that can be :
+   -  a single index (1-based) :
+      -  :code:`2` means 2nd band
+      -  :code:`-1` means last band
+   -  or a range of bands :
+      -  :code:`3:` means 3rd band until the last one
+      -  :code:`:-2` means the first bands until the second to last
+      -  :code:`2:4` means bands 2,3 and 4
+-  empty by default (all bands are read from the input image)
+    &skipcarto=<(bool)true>
+-  Skip the cartographic information
+-  Clears the projectionref, set the origin to :math:`[0,0]` and the
+   spacing to :math:`[1/max(1,r),1/max(1,r)]` where :math:`r` is the resolution
+   factor.
+-  Keeps the keyword list
+-  false by default
+    &skipgeom=<(bool)true>
+-  Skip geometric information
+-  Clears the keyword list
+-  Keeps the projectionref and the origin/spacing information
+-  false by default.
+    &skiprpctag=<(bool)true>
+-  Skip the reading of internal RPC tags (see
+   [sec:TypesofSensorModels] for details)
+-  false by default.
+Writer options
+    &writegeom=<(bool)false>
+-  To activate writing of external geom file
+-  true by default
+    &writerpctags=<(bool)true>
+-  To activate writing of RPC tags in TIFF files
+-  false by default
+    &gdal:co:<GDALKEY>=<VALUE>
+-  To specify a gdal creation option
+-  For gdal creation option information, see dedicated gdal documentation for each driver. For example, you can find `here <http://www.gdal.org/frmt_gtiff.html>`_ the information about the GeoTiff create options
+-  None by default
+    &streaming:type=<VALUE>
+-  Activates configuration of streaming through extended filenames
+-  Override any previous configuration of streaming
+-  Allows to configure the kind of streaming to perform
+-  Available values are:
+   -  auto: tiled or stripped streaming mode chosen automatically
+      depending on TileHint read from input files
+   -  tiled: tiled streaming mode
+   -  stripped: stripped streaming mode
+   -  none: explicitly deactivate streaming
+-  Not set by default
+    &streaming:sizemode=<VALUE>
+-  Allows to choose how the size of the streaming pieces is computed
+-  Available values are:
+   -  auto: size is estimated from the available memory setting by
+      evaluating pipeline memory print
+   -  height: size is set by setting height of strips or tiles
+   -  nbsplits: size is computed from a given number of splits
+-  Default is auto
+    &streaming:sizevalue=<VALUE>
+-  Parameter for size of streaming pieces computation
+-  Value is :
+   -  if sizemode=auto: available memory in Mb
+   -  if sizemode=height: height of the strip or tile in pixels
+   -  if sizemode=nbsplits: number of requested splits for streaming
+-  If not provided, the default value is set to 0 and result in
+   different behaviour depending on sizemode (if set to height or
+   nbsplits, streaming is deactivated, if set to auto, value is
+   fetched from configuration or cmake configuration file)
+    &box=<startx>:<starty>:<sizex>:<sizey>
+-  User defined parameters of output image region
+-  The region must be set with 4 unsigned integers (the separator
+   used is the colon ’:’). Values are:
+   -  startx: first index on X (starting with 0)
+   -  starty: first index on Y (starting with 0)
+   -  sizex: size along X
+   -  sizey: size along Y
+-  The definition of the region follows the same convention as
+   itk::Region definition in C++. A region is defined by two classes:
+   the itk::Index and itk::Size classes. The origin of the region
+   within the image with which it is associated is defined by Index
+    &bands=r1,r2,...,rn
+-  Select a subset of bands from the output image
+-  The syntax is inspired by Python indexing syntax with
+   bands=r1,r2,r3,...,rn where each ri is a band range that can be :
+   -  a single index (1-based) :
+      -  :code:`2` means 2nd band
+      -  :code:`-1` means last band
+   -  or a range of bands :
+      -  :code:`3:` means 3rd band until the last one
+      -  :code:`:-2` means the first bands until the second to last
+      -  :code:`2:4` means bands 2,3 and 4
+-  Empty by default (all bands are write from the output image)
+The available syntax for boolean options are:
+-  ON, On, on, true, True, 1 are available for setting a ’true’ boolean
+   value
+-  OFF, Off, off, false, False, 0 are available for setting a ’false’
+   boolean value
+You can find below some examples:
+- Write a file with blockSize equal to 256 and with DEFLATE compression
+    $ otbcli_Convert -in OTB-Data/Examples/QB_1_ortho.tif -out "/tmp/example1.tif?&gdal:co:TILED=YES&gdal:co:COMPRESS=DEFLATE"
+- Process only first band from a file
+    $ otbcli_Convert -in "OTB-Data/Examples/QB_1_ortho.tif?&bands=1" -out /tmp/example2.tif
diff --git a/Documentation/Cookbook/rst/OTB-Applications.rst b/Documentation/Cookbook/rst/OTB-Applications.rst
index 4da50bd9f419a096e11957e7c35e2621d9cfbd50..1905a737e7e72d869670d226e69bfa6e02b5b9d7 100644
--- a/Documentation/Cookbook/rst/OTB-Applications.rst
+++ b/Documentation/Cookbook/rst/OTB-Applications.rst
@@ -360,296 +360,3 @@ among 560 cpus and took only 56 seconds.
 Note that this MPI parallel invocation of applications is only
 available for command-line calls to OTB applications, and only for
 images output parameters.
-.. _extended-filenames:
-Extended filenames
-There are multiple ways to define geo-referencing information. For
-instance, one can use a geographic transform, a cartographic projection,
-or a sensor model with RPC coefficients. A single image may contain
-several of these elements, such as in the “ortho-ready” products: this
-is a type of product still in sensor geometry (the sensor model is
-supplied with the image) but it also contains an approximative
-geographic transform that can be used to have a quick estimate of the
-image localisation. For instance, your product may contain a “.TIF” file
-for the image, along with a “.RPB” file that contains the sensor model
-coefficients and an “.IMD” file that contains a cartographic projection.
-This case leads to the following question: which geo-referencing
-element should be used when opening this image in OTB. In
-fact, it depends on the users need. For an orthorectification
-application, the sensor model must be used. In order to specify which
-information should be skipped, a syntax of extended filenames has been
-developed for both reading and writing.
-The reader and writer extended file name support is based on the same
-syntax, only the options are different. To benefit from the extended
-file name mechanism, the following syntax is to be used:
-    Path/Image.ext?&key1=<value1>&key2=<value2>
-Note that you’ll probably need to “quote” the filename, especially if calling
-applications from the bash command line.
-Reader options
-    &geom=<path/filename.geom>
--  Contains the file name of a valid geom file
--  Use the content of the specified geom file instead of
-   image-embedded geometric information
--  empty by default, use the image-embedded information if available
-    &sdataidx=<(int)idx>
--  Select the sub-dataset to read
--  0 by default
-    &resol=<(int)resolution factor>
--  Select the JPEG2000 sub-resolution image to read
--  0 by default
-    &bands=r1,r2,...,rn
--  Select a subset of bands from the input image
--  The syntax is inspired by Python indexing syntax with
-   bands=r1,r2,r3,...,rn where each ri is a band range that can be :
-   -  a single index (1-based) :
-      -  :code:`2` means 2nd band
-      -  :code:`-1` means last band
-   -  or a range of bands :
-      -  :code:`3:` means 3rd band until the last one
-      -  :code:`:-2` means the first bands until the second to last
-      -  :code:`2:4` means bands 2,3 and 4
--  empty by default (all bands are read from the input image)
-    &skipcarto=<(bool)true>
--  Skip the cartographic information
--  Clears the projectionref, set the origin to :math:`[0,0]` and the
-   spacing to :math:`[1/max(1,r),1/max(1,r)]` where :math:`r` is the resolution
-   factor.
--  Keeps the keyword list
--  false by default
-    &skipgeom=<(bool)true>
--  Skip geometric information
--  Clears the keyword list
--  Keeps the projectionref and the origin/spacing information
--  false by default.
-    &skiprpctag=<(bool)true>
--  Skip the reading of internal RPC tags (see
-   [sec:TypesofSensorModels] for details)
--  false by default.
-Writer options
-    &writegeom=<(bool)false>
--  To activate writing of external geom file
--  true by default
-    &writerpctags=<(bool)true>
--  To activate writing of RPC tags in TIFF files
--  false by default
-       &gdal:co:<GDALKEY>=<VALUE>
--  To specify a gdal creation option
--  For gdal creation option information, see dedicated gdal documentation
--  None by default
-    &streaming:type=<VALUE>
--  Activates configuration of streaming through extended filenames
--  Override any previous configuration of streaming
--  Allows to configure the kind of streaming to perform
--  Available values are:
-   -  auto: tiled or stripped streaming mode chosen automatically
-      depending on TileHint read from input files
-   -  tiled: tiled streaming mode
-   -  stripped: stripped streaming mode
-   -  none: explicitly deactivate streaming
--  Not set by default
-    &streaming:sizemode=<VALUE>
--  Allows to choose how the size of the streaming pieces is computed
--  Available values are:
-   -  auto: size is estimated from the available memory setting by
-      evaluating pipeline memory print
-   -  height: size is set by setting height of strips or tiles
-   -  nbsplits: size is computed from a given number of splits
--  Default is auto
-    &streaming:sizevalue=<VALUE>
--  Parameter for size of streaming pieces computation
--  Value is :
-   -  if sizemode=auto: available memory in Mb
-   -  if sizemode=height: height of the strip or tile in pixels
-   -  if sizemode=nbsplits: number of requested splits for streaming
--  If not provided, the default value is set to 0 and result in
-   different behaviour depending on sizemode (if set to height or
-   nbsplits, streaming is deactivated, if set to auto, value is
-   fetched from configuration or cmake configuration file)
-    &box=<startx>:<starty>:<sizex>:<sizey>
--  User defined parameters of output image region
--  The region must be set with 4 unsigned integers (the separator
-   used is the colon ’:’). Values are:
-   -  startx: first index on X (starting with 0)
-   -  starty: first index on Y (starting with 0)
-   -  sizex: size along X
-   -  sizey: size along Y
--  The definition of the region follows the same convention as
-   itk::Region definition in C++. A region is defined by two classes:
-   the itk::Index and itk::Size classes. The origin of the region
-   within the image with which it is associated is defined by Index
-    &bands=r1,r2,...,rn
--  Select a subset of bands from the output image
--  The syntax is inspired by Python indexing syntax with
-   bands=r1,r2,r3,...,rn where each ri is a band range that can be :
-   -  a single index (1-based) :
-      -  :code:`2` means 2nd band
-      -  :code:`-1` means last band
-   -  or a range of bands :
-      -  :code:`3:` means 3rd band until the last one
-      -  :code:`:-2` means the first bands until the second to last
-      -  :code:`2:4` means bands 2,3 and 4
--  Empty by default (all bands are write from the output image)
-The available syntax for boolean options are:
--  ON, On, on, true, True, 1 are available for setting a ’true’ boolean
-   value
--  OFF, Off, off, false, False, 0 are available for setting a ’false’
-   boolean value
diff --git a/Documentation/Cookbook/rst/index_TOC.rst b/Documentation/Cookbook/rst/index_TOC.rst
index d09049ccec83ef3be5d654decf11e25998f9e7bc..12565d1577bd6a9211449e2c9e71b2cf0ca291e6 100644
--- a/Documentation/Cookbook/rst/index_TOC.rst
+++ b/Documentation/Cookbook/rst/index_TOC.rst
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Table of Contents
+   ExtendedFilenames