diff --git a/Code/Wrappers/CommandLine/otbWrapperCommandLineParser.cxx b/Code/Wrappers/CommandLine/otbWrapperCommandLineParser.cxx
index a929151b6f70e2bca4c59cbe9e4f4f6e4fca276f..85d890e3f72030ab0af45dfa306e39fc55e1f68e 100644
--- a/Code/Wrappers/CommandLine/otbWrapperCommandLineParser.cxx
+++ b/Code/Wrappers/CommandLine/otbWrapperCommandLineParser.cxx
@@ -542,8 +542,8 @@ CommandLineParser::IsAValidKey( const std::string & foundKey )
     res = true;
-  // a second test is performed to detect negative numbers (even in 
-  // scientific notation). Any key that matches the search pattern for a 
+  // a second test is performed to detect negative numbers (even in
+  // scientific notation). Any key that matches the search pattern for a
   // number is considered not valid.
   itksys::RegularExpression regNum;
diff --git a/Examples/Radiometry/AtmosphericCorrectionSequencement.cxx b/Examples/Radiometry/AtmosphericCorrectionSequencement.cxx
index f1c8ddfbbaab04c04587f3afdecda3e63c09c437..ed65d7153ef3faa67b1d44cec0a8799791e47910 100644
--- a/Examples/Radiometry/AtmosphericCorrectionSequencement.cxx
+++ b/Examples/Radiometry/AtmosphericCorrectionSequencement.cxx
@@ -44,14 +44,14 @@
 // The manipulation of each class used for the different steps and the
 // link with the 6S radiometry library will be explained. In particular,
-// the API modifications that have been made in version 4.2 will be 
+// the API modifications that have been made in version 4.2 will be
 // detailed. There was several reasons behind these modifications :
 // \begin{itemize}
 // \item fix design issues in the framework that were causing trouble
 // when setting the atmospheric parameters
 // \item allow the computation of the radiative terms by other libraries
 // than 6S (such as SMAC method).
-// \item allow the users of the OpticalCalibration application to set 
+// \item allow the users of the OpticalCalibration application to set
 // and override each correction parameter.
 // \end{itemize}
@@ -75,27 +75,27 @@
 // In version 4.2, the class \code{SurfaceAdjacencyEffect6SCorrectionSchemeFilter}
 // has been renamed into \doxygen{otb}{SurfaceAdjacencyEffectCorrectionSchemeFilter},
 // but it still does the same thing.
 // This chain uses the 6S radiative
 // transfer code to compute radiative terms (for instance upward and
-// downward transmittance). The inputs needed are separated into 
+// downward transmittance). The inputs needed are separated into
 // two categories :
 // \begin{itemize}
-// \item The atmospheric correction parameters : physical parameters of the 
+// \item The atmospheric correction parameters : physical parameters of the
 // atmosphere when the image was taken (for instance : atmospheric pressure,
 // water vapour amount, aerosol data, ...). They are stored in the class
-// \footnote{Before version 4.2, this class was storing all correction 
+// \footnote{Before version 4.2, this class was storing all correction
 // parameters} \doxygen{otb}{AtmosphericCorrectionParameters}.
 // \item The acquisition correction parameters : sensor related information
 // about the way the image was taken, usualy available with the image
 // metadata (for instance : solar angles, spectral
-// sensitivity, ...). They are stored in the class 
+// sensitivity, ...). They are stored in the class
 // \doxygen{otb}{ImageMetadataCorrectionParameters}.
 // \end{itemize}
 // The class \doxygen{otb}{RadiometryCorrectionParametersToAtmisphericRadiativeTerms}
-// computes the radiative terms using these two types of parameters. It 
-// contains a single static method that calls the 6S library. The header 
+// computes the radiative terms using these two types of parameters. It
+// contains a single static method that calls the 6S library. The header
 // also includes the classes to manipulate correction parameters and radiative
 // terms.
 // Software Guide : EndLatex
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   // Software Guide : BeginLatex
   // The \doxygen{otb}{AtmosphericCorrectionParameters} class stores
-  // physical parameters of the atmosphere that are not impacted 
+  // physical parameters of the atmosphere that are not impacted
   // by the viewing angles of the image :
   // \begin{itemize}
   // \item The atmospheric pressure;
@@ -461,11 +461,11 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
   // Software Guide : BeginLatex
-  // Once those parameters are loaded, they are used by the 6S library 
-  // to compute the needed radiometric informations. The 
-  // RadiometryCorrectionParametersToAtmosphericRadiativeTerms class 
+  // Once those parameters are loaded, they are used by the 6S library
+  // to compute the needed radiometric informations. The
+  // RadiometryCorrectionParametersToAtmosphericRadiativeTerms class
   // provides a static function to perform this step\footnote{Before version
-  // 4.2, it was done with the filter 
+  // 4.2, it was done with the filter
   // AtmosphericCorrectionParametersTo6SAtmosphericRadiativeTerms}.
   // Software Guide : EndLatex
@@ -578,15 +578,15 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 // \end{itemize}
 // \end{itemize}
 // The neighborhood consideration window size is given by the window radius.
-// An instance of \doxygen{otb}{SurfaceAdjacencyEffectCorrectionSchemeFilter} 
-// is created. This class has an interface quite similar to 
-// \doxygen{otb}{ReflectanceToSurfaceReflectance}. They both need radiative terms 
-// (\doxygen{otb}{AtmosphericRadiativeTerms}), so it is possible to compute 
-// them outside the filter and set them directly in the filter. The other 
+// An instance of \doxygen{otb}{SurfaceAdjacencyEffectCorrectionSchemeFilter}
+// is created. This class has an interface quite similar to
+// \doxygen{otb}{ReflectanceToSurfaceReflectance}. They both need radiative terms
+// (\doxygen{otb}{AtmosphericRadiativeTerms}), so it is possible to compute
+// them outside the filter and set them directly in the filter. The other
 // solution is to give as input the two parameters containers ("atmospheric"
 // and "acquisition" parameters), then the filter will compute the radiative
-// terms internally. If the "acquisition" correction parameters are not 
+// terms internally. If the "acquisition" correction parameters are not
 // present, the filter will try to get them from the image metadata.
 // Software Guide : EndLatex
diff --git a/Testing/Code/Wrappers/CommandLine/otbWrapperCommandLineParserTests.cxx b/Testing/Code/Wrappers/CommandLine/otbWrapperCommandLineParserTests.cxx
index d0d33c4571277213ca81c6cd744de18dc385141f..526bd1320686f2dc0c16d163fced1fcdf946b727 100644
--- a/Testing/Code/Wrappers/CommandLine/otbWrapperCommandLineParserTests.cxx
+++ b/Testing/Code/Wrappers/CommandLine/otbWrapperCommandLineParserTests.cxx
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ int otbWrapperCommandLineParserTest1(int argc, char* argv[])
   ParserType::Pointer parser = ParserType::New();
   std::vector<std::string> cmdVector;
-  for (int i=2 ; i<argc ; ++i)
+  for (int i=2; i<argc; ++i)
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ int otbWrapperCommandLineParserTest2(int argc, char* argv[])
   std::vector<std::string> cmdVector;
   if (argc > 2)
-    for (int i=1 ; i<argc ; ++i)
+    for (int i=1; i<argc; ++i)
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ int otbWrapperCommandLineParserTest3(int argc, char* argv[])
   std::vector<std::string> cmdVector;
   if (argc > 2)
-    for (int i=2 ; i<argc ; ++i)
+    for (int i=2; i<argc; ++i)
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ int otbWrapperCommandLineParserTest4(int argc, char* argv[])
   std::vector<std::string> cmdVector;
   if (argc > 2)
-    for (int i=2 ; i<argc ; ++i)
+    for (int i=2; i<argc; ++i)