diff --git a/Documentation/Cookbook/rst/FAQ.rst b/Documentation/Cookbook/rst/FAQ.rst
index 39a2287c3ad8a033cea4a7bfa46f9b4d7c8fd36f..490e77a34c1619fb5025e823fcf680d9c3d27c83 100644
--- a/Documentation/Cookbook/rst/FAQ.rst
+++ b/Documentation/Cookbook/rst/FAQ.rst
@@ -243,22 +243,21 @@ OFF the CMake variable OTB\_USE\_EXTERNAL\_ITK.
 OTB compilation and Windows platform
-To build OTB on Windows, we highly recommend using OSGeo4W which
-provides all the necessary dependencies.
-Currently it is not possible to build OTB in Debug when using the
-dependencies provided by OSGeo4W. If you want to build OTB in Debug for
-Windows, you will need to build and install manually each dependency
-needed by OTB. You should use the same compiler for all the
-dependencies, as much as possible.
-Therefore, we highly recommend you to use OSGeo4W shell environment to
-build OTB. You can use the 32 or 64 bit installer, since OSGeo4W
-provides all the necessary dependencies in the two cases. Please follow
-carefully the procedure provided in the Software Guide.
-Typically, when using the dependencies provided by OSGeo4W, compile OTB
-in Release or RelWithDebInfo mode.
+To build OTB on Windows, you should prepare an environment with the following
+* Visual Studio 2015 or later
+* CMake 3.1 or later
+* OTB XDK : download a Windows binary package of OTB and use the supplied
+  uninstall script to remove OTB binaries and headers. Now, this package only
+  contains the dependencies needed to build OTB.
+Then, you can download OTB sources (preferably, a version compatible with your
+XDK), and compile them as a standard CMake project. More details are available
+in the SoftwareGuide.
+There is an other solution, using OSGeo4W distribution. However, the
+dependencies may be outdated.
 Using OTB
diff --git a/Documentation/Cookbook/rst/Installation_Macx.txt b/Documentation/Cookbook/rst/Installation_Macx.txt
index 961e6b1b75e4d888fd77dfa9ad2063d1d26edbc1..f77d878dbdc93c71d35f55ffaf211391d613260e 100644
--- a/Documentation/Cookbook/rst/Installation_Macx.txt
+++ b/Documentation/Cookbook/rst/Installation_Macx.txt
@@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ A: You can get this error at startup running Monteverdi.app or Mapla.app. The
 solution is to run in a terminal the following command:  
    xcode-select --install
 And then try to restart Monteverdi or Mapla. 
diff --git a/Documentation/SoftwareGuide/Latex/Installation.tex b/Documentation/SoftwareGuide/Latex/Installation.tex
index 6c1531dc647cd109b5ebb1a094f7f078d06eb9b7..ea869b753148edff4d213bf066a1de0b26a24271 100644
--- a/Documentation/SoftwareGuide/Latex/Installation.tex
+++ b/Documentation/SoftwareGuide/Latex/Installation.tex
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ directory, which in our case is \texttt{~/OTB/install/bin/}. For example:
 will launch the command line version of the \textbf{ExtractROI} application,
 will launch the graphical version.
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ $ make install
 \textbf{OTB\_USE\_CURL} & OTBCurl & \\
-\textbf{OTB\_USE\_MUPARSER} & OTBMuParser & OTBMathParser OTBDempsterShafer OTBAppClassification OTBAppMathParser OTBAppStereo OTBAppProjection OTBAppSegmentation OTBAppClassification OTBRoadExtraction OTBRCC8 OTBCCOBIA OTBAppSegmentation OTBMeanShift OTBAppSegmentation OTBMeanShift OTBAppSegmentation \\
+\textbf{OTB\_USE\_MUPARSER} & OTBMuParser & OTBMathParser OTBDempsterShafer OTBAppClassification OTBAppMathParser OTBAppStereo OTBAppProjection OTBAppSegmentation OTBRoadExtraction OTBRCC8 OTBCCOBIA OTBMeanShift \\
 \textbf{OTB\_USE\_MUPARSERX} & OTBMuParserX & OTBMathParserX OTBAppMathParserX \\