diff --git a/Modules/Applications/AppMathParser/app/otbBandMath.cxx b/Modules/Applications/AppMathParser/app/otbBandMath.cxx
index f8ecc1bafb051cc231cf61b14c3d2ea7f0669fb1..37a9054ec90fca6c5a9cb629d6d5db56608459c1 100644
--- a/Modules/Applications/AppMathParser/app/otbBandMath.cxx
+++ b/Modules/Applications/AppMathParser/app/otbBandMath.cxx
@@ -66,22 +66,34 @@ private:
       "This application performs a mathematical operation on several multi-band "
-      "images and outputs the result into a monoband image. Evaluation of the "
+      "images and outputs the result into a monoband image. The given expression"
+      " is computed at each pixel position. Evaluation of the "
       "mathematical formula is done by the muParser libraries.\n\n"
-      "muParser version superior to 2.0, provides the '&&' and '||' logical "
-      "operators, and a ternary operator 'boolean_expression ? if_true : "
-      "if_false'.\n\n"
-      "Older versions of muParser (prior to v-2.0) provides only the 'and' and "
-      "'or' logical operators, and a ternary operator 'if(; ; )'.\n\n"
-      "The list of features and operators is available on the muParser website [1]."
+      "The formula can be written using:\n\n"
+      "  * numerical values ( 2.3, -5, 3.1e4, ...)\n"
+      "  * variables containing pixel values (e.g. : 'im2b3' is the pixel value"
+      " in 2nd image, 3rd band)\n"
+      "  * binary operators:\n\n"
+      "    * '+' addition, '-' subtraction, '*' multiplication, '/' division\n"
+      "    * '^' raise x to the power of y\n"
+      "    * '<' less than, '>' greater than, '<=' less or equal, '>=' greater or equal\n"
+      "    * '==' equal, '!=' not equal\n"
+      "    * '||' logical or, '&&' logical and\n"
+      "  * if-then-else operator: '(condition ? value_true : value_false)'\n"
+      "    * 'or' logical or, 'and' logical and\n"
+      "  * if-then-else operator: 'if(condition;value_true;value_false)'\n"
+      "  * functions : exp(), log(), sin(), cos(), min(), max(), ...\n\n"
+      "The full list of features and operators is available on the muParser website [1]."
     SetDocLimitations( "None" );
     SetDocAuthors( "OTB-Team" );
-    SetDocSeeAlso("[1] http://muparser.sourceforge.net/");
+    SetDocSeeAlso("[1] http://beltoforion.de/article.php?a=muparser");
     AddDocTag( "Miscellaneous" );
     AddParameter( ParameterType_InputImageList, "il", "Input image-list" );
@@ -101,12 +113,7 @@ private:
     AddParameter( ParameterType_String, "exp", "Expression");
-      "The muParser mathematical expression to apply on input images.\n"
-      "Use im1b1 as first band of first image, im1b2 for the second band of "
-      "first image.\n"
-      "Use im2b1 as first band of second image, im2b2 for the second band of "
-      "second image.\n"
-      "etc."
+      "The muParser mathematical expression to apply on input images."
     // Doc example parameter settings
diff --git a/Modules/Applications/AppMathParserX/app/otbBandMathX.cxx b/Modules/Applications/AppMathParserX/app/otbBandMathX.cxx
index 7c56aa82da09b946c57ecc5225144e89768fb59a..90a7f245a6f3e1adf1976c27634ec5bbb12c28fd 100644
--- a/Modules/Applications/AppMathParserX/app/otbBandMathX.cxx
+++ b/Modules/Applications/AppMathParserX/app/otbBandMathX.cxx
@@ -82,44 +82,30 @@ private:
-      "The i-th input image is identified by the 'im<i+1>' (e.g. 'im1') prefix "
-      "(please, note the indexing from 1 to N, for N inputs).\n\n"
-      "The following list summarizes the available variables of input #0:\n\n"
-      "im1\n"
-      "  a pixel from 1st input, made of n components (n bands).\n\n"
-      "im1b2\n"
-      "  the 2nd component of a pixel from 1st input (band index is 1-based).\n\n"
-      "im1b2N3x4\n"
-      "  a 3x4 pixels 'N'eighbourhood of a pixel the 2nd component of a pixel "
-      "from the 1st input.\n\n"
-      "im1PhyX\n"
-      "  horizontal (X-axis) spacing of the 1st input.\n\n"
-      "im1PhyY\n"
-      "  vertical spacing of the 1st input input.\n\n"
-      "im1b2Mean\n"
-      "  mean of the 2nd component of the 1st input (global statistics)\n\n"
-      "im1b2Mini\n"
-      "  minimum of the 2nd component of the 1st input (global statistics)\n\n"
-      "im1b2Maxi\n"
-      "  minimum of the 2nd component of the 1st input (global statistics)\n\n"
-      "im1b2Sum\n"
-      "  minimum of the 2nd component of the 1st input (global statistics)\n\n"
-      "im1b2Var\n"
-      "  minimum of the 2nd component of the 1st input (global statistics)\n\n"
-      "idxX, idxY\n"
-      "  indices of the current pixel (generic variables)\n\n"
+      "The formula can be written using:\n\n"
+      "  * numerical values ( 2.3, -5, 3.1e4, ...)\n"
+      "  * variables containing pixel values (please, note the indexing of "
+      "inputs from 1 to N). Examples for the first input image:\n\n"
+      "    * 'im1' a pixel from 1st input, made of n components (n bands)\n"
+      "    * 'im1b2' the 2nd component of a pixel from 1st input (band index is 1-based)\n"
+      "    * 'im1b2N3x4' a 3x4 pixels 'N'eighbourhood of a pixel the 2nd "
+      "component of a pixel from the 1st input\n"
+      "    * 'im1PhyX' horizontal (X-axis) spacing of the 1st input.\n"
+      "    * 'im1PhyY' vertical spacing of the 1st input input.\n"
+      "    * 'im1b2Mean' mean of the 2nd component of the 1st input (global statistics)\n"
+      "    * 'im1b2Mini' minimum of the 2nd component of the 1st input (global statistics)\n"
+      "    * 'im1b2Maxi' maximum of the 2nd component of the 1st input (global statistics)\n"
+      "    * 'im1b2Sum' sum of the 2nd component of the 1st input (global statistics)\n"
+      "    * 'im1b2Var' variance of the 2nd component of the 1st input (global statistics)\n"
+      "    * 'idxX' and 'idxY' are the indices of the current pixel (generic variables)\n"
+      "  * binary operators:\n\n"
+      "    * '+' addition, '-' subtraction, '*' multiplication, '/' division\n"
+      "    * '^' raise x to the power of y\n"
+      "    * '<' less than, '>' greater than, '<=' less or equal, '>=' greater or equal\n"
+      "    * '==' equal, '!=' not equal\n"
+      "    * logical operators: 'or', 'and', 'xor'\n"
+      "  * if-then-else operator: '(condition ? value_true : value_false)'\n"
+      "  * functions : abs(), exp(), log(), sin(), cos(), min(), max(), ...\n\n"
       "Always keep in mind that this application only addresses mathematically "
       "well-defined formulas. For instance, it is not possible to add vectors of"
@@ -130,16 +116,16 @@ private:
       "represented as a row vector.\n\n"
-      "  im1 + im2 (1)\n"
+      "  im1 + im2\n"
       "  represents the addition of pixels from the 1st and 2nd inputs. This "
       "expression is consistent only if both inputs have the same number of "
       "Please, note that it is also possible to use the following expressions"
-      " to obtain the same result:\n"
-      "  im1b1 + im2b1\n"
-      "  im1b2 + im2b2 (2)\n"
-      "  ...\n\n"
+      " to obtain the same result:\n\n"
+      "  * im1b1 + im2b1\n"
+      "  * im1b2 + im2b2\n"
+      "  * ...\n\n"
       "Nevertheless, the first expression is by far much pleaseant. We call "
       "this new functionality the 'batch mode' (performing the same operation "
@@ -150,41 +136,41 @@ private:
       "Another new feature is the possibility to perform operations that "
       "involve neighborhoods of pixels. Variables related to such neighborhoods "
-      "are always defined following the imIbJNKxP pattern, where:\n"
-      "- I is an number identifying the image input (remember, input #0 = im1, "
+      "are always defined following the imIbJNKxP pattern, where:\n\n"
+      "  - I is an number identifying the image input (remember, input #0 = im1, "
       "and so on)\n"
-      "- J is an number identifying the band (remember, first band is indexed by"
+      "  - J is an number identifying the band (remember, first band is indexed by"
-      "- KxP are two numbers that represent the size of the neighborhood (first "
+      "  - KxP are two numbers that represent the size of the neighborhood (first "
       "one is related to the horizontal direction)\n\n"
       "NB: All neighborhood are centered, thus K and P must be odd numbers.\n\n"
-      "Many operators come with this new functionality:\n"
-      "- dotpr\n"
-      "- mean\n"
-      "- var\n"
-      "- median\n"
-      "- min\n"
-      "- max\n"
-      "- etc.\n\n"
-      "For instance, if im1 represents the pixel of 3 bands image:\n"
-      "  im1 - mean( im1b1N5x5, im1b2N5x5, im1b3N5x5 ) (3)\n\n"
+      "Many operators come with this new functionality:\n\n"
+      "  - dotpr\n"
+      "  - mean\n"
+      "  - var\n"
+      "  - median\n"
+      "  - min\n"
+      "  - max\n"
+      "  - etc.\n\n"
+      "For instance, if im1 represents the pixel of 3 bands image::\n\n"
+      "  im1 - mean( im1b1N5x5, im1b2N5x5, im1b3N5x5 )\n\n"
       "could represent a high pass filter (note that by implying three "
       "neighborhoods, the operator mean returns a row vector of three components"
       ". It is a typical behaviour for many operators of this application).\n\n"
-      "In addition to the previous operators, other operators are available:\n"
-      "- existing operators/functions from muParserX, that were not originally "
+      "In addition to the previous operators, other operators are available:\n\n"
+      "  - existing operators/functions from muParserX, that were not originally "
       "defined for vectors and matrices (e.g. cos, sin). These new "
       "operators/functions keep the original names to which we added the prefix "
       "'v' for vector (vcos, vsin, etc.)\n"
-      "- mult, div and pow operators, that perform element-wise multiplication, "
+      "  - mult, div and pow operators, that perform element-wise multiplication, "
       "division or exponentiation of vector/matrices (e.g. im1 div im2).\n"
-      "- mlt, dv and pw operators, that perform multiplication, division or "
+      "  - mlt, dv and pw operators, that perform multiplication, division or "
       "exponentiation of vector/matrices by a scalar (e.g. im1 dv 2.0).\n"
-      "- bands, which is a very useful operator. It allows selecting specific "
+      "  - bands, which is a very useful operator. It allows selecting specific "
       "bands from an image, and/or to rearrange them in a new vector (e.g."
       "bands( im1, { 1, 2, 1, 1 } ) produces a vector of 4 components made of "
       "band 1, band 2, band 1 and band 1 values from the first input.\n\n"
@@ -194,30 +180,19 @@ private:
       "The application itself\n"
-      "The application takes the following parameters:\n"
-      "-il          Sets the list of inputs\n"
-      "-ext         Sets the mathematical expression (see also limitations "
-      "section below).\n"
-      "-incontext   Sets the text filename containing constants values (syntax: "
-      "'#type name value')\n\n"
-      "An example of such a file is given below:\n"
+      "The application can use an expression supplied with the 'exp' parameter."
+      " It can also use an input context file, that defines variables and "
+      "expressions. An example of context file is given below::\n\n"
       "  #F expo 1.1\n"
       "  #M kernel1 { 0.1 , 0.2 , 0.3; 0.4 , 0.5 , 0.6; 0.7 , 0.8 , 0.9; 1 , 1.1"
-      ", 1.2; 1.3 , 1.4 , 1.5 }\n\n"
+      ", 1.2; 1.3 , 1.4 , 1.5 }\n"
+      "  #E $dotpr( kernel1, im1b1N3x5 ); im2b1^expo$\n\n"
       "As we can see, #I/#F allows the definition of an integer/float constant, "
       "whereas #M allows the definition of a vector/matrix. In the latter case, "
       "elements of a row must be separated by commas, and rows must be separated"
-      " by semicolons.\n\n"
-      "It is also possible to define expressions within the same txt file, with "
-      "#E <expr> (see limitations, below). For instance:\n"
-      "  #E $dotpr( kernel1, im1b1N3x5 ); im2b1^expo$\n\n"
-      "-outcontext  Output usesr's constants and expressions (context).\n"
-      "-out         Sets output image (multi-outputs is not implemented yet).\n"
-      "\n"
+      " by semicolons. It is also possible to define expressions within the same"
+      " txt file, with #E <expr> (see limitations, below).\n"
       "Finally, we strongly recommend to read the OTB Cookbook which can be "
       "found at: http://www.orfeo-toolbox.org/packages/OTBCookBook.pdf"