diff --git a/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/src/otbImageKeywordlist.cxx b/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/src/otbImageKeywordlist.cxx
index 6063915cfb4996895de1371735454092f81368d7..22aef9289e0b87b919d83784c1fe982cc5242aeb 100644
--- a/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/src/otbImageKeywordlist.cxx
+++ b/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/src/otbImageKeywordlist.cxx
@@ -241,8 +241,6 @@ ReadGeometryFromImage(const std::string& filename, bool checkRpcTag)
   if (projection)
-    otbMsgDevMacro(<< "OSSIM plugin projection instantiated ! ");
     hasMetaData = projection->saveState(geom_kwl);
@@ -479,7 +477,6 @@ WriteGeometry(const ImageKeywordlist& otb_kwl, const std::string& filename)
   if (geom_kwl.getSize() > 0)
-    otbMsgDevMacro(<< "Exporting keywordlist ...");
     ossimFilename geomFileName(filename);
diff --git a/Modules/Core/ImageBase/include/otbExtractROIBase.txx b/Modules/Core/ImageBase/include/otbExtractROIBase.txx
index 78f546387ffad9fd276030426eaf6abb1529480d..26108adf677fe834494606ae68f2d252778201ce 100644
--- a/Modules/Core/ImageBase/include/otbExtractROIBase.txx
+++ b/Modules/Core/ImageBase/include/otbExtractROIBase.txx
@@ -152,11 +152,6 @@ ExtractROIBase<TInputImage, TOutputImage>
-  otbMsgDevMacro(<< "InputRequestedRegion (otbExtractROIBase): ");
-  otbMsgDevMacro(<< "  - index: " << requestedRegion.GetIndex());
-  otbMsgDevMacro(<< "  - size:  " << requestedRegion.GetSize());
diff --git a/Modules/Core/Streaming/include/otbRAMDrivenAdaptativeStreamingManager.txx b/Modules/Core/Streaming/include/otbRAMDrivenAdaptativeStreamingManager.txx
index 07dcdbd82dbac30b545398f9e17f7af23bc38e53..743d5de28151ab5a78646e113ff5217b7b1296b1 100644
--- a/Modules/Core/Streaming/include/otbRAMDrivenAdaptativeStreamingManager.txx
+++ b/Modules/Core/Streaming/include/otbRAMDrivenAdaptativeStreamingManager.txx
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ RAMDrivenAdaptativeStreamingManager<TImage>::PrepareStreaming( itk::DataObject *
   this->m_Splitter = splitter;
   this->m_ComputedNumberOfSplits = this->m_Splitter->GetNumberOfSplits(region, nbDivisions);
-  otbMsgDevMacro(<< "Number of split : " << this->m_ComputedNumberOfSplits)
   this->m_Region = region;
diff --git a/Modules/Core/Streaming/include/otbStreamingManager.txx b/Modules/Core/Streaming/include/otbStreamingManager.txx
index b0fdfced068fffe79695afedc671b6f7d3d22d67..22aed33102df745e16625e8771c5fb5d6ebe174e 100644
--- a/Modules/Core/Streaming/include/otbStreamingManager.txx
+++ b/Modules/Core/Streaming/include/otbStreamingManager.txx
@@ -47,12 +47,9 @@ StreamingManager<TImage>::GetActualAvailableRAMInBytes(MemoryPrintType available
   if (availableRAMInBytes == 0)
-    otbMsgDevMacro(<< "Retrieving available RAM size from configuration");
     // Retrieve it from the configuration
     availableRAMInBytes = 1024*1024*ConfigurationManager::GetMaxRAMHint();
-  otbMsgDevMacro("RAM used to estimate memory footprint : " << availableRAMInBytes / 1024 / 1024  << " MB")
   return availableRAMInBytes;
@@ -62,8 +59,6 @@ StreamingManager<TImage>::EstimateOptimalNumberOfDivisions(itk::DataObject * inp
                                                            MemoryPrintType availableRAM,
                                                            double bias)
-  otbMsgDevMacro(<< "availableRAM " << availableRAM)
   MemoryPrintType availableRAMInBytes = GetActualAvailableRAMInBytes(availableRAM);
   otb::PipelineMemoryPrintCalculator::Pointer memoryPrintCalculator;
@@ -103,7 +98,6 @@ StreamingManager<TImage>::EstimateOptimalNumberOfDivisions(itk::DataObject * inp
     if (smallRegionSuccess)
-      otbMsgDevMacro("Using an extract to estimate memory : " << smallRegion)
       // the region is well behaved, inside the largest possible region
       memoryPrintCalculator->SetDataToWrite(extractFilter->GetOutput() );
@@ -114,7 +108,6 @@ StreamingManager<TImage>::EstimateOptimalNumberOfDivisions(itk::DataObject * inp
-      otbMsgDevMacro("Using the input region to estimate memory : " << region)
       // the region is not well behaved
       // use the full region
@@ -148,11 +141,9 @@ StreamingManager<TImage>::EstimateOptimalNumberOfDivisions(itk::DataObject * inp
   unsigned int optimalNumberOfDivisions =
       otb::PipelineMemoryPrintCalculator::EstimateOptimalNumberOfStreamDivisions(pipelineMemoryPrint, availableRAMInBytes);
-  otbMsgDevMacro( "Estimated Memory print for the full image : "
-                  << static_cast<unsigned int>(pipelineMemoryPrint * otb::PipelineMemoryPrintCalculator::ByteToMegabyte ) << std::endl)
-  otbMsgDevMacro( "Optimal number of stream divisions: "
-                  << optimalNumberOfDivisions << std::endl)
+  otbLogMacro(Info,<<"Available memory: "<<availableRAMInBytes * otb::PipelineMemoryPrintCalculator::ByteToMegabyte
+              <<" Mb, estimated needed memory for full processing: "<<pipelineMemoryPrint * otb::PipelineMemoryPrintCalculator::ByteToMegabyte
+              <<" Mb, optimal number of stream divisions: "<<optimalNumberOfDivisions);
   return optimalNumberOfDivisions;
diff --git a/Modules/Core/Streaming/src/otbPipelineMemoryPrintCalculator.cxx b/Modules/Core/Streaming/src/otbPipelineMemoryPrintCalculator.cxx
index d7d62e8c88cd6a779425feb92d5c9eeea7a71497..403c9d38674047805593342aa9cd3363c23d29a8 100644
--- a/Modules/Core/Streaming/src/otbPipelineMemoryPrintCalculator.cxx
+++ b/Modules/Core/Streaming/src/otbPipelineMemoryPrintCalculator.cxx
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ PipelineMemoryPrintCalculator::MemoryPrintType
 ::EvaluateProcessObjectPrintRecursive(ProcessObjectType * process)
-  otbMsgDevMacro(<< "EvaluateMemoryPrint for " << process->GetNameOfClass() << " (" << process << ")")
+  otbLogMacro(Debug,<<"Recursive evaluation of memory print for ProcessObject" << process->GetNameOfClass() << " (" << process << ")");
   // This variable will store the final print
   MemoryPrintType print = 0;
@@ -164,8 +164,9 @@ PipelineMemoryPrintCalculator::MemoryPrintType
 ::EvaluateDataObjectPrint(DataObjectType * data)
-  otbMsgDevMacro(<< "EvaluateMemoryPrint for " << data->GetNameOfClass() << " (" << data << ")")
+  otbLogMacro(Debug,<<"Evaluation of memory print for DataObject " << data->GetNameOfClass() << " (" << data << ")");
 #define OTB_IMAGE_SIZE_BLOCK(type)                                      \
   if(dynamic_cast<itk::Image<type, 2> *>(data) != NULL)                  \
     {                                                                   \
diff --git a/Modules/IO/IOGDAL/src/otbGDALImageIO.cxx b/Modules/IO/IOGDAL/src/otbGDALImageIO.cxx
index f4cfe1ecfd01f6360d084c486daa451c0c794896..944bbf51f9e974ff8f80ea376b5747b0144a3049 100644
--- a/Modules/IO/IOGDAL/src/otbGDALImageIO.cxx
+++ b/Modules/IO/IOGDAL/src/otbGDALImageIO.cxx
@@ -74,57 +74,6 @@ public:
 }; // end of GDALDataTypeWrapper
-template<class InputType>
-void printOutputData(InputType *pData, int nbBands, int nbPixelToRead)
-  for (unsigned int itPxl = 0; itPxl < (unsigned int) (nbPixelToRead * nbBands); itPxl++)
-    {
-    std::cout << "Buffer["<< itPxl << "] = " << *(pData + itPxl) << std::endl;
-    }
-void printDataBuffer(unsigned char *pData, GDALDataType pxlType, int nbBands, int nbPixelToRead)
-  if (pxlType == GDT_Int16)
-    {
-    printOutputData( static_cast<short*>( static_cast<void*>(pData) ), nbBands, nbPixelToRead);
-    }
-  else if (pxlType == GDT_Int32)
-    {
-    printOutputData( static_cast<int*>( static_cast<void*>(pData) ), nbBands, nbPixelToRead);
-    }
-  else if (pxlType == GDT_Float32)
-    {
-    printOutputData( static_cast<float*>( static_cast<void*>(pData) ), nbBands, nbPixelToRead);
-    }
-  else if (pxlType == GDT_Float64)
-    {
-    printOutputData( static_cast<double*>( static_cast<void*>(pData) ), nbBands, nbPixelToRead);
-    }
-  else if (pxlType == GDT_CInt16)
-    {
-    printOutputData( static_cast<std::complex<short>*>( static_cast<void*>(pData) ), nbBands, nbPixelToRead);
-    }
-  else if (pxlType == GDT_CInt32)
-    {
-    printOutputData( static_cast<std::complex<int>*>( static_cast<void*>(pData) ), nbBands, nbPixelToRead);
-    }
-  else if (pxlType == GDT_CFloat32)
-    {
-    printOutputData( static_cast<std::complex<float>*>( static_cast<void*>(pData) ), nbBands, nbPixelToRead);
-    }
-  else if (pxlType == GDT_CFloat64)
-    {
-    printOutputData( static_cast<std::complex<double>*>( static_cast<void*>(pData) ), nbBands, nbPixelToRead);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-    std::cerr << "Pixel type unknown" << std::endl;
-    }
   // By default set number of dimensions to two.
@@ -147,9 +96,6 @@ GDALImageIO::GDALImageIO()
   m_IsIndexed   = false;
   m_DatasetNumber = 0;
-  //m_poBands     = NULL;
-  //m_hDriver     = NULL;
-  //m_poDataset   = NULL;
   m_NbBands = 0;
   m_FlagWriteImageInformation = true;
@@ -177,7 +123,6 @@ bool GDALImageIO::CanReadFile(const char* file)
   // First check the extension
   if (file == ITK_NULLPTR)
-    itkDebugMacro(<< "No filename specified.");
     return false;
   m_Dataset = GDALDriverManagerWrapper::GetInstance().Open(file);
@@ -207,7 +152,7 @@ void GDALImageIO::Read(void* buffer)
   // Check if conversion succeed
   if (p == ITK_NULLPTR)
-    itkExceptionMacro(<< "GDAL : Bad alloc");
+    itkExceptionMacro(<< "Buffer passed to GDALImageIO for reading is NULL.");
@@ -219,15 +164,10 @@ void GDALImageIO::Read(void* buffer)
   int lNbLinesRegion   = this->GetIORegion().GetSize()[1];
   int lNbColumnsRegion = this->GetIORegion().GetSize()[0];
-  //std::cout << "OriginBuffer= " <<  lFirstLineRegion << " x " << lFirstColumnRegion << std::endl;
-  //std::cout << "SizeBuffer= " <<  lNbLinesRegion << " x " << lNbColumnsRegion << std::endl;
   // Compute the origin of the image region to read at the initial resolution
   int lFirstLine   = lFirstLineRegion * (1 << m_ResolutionFactor);
   int lFirstColumn = lFirstColumnRegion * (1 << m_ResolutionFactor);
-  //std::cout << "OriginImage= " <<  lFirstLine << " x " << lFirstColumn << std::endl;
   // Compute the size of the image region to read at the initial resolution
   int lNbLines     = lNbLinesRegion * (1 << m_ResolutionFactor);
   int lNbColumns   = lNbColumnsRegion * (1 << m_ResolutionFactor);
@@ -238,103 +178,11 @@ void GDALImageIO::Read(void* buffer)
   if (lFirstColumn + lNbColumns > static_cast<int>(m_OriginalDimensions[0]))
     lNbColumns = static_cast<int>(m_OriginalDimensions[0]-lFirstColumn);
-  //std::cout << "SizeImage= " <<  lNbLines << " x " << lNbColumns << std::endl;
   GDALDataset* dataset = m_Dataset->GetDataSet();
-  // This special case is due to the fact the CINT/CLONG types
-  // do not exists in ITK. In this case we only report the first band
-  // TODO This should be fixed
-  /*if (GDALDataTypeIsComplex(m_PxType->pixType)
-      && (m_PxType->pixType != GDT_CFloat32)
-      && (m_PxType->pixType != GDT_CFloat64))
-    {
-    int pixelOffset = m_BytePerPixel * m_NbBands;
-    int lineOffset  = m_BytePerPixel * m_NbBands * lNbColumns;
-    int bandOffset  = m_BytePerPixel;
-    int nbBands     = m_NbBands;
-    int nbPixelToRead = lNbColumns *  lNbLines;
-    std::streamoff nbBytes = static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_NbBands) * static_cast<std::streamoff>(nbPixelToRead) * static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_BytePerPixel);
-    unsigned char *pBufferTemp = new unsigned char[static_cast<unsigned int>(nbBytes)];
-    // keep it for the moment
-    otbMsgDevMacro(<< "Parameters RasterIO (case CInt and CShort):"
-                   << "\n indX = " << lFirstColumn
-                   << "\n indY = " << lFirstLine
-                   << "\n sizeX = " << lNbColumns
-                   << "\n sizeY = " << lNbLines
-                   << "\n GDAL Data Type = " << GDALGetDataTypeName(m_PxType->pixType)
-                   << "\n pixelOffset = " << pixelOffset
-                   << "\n lineOffset = " << lineOffset
-                   << "\n bandOffset = " << bandOffset);
-    CPLErr lCrGdal = m_Dataset->GetDataSet()->RasterIO(GF_Read,
-                                                       lFirstColumn,
-                                                       lFirstLine,
-                                                       lNbColumns,
-                                                       lNbLines,
-                                                       pBufferTemp, //p, // pData
-                                                       lNbColumns,
-                                                       lNbLines,
-                                                       m_PxType->pixType,
-                                                       nbBands,
-                                                       // We want to read all bands
-                                                       NULL,
-                                                       pixelOffset,
-                                                       lineOffset,
-                                                       bandOffset);
-    // Check for gdal error
-    if (lCrGdal == CE_Failure)
-      {
-      itkExceptionMacro(<< "Error while reading image (GDAL format) " << m_FileName );
-      delete[] pBufferTemp;
-      return;
-      }
-    //std::cout << "RAW BUFFER:" <<std::endl;
-    //printDataBuffer(pBufferTemp, m_PxType->pixType, m_NbBands, lNbColumns*lNbLines);
-    // Convert the buffer to GDT_Float64 type
-    typedef std::complex<float>           RealType;
-    typedef double                         ScalarRealType;
-    if (m_PxType->pixType == GDT_CInt32)
-      {
-      //std::cout << "Convert input File from GDT_CInt32 to GDT_CFloat32" << std::endl;
-      typedef std::complex<int>              ComplexIntType;
-      for (unsigned int itPxl = 0; itPxl < (unsigned int) (nbPixelToRead * m_NbBands); itPxl++)
-        {
-        ComplexIntType pxlValue = *(static_cast<ComplexIntType*>( static_cast<void*>(pBufferTemp)) + itPxl );
-        RealType    pxlValueReal( static_cast<ScalarRealType>(pxlValue.real()), static_cast<ScalarRealType>(pxlValue.imag()) );
-        memcpy((void*) (&(p[itPxl*sizeof(RealType)])), (const void*) (&(pxlValueReal)), (size_t) (sizeof(RealType)));
-        }
-      }
-    else if (m_PxType->pixType == GDT_CInt16)
-      {
-      //std::cout << "Convert input File from GDT_CInt16 to GDT_CFloat32" << std::endl;
-      typedef std::complex<short>            ComplexShortType;
-      for (unsigned int itPxl = 0; itPxl < (unsigned int) (nbPixelToRead * m_NbBands); itPxl++)
-        {
-        ComplexShortType pxlValue = *(static_cast<ComplexShortType*>( static_cast<void*>(pBufferTemp)) + itPxl );
-        RealType    pxlValueReal( static_cast<ScalarRealType>(pxlValue.real()), static_cast<ScalarRealType>(pxlValue.imag()) );
-        memcpy((void*) (&(p[itPxl*sizeof(RealType)])), (const void*) (&(pxlValueReal)), (size_t) (sizeof(RealType)));
-        }
-      }
-    //std::cout << "CONVERTED BUFFER:" <<std::endl;
-    //printDataBuffer(p, GDT_CFloat64, m_NbBands, lNbColumns*lNbLines);
-    delete[] pBufferTemp;
-    }
   // In the indexed case, one has to retrieve the index image and the
   // color table, and translate p to a 4 components color values buffer
-  else*/ if (m_IsIndexed)
+  if (m_IsIndexed)
     // TODO: This is a very special case and seems to be working only
     // for unsigned char pixels. There might be a gdal method to do
@@ -346,8 +194,9 @@ void GDALImageIO::Read(void* buffer)
    std::streamoff step = static_cast<std::streamoff>(this->GetNumberOfComponents())
                        * static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_BytePerPixel);
-    CPLErr lCrGdal = dataset->GetRasterBand(1)->RasterIO(GF_Read,
+   otbLogMacro(Debug,<<"GDAL reads ["<<lFirstColumn<<", "<<lFirstColumn+lNbColumns-1<<"]x["<<lFirstLine<<", "<<lFirstLine+lNbLines-1<<"] indexed color image of type "<<GDALGetDataTypeName(m_PxType->pixType)<<" from file "<<m_FileName);
+   otb::Stopwatch chrono = otb::Stopwatch::StartNew();
+   CPLErr lCrGdal = dataset->GetRasterBand(1)->RasterIO(GF_Read,
@@ -358,11 +207,16 @@ void GDALImageIO::Read(void* buffer)
-    if (lCrGdal == CE_Failure)
+    chrono.Stop();
+   if (lCrGdal == CE_Failure)
       itkExceptionMacro(<< "Error while reading image (GDAL format) '"
         << m_FileName.c_str() << "' : " << CPLGetLastErrorMsg());
+    otbLogMacro(Debug,<< "GDAL read took " << chrono.GetElapsedMilliseconds() << " ms")
     // Interpret index as color
     std::streamoff cpt(0);
     GDALColorTable* colorTable = dataset->GetRasterBand(1)->GetColorTable();
@@ -394,19 +248,7 @@ void GDALImageIO::Read(void* buffer)
     // keep it for the moment
-    //otbMsgDevMacro(<< "Number of bands inside input file: " << m_NbBands);
-    otbMsgDevMacro(<< "Parameters RasterIO : \n"
-                   << " indX = " << lFirstColumn << "\n"
-                   << " indY = " << lFirstLine << "\n"
-                   << " sizeX = " << lNbColumns << "\n"
-                   << " sizeY = " << lNbLines << "\n"
-                   << " Buffer Size X = " << lNbColumnsRegion << "\n"
-                   << " Buffer Size Y = " << lNbLinesRegion << "\n"
-                   << " GDAL Data Type = " << GDALGetDataTypeName(m_PxType->pixType) << "\n"
-                   << " nbBands = " << nbBands << "\n"
-                   << " pixelOffset = " << pixelOffset << "\n"
-                   << " lineOffset = " << lineOffset << "\n"
-                   << " bandOffset = " << bandOffset );
+    otbLogMacro(Debug,<<"GDAL reads ["<<lFirstColumn<<", "<<lFirstColumnRegion+lNbColumnsRegion-1<<"]x["<<lFirstLineRegion<<", "<<lFirstLineRegion+lNbLinesRegion-1<<"] x "<<nbBands<<" bands of type "<<GDALGetDataTypeName(m_PxType->pixType)<<" from file "<<m_FileName);
     otb::Stopwatch chrono = otb::Stopwatch::StartNew();
     CPLErr lCrGdal = m_Dataset->GetDataSet()->RasterIO(GF_Read,
@@ -425,8 +267,6 @@ void GDALImageIO::Read(void* buffer)
-    otbMsgDevMacro(<< "RasterIO Read took " << chrono.GetElapsedMilliseconds() << " ms")
     // Check if gdal call succeed
     if (lCrGdal == CE_Failure)
@@ -434,8 +274,10 @@ void GDALImageIO::Read(void* buffer)
         << m_FileName.c_str() << "' : " << CPLGetLastErrorMsg());
-    //printDataBuffer(p, m_PxType->pixType, m_NbBands, lNbColumnsRegion*lNbLinesRegion);
-    }
+    otbLogMacro(Debug,<< "GDAL read took " << chrono.GetElapsedMilliseconds() << " ms")
+      }
 bool GDALImageIO::GetSubDatasetInfo(std::vector<std::string> &names, std::vector<std::string> &desc)
@@ -456,8 +298,6 @@ bool GDALImageIO::GetSubDatasetInfo(std::vector<std::string> &names, std::vector
       std::string key, name;
       if (System::ParseHdfSubsetName(papszMetadata[cpt], key, name))
-        otbMsgDevMacro(<< "- key:  " << key);
-        otbMsgDevMacro(<< "- name: " << name);
         // check if this is a dataset name
         if (key.find("_NAME") != std::string::npos) names.push_back(name);
         // check if this is a dataset descriptor
@@ -609,8 +449,6 @@ void GDALImageIO::InternalReadImageInformation()
         std::string key, name;
         if (System::ParseHdfSubsetName(papszMetadata[cpt], key, name))
-          otbMsgDevMacro(<< "- key:  " << key);
-          otbMsgDevMacro(<< "- name: " << name);
           // check if this is a dataset name
           if (key.find("_NAME") != std::string::npos) names.push_back(name);
@@ -618,7 +456,6 @@ void GDALImageIO::InternalReadImageInformation()
     if (m_DatasetNumber < names.size())
-      otbMsgDevMacro(<< "Reading: " << names[m_DatasetNumber]);
       m_Dataset = GDALDriverManagerWrapper::GetInstance().Open(names[m_DatasetNumber]);
@@ -643,8 +480,6 @@ void GDALImageIO::InternalReadImageInformation()
-  otbMsgDevMacro(<< "Original Dimensions of the input file: " << m_OriginalDimensions[0] << " x " << m_OriginalDimensions[1]);
   // Get Number of Bands
   m_NbBands = dataset->GetRasterCount();
@@ -661,21 +496,13 @@ void GDALImageIO::InternalReadImageInformation()
       /*std::cout << "Overviews size of input file" << m_FileName << ": "
                 <<  m_OverviewsSize.back().first << " x " << m_OverviewsSize.back().second <<   std::endl; */
-      otbMsgDevMacro( << "Overviews size of input file" << m_FileName << ": "
-                      <<  m_OverviewsSize.back().first << " x " << m_OverviewsSize.back().second);
-  otbMsgDevMacro(<< "Number of Overviews inside input file: " << m_NumberOfOverviews);
-  otbMsgDevMacro(<< "Input file dimension: " << m_Dimensions[0] << ", " << m_Dimensions[1]);
-  otbMsgDevMacro(<< "Number of bands inside input file: " << m_NbBands);
   // Set the number of dimensions (verify for the dim )
-  otbMsgDevMacro(<< "Nb of Dimensions of the input file: " << m_NumberOfDimensions);
   // Automatically set the Type to Binary for GDAL data
@@ -683,7 +510,7 @@ void GDALImageIO::InternalReadImageInformation()
   // Consider only the data type given by the first band
   // Maybe be could changed (to check)
   m_PxType->pixType = dataset->GetRasterBand(1)->GetRasterDataType();
-  otbMsgDevMacro(<< "PixelType inside input file: "<< GDALGetDataTypeName(m_PxType->pixType) );
   if (m_PxType->pixType == GDT_Byte)
@@ -809,7 +636,7 @@ void GDALImageIO::InternalReadImageInformation()
       // we are reading a complex data set into an image where the pixel
       // type is Vector<real>: we have to double the number of component
       // for that to work
-      otbMsgDevMacro( << "GDALtypeIO= Complex and IFReader::InternalPixelType= Scalar and IFReader::PixelType= Vector");
+      otbLogMacro(Warning,<<"Encoding of file ("<<m_FileName<<") is complex but will be read as a VectorImage of scalar type, with twice the number of bands.");
@@ -831,12 +658,6 @@ void GDALImageIO::InternalReadImageInformation()
-  /*** Parameters set by Internal Read function ***/
-  otbMsgDevMacro( << "Pixel Type IFReader = " << GetPixelTypeAsString(this->GetPixelType()) )
-  otbMsgDevMacro( << "Number of component IFReader = " << this->GetNumberOfComponents() )
-  otbMsgDevMacro( << "Byte per pixel set = " << m_BytePerPixel )
-  otbMsgDevMacro( << "Component Type set = " << GetComponentTypeAsString(this->GetComponentType()) );
   /*-------------------------- METADATA ----------------------------------*/
@@ -854,8 +675,6 @@ void GDALImageIO::InternalReadImageInformation()
     if(blockSizeX > 0 && blockSizeY > 0)
-      otbMsgDevMacro(<< "Original blockSize: "<< blockSizeX << " x " << blockSizeY );
       blockSizeX = uint_ceildivpow2(blockSizeX,m_ResolutionFactor);
       if (m_Dataset->IsJPEG2000())
@@ -868,8 +687,6 @@ void GDALImageIO::InternalReadImageInformation()
         blockSizeY = blockSizeY * (1 << m_ResolutionFactor);
-      otbMsgDevMacro(<< "Decimated blockSize: "<< blockSizeX << " x " << blockSizeY );
       itk::EncapsulateMetaData<unsigned int>(dict, MetaDataKey::TileHintX, blockSizeX);
       itk::EncapsulateMetaData<unsigned int>(dict, MetaDataKey::TileHintY, blockSizeY);
@@ -948,7 +765,6 @@ void GDALImageIO::InternalReadImageInformation()
-    otbMsgDevMacro( << "No projection => sensor model" );
     // Special case for Jpeg2000 files : try to read the origin in the GML box
     if (m_Dataset->IsJPEG2000())
@@ -1044,7 +860,7 @@ void GDALImageIO::InternalReadImageInformation()
-          otbWarningMacro(<< "Incorrect geotransform  (spacing = 0)!");
+          otbLogMacro(Warning,<< "Geotransform reported by Gdal is invalid (spacing = 0)");
           m_Spacing[0] = 1;
           m_Spacing[1] = 1;
@@ -1065,23 +881,6 @@ void GDALImageIO::InternalReadImageInformation()
   m_Origin[0] += 0.5*m_Spacing[0];
   m_Origin[1] += 0.5*m_Spacing[1];
-  // Dataset info
-  otbMsgDevMacro(<< "**** ReadImageInformation() DATASET INFO: ****" );
-  otbMsgDevMacro(<< "Projection Ref: "<< dataset->GetProjectionRef() );
-  double GT[6];
-  if (dataset->GetGeoTransform(GT) == CE_None)
-    {
-    otbMsgDevMacro( <<"Geo Transform: "<< GT[0] << ", " << GT[1] << ", "
-                                 << GT[2] << ", " << GT[3] << ", "
-                                 << GT[4] << ", " << GT[5] );
-    }
-  else
-    {
-    otbMsgDevMacro( << "No Geo Transform: ");
-    }
-  otbMsgDevMacro(<< "GCP Projection Ref: "<< dataset->GetGCPProjection() );
-  otbMsgDevMacro(<< "GCP Count: " << dataset->GetGCPCount() );
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
   /*      Report metadata.                                                */
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@@ -1289,7 +1088,6 @@ bool GDALImageIO::CanWriteFile(const char* name)
   // First check the filename
   if (name == ITK_NULLPTR)
-    itkDebugMacro(<< "No filename specified.");
     return false;
@@ -1307,7 +1105,7 @@ bool GDALImageIO::CanWriteFile(const char* name)
   if ( GDALGetMetadataItem( driver, GDAL_DCAP_CREATE, ITK_NULLPTR ) == ITK_NULLPTR
        && GDALGetMetadataItem( driver, GDAL_DCAP_CREATECOPY, ITK_NULLPTR ) == ITK_NULLPTR )
-    itkDebugMacro(<< "The driver " << GDALGetDriverShortName(driver) << " does not support writing");
+    otbLogMacro(Warning,<< "Gdal driver " << GDALGetDriverShortName(driver) << " does not support writing");
     return false;
   return true;
@@ -1321,7 +1119,6 @@ bool GDALImageIO::CanStreamWrite()
   if (driver == ITK_NULLPTR)
-    itkDebugMacro(<< "Unable to instantiate driver " << gdalDriverShortName);
     m_CanStreamWrite = false;
   if ( GDALGetMetadataItem( driver, GDAL_DCAP_CREATE, ITK_NULLPTR ) != ITK_NULLPTR )
@@ -1347,7 +1144,7 @@ void GDALImageIO::Write(const void* buffer)
   // Check if conversion succeed
   if (buffer == ITK_NULLPTR)
-    itkExceptionMacro(<< "GDAL : Bad alloc");
+    itkExceptionMacro(<< "Null buffer passed to GDALImageIO for writing.");
@@ -1373,18 +1170,7 @@ void GDALImageIO::Write(const void* buffer)
   // If driver supports streaming
   if (m_CanStreamWrite)
-    otbMsgDevMacro(<< "RasterIO Write requested region : " << this->GetIORegion() <<
-                 "\n, lFirstColumn =" << lFirstColumn <<
-                 "\n, lFirstLine =" << lFirstLine <<
-                 "\n, lNbColumns =" << lNbColumns <<
-                 "\n, lNbLines =" << lNbLines <<
-                 "\n, m_PxType =" << GDALGetDataTypeName(m_PxType->pixType) <<
-                 "\n, m_NbBands =" << m_NbBands <<
-                 "\n, m_BytePerPixel ="<< m_BytePerPixel <<
-                 "\n, Pixel offset =" << m_BytePerPixel * m_NbBands <<  // is nbComp * BytePerPixel
-                 "\n, Line offset =" << m_BytePerPixel * m_NbBands * lNbColumns << // is pixelOffset * nbColumns
-                 "\n, Band offset =" <<  m_BytePerPixel) //  is BytePerPixel
+    otbLogMacro(Debug,<<"GDAL writes ["<<lFirstColumn<<", "<<lFirstColumn+lNbColumns-1<<"]x["<<lFirstLine<<", "<<lFirstLine+lNbLines-1<<"] x "<<m_NbBands<<" bands of type "<<GDALGetDataTypeName(m_PxType->pixType)<<" to file "<<m_FileName);
     otb::Stopwatch chrono = otb::Stopwatch::StartNew();
     CPLErr lCrGdal = m_Dataset->GetDataSet()->RasterIO(GF_Write,
@@ -1408,7 +1194,6 @@ void GDALImageIO::Write(const void* buffer)
                                                        // Band offset is BytePerPixel
-    otbMsgDevMacro(<< "RasterIO Write took " << chrono.GetElapsedMilliseconds() << " ms")
     // Check if writing succeed
     if (lCrGdal == CE_Failure)
@@ -1416,6 +1201,9 @@ void GDALImageIO::Write(const void* buffer)
       itkExceptionMacro(<< "Error while writing image (GDAL format) '"
         << m_FileName.c_str() << "' : " << CPLGetLastErrorMsg());
+    otbLogMacro(Debug,<< "GDAL write took " << chrono.GetElapsedMilliseconds() << " ms")
     // Flush dataset cache
@@ -1582,55 +1370,6 @@ void GDALImageIO::InternalWriteImageInformation(const void* buffer)
   if (m_CanStreamWrite)
     GDALCreationOptionsType creationOptions = m_CreationOptions;
-    // Force tile mode for TIFF format if no creation option are given
-    if( driverShortName == "GTiff"  )
-      {
-      if ( CreationOptionContains( "TILED=YES" ) )
-        {
-        // User requested tiled TIFF explicitly
-        //
-        // Let GDAL set up the BLOCKXSIZE and BLOCKYSIZE
-        // or suppose the user have set it also along with TILED=YES
-        // This allows the user to have complete
-        // control over the tiling scheme
-        }
-      else if ( CreationOptionContains( "BLOCKYSIZE=" ) )
-        {
-        // User did not set "TILED=YES" but set "BLOCKYSIZE="
-        // -> He requested a stripped TIFF
-        }
-      else
-        {
-        // User did not specify "TILED=YES" nor "BLOCKYSIZE=?"
-        // Switch to TILED mode automatically, and choose BLOCKXSIZE and BLOCKYSIZE for him
-        otbMsgDevMacro(<< "Enabling TIFF Tiled mode")
-        // Use a fixed tile size
-        // Take as reference is a 256*256 short int 4 bands tile
-        const unsigned int ReferenceTileSizeInBytes = 256 * 256 * 4 * 2;
-        const unsigned int NbPixelPerTile = ReferenceTileSizeInBytes / m_BytePerPixel / m_NbBands;
-        const unsigned int IdealTileDimension = static_cast<unsigned int>( vcl_sqrt(static_cast<float>(NbPixelPerTile)) );
-        // Set tileDimension to the nearest power of two and aligned to
-        // 16 pixels (needed by TIFF spec)
-        unsigned int tileDimension = 16;
-        while(2*tileDimension < IdealTileDimension)
-          {
-          tileDimension*=2;
-          }
-        otbMsgDevMacro(<< "Tile dimension : " << tileDimension << " * " << tileDimension)
-        std::ostringstream tileDimensionStr;
-        tileDimensionStr << tileDimension;
-        creationOptions.push_back( "TILED=YES" );
-        creationOptions.push_back( std::string("BLOCKXSIZE=") + tileDimensionStr.str() );
-        creationOptions.push_back( std::string("BLOCKYSIZE=") + tileDimensionStr.str() );
-        }
-      }
     m_Dataset = GDALDriverManagerWrapper::GetInstance().Create(
                      GetGdalWriteImageFileName(driverShortName, m_FileName),
@@ -1691,7 +1430,7 @@ void GDALImageIO::InternalWriteImageInformation(const void* buffer)
     // If there is no ProjectionRef, and the GeoTransform is not the identity,
     // then saving also GCPs is undefined behavior for GDAL, and a WGS84 projection crs
     // is assigned arbitrarily
-    otbMsgDevMacro(<< "Skipping GCPs saving to prevent GDAL from assigning a WGS84 projection ref to the file")
+    otbLogMacro(Warning,<< "Skipping GCPs saving to prevent GDAL from assigning a WGS84 projref to file ("<<m_FileName<<")")
@@ -1802,7 +1541,6 @@ void GDALImageIO::InternalWriteImageInformation(const void* buffer)
       unsigned int equalityPos = svalue.find_first_of('=');
       std::string  tag = svalue.substr(0, equalityPos);
       std::string  value = svalue.substr(equalityPos + 1);
-      otbMsgDevMacro(<< "Metadata: " << tag << "=" << value);
       dataset->SetMetadataItem(tag.c_str(), value.c_str(), ITK_NULLPTR);
@@ -1810,24 +1548,6 @@ void GDALImageIO::InternalWriteImageInformation(const void* buffer)
   // END
-  // Dataset info
-  otbMsgDevMacro( << "**** WriteImageInformation() DATASET INFO: ****" );
-  otbMsgDevMacro( << "Projection Ref: "<<dataset->GetProjectionRef() );
-  double GT[6];
-  if (dataset->GetGeoTransform(GT) == CE_None)
-    {
-    otbMsgDevMacro( <<"Geo Transform: "<< GT[0] << ", " << GT[1] << ", "
-                                 << GT[2] << ", " << GT[3] << ", "
-                                 << GT[4] << ", " << GT[5] );
-    }
-  else
-    {
-    otbMsgDevMacro( << "No Geo Transform: ");
-    }
-  otbMsgDevMacro( << "GCP Projection Ref: "<< dataset->GetGCPProjection() );
-  otbMsgDevMacro( << "GCP Count: " << dataset->GetGCPCount() );
   // Write no-data flags
   std::vector<bool> noDataValueAvailable;
   bool ret = itk::ExposeMetaData<std::vector<bool> >(dict,MetaDataKey::NoDataValueAvailable,noDataValueAvailable);
@@ -1926,7 +1646,6 @@ bool GDALImageIO::GetOriginFromGMLBox(std::vector<double> &origin)
   std::string gmlString = static_cast<std::string>(jp2Metadata.papszGMLMetadata[0]);
   gmlString.erase(0,18); // We need to remove first part to create a true xml stream
-  otbMsgDevMacro( << "XML extract from GML box: " << gmlString );
   TiXmlDocument doc;
   doc.Parse(gmlString.c_str()); // Create xml doc from a string
@@ -1942,13 +1661,8 @@ bool GDALImageIO::GetOriginFromGMLBox(std::vector<double> &origin)
                                      .FirstChild( "gml:limits" )
                                      .FirstChild( "gml:GridEnvelope" )
                                      .FirstChild( "gml:low").ToElement();
-  if(originTag)
+  if(!originTag)
-    otbMsgDevMacro( << "\t Origin (" <<  originTag->Value() <<" tag)= "<<  originTag->GetText());
-    }
-  else
-    {
-    otbMsgDevMacro( << "Didn't find the GML element which indicate the origin!" );
     return false;
@@ -1963,8 +1677,6 @@ bool GDALImageIO::GetOriginFromGMLBox(std::vector<double> &origin)
   origin[0] += -1.0;
   origin[1] += -1.0;
-  otbMsgDevMacro( << "\t Origin from GML box: " <<  origin[0] << ", " << origin[1] );
   return true;
diff --git a/Modules/IO/ImageIO/include/otbImageFileReader.txx b/Modules/IO/ImageIO/include/otbImageFileReader.txx
index 87cc50b6e38b3de373d20c163872d5898b885666..155ce0503d31d7a52c5fa3c47d583212672381bf 100644
--- a/Modules/IO/ImageIO/include/otbImageFileReader.txx
+++ b/Modules/IO/ImageIO/include/otbImageFileReader.txx
@@ -107,7 +107,6 @@ void
 ImageFileReader<TOutputImage, ConvertPixelTraits>
 ::SetImageIO( otb::ImageIOBase * imageIO)
-  itkDebugMacro("setting ImageIO to " << imageIO );
   if (this->m_ImageIO != imageIO )
     this->m_ImageIO = imageIO;
@@ -207,12 +206,6 @@ ImageFileReader<TOutputImage, ConvertPixelTraits>
     char * loadBuffer = new char[nbBytes];
-    otbMsgDevMacro(<< "buffer size for ImageIO::read = " << nbBytes << " = \n"
-        << "ComponentSize ("<< this->m_ImageIO->GetComponentSize() << ") x " \
-        << "Nb of Component ( max(" << this->m_ImageIO->GetNumberOfComponents() \
-        << " , "<<m_BandList.size() << ") ) x " \
-        << "Nb of Pixel to read (" << region.GetNumberOfPixels() << ")");
     if (m_FilenameHelper->BandRangeIsSet())
@@ -410,13 +403,13 @@ ImageFileReader<TOutputImage, ConvertPixelTraits>
     if (m_FilenameHelper->ExtGEOMFileNameIsSet())
       otb_kwl = ReadGeometryFromGEOMFile(m_FilenameHelper->GetExtGEOMFileName());
-      otbMsgDevMacro(<< "Loading external kwl: "<< m_FilenameHelper->GetExtGEOMFileName());
+      otbLogMacro(Info,<< "Loading metadata from external geom file "<< m_FilenameHelper->GetExtGEOMFileName());
     // Case 2: attached geom (if present)
     else if (itksys::SystemTools::FileExists(attachedGeom))
       otb_kwl = ReadGeometryFromGEOMFile(attachedGeom);
-      otbMsgDevMacro(<< "Loading attached kwl");
+      otbLogMacro(Info,<< "Loading metadata from attached geom file "<<attachedGeom);
     // Case 3: find an ossimPluginProjection
     // Case 4: find an ossimProjection
@@ -424,7 +417,7 @@ ImageFileReader<TOutputImage, ConvertPixelTraits>
       otb_kwl = ReadGeometryFromImage(lFileNameOssimKeywordlist,!m_FilenameHelper->GetSkipRpcTag());
-      otbMsgDevMacro(<< "Loading internal kwl");
+      otbLogMacro(Info,<< "Loading metadata from product files");
     // Don't add an empty ossim keyword list
@@ -644,8 +637,6 @@ ImageFileReader<TOutputImage, ConvertPixelTraits>
     fic_trouve = true;
-  otbMsgDevMacro(<< "lFileNameGdal : " << GdalFileName.c_str());
-  otbMsgDevMacro(<< "fic_trouve : " << fic_trouve);
   return (fic_trouve);
diff --git a/Modules/IO/ImageIO/include/otbImageFileWriter.txx b/Modules/IO/ImageIO/include/otbImageFileWriter.txx
index b1472291f1ae216f302757ad00b69bfd161b3630..4cc2c316da44a0a767217d92968b937f5c808c49 100644
--- a/Modules/IO/ImageIO/include/otbImageFileWriter.txx
+++ b/Modules/IO/ImageIO/include/otbImageFileWriter.txx
@@ -99,7 +99,6 @@ ImageFileWriter<TInputImage>
   typedef NumberOfDivisionsStrippedStreamingManager<TInputImage> NumberOfDivisionsStrippedStreamingManagerType;
   typename NumberOfDivisionsStrippedStreamingManagerType::Pointer streamingManager = NumberOfDivisionsStrippedStreamingManagerType::New();
   m_StreamingManager = streamingManager;
@@ -111,7 +110,6 @@ ImageFileWriter<TInputImage>
   typedef NumberOfDivisionsTiledStreamingManager<TInputImage> NumberOfDivisionsTiledStreamingManagerType;
   typename NumberOfDivisionsTiledStreamingManagerType::Pointer streamingManager = NumberOfDivisionsTiledStreamingManagerType::New();
   m_StreamingManager = streamingManager;
@@ -123,7 +121,6 @@ ImageFileWriter<TInputImage>
   typedef NumberOfLinesStrippedStreamingManager<TInputImage> NumberOfLinesStrippedStreamingManagerType;
   typename NumberOfLinesStrippedStreamingManagerType::Pointer streamingManager = NumberOfLinesStrippedStreamingManagerType::New();
   m_StreamingManager = streamingManager;
@@ -136,7 +133,6 @@ ImageFileWriter<TInputImage>
   typename RAMDrivenStrippedStreamingManagerType::Pointer streamingManager = RAMDrivenStrippedStreamingManagerType::New();
   m_StreamingManager = streamingManager;
@@ -147,8 +143,7 @@ ImageFileWriter<TInputImage>
   typedef TileDimensionTiledStreamingManager<TInputImage> TileDimensionTiledStreamingManagerType;
   typename TileDimensionTiledStreamingManagerType::Pointer streamingManager = TileDimensionTiledStreamingManagerType::New();
-  streamingManager->SetTileDimension(tileDimension);
+  streamingManager->SetTileDimension(tileDimension);  
   m_StreamingManager = streamingManager;
@@ -238,7 +233,6 @@ void
 ::SetIORegion(const itk::ImageIORegion& region)
-  itkDebugMacro("setting IORegion to " << region);
   if (m_IORegion != region)
     m_IORegion = region;
@@ -289,7 +283,7 @@ ImageFileWriter<TInputImage>
   /** Parse streaming modes */
-    itkWarningMacro(<<"Streaming configuration through extended filename is used. Any previous streaming configuration (ram value, streaming mode ...) will be ignored.");
+    otbLogMacro(Warning,<<"Streaming configuration through extended filename is used. Any previous streaming configuration (ram value, streaming mode ...) will be ignored.");
     std::string type = m_FilenameHelper->GetStreamingType();
@@ -311,11 +305,11 @@ ImageFileWriter<TInputImage>
       if(sizemode != "auto")
-        itkWarningMacro(<<"In auto streaming type, the sizemode option will be ignored.");
+        otbLogMacro(Warning,<<"In auto streaming type, the sizemode option will be ignored.");
       if(sizevalue == 0.)
-        itkWarningMacro("sizemode is auto but sizevalue is 0. Value will be fetched from the OTB_MAX_RAM_HINT environment variable if set, or else use the default value");
+        otbLogMacro(Warning,<<"sizemode is auto but sizevalue is 0. Value will be fetched from the OTB_MAX_RAM_HINT environment variable if set, or else use the default value");
@@ -325,7 +319,7 @@ ImageFileWriter<TInputImage>
         if(sizevalue == 0.)
-          itkWarningMacro("sizemode is auto but sizevalue is 0. Value will be fetched from the OTB_MAX_RAM_HINT environment variable if set, or else use the default value");
+          otbLogMacro(Warning,<<"sizemode is auto but sizevalue is 0. Value will be fetched from the OTB_MAX_RAM_HINT environment variable if set, or else use the default value");
@@ -333,7 +327,7 @@ ImageFileWriter<TInputImage>
         if(sizevalue == 0.)
-          itkWarningMacro("Streaming sizemode is set to nbsplits but sizevalue is 0. This will result in upredicted behaviour. Please consider setting the sizevalue by using &streaming:sizevalue=x.");
+          otbLogMacro(Warning,<<"Streaming sizemode is set to nbsplits but sizevalue is 0. This will result in upredicted behaviour. Please consider setting the sizevalue by using &streaming:sizevalue=x.");
         this->SetNumberOfDivisionsTiledStreaming(static_cast<unsigned int>(sizevalue));
@@ -341,7 +335,7 @@ ImageFileWriter<TInputImage>
         if(sizevalue == 0.)
-          itkWarningMacro("Streaming sizemode is set to height but sizevalue is 0. This will result in upredicted behaviour. Please consider setting the sizevalue by using &streaming:sizevalue=x.");
+          otbLogMacro(Warning,<<"Streaming sizemode is set to height but sizevalue is 0. This will result in upredicted behaviour. Please consider setting the sizevalue by using &streaming:sizevalue=x.");
         this->SetTileDimensionTiledStreaming(static_cast<unsigned int>(sizevalue));
@@ -353,7 +347,7 @@ ImageFileWriter<TInputImage>
         if(sizevalue == 0.)
-          itkWarningMacro("sizemode is auto but sizevalue is 0. Value will be fetched from configuration file if any, or from cmake configuration otherwise.");
+          otbLogMacro(Warning,<<"sizemode is auto but sizevalue is 0. Value will be fetched from configuration file if any, or from cmake configuration otherwise.");
@@ -362,7 +356,7 @@ ImageFileWriter<TInputImage>
         if(sizevalue == 0.)
-          itkWarningMacro("Streaming sizemode is set to nbsplits but sizevalue is 0. This will result in upredicted behaviour. Please consider setting the sizevalue by using &streaming:sizevalue=x.");
+          otbLogMacro(Warning,<<"Streaming sizemode is set to nbsplits but sizevalue is 0. This will result in upredicted behaviour. Please consider setting the sizevalue by using &streaming:sizevalue=x.");
         this->SetNumberOfDivisionsStrippedStreaming(static_cast<unsigned int>(sizevalue));
@@ -370,7 +364,7 @@ ImageFileWriter<TInputImage>
         if(sizevalue == 0.)
-          itkWarningMacro("Streaming sizemode is set to height but sizevalue is 0. This will result in upredicted behaviour. Please consider setting the sizevalue by using &streaming:sizevalue=x.");
+          otbLogMacro(Warning,<<"Streaming sizemode is set to height but sizevalue is 0. This will result in upredicted behaviour. Please consider setting the sizevalue by using &streaming:sizevalue=x.");
         this->SetNumberOfLinesStrippedStreaming(static_cast<unsigned int>(sizevalue));
@@ -380,7 +374,7 @@ ImageFileWriter<TInputImage>
       if(sizemode!="" || sizevalue!=0.)
-        itkWarningMacro("Streaming is explicitly disabled, sizemode and sizevalue will be ignored.");
+        otbLogMacro(Warning,<<"Streaming is explicitly disabled, sizemode and sizevalue will be ignored.");
@@ -389,7 +383,7 @@ ImageFileWriter<TInputImage>
     if(m_FilenameHelper->StreamingSizeValueIsSet() || m_FilenameHelper->StreamingSizeModeIsSet())
-      itkWarningMacro(<<"No streaming type is set, streaming sizemode and sizevalue will be ignored.");
+      otbLogMacro(Warning,<<"No streaming type is set, streaming sizemode and sizevalue will be ignored.");
@@ -418,8 +412,6 @@ ImageFileWriter<TInputImage>
   if (m_ImageIO.IsNull())   //try creating via factory
-    itkDebugMacro(<< "Attempting factory creation of ImageIO for file: "
-                  << m_FileName);
@@ -429,13 +421,8 @@ ImageFileWriter<TInputImage>
     if (!m_ImageIO->CanWriteFile(m_FileName.c_str()))
-      itkDebugMacro(<< "ImageIO exists but doesn't know how to write file:"
-                    << m_FileName);
       if (m_FactorySpecifiedImageIO)
-        itkDebugMacro(<< "Attempting creation of ImageIO with a factory for file:"
-                      << m_FileName);
         m_ImageIO = ImageIOFactory::CreateImageIO(m_FileName.c_str(),
         m_FactorySpecifiedImageIO = true;
@@ -514,7 +501,7 @@ ImageFileWriter<TInputImage>
       throw e;
-    otbMsgDevMacro(<< "inputRegion " << inputRegion);
+    otbLogMacro(Info,<<"Writing user defined region ["<<start[0]<<", "<<start[0]+size[0]-1<<"]x["<<start[1]<<", "<<start[1]+size[1]<<"]");
@@ -526,9 +513,8 @@ ImageFileWriter<TInputImage>
   /** Control if the ImageIO is CanStreamWrite */
   if (m_ImageIO->CanStreamWrite() == false)
-    otbWarningMacro(
-      << "The ImageFactory selected for the image file <" << m_FileName.c_str() <<
-      "> does not support streaming.");
+    otbLogMacro(Warning,<<"The file format of " << m_FileName.c_str() <<
+      " does not support streaming. All data will be loaded to memory");
@@ -537,12 +523,14 @@ ImageFileWriter<TInputImage>
   * Not sure that if this modification is needed  */
   else if (inputPtr->GetBufferedRegion() == inputRegion)
-    otbMsgDevMacro(<< "Buffered region is the largest possible region, there is no need for streaming.");
+    otbLogMacro(Debug,<< "Buffered region is the largest possible region, there is no need for streaming.");
   m_StreamingManager->PrepareStreaming(inputPtr, inputRegion);
   m_NumberOfDivisions = m_StreamingManager->GetNumberOfSplits();
-  otbMsgDebugMacro(<< "Number Of Stream Divisions : " << m_NumberOfDivisions);
+  const auto firstSplitSize = m_StreamingManager->GetSplit(0).GetSize();
+  otbLogMacro(Info,<<"File "<<m_FileName<<" will be written in "<<m_NumberOfDivisions<<" blocks of "<<firstSplitSize[0]<<"x"<<firstSplitSize[1]<<" pixels");
    * Loop over the number of pieces, execute the upstream pipeline on each
@@ -612,7 +600,7 @@ ImageFileWriter<TInputImage>
-    itkWarningMacro(<< "Could not get the source process object. Progress report might be buggy");
+    otbLogMacro(Warning,<< "Could not get the source process object. Progress report might be buggy");
   for (m_CurrentDivision = 0;
@@ -746,9 +734,6 @@ ImageFileWriter<TInputImage>
     if ( m_NumberOfDivisions > 1 || m_UserSpecifiedIORegion)
-      itkDebugMacro("Requested stream region does not match generated output");
-      itkDebugMacro("input filter may not support streaming well");
       cacheImage = InputImageType::New();
diff --git a/Modules/Wrappers/ApplicationEngine/include/otbWrapperInputImageParameter.txx b/Modules/Wrappers/ApplicationEngine/include/otbWrapperInputImageParameter.txx
index 74e7385133261080cf1e05a831fbac8608f94abe..814695045a90df698c862b0a361fe78683ebaa7d 100644
--- a/Modules/Wrappers/ApplicationEngine/include/otbWrapperInputImageParameter.txx
+++ b/Modules/Wrappers/ApplicationEngine/include/otbWrapperInputImageParameter.txx
@@ -38,8 +38,6 @@ template <class TImageType>
-  otbMsgDevMacro(<< "GetImage()");
   // Used m_PreviousFileName because if not, when the user call twice GetImage,
   // it without changing the filename, it returns 2 different
   // image pointers