diff --git a/Documentation/Cookbook/rst/recipes/python.rst b/Documentation/Cookbook/rst/recipes/python.rst
index cbb119372dab87e687c015f08f467ad9ac62f69a..eaff6e537dc9dbf85b7979e65813f6f9f4bdb1ce 100644
--- a/Documentation/Cookbook/rst/recipes/python.rst
+++ b/Documentation/Cookbook/rst/recipes/python.rst
@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@ application, changing the algorithm at each iteration.
     print "Available applications: "
     print str( otbApplication.Registry.GetAvailableApplications() )
-    # Let's create the application with codename "Smoothing"
+    # Let's create the application  "Smoothing"
     app = otbApplication.Registry.CreateApplication("Smoothing")
-    # We print the keys of all its parameter
+    # We print the keys of all its parameters
     print app.GetParametersKeys()
     # First, we set the input image filename
@@ -47,35 +47,36 @@ application, changing the algorithm at each iteration.
       print 'Running with ' + type + ' smoothing type'
-      # Here we configure the smoothing algorithm
+      # Now we configure the smoothing algorithm
       app.SetParameterString("type", type)
-      # Set the output filename, using the algorithm to differentiate the outputs
+      # Set the output filename, using the algorithm type to differentiate the outputs
       app.SetParameterString("out", argv[2] + type + ".tif")
-      # This will execute the application and save the output file
+      # This will execute the application and save the output to argv[2]
-Numpy array processing
+NumPy array processing
-Input and output images to any OTB application in the form of numpy array is now possible in OTB python wrapping.
-The python wrapping only exposes OTB ApplicationEngine module which allow to access existing C++ applications.
+Input and output images to any OTB application in the form of NumPy array is now possible in OTB Python wrapping.
+The Python wrapping only exposes OTB Application engine module (called *ApplicationEngine*) which allows to access existing C++ applications.
 Due to blissful nature of ApplicationEngine's loading mechanism no specific wrapping is required for each application.
-Numpy extension to Python wrapping allows data exchange to application as an array rather than a disk file.
-Ofcourse, it is possible to load an image from file and then convert to numpy array or just provide a file as earlier via
+NumPy extension to Python wrapping allows data exchange to application as an array rather than a disk file.
+Of course, it is possible to load an image from file and then convert to NumPy
+array or just provide a file as explained in the previous section via
-This bridge that completes numpy and OTB makes it easy to plug OTB into any image processing chain via python code that uses
-GIS/Image processing tools such as GDAL, GRASS GIS, OSSIM that can deal with numpy.
+The bridge between NumPy and OTB makes it easy to plug OTB into any image processing chain via Python code that uses
+GIS/Image processing tools such as GDAL, GRASS GIS, OSSIM that can deal with NumPy.
-Below code reads an input image using python pillow (PIL) and convert it to numpy array. This numpy array is
-used an input to the application via *SetImageFromNumpyArray(...)* method.
-The application used in this example is ExtractROI. After extracting
-a small area the output image is taken as numpy array with *GetImageFromNumpyArray(...)* method thus avoid wiriting
-output to a temporary file.
+Below code reads an input image using Python pillow (PIL) and convert it to
+NumPy array. The NumPy array is used an input to the application via
+*SetImageFromNumpyArray(...)* method.  The application used in this example is
+ExtractROI. After extracting a small area the output image is taken as NumPy
+array with *GetImageFromNumpyArray(...)* method thus avoid writing output to a
+temporary file.
@@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ In-memory connection
 Applications are often use as parts of larger processing
-chains. Chaining applications currently requires to write/read back
+workflow. Chaining applications currently requires to write/read back
 images between applications, resulting in heavy I/O operations and a
 significant amount of time dedicated to writing temporary files.
@@ -118,9 +119,9 @@ images. The last application of the processing chain is responsible
 for writing the final result images.
 In-memory connection between applications is available both at the C++
-API level and using the  python bindings.
+API level and using the Python bindings.
-Here is a Python code sample connecting several applications together:
+Here is a Python code sample which connects several applications together:
 .. code-block:: python
@@ -167,7 +168,7 @@ Corner cases
 There are a few corner cases to be aware of when using Python wrappers. They are
-often limitations, that one day may be solved by future developments. If it
+often limitations, that one day may be solved in future versions. If it
 happens, this documentation will report the OTB version that fixes the issue.
 Calling UpdateParameters()
@@ -211,23 +212,23 @@ setting the ``field`` parameter:
     app.SetParameterString("field", "label")
-No metadata in Numpy arrays
+No metadata in NumPy arrays
-With the Numpy module, it is possible to convert images between OTB and Numpy
-arrays. For instance, when converting from OTB to Numpy array:
+With the NumPy module, it is possible to convert images between OTB and NumPy
+arrays. For instance, when converting from OTB to NumPy array:
 * An ``Update()`` of the underlying ``otb::VectorImage`` is requested. Be aware
   that the full image is generated.
 * The pixel buffer is copied into a ``numpy.array``
 As you can see, there is no export of the metadata, such as origin, spacing,
-projection WKT. It means that if you want to import back a Numpy array into OTB,
+geographic projection. It means that if you want to import back a NumPy array into OTB,
 the image won't have any of these metadata. It can be a problem for applications
 doing geometry, projections, and also calibration.
 Future developments will probably offer a more adapted structure to import and
-export images between OTB and Python world.
+export images between OTB and the Python world.
 Setting of boolean parameters