From e22f687c821e219b59c5350b7e12447c65e635c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Victor Poughon <>
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2018 09:02:21 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] DOC: Add CONTRIBUTING and PSC docs

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 3 files changed, 390 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
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 create mode 100644

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+# How to contribute to Orfeo ToolBox
+Thank you for taking the time to contribute to OTB! This document will guide you
+through the workflow and best practices you need to know to send your
+There are many ways to contribute to OTB:
+* [Reporting a bug](#reporting-bugs)
+* [Making a feature request](#feature-requests-and-discussions)
+* [Improving documentation](#documentation-improvements)
+* [Contributing code (C++, Python, CMake, etc.)](#code-contribution)
+* [Publishing a remote module](#remote-modules)
+Our main workflow uses GitLab for source control, issues and task tracking. We
+use a self-hosted gitlab instance:
+Remember to check out also our [developers mailing list](!forum/otb-developers/join),
+where we discuss some features, improvements and high level project planning.
+You are welcome to ask questions there as a beginner or future OTB contributor!
+## Reporting bugs
+If you have found a bug, you can first [search the existing issues](
+to see if it has already been reported.
+If it's a new bug, please [open a new issue on GitLab](
+The 'Bug' issue template will help you provide all important information and
+help fixing the bug quicker. Remember to add as much information as possible!
+## Feature requests and discussions
+Feature requests are welcome! Generally you are welcome to simply [open an issue](
+and discuss your idea there.
+For complex and potentially controvertial ideas, we use Request for Comments.
+RFCs are normal issues but which will need more discussion from the community
+and usually a formal PSC vote. For this, use the 'Request for Comments' issue
+template on gitlab. Older RFCs live on the [wiki](
+More long term ideas are collected on the wiki [Wishlist](
+For more peripheral contributions which do not belong in the main OTB
+repository [Remote Modules](#remote-modules) are also a great option.
+## Documentation improvements
+The two main OTB documentations are the [Software Guide](
+and the [CookBook](  Their sources are
+hosted in the main OTB repository in the `Documentation/` directory. Then, to
+contribute documentation use the same workflow as for code contributions (see
+See also the [Compiling documentation](
+wiki page for help on building the Sphinx and Latex source.
+## Code contribution
+The OTB workflow is based on GitLab [Merge Requests](
+Clone the repository, create a feature branch, commit your changes, push the
+feature branch to a fork (or the main repository if you are a core developer),
+then send a merge request.
+Note that we also accept PRs on our [GitHub mirror](
+### Commit message
+On your feature branch, write a good [commit message](
+short and descriptive. If fixing an issue or bug, put the issue number in the
+commit message so that GitLab can [crosslink it](
+You can prefix your commit message with an indicating flag (DOC, BUG, PKG,
+TEST, SuperBuild, etc.) or the name of the module you are changing.
+For example, here are some good commit messages:
+    BUG: #1701 Warn users if parameter string is unset
+    DOC: Fix typo in Monteverdi French translation
+    COMP: Allow GeoTIFF and TIFF to be disabled when no 3rd party drags them
+    Learning/Unsupervised: Add KMeans Shark implementation
+### Merge request
+Your contribution is ready to be added to the main OTB repository? Send a Merge
+Request against the `develop` branch on GitLab using the merge request
+The merge request will then be discussed by the community and the core OTB
+team. Larger contributions will require code review and a formal PSC vote.
+## Remote modules
+[Remote Modules]( are the prefered way if your contribution is about adding new classes or
+application to bring new features to OTB. Remote modules are just like regular
+modules, except they are not distributed inside OTB source code. Under some
+conditions (dependencies, official acceptance process, etc.), we are also able
+to distribute your remote module in the official standalone binaries. See [the wiki](
+for more information.
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+# Project Steering Committee
+This document describes the Project Steering Committee of the Orfeo ToolBox.
+## PSC scope
+The aim of the **OTB Project Steering committee (PSC)** is to provide
+high level guidance and coordination for the ORFEO ToolBox.
+It provides a central point of contact for the project and arbitrates
+disputes. It is also a stable base of “institutional knowledge” to the
+project and tries its best to involve more developers.
+It should help to guarantee that OTB remains open and company neutral.
+### Roadmaps
+The PSC gathers and publishes high level roadmaps for OTB:
+-   Feature roadmap
+-   Technical roadmap (developer and coding guidelines and workflows,
+    target systems, packaging ...)
+-   Infrastructure roadmap (SCM, wiki, dashboard ...)
+The PSC also publishes the guidelines and the acceptance policy for
+feature requests. It enforces them. It monitors and approves new feature
+### Communication
+The PSC coordinates communication actions:
+-   Ensures that the wiki is up-to-date,
+-   Ensures that the website is up-to-date and proposes new content,
+-   Ensures regular posting on the blog and social networks,
+-   Keeps track of opportunities to communicate: Symposium and events
+    where OTB should be represented,
+-   Keeps track of opportunities from communities: Google Summer of Code
+    project, link with other OSGeo and FOSS projects,
+-   Is responsible for the organization of events around OTB (i.e. users
+    meetings and hackathon).
+### User support and documentation
+The PSC ensures that users are given an appropriate support:
+-   Ensures that support is working (unanswered questions, questions
+    from other places than the user list ...)
+-   Proposes addition to the documentation based on users feedback,
+-   Proposes new features for the roadmap based on users feedback,
+-   Proposes new ways for support and documentation
+### Contribution management
+The PSC publishes the guidelines and acceptance policy for
+contributions. It enforces them.
+It monitors and approves new proposals.
+It ensures that contribution is as easy as possible, by monitoring
+technical means for contribution and proposing evolutions to guidelines,
+policies and means.
+### Release planning
+The PSC publishes release guidelines and policies, and enforces them.
+The PSC puts together the next Release roadmap and proposes a planning.
+It is then responsible for the release preparation.
+The final approval for a release is given by the PSC (motion proposed to
+the otb-developers mailing list).
+### Handling of legal issues
+The PSC is responsible for addressing any issue about copyright or
+licensing that may occur, and most importantly, it is responsible for
+taking preventive actions about those issues.
+## How does the PSC work?
+This section describes how the PSC works. It is inspired by existing
+governance statuses in other open source community projects related to
+OTB like
+GIS]( or
+### PSC members
+All members have equal standing and voice in the PSC. The PSC seats are
+non-expiring. PSC members may resign their position, or be asked to
+vacate their seat after a unanimous vote of no confidence from the
+remaining PSC members.
+The expectations on PSC members are:
+-   Be willing to commit to the OTB development effort
+-   Be responsive to requests for information from fellow members
+-   Be able and willing to attend on-line meetings
+-   Act in the best interests of the project
+It is important to note that the PSC is not a legal entity!
+### Roles
+Members can be assigned roles corresponding to each category of the PSC
+scope described above.
+Being assigned a role does not mean undertaking all necessary actions,
+but rather ensuring that actions will be undertaken.
+In addition to their specific roles, members of the PSC commit to
+participate actively in discussions and votes.
+One member of the PSC is designated as the Chair and is the ultimate
+adjudicator in case of deadlock or irretrievable break down of
+decision-making, or in case of disputes over voting.
+### When is a PSC vote required?
+A vote of the PSC is required in the following cases:
+1.  Merge Request
+2.  Addition or removal of PSC members (including the selection of a new
+    Chair)
+3.  Release process
+In addition, a vote can be summoned for:
+1.  Changing PSC rules and processes
+2.  Anything else that might be controversial
+#### Merge Request
+A Merge Request describes a change in Orfeo ToolBox code, API,
+infrastructure or processes that need to be submitted to the PSC vote:
+-   Anything that could cause backward compatibility issues,
+-   Adding substantial amounts of new code,
+-   Changing inter-subsystem APIs, or objects,
+It should describe :
+1.  What changes will be made and why they will make a better Orfeo
+    ToolBox
+2.  When will those changes be available (target release or date)
+3.  Who will be developing the proposed changes
+Those elements can be provided in an email to the developer list or on a
+git hosted platform (GitLab, GitHub, etc.).
+#### Add or remove PSC members
+To be eligible for membership in the PSC, a person should demonstrate
+**a substantial and ongoing involvement in OTB**. The PSC is not only
+composed of OTB developers as there are many ways to join and contribute
+to the project. Anyone is eligible to be nominated to the OTB PSC.
+Ideally, nominees would be OTB users or developers who have a deep
+understanding of the project. In addition, nominees should meet the
+qualifications set forth in this document. Anyone can submit a
+#### Release phases
+The release manager (the PSC member in charge of release planning)
+submits to vote the following release decisions:
+1.  Date of the next release
+2.  Codename of the next release
+3.  Date and revision of Release Candidate
+4.  Date and revision of Final Release
+5.  Date and revision of bug-fixes Release
+### Process
+-   Proposals are written up and submitted on the otb-developers mailing
+    list for discussion and voting, by any interested party, not just
+    committee members. Proposals are available for review for at least
+    three days before a vote can be closed. It is acknowledged that some
+    more complex issues may require more time for discussion and
+    deliberation.
+-   Respondents may vote “+1” to indicate support for the proposal and a
+    willingness to support implementation.
+-   Respondents may vote “-1” to veto a proposal, but must provide
+    argumented reasoning and alternate approaches to resolve the problem
+    within the two days.
+-   A vote of -0 indicates mild disagreement, but has no effect. A 0
+    indicates no opinion. A +0 indicates mild support, but has no
+    effect.
+-   Anyone may comment and vote on proposals on the list, but only
+    members of the PSC's votes (including the Chair) will be counted
+    (“eligible voters”).
+-   A proposal will be accepted if it receives at least +2 (including
+    the proponent) and no vetos (-1)
+-   If a proposal is vetoed, and it cannot be revised to satisfy all
+    parties, then it can be resubmitted for an override vote in which a
+    majority of all eligible voters indicating +1 is sufficient to pass
+    it. Note that this is a majority of all committee members, not just
+    those who actively vote.
+-   Upon completion of discussion and voting the proposers should
+    announce whether they are proceeding (proposal accepted) or are
+    withdrawing their proposal (vetoed).
+-   The Chair adjudicates in cases of disputes about voting.
+A summary of discussions is published in a dedicated section of the wiki
+[Requests for Changes](Requests_for_Changes "wikilink").
+## Current members and roles
+In March 2015, CNES nominated 3 persons deeply involved in OTB as
+initial PSC members. They are responsible for defining PSC rules and
+establishing a fully functioning PSC. PSC has now 4 members.
+**Name**                    | **Affiliation**  | **Email**                        | **Role**                                   |
+Manuel Grizonnet (resigned) | CNES             | manuel.grizonnet AT cnes DOT fr  | Infrastructure, legal issues               |
+Rémi Cresson                | IRSTEA           | cresson.r AT gmail DOT com       | Release Manager for release 5.2            |
+Guillaume Pasero            | CS-SI            | guillaume.pasero AT c-s DOT fr   | release planner                            |
+Jordi Inglada (resigned)    | CNES/CESBIO      | jordi.inglada AT cesbio DOT eu   |                                            |
+Julien Michel               | CNES             | julien.michel AT cnes DOT fr     | Communication, contributions               |
+Victor Poughon              | CNES             | victor.poughon AT cnes DOT fr    | User support and documentation, roadmaps   |
+## Release manager
+A **release manager** is nominated for each release. Nomination is made
+shortly after previous release announcement. A **backup release
+manager** is also nominated, to assist and possibly step in if the
+official release manager is not available. The **release manager** and
+his/her backup can be a member of the PSC, but also another member of
+otb-developers list willing to take the spot.
+The **release manager** is in charge of :
+1.  Listing and tracking all major features proposed for next release
+    (from call for contribution in the early phase and then approved
+    RFCs)
+2.  Planing release date and ensures sync with RFCs execution,
+3.  Approving feature branch merges (if possible, leave at least 3 days
+    between RFC submission and merge, so that people have time to do a
+    review)
+4.  Actually merging feature branches when authors do not have commit
+    rights (github pull request for instance)
+5.  Tracking remote module that can be candidate for official inclusion
+    in next release, and ensuring they will be included (see
+    [Contributors guidelines](Contributors_guidelines "wikilink"))
+6.  Submitting the start of the [release
+    process](How_to_Release "wikilink") to PSC vote
+7.  Ensuring proper execution of [release
+    process](How_to_Release "wikilink")
+**Feature freeze:** Starting the release process is also called *feature
+freeze* which describes the period between the creation of the release
+branch and the announcement of the release. It's an important time for
+the RM who should ensures the proper execution of the release process
+and facilitate the communication between developers. The RM is among
+other things responsible of gathering feedback on bugs that need to be
+fixed before the release, making a list that is public to be able to
+follow progression of the release process.
+**Remember:** all new features must be submitted by Merge Requests and
+approved by the PSC. The release manager only approves the feature
+branches merge.
+### Feature branch merge acceptance checklist
+1.  The feature branch corresponds to an [approved
+    Merge Request](Project_Steering_Committee#Process "wikilink")
+2.  The feature branch is synched with develop
+3.  The feature branch is tested on the dashboard (see
+    [here](#NightlyFeatureBranches "wikilink")) and has no major failure
+    (compilation errors, tremendous amount of warning or failing tests,
+    segfault or not executed tests)
+4.  Feature branch author are available during days following the merge
+    to analyse dashboard and fix things in case of unexpected issues
+    after the merge
+It is important to note that a feature branch should be kept relatively
+small and does not necessarily correspond to the full implementation of
+a RFC. Small consistent branches implementing parts of RFC can be merged
+early. Further evolutions and implementations of the RFC can be done by
+continuing the feature branch or opening new branches, and approval of
+Release Manager should be requested again before merging.
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@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@ not a black box!
 * [OTB's website](
 * [Documentation](
 * [Downloads](
-* [Public git repositories](
+* [Public git repositories](
 * [GitHub mirror](
 * [Build status](
-* [Bug tracker](
+* [Bug tracker](
 * [Wiki](
 * [Task tracking](
@@ -37,10 +37,14 @@ joining our community and mailing lists.
 ### Contributing
-Please see the wiki for contributors guidelines.
+Please see []( for contributors guidelines.
 ### License
 Please see the license and the Copyright directory for legal issues on the use of the software.
 ### Issues
 Please report any issue you might encouter to [our bugtracker](
+### Governance
+The Orfeo ToolBox project is governed by the [Project Steering Committee]( and its members.