diff --git a/SuperBuild/Packaging/PackageHelper.cmake b/SuperBuild/Packaging/PackageHelper.cmake
index dcb07fd2cbd55c33347770739ebc0bde8d84bd40..f6e670522f2c4aec213eacd7f0e86b216a7149c5 100644
--- a/SuperBuild/Packaging/PackageHelper.cmake
+++ b/SuperBuild/Packaging/PackageHelper.cmake
@@ -52,20 +52,23 @@ macro(macro_super_package)
   set(LOADER_PROGRAM_ARGS ${loader_program_args})
-  set(DEST_LIB_DIR lib)
   set(DEST_BIN_DIR bin)
   set(DEST_APP_DIR lib/otb/applications)
+  set(LIB_PREFIX lib)
+  set(DEST_LIB_DIR lib)
   set(EXE_EXT "")
   set(SCR_EXT ".sh")
   set(LIB_EXT ".so")
   set(PYMODULE_EXT ".so")
+    set(LIB_PREFIX)
+    set(DEST_LIB_DIR bin)
     set(EXE_EXT ".exe")
     set(LIB_EXT ".dll")
     set(SCR_EXT ".bat")
     set(PYMODULE_EXT ".pyd")
-    set(DEST_LIB_DIR bin)
     set(LIB_EXT ".dylib")
@@ -242,25 +245,30 @@ function(func_prepare_package)
     list(APPEND PKG_PEFILES "qmake${EXE_EXT}")
     list(APPEND PKG_PEFILES "rcc${EXE_EXT}")
     list(APPEND PKG_PEFILES "uic${EXE_EXT}")
-    list(APPEND PKG_PEFILES "sharkVersion${EXE_EXT}")
     list(APPEND PKG_PEFILES "proj${EXE_EXT}")
     list(APPEND PKG_PEFILES "cs2cs${EXE_EXT}")
+    #shark is optional
+    if(EXISTS "${DEPENDENCIES_INSTALL_DIR}/bin/sharkVersion${EXE_EXT}")
+      list(APPEND PKG_PEFILES "sharkVersion${EXE_EXT}")
+    endif()
     #RK: there is a bug in itk cmake files in install tree 
     #we workaround with below code
     #start hack
-     file(GLOB itk_lib_files  
+     file(GLOB itk_all_lib_files  
-     foreach(itk_lib_file ${itk_lib_files})
-       if(NOT EXISTS "${itk_lib_file}")
-	 message(FATAL_ERROR "{itk_lib_file} does not exist")
-       endif()
+   foreach(itk_lib_file ${itk_all_lib_files})
+     func_is_file_a_symbolic_link("${itk_lib_file}" a_symlink itk_lib_file_target)
+     if(NOT a_symlink)
        list(APPEND PKG_PEFILES "${itk_lib_file}")
+     endif()
      #end hack
     file(GLOB otb_test_exe_list 
@@ -321,46 +329,48 @@ function(func_process_deps input_file)
   message("Processing ${input_file_full_path}")
-  is_file_executable("${input_file_full_path}" is_executable)
-  if(is_executable)
-    file(APPEND ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/install_to_${DEST_BIN_DIR} "${input_file_full_path}\n")
-  else(is_executable) 
+  set(is_executable FALSE)
+  is_file_executable2("${input_file_full_path}" is_executable)
+  if(NOT is_executable)
+    pkg_install_rule(${input_file_full_path})
+    message("not is_executable ${input_file_full_path}")
+    return()
+  endif() #NOT is_executable
+  if(UNIX)
+    # Deal with symlinks.
+    # For any valid symlinks, (see 'not_valid' below) 
+    # we append ln -s source target commands to a file
+    # That file is  executed during installation. 
+    get_filename_component(bn_we ${input_file_full_path} NAME_WE)
+    get_filename_component(bn_path ${input_file_full_path} PATH)
-    if(UNIX)
-      # Deal with symlinks.
-      # For any valid symlinks, (see 'not_valid' below) 
-      # we append ln -s source target commands to a file
-      # That file is  executed during installation. 
-      get_filename_component(bn_we ${input_file_full_path} NAME_WE)
-      get_filename_component(bn_path ${input_file_full_path} PATH)
+    file(GLOB sofiles "${bn_path}/${bn_we}*")
+    foreach(sofile ${sofiles})
+      get_filename_component(basename_of_sofile ${sofile} NAME)
+      get_filename_component(sofile_ext ${sofile} EXT)
+      set(not_valid FALSE)
+      if(  "${sofile_ext}" MATCHES ".la"
+          OR "${sofile_ext}" MATCHES ".prl"
+          OR "${sofile_ext}" MATCHES ".a"
+          OR  IS_DIRECTORY "${sofile}" )
+        set(not_valid TRUE)
+      endif()
-      file(GLOB sofiles "${bn_path}/${bn_we}*")
-      foreach(sofile ${sofiles})
-	get_filename_component(basename_of_sofile ${sofile} NAME)
-	get_filename_component(sofile_ext ${sofile} EXT)
-	set(not_valid FALSE)
-	if(  "${sofile_ext}" MATCHES ".la"
-            OR "${sofile_ext}" MATCHES ".prl"
-            OR "${sofile_ext}" MATCHES ".a"
-            OR  IS_DIRECTORY "${sofile}" )
-          set(not_valid TRUE)
-	endif()
-	if(not_valid)
-          continue()
-	endif()
-	func_is_file_a_symbolic_link("${sofile}" is_symlink linked_to_file)
-	if(is_symlink)
-          add_to_symlink_list("${linked_to_file}" "${basename_of_sofile}")	
-	endif() # is_symlink
-      endforeach()
+      if(not_valid)
+        continue()
+      endif()
+      func_is_file_a_symbolic_link("${sofile}" is_symlink linked_to_file)
+      if(is_symlink)
+        add_to_symlink_list("${linked_to_file}" "${basename_of_sofile}")	
+      endif() # is_symlink
+    endforeach()
-    endif(UNIX)
-  endif(is_executable)
+  endif(UNIX)
diff --git a/SuperBuild/Packaging/PackageMacros.cmake b/SuperBuild/Packaging/PackageMacros.cmake
index a2283f28807f9ef8f6b9ac45788ea8b2b5fef2f5..eea19d1d0293c7d8e7672f89e4cacfbacce604d8 100755
--- a/SuperBuild/Packaging/PackageMacros.cmake
+++ b/SuperBuild/Packaging/PackageMacros.cmake
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ macro(add_to_symlink_list src_file target_file)
-    "if [ -f \"\$OUT_DIR/lib/${src_file}\" ]; then \n ln -sf \"$OUT_DIR/lib/${src_file}\" \"$OUT_DIR/lib/${target_file}\" \n fi;\n"
+    "ln -sf \"$OUT_DIR/lib/${src_file}\" \"$OUT_DIR/lib/${target_file}\" \n"
@@ -131,6 +131,129 @@ function(check_for_gtk_libs input_file result)
+function(is_file_executable2 file result_var)
+  #
+  # A file is not executable until proven otherwise:
+  #
+  set(${result_var} 0 PARENT_SCOPE)
+  get_filename_component(file_full "${file}" ABSOLUTE)
+  string(TOLOWER "${file_full}" file_full_lower)
+  # If file name ends in .exe on Windows, *assume* executable:
+  #
+    if("${file_full_lower}" MATCHES "\\.exe$")
+      set(${result_var} 1 PARENT_SCOPE)
+      return()
+    endif()
+    # A clause could be added here that uses output or return value of dumpbin
+    # to determine ${result_var}. In 99%+? practical cases, the exe name
+    # match will be sufficient...
+    #
+  endif()
+  # Use the information returned from the Unix shell command "file" to
+  # determine if ${file_full} should be considered an executable file...
+  #
+  # If the file command's output contains "executable" and does *not* contain
+  # "text" then it is likely an executable suitable for prerequisite analysis
+  # via the get_prerequisites macro.
+  #
+  if(UNIX)
+    if(NOT file_cmd)
+      find_program(file_cmd "file")
+      mark_as_advanced(file_cmd)
+    endif()
+    if(file_cmd)
+      execute_process(COMMAND "${file_cmd}" "${file_full}"
+        RESULT_VARIABLE file_rv
+        OUTPUT_VARIABLE file_ov
+        ERROR_VARIABLE file_ev
+        )
+      if(NOT file_rv STREQUAL "0")
+        message(FATAL_ERROR "${file_cmd} failed: ${file_rv}\n${file_ev}")
+      endif()
+      # Replace the name of the file in the output with a placeholder token
+      # (the string " _file_full_ ") so that just in case the path name of
+      # the file contains the word "text" or "executable" we are not fooled
+      # into thinking "the wrong thing" because the file name matches the
+      # other 'file' command output we are looking for...
+      #
+      string(REPLACE "${file_full}" " _file_full_ " file_ov "${file_ov}")
+      string(TOLOWER "${file_ov}" file_ov)
+      #message(STATUS "file_ov='${file_ov}'")
+      #below executable check works for both mac osx and linux
+      if("${file_ov}" MATCHES "executable")
+        #message(STATUS "executable!")
+        if("${file_ov}" MATCHES "text")
+	  set(${result_var} 0 PARENT_SCOPE)
+          #message(FATAL_ERROR "but text, so *not* a binary executable!")
+        else()
+          set(${result_var} 1 PARENT_SCOPE)
+          return()
+        endif()
+      endif()
+      # Also detect position independent executables on Linux,
+      # where "file" gives "dynamically linked (uses shared libraries)"
+      if("${file_ov}" MATCHES "dynamically linked.*\(uses shared libs\)")
+        set(${result_var} 1 PARENT_SCOPE)
+        return()
+      endif()
+      # Also detect position independent executables on Linux,
+      # where "file" gives "shared object ... (uses shared libraries)"
+      if("${file_ov}" MATCHES "shared object.*\(uses shared libs\)")
+        set(${result_var} 1 PARENT_SCOPE)
+        return()
+      endif()
+      # Also detect shared libraries on Linux,
+      # where "file" gives "ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, AMD x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), not stripped"
+      if("${file_ov}" MATCHES "elf.*shared object.*version")
+        set(${result_var} 1 PARENT_SCOPE)
+        return()
+      endif()
+      # "file" version 5.22 does not print "(used shared libraries)"
+      # but uses "interpreter"
+      if("${file_ov}" MATCHES "shared object.*interpreter")
+        set(${result_var} 1 PARENT_SCOPE)
+        return()
+      endif()
+      if(APPLE)
+	# detect shared libraries on Mac OSX
+	# where "file" gives "Mach-O 64-bit x86_64 dynamically linked shared library"
+	if("${file_ov}" MATCHES "mach-o.*dynamically linked shared library")
+          set(${result_var} 1 PARENT_SCOPE)
+          return()
+	endif()
+	#below check is redundant.
+	# detect executables on Mac OSX
+	# where "file" gives "Mach-O 64-bit x86_64 executable"
+	if("${file_ov}" MATCHES "mach-o.*executable")
+          set(${result_var} 1 PARENT_SCOPE)
+          return()
+	endif()
+      endif(APPLE)
+    else()
+      message(STATUS "warning: No 'file' command, skipping execute_process...")
+    endif()
+  endif()
 # The below function is modified from GetPrerequisities.cmake
 # which is distributed with CMake.
 function(func_is_file_a_symbolic_link file result_var1 result_var2)
@@ -195,7 +318,6 @@ function(func_is_file_a_symbolic_link file result_var1 result_var2)
       #message(FATAL_ERROR "file_ov='${file_ov}'")
       if("${file_ov_lower}" MATCHES "symbolic link")
-        #message(STATUS "symbolic link!")
         set(${result_var1} 1 PARENT_SCOPE)
         #Now find where the symlink is linked to.
         #Do a regex replace