Windows binary packages are available for Windows 7 or higher. They can be downloaded from `otb download page <>`_ . Pick the correct version (32 bit or 64 bit) depending on your system. Extract the archive and use one of the launchers, they contain all applications and their launchers (both command line and graphical launchers are provided): - ``monteverdi.bat`` : A launcher script for Monteverdi - ``mapla.bat`` : A launcher script for Mapla - ``otbenv.bat`` : A script to initialize the environment for OTB executables - ``bin`` : A folder containing application launchers (otbcli.bat, otbgui.bat) and the DLLs. - ``lib`` : A folder containing application DLLs. The applications can be launched from the Mapla launcher. If you want to use the otbcli and otbgui launchers, you can initialize a command prompt with ``otbenv.bat``. Notes: ~~~~~~ - You must have "Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015" installed for using this package. It can be downloaded freely from `microsoft <>`_