diff --git a/Code/Radiometry/otbRadarFunctors.h b/Code/Radiometry/otbRadarFunctors.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b57a2029f45174c6cae3079cab4665826b3d640b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Code/Radiometry/otbRadarFunctors.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-  Program:   ORFEO Toolbox
-  Language:  C++
-  Date:      $Date$
-  Version:   $Revision$
-  Copyright (c) Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. All rights reserved.
-  See OTBCopyright.txt for details.
-  Some parts of this code are derived from ITK. See ITKCopyright.txt
-  for details.
-     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
-     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
-     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.
-#ifndef __otbRadarFunctors_h
-#define __otbRadarFunctors_h
-#include "itkUnaryFunctorImageFilter.h"
-#include "itkMetaDataDictionary.h"
-#include "otbMath.h"
-namespace otb
-namespace Functor
-   * \class TerraSarRadarBrightnessImageFunctor
-   *  \brief Compute the radar brightness from an modulus image.
-   *
-   * \ingroup Functor
-   * \ingroup Radiometry
- */
-template <class TInput, class TOutput>
-class TerraSarRadarBrightnessImageFunctor
-  TerraSarRadarBrightnessImageFunctor()
-  {
-    m_CalFactor = 1.;
-  };
-  virtual ~TerraSarRadarBrightnessImageFunctor() {};
-  typedef std::vector<double>           DoubleVectorType;
-  typedef std::vector<DoubleVectorType> DoubleVectorVectorType;
-  typedef itk::Size<2>                  SizeType;
-  /** Accessors */
-  void SetCalFactor( double val ) { m_CalFactor = val; };
-  double GetCalFactor() { return m_CalFactor; };
-  inline TOutput operator() (const TInput & inPix)
-  {
-    double squareInPix = vcl_pow( static_cast<double>(inPix), 2.);
-    // Beta naught computation
-    double beta = m_CalFactor*squareInPix;
-    return static_cast<TOutput>(beta);
-  }
-  /** Calibration Factor */
-  double m_CalFactor;
-   * \class TerraSarRadarBrightnessComplexImageFunctor
-   *  \brief Compute the radar brightness from an complexe image.
-   *
-   * \ingroup Functor
-   * \ingroup Radiometry
- */
-template <class TInput, class TOutput>
-class TerraSarRadarBrightnessComplexImageFunctor
-  TerraSarRadarBrightnessComplexImageFunctor() {};
-  virtual ~TerraSarRadarBrightnessComplexImageFunctor() {};
-  typedef TerraSarRadarBrightnessImageFunctor<double, double> BetaNaughtFunctorType;
-  /** Accessors */
-  void SetCalFactor( double val ) { m_BetaNaughtFunctor.SetCalFactor(val); };
-  double GetCalFactor() { return m_BetaNaughtFunctor.GetCalFactor(); };
-  /* We assume that the input pixel is a complex */
-  inline TOutput operator() (const TInput & inPix)
-  {
-    // Beta naught computation, will be the Modulus of the result
-    double beta = m_BetaNaughtFunctor(static_cast<double>(std::abs(inPix)));
-    // Phase
-    double phase = std::arg(inPix);
-    // We retrieve the complex value from the modulus and the phase.
-    std::complex<double> res = std::complex<double>(beta*vcl_cos(phase), beta*vcl_sin(phase) );
-    return static_cast<TOutput>(res);
-  }
-  /** Calibration Factor */
-  BetaNaughtFunctorType m_BetaNaughtFunctor;
-   * \class TerraSarCalibrationImageFunctor
-   *  \brief Compute sigma naught coefficient from a modulus image.
-   *
-   * \ingroup Functor
-   * \ingroup Radiometry
- */
-template<class TInput, class TOutput>
-class TerraSarCalibrationImageFunctor
-  TerraSarCalibrationImageFunctor();
-  virtual ~TerraSarCalibrationImageFunctor() {};
-  typedef std::vector<double>           DoubleVectorType;
-  typedef std::vector<DoubleVectorType> DoubleVectorVectorType;
-  typedef std::vector<long int>         LIntVectorType;
-  typedef itk::Size<2>                  SizeType;
-  typedef itk::Index<2>                 IndexType;
-  //typedef typename TInputIt::PixelType           InputPixelType;
-  typedef TerraSarRadarBrightnessImageFunctor<TInput, TOutput> BrightnessFunctorType;
-  /** Accessors */
-  void SetCalFactor( double val ) { m_CalFactor = val; m_RadarBrightness.SetCalFactor(val); };
-  double GetCalFactor() const { return m_CalFactor; };
-  void SetNoiseRangeValidityMin( double val ) { m_NoiseRangeValidityMin = val; };
-  double GetNoiseRangeValidityMin() const { return m_NoiseRangeValidityMin; };
-  void SetNoiseRangeValidityMax( double val ) { m_NoiseRangeValidityMax = val; };
-  double GetNoiseRangeValidityMax() const { return m_NoiseRangeValidityMax; };
-  void SetNoiseRangeValidityRef( double val ) { m_NoiseRangeValidityRef = val; };
-  double GetNoiseRangeValidityRef() const { return m_NoiseRangeValidityRef; };
-  void SetLocalIncidentAngle( double val )
-  {
-    m_LocalIncidentAngle = val;
-    m_SinLocalIncidentAngle = vcl_sin(m_LocalIncidentAngle*CONST_PI_180);
-  };
-  double GetLocalIncidentAngle() const { return m_LocalIncidentAngle; };
-  double GetSinLocalIncidentAngle() const { return m_SinLocalIncidentAngle; };
-  void SetNoisePolynomialCoefficientsList( DoubleVectorVectorType vect ) { m_NoisePolynomialCoefficientsList = vect; };
-  DoubleVectorVectorType GetNoisePolynomialCoefficientsList() const { return m_NoisePolynomialCoefficientsList; };
-  void SetImageSize( SizeType size ) { m_ImageSize = size; };
-  SizeType GetImageSize() const { return m_ImageSize; };
-  void SetUseFastCalibrationMethod( bool b ) { m_UseFastCalibrationMethod = b; };
-  bool GetUseFastCalibrationMethod() const { return m_UseFastCalibrationMethod; };
-  void SetTimeUTC( LIntVectorType vect ) { m_TimeUTC = vect; };
-  LIntVectorType GetTimeUTC() const { return m_TimeUTC; };
-  void SetPRF( double val ) { m_PRF = val; m_InvPRF = 1./m_PRF; };
-  double GetPRF() const { return m_PRF; };
-  double GetInvPRF() const { return m_InvPRF; };
-  //BrightnessFunctorType GetRadarBrightness() const { return m_RadarBrightness; };
-  //BrightnessFunctorType GetRadarBrightness() { return m_RadarBrightness; };
-  double ComputeCurrentNoise( unsigned int colId );
-  DoubleVectorType ComputeCurrentCoeffs( unsigned int lineId );
-  inline TOutput operator() (const TInput & inPix, IndexType index);
-  /** Calibration Factor */
-  double m_CalFactor;
-  /** Noise minimal range validity */
-  double m_NoiseRangeValidityMin;
-  /** Noise maxinimal range validity */
-  double m_NoiseRangeValidityMax;
-  /** Noise reference range */
-  double m_NoiseRangeValidityRef;
-  /** Sensor local incident angle in degree */
-  double m_LocalIncidentAngle;
-  /** sin of the LocalIncidentAngle */
-  double m_SinLocalIncidentAngle;
-  /** Vector of vector that contain noise polinomial coefficient */
-  DoubleVectorVectorType m_NoisePolynomialCoefficientsList;
-  /** Image Size */
-  SizeType m_ImageSize;
-  /** Fast Calibration Method. If set to trus, will consider only the first noise coefficient else,
-   *  will use all of them and applied it according to its acquisition UTC time and the coordinates
-   *  of the pixel in the image. */
-  bool m_UseFastCalibrationMethod;
-  /** TimeUTC for each noise coefficient acquisition (in second). */
-  LIntVectorType m_TimeUTC;
-  /** Pulse Repetition Frequency */
-  double m_PRF;
-  /** Inverse Pulse Repetition Frequency */
-  double m_InvPRF;
-  /** Radar Brightness functor */
-  BrightnessFunctorType m_RadarBrightness;
-/** TODO : Use inheritance **/
-   * \class TerraSarCalibrationComplexImageFunctor
-   *  \brief Compute sigma naught coefficient from a modulus image.
-   *
-   * \ingroup Functor
-   * \ingroup Radiometry
- */
-template <class TInput, class TOutput>
-  class TerraSarCalibrationComplexImageFunctor
-  TerraSarCalibrationComplexImageFunctor();
-  virtual ~TerraSarCalibrationComplexImageFunctor() {};
-  typedef std::vector<double>           DoubleVectorType;
-  typedef std::vector<DoubleVectorType> DoubleVectorVectorType;
-  typedef std::vector<long int>         LIntVectorType;
-  typedef itk::Size<2>                  SizeType;
-  typedef itk::Index<2>                 IndexType;
-  //typedef typename TInputIt::PixelType           InputPixelType;
-  typedef TerraSarRadarBrightnessImageFunctor<double, double> BrightnessFunctorType;
-  /** Accessors */
-  void SetCalFactor( double val ) { m_CalFactor = val; m_RadarBrightness.SetCalFactor(val); };
-  double GetCalFactor() const { return m_CalFactor; };
-  void SetNoiseRangeValidityMin( double val ) { m_NoiseRangeValidityMin = val; };
-  double GetNoiseRangeValidityMin() const { return m_NoiseRangeValidityMin; };
-  void SetNoiseRangeValidityMax( double val ) { m_NoiseRangeValidityMax = val; };
-  double GetNoiseRangeValidityMax() const { return m_NoiseRangeValidityMax; };
-  void SetNoiseRangeValidityRef( double val ) { m_NoiseRangeValidityRef = val; };
-  double GetNoiseRangeValidityRef() const { return m_NoiseRangeValidityRef; };
-  void SetLocalIncidentAngle( double val )
-  {
-    m_LocalIncidentAngle = val;
-    m_SinLocalIncidentAngle = vcl_sin(m_LocalIncidentAngle*CONST_PI_180);
-  };
-  double GetLocalIncidentAngle() const { return m_LocalIncidentAngle; };
-  double GetSinLocalIncidentAngle() const { return m_SinLocalIncidentAngle; };
-  void SetNoisePolynomialCoefficientsList( DoubleVectorVectorType vect ) { m_NoisePolynomialCoefficientsList = vect; };
-  DoubleVectorVectorType GetNoisePolynomialCoefficientsList() const { return m_NoisePolynomialCoefficientsList; };
-  void SetImageSize( SizeType size ) { m_ImageSize = size; };
-  SizeType GetImageSize() const { return m_ImageSize; };
-  void SetUseFastCalibrationMethod( bool b ) { m_UseFastCalibrationMethod = b; };
-  bool GetUseFastCalibrationMethod() const { return m_UseFastCalibrationMethod; };
-  void SetTimeUTC( LIntVectorType vect ) { m_TimeUTC = vect; };
-  LIntVectorType GetTimeUTC() const { return m_TimeUTC; };
-  void SetPRF( double val ) { m_PRF = val; m_InvPRF = 1./m_PRF; };
-  double GetPRF() const { return m_PRF; };
-  double GetInvPRF() const { return m_InvPRF; };
-  //BrightnessFunctorType GetRadarBrightness() const { return m_RadarBrightness; };
-  //BrightnessFunctorType GetRadarBrightness() { return m_RadarBrightness; };
-  double ComputeCurrentNoise( unsigned int colId );
-  DoubleVectorType ComputeCurrentCoeffs( unsigned int lineId );
-  inline TOutput operator() (const TInput & inPix, IndexType index);
-  /** Calibration Factor */
-  double m_CalFactor;
-  /** Noise minimal range validity */
-  double m_NoiseRangeValidityMin;
-  /** Noise maxinimal range validity */
-  double m_NoiseRangeValidityMax;
-  /** Noise reference range */
-  double m_NoiseRangeValidityRef;
-  /** Sensor local incident angle in degree */
-  double m_LocalIncidentAngle;
-  /** sin of the LocalIncidentAngle */
-  double m_SinLocalIncidentAngle;
-  /** Vector of vector that contain noise polinomial coefficient */
-  DoubleVectorVectorType m_NoisePolynomialCoefficientsList;
-  /** Image Size */
-  SizeType m_ImageSize;
-  /** Fast Calibration Method. If set to trus, will consider only the first noise coefficient else,
-   *  will use all of them and applied it according to its acquisition UTC time and the coordinates
-   *  of the pixel in the image. */
-  bool m_UseFastCalibrationMethod;
-  /** TimeUTC for each noise coefficient acquisition (in second). */
-  LIntVectorType m_TimeUTC;
-  /** Pulse Repetition Frequency */
-  double m_PRF;
-  /** Inverse Pulse Repetition Frequency */
-  double m_InvPRF;
-  /** Radar Brightness functor */
-  BrightnessFunctorType m_RadarBrightness;
-}// end namespace functor
-} // end namespace otb
-#include "otbRadarFunctors.txx"
diff --git a/Code/Radiometry/otbRadarFunctors.txx b/Code/Radiometry/otbRadarFunctors.txx
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dce6c077378ced9fdce10230f9c9c85f7a86d69..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Code/Radiometry/otbRadarFunctors.txx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-  Program:   ORFEO Toolbox
-  Language:  C++
-  Date:      $Date$
-  Version:   $Revision$
-  Copyright (c) Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. All rights reserved.
-  See OTBCopyright.txt for details.
-     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
-     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
-     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.
-#ifndef __otbRadarFunctors_txx
-#define __otbRadarFunctors_txx
-#include "otbRadarFunctors.h"
-namespace otb
- ***************** TerraSarCalibrationImageFunctor *******************
- **************************************************************************/
-namespace Functor
-/** Constructor */
-template <class TInput, class TOutput>
-TerraSarCalibrationImageFunctor<TInput, TOutput>
-    m_CalFactor = 1.;
-    m_NoiseRangeValidityMin = 0.;
-    m_NoiseRangeValidityMax = 0.;
-    m_NoiseRangeValidityRef = 0.;
-    m_LocalIncidentAngle = 0.;
-    m_NoisePolynomialCoefficientsList.clear();
-    m_ImageSize.Fill(0);
-    m_UseFastCalibrationMethod = true;
-    m_TimeUTC.clear();
-    m_PRF = 1.;
-template <class TInput, class TOutput>
-TerraSarCalibrationImageFunctor<TInput, TOutput>
-::ComputeCurrentNoise( unsigned int colId )
-  {
-    double curRange = 0.;
-    double width_2 = static_cast<double>(m_ImageSize[0])/2.;
-    // Use +1 because image start index is 0
-    if( colId < static_cast<unsigned int>(width_2) )
-      {
-       curRange = m_NoiseRangeValidityMin + ( m_NoiseRangeValidityRef-m_NoiseRangeValidityMin )/width_2 * static_cast<double>(colId+1);
-      }
-    else
-      {
-       curRange = m_NoiseRangeValidityRef + ( m_NoiseRangeValidityMax-m_NoiseRangeValidityRef )/width_2 * (static_cast<double>(colId+1) - width_2 );
-      }
-    return curRange;
-  }
-template <class TInput, class TOutput>
-typename TerraSarCalibrationImageFunctor<TInput, TOutput>::DoubleVectorType
-TerraSarCalibrationImageFunctor<TInput, TOutput>
-::ComputeCurrentCoeffs( unsigned int lineId )
-  {
-    DoubleVectorType curCoeffs;
-    if(m_UseFastCalibrationMethod)
-      {
-       curCoeffs = m_NoisePolynomialCoefficientsList[0];
-      }
-    else
-      {
-       // m_ImageSize[1]-(lineId+1) because the first acquisition line is the last image one.
-       // line+1 because image starts to 0.
-       //double interval =  static_cast<double>(m_ImageSize[1]) / static_cast<double>(m_NoisePolynomialCoefficientsList.size());
-       // compute utc time of the line
-       double currTimeUTC = m_TimeUTC[0] + static_cast<double>(m_ImageSize[1]-(lineId-1))*m_InvPRF;
-       unsigned int id = 0;
-       bool go = true;
-       // deduct the corresponding noise acquisition index
-       while( id<m_TimeUTC.size() && go)
-         {
-           if( currTimeUTC < m_TimeUTC[id] )
-              go = false;
-           id++;
-         }
-       id--;
-       double timeCoef = 1. / (m_TimeUTC[id]- m_TimeUTC[id-1]) * (currTimeUTC-m_TimeUTC[id-1]);
-       for(unsigned int j=0; j<m_NoisePolynomialCoefficientsList.size(); j++)
-         {
-           curCoeffs.push_back( m_NoisePolynomialCoefficientsList[id-1][j] + (m_NoisePolynomialCoefficientsList[id][j] - m_NoisePolynomialCoefficientsList[id-1][j]) * timeCoef );
-         }
-    }
-    return curCoeffs;
-  }
-template <class TInput, class TOutput>
-TerraSarCalibrationImageFunctor<TInput, TOutput>
-::operator()(const TInput & inPix, IndexType index)
-  double diffCurRange = ComputeCurrentNoise( static_cast<unsigned int>(index[0]) ) - m_NoiseRangeValidityRef;
-  DoubleVectorType curCoeff = ComputeCurrentCoeffs( static_cast<unsigned int>(index[1]) );
-  TOutput outRadBr = m_RadarBrightness( inPix );
-  double NEBN = 0.;
-  for(unsigned int i=0; i<curCoeff.size(); i++)
-    {
-      NEBN += curCoeff[i]*vcl_pow( diffCurRange, static_cast<double>(i));
-    }
-  double sigma = ( outRadBr - m_CalFactor*NEBN ) * m_SinLocalIncidentAngle;
-  return static_cast<TOutput>(sigma);
-/** Constructor */
-template <class TInput, class TOutput>
-TerraSarCalibrationComplexImageFunctor<TInput, TOutput>
-    m_CalFactor = 1.;
-    m_NoiseRangeValidityMin = 0.;
-    m_NoiseRangeValidityMax = 0.;
-    m_NoiseRangeValidityRef = 0.;
-    m_LocalIncidentAngle = 0.;
-    m_NoisePolynomialCoefficientsList.clear();
-    m_ImageSize.Fill(0);
-    m_UseFastCalibrationMethod = true;
-    m_TimeUTC.clear();
-    m_PRF = 1.;
-template <class TInput, class TOutput>
-TerraSarCalibrationComplexImageFunctor<TInput, TOutput>
-::ComputeCurrentNoise( unsigned int colId )
-  {
-    double curRange = 0.;
-    double width_2 = static_cast<double>(m_ImageSize[0])/2.;
-    // Use +1 because image start index is 0
-    if( colId < static_cast<unsigned int>(width_2) )
-      {
-       curRange = m_NoiseRangeValidityMin + ( m_NoiseRangeValidityRef-m_NoiseRangeValidityMin )/width_2 * static_cast<double>(colId+1);
-      }
-    else
-      {
-       curRange = m_NoiseRangeValidityRef + ( m_NoiseRangeValidityMax-m_NoiseRangeValidityRef )/width_2 * (static_cast<double>(colId+1) - width_2 );
-      }
-    return curRange;
-  }
-template <class TInput, class TOutput>
-typename TerraSarCalibrationComplexImageFunctor<TInput, TOutput>::DoubleVectorType
-TerraSarCalibrationComplexImageFunctor<TInput, TOutput>
-::ComputeCurrentCoeffs( unsigned int lineId )
-  {
-    DoubleVectorType curCoeffs;
-    if(m_UseFastCalibrationMethod)
-      {
-       curCoeffs = m_NoisePolynomialCoefficientsList[0];
-      }
-    else
-      {
-       // m_ImageSize[1]-(lineId+1) because the first acquisition line is the last image one.
-       // line+1 because image starts to 0.
-       // compute utc time of the line
-       double currTimeUTC = m_TimeUTC[0] + static_cast<double>(m_ImageSize[1]-(lineId-1))*m_InvPRF;
-       unsigned int id = 0;
-       bool go = true;
-       // deduct the corresponding noise acquisition index
-       while( id<m_TimeUTC.size() && go)
-         {
-           if( currTimeUTC < m_TimeUTC[id] )
-              go = false;
-           id++;
-         }
-       id--;
-       double timeCoef = 1. / (m_TimeUTC[id]- m_TimeUTC[id-1]) * (currTimeUTC-m_TimeUTC[id-1]);
-       for(unsigned int j=0; j<m_NoisePolynomialCoefficientsList.size(); j++)
-         {
-           curCoeffs.push_back( m_NoisePolynomialCoefficientsList[id-1][j] + (m_NoisePolynomialCoefficientsList[id][j] - m_NoisePolynomialCoefficientsList[id-1][j]) * timeCoef );
-         }
-    }
-    return curCoeffs;
-  }
-template <class TInput, class TOutput>
-TerraSarCalibrationComplexImageFunctor<TInput, TOutput>
-::operator()(const TInput & inPix, IndexType index)
-  double diffCurRange = this->ComputeCurrentNoise( static_cast<unsigned int>(index[0]) ) - this->GetNoiseRangeValidityRef();
-  DoubleVectorType curCoeff = this->ComputeCurrentCoeffs( static_cast<unsigned int>(index[1]) );
-  double modulus = std::abs(inPix);
-  double outRadBr = static_cast<double>(m_RadarBrightness( modulus ));
-  double NEBN = 0.;
-  for(unsigned int i=0; i<curCoeff.size(); i++)
-    {
-      NEBN += curCoeff[i]*vcl_pow( diffCurRange, static_cast<double>(i));
-    }
-  double sigma = ( outRadBr - this->GetCalFactor()*NEBN ) * this->GetSinLocalIncidentAngle();
-  double phase = std::arg(inPix);
-  TOutput out(sigma*vcl_cos(phase), sigma*vcl_sin(phase));
-  return out;
-}// namespace Functor
-} // namespace otb
diff --git a/Code/Radiometry/otbTerraSarCalibrationImageFilter.h b/Code/Radiometry/otbTerraSarCalibrationImageFilter.h
index 94d8f9c31661f957b511429b2a211675a89d0858..3fd4180a63b331cc6dcba674ed6534898cf59c99 100644
--- a/Code/Radiometry/otbTerraSarCalibrationImageFilter.h
+++ b/Code/Radiometry/otbTerraSarCalibrationImageFilter.h
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 #include "otbUnaryFunctorWithIndexImageFilter.h"
-#include "otbRadarFunctors.h"
+#include "otbTerraSarFunctors.h"
 #include "itkMetaDataDictionary.h"
 //#include "itkConstNeighborhoodIterator.h"
 #include "otbMath.h"
diff --git a/Code/Radiometry/otbTerraSarFunctors.h b/Code/Radiometry/otbTerraSarFunctors.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..57c1dd56d2de29751d88ca29f00618a8ff61e4e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Code/Radiometry/otbTerraSarFunctors.h
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+  Program:   ORFEO Toolbox
+  Language:  C++
+  Date:      $Date$
+  Version:   $Revision$
+  Copyright (c) Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. All rights reserved.
+  See OTBCopyright.txt for details.
+  Some parts of this code are derived from ITK. See ITKCopyright.txt
+  for details.
+     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
+     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.
+#ifndef __otbTerraSarFunctors_h
+#define __otbTerraSarFunctors_h
+#include "itkUnaryFunctorImageFilter.h"
+#include "itkMetaDataDictionary.h"
+#include "otbMath.h"
+namespace otb
+namespace Functor
+   * \class TerraSarRadarBrightnessImageFunctor
+   *  \brief Compute the radar brightness from an modulus image.
+   *
+   * \ingroup Functor
+   * \ingroup Radiometry
+ */
+template <class TInput, class TOutput>
+class TerraSarRadarBrightnessImageFunctor
+  TerraSarRadarBrightnessImageFunctor();
+ virtual ~TerraSarRadarBrightnessImageFunctor() {};
+ typedef std::vector<double>           DoubleVectorType;
+ typedef std::vector<DoubleVectorType> DoubleVectorVectorType;
+ typedef itk::Size<2>                  SizeType;
+ /** Accessors */
+ void SetCalFactor( double val ) { m_CalFactor = val; };
+ double GetCalFactor() { return m_CalFactor; };
+ /** We assume that the input pixel is a scalar -> modulus image */
+ inline TOutput operator() (const TInput & inPix);
+ /** We assume that the input pixel is a complex -> complex image */
+ inline std::complex<TOutput> operator() (const std::complex<TInput> & inPix);
+  /** Calibration Factor */
+  double m_CalFactor;
+   * \class TerraSarCalibrationImageFunctor
+   *  \brief Compute sigma naught coefficient from a modulus image.
+   *
+   * \ingroup Functor
+   * \ingroup Radiometry
+ */
+template<class TInput, class TOutput>
+class TerraSarCalibrationImageFunctor
+  TerraSarCalibrationImageFunctor();
+  virtual ~TerraSarCalibrationImageFunctor() {};
+  typedef std::vector<double>                                 DoubleVectorType;
+  typedef std::vector<DoubleVectorType>                       DoubleVectorVectorType;
+  typedef std::vector<long int>                               LIntVectorType;
+  typedef itk::Size<2>                                        SizeType;
+  typedef itk::Index<2>                                       IndexType;
+  typedef TerraSarRadarBrightnessImageFunctor<double, double> BrightnessFunctorType;
+  /** Accessors */
+  void SetCalFactor( double val ) { m_CalFactor =  val; m_RadarBrightness.SetCalFactor(val); };
+  double GetCalFactor() const { return m_CalFactor; };
+  void SetNoiseRangeValidityMin( double val ) { m_NoiseRangeValidityMin = val; };
+  double GetNoiseRangeValidityMin() const { return m_NoiseRangeValidityMin; };
+  void SetNoiseRangeValidityMax( double val ) { m_NoiseRangeValidityMax = val; };
+  double GetNoiseRangeValidityMax() const { return m_NoiseRangeValidityMax; };
+  void SetNoiseRangeValidityRef( double val ) { m_NoiseRangeValidityRef = val; };
+  double GetNoiseRangeValidityRef() const { return m_NoiseRangeValidityRef; };
+  void SetLocalIncidentAngle( double val )
+  {
+    m_LocalIncidentAngle = val;
+    m_SinLocalIncidentAngle = vcl_sin(m_LocalIncidentAngle*CONST_PI_180);
+  };
+  double GetLocalIncidentAngle() const { return m_LocalIncidentAngle; };
+  double GetSinLocalIncidentAngle() const { return m_SinLocalIncidentAngle; };
+  void SetNoisePolynomialCoefficientsList( DoubleVectorVectorType vect ) { m_NoisePolynomialCoefficientsList = vect; };
+  DoubleVectorVectorType GetNoisePolynomialCoefficientsList() const { return m_NoisePolynomialCoefficientsList; };
+  void SetImageSize( SizeType size ) { m_ImageSize = size; };
+  SizeType GetImageSize() const { return m_ImageSize; };
+  void SetUseFastCalibrationMethod( bool b ) { m_UseFastCalibrationMethod = b; };
+  bool GetUseFastCalibrationMethod() const { return m_UseFastCalibrationMethod; };
+  void SetTimeUTC( LIntVectorType vect ) { m_TimeUTC = vect; };
+  LIntVectorType GetTimeUTC() const { return m_TimeUTC; };
+  void SetPRF( double val ) { m_PRF = val; m_InvPRF = 1./m_PRF; };
+  double GetPRF() const { return m_PRF; };
+  double GetInvPRF() const { return m_InvPRF; };
+  BrightnessFunctorType GetRadarBrightness() { return m_RadarBrightness; };
+  double ComputeCurrentNoise( unsigned int colId );
+  DoubleVectorType ComputeCurrentCoeffs( unsigned int lineId );
+  /** We assume that the input pixel is a scalar -> modulus image */
+  inline TOutput operator() (const TInput & inPix, IndexType index);
+  /** We assume that the input pixel is a complex -> complex image */
+  inline std::complex<TOutput> operator() (const std::complex<TInput> & inPix, IndexType index);
+  /** Calibration Factor */
+  double m_CalFactor;
+  /** Noise minimal range validity */
+  double m_NoiseRangeValidityMin;
+  /** Noise maxinimal range validity */
+  double m_NoiseRangeValidityMax;
+  /** Noise reference range */
+  double m_NoiseRangeValidityRef;
+  /** Sensor local incident angle in degree */
+  double m_LocalIncidentAngle;
+  /** sin of the LocalIncidentAngle */
+  double m_SinLocalIncidentAngle;
+  /** Vector of vector that contain noise polinomial coefficient */
+  DoubleVectorVectorType m_NoisePolynomialCoefficientsList;
+  /** Image Size */
+  SizeType m_ImageSize;
+  /** Fast Calibration Method. If set to trus, will consider only the first noise coefficient else,
+   *  will use all of them and applied it according to its acquisition UTC time and the coordinates
+   *  of the pixel in the image. */
+  bool m_UseFastCalibrationMethod;
+  /** TimeUTC for each noise coefficient acquisition (in second). */
+  LIntVectorType m_TimeUTC;
+  /** Pulse Repetition Frequency */
+  double m_PRF;
+  /** Inverse Pulse Repetition Frequency */
+  double m_InvPRF;
+ /** Radar Brightness functor */
+  BrightnessFunctorType m_RadarBrightness;
+}// end namespace functor
+} // end namespace otb
+#include "otbTerraSarFunctors.txx"
diff --git a/Code/Radiometry/otbTerraSarFunctors.txx b/Code/Radiometry/otbTerraSarFunctors.txx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5d23b7886646204de828efee79d870b11e540d53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Code/Radiometry/otbTerraSarFunctors.txx
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+  Program:   ORFEO Toolbox
+  Language:  C++
+  Date:      $Date$
+  Version:   $Revision$
+  Copyright (c) Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. All rights reserved.
+  See OTBCopyright.txt for details.
+     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
+     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.
+#ifndef __otbTerraSarFunctors_txx
+#define __otbTerraSarFunctors_txx
+#include "otbTerraSarFunctors.h"
+namespace otb
+namespace Functor
+/***********  TerraSarRadarBrightnessImageFunctor *****************/
+template <class TInput, class TOutput>
+TerraSarRadarBrightnessImageFunctor<TInput, TOutput>
+  m_CalFactor = 1.; 
+template <class TInput, class TOutput>
+TerraSarRadarBrightnessImageFunctor<TInput, TOutput>
+::operator() (const TInput & inPix)
+  double squareInPix = vcl_pow( static_cast<double>(inPix), 2.);
+  // Beta naught computation
+  double beta = m_CalFactor*squareInPix;
+  return static_cast<TOutput>(beta);  
+template <class TInput, class TOutput>
+TerraSarRadarBrightnessImageFunctor<TInput, TOutput>
+::operator() (const std::complex<TInput> & inPix)
+   // Beta naught computation, will be the Modulus of the result
+  double beta = operator()(static_cast<double>(std::abs(inPix)));
+  // Phase
+  double phase = std::arg(inPix);
+  // We retrieve the complex value from the modulus and the phase.
+  std::complex<TOutput> res = std::complex<TOutput>(beta*vcl_cos(phase), beta*vcl_sin(phase) );
+  return static_cast<TOutput>(res);
+/***********      TerraSarCalibrationImageFunctor  ****************/
+template <class TInput, class TOutput>
+TerraSarCalibrationImageFunctor<TInput, TOutput>
+    m_CalFactor = 1.;
+    m_NoiseRangeValidityMin = 0.;
+    m_NoiseRangeValidityMax = 0.;
+    m_NoiseRangeValidityRef = 0.;
+    m_LocalIncidentAngle = 0.;
+    m_SinLocalIncidentAngle = 0.;
+    m_NoisePolynomialCoefficientsList.clear();
+    m_ImageSize.Fill(0);
+    m_UseFastCalibrationMethod = true;
+    m_TimeUTC.clear();
+    m_PRF = 1.;
+template <class TInput, class TOutput>
+TerraSarCalibrationImageFunctor<TInput, TOutput>
+::ComputeCurrentNoise( unsigned int colId )
+  double curRange = 0.;
+  double width_2 = static_cast<double>(m_ImageSize[0])/2.;
+  // Use +1 because image start index is 0
+  if( colId < static_cast<unsigned int>(width_2) )
+    {
+      curRange = m_NoiseRangeValidityMin + ( m_NoiseRangeValidityRef-m_NoiseRangeValidityMin )/width_2 * static_cast<double>(colId+1);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      curRange = m_NoiseRangeValidityRef + ( m_NoiseRangeValidityMax-m_NoiseRangeValidityRef )/width_2 * (static_cast<double>(colId+1) - width_2 );
+    }
+  return curRange;
+template <class TInput, class TOutput>
+typename TerraSarCalibrationImageFunctor<TInput, TOutput>::DoubleVectorType
+TerraSarCalibrationImageFunctor<TInput, TOutput>
+::ComputeCurrentCoeffs( unsigned int lineId )
+  DoubleVectorType curCoeffs;
+  if(m_UseFastCalibrationMethod)
+    {
+      curCoeffs = m_NoisePolynomialCoefficientsList[0];
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      // m_ImageSize[1]-(lineId+1) because the first acquisition line is the last image one.
+      // line+1 because image starts to 0.
+      //double interval =  static_cast<double>(m_ImageSize[1]) / static_cast<double>(m_NoisePolynomialCoefficientsList.size());
+      // compute utc time of the line
+      double currTimeUTC = m_TimeUTC[0] + static_cast<double>(m_ImageSize[1]-(lineId-1))*m_InvPRF;
+      unsigned int id = 0;
+      bool go = true;
+      // deduct the corresponding noise acquisition index
+      while( id<m_TimeUTC.size() && go)
+	{
+	  if( currTimeUTC < m_TimeUTC[id] )
+	    go = false;
+	  id++;
+	}
+      id--;
+      double timeCoef = 1. / (m_TimeUTC[id]- m_TimeUTC[id-1]) * (currTimeUTC-m_TimeUTC[id-1]);
+      for(unsigned int j=0; j<m_NoisePolynomialCoefficientsList.size(); j++)
+	{
+	  curCoeffs.push_back( m_NoisePolynomialCoefficientsList[id-1][j] + (m_NoisePolynomialCoefficientsList[id][j] - m_NoisePolynomialCoefficientsList[id-1][j]) * timeCoef );
+	}
+    }
+  return curCoeffs;
+template <class TInput, class TOutput>
+TerraSarCalibrationImageFunctor<TInput, TOutput>
+::operator()(const TInput & inPix, IndexType index)
+  double diffCurRange = ComputeCurrentNoise( static_cast<unsigned int>(index[0]) ) - this->GetNoiseRangeValidityRef();
+  DoubleVectorType curCoeff = this->ComputeCurrentCoeffs( static_cast<unsigned int>(index[1]) );
+  double outRadBr = this->GetRadarBrightness()( static_cast<double>(inPix) );
+  double NEBN = 0.;
+  for(unsigned int i=0; i<curCoeff.size(); i++)
+    {
+      NEBN += curCoeff[i]*vcl_pow( diffCurRange, static_cast<double>(i));
+    }
+  double sigma = ( outRadBr - this->GetCalFactor()*NEBN ) * this->GetSinLocalIncidentAngle();
+  return static_cast<TOutput>(sigma);
+template <class TInput, class TOutput>
+TerraSarCalibrationImageFunctor<TInput, TOutput>
+::operator()(const std::complex<TInput> & inPix, IndexType index)
+  double diffCurRange = this->ComputeCurrentNoise( static_cast<unsigned int>(index[0]) ) - this->GetNoiseRangeValidityRef();
+  DoubleVectorType curCoeff = this->ComputeCurrentCoeffs( static_cast<unsigned int>(index[1]) );
+  double modulus = std::abs(inPix);
+  double outRadBr = static_cast<double>(this->GetRadarBrightness()( modulus ));
+  double NEBN = 0.;
+  for(unsigned int i=0; i<curCoeff.size(); i++)
+    {
+      NEBN += curCoeff[i]*vcl_pow( diffCurRange, static_cast<double>(i));
+    }
+  double sigma = ( outRadBr - this->GetCalFactor()*NEBN ) * this->GetSinLocalIncidentAngle();
+  double phase = std::arg(inPix);
+  std::complex<TOutput> out(sigma*vcl_cos(phase), sigma*vcl_sin(phase));
+  return out;
+}// namespace Functor
+} // namespace otb
diff --git a/Code/Radiometry/otbTerraSarRadarBrightnessImageFilter.h b/Code/Radiometry/otbTerraSarRadarBrightnessImageFilter.h
index 45cef271df62d6733176521097ba34a248663c86..07873aa0a24626c20962d8fbed009d02233f6288 100644
--- a/Code/Radiometry/otbTerraSarRadarBrightnessImageFilter.h
+++ b/Code/Radiometry/otbTerraSarRadarBrightnessImageFilter.h
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 #include "itkUnaryFunctorImageFilter.h"
 #include "itkMetaDataDictionary.h"
 #include "otbMath.h"
-#include "otbRadarFunctors.h"
+#include "otbTerraSarFunctors.h"
 namespace otb
diff --git a/Testing/Code/Radiometry/CMakeLists.txt b/Testing/Code/Radiometry/CMakeLists.txt
index 33d770f937a629d2a488b8e6ba4c09ab7fe62722..746582ae9809434e9dcad8b87f11f2b36ddb0012 100644
--- a/Testing/Code/Radiometry/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Testing/Code/Radiometry/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1056,38 +1056,8 @@ ADD_TEST(raTvTerraSarRadarBrightnessImageFilterTest ${RADIOMETRY_TESTS9}
-# -------            TerraSarRadarBrightnessComplexImageFilter   ------------------------------
-ADD_TEST(raTuTerraSarRadarBrightnessComplexImageFilterNew ${RADIOMETRY_TESTS9}
-       otbTerraSarRadarBrightnessComplexImageFilterNew
-ADD_TEST(raTvTerraSarRadarBrightnessComplexImageFilterTest ${RADIOMETRY_TESTS9}
-    --compare-image ${EPSILON}  
-                ${BASELINE}/raTvTerraSarRadarBrightnessComplexImageFilterTest.tif
-                ${TEMP}/raTvTerraSarRadarBrightnessComplexImageFilterTest.tif
-        otbTerraSarRadarBrightnessComplexImageFilterTest
-        # complex image
-        ${INPUTDATA}/ExtractIMAGE_HH_SRA_spot_074.tif
-        ${TEMP}/raTvTerraSarRadarBrightnessComplexImageFilterTest.tif
-# -------            TerraSarCalibrationCplxImageFilter   ------------------------------
- ADD_TEST(raTuTerraSarCalibrationCplxImageFilterNew ${RADIOMETRY_TESTS9}
-       otbTerraSarCalibrationCplxImageFilterNew
-ADD_TEST(raTvTerraSarCalibrationCplxImageFilterTest ${RADIOMETRY_TESTS9}
-#    --compare-image ${EPSILON}  
- #               ${BASELINE}/raTvTerraSarCalibrationClxImageFilterTest.tif
- #               ${TEMP}/raTvTerraSarCalibrationCplxImageFilterTest.tif
-        otbTerraSarCalibrationCplxImageFilterTest
-        # complex image
-        ${INPUTDATA}/ExtractIMAGE_HH_SRA_spot_074.tif
-        ${TEMP}/raTvTerraSarCalibrationCplxImageFilterTest.tif
 # A enrichir
@@ -1184,10 +1154,6 @@ otbTerraSarCalibrationImageFilterNew.cxx
diff --git a/Testing/Code/Radiometry/otbRadiometryTests9.cxx b/Testing/Code/Radiometry/otbRadiometryTests9.cxx
index 77efc546f996e334302c2e5729a71fa21b8f3475..54ec4cfaa520aba626c6c4d385b796f2cdca880c 100644
--- a/Testing/Code/Radiometry/otbRadiometryTests9.cxx
+++ b/Testing/Code/Radiometry/otbRadiometryTests9.cxx
@@ -31,10 +31,6 @@ void RegisterTests()
-  REGISTER_TEST(otbTerraSarRadarBrightnessComplexImageFilterNew);
-  REGISTER_TEST(otbTerraSarRadarBrightnessComplexImageFilterTest);
-  REGISTER_TEST(otbTerraSarCalibrationCplxImageFilterNew);
-  REGISTER_TEST(otbTerraSarCalibrationCplxImageFilterTest);
diff --git a/Testing/Code/Radiometry/otbTerraSarCalibrationCplxImageFilterNew.cxx b/Testing/Code/Radiometry/otbTerraSarCalibrationCplxImageFilterNew.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index f694098c0f5c2037740c52becfa39f7b3461ed48..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Testing/Code/Radiometry/otbTerraSarCalibrationCplxImageFilterNew.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-  Program:   ORFEO Toolbox
-  Language:  C++
-  Date:      $Date$
-  Version:   $Revision$
-  Copyright (c) Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. All rights reserved.
-  See OTBCopyright.txt for details.
-     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
-     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
-     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.
-#include "itkExceptionObject.h"
-#include "otbImage.h"
-#include "otbUnaryFunctorWithIndexImageFilter.h"
-#include "otbRadarFunctors.h"
-int otbTerraSarCalibrationCplxImageFilterNew(int argc, char * argv[])
-  typedef std::complex<double>                                                             CplxType;
-  typedef otb::Image<CplxType, 2>                                                          CplxImageType;
-  typedef otb::Functor::TerraSarCalibrationComplexImageFunctor< CplxType, CplxType >       FunctorType;
-  typedef otb::UnaryFunctorWithIndexImageFilter< CplxImageType,CplxImageType, FunctorType> CplxFilterType;
-  CplxFilterType::Pointer filterCplx = CplxFilterType::New();
-  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/Testing/Code/Radiometry/otbTerraSarCalibrationCplxImageFilterTest.cxx b/Testing/Code/Radiometry/otbTerraSarCalibrationCplxImageFilterTest.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a5445580ebceb741087618d644c4800e7efbef2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Testing/Code/Radiometry/otbTerraSarCalibrationCplxImageFilterTest.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-  Program:   ORFEO Toolbox
-  Language:  C++
-  Date:      $Date$
-  Version:   $Revision$
-  Copyright (c) Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. All rights reserved.
-  See OTBCopyright.txt for details.
-     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
-     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
-     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.
-#include "itkExceptionObject.h"
-#include "otbRadarFunctors.h"
-#include "otbUnaryFunctorWithIndexImageFilter.h"
-#include "otbImage.h"
-#include "otbImageFileReader.h"
-#include "otbImageFileWriter.h"
-int otbTerraSarCalibrationCplxImageFilterTest(int argc, char * argv[])
-  const char * inputFileName  = argv[1];
-  const char * outputFileName = argv[2];
-  typedef std::complex<double>                                      CplxType;
-  typedef otb::Image<CplxType, 2>                                   ImageType;
-  typedef otb::ImageFileReader<ImageType>                           ReaderType;
-  typedef otb::ImageFileWriter<ImageType>                           WriterType;
-  typedef otb::Functor::TerraSarCalibrationComplexImageFunctor< CplxType, CplxType > FunctorType;
-  typedef otb::UnaryFunctorWithIndexImageFilter< ImageType,ImageType, FunctorType> FilterType;
-  typedef FunctorType::DoubleVectorType                              DoubleVectorType;
-  typedef FunctorType::DoubleVectorVectorType                        DoubleVectorVectorType;
-  ReaderType::Pointer reader = ReaderType::New();
-  WriterType::Pointer writer = WriterType::New();
-  FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();
-  reader->SetFileName(inputFileName);
-  writer->SetFileName(outputFileName);
-  reader->UpdateOutputInformation();
-  DoubleVectorType coefs;
-  coefs.push_back(1.);
-  coefs.push_back(0.5);
-  coefs.push_back(1.);
-  coefs.push_back(0.1);
-  DoubleVectorVectorType coefVect(1, coefs);
-  coefs.clear();
-  coefs.push_back(10.);
-  coefs.push_back(5);
-  coefs.push_back(10);
-  coefs.push_back(1);
-  coefVect.push_back( coefs );
-  coefs.clear();
-  coefs.push_back(100);
-  coefs.push_back(50);
-  coefs.push_back(100);
-  coefs.push_back(10);
-  coefVect.push_back( coefs );
-  filter->GetFunctor().SetNoisePolynomialCoefficientsList(coefVect);
-  filter->GetFunctor().SetCalFactor( 10 );
-  filter->GetFunctor().SetNoiseRangeValidityMin( 0 );
-  filter->GetFunctor().SetNoiseRangeValidityMax( 1 );
-  filter->GetFunctor().SetNoiseRangeValidityRef( 0.5 );
-  filter->GetFunctor().SetLocalIncidentAngle( 15 );
-  filter->GetFunctor().SetLocalIncidentAngle( 15 );
-  std::vector<long int> timeUtc;
-  timeUtc.push_back(1);
-  timeUtc.push_back(2);
-  timeUtc.push_back(3);
-  filter->GetFunctor().SetTimeUTC(timeUtc);
-  filter->GetFunctor().SetPRF(50);
-  filter->GetFunctor().SetUseFastCalibrationMethod( false );
-  filter->SetInput(reader->GetOutput());
-  writer->SetInput(filter->GetOutput());
-  writer->Update();
-  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/Testing/Code/Radiometry/otbTerraSarRadarBrightnessComplexImageFilterNew.cxx b/Testing/Code/Radiometry/otbTerraSarRadarBrightnessComplexImageFilterNew.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index a8f45331715c6006308f533ca921b8300be4c21f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Testing/Code/Radiometry/otbTerraSarRadarBrightnessComplexImageFilterNew.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-  Program:   ORFEO Toolbox
-  Language:  C++
-  Date:      $Date$
-  Version:   $Revision$
-  Copyright (c) Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. All rights reserved.
-  See OTBCopyright.txt for details.
-     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
-     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
-     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.
-#include "itkExceptionObject.h"
-#include "otbRadarFunctors.h"
-#include "itkUnaryFunctorImageFilter.h"
-#include "otbImage.h"
-int otbTerraSarRadarBrightnessComplexImageFilterNew(int argc, char * argv[])
-  typedef std::complex<double>                                                                               ComplexPixelType;
-  typedef otb::Image< ComplexPixelType >                                                                     ComplexImageType;
-  typedef otb::Functor::TerraSarRadarBrightnessComplexImageFunctor< ComplexPixelType, ComplexPixelType >     FunctorType;
-  typedef itk::UnaryFunctorImageFilter<ComplexImageType, ComplexImageType, FunctorType >                     FilterType;
-  FilterType::Pointer filter = FilterType::New();
-  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/Testing/Code/Radiometry/otbTerraSarRadarBrightnessComplexImageFilterTest.cxx b/Testing/Code/Radiometry/otbTerraSarRadarBrightnessComplexImageFilterTest.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b0815ddd854e836da781f3c14107c4d301ade2a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Testing/Code/Radiometry/otbTerraSarRadarBrightnessComplexImageFilterTest.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-  Program:   ORFEO Toolbox
-  Language:  C++
-  Date:      $Date$
-  Version:   $Revision$
-  Copyright (c) Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. All rights reserved.
-  See OTBCopyright.txt for details.
-     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
-     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
-     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.
-#include "itkExceptionObject.h"
-#include "otbRadarFunctors.h"
-#include "itkUnaryFunctorImageFilter.h"
-#include "otbImage.h"
-#include "otbImageFileReader.h"
-#include "otbImageFileWriter.h"
-int otbTerraSarRadarBrightnessComplexImageFilterTest(int argc, char * argv[])
-  const char * inputFileName  = argv[1];
-  const char * outputFileName = argv[2];
-  typedef std::complex<double>                                                                               ComplexPixelType;
-  typedef otb::Image< ComplexPixelType >                                                                     ComplexImageType;
-  typedef otb::Functor::TerraSarRadarBrightnessComplexImageFunctor< ComplexPixelType, ComplexPixelType >     FunctorType;
-  typedef itk::UnaryFunctorImageFilter<ComplexImageType, ComplexImageType, FunctorType >                     FilterType;
-  typedef otb::ImageFileReader<ComplexImageType>                                    ReaderType;
-  typedef otb::ImageFileWriter<ComplexImageType>                                    WriterType;
-  ReaderType::Pointer reader         = ReaderType::New();
-  WriterType::Pointer writer         = WriterType::New();
-  FilterType::Pointer filter         = FilterType::New();
-  reader->SetFileName(inputFileName);
-  writer->SetFileName(outputFileName);
-  reader->UpdateOutputInformation();
-  filter->GetFunctor().SetCalFactor( 10 );
-  filter->SetInput(reader->GetOutput());
-  writer->SetInput(filter->GetOutput());
-//   writer->SetNumberOfStreamDivisions(1);
-  writer->Update();
-  return EXIT_SUCCESS;