diff --git a/Code/BasicFilters/otbMeanShiftImageFilter2.h b/Code/BasicFilters/otbMeanShiftImageFilter2.h
index 055291b0a1e6104c800082a2d342105980e0d2bf..bed4761b761100c20aa41bcad0a2a64ae20d8a09 100644
--- a/Code/BasicFilters/otbMeanShiftImageFilter2.h
+++ b/Code/BasicFilters/otbMeanShiftImageFilter2.h
@@ -189,8 +189,8 @@ public:
   itkStaticConstMacro(ImageDimension, unsigned int, InputImageType::ImageDimension);
   typedef itk::VariableLengthVector<RealType>         RealVector;
   typedef otb::VectorImage<RealType, InputImageType::ImageDimension> RealVectorImageType;
+  typedef otb::Image<unsigned short, InputImageType::ImageDimension>  ModeTableImageType;
   /** Setters / Getters */
   itkSetMacro(SpatialBandwidth, RealType);
@@ -294,6 +294,14 @@ private:
   /** Input data in the joint spatial-range domain, scaled by the bandwidths */
   typename RealVectorImageType::Pointer m_JointImage;
+  /** Image to store the status at each pixel:
+   * 0 : no mode has been found yet
+   * 1 : a mode has been assigned to this pixel
+   * 2 : pixel is in the path of the currently processed pixel and a mode will
+   *     be assigned to it
+   */
+  typename ModeTableImageType::Pointer m_modeTable;
 } // end namespace otb
diff --git a/Code/BasicFilters/otbMeanShiftImageFilter2.txx b/Code/BasicFilters/otbMeanShiftImageFilter2.txx
index 2bd5d7a4c3815b10a0640956c98fd87c947f31b4..cddc13e22eb1a4c60d42df97f041af84553d3096 100644
--- a/Code/BasicFilters/otbMeanShiftImageFilter2.txx
+++ b/Code/BasicFilters/otbMeanShiftImageFilter2.txx
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
 #define __otbMeanShiftImageFilter2_txx
 #include "otbMeanShiftImageFilter2.h"
 #include "itkImageRegionConstIteratorWithIndex.h"
 #include "itkImageRegionIterator.h"
 #include "otbUnaryFunctorWithIndexWithOutputSizeImageFilter.h"
@@ -28,6 +27,8 @@
 #include "itkProgressReporter.h"
 namespace otb
 template <class TInputImage, class TOutputImage, class TKernel, class TNorm, class TOutputMetricImage, class TOutputIterationImage>
@@ -339,6 +340,18 @@ MeanShiftImageFilter2<TInputImage, TOutputImage, TKernel, TNorm, TOutputMetricIm
+  // Image to store the status at each pixel:
+  // 0 : no mode has been found yet
+  // 1 : a mode has been assigned to this pixel
+  // 2 : a mode will be assigned to this pixel
+  m_modeTable = ModeTableImageType::New();
+  m_modeTable->SetRegions(inputPtr->GetRequestedRegion());
+  m_modeTable->Allocate();
+  m_modeTable->FillBuffer(0);
@@ -497,6 +510,7 @@ MeanShiftImageFilter2<TInputImage, TOutputImage, TKernel, TNorm, TOutputMetricIm
   RegionType requestedRegion;
   requestedRegion = input->GetRequestedRegion();
   typedef itk::ImageRegionIterator<RealVectorImageType> JointImageIteratorType;
   JointImageIteratorType jointIt(m_JointImage, outputRegionForThread);
@@ -518,25 +532,96 @@ MeanShiftImageFilter2<TInputImage, TOutputImage, TKernel, TNorm, TOutputMetricIm
   meanShiftVector.SetSize(ImageDimension + m_NumberOfComponentsPerPixel);
+  // List of indices where the current pixel passes through
+  std::vector<InputIndexType> pointList(m_MaxIterationNumber);
+  // Number of points currently in the pointList
+  unsigned int pointCount;
+  // Number of times an already processed candidate pixel is encountered, resulting in no
+  // further computation (Used for statistics only)
+  unsigned int numBreaks = 0;
   while (!jointIt.IsAtEnd())
     bool hasConverged = false;
     rangePixel = rangeIt.Get();
     spatialPixel = spatialIt.Get();
     metricPixel = metricIt.Get();
     jointPixel = jointIt.Get();
+    // index of the currently processed output pixel
+    InputIndexType currentIndex;
+    // index of the current pixel updated during the mean shift loop
+    InputIndexType modeCandidate;
+    for (unsigned int comp = 0; comp < ImageDimension; comp++)
+      {
+      currentIndex[comp] = jointPixel[comp] * m_SpatialBandwidth + 0.5;
+      }
+    pointCount = 0;
     iteration = 0;
     while ((iteration < m_MaxIterationNumber) && (!hasConverged))
-      double meanShiftVectorSqNorm;
+      // Find index of the pixel closest to the current jointPixel (not normalized by bandwidth)
+      for (unsigned int comp = 0; comp < ImageDimension; comp++)
+        {
+        modeCandidate[comp] = jointPixel[comp] * m_SpatialBandwidth + 0.5;
+        }
+      // Check status of candidate mode
+      if (m_modeTable->GetPixel(modeCandidate) != 2 && modeCandidate != currentIndex && outputRegionForThread.IsInside(modeCandidate))
+        {
+        // Obtain the data point to see if it close to jointPixel
+        RealVector candidatePixel;
+        RealType diff = 0;
+        candidatePixel = m_JointImage->GetPixel(modeCandidate);
+        for (unsigned int comp = ImageDimension; comp < ImageDimension + m_NumberOfComponentsPerPixel; comp++)
+          {
+          RealType d;
+          d = candidatePixel[comp] - jointPixel[comp];
+          diff += d*d;
+          }
+        if (diff < 0.5) // Spectral value is close enough
+          {
+          // if no mode has been associated to the candidate pixel then
+          // associate it to the upcoming mode
+          if( m_modeTable->GetPixel(modeCandidate) == 0)
+            {
+            pointList[pointCount++] = modeCandidate;
+            m_modeTable->SetPixel(modeCandidate, 2);
+            } else // == 1
+            {
+            // the candidate pixel has already been assigned to a mode
+            // Assign the same value
+            rangePixel = rangeOutput->GetPixel(modeCandidate);
+            for (unsigned int comp = 0; comp < m_NumberOfComponentsPerPixel; comp++)
+              {
+              jointPixel[ImageDimension + comp] = rangePixel[comp] / m_RangeBandwidth;
+              }
+            // Update the mode table because pixel will be assigned just now
+            m_modeTable->SetPixel(currentIndex, 2);  // Note: in multithreading, = 1 would
+                                                     // not be safe
+            // bypass further calculation
+            numBreaks++;
+            break;
+            }
+          }
+        }
       //Calculate meanShiftVector
       this->CalculateMeanShiftVector(m_JointImage, jointPixel, requestedRegion, meanShiftVector);
-      // Compute mean shift vector squared norm
+      // Compute mean shift vector squared norm (not normalized by bandwidth)
+      double meanShiftVectorSqNorm;
       meanShiftVectorSqNorm = 0;
       for(unsigned int comp = 0; comp < ImageDimension; comp++)
@@ -558,6 +643,7 @@ MeanShiftImageFilter2<TInputImage, TOutputImage, TKernel, TNorm, TOutputMetricIm
       rangePixel[comp] = jointPixel[ImageDimension + comp] * m_RangeBandwidth;
     for(unsigned int comp = 0; comp < ImageDimension; comp++)
       spatialPixel[comp] = jointPixel[comp] * m_SpatialBandwidth;
@@ -575,6 +661,18 @@ MeanShiftImageFilter2<TInputImage, TOutputImage, TKernel, TNorm, TOutputMetricIm
     iterationPixel = iteration;
+    // Update the mode table now that the current pixel has been assigned
+    m_modeTable->SetPixel(currentIndex, 1);
+    // Also assign all points in the list to the same mode
+    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < pointCount; i++)
+      {
+      rangeOutput->SetPixel(pointList[i], rangePixel);
+      m_modeTable->SetPixel(pointList[i], 1);
+      }
@@ -584,6 +682,7 @@ MeanShiftImageFilter2<TInputImage, TOutputImage, TKernel, TNorm, TOutputMetricIm
+  // std::cout << "numBreaks: " << numBreaks << " Break ratio: " << numBreaks / (RealType)outputRegionForThread.GetNumberOfPixels() << std::endl;