diff --git a/Applications/Util/otbConvert.cxx b/Applications/Util/otbConvert.cxx
index 8310f9d9b2a71d7d613e399e2c58fd179738be25..f92fa05d466c16d00f34cddeff96518ab1bab004 100644
--- a/Applications/Util/otbConvert.cxx
+++ b/Applications/Util/otbConvert.cxx
@@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ private:
     SetDescription("Convert an image to a different format, eventually rescaling the data"
                    " and/or changing the pixel type.");
     // Documentation
+    SetDocName("Image Conversion Application");
     SetDocLongDescription("This application performs an image pixel type conversion (short, ushort, char, uchar, int, uint, float and double types are handled). The output image is written in the specified format (ie. taht corresponds to the given extension).\n The convertion can include a rescale usiong the image 2% minimum and maximum values. The rescale can be linear or log2.");
-    SetDocAuthors("CS-OTB Team");
+    SetDocAuthors("Otmane Lahlou");
     SetDocSeeAlso("Rescale application");
-    SetDocCLExample("otbApplicationLauncherCommandLine Convert ${OTB-BIN} --il ${OTB-Data} ");
+    SetDocCLExample("otbApplicationLauncherCommandLine Convert ${OTB-BIN}/bin --in ${OTB-Data}/Input/QB_Toulouse_Ortho_XS.tif --out otbConvertWithScalingOutput.png uchar --type linear");
     AddDocTag("Image Dynamic");
diff --git a/Code/ApplicationEngine/otbWrapperApplication.h b/Code/ApplicationEngine/otbWrapperApplication.h
index aa9f091d605b13d85d26168a61f9cb4bc1ff2240..5c6d2b0b4b75525c2de096ce52a0f2ba2a70cf07 100644
--- a/Code/ApplicationEngine/otbWrapperApplication.h
+++ b/Code/ApplicationEngine/otbWrapperApplication.h
@@ -419,6 +419,8 @@ public:
   /** Doc element accessors. */
+  itkSetStringMacro(DocName);
+  itkGetStringMacro(DocName);
@@ -541,6 +543,8 @@ private:
   itk::ProcessObject::Pointer       m_ProgressSource;
   std::string                       m_ProgressSourceDescription;
+  /** Long name of the application (thatcan be displayed...) */
+  std::string m_DocName;
   /** Long and precise application description . */
   std::string                       m_DocLongDescription;
   /** Commanline example. Use ${OTB-DATA} for OTB-Data directory
diff --git a/Code/Wrappers/ApplicationLauncherQt/otbApplicationLauncherQt.cxx b/Code/Wrappers/ApplicationLauncherQt/otbApplicationLauncherQt.cxx
index 1ee8c1fc5bb3d2f61dd35fe543d21bac94f9457b..d7be70a65ae313f1dd38448bffbc336e8380a2c5 100644
--- a/Code/Wrappers/ApplicationLauncherQt/otbApplicationLauncherQt.cxx
+++ b/Code/Wrappers/ApplicationLauncherQt/otbApplicationLauncherQt.cxx
@@ -79,6 +79,8 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   // MainWidget : that contains the view and any other widget
   // (progress, logs...)
   QMainWindow* mainWindow =  new QMainWindow();
+  mainWindow->setWindowIcon(QIcon( ":/otb_small.png" ));
+  mainWindow->setWindowTitle(QString(app->GetDocName()).append(" - version ").append(OTB_VERSION_STRING));
   // Create GUI based on module
   QtWidgetView* gui = new QtWidgetView(app);
@@ -87,18 +89,9 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   // Connect the View "Quit" signal, to the mainWindow close slot
   QObject::connect(gui, SIGNAL(QuitSignal()), mainWindow, SLOT(close()));
-  // Create a progressReport object
-  //QtWidgetSimpleProgressReport * progressReport =  new QtWidgetSimpleProgressReport(gui->GetModel());
-  //progressReport->SetApplication(app);
-  // Create a dock widget containg the progress widget
-  //QDockWidget* qdock = new QDockWidget("Progress Reporting ...", mainWindow);
-  //qdock->setWidget(progressReport);
   // build the main window, central widget is the plugin view, other
   // are docked widget (progress, logs...)
-  //mainWindow->addDockWidget(Qt::BottomDockWidgetArea, qdock);
   // Show the main window
diff --git a/Code/Wrappers/QtWidget/otbWrapperQtWidgetSimpleProgressReport.cxx b/Code/Wrappers/QtWidget/otbWrapperQtWidgetSimpleProgressReport.cxx
index cb8fd87a2802b010238596133d7b3c747a3e11b0..2cd8d1145e4f5ebdace3501515e0cfb722a84dca 100644
--- a/Code/Wrappers/QtWidget/otbWrapperQtWidgetSimpleProgressReport.cxx
+++ b/Code/Wrappers/QtWidget/otbWrapperQtWidgetSimpleProgressReport.cxx
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ QtWidgetSimpleProgressReport::QtWidgetSimpleProgressReport(QtWidgetModel * model
   m_AddProcessCommand->SetCallbackFunction( this, &QtWidgetSimpleProgressReport::ProcessEvent );
   m_Bar =  new itk::QtProgressBar(this);
-  m_Label = new QLabel("No process...");
+  m_Label = new QLabel("No process");
   connect( m_Bar, SIGNAL(SetValueChanged(int)), m_Bar, SLOT(setValue(int)) );
   connect( m_Model, SIGNAL(SetProgressReportDone()), m_Bar, SLOT(reset()) );
diff --git a/Code/Wrappers/QtWidget/otbWrapperQtWidgetView.cxx b/Code/Wrappers/QtWidget/otbWrapperQtWidgetView.cxx
index 29f6ded1f2295530af97c462261d4d17c94da67d..3d3091910af50eb78ba94f3827650049dac38ec6 100644
--- a/Code/Wrappers/QtWidget/otbWrapperQtWidgetView.cxx
+++ b/Code/Wrappers/QtWidget/otbWrapperQtWidgetView.cxx
@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ void QtWidgetView::CreateGui()
   QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
   QTabWidget *tab = new QTabWidget();
-  mainLayout->addWidget(CreateHeader());
   tab->addTab(CreateInputWidgets(), "Parameters");
   QTextEdit *log = new QTextEdit();
   connect( m_Model->GetLogOutput(), SIGNAL(NewContentLog(QString)), log, SLOT(append(QString) ) );
@@ -55,9 +54,9 @@ void QtWidgetView::CreateGui()
   QtWidgetProgressReport* prog =  new QtWidgetProgressReport(m_Model);
   tab->addTab(prog, "Progress Reporting ...");
+  tab->addTab(CreateDoc(), "Documentation");
   QtWidgetSimpleProgressReport * progressReport =  new QtWidgetSimpleProgressReport(m_Model);
   QHBoxLayout *footLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
@@ -80,44 +79,9 @@ void QtWidgetView::CreateGui()
   // Make the scroll layout the main layout
-  this->setWindowIcon(QIcon( ":/otb_small.png" ));
-  this->setWindowTitle(QString(m_Model->GetApplication()->GetName()).append(" - version ").append(OTB_VERSION_STRING));
-QWidget* QtWidgetView::CreateHeader()
-  // an HLayout with the description of the application, and two icons
-  QHBoxLayout *headerLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
-  QGroupBox *headerGroup = new QGroupBox;
-  headerGroup->setStyleSheet("border: 1px solid gray");
-  headerGroup->setFixedHeight(50);
-  headerGroup->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0);
-  headerLayout->setContentsMargins(5, 5, 5, 5);
-  QLabel *iconOTBLabel = new QLabel;
-  iconOTBLabel->setStyleSheet("border-style: none");
-  //iconOTBLabel->setPixmap(QIcon( ":/otb_big.png" ).pixmap(32, QIcon::Normal, QIcon::On));
-  QLabel *descriptionLabel = new QLabel;
-  descriptionLabel->setStyleSheet("border-style: none");
-  QString descriptionLabelText(m_Model->GetApplication()->GetDescription());
-  descriptionLabel->setText(descriptionLabelText);
-  QLabel *iconCNESLabel = new QLabel;
-  iconCNESLabel->setStyleSheet("border-style: none");
-  //iconCNESLabel->setPixmap(QIcon( ":/cnes.png" ).pixmap(32, QIcon::Normal, QIcon::On));
-  headerLayout->addWidget(iconOTBLabel);
-  headerLayout->addStretch();
-  headerLayout->addWidget(descriptionLabel);
-  headerLayout->addStretch();
-  headerLayout->addWidget(iconCNESLabel);
-  headerGroup->setLayout(headerLayout);
-  return headerGroup;
 QWidget* QtWidgetView::CreateInputWidgets()
@@ -157,6 +121,87 @@ QWidget* QtWidgetView::CreateFooter()
   return footerGroup;
+QWidget* QtWidgetView::CreateDoc()
+  // an HLayout with two buttons : Execute and Quit
+  QTextEdit *text = new QTextEdit;
+  QTextDocument * doc = new QTextDocument();
+  itk::OStringStream oss;
+  oss << "<center><h2>"<<m_Application->GetDocName()<<"</center></h2>";
+  oss << "<h3>Brief Description</h3>";
+  oss << "<body>"<<m_Application->GetDescription()<<"</body>";
+  oss << "<h3>Tags</h3>";
+  oss << "<body>";
+  for(unsigned int i=0; i<m_Application->GetDocTags().size(); i++)
+    {
+    oss << m_Application->GetDocTags()[i]<<" ";;
+    }
+  oss <<"</body>";
+  oss << "<h3>Long Description</h3>";
+  oss << "<body>"<<m_Application->GetDocLongDescription()<<"</body>";
+  oss << this->SetDocParameters();
+  oss << "<h3>Limitations</h3>";
+  oss << "<body>"<<m_Application->GetDocLimitations()<<"</body>";
+  oss << "<h3>Authors</h3>";
+  oss << "<body>"<<m_Application->GetDocAuthors()<<"</body>";
+  oss << "<h3>See also</h3>";
+  oss << "<body>"<<m_Application->GetDocSeeAlso()<<"</body>";
+  oss << "<h3>Command line example</h3>";
+  oss << "<code>"<<m_Application->GetDocCLExample()<<"</code>";
+  doc->setHtml( oss.str().c_str());
+  text->setDocument( doc );
+  return text;
+const char * QtWidgetView::SetDocParameters()
+ const std::vector<std::string> appKeyList = m_Application->GetParametersKeys( true );
+ const unsigned int nbOfParam = appKeyList.size();
+ itk::OStringStream oss;
+ oss << "<h3>Parameters</h3>";
+ // Mandatory parameters
+ oss << "<h2>Mandatory parameters</h2>";
+ oss << "<li>";
+ for( unsigned int i=0; i<nbOfParam; i++ )
+   {
+   Parameter::Pointer param =  m_Application->GetParameterByKey( appKeyList[i] );
+   // Check if mandatory parameter are present and have value
+   if( param->GetMandatory() == true )
+     {
+     oss << "<body><i>"<< param->GetName() << "</i>: "<<param->GetDescription()<<"</body>";
+     }
+   }
+ oss << "</body></li>";
+// Optionnal parameters
+ oss << "<h2>Optionnal parameters</h2>";
+ oss << "<body><li>";
+ bool found = false;
+ for( unsigned int i=0; i<nbOfParam; i++ )
+   {
+   Parameter::Pointer param =  m_Application->GetParameterByKey( appKeyList[i] );
+   // Check if mandatory parameter are present and have value
+   if( param->GetMandatory() == false )
+     {
+     oss << "<body><i>" <<param->GetName() << "</i>: "<<param->GetDescription()<<"</body>";
+     found = true;
+     }
+   }
+ if( !found )
+   oss << "None";
+ oss << "</li>";
+ return oss.str().c_str();
 void QtWidgetView::CloseSlot()
   // Close the widget
diff --git a/Code/Wrappers/QtWidget/otbWrapperQtWidgetView.h b/Code/Wrappers/QtWidget/otbWrapperQtWidgetView.h
index 69fe4436a2732c9aa95b0bdfdd0d2bd41aaaf4cf..9d25edfcd47ff23ba799e337847f7b7dd0b1ecce 100644
--- a/Code/Wrappers/QtWidget/otbWrapperQtWidgetView.h
+++ b/Code/Wrappers/QtWidget/otbWrapperQtWidgetView.h
@@ -56,12 +56,15 @@ private:
   QtWidgetView(const QtWidgetView&); //purposely not implemented
   void operator=(const QtWidgetView&); //purposely not implemented
-  QWidget* CreateHeader();
   QWidget* CreateFooter();
   QWidget* CreateInputWidgets();
+  QWidget* CreateDoc();
+  /** Add the parameter description in the flux of the documentation tab. */
+  const char * SetDocParameters();
   Application::Pointer m_Application;
   QtWidgetModel* m_Model;
diff --git a/Testing/Applications/otbWrapperApplicationDocTests.cxx b/Testing/Applications/otbWrapperApplicationDocTests.cxx
index 1ff0361878d38adc2703f8e734c60c8c37a7c637..22804011235f32b53277bf1a206a4fd714937fd5 100644
--- a/Testing/Applications/otbWrapperApplicationDocTests.cxx
+++ b/Testing/Applications/otbWrapperApplicationDocTests.cxx
@@ -46,6 +46,16 @@ int otbWrapperApplicationDocTest(int argc, char* argv[])
   bool isOK = true;
   // Check doc element...
+  if( app->GetName() == "" )
+    {
+    std::cout<<"Missing Name."<<std::endl;
+    isOK = false;
+    }
+  if( app->GetDocName() == "" )
+    {
+    std::cout<<"Missing Doc Name."<<std::endl;
+    isOK = false;
+    }
   if( app->GetDescription() == "" )
     std::cout<<"Missing Description."<<std::endl;