From 61392d3b263843840e0c7dfbe5fd5d3961ba5d8e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Luc Hermitte <>
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2012 11:59:57 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] DOC: OTB-151/GeometriesProjectionFilter -- doxygen

 .../OGRAdapters/otbGeometriesSet.cxx          | 87 +++++++++++++------
 .../OGRAdapters/otbGeometriesSet.h            | 51 +++++++----
 .../OGRAdapters/otbGeometriesSource.cxx       |  8 +-
 .../OGRAdapters/otbGeometriesSource.h         | 36 ++++++--
 .../otbGeometriesToGeometriesFilter.h         |  1 +
 5 files changed, 130 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbGeometriesSet.cxx b/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbGeometriesSet.cxx
index 5c6ad91a1e..d86c64cf27 100644
--- a/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbGeometriesSet.cxx
+++ b/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbGeometriesSet.cxx
@@ -25,33 +25,50 @@
 /*================================[ Helpers ]================================*/
-template <typename DataType>
-DataType & getRef(typename itk::SmartPointer<DataType> const& ds)
-  assert(ds && "unexpected nil datasource");
-  return *ds;
+namespace otb { namespace ogr { namespace internal {
+/**\ingroup GeometryInternals
+ * Access shim: itk smart-pointer to reference.
+ * \param[in] ds  itk smart pointer
+ * \return a reference to the pointee.
+ * \throw None
+ * \pre <tt>ds != 0</tt>
+ * \since OTB v 3.14.0
+ */
+template <typename DataType> inline
+  DataType & getRef(typename itk::SmartPointer<DataType> const& ds)
+    {
+    assert(ds && "unexpected nil datasource");
+    return *ds;
+    }
-#if 0
-template <typename DataType>
+/**\ingroup GeometryInternals
+ * Access shim: const layer to reference.
+ * \param[in] layer layer proxy
+ * \return the layer proxy
+ * \throw None
+ * \since OTB v 3.14.0
+ */
-DataType const& getRef(typename DataType::ConstPointer ds)
-  assert(ds);
-  return *ds;
 otb::ogr::Layer const& getRef(otb::ogr::Layer const& layer)
+  {
   return layer;
+  }
+/**\ingroup GeometryInternals
+ * Access shim: layer to reference.
+ * \param[in] layer layer proxy
+ * \return the layer proxy
+ * \throw None
+ * \since OTB v 3.14.0
+ */
 otb::ogr::Layer & getRef(otb::ogr::Layer & layer)
+  {
   return layer;
+  }
+} } } // otb::ogr::internal namespaces
 /*=======================[ Setting and construction ]========================*/
@@ -111,23 +128,38 @@ void otb::GeometriesSet::Set(ogr::DataSource::Pointer datasource)
 /*=================================[ IsSet ]=================================*/
+namespace otb { namespace ogr { namespace internal {
+/**\ingroup GeometryInternals
+ * Visitor (functor) to test whether a geometries set is non-null.
+ * \param[in] gs geometries set
+ * \throw None
+ * \since OTB v 3.14.0
+ */
 struct IsSetTester : boost::static_visitor<bool>
   template <typename T>
-  bool operator()(T const& gs) const
-    {
-    return getRef(gs);
-    }
+    bool operator()(T const& gs) const
+      {
+      return getRef(gs);
+      }
+} } } // otb::ogr::internal namespaces
 bool otb::GeometriesSet::IsSet() const
-  return this->apply(IsSetTester());
+  return this->apply(ogr::internal::IsSetTester());
 /*===============================[ Printing ]================================*/
+namespace otb { namespace ogr { namespace internal {
+/**\ingroup GeometryInternals
+ * Visitor (functor) to print a geometries set.
+ * \param[in] gs geometries set
+ * \throw None
+ * \since OTB v 3.14.0
+ */
 struct Printer : boost::static_visitor<>
   Printer(std::ostream& os, itk::Indent indent)
@@ -146,8 +178,9 @@ private:
   std::ostream &m_os;
   itk::Indent   m_indent;
+} } } // otb::ogr::internal namespaces
 void otb::GeometriesSet::PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, itk::Indent indent) const
-  this->apply(Printer(os, indent));
+  this->apply(ogr::internal::Printer(os, indent));
diff --git a/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbGeometriesSet.h b/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbGeometriesSet.h
index cf26f0f9a0..49be82e9ba 100644
--- a/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbGeometriesSet.h
+++ b/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbGeometriesSet.h
@@ -24,11 +24,6 @@
 #include "otbOGRDataSourceWrapper.h"
 #include "otbImageReference.h"
-namespace itk
-class MetaDataDictionary;
 namespace otb
 /**\ingroup gGeometry
@@ -58,9 +53,9 @@ public:
   /** ITK method for creation through the object factory. */
-  /// Direct builder from an existing \c DataSource.
+  /// Direct builder from an existing \c otb::DataSource.
   static Pointer New(ogr::DataSource::Pointer datasource);
-  /// Direct builder from an existing \c Layer.
+  /// Direct builder from an existing \c otb::Layer.
   static Pointer New(ogr::Layer layer);
@@ -71,21 +66,32 @@ public:
   /**\name Application of a command to a geometries set, through a visitor
-   * \note
-   * As a \c GeometriesSet contains either a \c otb::ogr::DataSource, or a
-   * \c otb::ogr::Layer, one needs to apply a function on either kind of data.
-   * This can be done thanks to a specialization of \c boost::static_visitor<>
-   * that has a const \c operator() that takes either one (or two in case of
-   * binary visitors) \c DataSource or \c Layer as parameter.
   template <typename Visitor>
     typename Visitor::result_type
+    /**
+     * Unary visiting function to apply a visitor on any kind of geometies set.
+     *
+     * As a \c GeometriesSet contains either a \c otb::ogr::DataSource, or a \c
+     * otb::ogr::Layer, one needs to apply a function on either kind of data.
+     * This can be done thanks to a specialization of \c boost::static_visitor<>
+     * that has a const \c operator() that takes either one (or two in case of
+     * binary visitors) \c otb::DataSource or \c otb::Layer as parameter(s).
+     *
+     * \throw Whatever is thrown by the actual visitor.
+     * \tparam Visitor type of the visitor functor.
+     * \param[in] visitor  Functor visitor that shal derive from \c
+     * boost::static_visitor.
+     */
     apply(Visitor const& visitor)
       return boost::apply_visitor(visitor, m_GeometriesSet);
+  /**
+   * \copydoc apply(Visitor const& visitor)
+   */
   template <typename Visitor>
     typename Visitor::result_type
     apply(Visitor const& visitor) const
@@ -93,6 +99,12 @@ public:
       return boost::apply_visitor(visitor, m_GeometriesSet);
+  /**
+   * Binary visiting function to apply a visitor on any kind of geometies set.
+   * \copydetails apply(Visitor const& visitor)
+   * \param[in] visitable other geometries set to visit along side with the
+   * current geometries set instance.
+   */
   template <typename Visitor>
     typename Visitor::result_type
     apply(Visitor const& visitor, Self & visitable)
@@ -100,6 +112,9 @@ public:
       return boost::apply_visitor(visitor, m_GeometriesSet, visitable.m_GeometriesSet);
+  /**
+   * \copydoc apply(Visitor const& visitor, Self& visitable)
+   */
   template <typename Visitor>
     typename Visitor::result_type
     apply(Visitor const& visitor, Self /*const*/& visitable) const
@@ -116,10 +131,10 @@ public:
   /**\name Image reference (spacing + origin) */
   typedef ogr::ImageReference<double>                            ImageReference;
-  /** imageReference setter. */
+  /** \em ImageReference setter. */
   void SetImageReference(ImageReference const& imageReference)
     { m_ImageReference = imageReference; }
-  /** imageReference getter. */
+  /** \em ImageReference getter. */
   ImageReference const& GetImageReference() const
     { return m_ImageReference; }
@@ -128,15 +143,15 @@ protected:
   /** Default constructor.
    * This actual geometries set is an in-memory \c otb::ogr::DataSource.
    * It needs to be set to a set of geometries if you expect to serialize it or
-   * work on a \c Layer.
+   * work on a \c otb::Layer.
    * When using this construction path, you'll likelly need to \c Set() the
    * actual geometries set.
-  /** Init constructor from a \c DataSource. */
+  /** Init constructor from a \c otb::DataSource. */
   GeometriesSet(ogr::DataSource::Pointer datasource);
-  /** Init constructor from a \c Layer. */
+  /** Init constructor from a \c otb::Layer. */
   GeometriesSet(ogr::Layer layer);
   /** Destructor. */
diff --git a/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbGeometriesSource.cxx b/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbGeometriesSource.cxx
index 24ffcdca9d..1acec8eb04 100644
--- a/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbGeometriesSource.cxx
+++ b/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbGeometriesSource.cxx
@@ -61,7 +61,8 @@ void otb::GeometriesSource::SetOutput(OutputGeometriesType* output, unsigned int
   Superclass::SetNthOutput(idx, output);
-/*virtual*/ void otb::GeometriesSource::DoAllocateOutputs()
+void otb::GeometriesSource::DoAllocateOutputs()
   // The default behaviour is to prepare a in-memory OGR datasource in case
   // filters are piped.
@@ -72,10 +73,13 @@ void otb::GeometriesSource::SetOutput(OutputGeometriesType* output, unsigned int
     GeometriesSet::Pointer gs = GeometriesSet::New(); // in-memory DataSource
+    ///\todo Check whether we need to increase the count of the \c GeometriesSet as
+    ///it'll get reelased at the end of function the scope.
-/*virtual*/ void otb::GeometriesSource::PrepareOutputs()
+void otb::GeometriesSource::PrepareOutputs()
diff --git a/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbGeometriesSource.h b/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbGeometriesSource.h
index bef7b13c42..e73e77a13d 100644
--- a/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbGeometriesSource.h
+++ b/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbGeometriesSource.h
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ class GeometriesSet;
  * \ingroup  gGeometry Filters
  * Filters of geometries sets.
 namespace otb
@@ -44,7 +43,22 @@ namespace otb
  * \class GeometriesSource
  * Source of geometries & Root of the geometries filters hierarchy.
  * This class provides a kind of \em reader for geometries sets.
- * \todo: disable Graft
+ *
+ * Unlike others filters, the \em output has to be built from outside and given
+ * to the \c GeometriesSource. If no \em output has been defined at the moment
+ * the filter begins processing, by default the \c ogr::DataSource will have
+ * have an \em in-memory storage.
+ *
+ * \internal
+ * This particular behaviour is the consequence that, to exist, a \c
+ * ogr::DataSource needs to know how it is stored. We could have permitted to
+ * work on an \em in-memory \c ogr::DataSource, and then store the result into
+ * another \em on-disk \c ogr::DataSource. This wouldn't have been efficient at
+ * all. Hence the design adopted.
+ *
+ * \note As OGR data sources don't support multiple re-rentrant access, a \c
+ * ogr::DataSource can't be grafted, and as a consequence, \c GeometriesSource
+ * subtypes can't be grafted as well.
  * \since OTB v 3.14.0
 class ITK_EXPORT GeometriesSource : public itk::ProcessObject, boost::noncopyable
@@ -81,17 +95,27 @@ public:
   /** Overriding \c GetOutput() functions */
   virtual OutputGeometriesType* GetOutput(unsigned int idx);
+  /**
+   * Output mutator.
+   * \param[in,out] output  \c GeometriesSource where output result will be
+   * written.
+   * \param[in] idx  index of the output assigned to the \c GeometriesSource.
+   *
+   * \throw std::bad_alloc if no new output can be added.
+   */
   virtual void SetOutput(OutputGeometriesType* output, unsigned int idx = 0);
-  /** Specialized hook for \c GeometriesSource.
-   * Makes sure the output(s) is (/are) allocated before initializing them.
+  /** \c ProcessObject hook Specialized for \c GeometriesSource.
+   * This function makes sure the output(s) is (/are) allocated before
+   * initializing them.
+   * \post <tt>GetOutput() != NULL</tt>
   virtual void PrepareOutputs();
   /** Default constructor.
-   * \post Required number of outputs = 1
+   * \post Required number of outputs == 1
   /** Destructor.
@@ -101,7 +125,7 @@ protected:
   /** Ensures that the output geometries are allocated before processing.
    * If the output hasn't been set, at this point, the default output geometries
-   * set will an <em>in-memory</em> \c DataSource.
+   * set will be an <em>in-memory</em> \c ogr::DataSource.
    * \post <tt>GetOutput() != NULL</tt>
   virtual void  DoAllocateOutputs();
diff --git a/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbGeometriesToGeometriesFilter.h b/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbGeometriesToGeometriesFilter.h
index 1c114d21b8..a3aa7840fa 100644
--- a/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbGeometriesToGeometriesFilter.h
+++ b/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbGeometriesToGeometriesFilter.h
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ protected:
   void Process(OutputGeometriesType &inout);
   void Process(InputGeometriesType const& source, OutputGeometriesType &destination);
   /**\name Filter specialization hooks.
    * Filter specialization hooks.
    * These functions are meant to be specialized by the actual filter.