From 6fdb7d58a7c11c5c57c0bd5ff22485246904a3fa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Julien Michel <>
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2012 16:29:13 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] BUG: Fixing GetGlobalExtent() method to handle multiple
 layers with multiple srs (in this case all extent are reprojected to the srs
 of the first layer, which is returned by the method)

 .../OGRAdapters/otbOGRDataSourceWrapper.cxx   | 44 +++++++++++++++++--
 .../OGRAdapters/otbOGRDataSourceWrapper.h     |  8 +++-
 2 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbOGRDataSourceWrapper.cxx b/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbOGRDataSourceWrapper.cxx
index c6636911d9..b6056f02ef 100644
--- a/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbOGRDataSourceWrapper.cxx
+++ b/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbOGRDataSourceWrapper.cxx
@@ -402,13 +402,14 @@ int otb::ogr::DataSource::Size(bool doForceComputation) const
 /*=================================[ Misc ]==================================*/
-void otb::ogr::DataSource::GetGlobalExtent(double & ulx,
+std::string otb::ogr::DataSource::GetGlobalExtent(double & ulx,
                                            double & uly,
                                            double & lrx,
                                            double & lry,
                                            bool force) const
   OGREnvelope sExtent;
   const_iterator lit = this->begin();
@@ -416,7 +417,11 @@ void otb::ogr::DataSource::GetGlobalExtent(double & ulx,
     itkGenericExceptionMacro(<< "Cannot compute global extent because there are no layers in the DataSource");
-    const OGRErr res = lit->ogr().GetExtent(&sExtent,force);
+  std::string outwkt = lit->GetProjectionRef();
+  const OGRSpatialReference * ref_srs = lit->GetSpatialRef();
+  const OGRErr res = lit->ogr().GetExtent(&sExtent,force);
   if(res!= OGRERR_NONE)
@@ -429,8 +434,8 @@ void otb::ogr::DataSource::GetGlobalExtent(double & ulx,
   for(; lit!=this->end(); ++lit)
-     OGREnvelope cExtent;
+    OGREnvelope cExtent;
      const OGRErr cres = lit->ogr().GetExtent(&cExtent,force);
      if(cres!= OGRERR_NONE)
@@ -438,6 +443,35 @@ void otb::ogr::DataSource::GetGlobalExtent(double & ulx,
        itkGenericExceptionMacro(<< "Cannot retrieve extent of layer <"
                                 <<lit->GetName()<<">: " << CPLGetLastErrorMsg());
+     const OGRSpatialReference * current_srs = lit->GetSpatialRef();
+     // If both srs are valid and if they are different
+     if(ref_srs && current_srs && current_srs->IsSame(ref_srs) == 0)
+       {
+       // Reproject cExtent in ref_srs
+       // OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation is not const-correct
+       OGRCoordinateTransformation * coordTransformation = OGRCreateCoordinateTransformation(
+         const_cast<OGRSpatialReference *>(current_srs),
+         const_cast<OGRSpatialReference *>(ref_srs));
+       coordTransformation->Transform(1,&cExtent.MinX,&cExtent.MinY);
+       coordTransformation->Transform(1,&cExtent.MaxX,&cExtent.MaxY);
+       double real_minx = std::min(cExtent.MinX,cExtent.MaxX);
+       double real_miny = std::min(cExtent.MinY,cExtent.MaxY);
+       double real_maxx = std::max(cExtent.MinX,cExtent.MaxX);
+       double real_maxy = std::max(cExtent.MinY,cExtent.MaxY);
+       cExtent.MinX = real_minx;
+       cExtent.MinY = real_miny;
+       cExtent.MaxX = real_maxx;
+       cExtent.MaxY = real_maxy;
+       CPLFree(coordTransformation);
+       }
+     // If srs are invalid, we assume that extent are coherent
      // Merge with previous layer
@@ -447,6 +481,8 @@ void otb::ogr::DataSource::GetGlobalExtent(double & ulx,
   uly = sExtent.MinY;
   lrx = sExtent.MaxX;
   lry = sExtent.MaxY;
+  return outwkt;
diff --git a/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbOGRDataSourceWrapper.h b/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbOGRDataSourceWrapper.h
index 1e67896b45..4f5babf28e 100644
--- a/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbOGRDataSourceWrapper.h
+++ b/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbOGRDataSourceWrapper.h
@@ -212,7 +212,9 @@ public:
   int Size(bool doForceComputation) const;
-  /** Allow to retrieve the union of the extents of all layers
+  /** Allow to retrieve the union of the extents of all
+   *  layers. In case of multiple layers with different SRS, the
+   *  global extent is expressed in the SRS of the first layer.
    *  \param[out] ulx reference to upper-left x coordinate of the
    *  extent
    *  \param[out] uly reference to upper-left y coordinate of the
@@ -224,9 +226,11 @@ public:
    *  \param[in] force Force computation of layers extents if not
    *  available. May force the driver to walk all geometries to
    *  compute the extent.
+   *  \return The Wkt of the extent projection (which is the wkt of
+   *  the first layer SRS)
    *  \throw itk::ExceptionObject if the layers extents can not be retrieved.
-  void GetGlobalExtent(double & ulx, double & uly, double & lrx, double & lry, bool force = false) const;
+    std::string GetGlobalExtent(double & ulx, double & uly, double & lrx, double & lry, bool force = false) const;
   /** Grafts data and information from one data source to another.