diff --git a/Applications/Classification/otbKMeansClassification.cxx b/Applications/Classification/otbKMeansClassification.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..850b84b0bbdc86ac3f4d026749179fa6d3070764
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Applications/Classification/otbKMeansClassification.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+ Program:   ORFEO Toolbox
+ Language:  C++
+ Date:      $Date$
+ Version:   $Revision$
+ Copyright (c) Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. All rights reserved.
+ See OTBCopyright.txt for details.
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.
+ =========================================================================*/
+#include "otbWrapperApplication.h"
+#include "otbWrapperApplicationFactory.h"
+#include "otbVectorImage.h"
+#include "otbImage.h"
+#include "itkEuclideanDistance.h"
+#include "itkImageRegionSplitter.h"
+#include "otbStreamingTraits.h"
+#include "otbKMeansImageClassificationFilter.h"
+#include "itkImageRegionConstIterator.h"
+#include "itkListSample.h"
+#include "itkWeightedCentroidKdTreeGenerator.h"
+#include "itkKdTreeBasedKmeansEstimator.h"
+#include "itkMersenneTwisterRandomVariateGenerator.h"
+#include "itkCastImageFilter.h"
+#include "otbMultiToMonoChannelExtractROI.h"
+namespace otb
+namespace Wrapper
+typedef otb::Image<FloatVectorImageType::InternalPixelType, 2> ImageReaderType;
+typedef UInt8ImageType LabeledImageType;
+typedef ImageReaderType::PixelType PixelType;
+typedef itk::FixedArray<PixelType, 108> SampleType;
+typedef itk::Statistics::ListSample<SampleType> ListSampleType;
+typedef itk::Statistics::WeightedCentroidKdTreeGenerator<ListSampleType> TreeGeneratorType;
+typedef TreeGeneratorType::KdTreeType TreeType;
+typedef itk::Statistics::KdTreeBasedKmeansEstimator<TreeType> EstimatorType;
+typedef itk::CastImageFilter<FloatImageListType, FloatImageType> CastMaskFilterType;
+typedef otb::MultiToMonoChannelExtractROI<FloatVectorImageType::InternalPixelType,LabeledImageType::InternalPixelType > ExtractorType;
+typedef otb::StreamingTraits<FloatVectorImageType> StreamingTraitsType;
+typedef itk::ImageRegionSplitter<2> SplitterType;
+typedef ImageReaderType::RegionType RegionType;
+typedef itk::ImageRegionConstIterator<FloatVectorImageType> IteratorType;
+typedef itk::ImageRegionConstIterator<LabeledImageType> LabeledIteratorType;
+typedef otb::KMeansImageClassificationFilter<FloatVectorImageType, LabeledImageType, 108> ClassificationFilterType;
+class KMeansClassification: public Application
+  /** Standard class typedefs. */
+  typedef KMeansClassification Self;
+  typedef Application Superclass;
+  typedef itk::SmartPointer<Self> Pointer;
+  typedef itk::SmartPointer<const Self> ConstPointer;
+  /** Standard macro */
+  itkNewMacro(Self);
+  itkTypeMacro(KMeansClassification, otb::Application);
+  KMeansClassification()
+  {
+    SetName("KMeansClassification");
+    SetDescription("Unsupervised KMeans image classification.");
+  }
+  virtual ~KMeansClassification()
+  {
+  }
+  void DoCreateParameters()
+  {
+    AddParameter(ParameterType_InputImage, "in", "Input Image");
+    AddParameter(ParameterType_OutputImage, "out", "Output Image");
+    AddParameter(ParameterType_InputImage, "vm", "Validity Mask");
+    AddParameter(ParameterType_Int, "ts", "Size of the training set");
+    SetParameterInt("ts", 100);
+    AddParameter(ParameterType_Float, "tp", "Probability for a sample to be selected in the training set");
+    SetParameterFloat("tp", 0.5);
+    AddParameter(ParameterType_Int, "nc", "Number of classes");
+    SetParameterInt("nc", 3);
+    AddParameter(ParameterType_Float, "cp", "Probability for a pixel to be selected as an initial class centroid");
+    SetParameterFloat("cp", 0.8);
+    AddParameter(ParameterType_Int, "sl", "Number of lines for each streaming block");
+    SetParameterInt("sl", 1000);
+  }
+  void DoUpdateParameters()
+  {
+    // Nothing to do here : all parameters are independent
+  }
+  void DoExecute()
+  {
+    GetLogger()->Debug("Entering DoExecute\n");
+    // initiating random number generation
+    itk::Statistics::MersenneTwisterRandomVariateGenerator::Pointer
+        randomGen = itk::Statistics::MersenneTwisterRandomVariateGenerator::New();
+    m_InImage = GetParameterImage("in");
+    m_Extractor = ExtractorType::New();
+    m_Extractor->SetInput(GetParameterImage("vm"));
+    m_Extractor->SetChannel(1);
+    m_Extractor->UpdateOutputInformation();
+    LabeledImageType::Pointer maskImage = m_Extractor->GetOutput();
+    std::ostringstream message("");
+    const unsigned int nbsamples = GetParameterInt("ts");
+    const double trainingProb = GetParameterFloat("tp");
+    const double initProb = GetParameterFloat("cp");
+    const unsigned int nb_classes = GetParameterInt("nc");
+    const unsigned int nbLinesForStreaming = GetParameterInt("sl");
+    /*******************************************/
+    /*           Sampling data                 */
+    /*******************************************/
+    GetLogger()->Info("-- SAMPLING DATA --");
+    // Update input images information
+    m_InImage->UpdateOutputInformation();
+    maskImage->UpdateOutputInformation();
+    if (m_InImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion() != maskImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion())
+      {
+      GetLogger()->Error("Mask image and input image have different sizes.");
+      }
+    RegionType largestRegion = m_InImage->GetLargestPossibleRegion();
+    // Setting up local streaming capabilities
+    SplitterType::Pointer splitter = SplitterType::New();
+    unsigned int
+        numberOfStreamDivisions = StreamingTraitsType::CalculateNumberOfStreamDivisions(
+                                                                                        m_InImage,
+                                                                                        largestRegion,
+                                                                                        splitter,
+                                                                                        otb::SET_BUFFER_NUMBER_OF_LINES,
+                                                                                        0, 0, nbLinesForStreaming);
+    message.clear();
+    message << "The images will be streamed into " << numberOfStreamDivisions << " parts.";
+    GetLogger()->Info(message.str());
+    // Training sample lists
+    ListSampleType::Pointer sampleList = ListSampleType::New();
+    EstimatorType::ParametersType initialMeans(108 * nb_classes);
+    initialMeans.Fill(0);
+    unsigned int init_means_index = 0;
+    // Sample dimension and max dimension
+    unsigned int maxDimension = SampleType::Dimension;
+    unsigned int sampleSize = std::min(m_InImage->GetNumberOfComponentsPerPixel(), maxDimension);
+    unsigned int totalSamples = 0;
+    message.clear();
+    message << "Sample max possible dimension: " << maxDimension << std::endl;
+    GetLogger()->Info(message.str());
+    message.clear();
+    message << "The following sample size will be used: " << sampleSize << std::endl;
+    GetLogger()->Info(message.str());
+    // local streaming variables
+    unsigned int piece = 0;
+    RegionType streamingRegion;
+    while ((totalSamples < nbsamples) && (init_means_index < 108 * nb_classes))
+      {
+      double random = randomGen->GetVariateWithClosedRange();
+      piece = static_cast<unsigned int> (random * numberOfStreamDivisions);
+      streamingRegion = splitter->GetSplit(piece, numberOfStreamDivisions, largestRegion);
+      message.clear();
+      message << "Processing region: " << streamingRegion << std::endl;
+      GetLogger()->Info(message.str());
+      m_InImage->SetRequestedRegion(streamingRegion);
+      m_InImage->PropagateRequestedRegion();
+      m_InImage->UpdateOutputData();
+      maskImage->SetRequestedRegion(streamingRegion);
+      maskImage->PropagateRequestedRegion();
+      maskImage->UpdateOutputData();
+      IteratorType it(m_InImage, streamingRegion);
+      LabeledIteratorType m_MaskIt(maskImage, streamingRegion);
+      it.GoToBegin();
+      m_MaskIt.GoToBegin();
+      unsigned int localNbSamples = 0;
+      // Loop on the image
+      while (!it.IsAtEnd() && !m_MaskIt.IsAtEnd() && (totalSamples < nbsamples)
+          && (init_means_index < (108 * nb_classes)))
+        {
+        // If the current pixel is labeled
+        if (m_MaskIt.Get() > 0)
+          {
+          if ((rand() < trainingProb * RAND_MAX))
+            {
+            SampleType newSample;
+            // build the sample
+            newSample.Fill(0);
+            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sampleSize; ++i)
+              {
+              newSample[i] = it.Get()[i];
+              }
+            // Update the the sample lists
+            sampleList->PushBack(newSample);
+            ++totalSamples;
+            ++localNbSamples;
+            }
+          else
+            if ((init_means_index < 108 * nb_classes) && (rand() < initProb * RAND_MAX))
+              {
+              for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sampleSize; ++i)
+                {
+                initialMeans[init_means_index + i] = it.Get()[i];
+                }
+              init_means_index += 108;
+              }
+          }
+        ++it;
+        ++m_MaskIt;
+        }
+      message.clear();
+      message << localNbSamples << " samples added to the training set." << std::endl;
+      GetLogger()->Info(message.str());
+      }
+    message.clear();
+    message << "The final training set contains " << totalSamples << " samples." << std::endl;
+    GetLogger()->Info(message.str());
+    message.clear();
+    message << "Data sampling completed." << std::endl;
+    GetLogger()->Info(message.str());
+    /*******************************************/
+    /*           Learning                      */
+    /*******************************************/
+    message.clear();
+    message << "-- LEARNING --" << std::endl;
+    message << "Initial centroids are: " << std::endl;
+    GetLogger()->Info(message.str());
+    message.clear();
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_classes; ++i)
+      {
+      message << "Class " << i << ": ";
+      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < sampleSize; ++j)
+        {
+        message << initialMeans[i * 108 + j] << "\t";
+        }
+      message << std::endl;
+      }
+    message << std::endl;
+    message.clear();
+    message << "Starting optimization." << std::endl;
+    message << std::endl;
+    GetLogger()->Info(message.str());
+    EstimatorType::Pointer estimator = EstimatorType::New();
+    TreeGeneratorType::Pointer treeGenerator = TreeGeneratorType::New();
+    treeGenerator->SetSample(sampleList);
+    treeGenerator->SetBucketSize(100);
+    treeGenerator->Update();
+    estimator->SetParameters(initialMeans);
+    estimator->SetKdTree(treeGenerator->GetOutput());
+    estimator->SetMaximumIteration(100000000);
+    estimator->SetCentroidPositionChangesThreshold(0.001);
+    estimator->StartOptimization();
+    EstimatorType::ParametersType estimatedMeans = estimator->GetParameters();
+    message.clear();
+    message << "Optimization completed." << std::endl;
+    message << std::endl;
+    message << "Estimated centroids are: " << std::endl;
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nb_classes; ++i)
+      {
+      message << "Class " << i << ": ";
+      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < sampleSize; ++j)
+        {
+        message << estimatedMeans[i * 108 + j] << "\t";
+        }
+      message << std::endl;
+      }
+    message << std::endl;
+    message << "Learning completed." << std::endl;
+    message << std::endl;
+    GetLogger()->Info(message.str());
+    /*******************************************/
+    /*           Classification                */
+    /*******************************************/
+    message.clear();
+    message << "-- CLASSIFICATION --" << std::endl;
+    message << std::endl;
+    GetLogger()->Info(message.str());
+    m_Classifier = ClassificationFilterType::New();
+    m_Classifier->SetInput(m_InImage);
+    m_Classifier->SetInputMask(maskImage);
+    m_Classifier->SetCentroids(estimator->GetParameters());
+    SetParameterOutputImage<LabeledImageType> ("out", m_Classifier->GetOutput());
+  }
+  ExtractorType::Pointer m_Extractor;
+  ClassificationFilterType::Pointer m_Classifier;
+  FloatVectorImageType::Pointer m_InImage;