diff --git a/Code/Wrappers/CommandLine/otbWrapperCommandLineLauncher.cxx b/Code/Wrappers/CommandLine/otbWrapperCommandLineLauncher.cxx
index ab2e89448354d8a9a2988ec07678e82553e597c0..6a4f58ed425cd99028ed8151dd9b3bad74de21d4 100644
--- a/Code/Wrappers/CommandLine/otbWrapperCommandLineLauncher.cxx
+++ b/Code/Wrappers/CommandLine/otbWrapperCommandLineLauncher.cxx
@@ -102,12 +102,7 @@ CommandLineLauncher::Load()
       return false;
-  if ( this->LoadPath() == false )
-    {
-      std::cerr<<"ERROR: Invalid paths..."<<std::endl;
-      std::cerr<<"ERROR: Please check values : "<<m_Parser->GetAttributAsString( "--modulePath", m_Expression )<<"."<<std::endl;
-      return false;
-    }
+  this->LoadPath();
   return true;
@@ -164,17 +159,22 @@ CommandLineLauncher::BeforeExecute()
         return false;
-    if ( this->LoadParameters() != OKPARAM )
+    try
-        std::cerr<<"ERROR: troubles loading parameter, please check your line argument..."<<std::endl;
-        std::cerr<<"ERROR:"<< this->LoadParameters()<<std::endl;
-        std::cerr<<OKPARAM<<std::endl;
-        std::cerr<<MISSINGMANDATORYPARAMETER<<std::endl;
-        std::cerr<<MISSINGPARAMETERVALUE<<std::endl;
-        std::cerr<<WRONGPARAMETERVALUE<<std::endl;
-        std::cerr<<INVALIDNUMBEROFVALUE<<std::endl;
-        std::cerr<<DEFAULT<<std::endl;
+        if ( this->LoadParameters() != OKPARAM )
+          {
+            std::cerr<<"ERROR: troubles loading parameter, please check your line argument..."<<std::endl;
+            // Force to reload the application, the LoadParameters can change wrong values
+            this->LoadApplication();
+            this->DisplayHelp();
+            return false;
+          }
+      }
+    catch(itk::ExceptionObject& err)
+      {
+        std::cerr<<"ERROR: troubles in parameter setting, please check your line argument..."<<std::endl;
+        std::cerr<<err.GetDescription()<<std::endl;
         // Force to reload the application, the LoadParameters can change wrong values
@@ -219,31 +219,28 @@ CommandLineLauncher::BeforeExecute()
     return true;
   std::vector<std::string> pathList;
-  // look for the paths
-  if( m_Parser->GetPaths( pathList, m_Expression) != CommandLineParser::OK )
+  // If users has set path...
+  if( m_Parser->GetPaths( pathList, m_Expression) == CommandLineParser::OK )
-      return false;
-    }
-  // Contain paths into a string, separating each path with ":"
-  m_Path = std::string("");
-  for( unsigned i=0; i<pathList.size(); i++)
-    {
-      m_Path.append(pathList[i]);
-      m_Path.append(":");
+      // Contain paths into a string, separating each path with ":"
+      m_Path = std::string("");
+      for( unsigned i=0; i<pathList.size(); i++)
+        {
+          m_Path.append(pathList[i]);
+          m_Path.append(":");
+        }
+      std::string specificEnv("ITK_AUTOLOAD_PATH=");
+      specificEnv.append(m_Path);
+      // do NOT use putenv() directly, since the string memory must be managed carefully
+      itksys::SystemTools::PutEnv(specificEnv.c_str());
+      // Reload factories to take into account new path
+      itk::ObjectFactoryBase::ReHash();
-  std::string specificEnv("ITK_AUTOLOAD_PATH=");
-  specificEnv.append(m_Path);
-  // do NOT use putenv() directly, since the string memory must be managed carefully
-  itksys::SystemTools::PutEnv(specificEnv.c_str());
-  // Reload factories to take into account new path
-  itk::ObjectFactoryBase::ReHash();
-  return true;
@@ -280,6 +277,101 @@ CommandLineLauncher::LoadParameters()
       itkExceptionMacro("No application loaded");
+  const std::vector<std::string> appKeyList = m_Application->GetParametersKeys( true );
+  // Loop over each parameter key declared in the application
+  for( unsigned int i=0; i<appKeyList.size(); i++ )
+    {
+      const std::string paramKey(appKeyList[i]);
+      std::vector<std::string> values;
+      Parameter::Pointer param =  m_Application->GetParameterByKey( paramKey );
+      ParameterType type = m_Application->GetParameterType( paramKey );
+      const bool paramExists( m_Parser->IsAttributExists( std::string("--").append(paramKey), m_Expression )  );
+      const bool hasValue = m_Application->HasValue( paramKey );
+      // Check if mandatory parameter are present and have value
+      if( param->GetMandatory() == true )
+        {
+          if( !paramExists )
+             {
+               // If key doesn't exist and parameter hasn't default value set...
+               if( !hasValue )
+                 {
+                   std::cout<<"MISSINGMANDATORYPARAMETER: "<<paramKey<<"  "<<m_Application->HasValue( paramKey )<<std::endl;
+                   return MISSINGMANDATORYPARAMETER;
+                 }
+             }
+          if( paramExists )
+            {
+              values = m_Parser->GetAttribut( std::string("--").append(paramKey), m_Expression);
+              if(  values.size() == 0 && !m_Application->HasValue( paramKey ) )
+                {
+                  std::cout<<"MISSINGPARAMETERVALUE: "<<paramKey<<std::endl;
+                  return MISSINGPARAMETERVALUE;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+      // Check if non mandatory parameter have values
+      else
+        {
+          if( paramExists )
+            {
+              values = m_Parser->GetAttribut( std::string("--").append(paramKey), m_Expression);
+              if(  values.size() == 0 )
+                {
+   std::cout<<"MISSINGPARAMETERVALUE: "<<paramKey<<std::endl;
+                  return MISSINGPARAMETERVALUE;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+      // If the param is optionnal and hasn't been set : don't do anything
+      // If the param is mandatory but a default value exists : don't do anything
+      if( paramExists )
+        {
+          // List values parameter case
+          if( type == ParameterType_InputImageList )
+            {
+              dynamic_cast<InputImageListParameter *>(param.GetPointer())->SetListFromFileName( values );
+            }
+          else if( type == ParameterType_StringList )
+            {
+              dynamic_cast<StringListParameter *>(param.GetPointer())->SetValue( values );
+            }
+          else  if( values.size() != 1)
+            {
+              std::cout<<"INVALIDNUMBEROFVALUE: "<<paramKey<<" "<<values.size()<<std::endl;
+              return INVALIDNUMBEROFVALUE;
+            }
+          // Single value parameter
+          if( type == ParameterType_Choice || type == ParameterType_Float || type == ParameterType_Int || type == ParameterType_Radius
+              || type == ParameterType_Directory || type == ParameterType_String || type == ParameterType_Filename || type == ParameterType_InputComplexImage
+              || type == ParameterType_InputImage || type == ParameterType_InputVectorData || type == ParameterType_OutputImage || type == ParameterType_OutputVectorData )
+            {
+              m_Application->SetParameterString( paramKey, values[0] );
+            }
+          else if( type == ParameterType_Empty )
+            {
+              if( values[0] == "1" || values[0] == "true")
+                {
+                  dynamic_cast<EmptyParameter *>(param.GetPointer())->SetActive(true);
+                }
+              else if( values[0] == "0" || values[0] == "false")
+                {
+                  dynamic_cast<EmptyParameter *>(param.GetPointer())->SetActive(false);
+                }
+              else
+                {
+                  std::cout<<"WRONGPARAMETERVALUE: "<<paramKey<<std::endl;
+                  return WRONGPARAMETERVALUE;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  /*
   // Mandatory case
   ParameterGroup::Pointer paramGr = m_Application->GetParameterList();
   const unsigned int nbOfParam = paramGr->GetNumberOfParameters();
@@ -289,6 +381,8 @@ CommandLineLauncher::LoadParameters()
       std::vector<std::string> values;
       Parameter::Pointer param =  paramGr->GetParameterByIndex(i);
       const std::string paramKey(param->GetKey());
+      ParameterType type = m_Application->GetParameterType( paramKey );
       const bool paramExists( m_Parser->IsAttributExists( std::string("--").append(paramKey), m_Expression )  );
       // Check if mandatory parameter are present and have value
       if( param->GetMandatory() == true )
@@ -319,7 +413,6 @@ CommandLineLauncher::LoadParameters()
       // If the param is optionnal and hasn't been set : don't do anything
       if( paramExists )
-          ParameterType type = m_Application->GetParameterType( paramKey );
           // List values parameter case
           if( type == ParameterType_InputImageList )
@@ -331,13 +424,11 @@ CommandLineLauncher::LoadParameters()
           else  if( values.size() != 1)
-              std::cout<<values.size()<<std::endl;
-              std::cout<<paramKey <<std::endl;
               return INVALIDNUMBEROFVALUE;
           // Single value parameter
-          if( type == ParameterType_Choice || type == ParameterType_Float || type == ParameterType_Int || type == ParameterType_Radius
+          if( type == ParameterType_Float || type == ParameterType_Int || type == ParameterType_Radius
               || type == ParameterType_Directory || type == ParameterType_String || type == ParameterType_Filename || type == ParameterType_InputComplexImage
               || type == ParameterType_InputImage || type == ParameterType_InputVectorData || type == ParameterType_OutputImage || type == ParameterType_OutputVectorData )
@@ -360,6 +451,7 @@ CommandLineLauncher::LoadParameters()
   return OKPARAM;
@@ -402,34 +494,45 @@ CommandLineLauncher::DisplayHelp()
   std::cerr<<"DESCRIPTION: "<<m_Application->GetDescription()<<std::endl;
   std::cerr<<"PARAMETERS: "<<std::endl;
-  ParameterGroup::Pointer paramGr = m_Application->GetParameterList();
-  const unsigned int nbOfParam = paramGr->GetNumberOfParameters();
+  std::cerr<<"====== Mandatory parameters: ======"<<std::endl;
-  std::cerr<<"=== Mandatory parameters: "<<std::endl;
-  std::cerr<<m_Parser->GetModulePathKey()<<" (Executables paths)"<<std::endl;
-  std::cerr<<"\t   Description: Paths to the executable library."<<std::endl;
-  std::cerr<<"\t          Type: Boolean"<<std::endl;
-  if( !m_Parser->IsAttributExists( m_Parser->GetModulePathKey(), m_Expression ) )
-    std::cerr<<"\t        Status: ENVIRONEMENT PATH"<<std::endl;
-  else if( m_Path == "")
-    std::cerr<< "\t       Status: NO VALUE ASSOCIATED "<<m_Path<<std::endl;
-  else
-    std::cerr<< "\t       Status: USER VALUE: "<<m_Path<<std::endl;
+  const std::vector<std::string> appKeyList = m_Application->GetParametersKeys( true );
+  const unsigned int nbOfParam = appKeyList.size();
   // Mandatory parameters
   for( unsigned int i=0; i<nbOfParam; i++ )
-      Parameter::Pointer param =  paramGr->GetParameterByIndex(i);
+      Parameter::Pointer param =  m_Application->GetParameterByKey( appKeyList[i] );
       // Check if mandatory parameter are present and have value
       if( param->GetMandatory() == true )
-          std::cerr<< this->DisplayParameterHelp( param );
+          std::cerr<< this->DisplayParameterHelp( param, appKeyList[i] );
   // Optional parameters
-  std::cerr<<"=== Optional parameters: "<<std::endl;
+  std::cerr<<"====== Optional parameters: ======"<<std::endl;
+  //// Module path parameter
+  std::cerr<<m_Parser->GetModulePathKey()<<" (Executables paths)"<<std::endl;
+  std::cerr<<"\t   Description: Paths to the executable library."<<std::endl;
+  std::cerr<<"\t          Type: List of path (ie. String)"<<std::endl;
+  if( !m_Parser->IsAttributExists( m_Parser->GetModulePathKey(), m_Expression ) )
+    {
+      const std::string envVal = itksys::SystemTools::GetEnv("ITK_AUTOLOAD_PATH");
+      if( envVal.size() != 0)
+        std::cerr<< "\t       Status: ENVIRONEMENT PATH : "<<envVal<<std::endl;
+      else
+        std::cerr<< "\t       Status: NO VALUE "<<std::endl;
+    }
+  else if( m_Path == "")
+    {
+        std::cerr<< "\t       Status: NO VALUE "<<std::endl;
+    }
+  else
+    std::cerr<< "\t       Status: USER VALUE: "<<m_Path<<std::endl;
+  //// progress report parameter
   std::cerr<<"--progress (Report progress)"<<std::endl;
   std::cerr<<"\t   Description: Do report progress."<<std::endl;
   std::cerr<<"\t          Type: Boolean"<<std::endl;
@@ -442,11 +545,11 @@ CommandLineLauncher::DisplayHelp()
     std::cerr<< "\t       Status: USER VALUE: "<<m_Parser->GetAttribut( "--progress", m_Expression )[0]<<std::endl;
   for( unsigned int i=0; i<nbOfParam; i++ )
-      Parameter::Pointer param =  paramGr->GetParameterByIndex(i);
+      Parameter::Pointer param =  m_Application->GetParameterByKey(  appKeyList[i] );
       // Check if mandatory parameter are present and have value
       if( param->GetMandatory() != true )
-          std::cerr << this->DisplayParameterHelp( param );
+          std::cerr << this->DisplayParameterHelp( param, appKeyList[i] );
@@ -455,25 +558,31 @@ CommandLineLauncher::DisplayHelp()
-CommandLineLauncher::DisplayParameterHelp( const Parameter::Pointer & param )
+CommandLineLauncher::DisplayParameterHelp( const Parameter::Pointer & param, const std::string paramKey )
-  const std::string paramKey( param->GetKey() );
+  // Display the type the type
+  ParameterType type = m_Application->GetParameterType( paramKey );
+  if( type == ParameterType_Group )
+    {
+      return "";
+    }
   itk::OStringStream oss;
   oss<<"--"<<paramKey<<" ("<<param->GetName()<<")"<< std::endl;
+   // Display parameter description
   if( std::string(param->GetDescription()).size() != 0 )
-      oss<<"\t   Description: "<<param->GetDescription()<<std::endl;
+      oss<<"\t   Description: "<<param->GetDescription()<< std::endl;;
-  // Display the type the type
-  ParameterType type = m_Application->GetParameterType( paramKey );
-  if( type == ParameterType_Choice )
+  else
-      oss<<"\t          Type: String"<<std::endl;
+      oss<<"\t   Description: none"<< std::endl;;
-  else if( type == ParameterType_Radius )
+ // Display the type the parameter
+  if( type == ParameterType_Radius )
       oss<<"\t          Type: Int"<<std::endl;
@@ -517,17 +626,40 @@ CommandLineLauncher::DisplayParameterHelp( const Parameter::Pointer & param )
       oss<<"\t          Type: String"<<std::endl;
-  else if( type == ParameterType_Group )
+  else if( type == ParameterType_Choice )
-      oss<<"\t          Type: Group"<<std::endl;
+      oss<<"\t          Type: String: ";
+      std::vector<std::string> keys  = m_Application->GetChoiceKeys(paramKey);
+      std::vector<std::string> names = m_Application->GetChoiceNames(paramKey);
+      for( unsigned int j=0; j<keys.size(); j++ )
+        {
+          oss << keys[j] << " for "<<names[j];
+          if( j<= keys.size()-1 )
+            {
+              oss << ", ";
+            }
+        }
+      oss<<std::endl;
       oss<<"\t          Type: Type not handle yet"<<std::endl;
+ // Display parameter values
   if( m_Application->HasValue( paramKey ) )
-    oss << "\t Default value: "<<m_Application->GetParameterAsString( paramKey )<< std::endl;
+    {
+      // In the case choice, don't show the enum type.
+      if( type == ParameterType_Choice )
+        {
+          oss << "\t Default value: "<< m_Application->GetChoiceKeys(paramKey)[m_Application->GetParameterInt( paramKey )]<< std::endl;
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          oss << "\t Default value: "<<m_Application->GetParameterAsString( paramKey )<< std::endl;
+        }
+    }
     oss << "\t Default value: none"<<std::endl;
diff --git a/Code/Wrappers/CommandLine/otbWrapperCommandLineLauncher.h b/Code/Wrappers/CommandLine/otbWrapperCommandLineLauncher.h
index 0f8ae8b71973860020fe4667d607210a0a0ce23a..4b11c5126b4b6b7a15048e4e4e17c15223006342 100644
--- a/Code/Wrappers/CommandLine/otbWrapperCommandLineLauncher.h
+++ b/Code/Wrappers/CommandLine/otbWrapperCommandLineLauncher.h
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ protected:
   virtual ~CommandLineLauncher();
   /** Load the executable path. It looks for the key --modulePath, extract and interpret as path the following strings. */
-  bool LoadPath();
+  void LoadPath();
  /** Load the application calling the CreateApplication method of the ApplicationRegistry classes.
   * Pay attention, the executable paths have to be loaded or set in the environment before calling the function. */
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ protected:
   CommandLineLauncher::ParamResultType LoadParameters();
   /** Create and display the help of the application */
-  std::string DisplayParameterHelp( const Parameter::Pointer & param );
+  std::string DisplayParameterHelp( const Parameter::Pointer & param, const std::string paramKey );
   /** Check if each key is unique in the expression. */
   bool CheckUnicity();
diff --git a/Code/Wrappers/CommandLine/otbWrapperCommandLineParser.cxx b/Code/Wrappers/CommandLine/otbWrapperCommandLineParser.cxx
index 5c53e4ce0a56138db5c5f7a3cd780c018ba943ad..84d71daed8dc470fbde8a9b95e1ad115a9d91522 100644
--- a/Code/Wrappers/CommandLine/otbWrapperCommandLineParser.cxx
+++ b/Code/Wrappers/CommandLine/otbWrapperCommandLineParser.cxx
@@ -237,11 +237,18 @@ bool
 CommandLineParser::IsAttributExists( const std::string key, const std::string & exp  )
   std::string keySpaced = key;
+ // Add space to avoid troubles with key twhich starts by another one : --out and --outmax for example
   keySpaced.append(" ");
   std::size_t found = exp.find(keySpaced);
   if( found == std::string::npos )
-      return false;
+      // Case the attribut is at the end of the expression : no space
+      found = exp.find(key);
+      if( found == std::string::npos )
+        {
+          return false;
+        }
+      return true;
   return true;