diff --git a/Code/Fusion/otbLmvmPanSharpeningFusionImageFilter.h b/Code/Fusion/otbLmvmPanSharpeningFusionImageFilter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..822647d89a390b09ad2fd61bbf4dc79a8f4c64b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Code/Fusion/otbLmvmPanSharpeningFusionImageFilter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+  Program:   ORFEO Toolbox
+  Language:  C++
+  Date:      $Date$
+  Version:   $Revision$
+  Copyright (c) Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. All rights reserved.
+  See OTBCopyright.txt for details.
+  Some parts of this code are derived from ITK. See ITKCopyright.txt
+  for details.
+     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
+     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.
+#ifndef __otbLmvmPanSharpeningFusionImageFilter_h
+#define __otbLmvmPanSharpeningFusionImageFilter_h
+#include "itkImageToImageFilter.h"
+#include "otbConvolutionImageFilter.h"
+#include "itkTernaryFunctorImageFilter.h"
+#include "otbPerBandVectorImageFilter.h"
+#include "itkNoiseImageFilter.h"
+#include "otbVectorImage.h"
+#include "itkProgressAccumulator.h"
+namespace otb
+ * \class LmvmPanSharpeningFusionImageFilter
+ * \brief This class performs a Local Mean and Variance Matching (LMVM) Pan sharpening operation
+ *
+ * Given a Pan image and the corresponding Xs image (oversampled to have the
+ * same number of pixels), this filter realizes an Local Mean and Variance 
+ * Matching Pan sharpening operation as described in:
+ *
+ * de Bethune, S. and Muller, F. and Donnay, J.P. 1998. Fusion of multispectral and panchromatic images 
+ * by local mean and variance matching filtering techniques. Fusion of Earth Data, 28-30 August 1998.
+ *
+ * \ingroup Streamed
+ * \ingroup Multithreaded
+ * \ingroup Fusion
+ *
+ *
+ **/
+template <class TPanImageType, class TXsImageType, class TOutputImageType, class TInternalPrecision = float>
+class ITK_EXPORT LmvmPanSharpeningFusionImageFilter :
+  public itk::ImageToImageFilter<TXsImageType, TOutputImageType>
+  /** Standard class typedefs */
+  typedef LmvmPanSharpeningFusionImageFilter              	  Self;
+  typedef itk::ImageToImageFilter<TXsImageType, TOutputImageType> Superclass;
+  typedef itk::SmartPointer<Self>                                 Pointer;
+  typedef itk::SmartPointer<const Self>                           ConstPointer;
+  /** Internal image type used as Pan smoothing and local standard deviation filter output */
+  typedef otb::Image<TInternalPrecision,
+    TPanImageType::ImageDimension>                InternalImageType;
+  /** Single band Xs image type */
+  typedef otb::Image<TXsImageType::PixelType,
+    TXsImageType::ImageDimension>                XsBandImageType;
+  /** Internal image type used as Xs smoothing and local standard deviation filter output */
+  typedef otb::VectorImage<TInternalPrecision,
+    TXsImageType::ImageDimension>                InternalVectorImageType;
+  /** Typedef for the radius of the smoothing and local standard deviation filter */
+  typedef typename itk::Array<TInternalPrecision> ArrayType;
+  /** Method for creation through object factory */
+  itkNewMacro(Self);
+  /** Run-time type information */
+  itkTypeMacro(LmvmPanSharpeningFusionImageFilter,
+               itk::ImageToImageFilter);
+  /** Define the radius type for the smoothing and local standard deviation operation */
+  typedef typename InternalImageType::SizeType RadiusType;
+  /** Set the smoothing and local standard deviation filter radius  */
+  itkGetMacro(Radius, RadiusType);
+  itkSetMacro(Radius, RadiusType);
+  /** Set the kernel used for the smoothing and local standard deviation filter */
+  itkSetMacro(Filter, ArrayType);
+  itkGetConstReferenceMacro(Filter, ArrayType);
+  virtual void SetPanInput(const TPanImageType * image);
+  const TPanImageType * GetPanInput(void) const;
+  virtual void SetXsInput(const TXsImageType * path);
+  const TXsImageType * GetXsInput(void) const;
+  /** Constructor */
+  LmvmPanSharpeningFusionImageFilter();
+  /** Destructor */
+  virtual ~LmvmPanSharpeningFusionImageFilter() {};
+  /** Call to generate data, wiring composite internal minipipeline */
+  void GenerateData();
+  /** PrintSelf method */
+  void PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, itk::Indent indent) const;
+  LmvmPanSharpeningFusionImageFilter(Self &);   // intentionally not implemented
+  void operator =(const Self&);          	// intentionally not implemented
+  /** \class FusionFunctor
+   * This functor applies the LMVM
+   * operation. It is intended for internal use only.
+   */
+  class FusionFunctor
+  {
+  public:
+    // Implement the fusion as a six arguments operator
+    typename TOutputImageType::PixelType operator()(const typename TXsImageType::PixelType& xsPixel,
+                                                    const TInternalPrecision& smoothPanchroPixel,
+						    const typename InternalVectorImageType::PixelType& smoothXsPixel,
+						    const typename InternalVectorImageType::PixelType& stdXsPixel,
+						    const TInternalPrecision& stdPanchroPixel,
+                                                    const typename TPanImageType::PixelType& sharpPanchroPixel) const
+    {
+      // Build output pixel
+      typename TOutputImageType::PixelType output(xsPixel.Size());
+      TInternalPrecision scale = 1.;
+      if(vcl_abs(stdPanchroPixel) > 1e-10)
+      {
+        scale = 1.0/stdPanchroPixel;
+      }
+      // Perform fusion for each band with appropriate casting
+      for(unsigned int i = 0; i < xsPixel.Size(); ++i)
+        {
+        output[i] = static_cast<typename TOutputImageType::InternalPixelType>(
+          (((sharpPanchroPixel - (smoothPanchroPixel * stdXsPixel[i])) * scale) + smoothXsPixel[i]));
+        }
+      // Returns the output pixel
+      return output;
+    }
+  };
+  /**
+   *  Typedef of the TernaryFunctorImageFilter applying the fusion functor to
+   *  p, p_smooth, p_std, xs_smooth, xs_std and xs.
+   */
+  typedef itk::TernaryFunctorImageFilter<TXsImageType,
+                                         InternalImageType,
+					 InternalVectorImageType,
+					 InternalVectorImageType,
+                                         InternalImageType,
+					 TPanImageType,
+                                         TOutputImageType,
+                                         FusionFunctor>     FusionFilterType;
+  /** Pointer to the fusion filter */
+  typename FusionFilterType::Pointer      m_FusionFilter;
+  /** Typedef of the convolution filter performing Pan smoothing */
+  typedef otb::ConvolutionImageFilter
+      <TPanImageType,
+       InternalImageType,
+       itk::ZeroFluxNeumannBoundaryCondition<TPanImageType>,
+       TInternalPrecision>                                  PanConvolutionFilterType;
+  /** Pointer to the internal Pan convolution filter */
+  typename PanConvolutionFilterType::Pointer m_PanConvolutionFilter;
+  /** Typedef of the convolution filter performing Xs smoothing */
+  typedef otb::ConvolutionImageFilter
+      <XsBandImageType,
+       InternalImageType,
+       itk::ZeroFluxNeumannBoundaryCondition<TPanImageType>,
+       TInternalPrecision>                                  XsConvolutionFilterType;
+  /** Pointer to the internal Xs convolution filter */
+  typename XsConvolutionFilterType::Pointer m_XsConvolutionFilter;
+  /** Typedef of the Pan local standard deviation filter*/
+  typedef itk::NoiseImageFilter
+      <TPanImageType, InternalImageType> 		PanNoiseFilterType;
+  /** Pointer to the Pan local standard deviation filter */
+  typename PanNoiseFilterType::Pointer m_PanNoiseFilter;
+  /** Typedef of the Xs local standard deviation filter*/
+  typedef itk::NoiseImageFilter
+      <XsBandImageType, InternalImageType> 		XsNoiseFilterType;
+  /** Pointer to the Xs local standard deviation filter */    
+  typename XsNoiseFilterType::Pointer m_XsNoiseFilter;
+  /** Typedef of a helper filter to apply to a vector image*/
+  typedef otb::PerBandVectorImageFilter
+      < TXsImageType, InternalVectorImageType, XsConvolutionFilterType> XsVectorConvolutionFilterType;
+  /** Pointer to the helper vector image filter */    
+  typename XsVectorConvolutionFilterType::Pointer m_XsVectorConvolutionFilter;
+  /** Typedef of a helper filter to apply to a vector image*/
+  typedef otb::PerBandVectorImageFilter
+      < TXsImageType, InternalVectorImageType, XsNoiseFilterType> XsVectorNoiseFilterType;
+  /** Pointer to the helper vector image filter */    
+  typename XsVectorNoiseFilterType::Pointer m_XsVectorNoiseFilter;
+  /** Radius used for the smoothing filter */
+  RadiusType m_Radius;
+  /** Kernel used for the smoothing filter */
+  ArrayType  m_Filter;
+  /** The internal progress accumulator */
+  typename itk::ProgressAccumulator::Pointer m_ProgressAccumulator;
+} // end namespace otb
+#include "otbLmvmPanSharpeningFusionImageFilter.txx"
diff --git a/Code/Fusion/otbLmvmPanSharpeningFusionImageFilter.txx b/Code/Fusion/otbLmvmPanSharpeningFusionImageFilter.txx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..73b3983f8666bb3e32299389b52354a8aad54987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Code/Fusion/otbLmvmPanSharpeningFusionImageFilter.txx
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+  Program:   ORFEO Toolbox
+  Language:  C++
+  Date:      $Date$
+  Version:   $Revision$
+  Copyright (c) Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. All rights reserved.
+  See OTBCopyright.txt for details.
+  Some parts of this code are derived from ITK. See ITKCopyright.txt
+  for details.
+     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
+     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.
+#ifndef __otbLmvmPanSharpeningFusionImageFilter_txx
+#define __otbLmvmPanSharpeningFusionImageFilter_txx
+#include "otbLmvmPanSharpeningFusionImageFilter.h"
+namespace otb
+template <class TPanImageType, class TXsImageType, class TOutputImageType, class TInternalPrecision>
+<TPanImageType, TXsImageType, TOutputImageType, TInternalPrecision>
+  // Fix number of required inputs
+  this->SetNumberOfRequiredInputs(2);
+  // Instantiate convolution filters
+  m_PanConvolutionFilter = PanConvolutionFilterType::New();
+  m_PanConvolutionFilter->NormalizeFilterOn();
+  m_XsConvolutionFilter = XsConvolutionFilterType::New();
+  m_XsConvolutionFilter->NormalizeFilterOn();
+  m_PanNoiseFilter = PanNoiseFilterType::New();
+  m_XsNoiseFilter = XsNoiseFilterType::New();
+  m_XsVectorConvolutionFilter = XsVectorConvolutionFilterType::New();
+  m_XsVectorNoiseFilter = XsVectorNoiseFilterType::New();
+  // Set-up default parameters
+  m_Radius.Fill(3);
+  m_Filter.SetSize(7 * 7);
+  m_Filter.Fill(1);
+  // Instantiate fusion filter
+  m_FusionFilter = FusionFilterType::New();
+  // Set-up progress reporting
+  m_ProgressAccumulator = itk::ProgressAccumulator::New();
+  m_ProgressAccumulator->SetMiniPipelineFilter(this);
+  m_ProgressAccumulator->RegisterInternalFilter(m_PanConvolutionFilter, 0.2);
+  m_ProgressAccumulator->RegisterInternalFilter(m_PanNoiseFilter, 0.2);
+  m_ProgressAccumulator->RegisterInternalFilter(m_XsVectorConvolutionFilter, 0.2);
+  m_ProgressAccumulator->RegisterInternalFilter(m_XsVectorNoiseFilter, 0.2);
+  m_ProgressAccumulator->RegisterInternalFilter(m_FusionFilter, 0.2);
+template <class TPanImageType, class TXsImageType, class TOutputImageType, class TInternalPrecision>
+<TPanImageType, TXsImageType, TOutputImageType, TInternalPrecision>
+::SetPanInput(const TPanImageType *image)
+  // We have 2 inputs:  an image and a vector image
+  // Process object is not const-correct so the const_cast is required here
+  this->itk::ProcessObject::SetNthInput(1,
+                                        const_cast<TPanImageType*>(image));
+  this->Modified();
+template <class TPanImageType, class TXsImageType, class TOutputImageType, class TInternalPrecision>
+const TPanImageType *
+<TPanImageType, TXsImageType, TOutputImageType, TInternalPrecision>
+::GetPanInput(void) const
+  if (this->GetNumberOfInputs() < 2)
+    {
+    return 0;
+    }
+  return static_cast<const TPanImageType *>
+           (this->itk::ProcessObject::GetInput(1));
+template <class TPanImageType, class TXsImageType, class TOutputImageType, class TInternalPrecision>
+<TPanImageType, TXsImageType, TOutputImageType, TInternalPrecision>
+::SetXsInput(const TXsImageType *image)
+  // We have 2 inputs:  an image and a vector image
+  // Process object is not const-correct so the const_cast is required here
+  this->itk::ProcessObject::SetNthInput(0,
+                                        const_cast<TXsImageType*>(image));
+  this->Modified();
+template <class TPanImageType, class TXsImageType, class TOutputImageType, class TInternalPrecision>
+const TXsImageType *
+<TPanImageType, TXsImageType, TOutputImageType, TInternalPrecision>
+::GetXsInput(void) const
+  if (this->GetNumberOfInputs() < 1)
+    {
+    return 0;
+    }
+  return static_cast<const TXsImageType *>
+           (this->itk::ProcessObject::GetInput(0));
+template <class TPanImageType, class TXsImageType, class TOutputImageType, class TInternalPrecision>
+<TPanImageType, TXsImageType, TOutputImageType, TInternalPrecision>
+  //Check if size is correct
+  typename TPanImageType::SizeType       sizePan;
+  typename TXsImageType::SizeType        sizeXs;
+  sizePan = this->GetPanInput()->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize();
+  sizeXs = this->GetXsInput()->GetLargestPossibleRegion().GetSize();
+  if ((sizePan[0] != sizeXs[0]) || (sizePan[1] != sizeXs[1]))
+  {
+    itkExceptionMacro(<< "LmvmPanSharpeningFusionImageFilter: Wrong Pan/Xs size");
+  }
+  //Process the fusion
+  m_PanConvolutionFilter->SetInput(this->GetPanInput());
+  m_PanConvolutionFilter->SetRadius(this->m_Radius);
+  m_PanConvolutionFilter->SetFilter(this->m_Filter);
+  m_PanNoiseFilter->SetRadius(this->m_Radius);
+  m_PanNoiseFilter->SetInput(this->GetPanInput());
+  m_XsConvolutionFilter->SetRadius(this->m_Radius);
+  m_XsConvolutionFilter->SetFilter(this->m_Filter);
+  m_XsVectorConvolutionFilter->SetInput(this->GetXsInput());
+  m_XsVectorConvolutionFilter->SetFilter(m_XsConvolutionFilter);
+  m_XsNoiseFilter->SetRadius(this->m_Radius);
+  m_XsVectorNoiseFilter->SetInput(this->GetXsInput());
+  m_XsVectorNoiseFilter->SetFilter(m_XsNoiseFilter);
+  m_FusionFilter->SetInput1(this->GetXsInput());
+  m_FusionFilter->SetInput2(m_PanConvolutionFilter->GetOutput());
+  m_FusionFilter->SetInput3(m_XsVectorConvolutionFilter->GetOutput());
+  m_FusionFilter->SetInput4(m_XsVectorNoiseFilter->GetOutput());
+  m_FusionFilter->SetInput5(m_PanNoiseFilter->GetOutput());
+  m_FusionFilter->SetInput6(this->GetPanInput());
+  // Wire composite filter
+  m_FusionFilter->GraftOutput(this->GetOutput());
+  m_FusionFilter->Update();
+  this->GraftOutput(m_FusionFilter->GetOutput());
+template <class TPanImageType, class TXsImageType, class TOutputImageType, class TInternalPrecision>
+<TPanImageType, TXsImageType, TOutputImageType, TInternalPrecision>
+::PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, itk::Indent indent) const
+  Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent);
+  os
+  << indent << "Radius:" << this->m_Radius
+  << std::endl;
+} // end namespace otb