From ad89633357278d5dfeaeab8e80b89ae7e3d1af97 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Luc Hermitte <>
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2012 19:26:28 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] ENH: OTB-134/OGR: geometry access, first draft

 .../OGRAdapters/otbOGRFeatureWrapper.cxx      | 35 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../OGRAdapters/otbOGRFeatureWrapper.h        | 26 ++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 61 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbOGRFeatureWrapper.cxx b/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbOGRFeatureWrapper.cxx
index 59021f328b..2077dedaa5 100644
--- a/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbOGRFeatureWrapper.cxx
+++ b/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbOGRFeatureWrapper.cxx
@@ -177,3 +177,38 @@ OGRFeatureDefn&  otb::ogr::Feature::GetDefn() const
   return *m_Feature->GetDefnRef();
+/*==============================[ Geometries ]===============================*/
+void otb::ogr::Feature::SetGeometryDirectly(UniqueGeometryPtr geometry)
+  CheckInvariants();
+  OGRGeometry * g = geometry.release();
+  m_Feature->SetGeometryDirectly(g);
+  assert(! geometry);
+otb::ogr::Feature::UniqueGeometryPtr otb::ogr::Feature::StealGeometry()
+  CheckInvariants();
+  OGRGeometry * g = m_Feature->StealGeometry();
+  UniqueGeometryPtr res(g);
+  assert(! m_Feature->GetGeometryRef());
+  return UniqueGeometryPtr(g);
+void otb::ogr::Feature::SetGeometry(OGRGeometry const* geometry)
+  CheckInvariants();
+  // OGR copies the input geometry => should have been const
+  m_Feature->SetGeometryDirectly(const_cast <OGRGeometry*>(geometry));
+  assert(m_Feature->GetGeometryRef() == geometry);
+OGRGeometry const* otb::ogr::Feature::GetGeometry() const
+  CheckInvariants();
+  return m_Feature->GetGeometryRef();
diff --git a/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbOGRFeatureWrapper.h b/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbOGRFeatureWrapper.h
index 7be8f3e4f4..0321c799f6 100644
--- a/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbOGRFeatureWrapper.h
+++ b/Code/UtilitiesAdapters/OGRAdapters/otbOGRFeatureWrapper.h
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 // #include <iosfwd> // std::ostream&
 #include <cassert>
 #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
+#include <boost/interprocess/smart_ptr/unique_ptr.hpp>
 #include "itkIndent.h"
 #include "otbOGRFieldWrapper.h"
@@ -75,6 +76,31 @@ public:
   FieldDefn   GetFieldDefn(std::string const& name) const;
+  /**\name Geometries
+   * @todo we should detect whether the official C++11 \c std::unique_ptr<> is
+   * available instead of always using <tt>boost.interprocess.unique_ptr<></tt>.
+   *
+   * @warning OGR does not provide a dedicated deleter/destroyer for \c OGRGeometry
+   * instances. As a consequence, \c OGRFeature::SetGeometryDirectly and \c
+   * OGRFeature::StealGeometry may end up trying to release the memory with the
+   * wrong allocator. They are still provided, but beware that problems may
+   * happen -- with or without this %OTB wrapping.
+   */
+  //@{
+  void SetGeometry(OGRGeometry const* geometry); // not a ref because it may be null
+  OGRGeometry const* GetGeometry() const; // not a ref because it may be null
+  struct JustDelete {
+    template <typename T>
+    void operator()(T* p) {delete p; }
+  };
+  typedef boost::interprocess::unique_ptr<OGRGeometry, JustDelete> UniqueGeometryPtr;
+  void SetGeometryDirectly(UniqueGeometryPtr geometry);
+  UniqueGeometryPtr StealGeometry();
+  //@}
   friend bool otb::ogr::operator==(Feature const& lhs, Feature const& rhs);
   void CheckInvariants() const;