diff --git a/Projections/otbConvertCartoToGeoPoint.cxx b/Projections/otbConvertCartoToGeoPoint.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..839d443d43d416fa047794ec64fccba6dc07989d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Projections/otbConvertCartoToGeoPoint.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+  Programme :   OTB (ORFEO ToolBox)
+  Auteurs   :   CS - R. Garrigues
+  Language  :   C++
+  Date      :   18 Octobre 2007
+  Version   :   
+  Role      :   Ortho-Rectification Image Application
+  $Id$
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#pragma warning ( disable : 4786 )
+#ifdef __BORLANDC__
+#include <iostream>
+#include "otbCommandLineArgumentParser.h"
+#include "otbImageFileReader.h"
+#include "otbStreamingImageFileWriter.h"
+#include "otbMapProjections.h"
+#include "otbOrthoRectificationFilter.h"
+#include "otbImage.h"
+#include "otbMacro.h"
+#include "itkExceptionObject.h"
+#include "itkMacro.h"
+#include "itkTransform.h"
+#include "init/ossimInit.h"
+template<typename TMapProjection>
+int generic_main(int argc, char* argv[], TMapProjection* mapProjection, otb::CommandLineArgumentParseResult* parseResult) 
+  try 
+    { 
+				typedef TMapProjection MapProjectionType;
+				typename MapProjectionType::Pointer mapProjection = MapProjectionType::New();
+				typename MapProjectionType::InputPointType cartoPoint;
+				typename MapProjectionType::OutputPointType geoPoint;
+				cartoPoint[0]=parseResult->GetParameterDouble("--XCarto");
+				cartoPoint[1]=parseResult->GetParameterDouble("--YCarto");
+				geoPoint = mapProjection->TransformPoint(cartoPoint);
+				std::cout << "Cartographic Point  (x , y)  : (" << cartoPoint[0] << "," << cartoPoint[1] << ")" << std::endl;
+				std::cout << "Geographic   Point (Lat,Lon) : (" << geoPoint[1] << "," <<	geoPoint[0] << ")" << std::endl;
+		}
+		catch( itk::ExceptionObject & err ) 
+    { 
+    std::cout << "Exception itk::ExceptionObject levee !" << std::endl; 
+    std::cout << err << std::endl; 
+    return EXIT_FAILURE;
+    } 
+  	catch( std::bad_alloc & err ) 
+    { 
+    std::cout << "Exception bad_alloc : "<<(char*)err.what()<< std::endl; 
+    return EXIT_FAILURE;
+    } 
+  catch( ... ) 
+    { 
+    std::cout << "Exception levee inconnue !" << std::endl; 
+    return EXIT_FAILURE;
+    } 
+  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+ }//Fin main()
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 
+    { 
+	      ossimInit::instance()->initialize(argc, argv);
+				// Parse command line parameters
+        typedef otb::CommandLineArgumentParser ParserType;	
+				ParserType::Pointer parser = ParserType::New();
+        parser->AddOption("--XCarto","X cartographic value of desired point","-x");
+				parser->AddOption("--YCarto","Y cartographic value of desired point","-y");
+				parser->AddOptionNParams("--MapProjectionType","Type (UTM/LAMBERT/SINUS/ECKERT4/TRANSMERCATOR/MOLLWEID) and parameters of map projection used","-mapProj");				
+        typedef otb::CommandLineArgumentParseResult ParserResultType;
+        ParserResultType::Pointer  parseResult = ParserResultType::New();
+				try
+	   		{
+            parser->ParseCommandLine(argc,argv,parseResult);
+ 	   		}
+				catch( itk::ExceptionObject & err ) 
+    	  { 
+    	   	std::string descriptionException = err.GetDescription();   
+    	   	if(descriptionException.find("ParseCommandLine(): Help Parser") != std::string::npos) 
+	   			{
+						std::cout << "WARNING : output file pixels are converted in 'unsigned char'" << std::endl;
+						return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+					}
+    	   	if(descriptionException.find("ParseCommandLine(): Version Parser") != std::string::npos) 
+	   			{
+						return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+					}
+          return EXIT_FAILURE;
+    	  }	
+				// Code
+				std::string typeMap = parseResult->GetParameterString("--MapProjectionType",0);
+				int nbParams = parseResult->GetNumberOfParameters("--MapProjectionType");
+				nbParams--;
+				if ((typeMap == "UTM")&&(nbParams==2))
+				{
+					int numZone = parseResult->GetParameterUInt("--MapProjectionType",1);
+					char hemisphere = parseResult->GetParameterChar("--MapProjectionType",2);
+					typedef otb::UtmInverseProjection UtmProjectionType;
+					UtmProjectionType::Pointer utmProjection = UtmProjectionType::New();
+					utmProjection->SetZone(numZone);
+					utmProjection->SetHemisphere(hemisphere);
+					return generic_main<UtmProjectionType>(argc,argv, utmProjection, parseResult);
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					std::vector<double> parameters ;
+					for (int i=1; i<nbParams+1; i++)
+					{
+						parameters.push_back(parseResult->GetParameterDouble("--MapProjectionType",i));
+					}
+					if ((typeMap == "LAMBERT")&&(nbParams==4))
+					{
+						typedef otb::LambertConformalConicInverseProjection LambertProjectionType;
+						LambertProjectionType::Pointer lambertProjection = LambertProjectionType::New();
+						lambertProjection->SetParameters(parameters[0],parameters[1],parameters[2],parameters[3]);
+						return generic_main<LambertProjectionType>(argc,argv, lambertProjection, parseResult);
+					}
+					else if ((typeMap == "SINUS")&&(nbParams==2))
+					{
+						typedef otb::SinusoidalInverseProjection SinusoidalProjectionType;
+						SinusoidalProjectionType::Pointer sinusoidalProjection = SinusoidalProjectionType::New();
+						sinusoidalProjection->SetParameters(parameters[0],parameters[1]);
+						return generic_main<SinusoidalProjectionType>(argc,argv, sinusoidalProjection, parseResult);
+					}
+					else if ((typeMap == "ECKERT4")&&(nbParams==2))
+					{
+						typedef otb::Eckert4InverseProjection Eckert4ProjectionType;
+						Eckert4ProjectionType::Pointer eckert4Projection = Eckert4ProjectionType::New();
+						eckert4Projection->SetParameters(parameters[0],parameters[1]);
+						return generic_main<Eckert4ProjectionType>(argc,argv, eckert4Projection, parseResult);
+					}
+					else if ((typeMap == "TRANSMERCATOR")&&(nbParams==3))
+					{
+						typedef otb::TransMercatorInverseProjection TransMercatorProjectionType;
+						TransMercatorProjectionType::Pointer transMercatorProjection = TransMercatorProjectionType::New();
+						transMercatorProjection->SetParameters(parameters[0],parameters[1],parameters[2]);
+						return generic_main<TransMercatorProjectionType>(argc,argv, transMercatorProjection, parseResult);
+					}
+					else if ((typeMap == "MOLLWEID")&&(nbParams==2))
+					{
+						typedef otb::MollweidInverseProjection MollweidProjectionType;
+						MollweidProjectionType::Pointer mollweidProjection = MollweidProjectionType::New();
+						mollweidProjection->SetParameters(parameters[0],parameters[1]);
+						return generic_main<MollweidProjectionType>(argc,argv, mollweidProjection, parseResult);
+					}
+					else 
+					{
+						itkGenericExceptionMacro(<< "TypeMap not recognized, choose one with (parameters) : UTM(2), LAMBERT(4), SINUS(2), ECKERT4(2), TRANSMERCATOR(3), MOLLWEID(2)");
+					}
+				}
+		}
+		catch( itk::ExceptionObject & err ) 
+    { 
+    std::cout << "Exception itk::ExceptionObject levee !" << std::endl; 
+    std::cout << err << std::endl; 
+    return EXIT_FAILURE;
+    } 
+  	catch( std::bad_alloc & err ) 
+    { 
+    std::cout << "Exception bad_alloc : "<<(char*)err.what()<< std::endl; 
+    return EXIT_FAILURE;
+    } 
+  catch( ... ) 
+    { 
+    std::cout << "Exception levee inconnue !" << std::endl; 
+    return EXIT_FAILURE;
+    } 
+  return EXIT_SUCCESS;