diff --git a/Code/Visualization/Viewer/View/otbViewerViewGUI.cxx b/Code/Visualization/Viewer/View/otbViewerViewGUI.cxx
index f7669be755f77c942260448ccd075f140448590e..13c503d9f5325444b00ddab4913d162b63d4a9d5 100644
--- a/Code/Visualization/Viewer/View/otbViewerViewGUI.cxx
+++ b/Code/Visualization/Viewer/View/otbViewerViewGUI.cxx
@@ -778,15 +778,20 @@ ViewerViewGUI
    //update band information
-   if(objTracked.pReader->GetOutput()->GetNumberOfComponentsPerPixel()>=3)
+   // Select the current rendering function
+   RenderingFunctionType::Pointer renderer = objTracked.pRenderFunction;
+   ChannelListType channels = renderer->GetChannelList();
+   if( channels.size() == 2 )
-       //FIXME why this is not using the Describe method of the rendering function?
-     // oss<<"RGB Composition: ";
-     // oss<<" Band 1: "<<m_ViewerModel->GetObjectList().at(selectedItem-1).pRenderFunction->GetRedChannelIndex();
-     // oss<<" Band 2: "<<m_ViewerModel->GetObjectList().at(selectedItem-1).pRenderFunction->GetGreenChannelIndex();
-     // oss<<" Band 3: "<<m_ViewerModel->GetObjectList().at(selectedItem-1).pRenderFunction->GetBlueChannelIndex()<<std::endl;
+     oss<<"Displayed channels : R=" << channels[0]+1 << ", G=" << channels[1]+1 << ", B=" << channels[2]+1 << "." << std::endl;
+   else if ( channels.size() >= 2 )
+     {
+     oss<<"Displayed channels : R=" << channels[0]+1 << ", G=" << channels[1]+1 << ", B=" << channels[2]+1 << "." << std::endl;
+     }
@@ -1024,6 +1029,8 @@ ViewerViewGUI
             m_ViewerController->UpdatePhaseChannelOrder(realChoice, imagChoice, selectedItem);
+   // Update image info, to update the colored composition
+   this->UpdateInformation( selectedItem );