diff --git a/Code/Simulation/otbSatelliteRSR.h b/Code/Simulation/otbSatelliteRSR.h
index aa02ed8a897c3506d64bd5ff4e42992c11b51d1a..350326a2f8cf32655db1678822cbeb2bd3b8b8fe 100644
--- a/Code/Simulation/otbSatelliteRSR.h
+++ b/Code/Simulation/otbSatelliteRSR.h
@@ -1,24 +1,23 @@
-  Program:   ORFEO Toolbox
-  Language:  C++
-  Date:      $Date$
-  Version:   $Revision$
+ Program:   ORFEO Toolbox
+ Language:  C++
+ Date:      $Date$
+ Version:   $Revision$
-  Copyright (c) Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. All rights reserved.
-  See OTBCopyright.txt for details.
+ Copyright (c) Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. All rights reserved.
+ See OTBCopyright.txt for details.
-     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
-     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
-     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.
+ =========================================================================*/
 #ifndef __otbSatelliteRSR_h
 #define __otbSatelliteRSR_h
 #include "itkDataObject.h"
 #include <itkObjectFactory.h>
 #include <vector>
@@ -31,122 +30,129 @@
 namespace otb
 /** \class SatelliteRSR
-   * \brief This class represents a hierarchy of vector data.
-   *
-   * This class contains an std::vector of spectral response, class otb::SpectralResponse (one for each band of the satellite).
-   *
-   *
-   * The two templates indicate:
-   * - the precision of the wavelength (X) (by default: double)
-   * - the precision of the gain associated to the wavelength (Y) (by default: double)
-   * \sa SpectralResponse
-   * \sa itk::DataObject
+ * \brief This class represents a hierarchy of vector data.
+ *
+ * This class contains an std::vector of spectral response, class otb::SpectralResponse (one for each band of the satellite).
+ *
+ *
+ * The two templates indicate:
+ * - the precision of the wavelength (X) (by default: double)
+ * - the precision of the gain associated to the wavelength (Y) (by default: double)
+ * \sa SpectralResponse
+ * \sa itk::DataObject
-template <class TPrecision = double, class TValuePrecision = double>
-class SatelliteRSR : public itk::DataObject
+template<class TPrecision = double, class TValuePrecision = double>
+class SatelliteRSR: public itk::DataObject
-   public:
-      /** Standard class typedefs */
-      typedef SatelliteRSR Self;
-      typedef itk::DataObject Superclass;
-      typedef itk::SmartPointer<Self> Pointer;
-      typedef itk::SmartPointer<const Self> ConstPointer;
-      /** Standard macros */
-      itkNewMacro(Self);
-      itkTypeMacro(SatelliteRSR, DataObject);
-      /** Set the number of band of the satellite from an ASCII file
-      * Need to parse first all the file to determine the number of columns */
-      itkGetConstMacro(NbBands, unsigned int);
-      itkSetMacro(NbBands, unsigned int);
-      itkSetMacro(SortBands, bool);
-      /** Template parameters typedef */
-      typedef TPrecision PrecisionType;
-      typedef TValuePrecision ValuePrecisionType;
-      typedef SpectralResponse <TPrecision, TValuePrecision>     SpectralResponseType;
-      typedef typename SpectralResponseType::Pointer            SpectralResponsePointerType;
-      typedef std::vector <SpectralResponsePointerType>         RSRVectorType;
-      typedef typename SpectralResponseType::VectorPairType     VectorPairType;
-      /** Clear the vector data  */
-      virtual bool Clear();
-      /** Return the number of element in the vector (nb bands) */
-      virtual int Size() const;
-      /** Fill from a ASCII file (spectral gauge)*/
-      void Load( const std::string & filename , ValuePrecisionType coefNormalization = 1.0 );
-      /** Fill from user defined criteria (sampling band from lambdaMin to lambdaMax with Bandwidth width) */
-      void Load(PrecisionType lambdaMin, PrecisionType lambdaMax , PrecisionType sampling, ValuePrecisionType coefNormalization = 1.0 );
-      /** Compare RSR response (order bands from high to low frequency)*/
-      struct sort_band {
-         bool operator() ( SpectralResponsePointerType  a , SpectralResponsePointerType  b )
-         {
-            PrecisionType aFirstNotNull;
-            PrecisionType bFirstNotNull;
-            typename VectorPairType::const_iterator it = a->GetResponse().begin();
-            while ((*it).second == 0)
-            {
-               ++it;
-            }
-            aFirstNotNull = (*it).first;
-            typename VectorPairType::const_iterator it2 = b->GetResponse().begin();
-            while ((*it2).second == 0)
-            {
-               ++it2;
-            }
-            bFirstNotNull = (*it2).first;
-            return  aFirstNotNull < bFirstNotNull;
-         }
-      };
-      /**
-      * \param PrecisionType
-      * \param Band
-      * \return The interpolate value of the SR for the numBand (band num 0 to band num (m_NbBands-1)).
-      */
-      inline ValuePrecisionType operator()(const PrecisionType & lambda, const unsigned int numBand);
-      /** PrintSelf method */
-      void PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, itk::Indent indent) const;
-      /** get vector of RSR */
-      RSRVectorType & GetRSR()
-      {
-         return m_RSR;
-      }
-   protected:
-      /** Constructor */
-      SatelliteRSR();
-      /** Constructor from a ASCII file */
-      //SatelliteRSR( const std::string & filename );
-      /** Destructor */
-      virtual ~SatelliteRSR() {};
+  /** Standard class typedefs */
+  typedef SatelliteRSR Self;
+  typedef itk::DataObject Superclass;
+  typedef itk::SmartPointer<Self> Pointer;
+  typedef itk::SmartPointer<const Self> ConstPointer;
+  /** Standard macros */
+  itkNewMacro(Self)
+  ;itkTypeMacro(SatelliteRSR, DataObject)
+  ;
+  /** Set the number of band of the satellite from an ASCII file
+   * Need to parse first all the file to determine the number of columns */
+  itkGetConstMacro(NbBands, unsigned int)
+  ;itkSetMacro(NbBands, unsigned int)
+  ;
+  itkSetMacro(SortBands, bool)
+  ;
+  /** Template parameters typedef */
+  typedef TPrecision PrecisionType;
+  typedef TValuePrecision ValuePrecisionType;
+  typedef SpectralResponse<TPrecision, TValuePrecision> SpectralResponseType;
+  typedef typename SpectralResponseType::Pointer SpectralResponsePointerType;
+  typedef std::vector<SpectralResponsePointerType> RSRVectorType;
+  typedef typename SpectralResponseType::VectorPairType VectorPairType;
+  /** Clear the vector data  */
+  virtual bool Clear();
+  /** Return the number of element in the vector (nb bands) */
+  virtual int Size() const;
+  /** Fill from a ASCII file (spectral gauge)*/
+  void Load(const std::string & filename, ValuePrecisionType coefNormalization = 1.0);
+  /** Fill from user defined criteria (sampling band from lambdaMin to lambdaMax with Bandwidth width) */
+  void Load(PrecisionType lambdaMin, PrecisionType lambdaMax, PrecisionType sampling,
+            ValuePrecisionType coefNormalization = 1.0);
+  /** Compare RSR response (order bands from high to low frequency)*/
+  struct sort_band
+  {
+    bool operator()(SpectralResponsePointerType a, SpectralResponsePointerType b)
+    {
+      PrecisionType aFirstNotNull;
+      PrecisionType bFirstNotNull;
+      typename VectorPairType::const_iterator it = a->GetResponse().begin();
+      while ((*it).second == 0)
+        {
+        ++it;
+        }
+      aFirstNotNull = (*it).first;
+      typename VectorPairType::const_iterator it2 = b->GetResponse().begin();
+      while ((*it2).second == 0)
+        {
+        ++it2;
+        }
+      bFirstNotNull = (*it2).first;
+      return aFirstNotNull < bFirstNotNull;
+    }
+  };
+  /**
+   * \param PrecisionType
+   * \param Band
+   * \return The interpolate value of the SR for the numBand (band num 0 to band num (m_NbBands-1)).
+   */
+  inline ValuePrecisionType operator()(const PrecisionType & lambda, const unsigned int numBand);
+  /** PrintSelf method */
+  void PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, itk::Indent indent) const;
+  /** get vector of RSR */
+  RSRVectorType & GetRSR()
+  {
+    return m_RSR;
+  }
+  /** Constructor */
+  SatelliteRSR();
+  /** Constructor from a ASCII file */
+  //SatelliteRSR( const std::string & filename );
+  /** Destructor */
+  virtual ~SatelliteRSR()
+  {
+  }
+  ;
   bool m_SortBands;
-   private:
-      SatelliteRSR(const Self&); //purposely not implemented
-      void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented
+  SatelliteRSR(const Self&); //purposely not implemented
+  void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented
-      /** Vector of SpectralResponse */
-      RSRVectorType    m_RSR;
-      /** Number of bands*/
-      unsigned int m_NbBands;
+  /** Vector of SpectralResponse */
+  RSRVectorType m_RSR;
+  /** Number of bands*/
+  unsigned int m_NbBands;
 }// end namespace otb
diff --git a/Code/Simulation/otbSatelliteRSR.txx b/Code/Simulation/otbSatelliteRSR.txx
index 14f2797ce41c9a0a73204998d317cdc8a8bd7a70..c185f6c156dd6f4a3e760c97be1f7757ae0a68be 100644
--- a/Code/Simulation/otbSatelliteRSR.txx
+++ b/Code/Simulation/otbSatelliteRSR.txx
@@ -1,91 +1,85 @@
-  Program:   ORFEO Toolbox
-  Language:  C++
-  Date:      $Date$
-  Version:   $Revision$
+ Program:   ORFEO Toolbox
+ Language:  C++
+ Date:      $Date$
+ Version:   $Revision$
-  Copyright (c) Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. All rights reserved.
-  See OTBCopyright.txt for details.
+ Copyright (c) Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. All rights reserved.
+ See OTBCopyright.txt for details.
-     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
-     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
-     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.
+ This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+ PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.
+ =========================================================================*/
 #ifndef __otbSatelliteRSR_txx
 #define __otbSatelliteRSR_txx
 #include "otbSatelliteRSR.h"
 namespace otb
-template <class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
-SatelliteRSR<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>
+template<class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
+SatelliteRSR<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>::SatelliteRSR()
-   //m_RSR = VectorType::New();
+  //m_RSR = VectorType::New();
   m_SortBands = true;
-template <class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
-SatelliteRSR<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>
-::Load(const std::string & filename, ValuePrecisionType coefNormalization)
+template<class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
+void SatelliteRSR<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>::Load(const std::string & filename, ValuePrecisionType coefNormalization)
-   //Parse 6S file Reduce spectral response
-   //Begin by getting the number of band of the satellite
-   //unsigned int nbBands= this->SetNbBands ( filename );
-   std::ifstream fin(filename.c_str());
-   if ( fin.fail() )
-   {
-      itkExceptionMacro(<<"Error opening file" << filename);
-   }
-   // For each band
-   for (unsigned int i=0; i < m_NbBands; ++i)
-   {
-      //Create a SpectralResponse for the band i
-      SpectralResponsePointerType RSRBand = SpectralResponseType::New();
-      m_RSR.push_back (RSRBand);
-   }
-   PrecisionType currentLambda;
-   PrecisionType zenithalAngle;
-   while(! fin.eof() )
-   {
-      //Parse the 6S.txt file
-      fin >> currentLambda;
-      fin >> zenithalAngle;
-      //for each band add a pair of values (wavelength and % response)
-      for (unsigned int i=0; i < m_NbBands; ++i)
+  //Parse 6S file Reduce spectral response
+  //Begin by getting the number of band of the satellite
+  //unsigned int nbBands= this->SetNbBands ( filename );
+  std::ifstream fin(filename.c_str());
+  if (fin.fail())
+    {
+    itkExceptionMacro(<<"Error opening file" << filename);
+    }
+  // For each band
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_NbBands; ++i)
+    {
+    //Create a SpectralResponse for the band i
+    SpectralResponsePointerType RSRBand = SpectralResponseType::New();
+    m_RSR.push_back(RSRBand);
+    }
+  PrecisionType currentLambda;
+  PrecisionType zenithalAngle;
+  while (!fin.eof())
+    {
+    //Parse the 6S.txt file
+    fin >> currentLambda;
+    fin >> zenithalAngle;
+    //for each band add a pair of values (wavelength and % response)
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_NbBands; ++i)
-         std::pair <TPrecision, TValuePrecision > currentPair;
-         currentPair.first = currentLambda;
-         fin >> currentPair.second;
-         currentPair.second = currentPair.second / coefNormalization;
-         //Include only non null value //TODO
-         m_RSR[i]->GetResponse().push_back(currentPair);
+      std::pair<TPrecision, TValuePrecision> currentPair;
+      currentPair.first = currentLambda;
+      fin >> currentPair.second;
+      currentPair.second = currentPair.second / coefNormalization;
+      //Include only non null value //TODO
+      m_RSR[i]->GetResponse().push_back(currentPair);
-   }
-   fin.close();
-   if(m_SortBands)
-     {
-     //Sort the vector of SpectralResponse (band order by minimum wavelength first not null response
-     std::sort(m_RSR.begin(), m_RSR.end(), sort_band());
-     }
+    }
+  fin.close();
+  if (m_SortBands)
+    {
+    //Sort the vector of SpectralResponse (band order by minimum wavelength first not null response
+    std::sort(m_RSR.begin(), m_RSR.end(), sort_band());
+    }
-template <class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
-SatelliteRSR<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>
-::Load(PrecisionType lambdaMin, PrecisionType lambdaMax , PrecisionType sampling, ValuePrecisionType coefNormalization )
+template<class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
+void SatelliteRSR<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>::Load(PrecisionType lambdaMin, PrecisionType lambdaMax,
+                                                     PrecisionType sampling, ValuePrecisionType coefNormalization)
   m_NbBands = 1;
   const double wavelengthPrecision = 0.0025; //in um
@@ -117,59 +111,50 @@ SatelliteRSR<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>
-template <class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
-SatelliteRSR<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>
+template<class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
+bool SatelliteRSR<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>::Clear()
-   m_RSR.clear();
-   return true;
+  m_RSR.clear();
+  return true;
-template <class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
-SatelliteRSR<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>
-::Size() const
+template<class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
+int SatelliteRSR<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>::Size() const
-   return m_RSR.size();
+  return m_RSR.size();
-template <class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
-inline typename SatelliteRSR<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>::ValuePrecisionType
-SatelliteRSR<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>
-::operator()(const PrecisionType & lambda, const unsigned int numBand)
+template<class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
+inline typename SatelliteRSR<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>::ValuePrecisionType SatelliteRSR<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>::operator()(
+                                                                                                                                    const PrecisionType & lambda,
+                                                                                                                                    const unsigned int numBand)
-   //Get the response of the band number numBand at the wavelenght lambda
-   if ( numBand >= m_NbBands )
-   {
-      itkExceptionMacro(<<"There is no band num " << numBand<< " in the RSR vector!(Size of the current RSR vector is " << m_NbBands <<")");
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      return (*(m_RSR[numBand]))(lambda);
-   }
+  //Get the response of the band number numBand at the wavelenght lambda
+  if (numBand >= m_NbBands)
+    {
+    itkExceptionMacro(<<"There is no band num " << numBand<< " in the RSR vector!(Size of the current RSR vector is " << m_NbBands <<")");
+    }
+  else
+    {
+    return (*(m_RSR[numBand]))(lambda);
+    }
-template <class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
-SatelliteRSR<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>
-::PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, itk::Indent indent) const
+template<class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
+void SatelliteRSR<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>::PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, itk::Indent indent) const
-   Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent);
-   os<<std::endl;
-   //typename VectorPairType::iterator it = m_RSR.begin();
-   //it = m_RSR.at(0);
-   for(typename RSRVectorType::const_iterator it = m_RSR.begin(); it != m_RSR.end(); ++it)
-   {
-      os << indent << "Band Number " << it - m_RSR.begin() << std::endl;
-      (*it)->PrintSelf (os, indent);
-      os << std::endl;
-   }
+  Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent);
+  os << std::endl;
+  //typename VectorPairType::iterator it = m_RSR.begin();
+  //it = m_RSR.at(0);
+  for (typename RSRVectorType::const_iterator it = m_RSR.begin(); it != m_RSR.end(); ++it)
+    {
+    os << indent << "Band Number " << it - m_RSR.begin() << std::endl;
+    (*it)->PrintSelf(os, indent);
+    os << std::endl;
+    }
 } // end namespace otb