diff --git a/Code/IO/otbGDALImageIO.cxx b/Code/IO/otbGDALImageIO.cxx
index 61fdb3a48ce518b8ad0713f218ae64242c9bf4d7..7cbcc7bd51f9157a49cfdc79885894c2d96426b6 100644
--- a/Code/IO/otbGDALImageIO.cxx
+++ b/Code/IO/otbGDALImageIO.cxx
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ void GDALImageIO::PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, itk::Indent indent) const
   Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent);
   os << indent << "Compression Level : " << m_CompressionLevel << "\n";
   os << indent << "IsComplex (otb side) : " << m_IsComplex << "\n";
-  os << indent << "Byte per pixel : " << m_NbOctetPixel << "\n";
+  os << indent << "Byte per pixel : " << m_BytePerPixel << "\n";
 // Read a 3D image (or event more bands)... not implemented yet
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ void GDALImageIO::Read(void* buffer)
   std::streamoff lNbPixels = (static_cast<std::streamoff>(lNbColumns))
                              * (static_cast<std::streamoff>(lNbLines));
-  std::streamoff lBufferSize = static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_NbOctetPixel) * lNbPixels;
+  std::streamoff lBufferSize = static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_BytePerPixel) * lNbPixels;
   if (GDALDataTypeIsComplex(m_PxType) && !m_IsComplex)
     lBufferSize *= 2;
@@ -269,18 +269,18 @@ void GDALImageIO::Read(void* buffer)
       itkExceptionMacro(<< "Error while reading image (GDAL format) " << m_FileName );
     cpt = 0;
-    for (std::streamoff i = 0; i < lBufferSize; i = i + static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_NbOctetPixel))
+    for (std::streamoff i = 0; i < lBufferSize; i = i + static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_BytePerPixel))
-      memcpy((void*) (&(p[cpt])), (const void*) (&(value[i])), (size_t) (m_NbOctetPixel));
-      cpt += static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_NbOctetPixel);
+      memcpy((void*) (&(p[cpt])), (const void*) (&(value[i])), (size_t) (m_BytePerPixel));
+      cpt += static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_BytePerPixel);
   else if (GDALDataTypeIsComplex(m_PxType) && !m_IsComplex)
     // Mise a jour du step
-    step = step * static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_NbOctetPixel);
+    step = step * static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_BytePerPixel);
-    for (unsigned int nbComponents = 0; nbComponents < dataset->GetRasterCount(); ++nbComponents)
+    for (int nbComponents = 0; nbComponents < dataset->GetRasterCount(); ++nbComponents)
       lCrGdal = dataset->GetRasterBand(nbComponents+1)->RasterIO(GF_Read,
@@ -298,11 +298,15 @@ void GDALImageIO::Read(void* buffer)
         itkExceptionMacro(<< "Error while reading image (GDAL format) " << m_FileName.c_str() << ".");
       // Recopie dans le buffer
-      cpt = static_cast<std::streamoff>(nbComponents) * static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_NbOctetPixel);
-      for (std::streamoff i = 0; i < lBufferSize; i = i + static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_NbOctetPixel))
+      cpt = static_cast<std::streamoff>(nbComponents) * static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_BytePerPixel);
+      for (std::streamoff i = 0; i < lBufferSize; i = i + static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_BytePerPixel))
-        memcpy((void*) (&(p[cpt])), (const void*) (&(value[i])), (size_t) (m_NbOctetPixel)); //Real part
-        memcpy((void*) (&(p[cpt+m_NbOctetPixel])), (const void*) (&(value[i+m_NbOctetPixel])), (size_t) (m_NbOctetPixel)); //Imaginary part
+        memcpy((void*) (&(p[cpt])),
+               (const void*) (&(value[i])),
+               (size_t) (m_BytePerPixel)); //Real part
+        memcpy((void*) (&(p[cpt+m_BytePerPixel])),
+               (const void*) (&(value[i+m_BytePerPixel])),
+               (size_t) (m_BytePerPixel)); //Imaginary part
         cpt += step;
@@ -310,7 +314,7 @@ void GDALImageIO::Read(void* buffer)
   else if (m_IsIndexed)
-    step = step * static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_NbOctetPixel);
+    step = step * static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_BytePerPixel);
     lCrGdal = dataset->GetRasterBand(1)->RasterIO(GF_Read,
@@ -330,7 +334,7 @@ void GDALImageIO::Read(void* buffer)
     // Recopie dans le buffer
     cpt = 0;
     GDALColorTable* colorTable = dataset->GetRasterBand(1)->GetColorTable();
-    for (std::streamoff i = 0; i < lBufferSize; i = i + static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_NbOctetPixel))
+    for (std::streamoff i = 0; i < lBufferSize; i = i + static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_BytePerPixel))
       GDALColorEntry color;
       colorTable->GetColorEntryAsRGB(value[i], &color);
@@ -344,9 +348,9 @@ void GDALImageIO::Read(void* buffer)
     // Mise a jour du step
-    step = step * static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_NbOctetPixel);
+    step = step * static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_BytePerPixel);
-    for (unsigned int nbComponents = 0; nbComponents < dataset->GetRasterCount(); ++nbComponents)
+    for (int nbComponents = 0; nbComponents < dataset->GetRasterCount(); ++nbComponents)
       lCrGdal = dataset->GetRasterBand(nbComponents+1)->RasterIO(GF_Read,
@@ -364,10 +368,10 @@ void GDALImageIO::Read(void* buffer)
         itkExceptionMacro(<< "Error while reading image (GDAL format) " << m_FileName.c_str() << ".");
       // Recopie dans le buffer
-      cpt = static_cast<std::streamoff>(nbComponents) * static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_NbOctetPixel);
-      for (std::streamoff i = 0; i < lBufferSize; i = i + static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_NbOctetPixel))
+      cpt = static_cast<std::streamoff>(nbComponents) * static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_BytePerPixel);
+      for (std::streamoff i = 0; i < lBufferSize; i = i + static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_BytePerPixel))
-        memcpy((void*) (&(p[cpt])), (const void*) (&(value[i])), (size_t) (m_NbOctetPixel));
+        memcpy((void*) (&(p[cpt])), (const void*) (&(value[i])), (size_t) (m_BytePerPixel));
         cpt += step;
@@ -483,43 +487,43 @@ void GDALImageIO::InternalReadImageInformation()
   if (this->GetComponentType() == CHAR)
-    m_NbOctetPixel = 1;
+    m_BytePerPixel = 1;
   else if (this->GetComponentType() == UCHAR)
-    m_NbOctetPixel = 1;
+    m_BytePerPixel = 1;
   else if (this->GetComponentType() == USHORT)
-    m_NbOctetPixel = 2;
+    m_BytePerPixel = 2;
   else if (this->GetComponentType() == SHORT)
-    m_NbOctetPixel = 2;
+    m_BytePerPixel = 2;
   else if (this->GetComponentType() == INT)
-    m_NbOctetPixel = 4;
+    m_BytePerPixel = 4;
   else if (this->GetComponentType() == UINT)
-    m_NbOctetPixel = 4;
+    m_BytePerPixel = 4;
   else if (this->GetComponentType() == FLOAT)
-    m_NbOctetPixel = 4;
+    m_BytePerPixel = 4;
   else if (this->GetComponentType() == DOUBLE)
-    m_NbOctetPixel = 8;
+    m_BytePerPixel = 8;
   else if (this->GetComponentType() == CFLOAT)
-    m_NbOctetPixel = sizeof(std::complex<float>);
+    m_BytePerPixel = sizeof(std::complex<float>);
   else if (this->GetComponentType() == CDOUBLE)
-    m_NbOctetPixel = sizeof(std::complex<double>);
+    m_BytePerPixel = sizeof(std::complex<double>);
@@ -535,11 +539,10 @@ void GDALImageIO::InternalReadImageInformation()
       && (m_PxType != GDT_CFloat32)
       && (m_PxType != GDT_CFloat64))
-    m_NbOctetPixel = m_NbOctetPixel * 2;
+    m_BytePerPixel = m_BytePerPixel * 2;
     // Is this necessary ?
-    //if(m_NbBands !=1) itkExceptionMacro(<<"GDALImageIO::InternalReadImageInformation() Can read only one band image ");
@@ -559,7 +562,7 @@ void GDALImageIO::InternalReadImageInformation()
     // we are reading a complex data set into an image where the pixel
     // type is not complex: we have to double the number of component
     // for that to work
-    m_NbOctetPixel = m_NbOctetPixel / 2;
+    m_BytePerPixel = m_BytePerPixel / 2;
@@ -697,7 +700,8 @@ void GDALImageIO::InternalReadImageInformation()
     if (projRef.empty())
       projRef =
-        "GEOGCS[\"GCS_WGS_1984\",DATUM[\"D_WGS_1984\",SPHEROID[\"WGS_1984\",6378137,298.257223563]],PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0],UNIT[\"Degree\",0.017453292519943295]]";
+        "GEOGCS[\"GCS_WGS_1984\",DATUM[\"D_WGS_1984\",SPHEROID[\"WGS_1984\",6378137,298.257223563]],"
+        "PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\",0],UNIT[\"Degree\",0.017453292519943295]]";
       itk::EncapsulateMetaData<std::string>(dict, MetaDataKey::ProjectionRefKey, projRef);
@@ -911,7 +915,7 @@ void GDALImageIO::Write(const void* buffer)
   std::streamoff lNbPixels = static_cast<std::streamoff> (lNbColumns) * static_cast<std::streamoff> (lNbLines);
-  std::streamoff lBufferSize = static_cast<std::streamoff> (m_NbOctetPixel) * lNbPixels;
+  std::streamoff lBufferSize = static_cast<std::streamoff> (m_BytePerPixel) * lNbPixels;
   otbMsgDevMacro(<< " BufferSize allocated : " << lBufferSize);
   itk::VariableLengthVector<unsigned char> value(lBufferSize);
@@ -920,24 +924,33 @@ void GDALImageIO::Write(const void* buffer)
     // Update Step
     std::streamoff step = static_cast<std::streamoff> (m_NbBands);
-    step = step * static_cast<std::streamoff> (m_NbOctetPixel);
+    step = step * static_cast<std::streamoff> (m_BytePerPixel);
     CPLErr lCrGdal;
     std::streamoff cpt(0);
     for (int nbComponents = 0; nbComponents < m_NbBands; ++nbComponents)
-      cpt = static_cast<std::streamoff> (nbComponents) * static_cast<std::streamoff> (m_NbOctetPixel);
+      cpt = static_cast<std::streamoff> (nbComponents) * static_cast<std::streamoff> (m_BytePerPixel);
-      for (std::streamoff i = 0; i < lBufferSize; i = i + static_cast<std::streamoff> (m_NbOctetPixel))
+      for (std::streamoff i = 0; i < lBufferSize; i = i + static_cast<std::streamoff> (m_BytePerPixel))
-        memcpy((void*) (&(value[i])), (const void*) (&(p[cpt])), (size_t) (m_NbOctetPixel));
+        memcpy((void*) (&(value[i])), (const void*) (&(p[cpt])), (size_t) (m_BytePerPixel));
         cpt += step;
       GDALRasterBand *poBand = m_Dataset->GetDataSet()->GetRasterBand(nbComponents+1);
-      lCrGdal = poBand->RasterIO(GF_Write, lFirstColumn, lFirstLine, lNbColumns, lNbLines, const_cast<unsigned char*>(value.GetDataPointer()),
-                                 lNbColumns, lNbLines, m_PxType, 0, 0);
+      lCrGdal = poBand->RasterIO(GF_Write,
+                                 lFirstColumn,
+                                 lFirstLine,
+                                 lNbColumns,
+                                 lNbLines,
+                                 const_cast<unsigned char*>(value.GetDataPointer()),
+                                 lNbColumns,
+                                 lNbLines,
+                                 m_PxType,
+                                 0,
+                                 0);
       if (lCrGdal == CE_Failure)
         itkExceptionMacro(<< "Error while writing image (GDAL format) " << m_FileName.c_str() << ".");
@@ -999,28 +1012,28 @@ void GDALImageIO::InternalWriteImageInformation(const void* buffer)
     if (this->GetComponentType() == SHORT)
-      m_NbOctetPixel = 4;
+      m_BytePerPixel = 4;
       m_PxType = GDT_CInt16;
     else if (this->GetComponentType() == INT)
-      m_NbOctetPixel = 8;
+      m_BytePerPixel = 8;
       m_PxType = GDT_CInt32;
     else if (this->GetComponentType() == DOUBLE)
-      m_NbOctetPixel = 16;
+      m_BytePerPixel = 16;
       m_PxType = GDT_CFloat64;
     else if (this->GetComponentType() == FLOAT)
-      m_NbOctetPixel = 8;
+      m_BytePerPixel = 8;
       m_PxType = GDT_CFloat32;
-      m_NbOctetPixel = 8;
+      m_BytePerPixel = 8;
       m_PxType = GDT_CFloat32;
@@ -1028,47 +1041,47 @@ void GDALImageIO::InternalWriteImageInformation(const void* buffer)
     if (this->GetComponentType() == CHAR)
-      m_NbOctetPixel = 1;
+      m_BytePerPixel = 1;
       m_PxType = GDT_Byte;
     else if (this->GetComponentType() == UCHAR)
-      m_NbOctetPixel = 1;
+      m_BytePerPixel = 1;
       m_PxType = GDT_Byte;
     else if (this->GetComponentType() == USHORT)
-      m_NbOctetPixel = 2;
+      m_BytePerPixel = 2;
       m_PxType = GDT_UInt16;
     else if (this->GetComponentType() == SHORT)
-      m_NbOctetPixel = 2;
+      m_BytePerPixel = 2;
       m_PxType = GDT_Int16;
     else if (this->GetComponentType() == INT)
-      m_NbOctetPixel = 4;
+      m_BytePerPixel = 4;
       m_PxType = GDT_Int32;
     else if (this->GetComponentType() == UINT)
-      m_NbOctetPixel = 4;
+      m_BytePerPixel = 4;
       m_PxType = GDT_UInt32;
     else if (this->GetComponentType() == FLOAT)
-      m_NbOctetPixel = 4;
+      m_BytePerPixel = 4;
       m_PxType = GDT_Float32;
     else if (this->GetComponentType() == DOUBLE)
-      m_NbOctetPixel = 8;
+      m_BytePerPixel = 8;
       m_PxType = GDT_Float64;
-      m_NbOctetPixel = 1;
+      m_BytePerPixel = 1;
       m_PxType = GDT_Byte;
@@ -1105,9 +1118,9 @@ void GDALImageIO::InternalWriteImageInformation(const void* buffer)
            <<  "LINES=" << m_Dimensions[1] << ","
            <<  "BANDS=" << m_NbBands << ","
            <<  "DATATYPE=" << GDALGetDataTypeName(m_PxType) << ","
-           <<  "PIXELOFFSET=" << m_NbOctetPixel * m_NbBands << ","
-           <<  "LINEOFFSET=" << m_NbOctetPixel * m_NbBands * m_Dimensions[0] << ","
-           <<  "BANDOFFSET=" << m_NbOctetPixel;
+           <<  "PIXELOFFSET=" << m_BytePerPixel * m_NbBands << ","
+           <<  "LINEOFFSET=" << m_BytePerPixel * m_NbBands * m_Dimensions[0] << ","
+           <<  "BANDOFFSET=" << m_BytePerPixel;
     m_Dataset = GDALDriverManagerWrapper::GetInstance().Open(stream.str());
diff --git a/Code/IO/otbGDALImageIO.h b/Code/IO/otbGDALImageIO.h
index 123a1f7d8ee95c8d77cbb5c7d104cbfa5f751900..5d5d8e9c009d6c83e0e1937b1baa7c5b47698f89 100644
--- a/Code/IO/otbGDALImageIO.h
+++ b/Code/IO/otbGDALImageIO.h
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ private:
   GDALDataType     m_PxType;
   /** Nombre d'octets par pixel */
-  int m_NbOctetPixel;
+  int m_BytePerPixel;
   bool GDALInfoReportCorner(const char * corner_name, double x, double y,
                             double& dfGeoX, double& dfGeoY);
diff --git a/Code/IO/otbJPEG2000ImageIO.cxx b/Code/IO/otbJPEG2000ImageIO.cxx
index d87f9a4e393fc2b8103796bdd2b2547dbb052b01..89aab8ab81c3191ff0b028029eda4ae187f44c31 100644
--- a/Code/IO/otbJPEG2000ImageIO.cxx
+++ b/Code/IO/otbJPEG2000ImageIO.cxx
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ JPEG2000ImageIO::JPEG2000ImageIO()
   m_Origin[0] = 0.0;
   m_Origin[1] = 0.0;
-  m_NbOctetPixel = 1;
+  m_BytePerPixel = 1;
@@ -296,17 +296,17 @@ void JPEG2000ImageIO::Read(void* buffer)
       std::streamsize tile_component_size = data_size / nb_comps;
       std::streamoff  buffer_skip         =
-        std::max(0, tile_y0 - buffer_y0) * buffer_size_x * nb_comps * m_NbOctetPixel;
-      std::streamoff  tile_skip            = std::max(0, buffer_y0 - tile_y0) * (tile_x1 - tile_x0) * m_NbOctetPixel;
-      std::streamoff  tile_offset_begin    = std::max(0, buffer_x0 - tile_x0) * m_NbOctetPixel;
-      std::streamoff  buffer_offset_begin  = std::max(0, tile_x0 - buffer_x0) * nb_comps * m_NbOctetPixel;
+        std::max(0, tile_y0 - buffer_y0) * buffer_size_x * nb_comps * m_BytePerPixel;
+      std::streamoff  tile_skip            = std::max(0, buffer_y0 - tile_y0) * (tile_x1 - tile_x0) * m_BytePerPixel;
+      std::streamoff  tile_offset_begin    = std::max(0, buffer_x0 - tile_x0) * m_BytePerPixel;
+      std::streamoff  buffer_offset_begin  = std::max(0, tile_x0 - buffer_x0) * nb_comps * m_BytePerPixel;
       std::streamsize line_size           =
         (std::min(tile_x1, buffer_x0 + buffer_size_x - 1) - std::max(tile_x0, buffer_x0) + 1);
       std::streamsize nb_lines            = std::min(tile_y1, buffer_y0 + buffer_size_y - 1) - std::max(tile_y0,
                                                                                                         buffer_y0) + 1;
-      std::streamsize buffer_line_size    = buffer_size_x * nb_comps * m_NbOctetPixel;
-      std::streamsize tile_line_size      = (tile_x1 - tile_x0) * m_NbOctetPixel;
-      std::streampos  buffer_step          = nb_comps * m_NbOctetPixel;
+      std::streamsize buffer_line_size    = buffer_size_x * nb_comps * m_BytePerPixel;
+      std::streamsize tile_line_size      = (tile_x1 - tile_x0) * m_BytePerPixel;
+      std::streampos  buffer_step          = nb_comps * m_BytePerPixel;
       otbMsgDevMacro(<< "buffer_skip: " << buffer_skip);
       otbMsgDevMacro(<< "tile_skip: " << tile_skip);
@@ -324,15 +324,15 @@ void JPEG2000ImageIO::Read(void* buffer)
         for (int line = 0; line < nb_lines; ++line)
-          buffer_pos = buffer_skip + comp * m_NbOctetPixel + line * buffer_line_size + buffer_offset_begin;
+          buffer_pos = buffer_skip + comp * m_BytePerPixel + line * buffer_line_size + buffer_offset_begin;
           tile_pos   = comp * tile_component_size + tile_skip + line * tile_line_size + tile_offset_begin;
           for (int cols = 0; cols < line_size; ++cols)
-            for (unsigned int octet = 0; octet < m_NbOctetPixel; ++octet)
+            for (unsigned int octet = 0; octet < m_BytePerPixel; ++octet)
               charstarbuffer[buffer_pos + cols * buffer_step +
-                             octet] = tile_data[tile_pos + cols * m_NbOctetPixel + octet];
+                             octet] = tile_data[tile_pos + cols * m_BytePerPixel + octet];
@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ void JPEG2000ImageIO::ReadImageInformation()
   if (precision <= 8)
-    m_NbOctetPixel = 1;
+    m_BytePerPixel = 1;
     if (isSigned)
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ void JPEG2000ImageIO::ReadImageInformation()
   else if (precision <= 16)
-    m_NbOctetPixel = 2;
+    m_BytePerPixel = 2;
     if (isSigned)
@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ void JPEG2000ImageIO::ReadImageInformation()
-    m_NbOctetPixel = 4;
+    m_BytePerPixel = 4;
     if (isSigned)
@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@ void JPEG2000ImageIO::ReadImageInformation()
   otbMsgDebugMacro(<< "Number of tiles: " << nb_tiles_x << " " << nb_tiles_y);
   otbMsgDebugMacro(<< "Precision: " << precision);
   otbMsgDebugMacro(<< "Signed: " << isSigned);
-  otbMsgDebugMacro(<< "Number of octet per value: " << m_NbOctetPixel);
+  otbMsgDebugMacro(<< "Number of octet per value: " << m_BytePerPixel);
   otbMsgDebugMacro(<< "==========================");
   otbMsgDebugMacro(<< "Driver to read: JPEG2000");
@@ -532,47 +532,47 @@ void JPEG2000ImageIO::Write(const void* /*buffer*/)
 //         if ( this->GetComponentType() == CHAR )
 //         {
-//                 m_NbOctetPixel = 1;
+//                 m_BytePerPixel = 1;
 //                 m_PxType = GDT_Byte;
 //         }
 //         else if ( this->GetComponentType() == UCHAR )
 //         {
-//                 m_NbOctetPixel = 1;
+//                 m_BytePerPixel = 1;
 //                 m_PxType = GDT_Byte;
 //         }
 //         else if ( this->GetComponentType() == USHORT )
 //         {
-//                 m_NbOctetPixel = 2;
+//                 m_BytePerPixel = 2;
 //                 m_PxType = GDT_UInt16;
 //         }
 //         else if ( this->GetComponentType() == SHORT )
 //         {
-//                 m_NbOctetPixel = 2;
+//                 m_BytePerPixel = 2;
 //                 m_PxType = GDT_Int16;
 //         }
 //         else if ( this->GetComponentType() == INT )
 //         {
-//                 m_NbOctetPixel = 4;
+//                 m_BytePerPixel = 4;
 //                 m_PxType = GDT_Int32;
 //         }
 //         else if ( this->GetComponentType() == UINT )
 //         {
-//                 m_NbOctetPixel = 4;
+//                 m_BytePerPixel = 4;
 //                 m_PxType = GDT_UInt32;
 //         }
 //         else if ( this->GetComponentType() == FLOAT )
 //         {
-//                 m_NbOctetPixel = 4;
+//                 m_BytePerPixel = 4;
 //                 m_PxType = GDT_Float32;
 //         }
 //         else if ( this->GetComponentType() == DOUBLE )
 //         {
-//                 m_NbOctetPixel = 8;
+//                 m_BytePerPixel = 8;
 //                 m_PxType = GDT_Float64;
 //         }
 //         else
 //         {
-//                 m_NbOctetPixel = 1;
+//                 m_BytePerPixel = 1;
 //                 m_PxType = GDT_Byte;
 //         }
@@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ void JPEG2000ImageIO::Write(const void* /*buffer*/)
 //   l_current_param_ptr->dy = 1;
 //   l_current_param_ptr->h = m_Dimensions[1];
 //   l_current_param_ptr->sgnd = 0;
-//   l_current_param_ptr->prec = 8*m_NbOctetPixel;
+//   l_current_param_ptr->prec = 8*m_BytePerPixel;
 //   l_current_param_ptr->w = m_Dimensions[0];
 //   l_current_param_ptr->x0 = 0;
 //   l_current_param_ptr->y0 = 0;
@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@ void JPEG2000ImageIO::Write(const void* /*buffer*/)
 //     std::streamsize buffer_size_x = this->GetIORegion().GetSize()[0];
 //     std::streamsize buffer_size_y = this->GetIORegion().GetSize()[1];
-//     std::streamsize buffer_size = this->GetIORegion().GetNumberOfPixels()*m_NbOctetPixel*m_nbBands;
+//     std::streamsize buffer_size = this->GetIORegion().GetNumberOfPixels()*m_BytePerPixel*m_nbBands;
 //     unsigned int nb_tile_x = (unsigned int)vcl_ceil((double)m_Dimensions[0]/(double)m_Parameters.cp_tdx);
 //     unsigned int nb_tile_y = (unsigned int)vcl_ceil((double)m_Dimensions[1]/(double)m_Parameters.cp_tdy);
@@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ void JPEG2000ImageIO::Write(const void* /*buffer*/)
 //     OPJ_BYTE * desinterleaved_data = new OPJ_BYTE[buffer_size];
-//     std::streamoff step = m_NbBands*m_NbOctetPixel;
+//     std::streamoff step = m_NbBands*m_BytePerPixel;
 //     std::streamsize component_size = new
diff --git a/Code/IO/otbJPEG2000ImageIO.h b/Code/IO/otbJPEG2000ImageIO.h
index 01920f4015ef0cefbeca718d1e2e464f0a06bb37..816411b627ba773c67a88d6518bbb071290d2e55 100644
--- a/Code/IO/otbJPEG2000ImageIO.h
+++ b/Code/IO/otbJPEG2000ImageIO.h
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ private:
   /** Openjpeg stream */
   opj_stream_t * m_OpenJpegStream;
   /** pixel nb of octets */
-  unsigned int m_NbOctetPixel;
+  unsigned int m_BytePerPixel;
diff --git a/Code/IO/otbMSTARImageIO.cxx b/Code/IO/otbMSTARImageIO.cxx
index 3b8ab06bef362c05ce4a55079528feedfc8574c4..5d43da3a868c31911eb0f569d2f3e353c8bac95a 100644
--- a/Code/IO/otbMSTARImageIO.cxx
+++ b/Code/IO/otbMSTARImageIO.cxx
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ MSTARImageIO::MSTARImageIO()
   m_Origin[0] = 0.0;
   m_Origin[1] = 0.0;
-  m_NbOctetPixel = 0;
+  m_BytePerPixel = 0;
   MSTARfp = NULL;        /* Input FILE ptr to MSTAR image file     */
   HDRfp = NULL;          /* Output FILE ptr to MSTAR header file   */
@@ -313,14 +313,14 @@ void MSTARImageIO::Read(void* buffer)
     otbMsgDevMacro(<< " Scene type ");
-  unsigned long step = this->GetNumberOfComponents() * (unsigned long) (m_NbOctetPixel);
+  unsigned long step = this->GetNumberOfComponents() * (unsigned long) (m_BytePerPixel);
   float *       p = static_cast<float *>(buffer);
   int lNbLines   = this->GetIORegion().GetSize()[1];
   int lNbColumns = this->GetIORegion().GetSize()[0];
   unsigned long lNbPixels = (unsigned long) (lNbColumns * lNbLines);
-  unsigned long lTailleBuffer = (unsigned long) (m_NbOctetPixel) * lNbPixels;
+  unsigned long lTailleBuffer = (unsigned long) (m_BytePerPixel) * lNbPixels;
   unsigned char* value = new unsigned char[lTailleBuffer];
@@ -467,10 +467,10 @@ void MSTARImageIO::Read(void* buffer)
         // Recopie dans le buffer
         unsigned long cpt(0);
-        cpt = (unsigned long) (nbComponents) * (unsigned long) (m_NbOctetPixel);
-        for (unsigned long i = 0; i < lTailleBuffer; i = i + m_NbOctetPixel)
+        cpt = (unsigned long) (nbComponents) * (unsigned long) (m_BytePerPixel);
+        for (unsigned long i = 0; i < lTailleBuffer; i = i + m_BytePerPixel)
-          memcpy((void*) (&(p[cpt])), (const void*) (&(FSCENEdata[i])), (size_t) (m_NbOctetPixel));
+          memcpy((void*) (&(p[cpt])), (const void*) (&(FSCENEdata[i])), (size_t) (m_BytePerPixel));
           cpt += step;
@@ -508,10 +508,10 @@ void MSTARImageIO::Read(void* buffer)
         // Recopie dans le buffer
         unsigned long cpt(0);
-        cpt = (unsigned long) (nbComponents) * (unsigned long) (m_NbOctetPixel);
-        for (unsigned long i = 0; i < lTailleBuffer; i = i + m_NbOctetPixel)
+        cpt = (unsigned long) (nbComponents) * (unsigned long) (m_BytePerPixel);
+        for (unsigned long i = 0; i < lTailleBuffer; i = i + m_BytePerPixel)
-          memcpy((void*) (&(p[cpt])), (const void*) (&(CHIPdata[i])), (size_t) (m_NbOctetPixel));
+          memcpy((void*) (&(p[cpt])), (const void*) (&(CHIPdata[i])), (size_t) (m_BytePerPixel));
           cpt += step;
@@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ void MSTARImageIO::ReadImageInformation()
   int NbLignes;                /* Nombre de lignes de l'image */
   int NbColonnes;              /* Nombre de colonnes de l'image */
-  int NbOctetPixel = sizeof(float);            /* Nombre octets/pixel l'image */
+  int BytePerPixel = sizeof(float);            /* Nombre octets/pixel l'image */
   MSTARname = m_FileName.c_str();
   MSTARfp = fopen(MSTARname, "rb");
@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ void MSTARImageIO::ReadImageInformation()
   m_Dimensions[0] = NbColonnes;
   m_Dimensions[1] = NbLignes;
-  m_NbOctetPixel = NbOctetPixel;
+  m_BytePerPixel = BytePerPixel;
   otbMsgDebugMacro(<< "Image size cree : " << m_Dimensions[0] << "," << m_Dimensions[1]);
   m_PixelType = VECTOR;
diff --git a/Code/IO/otbMSTARImageIO.h b/Code/IO/otbMSTARImageIO.h
index a1a69bc4449766903365744cfb8be7fcffdd8b55..6f9a23de50e21bdc613e90a325a742b8d018965f 100644
--- a/Code/IO/otbMSTARImageIO.h
+++ b/Code/IO/otbMSTARImageIO.h
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ private:
   unsigned char  bigushortbuf[2];  /* BigEndian ushort buffer...*/
   unsigned short littleushortval;  /* LittleEndian ushort value.*/
-  int m_NbOctetPixel;
+  int m_BytePerPixel;
 } // end namespace otb
diff --git a/Code/IO/otbONERAImageIO.cxx b/Code/IO/otbONERAImageIO.cxx
index 7d3131b7f0eb6b925e26925831c0458dece5c665..c6cc9fae6f90f1fc381de8c3f280a85cf0ad1156 100644
--- a/Code/IO/otbONERAImageIO.cxx
+++ b/Code/IO/otbONERAImageIO.cxx
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ ONERAImageIO::ONERAImageIO()
   m_PixelType = COMPLEX;
   m_ComponentType = FLOAT;
-  m_NbOctetPixel = 4;
+  m_BytePerPixel = 4;
   // Set default spacing to one
   m_Spacing[0] = 1.0;
@@ -188,10 +188,10 @@ void ONERAImageIO::Read(void* buffer)
     itkExceptionMacro(<< "Cannot read requested file");
-  std::streamoff  numberOfBytesPerLines = static_cast<std::streamoff>(2 * m_width * m_NbOctetPixel);
+  std::streamoff  numberOfBytesPerLines = static_cast<std::streamoff>(2 * m_width * m_BytePerPixel);
   std::streamoff  headerLength = ONERA_HEADER_LENGTH + numberOfBytesPerLines;
   std::streamoff  offset;
-  std::streamsize numberOfBytesToBeRead = 2 * m_NbOctetPixel * lNbColumns;
+  std::streamsize numberOfBytesToBeRead = 2 * m_BytePerPixel * lNbColumns;
   std::streamsize numberOfBytesRead;
   char*           value = new char[numberOfBytesToBeRead];
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ void ONERAImageIO::Read(void* buffer)
   for (int LineNo = lFirstLine; LineNo < lFirstLine + lNbLines; LineNo++)
     offset  =  headerLength + numberOfBytesPerLines * static_cast<std::streamoff>(LineNo);
-    offset +=  static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_NbOctetPixel * lFirstColumn);
+    offset +=  static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_BytePerPixel * lFirstColumn);
     m_Datafile.seekg(offset, std::ios::beg);
     m_Datafile.read(static_cast<char *>(value), numberOfBytesToBeRead);
     numberOfBytesRead = m_Datafile.gcount();
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ void ONERAImageIO::InternalReadImageInformation()
     m_ComponentType = FLOAT;
-    m_NbOctetPixel = 4;
+    m_BytePerPixel = 4;
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ void ONERAImageIO::InternalReadImageInformation()
   otbMsgDebugMacro(<< "         ComponentType      : " << this->GetComponentTypeAsString(this->GetComponentType()));
   otbMsgDebugMacro(<< "         ComponentSize      : " << this->GetComponentSize());
   otbMsgDebugMacro(<< "         NumberOfComponents : " << this->GetNumberOfComponents());
-  otbMsgDebugMacro(<< "         NbOctetPixel       : " << m_NbOctetPixel);
+  otbMsgDebugMacro(<< "         BytePerPixel       : " << m_BytePerPixel);
   otbMsgDebugMacro(<< "         Host byte order    : " << this->GetByteOrderAsString(m_ByteOrder));
   otbMsgDebugMacro(<< "         File byte order    : " << this->GetByteOrderAsString(m_FileByteOrder));
@@ -498,10 +498,10 @@ void ONERAImageIO::Write(const void* buffer)
     lFirstColumn = 0;
-  std::streamsize numberOfBytesPerLines = step * lNbColumns * m_NbOctetPixel;
+  std::streamsize numberOfBytesPerLines = step * lNbColumns * m_BytePerPixel;
   std::streamoff  headerLength = ONERA_HEADER_LENGTH + numberOfBytesPerLines;
   std::streamoff  offset;
-  unsigned long   numberOfBytesRegion = step * m_NbOctetPixel * lNbColumns * lNbLines;
+  unsigned long   numberOfBytesRegion = step * m_BytePerPixel * lNbColumns * lNbLines;
   char *tempmemory = new char[numberOfBytesRegion];
   memcpy(tempmemory, buffer, numberOfBytesRegion);
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ void ONERAImageIO::Write(const void* buffer)
     char* value = tempmemory + numberOfBytesPerLines * (LineNo - lFirstLine);
     offset  =  headerLength + static_cast<std::streamoff>(numberOfBytesPerLines) * static_cast<std::streamoff>(LineNo);
-    offset +=  static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_NbOctetPixel * lFirstColumn);
+    offset +=  static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_BytePerPixel * lFirstColumn);
     m_Datafile.seekp(offset, std::ios::beg);
     m_Datafile.write(static_cast<char *>(value), numberOfBytesPerLines);
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ void ONERAImageIO::WriteImageInformation()
   otbMsgDebugMacro(<< "         Size               : " << m_Dimensions[0] << "," << m_Dimensions[1]);
   otbMsgDebugMacro(<< "         ComponentType      : " << this->GetComponentType());
   otbMsgDebugMacro(<< "         NumberOfComponents : " << this->GetNumberOfComponents());
-  otbMsgDebugMacro(<< "         NbOctetPixel       : " << m_NbOctetPixel);
+  otbMsgDebugMacro(<< "         BytePerPixel       : " << m_BytePerPixel);
   otbMsgDebugMacro(<< "         Host byte order    : " << this->GetByteOrderAsString(m_ByteOrder));
diff --git a/Code/IO/otbONERAImageIO.h b/Code/IO/otbONERAImageIO.h
index 6117699cd36266fe7143c6053e9509f00cbcf0e6..3ed455447053670dea82e6a2a7dcc3a8d9a5a240 100644
--- a/Code/IO/otbONERAImageIO.h
+++ b/Code/IO/otbONERAImageIO.h
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ private:
   /** Nombre d'octets par pixel */
-  int  m_NbOctetPixel;
+  int  m_BytePerPixel;
   bool m_FlagWriteImageInformation;
   /** File byte order */
   itk::ImageIOBase::ByteOrder m_FileByteOrder;
diff --git a/Code/IO/otbRADImageIO.cxx b/Code/IO/otbRADImageIO.cxx
index a9fbc936e7a506fecc6c724d884d3ef3a6d60fb0..cd7184e33cda56a8affcebc9bc48e20342e08d12 100644
--- a/Code/IO/otbRADImageIO.cxx
+++ b/Code/IO/otbRADImageIO.cxx
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ RADImageIO::RADImageIO()
   // By default the type to CI2
   m_TypeRAD = "CR4";
-  m_NbOctetPixel = 8;
+  m_BytePerPixel = 8;
   m_NbOfChannels = 1;
   m_PixelType = COMPLEX;
@@ -150,8 +150,8 @@ void RADImageIO::Read(void* buffer)
   std::streamoff  headerLength(0);
   std::streamoff  offset;
-  std::streamoff  numberOfBytesPerLines = static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_NbOctetPixel * m_Dimensions[0]);
-  std::streamsize numberOfBytesToBeRead = m_NbOctetPixel * lNbColumns;
+  std::streamoff  numberOfBytesPerLines = static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_BytePerPixel * m_Dimensions[0]);
+  std::streamsize numberOfBytesToBeRead = m_BytePerPixel * lNbColumns;
   std::streamsize numberOfBytesRead;
   unsigned long   cpt = 0;
@@ -174,12 +174,12 @@ void RADImageIO::Read(void* buffer)
   for (unsigned int numChannel = 0; numChannel < m_NbOfChannels; ++numChannel)
-    cpt = (unsigned long) (numChannel) * (unsigned long) (m_NbOctetPixel);
+    cpt = (unsigned long) (numChannel) * (unsigned long) (m_BytePerPixel);
     //Read region of the channel
     for (int LineNo = lFirstLine; LineNo < lFirstLine + lNbLines; LineNo++)
       offset  =  headerLength + numberOfBytesPerLines * static_cast<std::streamoff>(LineNo);
-      offset +=  static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_NbOctetPixel * lFirstColumn);
+      offset +=  static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_BytePerPixel * lFirstColumn);
       m_ChannelsFile[numChannel].seekg(offset, std::ios::beg);
       //Read a line
       m_ChannelsFile[numChannel].read(static_cast<char *>(value), numberOfBytesToBeRead);
@@ -194,9 +194,9 @@ void RADImageIO::Read(void* buffer)
         itkExceptionMacro(<< "RADImageIO::Read() Can Read the specified Region"); // read failed
-      for (std::streamsize i = 0; i < numberOfBytesToBeRead; i = i + static_cast<std::streamsize>(m_NbOctetPixel))
+      for (std::streamsize i = 0; i < numberOfBytesToBeRead; i = i + static_cast<std::streamsize>(m_BytePerPixel))
-        memcpy((void*) (&(p[cpt])), (const void*) (&(value[i])), (size_t) (m_NbOctetPixel));
+        memcpy((void*) (&(p[cpt])), (const void*) (&(value[i])), (size_t) (m_BytePerPixel));
         cpt += step;
@@ -327,67 +327,67 @@ bool RADImageIO::InternalReadHeaderInformation(const std::string& file_name, std
     m_PixelType = SCALAR;
-    m_NbOctetPixel = 1;
+    m_BytePerPixel = 1;
   if (lStrCodePix == "PHA")
     m_PixelType = SCALAR;
-    m_NbOctetPixel = 1;
+    m_BytePerPixel = 1;
   if (lStrCodePix == "I2")
     m_PixelType = SCALAR;
-    m_NbOctetPixel = 2;
+    m_BytePerPixel = 2;
   if (lStrCodePix == "I4")
     m_PixelType = SCALAR;
-    m_NbOctetPixel = 4;
+    m_BytePerPixel = 4;
   if (lStrCodePix == "R4")
     m_PixelType = SCALAR;
-    m_NbOctetPixel = 4;
+    m_BytePerPixel = 4;
   else if (lStrCodePix == "CI2")
     m_PixelType = COMPLEX;
-    m_NbOctetPixel = 4;
+    m_BytePerPixel = 4;
   else if (lStrCodePix == "CR4")
     m_PixelType = COMPLEX;
-    m_NbOctetPixel = 8;
+    m_BytePerPixel = 8;
   else if (lStrCodePix == "COCT")
     m_PixelType = COMPLEX;
-    m_NbOctetPixel = 2;
+    m_BytePerPixel = 2;
   /*        else if(lStrCodePix == "C3B")
       m_PixelType = COMPLEX;
-      m_NbOctetPixel=2;
+      m_BytePerPixel=2;
       else if(lStrCodePix == "C5B")
       m_PixelType = COMPLEX;
-      m_NbOctetPixel=2;
+      m_BytePerPixel=2;
       else if(lStrCodePix == "C7B")
       m_PixelType = COMPLEX;
-      m_NbOctetPixel=2;
+      m_BytePerPixel=2;
@@ -395,13 +395,13 @@ bool RADImageIO::InternalReadHeaderInformation(const std::string& file_name, std
     m_PixelType = COMPLEX;
-    m_NbOctetPixel = 8;
+    m_BytePerPixel = 8;
   else if (lStrCodePix == "CR8")
     m_PixelType = COMPLEX;
-    m_NbOctetPixel = 16;
+    m_BytePerPixel = 16;
@@ -533,14 +533,14 @@ void RADImageIO::Write(const void* buffer)
   otbMsgDevMacro(<< " GetComponentSize       : " << this->GetComponentSize());
   std::streamoff  headerLength(0);
-  std::streamoff  numberOfBytesPerLines = static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_NbOctetPixel * m_Dimensions[0]);
-  std::streamsize numberOfBytesToBeWrite = static_cast<std::streamsize>(m_NbOctetPixel * lNbColumns);
+  std::streamoff  numberOfBytesPerLines = static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_BytePerPixel * m_Dimensions[0]);
+  std::streamsize numberOfBytesToBeWrite = static_cast<std::streamsize>(m_BytePerPixel * lNbColumns);
   std::streamoff offset = 0;
   unsigned long  cpt = 0;
   // Update the step variable
-  step = m_NbOctetPixel;
+  step = m_BytePerPixel;
   const char * p = static_cast<const char *>(buffer);
@@ -553,18 +553,18 @@ void RADImageIO::Write(const void* buffer)
   for (unsigned int numChannel = 0; numChannel < m_NbOfChannels; ++numChannel)
-    cpt = (unsigned long) (numChannel) * (unsigned long) (m_NbOctetPixel);
+    cpt = (unsigned long) (numChannel) * (unsigned long) (m_BytePerPixel);
     //Read region of the channel
     for (unsigned int LineNo = lFirstLine; LineNo < lFirstLine + lNbLines; LineNo++)
-      for (std::streamsize i = 0; i < numberOfBytesToBeWrite; i = i + static_cast<std::streamsize>(m_NbOctetPixel))
+      for (std::streamsize i = 0; i < numberOfBytesToBeWrite; i = i + static_cast<std::streamsize>(m_BytePerPixel))
-        memcpy((void*) (&(value[i])), (const void*) (&(p[cpt])), (size_t) (m_NbOctetPixel));
+        memcpy((void*) (&(value[i])), (const void*) (&(p[cpt])), (size_t) (m_BytePerPixel));
         cpt += step;
       offset  =  headerLength + numberOfBytesPerLines * static_cast<std::streamoff>(LineNo);
-      offset +=  static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_NbOctetPixel * lFirstColumn);
+      offset +=  static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_BytePerPixel * lFirstColumn);
       m_ChannelsFile[numChannel].seekp(offset, std::ios::beg);
       //Write a line
       m_ChannelsFile[numChannel].write(static_cast<char *>(value), numberOfBytesToBeWrite);
@@ -623,31 +623,31 @@ void RADImageIO::WriteImageInformation()
     if (lStringComponentType == "UCHAR")
-      m_NbOctetPixel = 1;
+      m_BytePerPixel = 1;
       m_TypeRAD = "OCT";
       lExtension = ".oct";
     else if (lStringComponentType == "CHAR")
-      m_NbOctetPixel = 1;
+      m_BytePerPixel = 1;
       m_TypeRAD = "PHA";
       lExtension = ".pha";
     else if (lStringComponentType == "SHORT")
-      m_NbOctetPixel = 2;
+      m_BytePerPixel = 2;
       m_TypeRAD = "I2";
       lExtension = ".i2";
     else if (lStringComponentType == "INT")
-      m_NbOctetPixel = 4;
+      m_BytePerPixel = 4;
       m_TypeRAD = "I4";
       lExtension = ".i4";
     else if (lStringComponentType == "FLOAT")
-      m_NbOctetPixel = 4;
+      m_BytePerPixel = 4;
       m_TypeRAD = "R4";
       lExtension = ".r4";
@@ -658,47 +658,47 @@ void RADImageIO::WriteImageInformation()
     if (lStringComponentType == "SHORT")
-      m_NbOctetPixel = 4;
+      m_BytePerPixel = 4;
       m_TypeRAD = "CI2";
       lExtension = ".ci2";
     else if (lStringComponentType == "FLOAT")
-      m_NbOctetPixel = 8;
+      m_BytePerPixel = 8;
       m_TypeRAD = "CR4";
       lExtension = ".cr4";
     if (lStringComponentType == "CHAR")
-      m_NbOctetPixel = 2;
+      m_BytePerPixel = 2;
       m_TypeRAD = "COCT";
       lExtension = ".coct";
     /*                if( this->GetComponentType()=="FLOAT")
-          m_NbOctetPixel=2;
+          m_BytePerPixel=2;
           m_TypeRAD = "C3B"
           if( this->GetComponentType()==FLOAT)
-          m_NbOctetPixel=2;
+          m_BytePerPixel=2;
           m_TypeRAD = "C5B"
           if( this->GetComponentType()==FLOAT)
-          m_NbOctetPixel=2;
+          m_BytePerPixel=2;
           m_TypeRAD = "C7B"
     else if (lStringComponentType == "INT")
-      m_NbOctetPixel = 8;
+      m_BytePerPixel = 8;
       m_TypeRAD = "CI4";
       lExtension = ".ci4";
     else if (lStringComponentType == "DOUBLE")
-      m_NbOctetPixel = 16;
+      m_BytePerPixel = 16;
       m_TypeRAD = "CR8";
       lExtension = ".cr8";
@@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ void RADImageIO::WriteImageInformation()
   this->SetNumberOfComponents(2 * m_NbOfChannels);
-  unsigned long numberOfBytesPerLines = m_NbOctetPixel * m_Dimensions[0];
+  unsigned long numberOfBytesPerLines = m_BytePerPixel * m_Dimensions[0];
   char*         value = new char[numberOfBytesPerLines];
   for (unsigned int channels = 0; channels < m_ChannelsFileName.size(); ++channels)
diff --git a/Code/IO/otbRADImageIO.h b/Code/IO/otbRADImageIO.h
index 45120347f15bed65ebe3b6c2b9adfecee7df10c1..7712784e88f352c65d62a723661138a765ab9f70 100644
--- a/Code/IO/otbRADImageIO.h
+++ b/Code/IO/otbRADImageIO.h
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ private:
   std::vector<std::string>    m_ChannelsFileName;
   std::fstream *              m_ChannelsFile;
   unsigned int                m_NbOfChannels;
-  int                         m_NbOctetPixel;
+  int                         m_BytePerPixel;
diff --git a/Code/Testing/otbTestHelper.cxx b/Code/Testing/otbTestHelper.cxx
index a9cf30c07e76980b60cd9182eee9f0ccb05e3162..1073d8ae5b961d41203cf4a6ee551494d86b3ad6 100644
--- a/Code/Testing/otbTestHelper.cxx
+++ b/Code/Testing/otbTestHelper.cxx
@@ -912,7 +912,7 @@ int TestHelper::RegressionTestOgrFile(const char *testOgrFilename, const char *b
       // If no verbose and an diff was found, exit checking. The full checking will be executed in verbose mode
       if ((!m_ReportErrors) && (nbdiff != 0)) return (1);
       } //if(nbdiff == 0)
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
@@ -1468,8 +1468,6 @@ void TestHelper::ogrReportOnLayer(OGRLayer * ref_poLayer,
   /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-  otbCheckStringValue("Layer name", ref_poDefn->GetName(), test_poDefn->GetName(), nbdiff, m_ReportErrors);
   otbCheckStringValue("Geometry", OGRGeometryTypeToName(ref_poDefn->GetGeomType()),
                       OGRGeometryTypeToName(test_poDefn->GetGeomType()), nbdiff, m_ReportErrors);