diff --git a/Code/Simulation/otbSpectralResponse.txx b/Code/Simulation/otbSpectralResponse.txx
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 2f96fb5dbd2037abf7b5ee2484f700fdbf1b60f8..11941a71a6a85f87088861cfb943923829e019af
--- a/Code/Simulation/otbSpectralResponse.txx
+++ b/Code/Simulation/otbSpectralResponse.txx
@@ -1,275 +1,285 @@
-  Program:   ORFEO Toolbox
-  Language:  C++
-  Date:      $Date$
-  Version:   $Revision$
-  Copyright (c) Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. All rights reserved.
-  See OTBCopyright.txt for details.
-     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
-     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
-     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.
-#ifndef __otbSpectralResponse_txx
-#define __otbSpectralResponse_txx
-#include "itkNumericTraits.h"
-#include "otbSpectralResponse.h"
-#include <algorithm>
-namespace otb
-template <class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
-SpectralResponse<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>
-  m_SensitivityThreshold = 0.01;
-  m_IntervalComputed = false;
-template <class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
-SpectralResponse<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>
-::Load(const std::string & filename, ValuePrecisionType coefNormalization)
-    //Parse JPL file spectral response (ASCII file)
-    //Begin line 27
-    std::ifstream fin(filename.c_str());
-    if ( fin.fail() ) {
-      itkExceptionMacro(<<"Error opening file" << filename);
-    }
-    int NumLigne = 26; // Go to the line 27
-    //Ignore first 26th lines which are metadatas informations
-    for (int i = 0; i < NumLigne; ++i)
-      fin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
-    while(! fin.eof() )
-    {
-      //For each
-      std::pair<TPrecision, TValuePrecision > currentPair;
-      fin >> currentPair.first;
-      fin >> currentPair.second;
-      currentPair.second = currentPair.second / coefNormalization;
-      if ( currentPair.first != itk::NumericTraits<TPrecision>::ZeroValue() && currentPair.second != itk::NumericTraits<TValuePrecision>::ZeroValue() )
-       //Add not null pair of values to the vector
-       m_Response.push_back(currentPair);
-    }
-    fin.close();
-    //Sort the vector using the specific functor sort_pair
-    std::sort(m_Response.begin(), m_Response.end(), sort_pair());
-    m_IntervalComputed = false;
-template <class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
-SpectralResponse<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>
-   m_Response.clear();
-   m_IntervalComputed = false;
-   return true;
-template <class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
-unsigned int
-SpectralResponse<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>
-::Size() const
-   return m_Response.size();
-template <class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
-inline typename SpectralResponse<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>::ValuePrecisionType
-SpectralResponse<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>
-::operator()(const PrecisionType & lambda)
-  //Suppose that the vector is sorted
-  //Guess a starting lambda
-  if (m_Response.size() <= 1)
-    {
-    itkExceptionMacro(<<"ERROR spectral response need at least 2 value to perform interpolation.");
-    }
-  typename VectorPairType::const_iterator beg = m_Response.begin();
-  typename VectorPairType::const_iterator last = m_Response.end();
-  --last;
-  PrecisionType lambdaMin = (*beg).first;
-  PrecisionType lambdaMax = (*last).first;
-  if (lambda <= lambdaMin) return lambdaMin;
-  if (lambda >= lambdaMax) return lambdaMax;
-  unsigned int lambdaPosGuess = static_cast<unsigned int> ((lambda - lambdaMin) / (lambdaMax - lambdaMin)
-      * m_Response.size());
-  //this test should be always true since
-  // lambda<=lambdaMin and lambda>=lambdaMax have been just tested
-  assert(!(lambdaPosGuess < 0) || (lambdaPosGuess > m_Response.size()));
-  // TODO JGU : test algorithm
-  //lambdaPosGuess calculus have been modified (initially lambdaPosGuess = static_cast<unsigned int> ((lambda - lambdaMin) / (lambdaMax - lambdaMin)
-  //* m_Response.size() -1). lambdaPosGuess = 0 for lambda contained in  m_Response first bin
-  // thus lambdaPosGuess -1 = -1 for those values !!!!
-  for (typename VectorPairType::const_iterator it = beg + lambdaPosGuess; it <= last; ++it)
-    {
-    // if the guess was too high
-    if ((*it).first >= lambda)
-      {
-      return (*it).second;
-      }
-    // if the guess is just right
-    else
-      if ((*it).first < lambda && (*(it + 1)).first >= lambda)
-        {
-        return ((*it).second + (*(it + 1)).second) / 2.0;
-        }
-    }
-  //Value not available
-  return 0;
-template <class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
-typename SpectralResponse<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>::ImagePointerType
-SpectralResponse<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>
-::GetImage(ImagePointerType image) const
-  typename ImageType::IndexType start;
-  start[0] =  0;
-  start[1] =  0;
-  typename ImageType::SizeType  size;
-//   size[0] = this->Size();
-  size[0] = 1;
-  size[1] = 1;
-  typename ImageType::PointType origin;
-  origin[0] = 0;
-  origin[1] = 0;
-  typename ImageType::SpacingType spacing;
-  spacing[0] = 1;
-  spacing[1] = 1;
-  typename ImageType::RegionType region;
-  region.SetSize( size );
-  region.SetIndex( start );
-  image->SetRegions( region );
-  image->SetNumberOfComponentsPerPixel( this->Size() );
-  image->Allocate();
-  typename ImageType::IndexType idx;
-  typename ImageType::PixelType pixel;
-  pixel.SetSize(this->Size());
-  for ( unsigned int j=0; j<this->Size(); ++j )
-  {
-    pixel[j]=m_Response[j].second;
-  }
-  idx[0]=0;
-  idx[1]=0;
-  image->SetPixel(idx, pixel);
-  return image;
-template <class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
-SpectralResponse<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>
-::SetFromImage(ImagePointerType image)
-  typename ImageType::IndexType idx;
-  idx[0]=0;
-  idx[1]=0;
-  for ( unsigned int j=0; j<this->Size(); ++j )
-  {
-    m_Response[j].second = image->GetPixel(idx)[j];
-  }
-  m_IntervalComputed = false;
-template <class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
-typename SpectralResponse<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>::FilterFunctionValuesPointerType
-SpectralResponse<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>
-::GetFilterFunctionValues(double step) const
-  //Assume that the SR is sorted
-  typename FilterFunctionValuesType::ValuesVectorType valuesVector;
-  for (double i =m_Response.front()->first; i <= m_Response.back()->first; i+=step)
-  {
-    valuesVector.push_back=(*this)(i);
-  }
-  FilterFunctionValuesPointerType functionValues = FilterFunctionValuesType::New();
-  functionValues->SetFilterFunctionValues(valuesVector);
-  functionValues->SetMinSpectralValue(m_Response.front().first);
-  functionValues->SetMaxSpectralValue(m_Response.back().first);
-  functionValues->SetUserStep( step );
-  return functionValues;
-template <class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
-SpectralResponse<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>
-  typename VectorPairType::const_iterator it = m_Response.begin();
-  while ((*it).second <= m_SensitivityThreshold)
-    {
-    ++it;
-    }
-  m_Interval.first = (*it).first;
-  it = m_Response.end();
-  while ((*it).second <= m_SensitivityThreshold)
-    {
-    --it;
-    }
-  m_Interval.second = (*it).first;
-  m_IntervalComputed = true;
-template <class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
-SpectralResponse<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>
-::PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, itk::Indent indent) const
-    Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent);
-    os<<std::endl;
-    os <<indent << "[Wavelength (micrometers), Reflectance (percent)]" << std::endl;
-   for(typename VectorPairType::const_iterator it = m_Response.begin(); it != m_Response.end(); ++it)
-   {
-     os <<indent << "Num "<< it - m_Response.begin() << ": [" << (*it).first << ","<< (*it).second << "]" << std::endl;
-   }
-} // end namespace otb
+  Program:   ORFEO Toolbox
+  Language:  C++
+  Date:      $Date$
+  Version:   $Revision$
+  Copyright (c) Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. All rights reserved.
+  See OTBCopyright.txt for details.
+     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
+     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.
+#ifndef __otbSpectralResponse_txx
+#define __otbSpectralResponse_txx
+#include "itkNumericTraits.h"
+#include "otbSpectralResponse.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+namespace otb
+template <class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
+SpectralResponse<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>
+  m_SensitivityThreshold = 0.01;
+  m_IntervalComputed = false;
+template <class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
+SpectralResponse<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>
+::Load(const std::string & filename, ValuePrecisionType coefNormalization)
+    //Parse JPL file spectral response (ASCII file)
+    //Begin line 27
+    std::ifstream fin(filename.c_str());
+    if ( fin.fail() ) {
+      itkExceptionMacro(<<"Error opening file" << filename);
+    }
+    int NumLigne = 26; // Go to the line 27
+    //Ignore first 26th lines which are metadatas informations
+    for (int i = 0; i < NumLigne; ++i)
+      fin.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');
+    while(! fin.eof() )
+    {
+      //For each
+      std::pair<TPrecision, TValuePrecision > currentPair;
+      fin >> currentPair.first;
+      fin >> currentPair.second;
+      currentPair.second = currentPair.second / coefNormalization;
+      if ( currentPair.first != itk::NumericTraits<TPrecision>::ZeroValue() && currentPair.second != itk::NumericTraits<TValuePrecision>::ZeroValue() )
+       //Add not null pair of values to the vector
+       m_Response.push_back(currentPair);
+    }
+    fin.close();
+    //Sort the vector using the specific functor sort_pair
+    std::sort(m_Response.begin(), m_Response.end(), sort_pair());
+    m_IntervalComputed = false;
+template <class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
+SpectralResponse<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>
+   m_Response.clear();
+   m_IntervalComputed = false;
+   return true;
+template <class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
+unsigned int
+SpectralResponse<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>
+::Size() const
+   return m_Response.size();
+template <class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
+inline typename SpectralResponse<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>::ValuePrecisionType
+SpectralResponse<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>
+::operator()(const PrecisionType & lambda)
+  //Suppose that the vector is sorted
+  //Guess a starting lambda
+  if (m_Response.size() <= 1)
+    {
+    itkExceptionMacro(<<"ERROR spectral response need at least 2 value to perform interpolation.");
+    }
+  typename VectorPairType::const_iterator beg = m_Response.begin();
+  typename VectorPairType::const_iterator last = m_Response.end();
+  --last;
+  PrecisionType lambdaMin = (*beg).first;
+  PrecisionType lambdaMax = (*last).first;
+  if (lambda <= lambdaMin) return lambdaMin;
+  if (lambda >= lambdaMax) return lambdaMax;
+  unsigned int lambdaPosGuess = static_cast<unsigned int> ((lambda - lambdaMin) / (lambdaMax - lambdaMin)
+      * m_Response.size());
+  //this test should be always true since
+  // lambda<=lambdaMin and lambda>=lambdaMax have been just tested
+  assert(!(lambdaPosGuess < 0) || (lambdaPosGuess > m_Response.size()));
+  // TODO JGU : test algorithm
+  //lambdaPosGuess calculus have been modified (initially lambdaPosGuess = static_cast<unsigned int> ((lambda - lambdaMin) / (lambdaMax - lambdaMin)
+  //* m_Response.size() -1). lambdaPosGuess = 0 for lambda contained in  m_Response first bin
+  // thus lambdaPosGuess -1 = -1 for those values !!!!
+  for (typename VectorPairType::const_iterator it = beg + lambdaPosGuess; it <= last; ++it)
+    {
+    // if the guess was too high
+    if ((*it).first >= lambda)
+      {
+      return (*it).second;
+      }
+    // if the guess is just right
+    else
+      if ((*it).first < lambda && (*(it + 1)).first >= lambda)
+        {
+        return ((*it).second + (*(it + 1)).second) / 2.0;
+        }
+    }
+  //Value not available
+  return 0;
+template <class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
+typename SpectralResponse<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>::ImagePointerType
+SpectralResponse<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>
+::GetImage(ImagePointerType image) const
+  typename ImageType::IndexType start;
+  start[0] =  0;
+  start[1] =  0;
+  typename ImageType::SizeType  size;
+//   size[0] = this->Size();
+  size[0] = 1;
+  size[1] = 1;
+  typename ImageType::PointType origin;
+  origin[0] = 0;
+  origin[1] = 0;
+  typename ImageType::SpacingType spacing;
+  spacing[0] = 1;
+  spacing[1] = 1;
+  typename ImageType::RegionType region;
+  region.SetSize( size );
+  region.SetIndex( start );
+  image->SetRegions( region );
+  image->SetNumberOfComponentsPerPixel( this->Size() );
+  image->Allocate();
+  typename ImageType::IndexType idx;
+  typename ImageType::PixelType pixel;
+  pixel.SetSize(this->Size());
+  for ( unsigned int j=0; j<this->Size(); ++j )
+  {
+    pixel[j]=m_Response[j].second;
+  }
+  idx[0]=0;
+  idx[1]=0;
+  image->SetPixel(idx, pixel);
+  return image;
+template <class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
+SpectralResponse<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>
+::SetFromImage(ImagePointerType image)
+  typename ImageType::IndexType idx;
+  idx[0]=0;
+  idx[1]=0;
+  for ( unsigned int j=0; j<this->Size(); ++j )
+  {
+    m_Response[j].second = image->GetPixel(idx)[j];
+  }
+  m_IntervalComputed = false;
+template <class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
+typename SpectralResponse<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>::FilterFunctionValuesPointerType
+SpectralResponse<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>
+::GetFilterFunctionValues(double step) const
+  //Assume that the SR is sorted
+  typename FilterFunctionValuesType::ValuesVectorType valuesVector;
+  for (double i =m_Response.front()->first; i <= m_Response.back()->first; i+=step)
+  {
+    valuesVector.push_back=(*this)(i);
+  }
+  FilterFunctionValuesPointerType functionValues = FilterFunctionValuesType::New();
+  functionValues->SetFilterFunctionValues(valuesVector);
+  functionValues->SetMinSpectralValue(m_Response.front().first);
+  functionValues->SetMaxSpectralValue(m_Response.back().first);
+  functionValues->SetUserStep( step );
+  return functionValues;
+template <class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
+SpectralResponse<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>
+  typename VectorPairType::const_iterator it = m_Response.begin();
+  while ((*it).second <= m_SensitivityThreshold)
+    {
+    ++it;
+    if (it == m_Response.end())
+      {
+      m_Interval.first = static_cast<TPrecision> (0.0);
+      m_Interval.second = static_cast<TPrecision> (0.0);
+      m_IntervalComputed = true;
+      return;
+      }
+    }
+  m_Interval.first = (*it).first;
+  while ((*it).second > m_SensitivityThreshold)
+    {
+    if (it == m_Response.end())
+      {
+      m_Interval.second = (*it).first;
+      return;
+      }
+    ++it;
+    }
+  m_Interval.second = (*it).first;
+  m_IntervalComputed = true;
+template <class TPrecision, class TValuePrecision>
+SpectralResponse<TPrecision, TValuePrecision>
+::PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, itk::Indent indent) const
+    Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent);
+    os<<std::endl;
+    os <<indent << "[Wavelength (micrometers), Reflectance (percent)]" << std::endl;
+   for(typename VectorPairType::const_iterator it = m_Response.begin(); it != m_Response.end(); ++it)
+   {
+     os <<indent << "Num "<< it - m_Response.begin() << ": [" << (*it).first << ","<< (*it).second << "]" << std::endl;
+   }
+} // end namespace otb