OTB-v.3.14.1 - Changes since version 3.14.0 (2012/10/02)

* Library
  * Support external FLTK 1.3 on windows
  * Simplify GDAL import during configuration
  * Remove ossim dependencies from aeronet file reader
  * Add adjacency effect in OpticalCalibration application
  * Improve Pleiades support :
    * TOA optical calibration available
    * Improve support of mega tiles products

* Monteverdi
  * Support of MacOSX 10.8

* Bug fixes :
  * OTB-lib
    * 0000577: Remove the need for both GDAL_CONFIG and GDALCONFIG_EXECUTABLE
    * 0000573: tiff error in ossim when we read big uncompress JPEG2000 with Pleiades Primary level
    * 0000552: Application GridBasedImageResampling doesn't behave properly outside the input grid
    * 0000576: ImageToPointSetFilter work only with PointSets of type DefaultStaticMeshTraits
    * 0000575: Not able to access SDS layers in HDF4 datasets using BandMath
    * 0000572: using Segmentation application with .kml vector output using input which is not in WGS84 causes error
    * 0000586: OTB does not compile with gcc 4.7 on some distros
    * 0000579: Can not use files with "--" in their names in applications
    * 0000556: Help parameters display output wrong MISSING parameters with application launched via command line
    * 0000507: Java wrapper installation

  * Monteverdi
    * 0000570: SVM classification module works only with three bands images
    * 0000583: Weird spacing value for the Resampling module output
    * 0000581: Mean Shift Clustering Crash
    * 0000474: In TileMap Import module, search place by name does not work anymore
    * 0000529: Monteverdi fails to build using fltk 1.3 opensuse 12.1
    * 0000582: Save/Quit button in the Resampling module does not close the module
    * 0000571: Monteverdi crash in SVM Classification when trying to import SVM model twice

  * Documentation
    * 0000366: SG-html has 2 "bibliography"
    * 0000371: Generate_FAQ script needs updates
    * 0000367: Software Guide HTML : missing index.html
    * 0000372: clean up Cookbook generation logs

OTB-v.3.14.0 - Changes since version 3.12.0 (2012/07/09)

* Library
  * New MeanShift implementation
    * Add MeanShiftSmoothingImageFilter class with threading support
    * Add MeanShiftKernels class
    * Add MeanShiftConnectedComponentSegmentationFilter class to
      concatenate MeanShift filter and connected component
    * Add MeanShiftSegmentationFilter which performs segmentation of an
      image by chaining a mean shift filter and region merging filter.
    * Move MeanShiftVectorImageFilterExample to
    * MeanShiftImageFilter and MeanShiftVectorImageFilter are now

  * OGR encapsulation for use in large-scale segmentation framework
    * Add a method converting a DataTree node to a list of OGRLayer*
    * Add OGRDataSourceWrapper, OGRDriversInit, OGRLayerWrapper,
      OGRFieldWrapper, OGRFeatureWrapper, OGRGeometryWrapper and OGR
      classes to encapsulate OGR in the otb namespace
    * Add GeometriesProjectionFilter, GeometriesSet, GeometriesSource and
      GeometriesToGeometriesFilter classes to encapsulate OGR Geometries
    * Add OGRHelpers class for easier conversion to OGR string
    * Add GeometriesProjectionFilter filter to
    * Add ImageReference, OGRGeometriesVisitor classes

  * Large-scale Segmentation Framework (OBIA)
    * Create a new repository Segmentation
    * Add GdalDataTypeBridge
    * Add LabelImageToVectorDataFilter class
    * Add StreamingImageToOGRLayerSegmentationFilter class which allow
      stream segmentation and vectorization of the output label image
      (based on OGRWrappers)
    * Add LabelImageToOGRDataSourceFilter class to use GDALPolygonize
      method to transform a Label image into a OGRDataSource
    * Add PersistentImageToOGRDataFilter class. This class is a generic
      PersistentImageFilter, which encapsulate any filter which produces
      OGR data from an input Image
    * Add option 4Connected/8Connected for Polygonization in
      LabelImageToVectorDataFilter and LabelImageToOGRDataSourceFilter
    * Add OGRLayerStreamStitchingFilter class to make fusion of geometries
      in a layer (ogr) along streaming lines (based on OGRWrappers).
    * Add LabelImageRegionMergingFilter class
    * Add Example about OGRWrappers and HooverMetrics

  * Pleiades Support
    * enhance support of PHR data with DIMAPv2 official root_tag
    * manage all cases from geotransform return by GDALJP2metadata
    * enhance support of PHR data with GML box and Sensor Model
    * Add TileImageFilter to support mosaic tiled images
    * Support of TIFF pleiades image and associated DIMAP metadata
    * upport for DIMAPv1 metadata format

  * Stereo-rectification framework
    * Add StereorectificationDeformationFieldSource class
    * Add BlockMatchingImageFilter class for fast 2D block-matching
    * Add NCCBlockMatching functor
    * Add LPBlockMatching functor
    * Adding an optionnal geoid file, and the possibility to use height
      above ellispoid in DEMToImageGenerator
    * Add SubPixelDisparityImageFilter class to interpolate disparities
    * Add DisparityMapMedianFilter class
    * Add AdhesionCorrectionFilter class
    * Add DisparityMapToDEMFilter
    * Add example in DisparityMap/StereoReconstructionExample

  * Miscellaneous
    * Modify otbImageLayer to enable the contrast stretch on full or
      zoom view in Monteverdi Viewer module
    * Add RasterizeVectorDataFilter class
    * Add VectorDataToLabelImageFilter for VectorData rasterization
      using an attribute to get the color for burning
    * Add GDALDriverManagerWrapper class
    * Add VectorDataEditVertexActionHandler class to allow user editing
      of vertex in vector data.
    * Add VectorDataTranslateGeometryActionHandler class to handles the
      user action for geometries translation
    * Add VectorDataEditionModel class for vertex edition and geometries
    * Add a method to remove a specific geometry in the VectorData
    * AddVectorData method always do notification, add a flag (set to
      true by default) to allow disabling it
    * Enhance the support for Spot 1,2,3 metadata related to radiometry
    * Add UnaryFunctorWithIndexWithOutputSizeImageFilter which implements
      neighborhood-wise generic operation on image
    * Add WatershedSegmentationFilter composite filter to allow use of
      itk watershed inside large segmentation framework
    * Add LabelImageRegionPruningFilter filter to merges regions in the
      input label image according to the input image of spectral values
      and the RangeBandwidth parameter.
    * Rename VectorDataToImageFilter to VectorDataToMapFilter
    * Move Hoover framework to Code/Segmentation
    * Make RationalTransform inheriting from otb::Transform instead
      of itk::Transform
    * Add Spacing and Origin to RationalTransform
    * Fix bug in computation of NDBBBI for Spectral rule based classifier
    * Remove deprecated classes :
      * QuickLookImageGenerator (replaced by StreamingShrinkImageFilter)
      * GeometricMomentImageFunction (unused)
    * Improve removal of geometries in VectorDataEditionModel
    * HistogramActionHandler : avoid changing positions outside viewed
    * PixelDescriptionModel : make the request for placename optional
      (lags when internet access is slow)
    * PackedWidgetManager : add Shown method, add Resizable setter
    * Patch internal muparser to avoid bugs with static storage varialbe
      deallocation in plugin context
    * Modify MetaDataKey to avoid bugs with static storage varialbe
      deallocation in plugin context
    * Enable KML writing using OGR (was previously done internally
      by libkml)
    * GenericRSTransform can now be optimized using a set of tie-points,
      calling ossim internal sensor model refining implementation
    * PackedWidgetManager & SplittedWidgetManager : add method to set the
      label of each group
    * HistogramActionHandler : limit moves of asymptots with min/max of
    * Curve2DWidget : add label support for each histogram
    * ImageToEnvelopeVectorDataFilter : support a sampling rate in pixels
      to be able to generate more than the four corners
    * GeoInformationConversion : add IsESRIValidWKT to test WKT for shp
      file support
    * OGRIOHelper : ensure OGR driver manager is initialized when we need it

  * New Applications
    * Add PixelValue application
    * Add HooverCompareSegmentation application
    * Add GridBasedImageResampling application to perform grid-based
      image resampling
    * Add StereoRectificationGridGenerator application
    * Add RadiometricWaterIndices application
    * Add FineRegistration application for pixel-wise horizontal block
    * Add BlockMatching application
    * Add DimensionalityReduction application
    * Add LargeScaleSegmentation application
    * Add DisparityMapToElevationMap application
    * Add ComputeImageFeatures application
    * Add VectorDataReprojection application

  * Misc. Applications
    * Add image origin to ReadImageInfoApplication
    * Use now InputFilenameParameter and OutputFilenameParameter instead
      of FilenameParameter
    * Use InputFilename and OuputFilename instead of Filename
    * New option in SVMClassifier application: sample.edg (non mandatory)
      to manage special cases with small samples
    * In KMeansClassification, Changing the random intialisation method
      since it can generate centroids that are too far from the image
      distribution and will never move
    * Add AddRANDParameter option in order to set mersenne twister seed
      for test reproducibility purpose
    * Display which key is wrong in a set of application parameters
    * Improve the help return by application
    * MeanShiftSegmentation application, which duplicates Segmentation
      application has been renamed to MeanShiftSmoothing application
    * Rasterization application rewritten to use the new
      OGRDataSourceToLabelImageFilter filter
        The application can rasterize in binary mode or burn the value of
        a specified field (similar to gdal_rasterize)
    * ColorMapping : fix settings of predefined colormap
    * ColorMapping : fix mode "method.image" in case image contains
      continuous labels
    * ImageEnveloppe : expose new sampling rate parameter
    * otbViewer improvements : add handling of HDF and JPEG2000 files
    * Remove custom Transmercator projection settings from application

* System
  * Added FLTK License
  * GDAL copyright notice removed because GDAL source code is not provided
    with OTB
  * OpenJPEG copyright file updated
  * Update internal Ossim to revision 20606
  * Support for Mapnik2
  * Make siftfast compilation optional (OTB_USE_SIFTFAST cmake option)
  * Support external tinyXML
  * Support external muparser
  * Support external libkml
  * Add a FindOSSIM.cmake to detect OSSIM easier
  * Update internal boost to 1.49.0
  * Suppress galib from OTB source tree (wasn't used)
  * Suppress KNN from OTB source tree (wasn't used)
  * Enhance/Add find_package support for OpenThread, Ossim, Expat, PQxx,
    Curl, GetText, ICUUC and LTDL
  * Install OTB-custom FindXXX.cmake files along with OTB, to be used
    from external projects
  * Make installation with OTB_WRAP_JAVA honor CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
  * New compilers supported :
    * clang 3.2 (current development version)
    * gcc 4.6, 4.7, 4.8-dev
    * Intel icc

* Bug fixes :
  * OTB-lib
    * 0000532: OTB_SHOW_ALL_MSG_DEBUG option changes 
               apTvClTrainSVMImagesClassifierQB456 test results
    * 0000568: Unable to compile OTB with a local version of the
               FFTW library
    * 0000531: Cannot compile OTB 3.12.0 with external FLTK 1.3
               on Windows
    * 0000564: ColorMapping application crash when using support
               image with input label image which contains holes in label
    * 0000563: Can not install OTB elsewhere than /usr/lib anymore
    * 0000557: Weird default value for RAM parameter in OTB application
    * 0000544: SWIG 2.0.5 not supported on mac
    * 0000554: OTB compilation : error while loading libfltk.so.9
    * 0000559: Even if OTB_USE_MAPNICK is ON, otbapp_Rasterization
               does not get compiled
    * 0000558: GetParameterFloat method of WrapperApplication
               class does not returns exactly input value
    * 0000550: BlockMatching application throws an exception
               when the "sub-pixel" mode is activated
    * 0000549: Error message related to boost_any_cast in
               StereoRectificationGridGenerator application
    * 0000547: MeanShiftFilter validation test is fialinf for
               Iteration and Spatial output
    * 0000542: Problem with win arch and testing
    * 0000521: Applications do not work anymore (Wrapper problem)
    * 0000522: otbApplicationLauncherQT is not reflecting
               the Disable/Enable state correctly
    * 0000511: Tags are repeated twice in Application, when using Qt framework

  * Monteverdi
    * 0000555: monteverdi -in does not work with JP2 images
    * 0000560: Monteverdi compilation error
    * 0000527: While saving dataset with rescaling option,
               the channels n° > 3 are incorrect

  * OTB-applications
    * 0000518: Missing GDAL dependencies
    * 0000515: Space managing in command line
    * 0000510: OTB-Applications cannot compile when the sources
               are located in a directory with spaces in its name

  * OTB-Packaging
    * 0000545: Issues with Monteverdi 1.10 binary 
               applications on Mac OSX 10.6  (SL)
    * 0000525: Python not found during ubuntu package build
    * 0000526: Fix input of bfTvPolygonizationRasterization_WGS84

  * Server administration
    * 0000519: Search button of current OTB doxygen documentation
               is broken
    * 0000523: Update doxygen version to get
               the same layout as the ITKv4 doxygen website

OTB-v.3.12.0 - Changes since version 3.10.0 (2011/01/31)
* Library
  * MaximumAutocorrelationFactorImageFilter
  * MultivariateAlterationDetector
  * Add Hyperspectral processing filters
    * Dimensionnality estimation :
      * EigenValueLikelihoodMaximization
      * VirtualDimensionnality
    * Dimensionnality reduction :
      * PCAImageFilter - perform forward and inverse Principal Component
        Analysis decomposition
      * FastICAImageFilter - perform forward and inverse Independent
        Component Analysis decomposition, based on FastICA algorithm
      * MNFImageFilter - perform forward and inverse Maximum Noise
        Fraction decomposition
      * NAPCAImageFilter - perform forward and inverse Noise Adjusted
        Principal Component Analysis decomposition
    * Endmember extraction :
      * VcaImageFilter - performs Vertex Component Analysis
      * MDMDNMFImageFilter - performs Minimum Spectral Dispersion Maximum
        Spatial Dispersion nonnegative Matrix Factorization
    * Unmixing under Linear Mixture Model hypothesis :
      * UnConstrainedLeastSquareImageFilter - standard least square
      * NCLSUnmixingImageFilter - least square with non-negativity
      * FCLSUnmixingImageFilter - least square with non-negativity and
        additivity constraint
      * ISRAUnmixingImageFilter - image space reconstruction algorithm
    * Anomaly detection :
      * LocalRxDetectorFilter
    * SparseUnMixingImageFilter : finds correlation in time series using
      sparse representation
    * Addition of several mathematical operations to support hyperspectral
      filters implementation
      * AngularProjectionImageFilter
      * AngularProjectionSetImageFilter
      * BinarySpectralAngleFunctor
      * ConcatenateScalarValueImageFilter
      * DotProductImageFilter
      * SparseWvltToAngleMapperListFilter
      * ProjectiveProjectionImageFilter
      * VectorImageToMatrixImageFilter
        Different sort of gradient filter for noise estimation in MNF :
      * LocalActivityImageFilter
      * LocalGradientImageFilter
      * HorizontalSobelVectorImageFilter
      * VerticalSobelVectorImageFilter
      * SobelVectorImageFilter
  * Add Simulation module, based on Prospect and Sail
    * AtmosphericEffects
    * DataSpec5B
    * ImageSimulationMethod
    * LabelMapToSimulatedImageFilter
    * LabelToProsailParameters
    * LeafParameters
    * ReduceSpectralResponse
    * ReduceSpectralResponseClassifierRAndNIR
    * SailModel
    * SatelliteRSR
    * SpatialisationFilter
    * SurfaceReflectanceToReflectanceFilter
    * SpectralResponse
  * Improve WaveletGenerator speed, and fix reconstruction issue is
    multithreaded environment
  * ClampImageFilter, ClampVectorImageFilter
  * ThresholdVectorImageFilter
  * Support for writing PDS files (Planetary Data System) in
    ImageFileWriter, through GDALImageIO
  * ImageRegionAdaptiveSplitter, RAMDrivenAdaptiveStreamingManager,
    New streaming strategy in writer, taking advantage of both tile size
    and pipeline memory print estimation
  * Finer progress reporting in StreamingImageFileWriter
  * Move ViewerManager application from OTB-Applications to OTB source
    tree, and rename as otbViewer
  * Factor MsgReporter class in OTB source tree, and reuse it in
  * HooverInstances, HooverConfusionMatrix : tools to evaluate a
    segmentation against a ground truth
  * Removed deprecated class MapProjection
  * Removed streaming and threading support from
    MeanShiftVectorImageFilter, since it was generating wrong labeled images
  * Pleiades data support
    * Update to openjpeg rev 1111
    * Complete rework of JPEG2000ImageIO
      * Tile caching support
      * Multithreaded decoding
      * GMLBox decoding
      * Multi-resolution decoding support
    * Experimental Pleiades metadata support in ossimplugins :
      * RPC Sensor model
      * Calibration coefficient
      * Various information about the product
  * New application module framework (BUILD_APPLICATIONS:BOOL=ON)
    * New library OTBApplicationEngine to generate application module
      as shared plugin objects
    * This replaces small command line utilities in OTB-Applications
    * Command line launcher for application module
    * Generic Qt based widget to show/configure/run an application
    * Qt based GUI application launcher
    * SWIG module on top of OTBApplicationEngine to execute applications
      from Python and Java
    * Quickstart scripts provided for launching the commandline tools
        and for starting the Qt GUI (otbgui_XXX)
    * The following applications are available in this release :
      * CartographicDBValidation
        * ComputePolylineFeatureFromImage
        * DSFuzzyModelEstimation
        * VectorDataDSValidation
      * ChangeDetection
        * MultivariateAlterationDetector
      * Classification
        * ComputeImagesStatistics
        * ImageSVMClassifier
        * KMeansClassification
        * SOMClassification (Kohonen Self Organizing Map)
        * TrainSVMImagesClassifier
        * ValidateSVMImagesClassifier
      * DimensionnalityReduction
        * MaximumAutocorrelationFactor
      * Disparitymap
        * FineRegistration
        * StereoSensorModelToElevationMap
      * FeatureExtraction
        * LineSegmentDetection
      * Hyperspectral
        * VertexComponentAnalysis
        * HyperspectralUnmixing
      * Projections
        * BundleToPerfectSensor
        * ConvertCartoToGeoPoint
        * ConvertSensorToGeoPoint
        * ImageEnvelope
        * ObtainUTMZoneFromGeoPoint
        * OrthoRectification
        * RigidTransformResample
        * Superimpose
      * RadiometricIndices
        * RadiometricVegetationIndices
      * Radiometry
        * OpticalCalibration
        * SarRadiometricCalibration
      * Rasterization
        * Rasterization
      * Segmentation
        * ConnectedComponentSegmentation
        * MeanShiftSegmentation
      * Utils
        * BandMath
        * ColorMapping
        * CompareImages
        * ConcatenateImages
        * ConcatenateVectorData
        * Convert
        * ExtractROI
        * KmzExport
        * MultiResolutionPyramid
        * OSMDownloader
        * Quicklook
        * ReadImageInfo
        * Rescale
        * Smoothing
        * SplitImage
        * VectorDataExtractROIApplication
        * VectorDataSetField
        * VectorDataTransform

* System
  * Update internal Ossim to revision 20113
  * Update internal Boost to 1.47.0
  * Update internal OpenJpeg to rev 1111
  * Support for FLTK 1.3
  * Support building ossim as a DLL on windows
  * Support building ossimplugin as a DLL on windows
  * Remove Ossim, OpenThreads and OpenJpeg headers from the install tree
  * Compilation with clang is now possible, still with some constraints :
    * it needs a recent clang version (better use a recent checkout)
    * you may encounter an issue with boost about fenv.hpp : this is a
      boost issue, and is fixed in boost > 1.48

* Monteverdi
  * Support for Pleiades format
    * Support JPEG2000 image loading with multi-resolution choice
    * Quicklook generation based on JPEG2000 format capabilities
    * Support viewing of JPEG2000Images
    * Add module to uncompress an extract of a JPEG2000 image to TIFF
    * Reader module tries to save the quicklook next to the original file
        to improve loading time of JP2 files
  * Fix gaussian histogram stretching mode to avoid warning and black
  * Support Drag'N'Drop of image and vector format into Monteverdi tree
  * Support bundle generation on MacOSX
  * ConnectedComponentSegmentation :
    * Add "Elongation" statistics parameter
    * Support single band image
    * Support extracts of images in sensor model geometry
  * Writer module(s) :
    * Use StreamingImageFileWriter to take advantage of streaming
  * Add Monteverdi version number in title bar
  * Reduce KMeans module memory footprint
    * Fix sample list size from an amount of RAM
    * Release temporary filters and variables as soon as possible

* OTB-Applications
  * Removal of command line application migrated to OTB source tree
  * Migration of Viewermanager application to OTB source tree

* OTB-Wrapping
  * Add otb::Transform

* Bug fixes :
  * OTB-lib
    * 0000501: Add otbcli_XXX.bat and otbgui_XXX.bat for windows
    * 0000478: Exceptions thrown inside applications are not caught
    * 0000479: Can't write int8 image
    * 0000450: In otbViewer, zoom doesn't work well with link mode
    * 0000448: In otbViewer quicklook, navigation coordinate are not
      adapted to multi-res Pleiades images
    * 0000449: In otbViewer, the slide show crashes
    * 0000421: ListSampleGenerator is not random
    * 0000429: Trouble with .geom for Formosat
    * 0000439: Can't run Qt ReadImageInfo
    * 0000428: itkCastImageFilter doesn't work well with streaming
    * 0000416: segfault with non existing input image in the new otb
      applications framework
    * 0000424: Execute button enabling problem
    * 0000393: histogram minimum filter available ?
    * 0000400: how to return objects when function uses a filter ?
    * 0000380: wavelet reconstruction filter problem
    * 0000392: Unable to read Landsat Tiff file. Problem with Tags
      reading ?
    * 0000386: Remove direct use of ossim from Simulation tests
    * 0000401: Error while reading a lum image with several channels
    * 0000381: No platform testing OTB_USE_EXTERNAL_OSSIM
    * 0000441: SWIG/Python interface for applications does not catch
      all exceptions
    * 0000482: The Object Labeling module seems to hold forever when using
      "Save / Quit"
    * 0000471: Multi baseline Test files must begin by 1 and have
      consecutive number
    * 0000485: Hide internal CMake variable
    * 0000419: The new QT applications framework don't work on Ubuntu
      11.04 and Ubuntu 11.11
    * 0000497: Can not save VectorData in cartographic SRS in KML (empty
      file resulting) in applications
    * 0000498: Segmentation fault in Line Segment Detection filter
    * 0000495: StreamingImageFileWriter and link to source filter
    * 0000484: Rename CMake WRAP_* options
    * 0000472: LSD application on sensor image extract produces wrond
    * 0000491: Build scheduling is buggy with SWIG wrapper
    * 0000418: ld error on exit when using the new application framework
      with any engines
    * 0000473: Saving TIFF with "degenerated" sizes is highly suboptimal
    * 0000469: Clamp output values to the precision range in new
      application framework
    * 0000476: baseline file must have extension
    * 0000470: New applications framework input image parameter prevents
      from accessing to intermediate resolutions
    * 0000423: Internationalisation problem when launching application
      via Qt
    * 0000453: DEMConvert application becomes ready even if output
      parameter is empty
    * 0000426: RAM parameter has no effect in the new application
    * 0000436: Calling GetParameterXXXImage("in") more than once in
      DoExecute() breaks streaming
    * 0000442: In otb::WrapperApplication, calling Init() twice results
      in doubled parameters in examples
    * 0000440: In SWIG/python interface to applications, an exception
      is thrown when setting parameters unless Init() is called before
    * 0000425: In QT application launcher, some applications are ready
      to run with missing parameters
    * 0000435: OTB CommandLine wrappers parameters short key
    * 0000434: CommandLine launcher does not report outputs of the
    * 0000431: OTB v. 3.10.0 & Snow Leopard : a bug fixed - Nov. 23, 2011
    * 0000420: command line error reporting is not clear ('-' vs '--')
    * 0000387: [Monteverdi] Unable to display vector data with the viewer
    * 0000390: Lots of warning from itk::Transform when using
    * 0000457: Crash of new otbApplications
    * 0000438: KMeans Application crach in Qt Framework

  * Monteverdi
    * 0000455: Can't cache a labelimage
    * 0000481: Add a option that allows a compute the histogram on the
      zoom (or full resolution) area,
    * 0000447: Unable to import non-georeferenced VectorData over a
      non-georeferenced image without a DEM
    * 0000492: BandMath module closes itself with Help window
    * 0000474: In TileMap Import module, search place by name does not
      work anymore
    * 0000396: Object labeling module crashes
    * 0000408: KMeans clustering crashes after a while
    * 0000383: KMeans module requests the largest possible region
    * 0000477: High memory usage in Monteverdi Viewer module with
      JPEG2000 images
    * 0000480: Viewer crashes playing with histogram method
    * 0000475: Select an Region in the Uncompressed JPEG2000 image module
      QL view constantly increase memory usage
    * 0000464: FLU is not compatible with FLTK 1.3
    * 0000411: Does not support fluid 1.3
    * 0000407: Right click on any list component crashes Monteverdi
    * 0000410: KMZ export module leaves a lot of .jpg.aux.xml files in
      the output directory
    * 0000405: otbSupervisedClassificationApplication does not handle
      class removal properly
    * 0000412: Monteverdi segfaults using contextual menu on module item
    * 0000403: Save dataset (advanced version): Not available for an
      output of bandmath module
    * 0000404: Spectral Viewer keep image locked

  * OTB-wrapping
    * 0000382: Build fails on CentOS 5.5 because of '$self' in java

  * OTB-Packaging
    * 0000500: Make OSGeo4W otb-wrapping-python and otb-wrapping-java
    * 0000502: Package cli and qt launcher in OSGeo4W
    * 0000486: [osgeo4w] Update setup.hint to add osgearth dependency
    * 0000413: Update CentOS installation manual
    * 0000399: Ubuntu packaging for Monteverdi fails (resource files
      are missing)

  * Documentation
    * 0000483: "<" or ">" are interpreted as ¿ in Cookbook
    * 0000370: Cookbook : make a HTML documentation
    * 0000378: Doxygen not updated

OTB-v.3.10.0 - Changes since version 3.8.0 (2011/06/30)
* Monteverdi
  * New Rasterization module
  * New ImageStatistics module
  * New BayesianFusion module
  * New SAR Polarimetry modules (conversion, analysis)
  * New Vector data to image manual registration module
  * New connected component segmentation and OBIA based on user-defined
    criterions module
  * Removed the Orthorectification since its functionnalities are covered
    by the Reprojection module
  * Specify output map projection by EPSG code in reprojection module
  * Handle multi band complex images
  * Viewer module : Add "save screenshots" feature
  * Viewer module now handles a NoData field, allowing to correctly
    rescale ortho-images
  * DEM fields throughout the modules are now pre-filled with option in
    otb config file if correctly set
  * Add a rectify mode in homologous points extraction module (register
    image without changing resolution)

* Applications with command-line interfaces and GUI
  * Optical calibration
  * Vectorial objects validation based on Dempster Shafer theory framework
    * otbDSFuzzyModelEstimation
    * otbComputePolylineFeatureFromImage
    * otbVectorDataDSValidation
  * Multi-images SVM classification framework
    * EstimateImagesStatistics
    * TrainImagesClassifier
    * ValidateImagesClassifier
    * ImageSVMClassifier
  * Connected Component Segmentation and OBIA based on user-defined
  * Object Detection framework (adding the Histogram of Oriented Gradient
    * TrainHOGDetector
    * HOGObjectDetector
    * MeanShiftModesDetection
    * TrainDeepSVMDetector
  * Various new utilities :
    * LineSegmentDetection
    * Superimpose
    * RigidTransformResample
    * ConcatenateVectorData
    * VectorDataExtractROIApplication
    * VectorDataTransformFilterApplication
    * OSMDownloader

* Library
  * Add HistogramOfOrientedGradientCovariantImageFunction
  * Add Framework for LANDSAT Spectral rule based classifier (contribution
    from J. Inglada)
  * Add Multitemporal time point interpolators
    : SavitzkyGolayInterpolationFunctor,
    EnvelopeSavitzkyGolayInterpolationFunctor (contribution from J. Inglada)
  * Add SAR Polarimetry conversions and analysis code :
    * SinclairImageFilter
    * SinclairReciprocalImageFilter
    * SinclairToCircularCovarianceMatrixFunctor
    * SinclairToCoherencyMatrixFunctor
    * SinclairToCovarianceMatrixFunctor
    * SinclairToMuellerMatrixFunctor
    * SinclairToCircularCovarianceMatrixFunctor
    * SinclairToReciprocalCircularCovarianceMatrixFunctor
    * SinclairToReciprocalCoherencyMatrixFunctor
    * SinclairToReciprocalCovarianceMatrixFunctor
    * ReciprocalLinearCovarianceToReciprocalCircularCovarianceFunctor
    * ReciprocalHAlphaFunctor
    * ReciprocalCovarianceToReciprocalCoherencyFunctor
    * ReciprocalCovarianceToCoherencyDegreeFunctor
    * CoherencyToMuellerFunctor
    * MuellerToReciprocalCovarianceFunctor
    * MuellerToPolarisationDegreeAndPowerFunctor
  * Add RationalTransform
  * Add PipelineMemoryPrintEstimator: computes the total memory used by
    a pipeline, and proposes streaming parameters depending on available RAM
  * Add Dempster Shafer framework
    * MassOfBelief
    * JointMassOfBeliefFilter
  * Add a Dempster-Shaffer based vectorial objects validation framework
    * TODO: List classes here
  * AssymmetricFusionOfLineDetectorImageFilter: call SetNumberOfDirections
    on internal filters (contribution from A. Ferro)
  * RADARSAT 1: more product types supported
  * VectorDataToImageFilter: Binary rasterization available, support
    images of arbitrary size
  * Add VectorDataRendering example: showing how to rasterize OSM roads
    onto an image for visualisation
  * LineSegmentDetector & RightAngleDetection: algorithmic improvements
  * GDALImageIO: multi dataset support (for MODIS HDF4)
  * GDALImageIO: improve performance by avoiding unnecessary memory copies
  * GDALImageIO: TIFF are now saved as TILED
  * GDALImageIO: various improvements to support reading and writing of
    multiband complex data with all types supported by GDAL
  * StreamingImageVirtualFileWriter, StreamingImageFileWriter : new
    streaming strategies, with integrated pipeline memory print estimation
  * Curl:
    * Add in-memory download support to avoid writing small temporary
    * Better handling of the exceptions than can be thrown when using curl
  * Add ConcatenateVectorDataFilter
  * Add OSMDataToVectorDataGenerator : Class implementing the download of
    the OSM file relative to an extent and a parser to generate VectorData
    from OSM Datas
  * Add ImageToOSMVectorDataGenerator : Helper class to compute the extent
    of an image, use OSMDataToVectorDataGenerator for VectorData generation
  * Add VectorDataTransformFilter : Apply an affine transform to a
  * ImageToSURFKeyPointSetFilter : algorithmic improvements
* System
  * Compilation on Windows and MacOS with mapnik
  * Update internal tinyXML to 2.6
  * Add ThirdPartiesUtilities: Refactoring OSSIM and CURL accesses so
    as to minimize dependencies using the Adapter pattern

* Bug fixes :

  * OTB-lib
    * 0000312: Systematic crash when opening images with GDAL (tif, png,
      jpeg, etc)
    * 0000330: Suspicious log and output problem in
    * 0000329: At least 2 platforms don't respect the nightly version
      for their dashboard submission
    * 0000298: TestDriver : returns EXIT_SUCCESS when test is not
    * 0000310: PersistentImageToVectorData process the input twice when
      only one stream is used
    * 0000273: otbHarrisImageFilter applies final smoothing only over
      the 0-th direction; + wrong final scaling applied
    * 0000228: Problems related to the --compare-ascii tool in OTB
      tests protocol
    * 0000219: HDF dataset not openable with ImageFileReader
    * 0000358: Remove ossim from otbFilterFunctionValuesDigitalGlobeTest
    * 0000320: Design issue: VectorDataIOFactory should not be a
      template class
    * 0000334: Some tutorials do not check argc/argv
    * 0000311: No platform testing OTB_SHOW_ALL_MSG_DEBUG set to ON for
      examples compilation
    * 0000245: Wrong path for GDAL_CONFIG or GDALCONFIG_EXECUTABLE cmake
      variable produce incoherent results in the OTB configuration
    * 0000229: OTB driver in imageFileReader must support different file
      extensions related to the HDF format
    * 0000222: Issues with the TerraSar-X ossim plugin
    * 0000221: Fail to retrieve the pixel spacing from image metadata.
    * 0000282: Unable to open tiff image
    * 0000237: Boost / Fltk conflict
    * 0000327: CMake configuration abort if no curl is available on
      system, even with OTB_USE_CURL is set to OFF
    * 0000276: Trouble with the compare ascii when separations are

  * Monteverdi
    * 0000292: Tilemap import module not working
    * 0000352: Monteverdi crashes on wrong DEM directory
    * 0000270: Open RADARSAT2 products as an SAR image in Monteverdi
    * 0000263: Vectorization module : weird behavior
    * 0000297: Crash when open change detection output image
    * 0000281: Crash opening a RAD image.
    * 0000265: SVM learn module : crash when displaying results
    * 0000254: Homologous point module
    * 0000240: Importing shp file in SVM module in Monterverdi 1.6 always
      results in crash
    * 0000348: Viewer setup : histogram settings disappear
    * 0000349: Labeled image can't be viewed
    * 0000249: otbTrainObjectDetector-cli: malloc(): memory corruption
    * 0000251: Wrong output of the DEM to image generator module when
      working on a ROI of the image in raw geometry
    * 0000226: otbSegmentationApplication: crash when overwriting a
      .shp file
    * 0000223: Wrong positioning of polygons from
      otbSegmentationApplication and open with SVMclassification module
    * 0000242: Mean Shift: different display of results in the module
      and in the Viewer
    * 0000317: Monteverdi extract ROI module can not perform extraction
      from geographical coordinates on SPOT5 data
    * 0000253: Nodata value in SRTM result in wrong ortho-rectified image
    * 0000315: Monteverdi ROI extraction module broken : can not select
      by drag&drop anymore
    * 0000300: One viewer instance block another instance to display
      another image
    * 0000269: Inoperative fields in the reprojection module
    * 0000255: Image is not visible if scroll or Full window is minimized
      while working with SVM classification
    * 0000267: Vectorization-Rasterization module
    * 0000244: Pansharpening EO-1 image with Monteverdi produces NaN
    * 0000227: Monteverdi crashing while displaying a .tif file
    * 0000350: KMeans module : weird behavior of "Max nb of iterations"
    * 0000248: In feature extraction module, for haralick textures :
      impossible to set min/max for binning
    * 0000341: weird french warning in ms dos command window with
      monteverdi 1.7 exe
    * 0000313: Unable to perform orthofusion of WV2 PAN+XS (4 bands)
    * 0000239: Trouble in pixel descrition in Monteverdi viewer
    * 0000336: Viewer Histogram settings not applied after channel
      order changes
    * 0000304: Advanced save dataset module with scaling on results in
      visible strip in image
    * 0000262: Wrong metadata interpretation
    * 0000302: Can't open two image in the viewer
    * 0000294: Monteverdi doesn't delete files in Caching
    * 0000280: SVM classification and Feature extraction issues
    * 0000247: Style of the new screenshots function in viewer module
      is ugly
    * 0000238: Monteverdi spreads xml temporary files everywhere
    * 0000241: A warning appears each time an image is read
    * 0000271: Default RGB channels are wrong for WV2 images
    * 0000250: Meanshift clustering module: spectral radius limited
    * 0000306: Unable to export otb::Image in KMZ in the Monteverdi module
      "KMZ export"
    * 0000279: Visualisation from vectorisation module does not use
      default channels for wv2 images

  * OTB-applications
    * 0000231: otbRasterizationApplication -pr options await for OGC
      WKT strings
    * 0000318: otbOSMDownloader-cli does not work anymore
    * 0000233: otbRasterizationApplication fail to rasterize SRTM water
      bodies shapefile with default parameters
    * 0000232: Several minor changes in rasterization application
    * 0000338: otbSegmentationApplication : Enable to use real values

  * OTB-Packaging
    * 0000296: gdal 1.8 debian package breaks TIFF support
    * 0000301: Can't upgrade debian package between different OTB versions
    * 0000347: Problem with current ubuntu Natty nightly package of
    * 0000290: Make an Experimental submission on the dashboard with natty
    * 0000355: Bad timestamp for nightly built Ubuntu packages
    * 0000288: Nightly packages upload when launchpad is overloaded
    * 0000345: debian package : enable mapnik
    * 0000344: debian package : use system boost
    * 0000326: CentOS packages for Monteverdi and OTB-Applications

  * OTB-Qgis
    * 0000272: problem with installation

OTB-v.3.8.0 - Changes since version 3.6.0 (2010/12/16)

* Monteverdi
  * New Polarimetric Synthesis module
  * New DEM image extraction / HillShading module: creates an image from
    a DEM tiles directory, with optional hillshading
  * New ColorMapping module: apply a colormap to a mono band image
  * Viewer module: add multi input support, with slideshow or transparency
    mode, add more rendering functions, add splitted/packed layout option
  * Vectorization module: new semi-automatic mode based on segmentation
    results proposals

* Applications
  * Object Detection applications (see also
    * EstimateFeatureStatistics to evaluate descriptors statistics on
      a set of images
    * TrainObjectDetector: generates an SVM model from input images and
      a vector data
    * ObjectDetector: detects points in an image from an SVM model
  * Add automatically generated GUI wrappers for OTB processing chains
    * Add FLTK wrapper
    * Add a generic Qt based widget class
    * Add a Qt GUI wrapper based on the generic Qt widget
    * Add a Qgis plugin wrapper based on the generic Qt widget

* Library
  * Improved local descriptors tools based on ImageFunction :
    * Rework FlusserImageFunction and HuImageFunction to output
      all moments in one pass (FlusserMomentsImageFunction,
    * Rework RealMomentsImagefilter and ComplexMomentImageFilter to
      output a matrix of all moments associated to p, q inferior to a
      given parameter (ComplexMomentsImageFunction, HuMomentsImageFunction)
    * Add image function to compute a vector containing the local mean,
      variance, skewness and kurtosis (RadiometricMomentsImageFunction)
    * Add local histogram image function (LocalHistogramImageFunction)
    * Add image function to compute the local Fourier Mellin coefficients
    * Add a class to adapt any image function return types to
      itk::VariableLengthVector (ImageFunctionAdaptor)
    * Add a class to build composite image functions (MetaImageFunction)
  * New object detection framework (see also
    * Add filter to generate negative samples
    * Add filter to evaluate an image function on a set of point and
      generate ListSample (DescriptorsListSampleGenerator)
    * Add filter to balance the sample number of different classes
      in a ListSample by generating new samples from existing
      ones plus noise (ListSampleToBalancedListSampleFilter,
    * Add filter to apply a shift/scale to a ListSample
    * Add filter to detect object from an SVM model and an image function
  * SVMClassifier: add hyperplanes distances as output
  * GDALImageIO: support writing of non-streamable format (JPEG, PNG)
  * Support reading vector images of std::complex
  * BandMathFilter: add physical and image coordinates variables
  * Add a class to generate a kmz file from an image

* System
  * Internal liblas updated to 1.6.0b2 + OTB patches (root CMakeList.txt)
  * Internal libsvm updated to 3.0 + OTB patches (additionnal kernels)
  * Internal ITK: removed compilation of medical image formats library
    and associated ImageIO
  * Internal ITK: removed dependency on libtiff, libjpeg, libpng and zlib,
    now handled by gdal
  * Support for gcc-4.5
  * Remove dxflib from Utilities for licensing issues

* Bug fix:
  * Monteverdi
    * 0000216: Monteverdi viewer unable to display multi band images
    * 0000193: Crash in vectorization module when the after the activation
      of the semi-automatic mode
    * 0000195: unable to perform TSX calibration with the sar calibration
      module in monteverdi 1.4
    * 0000207: Vectorization module shift coordinates
    * 0000202: Error message "otbSVMModel.txx:310 eps <= O" in the SVM
      classification module
    * 0000194: error message opening dataset in monteverdi (development
    * 0000200: Monteverdi -in option does not open viewer anymore

  * OTB-applications
    * 0000213: Problem in denomination of otb process chain wrapped as
      qgis plugin
    * 0000201: otbFastOrthoRectif switched back to double precision again

  * OTB-lib
    * 0000192: Crappy support of gdal: GDALImageIO

OTB-v.3.6.0 - Changes since version 3.4.0 (2010/10/07)

* Monteverdi
  * New Vectorization module: creates vector data (polygons, lines and
    points) from image
  * New BandMath module: mathematical operation on image bands
  * New SpectralViewer module: designed to display hyperspectral
    images. also computes spectral angle
  * New ObjectLabeling module: object based image analysis module,
    with SVM classification based on object features

* Applications
  * otbFastOrthoRectif: fast orthorectification based on grid subsampling
  * otbActiveLearning: architecture to enable active learning application
    (put your own algorithms in the middle)
  * otbCompareImages: image comparison
  * otbFineRegistration: produces disparity maps between 2 images
  * Old GUI applications removed (now in Monteverdi): OrthoRectif,
    OrthoFusion, Classif, ChangeDetection, RadiometricCorrections

* Library
  * Some classes are marked as deprecated and are available for one
    release. A migration guide to help the transition is available at
  * Add filter to perform arbitrary mathematical operation on image bands
  * Add class to parse mathematical expression (Parser)
  * Add interpolation function (BCOInterpolateImageFunction)
  * Add filter to compute the intensity of a complex image
  * Add filter to compare two big images (StreamingCompareImageFilter)
  * Add filters to compute extrema of big images
    (StreamingMinMaxImageFilter and StreamingMinMaxVectorImageFilter)
  * Add filter to perform fine registration between images
  * Add filter for higher order texture computation
    (ScalarImageToHigherOrderTexturesFilter and
  * Removal of the old textures:
  * Add support for Worldview2 data
  * Add margin sampler for SVM (SVMMarginSampler)
  * Add generic resample filter that reproject in any arbitrary
    projection: cartographic, sensor model (GenericRSResampleImageFilter)
  * Add class to produce a RPC model from a physical model
  * Add classes related to SAR calibration (SarParametricMapFunction,
    SarRadiometricCalibrationFunction, SarRadiometricCalibrationFunctor,
  * Add an action handler for the visualization enabling dragging

* System
  * Internal ITK updated to 3.20.0 + OTB Patches
  * Internal OSSIM and ossim plugins updated to svn revision 18162 +
    OTB patches (almost none left)
  * Enable the use of an external build of libLAS
  * Support compilation on MSVC 2010 and Windows Seven
  * Better handling of FLTK configuration
  * Support compilation of Monteverdi on linux 32 bits systems with
    official FLTK package
  * Lots of coverage improvements

OTB-v.3.4.0 - Changes since version 3.2.0 (2010/06/30)

* Applications
  * New utility otbConvertSensorToGeoPoint to convert from sensor
    coordinates to lon/lat
  * otbExtractROI can change its output type
  * New utility otbSplitImage to separate a multispectral image into
    N images
  * otbConcatenateImage can change its output type
  * otbConvert can now use a log transfer function when rescaling
    the image

* Library
  * Add HillShadingFilter to produce hill shade image from DEM
  * Add point set density function (gaussian, epanechnikov)
  * Add filter to extract a subset from a point set (PointSetExtractROI)
  * Add filter to apply a transform to a point set
  * Add filter to generate a random point set (RandomPointSetSource)
  * Add class to compute confusion matrix (ConfusionMatrixCalculator)
  * Add class to generate a list of samples from a vector data
  * Add a class to compute the ground spacing (GroundSpacingImageFunction)
  * Add a class to read 6S spectral sensitivity files
  * Fix radiometry correction for SPOT5
  * Fix compilation on windows using osgeo4w dependencies
  * Lots of bug fixes

* System
  * Internal ITK updated to 3.18.0 + OTB Patches
  * Internal OSSIM updated to svn revision 16861 + OTB patches
  * Internal OSSIM SAR plugins updated to svn revision 17643 + OTB patches
  * Internal libkml updated to 1.2.0
  * Internal siftfast updated to 1.2
  * Internal boost updated to 1.42

OTB-v.3.2.0 - Changes since version 3.0.0 (2010/01/15)

* Applications
  * Monteverdi, a new all-in one user-friendly graphical tool
      for remote sensing data processing released as a separate package
      (see README file). Windows binary package of Monteverdi is available
      and was installed on various operating system including
      Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Seven.

* Library
    The library includes these additions
  * Support for TerraSarX, Quickbird and Spot5 calibration metadata
  * Simplification of the interface to access image metadata
  * Support for Aeronet files
  * Various filters for Object Based Image Analysis based on
  * Support for RPC sensor model estimation from a set of Ground Control
  * Support for affine transform least-square estimation from a set of
    tie points
  * Support for SVM cross-validation and parameters optimization
  * Box and Whiskey filter to detect outliers on VectorImage
  * Add several Euclidian distance classes
  * Exhaustive exponential optimizer for learning
  * Enhanced SOM algorithm taking into account invalid missing values
  * Wavelet transform
  * Filters for GIS database interaction (postgis database)
  * ImageFileWriter now supports streaming natively
  * Use of a configuration file to change some parameters without
  * Lots of bug fixes

* System
  * Internal ITK updated to 3.16.0 + OTB Patches
  * Internal OSSIM updated to svn revision 15872 + OTB patches
  * Home brewed metadata SAR reader were moved to ossimplugins
  * Experimental support for internationalization
  * Facilitate installation on Mac OSX platform (OTB is now able
    to compile on Mac OSX by using external libraries like GDAL downloaded
    from Macports)

OTB-v.3.0.0 - Changes since version 2.8.0 (2009/05/11)

* Applications
  - Urban area extraction (Pléaides, QB, Ikonos, SPOT5). For more
    see the README file
  - Image to Data Base registration (Pléiades, QB). For more details, see
    the README file
  - Feature Extraction: add new textures, new radiometric indexes and
    add MeanShift capabilities

* Library
    The library includes these additions
  - Cloud detection for QB/Pléiades images
  - Alignment and right angle detection (Burns, Grompone)
  - Radiometric indices (vegetation, water, soil)
  - Optimized texture computations including Haralick, SFS, Pantex,
    Edge density
  - SIFT density image function and filter
  - Object-based segmentation and filtering
  - LSD line segment detector and right angle detector
  - PCA computation
  - Automated loading of radiometric correction parameters (SPOT, Ikonos)
  - Attribute support for shapefile (reading only)
  - Optimization of vector data
  - Visualisation refactoring: for more details,
     see http://wiki.orfeo-toolbox.org/index.php/Visualisation_Refactoring

* System
  - Updated OSSIM library
  - Updated ITK library (3.12.0)
  - Miscellaneous bug fixes (support for gdal 1.6)
  - Fixed some problems under Visual and Cygwin platforms.

* Distribution
  - Distribution of Windows binaries packages installation for
    OTB-Application (OTB-Applications-3.0.0-win32.exe)
  - Distribution of Windows binaries packages for GDAL library 1.6.0 for
    MSVC V71 and MSVC V80 compiler (http://www.orfeo-toolbox.org/packages)

OTB-v.2.8.0 - Changes since version 2.6.0 (2009/01/15)

* System
	- ITK version updated to 3.10.1
	- liblas library added
	- ossim gdal plugin added
	- change in OpenGL access for viewer
	- Edison code from mean shift

* Library
	- Support for Lidat data
	- SIFT and SURF implementation
	- Mean Shift algorithm
	- Conversion of vector data projection (kml, shapefiles)

* Applications
	- Object counting
	- Fine Registration
	- Road Extraction

OTB-v.2.6.0 - Changes since version 2.4.0 (2008/10/31)

* System
	- GCC 4.3 compatibility
	- ITK version updated to 3.8
	- FLTK version updated to 1.1.9
	- OpenThreads library added
	- Expat library added

* Library
	- SAR Polarimetry synthesis classes
	- Kullback Leibler supervised change detection
	- KML support
	- Gabor filters implementation
	- Optimized convolution using FFT
	- CNES RAD format support
	- NCC and MI registration filters for diparity map estimation
	- Support for MegaWave image format (contributed by Eric Bughin)

* Applications
	- Object segmentation application
	- Feature extraction application
	- Land Cover Map application
	- SAR polarimetric synthesis application
	- 3D & stereo anaglyh viewer application
	- Command line conversion from/to all image formats supported
	  by OTB

OTB-v.2.4.0 - Changes since version 2.2.0 (2008/07/24)

	- Added OTB_DISABLE_CXX_EXAMPLES_TESTING : allows to generate or
	  not only examples testing
	- Added OTB_USE_JPEG2000 : experimental support for jpeg2000


	  Extraction ROI Classes :
	- Lifting of the otbExtractionBase classe
	- Correction of the SetExtractionRegion method


	- Added pixel size matching in otbSpectralAngleDistanceImageFilter
	- Modification of otb::ConvolutionImageFilter class to allow the
	  use of non-normalized convolution filters


	- Fixed compilation problems using external FLTK version < 1.1.9
	  under fedora unix distribution.
	- Mac OS X 10.5 supported


	- Added an supervised image classification application
	- Added an orthorectifcation application (otbOrthoRectifAppli)
	- Added an orthofusion application (otbOrthoFusionAppli)

	  Added full Markov framework for segmentation, restauration
	  and filtering
	  Added related classes:
	- otb::MarkovRandomFieldFilter
	- otb::MRFEnergyEdgeFidelity
	- otb::MRFEnergyGaussianClassification
	- otb::MRFEnergyGaussian
	- otb::MRFEnergy
	- otb::MRFEnergyPotts
	- otb::MRFOptimizer
	- otb::MRFOptimizerICM
	- otb::MRFOptimizerMetropolis
	- otb::MRFSampler
	- otb::MRFSamplerMAP
	- otb::MRFSamplerRandom
	- otb::MRFSamplerRandomMAP
	  Added related examples:
	- MarkovClassification1Example
	- MarkovClassification2Example
	- MarkovRegularizationExample
	- MarkovRestaurationExample

	  Added Lambert 93 cartographic projection with
	  otb::Lambert93Projection class

* Utilities:

  - Corrections on new SAR models integrated to OSSIM during release 2.2.0

OTB-v.2.2.0 - Changes since version 2.0.0 (2008/05/29)


	  Added classes for data importation:
	- otb::ImportImageFilter
	- otb::ImportVectorImageFilter
	  Added classes for image interpolation:
	- otb::WindowedSincInterpolateImageBlackmanFunction
	- otb::WindowedSincInterpolateImageCosineFunction
	- otb::WindowedSincInterpolateImageGaussianFunction
	- otb::WindowedSincInterpolateImageHammingFunction
	- otb::WindowedSincInterpolateImageLanczosFunction
	- otb::WindowedSincInterpolateImageWelchFunction
	- otb::ProlateInterpolateImageFunction
	  Added class for resampling
	- otb::RationalQuotientResampleImageFilter
	  Added classes for labelization
	- otb::LabelizeImageFilterBase
	- otb::LabelizeConfidenceConnectedImageFilter
	- otb::LabelizeConnectedThresholdImageFilter
	- otb::LabelizeNeighborhoodConnectedImageFilter


	- Bug fixed on otb::DEMCaracteristicExtractor


	- Added histogram windows in otb::ImageViewer main class.
	- Added polygon drawing support in otb::ImageViewer main class


	- Fixed bug in GDALImageIO to handle complex images
	  Added classes for vector data use:
	- otb::VectorDataFileReader
	- otb::VectorDataFileWriter
	- otb::VectorDataIOFactory
	- otb::VectorDataSource


	  Added classes to handle vector data:
	- otb::Polygon
	- otb::VectorData
	- otb::DataNode

	  Added classes to watch filter progression (ASCII mode):
	- otb::StandardFilterWatcher
	- otb::FilterWatcherBase


	- Creation otb::SVMKernels containing a list a useful kernel
	  for SVM
	- Correction in Kohonen map classes
	- Added convenience methods in SVMModel class

	  Added classification filters (streamed and threaded):
	- otb::SVMImageClassificationFilter
	- otb::SOMImageClassificationFilter
	- otb::KMeansImageClassificationFilter


	  Added implementation of Scalar Invariant Feature Transform
	- otb::ImageToSIFTKeyPointSetFilter


	  Added mono and multi-scale convex/concave image classification
         based on geodesic morphology characteristics.
	- otb::ConvexOrConcaveClassificationFilter
	- otb::GeodesicMorphologyDecompositionImageFilter
	- otb::GeodesicMorphologyIterativeDecompositionImageFilter
	- otb::GeodesicMorphologyLevelingFilter
	- otb::ImageToProfileFilter
	- otb::MorphologicalClosingProfileFilter
	- otb::MorphologicalOpeningProfileFilter
	- otb::MultiScaleConvexOrConcaveClassificationFilter
	- otb::ProfileDerivativeToMultiScaleCharacteristicsFilter
	- otb::ProfileToProfileDerivativeFilter


	- Updated the internal version of ITK to 3.6.0
	- Corrections on OSSIM integration
	- SVM library: creation of otb::ComposedKernelFunctor
	  allowing composed kernels
	- Added SAR models in OSSIM library:
		  . Radarsat 1 (SGX and SGF)
		  . Envisat ASAR - SLC (IMS, APS) and PRI (IMP, APP)
		  . ERS - SLC and PRI
		  . Terrasar X - SLC and PRI
		  . Cosmo-Skymed - SLC and PRI
		  . Radarsat 2 - SLC and PRI
	- Bug fixed in CMake configuration
	- Added SIFT implementation in InsigthJournal

	- Various Bug fix
	- otbConvertGeoToCartoPoint and otbConvertCartoToGeoPoint map
	  precision enhancement
	- Added of histogram manipulation functionalities in
	- Added of shape file functionalities and large image support in
	  ICD application
	- Added otbConcatenateImages application to concatenate multiple
	  image in the spectral domain
	- Added an unsupervised image classification application based
	  on the KMeans algorithm (otbKMeansClassification)
	- Added an unsupervised image classification application based
	  on the SOM algorithm (otbSOMClassification)
	- Added an unsupervised image classification application based
	  on the SVM algorithm (otbSVMClassification)
	- Added an application to create a contiguous unsigned short
	  labeled image from a colored labeled image
	- Added an application to create a colored labeled image from an
	  unsigned short labeled image (otbRgbRelabeling)

	- Added SIFT example (otb)
	- Added SIFT example (ij)
	- Added LabelizeNeighborhoodConnected example
	- Added RationQuotientResample example


	- Fixed some problems under Visual, Cygwin and MinGW platforms.

OTB-v.2.0.0 - Changes since version 1.6.0 (2007/12/14)


	- Bug correction in otb::OrthoRectificationFilter


	- Added simple Pansharpening algorithm
	- Fixed streaming bug on BayesianFusion filter


	  Added classes for atmospheric correction using the 6S Radiative
	  Transfer Code:
	- Luminance estimation otb::ImageToLuminanceImageFilter
	- Reflectance estimation TOA:
	- Added Composite transform filter:
	    equivalent to the pipeline process ImageToLuminanceImageFilter
	    and LuminanceToReflectanceImageFilter filters
	- Reflectance estimation TOC:
	- 6S effect correction:
	- DEM slope and shading estimations:


	- Added otb::UnaryFunctorNeighborhoodVectorImageFilter
	- Fixed bug on otb::ExtractROIBase class


	- Bug fixed on otb::VectorImage class


	- Bug correction in otb::StreamingStatisticsVectorImageFilter,
	- Added PrintableImageFilter
	- Fixed bugs on otb::FrostImageFilter and otb::LeeImageFilter


	- Fixed memory allocation bug on svm.cxx file
	- 4 files from ITK 3.4.0 have been replaced by the cvs version
	  to allow
	  correct use of the itkDivideImageFilter.h with VectorImage. These


	- Tutorials: Added OrthoFusion example
	- Radiometry: Added AtmosphericCorrectionSequencement example


	- Rename Pireo application to otbPireo
	- Added transform coordinate point applications:
	- Pireo corrections in CMakeLists.txt (GUI dir source code) and
	  source code (suppress of call VnlModifiedOptimizer class)


	- Fixed some problems under Visual and MinGW platforms.

OTB-v.1.6.0 - Changes since version 1.4.0 (2007/10/25)


	- Added StreamingVectorStatisticsImageFilter to compute
	  the second order stastics on a large vector image.

	- Added the MatrixTransposeMatrixImageFilter to compute
	  the product of the matrix of vector pixels from image 1
	  in rowwith the the matrix of vector pixels from image 2
	  columns for large vector image.

       - Added the otb::VectorImageTo3DScalarImageFilter which transforms
         a vector image into a 3D scalar image where each band is
         in a layer of the 3rd dimension.

       - Added the otb::ImageListToVectorImageFilter and
         otb::VectorImageToImageListFilter to convert a vector image
         from/to an image list.

       - Added the otb::ImageListToImageListApplyFilter which applies
         a given
         scalar image filter to a list of images

       - Added the otb::PerBandImageFilter, which applies a given
         scalar filter
         to each band of a VectorImage. This is not the optimal way for most
         processings but it allows the use of almost every scalar filter on
         vector images.

       - Added the otb::StreamingResampleImageFilter, which is a
         streaming capable
         version of the itk::ResampleImageFilter.


	- Added the otb::KullbackLeiblerDistanceImageFilter to compute the
	  Kullback-Leibler distance between two images.

	- Added the otb::KullbackLeiblerProfileImageFilter to perform a
	  multi-scale change detection using the Kullback-Leibler distance.


	- Added an otb::Polygon, which represents a closed polyline
	  on which
	  intersection or point interiority can be tested.


	- Added an otb::DEMHandler to fetch the elevation value in

	- Added an otb::DEMToImageGenerator to generate an elevation map.

	- Added a new tiling streaming mode.

	- Added the otb::ImageGeometryHandler, which allows to handle
	  the image geometry information.

	- Fixed a bug in the otb::MSTARImageIO.


	- Added methods to access the alpha values, the number of
	  support vectors,
	  the support vectors themselves, the distance to the hyperplanes.

	- Added the otb::SEMClassifier, implementing the Stochastic
	  Maximization algorithm to perform an estimation of a mixture


	- Various name changes and bugfixes in the morphological pyramid
	  segmentation classes.


	- The 6S Transfer Radiative Code compiles within OTB.
	- Added the Radiometry directory, containing everything that
	  has to do
	  with image radiometry.
	- Added the NDVI and ARVI (3 input bands) vegetation index


	- Added the Projections directory, containing everything that
	  has to do
	  with image projections.

	- Added an otb::DEMHandler to fetch the elevation value in

	- Added an otb::DEMToImageGenerator to generate an elevation map.

	- Added an otb::OrthoRectificationFilter to perform
	  orthorectification of
	  geo-referenced images.

	- Added the forward and inverse sensor model projection.

	- Added several map projection transforms (Eckert4,
	  TransMercator, Mollweid, Sinusoidal, UTM)


	- Added the Fusion directory, containing everything that has to do
	  with image fusion.

	- Added the otb::BayesianFusionImageFilter, a pan-sharpening
	  filter which
	  algoritm has been kindly contributed by Julien Radoux.


	- Added various documented examples in the SoftwareGuide for
	  the new classes.

	- Added a Tutorial section in the SoftwareGuide.


	- Added the 6S library which will soon play a role in the
	  radiometry module.

	- Updated the internal version of ITK to 3.4.0.


	- Fixed the random segfault of otbInteractiveChangeDetectionAppli
	  under Visual 8.0.


	- Added the otbImageViewerManager application which allows to
	  open multiple images,
	  configure viewers and link displays.

	- Added the otbRoadExtraction which demonstrates the road
	  extraction algorithm
	  implemented in the FeatureExtraction module.

	- Added the otbOrthoRectifAppli application which allows to
	  ortho rectify images in
	  command line using the brand new Projections module of the Orfeo
	  ToolBox. Old rigid
	  orthoo rectification application has been moved to

	- Added an option in CMakeLists.txt to use VTK or not (enable
	  or disable the
	  following application).

	- Added the Pireo registration application (VTK needed).

OTB-v.1.4.1 - Changes since version 1.4.0

	- Minor corrections of main ./CMakeLists.txt to support users
	  applications using OTB
	    install directory when using internal ITK.

OTB-v.1.4.0 - Changes since version 1.2.1


	- Added the LineSpatialObject class.

	- Added the ArcSpatialObject class.

	- Added a DXF file reader to read spatial objects from DXF files.


	- Added a PolylineParametricPathWithValue class, to store a
	  scalar value along with
	    a polyline.

	- DrawPathFilter and DrawPathListFilter can now use the internal
	  scalar values of the path(if present) as a value to draw the path.

	- Improved performances of the DrawPathFilter and

	- Added the base class
	  otbBinaryFunctorNeighborhoodVectorImageFilter (see


	- Added the ImportGeoInformationImageFilter providing a workaround
	  for metadata handling in pipeline execution.

	- Added a VectorRescaleIntensityImageFilter, which rescales
	  a vector
	  image on a per-band basis, clamping a user-defined percent of the
	  pixels lowest and highest values.

	- Added a filter to compute spectral angle distance image with
	  respect to a reference pixel.


	- Added a set of image and path filters to perform road

	- Added a composite filter to perform road extraction.


    - Added the Kullback-Leibler distance change detector with optimized

	- Added a Kullback-Leibler multi-scale change profile image filter
	  with optimized algorithm.


	- Added the DisparityMapEstimationMethod, performing local
	  estimation with respect to a given transform using the ITK
	  registration framework.

	- Added several methods for deformation field estimation from
	  the estimated disparity map (represented as a pointset with
	  associated point data).


	- Corrected several warning and French comments in doxygen.


	- Split of the OSSIM lib to support compilation on the mingw

	- DXFlib integration.

	- InsightJournal code integration :


	- Corrected runtime errors of the interactive change detection
	  application under cygwin.

	- Workaround for ImageViewer on very specific mandrake version.

OTB-v.1.2.1 - Changes since version 1.2.0

	- Improved support of geographic meta data handling in pipeline

	- Added a cast filter otb::ImageToVectorImageCastFilter to convert
	    otb::Image (templated with scalar pixel types) to
	    mono-channel otb::VectorImage.

    - Added a contour extraction filter otb::ImageToEdgePathFilter.

    - Viewer accepts now otb::Image (templated with scalar pixel types)
	    as well as otb::VectorImage.
    - Added FlRun() method to the Viewer, which execute Show() method from
	    the Viewer followed by the Fl::run() method from FLTK.

	- Minor correction of otb::ObjectList and otb::List in order
	  to support
	        visual 7.0 compiler.

    - Support for python binding compilation including itk binding
	    templated with OTB images, OTB IO and OTB Image viewer.
    - OSSIM has been integrated in the OTB Utilities directory to
	    prepare its future use in new geometric features.

OTB-v.1.2.0 - Changes since version 1.0.2

	- OTB can now been compiled on several new platforms :
	  - SunOS 5.8 (32bits and 64bits).

	- Improved robustness of
	  - the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 (7.1), .NET 2005 (8.0)
	  - the Cygwin and MinGW installation.


	- Various bug fixes and warning corrections.

	- Added support for ObjectList (ie SmartPointers) and thus
	    support for ImageList.

	- Added base classes for image to image list filters, image
	    list to image filters, image list to image list filters.

	- Precision for internal calculus has been tuned to double in
	    every filter.


	- Added filters for multiscale analysis and synthesis based on
	    the morphological pyramid algorithm.

	- Added automated region-growing multiscale segmentation
	    algorithm based on the morphological pyramid analysis.

*Spatial Reasoning:

	- Added support for graph representation of RCC8 spatial
	     reasoning relationships.

	- Added filters for atomic RCC8 computation based on two
	    segmented regions.

	- Added filter for multiscale segmentation to RCC8 graph
	    calculation with optimisations.


	- Added full support (reading and writing) of the HFA image
	    format (ERDAS img files).

	 - Bug fixes on metada writing (now works for tif and HFA
	     formats, limited support envi header file formats due to
	     Gdal limitations).

	- Bug fixes on memory management in the Reader.

	- Bug fixes related to the IO framework on MS Windows platforms.


	- Added filters for learning, classification and activation
	    map of data sets using Kohonen's self organizing maps.


	- Re-factoring of the base classes for visualization.

	- Re-factoring of the viewer object (and viewer apps). The
	    viewer can now be used to visualised large remote-sensing
	    images (Quickbird, Spot5) with limited memory footprint.


	- Minor changes needed for the portability of OTB-Applications.

	- Added a viewer application in OTB-Applications.

	- Added a interactive change detection application in

OTB-v.1.0.2 - Changes since version 1.0.1

- OTB can now been compiled on several new platforms :
       - Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005 (8.0).
       - Cygwin.
       - MinGW on Windows platform.

- LUM and BSQ formats have been added.

Note : On MS Windows platforms, if you have any problem related
         to using the OTB's internal version of ITK, you could try to use
         an external version of ITK (use ITK 2.6 or later) by setting
         OTB_USE_EXTERNAL_ITK to ON and ITK_DIR to the directory where
         your ITK built resides.

OTB-v.1.0.1 - Changes since version 1.0.0

- Building the visualization functionnalities is now an option
    (OTB_USE_VISU variable within CMake). This allows you to build OTB
    without Fltk and Open GL.

- Improved robustness of the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 (7.1)

- Minor changes needed for the portability of OTB-Applications.

- Bugfixes related to the IO framework on MS Windows platforms.