diff --git a/RELEASE_NOTES.txt b/RELEASE_NOTES.txt
index ff9974ee400b20c09cc65b642d9ce48b8aab3221..344c27a06dd16fe17ed8d5c1de3c28d6c29e4786 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,48 @@
+OTB-v 7.2.0 - Changes since version 7.1.0 (August 28th, 2020)
+Features added:
+   * !709: Add \"epsg\" filename extension by Julien Osman
+   * !708: Spectral angle classification by Cédric Traizet
+   * !704: Pantex texture extraction application by Cédric Traizet
+Bugs fixed:
+   * !730: Freetype and libPNG detection in QT5 by Cédric Traizet
+   * !727: FIX: StreamingMosaicFilter childs can have a different number of components per pixel at output by Rémi Cresson
+   * !725: Fix superbuild with OpenCV4 by Cédric Traizet
+   * !720: Fix spatial reference equality tests by Cédric Traizet
+   * !714: BUG: #2046 Add an epsilon margin to compute the m_ReachableOutputRegion by Julien Osman
+   * !705: Initialize seed with std::time if not user-supplied by Guillaume Pernot
+   * !696: Fix warnings by Cédric Traizet
+   * !731: Update MuParser in Superbuild by Cédric Traizet and Julie Brossard
+   * !715: Update GDAL version in superbuild (3.1.0) by Cédric Traizet
+   * !711: Updates QT5, ITK and pcre by Cédric Traizet
+   * !698: ENH: Use std::move instead of boost::move by Laurențiu Nicola
+   * !694: Update ul_lon/lat, ur_lon/lat, lr_lon/lat and ll_lon/lat for CosmoSkymed Sensor by Gaëlle USSEGLIO
+   * !683: Refactor compare image by Cédric Traizet
+   * !721: Deploy Doxygen documentation in CI by Cédric Traizet
+   * !719: Fix Centos CI build by Cédric Traizet
+   * !738: Update PSC informations by Julien Osman
+   * !735: Correct menu instructions to open application-browser in Monteverdi by Julien Osman
+   * !728: DOC: Deprecate methods that will be removed in OTB 8.0.0 by Julien Osman
+   * !722: Clean QGIS interface documentation according migration into QGIS documentation by Mickael Savinaud
+   * !716: Error in the documenation of the QGIS plugin by Cédric Traizet
+   * !713: Update documentation for QGIS, Python and multiwriter by Cédric Traizet
+   * !702: DOC: correct filthy typo by Rémi Cresson
+   * !695: DOC: Fixed typos by guillaume pernot
 OTB-v 7.1.0 - Changes since version 7.0.0 (March 16th, 2020)