From 7871d68bc388470cc4081cdac1fd591b56f27784 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Valentin Genin <>
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2020 08:43:25 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Add new schema json for

 json_schemas/schema_MultiSlc_IW.json | 107 +++++++++++++++++++
 python_src/           |   2 +-
 python_src/        | 148 ++++++++++++---------------
 python_src/utils/       |  12 +--
 4 files changed, 181 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 json_schemas/schema_MultiSlc_IW.json

diff --git a/json_schemas/schema_MultiSlc_IW.json b/json_schemas/schema_MultiSlc_IW.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04fdd7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/json_schemas/schema_MultiSlc_IW.json
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+    "$schema": "",
+    "title": "JSON SCHEMA for MultiSlc",
+    "description": "JSON organization for the script",
+    "type": "object",
+    "allOf": [{"required": ["Global", "Pre_Processing", "DIn_SAR"]}],
+    "properties":
+    {
+	"Global": 
+	{
+	    "type": "object",
+	    "properties": 
+	    {
+		"in": 
+		{
+		    "type": "object", 
+		    "required": ["SRTM_Shapefile", "SRTM_Path", "Geoid", "Master_Image", "Start_Date", 
+				"End_Date", "Input_Path"],
+		    "additionalProperties": false,
+		    "properties": {"SRTM_Shapefile": {"type": "string"}, 
+				  "SRTM_Path": {"type": "string"},
+				  "Geoid": {"type": "string"},
+				  "Master_Image": {"type": "string"},
+				  "Start_Date": {"type": "string"},
+				  "End_Date": {"type": "string"},
+				  "Exclude": {"type": "string", "default": "-9999"},
+				  "Input_Path": {"type": "string"}}
+		}, 
+		"out": 
+		{
+		    "type": "object",
+		    "required": ["Output_Path"],
+		    "additionalProperties": false,
+		    "properties": {"Output_Path": {"type": "string"}}
+		},
+		"parameter": 
+		{
+		    "type": "object",
+		    "additionalProperties": false,
+		    "properties": {"clean": {"type": "boolean", "default": true},
+				   "burst_index": {"type": "string", "default": "0-8"},
+				  "optram": {"type": "number", "default": 4000}}
+		}
+	    },
+	    "additionalProperties": false,
+	    "required": ["in", "out"]
+	},
+        "Pre_Processing": 
+	{
+	    "type": "object",
+	    "properties": 
+	    {
+		"out": 
+		{
+		    "type": "object",
+		    "required": ["doppler_file"],
+		    "additionalProperties": false,
+		    "properties": {"doppler_file": {"type": "string"}}
+		}, 
+		"parameter": 
+		{
+		    "type": "object",
+		    "required": ["ML_gain"],
+		    "additionalProperties": false,
+		    "properties": {"ML_ran": {"type": "number", "default" : 3},
+				   "ML_azi": {"type": "number", "default" : 3},
+				   "ML_gain": {"type": "number"}}
+		}
+	    },
+	    "additionalProperties": false,
+	    "required": ["out", "parameter"]
+	},
+        "DIn_SAR": 
+	{
+	    "type": "object",
+	    "properties": 
+	    {
+		"parameter": 
+		{
+		    "type": "object",
+		    "required": ["GridStep_range", "GridStep_azimut", "Grid_Threshold", "Grid_Gap", 
+				 "Interferogram_gain"],
+		    "additionalProperties": false,
+		    "properties": {"GridStep_range": {"type": "number"},
+				   "GridStep_azimut": {"type": "number"},
+				   "Grid_Threshold": {"type": "number"},
+				   "Grid_Gap": {"type": "number"},
+				   "Interferogram_gain": {"type": "number"},
+				   "Activate_Interferogram": {"type": "string", "default": "yes"},
+				   "Activate_Ortho": {"type": "string"},
+				   "Spacingxy": {"type": "number", "default": 0.0001},
+				   "roi": {"type": "string"},
+				   "ESD_iter" : {"type": ["integer","string"]}
+				  }
+		}
+	    },
+	    "additionalProperties": false,
+	    "required": ["parameter"]
+	}
+    }
diff --git a/python_src/ b/python_src/
index a428d41..aeabfc0 100644
--- a/python_src/
+++ b/python_src/
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     ram = 4000
     if 'parameter' in dict_Global: 
         if 'optram' in dict_Global['parameter']:
-            ram =  dict_Global['parameter']['ram']
+            ram =  dict_Global['parameter']['optram']
         if 'clean' in dict_Global['parameter']:
             light_version = dict_Global['parameter']['clean']
diff --git a/python_src/ b/python_src/
index 9fc4e2e..50ca997 100644
--- a/python_src/
+++ b/python_src/
@@ -69,84 +69,14 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
                         help="""input conguration file for the
                         application DiapOTB""")
-    parser.add_argument("-d", "--start_date", dest="start_date",
-                        action="store", help="start date, fmt('20151222')",
-                        default=None)
-    parser.add_argument("-f", "--end_date", dest="end_date", action="store",
-                        help="end date, fmt('20151223')", default=None)
-    parser.add_argument("-m", "--master", dest="master", action="store",
-                        help="master image, fmt (.tiff or .h5)", default=None)
-    parser.add_argument("-e", "--exclude", dest="exclude", nargs="+",
-                        action="store", help=""""excluded date(s) from the time
-                        serie, exemple('20151221 20160114')""", default="-9999")
-    parser.add_argument("-b", "--burst", dest="burst", action="store",
-                        help="Select the bursts you want to work on, fmt(0-4)",
-                        default="0-8")
-    parser.add_argument("-roi", "--roi", dest="roi", nargs="+", action="store",
-                        help=""""Define the lng lat ROI coordinates,
-                        fmt('ulx uly lrx lry'), ex: -roi 2.44115 48.96126
-                        2.44176 48.95927""", default=None)
-    parser.add_argument("-i", "--interferogram", dest="interferogram",
-                        action="store", help=""" Simply write ' -i no ' to
-                        deactivate interferogram output. Activated by default.
-                        Returns: Interferogram.tif""", default="yes")
-    parser.add_argument("-o", "--ortho", dest="ortho",
-                        action="store", help=""" Simply write ' -o yes ' to
-                        activate Orthorectified interferogram output. If activated,
-                        returns: Ortho_Interferogram.tif""", default=None)
-    parser.add_argument("-l", "--light", dest="light", action="store",
-                        help="""" -l no' to deactivate. If activated, returns a
-                        light version: Interferogram.tif + Coregistrated.tif +
-                        multilook.tif""", default="yes")
-    parser.add_argument("-ram", "--optram", dest="optram",
-                        action="store", help="""Available RAM (mb), 
-                        by default value is 4OOO""",
-                        default="4000")
-    parser.add_argument("-spacingxy", "--spacingxy", dest="spacingxy",
-                        action="store", help="""Set the spatial resolution 
-                        for OrthoRectification in degrees,
-                        Default value is 0.0001""",
-                        default="0.0001") 
-    parser.add_argument("-ml", "--multilook", dest="multi", nargs="+", action="store",
-                        help=""""Set the range and azimuth (in this order) you want 
-                        for the multilook. Default is 3 3""", default='3' '3')
     args = parser.parse_args()
-    dataConfig = func_utils.load_configfile(args.configfile, "S1_IW")
+    dataConfig = func_utils.load_configfile(args.configfile, "multi_SW")
-    # =================================
-    # Get elements from user's arguments
-    # =================================
-    # ====== Set the variables names
-    iso_start, iso_end = func_utils.argDates_to_isoDates(args.start_date, args.end_date)
-    start_time = int(args.start_date)
-    end_time = int(args.end_date)
-    master_Image_base = args.master
-    master_Image = func_utils.get_imgFromSAFE(args.master)
-    master_date = master_Image_base.split("-")[4].split("t")[0]
-    pol = master_Image_base.split("-")[3]
-    iw = master_Image_base.split("-")[1]
-    burst_index = args.burst
-    print(burst_index)###############################################################################
-    exclude = args.exclude
-    version_interferogram = args.interferogram
-    light_version = args.light
-    manifest = master_Image.split("measurement")[0]+"/"
-    relative_orbit = func_utils.get_relative_orbit(manifest)
-    ortho_interferogram = args.ortho
-    roi = args.roi
-    if roi:
-        ortho_interferogram = "yes"
-        print("ortho_interferogram", ortho_interferogram)
-    ram = args.optram
-    spacingxy = args.spacingxy
-    rng,azi = args.multi
     # ====================================
     # Get elements from configuration file
     # ====================================
@@ -156,15 +86,54 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     dict_PreProcessing = dataConfig['Pre_Processing']
     dict_Ground = dataConfig['Ground']
     dict_DInSAR = dataConfig['DIn_SAR']
     # ====== Get elements from dictionaries
     # ====== Global
-    srtm_shapefile = dict_Global['in']['SRTMShapefile']
-    hgts_path = dict_Global['in']['Datalake']
+    srtm_shapefile = dict_Global['in']['SRTM_Shapefile']
+    hgts_path = dict_Global['in']['SRTM_Path']
     geoid_path = dict_Global['in']['Geoid']
+    output_dir = dict_Global['out']['Output_Path']
+    if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
+        print("The output directory does not exist and will be created")
+        os.makedirs(output_dir)
+    else :
+        print("The output directory exists. Some files can be overwritten")
+    # ====== Set the variables names
+    iso_start, iso_end = func_utils.argDates_to_isoDates(dict_Global['in']['Start_Date'], dict_Global['in']['End_Date'])
+    start_time = int(dict_Global['in']['Start_Date'])
+    end_time = int(dict_Global['in']['End_Date'])
+    master_Image_base = dict_Global['in']['Master_Image']
+    master_Image = func_utils.get_imgFromSAFE(dict_Global['in']['Master_Image'], dict_Global['in']['Input_Path'])
+    master_date = master_Image_base.split("-")[4].split("t")[0]
+    pol = master_Image_base.split("-")[3]
+    iw = master_Image_base.split("-")[1]
+    burst_index = "0-8"
+    ram = 4000
+    light_version = True
+    if 'parameter' in dict_Global: 
+        if 'optram' in dict_Global['parameter']:
+            ram =  dict_Global['parameter']['optram']
+        if 'clean' in dict_Global['parameter']:
+            light_version = dict_Global['parameter']['clean']
+        if 'burst_index' in dict_Global['parameter']:
+            burst_index = dict_Global['parameter']['burst_index']
+    print(burst_index)###############################################################################
+    exclude = "-9999"
+    if 'Exclude' in dict_Global['in']:
+        exclude = dict_Global['in']['Exclude']
+    manifest = master_Image.split("measurement")[0]+"/"
+    relative_orbit = func_utils.get_relative_orbit(manifest)
     # ====== Pre_Processing
+    rng = 3
+    azi = 3
+    if "ML_ran" in dict_PreProcessing['parameter']:
+        rng = dict_PreProcessing['parameter'].get('ML_ran')
+    if "ML_azi" in dict_PreProcessing['parameter']:
+        azi = dict_PreProcessing['parameter'].get('ML_azi')
     ml_range = int(rng)
     ml_azimut = int(azi)
     ml_gain = dict_PreProcessing['parameter']['ML_gain']
@@ -173,6 +142,21 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     # ====== Ground
     # ====== DIn_SAR
+    version_interferogram = "yes"
+    if "Activate_Interferogram" in dict_DInSAR['parameter']:
+        version_interferogram = dict_DInSAR['parameter']['Activate_Interferogram']
+    ortho_interferogram = None
+    if 'Activate_Ortho' in dict_DInSAR['parameter']:
+        ortho_interferogram = dict_DInSAR['parameter']['Activate_Ortho']
+    roi = None
+    if 'roi' in dict_DInSAR['parameter']:
+        roi = dict_DInSAR['parameter']['roi']
+    if roi:
+        ortho_interferogram = "yes"
+        print("ortho_interferogram", ortho_interferogram)
+    spacingxy = 0.0001
+    if "Spacingxy" in dict_DInSAR['parameter']:
+        spacingxy = dict_DInSAR['parameter']['Spacingxy']
     geoGrid_gridstep_range = dict_DInSAR['parameter']['GridStep_range']
     geoGrid_gridstep_azimut = dict_DInSAR['parameter']['GridStep_azimut']
     geoGrid_threshold = dict_DInSAR['parameter']['Grid_Threshold']
@@ -180,6 +164,10 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     ml_geoGrid_range = int(rng)
     ml_geoGrid_azimut = int(azi)
     gain_interfero = dict_DInSAR['parameter']['Interferogram_gain']
+    esd_NbIter = 0
+    esd_AutoMode = "none"
+    if 'ESD_iter' in dict_DInSAR['parameter']:
+        esd_NbIter, esd_AutoMode = dict_DInSAR['parameter']['ESD_iter']
     # ====== Check Threshold
     if (geoGrid_threshold < 0) or (geoGrid_threshold > 1) :
@@ -196,8 +184,8 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     print("from check regex",firstBurst, lastBurst)###########################################################
     # ====== Create global folder with starting and ending dates + master date
-    output_glob = "./output_{}_to_{}_m_{}".format(start_time, end_time,
-                                                  master_date)
+    output_glob = "{}/output_{}_to_{}_m_{}".format(output_dir, start_time, 
+                                                   end_time, master_date)
     if os.path.exists(output_glob):
     if not os.path.exists(output_glob):
@@ -243,14 +231,14 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     # Get the elements from os.dirs
     # ============================
-    tiff_list = func_utils.get_AllTiff(pol, iw)
+    tiff_list = func_utils.get_AllTiff(pol, iw, searchDir=dict_Global["in"]["Input_Path"])
     tiff_dates = func_utils.get_Tiff_WithDates(start_time, end_time, exclude, tiff_list)
     counter = 0
     for i in (i for i in tiff_dates if i != master_Image_base):
         total_slaves = len(tiff_dates)-1
         slave_Image_base = i
-        slave_Image = func_utils.get_imgFromSAFE(slave_Image_base)
+        slave_Image = func_utils.get_imgFromSAFE(slave_Image_base, searchDir=dict_Global["in"]["Input_Path"])
         slave_date = func_utils.get_Date(i)
         counter += 1
         output_dir = output_glob + "/{}_m_{}_s".format(master_date, slave_date)
@@ -447,8 +435,8 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         param['doppler0'] = dop0Slave
         param['gain_interfero'] = gain_interfero
         param['advantage'] = "projection" # By default projection
-        param['esd_NbIter'] = 0 
-        param['esd_AutoMode']  = "none"
+        param['esd_NbIter'] = esd_NbIter
+        param['esd_AutoMode']  = esd_AutoMode
         param['with_interferogram']  = version_interferogram
         param['with_concatenate']  = "no"
diff --git a/python_src/utils/ b/python_src/utils/
index 75859f8..4792c38 100644
--- a/python_src/utils/
+++ b/python_src/utils/
@@ -158,10 +158,12 @@ def load_configfile(configfile, mode="Others"):
         schema_json = "schema_S1IW.json"
     elif mode == "multi_S1":
         schema_json = "schema_MultiSlc.json"
+    elif mode == "multi_SW":
+        schema_json = "schema_MultiSlc_IW.json"
     # Load schema (into DiapOTB install)
     diapOTB_install = os.getenv('DIAPOTB_INSTALL')
-    print(diapOTB_install)
     if diapOTB_install is not None and os.path.exists(diapOTB_install):
         schemas_path = os.path.join(diapOTB_install, "json_schemas")
         if os.path.exists(schemas_path):
@@ -231,9 +233,7 @@ def get_imgFromSAFE(arg, searchDir="."):
     img = []
     for root, dirs, files in os.walk(searchDir):
         for i in (i for i in files if i == arg):
-            # img.append(os.path.join(os.getcwd()+root.split(".")[1] +
-            #                                 ".SAFE/measurement/"+(i)))
-            img.append(os.path.join(root+"/measurement/", i))
+            img.append(os.path.join(root, i))
             img = str("".join(img))
             return img
@@ -244,8 +244,6 @@ def get_imgFromDir(arg, searchDir="."):
     img = []
     for root, dirs, files in os.walk(searchDir):
         for i in (i for i in files if i == arg):
-            # img.append(os.path.join(os.getcwd()+root.split(".")[1] +
-            #                                  "/"+(i)))
             img.append(os.path.join(root, i))
             img = str("".join(img))
             return img
@@ -315,7 +313,7 @@ def get_AllTiff(pol, iw="", ext="", searchDir="."):
                 for i in (i for i in files):  # if i != inTIF):
                     if i.endswith(".tiff") and pol == i.split("-")[3]:
-    print(TiffList)
     return TiffList
 def get_AllFilesWithExt(searchDir, ext) :