diff --git a/Modules/Applications/AppClassification/include/otbVectorPrediction.h b/Modules/Applications/AppClassification/include/otbVectorPrediction.h
index d895324665f20035a8361e3b443b8a0acc43a598..65fe591977d3ac690f860a6c3d74dc4fe9ec7b1f 100644
--- a/Modules/Applications/AppClassification/include/otbVectorPrediction.h
+++ b/Modules/Applications/AppClassification/include/otbVectorPrediction.h
@@ -98,7 +98,37 @@ private:
   /** Method returning whether the confidence map should be computed, depending on the regression mode and input parameters */
   bool shouldComputeConfidenceMap() const;
+  /** Method returning the input list sample from the input layer */
+  typename ListSampleType::Pointer ReadInputListSample(otb::ogr::Layer const& layer);
+  /** Normalize a list sample using the statistic file given  */
+  typename ListSampleType::Pointer NormalizeListSample(ListSampleType::Pointer input);
+  /** Create the output DataSource, in update mode the input layer is buffered and the input
+   * data source is re opened in update mode. */
+  otb::ogr::DataSource::Pointer CreateOutputDataSource(otb::ogr::DataSource::Pointer source,
+                                                        otb::ogr::Layer & layer,
+                                                        bool updateMode);
+  /** Add a prediction field in the output layer if it does not exist.
+   * If computeConfidenceMap evaluates to true a confidence field will be
+   * added. */
+  void AddPredictionField(otb::ogr::Layer & outLayer,
+                          otb::ogr::Layer const& layer,
+                          bool computeConfidenceMap);
+  /** Fill the output layer with the predicted values and optionnaly the confidence */
+  void FillOutputLayer(otb::ogr::Layer & outLayer,
+                          otb::ogr::Layer const& layer,
+                          typename LabelListSampleType::Pointer target,
+                          typename ConfidenceListSampleType::Pointer quality,
+                          bool updateMode,
+                          bool computeConfidenceMap);
   ModelPointerType m_Model;
+  /** Name used for the confidence field */
+  std::string confFieldName = "confidence";
diff --git a/Modules/Applications/AppClassification/include/otbVectorPrediction.hxx b/Modules/Applications/AppClassification/include/otbVectorPrediction.hxx
index 20d8d357aa814130afe66117d4dadd58d7a7137d..54b8d889d1eb1747c1edc547a2d404b1f1157705 100644
--- a/Modules/Applications/AppClassification/include/otbVectorPrediction.hxx
+++ b/Modules/Applications/AppClassification/include/otbVectorPrediction.hxx
@@ -73,13 +73,10 @@ void           VectorPrediction<RegressionMode>::DoUpdateParameters()
 template <bool RegressionMode>
-void           VectorPrediction<RegressionMode>::DoExecute()
+typename VectorPrediction<RegressionMode>::ListSampleType::Pointer 
+::ReadInputListSample(otb::ogr::Layer const& layer)
-  auto shapefileName = GetParameterString("in");
-  auto source = otb::ogr::DataSource::New(shapefileName, otb::ogr::DataSource::Modes::Read);
-  auto layer  = source->GetLayer(0);
   typename ListSampleType::Pointer input = ListSampleType::New();
   const int nbFeatures = GetSelectedItems("feat").size();
@@ -110,7 +107,16 @@ void           VectorPrediction<RegressionMode>::DoExecute()
+  return input;
+template <bool RegressionMode>
+typename VectorPrediction<RegressionMode>::ListSampleType::Pointer 
+::NormalizeListSample(ListSampleType::Pointer input)
+  const int nbFeatures = GetSelectedItems("feat").size();
   // Statistics for shift/scale
   MeasurementType meanMeasurementVector;
   MeasurementType stddevMeasurementVector;
@@ -139,39 +145,31 @@ void           VectorPrediction<RegressionMode>::DoExecute()
   otbAppLogINFO("standard deviation used: " << stddevMeasurementVector);
   otbAppLogINFO("Loading model");
-  m_Model = MachineLearningModelFactoryType::CreateMachineLearningModel(GetParameterString("model"), MachineLearningModelFactoryType::ReadMode);
-  if (m_Model.IsNull())
-  {
-    otbAppLogFATAL(<< "Error when loading model " << GetParameterString("model") << " : unsupported model type");
-  }
-  m_Model->SetRegressionMode(RegressionMode);
-  m_Model->Load(GetParameterString("model"));
-  otbAppLogINFO("Model loaded");
-  ListSampleType::Pointer listSample = trainingShiftScaleFilter->GetOutput();
-  typename ConfidenceListSampleType::Pointer quality;
+  return trainingShiftScaleFilter->GetOutput();
-  bool computeConfidenceMap = shouldComputeConfidenceMap();
-  typename LabelListSampleType::Pointer target;
-  if (computeConfidenceMap)
+template <bool RegressionMode>
+::CreateOutputDataSource(otb::ogr::DataSource::Pointer source, otb::ogr::Layer & layer, bool updateMode)
+  ogr::DataSource::Pointer output;
+  ogr::DataSource::Pointer buffer     = ogr::DataSource::New();
+  if (updateMode)
-    quality = ConfidenceListSampleType::New();
-    target  = m_Model->PredictBatch(listSample, quality);
+    // Update mode
+    otbAppLogINFO("Update input vector data.");
+    // fill temporary buffer for the transfer
+    otb::ogr::Layer inputLayer = layer;
+    layer                      = buffer->CopyLayer(inputLayer, std::string("Buffer"));
+    // close input data source
+    source->Clear();
+    // Re-open input data source in update mode
+    output = otb::ogr::DataSource::New(GetParameterString("in"), otb::ogr::DataSource::Modes::Update_LayerUpdate);
-  {
-    target = m_Model->PredictBatch(listSample);
-  }
-  ogr::DataSource::Pointer output;
-  ogr::DataSource::Pointer buffer     = ogr::DataSource::New();
-  bool                     updateMode = false;
-  if (IsParameterEnabled("out") && HasValue("out"))
     // Create new OGRDataSource
     output                   = ogr::DataSource::New(GetParameterString("out"), ogr::DataSource::Modes::Overwrite);
@@ -184,32 +182,18 @@ void           VectorPrediction<RegressionMode>::DoExecute()
-  else
-  {
-    // Update mode
-    updateMode = true;
-    otbAppLogINFO("Update input vector data.");
-    // fill temporary buffer for the transfer
-    otb::ogr::Layer inputLayer = layer;
-    layer                      = buffer->CopyLayer(inputLayer, std::string("Buffer"));
-    // close input data source
-    source->Clear();
-    // Re-open input data source in update mode
-    output = otb::ogr::DataSource::New(shapefileName, otb::ogr::DataSource::Modes::Update_LayerUpdate);
-  }
-  otb::ogr::Layer outLayer = output->GetLayer(0);
+  return output;
-  OGRErr errStart = outLayer.ogr().StartTransaction();
-  if (errStart != OGRERR_NONE)
-  {
-    itkExceptionMacro(<< "Unable to start transaction for OGR layer " << outLayer.ogr().GetName() << ".");
-  }
+template <bool RegressionMode>
+::AddPredictionField(otb::ogr::Layer & outLayer, otb::ogr::Layer const& layer, bool computeConfidenceMap)
   OGRFeatureDefn& layerDefn = layer.GetLayerDefn();
-  // Add the field of prediction in the output layer if field not exist
   const OGRFieldType labelType = RegressionMode ? OFTReal : OFTInteger;
   int idx = layerDefn.GetFieldIndex(GetParameterString("cfield").c_str());
@@ -226,7 +210,6 @@ void           VectorPrediction<RegressionMode>::DoExecute()
   // Add confidence field in the output layer
-  std::string confFieldName("confidence");
   if (computeConfidenceMap)
     idx = layerDefn.GetFieldIndex(confFieldName.c_str());
@@ -244,8 +227,14 @@ void           VectorPrediction<RegressionMode>::DoExecute()
-  // Fill output layer
+template <bool RegressionMode>
+::FillOutputLayer(otb::ogr::Layer & outLayer, otb::ogr::Layer const& layer, typename LabelListSampleType::Pointer target, 
+                   typename ConfidenceListSampleType::Pointer quality, bool updateMode, bool computeConfidenceMap)
   unsigned int count          = 0;
   std::string  classfieldname = GetParameterString("cfield");
   for (auto const& feature : layer)
@@ -281,6 +270,62 @@ void           VectorPrediction<RegressionMode>::DoExecute()
+template <bool RegressionMode>
+void VectorPrediction<RegressionMode>::DoExecute()
+  m_Model = MachineLearningModelFactoryType::CreateMachineLearningModel(GetParameterString("model"), MachineLearningModelFactoryType::ReadMode);
+  if (m_Model.IsNull())
+  {
+    otbAppLogFATAL(<< "Error when loading model " << GetParameterString("model") << " : unsupported model type");
+  }
+  m_Model->SetRegressionMode(RegressionMode);
+  m_Model->Load(GetParameterString("model"));
+  otbAppLogINFO("Model loaded");
+  auto shapefileName = GetParameterString("in");
+  auto source = otb::ogr::DataSource::New(shapefileName, otb::ogr::DataSource::Modes::Read);
+  auto layer  = source->GetLayer(0);
+  auto input = ReadInputListSample(layer);
+  ListSampleType::Pointer listSample = NormalizeListSample(input);
+  typename LabelListSampleType::Pointer target;
+  // The quality listSample containing confidence values is defined here, but is only used when 
+  // computeConfidenceMap evaluates to true. This listSample is also used in FillOutputLayer(...)
+  const bool computeConfidenceMap = shouldComputeConfidenceMap();
+  typename ConfidenceListSampleType::Pointer quality;
+  if (computeConfidenceMap)
+  {
+    quality = ConfidenceListSampleType::New();
+    target  = m_Model->PredictBatch(listSample, quality);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    target = m_Model->PredictBatch(listSample);
+  }
+  const bool updateMode = !(IsParameterEnabled("out") && HasValue("out"));
+  auto output = CreateOutputDataSource(source, layer, updateMode);
+  otb::ogr::Layer outLayer = output->GetLayer(0);
+  OGRErr errStart = outLayer.ogr().StartTransaction();
+  if (errStart != OGRERR_NONE)
+  {
+    itkExceptionMacro(<< "Unable to start transaction for OGR layer " << outLayer.ogr().GetName() << ".");
+  }
+  AddPredictionField(outLayer, layer, computeConfidenceMap);
+  FillOutputLayer(outLayer, layer, target, quality, updateMode, computeConfidenceMap);
   if (outLayer.ogr().TestCapability("Transactions"))