diff --git a/Code/IO/otbGDALImageIO.cxx b/Code/IO/otbGDALImageIO.cxx
index b09b44a31be5bff1cee23bd2f3ae8fb71975a618..544059646953dbb0ffb046b170a129bf9e447334 100644
--- a/Code/IO/otbGDALImageIO.cxx
+++ b/Code/IO/otbGDALImageIO.cxx
@@ -38,6 +38,55 @@
 namespace otb
+template<class InputType>
+void printOutputData(InputType *pData, int nbBands, int nbPixelToRead)
+  for (unsigned int itPxl = 0; itPxl < (unsigned int) (nbPixelToRead * nbBands); itPxl++)
+    {
+    std::cout << "Buffer["<< itPxl << "] = " << *(pData + itPxl) << std::endl;
+    }
+void printDataBuffer(unsigned char *pData, GDALDataType pxlType, int nbBands, int nbPixelToRead)
+  if (pxlType == GDT_Int16)
+    {
+    printOutputData( static_cast<short*>( static_cast<void*>(pData) ), nbBands, nbPixelToRead);
+    }
+  else if (pxlType == GDT_Int32)
+    {
+    printOutputData( static_cast<int*>( static_cast<void*>(pData) ), nbBands, nbPixelToRead);
+    }
+  else if (pxlType == GDT_Float32)
+    {
+    printOutputData( static_cast<float*>( static_cast<void*>(pData) ), nbBands, nbPixelToRead);
+    }
+  else if (pxlType == GDT_Float64)
+    {
+    printOutputData( static_cast<double*>( static_cast<void*>(pData) ), nbBands, nbPixelToRead);
+    }
+  else if (pxlType == GDT_CInt16)
+    {
+    printOutputData( static_cast<std::complex<short>*>( static_cast<void*>(pData) ), nbBands, nbPixelToRead);
+    }
+  else if (pxlType == GDT_CInt32)
+    {
+    printOutputData( static_cast<std::complex<int>*>( static_cast<void*>(pData) ), nbBands, nbPixelToRead);
+    }
+  else if (pxlType == GDT_CFloat32)
+    {
+    printOutputData( static_cast<std::complex<float>*>( static_cast<void*>(pData) ), nbBands, nbPixelToRead);
+    }
+  else if (pxlType == GDT_CFloat64)
+    {
+    printOutputData( static_cast<std::complex<double>*>( static_cast<void*>(pData) ), nbBands, nbPixelToRead);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+    std::cerr << "Pixel type unknown" << std::endl;
+    }
 // only two states : the Pointer is Null or GetDataSet() returns a valid dataset
 class GDALDatasetWrapper : public itk::LightObject
@@ -247,7 +296,6 @@ void GDALImageIO::Read(void* buffer)
       && (m_PxType != GDT_CFloat32)
       && (m_PxType != GDT_CFloat64))
-    std::cout << "*** GDT_INT32 AND GDT_INT16 CASE ***" << std::endl;
     int pixelOffset = m_BytePerPixel * m_NbBands;
     int lineOffset  = m_BytePerPixel * m_NbBands * lNbColumns;
     int bandOffset  = m_BytePerPixel;
@@ -257,19 +305,16 @@ void GDALImageIO::Read(void* buffer)
     std::streamoff nbBytes = static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_NbBands) * static_cast<std::streamoff>(nbPixelToRead) * static_cast<std::streamoff>(m_BytePerPixel);
     unsigned char *pBufferTemp = new unsigned char[static_cast<unsigned int>(nbBytes)];
     // keep it for the moment
-    std::cout << "*** GDALimageIO::Read: nominal case ***"<<std::endl;
-    std::cout << "Paremeters RasterIO :" \
-        << ", indX = " << lFirstColumn \
-        << ", indY = " << lFirstLine \
-        << ", sizeX = " << lNbColumns \
-        << ", sizeY = " << lNbLines \
-        << ", GDAL Data Type = " << GDALGetDataTypeName(m_PxType) \
-        << ", pixelOffset = " << pixelOffset \
-        << ", lineOffset = " << lineOffset
-        << ", bandOffset = " << bandOffset << std::endl;
+    otbMsgDevMacro(<< "Parameters RasterIO (case CInt and CShort):"
+                   << "\n, indX = " << lFirstColumn
+                   << "\n, indY = " << lFirstLine
+                   << "\n, sizeX = " << lNbColumns
+                   << "\n, sizeY = " << lNbLines
+                   << "\n, GDAL Data Type = " << GDALGetDataTypeName(m_PxType)
+                   << "\n, pixelOffset = " << pixelOffset
+                   << "\n, lineOffset = " << lineOffset
+                   << "\n, bandOffset = " << bandOffset);
     CPLErr lCrGdal = m_Dataset->GetDataSet()->RasterIO(GF_Read,
@@ -290,58 +335,45 @@ void GDALImageIO::Read(void* buffer)
     if (lCrGdal == CE_Failure)
       itkExceptionMacro(<< "Error while reading image (GDAL format) " << m_FileName );
+      return;
+    //std::cout << "RAW BUFFER:" <<std::endl;
+    //printDataBuffer(pBufferTemp, m_PxType, m_NbBands, lNbColumns*lNbLines);
-    // Reorganiser le buffer pour le faire fitter avec p qui doit contenir des GDT_Float64
+    // Convert the buffer to GDT_Float64 type
     typedef std::complex<double>           RealType;
     typedef double                         ScalarRealType;
-    RealType *realPxlValue = new RealType[nbPixelToRead * m_NbBands];
     if (m_PxType == GDT_CInt32)
-      std::cout << "Convert from input File from GDT_CInt32 to GDT_CFloat64" << std::endl;
+      //std::cout << "Convert input File from GDT_CInt32 to GDT_CFloat64" << std::endl;
       typedef std::complex<int>              ComplexIntType;
-      ComplexIntType *pxlValue = new ComplexIntType[nbPixelToRead * m_NbBands];
       for (unsigned int itPxl = 0; itPxl < (unsigned int) (nbPixelToRead * m_NbBands); itPxl++)
-        pxlValue[itPxl] = *(static_cast<ComplexIntType*>( static_cast<void*>(pBufferTemp)) + itPxl );
-        std::cout << "originalBuffer["<< itPxl << "] = " << pxlValue[itPxl] << std::endl;
+        ComplexIntType pxlValue = *(static_cast<ComplexIntType*>( static_cast<void*>(pBufferTemp)) + itPxl );
-        RealType    pxlValueReal( static_cast<ScalarRealType>(pxlValue[itPxl].real()), static_cast<ScalarRealType>(pxlValue[itPxl].imag()) );
-        realPxlValue[itPxl] = pxlValueReal;
-        std::cout << "newBuffer["<< itPxl << "] = " << realPxlValue[itPxl] << std::endl;
+        RealType    pxlValueReal( static_cast<ScalarRealType>(pxlValue.real()), static_cast<ScalarRealType>(pxlValue.imag()) );
-        memcpy((void*) (&(p[itPxl*sizeof(RealType)])), (const void*) (&(realPxlValue[itPxl])), (size_t) (sizeof(RealType)));
-        RealType    pxlValueRealOut = *(static_cast<RealType*>( static_cast<void*>(p)) + itPxl );
-        std::cout << "p["<< itPxl << "] = " << pxlValueRealOut << std::endl;
+        memcpy((void*) (&(p[itPxl*sizeof(RealType)])), (const void*) (&(pxlValueReal)), (size_t) (sizeof(RealType)));
-      delete[] pxlValue;
     else if (m_PxType == GDT_CInt16)
-      std::cout << "Convert from input File from GDT_CInt16 to GDT_CFloat64" << std::endl;
+      //std::cout << "Convert input File from GDT_CInt16 to GDT_CFloat64" << std::endl;
       typedef std::complex<short>            ComplexShortType;
-      ComplexShortType *pxlValue = new ComplexShortType[nbPixelToRead * m_NbBands];
       for (unsigned int itPxl = 0; itPxl < (unsigned int) (nbPixelToRead * m_NbBands); itPxl++)
-        pxlValue[itPxl] = *(static_cast<ComplexShortType*>( static_cast<void*>(pBufferTemp)) + itPxl );
-        std::cout << "originalBuffer["<< itPxl << "] = " << pxlValue[itPxl] << std::endl;
+        ComplexShortType pxlValue = *(static_cast<ComplexShortType*>( static_cast<void*>(pBufferTemp)) + itPxl );
-        RealType    pxlValueReal( static_cast<ScalarRealType>(pxlValue[itPxl].real()), static_cast<ScalarRealType>(pxlValue[itPxl].imag()) );
-        realPxlValue[itPxl] = pxlValueReal;
-        std::cout << "newBuffer["<< itPxl << "] = " << realPxlValue[itPxl] << std::endl;
+        RealType    pxlValueReal( static_cast<ScalarRealType>(pxlValue.real()), static_cast<ScalarRealType>(pxlValue.imag()) );
-        memcpy((void*) (&(p[itPxl*sizeof(RealType)])), (const void*) (&(realPxlValue[itPxl])), (size_t) (sizeof(RealType)));
-        RealType    pxlValueRealOut = *(static_cast<RealType*>( static_cast<void*>(p)) + itPxl );
-        std::cout << "p["<< itPxl << "] = " << pxlValueRealOut << std::endl;
+        memcpy((void*) (&(p[itPxl*sizeof(RealType)])), (const void*) (&(pxlValueReal)), (size_t) (sizeof(RealType)));
-      delete[] pxlValue;
-    delete[] realPxlValue;
+    //std::cout << "CONVERTED BUFFER:" <<std::endl;
+    //printDataBuffer(p, GDT_CFloat64, m_NbBands, lNbColumns*lNbLines);
   // In the indexed case, one has to retrieve the index image and the
@@ -390,61 +422,38 @@ void GDALImageIO::Read(void* buffer)
-    // Nominal case
-    std::cout << "*** NOMINAL CASE ***" << std::endl;
+    /********  Nominal case ***********/
     int pixelOffset = m_BytePerPixel * m_NbBands;
     int lineOffset  = m_BytePerPixel * m_NbBands * lNbColumns;
     int bandOffset  = m_BytePerPixel;
     int nbBands     = m_NbBands;
     // In some cases, we need to change some parameters for RasterIO
-    // if the file is complex and the reader is based on a vector of scalar,
-    // output 2 times the number of bands, with real and imaginary parts interleaved
-    /*if(GDALDataTypeIsComplex(m_PxType) && !m_IsComplex && m_IsVectorImage)
-    {
-      // ImageIO NbComponents is set to 2 * m_NbBands
-      // m_BytePerPixel is already sizeof(std::complex<m_PxType>) / 2
-      pixelOffset = m_BytePerPixel * this->GetNumberOfComponents();
-      lineOffset  = pixelOffset * lNbColumns;
-      bandOffset = 2 * m_BytePerPixel;
-      nbBands = this->GetNumberOfComponents() / 2;
-    }*/
-    // if the file is scalar with only one band and the reader is based on a vector of complex
-    /*if(!GDALDataTypeIsComplex(m_PxType) && (m_NbBands == 1) && m_IsComplex && m_IsVectorImage )
-    {
-      pixelOffset = m_BytePerPixel / 2;
-      lineOffset  =pixelOffset * lNbColumns;
-      bandOffset  = m_BytePerPixel / 2;
-    }*/
-    if(!GDALDataTypeIsComplex(m_PxType) /*&& ((unsigned int)m_NbBands == this->GetNumberOfComponents())*/ && m_IsComplex && m_IsVectorImage && (m_NbBands > 1))
+    if(!GDALDataTypeIsComplex(m_PxType) && m_IsComplex && m_IsVectorImage && (m_NbBands > 1))
       pixelOffset = m_BytePerPixel * 2 ;
       lineOffset  = pixelOffset * lNbColumns;
-      bandOffset  = m_BytePerPixel /*/ 2*/;
+      bandOffset  = m_BytePerPixel;
     // keep it for the moment
-    std::cout << "*** GDALimageIO::Read: nominal case ***"<<std::endl;
-    std::cout << "Paremeters RasterIO :" \
-        << ", indX = " << lFirstColumn \
-        << ", indY = " << lFirstLine \
-        << ", sizeX = " << lNbColumns \
-        << ", sizeY = " << lNbLines \
-        << ", GDAL Data Type = " << GDALGetDataTypeName(m_PxType) \
-        << ", pixelOffset = " << pixelOffset \
-        << ", lineOffset = " << lineOffset
-        << ", bandOffset = " << bandOffset << std::endl;
+    //otbMsgDevMacro(<< "Number of bands inside input file: " << m_NbBands);
+    otbMsgDevMacro(<< "Parameters RasterIO : \n"
+                   << ", indX = " << lFirstColumn << "\n"
+                   << ", indY = " << lFirstLine << "\n"
+                   << ", sizeX = " << lNbColumns << "\n"
+                   << ", sizeY = " << lNbLines << "\n"
+                   << ", GDAL Data Type = " << GDALGetDataTypeName(m_PxType) << "\n"
+                   << ", pixelOffset = " << pixelOffset << "\n"
+                   << ", lineOffset = " << lineOffset << "\n"
+                   << ", bandOffset = " << bandOffset);
     CPLErr lCrGdal = m_Dataset->GetDataSet()->RasterIO(GF_Read,
-                                                       p, // pData
+                                                       p,
@@ -458,21 +467,12 @@ void GDALImageIO::Read(void* buffer)
     if (lCrGdal == CE_Failure)
       itkExceptionMacro(<< "Error while reading image (GDAL format) " << m_FileName.c_str() << ".");
+      return;
-    typedef std::complex<int>              ComplexType;
-    int nbPixelToRead = lNbColumns *  lNbLines;
-    ComplexType *pxlValue = new ComplexType[nbPixelToRead * m_NbBands];
-    unsigned int count = 0;
-    ComplexType expectedValue;
-    for (unsigned int itPxl = 0; itPxl < (unsigned int) (nbPixelToRead * m_NbBands); itPxl++)
-      {
-      pxlValue[itPxl] = *(static_cast<ComplexType*>( static_cast<void*>(p)) + itPxl );
-      std::cout << "loadBuffer["<< itPxl << "] = " << pxlValue[itPxl] << std::endl;
-      }
+    //printDataBuffer(p, m_PxType, m_NbBands, lNbColumns*lNbLines);
 bool GDALImageIO::GetSubDatasetInfo(std::vector<std::string> &names, std::vector<std::string> &desc)
        // Note: we assume that the subdatasets are in order : SUBDATASET_ID_NAME, SUBDATASET_ID_DESC, SUBDATASET_ID+1_NAME, SUBDATASET_ID+1_DESC
@@ -682,13 +682,8 @@ void GDALImageIO::InternalReadImageInformation()
-  // Pixel Type always set to Scalar for GDAL ? maybe also to vector ?
-  //Once all sorts of gdal complex image are handle, this won't be
-  //necessary any more
   // Set the pixel type with some special cases linked to the fact
-  //  we read some data with complex type
+  //  we read some data with complex type.
   if ( GDALDataTypeIsComplex(m_PxType) ) // Try to read data with complex type with GDAL
     if ( !m_IsComplex && m_IsVectorImage )
@@ -706,7 +701,6 @@ void GDALImageIO::InternalReadImageInformation()
   else // Try to read data with scalar type with GDAL
-  //if ( !GDALDataTypeIsComplex(m_PxType) )
     if (this->GetNumberOfComponents() == 1)
@@ -719,39 +713,11 @@ void GDALImageIO::InternalReadImageInformation()
-  /*if (GDALDataTypeIsComplex(m_PxType) && )
-    {
-    // we are reading a complex data set into an image where the pixel
-    // type is Vector<real>: we have to double the number of component
-    // for that to work
-    std::cout << "GDALtypeIO = Complex and IFReader::InternalPixelType = Scalar and IFReader::PixelType = Vector" << std::endl;
-    //if ( (m_PxType != GDT_CInt32) && (m_PxType != GDT_CInt16) )
-    //  m_BytePerPixel = m_BytePerPixel / 2;
-    this->SetNumberOfComponents(m_NbBands*2);
-    this->SetPixelType(VECTOR);
-    }*/
-  /*if (!GDALDataTypeIsComplex(m_PxType) && m_IsComplex && m_IsVectorImage && (m_NbBands > 1))
-    {
-    // we are reading a non-complex data set into an image where the pixel
-    // type is Vector<complex>: we have to double the number of byte per pixel
-    // for that to work
-    std::cout << "GDALtypeIO = Scalar and IFReader::InternalPixelType = Complex and IFReader::PixelType = Vector" << std::endl;
-    //if ( (m_PxType != GDT_CInt32) && (m_PxType != GDT_CInt16) )
-      //m_BytePerPixel = m_BytePerPixel * 2;
-    this->SetPixelType(VECTOR);
-    }*/
- /* if (!GDALDataTypeIsComplex(m_PxType) && m_IsComplex && !m_IsVectorImage && ( (m_PxType == GDT_CInt32) || (m_PxType == GDT_CInt16) )  )
-    {
-    m_BytePerPixel = m_BytePerPixel / 2;
-    }*/
   /*** Parameters set by Internal Read function ***/
-  otbMsgDevMacro( << " Pixel Type IFReader = " << GetPixelTypeAsString(this->GetPixelType()) )
-  otbMsgDevMacro( << " Number of component IFReader = " << this->GetNumberOfComponents() )
-  otbMsgDevMacro( << " Byte per pixel set = " << m_BytePerPixel )
-  otbMsgDevMacro( << " Component Type set = " << GetComponentTypeAsString(this->GetComponentType()) );
+  otbMsgDevMacro( << "Pixel Type IFReader = " << GetPixelTypeAsString(this->GetPixelType()) )
+  otbMsgDevMacro( << "Number of component IFReader = " << this->GetNumberOfComponents() )
+  otbMsgDevMacro( << "Byte per pixel set = " << m_BytePerPixel )
+  otbMsgDevMacro( << "Component Type set = " << GetComponentTypeAsString(this->GetComponentType()) );
   /*-------------------------- METADATA ----------------------------------*/
diff --git a/Code/IO/otbImageFileReader.txx b/Code/IO/otbImageFileReader.txx
index c94d41d679ed74177dd5ff5f5b107c735cbbaf60..a72fe18dd12a7ebb4410b1ae3056f7cd676345d1 100644
--- a/Code/IO/otbImageFileReader.txx
+++ b/Code/IO/otbImageFileReader.txx
@@ -92,23 +92,16 @@ ImageFileReader<TOutputImage>
-//otbMsgDebugMacro( <<"ImageFileReader<TOutputImage>::GenerateData : ");
-//otbMsgDebugMacro( <<" output->GetRequestedRegion() : "<<output->GetRequestedRegion());
   // Test if the file exist and if it can be open.
   // An exception will be thrown otherwise.
   // Tell the ImageIO to read the file
-  //
   OutputImagePixelType *buffer =
   itk::ImageIORegion ioRegion(TOutputImage::ImageDimension);
-//otbMsgDebugMacro( <<" Avant ioRegion : "<<ioRegion);
-//  itk::ImageIORegion ioRegionStreaming = output->GetRequestedRegion();
   itk::ImageIORegion::SizeType  ioSize = ioRegion.GetSize();
   itk::ImageIORegion::IndexType ioStart = ioRegion.GetIndex();
@@ -148,8 +141,6 @@ ImageFileReader<TOutputImage>
-//otbMsgDebugMacro( <<" Apres ioRegion : "<<ioRegion);
   typedef itk::DefaultConvertPixelTraits<ITK_TYPENAME TOutputImage::IOPixelType> ConvertIOPixelTraits;
@@ -175,11 +166,12 @@ ImageFileReader<TOutputImage>
                              * static_cast<std::streamoff>(region.GetNumberOfPixels());
     char * loadBuffer = new char[nbBytes];
-    std::cout<< "*** IFReader : read with conversion ***" << std::endl;
-    std::cout<< "size of Buffer to GDALImageIO::read = " << nbBytes << " = " \
+    otbMsgDevMacro(<< "size of Buffer to GDALImageIO::read = " << nbBytes << " = \n"
         << "ComponentSize ("<< this->m_ImageIO->GetComponentSize() << ") x " \
         << "Nb of Component (" << this->m_ImageIO->GetNumberOfComponents() << ") x " \
-        << "Nb of Pixel to read (" << region.GetNumberOfPixels() << ")" << std::endl;
+        << "Nb of Pixel to read (" << region.GetNumberOfPixels() << ")" );
     this->DoConvertBuffer(loadBuffer, region.GetNumberOfPixels());
diff --git a/Utilities/ITK/Code/IO/itkConvertPixelBuffer.txx b/Utilities/ITK/Code/IO/itkConvertPixelBuffer.txx
index fe982f7f31697b5a0ff55b29c0457a27ecaf4af5..5976db4b70ed7dd2fe32a66b2a4366ae08b5f1d6 100644
--- a/Utilities/ITK/Code/IO/itkConvertPixelBuffer.txx
+++ b/Utilities/ITK/Code/IO/itkConvertPixelBuffer.txx
@@ -726,7 +726,6 @@ SpecialCast(const std::complex<InputType>& in, const OutputType& itkNotUsed(dumm
   typedef typename itk::NumericTraits<std::complex<InputType> >::RealType       RealType;
   typedef typename itk::NumericTraits<std::complex<InputType> >::ScalarRealType ScalarRealType;
-  //RealType inReal   = static_cast<RealType>(in);
   RealType    inReal( static_cast<ScalarRealType>(in.real()), static_cast<ScalarRealType>(in.imag()) );
   return static_cast < OutputType >( vcl_abs(inReal) );