... | ... | @@ -35,25 +35,18 @@ What's new in OTB ? |
## 09:30 - 10:30 : Talks Part 1
(*all talks must be confirmed*)
SAR Sentinel-1 images pre-processing : a processing chain in Python, based upon OTB.
Deforestation map in French Guyana, using OTB through QGIS scripts.
Integration of OTB in remote platform
* SAR Sentinel-1 images pre-processing : a processing chain in Python, based upon OTB.
* Deforestation map in French Guyana, using OTB through QGIS scripts.
* Integration of OTB in remote platform
## 10:30 - 10:50 : Coffee break
## 10:50 - 12:30 : Talks Part 2
(*all talks must be confirmed*)
Testing OTB's Image Segmentation methods
Classification of tree species from MODIS & Sentinel-2 temporal series.
Maps of burning areas
Developing OTB applications to extract biophysical parameters from time-series.
* Testing OTB's Image Segmentation methods
* Classification of tree species from MODIS & Sentinel-2 temporal series.
* Maps of burning areas
* Developing OTB applications to extract biophysical parameters from time-series.
## 12:30 - 13:30 : Lunch
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