... | ... | @@ -156,7 +156,55 @@ Here is a new workflow to replace the current function |
to store the metadata. If the parsing returns successfully, the
generated ImageMetadata is given to the *ImageCommon* that
propagate through the pipeline.
### DEM Handler
Before the refactoring, `otb::DEMHandler` class was an adapter class for
OSSIM DEMs. It provided an API to retrieve height from DEM and/or geoid using OSSIM, and was used to set up DEM and geoids to be used by OSSIM internally (which is used in OSSIM RPCs for example).
The `otb::DEMHandler` class is a singleton, a reference to the `otb::DEMHandler` object can be obtained via the `GetInstance()` method. This is a change of API, the Ossim `otb::DEMHandler` returned a ITK smart pointer to the singleton object. This was not a very good design, and a singleton object does not need to use the ITK memory management system.
The new approach is based on `RasterIO` from GDAL. A 2x2 window is extracted around the point of interest, and the height, above ellipsoid or above mean sea level. The following methods are provided:
* GetHeightAboveEllipsoid(lon, lat):
* SRTM and geoid both available: dem_value + geoid_offset
* No SRTM but geoid available: default height above ellipsoid + geoid_offset
* SRTM available, but no geoid: dem_value
* No SRTM and no geoid available: default height above ellipsoid
* GetHeightAboveMSL(lon, lat):
* SRTM and geoid both available: dem_value
* No SRTM but geoid available: 0
* SRTM available, but no geoid: dem_value
* No SRTM and no geoid available: 0
Several DEM tiles can be provided at the same time, using the `OpenDEMDirectory` method. All raster from the input directory will be opened by GDAL. A mosaic of all DEM tiles is then created as a virtual dataset (vrt).
Geoid are managed with the `GDALOpenVerticalShiftGrid` and `GDALApplyVerticalShiftGrid` function from GDAL API. The former opens a 1D raster grid as a GDAL Datasource, and the latter creates a new datasource from the raster grid (geoid) and a raster (the DEM). Vertical datums (shifts from the reference ellipsoid) are applied on the fly.
All raster that can be opened by gdal can be used as a geoid. In Ossim it was common to use the `egm96.grd` file as geoid, this file cannot be opened by GDAL. However it is still possible to use it by using the following `egm96.grd.hdr` file :
samples = 1441
lines = 721
bands = 1
header offset = 24
file type = ENVI Standard
data type = 4
interleave = bsq
sensor type = Unknown
byte order = 1
wavelength units = Unknown
map info = {Geographic Lat/Lon, 1, 1,-0.125, 90.125, 0.25, 0.25,WGS-84}
coordinate system string = {GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]]}
band names = {
Band 1}
With this file attached, GDAL will be able to read the `egm96.grd` file as a ENVI dataset
### The new Sensor Model mechanism
... | ... | @@ -316,53 +364,6 @@ the OTB, based on GDAL's work. |
### Re-implement DEMHandeler
Before the refactoring, `otb::DEMHandler` class was an adapter class for
OSSIM DEMs. It provided an API to retrieve height from DEM and/or geoid using OSSIM, and was used to set up DEM and geoids to be used by OSSIM internally (which is used in OSSIM RPCs for example).
The `otb::DEMHandler` class is a singleton, a reference to the `otb::DEMHandler` object can be obtained via the `GetInstance()` method. This is a change of API, the Ossim `otb::DEMHandler` returned a ITK smart pointer to the singleton object. This was not a very good design, and a singleton object does not need to use the ITK memory management system.
The new approach is based on `RasterIO` from GDAL. A 2x2 window is extracted around the point of interest, and the height, above ellipsoid or above mean sea level. The following methods are provided:
* GetHeightAboveEllipsoid(lon, lat):
* SRTM and geoid both available: dem_value + geoid_offset
* No SRTM but geoid available: default height above ellipsoid + geoid_offset
* SRTM available, but no geoid: dem_value
* No SRTM and no geoid available: default height above ellipsoid
* GetHeightAboveMSL(lon, lat):
* SRTM and geoid both available: dem_value
* No SRTM but geoid available: 0
* SRTM available, but no geoid: dem_value
* No SRTM and no geoid available: 0
Several DEM tiles can be provided at the same time, using the `OpenDEMDirectory` method. All raster from the input directory will be opened by GDAL. A mosaic of all DEM tiles is then created as a virtual dataset (vrt).
Geoid are managed with the `GDALOpenVerticalShiftGrid` and `GDALApplyVerticalShiftGrid` function from GDAL API. The former opens a 1D raster grid as a GDAL Datasource, and the latter creates a new datasource from the raster grid (geoid) and a raster (the DEM). Vertical datums (shifts from the reference ellipsoid) are applied on the fly.
All raster that can be opened by gdal can be used as a geoid. In Ossim it was common to use the `egm96.grd` file as geoid, this file cannot be opened by GDAL. However it is still possible to use it by using the following `egm96.grd.hdr` file :
samples = 1441
lines = 721
bands = 1
header offset = 24
file type = ENVI Standard
data type = 4
interleave = bsq
sensor type = Unknown
byte order = 1
wavelength units = Unknown
map info = {Geographic Lat/Lon, 1, 1,-0.125, 90.125, 0.25, 0.25,WGS-84}
coordinate system string = {GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["Degree",0.017453292519943295]]}
band names = {
Band 1}
With this file attached, GDAL will be able to read the `egm96.grd` file as a ENVI dataset
#### Initial design
The RPC transform class in GDAL accepts a path to a DEM file, which is
then opened and used internally by the RPC class. The first idea was
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