diff --git a/python_src/SAR_MultiSlc.py b/python_src/SAR_MultiSlc.py
index 32be6d5c12a5baaa97ff0ed58eef6a57e9c59d4e..674198473244bdb97ae5c149975bc854f7fee792 100644
--- a/python_src/SAR_MultiSlc.py
+++ b/python_src/SAR_MultiSlc.py
@@ -545,7 +545,8 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
             master_slc = ""
             if not master_ext[0] == "h5" and roi is None:
-                master_slc = master_Image_base[:30] + master_Image_base[46:53]+str(relative_orbit) + ".tif"
+                master_slc = func_utils.getSlcMlNamming_fromProductName(master_Image_base, mode="S1SM") + ".tif"
                 # === Here we convert master single band CInt16 to dual band FLOAT32
                 # === To do so, OTB_ExtractRoi is much faster than OTB_DynamicConvert
@@ -553,7 +554,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
             if master_ext[0] == "h5":
-                master_slc = master_Image_base[:35]+".tif"
+                master_slc = func_utils.getSlcMlNamming_fromProductName(master_Image_base, mode="Cosmo") + ".tif"
                 ds = gdal.Open(master_Image, gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
                 ds = gdal.Translate(os.path.join(master_data_dir, master_slc), ds, format="GTiff",
                                     outputType=gdal.GDT_Float32, creationOptions=['TILED=YES'])
@@ -667,9 +668,9 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         slave_Image_CoRe = ""
         if not master_ext[0] == "h5":
-            slave_Image_CoRe = slave_Image_base[:30] + slave_Image_base[46:53]+str(relative_orbit) + ".tif"
+            slave_Image_CoRe = func_utils.getSlcMlNamming_fromProductName(slave_Image_base, mode="S1SM") + ".tif"
         if master_ext[0] == "h5":
-            slave_Image_CoRe = slave_Image_base[:35]+".tif"
+            slave_Image_CoRe = func_utils.getSlcMlNamming_fromProductName(slave_Image_base, mode="Cosmo") + ".tif"
         param['slave_CoRe_Name'] = slave_Image_CoRe
@@ -691,6 +692,30 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         func_utils.printOnStd("\n Post Processing chain \n")
         func_utils.log(logging.INFO, "Post Processing chain")
+        ### Names definition ###
+        InterferoB123 = ""
+        Interfero_Ortho = ""
+        Interfero_roi  = ""
+        Interfo_Filt = ""
+        if not master_ext[0] == "h5":
+            interf_base = func_utils.getInterfNamming_fromProductName(master_Image_base, slave_Image_base,
+                                                                      mode="S1SM")
+            InterferoB123  = interf_base + "_Interferogram.tif"
+            Interfero_Ortho  = interf_base + "_Ortho-Interferogram.tif"
+            Interfero_roi  = interf_base + "_ROI_Ortho-Interferogram.tif"
+            Interfo_Filt = interf_base + "_Filtred-Interferogram.tif"
+        if master_ext[0] == "h5":
+            interf_base = func_utils.getInterfNamming_fromProductName(master_Image_base, slave_Image_base,
+                                                                      mode="Cosmo")
+            InterferoB123  = interf_base + "_Interferogram.tif"
+            Interfero_Ortho  = interf_base + "_Ortho-Interferogram.tif"
+            Interfero_roi  = interf_base + "_ROI_Ortho-Interferogram.tif"
+            Interfo_Filt = interf_base + "_Filtred-Interferogram.tif"
         # Phase Filtering (if required)
         if func_utils.str2bool(activateFiltering):
             # Default paramater 
@@ -706,6 +731,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
             paramPost['ml_filt_interf_gain'] = gain_interfero
             paramPost['filt_alpha'] = interf_filt_alpha
             paramPost['ram'] = ram
+            paramPost['filtered_Name'] = Interfo_Filt
             Post_Processing.filtering(master_Image, master_Image_base, slave_Image, 
                                       slave_Image_base, master_data_dir, output_dir, paramPost, 
@@ -715,35 +741,19 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         # === Multilook on Coregistrated Slave
         func_utils.silentremove(output_dir, slave_Image_ML)
-        slave_Image_ML = os.path.splitext(slave_Image_base)[0] + "_ml" + str(ml_azimut) + str(ml_range) + ".tif"
+        slave_Image_ML_old = slave_Image_ML
+        if not master_ext[0] == "h5" :
+            slave_Image_ML = func_utils.getSlcMlNamming_fromProductName(slave_Image_base, mode="S1SM") + \
+                             "_ml" + str(ml_azimut) + str(ml_range) + ".tif"
+        else :
+            slave_Image_ML = func_utils.getSlcMlNamming_fromProductName(slave_Image_base, mode="Cosmo") + \
+                             "_ml" + str(ml_azimut) + str(ml_range) + ".tif"
         diapOTBApp.multilook(os.path.join(output_dir, slave_Image_CoRe), ml_range, ml_azimut, ml_gain, 
                              os.path.join(output_dir, slave_Image_ML), ram)
-        ### Names definition ###
-        mib = master_Image_base
-        sib = slave_Image_base
-        InterferoB123 = ""
-        Interfero_Ortho = ""
-        if not master_ext[0] == "h5":
-            InterferoB123 = mib[:14]+"M"+mib[14:30]+mib[47:53]+"S"+sib[
-                    14:22]+"-"+sib[47:53]+str(relative_orbit)+"_Interferogram.tif"
-            Interfero_Ortho = mib[:14]+"M"+mib[14:30]+mib[47:53]+"S"+sib[
-                    14:22]+"-"+sib[47:53]+str(relative_orbit)+"_Ortho-Interferogram.tif"
-            Interfero_roi = mib[:15]+"M"+mib[14:30]+"-"+mib[
-                    47:54]+"S"+sib[14:23]+"-"+sib[47:53]+"-"+str(relative_orbit)+"_ROI_Ortho-Interferogram.tif"
-        if master_ext[0] == "h5":
-            InterferoB123 = mib[:27]+"M_"+mib[27:35]+"_S_"+sib[
-                        27:35]+"_Interferogram.tif"
-            Interfero_Ortho = mib[:27]+"M_"+mib[27:35]+"_S_"+sib[
-                        27:35]+"_Ortho-Interferogram.tif"
-            Interfero_roi = mib[:27]+"M_"+mib[27:35]+"_S_"+sib[
-                        27:35]+"_ROI_Ortho-Interferogram.tif"
         ### ROI, Ortho and band_extract ###
         if func_utils.str2bool(ortho_interferogram):
@@ -775,7 +785,9 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         if func_utils.str2bool(ortho_interferogram):
             interferogram_ortho = "interferogram_ortho.tif"
             func_utils.silentremove(output_dir, interferogram_ortho)
-            func_utils.silentremove(output_dir, interferogram_ortho.split(".")[0]+".geom")
+            os.rename(os.path.join(output_dir, interferogram_ortho.split(".")[0]+".geom"), 
+                      os.path.join(output_dir, Interfero_Ortho.split(".")[0]+".geom"))
         if roi: 
             func_utils.silentremove(output_dir, interf_roi)
@@ -788,7 +800,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
             func_utils.silentremove(output_dir, demProj_Slave.split(".")[0]+".geom")
             func_utils.silentremove(os.path.dirname(grid_path), os.path.basename(grid_path))
             func_utils.silentremove(os.path.dirname(grid_path), os.path.basename(grid_path).split(".")[0]+".geom")
-            func_utils.silentremove(output_dir, slave_Image_ML.split(".")[0]+".geom")
+            func_utils.silentremove(output_dir, slave_Image_ML_old.split(".")[0]+".geom")
         # Remove .tif.aux.xml files into output_dir
         aux_files = func_utils.get_AllFilesWithExt(output_dir, ".tif.aux.xml")
@@ -800,6 +812,26 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
                 func_utils.silentremove(output_dir, i_file)
+    # After processing loop : rename and clean master_data_dir
+    # Rename master_ML and geom file
+    if not master_ext[0] == "h5" :
+        master_new_ML = func_utils.getSlcMlNamming_fromProductName(master_Image_base, mode="S1SM") + \
+                        "_ml" + str(ml_azimut) + str(ml_range) + ".tif"
+        master_new_ML_geom = func_utils.getSlcMlNamming_fromProductName(master_Image_base, mode="S1SM") + \
+                             "_ml" + str(ml_azimut) + str(ml_range) + ".geom"
+    else :
+        master_new_ML = func_utils.getSlcMlNamming_fromProductName(master_Image_base, mode="Cosmo") + \
+                        "_ml" + str(ml_azimut) + str(ml_range) + ".tif"
+        master_new_ML_geom = func_utils.getSlcMlNamming_fromProductName(master_Image_base, mode="Cosmo") + \
+                             "_ml" + str(ml_azimut) + str(ml_range) + ".geom"
+    os.rename(os.path.join(master_data_dir, master_Image_ML), 
+              os.path.join(master_data_dir, master_new_ML))
+    master_ML_geom = master_Image_ML.split(".")[0] + ".geom"
+    os.rename(os.path.join(master_data_dir, master_ML_geom), 
+              os.path.join(master_data_dir, master_new_ML_geom))
     if light_version is True:
         func_utils.log(logging.INFO, "\n Removing files for light version \n")
@@ -807,7 +839,6 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
             func_utils.silentremove(master_data_dir, dop_file)
         func_utils.silentremove(master_data_dir, demProj_Master)
         func_utils.silentremove(master_data_dir, demProj_Master.split(".")[0]+".geom")
-        func_utils.silentremove(master_data_dir, master_Image_ML.split(".")[0]+".geom")
         func_utils.silentremove(master_data_dir, master_cartesian_mean)
         func_utils.silentremove(master_data_dir, master_cartesian_mean.split(".")[0]+".geom")
         if master_ext[0] == "h5":
diff --git a/python_src/SAR_MultiSlc_IW.py b/python_src/SAR_MultiSlc_IW.py
index 74b50ca0228bf8c09983d362387fe74c7cfc129b..f5640f50cffefc0974c109eee708c7a8aedfd6f3 100644
--- a/python_src/SAR_MultiSlc_IW.py
+++ b/python_src/SAR_MultiSlc_IW.py
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         if 'optram' in dict_Global['parameter']:
             ram =  str(dict_Global['parameter']['optram'])
             if int(ram) > 4000 :
-                ram = 4000
+                ram = str(4000)
         if 'clean' in dict_Global['parameter']:
             light_version = dict_Global['parameter']['clean']
         if 'burst_index' in dict_Global['parameter']:
@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
             # ###### Concatenating and georeferencing bursts ###### #
             # Master SLC
-            masterSlc = master_Image_base[:30] + master_Image_base[46:53]+ "-" +str(relative_orbit) + ".tif"
+            masterSlc = func_utils.getSlcMlNamming_fromProductName(master_Image_base, mode="S1IW") + ".tif"
             Con_masterSlc = os.path.join(master_data_dir, masterSlc)
             diapOTBApp.concatenate(BurstToConcatenateM, master_Image, firstBurst, 
                                    Con_masterSlc, ram)
@@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         # ###### Concatenating and georeferencing bursts ###### #
         # Slave Coregistrated Reramped
-        slaveCorRE = slave_Image_base[:30] + slave_Image_base[46:53]+"-"+str(relative_orbit) + ".tif"
+        slaveCorRE = func_utils.getSlcMlNamming_fromProductName(slave_Image_base, mode="S1IW") + ".tif"
         Con_slaveCorRE = os.path.join(output_dir, slaveCorRE)
         diapOTBApp.concatenate(slaveCorRerampToConcatenate, master_Image, firstBurst, 
                                Con_slaveCorRE, ram)
@@ -665,8 +665,8 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         func_utils.log(logging.INFO, "Post Processing chain")
         # Multilook on coregistred
-        CoRe_ML = os.path.splitext(slave_Image_base)[0] + "_ml" + str(ml_azimut) + str(ml_range) + ".tif"
-        #ml(os.path.join(output_dir, slaveCorRE), os.path.join(output_dir, CoRe_ML))
+        CoRe_ML = func_utils.getSlcMlNamming_fromProductName(slave_Image_base, mode="S1IW") + \
+                  "_ml" + str(ml_azimut) + str(ml_range) + ".tif"
         diapOTBApp.multilook(os.path.join(output_dir, slaveCorRE), ml_range, ml_azimut, 
                              ml_gain, os.path.join(output_dir, CoRe_ML), ram)
@@ -679,8 +679,13 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         if func_utils.str2bool(version_interferogram):
             Interferogram_Multiband = mib[:15]+"M"+mib[14:30]+"-"+mib[
                     47:54]+"S"+sib[14:23]+"-"+sib[47:53]+"-"+ str(relative_orbit)+"_interf.tif"
-            Interferogram_ = mib[:15]+"M"+mib[14:30]+"-"+mib[
-                    47:54]+"S"+sib[14:23]+"-"+sib[47:53]+"-"+str(relative_orbit)+"_interferogram.tif"
+            interf_base = func_utils.getInterfNamming_fromProductName(master_Image_base, slave_Image_base,
+                                                                      mode="S1IW")
+            Interferogram_ = interf_base +"_Interferogram.tif"
+            Interfo_Filt = interf_base + "_Filtred-Interferogram.tif"
             Con_Interf = os.path.join(output_dir, Interferogram_Multiband)
             diapOTBApp.concatenate(interfToConcatenate, master_Image, firstBurst, Con_Interf, ram)
@@ -701,6 +706,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
                 paramPost['filt_alpha'] = interf_filt_alpha
                 paramPost['interf_Name'] = Con_Interf
                 paramPost['ram'] = ram
+                paramPost['filtered_Name'] = Interfo_Filt
                 Post_Processing.filtering(master_Image, master_Image_base, slave_Image, 
                                           slave_Image_base, Master_temp_dir, temp_dir, paramPost, 
@@ -711,10 +717,9 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         # C === Ortho Interferogram
         if func_utils.str2bool(version_interferogram) and func_utils.str2bool(ortho_interferogram):            
-            Ortho_ = mib[:15]+"M"+mib[14:30]+"-"+mib[
-                    47:54]+"S"+sib[14:23]+"-"+sib[47:53]+"-"+str(relative_orbit)+"_Ortho-Interferogram.tif"
-            Ortho_roi = mib[:15]+"M"+mib[14:30]+"-"+mib[
-                    47:54]+"S"+sib[14:23]+"-"+sib[47:53]+"-"+str(relative_orbit)+"_ROI_Ortho-Interferogram.tif"
+            Ortho_  = interf_base + "_Ortho-Interferogram.tif"
+            Ortho_roi  = interf_base + "_ROI_Ortho-Interferogram.tif"
             diapOTBApp.orthorectification(os.path.join(output_dir, Interferogram_), 
                                           spacingxy, hgts_path, geoid_path, 
                                           os.path.join(output_dir, Ortho_), ram)
@@ -728,21 +733,18 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
         # ==================================== #
          #               Remove               # 
           # ================================ #
-        func_utils.silentremove(output_dir, CoRe_ML.split(".")[0]+".geom")
         func_utils.silentremove(output_dir, dop_file)
         if func_utils.str2bool(version_interferogram):
             func_utils.silentremove(output_dir, Interferogram_Multiband)
-        if func_utils.str2bool(version_interferogram) and func_utils.str2bool(ortho_interferogram):
-            func_utils.silentremove(output_dir, Ortho_.split(".")[0]+".geom")
     # Multilook on master reramped
-    Reramp_ML = os.path.splitext(master_Image_base)[0] + "_ml" + str(ml_azimut) + str(ml_range) + ".tif"   
+    Reramp_ML = func_utils.getSlcMlNamming_fromProductName(master_Image_base, mode="S1IW") + \
+                "_ml" + str(ml_azimut) + str(ml_range) + ".tif"
     diapOTBApp.multilook(os.path.join(master_data_dir, masterRerampMl), ml_range, ml_azimut, 
                          ml_gain, os.path.join(master_data_dir, Reramp_ML), ram)
     func_utils.silentremove(master_data_dir, masterRerampMl)
     func_utils.silentremove(master_data_dir, masterRerampMl.split(".")[0]+".geom")
-    func_utils.silentremove(master_data_dir, Reramp_ML.split(".")[0]+".geom")
diff --git a/python_src/processings/Post_Processing.py b/python_src/processings/Post_Processing.py
index dd854dbfdc7448330b800fdf6e8e653c4f3e0e67..0a503fba6824d9dd1f672550c5182ec443ce9659 100644
--- a/python_src/processings/Post_Processing.py
+++ b/python_src/processings/Post_Processing.py
@@ -194,6 +194,8 @@ def filtering_Others(master_Image, master_Image_base, slave_Image, slave_Image_b
     # Eventually SARAddBandInterfergoram
     filt_interferogram = "filtered_interferogram.tif"
+    if "filtered_Name" in param :
+        filt_interferogram = param['filtered_Name']
     appAddAmp = otb.Registry.CreateApplication("SARAddBandInterferogram")
     appAddAmp.SetParameterInputImage("incomplexamp", appComplex.GetParameterOutputImage("out"))
     appAddAmp.SetParameterString("ininterf", filt_phacoh_path)    
@@ -289,6 +291,8 @@ def filtering_S1IW(master_Image, master_Image_base, slave_Image, slave_Image_bas
     # SARAddBandInterfergoram
     filt_interferogram = "filtered_interferogram.tif"
+    if "filtered_Name" in param :
+        filt_interferogram = param['filtered_Name']
     addAmpApp(inForAmp=os.path.join(output_dir, interf_name), 
               outPath=os.path.join(output_dir, filt_interferogram))
diff --git a/python_src/utils/func_utils.py b/python_src/utils/func_utils.py
index 6b721a8f81b7499b29dd5c0da363388d1dfa60a2..871456227ed32ddec70cb03779d209c4691bd517 100644
--- a/python_src/utils/func_utils.py
+++ b/python_src/utils/func_utils.py
@@ -302,6 +302,98 @@ def check_image_pattern(img, mode="S1SM") :
     return correct_pattern
+def getSlcMlNamming_fromProductName(product_name, mode="S1SM") :
+    """
+        Get correct names (with conventions) for SLC and ML outputs (without extension)
+    """
+    # At the end, the name for slc and ml images must be : 
+    # fullsensor_subwath_product_pol_UTCfirstdate with
+    # fullsensor : S1A/B for S1 or CSK for Cosmo
+    # subwath : for instance, s4 for S1SM and Cosmo or iw1 for S1 IW
+    # product : SCS_U/B for Cosmo or SLC for S1
+    # UTCdate : date with YYYYMMDDthhmmss format
+    slcMlName = ""
+    if mode == "Cosmo":
+        # Mode Cosmo : CSKS<i>_SCS_U/B_Sk_*_pol_<YYYYMMDDhhmmss>_<YYYYMMDDhhmmss>
+        # i : Identifier of the satellite (1, 2, 3 or 4)
+        # Sk : Mode/Beam (s1-s6)
+        # pol : Polarisations (HH or VV or VH or HV)
+        # YYYYMMDDhhmmss : Product start/stop date and times 
+        # * : Others representations such as identifier for orbit direction or look side
+        productName_list = product_name.split("_")
+        slcMlName = productName_list[0][:3] + "_" + productName_list[3] + "_" + \
+                    productName_list[1] + productName_list[2] + "_" + productName_list[5] + \
+                    "_" + productName_list[8][:8] + "t" + productName_list[8][8:]
+    else :
+        # Mode S1 IW : mmm-bb-ttt-pp-yyyymmddthhmmss-yyyymmddthhmmss*
+        # mmm : Mission identifier (s1A or s1B)
+        # bb : Mode/Beam (iw1-iw3 for IW or s1-s6)
+        # ttt : Product type (always slc here)
+        # pp : Polarisations (2 letters : hh or vv or vh or hv)
+        # yyyymmddthhmmss : Product start/stop date and times 
+        # (14 digits representing the date and time separated by the character "t")
+        # * : Others representations such as orbits number or images number ...
+        productName_list = product_name.split("-")
+        slcMlName = productName_list[0] + "_" + productName_list[1] + "_" + \
+                    productName_list[2] + "_" + productName_list[3] + "_" + \
+                    productName_list[4]
+    # Return output name without extension or ml factors
+    return slcMlName.lower()
+def getInterfNamming_fromProductName(productMaster_name, productSlave_name, mode="S1SM") :
+    """
+        Get correct names (with conventions) for interferogram outputs (without extension)
+    """
+    # At the end, the name for interf images must be : 
+    # sensor_M_UTCfirstdatemaster_S_* UTCfirstdateslave with
+    # sensor : S1 for S1 or CSK for Cosmo
+    # UTCdate : date with YYYYMMDDthhmss format
+    interfName = ""
+    if mode == "Cosmo":
+        # Mode Cosmo : CSKS<i>_SCS_U/B_Sk_*_pol_<YYYYMMDDhhmmss>_<YYYYMMDDhhmmss>
+        # i : Identifier of the satellite (1, 2, 3 or 4)
+        # Sk : Mode/Beam (s1-s6)
+        # pol : Polarisations (HH or VV or VH or HV)
+        # YYYYMMDDhhmmss : Product start/stop date and times 
+        # * : Others representations such as identifier for orbit direction or look side
+        productM_list = productMaster_name.split("_")
+        productS_list = productSlave_name.split("_")
+        interfName = productM_list[0][:3] + "_M_" +  \
+                     productM_list[8][:8] + "t" + productM_list[8][8:] + "_S_" + \
+                     productS_list[8][:8] + "t" + productS_list[8][8:]
+    else :
+        # Mode S1 IW : mmm-bb-ttt-pp-yyyymmddthhmmss-yyyymmddthhmmss*
+        # mmm : Mission identifier (s1A or s1B)
+        # bb : Mode/Beam (iw1-iw3 or s1-s6 for IW)
+        # ttt : Product type (always slc here)
+        # pp : Polarisations (2 letters : hh or vv or vh or hv)
+        # yyyymmddthhmmss : Product start/stop date and times 
+        # (14 digits representing the date and time separated by the character "t")
+        # * : Others representations such as orbits number or images number ...
+        productM_list = productMaster_name.split("-")
+        productS_list = productSlave_name.split("-")
+        interfName = productM_list[0][:2].upper() + "_M_" + \
+                     productM_list[4]  + "_S_" + \
+                     productS_list[4]
+    # Return output name without extension or ml factors
+    return interfName
 def image_envelope(inTIF, outSHP):
         This method returns a shapefile of an image