diff --git a/app/otbSARMetadataCorrection.cxx b/app/otbSARMetadataCorrection.cxx
index cf6833c6085ca7c033525a461b7132a75aa216f2..2c046fb51e4d6358fe7086fc558638e4c8143203 100644
--- a/app/otbSARMetadataCorrection.cxx
+++ b/app/otbSARMetadataCorrection.cxx
@@ -47,6 +47,15 @@
+  Mode_UserDefined,
+  Mode_GCP,
+  Mode_Orbits
 // Time/Date ossim 
 typedef ossimplugins::time::ModifiedJulianDate TimeType;
 typedef ossimplugins::time::Duration           DurationType;
@@ -374,6 +383,18 @@ private:
     AddParameter(ParameterType_InputImage,  "insar",   "Input SAR image");
     SetParameterDescription("insar", "SAR Image to extract initial metadata.");
+    // mode selection : gcp (auto) or fine orbits
+    AddParameter(ParameterType_Choice, "mode", "Parameters estimation modes");
+    AddChoice("mode.auto", "User Defined");
+    SetParameterDescription("mode.auto", "This mode allows you to fully modify default values : GCP corrections");
+    AddChoice("mode.gcp", "GCP corrections");
+    SetParameterDescription("mode.gcp",
+                            "This mode allows you to automatically correct GCP into the output geom file");
+    AddChoice("mode.orbits", "Fine orbits");
+    SetParameterDescription("mode.orbits",
+                            "This mode allows you to automatically retrieve the fine orbits and to save into a new geom file");
     AddParameter(ParameterType_OutputFilename, "outkwl", "Write the OSSIM keywordlist to a geom file");
     SetParameterDescription("outkwl", "This option allows extracting the OSSIM keywordlist of the image into a geom file.");
@@ -386,7 +407,38 @@ private:
   void DoUpdateParameters() override
-    // Nothing to do here : all parameters are independent
+    // Handle inputs following the mode
+    // chose by the user
+    switch (GetParameterInt("mode"))
+      {
+      case Mode_UserDefined:
+	{
+	  EnableParameter("indem");
+	  EnableParameter("outkwl");
+	  MandatoryOn("indem");
+	  MandatoryOff("outkwl");
+	}
+      break;
+      case Mode_GCP:
+	{
+	  EnableParameter("indem");
+	  EnableParameter("outkwl");
+	  MandatoryOn("indem");
+	  MandatoryOff("outkwl");
+	}
+      break;
+      case Mode_Orbits:
+	{
+	  DisableParameter("indem");
+	  EnableParameter("outkwl");
+	  MandatoryOff("indem");
+	  MandatoryOn("outkwl");
+	}
+      break;
+      } // switch (GetParameterInt("mode") )
   void DoExecute() override
@@ -400,129 +452,166 @@ private:
     // Get Sar keyWordList
     otb::ImageKeywordlist sar_kwl = SARPtr->GetImageKeywordlist();
     // Read information
     typedef otb::ImageMetadataInterfaceBase ImageMetadataInterfaceType;
     ImageMetadataInterfaceType::Pointer metadataInterface = ImageMetadataInterfaceFactory::CreateIMI(SARPtr->GetMetaDataDictionary());
-    // Change insar (???)
-    // SetParameterOutputImage("out", SARPtr); // Compilation error
-    // SARPtr->UpdateOutputInformation(); // Does not write (only for reader)
     ////////// KyWordList (geom) //////////////
     ImageKeywordlist outputKWL = SARPtr->GetImageKeywordlist();
+    bool doGcpCorrection = false;
+    bool doFineOrbits = false;
+    // Get mode to adapt estimation according to user choice
+    switch (GetParameterInt("mode"))
+      {
+      case Mode_UserDefined:
+	{
+	  doGcpCorrection = true;
+	}
+      break;
+      case Mode_GCP:
+	{
+	  doGcpCorrection = true;
+	}
+      break;
+      case Mode_Orbits:
+	{
+	  doFineOrbits = true;
+	}
+      break;
+      } // switch (GetParameterInt("mode") )
+    std::cout << "doGcpCorrection : " << doGcpCorrection << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "doFineOrbits : " << doFineOrbits << std::endl;
-    // Check with metadataInterface and keyword List
-    int gcpcount = metadataInterface->GetGCPCount();
-    if (gcpcount == 0)
+    if (doGcpCorrection)
-	int gcpcount_kwl = std::atoi(outputKWL.GetMetadataByKey(GCP_NUMBER_KEY).c_str());
-	if (gcpcount_kwl > 5)
+	std::cout << "Hello GCP correction !!" << std::endl;
+	// Check with metadataInterface and keyword List
+	int gcpcount = metadataInterface->GetGCPCount();
+	if (gcpcount == 0)
-	    gcpcount = gcpcount_kwl;
+	    int gcpcount_kwl = std::atoi(outputKWL.GetMetadataByKey(GCP_NUMBER_KEY).c_str());
+	    if (gcpcount_kwl > 5)
+	      {
+		gcpcount = gcpcount_kwl;
+	      }
-      }
-    std::vector<double *> * vector_lonlat = new std::vector<double *>(); 
-    std::vector<int *>   * vector_colrow = new std::vector<int *>(); 
-    std::vector<int> vector_ind; 
-    std::vector<TimeType>  vector_aziTime;
-    std::vector<double>  vector_ranTime;
+	std::vector<double *> * vector_lonlat = new std::vector<double *>(); 
+	std::vector<int *>   * vector_colrow = new std::vector<int *>(); 
+	std::vector<int> vector_ind; 
+	std::vector<TimeType>  vector_aziTime;
+	std::vector<double>  vector_ranTime;
-    // Build the input (vector_lonlat) for GetClosestMNTHeight filter
-    if (gcpcount == 0)
-      {
-	// If no GCP => Retrieve Corners instead
-	// Get latitude and longitude for ur, ul, ll lr and center points
-	try
+	// Build the input (vector_lonlat) for GetClosestMNTHeight filter
+	if (gcpcount == 0)
-	    getCorners(metadataInterface->GetImageKeywordlist(), vector_lonlat, 
-		       vector_colrow, vector_ind, vector_aziTime,
-		       vector_ranTime);
+	    // If no GCP => Retrieve Corners instead
+	    // Get latitude and longitude for ur, ul, ll lr and center points
+	    try
+	      {
+		getCorners(metadataInterface->GetImageKeywordlist(), vector_lonlat, 
+			   vector_colrow, vector_ind, vector_aziTime,
+			   vector_ranTime);
+	      }
+	    catch (itk::ExceptionObject& /*err*/)
+	      {
+	      }
-	catch (itk::ExceptionObject& /*err*/)
-	  {
+	else
+	  {	
+	    // If GCPs => Retrieve its
+	    // Get latitude and longitude for each of its
+	    getGCP(metadataInterface, gcpcount, outputKWL, vector_lonlat, vector_colrow, vector_ind);
-      }
-    else
-      {	
-	// If GCPs => Retrieve its
-	// Get latitude and longitude for each of its
-	getGCP(metadataInterface, gcpcount, outputKWL, vector_lonlat, vector_colrow, vector_ind);
-      }
-    ///// DEMClosestHgt filter to estimate accurate heights /////
-    DEMClosestHgtFilterType::Pointer filterDEMClosestHgt = DEMClosestHgtFilterType::New();
-    m_Ref.push_back(filterDEMClosestHgt.GetPointer());
+	///// DEMClosestHgt filter to estimate accurate heights /////
+	DEMClosestHgtFilterType::Pointer filterDEMClosestHgt = DEMClosestHgtFilterType::New();
+	m_Ref.push_back(filterDEMClosestHgt.GetPointer());
-    // Set inputs : DEM and the vector_LonLat
-    filterDEMClosestHgt->SetInput(inputDEM);
-    filterDEMClosestHgt->SetVectorLonLat(vector_lonlat);
+	// Set inputs : DEM and the vector_LonLat
+	filterDEMClosestHgt->SetInput(inputDEM);
+	filterDEMClosestHgt->SetVectorLonLat(vector_lonlat);
-    // Init a vector for hgt
-    std::vector<double> * vector_hgt = new vector<double>();
-    vector_hgt->resize(vector_lonlat->size()); // Same size than lon and lat
+	// Init a vector for hgt
+	std::vector<double> * vector_hgt = new vector<double>();
+	vector_hgt->resize(vector_lonlat->size()); // Same size than lon and lat
-    for (unsigned int k = 0; k < vector_lonlat->size(); k++) 
-      {
-	vector_hgt->at(k) = 0;
-      }
+	for (unsigned int k = 0; k < vector_lonlat->size(); k++) 
+	  {
+	    vector_hgt->at(k) = 0;
+	  }
-    // Launch our Persistent filter
-    filterDEMClosestHgt->Update();
-    filterDEMClosestHgt->GetDEMHgt(vector_hgt);
+	// Launch our Persistent filter
+	filterDEMClosestHgt->Update();
+	filterDEMClosestHgt->GetDEMHgt(vector_hgt);
-    // Add or update GCP into the output KWL (according to the sensor (GCPs already present or not))
-    if (gcpcount == 0)
-      {
-	// Create GPCs with the four corners and center
-	createGCPAndUpdateKWL(vector_lonlat, vector_hgt,
-			      vector_colrow, vector_ind,
-			      vector_aziTime,
-			      vector_ranTime, outputKWL);
-      }
-    else
-      {
-	// Just update heigths
-	updateGCPAndKWL(vector_hgt, gcpcount, outputKWL);
-      }
+	// Add or update GCP into the output KWL (according to the sensor (GCPs already present or not))
+	if (gcpcount == 0)
+	  {
+	    // Create GPCs with the four corners and center
+	    createGCPAndUpdateKWL(vector_lonlat, vector_hgt,
+				  vector_colrow, vector_ind,
+				  vector_aziTime,
+				  vector_ranTime, outputKWL);
+	  }
+	else
+	  {
+	    // Just update heigths
+	    updateGCPAndKWL(vector_hgt, gcpcount, outputKWL);
+	  }
-    // Display image information in  the dedicated logger
-    otbAppLogINFO(<< ossOutput.str());
+	// Display image information in  the dedicated logger
+	otbAppLogINFO(<< ossOutput.str());
-    // Free Memory
-    for (unsigned int itab = 0; itab < vector_lonlat->size(); itab++) 
-      {
-	delete vector_lonlat->at(itab);
-	vector_lonlat->at(itab) = 0;
-      }
-    vector_lonlat->clear();
-    delete vector_lonlat;
-    vector_lonlat = 0;
+	// Free Memory
+	for (unsigned int itab = 0; itab < vector_lonlat->size(); itab++) 
+	  {
+	    delete vector_lonlat->at(itab);
+	    vector_lonlat->at(itab) = 0;
+	  }
+	vector_lonlat->clear();
+	delete vector_lonlat;
+	vector_lonlat = 0;
-    vector_hgt->clear();
-    delete vector_hgt;
-    vector_hgt = 0;
+	vector_hgt->clear();
+	delete vector_hgt;
+	vector_hgt = 0;
-    for (unsigned int itab = 0; itab < vector_colrow->size(); itab++) 
-      {
-	delete vector_colrow->at(itab);
-	vector_colrow->at(itab) = 0;
+	for (unsigned int itab = 0; itab < vector_colrow->size(); itab++) 
+	  {
+	    delete vector_colrow->at(itab);
+	    vector_colrow->at(itab) = 0;
+	  }
+	vector_colrow->clear();
+	delete vector_colrow;
+	vector_colrow = 0;
+	vector_ind.clear();
+	vector_aziTime.clear();
+	vector_ranTime.clear();
-    vector_colrow->clear();
-    delete vector_colrow;
-    vector_colrow = 0;
-    vector_ind.clear();
-    vector_aziTime.clear();
-    vector_ranTime.clear();
+    if (doFineOrbits)
+      {
+	std::cout << "Hello Fine Orbits !!" << std::endl;
+	double ullat = std::atof(outputKWL.GetMetadataByKey("ul_lat").c_str());
+	std::cout << "ullat = " << ullat << std::endl;
+      }
     // Write output keywordlist with correct gcp (correction on heigth)
     if (IsParameterEnabled("outkwl") && HasValue("outkwl"))