diff --git a/app/otbSARAltAmbig.cxx b/app/otbSARAltAmbig.cxx
index a8b2eab147ef5e58c777ce926ea92e9a9b103080..64a40ca656731e34a69926fecdacc2e24913c488 100644
--- a/app/otbSARAltAmbig.cxx
+++ b/app/otbSARAltAmbig.cxx
@@ -77,6 +77,13 @@ private:
     AddParameter(ParameterType_InputImage, "target", "Target geosar image");
     SetParameterDescription("target", "Target geosar image");
+    AddParameter(ParameterType_OutputFilename, "outfile", "Output file to store the results");
+    SetParameterDescription("outfile","Output file to store the results");
+    AddParameter(ParameterType_Bool, "bistatic", "Activate bistatic Mode");
+    SetParameterDescription("bistatic", "If true, set the formula in bistatic mode");
+    MandatoryOff("bistatic");
     SetDocExampleParameterValue("inmaster", "s1a-s4-slc-vv-20160818t014650-20160818t014715-012648-013db1-002_SLC.tiff");
@@ -84,6 +91,7 @@ private:
     SetDocExampleParameterValue("lat", "10.5");
     SetDocExampleParameterValue("lon", "5.8");
     SetDocExampleParameterValue("height", "45.9");
+    SetDocExampleParameterValue("outfile", "alt_ambig.log");
@@ -100,15 +108,24 @@ private:
     // Start the target pipeline (Read SAR image metadata)
     ComplexFloatImageType::Pointer SARPtr_target = GetParameterComplexFloatImage("target");
+    // Open the output file
+    std::ofstream output(GetParameterString("outfile"), std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc);
     // Get lat, lon and height
     float lat = GetParameterFloat("lat");
     otbAppLogINFO(<<"Lat : "<<lat);
+    output << "Latitude of the target  = " << lat << std::endl;
     float lon = GetParameterFloat("lon");
     otbAppLogINFO(<<"Lon : "<<lon);
+    output << "Longitude of the target = " << lon << std::endl;
     float height = GetParameterFloat("height");
     otbAppLogINFO(<<"Height : "<<height);
+    output << "Altitude of the target  = " << height << std::endl;
+    bool bistatic = IsParameterEnabled("bistatic");
+    otbAppLogINFO(<<"Bistatic : " << bistatic);
     otb::ImageKeywordlist sarKWL = SARPtr->GetImageKeywordlist();
     otb::ImageKeywordlist sarKWL_target = SARPtr_target->GetImageKeywordlist();
@@ -134,15 +151,19 @@ private:
     SarSensorModelAdapter::WorldToCartesian(demGeoPoint, xyzCart);
     otbAppLogINFO(<<"Cartesian coords : " << xyzCart[0] << " " << xyzCart[1] << " " << xyzCart[2]);
+    output << "GROUND COORDINATES = " << xyzCart[0] << " " << xyzCart[1] << " " << xyzCart[2] << std::endl;
     // Master
     otbAppLogINFO(<<"Inmaster Image : ");
+    output << std::endl << "Inmaster Image :" << std::endl;
     m_SarSensorModelAdapter->WorldToSatPositionAndVelocity(demGeoPoint, satellitePosition[0], satelliteVelocity[0]);
     otbAppLogINFO(<<"Satellite Position : " << satellitePosition[0][0] << " " << satellitePosition[0][1] << " " << satellitePosition[0][2]);
     otbAppLogINFO(<<"Satellite Velocity : " << satelliteVelocity[0][0] << " " << satelliteVelocity[0][1] << " " << satelliteVelocity[0][2]);
+    output << "SATELLITE POSITIONS = " << satellitePosition[0][0] << " " << satellitePosition[0][1] << " " << satellitePosition[0][2] << std::endl;
+    output << "SATELLITE VELOCITY = " << satelliteVelocity[0][0] << " " << satelliteVelocity[0][1] << " " << satelliteVelocity[0][2] << std::endl;
-    searchPassageCloserToGround(satellitePosition[0], incidence[0], xyzCart, demGeoPointRadian);
+    searchPassageCloserToGround(satellitePosition[0], incidence[0], xyzCart, demGeoPointRadian, output);
     otbAppLogINFO(<<"Incidence : " << incidence[0]);
     // Calculate lambda
@@ -155,18 +176,32 @@ private:
     // Target
     loadOk = m_SarSensorModelAdapter->LoadState(sarKWL_target);
     otbAppLogINFO(<<"Target Image : ");
+    output << std::endl << "Target Image : " << std::endl;
     m_SarSensorModelAdapter->WorldToSatPositionAndVelocity(demGeoPoint, satellitePosition[1], satelliteVelocity[1]);
     otbAppLogINFO(<<"Satellite Position : " << satellitePosition[1][0] << " " << satellitePosition[1][1] << " " << satellitePosition[1][2]);
     otbAppLogINFO(<<"Satellite Velocity : " << satelliteVelocity[1][0] << " " << satelliteVelocity[1][1] << " " << satelliteVelocity[1][2]);
+    output << "SATELLITE POSITIONS = " << satellitePosition[1][0] << " " << satellitePosition[1][1] << " " << satellitePosition[2][2] << std::endl;
+    output << "SATELLITE VELOCITY = " << satelliteVelocity[1][0] << " " << satelliteVelocity[1][1] << " " << satelliteVelocity[1][2] << std::endl;
-    searchPassageCloserToGround(satellitePosition[1], incidence[1], xyzCart, demGeoPointRadian);
+    searchPassageCloserToGround(satellitePosition[1], incidence[1], xyzCart, demGeoPointRadian, output);
     otbAppLogINFO(<<"Incidence : " << incidence[1]);
-    computeAltAmbig(xyzCart, satellitePosition, satelliteVelocity, lambda,  incidence);
+    otbAppLogINFO(<< "Compute Alt Ambig");
+    otbAppLogINFO(<< "Master ORBIT\tSLAVE ORBIT\tIncidence\tALT AMBIG\tRadial  \tLateral");
+    output << std::endl << "Master ORBIT\tSLAVE ORBIT\tIncidence\tALT AMBIG\tRadial  \tLateral" << std::endl;
+    computeAltAmbig(xyzCart, satellitePosition, satelliteVelocity, lambda,  incidence, output);
+    // Close the output file
+    output.close();
+  }
+  std::string getFilename(std::string filePath){
+    std::size_t dotPos = filePath.rfind(".");
+    std::size_t sepPos = filePath.rfind("/");
+    return filePath.substr(sepPos + 1, dotPos - sepPos - 1);
-  void searchPassageCloserToGround(SarSensorModelAdapter::Point3DType satellitePosition, double& incidence, SarSensorModelAdapter::Point3DType xyzCart, SarSensorModelAdapter::Point3DType demGeoPoint){
+  void searchPassageCloserToGround(SarSensorModelAdapter::Point3DType satellitePosition, double& incidence, SarSensorModelAdapter::Point3DType xyzCart, SarSensorModelAdapter::Point3DType demGeoPoint, std::ofstream& output){
     SarSensorModelAdapter::Point3DType rm;
     rm[0] = xyzCart[0] - satellitePosition[0];
     rm[1] = xyzCart[1] - satellitePosition[1];
@@ -203,19 +238,22 @@ private:
     vectk[2] = sin(lat);
     // Rm projection
+    output << "Ground target --> Satellite Vector" << std::endl;
     double northProjection = -(vecti[0]*rm[0]+vecti[1]*rm[1]+vecti[2]*rm[2])/normeRm;
     double eastProjection = -(vectj[0]*rm[0]+vectj[1]*rm[1]+vectj[2]*rm[2])/normeRm;
     double verticalProjection = -(vectk[0]*rm[0]+vectk[1]*rm[1]+vectk[2]*rm[2])/normeRm;
     otbAppLogINFO(<< "North Projection : " << northProjection);
     otbAppLogINFO(<< "East Projection : " << eastProjection);
     otbAppLogINFO(<< "Vertical Projection : " << verticalProjection);
+    output << "North Projection : " << northProjection << std::endl;
+    output << "East Projection : " << eastProjection << std::endl;
+    output << "Vertical Projection : " << verticalProjection << std::endl;
-  void computeAltAmbig(SarSensorModelAdapter::Point3DType xyzCart, SarSensorModelAdapter::Point3DType* satellitePosition, SarSensorModelAdapter::Point3DType* satelliteVelocity, double lambda, double* incidence){
-    otbAppLogINFO(<< "Compute Alt Ambig");
-    // TODO : Get the type of phase (monostatic by default)
-    double factorBperp = 1.0;
-    double factorHamb = 2.0;
+  void computeAltAmbig(SarSensorModelAdapter::Point3DType xyzCart, SarSensorModelAdapter::Point3DType* satellitePosition, SarSensorModelAdapter::Point3DType* satelliteVelocity, double lambda, double* incidence, std::ofstream& output){
+    // Adjust the formula in case of non-monostatic mode
+    double factorBperp = (!IsParameterEnabled("bistatic"))? 1.0:2.0;
+    double factorHamb = (!IsParameterEnabled("bistatic"))? 2.0:1.0;
     SarSensorModelAdapter::Point3DType rm;
     rm[0] = -(xyzCart[0] - satellitePosition[0][0]);
@@ -269,9 +307,10 @@ private:
     double inc_moy = ((incidence[1] + incidence[0]) / 2) * M_PI / 180.;
     double alt_amb = lambda * sin(inc_moy) / (factorHamb * tan(alpha));
-    otbAppLogINFO(<< "Incidence\tALT AMBIG\tRadial\tLateral");
-    otbAppLogINFO(<< inc_moy * 180. / M_PI << "\t" << alt_amb << "\t" << xe << "\t" << ye / factorBperp);
+    std::string master = getFilename(GetParameterString("inmaster"));
+    std::string target = getFilename(GetParameterString("target"));
+    otbAppLogINFO(<< master << "\t" << target << "\t" << inc_moy * 180. / M_PI << "   \t" << alt_amb << "\t" << xe << "\t" << ye / factorBperp);
+    output << master << "\t" << target << "\t" << inc_moy * 180. / M_PI << "  \t" << alt_amb << "\t" << xe << "\t" << ye / factorBperp << std::endl;