diff --git a/json_schemas/schema_S1IW.json b/json_schemas/schema_S1IW.json
index e8213ae931d6498f0bac9c1264071d1cc6ecc621..19781acb335925bc39f4c7048c51bc2b3a031731 100644
--- a/json_schemas/schema_S1IW.json
+++ b/json_schemas/schema_S1IW.json
@@ -79,20 +79,41 @@
 		    "type": "object",
 		    "required": ["GridStep_range", "GridStep_azimut", "Grid_Threshold", "Grid_Gap", 
-				 "Interferogram_gain", "Interferogram_ortho"],
+				 "Interferogram_gain"],
 		    "additionalProperties": false,
 		    "properties": {"GridStep_range": {"type": "number"},
 				   "GridStep_azimut": {"type": "number"},
 				   "Grid_Threshold": {"type": "number"},
 				   "Grid_Gap": {"type": "number"},
 				   "Interferogram_gain": {"type": "number"},
-				   "Interferogram_ortho": {"type": "boolean"},
 				   "ESD_iter" : {"type": ["integer","string"]}
 	    "additionalProperties": false,
 	    "required": ["parameter"]
+	},
+	 "Post_Processing": 
+	{
+	    "type": "object",
+	    "properties": 
+	    {
+		"parameter": 
+		{
+		    "type": "object",
+		    "required": ["Activate_Ortho"],
+		    "additionalProperties": false,
+		    "properties": {"Activate_Ortho": {"type": "string"},
+				   "Spacingxy": {"type": "number", "default": 0.0001},
+				   "Activate_Filtering": {"type": "string"},
+				   "Filtered_Interferogram_mlran": {"type": "number"},
+				   "Filtered_Interferogram_mlazi": {"type": "number"}
+				  }
+		}
+	    },
+	    "additionalProperties": false,
+	    "required": ["parameter"]
diff --git a/json_schemas/schema_S1SM.json b/json_schemas/schema_S1SM.json
index 2df1353ed431bb844abf14fccec2ab69e3c2ece2..250121e80528b53f49314cecd8616b3db87fda13 100644
--- a/json_schemas/schema_S1SM.json
+++ b/json_schemas/schema_S1SM.json
@@ -121,6 +121,28 @@
 	    "additionalProperties": false,
 	    "required": ["parameter"]
+	},
+	 "Post_Processing": 
+	{
+	    "type": "object",
+	    "properties": 
+	    {
+		"parameter": 
+		{
+		    "type": "object",
+		    "required": ["Activate_Ortho"],
+		    "additionalProperties": false,
+		    "properties": {"Activate_Ortho": {"type": "string"},
+				   "Spacingxy": {"type": "number", "default": 0.0001},
+				   "Activate_Filtering": {"type": "string"},
+				   "Filtered_Interferogram_mlran": {"type": "number"},
+				   "Filtered_Interferogram_mlazi": {"type": "number"}
+				  }
+		}
+	    },
+	    "additionalProperties": false,
+	    "required": ["parameter"]
diff --git a/python_src/diapOTB.py b/python_src/diapOTB.py
index 6ce3e15503823b7821aaa13f3a5a10aa559c0f60..229217d3e74c8746facc0b12cc20a0ed396563f4 100644
--- a/python_src/diapOTB.py
+++ b/python_src/diapOTB.py
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ from processings import Pre_Processing
 from processings import Ground
 from processings import DInSar
 from processings import Metadata_Correction
+from processings import Post_Processing
 from utils import func_utils
@@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     dict_PreProcessing = dataConfig['Pre_Processing']
     dict_Metadata_Correction = dataConfig['Metadata_Correction']
     dict_DInSAR = dataConfig['DIn_SAR']
+    dict_PostProcessing = dataConfig['Post_Processing']
     # Get elements from configuration file
     # Global
@@ -110,13 +112,32 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     ml_interf_range = ml_range
     ml_interf_azimut = ml_azimut
     if "Interferogram_mlran" in dict_DInSAR['parameter'] :
         ml_interf_range = int(dict_DInSAR['parameter']['Interferogram_mlran'])
     if "Interferogram_mlazi" in dict_DInSAR['parameter'] :
         ml_interf_azimut = int(dict_DInSAR['parameter']['Interferogram_mlazi'])
+    # Post_Processing
+    activateOrtho = dict_PostProcessing['parameter']['Activate_Ortho']
+    spacingxy = 0.00001
+    if "spacingxy" in dict_PostProcessing['parameter'] :
+        spacingxy = dict_PostProcessing['parameter']['Spacingxy']
+    activateFiltering = "false"
+    if "Activate_Filtering" in dict_PostProcessing['parameter'] :
+        activateFiltering = dict_PostProcessing['parameter']['Activate_Filtering']
+    ml_interf_filt_range = 3
+    if "Filtered_Interferogram_mlran" in dict_PostProcessing['parameter'] :
+        ml_interf_filt_range = int(dict_PostProcessing['parameter']['Filtered_Interferogram_mlran'])
+    ml_interf_filt_azimut = 3
+    if "Filtered_Interferogram_mlazi" in dict_PostProcessing['parameter'] :
+        ml_interf_filt_azimut = int(dict_PostProcessing['parameter']['Filtered_Interferogram_mlazi'])
     if (geoGrid_threshold < 0) or (geoGrid_threshold > 1) :
         func_utils.log(logging.CRITICAL, "Error, Wrong Threshold for fine deformation grid")
@@ -177,8 +198,19 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     func_utils.log(logging.INFO, "ml_geoGrid_azimut : {param}".format(param=ml_geoGrid_azimut))
+    # Post_Processing
+    func_utils.log(logging.INFO, " Post_Processing : ")
+    func_utils.log(logging.INFO, "activateOrtho : {param}".format(param=activateOrtho))
+    if func_utils.str2bool(activateOrtho):
+        func_utils.log(logging.INFO, "spacingxy : {param}".format(param=spacingxy))
+    func_utils.log(logging.INFO, "activateFiltering : {param}".format(param=activateFiltering))
+    if func_utils.str2bool(activateFiltering):
+        func_utils.log(logging.INFO, "ml_interf_filt_range : {param}".format(param=ml_interf_filt_range))
+        func_utils.log(logging.INFO, "ml_interf_filt_azimut : {param}".format(param=ml_interf_filt_azimut))
     func_utils.log(logging.INFO, "########### Input Images for the current execution ############## ")
     master_Image_base = os.path.basename(master_Image)
     slave_Image_base = os.path.basename(slave_Image)
@@ -358,5 +390,26 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     DInSar.gridToInterferogram(dem, master_Image, master_Image_base, slave_Image, slave_Image_base, output_dir, output_dir, param, "Others", output_dir)
+    ######################## Post_Processing Chain #############################
+    func_utils.printOnStd("\n Post_Processing chain \n")
+    func_utils.log(logging.INFO, "Post_Processing chain")
+    # Phase Filtering (if required)
+    if func_utils.str2bool(activateFiltering):
+        # Default paramater 
+        alpha = 0.7
+        step = 16
+        sizetiles = 64
+        paramPost = {}
+        paramPost['ml_filt_interf_range'] = ml_interf_filt_range
+        paramPost['ml_filt_interf_azimut'] = ml_interf_filt_azimut
+        paramPost['geoGrid_gridstep_range'] = geoGrid_gridstep_range
+        paramPost['geoGrid_gridstep_azimut'] = geoGrid_gridstep_azimut
+        Post_Processing.filtering(master_Image, master_Image_base, slave_Image, slave_Image_base, output_dir, output_dir, paramPost, "Others", output_dir)
     func_utils.printOnStd("\n End of DiapOTB processing (S1 SM or Cosmo mode) \n")
     func_utils.log(logging.INFO, "############ End of DiapOTB processing  (S1 SM or Cosmo mode) ##############")
diff --git a/python_src/processings/Post_Processing.py b/python_src/processings/Post_Processing.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0714a0a36fc353b0791bd8adb9dbf92aa84e3c8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python_src/processings/Post_Processing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright (C) 2005-2017 Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
+# This file is part of Orfeo Toolbox
+#     https://www.orfeo-toolbox.org/
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+    The ``Post_Processing`` chain
+    ======================
+    Use the module to launch post processigns like phase filtering.
+    main function : filtering
+    -----------------------------------
+import os
+import sys
+from functools import partial
+import utils.DiapOTB_applications as diapOTBApp
+from utils import func_utils
+import otbApplication as otb
+def filtering(master_Image, master_Image_base, slave_Image, slave_Image_base, master_dir, slave_dir, param, mode, output_dir):
+    """
+        Main function for Post processing
+        This function applies several processing to provide the filtering result interferogram 
+        (according to the mode)
+        :param master_Image: Master image name (with path included) 
+        :param master_Image_base: Master image name   
+        :param slave_Image: Slave image name (with path included) 
+        :param slave_Image_base: Slave image name
+        :param master_dir: Output directory (to store result on master image only)
+        :param slave_dir: Output directory (to store result on slave image only)
+        :param param: Dictionary to retrieve all parameters used into this processing chain 
+        :param mode: Selected mode according to input product : S1IW or other (for Cosmo and S1 StripMap products) 
+        :param output_dir: Output directory 
+        :type master_Image: string 
+        :type master_Image_base: string
+        :type slave_Image: string
+        :type slave_Image_base: string
+        :type master_dir: string
+        :type slave_dir: string
+        :type param: dict
+        :type mode: string
+        :type output_dir: string
+        :return: filtered interferogram
+        :rtype: string
+    """
+    if mode == 'S1_IW' :
+        return filtering_S1IW(master_Image, master_Image_base, slave_Image, slave_Image_base, master_dir, slave_dir, param, output_dir)
+    else :
+        return filtering_Others(master_Image, master_Image_base, slave_Image, slave_Image_base, master_dir, slave_dir, param, output_dir)
+def filtering_Others(master_Image, master_Image_base, slave_Image, slave_Image_base, master_dir, slave_dir, param, output_dir):
+    """
+        Main function for post processing and other than S1IW mode (S1SM and Cosmo)
+        This function applies several processing to provide the result interferogram 
+        :param master_Image: Master image name (with path included) 
+        :param master_Image_base: Master image name   
+        :param slave_Image: Slave image name (with path included) 
+        :param slave_Image_base: Slave image name
+        :param master_dir: Output directory (to store result on master image only)
+        :param slave_dir: Output directory (to store result on slave image only)
+        :param param: Dictionary to retrieve all parameters used into this processing chain 
+        :param output_dir: Output directory 
+        :type master_Image: string 
+        :type master_Image_base: string
+        :type slave_Image: string
+        :type slave_Image_base: string
+        :type master_dir: string
+        :type slave_dir: string
+        :type param: dict
+        :type output_dir: string
+        :return: list of grids and interferograms
+        :rtype: list, list 
+    """    
+    # Get elements into param dictionnaries 
+    ml_azimut = 1
+    ml_range = 1
+    ml_filt_interf_range = ml_range
+    if "ml_filt_interf_range" in param :
+        ml_filt_interf_range = param['ml_filt_interf_range']
+    ml_filt_interf_azimut = ml_azimut
+    if "ml_filt_interf_azimut" in param :
+        ml_filt_interf_azimut = param['ml_filt_interf_azimut']
+    geoGrid_gridstep_range = param['geoGrid_gridstep_range']
+    geoGrid_gridstep_azimut = param['geoGrid_gridstep_azimut']   
+    # define partial function with previous parameters
+    phaseFilteringApp = partial(diapOTBApp.phaseFiltering, withComplex="true", 
+                                mlran=ml_filt_interf_range, mlazi=ml_filt_interf_azimut, step=16, 
+                                sizetiles=64, alpha=0.7)
+    addAmpApp = partial(diapOTBApp.addAmpInterferogram, withComplex="true", 
+                        mlran=ml_filt_interf_range, mlazi=ml_filt_interf_azimut, gain=1)
+    # Filtering
+    master_cartesian_mean = "CartMeanMaster.tif"
+    fine_grid = "fineDeformationGrid.tif"
+    topographicPhase = "Topo.tif"
+    filt_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "filt")
+    if not os.path.exists(filt_dir):
+        os.makedirs(filt_dir)
+    # First SARTopographicPhase
+    appTopoPhase = otb.Registry.CreateApplication("SARTopographicPhase")
+    appTopoPhase.SetParameterString("insarslave", slave_Image)
+    appTopoPhase.SetParameterString("ingrid",  os.path.join(master_dir, fine_grid))
+    appTopoPhase.SetParameterString("incartmeanmaster", 
+                                    os.path.join(master_dir, master_cartesian_mean))
+    appTopoPhase.SetParameterInt("mlran", 1)
+    appTopoPhase.SetParameterInt("mlazi", 1)
+    appTopoPhase.SetParameterInt("gridsteprange", geoGrid_gridstep_range)
+    appTopoPhase.SetParameterInt("gridstepazimut", geoGrid_gridstep_azimut)
+    appTopoPhase.SetParameterString("out", os.path.join(filt_dir, topographicPhase))
+    appTopoPhase.Execute()
+    # Second CompensatedComplex
+    slave_Image_CoRe = os.path.splitext(slave_Image_base)[0] + "_coregistrated.tif"
+    if "slave_CoRe_Name" in param :
+        slave_Image_CoRe = param['slave_CoRe_Name']
+        slave_Image_CoRe += "?&gdal:co:TILED=YES"
+    coRe_path = os.path.join(output_dir, slave_Image_CoRe)
+    complexImg = "CompensatedComplex.tif" 
+    appComplex = otb.Registry.CreateApplication("SARCompensatedComplex")
+    appComplex.SetParameterString("insarslave", coRe_path)
+    appComplex.SetParameterString("insarmaster",  master_Image)
+    appComplex.SetParameterInputImage("topographicphase", 
+                                        appTopoPhase.GetParameterOutputImage("out"))
+    appComplex.SetParameterString("out", os.path.join(filt_dir, complexImg))
+    appComplex.ExecuteAndWriteOutput()
+    # Third SARPhaseFiltering
+    filt_phacoh = "filfPhaCoh.tif"
+    filt_phacoh_path = os.path.join(filt_dir, filt_phacoh)
+    phaseFilteringApp(inForFiltering=os.path.join(filt_dir, complexImg),
+                      outPath=filt_phacoh_path)
+    # Eventually SARAddBandInterfergoram
+    filt_interferogram = "filtered_interferogram.tif"
+    addAmpApp(inForAmp=os.path.join(filt_dir, complexImg), 
+              inForPhaCoh=filt_phacoh_path,
+              outPath=os.path.join(output_dir, filt_interferogram))
+def filtering_S1IW(master_Image, master_Image_base, slave_Image, slave_Image_base, master_dir, slave_dir, param, output_dir):
+    """
+        Main function for Post processing and S1IW mode
+        This function applies several processing to provide the result interferogram (with filtering)
+        :param master_Image: Master image name (with path included) 
+        :param master_Image_base: Master image name   
+        :param slave_Image: Slave image name (with path included) 
+        :param slave_Image_base: Slave image name
+        :param master_dir: Output directory (to store result on master image only)
+        :param slave_dir: Output directory (to store result on slave image only)
+        :param param: Dictionary to retrieve all parameters used into this processing chain 
+        :param output_dir: Output directory 
+        :type master_Image: string 
+        :type master_Image_base: string
+        :type slave_Image: string
+        :type slave_Image_base: string
+        :type master_dir: string
+        :type slave_dir: string
+        :type param: dict
+        :type output_dir: string
+        :return: list of grids and interferograms
+        :rtype: list, list 
+    """    
+    # Get elements into param dictionnaries 
+    ml_azimut = param['ml_azimut']
+    ml_range = param['ml_range']
diff --git a/python_src/utils/DiapOTB_applications.py b/python_src/utils/DiapOTB_applications.py
index 9da1acf96f6cefb8ebcf12c43516f8e804e1af93..12f360e417497a84db74b75c06d8e1b1cc629fd4 100644
--- a/python_src/utils/DiapOTB_applications.py
+++ b/python_src/utils/DiapOTB_applications.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ def multilook(inImg, mlran, mlazi, mlgain, outPath, ram="4000"):
         This application creates the multi-look image of a SLC product.
         :param inImg: Input image (complex here).
-        :param mlran: Averaging on distance).
+        :param mlran: Averaging on distance.
         :param mlazi: Averaging on azimut.
         :param mlgain: Gain to apply on ML image.
         :param outPath: Output ML Image.
@@ -168,7 +169,7 @@ def demToAmplitude(insar, dem, mlran, mlazi, mlgain, outPath, nodata=-32768, ram
         :param insar: SAR Image to extract SAR geometry.
         :param indem: DEM to extract DEM geometry.
-        :param mlran: Averaging on distance).
+        :param mlran: Averaging on distance.
         :param mlazi: Averaging on azimut.
         :param mlgain: Gain to apply on ML image.
         :param nodata: No Data values for the DEM.
@@ -490,6 +491,8 @@ def interferogram(insarmaster, incoregistratedslave, insarslave, ingrid, incartm
         :param incartmeanmaster: Input Cartesian Mean Master image.
         :param gridsteprange: Grid step for range dimension (into SLC/SAR geometry).
         :param gridstepazimut: Grid step for azimut dimension (into SLC/SAR geometry).
+        :param mlran: MultiLook factor on distance.
+        :param mlazi: MultiLook factor on azimut.
         :param gain: Gain to apply for amplitude estimation.
         :param outPath: Output interferogram (ML geometry).
@@ -500,6 +503,8 @@ def interferogram(insarmaster, incoregistratedslave, insarslave, ingrid, incartm
         :type incartmeanmaster: string
         :type gridsteprange: int
         :type gridstepazimut: int
+        :type mlran: int
+        :type mlazi: int
         :type gain: float
         :type outPath: string
@@ -607,6 +612,135 @@ def concatenate(list_of_Interferograms, insar, firstBurst, outPath, ram="4000"):
     appCon.SetParameterString("ram", ram)
+def topographicPhase(ingrid, insarslave, incartmeanmaster, gridsteprange, gridstepazimut,
+                     mlran, mlazi, outPath, ram="4000"):
+    """
+        Launch SARTopographicPhase application (from DiapOTB).
+        This application estimates the topographic phase thanks to cartesian image.
+        :param ingrid: Input deformation grid.
+        :param insarslave: Input SAR Slave image (Metadata).    
+        :param incartmeanmaster: Input Cartesian Mean Master image.
+        :param gridsteprange: Grid step for range dimension (into SLC/SAR geometry).
+        :param gridstepazimut: Grid step for azimut dimension (into SLC/SAR geometry).
+        :param mlran: MultiLook factor on distance.
+        :param mlazi: MultiLook factor on azimut.
+        :param outPath: Output interferogram (ML geometry).
+        :type ingrid: string
+        :type insarslave: string
+        :type incartmeanmaster: string
+        :type gridsteprange: int
+        :type gridstepazimut: int
+        :type mlran: int
+        :type mlazi: int
+        :type outPath: string
+    """
+    appTopoPhase = otb.Registry.CreateApplication("SARTopographicPhase")
+    appTopoPhase.SetParameterString("insarslave", insarslave)
+    appTopoPhase.SetParameterString("ingrid",  ingrid)
+    appTopoPhase.SetParameterString("incartmeanmaster", incartmeanmaster)
+    appTopoPhase.SetParameterInt("mlran", mlran)
+    appTopoPhase.SetParameterInt("mlazi", mlazi)
+    appTopoPhase.SetParameterInt("gridsteprange", gridsteprange)
+    appTopoPhase.SetParameterInt("gridstepazimut", gridstepazimut)
+    appTopoPhase.SetParameterString("ram", ram)
+    appTopoPhase.SetParameterString("out", outPath)
+    appTopoPhase.ExecuteAndWriteOutput()
+def phaseFiltering(withComplex, inForFiltering, mlran, mlazi, step, sizetiles, alpha, 
+                   outPath, ram="4000"):
+    """
+        Launch SARPhaseFiltering application (from DiapOTB).
+        This application performs a filtering for phase and coherency bands. 
+        Two kinds of inputs are possible (according to the sensor and mode) : 
+        _ complex conjugate image for S1 SM and Cosmo
+        _ interferogram ML 11 fir S1 IW
+        :param withComplex: A boolean to indicate selected input.     
+        :param inForFiltering: Input for filtering (complex conjugate image or inteferogram).
+        :param mlran: MultiLook factor on distance.
+        :param mlazi: MultiLook factor on azimut.
+        :param step: Step for window extractions into input
+        :param sizetiles: Size Tiles for output cut
+        :param alpha: Alpha parameter for Goldstein filter (0->1)
+        :param outPath: The concatenated and debursted output image.
+        :type withComplex: bool
+        :type inForFiltering: string
+        :type mlran: int
+        :type mlazi: int
+        :type step: int
+        :type sizetiles: int
+        :type alpha: float
+        :type outPath: string
+        :return: None
+    """
+    appPhaFiltering = otb.Registry.CreateApplication("SARPhaseFiltering")
+    if fUtils.str2bool(withComplex) :
+        appPhaFiltering.SetParameterString("incomplex", inForFiltering)
+    else :
+        appPhaFiltering.SetParameterString("ininterf", inForFiltering)
+    appPhaFiltering.SetParameterInt("mlran", mlran)
+    appPhaFiltering.SetParameterInt("mlazi", mlazi)
+    appPhaFiltering.SetParameterInt("step", step)
+    appPhaFiltering.SetParameterInt("sizetiles", sizetiles)
+    appPhaFiltering.SetParameterFloat("alpha", alpha)
+    appPhaFiltering.SetParameterString("out", outPath)
+    appPhaFiltering.SetParameterString("ram", ram)
+    appPhaFiltering.ExecuteAndWriteOutput()
+def addAmpInterferogram(withComplex, inForAmp, inForPhaCoh, mlran, mlazi, gain, 
+                        outPath, ram="4000"):
+    """
+        Launch SARAddBandInterfergoram application (from DiapOTB).
+        This application adds an amplitude band into filtered interferogram (pha/coh) to build 
+        a full interferogram. 
+        Two kinds of inputs are possible to retrive original amplitude 
+        (according to the sensor and mode) : 
+        _ complex conjugate image for S1 SM and Cosmo
+        _ interferogram ML 11 fir S1 IW
+        :param withComplex: A boolean to indicate selected input (for amplitude).     
+        :param inForAmp: Input for amplitude.
+        :param inForPhaCoh: Input for phase and coherency.
+        :param mlran: MultiLook factor on distance.
+        :param mlazi: MultiLook factor on azimut.
+        :param gain: Gain to apply for amplitude estimation.
+        :param outPath: The concatenated and debursted output image.
+        :type withComplex: bool
+        :type inForAmp: string
+        :type inForPhaCoh: string
+        :type mlran: int
+        :type mlazi: int
+        :type gain: float
+        :type outPath: string
+        :return: None
+    """
+    appAddAmp = otb.Registry.CreateApplication("SARAddBandInterferogram")
+    if fUtils.str2bool(withComplex) :
+        appAddAmp.SetParameterString("incomplexamp", inForAmp)
+    else :
+        appAddAmp.SetParameterString("ininterfamp", inForAmp)
+    appAddAmp.SetParameterString("ininterf", inForPhaCoh)    
+    appAddAmp.SetParameterInt("mlran", mlran)
+    appAddAmp.SetParameterInt("mlazi", mlazi)
+    appAddAmp.SetParameterString("out", outPath)
+    appAddAmp.SetParameterString("ram", ram)
+    appAddAmp.ExecuteAndWriteOutput()
 def orthorectification(inImg, spacingxy, hgts_path, geoid_path, outPath, ram="4000"):
         Launch OrthoRectification application (from OTB).