# SARCompensatedComplex
Compensated complex into master geometry between two SAR images.
## Description
This application estimates the compensated complex into ground geometry between two SAR images.
## Parameters
**Input SAR Slave image (Coregistrated image)** `-insarslave image` *Mandatory* <br />
Input SAR Slave image (Coregistrated image).
**Input SAR Master image** `-insarmaster image` *Mandatory* <br />
Input SAR Master image.
**Input Topographic Phase (estimation with DEM projection)** `-topographicphase image` <br />
Input Topographic Phase (estimation with DEM projection).
**Compensated complex image in master geometry** `-out image [dtype]` *Mandatory* <br />
Output Image : Compensated complex image in master geometry.
**Available RAM (MB)** `-ram int` *Default value: 256* <br />
Available memory for processing (in MB).
## Examples
From the command-line:
otbcli_SARCompensatedComplex -insarslave s1b-s4-slc-vv-20160929t014610-20160929t014634-002277-003d71-002.tiff -insarmaster s1a-s4-slc-vv-20160818t014650-20160818t014715-012648-013db1-002_SLC.tiff -topographicphase TopographicPhase.tiff -out s1b-s1a-s4-CompensatedComplex.tiff
From Python:
import otbApplication
app = otbApplication.Registry.CreateApplication("SARCompensatedComplex")
app.SetParameterString("insarslave", "s1b-s4-slc-vv-20160929t014610-20160929t014634-002277-003d71-002.tiff")
app.SetParameterString("insarmaster", "s1a-s4-slc-vv-20160818t014650-20160818t014715-012648-013db1-002_SLC.tiff")
app.SetParameterString("topographicphase", "TopographicPhase.tiff")
app.SetParameterString("out", "s1b-s1a-s4-CompensatedComplex.tiff")
## Limitations
Only Sentinel 1 (StripMap mode) and Cosmo products are supported for now. |