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Doc review 1.1.0rc1

Merged Mickael Savinaud requested to merge doc-review-1.1.0rc1 into develop
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@@ -12,62 +12,59 @@ Installation
Manual installation with pip
OTB & GDAL dependency
S1 Tiling depends on OTB 7.3+, or OTB 8.1.1+, but we recommend the latest,
which at the moment is `OTB 9.0.0
<>`_. Or if you really need you can
use `OTB 7.4.2 <>`_.
From OTB binaries
First install OTB on your platform. See the `related documentation
<>`_ to install OTB
on your system. Things has changed between versions 8.x and 9.x.
S1Tiling is a Linux Python software which is based on Python packages but also
on C++ softwares OTB and GDAL.
Then, you'll also need a version of GDAL which is compatible with your OTB
We recommend to use a dedicated Python virtual environment and a dedicated OTB
{REF_OTB_VERSION} binary installation to install S1Tiling.
If you want use the OTB 7.4.2 version please consider the installation
instructions from previous S1Tiling version.
- In case you're using OTB binary distribution, you'll need to **patch** the
files provided.
.. note:: OTB 9+ binaries aren't compatible with older distributions of Linux like for instance Ubuntu 18.04.
- For that purpose you can **drop** this simplified and generic version of
:download:`gdal-config <../s1tiling/resources/gdal-config>` into the
``bin/`` directory where you've extracted OTB. This will permit :samp:`pip
install gdal=={vernum}` to work correctly.
- You'll also have to **patch** :file:`otbenv.profile` to **insert** OTB
``lib/`` directory at the start of :envvar:`$LD_LIBRARY_PATH`. This will
permit ``python3 -c 'from osgeo import gdal'`` to work correctly.
Please find below a step by step installation:
.. code-block:: bash
# For instance, type this, once!
- You may also have to make sure ``numpy`` is installed before gdal Python
bindings. i.e.
.. code-block:: bash
python3 -m pip install numpy
python3 -m pip --no-cache-dir install "gdal==$(gdal-config --version)" --no-binary :all:
- In case you've compiled OTB from sources, you shouldn't have this kind of
- On clusters where OTB has been compiled from sources, you can simply load the
associated module:
.. code-block:: bash
# Example, on TREX:
module load otb/9.0.0-python3.8
.. note::
.. code-block:: bash
The installation script which is used on CNES clusters would be a
good starting point. See: :download:`
# First create a virtual environment and use it
# | We won't document other approaches like conda (that enables selecting
# | any version of Python), nor poetry, uv...
python3 -m venv venv-s1tiling
source venv-s1tiling/bin/activate
# Upgrade pip and setuptools in your virtual environment
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade setuptools
# Make sure numpy is properly installed before updating GDAL python bindings
pip install numpy
# Install and configure OTB (included embedded GDAL) for S1Tiling
# | Actually, since OTB 9, only the following packages are required:
# | - OTB-{REF_OTB_VERSION}-Linux-FeaturesExtraction.tar.gz
# | - OTB-{REF_OTB_VERSION}-Linux-Sar.tar.gz
# | - OTB-{REF_OTB_VERSION}-Linux-Dependencies.tar.gz
# | - OTB-{REF_OTB_VERSION}-Linux-Core.tar.gz
# | But, OTB-{REF_OTB_VERSION}-Linux.tar.gz provides all OTB applications
curl{REF_OTB_VERSION}-Linux.tar.gz -o ./OTB-{REF_OTB_VERSION}-Linux.tar.gz
tar xf OTB-{REF_OTB_VERSION}-Linux.tar.gz --one-top-level=./venv-s1tiling/otb-{REF_OTB_VERSION}
# Patch gdal-config with a generic and relocatable version
curl{VERSION}/s1tiling/resources/gdal-config?ref_type={VERSION_TYPE}&inline=false -o venv-s1tiling/otb-{REF_OTB_VERSION}/bin/gdal-config
echo -e '\nLD_LIBRARY_PATH="${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"' >> venv-s1tiling/otb-{REF_OTB_VERSION}/otbenv.profile
source venv-s1tiling/otb-{REF_OTB_VERSION}/otbenv.profile
# Note that extra OTB applications for NORMLIM calibration support aren't
# installed with this simplified procedure.
# At the moment, you'll need to compile them manually from sources, or to
# use S1Tiling docker distributions.
# Install S1Tiling
pip install S1Tiling=={VERSION}
.. note::
We haven't tested yet with packages distributed for Linux OSes. It's likely
@@ -75,112 +72,33 @@ version.
<../s1tiling/resources/gdal-config>` tuned to return GDAL configuration
Possible conflicts on Python version
The Python version you have chosen may not match exactly the version used to
generate Python bindings of the version of OTB you have selected.
This means you'll likely need to recompile OTB Python bindings as described in:
.. code-block:: bash
cd OTB-9.0.0-Linux64
source otbenv.profile
# require g++, cmake
ctest3 -S share/otb/swig/build_wrapping.cmake -VV
Conflicts between rasterio default wheel and OTB binaries
On HPC clusters
.. note::
**TL;DR** In the case you install **other programs alongside S1Tiling** in
the same environment, and that programs depend on ``rasterio``, then use
:program:`pip` with ``--no-binary rasterio`` parameter.
The current version of S1Tiling doesn't depend on any package that requires
``rasterio``, and thus ``pip install s1tiling`` is enough.
The following paragraph applies **only** in case you install other Python
programs alongside S1Tiling in the same environment. And the wheels of these
programs have hardcoded the version of GDAL they depend upon, like this is the
case with ``rasterio``.
We had found a compatibility issue between OTB and default rasterio packaging.
The kind that produces:
.. code-block:: none
Unable to open EPSG support file gcs.csv
The problem came from:
- OTB binaries that come with GDAL 3.1 and that set :envvar:`$GDAL_DATA` to
the valid path in OTB binaries,
- and GDAL 2.5+ that no longer ships :file:`gcs.csv`,
- and GDAL 2.4.4 that requires :file:`gcs.csv` in :envvar:`$GDAL_DATA`
- and rasterio (used to be required by eodag 1.x) wheel that was statically
built with gdal 2.4.4
The procedure previously described stays valid. Yet you may already have
pre-installed modules for Python, GDAL, OTB...
Either we could have globally changed :envvar:`$GDAL_DATA` to rasterio's one
(which requires an extra step, and which may introduce other problems), or we
could have forced rasterio to depend on GDAL library shipped with OTB.
As an inspiration, we provide the installation script used on CNES HPC
clusters. It may be a good starting point. See
:ref:`CNES installation script <install_cnes>` below.
Since December 15th 2020 `rasterio wheel
depends on GDAL 3.2, while OTB binaries depend on GDAL 3.1. We are not sure
there aren't any compatibility issues between both versions.
.. note::
On CNES cluster where OTB has been compiled from sources, you can simply
load the associated module:
As a consequence,
if you are in this situation where you need S1Tiling, or may be just OTB, plus
any other package that relies on rasterio, then we highly recommend to use
:program:`pip` with ``--no-binary rasterio`` parameter to force OTB version of
GDAL and rasterio version of GDAL to be identical.
.. code-block:: bash
# Example, on TREX:
module load otb/9.0.0-python3.8
S1 Tiling installation
Then you can install S1 Tiling thanks to `pip`.
.. code-block:: bash
# First go into a virtual environment (optional)
# a- It could be a python virtual environment
python3 -m venv myS1TilingEnv
cd myS1TilingEnv
source bin/activate
# b- or a conda virtual environment
conda create -n myS1TilingEnv python==3.10
conda activate myS1TilingEnv
# Then, upgrade pip and setuptools in your virtual environment
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install --upgrade setuptools==57.5.0
# Finally, install S1 Tiling
# Note: older versions of pip used to require --use-feature=2020-resolver
# to install S1Tiling to resolve `click` version that `eodag` also uses.
python -m pip install s1tiling
# Or, developper-version if you plan to work on S1 Tiling source code
mkdir whatever && cd whatever
git clone
cd s1tiling
python -m pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
.. note::
The :file:`requirements*.txt` files already force rasterio wheel to be
Installation scripts
A couple of installation scripts used internally are provided.
.. _install_cnes:
CNES clusters installation script
@@ -277,7 +195,7 @@ documentation (i.e. version :samp:`{VERSION}`), could be fetched with:
.. code-block:: bash
docker pull{VERSION}-ubuntu-otb9.0.0
docker pull{VERSION}-ubuntu-otb{REF_OTB_VERSION}
# or
docker pull{VERSION}-ubuntu-otb7.4.2
@@ -289,7 +207,7 @@ or even directly used with
-v /localpath/to/MNT:/MNT \
-v "$(pwd)":/data \
-v $HOME/.config/eodag:/eo_config \
--rm -it{VERSION}-ubuntu-otb9.0.0 \
--rm -it{VERSION}-ubuntu-otb{REF_OTB_VERSION} \
.. note::