diff --git a/Utilities/otbossim/include/ossim/imaging/ossimImageModel.h b/Utilities/otbossim/include/ossim/imaging/ossimImageModel.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ba82afbcd98b7981b0c12cd7a43b613f94dfbb91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/otbossim/include/ossim/imaging/ossimImageModel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+// License:  LGPL
+// See LICENSE.txt file in the top level directory for more details.
+// Author:  David Burken
+// Description: Class declaration of ossimImageModel.
+// $Id$
+#ifndef ossimImageModel_HEADER
+#define ossimImageModel_HEADER 1
+#include <vector>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimConstants.h>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimObject.h>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimDpt.h>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimRtti.h>
+class ossimDrect;
+class ossimImageHandler;
+ * @brief Class to handle transforming image points, rectangles, and offsets
+ * from one reduced resolution data set (rrds) level to another.
+ *
+ * Derived from ossimObject only so users can pass via the
+ * ossimViewInterface::setView method.
+ */
+class OSSIM_DLL ossimImageModel : public ossimObject
+   /** @brief default constructor */
+   ossimImageModel();
+   /** @brief virtual destructor */
+   virtual ~ossimImageModel();
+   /**
+    * @brief Method to initialize class from an image handler.
+    *
+    * @param ih Image handler.
+    */
+   virtual void initialize(const ossimImageHandler& ih);
+   /**
+    * @brief Get r0 point from rn point.
+    * 
+    * @param rrds Source (rnPt) reduced resolution data set.
+    *
+    * @param rnPt The image point to tranform.
+    *
+    * @param r0Pt the Point to initialize.
+    *
+    * @note Throws ossimException on out of range rrds.
+    */
+   void rnToR0(ossim_uint32 rrds,
+               const ossimDpt& rnPt,
+               ossimDpt& r0Pt) const;
+   /**
+    * @brief Get r0 point from rn point.
+    *
+    * This requires calling setTargetRrds(ossim_uint32 rrds) to the level
+    * for rnPt.
+    * 
+    * @param rnPt The image point to tranform.
+    *
+    * @param r0Pt the Point to initialize.
+    *
+    * @note Throws ossimException on out of range rrds.
+    *
+    * @see setTargetRrds
+    */
+   void rnToR0(const ossimDpt& rnPt, ossimDpt& r0Pt) const;
+   /**
+    * @brief Get rn point from r0 point.
+    * 
+    * @param rrds Target (rnPt) reduced resolution data set.
+    *
+    * @param r0Pt The image point to tranform.
+    *
+    * @param rnPt the Point to initialize.
+    *
+    * @note Throws ossimException on out of range rrds.
+    */
+   void r0ToRn(ossim_uint32 rrds,
+               const ossimDpt& r0Pt,
+               ossimDpt& rnPt) const;
+   /**
+    * @brief Get rn point from r0 point.
+    *
+    * This requires calling setTargetRrds(ossim_uint32 rrds) to the level
+    * for rnPt.
+    * 
+    * @param r0Pt The image point to tranform.
+    *
+    * @param rnPt the Point to initialize.
+    *
+    * @note Throws ossimException on out of range rrds.
+    *
+    * @see setTargetRrds
+    */
+   void r0ToRn(const ossimDpt& r0Pt,
+               ossimDpt& rnPt) const;
+   /**
+    * @brief Get the sub image offset for a given resolution level.
+    * 
+    * @param rrds The reduced resolution data set.
+    *
+    * @param offset the Point to initialize.
+    *
+    * @note Throws ossimException on out of range rrds.
+    */
+   void getSubImageOffset(ossim_uint32 rrds, ossimDpt& offset) const;
+   /**
+    * @brief Gets the zero-based image rectangle for a given reduced resolution
+    * data set.
+    *
+    * @param rrds The reduced resolution data set.
+    *
+    * @param rect Initialized with image rectangle for rrds.
+    *
+    * @note Throws ossimException on out of range rrds.
+    */
+   void getImageRectangle(ossim_uint32 rrds, ossimDrect& rect) const; 
+   /**
+    * @brief Gets the model-based image rectangle for a given reduced
+    * resolution data set.
+    *
+    * If this image is a sub image the offset is applied.  So if the image
+    * has a sub image offset of (1024, 1024), and has 1024 lines and 1024
+    * samples the rectangle for r0 will be:  (1024, 1024) (2047, 2047)
+    *
+    * @param rrds The reduced resolution data set.
+    *
+    * @param rect Initialized with image rectangle for rrds.
+    *
+    * @note Throws ossimException on out of range rrds.
+    */
+   void getBoundingRectangle(ossim_uint32 rrds, ossimDrect& rect) const;
+   /**
+    * @return This returns the total number of decimation levels.
+    */
+   ossim_uint32 getNumberOfDecimationLevels()const;
+   /**
+    * @brief Set theTargetRrds data member.
+    *
+    * This is used by methods rnToR0 and r0ToRn that do not take a rrds
+    * argument.
+    *
+    * @param rrds Target reduced resolution data set.
+    */
+   void setTargetRrds(ossim_uint32 rrds);
+   /**
+    * @return The target reduced resolution data set.
+    */
+   ossim_uint32 getTargetRrds() const;
+   /** Offset from the full image. */
+   ossimDpt theSubImageOffset;
+   /** Decimation factors for each rrds level. */
+   std::vector<ossimDpt> theDecimationFactors;
+   ossim_uint32 theLines;
+   ossim_uint32 theSamples;
+   ossim_uint32 theTargetRrds;
+#endif /* #ifndef ossimImageModel_HEADER */
diff --git a/Utilities/otbossim/include/ossim/imaging/ossimNitf20Writer.h b/Utilities/otbossim/include/ossim/imaging/ossimNitf20Writer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..61c098302bef3e0965350e7998ebe1950aaeef74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/otbossim/include/ossim/imaging/ossimNitf20Writer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2000 ImageLinks Inc.
+// License:  See top level LICENSE.txt file.
+// Author:  Garrett Potts
+//  $Id: ossimNitfWriter.h 9256 2006-07-14 15:28:19Z dburken $
+#ifndef ossimNitf20Writer_HEADER
+#define ossimNitf20Writer_HEADER
+#include <iosfwd>
+#include <ossim/imaging/ossimImageFileWriter.h>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimKeywordlist.h>
+#include <ossim/projection/ossimMapProjectionInfo.h>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimRgbLutDataObject.h>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimRefPtr.h>
+#include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfFileHeaderV2_0.h>
+#include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfImageHeaderV2_0.h>
+class ossimProjection;
+class OSSIM_DLL ossimNitf20Writer : public ossimImageFileWriter
+   ossimNitf20Writer(const ossimFilename& filename=ossimFilename(""),
+                   ossimImageSource* inputSource = (ossimImageSource*)NULL);
+   virtual ~ossimNitf20Writer();
+   virtual bool isOpen()const;
+   virtual bool open();
+   virtual void close();
+   /**
+    * void getImageTypeList(std::vector<ossimString>& imageTypeList)const
+    *
+    * Appends this writer image types to list "imageTypeList".
+    *
+    * This writer has the following types:
+    * nitf_block_band_separate
+    * nitf_block_band_sequential
+    *
+    * @param imageTypeList stl::vector<ossimString> list to append to.
+    */   
+   virtual void getImageTypeList(std::vector<ossimString>& imageTypeList)const;
+   virtual void setProperty(ossimRefPtr<ossimProperty> property);
+   virtual ossimRefPtr<ossimProperty> getProperty(
+      const ossimString& name)const;
+   /**
+    * @param propertyNames Array to populate with property names.
+    *
+    * @note The following names are handled:
+    *  file_header
+    *  image_header
+    *  enable_rpcb_tag
+    *  enable_blocka_tag
+    */
+   virtual void getPropertyNames(std::vector<ossimString>& propertyNames)const;
+   void addRegisteredTag(ossimRefPtr<ossimNitfRegisteredTag> registeredTag);
+   /**
+    * Saves the state of the writer to kwl with prefix then calls
+    * base class ossimImageFileWriter::saveState
+    *
+    * @param kwl Keyword list to save to.
+    *
+    * @param prefix Usually something like: "object2."
+    * @return true on success, false on failure.
+    *
+    * Keywords saved by saveState:
+    * 
+    * enable_rpcb_tag: true
+    *
+    * enable_blocka_tag: true
+    */
+   virtual bool saveState(ossimKeywordlist& kwl, const char* prefix=0) const;
+   /**
+    * Initializes the state of the writer from kwl with prefix then calls
+    * base class ossimImageFileWriter::loadState
+    *
+    * @param kwl Keyword list to initialize from.
+    *
+    * @param prefix Usually something like: "object2."
+    * @return true on success, false on failure.
+    *
+    * Keywords picked up by loadState:
+    * 
+    * enable_rpcb_tag: true
+    *
+    * enable_blocka_tag: true
+    */
+   virtual bool loadState(const ossimKeywordlist& kwl, const char* prefix=0);
+   /**
+    * @return true on success false on error.
+    */
+   virtual bool writeFile();
+   /**
+    * write out block band separate
+    * 
+    * @return true on success and false on error
+    */
+   virtual bool writeBlockBandSeparate();
+   /**
+    * Outputs in band sequential format.  Band 1 is followed by band
+    * 2, ... etc.
+    */
+   virtual bool writeBlockBandSequential();
+   /**
+    * Populates tags with geometry info from projection.  Will write an
+    * rpcb tag if theEnableRpcbTagFlag if set to true.
+    */
+   void writeGeometry();
+   void addTags();
+   /**
+    * Sets the complexity level of theFileHeader.
+    *
+    * @param endPosition This should be the end seek position of the file.
+    */
+   void setComplexityLevel(ossim_uint64 endPosition);
+   /**
+    * Adds the BLOCKA tag.
+    *
+    * @param mapInfo ossimMapProjectionInfo to use to set tag with.
+    *
+    * @note Currently only used with map projected images.
+    */
+   void addBlockaTag(ossimMapProjectionInfo& mapInfo);
+   /**
+    * Adds the RPC00B tag.
+    *
+    * @param rect Requested rectangle of image to write.
+    *
+    * @param proj The output projection.
+    */
+   void addRpcbTag(const ossimIrect& rect,
+                   ossimRefPtr<ossimProjection> proj);
+   /**
+    * This is bits used.  (OSSIM_USHORT11 = 11)
+    * 
+    * @returns The actual bits per pixel.  This will return 0 if the
+    * input connection is not hooked up or there is an unhandled scalar type.
+    */
+   ossim_uint32 getActualBitsPerPixel() const;
+   /**
+    * This the total bits per pixel.  (OSSIM_USHORT11 = 16)
+    * 
+    * @returns The bits per pixel.  This will return 0 if the
+    * input connection is not hooked up or there is an unhandled scalar type.
+    */
+   ossim_uint32 getBitsPerPixel() const;
+   /**
+    * @return Pixel type as a string. Like: "INT", "R", "SI".  .  This will
+    * return an empty string if the input connection is not hooked up or
+    * there is an unhandled scalar type.
+    */
+   ossimString getNitfPixelType() const;   
+   std::ofstream* theOutputStream;
+   ossimRefPtr<ossimNitfFileHeaderV2_0>  theFileHeader;
+   ossimRefPtr<ossimNitfImageHeaderV2_0> theImageHeader;
+   /** If true user wants to set RPC00B tag. (DEFAULT = false) */
+   bool theEnableRpcbTagFlag;
+   /**
+    * If true user wants to set BLOCKA tag. (DEFAULT = true)
+    * Currently only valid for map projected images.
+    */
+   bool theEnableBlockaTagFlag;
+   /**
+    *
+    * If true this will enable searching the input connnection for another NITF handler and 
+    * bring the fields to this writers output fields and will maintin as many field values as possible
+    *
+    */
+   bool theCopyFieldsFlag;
+#endif /* #ifndef ossimNitfWriter_HEADER */
diff --git a/Utilities/otbossim/include/ossim/imaging/ossimTwoColorView.h b/Utilities/otbossim/include/ossim/imaging/ossimTwoColorView.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6210e533602202c337fb527fa3ddb99cf1a79308
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/otbossim/include/ossim/imaging/ossimTwoColorView.h
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+// License:  LGPL.  See top level LICENSE.txt file.
+// Author:  Garrett Potts
+//  $Id$
+#ifndef ossimTwoColorView_HEADER
+#define ossimTwoColorView_HEADER 1
+#include <ossim/base/ossimConstants.h>
+#include <ossim/imaging/ossimImageCombiner.h>
+ * This is a 2 color view of the input.  It basically allows for a change detection and by default will take the first input and map
+ * it to the blue channel and takes the second input and maps to the red channel.  The unused channel is mapped to a min pixel value.
+ */
+class OSSIM_DLL ossimTwoColorView : public ossimImageCombiner
+   ossimTwoColorView();
+   virtual ossim_uint32 getNumberOfOutputBands() const;
+   /**
+    * @return the requested region of interest
+    */
+   virtual ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> getTile(const ossimIrect& rect,
+                                               ossim_uint32 resLevel=0);
+   ossimScalarType getOutputScalarType() const;
+   double getNullPixelValue(ossim_uint32 band)const;
+   double getMinPixelValue(ossim_uint32 band)const;
+   double getMaxPixelValue(ossim_uint32 band)const;
+   /**
+    * Will allow you to change the mapping of the new input and old input to the output band.  
+    * Indexing from 0 based band numbering, by default the new channel (input 0) will be mapped to 
+    * the output tile's blue channel (band 2) and the input 1 will be mapped to the red channel (band 0) 
+    * and the green will have the value of min pix.  Use this method to change the new and old default output
+    * mappings.
+    */
+   void setIndexMapping(ossim_uint32 newIndex,
+                        ossim_uint32 oldIndex);
+   virtual void initialize();
+   void allocate();
+   void runAlgorithm(ossimImageData* newData, ossimImageData* oldData);
+   void runNative8(ossimImageData* newData,   ossimImageData* oldData);
+   void runNorm(ossimImageData* newData,   ossimImageData* oldData);
+   bool theByPassFlag;
+   bool theNativeFlag;
+   ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> theTwoColorTile;
+   ossimImageSource* theNewInput;
+   ossimImageSource* theOldInput;
+   ossim_uint32 theNewBufferDestinationIndex;
+   ossim_uint32 theOldBufferDestinationIndex;
+   ossim_uint32 theMinBufferDestinationIndex;
diff --git a/Utilities/otbossim/include/ossim/projection/ossimImageProjectionModel.h b/Utilities/otbossim/include/ossim/projection/ossimImageProjectionModel.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2e546fe364e26a6aefc1c94aa6762b9104b01666
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/otbossim/include/ossim/projection/ossimImageProjectionModel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+// License:  LGPL
+// See LICENSE.txt file in the top level directory for more details.
+// Author:  David Burken
+// Description: Class declaration of ossimImageProjectionModel.
+// $Id$
+#ifndef ossimImageProjectionModel_HEADER
+#define ossimImageProjectionModel_HEADER 1
+#include <ossim/base/ossimConstants.h>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimRtti.h>
+#include <ossim/imaging/ossimImageModel.h>
+class ossimProjection;
+ * @brief Class derived from ossimImageModel, this adds an image projection
+ * for lineSampleToWorld and worldToLineSample.
+ *
+ * Note that image points fed to projection methods should be full
+ * resolution with any sub image offset applied.
+ */
+class OSSIM_DLL ossimImageProjectionModel : public ossimImageModel
+   /** @brief default constructor */
+   ossimImageProjectionModel();
+   /** @brief virtual destructor */
+   virtual ~ossimImageProjectionModel();
+   /**
+    * @brief Method to initialize class from an image handler.
+    *
+    * @param ih Image handler.
+    */
+   virtual void initialize(const ossimImageHandler& ih);
+   /**
+    * @brief Method to get projection.
+    *
+    * @return Constant pointer to projection or 0 if not initialized.
+    */
+   const ossimProjection* getProjection() const;
+   ossimProjection* theProjection;
+#endif /* #ifndef ossimImageProjectionModel_HEADER */
diff --git a/Utilities/otbossim/include/ossim/support_data/ossimJ2kSizRecord.h b/Utilities/otbossim/include/ossim/support_data/ossimJ2kSizRecord.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6153c9acff8403b089563c9e440b386170d2d074
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/otbossim/include/ossim/support_data/ossimJ2kSizRecord.h
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+// License:  LGPL
+// See LICENSE.txt file in the top level directory for more details.
+// Author:  David Burken
+// Description: Container class for J2K Image and tile size (SIZ) record.
+// See document BPJ2K01.00 Table 7-6 Image and tile size (15444-1 Annex A5.1)
+// $Id: ossimJ2kSizRecord.h,v 1.5 2005/10/13 21:24:47 dburken Exp $
+#ifndef ossimJ2kSizRecord_HEADER
+#define ossimJ2kSizRecord_HEADER
+#include <iosfwd>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimConstants.h>
+class OSSIM_DLL ossimJ2kSizRecord
+   /** default constructor */
+   ossimJ2kSizRecord();
+   /** destructor */
+   ~ossimJ2kSizRecord();
+   /**
+    * Parse method.  Performs byte swapping as needed.
+    *
+    * @param in Stream to parse.
+    *
+    * @note Marker is not read.
+    */
+   void parseStream(std::istream& in);
+   /** @return scalar type based on bit depth and signed bit from theSsiz. */
+   ossimScalarType getScalarType() const;
+   /**
+    * Print method.
+    *
+    * @param out Stream to print to.
+    * 
+    * @return std::ostream&
+    */
+   std::ostream& print(std::ostream& out) const;
+   /** operator<< */
+   friend OSSIM_DLL std::ostream& operator<<(
+      std::ostream& out, const ossimJ2kSizRecord& obj);
+   /** segmet marker 0xff51 (big endian) */
+   ossim_uint16 theSizMarker;
+   /** length of segment minus marker */
+   ossim_uint16 theLsiz;
+   /** profile */
+   ossim_uint16 theRsiz;
+   /** width of reference grid */
+   ossim_uint32 theXsiz;
+   /** height of reference grid */
+   ossim_uint32 theYziz;
+   /**
+    * Horizontal offset from the orgin of reference grid to the left side
+    * of image.
+    */
+   ossim_uint32 theXOsiz;
+   /**
+    * Vertical offset from the orgin of reference grid to the top
+    * of image.
+    */
+   ossim_uint32 theYOsiz;
+   /** width of one reference tile */
+   ossim_uint32 theXTsiz;
+   /** height of one reference tile */   
+   ossim_uint32 theYTsiz;
+   /**
+    * Horizontal offset from the orgin of reference grid to the left edge
+    * of first tile.
+    */
+   ossim_uint32 theXTOsiz;
+   /**
+    * Vertical offset from the orgin of reference grid to the top
+    * edge of first tile.
+    */
+   ossim_uint32 theYTOsiz;
+   /** number of component in the image */
+   ossim_uint16 theCsiz;
+   /**
+    * sign bit and bit depth of data
+    * unsigned = 0xxx xxxx (msb == 0)
+    * signed   = 1xxx xxxx (msb == 1)
+    * bit depth = x000 0000 + 1 (first seven bits plus one)
+    */
+   ossim_uint8  theSsiz;
+   /**
+    * Horizontal separation of a sample of the component with respect to the
+    * reference grid.
+    */
+   ossim_uint8  theXRsiz;
+   /**
+    * Vertical separation of a sample of the component with respect to the
+    * reference grid.
+    */
+   ossim_uint8  theYRsiz;
+#endif /* End of "#ifndef ossimJ2kSizRecord_HEADER" */
diff --git a/Utilities/otbossim/include/ossim/support_data/ossimJ2kSotRecord.h b/Utilities/otbossim/include/ossim/support_data/ossimJ2kSotRecord.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8738afb46b6f7be00ae3b64703b5dd790ba39cdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/otbossim/include/ossim/support_data/ossimJ2kSotRecord.h
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+// License:  LGPL
+// See LICENSE.txt file in the top level directory for more details.
+// Author:  David Burken
+// Description: Container class for J2K "Start Of Tile" (SOT) record.
+// See document BPJ2K01.00 Table 7-3 Image and tile size (15444-1 Annex A.4.2)
+// $Id: ossimJ2kSotRecord.h,v 1.5 2005/10/13 21:24:47 dburken Exp $
+#ifndef ossimJ2kSotRecord_HEADER
+#define ossimJ2kSotRecord_HEADER
+#include <iosfwd>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimConstants.h>
+class OSSIM_DLL ossimJ2kSotRecord
+   /** default constructor */
+   ossimJ2kSotRecord();
+   /** destructor */
+   ~ossimJ2kSotRecord();
+   /**
+    * Parse method.  Performs byte swapping as needed.
+    *
+    * @param in Stream to parse.
+    *
+    * @note Marker is not read.
+    */
+   void parseStream(std::istream& in);
+   /**
+    * Print method.
+    *
+    * @param out Stream to print to.
+    * 
+    * @return std::ostream&
+    */
+   std::ostream& print(std::ostream& out) const;
+   /**
+    * operator<<.
+    */
+   friend OSSIM_DLL std::ostream& operator<<(
+      std::ostream& out, const ossimJ2kSotRecord& obj);
+   /** Start of tile-part marker code. 0xff90 */
+   ossim_uint16 theSotMarker;
+   /** Length in bytes of the marker segment. */
+   ossim_uint16 theLsot;
+   /** Tile index. Tiles are in raster order starting at 0. */
+   ossim_uint16 theIsot;
+   /** The length in bytes of this record including the SOT marker. */
+   ossim_uint32 thePsot;
+   /** Tile-Part index. */
+   ossim_uint8  theTpsot;
+   /**
+    * 0 = Number of tile-parts of this tile in the codestream is not defined
+    * in this header.
+    *
+    * 1-255 number of tile-parts of this tile in the codestream.
+    */
+   ossim_uint8  theTnsot;
+#endif /* End of "#ifndef ossimJ2kSotRecord_HEADER" */
diff --git a/Utilities/otbossim/include/ossim/vpfutil/vpfapi.h b/Utilities/otbossim/include/ossim/vpfutil/vpfapi.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a6c22f7e594b4e149a9cc0172292182edf65ab76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/otbossim/include/ossim/vpfutil/vpfapi.h
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+   float distance(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2,
+                  int units );
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
diff --git a/Utilities/otbossim/src/ossim/imaging/ossimImageModel.cpp b/Utilities/otbossim/src/ossim/imaging/ossimImageModel.cpp
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..edbf2ad9444440cb6c506dfb4ba9d281e9e08ec3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/otbossim/src/ossim/imaging/ossimImageModel.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+// License:  LGPL
+// See LICENSE.txt file in the top level directory for more details.
+// Author:  David Burken
+// Description: Class definition of ossimImageModel.
+// $Id$
+#include <string>
+#include <ossim/imaging/ossimImageModel.h>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimDrect.h>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimException.h>
+#include <ossim/imaging/ossimImageHandler.h>
+RTTI_DEF1(ossimImageModel, "ossimImageModel", ossimObject);
+   : ossimObject(),
+     theSubImageOffset(),
+     theDecimationFactors(),
+     theLines(0),
+     theSamples(0),
+     theTargetRrds(0)
+void ossimImageModel::initialize(const ossimImageHandler& ih)
+   theSubImageOffset = ih.getSubImageOffset(0);
+   theLines          = ih.getNumberOfLines(0);
+   theSamples        = ih.getNumberOfSamples(0);
+   ih.getDecimationFactors(theDecimationFactors);
+void ossimImageModel::rnToR0(ossim_uint32 rrds,
+                             const ossimDpt& rnPt,
+                             ossimDpt& r0Pt) const
+   if ( rrds < theDecimationFactors.size() )
+   {
+      r0Pt.x = rnPt.x / theDecimationFactors[rrds].x;
+      r0Pt.y = rnPt.y / theDecimationFactors[rrds].y;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      std::string e = "ossimImageModel::rnToR0 rrds out of range!";
+      throw ossimException(e);
+   }
+void ossimImageModel::rnToR0(const ossimDpt& rnPt, ossimDpt& r0Pt) const
+   rnToR0(theTargetRrds, rnPt, r0Pt);
+void ossimImageModel::r0ToRn(ossim_uint32 rrds,
+                             const ossimDpt& r0Pt,
+                             ossimDpt& rnPt) const
+   if ( rrds < theDecimationFactors.size() )
+   {
+      rnPt.x = r0Pt.x * theDecimationFactors[rrds].x;
+      rnPt.y = r0Pt.y * theDecimationFactors[rrds].y;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      std::string e = "ossimImageModel::r0ToRn rrds out of range!";
+      throw ossimException(e);
+   }
+void ossimImageModel::r0ToRn(const ossimDpt& r0Pt, ossimDpt& rnPt) const
+   r0ToRn(theTargetRrds, r0Pt, rnPt);
+void ossimImageModel::getSubImageOffset(ossim_uint32 rrds,
+                                        ossimDpt& offset) const
+   if ( rrds < theDecimationFactors.size() )
+   {
+      offset.x = theSubImageOffset.x * theDecimationFactors[rrds].x;
+      offset.y = theSubImageOffset.y * theDecimationFactors[rrds].y;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      std::string e = "ossimImageModel::getSubImageOffset rrds out of range!";
+      throw ossimException(e);
+   } 
+void ossimImageModel::getImageRectangle(ossim_uint32 rrds,
+                                        ossimDrect& rect) const
+   if ( rrds < theDecimationFactors.size() )
+   {
+      ossim_float64 lrX = theSamples * theDecimationFactors[rrds].x - 1.0;
+      ossim_float64 lrY = theLines   * theDecimationFactors[rrds].y - 1.0;
+      ossimDrect r(0.0, 0.0, lrX, lrY);
+      rect = r;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      std::string e = "ossimImageModel::getImageRectangle rrds out of range!";
+      throw ossimException(e);
+   } 
+void ossimImageModel::getBoundingRectangle(ossim_uint32 rrds,
+                                           ossimDrect& rect) const
+   if ( rrds < theDecimationFactors.size() )
+   {
+      ossim_float64 urX = theSubImageOffset.x * theDecimationFactors[rrds].x;
+      ossim_float64 urY = theSubImageOffset.y * theDecimationFactors[rrds].y;
+      ossim_float64 lrX = urX + theSamples*theDecimationFactors[rrds].x - 1.0;
+      ossim_float64 lrY = urY + theLines  *theDecimationFactors[rrds].y - 1.0;
+      ossimDrect r(0, 0, lrX, lrY);
+      rect = r;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      std::string e =
+         "ossimImageModel::getBoundingRectangle rrds out of range!";
+      throw ossimException(e);
+   }  
+ossim_uint32 ossimImageModel::getNumberOfDecimationLevels()const
+   return theDecimationFactors.size();
+void ossimImageModel::setTargetRrds(ossim_uint32 rrds)
+   theTargetRrds = rrds;
+ossim_uint32 ossimImageModel::getTargetRrds() const
+   return theTargetRrds;
diff --git a/Utilities/otbossim/src/ossim/imaging/ossimNitf20Writer.cpp b/Utilities/otbossim/src/ossim/imaging/ossimNitf20Writer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ed3ee412a17f5c572653dc9dd97b1250664ca632
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/otbossim/src/ossim/imaging/ossimNitf20Writer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1154 @@
+// License:  See top level LICENSE.txt file.
+// Author:  Garrett Potts
+//  $Id: ossimNitfWriter.cpp 11385 2007-07-25 13:56:38Z gpotts $
+#include <fstream>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <tiffio.h>
+#include <ossim/imaging/ossimNitf20Writer.h>
+#include <ossim/imaging/ossimNitfTileSource.h>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimDate.h>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimPreferences.h>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimRefPtr.h>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimTrace.h>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimEndian.h>
+#include <ossim/projection/ossimProjection.h>
+#include <ossim/projection/ossimRpcSolver.h>
+#include <ossim/projection/ossimUtmProjection.h>
+#include <ossim/projection/ossimMapProjectionInfo.h>
+#include <ossim/projection/ossimProjectionFactoryRegistry.h>
+#include <ossim/imaging/ossimRectangleCutFilter.h>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimProperty.h>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimContainerProperty.h>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimStringProperty.h>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimNumericProperty.h>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimBooleanProperty.h>
+#include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfGeoPositioningTag.h>
+#include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfLocalGeographicTag.h>
+#include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfLocalCartographicTag.h>
+#include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfProjectionParameterTag.h>
+#include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfNameConversionTables.h>
+#include <ossim/support_data/ossimNitfBlockaTag.h>
+RTTI_DEF1(ossimNitf20Writer, "ossimNitf20Writer", ossimImageFileWriter);
+static ossimTrace traceDebug(ossimString("ossimNitfWriter:debug"));
+static ossimString monthConversionTable[] = {"   ", "JAN", "FEB", "MAR", "APR", "MAY", "JUN", "JUL", "AUG", "SEP", "OCT", "NOV", "DEC"};
+ossimNitf20Writer::ossimNitf20Writer(const ossimFilename& filename,
+                                 ossimImageSource* inputSource)
+   : ossimImageFileWriter(filename, inputSource, NULL),
+     theOutputStream(NULL),
+     theFileHeader(),
+     theImageHeader(),
+     theEnableRpcbTagFlag(false),
+     theEnableBlockaTagFlag(true),
+     theCopyFieldsFlag(false)
+   //---
+   // Since the internal nitf tags are not very accurate, write an external
+   // geometry out as default behavior.  Users can disable this via the
+   // property interface or keyword list.
+   //---
+   setWriteExternalGeometryFlag(true);
+   theFileHeader      = new ossimNitfFileHeaderV2_0;
+   theImageHeader     = new ossimNitfImageHeaderV2_0;
+   theOutputImageType = "nitf20_block_band_separate";
+   //---
+   // This looks like a leak but it's not as both of these are ossimRefPtr's.
+   //---
+   theFileHeader=NULL;
+   theImageHeader=NULL;
+   close();
+bool ossimNitf20Writer::isOpen()const
+   return (theOutputStream != NULL);
+bool ossimNitf20Writer::open()
+   if(isOpen())
+   {
+      close();
+   }
+   theOutputStream = new std::ofstream;
+   theOutputStream->open(theFilename.c_str(), ios::out|ios::binary);
+   return theOutputStream->good();
+void ossimNitf20Writer::close()
+   if(theOutputStream)
+   {
+      theOutputStream->close();
+      delete theOutputStream;
+      theOutputStream = (std::ofstream*)NULL;
+   }
+bool ossimNitf20Writer::writeFile()
+   if(!theInputConnection->isMaster())
+   {
+      theInputConnection->slaveProcessTiles();
+      return true;
+   }
+   open();
+   if (!isOpen())
+   {
+      if (traceDebug())
+      {
+         ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG)
+            << "ossimNitf20Writer::writeFile ERROR:"
+            << " Could not open!  Returning..."
+            << std::endl;
+      }
+      return false;
+   }
+   // Write out the geometry info.
+   writeGeometry();
+   addTags();
+   bool result = false;
+   if((theOutputImageType == "nitf20_block_band_separate")||
+      (theOutputImageType == "image/nitf20"))
+   {
+      result =  writeBlockBandSeparate();
+   }
+   else if(theOutputImageType == "nitf20_block_band_sequential")
+   {
+      result =  writeBlockBandSequential();
+   }
+   close();
+   return result;
+void ossimNitf20Writer::getImageTypeList(std::vector<ossimString>& imageTypeList)const
+   imageTypeList.push_back(ossimString("nitf20_block_band_separate"));
+   imageTypeList.push_back(ossimString("nitf20_block_band_sequential"));
+void ossimNitf20Writer::setProperty(ossimRefPtr<ossimProperty> property)
+   if(!property) return;
+   ossimString name = property->getName();
+   if(name == "file_header")
+   {
+      ossimContainerProperty* containerProperty = PTR_CAST(ossimContainerProperty,
+                                                           property.get());
+      if(containerProperty)
+      {
+         std::vector<ossimRefPtr<ossimProperty> > propertyList;
+         containerProperty->getPropertyList(propertyList);
+         theFileHeader->setProperties(propertyList);
+      }
+   }
+   else if(name == "image_header")
+   {
+      ossimContainerProperty* containerProperty = PTR_CAST(ossimContainerProperty,
+                                                           property.get());
+      if(containerProperty)
+      {
+         std::vector<ossimRefPtr<ossimProperty> > propertyList;
+         containerProperty->getPropertyList(propertyList);
+         theImageHeader->setProperties(propertyList);
+      }
+   }
+   else if (name == "enable_rpcb_tag")
+   {
+      theEnableRpcbTagFlag = property->valueToString().toBool();
+   }
+   else if (name == "enable_blocka_tag")
+   {
+      theEnableBlockaTagFlag = property->valueToString().toBool();
+   }
+   else if(name == "copy_fields_flag")
+   {
+      theCopyFieldsFlag = property->valueToString().toBool();
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      // just in case it was an nitf specific tag we can pass it safely like this
+      theFileHeader->setProperty(property);
+      theImageHeader->setProperty(property);
+      ossimImageFileWriter::setProperty(property);
+   }
+ossimRefPtr<ossimProperty> ossimNitf20Writer::getProperty(const ossimString& name)const
+   ossimRefPtr<ossimProperty> result = NULL;
+   if(name == "file_header")
+   {
+      ossimContainerProperty* container = new ossimContainerProperty(name);
+      std::vector<ossimRefPtr<ossimProperty> > propertyList;
+      theFileHeader->getPropertyList(propertyList);
+      container->addChildren(propertyList);
+      result = container;
+   }
+   else if(name == "image_header")
+   {
+      ossimContainerProperty* container = new ossimContainerProperty(name);
+      std::vector<ossimRefPtr<ossimProperty> > propertyList;
+      theImageHeader->getPropertyList(propertyList);
+      container->addChildren(propertyList);
+      result = container;
+   }
+   else if(name == "enable_rpcb_tag")
+   {
+      ossimBooleanProperty* boolProperty =
+         new ossimBooleanProperty(name, theEnableRpcbTagFlag);
+      result = boolProperty;
+   }   
+   else if(name == "enable_blocka_tag")
+   {
+      ossimBooleanProperty* boolProperty =
+         new ossimBooleanProperty(name, theEnableBlockaTagFlag);
+      result = boolProperty;
+   }   
+   else if(name == "copy_fields_flag")
+   {
+      ossimBooleanProperty* boolProperty =
+      new ossimBooleanProperty(name, theCopyFieldsFlag);
+      result = boolProperty;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      return ossimImageFileWriter::getProperty(name);
+   }
+   return result;
+void ossimNitf20Writer::getPropertyNames(std::vector<ossimString>& propertyNames)const
+   ossimImageFileWriter::getPropertyNames(propertyNames);
+   propertyNames.push_back("file_header");
+   propertyNames.push_back("image_header");
+   propertyNames.push_back("enable_rpcb_tag");
+   propertyNames.push_back("enable_blocka_tag");
+   propertyNames.push_back("copy_fields_flag");
+bool ossimNitf20Writer::writeBlockBandSeparate()
+   ossimScalarType scalarType = theInputConnection->getOutputScalarType();
+   ossim_uint64 byteSize      = ossim::scalarSizeInBytes(scalarType);
+   ossimIrect rect            = theInputConnection->getBoundingRect();
+   ossim_uint64 bands         = theInputConnection->getNumberOfOutputBands();
+   ossim_uint64 idx           = 0;
+   ossim_uint64 headerStart   = (ossim_uint64)theOutputStream->tellp();
+   ossimIpt blockSize(64, 64);
+   ossim_uint64 blocksHorizontal = (ossim_uint32)ceil(((double)rect.width()/(double)blockSize.x));
+   ossim_uint64 blocksVertical   = (ossim_uint32)ceil(((double)rect.height()/(double)blockSize.y));
+   ossimNitfImageInfoRecordV2_0 imageInfoRecord;
+   //imageInfoRecord.setSubheaderLength(439); // ok if no tags
+   imageInfoRecord.setImageLength(bands*byteSize*blocksVertical*blockSize.y*blocksHorizontal*blockSize.x);
+   theFileHeader->addImageInfoRecord(imageInfoRecord);
+   //---
+   // This makes space for the file header; it is written again at the end of
+   // this method with updated values
+   // need a better way to get the length.  This should be queried on the
+   // header before writing
+   //---
+   theFileHeader->writeStream(*theOutputStream); 
+   ossim_uint64 headerLength = ((ossim_uint64)theOutputStream->tellp() - headerStart) /* + 1 */;
+   ossimString representation;
+   theImageHeader->setActualBitsPerPixel(getActualBitsPerPixel());
+   theImageHeader->setBitsPerPixel(getBitsPerPixel());
+   theImageHeader->setPixelType(getNitfPixelType());
+   theImageHeader->setNumberOfBands(bands);
+   theImageHeader->setImageMode('B');// blocked
+   if((bands == 3)&&
+      (scalarType == OSSIM_UCHAR))
+   {
+      theImageHeader->setRepresentation("RGB");
+      theImageHeader->setCategory("VIS");
+   }
+   else if(bands == 1)
+   {
+      theImageHeader->setRepresentation("MONO");
+      theImageHeader->setCategory("MS");
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      theImageHeader->setRepresentation("MULTI");
+      theImageHeader->setCategory("MS");
+   }
+   theImageHeader->setBlocksPerRow(blocksHorizontal);
+   theImageHeader->setBlocksPerCol(blocksVertical);
+   theImageHeader->setNumberOfPixelsPerBlockRow(blockSize.x);
+   theImageHeader->setNumberOfPixelsPerBlockCol(blockSize.y);
+   theImageHeader->setNumberOfRows(rect.height());
+   theImageHeader->setNumberOfCols(rect.width());
+   ossimNitfImageBandV2_0 bandInfo;
+   for(idx = 0; idx < bands; ++idx)
+   {
+      std::ostringstream out;
+      out << std::setfill('0')
+          << std::setw(2)
+          << idx;
+      bandInfo.setBandRepresentation(out.str().c_str());
+      theImageHeader->setBandInfo(idx,
+                              bandInfo);
+   }
+   ossim_uint64 imageHeaderStart = theOutputStream->tellp();
+   theImageHeader->writeStream(*theOutputStream);
+   ossim_uint64 imageHeaderEnd = theOutputStream->tellp();
+   ossim_uint64 imageHeaderSize = imageHeaderEnd - imageHeaderStart;
+   theInputConnection->setTileSize(blockSize);
+   ossim_uint64 numberOfTiles   = theInputConnection->getNumberOfTiles();
+   theInputConnection->setToStartOfSequence();
+   ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> data = theInputConnection->getNextTile();
+   ossim_uint64 tileNumber = 1;
+   ossimEndian endian;
+   while( data.valid() && !needsAborting())
+   {
+      if(endian.getSystemEndianType() == OSSIM_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
+      {
+         switch(data->getScalarType())
+         {
+            case OSSIM_USHORT16:
+            case OSSIM_USHORT11:
+            {
+               endian.swap((ossim_uint16*)data->getBuf(),
+                           data->getWidth()*data->getHeight()*data->getNumberOfBands());
+               break;
+            }
+            case OSSIM_SSHORT16:
+            {
+               endian.swap((ossim_sint16*)data->getBuf(),
+                           data->getWidth()*data->getHeight()*data->getNumberOfBands());
+               break;
+            }
+            case OSSIM_FLOAT:
+            case OSSIM_NORMALIZED_FLOAT:
+            {
+               endian.swap((ossim_float32*)data->getBuf(),
+                           data->getWidth()*data->getHeight()*data->getNumberOfBands());
+               break;
+            }
+            case OSSIM_DOUBLE:
+            case OSSIM_NORMALIZED_DOUBLE:
+            {
+               endian.swap((ossim_float64*)data->getBuf(),
+                           data->getWidth()*data->getHeight()*data->getNumberOfBands());
+               break;
+            }
+            default:
+               break;
+         }
+      }
+      theOutputStream->write((char*)(data->getBuf()),
+                             data->getSizeInBytes());
+      setPercentComplete(((double)tileNumber / (double)numberOfTiles) * 100);
+      if(!needsAborting())
+      {
+         data = theInputConnection->getNextTile();
+      }
+      ++tileNumber;
+   }
+   ossim_uint64 pos = theOutputStream->tellp();
+   setComplexityLevel(pos);
+   /*
+    * Need to change the way I compute file length and header length later
+    * We need to figure out a better way to compute.
+    */
+   theFileHeader->setFileLength(pos);
+   theFileHeader->setHeaderLength(headerLength);
+   theOutputStream->seekp(0, ios::beg);
+   imageInfoRecord.setSubheaderLength(imageHeaderSize);
+   theFileHeader->replaceImageInfoRecord(0, imageInfoRecord);
+   theFileHeader->writeStream(*theOutputStream);
+   return true;
+bool ossimNitf20Writer::writeBlockBandSequential()
+   ossimScalarType scalarType = theInputConnection->getOutputScalarType();
+   ossim_uint64    byteSize   = ossim::scalarSizeInBytes(scalarType);
+   ossimIrect      rect       = theInputConnection->getBoundingRect();
+   ossim_uint64    bands      = theInputConnection->getNumberOfOutputBands();
+   ossim_uint64    idx        = 0;
+   ossim_uint64    headerStart   = (ossim_uint64)theOutputStream->tellp();
+   ossimIpt blockSize(64, 64);
+   ossim_uint64 blocksHorizontal = theInputConnection->getNumberOfTilesHorizontal();
+   ossim_uint64 blocksVertical   = theInputConnection->getNumberOfTilesVertical();
+   theInputConnection->setTileSize(blockSize);
+   ossim_uint64 numberOfTiles   = theInputConnection->getNumberOfTiles();
+   theInputConnection->setToStartOfSequence();
+   ossimNitfImageInfoRecordV2_0 imageInfoRecord;
+ //  imageInfoRecord.setSubheaderLength(439);
+   imageInfoRecord.setImageLength(bands*byteSize*blocksHorizontal*blocksVertical*blockSize.x*blockSize.y);
+   ossimDate currentDate;
+   theFileHeader->setDate(currentDate);
+   theFileHeader->addImageInfoRecord(imageInfoRecord);
+   //---
+   // This makes space for the file header; it is written again at the end of
+   // this method with updated values
+   // need a better way to get the length.  This should be queried on the
+   // header before writing
+   //---  
+   theFileHeader->writeStream(*theOutputStream);
+   ossim_uint64 headerLength = ((ossim_uint64)theOutputStream->tellp() - headerStart) /* + 1 */;
+   ossimString representation;
+   theImageHeader->setActualBitsPerPixel(getActualBitsPerPixel());
+   theImageHeader->setBitsPerPixel(getBitsPerPixel());
+   theImageHeader->setPixelType(getNitfPixelType());
+   theImageHeader->setNumberOfBands(bands);
+   theImageHeader->setImageMode('S');// blocked
+   if((bands == 3)&&
+      (scalarType == OSSIM_UCHAR))
+   {
+      theImageHeader->setRepresentation("RGB");
+      theImageHeader->setCategory("VIS");
+   }
+   else if(bands == 1)
+   {
+      theImageHeader->setRepresentation("MONO");
+      theImageHeader->setCategory("MS");
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      theImageHeader->setRepresentation("MULTI");
+      theImageHeader->setCategory("MS");
+   }
+   theImageHeader->setBlocksPerRow(blocksHorizontal);
+   theImageHeader->setBlocksPerCol(blocksVertical);
+   theImageHeader->setNumberOfPixelsPerBlockRow(blockSize.x);
+   theImageHeader->setNumberOfPixelsPerBlockCol(blockSize.y);
+   theImageHeader->setNumberOfRows(rect.height());
+   theImageHeader->setNumberOfCols(rect.width());
+   ossimNitfImageBandV2_0 bandInfo;
+   for(idx = 0; idx < bands; ++idx)
+   {
+      std::ostringstream out;
+      out << std::setfill('0')
+          << std::setw(2)
+          << idx;
+      bandInfo.setBandRepresentation(out.str().c_str());
+      theImageHeader->setBandInfo(idx,
+                              bandInfo);
+   }
+   int imageHeaderStart = theOutputStream->tellp();
+   theImageHeader->writeStream(*theOutputStream);
+   int imageHeaderEnd = theOutputStream->tellp();
+   int imageHeaderSize = imageHeaderEnd - imageHeaderStart;
+   ossimIpt ul = rect.ul();
+   ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> data = theInputConnection->getNextTile();
+   ossim_uint64 tileNumber = 0;
+   ossimEndian endian;
+   // get the start to the first band of data block
+   //
+   ossim_uint64 streamOffset = theOutputStream->tellp();
+   // holds the total pixels to the next band
+   ossim_uint64 blockSizeInBytes = blockSize.x*blockSize.y*ossim::scalarSizeInBytes(data->getScalarType());
+   ossim_uint64 bandOffsetInBytes = (blockSizeInBytes*blocksHorizontal*blocksVertical);
+   bool needSwapping = endian.getSystemEndianType() == OSSIM_LITTLE_ENDIAN;
+   while(data.valid() && !needsAborting())
+   {
+      if(needSwapping)
+      {
+         switch(data->getScalarType())
+         {
+            case OSSIM_USHORT16:
+            case OSSIM_USHORT11:
+            {
+               endian.swap((ossim_uint16*)data->getBuf(),
+                           data->getWidth()*data->getHeight()*data->getNumberOfBands());
+               break;
+            }
+            case OSSIM_SSHORT16:
+            {
+               endian.swap((ossim_sint16*)data->getBuf(),
+                           data->getWidth()*data->getHeight()*data->getNumberOfBands());
+               break;
+            }
+            case OSSIM_FLOAT:
+            case OSSIM_NORMALIZED_FLOAT:
+            {
+               endian.swap((ossim_float32*)data->getBuf(),
+                           data->getWidth()*data->getHeight()*data->getNumberOfBands());
+               break;
+            }
+            case OSSIM_DOUBLE:
+            case OSSIM_NORMALIZED_DOUBLE:
+            {
+               endian.swap((ossim_float64*)data->getBuf(),
+                           data->getWidth()*data->getHeight()*data->getNumberOfBands());
+               break;
+            }
+            default:
+               break;
+         }
+      }
+      for(idx = 0; idx < bands; ++idx)
+      {
+         theOutputStream->seekp(streamOffset+ // start of image stream
+                                tileNumber*blockSizeInBytes + // start of block for band separate output
+                                bandOffsetInBytes*idx, // which band offset is it
+                                ios::beg); 
+         theOutputStream->write((char*)(data->getBuf(idx)),
+                                blockSizeInBytes);
+      }
+      ++tileNumber;
+      setPercentComplete(((double)tileNumber / (double)numberOfTiles) * 100);
+      if(!needsAborting())
+      {
+         data = theInputConnection->getNextTile();
+      }
+   }
+   ossim_uint64 pos = theOutputStream->tellp();
+   setComplexityLevel(pos);
+   /*
+    * Need to change the way I compute file length and header length later
+    * We need to figure out a better way to compute.
+    */
+   theFileHeader->setFileLength(pos);
+   theFileHeader->setHeaderLength(headerLength);
+   theOutputStream->seekp(0, ios::beg);
+   imageInfoRecord.setSubheaderLength(imageHeaderSize);
+   theFileHeader->replaceImageInfoRecord(0, imageInfoRecord);
+   theFileHeader->writeStream(*theOutputStream);
+   return true;
+void ossimNitf20Writer::addRegisteredTag(
+   ossimRefPtr<ossimNitfRegisteredTag> registeredTag)
+   ossimNitfTagInformation tagInfo;
+   tagInfo.setTagData(registeredTag.get());
+     theImageHeader->addTag(tagInfo);
+void ossimNitf20Writer::writeGeometry()
+   if ( (theImageHeader.valid() == false) || !theInputConnection )
+   {
+      return;
+   }
+   ossimKeywordlist kwl;
+   theInputConnection->getImageGeometry(kwl);
+   ossimRefPtr<ossimProjection> proj =
+      ossimProjectionFactoryRegistry::instance()->createProjection(kwl);
+   if(proj.valid() == false)
+   {
+      // No projection info.
+      return;
+   }
+   // Get the requested bounding rectangles.
+   ossimIrect rect = theInputConnection->getBoundingRect();
+   // See if it's a map projection; else, a sensor model.
+   ossimMapProjection* mapProj = PTR_CAST(ossimMapProjection, proj.get());
+   if (mapProj)
+   {
+      // Use map info to get the corners.
+      ossimMapProjectionInfo mapInfo(mapProj, rect);
+      mapInfo.setPixelType(OSSIM_PIXEL_IS_AREA);
+      // See if it's utm.
+      ossimUtmProjection* utmProj = PTR_CAST(ossimUtmProjection, proj.get());
+      if(utmProj)
+      {
+         ossimDpt ul = mapInfo.ulEastingNorthingPt();
+         ossimDpt ur = mapInfo.urEastingNorthingPt();
+         ossimDpt lr = mapInfo.lrEastingNorthingPt();
+         ossimDpt ll = mapInfo.llEastingNorthingPt();
+         if(utmProj->getHemisphere() == 'N')
+         {
+            theImageHeader->setUtmNorth(utmProj->getZone(), ul, ur, lr, ll);
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            theImageHeader->setUtmSouth(utmProj->getZone(), ul, ur, lr, ll);
+         }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         ossimGpt ul = mapInfo.ulGroundPt();
+         ossimGpt ur = mapInfo.urGroundPt();
+         ossimGpt lr = mapInfo.lrGroundPt();
+         ossimGpt ll = mapInfo.llGroundPt();
+         theImageHeader->setGeographicLocationDms(ul, ur, lr, ll);
+      }
+      if (theEnableBlockaTagFlag)
+      {
+         addBlockaTag(mapInfo);
+      }
+   }
+   if (theEnableRpcbTagFlag)
+   {
+      addRpcbTag(rect, proj);
+   }
+void ossimNitf20Writer::addTags()
+   ossimDate currentDate;
+   theFileHeader->setDate(currentDate);
+   if(theCopyFieldsFlag)
+   {
+      ossimConnectableObject* obj = findObjectOfType("ossimImageHandler",
+                                                     ossimConnectableObject::CONNECTABLE_DIRECTION_INPUT);
+      ossimNitfTileSource* nitf = dynamic_cast<ossimNitfTileSource*>(obj);
+      if(nitf)
+      {
+         ossimString value;
+         ossimPropertyInterface* fileHeaderProperties = dynamic_cast<ossimPropertyInterface*>(theFileHeader.get());
+         ossimPropertyInterface* imageHeaderProperties = dynamic_cast<ossimPropertyInterface*>(theImageHeader.get());
+         bool nitf21Flag = false;
+         const ossimNitfFileHeader*   header      = nitf->getFileHeader();
+         const ossimNitfImageHeader*  imageHeader = nitf->getCurrentImageHeader();
+         if(header)
+         {
+            ossimString version = header->getPropertyValueAsString("fhdr");
+            nitf21Flag = version.contains("2.1");
+            value = header->getPropertyValueAsString("stype");
+            if(value.size())
+            {
+               fileHeaderProperties->setProperty("stype", value);
+            }
+            value = header->getPropertyValueAsString("ostaid");
+            if(value.size())
+            {
+               fileHeaderProperties->setProperty("ostaid", value);
+            }
+            value = header->getPropertyValueAsString("ftitle");
+            if(value.size())
+            {
+               fileHeaderProperties->setProperty("ftitle", value);
+            }
+            value = header->getPropertyValueAsString("fsclas");
+            if(value.size())
+            {
+               fileHeaderProperties->setProperty("fsclas", value);
+            }
+            value = header->getPropertyValueAsString("oname");
+            if(value.size())
+            {
+               fileHeaderProperties->setProperty("oname", value);
+            }
+            value = header->getPropertyValueAsString("ophone");
+            if(value.size())
+            {
+               fileHeaderProperties->setProperty("ophone", value);
+            }
+            int idx = 0;
+            for(idx = 0; idx < header->getNumberOfTags(); ++idx)
+            {
+               ossimNitfTagInformation info;
+               header->getTagInformation(info,
+                                         idx);
+               theFileHeader->addTag(info);
+            }
+            value = header->getPropertyValueAsString("");
+            if(value.size())
+            {
+               fileHeaderProperties->setProperty("", value);
+            }
+            value = header->getPropertyValueAsString("fdt");
+            if(value.size()==14)
+            {
+               if(nitf21Flag)
+               {
+                  ossimString year(value.begin()+2, value.begin()+4);
+                  ossimString mon(value.begin()+4, value.begin()+6);
+                  ossimString day(value.begin()+6, value.begin()+8);
+                  ossimString hour(value.begin()+8, value.begin()+10);
+                  ossimString min(value.begin()+10, value.begin()+12);
+                  ossimString sec(value.begin()+12, value.begin()+14);
+                  if(mon.toUInt32() < 13)
+                  {
+                     mon = monthConversionTable[mon.toUInt32()];
+                  }
+                  fileHeaderProperties->setProperty("fdt", day+hour+min+sec+"Z"+mon+year);
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                  fileHeaderProperties->setProperty("fdt", value);
+               }
+            }
+         }
+         if(imageHeader)
+         {
+            ossim_uint32 idx = 0;
+            for(idx = 0; idx < imageHeader->getNumberOfTags(); ++idx)
+            {
+               ossimNitfTagInformation info;
+               imageHeader->getTagInformation(info,
+                                              idx);
+               theImageHeader->addTag(info);
+            }
+            value = imageHeader->getPropertyValueAsString("tgtid");
+            if(value.size())
+            {
+               imageHeaderProperties->setProperty("tgtid", value);
+            }
+            value = imageHeader->getPropertyValueAsString("isclas");
+            if(value.size())
+            {
+               imageHeaderProperties->setProperty("isclas", value);
+            }
+            value = imageHeader->getPropertyValueAsString("igeolo");
+            if(value.size())
+            {
+               imageHeaderProperties->setProperty("igeolo", value);
+            }
+            value = imageHeader->getPropertyValueAsString("ititle");
+            if(nitf21Flag)
+            {
+               value = imageHeader->getPropertyValueAsString("iid2");
+            }
+            if(value.size())
+            {
+               imageHeaderProperties->setProperty("ititle", value);
+            }
+            if(!nitf21Flag)
+            {
+               value = imageHeader->getPropertyValueAsString("iscaut");
+               if(value.size())
+               {
+                  imageHeaderProperties->setProperty("iscaut", value);
+               }
+               value = imageHeader->getPropertyValueAsString("iscode");
+               if(value.size())
+               {
+                  imageHeaderProperties->setProperty("iscode", value);
+               }
+               value = imageHeader->getPropertyValueAsString("isctlh");
+               if(value.size())
+               {
+                  imageHeaderProperties->setProperty("isctlh", value);
+               }
+               value = imageHeader->getPropertyValueAsString("isrel");
+               if(value.size())
+               {
+                  imageHeaderProperties->setProperty("isrel", value);
+               }
+               value = imageHeader->getPropertyValueAsString("isctln");
+               if(value.size())
+               {
+                  imageHeaderProperties->setProperty("isctln", value);
+               }
+               value = imageHeader->getPropertyValueAsString("isdwng");
+               if(value.size())
+               {
+                  imageHeaderProperties->setProperty("isdevt", value);
+               }
+               value = imageHeader->getPropertyValueAsString("isorce");
+               if(value.size())
+               {
+                  imageHeaderProperties->setProperty("isorce", value);
+               }
+            }
+            value = imageHeader->getPropertyValueAsString("idatim");
+            if(value.size()==14)
+            {
+               if(nitf21Flag)
+               {
+                  ossimString year(value.begin()+2, value.begin()+4);
+                  ossimString mon(value.begin()+4, value.begin()+6);
+                  ossimString day(value.begin()+6, value.begin()+8);
+                  ossimString hour(value.begin()+8, value.begin()+10);
+                  ossimString min(value.begin()+10, value.begin()+12);
+                  ossimString sec(value.begin()+12, value.begin()+14);
+                  if(mon.toUInt32() < 13)
+                  {
+                     mon = monthConversionTable[mon.toUInt32()];
+                  }
+                  imageHeaderProperties->setProperty("idatim", day+hour+min+sec+"Z"+mon+year);
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                  imageHeaderProperties->setProperty("idatim", value);
+               }
+            }
+         }
+         // we will port over only a selected few 
+      }
+   }
+void ossimNitf20Writer::setComplexityLevel(ossim_uint64 endPosition)
+   //---
+   // See MIL-STD-2500C, Table A-10:
+   //
+   // Lots of rules here, but for now we will key off of file size.
+   //---
+   if (!theFileHeader)
+   {
+      return;
+   }
+   const ossim_uint64 MB   = 1024 * 1024;
+   const ossim_uint64 MB50 = 50   * MB;
+   const ossim_uint64 GIG  = 1000 * MB;
+   const ossim_uint64 GIG2 = 2    * GIG;
+   ossimString complexity = "03"; // Less than 50 mb.
+   if ( (endPosition >= MB50) && (endPosition < GIG) )
+   {
+      complexity = "05";
+   }
+   else if ( (endPosition >= GIG) && (endPosition < GIG2) )
+   {
+      complexity = "06";
+   }
+   else if (endPosition >= GIG2)
+   {
+      complexity = "07";
+   }
+   theFileHeader->setComplexityLevel(complexity);
+void ossimNitf20Writer::addBlockaTag(ossimMapProjectionInfo& mapInfo)
+   if (!theImageHeader)
+   {
+      return;
+   }
+   // Capture the current pixel type.
+   ossimPixelType originalPixelType = mapInfo.getPixelType();
+   // This tag wants corners as area:
+   mapInfo.setPixelType(OSSIM_PIXEL_IS_AREA);
+   // Stuff the blocka tag which has six digit precision.
+   ossimNitfBlockaTag* blockaTag = new ossimNitfBlockaTag();
+   // Set the block number.
+   blockaTag->setBlockInstance(1);
+   // Set the number of lines.
+   blockaTag->setLLines(mapInfo.linesPerImage());
+   // Set first row, first column.
+   blockaTag->setFrfcLoc(ossimDpt(mapInfo.ulGroundPt()));
+   // Set first row, last column.
+   blockaTag->setFrlcLoc(ossimDpt(mapInfo.urGroundPt()));
+   // Set last row, last column.
+   blockaTag->setLrlcLoc(ossimDpt(mapInfo.lrGroundPt()));
+   // Set last row, first column.
+   blockaTag->setLrfcLoc(ossimDpt(mapInfo.llGroundPt()));
+   if (traceDebug())
+   {
+      ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG)
+         << "ossimNitf20Writer::writeGeometry DEBUG:"
+         << "\nBLOCKA Tag:" << *((ossimObject*)(blockaTag))
+         << std::endl;
+   }
+   // Add the tag to the header.
+   ossimRefPtr<ossimNitfRegisteredTag> blockaTagRp = blockaTag;
+   ossimNitfTagInformation blockaTagInfo(blockaTagRp);
+   theImageHeader->addTag(blockaTagInfo);
+   // Reset the pixel type to original value
+   mapInfo.setPixelType(originalPixelType);
+void ossimNitf20Writer::addRpcbTag(const ossimIrect& rect,
+                                 ossimRefPtr<ossimProjection> proj)
+   if (!proj.valid())
+   {
+      return;
+   }
+   bool useElevation = false;
+   if (PTR_CAST(ossimMapProjection, proj.get()))
+   {
+      // If we're already map projected turn the elevation off.
+      useElevation = false;
+   }
+   // Make an rpc solver.
+   ossimRpcSolver rs(useElevation);
+   // Compute the coefficients.
+   rs.solveCoefficients(ossimDrect(rect),
+                        *proj.get(),
+                        64,
+                        64);
+   // Add the tag.
+   ossimRefPtr<ossimNitfRegisteredTag> tag = rs.getNitfRpcBTag();
+   ossimNitfTagInformation tagInfo(tag);
+   theImageHeader->addTag(tagInfo);
+   if (traceDebug())
+   {
+      ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG)
+         << "ossimNitf20Writer::addRpcbTag DEBUG:"
+         << "\nRPCB Tag:" << *((ossimObject*)(tag.get()))
+         << "\nProjection:" << std::endl;
+      proj->print(ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG));
+      ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG)
+         << "\nRect: " << rect << std::endl;
+   }
+ossim_uint32 ossimNitf20Writer::getActualBitsPerPixel() const
+   ossim_uint32 actualBitsPerPixel = 0;
+   if (theInputConnection)
+   {
+      ossimScalarType scalarType = theInputConnection->getOutputScalarType();
+      switch(scalarType)
+      {
+         case OSSIM_UCHAR:
+         {
+            actualBitsPerPixel = 8;
+            break;
+         }
+         case OSSIM_USHORT11:
+         {
+            actualBitsPerPixel = 11;
+            break;
+         }
+         case OSSIM_USHORT16:
+         case OSSIM_SSHORT16:
+         {
+            actualBitsPerPixel = 16;
+            break;
+         }
+         case OSSIM_FLOAT:
+         {
+            actualBitsPerPixel = 32;
+            break;
+         }
+         case OSSIM_DOUBLE:
+         {
+            actualBitsPerPixel = 64;
+            break;
+         }
+         default:
+         {
+            break;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   return actualBitsPerPixel;
+ossim_uint32 ossimNitf20Writer::getBitsPerPixel() const
+   ossim_uint32 bitsPerPixel = 0;
+   if (theInputConnection)
+   {
+      ossimScalarType scalarType = theInputConnection->getOutputScalarType();
+      switch(scalarType)
+      {
+         case OSSIM_UCHAR:
+         {
+            bitsPerPixel = 8;
+            break;
+         }
+         case OSSIM_USHORT11:
+         {
+            bitsPerPixel = 16;
+            break;
+         }
+         case OSSIM_USHORT16:
+         case OSSIM_SSHORT16:
+         {
+            bitsPerPixel = 16;
+            break;
+         }
+         case OSSIM_FLOAT:
+         {
+            bitsPerPixel = 32;
+            break;
+         }
+         case OSSIM_DOUBLE:
+         {
+            bitsPerPixel = 64;
+            break;
+         }
+         default:
+         {
+            break;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   return bitsPerPixel;
+ossimString ossimNitf20Writer::getNitfPixelType() const
+   ossimString pixelType;
+   if (theInputConnection)
+   {
+      ossimScalarType scalarType = theInputConnection->getOutputScalarType();
+      switch(scalarType)
+      {
+         case OSSIM_UCHAR:
+         case OSSIM_USHORT11:
+         case OSSIM_USHORT16:
+         {
+            pixelType = "INT";
+            break;
+         }
+         case OSSIM_SSHORT16:
+         {
+            pixelType    = "SI";
+            break;
+         }
+         case OSSIM_FLOAT:
+         case OSSIM_DOUBLE:
+         {
+            pixelType    = "R";
+            break;
+         }
+         default:
+         {
+            break;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   return pixelType;
+bool ossimNitf20Writer::saveState(ossimKeywordlist& kwl,
+                                const char* prefix) const
+   kwl.add(prefix, "enable_rpcb_tag", theEnableRpcbTagFlag, true);
+   kwl.add(prefix, "enable_blocka_tag", theEnableBlockaTagFlag, true);
+   return ossimImageFileWriter::saveState(kwl, prefix);
+bool ossimNitf20Writer::loadState(const ossimKeywordlist& kwl,
+                                const char* prefix)
+   // Look for the rpcb enable flag keyword.
+   const char* lookup = kwl.find(prefix, "enable_rpcb_tag");
+   if(lookup)
+   {
+      ossimString os = lookup;
+      theEnableRpcbTagFlag = os.toBool();
+   }
+   // Look for the blocka enable flag keyword.
+   lookup = kwl.find(prefix, "enable_blocka_tag");
+   if(lookup)
+   {
+      ossimString os = lookup;
+      theEnableBlockaTagFlag = os.toBool();
+   }
+   return ossimImageFileWriter::loadState(kwl, prefix);
diff --git a/Utilities/otbossim/src/ossim/imaging/ossimTwoColorView.cpp b/Utilities/otbossim/src/ossim/imaging/ossimTwoColorView.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8ad091d838467966eb789476c240ace34978ee3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/otbossim/src/ossim/imaging/ossimTwoColorView.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
+// License:  LGPL.  See top level LICENSE.txt file.
+// Author:  Garrett Potts
+//  $Id$
+#include <ossim/imaging/ossimTwoColorView.h>
+#include <ossim/imaging/ossimImageDataFactory.h>
+          "ossimTwoColorView" ,
+          ossimImageCombiner);
+:ossimImageCombiner(0, 2, 0, true, false) ,
+ossim_uint32 ossimTwoColorView::getNumberOfOutputBands() const
+   if(theByPassFlag||!isSourceEnabled())
+   {
+      return ossimImageCombiner::getNumberOfOutputBands();
+   }
+   return 3;
+ossimScalarType ossimTwoColorView::getOutputScalarType() const
+   if(theByPassFlag||!isSourceEnabled())
+   {
+      return ossimImageCombiner::getOutputScalarType();
+   }
+   return OSSIM_UINT8;
+void ossimTwoColorView::setIndexMapping(ossim_uint32 newIndex,
+                                        ossim_uint32 oldIndex)
+   if(((newIndex < 3)&&(oldIndex < 3))&&
+      (newIndex != oldIndex))
+   {
+      theNewBufferDestinationIndex = newIndex;
+      theOldBufferDestinationIndex = oldIndex;
+      if((theNewBufferDestinationIndex != 0)&&
+         (theOldBufferDestinationIndex != 0))
+      {
+         theMinBufferDestinationIndex = 0;
+      }
+      else if((theNewBufferDestinationIndex != 1)&&
+              (theOldBufferDestinationIndex != 1))
+      {
+         theMinBufferDestinationIndex = 1;
+      }
+      else if((theNewBufferDestinationIndex != 2)&&
+              (theOldBufferDestinationIndex != 2))
+      {
+         theMinBufferDestinationIndex = 2;
+      }
+   }
+double ossimTwoColorView::getNullPixelValue(ossim_uint32 band)const
+   if(theByPassFlag||!isSourceEnabled())
+   {
+      return ossimImageCombiner::getNullPixelValue(band);
+   }
+   return 0;
+double ossimTwoColorView::getMinPixelValue(ossim_uint32 band)const
+   if(theByPassFlag||!isSourceEnabled())
+   {
+      return ossimImageCombiner::getMinPixelValue(band);
+   }
+   return 1;
+double ossimTwoColorView::getMaxPixelValue(ossim_uint32 band)const
+   if(theByPassFlag||!isSourceEnabled())
+   {
+      return ossimImageCombiner::getMaxPixelValue(band);
+   }
+   return 256;
+ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> ossimTwoColorView::getTile(const ossimIrect& rect,
+                                                       ossim_uint32 resLevel)
+   ossim_uint32 tileIdx = 0;
+   if(theByPassFlag||!isSourceEnabled())
+   {
+      return getNextTile(tileIdx, 0, rect, resLevel);
+   }
+   if(!theTwoColorTile.valid())
+   {
+      allocate();
+   }
+   if(!theTwoColorTile.valid())
+   {
+      return theTwoColorTile;
+   }
+   theTwoColorTile->setImageRectangle(rect);
+   theTwoColorTile->makeBlank();
+   ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> newData = theNewInput->getTile(rect, resLevel);
+   ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> oldData = theOldInput->getTile(rect, resLevel);
+   runAlgorithm(newData.get(), oldData.get());
+#if 0
+   // do the new band first
+   ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> newData = getNextNormTile(tileIdx, 0, rect, resLevel);
+   newData = newData.valid()?(ossimImageData*)newData->dup():(ossimImageData*)0;
+   ossimRefPtr<ossimImageData> oldData = getNextNormTile(tileIdx,rect, resLevel);
+   oldData = oldData.valid()?(ossimImageData*)oldData->dup():(ossimImageData*)0;
+   ossim_float32 newNullPix = 0.0;
+   ossim_float32 oldNullPix = 0.0;
+   const ossim_float32* newBuf = 0;
+   const ossim_float32* oldBuf = 0;
+   ossim_float32 tempValue = 0.0;
+   ossim_uint32 idx = 0;
+   ossim_uint32 maxIdx = theTwoColorTile->getWidth()*theTwoColorTile->getHeight();
+   ossim_uint8* newDestBuf = static_cast<ossim_uint8*>(theTwoColorTile->getBuf(theNewBufferDestinationIndex));
+   ossim_uint8* oldDestBuf = static_cast<ossim_uint8*>(theTwoColorTile->getBuf(theOldBufferDestinationIndex));
+   ossim_uint8* minDestBuf = static_cast<ossim_uint8*>(theTwoColorTile->getBuf(theMinBufferDestinationIndex));
+   if(newData.valid())
+   {
+      newBuf     = static_cast<ossim_float32*>(newData->getBuf(0));
+      newNullPix = static_cast<ossim_float32>(newData->getNullPix(0));
+   }
+   if(oldData.valid())
+   {
+      oldBuf = static_cast<ossim_float32*>(oldData->getBuf(0));   
+      oldNullPix    = static_cast<ossim_float32>(oldData->getNullPix(0));
+   }
+   if(!newBuf&&!oldBuf)
+   {
+      return theTwoColorTile;
+   }
+   if(newBuf&&oldBuf)
+   {
+      for(idx = 0; idx < maxIdx;++idx)
+      {
+         if((*newBuf == newNullPix)&&
+            (*oldBuf == oldNullPix))
+         {
+            *newDestBuf = 0;
+            *oldDestBuf = 0;
+            *minDestBuf = 0;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            if(*newBuf == newNullPix)
+            {
+               *newDestBuf = 1;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               tempValue = (*newBuf)*255;
+               if(tempValue < 1) tempValue = 1;
+               else if(tempValue > 255) tempValue = 255;
+               *newDestBuf = (ossim_uint8)(tempValue);
+            }
+            if(*oldBuf == oldNullPix)
+            {
+               *oldDestBuf = 1;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               // do old buffer channel
+               tempValue = (*oldBuf)*255;
+               if(tempValue < 1) tempValue = 1;
+               else if(tempValue > 255) tempValue = 255;
+               *oldDestBuf = (ossim_uint8)(tempValue);
+            }
+            *minDestBuf = 1;
+         }
+         ++newBuf;
+         ++oldBuf;
+         ++minDestBuf;
+         ++newDestBuf;
+         ++oldDestBuf;
+      }
+   }
+   else if(newBuf)
+   {
+      for(idx = 0; idx < maxIdx;++idx)
+      {
+         if(*newBuf == newNullPix)
+         {
+            *newDestBuf = 0;
+            *oldDestBuf = 0;
+            *minDestBuf = 0;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            tempValue = (*newBuf)*255;
+            if(tempValue < 1) tempValue = 1;
+            else if(tempValue > 255) tempValue = 255;
+            *newDestBuf = (ossim_uint8)(tempValue);
+            *oldDestBuf = 1;
+            *minDestBuf = 1;
+         }
+         ++newBuf;
+         ++minDestBuf;
+         ++newDestBuf;
+         ++oldDestBuf;
+      }
+   }
+   else if(oldBuf)
+   {
+      for(idx = 0; idx < maxIdx;++idx)
+      {
+         if(*oldBuf == oldNullPix)
+         {
+            *newDestBuf = 0;
+            *oldDestBuf = 0;
+            *minDestBuf = 0;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            tempValue = (*oldBuf)*255;
+            if(tempValue < 1) tempValue = 1;
+            else if(tempValue > 255) tempValue = 255;
+            *oldDestBuf = (ossim_uint8)(tempValue);
+            *newDestBuf = 1;
+            *minDestBuf = 1;
+         }
+         ++oldBuf;
+         ++minDestBuf;
+         ++newDestBuf;
+         ++oldDestBuf;
+      }
+   }
+   theTwoColorTile->validate();
+   return theTwoColorTile;
+void ossimTwoColorView::runAlgorithm(ossimImageData* newData, ossimImageData* oldData)
+   if(theNativeFlag)
+   {
+      runNative8(newData, oldData);
+   }
+   else 
+   {
+      runNorm(newData, oldData);
+   }
+void ossimTwoColorView::runNative8(ossimImageData* newData, ossimImageData* oldData)
+   // do the new band first
+   ossim_uint8 newNullPix = 0.0;
+   ossim_uint8 oldNullPix = 0.0;
+   const ossim_uint8* newBuf = 0;
+   const ossim_uint8* oldBuf = 0;
+   ossim_uint32 idx = 0;
+   ossim_uint32 maxIdx = theTwoColorTile->getWidth()*theTwoColorTile->getHeight();
+   ossim_uint8* newDestBuf = static_cast<ossim_uint8*>(theTwoColorTile->getBuf(theNewBufferDestinationIndex));
+   ossim_uint8* oldDestBuf = static_cast<ossim_uint8*>(theTwoColorTile->getBuf(theOldBufferDestinationIndex));
+   ossim_uint8* minDestBuf = static_cast<ossim_uint8*>(theTwoColorTile->getBuf(theMinBufferDestinationIndex));
+   if(newData)
+   {
+      newBuf     = static_cast<ossim_uint8*>(newData->getBuf(0));
+      newNullPix = static_cast<ossim_uint8>(newData->getNullPix(0));
+   }
+   if(oldData)
+   {
+      oldBuf = static_cast<ossim_uint8*>(oldData->getBuf(0));   
+      oldNullPix    = static_cast<ossim_uint8>(oldData->getNullPix(0));
+   }
+   if(!newBuf&&!oldBuf)
+   {
+      return;
+   }
+   if(newBuf&&oldBuf)
+   {
+      for(idx = 0; idx < maxIdx;++idx)
+      {
+         if((*newBuf == newNullPix)&&
+            (*oldBuf == oldNullPix))
+         {
+            *newDestBuf = 0;
+            *oldDestBuf = 0;
+            *minDestBuf = 0;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            if(*newBuf == newNullPix)
+            {
+               *newDestBuf = 1;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               *newDestBuf = *newBuf;
+            }
+            if(*oldBuf == oldNullPix)
+            {
+               *oldDestBuf = 1;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               *oldDestBuf = *oldBuf;
+            }
+            *minDestBuf = 1;
+         }
+         ++newBuf;
+         ++oldBuf;
+         ++minDestBuf;
+         ++newDestBuf;
+         ++oldDestBuf;
+      }
+   }
+   else if(newBuf)
+   {
+      for(idx = 0; idx < maxIdx;++idx)
+      {
+         if(*newBuf == newNullPix)
+         {
+            *newDestBuf = 0;
+            *oldDestBuf = 0;
+            *minDestBuf = 0;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            *newDestBuf = *newBuf;
+            *oldDestBuf = 1;
+            *minDestBuf = 1;
+         }
+         ++newBuf;
+         ++minDestBuf;
+         ++newDestBuf;
+         ++oldDestBuf;
+      }
+   }
+   else if(oldBuf)
+   {
+      for(idx = 0; idx < maxIdx;++idx)
+      {
+         if(*oldBuf == oldNullPix)
+         {
+            *newDestBuf = 0;
+            *oldDestBuf = 0;
+            *minDestBuf = 0;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            *oldDestBuf = *oldBuf;
+            *newDestBuf = 1;
+            *minDestBuf = 1;
+         }
+         ++oldBuf;
+         ++minDestBuf;
+         ++newDestBuf;
+         ++oldDestBuf;
+      }
+   }
+void ossimTwoColorView::runNorm(ossimImageData* newData, ossimImageData* oldData)
+   // do the new band first
+   ossim_float32 tempValue=0.0;
+   ossim_uint8 newNullPix = 0.0;
+   ossim_uint8 oldNullPix = 0.0;
+   std::vector<ossim_float32> newDataBuffer;
+   std::vector<ossim_float32> oldDataBuffer;
+   ossim_float32* newBuf = 0;
+   ossim_float32* oldBuf = 0;
+   ossim_uint32 idx = 0;
+   ossim_uint32 maxIdx = theTwoColorTile->getWidth()*theTwoColorTile->getHeight();
+   ossim_uint8* newDestBuf = static_cast<ossim_uint8*>(theTwoColorTile->getBuf(theNewBufferDestinationIndex));
+   ossim_uint8* oldDestBuf = static_cast<ossim_uint8*>(theTwoColorTile->getBuf(theOldBufferDestinationIndex));
+   ossim_uint8* minDestBuf = static_cast<ossim_uint8*>(theTwoColorTile->getBuf(theMinBufferDestinationIndex));
+   if(newData&&newData->getBuf())
+   {
+      newDataBuffer.resize(theTwoColorTile->getWidth()*theTwoColorTile->getHeight());
+      newBuf     = &newDataBuffer.front();
+      newData->copyTileBandToNormalizedBuffer(0, newBuf);
+      newNullPix = 0;
+   }
+   if(oldData&&oldData->getBuf())
+   {
+      oldDataBuffer.resize(theTwoColorTile->getWidth()*theTwoColorTile->getHeight());
+      oldBuf     = &oldDataBuffer.front();
+      oldData->copyTileBandToNormalizedBuffer(0, oldBuf);
+      oldNullPix = 0;
+   }
+   if(!newBuf&&!oldBuf)
+   {
+      return;
+   }
+   if(newBuf&&oldBuf)
+   {
+      for(idx = 0; idx < maxIdx;++idx)
+      {
+         if((*newBuf == newNullPix)&&
+            (*oldBuf == oldNullPix))
+         {
+            *newDestBuf = 0;
+            *oldDestBuf = 0;
+            *minDestBuf = 0;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            if(*newBuf == newNullPix)
+            {
+               *newDestBuf = 1;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               tempValue = (*newBuf)*255;
+               if(tempValue < 1) tempValue = 1;
+               else if(tempValue > 255) tempValue = 255;
+               *newDestBuf = (ossim_uint8)(tempValue);
+            }
+            if(*oldBuf == oldNullPix)
+            {
+               *oldDestBuf = 1;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               // do old buffer channel
+               tempValue = (*oldBuf)*255;
+               if(tempValue < 1) tempValue = 1;
+               else if(tempValue > 255) tempValue = 255;
+               *oldDestBuf = (ossim_uint8)(tempValue);
+            }
+            *minDestBuf = 1;
+         }
+         ++newBuf;
+         ++oldBuf;
+         ++minDestBuf;
+         ++newDestBuf;
+         ++oldDestBuf;
+      }
+   }
+   else if(newBuf)
+   {
+      for(idx = 0; idx < maxIdx;++idx)
+      {
+         if(*newBuf == newNullPix)
+         {
+            *newDestBuf = 0;
+            *oldDestBuf = 0;
+            *minDestBuf = 0;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            tempValue = (*newBuf)*255;
+            if(tempValue < 1) tempValue = 1;
+            else if(tempValue > 255) tempValue = 255;
+            *newDestBuf = (ossim_uint8)(tempValue);
+            *oldDestBuf = 1;
+            *minDestBuf = 1;
+         }
+         ++newBuf;
+         ++minDestBuf;
+         ++newDestBuf;
+         ++oldDestBuf;
+      }
+   }
+   else if(oldBuf)
+   {
+      for(idx = 0; idx < maxIdx;++idx)
+      {
+         if(*oldBuf == oldNullPix)
+         {
+            *newDestBuf = 0;
+            *oldDestBuf = 0;
+            *minDestBuf = 0;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            tempValue = (*oldBuf)*255;
+            if(tempValue < 1) tempValue = 1;
+            else if(tempValue > 255) tempValue = 255;
+            *oldDestBuf = (ossim_uint8)(tempValue);
+            *newDestBuf = 1;
+            *minDestBuf = 1;
+         }
+         ++oldBuf;
+         ++minDestBuf;
+         ++newDestBuf;
+         ++oldDestBuf;
+      }
+   }
+void ossimTwoColorView::allocate()
+   theTwoColorTile = ossimImageDataFactory::instance()->create(this, this);
+   if(theTwoColorTile.valid())
+   {
+      theTwoColorTile->initialize();
+   }
+void ossimTwoColorView::initialize()
+   ossimImageCombiner::initialize();
+   theNewInput = 0;
+   theOldInput = 0;
+   theTwoColorTile = 0;
+   theNativeFlag = false;
+   theByPassFlag = false;
+   if(getNumberOfInputs() < 2)
+   {
+      theByPassFlag = true;
+   }
+   else 
+   {
+      theNewInput = PTR_CAST(ossimImageSource, getInput(0));
+      theOldInput = PTR_CAST(ossimImageSource, getInput(1));
+      if(!theNewInput||!theOldInput)
+      {
+         theByPassFlag = true;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         if((theNewInput->getOutputScalarType() == OSSIM_UINT8)&&
+            (theOldInput->getOutputScalarType() == OSSIM_UINT8))
+         {
+            theNativeFlag = true;
+         }
+      }
+   }
diff --git a/Utilities/otbossim/src/ossim/projection/ossimImageProjectionModel.cpp b/Utilities/otbossim/src/ossim/projection/ossimImageProjectionModel.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..66d2ef71c6c3db161a4b949a69fae69dbbe1361b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/otbossim/src/ossim/projection/ossimImageProjectionModel.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+// License:  LGPL
+// See LICENSE.txt file in the top level directory for more details.
+// Author:  David Burken
+// Description: Class definition of ossimImageProjectionModel.
+// $Id$
+#include <string>
+#include <ossim/projection/ossimImageProjectionModel.h>
+#include <ossim/imaging/ossimImageHandler.h>
+#include <ossim/projection/ossimProjection.h>
+#include <ossim/projection/ossimProjectionFactoryRegistry.h>
+          "ossimImageProjectionModel",
+          ossimImageModel)
+   : ossimImageModel(),
+     theProjection(0)
+   if (theProjection)
+   {
+      delete theProjection;
+      theProjection = 0;
+   }
+void ossimImageProjectionModel::initialize(const ossimImageHandler& ih)
+   // Initialize base.
+   ossimImageModel::initialize(ih);
+   if (theProjection)
+   {
+      delete theProjection;
+      theProjection = 0;
+   }
+   // cast away constness for  ossimImageHandler::getImageGeometry call.
+   ossimImageHandler* iih = const_cast<ossimImageHandler*>(&ih);
+   ossimKeywordlist kwl;
+   if ( iih->getImageGeometry(kwl, 0) )
+   {
+      theProjection = ossimProjectionFactoryRegistry::instance()->
+         createProjection(kwl);
+   }
+const ossimProjection* ossimImageProjectionModel::getProjection() const
+   return theProjection;
diff --git a/Utilities/otbossim/src/ossim/support_data/ossimJ2kSizRecord.cpp b/Utilities/otbossim/src/ossim/support_data/ossimJ2kSizRecord.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c6ad0a866ff5102e1b5ae98685a12b1d43fc6c07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/otbossim/src/ossim/support_data/ossimJ2kSizRecord.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+// License:  LGPL
+// See LICENSE.txt file in the top level directory for more details.
+// Author:  David Burken
+// Description: Container class for J2K Image and tile size (SIZ) record.
+// See document BPJ2K01.00 Table 7-6 Image and tile size (15444-1 Annex A5.1)
+// $Id: ossimJ2kSizRecord.h,v 1.5 2005/10/13 21:24:47 dburken Exp $
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <ossim/support_data/ossimJ2kSizRecord.h>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimConstants.h>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimCommon.h>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimEndian.h>
+   :
+   theSizMarker(0xff51),
+   theLsiz(0),
+   theRsiz(0),
+   theXsiz(0),
+   theYziz(0),
+   theXOsiz(0),
+   theYOsiz(0),
+   theXTsiz(0),
+   theYTsiz(0),
+   theXTOsiz(0),
+   theYTOsiz(0),
+   theCsiz(0),
+   theSsiz(0),
+   theXRsiz(0),
+   theYRsiz(0)
+void ossimJ2kSizRecord::parseStream(std::istream& in)
+   // Note: Marker is not read.
+   in.read((char*)&theLsiz,      2);
+   in.read((char*)&theRsiz,      2);
+   in.read((char*)&theXsiz,      4);
+   in.read((char*)&theYziz,      4);
+   in.read((char*)&theXOsiz,     4);
+   in.read((char*)&theYOsiz,     4);
+   in.read((char*)&theXTsiz,     4);
+   in.read((char*)&theYTsiz,     4);
+   in.read((char*)&theXTOsiz,    4);
+   in.read((char*)&theYTOsiz,    4);
+   in.read((char*)&theCsiz,      2);
+   in.read((char*)&theSsiz,      1);
+   in.read((char*)&theXRsiz,     1);
+   in.read((char*)&theYRsiz,     1);
+   if (ossim::byteOrder() == OSSIM_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
+   {
+      // Stored big endian, must swap.
+      ossimEndian s;
+      s.swap(theLsiz);
+      s.swap(theRsiz);
+      s.swap(theXsiz);
+      s.swap(theYziz);
+      s.swap(theXOsiz);
+      s.swap(theYOsiz);
+      s.swap(theXTsiz);
+      s.swap(theYTsiz);
+      s.swap(theXTOsiz);
+      s.swap(theYTOsiz);
+      s.swap(theCsiz);
+   }
+ossimScalarType ossimJ2kSizRecord::getScalarType() const
+   ossimScalarType result = OSSIM_SCALAR_UNKNOWN;
+   // Bits per pixel first seven bits plus one.
+   ossim_uint8 bpp = ( theSsiz & 0x3f ) + 1;
+   // Signed bit is msb.
+   bool isSigned = ( theSsiz & 0x80 ) ? true : false;
+   // std::cout << "bpp: " << int(bpp) << " signed: " << isSigned << std::endl;
+   if(bpp <= 8)
+   {
+      if(isSigned == 0)
+      {
+         result = OSSIM_UINT8;
+      }
+      else if(isSigned == 1)
+      {
+         result = OSSIM_SINT8;
+      }
+   }
+   else if(bpp <= 16)
+   {
+      if(isSigned == 0)
+      {
+         result = OSSIM_UINT16;
+      }
+      else if(isSigned == 1)
+      {
+         result = OSSIM_SINT16;
+      }
+   }
+   return result;
+std::ostream& ossimJ2kSizRecord::print(std::ostream& out) const
+   // Capture the original flags.
+   std::ios_base::fmtflags f = out.flags();
+   out << std::setiosflags(std::ios::left) << "ossimJ2kSizRecord::print"
+       << std::setw(24) << "\ntheSizMarker:" << std::hex << theSizMarker
+       << std::setw(24) << "\ntheLsiz:"      << std::dec << theLsiz
+       << std::setw(24) << "\ntheRsiz:"   << theRsiz
+       << std::setw(24) << "\ntheXsiz:"   << theXsiz
+       << std::setw(24) << "\ntheYziz:"   << theYziz
+       << std::setw(24) << "\ntheXOsiz:"  << theXOsiz
+       << std::setw(24) << "\ntheYOsiz:"  << theYOsiz
+       << std::setw(24) << "\ntheXTsiz:"  << theXTsiz
+       << std::setw(24) << "\ntheYTsiz:"  << theYTsiz
+       << std::setw(24) << "\ntheXTOsiz:" << theXTOsiz
+       << std::setw(24) << "\ntheYTOsiz:" << theYTOsiz
+       << std::setw(24) << "\ntheCsiz:"   << theCsiz
+       << std::setw(24) << "\ntheSsiz:"   << int(theSsiz)
+       << std::setw(24) << "\ntheXRsiz:"  << int(theXRsiz)
+       << std::setw(24) << "\ntheYRsiz:"  << int(theYRsiz)
+       << std::endl;
+   // Reset flags.
+   out.setf(f);
+   return out;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const ossimJ2kSizRecord& obj)
+   return obj.print(out);
diff --git a/Utilities/otbossim/src/ossim/support_data/ossimJ2kSotRecord.cpp b/Utilities/otbossim/src/ossim/support_data/ossimJ2kSotRecord.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..66d32d4828e8acc46bd5d4854fd02d160e81a12c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Utilities/otbossim/src/ossim/support_data/ossimJ2kSotRecord.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+// License:  LGPL
+// See LICENSE.txt file in the top level directory for more details.
+// Author:  David Burken
+// // Description: Container class for J2K "Start Of Tile" (SOT) record.
+// See document BPJ2K01.00 Table 7-3 Image and tile size (15444-1 Annex A.4.2)
+// $Id: ossimJ2kSotRecord.h,v 1.5 2005/10/13 21:24:47 dburken Exp $
+#include <iostream>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <ossim/support_data/ossimJ2kSotRecord.h>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimCommon.h>
+#include <ossim/base/ossimEndian.h>
+   :
+   theSotMarker(0xff90),
+   theLsot(0),
+   theIsot(0),
+   thePsot(0),
+   theTpsot(0),
+   theTnsot(0)
+void ossimJ2kSotRecord::parseStream(std::istream& in)
+   // Note: marker not read...
+   in.read((char*)&theLsot,  2);
+   in.read((char*)&theIsot,  2);
+   in.read((char*)&thePsot,  4);
+   in.read((char*)&theTpsot, 1);
+   in.read((char*)&theTnsot, 1);
+   if (ossim::byteOrder() == OSSIM_LITTLE_ENDIAN)
+   {
+      // Stored big endian, must swap.
+      ossimEndian s;
+      s.swap(theLsot);
+      s.swap(theIsot);
+      s.swap(thePsot);
+   }
+std::ostream& ossimJ2kSotRecord::print(std::ostream& out) const
+   out << std::setiosflags(std::ios::left) << "ossimJ2kSotRecord::print"
+       << std::setw(24) << "\ntheLsot:"  << theLsot
+       << std::setw(24) << "\ntheIsot:"  << theIsot
+       << std::setw(24) << "\nthePsot:"  << thePsot
+       << std::setw(24) << "\ntheTpsot:" << int(theTpsot)
+       << std::setw(24) << "\ntheTnsot:" << int(theTnsot)
+       << std::endl;
+   return out;
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const ossimJ2kSotRecord& obj)
+   return obj.print(out);