diff --git a/Code/Common/mvdI18nApplication.cxx b/Code/Common/mvdI18nApplication.cxx
index dd61392fd4f6be790c866b3c9018d72daaa6bba8..8cc61d234aa463d34c4aae538a0b06c619a0e632 100644
--- a/Code/Common/mvdI18nApplication.cxx
+++ b/Code/Common/mvdI18nApplication.cxx
@@ -78,62 +78,76 @@ I18nApplication
   // 2. Choose i18n path between build dir and install dir.
+  // Begin from the executable path
+  QDir bin_dir( QDir::cleanPath(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()) );
+  qDebug() << "Executable dir : " << bin_dir;
+  // Go up in the directory hierarchy until we have a candidate install prefix
+  bool prefixFound = false;
+  QDir prefix( bin_dir );
+  while ( prefix.cdUp() )
+    {
+    if ( QDir(prefix).cd(Monteverdi2_INSTALL_BIN_DIR) )
+      {
+      prefixFound = true;
+      break;
+      }
+    }
+  if (prefixFound)
+    {
+    qDebug() << "Candidate install prefix found : " << prefix;
+    }
+  else
+    {
+    QString message( tr( "Unable to locate translation files" ) );
+    qDebug() << message;
+    QMessageBox::critical( NULL, tr( "Critical error" ), message );
+    return;
+    }
   QDir i18n_dir;
-  QDir bin_dir( QDir::cleanPath( QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath() ) );
-  QDir build_i18n_dir( bin_dir );
-  // If build dir is identified...
-  if( (build_i18n_dir.exists( "../i18n" )
-         && build_i18n_dir.cd( "../i18n" )
-         && build_i18n_dir.exists( "../" Monteverdi2_CONFIGURE_FILE ))
-       || (build_i18n_dir.exists( "../../i18n" )
-         && build_i18n_dir.cd( "../../i18n" )
-         && build_i18n_dir.exists( "../" Monteverdi2_CONFIGURE_FILE )) )
+  // At this point the candidate install prefix can also be the build dir root
+  if ( prefix.exists( Monteverdi2_CONFIGURE_FILE )
+       && prefix.exists("i18n") )
     m_IsRunningFromBuildDir = true;
-    // ...use build dir as prioritary load path for translation.
-    i18n_dir = build_i18n_dir;
-    // TODO: Use log system to trace message.
-    qDebug()
-      << tr( "Running from build directory '%1'." ).arg( bin_dir.path() );
+    // Report found build dir root
+    qDebug() << tr( "Running from build directory '%1'." ).arg( prefix.path() );
+    // Go into the i18n dir (it exists we just checked for it)
+    i18n_dir = prefix;
+    i18n_dir.cd("i18n");
+    qDebug() << tr( "Using translation dir '%1'." ).arg( i18n_dir.path() );
-  // Otherwise...
     m_IsRunningFromBuildDir = false;
-    QDir install_i18n_dir( QDir::cleanPath( Monteverdi2_INSTALL_DATA_I18N_DIR ) );
-    // ...if install data dir is identified
-    if( install_i18n_dir.exists() )
+    // Report found install prefix
+    qDebug() << tr( "Running from install directory '%1'." ).arg( prefix.path() );
+    // Go into the i18n dir configured at cmake-time
+    i18n_dir = prefix;
+    if (i18n_dir.cd(Monteverdi2_INSTALL_DATA_I18N_DIR))
-      // ...use install data dir as load path for translation.
-      i18n_dir = install_i18n_dir;
-      // TODO: Use log system to trace message.
-      qDebug()
-        << tr( "Running from install directory '%1'." ).arg( Monteverdi2_INSTALL_BIN_DIR );
+      qDebug() << tr( "Using translation dir '%1'." ).arg( i18n_dir.path() );
-    // Otherwise
-      QString message(
-        tr( "Failed to access translation-files directory '%1'." )
-        .arg( install_i18n_dir.path() )
-      );
-      // TODO: Use log system to trace error while loading locale translation file.
+      QString message( tr( "Failed to access translation-files directory '%1'" )
+                       .arg(QDir::cleanPath(prefix.path() + Monteverdi2_INSTALL_DATA_I18N_DIR)) );
       qDebug() << message;
-      // TODO: morph into better HMI design.
-      QMessageBox::critical( NULL, tr( "Critical error!" ), message );
+      QMessageBox::critical( NULL, tr( "Critical error" ), message );
   // 3.1 Stack Qt translator.
diff --git a/ConfigureMonteverdi2.h.in b/ConfigureMonteverdi2.h.in
index c5ea20a726b9f54708dfbe35ea3aa3079ade823c..6ec60d7fc969f40475d87d1f82fa0f048bec90eb 100644
--- a/ConfigureMonteverdi2.h.in
+++ b/ConfigureMonteverdi2.h.in
@@ -37,11 +37,10 @@
 // Directories
+#define Monteverdi2_INSTALL_BIN_DIR "@Monteverdi2_INSTALL_BIN_DIR@"
+#define Monteverdi2_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR "@Monteverdi2_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR@"
+#define Monteverdi2_INSTALL_LIB_DIR "@Monteverdi2_INSTALL_LIB_DIR@"
+#define Monteverdi2_INSTALL_DATA_DIR "@Monteverdi2_INSTALL_DATA_DIR@"
 // Sub-directories
 #define Monteverdi2_INSTALL_DATA_I18N_DIR Monteverdi2_INSTALL_DATA_DIR "/i18n"