diff --git a/Code/FeatureExtraction/otbLineRatioDetector.h b/Code/FeatureExtraction/otbLineRatioDetector.h
index 24e77b131782fc555fd40224c7c05a21671c5bab..a4bed9bb2a9006ad1e707273ec2d2f637a577639 100755
--- a/Code/FeatureExtraction/otbLineRatioDetector.h
+++ b/Code/FeatureExtraction/otbLineRatioDetector.h
@@ -29,26 +29,32 @@ namespace otb
 /** \class LineRatioDetector
  * \brief Application of the filter of detection of linear features 
- * This class implements the detector D1 of Tupin used to detect 
+ * This class implements the Tupin's detector D1 used to detect 
  * two parallel lines. This detector is derived from the coupling of two
  * ratio edge detectors (Touzi detector) on both side of a region.
- * The region is devided in three zones. 
+ * The region is devided in three zones to delimite two parallel lines. 
  * The size of one zone is defined by the product of the width 
  * of the linear feature by its length.
- * For each vertical edge, we calculate the intensity of linear feature 
- * R_{12}(\theta_{0}) between zone 1 and 2 and R_{13}(\theta_{0}) between  
- * zone 1 and 3 according to the principle of the Touzi's filter.
+ * For each vertical line, we calculate the intensity of detection 
+ * R_{12}(\theta_{0}) between zones 1 and 2 and R_{13}(\theta_{0}) between  
+ * zones 1 and 3 according to the principle of the Touzi's filter.
+ *
+ * The response of the edge detector between two zones i and j is:
+ *	\[R_{ij}=1-\min (\fract{\mu_{i}}{\mu_{j}};\fract{\mu_{j}}{\mu_{i}}) \]
  * The intensity of detection in the three other directions R(\theta_{i})
- * is obtained by rotation of the pixels of each zone around the 
+ * is determined by rotation of the pixels of each zone around the 
  * pixel central of the region considered. By default, the pixel location after
  * rotation is determined by the Spline interpolator.
  * Finally, the intensity of detection formed by the two parallel lines 
- * is determined by:
- *	\[R = min(R_{12};R_{13}) \]
+ * is determined by the minimum response of a ration edge detector on both sides
+ * of the linear structure:
+ *	\[R = \min (R_{12};R_{13}) \]
+ * where R_{12} and R_{13} are the maximum response of the ratio edge 
+ * detector of R(\theta_{i}).
  * The exit is an image of intensity of detection.
diff --git a/Code/FeatureExtraction/otbLineRatioDetector.txx b/Code/FeatureExtraction/otbLineRatioDetector.txx
index bc9fa9a94b06e0ec5da140a947186ec70079b3dc..6f578ae8702f4b1c068f767d50d1eb6065bf6777 100755
--- a/Code/FeatureExtraction/otbLineRatioDetector.txx
+++ b/Code/FeatureExtraction/otbLineRatioDetector.txx
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ void LineRatioDetector< TInputImage, TOutputImage, InterpolatorType>
   // Number of the zone 
   unsigned int zone;
-  // Pixel numbers in each zone
+  // Pixel number in each zone
   const int NbPixelZone = (2*m_WidthLine+1)*(2*m_LengthLine+1);
   // Contains for the 4 directions the sum of the pixels belonging to each zone
@@ -210,16 +210,16 @@ void LineRatioDetector< TInputImage, TOutputImage, InterpolatorType>
-      // Location of the central pixel of the region
+      // Location of the pixel central of the region
       bitIndex = bit.GetIndex();
       Xc = bitIndex[0];
       Yc = bitIndex[1];
-      // Location of the central pixel between zone 1 and zone 2
+      // Location of the pixel central between zone 1 and zone 2
       Xc12 = Xc - m_WidthLine - 1;
-      // Location of the central pixel between zone 1 and zone 3
+      // Location of the pixel central between zone 1 and zone 3
       Xc13 = Xc + m_WidthLine + 1;
       // Loop on the region 
@@ -268,12 +268,12 @@ void LineRatioDetector< TInputImage, TOutputImage, InterpolatorType>
       for ( int dir=0; dir<NB_DIR; dir++ )
-        // Calculation of the averages of the 3 zones	
+        // Calculation of the mean for the 3 zones	
         M1 = Sum[dir][0] / static_cast<double>(NbPixelZone);
         M2 = Sum[dir][1] / static_cast<double>(NbPixelZone);
         M3 = Sum[dir][2] / static_cast<double>(NbPixelZone);
-        // Calculation of the intensity of the linear feature
+        // Calculation of the intensity of detection
         if (( M1 != 0 ) && (M2 != 0)) 
           R12_theta[dir] = static_cast<double>( 1 - MIN( (M1/M2), (M2/M1) ) );
@@ -284,13 +284,13 @@ void LineRatioDetector< TInputImage, TOutputImage, InterpolatorType>
 	  R13_theta[dir] = 0.;
-	// Determination of the maximum intensity of the linear feature
+	// Determination of the maximum intensity of detection
 	R12 = static_cast<double>( MAX( R12, R12_theta[dir] ) );
         R13 = static_cast<double>( MAX( R13, R13_theta[dir] ) );  
         } // end of the loop on the directions
-      // Intensity of the linear feature
+      // Intensity of detection
       R = MIN ( R12, R13 );	
       // Assignment of this value to the output pixel
diff --git a/Code/FeatureExtraction/otbTouziEdgeDetector.h b/Code/FeatureExtraction/otbTouziEdgeDetector.h
index f0ae82803bd5b1200fee33ce8ce1091dbde7c54f..c5509ac5bd7ed4f11dfbdf9e67ab87f6de4ce2c9 100755
--- a/Code/FeatureExtraction/otbTouziEdgeDetector.h
+++ b/Code/FeatureExtraction/otbTouziEdgeDetector.h
@@ -25,18 +25,25 @@ namespace otb
 /** \class TouziEdgeDetector
  * \brief Application of a filter of detection of contours.
- * We define a square window of size 2n+1.
- * Then, we calculate the mean of each half window located on both sides of the contour 
- * in a given direction. The intensity of contour is then calculated in the four 
- * directions (\theta_{i}) vertical , diagonal 1, horizontal  
- * and diagonal 2 :
- *	\[R(\theta_{i}) = 1 - min(\fract{\mu_{1}/\mu_{2}};\fract{\mu_{2}/\mu_{1}}) \]
+ * This class implements the Touzi's ratio edge detector used to detect 
+ * contours. 
+ * 
+ * We define a square region of size 2n+1 that we devided in two regions.
- * The exit is an image of intensity of the detection of contour:
- *	\[R = max ( (\theta_{i}), (\theta_{i}), (\theta_{i}), (\theta_{i})) \[
+ * The response of the edge detector between two regions 1 and 2 in
+ * one direction \theta_{i} is:
+ *	\[R(\theta_{i}) = 1 - \min (\fract{\mu_{1}}{\mu_{2}};\fract{\mu_{2}}{\mu_{1}}) \]
+ * where \mu_{1} and  \mu_{2} are the mean of regions 1 and 2.
+ *
+ * The intensity of contour is calculated in four directions 
+ * vertical , diagonal 1, horizontal and diagonal 2.   
+ * 
+ * The exit is an image of intensity of the detection of contour R, the
+ * maximum response of the ratio edge detector of R(\theta_{i}:
+ *	\[R = \max ( R(\theta_{i}) ) \]
  * An image of the direction of contours can also be determined by this filter:
- * 	\[D = \fract{\sum_{i=1}^{4} s_{i}\theta_{i}R(\theta_{i})}{\sum_{i=1}^{4} R(\theta_{i}}  \[
+ * 	\[D = \fract{\sum_{i=1}^{4} s_{i}\theta_{i}R(\theta_{i})}{\sum_{i=1}^{4} R(\theta_{i}}  \]
  * where  \[if \mu_{1}>\mu_{2} s_{i}=+1 \]
  * \[else if \mu_{1}<\mu_{2} s_{i}=-1 \]
diff --git a/Code/FeatureExtraction/otbTouziEdgeDetector.txx b/Code/FeatureExtraction/otbTouziEdgeDetector.txx
index 8abb8630b0efbb29a7254ac54a416bdc386c69d0..10de01d81260005ee73b94f59ebcb816da568b7b 100755
--- a/Code/FeatureExtraction/otbTouziEdgeDetector.txx
+++ b/Code/FeatureExtraction/otbTouziEdgeDetector.txx
@@ -160,8 +160,8 @@ void TouziEdgeDetector< TInputImage, TOutputImage>
   // ---------------
   // Number of direction
   const int NB_DIR = 4;
-  // Number of half window of the filter	  
-  const int NB_WIN = 2;  
+  // Number of region of the filter	  
+  const int NB_REGION = 2;  
   // Definition of the 4 directions
   double Theta[NB_DIR];
@@ -171,11 +171,11 @@ void TouziEdgeDetector< TInputImage, TOutputImage>
   Theta[3] = 3*M_PI / 4. ;
-  // contains for the 4 directions the sum of the pixels belonging to each half window
-  double Sum[NB_DIR][NB_WIN];
-  // Mean of half window 1
+  // contains for the 4 directions the sum of the pixels belonging to each region
+  double Sum[NB_DIR][NB_REGION];
+  // Mean of region 1
   double M1;
-  // Mean of half window 2
+  // Mean of region 2
   double M2;
   // Result of the filter for each direction
   double R_theta[NB_DIR];
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ void TouziEdgeDetector< TInputImage, TOutputImage>
       // Initialisations
       for (int dir=0; dir<NB_DIR; dir++)
-        for (int m=0; m<NB_WIN; m++) 
+        for (int m=0; m<NB_REGION; m++) 
           Sum[dir][m] = 0.;
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ void TouziEdgeDetector< TInputImage, TOutputImage>
       Sum_R_theta = 0.;
-      // Loop on the window of the filter  
+      // Loop on pixels of the filter  
       for (i = 0; i < neighborhoodSize; ++i)
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ void TouziEdgeDetector< TInputImage, TOutputImage>
         x = bitIndex[0];
         y = bitIndex[1];
-        // We determine for each direction with which half window the pixel belongs. 
+        // We determine for each direction with which region the pixel belongs. 
         // Vertical direction 
         if ( x < xc )
@@ -265,13 +265,13 @@ void TouziEdgeDetector< TInputImage, TOutputImage>
         else if ( (y-yc) > (x-xc) )
           Sum[3][1] += static_cast<double>(bit.GetPixel(i));
-        } // end of the loop on the pixels of the window           
+        } // end of the loop on pixels of the filter           
       // Loop on the 4 directions
       for ( int dir=0; dir<NB_DIR; dir++ )
-        // Calculation of the averages of the 2 half windows	
+        // Calculation of the mean of the 2 regions	
         M1 = Sum[dir][0] / static_cast<double>(m_Radius[0]*(2*m_Radius[0]+1));
         M2 = Sum[dir][1] / static_cast<double>(m_Radius[0]*(2*m_Radius[0]+1));