From bcd28269f4ec6135e13a6941c1faa3a2eff10744 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Otmane Lahlou <>
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2013 14:17:21 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] ENH: add modelRenderer and ViewManipulator abstract classes

 Code/Common/mvdAbstractModelRenderer.h   | 140 ++++++++++++++++++
 Code/Common/mvdAbstractViewManipulator.h | 179 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 319 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Code/Common/mvdAbstractModelRenderer.h
 create mode 100644 Code/Common/mvdAbstractViewManipulator.h

diff --git a/Code/Common/mvdAbstractModelRenderer.h b/Code/Common/mvdAbstractModelRenderer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ea65a50115
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Code/Common/mvdAbstractModelRenderer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+  Program:   Monteverdi2
+  Language:  C++
+  Copyright (c) Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. All rights reserved.
+  See Copyright.txt for details.
+  Monteverdi2 is distributed under the CeCILL licence version 2. See
+  Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.txt or
+ for more details.
+  This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+  PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.
+#ifndef __mvdAbstractModelRenderer_h
+#define __mvdAbstractModelRenderer_h
+// Configuration include.
+//// Included at first position before any other ones.
+#include "ConfigureMonteverdi2.h"
+// Qt includes (sorted by alphabetic order)
+//// Must be included before system/custom includes.
+#include <QtCore>
+// System includes (sorted by alphabetic order)
+// ITK includes (sorted by alphabetic order)
+// OTB includes (sorted by alphabetic order)
+// Monteverdi includes (sorted by alphabetic order)
+#include "mvdTypes.h"
+// External classes pre-declaration.
+namespace mvd
+// Internal classes pre-declaration.
+class Monteverdi2_EXPORT AbstractImageModel;
+/** \class AbstractModelRenderer
+ *
+ */
+class AbstractModelRenderer :
+    public QObject
+// Public types.
+  struct RenderingContext
+  {
+     inline
+     RenderingContext( const AbstractImageModel* model =NULL,
+                       const ImageRegionType& region =ImageRegionType(),
+                       double zoom = 1.,
+                       unsigned int width = 0,
+                       unsigned int height = 0,
+                       int dx = 0,
+                       int dy = 0,
+                       bool refresh = true) :
+       m_AbstractImageModel( model ),
+       m_ImageRegion( region ),
+       m_IsotropicZoom( zoom ),
+       m_WidgetWidth(width),
+       m_WidgetHeight(height),
+       m_ForceRefresh(refresh)
+    {
+    }
+    const AbstractImageModel* m_AbstractImageModel;
+    ImageRegionType m_ImageRegion;
+    double       m_IsotropicZoom;
+    unsigned int m_WidgetWidth;
+    unsigned int m_WidgetHeight;
+    bool         m_ForceRefresh;
+  };
+// Public methods.
+  /** Constructor */
+  AbstractModelRenderer( QObject* parent = NULL ): QObject(parent)
+  {}
+  /** Destructor */
+  virtual ~AbstractModelRenderer(){}
+  /** */
+  virtual void paintGL( const RenderingContext& context ) = 0;
+// public slots
+public slots:
+// Protected methods.
+// Protected attributes.
+// Private methods.
+// Private attributes.
+// SLOTS.
+private slots:
+} // end namespace 'mvd'
+#endif // __mvdAbstractModelRenderer_h
diff --git a/Code/Common/mvdAbstractViewManipulator.h b/Code/Common/mvdAbstractViewManipulator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c86468b79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Code/Common/mvdAbstractViewManipulator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+  Program:   Monteverdi2
+  Language:  C++
+  Copyright (c) Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. All rights reserved.
+  See Copyright.txt for details.
+  Monteverdi2 is distributed under the CeCILL licence version 2. See
+  Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.txt or
+ for more details.
+  This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
+  PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.
+#ifndef __mvdAbstractViewManipulator_h
+#define __mvdAbstractViewManipulator_h
+// Configuration include.
+//// Included at first position before any other ones.
+#include "ConfigureMonteverdi2.h"
+// Qt includes (sorted by alphabetic order)
+//// Must be included before system/custom includes.
+#include <QtGui>
+// System includes (sorted by alphabetic order)
+// ITK includes (sorted by alphabetic order)
+// OTB includes (sorted by alphabetic order)
+// Monteverdi includes (sorted by alphabetic order)
+#include "mvdTypes.h"
+// External classes pre-declaration.
+namespace mvd
+// Internal classes pre-declaration.
+/** \class AbstractViewManipulator
+ *  Base class for QWidget manipulation
+ */
+class Monteverdi2_EXPORT AbstractViewManipulator :
+    public QObject
+// Public methods.
+  /** Constructor */
+  AbstractViewManipulator( QObject* parent =NULL ):
+    QObject(parent),
+    m_NavigationContext(),
+    m_MouseContext(),
+    m_IsotropicZoom(1.){}
+  /** Destructor */
+  virtual ~AbstractViewManipulator(){};
+  /** */
+  virtual void mouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent * event ) = 0;
+  virtual void mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * event ) = 0;
+  virtual void mouseReleaseEvent ( QMouseEvent * event ) = 0;
+  virtual void wheelEvent ( QWheelEvent* event) = 0;
+  virtual void resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * event ) = 0;
+  virtual void keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent * event )  = 0;
+  virtual bool HasZoomChanged() const = 0;
+  virtual void SetImageLargestRegion(const ImageRegionType & largestRegion) = 0;
+  /** */
+  inline
+    const ImageRegionType&
+    GetViewportImageRegion() const
+  {
+    return m_NavigationContext.m_ViewportImageRegion;
+  }
+  inline 
+    double GetIsotropicZoom() const
+  {
+    return m_IsotropicZoom;
+  }
+// Public SLOTS.
+public slots:
+  //virtual void InitializeContext(int width, int height) = 0;
+// Protected methods.
+// Protected attributes.
+  /** Navigation context  */
+  struct NavigationContextType
+  {
+    ImageRegionType m_ViewportImageRegion;
+    ImageRegionType m_ModelImageRegion;
+    // Stored as double to keep precision when dividing 
+    // by scale 
+    double          m_SizeXBeforeConstrain;
+    double          m_SizeYBeforeConstrain;
+  };
+  /** Mouse context */
+  struct MouseContextType
+  {
+    /** Default constructor */
+    MouseContextType() :
+      x( 0 ),
+      y( 0 ),
+      xMove( 0 ),
+      yMove( 0 ),
+      dx( 0 ),
+      dy( 0 )
+    {
+    }
+    int x;  // mousePress x
+    int y;  // mousePress y
+    int xMove;  // for mouseMove x
+    int yMove;  // for mouseMove y
+    int dx; // mouseMove in x (Drag)
+    int dy; // mouseMove in y (Drag)
+  };
+  NavigationContextType  m_NavigationContext;
+  MouseContextType       m_MouseContext;
+  double                 m_IsotropicZoom;
+// Private types.
+// Private methods.
+// Private attributes.
+// SLOTS.
+private slots:
+} // end namespace 'mvd'
+#endif // __mvdAbstractViewManipulator_h