diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/CMakeLists.txt b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100755
index a90eb0908314c8df508ec6c67ee200b8e329cf82..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-SUBDIRS(src inc)
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/README b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/README
deleted file mode 100755
index 4a0b9fe13c278362440e0e2dc6860464ae2abb1d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-# Version :$Header: README,v 1.5 01/01/15 15:24:06 cmf Exp $
-		-------------------------------------
-# MOD : VERSION : 4.1 : DM : installation sur DEC UNIX
-# MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : installation sur HP64Bits, pCNT, PC LINUX
-La Couche Acces Image peut etre installee sur HP 32 bits et 64 bits Sun OS et SUN SOLARIS 32 bits et 64 bits, sur HP ITANIUM2 , sur DEC UNIX ainsi que PC LINUX et PC NT ainsi que station XEON EMT64 Linux Redhat
-Pour la generer, quatre variables d'environnement doivent etre positionnees :
-MACHINE_ATLAS  represente le type de machine sur lequel se fait l'installation
-	       Les valeurs possibles : SOLARIS, SOLARIS64, HPUX, HPUX64, 
-			               WIN, LINUX, ITANIUM2, AIX, DEC, SUNOS
-RACINE_ATLAS  indique le repertoire racine de stockage de CAI.
-		(exle : /home/ATALGO/regine/COUCHE_IMA_V5.2)
-RACINE_HDF    indique le repertoire racine de stockage du freeware HDF
-		(exle : /home/ATALGO/HDF)
-# MOD : VERSION : 4.0 : DM : s'affranchir du compilateur 
-COMPILO : si cette variable n'est pas positionnee, le compilateur par defaut est
-	  utilise : cc. 
-	  si elle est positionnee, c'est le compilateur indique qui est utilise
-Pour generer, lancer $(RACINE_ATLAS)/ins/COUCHE_IMA.install
-Si vous ne voulez pas de bibliotheque dynamique, dans le fichier COUCHE_IMA.install,
-enlever l'appel au deuxieme makefile
-Si vous n'avez pas la biblitheque HDF a votre disposition, dans le fichier 
-$(RACINE_ATLAS)/gen/genere.mk preciser all: CAI_NOHD
-Remarque : 
-Pour PC LINUX et PC NT et ITANIUM2 ainsi que XEON, seule la bibliotheque simple est generee
-Vérifier que la variable d'environnement $PATH est à jour de façon à pouvoir 
- acceder au précompilateur cpp
-		------------------------------------------
-Pour generer libimage.a , deux variables d'environnement doivent etre positionnees :
-MACHINE_ATLAS  represente le type de machine sur lequel se fait l'installation
-	       Les valeurs possibles : HPUX 
-RACINE_HDF    indique le repertoire racine de stockage du freeware HDF
-		(exle : /home/ATALGO/HDF)
-Pour generer : sous gen :
-   make -f cai_libimage.mk
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/cai_dll.dsp b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/cai_dll.dsp
deleted file mode 100755
index e1be2de439e28ec113ec34aa18c17d076038b6cc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/cai_dll.dsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,299 +0,0 @@
-# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="cai_dll" - Package Owner=<4>
-# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00
-# ** DO NOT EDIT **
-# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library" 0x0102
-CFG=cai_dll - Win32 Debug
-!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,
-!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run
-!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "cai_dll.mak".
-!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE
-!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
-!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "cai_dll.mak" CFG="cai_dll - Win32 Debug"
-!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
-!MESSAGE "cai_dll - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library")
-!MESSAGE "cai_dll - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library")
-# Begin Project
-# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0
-# PROP Scc_ProjName ""
-# PROP Scc_LocalPath ""
-!IF  "$(CFG)" == "cai_dll - Win32 Release"
-# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
-# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release"
-# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release"
-# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
-# PROP Use_MFC 0
-# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
-# PROP Output_Dir "Release"
-# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release"
-# PROP Target_Dir ""
-# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "CAI_DLL_EXPORTS" /YX /FD /c
-# ADD CPP /nologo /MT /W3 /GX /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "CAI_DLL_EXPORTS" /YX /FD /c
-# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32
-# ADD MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32
-# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x40c /d "NDEBUG"
-# ADD RSC /l 0x40c /d "NDEBUG"
-# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
-# ADD BSC32 /nologo
-# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /machine:I386
-# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /machine:I386
-!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "cai_dll - Win32 Debug"
-# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1
-# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Debug"
-# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Debug"
-# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
-# PROP Use_MFC 0
-# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
-# PROP Output_Dir "Debug"
-# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug"
-# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0
-# PROP Target_Dir ""
-# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "CAI_DLL_EXPORTS" /YX /FD /GZ /c
-# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /I "inc" /I "inc/inc_hdf" /I "inc/inc_unix2win" /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /D "_USRDLL" /D "CAI_DLL_EXPORTS" /YX /FD /GZ /c
-# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32
-# ADD MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32
-# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x40c /d "_DEBUG"
-# ADD RSC /l 0x40c /d "_DEBUG"
-# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
-# ADD BSC32 /nologo
-# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept
-# ADD LINK32 lib/hd421md.lib lib/hm421md.lib lib/libjpeg.lib lib/tiff.lib lib/unix2win.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /debug /machine:I386 /nodefaultlib:"libcmtd.lib" /out:"Debug/cai.dll" /pdbtype:sept
-# SUBTRACT LINK32 /pdb:none
-# Begin Target
-# Name "cai_dll - Win32 Release"
-# Name "cai_dll - Win32 Debug"
-# Begin Group "Source Files"
-# PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat"
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# End Group
-# Begin Group "Header Files"
-# PROP Default_Filter "h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl"
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# Begin Source File
-# End Source File
-# End Group
-# Begin Group "Resource Files"
-# PROP Default_Filter "ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe"
-# End Group
-# End Target
-# End Project
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/cai_dll.dsw b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/cai_dll.dsw
deleted file mode 100755
index d13fe7a6bbdcd83dd2bbb396af5a796d705d8a9a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/cai_dll.dsw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace File, Format Version 6.00
-Project: "cai_dll"=".\cai_dll.dsp" - Package Owner=<4>
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/cai_dll.ncb b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/cai_dll.ncb
deleted file mode 100755
index 45842ab1cb5b10253660132b54f9ced67649c82d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/cai_dll.ncb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/cai_dll.opt b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/cai_dll.opt
deleted file mode 100755
index 141839befae186f752518f390b3cd73e3cfad446..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/cai_dll.opt and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/cai_dll.plg b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/cai_dll.plg
deleted file mode 100755
index 6a4ce7b0420af7a3e140abf384ffd1ffe1a71e55..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/cai_dll.plg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-<h1>Build Log</h1>
---------------------Configuration: cai_dll - Win32 Debug--------------------
-<h3>Command Lines</h3>
-cai.dll - 0 error(s), 0 warning(s)
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/dll/hd421md.dll b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/dll/hd421md.dll
deleted file mode 100755
index ac89adeda270f270fa9141a1ed28c432713d43bc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/dll/hd421md.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/dll/hm421md.dll b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/dll/hm421md.dll
deleted file mode 100755
index ffb7c04c35d423ac1fb7fba7f502a79432603e08..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/dll/hm421md.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/dll/szlibdll.dll b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/dll/szlibdll.dll
deleted file mode 100755
index 2e3d53b7fb40a148b3476bb46c0c2b7aced0a6b3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/dll/szlibdll.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/dll/tiff.dll b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/dll/tiff.dll
deleted file mode 100755
index 5aec94192c2af88c1ce705d343066d0848a6189d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/dll/tiff.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/dll/zlib1.dll b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/dll/zlib1.dll
deleted file mode 100755
index 4eb8adb9167b2826192b88bec87bc6c618329297..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/dll/zlib1.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/CMakeLists.txt b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100755
index 3f5eb00f910a09896e553d9ff50c9d24bf4671d2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# Sources of non-templated classes.
-INSTALL_FILES(/include/otb/Utilities/CAI "(\\.h)$")
-SUBDIRS( inc_unix2win )
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/cai_image.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/cai_image.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 185b17e44a8b4b502007fcefee64efe92f6eeac0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/cai_image.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,782 +0,0 @@
-/* fichier include de toutes les informations necessaires au bon 
-    fonctionnement de la bibliotheque Couche Acces Image */
-/* MOD:VERSION:2:DM optimisation */
-/* VERSION : $Header: cai_image.h,v 1.12 01/02/15 14:24:43 cmf Exp $ */
-/* Octobre 1996 : prise en compte du format HDF pour QIV */
-/* Septembre 1999 : prise en compte du format GESSIMU    */
-/* Septembre 1999 : prise en compte du format GDB et GDR */
-/* Regine CHAISEMARTIN (CISI)                            */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : DM :           prototypage des fonctions            */
-/*****************************************************************************/                       /* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : integration des formats SPOT1a4 et SPOT5       */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.4 : DM : suppression du format multiscope, modif SPOT5  */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.6 : DM : integration du format RADAR_CNES               */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : FA : PB de reconnaissance automatique RADAR         */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM :  prise en compte de l'information INTEL ou IEEE*/
-/*                             et des types non signes                       */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.3 : DM :  portage de la couche CAI dans plateforme      */
-/*                             Microsof Visual C++ V6.0                      */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.3 : DM :  prise en compte du format bandeau             */
-#ifndef CAI_IMAGE_H
-#define CAI_IMAGE_H
-#ifndef MAIN
-#define WHERE	extern 
-#define WHERE 
-/* Code à ajouter si visual c++ */
-#ifdef _MSC_VER
-  #define _HDF16
-    #define EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
-    #define WHERE 
-  #else 
-   #define EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
-  #endif
-  #define F_OK 0
-  #define PATH_MAX 4096
-  #define strcasecmp(a,b) _stricmp(a,b) 
-  #define ftruncate(a,b) _chsize(a,b)
-  #define strncasecmp(a,b,c) _strnicmp(a,b,c)
-  #define snprintf _snprintf
-  #define EXPORT
-#ifndef IN_CAI_HDF
-#define WHERE_HDF	extern EXPORT
-#ifndef IN_CAI_BSQ
-#define WHERE_BSQ	extern EXPORT
-#ifndef IN_CAI_BIP 
-#define WHERE_BIP	extern EXPORT
-#ifndef IN_CAI_INRIA
-#define WHERE_INRIA	extern EXPORT
-#ifndef IN_CAI_ONERA
-#define WHERE_ONERA	extern EXPORT
-#ifndef IN_CAI_TIFF
-#define WHERE_TIFF	extern EXPORT
-#ifndef IN_CAI_BIL
-#define WHERE_BIL	extern EXPORT
-#ifndef IN_CAI_LUM
-#define WHERE_LUM	extern EXPORT
-#define WHERE_GESSIMU	extern EXPORT
-#ifndef IN_CAI_RASTER
-#define WHERE_RASTER	extern EXPORT
-#ifndef IN_CAI_JPEG
-#define WHERE_JPEG	extern EXPORT
-#ifndef IN_CAI_GRIL
-#define WHERE_GRIL	extern EXPORT
-#ifndef IN_CAI_DA
-#define WHERE_DA	extern EXPORT
-#ifndef IN_CAI_FONC
-#define WHERE_FONC	extern EXPORT
-#ifndef IN_CAI_SPOT
-#define WHERE_SPOT	extern EXPORT
-#ifndef IN_CAI_RADAR
-#define WHERE_RADAR	extern EXPORT
-#define WHERE_BANDEAU	extern EXPORT
-#include "tiffio.h"
-#include "jpeglib.h"
-typedef char CAI_EXTENS[5];
-typedef char CH3[3];
-typedef char CH50[50];
-#define CAI_NB_MAX_IMA 200
-#define CAI_NB_MAX_CAN 250
-#define CAI_SUFFIXE_DA		".aux"
-#define CAI_NB_ALLOC		100
-#define CAI_TAILLE_MAX_LIGDA	8192
-#define	CAI_NB_MAX_CLE		100
-#define CAI_JPEG_LECTURE        0
-#define CAI_JPEG_ECRITURE       1
-#define CAI_JPEG_MODIFIER       2
-/* cette taille doit etre paire et superieur a 2 fois la taille du plus
-   grand mot cle du fichier */	
-#define CAI_TAILLE_BUFFER	8192 
-/* */
-/* definition de types */
-typedef char 	  CAI_CHAINE[1024];
-typedef long int  CAI_TYPE;
-typedef long int  CAI_OK_KO;
-typedef struct {
-    CAI_CHAINE nom_fichier;    /* nom du fichier ouvert */		
-    int  descr;	       /* file descriptor du fichier de DA */ 
-    char *buffer;	       /* buffer de donnee ASCII */
-    long  taille_buffer;   /* taille du buffer ASCII demande */  
-    long  taille_buffer_lu; /* taille du buffer ASCII lu */
-    long  num_buffer;       /*( -1 si non lu ou si ajout ou modif DA) */ 
-    CAI_MOT_CLE *liste_mot_cle;/* liste des mot cle ASCII presents ds fichier*/
-    long int *ad_mot_cle;       /* adresse des mot cles ASCII dans le fichier */
-    long int *ad_donnee;        /* adr debut de donnee apres chaque mot cle */   
-    int  nb_mot_cle;       /* nombre de mot cles presents ( -1 si non alloue ou si ajout ou modif DA) */
-    CAI_MOT_CLE dernier_mot_cle;/* dernier mot cle lu dans le fichier ( oper cai_caractDA ) */
-    long int ad_dern_mot_cle;  /* adresse du dernier  mot cle ASCII lu dans le fichier 
-				(-1 si non alloue ou ajout ou modif )*/ 
-     long int ad_dern_donnee;    /* adresse du debut de la donne apres le dernier mot cle lu */ 
-        char REMPLI[128];
-typedef struct {
-	char TYPE_IMAGE[20];
-        char NOM_IMAGE[1024];
-        char COD_PIX[5];
-	int  INV_OCTETS;
-        int  NB_CANAUX;
-        int  NB_LIG;
-        int  NB_COL;
-        char COMMENT[80];
-        int  NB_BITS_PIX;
-        int  NUM_LIG_DEB;
-        int  NUM_COL_DEB;
-	int  PAS_GRIL_LIG;
-        int  PAS_GRIL_COL;
-	int  DECAL_LIG;
-	int  DECAL_COL;
-        char CAR_GRIL[20];
-        char TYPE_COD[5];
-        char NIVEAU[3];	   /* Niveau de traitement de l'image (SPOT)       */ 
-	int  TYPE_SPOT;    /* =1 SPOT 1a4 ; =2 SPOT5 TIFF ; =3  SPOT5  BIL */
-        int  ACCES_SPOT[2];/* 0 pour le leader et 1 pour le volume         */
-	char SENS_COD[3];
-        int   NBOCT_PIX;
-        struct jpeg_decompress_struct *ACCES_CANAL_JPEG_LEC;
-        struct jpeg_compress_struct *ACCES_CANAL_JPEG_ECR;
-        JSAMPLE *image_JPEG;	
-        int  POS_OCTET[CAI_NB_MAX_CAN];
-        int  COLORMAP;
-        int  *TABCOLOR;
-        int  HISTO[CAI_NB_MAX_CAN][256];
-        int  NB_PIX_ECRITS[CAI_NB_MAX_CAN];
-#ifdef _CAI_IMAGE
-#ifdef _HDF16
-#define CAI_NB_FORMAT 18
-                         { 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17};
- { ".xs",".inf",".hd",".bil",".tif",".srf",".bip",".hdf",".lum",
-  ".jpg",".pfe",".gdb",".gdr"," "," "," ",".rad",".band"};
-/* include necessaire pour le bon fonctionnement des fonctions d'acces des
-	donnees auxiliaires */
-static char * CAI_SUF_FORMAT[2][CAI_NB_FORMAT]=
-      {{ ".xs",".inf",".hd",".bil",".tif",".srf",".bip",".hdf",".lum",
-	".jpg",".pfe",".gdb",".gdr"," "," "," ",".rad",".band"},
-       { ".xs",".inf",".hd",".bil",".tif",".srf",".bip",".hdf",".lum",
-	 ".jpg",".pfe",".gdb",".gdr"," "," "," ",".rad",".band"}};
-WHERE_HDF  long int cai_liste_ima_hdf16(char *repert,char ***tab_ima);
-WHERE_HDF CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_hdf16(char *repertoire,char *nom_ima);
-WHERE_HDF CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_hdf16(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_HDF CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_hdf16(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_HDF CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_hdf16(CAI_IMAGE *image1);
-WHERE_HDF CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_hdf16(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig,
-					  char* label);
-WHERE_HDF CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_hdf16(CAI_IMAGE *image1, int *canal, 
-         	 int *premiere_ligne, int *nombre_lignes_ecrire,
-		 int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire,unsigned char *data_image);
-WHERE_HDF CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_hdf16(CAI_IMAGE *image1, int *canal,
-         	 int *premiere_ligne, int *premiere_colonne,
-		 int *nombre_lignes_lire, int *nombre_colonnes_lire,
-		 int *pas_lig, int *pas_col,unsigned char *data);
-WHERE_HDF CAI_OK_KO cai_rename_fichiers_hdf16(CAI_IMAGE *image1,
-					      CAI_EXTENS *TabExtens);
-#ifdef _NOHDF16
-#define CAI_NB_FORMAT 17
-                         { 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16};
- { ".xs",".inf",".hd",".bil",".tif",".srf",".bip",".lum",".jpg",".pfe",".gdb",".gdr"," "," ",",",".rad",".band"};
-/* include necessaire pour le bon fonctionnement des fonctions d'acces des
-	donnees auxiliaires */
-static char * CAI_SUF_FORMAT[2][CAI_NB_FORMAT]=
-      {{ ".xs",".inf",".hd",".bil",".tif",".srf",".bip",".lum",
-	".jpg",".pfe",".gdb",".gdr"," "," "," ",".rad",".band"},
-       { ".xs",".inf",".hd",".bil",".tif",".srf",".bip",".lum",
-	 ".jpg",".pfe",".gdb",".gdr"," "," "," ",".rad",".band"}};
-WHERE_BSQ  long int cai_liste_ima_bsq(char *repert,char ***tab_ima);
-WHERE_BSQ CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_bsq(char *repertoire,char *nom_ima);
-WHERE_BSQ CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_bsq(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_BSQ CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_bsq(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_BSQ CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_bsq(CAI_IMAGE *image1);
-WHERE_BSQ CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_bsq(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig,
-					  char* label);
-WHERE_BSQ CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_bsq(CAI_IMAGE *image1, int *canal, 
-         	 int *premiere_ligne, int *nombre_lignes_ecrire,
-		 int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire,unsigned char *data_image);
-WHERE_BSQ CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_bsq(CAI_IMAGE *image1, int *canal,
-         	 int *premiere_ligne, int *premiere_colonne,
-		 int *nombre_lignes_lire, int *nombre_colonnes_lire,
-		 int *pas_lig, int *pas_col,unsigned char *data);
-WHERE_BSQ CAI_OK_KO cai_modif_nbbitspix_bsq(CAI_IMAGE *image1,
-					    int  NbBitsPix);
-WHERE_BIP long int cai_liste_ima_bip(char *repert,char ***tab_ima);
-WHERE_BIP CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_bip(char *repertoire,char *nom_ima);
-WHERE_BIP CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_bip(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_BIP CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_bip(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_BIP CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_bip(CAI_IMAGE *image1);
-WHERE_BIP CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_bip(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig,
-					  char* label);
-WHERE_BIP CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_bip(CAI_IMAGE *image1, int *canal, 
-         	 int *premiere_ligne, int *nombre_lignes_ecrire,
-		 int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire,unsigned char *data_image);
-WHERE_BIP CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_bip(CAI_IMAGE *image1, int *canal,
-         	 int *premiere_ligne, int *premiere_colonne,
-		 int *nombre_lignes_lire, int *nombre_colonnes_lire,
-		 int *pas_lig, int *pas_col,unsigned char *data);
-WHERE_BIP CAI_OK_KO cai_modif_nbbitspix_bip(CAI_IMAGE *image1,
-					int  NbBitsPix);
-WHERE_INRIA long int cai_liste_ima_inria(char *repert,char ***tab_ima);
-WHERE_INRIA CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_inria(char *repertoire,char *nom_ima);
-WHERE_INRIA CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_inria(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_INRIA CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_inria(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_INRIA CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_inria(CAI_IMAGE *image1);
-WHERE_INRIA CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_inria(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig,
-					  char* label);
-WHERE_INRIA CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_inria(CAI_IMAGE *image1, int *canal, 
-         	 int *premiere_ligne, int *nombre_lignes_ecrire,
-		 int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire,unsigned char *data_image);
-WHERE_INRIA CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_inria(CAI_IMAGE *image1, int *canal,
-         	 int *premiere_ligne, int *premiere_colonne,
-		 int *nombre_lignes_lire, int *nombre_colonnes_lire,
-		 int *pas_lig, int *pas_col,unsigned char *data);
-WHERE_ONERA long int cai_liste_ima_onera(char *repert,char ***tab_ima);
-WHERE_ONERA CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_onera(char *repertoire,char *nom_ima);
-WHERE_ONERA CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_onera(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_ONERA CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_onera(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_ONERA CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_onera(CAI_IMAGE *image1);
-WHERE_ONERA CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_onera(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig,
-					  char* label);
-WHERE_ONERA CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_onera(CAI_IMAGE *image1, int *canal, 
-         	 int *premiere_ligne, int *nombre_lignes_ecrire,
-		 int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire,unsigned char *data_image);
-WHERE_ONERA CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_onera(CAI_IMAGE *image1, int *canal,
-         	 int *premiere_ligne, int *premiere_colonne,
-		 int *nombre_lignes_lire, int *nombre_colonnes_lire,
-		 int *pas_lig, int *pas_col,unsigned char *data);
-WHERE_TIFF long int cai_liste_ima_tiff(char *repert,char ***tab_ima);
-WHERE_TIFF CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_tiff(char *repertoire,char *nom_ima);
-WHERE_TIFF CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_tiff(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_TIFF CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_tiff(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_TIFF CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_tiff(CAI_IMAGE *image1);
-WHERE_TIFF CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_tiff(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig,
-					  char* label);
-WHERE_TIFF CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_tiff(CAI_IMAGE *image1, int *canal, 
-         	 int *premiere_ligne, int *nombre_lignes_ecrire,
-		 int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire,unsigned char *data_image);
-WHERE_TIFF CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_tiff(CAI_IMAGE *image1, int *canal,
-         	 int *premiere_ligne, int *premiere_colonne,
-		 int *nombre_lignes_lire, int *nombre_colonnes_lire,
-		 int *pas_lig, int *pas_col,unsigned char *data);
-WHERE_BIL long int cai_liste_ima_bil(char *repert,char ***tab_ima);
-WHERE_BIL CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_bil(char *repertoire,char *nom_ima);
-WHERE_BIL CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_bil(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_BIL CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_bil(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_BIL CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_bil(CAI_IMAGE *image1);
-WHERE_BIL CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_bil(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig,
-					  char* label);
-WHERE_BIL CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_bil(CAI_IMAGE *image1, int *canal, 
-         	 int *premiere_ligne, int *nombre_lignes_ecrire,
-		 int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire,unsigned char *data_image);
-WHERE_BIL CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_bil(CAI_IMAGE *image1, int *canal,
-         	 int *premiere_ligne, int *premiere_colonne,
-		 int *nombre_lignes_lire, int *nombre_colonnes_lire,
-		 int *pas_lig, int *pas_col,unsigned char *data);
-WHERE_BIL CAI_OK_KO cai_modif_nbbitspix_bil(CAI_IMAGE *image1,
-					         int  NbBitsPix);
-WHERE_LUM long int cai_liste_ima_lum(char *repert,char ***tab_ima);
-WHERE_LUM CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_lum(char *repertoire,char *nom_ima);
-WHERE_LUM CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_lum(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_LUM CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_lum(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_LUM CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_lum(CAI_IMAGE *image1);
-WHERE_LUM CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_lum(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig,
-					  char* label);
-WHERE_LUM CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_lum(CAI_IMAGE *image1, int *canal, 
-         	 int *premiere_ligne, int *nombre_lignes_ecrire,
-		 int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire,unsigned char *data_image);
-WHERE_LUM CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_lum(CAI_IMAGE *image1, int *canal,
-         	 int *premiere_ligne, int *premiere_colonne,
-		 int *nombre_lignes_lire, int *nombre_colonnes_lire,
-		 int *pas_lig, int *pas_col,unsigned char *data);
-WHERE_RASTER long int cai_liste_ima_sun_raster(char *repert,char ***tab_ima);
-WHERE_RASTER CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_sun_raster(char *repertoire,char *nom_ima);
-WHERE_RASTER CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_sun_raster(char *repert,
-		char *nom_image,int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-		int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_RASTER CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_sun_raster(char *repert,
-		char *nom_image, int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-		int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_RASTER CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_sun_raster(CAI_IMAGE *image1);
-WHERE_RASTER CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_sun_raster(char *repert,
-		char *nom_image, int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-		int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig, char* label);
-WHERE_RASTER CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_sun_raster(CAI_IMAGE *image1,
-		 int *canal,  int *premiere_ligne, int *nombre_lignes_ecrire,
-		 int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire,unsigned char *data_image);
-WHERE_RASTER CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_sun_raster(CAI_IMAGE *image1,
-		 int *canal,int *premiere_ligne, int *premiere_colonne,
-		 int *nombre_lignes_lire, int *nombre_colonnes_lire,
-		 int *pas_lig, int *pas_col,unsigned char *data);
-WHERE_JPEG long int cai_liste_ima_jpeg(char *repert,char ***tab_ima);
-WHERE_JPEG CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_jpeg(char *repertoire,char *nom_ima);
-WHERE_JPEG CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_jpeg(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_JPEG CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_jpeg(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_JPEG CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_jpeg(CAI_IMAGE *image1);
-WHERE_JPEG CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_jpeg(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig,
-					  char* label);
-WHERE_JPEG CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_jpeg(CAI_IMAGE *image1, int *canal, 
-         	 int *premiere_ligne, int *nombre_lignes_ecrire,
-		 int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire,unsigned char *data_image);
-WHERE_JPEG CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_jpeg(CAI_IMAGE *image1, int *canal,
-         	 int *premiere_ligne, int *premiere_colonne,
-		 int *nombre_lignes_lire, int *nombre_colonnes_lire,
-		 int *pas_lig, int *pas_col,unsigned char *data);
-WHERE_GESSIMU long int cai_liste_ima_gessimu(char *repert,char ***tab_ima);
-WHERE_GESSIMU CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_gessimu(char *repertoire,char *nom_ima);
-WHERE_GESSIMU CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_gessimu(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_GESSIMU CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_gessimu(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_GESSIMU CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_gessimu(CAI_IMAGE *image1);
-WHERE_GESSIMU CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_gessimu(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig,
-					  char* label);
-WHERE_GESSIMU CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_gessimu(CAI_IMAGE *image1, int *canal, 
-         	 int *premiere_ligne, int *nombre_lignes_ecrire,
-		 int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire,unsigned char *data_image);
-WHERE_GESSIMU CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_gessimu(CAI_IMAGE *image1, int *canal,
-         	 int *premiere_ligne, int *premiere_colonne,
-		 int *nombre_lignes_lire, int *nombre_colonnes_lire,
-		 int *pas_lig, int *pas_col,unsigned char *data);
-WHERE_GRIL long int cai_liste_ima_grilles(char typgrille,char *repert,
-					  char ***tab_ima);
-WHERE_GRIL CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_grilles(char typgrille,char *repertoire,
-					  char *nom_ima);
-WHERE_GRIL CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_grilles(char typgrille,char *repert,
-					  char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_GRIL CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_grilles(char typgrille,char *repert,
-					  char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_GRIL CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_grilles(char typgrille,CAI_IMAGE *image1);
-WHERE_GRIL CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_grilles(char typgrille,
-				          char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig,
-					  char* label);
-WHERE_GRIL CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_grilles(CAI_IMAGE *image1, int *canal, 
-         	 int *premiere_ligne, int *nombre_lignes_ecrire,
-		 int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire,unsigned char *data_image);
-WHERE_GRIL CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_grilles(CAI_IMAGE *image1, int *canal,
-         	 int *premiere_ligne, int *premiere_colonne,
-		 int *nombre_lignes_lire, int *nombre_colonnes_lire,
-		 int *pas_lig, int *pas_col,unsigned char *data);
-WHERE_GRIL CAI_OK_KO cai_modif_nbbitspix_grilles(CAI_IMAGE *image1,
-					         int  NbBitsPix);
-WHERE_SPOT long int cai_liste_ima_spot(char typspot,char *repert,
-					  char ***tab_ima);
-WHERE_SPOT CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_spot(char typspot,char *repertoire,
-					  char *nom_ima);
-WHERE_SPOT CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_spot(char typspot,char *repert,
-					  char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_SPOT CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_spot(char typspot,char *repert,
-					  char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_SPOT CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_spot(char typspot,CAI_IMAGE *image1);
-WHERE_SPOT CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_spot(char typspot,
-				          char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig,
-					  char* label);
-WHERE_SPOT CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_spot(CAI_IMAGE *image1, int *canal, 
-         	 int *premiere_ligne, int *nombre_lignes_ecrire,
-		 int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire,unsigned char *data_image);
-WHERE_SPOT CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_spot(CAI_IMAGE *image1, int *canal,
-         	 int *premiere_ligne, int *premiere_colonne,
-		 int *nombre_lignes_lire, int *nombre_colonnes_lire,
-		 int *pas_lig, int *pas_col,unsigned char *data);
-WHERE_SPOT CAI_OK_KO cai_creat_leader_spot5( CAI_IMAGE *desc_im ,
-							char *repertoire);
-WHERE_RADAR long int cai_liste_ima_radar(char *repert,char ***tab_ima);
-WHERE_RADAR CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_radar(char *repertoire,char *nom_ima);
-WHERE_RADAR CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_radar(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_RADAR CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_radar(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_RADAR CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_radar(CAI_IMAGE *image1);
-WHERE_RADAR CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_radar(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig,
-					  char* label);
-WHERE_RADAR CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_radar(CAI_IMAGE *image1, int *canal, 
-         	 int *premiere_ligne, int *nombre_lignes_ecrire,
-		 int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire,unsigned char *data_image);
-WHERE_RADAR CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_radar(CAI_IMAGE *image1, int *canal,
-         	 int *premiere_ligne, int *premiere_colonne,
-		 int *nombre_lignes_lire, int *nombre_colonnes_lire,
-		 int *pas_lig, int *pas_col,unsigned char *data);
-WHERE_RADAR int cai_istyp_radar(char *type_code,int *ind_typ, int *is_Cplx);
-WHERE_BANDEAU long int cai_liste_ima_bandeau(char *repert,char ***tab_ima);
-WHERE_BANDEAU CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_bandeau(char *repertoire,char *nom_ima);
-WHERE_BANDEAU CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_bandeau(char *repert,char *nom_image,
-					  int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					  int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_BANDEAU CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_bandeau(CAI_IMAGE *image1);
-WHERE_BANDEAU CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_bandeau(CAI_IMAGE *image1, int *canal,
-         	 int *premiere_ligne, int *premiere_colonne,
-		 int *nombre_lignes_lire, int *nombre_colonnes_lire,
-		 int *pas_lig, int *pas_col,unsigned char *data);
-#define CAI_MAX_LG_FORMAT 20
-#define CAI_MAX_LG_IMAGE  1024
-#define PERMS 0666
-#define CAI_NB_RADAR 28
-#define CAI_NB_TYPE 8
-#define CAI_NB_LUM 8
-WHERE  char CAI_ERREUR[1024]; 
-static char *CAI_RADAR_TYP[CAI_NB_RADAR]=
-static char *CAI_TYPE_CONNU[CAI_NB_TYPE]=
-     {"OCT","UOCT","I2","UI2","I4","UI4","R4","R8"};
-static char *CAI_LUM_TYP[CAI_NB_LUM]=
-     {"BI","LI","BU","LU","FLOA","FLOL","R8B","R8L"};
-#define CAI_OK				 0
-#define CAI_KO		 		 1
-#define CAI_IMPOS			 2
-#define CAI_EOF         		-1
-#define CAI_ERREUR_OUV  		-2
-#define CAI_PB_LSEEK    		-3
-#define CAI_DEB_NEG     		-4
-#define CAI_FIN_DEP     		-5
-#define CAI_ECRASEMENT  		-6
-#define CAI_PB_READ 			-7
-#define CAI_PB_WRITE    		-8
-#define CAI_PB_FTRUNC   		-9
-#define CAI_ERR_FORME_FIC 		-10
-#define CAI_ERR_DO      		-11
-#define CAI_ERR_TYP			-12
-#define CAI_ERR_FIN_DO     		-13
-#define CAI_ERR_ASCII   		-14
-#define CAI_ERR_ALLOC   		-15
-#define CAI_ERR_REEL    		-16
-#define CAI_ERR_ENTIER  		-17
-#define CAI_ERR_DIM			-18
-#define CAI_MOT_DEJA_EXISTE		-20
-#define CAI_ERREUR_ENCODE		-21
-#define CAI_ERR_ADRESSE			-22 
-#define CAI_CLE_TROP_LONG		-23
-#define CAI_MC_INCONNU			-24
-#define CAI_PAS_MC			-24
-#define CAI_ERR_CROCHET			-25
-#define CAI_TROUVE	         	-26
-#define CAI_NON_TROUVE       		-27
-/* constantes relatives aux types de donnees */
-#define CAI_INCONNU -1
-#define CAI_ENTIER4 1
-#define CAI_REEL4   2
-#define CAI_REEL8   3
-#define CAI_ASCII   4 
-#define CAI_BLOC    5
-/* prototype des fonctions */
-WHERE_DA CAI_FILE_DA * cai_openDA(char *nom_fichier, char *type_image, 	
-	    			  int nb_can,CAI_MODE_OUVERTURE mode_ouv);
-WHERE_DA CAI_OK_KO cai_removeDA(char *nom_fichier,char *type_image,int nb_can);
-WHERE_DA CAI_OK_KO cai_lirecaractDA(CAI_FILE_DA *fd,char *mot_cle,
-				    CAI_TYPE *type,int *nb_lig,int *nb_col, 	
-  	        	            long *taille_cell);
-WHERE_DA CAI_OK_KO cai_lireDA(CAI_FILE_DA *fd,char *mot_cle,
-				    CAI_TYPE *type,int *nb_lig,int *nb_col, 	
-  	        	            long *taille_cell,void *donnees);
-WHERE_DA CAI_OK_KO cai_modifieDA(CAI_FILE_DA *fd,char *mot_cle,
-				    CAI_TYPE type,int nb_lig,int nb_col, 	
-  	        	            long taille_cell,void *donnees);
-WHERE_DA CAI_OK_KO cai_detruitDA(CAI_FILE_DA *fd,char *mot_cle);
-WHERE_DA CAI_OK_KO cai_ajouteDA(CAI_FILE_DA *fd,char *mot_cle,
-				    CAI_TYPE type,int nb_lig,int nb_col, 	
-  	        	            long taille_cell,void *donnees);
-WHERE_DA CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_colormap(CAI_IMAGE  *fdima);
-WHERE_DA CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_colormap(CAI_IMAGE  *fdima);
-WHERE_FONC long int cai_liste_image(char *repert,char *type_image,
-				    char ***tab_ima);
-WHERE_FONC long int cai_liste_format(char ***tab_format,
-				     char **(tab_suffixe[2]));
-WHERE_FONC CAI_OK_KO cai_destruction_image(char *format,char *nom_ima);
-WHERE_FONC CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_image(char *nom_image,char *type_image,
-					 int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					 int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_FONC CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_image(char *nom_image,char *type_image,
-					 int  *nb_can, int  *nboct_pix,
-					 int  *nb_col, int  *nb_lig);
-WHERE_FONC CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_image(CAI_IMAGE *image1);
-WHERE_FONC CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_image(char *nom_image,char *type_image,
-					  int nb_can, int  nboct_pix,
-					  int  nb_col, int  nb_lig,
-					 char* label);
-WHERE_FONC CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal(CAI_IMAGE *image1, int canal, 
-         	 int premiere_ligne, int nombre_lignes_ecrire,
-		 int nombre_colonnes_ecrire,unsigned char *data_image);
-WHERE_FONC CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal(CAI_IMAGE *image1, int canal,
-         	 int premiere_ligne, int premiere_colonne,
-		 int nombre_lignes_lire, int nombre_colonnes_lire,
-		 int pas_lig, int pas_col,unsigned char *data);
-WHERE_FONC CAI_OK_KO cai_modif_nbbitspix(char 	*format,CAI_IMAGE *image,
-					 int NbBitsPix);
-WHERE_FONC CAI_OK_KO cai_modif_nbbitspix(char 	*format,CAI_IMAGE *image,
-					 int NbBitsPix);
-WHERE_FONC void cai_inverser_tableau(short *BufL,short *BufE,int Nb);
-WHERE_FONC void cai_inverser_tableau_complet(unsigned char *data_image,
-					     int nbpix, int oct_pix);
-WHERE_FONC char* cai_test_pFpf();
-WHERE_FONC char* cai_En_majuscule( char *mot );
-WHERE_FONC char* cai_En_minuscule( char *mot );
-WHERE_FONC int   cai_istyp_connu(char *type_code);
-WHERE_FONC   CAI_OK_KO cai_lead4to5spot ( CAI_IMAGE *desc_im ,char *repertoire);
-#ifndef _WIN
-#define O_BINARY 0
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/cderror.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/cderror.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 41a29cd12f9aa31b226eb8849f7751c5ce87cd8f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/cderror.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
- * cderror.h
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1994, Thomas G. Lane.
- * This file is part of the Independent JPEG Group's software.
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying README file.
- *
- * This file defines the error and message codes for the cjpeg/djpeg
- * applications.  These strings are not needed as part of the JPEG library
- * proper.
- * Edit this file to add new codes, or to translate the message strings to
- * some other language.
- */
- * To define the enum list of message codes, include this file without
- * defining macro JMESSAGE.  To create a message string table, include it
- * again with a suitable JMESSAGE definition (see jerror.c for an example).
- */
-#ifndef JMESSAGE
-#ifndef CDERROR_H
-#define CDERROR_H
-/* First time through, define the enum list */
-/* Repeated inclusions of this file are no-ops unless JMESSAGE is defined */
-#define JMESSAGE(code,string)
-#endif /* CDERROR_H */
-#endif /* JMESSAGE */
-typedef enum {
-#define JMESSAGE(code,string)	code ,
-#endif /* JMAKE_ENUM_LIST */
-JMESSAGE(JMSG_FIRSTADDONCODE=1000, NULL) /* Must be first entry! */
-JMESSAGE(JERR_BMP_BADCMAP, "Unsupported BMP colormap format")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_BMP_BADDEPTH, "Only 8- and 24-bit BMP files are supported")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_BMP_BADHEADER, "Invalid BMP file: bad header length")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_BMP_BADPLANES, "Invalid BMP file: biPlanes not equal to 1")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_BMP_COLORSPACE, "BMP output must be grayscale or RGB")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_BMP_COMPRESSED, "Sorry, compressed BMPs not yet supported")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_BMP_NOT, "Not a BMP file - does not start with BM")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_BMP, "%ux%u 24-bit BMP image")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_BMP_MAPPED, "%ux%u 8-bit colormapped BMP image")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_BMP_OS2, "%ux%u 24-bit OS2 BMP image")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_BMP_OS2_MAPPED, "%ux%u 8-bit colormapped OS2 BMP image")
-#endif /* BMP_SUPPORTED */
-JMESSAGE(JERR_GIF_BUG, "GIF output got confused")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_GIF_COLORSPACE, "GIF output must be grayscale or RGB")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_GIF, "%ux%ux%d GIF image")
-	 "Warning: unexpected GIF version number '%c%c%c'")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_GIF_EXTENSION, "Ignoring GIF extension block of type 0x%02x")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_GIF_NONSQUARE, "Caution: nonsquare pixels in input")
-JMESSAGE(JWRN_GIF_BADDATA, "Corrupt data in GIF file")
-JMESSAGE(JWRN_GIF_CHAR, "Bogus char 0x%02x in GIF file, ignoring")
-JMESSAGE(JWRN_GIF_ENDCODE, "Premature end of GIF image")
-#endif /* GIF_SUPPORTED */
-JMESSAGE(JERR_PPM_COLORSPACE, "PPM output must be grayscale or RGB")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_PPM_NONNUMERIC, "Nonnumeric data in PPM file")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_PGM, "%ux%u PGM image")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_PGM_TEXT, "%ux%u text PGM image")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_PPM, "%ux%u PPM image")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_PPM_TEXT, "%ux%u text PPM image")
-#endif /* PPM_SUPPORTED */
-JMESSAGE(JERR_RLE_BADERROR, "Bogus error code from RLE library")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_RLE_COLORSPACE, "RLE output must be grayscale or RGB")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_RLE_DIMENSIONS, "Image dimensions (%ux%u) too large for RLE")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_RLE_EOF, "Premature EOF in RLE header")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_RLE_MEM, "Insufficient memory for RLE header")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_RLE_TOOMANYCHANNELS, "Cannot handle %d output channels for RLE")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_RLE_UNSUPPORTED, "Cannot handle this RLE setup")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_RLE, "%ux%u full-color RLE file")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_RLE_FULLMAP, "%ux%u full-color RLE file with map of length %d")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_RLE_GRAY, "%ux%u grayscale RLE file")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_RLE_MAPGRAY, "%ux%u grayscale RLE file with map of length %d")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_RLE_MAPPED, "%ux%u colormapped RLE file with map of length %d")
-#endif /* RLE_SUPPORTED */
-JMESSAGE(JERR_TGA_BADCMAP, "Unsupported Targa colormap format")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_TGA_BADPARMS, "Invalid or unsupported Targa file")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_TGA_COLORSPACE, "Targa output must be grayscale or RGB")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_TGA, "%ux%u RGB Targa image")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_TGA_GRAY, "%ux%u grayscale Targa image")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_TGA_MAPPED, "%ux%u colormapped Targa image")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_TGA_NOTCOMP, "Targa support was not compiled")
-#endif /* TARGA_SUPPORTED */
-	 "Color map file is invalid or of unsupported format")
-	 "Output file format cannot handle %d colormap entries")
-	 "Unrecognized input file format --- perhaps you need -targa")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_UNKNOWN_FORMAT, "Unrecognized input file format")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT, "Unsupported output file format")
-#endif /* JMAKE_ENUM_LIST */
-/* Zap JMESSAGE macro so that future re-inclusions do nothing by default */
-#undef JMESSAGE
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/cdjpeg.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/cdjpeg.h
deleted file mode 100755
index cc0d60016a470229b813ac210c2c6a2ef9844118..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/cdjpeg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
- * cdjpeg.h
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1994-1996, Thomas G. Lane.
- * This file is part of the Independent JPEG Group's software.
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying README file.
- *
- * This file contains common declarations for the sample applications
- * cjpeg and djpeg.  It is NOT used by the core JPEG library.
- */
-#define JPEG_CJPEG_DJPEG	/* define proper options in jconfig.h */
-#define JPEG_INTERNAL_OPTIONS	/* cjpeg.c,djpeg.c need to see xxx_SUPPORTED */
-#include "jinclude.h"
-#include "jpeglib.h"
-#include "jerror.h"		/* get library error codes too */
-#include "cderror.h"		/* get application-specific error codes */
- * Object interface for cjpeg's source file decoding modules
- */
-typedef struct cjpeg_source_struct * cjpeg_source_ptr;
-struct cjpeg_source_struct {
-  JMETHOD(void, start_input, (j_compress_ptr cinfo,
-			      cjpeg_source_ptr sinfo));
-  JMETHOD(JDIMENSION, get_pixel_rows, (j_compress_ptr cinfo,
-				       cjpeg_source_ptr sinfo));
-  JMETHOD(void, finish_input, (j_compress_ptr cinfo,
-			       cjpeg_source_ptr sinfo));
-  FILE *input_file;
-  JSAMPARRAY buffer;
-  JDIMENSION buffer_height;
- * Object interface for djpeg's output file encoding modules
- */
-typedef struct djpeg_dest_struct * djpeg_dest_ptr;
-struct djpeg_dest_struct {
-  /* start_output is called after jpeg_start_decompress finishes.
-   * The color map will be ready at this time, if one is needed.
-   */
-  JMETHOD(void, start_output, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
-			       djpeg_dest_ptr dinfo));
-  /* Emit the specified number of pixel rows from the buffer. */
-  JMETHOD(void, put_pixel_rows, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
-				 djpeg_dest_ptr dinfo,
-				 JDIMENSION rows_supplied));
-  /* Finish up at the end of the image. */
-  JMETHOD(void, finish_output, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
-				djpeg_dest_ptr dinfo));
-  /* Target file spec; filled in by djpeg.c after object is created. */
-  FILE * output_file;
-  /* Output pixel-row buffer.  Created by module init or start_output.
-   * Width is cinfo->output_width * cinfo->output_components;
-   * height is buffer_height.
-   */
-  JSAMPARRAY buffer;
-  JDIMENSION buffer_height;
- * cjpeg/djpeg may need to perform extra passes to convert to or from
- * the source/destination file format.  The JPEG library does not know
- * about these passes, but we'd like them to be counted by the progress
- * monitor.  We use an expanded progress monitor object to hold the
- * additional pass count.
- */
-struct cdjpeg_progress_mgr {
-  struct jpeg_progress_mgr pub;	/* fields known to JPEG library */
-  int completed_extra_passes;	/* extra passes completed */
-  int total_extra_passes;	/* total extra */
-  /* last printed percentage stored here to avoid multiple printouts */
-  int percent_done;
-typedef struct cdjpeg_progress_mgr * cd_progress_ptr;
-/* Short forms of external names for systems with brain-damaged linkers. */
-#define jinit_read_bmp		jIRdBMP
-#define jinit_write_bmp		jIWrBMP
-#define jinit_read_gif		jIRdGIF
-#define jinit_write_gif		jIWrGIF
-#define jinit_read_ppm		jIRdPPM
-#define jinit_write_ppm		jIWrPPM
-#define jinit_read_rle		jIRdRLE
-#define jinit_write_rle		jIWrRLE
-#define jinit_read_targa	jIRdTarga
-#define jinit_write_targa	jIWrTarga
-#define read_quant_tables	RdQTables
-#define read_scan_script	RdScnScript
-#define set_quant_slots		SetQSlots
-#define set_sample_factors	SetSFacts
-#define read_color_map		RdCMap
-#define enable_signal_catcher	EnSigCatcher
-#define start_progress_monitor	StProgMon
-#define end_progress_monitor	EnProgMon
-#define read_stdin		RdStdin
-#define write_stdout		WrStdout
-/* Module selection routines for I/O modules. */
-EXTERN(cjpeg_source_ptr) jinit_read_bmp JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(djpeg_dest_ptr) jinit_write_bmp JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
-					    boolean is_os2));
-EXTERN(cjpeg_source_ptr) jinit_read_gif JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(djpeg_dest_ptr) jinit_write_gif JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(cjpeg_source_ptr) jinit_read_ppm JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(djpeg_dest_ptr) jinit_write_ppm JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(cjpeg_source_ptr) jinit_read_rle JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(djpeg_dest_ptr) jinit_write_rle JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(cjpeg_source_ptr) jinit_read_targa JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(djpeg_dest_ptr) jinit_write_targa JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-/* cjpeg support routines (in rdswitch.c) */
-EXTERN(boolean) read_quant_tables JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, char * filename,
-				    int scale_factor, boolean force_baseline));
-EXTERN(boolean) read_scan_script JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, char * filename));
-EXTERN(boolean) set_quant_slots JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, char *arg));
-EXTERN(boolean) set_sample_factors JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, char *arg));
-/* djpeg support routines (in rdcolmap.c) */
-EXTERN(void) read_color_map JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, FILE * infile));
-/* common support routines (in cdjpeg.c) */
-EXTERN(void) enable_signal_catcher JPP((j_common_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(void) start_progress_monitor JPP((j_common_ptr cinfo,
-					 cd_progress_ptr progress));
-EXTERN(void) end_progress_monitor JPP((j_common_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(boolean) keymatch JPP((char * arg, const char * keyword, int minchars));
-EXTERN(FILE *) read_stdin JPP((void));
-EXTERN(FILE *) write_stdout JPP((void));
-/* miscellaneous useful macros */
-#ifdef DONT_USE_B_MODE		/* define mode parameters for fopen() */
-#define READ_BINARY	"r"
-#define WRITE_BINARY	"w"
-#define READ_BINARY	"rb"
-#define WRITE_BINARY	"wb"
-#ifndef EXIT_FAILURE		/* define exit() codes if not provided */
-#define EXIT_FAILURE  1
-#ifdef VMS
-#define EXIT_SUCCESS  1		/* VMS is very nonstandard */
-#define EXIT_SUCCESS  0
-#ifdef VMS
-#define EXIT_WARNING  1		/* VMS is very nonstandard */
-#define EXIT_WARNING  2
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/g3states.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/g3states.h
deleted file mode 100755
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/atom.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/atom.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 9caab48d9eb29999ce766583eb7308450f1e6a68..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/atom.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
-/* $Id$ */
- * File:    atom.h
- * Purpose: header file for atom API
- * Dependencies: 
- * Invokes:
- * Contents:
- * Structure definitions: 
- * Constant definitions: 
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* avoid re-inclusion */
-#ifndef __ATOM_H
-#define __ATOM_H
-/* Atom Features control */
-/* Define the following macro for fast hash calculations (but limited hash sizes) */
-#define HASH_SIZE_POWER_2
-/* Define the following macro for atom caching over all the atoms */
-/* Define the following macro for "inline" atom lookups from the cache */
-#ifdef ATOMS_ARE_CACHED     /* required for this to work */
-#endif /* ATOMS_ARE_CACHED */
-/* Do swap using XOR operator. Ugly but fast... -QAK */
-#define HAIswap_cache(i,j) \
-                atom_id_cache[i]^=atom_id_cache[j], \
-                atom_obj_cache[i]=(void *)((hdf_pint_t)atom_obj_cache[j]^(hdf_pint_t)atom_obj_cache[i]), \
-                atom_id_cache[j]^=atom_id_cache[i], \
-                atom_obj_cache[j]=(void *)((hdf_pint_t)atom_obj_cache[i]^(hdf_pint_t)atom_obj_cache[j]), \
-                atom_id_cache[i]^=atom_id_cache[j], \
-                atom_obj_cache[i]=(void *)((hdf_pint_t)atom_obj_cache[i]^(hdf_pint_t)atom_obj_cache[j])
-/* Note! This is hardwired to the atom cache value being 4 */
-#define HAatom_object(atm) \
-    (atom_id_cache[0]==atm ? atom_obj_cache[0] : \
-      atom_id_cache[1]==atm ? (HAIswap_cache(0,1),atom_obj_cache[0]) : \
-       atom_id_cache[2]==atm ? (HAIswap_cache(1,2),atom_obj_cache[1]) : \
-        atom_id_cache[3]==atm ? (HAIswap_cache(2,3),atom_obj_cache[2]) : \
-         HAPatom_object(atm))
-#endif /* ATOMS_CACHE_INLINE */
-#include "hdf.h"
-/* Group values allowed */
-typedef enum {BADGROUP=(-1),    /* Invalid Group */
-DDGROUP=0,                  /* Group ID for DD objects */
-AIDGROUP=1,                 /* Group ID for access ID objects */
-FIDGROUP=2,                 /* Group ID for file ID objects */
-VGIDGROUP=3,                /* Group ID for Vgroup ID objects */
-VSIDGROUP=4,                /* Group ID for Vdata ID objects */
-GRIDGROUP=5,                /* Group ID for GR ID objects */
-RIIDGROUP=6,                /* Group ID for RI ID objects */
-BITIDGROUP=7,               /* Group ID for Bitfile ID objects */
-ANIDGROUP=8,                /* Group ID for Annotation ID objects */
-MAXGROUP                    /* Highest group in group_t (Invalid as true group) */
-} group_t;
-/* Type of atoms to return to users */
-typedef int32 atom_t;
-/* Type of the function to compare objects & keys */
-typedef intn (*HAsearch_func_t)(const void * obj, const void * key);
-#if defined ATOM_MASTER | defined ATOM_TESTER
-/* # of bits to use for Group ID in each atom (change if MAXGROUP>16) */
-#define GROUP_BITS  4
-#define GROUP_MASK  0x0F
-/* # of bits to use for the Atom index in each atom (change if MAXGROUP>16) */
-#define ATOM_BITS   28
-#define ATOM_MASK   0x0FFFFFFF
-/* # of previous atoms cached, change inline caching macros (HAatom_object & HAIswap_cache) if this changes */
-#define ATOM_CACHE_SIZE 4
-#endif /* ATOMS_ARE_CACHED */
-/* Map an atom to a Group number */
-#define ATOM_TO_GROUP(a)    ((group_t)((((atom_t)(a))>>((sizeof(atom_t)*8)-GROUP_BITS))&GROUP_MASK))
-/* Map an atom to a hash location (assumes s is a power of 2 and smaller than the ATOM_MASK constant) */
-#define ATOM_TO_LOC(a,s)    ((atom_t)(a)&((s)-1))
-#else /* HASH_SIZE_POWER_2 */
-/* Map an atom to a hash location */
-#define ATOM_TO_LOC(a,s)    (((atom_t)(a)&ATOM_MASK)%(s))
-#endif /* HASH_SIZE_POWER_2 */
-/* Combine a Group number and an atom index into an atom */
-#define MAKE_ATOM(g,i)      ((((atom_t)(g)&GROUP_MASK)<<((sizeof(atom_t)*8)-GROUP_BITS))|((atom_t)(i)&ATOM_MASK))
-/* Atom information structure used */
-typedef struct atom_info_struct_tag {
-    atom_t id;              /* atom ID for this info */
-    VOIDP *obj_ptr;         /* pointer associated with the atom */
-    struct atom_info_struct_tag *next;   /* link to next atom (in case of hash-clash) */
-  }atom_info_t;
-/* Atom group structure used */
-typedef struct atom_group_struct_tag {
-    uintn count;            /* # of times this group has been initialized */
-    intn hash_size;         /* size of the hash table to store the atoms in */
-    uintn atoms;            /* current number of atoms held */
-    uintn nextid;           /* atom ID to use for the next atom */
-    atom_info_t **atom_list;/* pointer to an array of ptrs to atoms */
-  }atom_group_t;
-/* Define this in only one place */
-/* Array of pointers to atomic groups */
-static atom_group_t *atom_group_list[MAXGROUP]={NULL};
-/* Pointer to the atom node free list */
-static atom_info_t *atom_free_list=NULL;
-/* Array of pointers to atomic groups */
-#ifdef OLD_WAY
-static atom_t atom_id_cache[ATOM_CACHE_SIZE]={-1,-1,-1,-1};
-static VOIDP atom_obj_cache[ATOM_CACHE_SIZE]={NULL};
-#else /* OLD_WAY */
-atom_t atom_id_cache[ATOM_CACHE_SIZE]={-1,-1,-1,-1};
-VOIDP atom_obj_cache[ATOM_CACHE_SIZE]={NULL};
-#endif /* OLD_WAY */
-#endif /* ATOMS_ARE_CACHED */
-#endif /* ATOM_MASTER */
-/* Useful routines for generally private use */
-#ifndef ATOM_MASTER
-extern atom_t atom_id_cache[];
-extern VOIDP atom_obj_cache[];
-#endif /* ATOM_MASTER */
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-extern      "C"
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-     HAinit_group - Initialize an atomic group
-    Creates an atomic group to store atoms in.  If the group has already been
-    initialized, this routine just increments the count of # of initializations
-    and returns without trying to change the size of the hash table.
-    Returns SUCCEED if successful and FAIL otherwise
-intn HAinit_group(group_t grp,      /* IN: Group to initialize */
-    intn hash_size                  /* IN: Minimum hash table size to use for group */
-     HAdestroy_group - Destroy an atomic group
-    Destroys an atomic group which atoms are stored in.  If the group still
-    has atoms which are registered, this routine fails.  If there have been
-    multiple initializations of the group, this routine just decrements the
-    count of initializations and does not check the atoms out-standing.
-    Returns SUCCEED if successful and FAIL otherwise
-intn HAdestroy_group(group_t grp       /* IN: Group to destroy */
-     HAregister_atom - Register an object in a group and get an atom for it.
-    Registers an object in a group and returns an atom for it.  This routine
-    does _not_ check for unique-ness of the objects, if you register an object
-    twice, you will get two different atoms for it.  This routine does make
-    certain that each atom in a group is unique.  Atoms are created by getting
-    a unique number for the group the atom is in and incorporating the group
-    into the atom which is returned to the user.
-    Returns atom if successful and FAIL otherwise
-atom_t HAregister_atom(group_t grp,     /* IN: Group to register the object in */
-    VOIDP object                        /* IN: Object to attach to atom */
-     HAatom_object - Returns to the object ptr for the atom 
-    Retrieves the object ptr which is associated with the atom.
-    Returns object ptr if successful and NULL otherwise
-VOIDP HAPatom_object(atom_t atm   /* IN: Atom to retrieve object for */
-VOIDP HAatom_object(atom_t atm   /* IN: Atom to retrieve object for */
-#endif /* ATOMS_CACHE_INLINE */
-     HAatom_group - Returns to the group for the atom 
-    Retrieves the group which is associated with the atom.
-    Returns group if successful and FAIL otherwise
-group_t HAatom_group(atom_t atm   /* IN: Atom to retrieve group for */
-     HAremove_atom - Removes an atom from a group
-    Removes an atom from a group.
-    Returns atom's object if successful and FAIL otherwise
-VOIDP HAremove_atom(atom_t atm   /* IN: Atom to remove */
-     HAsearch_atom - Search for an object in a group and get it's pointer.
-    Searchs for an object in a group and returns the pointer to it.
-    This routine calls the function pointer passed in for each object in the
-    group until it finds a match.  Currently there is no way to resume a
-    search.
-    Returns pointer an atom's object if successful and NULL otherwise
-VOIDP HAsearch_atom(group_t grp,        /* IN: Group to search for the object in */
-    HAsearch_func_t func,               /* IN: Ptr to the comparison function */
-    const void * key                     /* IN: pointer to key to compare against */
-     HAshutdown - Terminate various static buffers.
-    Free various buffers allocated in the HA routines.
-    Returns SUCCEED/FAIL
-intn HAshutdown(void);
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-#endif /* __ATOM_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/bitvect.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/bitvect.h
deleted file mode 100755
index fe3bec13522d8d3a658351010cdcf725b58cbfd7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/bitvect.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,385 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
-/* $Id$ */
- * File:    bitvect.h
- * Purpose: header file for bit-vector API
- * Dependencies: 
- * Invokes:
- * Contents:
- * Structure definitions: 
- * Constant definitions: 
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* avoid re-inclusion */
-#ifndef __BITVECT_H
-#define __BITVECT_H
-#include "hdf.h"
-/* Boolean values used */
-typedef enum {BV_FALSE=0, BV_TRUE=1} bv_bool;
-/* Flags for the bit-vector */
-#define BV_INIT_TO_ONE  0x00000001  /* to indicate whether to create the bit-vector with one's instead of zero's */
-#define BV_EXTENDABLE   0x00000002  /* to indicate that the bit-vector can be extended */
-/* Default size of a bit-vector */
-#define BV_DEFAULT_BITS 128
-/* Define the size of the chunks bits are allocated in */
-#define BV_CHUNK_SIZE 64
-/* Create the external interface data structures needed */
-typedef struct bv_struct_tag *bv_ptr;
-#if defined BV_MASTER | defined BV_TESTER
-/* Base type of the array used to store the bits */
-typedef unsigned char bv_base;
-/* # of bits in the base type of the array used to store the bits */
-#define BV_BASE_BITS    (sizeof(bv_base)*8)
-/* bit-vector structure used */
-typedef struct bv_struct_tag {
-    uint32 bits_used;       /* The actual number of bits current in use */
-    uint32 array_size;      /* The number of bv_base elements in the bit-vector */
-    uint32 flags;           /* The flags used to create this bit-vector */
-    int32 last_zero;        /* The last location we know had a zero bit */
-    bv_base *buffer;        /* Pointer to the buffer used to store the bits */
-  }bv_struct;
-/* Table of bits for each bit position */
-/*  (This will need to be changed/expanded if another base type is used) */
-static const uint8 bv_bit_value[8]={
-    1,  /* bit 0's value is 1 */
-    2,  /* bit 1's value is 2 */
-    4,  /* bit 2's value is 4 */
-    8,  /* bit 3's value is 8 */
-    16,  /* bit 4's value is 16 */
-    32,  /* bit 5's value is 32 */
-    64,  /* bit 6's value is 64 */
-    128   /* bit 7's value is 128 */
-/* Table of bit-masks for each number of bits in a byte */
-/*  (This will need to be changed/expanded if another base type is used) */
-static const uint8 bv_bit_mask[9]={
-    0x00,  /* 0 bits is a mask of 0x00 */
-    0x01,  /* 1 bits is a mask of 0x01 */
-    0x03,  /* 2 bits is a mask of 0x03 */
-    0x07,  /* 3 bits is a mask of 0x07 */
-    0x0F,  /* 4 bits is a mask of 0x0F */
-    0x1F,  /* 5 bits is a mask of 0x1F */
-    0x3F,  /* 6 bits is a mask of 0x3F */
-    0x7F,  /* 7 bits is a mask of 0x7F */
-    0xFF   /* 8 bits is a mask of 0xFF */
-/* Table of "first zero bit" for each byte value */
-/*  (This will need to be changed/expanded if another base type is used) */
-static const int8 bv_first_zero[256]={
-    0,  /* "0" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "1" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "2" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "3" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "4" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "5" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "6" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 3,  /* "7" - bit 3 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "8" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "9" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "10" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "11" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "12" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "13" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "14" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 4,  /* "15" - bit 4 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "16" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "17" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "18" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "19" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "20" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "21" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "22" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 3,  /* "23" - bit 3 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "24" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "25" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "26" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "27" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "28" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "29" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "30" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 5,  /* "31" - bit 5 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "32" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "33" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "34" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "35" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "36" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "37" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "38" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 3,  /* "39" - bit 3 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "40" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "41" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "42" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "43" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "44" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "45" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "46" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 4,  /* "47" - bit 4 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "48" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "49" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "50" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "51" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "52" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "53" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "54" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 3,  /* "55" - bit 3 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "56" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "57" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "58" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "59" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "60" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "61" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "62" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 6,  /* "63" - bit 6 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "64" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "65" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "66" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "67" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "68" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "69" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "70" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 3,  /* "71" - bit 3 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "72" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "73" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "74" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "75" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "76" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "77" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "78" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 4,  /* "79" - bit 4 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "80" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "81" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "82" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "83" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "84" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "85" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "86" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 3,  /* "87" - bit 3 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "88" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "89" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "90" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "91" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "92" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "93" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "94" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 5,  /* "95" - bit 5 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "96" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "97" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "98" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "99" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "100" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "101" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "102" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 3,  /* "103" - bit 3 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "104" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "105" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "106" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "107" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "108" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "109" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "110" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 4,  /* "111" - bit 4 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "112" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "113" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "114" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "115" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "116" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "117" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "118" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 3,  /* "119" - bit 3 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "120" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "121" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "122" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "123" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "124" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "125" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "126" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 7,  /* "127" - bit 7 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "128" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "129" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "130" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "131" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "132" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "133" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "134" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 3,  /* "135" - bit 3 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "136" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "137" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "138" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "139" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "140" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "141" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "142" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 4,  /* "143" - bit 4 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "144" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "145" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "146" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "147" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "148" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "149" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "150" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 3,  /* "151" - bit 3 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "152" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "153" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "154" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "155" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "156" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "157" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "158" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 5,  /* "159" - bit 5 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "160" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "161" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "162" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "163" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "164" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "165" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "166" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 3,  /* "167" - bit 3 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "168" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "169" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "170" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "171" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "172" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "173" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "174" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 4,  /* "175" - bit 4 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "176" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "177" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "178" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "179" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "180" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "181" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "182" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 3,  /* "183" - bit 3 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "184" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "185" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "186" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "187" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "188" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "189" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "190" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 6,  /* "191" - bit 6 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "192" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "193" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "194" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "195" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "196" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "197" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "198" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 3,  /* "199" - bit 3 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "200" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "201" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "202" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "203" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "204" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "205" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "206" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 4,  /* "207" - bit 4 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "208" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "209" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "210" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "211" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "212" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "213" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "214" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 3,  /* "215" - bit 3 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "216" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "217" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "218" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "219" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "220" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "221" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "222" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 5,  /* "223" - bit 5 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "224" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "225" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "226" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "227" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "228" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "229" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "230" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 3,  /* "231" - bit 3 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "232" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "233" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "234" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "235" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "236" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "237" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "238" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 4,  /* "239" - bit 4 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "240" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "241" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "242" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "243" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "244" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "245" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "246" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 3,  /* "247" - bit 3 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "248" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "249" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "250" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 2,  /* "251" - bit 2 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "252" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 1,  /* "253" - bit 1 is lowest zero */
-    0,  /* "254" - bit 0 is lowest zero */ 8   /* "255" - bit 8 is lowest zero */
-/* Table of "number of 1 bits" for each byte value */
-/*  (This will need to be changed/expanded if another base type is used) */
-static const int8 bv_num_ones[256]={
-    0,  /* "0" - n bits are 1's */ 1,  /* "1" - n bits are 1's */
-    1,  /* "2" - n bits are 1's */ 2,  /* "3" - n bits are 1's */
-    1,  /* "4" - n bits are 1's */ 2,  /* "5" - n bits are 1's */
-    2,  /* "6" - n bits are 1's */ 3,  /* "7" - n bits are 1's */
-    1,  /* "8" - n bits are 1's */ 2,  /* "9" - n bits are 1's */
-    2,  /* "10" - n bits are 1's */ 3,  /* "11" - n bits are 1's */
-    2,  /* "12" - n bits are 1's */ 3,  /* "13" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "14" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "15" - n bits are 1's */
-    1,  /* "16" - n bits are 1's */ 2,  /* "17" - n bits are 1's */
-    2,  /* "18" - n bits are 1's */ 3,  /* "19" - n bits are 1's */
-    2,  /* "20" - n bits are 1's */ 3,  /* "21" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "22" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "23" - n bits are 1's */
-    2,  /* "24" - n bits are 1's */ 3,  /* "25" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "26" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "27" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "28" - n bits are 1's */ 3,  /* "29" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "30" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "31" - n bits are 1's */
-    1,  /* "32" - n bits are 1's */ 2,  /* "33" - n bits are 1's */
-    2,  /* "34" - n bits are 1's */ 3,  /* "35" - n bits are 1's */
-    2,  /* "36" - n bits are 1's */ 3,  /* "37" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "38" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "39" - n bits are 1's */
-    2,  /* "40" - n bits are 1's */ 3,  /* "41" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "42" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "43" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "44" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "45" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "46" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "47" - n bits are 1's */
-    2,  /* "48" - n bits are 1's */ 3,  /* "49" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "50" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "51" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "52" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "53" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "54" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "55" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "56" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "57" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "58" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "59" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "60" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "61" - n bits are 1's */
-    5,  /* "62" - n bits are 1's */ 6,  /* "63" - n bits are 1's */
-    1,  /* "64" - n bits are 1's */ 2,  /* "65" - n bits are 1's */
-    2,  /* "66" - n bits are 1's */ 3,  /* "67" - n bits are 1's */
-    2,  /* "68" - n bits are 1's */ 3,  /* "69" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "70" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "71" - n bits are 1's */
-    2,  /* "72" - n bits are 1's */ 3,  /* "73" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "74" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "75" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "76" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "77" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "78" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "79" - n bits are 1's */
-    2,  /* "80" - n bits are 1's */ 3,  /* "81" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "82" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "83" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "84" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "85" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "86" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "87" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "88" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "89" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "90" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "91" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "92" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "93" - n bits are 1's */
-    5,  /* "94" - n bits are 1's */ 6,  /* "95" - n bits are 1's */
-    2,  /* "96" - n bits are 1's */ 3,  /* "97" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "98" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "99" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "100" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "101" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "102" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "103" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "104" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "105" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "106" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "107" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "108" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "109" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "110" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "111" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "112" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "113" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "114" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "115" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "116" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "117" - n bits are 1's */
-    5,  /* "118" - n bits are 1's */ 6,  /* "119" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "120" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "121" - n bits are 1's */
-    5,  /* "122" - n bits are 1's */ 6,  /* "123" - n bits are 1's */
-    5,  /* "124" - n bits are 1's */ 6,  /* "125" - n bits are 1's */
-    6,  /* "126" - n bits are 1's */ 7,  /* "127" - n bits are 1's */
-    1,  /* "128" - n bits are 1's */ 2,  /* "129" - n bits are 1's */
-    2,  /* "130" - n bits are 1's */ 3,  /* "131" - n bits are 1's */
-    2,  /* "132" - n bits are 1's */ 3,  /* "133" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "134" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "135" - n bits are 1's */
-    2,  /* "136" - n bits are 1's */ 3,  /* "137" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "138" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "139" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "140" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "141" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "142" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "143" - n bits are 1's */
-    2,  /* "144" - n bits are 1's */ 3,  /* "145" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "146" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "147" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "148" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "149" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "150" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "151" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "152" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "153" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "154" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "155" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "156" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "157" - n bits are 1's */
-    5,  /* "158" - n bits are 1's */ 6,  /* "159" - n bits are 1's */
-    2,  /* "160" - n bits are 1's */ 3,  /* "161" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "162" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "163" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "164" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "165" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "166" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "167" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "168" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "169" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "170" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "171" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "172" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "173" - n bits are 1's */
-    5,  /* "174" - n bits are 1's */ 6,  /* "175" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "176" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "177" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "178" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "179" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "180" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "181" - n bits are 1's */
-    5,  /* "182" - n bits are 1's */ 6,  /* "183" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "184" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "185" - n bits are 1's */
-    5,  /* "186" - n bits are 1's */ 6,  /* "187" - n bits are 1's */
-    5,  /* "188" - n bits are 1's */ 6,  /* "189" - n bits are 1's */
-    6,  /* "190" - n bits are 1's */ 7,  /* "191" - n bits are 1's */
-    2,  /* "192" - n bits are 1's */ 3,  /* "193" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "194" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "195" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "196" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "197" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "198" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "199" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "200" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "201" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "202" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "203" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "204" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "205" - n bits are 1's */
-    5,  /* "206" - n bits are 1's */ 6,  /* "207" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "208" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "209" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "210" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "211" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "212" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "213" - n bits are 1's */
-    5,  /* "214" - n bits are 1's */ 6,  /* "215" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "216" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "217" - n bits are 1's */
-    5,  /* "218" - n bits are 1's */ 6,  /* "219" - n bits are 1's */
-    5,  /* "220" - n bits are 1's */ 6,  /* "221" - n bits are 1's */
-    6,  /* "222" - n bits are 1's */ 7,  /* "223" - n bits are 1's */
-    3,  /* "224" - n bits are 1's */ 4,  /* "225" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "226" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "227" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "228" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "229" - n bits are 1's */
-    5,  /* "230" - n bits are 1's */ 6,  /* "231" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "232" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "233" - n bits are 1's */
-    5,  /* "234" - n bits are 1's */ 6,  /* "235" - n bits are 1's */
-    5,  /* "236" - n bits are 1's */ 6,  /* "237" - n bits are 1's */
-    6,  /* "238" - n bits are 1's */ 7,  /* "239" - n bits are 1's */
-    4,  /* "240" - n bits are 1's */ 5,  /* "241" - n bits are 1's */
-    5,  /* "242" - n bits are 1's */ 6,  /* "243" - n bits are 1's */
-    5,  /* "244" - n bits are 1's */ 6,  /* "245" - n bits are 1's */
-    6,  /* "246" - n bits are 1's */ 7,  /* "247" - n bits are 1's */
-    5,  /* "248" - n bits are 1's */ 6,  /* "249" - n bits are 1's */
-    6,  /* "250" - n bits are 1's */ 7,  /* "251" - n bits are 1's */
-    6,  /* "252" - n bits are 1's */ 7,  /* "253" - n bits are 1's */
-    7,  /* "254" - n bits are 1's */ 8   /* "255" - n bits are 1's */
-/* Useful routines for generally private use */
-#endif /* BV_MASTER | BV_TESTER */
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-extern      "C"
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-extern bv_ptr bv_new(int32 num_bits, uint32 flags);
-extern intn bv_delete(bv_ptr b);
-extern intn bv_set(bv_ptr b, int32 bit_num, bv_bool value);
-extern intn bv_get(bv_ptr b, int32 bit_num);
-extern intn bv_clear(bv_ptr b, bv_bool value);
-extern int32 bv_size(bv_ptr b);
-extern uint32 bv_flags(bv_ptr b);
-extern int32 bv_find(bv_ptr b, int32 last_find, bv_bool value);
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-#endif /* __BITVECT_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/cdeflate.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/cdeflate.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 852c9552588498bec9915d295849231699eb2ccc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/cdeflate.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
- /* $Id$ */
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * File:    cdeflate.h
- * Purpose: Header file for gzip 'deflate' encoding information.
- * Dependencies: should only be included from hcompi.h
- * Invokes: none
- * Contents: Structures & definitions for gzip 'deflate' encoding.
- * Structure definitions:
- * Constant definitions:
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* avoid re-inclusion */
-#ifndef __CDEFLATE_H
-#define __CDEFLATE_H
-/* Get the gzip 'deflate' header */
-#define intf zintf
-#include "zlib.h"
-#undef zintf
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-extern      "C"
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-   ** from cdeflate.c
- */
-    extern int32 HCPcdeflate_stread
-                (accrec_t * rec);
-    extern int32 HCPcdeflate_stwrite
-                (accrec_t * rec);
-    extern int32 HCPcdeflate_seek
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 offset, int origin);
-    extern int32 HCPcdeflate_inquire
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 *pfile_id, uint16 *ptag, uint16 *pref,
-               int32 *plength, int32 *poffset, int32 *pposn, int16 *paccess,
-                 int16 *pspecial);
-    extern int32 HCPcdeflate_read
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 length, void * data);
-    extern int32 HCPcdeflate_write
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 length, const void * data);
-    extern intn HCPcdeflate_endaccess
-                (accrec_t * access_rec);
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-/* Define the [default] size of the buffer to interact with the file. */
-#define DEFLATE_BUF_SIZE    4096
-#define DEFLATE_TMP_BUF_SIZE        16384
-/* gzip [en|de]coding information */
-typedef struct
-    intn        deflate_level;  /* how hard to try to compress this data */
-    int32       offset;         /* offset in the de-compressed array */
-    intn        acc_init;       /* is access mode initialized? */
-    int16       acc_mode;       /* access mode desired */
-    void *       io_buf;         /* buffer for I/O with the file */
-    z_stream    deflate_context;    /* pointer to the deflation context for each byte in the element */
-extern funclist_t cdeflate_funcs;   /* functions to perform gzip encoding */
-funclist_t  cdeflate_funcs =
-{                               /* functions to perform gzip encoding */
-    HCPcdeflate_stread,
-    HCPcdeflate_stwrite,
-    HCPcdeflate_seek,
-    HCPcdeflate_inquire,
-    HCPcdeflate_read,
-    HCPcdeflate_write,
-    HCPcdeflate_endaccess
-#endif /* __CDEFLATE_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/cnbit.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/cnbit.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 0e7118d0de57ffe7dfca96f601716c24ab97feba..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/cnbit.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
- /* $Id$ */
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * File:    cnbit.h
- * Purpose: Header file for N-bit encoding information.
- * Dependencies: should only be included from hcompi.h
- * Invokes: none
- * Contents: Structures & definitions for N-bit encoding.
- * Structure definitions:
- * Constant definitions:
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* avoid re-inclusion */
-#ifndef __CNBIT_H
-#define __CNBIT_H
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-extern      "C"
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-   ** from cnbit.c
- */
-    extern int32 HCPcnbit_stread
-                (accrec_t * rec);
-    extern int32 HCPcnbit_stwrite
-                (accrec_t * rec);
-    extern int32 HCPcnbit_seek
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 offset, int origin);
-    extern int32 HCPcnbit_inquire
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 *pfile_id, uint16 *ptag, uint16 *pref,
-               int32 *plength, int32 *poffset, int32 *pposn, int16 *paccess,
-                 int16 *pspecial);
-    extern int32 HCPcnbit_read
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 length, void * data);
-    extern int32 HCPcnbit_write
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 length, const void * data);
-    extern intn HCPcnbit_endaccess
-                (accrec_t * access_rec);
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-/* size of the N-bit buffer */
-#define NBIT_BUF_SIZE   (MAX_NT_SIZE*64)
-/* size of the N-bit mask buffer (same as buffer size for now) */
-typedef struct
-{                               /* structure to hold bit vector info */
-    intn        offset,         /* offset of the bit information */
-                length;         /* number of bits in the information */
-    uint8       mask;           /* mask for this bit vector */
-/* N-bit [en|de]coding information */
-typedef struct
-  {
-      int32       nt;           /* number type of data we are encoding */
-      intn        nt_size;      /* size of the number-type in the file */
-      intn        fill_one;     /* whether to fill with 1's or not (0's) */
-      intn        sign_ext;     /* whether to sign extend or not */
-      uint8       buffer[NBIT_BUF_SIZE];    /* buffer for expanding n-bit data in */
-      intn        buf_pos;      /* current offset in the expansion buffer */
-      intn        mask_off,     /* offset of the bit to start masking with */
-                  mask_len;     /* number of bits to mask */
-      int32       offset;       /* offset in the file in terms of bytes */
-      uint8       mask_buf[NBIT_MASK_SIZE];     /* buffer to hold the bitmask */
-      nbit_mask_info_t mask_info[NBIT_MASK_SIZE];   /* information about the mask */
-      intn        nt_pos;       /* current byte to read or write */
-  }
-extern funclist_t cnbit_funcs;  /* functions to perform N-bit encoding */
-funclist_t  cnbit_funcs =
-{                               /* functions to perform N-bit encoding */
-    HCPcnbit_stread,
-    HCPcnbit_stwrite,
-    HCPcnbit_seek,
-    HCPcnbit_inquire,
-    HCPcnbit_read,
-    HCPcnbit_write,
-    HCPcnbit_endaccess
-#endif /* __CNBIT_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/crle.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/crle.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 9bb79ccf4ed2ecd541e9f227c2fcc58d9046c063..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/crle.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
-/* $Id$ */
- * File:    crle.h
- * Purpose: Header file for run-length encoding information.
- * Dependencies: should only be included from hcompi.h
- * Invokes: none
- * Contents: Structures & definitions for run-length encoding.  This header
- *              should only be included in hcomp.c and crle.c.
- * Structure definitions:
- * Constant definitions:
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* avoid re-inclusion */
-#ifndef __CRLE_H
-#define __CRLE_H
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-extern      "C"
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-   ** from crle.c
- */
-    extern int32 HCPcrle_stread
-                (accrec_t * rec);
-    extern int32 HCPcrle_stwrite
-                (accrec_t * rec);
-    extern int32 HCPcrle_seek
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 offset, int origin);
-    extern int32 HCPcrle_inquire
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 *pfile_id, uint16 *ptag, uint16 *pref,
-               int32 *plength, int32 *poffset, int32 *pposn, int16 *paccess,
-                 int16 *pspecial);
-    extern int32 HCPcrle_read
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 length, void * data);
-    extern int32 HCPcrle_write
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 length, const void * data);
-    extern intn HCPcrle_endaccess
-                (accrec_t * access_rec);
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-/* size of the RLE buffer */
-#define RLE_BUF_SIZE    128
-/* NIL code for run bytes */
-#define RLE_NIL         (-1)
-/* minimum length of run */
-#define RLE_MIN_RUN     3
-/* maximum length of run */
-/* minimum length of mix */
-#define RLE_MIN_MIX     1
-/* RLE [en|de]coding information */
-typedef struct
-    int32       offset;         /* offset in the file */
-    uint8       buffer[RLE_BUF_SIZE];   /* buffer for storing RLE bytes */
-    intn        buf_length;     /* number of bytes in buffer */
-    intn        buf_pos;        /* offset into the buffer */
-    uintn       last_byte,      /* the last byte stored in the buffer */
-                second_byte;    /* the second to last byte stored in the buffer */
-    enum
-      {
-          RLE_INIT,             /* initial state, need to read a byte to determine
-                                   next state */
-          RLE_RUN,              /* buffer up to the current position is a run */
-          RLE_MIX
-      }                         /* buffer up to the current position is a mix */
-    rle_state;                  /* state of the buffer storage */
-#ifndef CRLE_MASTER
-extern funclist_t crle_funcs;   /* functions to perform run-length encoding */
-funclist_t  crle_funcs =
-{                               /* functions to perform run-length encoding */
-    HCPcrle_stread,
-    HCPcrle_stwrite,
-    HCPcrle_seek,
-    HCPcrle_inquire,
-    HCPcrle_read,
-    HCPcrle_write,
-    HCPcrle_endaccess
-#endif /* __CRLE_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/cskphuff.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/cskphuff.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 06b651347379d45b3090ae3ba8cd6c4ba3782c13..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/cskphuff.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
- /* $Id$ */
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * File:    cskphuff.h
- * Purpose: Header file for skipping huffman encoding information.
- * Dependencies: should only be included from hcompi.h
- * Invokes: none
- * Contents: Structures & definitions for skipping huffman encoding.
- * Structure definitions:
- * Constant definitions:
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* avoid re-inclusion */
-#ifndef __CSKPHUFF_H
-#define __CSKPHUFF_H
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-extern      "C"
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-   ** from cskphuff.c
- */
-    extern int32 HCPcskphuff_stread
-                (accrec_t * rec);
-    extern int32 HCPcskphuff_stwrite
-                (accrec_t * rec);
-    extern int32 HCPcskphuff_seek
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 offset, int origin);
-    extern int32 HCPcskphuff_inquire
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 *pfile_id, uint16 *ptag, uint16 *pref,
-               int32 *plength, int32 *poffset, int32 *pposn, int16 *paccess,
-                 int16 *pspecial);
-    extern int32 HCPcskphuff_read
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 length, void * data);
-    extern int32 HCPcskphuff_write
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 length, const void * data);
-    extern intn HCPcskphuff_endaccess
-                (accrec_t * access_rec);
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-/* The maximum source character code: */
-#define SKPHUFF_MAX_CHAR     255
-/* One greater than the maximum source character code: */
-/* Twice the maximum source character code: */
-#define TWICEMAX    (2*SUCCMAX+1)
-/* The root node in the tree */
-#define ROOT        0
-/* Skipping huffman [en|de]coding information */
-typedef struct
-    intn        skip_size;      /* number of bytes in each element */
-    uintn     **left,           /* define the left and right pointer arrays */
-              **right;
-    uint8     **up;             /* define the up pointer array */
-    intn        skip_pos;       /* current byte to read or write */
-    int32       offset;         /* offset in the de-compressed array */
-extern funclist_t cskphuff_funcs;   /* functions to perform skipping huffman encoding */
-funclist_t  cskphuff_funcs =
-{                               /* functions to perform skipping huffman encoding */
-    HCPcskphuff_stread,
-    HCPcskphuff_stwrite,
-    HCPcskphuff_seek,
-    HCPcskphuff_inquire,
-    HCPcskphuff_read,
-    HCPcskphuff_write,
-    HCPcskphuff_endaccess
-#endif /* __CSKPHUFF_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/df.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/df.h
deleted file mode 100755
index fc153ae88262723ee8d0f80d1ef93fbe7b4259cc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/df.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
-/* $Id$ */
- * File:    df.h
- * Purpose: header file for HDF routines
- * Invokes: dfi.h
- * Contents:
- *  Structure definitions: DFddh, DFdd, DFdesc, DFdle, DF, DFdi, DFdata
- *  Procedure type definitions
- *  Global variables
- *  Tag definitions
- *  Error return codes
- *  Logical constants
- * Remarks: This file is included with user programs
- *          Since it includes stdio.h etc., do not include these after df.h
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#ifndef DF_H    /* avoid re-inclusion */
-#define DF_H
-/* include DF (internal) header information */
-#include "hdf.h"
-/*                      Type declarations                                   */
-typedef struct DFddh
-  {                             /*format of data descriptor headers in file */
-      int16       dds;          /* number of dds in header block */
-      int32       next;         /* offset of next header block */
-  }
-typedef struct DFdd
-  {                             /* format of data descriptors as in file */
-      uint16      tag;          /* data tag */
-      uint16      ref;          /* data reference number */
-      int32       offset;       /* offset of data element in file */
-      int32       length;       /* number of bytes */
-  }
-/* descriptor structure is same as dd structure.  ###Note: may be changed */
-typedef DFdd DFdesc;
-/* DLE is the internal structure which stores data descriptor information */
-/* It is a linked list of DDs */
-typedef struct DFdle
-  {                             /* Data List element */
-      struct DFdle *next;       /* link to next dle */
-      DFddh       ddh;          /* To store headers */
-      DFdd        dd[1];        /* dummy size */
-  }
-/* DF is the internal structure associated with each DF file */
-/* It holds information associated with the file as a whole */
-/* ### Note: there are hooks for having multiple DF files open at a time */
-typedef struct DF
-  {
-      DFdle      *list;         /* Pointer to the DLE list */
-      DFdle      *last_dle;     /* last_dle and last_dd are used in searches */
-      /* to indicate element returned */
-      /* by previous call to DFfind */
-      DFdd       *up_dd;        /* DD of element being read/updated, */
-      /* used by DFstart */
-      uint16      last_tag;     /* Last tag searched for by DFfind */
-      uint16      last_ref;     /* Last reference number searched for */
-      intn        type;         /* 0= not in use, 1= normal, -1 = multiple */
-      /* this is a hook for when */
-      /* multiple files are open */
-      intn        access;       /* permitted access types: */
-      /* 0=none, 1=r, 2=w, 3=r/w */
-      intn        changed;      /* True if anything in DDs modified */
-      /* since last write */
-      intn        last_dd;      /* see last_dle */
-      intn        defdds;       /* default numer of DD's in each block */
-      intn        up_access;    /* access permissions to element being */
-      /* read/updated. Used by DFstart */
-      /* File handle is a file pointer or file descriptor depending on whether */
-      /* we use buffered or unbuffered I/O.  But, since this structure is a */
-      /* fake, it doesn't matter whether I/O is buffered or not. */
-      intn        file;         /* file descriptor */
-  }
-typedef struct DFdata
-  {                             /* structure for returning status information */
-      int32       version;      /* version number of program */
-  }
-/*                          Procedure types                                 */
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-extern      "C"
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-/* prototypes for dfstubs.c */
-    extern DF  *DFopen
-                (char *name, int acc_mode, int ndds);
-    extern int  DFclose
-                (DF * dfile);
-    extern int  DFdescriptors
-                (DF * dfile, DFdesc ptr[], int begin, int num);
-    extern int  DFnumber
-                (DF * dfile, uint16 tag);
-    extern int  DFsetfind
-                (DF * dfile, uint16 tag, uint16 ref);
-    extern int  DFfind
-                (DF * dfile, DFdesc * ptr);
-    extern int  DFaccess
-                (DF * dfile, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, char *acc_mode);
-    extern int  DFstart
-                (DF * dfile, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, char *acc_mode);
-    extern int32 DFread
-                (DF * dfile, char *ptr, int32 len);
-    extern int32 DFseek
-                (DF * dfile, int32 offset);
-    extern int32 DFwrite
-                (DF * dfile, char *ptr, int32 len);
-    extern int  DFupdate
-                (DF * dfile);
-    extern int  DFstat
-                (DF * dfile, DFdata * dfinfo);
-    extern int32 DFgetelement
-                (DF * dfile, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, char *ptr);
-    extern int32 DFputelement
-                (DF * dfile, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, char *ptr, int32 len);
-    extern int  DFdup
-                (DF * dfile, uint16 itag, uint16 iref, uint16 otag, uint16 oref);
-    extern int  DFdel
-                (DF * dfile, uint16 tag, uint16 ref);
-    extern uint16 DFnewref
-                (DF * dfile);
-    extern int  DFishdf
-                (char *filename);
-    extern int  DFerrno
-                (void);
-    extern int  DFIerr
-                (DF * dfile);
-    extern int  DFImemcopy
-                (char *from, char *to, int length);
-    extern void *DFIgetspace
-                (uint32 qty);
-    extern void *DFIfreespace
-                (void *ptr);
-    extern int  DFIc2fstr
-                (char *str, int len);
-    extern char *DFIf2cstring
-                (_fcd fdesc, intn len);
-/* prototypes for dfconv.c */
-    extern int  DFconvert
-                (uint8 *source, uint8 *dest, int ntype, int sourcetype, int desttype, int32 size);
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-/*                          Global Variables                                */
-#ifndef DFMASTER
-#endif                          /*DFMASTER */
-int DFerror;            /* Error code for DF routines */
-#define DFSETERR(error) (DFerror=(DFerror?DFerror:error))
-#define DFTOFID(df) (int32)(df->list)
-#endif /* DF_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/dfan.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/dfan.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 8709a7490eb46c1a983d148caf4f0528c4595a13..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/dfan.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
-/* $Id$ */
- * File:    dfan.h
- * Purpose: header file for the Annotations set
- * Invokes: df.h
- * Contents:
- *  Structure definitions: DFANdirentry, DFANdirhead
- *  Constant definitions: DFAN_LABEL, DFAN_DESC
- * Remarks: none
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#ifndef DFAN_H  /* avoid re-inclusion */
-#define DFAN_H
-#include "hdf.h"
-#define DFAN_LABEL  0
-#define DFAN_DESC   1
-#define DFAN_LAB_BLKSIZE   64   /* default blksize to use for labels */
-#define DFAN_DESC_BLKSIZE 512   /* default blksize to use for descriptions */
-#define DFAN_DEFENTRIES 16  /* no of dir entries to add at a time */
- * This structure stores an entry in the label/desc directory
- * for a label/desc in the file, it gives the ref of the label/desc,
- * and the tag/ref of the data item to which the label/desc relates
- */
-typedef struct
-  {
-      uint16      annref;       /* ref of annotation */
-      uint16      datatag;      /* tag of data */
-      uint16      dataref;      /* ref of data */
-  }
- * This structure is a head node for the directory, which is organized as
- * as a linked list of arrays.  DFANdirentry is the structure of an
- * array element, while DFANdirhead is the list element
- */
-typedef struct DFANdirhead
-  {
-      struct DFANdirhead *next; /* list element */
-      int32       nentries;     /* Numer of entries */
-      DFANdirentry *entries;  /* actually an arbitrary size array */
-  }
-#endif /* DFAN_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/dfgr.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/dfgr.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 46dcf2ca08f40a06b8aa96929acee75496947b19..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/dfgr.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
-/* $Id$ */
- * File:    dfgr.h
- * Purpose: header file for the Raster Image set
- * Invokes: df.h
- * Contents:
- *  Structure definitions: DFGRdr, DFGRrig
- * Remarks: This is included with user programs which use general raster
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#ifndef DFGR_H  /* avoid re-inclusion */
-#define DFGR_H
-/* description record: used to describe image data, palette data etc. */
-typedef struct
-  {
-      intn        ncomponents;  /* number of components */
-      intn        interlace;    /* data ordering: chunky / planar etc */
-      int32       xdim;         /* X- dimension of data */
-      int32       ydim;         /* Y- dimensionsof data */
-      DFdi        nt;           /* number type of data */
-      DFdi        compr;        /* compression */
-      /* ### Note: compression is currently uniquely described with a tag.
-         No data is attached to this tag/ref.  But this capability is
-         provided for future expansion, when this tag/ref might point to
-         some data needed for decompression, such as the actual encodings */
-  }
-/* structure to hold RIG info */
-typedef struct
-  {
-      char       *cf;           /* color format */
-      int32       xpos;         /* X position of image on screen */
-      int32       ypos;         /* Y position of image on screen */
-      float32     aspectratio;  /* ratio of pixel height to width */
-      float32     ccngamma;     /* gamma color correction parameter */
-      float32     ccnred[3];    /* red color correction parameter */
-      float32     ccngrren[3];  /* green color correction parameter */
-      float32     ccnblue[3];   /* blue color correction parameter */
-      float32     ccnwhite[3];  /* white color correction parameter */
-      DFdi        data[3];      /* image/lut/mattechannel */
-      DFGRdr      datadesc[3];  /* description of image/lut/mattechannel */
-  }
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-extern      "C"
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-/* Library-developer functions */
-    extern int32 DFGRIopen
-                (const char *filename, int acc_mode);
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-#endif                          /* DFGR_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/dfi.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/dfi.h
deleted file mode 100755
index ee3cf04bd033027d46576c9fd4e8598bcaff021f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/dfi.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
-/* $Id$ */
- * File:    dfi.h
- * Purpose: HDF internal header file
- * Invokes: stdio.h, sys/file.h
- * Contents:
- *  Compilation parameters
- *  Machine-dependent definitions
- *  Flexibility definitions: i/o buffering, dynamic memory, structure i/o
- *  Size parameters
- * Remarks: To port to a new system, only dfi.h and Makefile need be modified.
- *          This file is included with user programs, but users do not see it.
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#ifndef DFI_H
-#define DFI_H
-/*          Compilation Parameters for Flexibility and Portability          */
-/* modify this line for buffered/unbuffered i/o */
-#define DF_BUFFIO
-/* modify this line for dynamic/static memory allocation */
-#define DF_DYNAMIC
-/* modify this line if structures cannot be read/written as is */
-#undef  DF_STRUCTOK     /* leave it this way - hdfsh expects it */
-/*                      Machine dependencies                                */
-#ifdef IRIX
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/file.h>   /* for unbuffered i/o stuff */
-#ifndef DFmovmem
-#define DFmovmem(from, to, len) bcopy(from, to, len)
-#endif /* DFmovmem */
-#ifndef DF_STRUCTOK
-#define UINT16READ(p, x)    { x = ((*p++) & 255)<<8; x |= (*p++) & 255; }
-#define INT16READ(p, x)     { x = (*p++)<<8; x |= (*p++) & 255; }
-#define INT32READ(p, x)     { x = (*p++)<<24; x|=((*p++) & 255)<<16;    \
-                                x|=((*p++) & 255)<<8; x|=(*p++) & 255; }
-#define UINT16WRITE(p, x)   { *p++ = (x>>8) & 255; *p++ = x & 255; }
-#define INT16WRITE(p, x)    { *p++ = (x>>8) & 255; *p++ = x & 255; }
-#define INT32WRITE(p, x)    { *p++ = (x>>24) & 255; *p++ = (x>>16) & 255;   \
-                                *p++ = (x>>8) & 255; *p++ = x & 255; }
-#endif /*DF_STRUCTOK */
-#define DF_CREAT(name, prot) creat(name, prot)
-#ifndef DF_MT
-#define DF_MT   DFMT_IRIX
-#endif /* DF_MT  */
-#endif /*IRIX */
-#ifdef IBM6000  /* NOTE: IBM6000 defines are same as for SUN */
-#if ! defined mc68010 && ! defined mc68020 && ! defined mc68030
-#include <sys/file.h>   /* for unbuffered i/o stuff */
-#define DFmovmem(from, to, len) memcpy(to, from, len)
-#ifndef DF_STRUCTOK
-#define UINT16READ(p, x) { x = ((*p++) & 255)<<8; x |= (*p++) & 255; }
-#define INT16READ(p, x) { x = (*p++)<<8; x |= (*p++) & 255; }
-#define INT32READ(p, x) { x = (*p++)<<24; x|=((*p++) & 255)<<16;    \
-            x|=((*p++) & 255)<<8; x|=(*p++) & 255; }
-#define UINT16WRITE(p, x) { *p++ = (x>>8) & 255; *p++ = x & 255; }
-#define INT16WRITE(p, x) { *p++ = (x>>8) & 255; *p++ = x & 255; }
-#define INT32WRITE(p, x) { *p++ = (x>>24) & 255; *p++ = (x>>16) & 255;  \
-            *p++ = (x>>8) & 255; *p++ = x & 255; }
-#endif /*DF_STRUCTOK */
-#define DF_CREAT(name, prot) creat(name, prot)
-#define DF_MT   DFMT_IBM6000
-#endif /*IBM6000 */
-#if defined (MAC) || defined (macintosh) || defined (SYMANTEC_C)
-#undef DF_BUFFIO    /* use unbuffered i/o */
-#include <memory.h>     /* malloc stuff for MPW 3.0 */
-#include <fcntl.h>  /* unbuffered IO stuff for MPW 3.0 */
-#ifdef SYMANTEC_C  /* for LightSpeed C */
-#include <unix.h>
-#else  /*SYMANTEC_C                   MPW, possibly others */
-#include <Files.h>  /* for unbuffered i/o stuff */
-#endif /*SYMANTEC_C */
-#define DF_CAPFNAMES    /* fortran names are in all caps */
-#define DF_DYNAMIC  /* use dynamic allocation */
-#ifdef SYMANTEC_C  /* LightSpeed C does not have memcpy */
-#define DFmovmem(from, to, len) DFImemcopy(from, to, len)
-#else  /*SYMANTEC_C */
-#define DFmovmem(from, to, len) memcpy(to, from, len)
-#endif /*SYMANTEC_C */
-#define malloc(x)   NewPtr((Size)   (x))    /* don't use malloc on the Mac */
-#define free(x)     DisposPtr((Ptr) (x))    /* don't use free on the Nac   */
-#define UINT16READ(p, x) { x = ((*p++) & 255)<<8; x |= (*p++) & 255; }
-#define INT16READ(p, x) { x = (*p++)<<8; x |= (*p++) & 255; }
-#define INT32READ(p, x) { x = (*p++)<<24; x|=((*p++) & 255)<<16;    \
-            x|=((*p++) & 255)<<8; x|=(*p++) & 255; }
-#define UINT16WRITE(p, x) { *p++ = (x>>8) & 255; *p++ = x & 255; }
-#define INT16WRITE(p, x) { *p++ = (x>>8) & 255; *p++ = x & 255; }
-#define INT32WRITE(p, x) { *p++ = (x>>24) & 255; *p++ = (x>>16) & 255;  \
-            *p++ = (x>>8) & 255; *p++ = x & 255; }
-#define DF_CREAT(name, prot) mopen(name, O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC|O_CREAT)
-#define DF_MT   DFMT_MAC
-#endif /*MAC */
-#ifdef VMS
-/*#undef DF_BUFFIO should be buff !!!! */
-   /* use only unbuff i/o - buff doesn't work! */
-#ifndef DFopen  /* avoid double includes */
-/* #include "dfivms.h" */
-#endif /*DFopen */
-#define DF_CAPFNAMES    /* fortran names are in all caps */
-#include <file.h>   /* for unbuffered i/o stuff */
-#define DFmovmem(from, to, len) memcpy(to, from, len)
-#ifndef DF_STRUCTOK
-#define UINT16READ(p, x) { x = ((*p++) & 255)<<8; x |= (*p++) & 255; }
-#define INT16READ(p, x) { x = (*p++)<<8; x |= (*p++) & 255; }
-#define INT32READ(p, x) { x = (*p++)<<24; x|=((*p++) & 255)<<16;    \
-            x|=((*p++) & 255)<<8; x|=(*p++) & 255; }
-#define UINT16WRITE(p, x) { *p++ = (x>>8) & 255; *p++ = x & 255; }
-#define INT16WRITE(p, x) { *p++ = (x>>8) & 255; *p++ = x & 255; }
-#define INT32WRITE(p, x) { *p++ = (x>>24) & 255; *p++ = (x>>16) & 255;  \
-            *p++ = (x>>8) & 255; *p++ = x & 255; }
-#endif /*DF_STRUCTOK */
-#define DF_CREAT(name, prot) creat(name, prot)
-#define DF_MT   DFMT_VAX
-#endif /*VMS */
-#ifdef APOLLO
-#if ! defined mc68010 && ! defined mc68020 && ! defined mc68030
-#include <sys/file.h>   /* for unbuffered i/o stuff */
-#define int8 char
-#define uint8 unsigned char
-#define int16 short int
-#define uint16 unsigned short int
-#define int32 long int
-#define uint32 unsigned long int
-#define float32 float
-#define DFmovmem(from, to, len) memcpy(to, from, len)
-#ifndef DF_STRUCTOK
-#define UINT16READ(p, x) { x = ((*p++) & 255)<<8; x |= (*p++) & 255; }
-#define INT16READ(p, x) { x = (*p++)<<8; x |= (*p++) & 255; }
-#define INT32READ(p, x) { x = (*p++)<<24; x|=((*p++) & 255)<<16;    \
-            x|=((*p++) & 255)<<8; x|=(*p++) & 255; }
-#define UINT16WRITE(p, x) { *p++ = (x>>8) & 255; *p++ = x & 255; }
-#define INT16WRITE(p, x) { *p++ = (x>>8) & 255; *p++ = x & 255; }
-#define INT32WRITE(p, x) { *p++ = (x>>24) & 255; *p++ = (x>>16) & 255;  \
-            *p++ = (x>>8) & 255; *p++ = x & 255; }
-#endif /*DF_STRUCTOK */
-#define DF_CREAT(name, prot) creat(name, prot)
-#define DF_MT   DFMT_APOLLO
-#endif /*APOLLO */
-/*                      Flexibility parameters                              */
-#if defined (MAC) || defined (macintosh) || defined (SYMANTEC_C)  /* MAC specific file manager calls */
-#   define DF_OPEN(x,y) mopen(x,y)
-#   define DF_CLOSE(x) mclose(x)
-#   define DF_SEEK(x,y,z) mlseek(x,y,z)
-#   define DF_SKEND(x,y,z) mlseek(x,-1*y,z)
-#   define DF_TELL(x) mlseek(x,0L,1)
-#   define DF_READ(a,b,c,d) mread(d,a,b*c)
-#   define DF_WRITE(a,b,c,d) mwrite(d,a,b*c)
-#   define DF_FLUSH(a)  /* no need to flush */
-#   define DF_RDACCESS 0    /* dummy */
-#   define DF_WRACCESS 0    /* dummy */
-#   define DF_OPENERR(f)    ((f) == -1)
-#else  /* !MAC */
-#ifdef DF_BUFFIO    /* set all calls to do buffered I/O */
-#define DF_OPEN(x,y) fopen(x,y)
-#define DF_CLOSE(x) fclose(x)
-#define DF_SEEK(x,y,z) fseek(x,y,z)
-#define DF_SKEND(x,y,z) fseek(x,y,z)
-#define DF_TELL(x) ftell(x)
-#define DF_READ(a,b,c,d) fread(a,b,c,d)
-#define DF_WRITE(a,b,c,d) fwrite(a,b,c,d)
-#define DF_FLUSH(a) fflush(a)
-#define DF_OPENERR(f)   (!(f))
-#define DF_RDACCESS "rb"
-#define DF_WRACCESS "rb+"
-#else  /*DF_BUFFIO         unbuffered i/o */
-#define DF_OPEN(x,y) open(x,y)
-#define DF_CLOSE(x) close(x)
-#define DF_SEEK(x,y,z) lseek(x,y,z)
-#define DF_SKEND(x,y,z) lseek(x,-1*y,z)
-#define DF_TELL(x) lseek(x,0L,1)
-#define DF_READ(a,b,c,d) read(d,a,b*c)
-#define DF_WRITE(a,b,c,d) write(d,a,b*c)
-#define DF_OPENERR(f)   ((f) == -1)
-#define DF_FLUSH(a)     /* no need to flush */
-#endif /* DF_BUFFIO */
-#endif /* !MAC */
-#ifndef FILE
-#include <stdio.h>
-#endif /*FILE */
-#endif /* DFI_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/dfrig.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/dfrig.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 1070d851f71d92205f10bb79f00672c78e866f26..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/dfrig.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
-/* $Id$ */
- * File:    dfrig.h
- * Purpose: header file for the Raster Image set
- * Invokes: df.h
- * Contents:
- *  Structure definitions: DFRdr, DFRrig
- * Remarks: This is included with user programs which use RIG
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#ifndef DFRIG   /* avoid re-inclusion */
-#define DFRIG
-/* description record: used to describe image data, palette data etc. */
-typedef struct
-  {
-      int16       ncomponents;  /* Number of components */
-      int16       interlace;    /* data ordering: chunky / planar etc */
-      int32       xdim;         /* X-dimension of data */
-      int32       ydim;         /* Y-dimensionsof data */
-      DFdi        nt;           /* number type of data */
-      DFdi        compr;        /* compression */
-      /* ### Note: compression is currently uniquely described with a tag.
-         No data is attached to this tag/ref.  But this capability is
-         provided for future expansion, when this tag/ref might point to
-         some data needed for decompression, such as the actual encodings */
-  }
-/* structure to hold RIG info */
-typedef struct
-  {
-      char       *cf;           /* color format */
-      int32       xpos;         /* X position of image on screen */
-      int32       ypos;         /* Y position of image on screen */
-      float32     aspectratio;  /* ratio of pixel height to width */
-      float32     ccngamma;     /* gamma color correction parameters */
-      float32     ccnred[3];    /* red color correction parameters */
-      float32     ccngrren[3];  /* green color correction parameters */
-      float32     ccnblue[3];   /* blue color correction parameters */
-      float32     ccnwhite[3];  /* white color correction parameters */
-      DFdi        image;        /* image */
-      DFRdr       descimage;    /* image data description */
-      DFdi        lut;          /* color look-up table (palette) */
-      DFRdr       desclut;      /* look-up table description */
-      DFdi        mattechannel; /* matte? */
-      DFRdr       descmattechannel;     /* Description of matte? */
-  }
-/* dimensions of raster-8 image */
-typedef struct R8dim
-  {
-      uint16      xd;
-      uint16      yd;
-  }
-#endif /*DFRIG */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/dfsd.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/dfsd.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 0e0cc7231ab1df587c3fff41660bac189e04c558..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/dfsd.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
-/* $Id$ */
- * File:    dfsd.h
- * Purpose: header file for the Scientific Data set
- * Invokes: dfrig.h
- * Contents:
- *  Structure definitions: DFSsdg
- *  Constant definitions: DFS_MAXLEN
- * Remarks: This is included with user programs which use SDG
- *          Currently defined to be 2-D.  Will later be increased to
- *          multiple dimensions
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#ifndef _DFSD_H   /* avoid re-inclusion */
-#define _DFSD_H
-#include "hdf.h"
-/* include numbertype and aid for 3.2   S. Xu   */
-/* structure to hold SDG info */
-typedef struct DFSsdg
-  {
-      DFdi        data;         /* tag/ref of data in file */
-      intn        rank;         /* number of dimensions */
-      int32 *dimsizes;    /* dimensions of data */
-      char *coordsys;
-      char *dataluf[3];   /* label/unit/format of data */
-      char **dimluf[3];   /* label/unit/format for each dim */
-      uint8 **dimscales;  /* scales for each dimension */
-      uint8       max_min[16];  /* max, min values of data, */
-      /*  currently atmost 8 bytes each   */
-      int32       numbertype;   /* default is float32      */
-      uint8       filenumsubclass;  /* number format in the file, default is IEEE */
-      int32       aid;          /* access id     */
-      int32       compression;  /* 0 -- not compressed  */
-      int32       isndg;        /* 0 -- pure sdg, written by 3.1 else ndg */
-      float64     cal, cal_err; /* calibration multiplier stuff          */
-      float64     ioff, ioff_err;   /* calibration offset stuff              */
-      int32       cal_type;     /* number type of data after calibration */
-      uint8       fill_value[DFSD_MAXFILL_LEN];     /* fill value if any specified  */
-      intn        fill_fixed;   /* whether ther fill value is a fixed value, or it can change */
-  }
-/* DFnsdgle is the internal structure which stores SDG or NDS and   */
-/* related SDG in an HDF file.                                      */
-/* It is a linked list.                                             */
-typedef struct DFnsdgle
-  {
-      DFdi        nsdg;         /* NDG from 3.2 or SDG from 3.1  */
-      DFdi        sdg;          /* Only special NDF has values in this field */
-      struct DFnsdgle *next;
-  }
-typedef struct DFnsdg_t_hdr
-  {
-      uint32      size;
-      DFnsdgle   *nsdg_t;
-  }
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-extern      "C"
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-    extern int32 DFSDIopen
-                (const char * filename, int acc_mode);
-    extern int  DFSDIsdginfo
-                (int32 file_id);
-    extern int  DFSDIclear
-                (DFSsdg * sdg);
-    extern int  DFSDIclearNT
-                (DFSsdg * sdg);
-    extern int  DFSDIgetdata
-                (const char * filename, intn rank, int32 maxsizes[], VOIDP data,
-                 int isfortran);
-    extern int  DFSDIputdata
-                (const char * filename, intn rank, int32 * dimsizes, VOIDP data,
-                 int accmode, int isfortran);
-    extern int  DFSDIgetslice
-                (const char * filename, int32 winst[], int32 windims[], VOIDP data,
-                 int32 dims[], int isfortran);
-    extern int  DFSDIputslice
-                (int32 windims[], VOIDP data, int32 dims[], int isfortran);
-    extern int  DFSDIendslice
-                (int isfortran);
-    extern intn DFSDIrefresh
-                (char * filename);
-    extern int  DFSDIisndg
-                (intn * isndg);
-    extern int  DFSDIgetrrank
-                (intn * rank);
-    extern int  DFSDIgetwrank
-                (intn * rank);
-    extern int  DFSDIsetdimstrs
-                (int dim, const char * label, const char * unit, const char * format);
-    extern int  DFSDIsetdatastrs
-                (const char * label, const char * unit, const char * format,
-                 const char * coordsys);
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-#endif                          /* _DFSD_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/dfstubs.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/dfstubs.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 2cd1931ea085686393c91744486d248f3460a71d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/dfstubs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
-/* $Id$ */
-   ** FILE
-   **   dfstubs.h
-   ** PURPOSE
-   **   Header file for "dfstubs.c" HDF 3.1 emulation using new routines
-   **   from "hfile.c".
-   ** AUTHOR
-   **   Doug Ilg
- */
-#ifndef DFSTUBS_H   /* avoid re-inclusion */
-#define DFSTUBS_H
-/* This is the master HDF driver (taking the place of df.c), so... */
-#define DFMASTER
-#undef PERM_OUT     /* used to "comment out" code */
-#include "df.h"
-#undef DFMASTER
-#if !defined(__GNUC__) & !defined(CONVEX) & !defined(VMS)
-#include <memory.h>
-#endif /* !__GNUC__ & !CONVEX & !VMS */
-#define DFACC_APPEND    8
-#define DFEL_ABSENT 0
-#define DFEL_RESIDENT   1
-#define DFSRCH_OLD  0
-#define DFSRCH_NEW  1
-PRIVATE int32 DFid = 0;
-PRIVATE int32 DFaid = 0;
-PRIVATE int DFaccmode = 0;
-PRIVATE int DFelaccmode = 0;
-PRIVATE uint16 search_tag = 0;
-PRIVATE uint16 search_ref = 0;
-PRIVATE int search_stat = DFSRCH_NEW;
-PRIVATE int32 search_aid = 0;
-PRIVATE int32 DFelsize = 0;
-PRIVATE int32 DFelseekpos = 0;
-PRIVATE uint16 acc_tag = 0;
-PRIVATE uint16 acc_ref = 0;
-PRIVATE char *DFelement = NULL;
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-extern      "C"
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-/* prototypes for internal routines */
-    PRIVATE int DFIclearacc
-                (void);
-    PRIVATE int DFIcheck
-                (DF * dfile);
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-#endif                          /* DFSTUBS_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/dfufp2i.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/dfufp2i.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 09fe5656a28024df6b0042cc015622233c0098c1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/dfufp2i.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
-/* $Id$ */
-#ifndef DFUFP2IM_H  /* avoid re-inclusion */
-#define DFUFP2IM_H
-/* Input structure */
-typedef struct
-  {
-      int32       hdim;         /* horizontal dimension of input data */
-      int32       vdim;         /* vertical dimension of input data */
-      intn        is_pal;       /* flag to tell whether there is a palette */
-      intn        is_vscale;    /* flag telling whether vertical scale included  */
-      intn        is_hscale;    /* flag telling whether horizonatal scale included */
-      intn        ct_method;    /* color transform method: EXPAND or INTERP */
-      float32     max;          /* max value of data */
-      float32     min;          /* min value of the data */
-      float32    *hscale;       /* horizontal scale */
-      float32    *vscale;       /* vertical scale */
-      float32    *data;         /* floating point data */
-  }
-/* Output structure */
-typedef struct
-  {
-      int32       hres;         /* horizontal resolution of image */
-      int32       vres;         /* vertical resolution of image */
-      intn        compress;     /* compression scheme */
-      char        outfile[32];  /* output file name */
-      uint8      *image;        /* Image */
-      uint8      *palette;      /* Palette */
-  }
-/*                           Function Prototypes                              */
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-extern      "C"
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-/* prototypes for dfufp2im.c */
-#ifdef OLD_WAY
-    extern int  duif2i_(int32 *hdim, int32 *vdim, float32 *max, float32 *min,
-                        float32 hscale[], float32 vscale[], float32 data[],
-                  _fcd palette, _fcd outfile, int *ct_method, int32 *hres,
-                        int32 *vres, int *compress, int *lenfn);
-    extern int  DFUfptoimage(int32 hdim, int32 vdim, float32 max, float32 min,
-                             float32 *hscale, float32 *vscale, float32 *data,
-                             uint8 *palette, char *outfile, int ct_method,
-                             int32 hres, int32 vres, int compress);
-    extern int  process
-                (Input * in, Output * out);
-    extern int  generate_scale
-                (int32 dim, float32 *scale);
-    extern int  convert_interp
-                (Input * in, Output * out);
-    extern int  pixrep_scaled
-                (Input * in, Output * out);
-    extern int  compute_offsets
-                (float32 *scale, int32 dim, int32 *offsets, int32 res);
-    extern int  pixrep_simple
-                (Input * in, Output * out);
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-#endif                          /* DFUFP2IM_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/dynarray.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/dynarray.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 30f407e0a15029d72f967f4423f8f83e3b6130e5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/dynarray.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
-/* $Id$ */
- * File:    dynarray.h
- * Purpose: header file for dynamic array API
- * Dependencies: 
- * Invokes:
- * Contents:
- * Structure definitions: 
- * Constant definitions: 
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* avoid re-inclusion */
-#ifndef __DYNARRAY_H
-#define __DYNARRAY_H
-#include "hdf.h"
-    Define the pointer to the dynarray without giving outside routines access
-    to the internal workings of the structure.
-typedef struct dynarray_tag *dynarr_p;
-typedef struct dynarray_tag 
-  {
-      intn num_elems;       /* Number of elements in the array currently */
-      intn incr_mult;       /* Multiple to increment the array size by */
-      VOIDP *arr;           /* Pointer to the actual array of void *'s */
-  }dynarr_t;
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-extern      "C"
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-     DAcreate_array - Create a dynarray
-    Create a dynarray for later use.  This routine allocates the dynarray
-    structure and creates a dynarray with the specified minimum size.
-    Returns pointer to the dynarray created if successful and NULL otherwise
-dynarr_p DAcreate_array(intn start_size,      /* IN: Initial array size */
-    intn incr_mult                  /* IN: multiple to create additional elements in */
-     DAdestroy_array - Destroy a dynarray
-    Destroy an existing dynarray from use.  This routine de-allocates the
-    dynarray structure and deletes the current dynarray.
-    Returns SUCCEED if successful and FAIL otherwise
-intn DAdestroy_array(dynarr_p arr,  /* IN: Array to destroy */
-        intn free_elem              /* IN: whether to free each element */
-     DAdestroy_array - Get the current size of a dynarray
-    Get the number of elements in use currently.
-    Returns # of dynarray elements if successful and FAIL otherwise
-intn DAsize_array(dynarr_p arr   /* IN: Array to get size of */
-     DAget_elem - Get an element from a dynarray
-    Retrieve an element from a dynarray.  If the element to be retrieved is
-    beyond the end of the currently allocated array elements, the array is
-    not extended, a NULL pointer is merely returned.
-    Returns object ptr if successful and NULL otherwise
-VOIDP DAget_elem(dynarr_p arr_ptr, /* IN: Array to access */
-    intn elem                       /* IN: Array element to retrieve */
-     DAset_elem - Set an element pointer for a dynarray
-    Set an element pointer for a dynarray.  If the element to be set is
-    beyond the end of the currently allocated array elements, the array is
-    extended by whatever multiple of the incr_mult is needed to expand the
-    # of array elements to include the array element to set.
-    Returns SUCCEED if successful and NULL otherwise
-intn DAset_elem(dynarr_p arr_ptr,  /* IN: Array to access */
-    intn elem,                      /* IN: Array element to set */
-    VOIDP obj                       /* IN: Pointer to the object to store */
-     DAdel_elem - Delete an element from a dynarray
-    Retrieve an element from a dynarray & delete it from the dynarray.  If the
-    element to be retrieved is beyond the end of the currently allocated array
-    elements, the array is not extended, a NULL pointer is merely returned.
-    Returns object ptr if successful and NULL otherwise
-VOIDP DAdel_elem(dynarr_p arr_ptr, /* IN: Array to access */
-    intn elem                       /* IN: Array element to retrieve */
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-#endif /* __DYNARRAY_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/hbitio.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/hbitio.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 9ad8defdbc57af8feb44ef8407db758ad1ee728e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/hbitio.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
-/* $Id$ */
-   **  hbitio.h
-   **
-   **  Data structures and macros for bitfile access to HDF data objects.
-   **  These are mainly used for compression I/O and N-bit data objects.
- */
-#ifndef __HBITIO_H
-#define __HBITIO_H
-/* Define the number of elements in the buffered array */
-#define BITBUF_SIZE 4096
-/* Macro to define the number of bits cached in the 'bits' variable */
-#define BITNUM      (sizeof(uint8)*8)
-/* Macro to define the number of bits able to be read/written at a time */
-#define DATANUM     (sizeof(uint32)*8)
-typedef struct bitrec_t
-  {
-      int32       acc_id;       /* Access ID for H layer I/O routines */
-      int32       bit_id;       /* Bitfile ID for internal use */
-  /* Note that since HDF has signed 32bit offset limit we need to change this to signed
-     since the get passed to Hxxx calls which take signed 32bit arguments */
-      int32      block_offset, /* offset of the current buffered block in the dataset */
-                 max_offset,   /* offset of the last byte written to the dataset */
-                 byte_offset;  /* offset of the current byte in the dataset */
-      intn       count,        /* bit count to next boundary */
-                 buf_read;     /* number of bytes read into buffer (necessary for random I/O) */
-      uint8       access;       /* What the access on this file is ('r', 'w', etc..) */
-      uint8       mode;         /* how are we interacting with the data now ('r', 'w', etc) */
-      uint8       bits;         /* extra bit buffer, 0..BITNUM-1 bits */
-      uint8      *bytep;        /* current position in buffer */
-      uint8      *bytez;        /* end of buffer to compare */
-      uint8      *bytea;        /* byte buffer */
-  }
-#ifndef BITMASTER
-const uint8 maskc[9]
-{0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, 255}
-           ;
-#ifndef BITMASTER
-const uint32 maskl[33]
- 0x00000001, 0x00000003, 0x00000007, 0x0000000f,
- 0x0000001f, 0x0000003f, 0x0000007f, 0x000000ff,
- 0x000001ff, 0x000003ff, 0x000007ff, 0x00000fff,
- 0x00001fff, 0x00003fff, 0x00007fff, 0x0000ffff,
- 0x0001ffff, 0x0003ffff, 0x0007ffff, 0x000fffff,
- 0x001fffff, 0x003fffff, 0x007fffff, 0x00ffffff,
- 0x01ffffff, 0x03ffffff, 0x07ffffff, 0x0fffffff,
- 0x1fffffff, 0x3fffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0xffffffffUL}
-           ;
-/* Function-like Macros */
-#define Hputbit(bitid,bit) ((Hbitwrite(bitid,1,(uint32)bit)==FAIL) ? FAIL : SUCCEED)
-#endif /* __HBITIO_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/hchunks.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/hchunks.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 6c42ea00e61083592ff6527c972160c4879f33f9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/hchunks.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
-/* $Id$ */
- * File:         hchunks.h
- * Purpose:      Header file for Chunked elements
- * Dependencies: tbbt.c mcache.c
- * Invokes:      none
- * Contents:     Structures & definitions for chunked elements
- * Structure definitions: DIM_DEF, HCHUNK_DEF
- * Constant definitions:
- * Author: -GeorgeV -  9/3/96
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* avoid re-inclusion */
-#ifndef __HCHUNKS_H
-#define __HCHUNKS_H
-/* required includes */
-#include "hfile.h"  /* special info stuff */
-#ifdef   _HCHUNKS_MAIN_
-/* Private to 'hchunks.c' */
-#include "tbbt.h"   /* TBBT stuff */
-#include "mcache.h" /* caching routines */
-#include "hcomp.h"  /* For Compression */
-/* Define class, class version and name(partial) for chunk table i.e. Vdata */
-#if 0 /* moved definition of class of vdata to hlimits.h */
-#define _HDF_CHK_TBL_CLASS "_HDF_CHK_TBL_" /* 13 bytes */
-#define _HDF_CHK_TBL_CLASS_VER  0          /* zero version number for class */
-#endif /* moved definition of class of vdata to hlimits.h */ 
-#define _HDF_CHK_TBL_NAME  "_HDF_CHK_TBL_" /* 13 bytes */
-/* Define field name for each chunk record i.e. Vdata record */
-#define _HDF_CHK_FIELD_1   "origin"  /* 6 bytes */
-#define _HDF_CHK_FIELD_2   "chk_tag" /* 7 bytes */
-#define _HDF_CHK_FIELD_3   "chk_ref" /* 7 bytes */
-#define _HDF_CHK_FIELD_NAMES   "origin,chk_tag,chk_ref" /* 22 bytes */
-/* Define version number for chunked header format */
-#define _HDF_CHK_HDR_VER   0  /* zero version for format header */
-#endif /* _HCHUNKS_MAIN_ */
-/* Public structures */
-/* Structure for each Data array dimension Defintion */
-typedef struct dim_def_struct {
-    int32 dim_length;          /* length of this dimension */
-    int32 chunk_length;        /* chunk length along this dimension */
-    int32 distrib_type;        /* Data distribution along this dimension */
-/* Structure for each Chunk Definition*/
-typedef struct hchunk_def_struct {
-    int32    chunk_size;     /* size of this chunk*/
-    int32    nt_size;        /* number type size i.e. size of data type */
-    int32    num_dims;       /* number of actual dimensions */
-    DIM_DEF *pdims;          /* ptr to array of dimension records for this chunk*/
-    int32   chunk_flag;      /* multiply specialness? SPECIAL_COMP */
-    /* For Compression info */
-    comp_coder_t comp_type;     /* Compression type */
-    comp_model_t model_type;    /* Compression model type */
-    comp_info  *cinfo;        /* Compression info struct */
-    model_info *minfo;        /* Compression model info struct */
-/* Private structues */
-#ifdef _HCHUNKS_MAIN_
-/* Private to 'hchunks.c' */
-/* Structure for each Data array dimension */
-typedef struct dim_rec_struct {
-    /* fields stored in chunked header */
-    int32 flag;                /* distrib_type(low 8 bits 0-7)
-                                  - Data distribution along this dimension 
-                                  other(medium low 8 bits 8-15)
-                                  - regular/unlimited dimension? */
-    int32 dim_length;          /* length of this dimension */
-    int32 chunk_length;        /* chunk length along this dimension */
-    /* info determined from 'flag' field */
-    int32 distrib_type;        /* Data distribution along this dimension */
-    int32 unlimited;           /* regular(0) or unlimited dimension(1) */
-    /* computed fields */
-    int32 last_chunk_length;   /* last chunk length along this dimension */
-    int32 num_chunks;          /* i.e. "dim_length / chunk_length" */
-/* Structure for each Chunk */
-typedef struct chunk_rec_struct {
-    int32 chunk_number;      /* chunk number from coordinates i.e. origin */
-    int32 chk_vnum;          /* chunk vdata record number i.e. position in table*/
-    /* chunk record fields stored in Vdata Table */
-    int32  *origin;          /* origin -> position of chunk */
-    uint16 chk_tag;          /* DFTAG_CHUNK or another Chunked element? */
-    uint16 chk_ref;          /* reference number of this chunk */
-/* information on this special chunk data elt */
-typedef struct chunkinfo_t
-    intn        attached;     /* how many access records refer to this elt */
-    int32       aid;          /* Access id of chunk table i.e. Vdata */
-    /* chunked element format header  fields */
-    int32       sp_tag_header_len; /* length of the special element header */
-    uint8       version;      /* Version of this Chunked element */
-    int32       flag;         /* flag for multiply specialness ...*/
-    int32       length;       /* the actual length of the data elt */
-    int32       chunk_size;   /* the logical size of the chunks */
-    int32       nt_size;      /* number type size i.e. size of data type */
-    uint16      chktbl_tag;   /* DFTAG_VH - Vdata header */
-    uint16      chktbl_ref;   /* ref of the first chunk table structure(VDATA) */
-    uint16      sp_tag;       /* For future use.. */
-    uint16      sp_ref;       /* For future use.. */
-    int32       ndims;        /* number of dimensions of chunk */
-    DIM_REC     *ddims;       /* array of dimension records */
-    int32       fill_val_len; /* fill value number of bytes */
-    VOID        *fill_val;    /* fill value */
-    /* For each specialness, only one for now SPECIAL_COMP */
-    int32       comp_sp_tag_head_len; /* Compression header length */
-    VOID        *comp_sp_tag_header;  /* compression header */
-    /* For Compression info */
-    comp_coder_t comp_type;            /* Compression type */
-    comp_model_t model_type;           /* Compression model type */
-    comp_info   *cinfo;               /* Compression info struct */
-    model_info  *minfo;               /* Compression model info struct */
-    /* additional memory resident data structures to be used */
-    int32       *seek_chunk_indices; /* chunk array indicies relative
-                                        to the other chunks */
-    int32       *seek_pos_chunk;     /* postion within the current chunk */
-    int32       *seek_user_indices;  /* user postion within the element  */
-    TBBT_TREE   *chk_tree;    /* TBBT tree of all accessed table entries 
-                                 i.e. CHUNK_REC's read/written/modified */
-    MCACHE      *chk_cache;   /* chunk cache */
-    int32       num_recs;     /* number of Table(Vdata) records */
-#endif /* _HCHUNKS_MAIN_ */
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-extern      "C"
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-** from hchunks.c
-/* User Public */
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HMCcreate
-        (int32 file_id,       /* IN: file to put linked chunk element in */
-         uint16 tag,          /* IN: tag of element */
-         uint16 ref,          /* IN: ref of element */
-         uint8 nlevels,       /* IN: number of levels of chunks */
-         int32 fill_val_len,  /* IN: fill value length in bytes */
-         VOID  *fill_val,     /* IN: fill value */
-         HCHUNK_DEF *chk_array /* IN: structure describing chunk distribution
-                                 can be an array? but we only handle 1 level */);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HMCgetcompress
-	(accrec_t* access_rec,    /* IN: access record */
-	 comp_coder_t* comp_type, /* OUT: compression type */
-         comp_info* c_info        /* OUT: retrieved compression info */);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HMCsetMaxcache
-        (int32 access_id, /* IN: access aid to mess with */
-         int32 maxcache,  /* IN: max number of pages to cache */
-         int32 flags      /* IN: flags = 0, HMC_PAGEALL */);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HMCwriteChunk
-        (int32 access_id,  /* IN: access aid to mess with */
-         int32 *origin,    /* IN: origin of chunk to write */
-         const VOID *datap /* IN: buffer for data */);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HMCreadChunk
-        (int32 access_id,  /* IN: access aid to mess with */
-         int32 *origin,    /* IN: origin of chunk to read */
-         VOID *datap       /* IN: buffer for data */);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HMCPcloseAID
-        (accrec_t *access_rec /* IN:  access record of file to close */);
-/* Library Private */
-#ifdef _HCHUNKS_MAIN_
-    /* tbbt.h helper routines */
-    intn chkcompare(void * k1,   /* IN: first key */
-           void * k2,   /* IN: second key */
-           intn cmparg /* IN: not sure? */);
-    void chkfreekey(void * key /*IN: chunk key */ );
-    void chkdestroynode(void * n /* IN: chunk record */ );
-/* Private to 'hchunks.c' */
-    extern int32 HMCPstread
-        (accrec_t *access_rec  /* IN: access record to fill in */);
-    extern int32 HMCPstwrite
-        (accrec_t *access_rec  /* IN: access record to fill in */);
-    extern int32 HMCPseek
-        (accrec_t *access_rec, /* IN: access record to mess with */
-         int32 offset,         /* IN: seek offset */
-         int   origin          /* IN: where we should calc the offset from */);
-    extern int32 HMCPchunkread
-        (VOID  *cookie,    /* IN: access record to mess with */
-         int32 chunk_num,  /* IN: chunk to read */
-         VOID  *datap      /* OUT: buffer for data */);
-    extern int32 HMCPread
-        (accrec_t * access_rec, /* IN: access record to mess with */
-         int32 length,          /* IN: number of bytes to read */
-         void * data             /* OUT: buffer for data */);
-    extern int32 HMCPchunkwrite
-        (VOID  *cookie,    /* IN: access record to mess with */
-         int32 chunk_num,  /* IN: chunk number */
-         const VOID *datap /* IN: buffer for data */);
-    extern int32 HMCPwrite
-        (accrec_t *access_rec, /* IN: access record to mess with */
-         int32 length,         /* IN: number of bytes to write */
-         const void * data      /* IN: buffer for data */);
-    extern intn HMCPendaccess
-        (accrec_t *access_rec /* IN:  access record to close */);
-    extern int32 HMCPinfo
-        (accrec_t *access_rec,       /* IN: access record of access elemement */
-         sp_info_block_t *info_chunk /* OUT: information about the special element */);
-    extern int32 HMCPinquire
-        (accrec_t * access_rec, /* IN:  access record to return info about */
-         int32 *pfile_id,       /* OUT: file ID; */
-         uint16 *ptag,          /* OUT: tag of info record; */
-         uint16 *pref,          /* OUT: ref of info record; */
-         int32 *plength,        /* OUT: length of element; */
-         int32 *poffset,        /* OUT: offset of element -- meaningless */
-         int32 *pposn,          /* OUT: current position in element; */
-         int16 *paccess,        /* OUT: access mode; */
-         int16 *pspecial        /* OUT: special code; */);
-    extern int32 HMCPgetnumrecs
-        (accrec_t * access_rec, /* IN:  access record to return info about */
-         int32 *num_recs        /* OUT: length of the chunked elt */);
-#endif /* _HCHUNKS_MAIN_ */
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-#ifndef _HCHUNKS_MAIN_
-/* not in master file hchunk.c */
-extern funclist_t chunked_funcs;  /* functions to perform chunking */
-#else /* in hchunks.c */
-/* the accessing special function table for chunks */
-funclist_t  chunked_funcs =
-    HMCPstread,
-    HMCPstwrite,
-    HMCPseek,
-    HMCPinquire,
-    HMCPread,
-    HMCPwrite,
-    HMCPendaccess,
-    HMCPinfo,
-    NULL         /* no routine registerd */
-#endif /* __HCHUNKS_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/hcomp.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/hcomp.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 35c38488b9ff6fe89ef0e09ee7d9a70aa7fe0bac..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/hcomp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
-/* $Id$ */
- * File:    hcomp.h
- * Purpose: header file for compression information & structures
- * Dependencies: should be included after hdf.h
- * Invokes:
- * Contents:
- * Structure definitions: comp_info
- * Constant definitions: lots...
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* avoid re-inclusion */
-#ifndef __HCOMP_H
-#define __HCOMP_H
-/* For determining which type of modeling is being done */
-typedef enum
-  {
-      COMP_MODEL_STDIO = 0      /* for Standard C I/O model */
-  }
-/* For determining which type of encoding is being done */
-typedef enum
-  {
-      COMP_CODE_NONE = 0,       /* don't encode at all, just store */
-      COMP_CODE_RLE,            /* for simple RLE encoding */
-      COMP_CODE_NBIT,           /* for N-bit encoding */
-      COMP_CODE_SKPHUFF,        /* for Skipping huffman encoding */
-      COMP_CODE_DEFLATE,        /* for gzip 'deflate' encoding */
-      COMP_CODE_SZIP,		/* for szip encoding */
-      COMP_CODE_INVALID,        /* invalid last code, for range checking */
-      COMP_CODE_JPEG            /* _Ugly_ hack to allow JPEG images to be created with GRsetcompress */
-  }
-/* Compression types available */
-#define COMP_NONE       0
-#define COMP_JPEG       2
-#define COMP_RLE        11
-#define COMP_IMCOMP     12
-/* Compression encoder/decoder configuration */
-extern uint16 compress_map[];
-uint16      compress_map[COMP_MAX_COMP + 1] =
-{                               /* Mapping from compression types to tags */
-    0,                          /* No corresponding tag for un-compressed data */
-    0,                          /* (1) */
-    DFTAG_JPEG5,                /* COMP_JPEG -> DFTAG_JPEG5 (for JPEG compression) */
-    0,                          /* (3) */
-    0,                          /* (4) */
-    0,                          /* (5) */
-    0,                          /* (6) */
-    0,                          /* (7) */
-    0,                          /* (8) */
-    0,                          /* (9) */
-    0,                          /* (10) */
-    DFTAG_RLE,                  /* COMP_RLE -> DFTAG_RLE (for Run-length compression) */
-    DFTAG_IMC                   /* COMP_IMCOMP -> DFTAG_IMC (for IMCOMP compression) */
-typedef union tag_model_info
-  {                             /* Union to contain modeling information */
-      struct
-        {
-            int32       nt;     /* number type */
-            intn        ndim;   /* number of dimensions */
-            int32      *dims;   /* array of dimensions */
-        }
-      dim;
-  }
-typedef union tag_comp_info
-  {                             /* Union to contain compression information */
-      struct
-        {   /* Struct to contain information about how to compress */
-            /* or decompress a JPEG encoded 24-bit image */
-            intn    quality;    /* Quality factor for JPEG compression, should be from */
-            /* 0 (terrible) to 100 (very good) */
-            intn    force_baseline;     /* If force_baseline is set to TRUE then */
-            /* quantization tables are limited to */
-            /* 0..255 for JPEG baseline compability */
-            /* This is only an issue for quality */
-            /* settings below 24 */
-        }
-      jpeg;
-      struct
-        {   /* struct to contain information about how to compress */
-            /* or decompress a N-bit encoded dataset */
-            int32   nt;     /* number type of the data to encode */
-            intn    sign_ext;   /* whether to sign extend or not */
-            intn    fill_one;   /* whether to fill with 1's or 0's */
-            intn    start_bit;  /* offset of the start bit in the data */
-            intn    bit_len;    /* number of bits to store */
-        }
-      nbit;
-      struct
-        {   /* struct to contain info about how to compress */
-            /* or decompress a "skipping" huffman encoded dataset */
-            intn    skp_size;   /* size of the individual elements when skipping */
-        }
-      skphuff;
-      struct
-        {   /* struct to contain info about how to compress */
-            /* or decompress a gzip encoded dataset */
-            intn    level;   /* how hard to work when compressing the data */
-        }
-      deflate;
-      struct
-        {
-            int32 options_mask;   /* IN */
-            int32 pixels_per_block;   /* IN */
-            int32 pixels_per_scanline; /* OUT: computed */
-	    int32 bits_per_pixel; /* OUT: size of NT */
-            int32 pixels; /* OUT: size of dataset or chunk */
-         }
-       szip;  /* for szip encoding */
-  }
-#endif /* __HCOMP_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/hcompi.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/hcompi.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 99606c46dcc040280eb923247a0933973cecf827..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/hcompi.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
-/* $Id$ */
- * File:    hcompi.h
- * Purpose: Internal library header file for compression information
- * Dependencies: should be included after hdf.h
- * Invokes:
- * Contents:
- * Structure definitions:
- * Constant definitions:
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* avoid re-inclusion */
-#ifndef __HCOMPI_H
-#define __HCOMPI_H
-#include "hfile.h"
-/* Modeling information */
-/* structure for storing modeling information */
-/* only allow modeling and master compression routines access */
-#include "mstdio.h"     /* stdio modeling header */
-typedef struct comp_model_info_tag
-  {
-      comp_model_t model_type;  /* model this stream is using */
-      union
-        {                       /* union of all the different types of model information */
-            comp_model_stdio_info_t stdio_info;     /* stdio model info */
-        }
-      model_info;
-      funclist_t  model_funcs;  /* functions to perform modeling */
-  }
-/* Coding information */
-/* structure for storing modeling information */
-/* only allow encoding and master compression routines access */
-#include "cnone.h"  /* no encoding header */
-#include "crle.h"   /* run-length encoding header */
-#include "cnbit.h"  /* N-bit encoding header */
-#include "cskphuff.h"   /* Skipping huffman encoding header */
-#include "cdeflate.h"   /* gzip 'deflate' encoding header */
-#include "cszip.h"   /* szip encoding header */
-typedef struct comp_coder_info_tag
-  {
-      comp_coder_t coder_type;  /* coding scheme this stream is using */
-      union
-        {                       /* union of all the different types of coding information */
-            comp_coder_none_info_t none_info;   /* "None" coding info */
-            comp_coder_rle_info_t rle_info;     /* RLE coding info */
-            comp_coder_nbit_info_t nbit_info;   /* N-bit coding info */
-            comp_coder_skphuff_info_t skphuff_info;     /* Skipping huffman coding info */
-            comp_coder_deflate_info_t deflate_info;   /* gzip 'deflate' coding info */
-	    comp_coder_szip_info_t szip_info;   /* szip coding info */
-        }
-      coder_info;
-      funclist_t  coder_funcs;  /* functions to perform encoding */
-  }
-/* structure for storing a state */
-typedef struct comp_stateinfo_tag
-  {
-      uint32      d_offset;     /* the offset of the state in the dataset */
-      uint32      c_offset;     /* offset of the state in the compressed data */
-      comp_model_info_t minfo;  /* modeling information */
-      comp_coder_info_t cinfo;  /* coding information */
-  }
-/* structure for storing state caching information */
-typedef struct comp_state_cache_tag
-  {
-      intn        num_states;   /* the number of states cached */
-      comp_stateinfo_t **comp_state;    /* pointer to an array of pointers to
-                                           compression states */
-  }
-/* compinfo_t -- compressed element information structure */
-typedef struct compinfo_tag
-  {
-      intn        attached;     /* number of access records attached
-                                   to this information structure */
-      int32       length;       /* the actual length of the data elt */
-      uint16      comp_ref;     /* compressed info ref. number */
-      int32       aid;          /* AID of the compressed info */
-      comp_model_info_t minfo;  /* modeling information */
-      comp_coder_info_t cinfo;  /* coding information */
-      intn        caching;      /* whether caching is turned on */
-      comp_state_cache_t sinfo; /* state information for caching */
-  }
-#endif /* __HCOMPI_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/hconv.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/hconv.h
deleted file mode 100755
index ec9132441eef1dda1d4fc12564453f359c188c89..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/hconv.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
-/* $Id$ */
- * File:    hconv.h
- * Purpose: header file for data conversion information & structures
- * Invokes:
- * Contents:
- * Structure definitions:
- * Constant definitions: lots...
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* avoid re-inclusion */
-#ifndef _HCONV_H
-#define _HCONV_H
-#ifndef VMS
-#define DUFF
-#ifdef DUFF
-#undef DUFF
-#ifdef DUFF
-#define DUFF_sb4b
-#define DUFF_ui2i
-#define DUFF_ui2s
-#define DUFF_uo2i
-#define DUFF_ui4i
-#define DUFF_ui4s
-#define DUFF_uo4i
-#define DUFF_ui4f
-#define DUFF_uo4f
-#define DUFF_ui8f
-#define DUFF_uo8f
-#define DUFF_lui2i
-#define DUFF_lui2s
-#define DUFF_luo2i
-#define DUFF_lui4i
-#define DUFF_lui4s
-#define DUFF_luo4i
-#define DUFF_lui4f
-#define DUFF_luo4f
-#define DUFF_lui8f
-#define DUFF_luo8f
-/* CONSTANT DEFINITIONS                                                      */
-/* Generally Big-Endian machines */
-#if !defined(VMS) && !defined(INTEL86) && !defined(MIPSEL) && !defined(DEC_ALPHA) && !defined(I860) && !defined(SUN386) && !defined(__ia64) && !defined(__x86_64__)
-#   if !defined(UNICOS)
-#       define UI8_IN     DFKnb1b   /* Unsigned Integer, 8 bits */
-#       define UI8_OUT    DFKnb1b
-#   if defined(CRAYMPP)
-#       define SI16_IN    DFKmi2s
-#       define SI16_OUT   DFKmo2b
-#       define UI16_IN    DFKmi2i
-#       define UI16_OUT   DFKmo2b
-#   else
-#       define SI16_IN    DFKnb2b   /* S = Signed */
-#       define SI16_OUT   DFKnb2b
-#       define UI16_IN    DFKnb2b
-#       define UI16_OUT   DFKnb2b
-#   endif
-#       define SI32_IN    DFKnb4b
-#       define SI32_OUT   DFKnb4b
-#       define UI32_IN    DFKnb4b
-#       define UI32_OUT   DFKnb4b
-#   if defined(CONVEXNATIVE)
-#       define F32_IN     DFKci4f   /* CONVEX stuff */
-#       define F32_OUT    DFKco4f
-#       define F64_IN     DFKci8f
-#       define F64_OUT    DFKco8f
-#   elif defined(VP)
-#       define F32_IN     DFKpi4f   /* Fujitsu VP stuff */
-#       define F32_OUT    DFKpo4f
-#       define F64_IN     DFKpi8f
-#       define F64_OUT    DFKpo8f
-#   else    /* !CONVEXNATIVE */
-#       define F32_IN     DFKnb4b   /* Float, 32 bits */
-#       define F32_OUT    DFKnb4b
-#       define F64_IN     DFKnb8b
-#       define F64_OUT    DFKnb8b
-#   endif   /* CONVEXNATIVE */
-#       define LUI8_IN    DFKnb1b   /* Little Endian Unsigned Integer, 8 bits */
-#       define LUI8_OUT   DFKnb1b
-#   if defined(CRAYMPP)
-#       define LSI16_IN   DFKlmi2s
-#       define LSI16_OUT  DFKlmo2b
-#       define LUI16_IN   DFKlmi2i
-#       define LUI16_OUT  DFKlmo2b
-#   else
-#       define LSI16_IN   DFKsb2b
-#       define LSI16_OUT  DFKsb2b
-#       define LUI16_IN   DFKsb2b
-#       define LUI16_OUT  DFKsb2b
-#   endif
-#       define LSI32_IN   DFKsb4b
-#       define LSI32_OUT  DFKsb4b
-#       define LUI32_IN   DFKsb4b
-#       define LUI32_OUT  DFKsb4b
-#       if defined(CONVEXNATIVE)
-#           define LF32_IN  DFKlci4f    /* CONVEX little-endian routines */
-#           define LF32_OUT DFKlco4f
-#           define LF64_IN  DFKlci8f
-#           define LF64_OUT DFKlco8f
-#       elif defined(VP)
-#           define LF32_IN   DFKlpi4f   /* Fujitsu VP little-endian routines */
-#           define LF32_OUT  DFKlpo4f
-#           define LF64_IN   DFKlpi8f
-#           define LF64_OUT  DFKlpo8f
-#       else    /* !CONVEXNATIVE */
-#           define LF32_IN  DFKsb4b
-#           define LF32_OUT DFKsb4b
-#           define LF64_IN  DFKsb8b
-#           define LF64_OUT DFKsb8b
-#       endif   /* CONVEXNATIVE */
-#   else    /* UNICOS */
-#       define UI8_IN     DFKnb1b   /* Big-Endian IEEE support */
-#       define UI8_OUT    DFKnb1b
-#       define SI16_IN    DFKui2s
-#       define SI16_OUT   DFKuo2s
-#       define UI16_IN    DFKui2i
-#       define UI16_OUT   DFKuo2i
-#       define SI32_IN    DFKui4s
-#       define SI32_OUT   DFKuo4s
-#       define UI32_IN    DFKui4i
-#       define UI32_OUT   DFKuo4i
-#       define F32_IN     DFKui4f
-#       define F32_OUT    DFKuo4f
-#       define F64_IN     DFKui8f
-#       define F64_OUT    DFKuo8f
-#       define LUI8_IN    DFKnb1b   /* Little-endian IEEE support */
-#       define LUI8_OUT   DFKnb1b
-#       define LSI16_IN   DFKlui2s
-#       define LSI16_OUT  DFKluo2s
-#       define LUI16_IN   DFKlui2i
-#       define LUI16_OUT  DFKluo2i
-#       define LSI32_IN   DFKlui4s
-#       define LSI32_OUT  DFKluo4s
-#       define LUI32_IN   DFKlui4i
-#       define LUI32_OUT  DFKluo4i
-#       define LF32_IN    DFKlui4f
-#       define LF32_OUT   DFKluo4f
-#       define LF64_IN    DFKlui8f
-#       define LF64_OUT   DFKluo8f
-#   endif   /* !UNICOS */
-#else  /* must be VMS || INTEL86 || MIPSEL || DEC_ALPHA || I860 || SUN386 || IA64 || Linux64 (Generally, little-endian machines */
-#   define UI8_IN     DFKnb1b   /* Big-Endian IEEE support */
-#   define UI8_OUT    DFKnb1b   /* The s in DFKsb2b is for swap */
-#   define SI16_IN    DFKsb2b
-#   define SI16_OUT   DFKsb2b
-#   define UI16_IN    DFKsb2b
-#   define UI16_OUT   DFKsb2b
-#   define SI32_IN    DFKsb4b
-#   define SI32_OUT   DFKsb4b
-#   define UI32_IN    DFKsb4b
-#   define UI32_OUT   DFKsb4b
-#   if defined(VMS)
-#       define F32_IN     DFKvi4f
-#       define F32_OUT    DFKvo4f
-#       define F64_IN     DFKvi8f
-#       define F64_OUT    DFKvo8f
-#   else    /* !VMS */
-#       define F32_IN     DFKsb4b
-#       define F32_OUT    DFKsb4b
-#       define F64_IN     DFKsb8b
-#       define F64_OUT    DFKsb8b
-#   endif   /* VMS */
-#   define LUI8_IN    DFKnb1b   /* Little-Endian IEEE support */
-#   define LUI8_OUT   DFKnb1b
-#   define LSI16_IN   DFKnb2b
-#   define LSI16_OUT  DFKnb2b
-#   define LUI16_IN   DFKnb2b
-#   define LUI16_OUT  DFKnb2b
-#   define LSI32_IN   DFKnb4b
-#   define LSI32_OUT  DFKnb4b
-#   define LUI32_IN   DFKnb4b
-#   define LUI32_OUT  DFKnb4b
-#   if defined(VMS)
-#       define LF32_IN     DFKlvi4f
-#       define LF32_OUT    DFKlvo4f
-#       define LF64_IN     DFKlvi8f
-#       define LF64_OUT    DFKlvo8f
-#   else    /* !VMS */
-#       define LF32_IN    DFKnb4b
-#       define LF32_OUT   DFKnb4b
-#       define LF64_IN    DFKnb8b
-#       define LF64_OUT   DFKnb8b
-#   endif   /* VMS */
-#endif /* !VMS && !INTEL86 && !MIPS && !DEC_ALPHA && !I860 && !SUN386 && !IA64 && !Linux64*/
-/* All Machines (except the Cray) currently use the same routines */
-/* for Native mode "conversions" */
-#ifndef UNICOS
-#     define NUI8_IN    DFKnb1b
-#     define NUI8_OUT   DFKnb1b
-#   if defined(CRAYMPP)
-#     define NSI16_IN   DFKmi2s
-#     define NSI16_OUT  DFKmo2b
-#     define NUI16_IN   DFKmi2i
-#     define NUI16_OUT  DFKmo2b
-#   else
-#     define NSI16_IN   DFKnb2b
-#     define NSI16_OUT  DFKnb2b
-#     define NUI16_IN   DFKnb2b
-#     define NUI16_OUT  DFKnb2b
-#   endif
-#     define NSI32_IN   DFKnb4b
-#     define NSI32_OUT  DFKnb4b
-#     define NUI32_IN   DFKnb4b
-#     define NUI32_OUT  DFKnb4b
-#     define NF32_IN    DFKnb4b
-#     define NF32_OUT   DFKnb4b
-#     define NF64_IN    DFKnb8b
-#     define NF64_OUT   DFKnb8b
-#else  /* UNICOS */
-#     define NUI8_IN    DFKnb1b
-#     define NUI8_OUT   DFKnb1b
-#     define NSI16_IN   DFKnb8b
-#     define NSI16_OUT  DFKnb8b
-#     define NUI16_IN   DFKnb8b
-#     define NUI16_OUT  DFKnb8b
-#     define NSI32_IN   DFKnb8b
-#     define NSI32_OUT  DFKnb8b
-#     define NUI32_IN   DFKnb8b
-#     define NUI32_OUT  DFKnb8b
-#     define NF32_IN    DFKnb8b
-#     define NF32_OUT   DFKnb8b
-#     define NF64_IN    DFKnb8b
-#     define NF64_OUT   DFKnb8b
-#endif /* UNICOS */
-/* STRUCTURE DEFINTIONS                                                      */
-union fpx
-  {
-      float       f;
-      long        l;
-  };
-union float_uint_uchar
-  {
-      float32     f;
-      int32       i;
-      unsigned char c[4];
-  };
-#endif /* _HCONV_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/hdf2netcdf.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/hdf2netcdf.h
deleted file mode 100755
index f0438d2b8eec3e59ed07b3bb41a57364ef1878e2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/hdf2netcdf.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id$ */
-/* If we disable the HDF version of the netCDF API (ncxxx interface)
-   (-DHAVE_NETCDF) we need to rename all the relevant function names 
-   In this version we exclude renaming the netCDF fortran API so 
-   the MFHDF side must be compilied without fortran support. */
-#define  HNAME(x)  sd_##x     /* pre-append 'sd_' to all netCDF fcn names */
-#define  HNAME(x)   x
-#endif /* !HAVE_NETCDF i.e. USING HDF NETCDF */
-/* If using the real netCDF library and API (use -DHAVE_NETCDF)
-   need to mangle the HDF versions of netCDF API function names 
-   to not conflict w/ oriinal netCDF ones */
-#define ncerr     HNAME(ncerr)
-#define ncopts    HNAME(ncopts)
-#define nccreate  HNAME(nccreate)
-#define ncopen    HNAME(ncopen)
-#define ncredef   HNAME(ncredef)
-#define ncendef   HNAME(ncendef)
-#define ncclose   HNAME(ncclose)
-#define ncinquire HNAME(ncinquire)
-#define ncsync    HNAME(ncsync)
-#define ncabort   HNAME(ncabort)
-#define ncdimdef  HNAME(ncdimdef)
-#define ncdimid   HNAME(ncdimid)
-#define ncdiminq  HNAME(ncdiminq)
-#define ncdimrename HNAME(ncdimrename)
-#define ncvardef  HNAME(ncvardef)
-#define ncvarid   HNAME(ncvarid)
-#define ncvarinq  HNAME(ncvarinq)
-#define ncvarput1 HNAME(ncvarput1)
-#define ncvarget1 HNAME(ncvarget1)
-#define ncvarput  HNAME(ncvarput)
-#define ncvarget  HNAME(ncvarget)
-#define ncvarputs HNAME(ncvarputs)
-#define ncvargets HNAME(ncvargets)
-#define ncvarputg HNAME(ncvarputg)
-#define ncvargetg HNAME(ncvargetg)
-#define ncvarrename HNAME(ncvarrename)
-#define ncattput  HNAME(ncattput)
-#define ncattinq  HNAME(ncattinq)
-#define ncattget  HNAME(ncattget)
-#define ncattcopy HNAME(ncattcopy)
-#define ncattname HNAME(ncattname)
-#define ncattrename HNAME(ncattrename)
-#define ncattdel  HNAME(ncattdel)
-#define nctypelen HNAME(nctypelen)
-#define ncsetfill HNAME(ncsetfill)
-#define ncrecinq  HNAME(ncrecinq)
-#define ncrecget  HNAME(ncrecget)
-#define ncrecput  HNAME(ncrecput)
-#define ncnobuf   HNAME(ncnobuf) /* no prototype for this one */
-#endif /* HAVE_NETCDF i.e NOT USING HDF version of netCDF API */ 
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/herr.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/herr.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 93d983d06f5d1623984c93bf55b21f6a084ab636..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/herr.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,457 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
-/* $Id$ */
-/*+ herr.h
-   ***  header file for using error routines
-   *** to be included by all ".c" files
-   + */
-#ifndef __HERR_H
-#define __HERR_H
-/* if these symbols are not provided by the compiler, we'll have to
-   fake them.  These are used in HERROR for recording location of
-   error in code. */
-#ifndef __FILE__
-#   define __FILE__ "File name not supported"
-#ifndef __LINE__
-#   define __LINE__ 0
-/* HERROR macro, used to facilitate error reporting.  Assumes that
-   there's a variable called FUNC which holds the function name.
-   Assume that func and file are both stored in static space, or at
-   least be not corrupted in the meanwhile. */
-#define HERROR(e) HEpush(e, FUNC, __FILE__, __LINE__)
-/* HRETURN_ERROR macro, used to facilitate error reporting.  Makes
-   same assumptions as HERROR.  IN ADDITION, this macro causes
-   a return from the calling routine */
-#define HRETURN_ERROR(err, ret_val) {HERROR(err); return(ret_val);}
-/* HCLOSE_RETURN_ERROR macro, used to facilitate error reporting.  Makes
-   same assumptions as HRETURN_ERROR.  IN ADDITION, this macro causes
-   the file specified by the id "fid" to be closed */
-#define HCLOSE_RETURN_ERROR(hfid, err, ret_val) {HERROR(err); Hclose(hfid); \
-                                                return(ret_val);}
-/* HGOTO_ERROR macro, used to facilitate error reporting.  Makes
-   same assumptions as HERROR.  IN ADDITION, this macro causes
-   a jump to the label 'done' which should be in every fucntion
-   Also there is an assumption of a variable 'ret_value' */
-#define HGOTO_ERROR(err, ret_val) {HERROR(err); ret_value = ret_val; \
-                                   goto done;}
-/* HCLOSE_RETURN_ERROR macro, used to facilitate error reporting.  Makes
-   same assumptions as HRETURN_ERROR.  IN ADDITION, this macro causes
-   the file specified by the id "fid" to be closed 
-   Also , this macro causes a jump to the label 'done' which should 
-   be in every fucntion. There is an assumption of a variable 'ret_value' */
-#define HCLOSE_GOTO_ERROR(hfid, err, ret_val) {HERROR(err); Hclose(hfid); \
-                                            ret_value = ret_val; goto done;}
-/* HGOTO_DONE macro, used to facilitate the new error reporting model.  
-   This macro is just a wrapper to set the return value and jump to the 'done'
-   label.  Also assumption of a variable 'ret_value' */
-#define HGOTO_DONE(ret_val) {ret_value = ret_val; goto done;}
-/* For further error reporting */
-#define HE_REPORT(msg) HEreport(msg)
-#define HE_REPORT_RETURN(msg, ret_val) { HEreport(msg); return(ret_val); }
-#define HE_CLOSE_REPORT_RETURN(hfid,msg, ret_val) { HEreport(msg); \
-                                                    Hclose(hfid); \
-                                                    return(ret_val);}
-#define HE_REPORT_GOTO(msg, ret_val) { HEreport(msg); ret_value = ret_val; \
-                                       goto done;}
-#define HE_CLOSE_REPORT_GOTO(hfid,msg, ret_val) { HEreport(msg); \
-                                                  Hclose(hfid); \
-                                                  ret_value = ret_val; \
-                                                  goto done;}
-/* always points to the next available slot; the last error record is in slot (top-1) */
-#ifndef _H_ERR_MASTER_
-#if defined WIN32 && defined HDFAPDLL
-#if defined WIN32 && defined HDFLIBDLL
-#endif /* _H_ERR_MASTER_ */
-int32       error_top
-#ifdef _H_ERR_MASTER_
-= 0
-#endif /* _H_ERR_MASTER_ */
-/* Macro to wrap around calls to HEPclear, so it doesn't get called zillions of times */
-#define HEclear() {if(error_top!=0) HEPclear(); }
-   ======================================================================
-   Error codes
-   NOTE: Remember to update the error_messages[] structure in herr.c
-   whenever errors are added/deleted from this list.
-   ======================================================================
- */
-/* Declare an enumerated type which holds all the valid HDF error codes */
-typedef enum
-  {
-      DFE_NONE = 0,             /* special zero, no error */
-/* Low-level I/O errors */
-      DFE_FNF,                  /* File not found */
-      DFE_DENIED,               /* Access to file denied */
-      DFE_ALROPEN,              /* File already open */
-      DFE_TOOMANY,              /* Too Many AID's or files open */
-      DFE_BADNAME,              /* Bad file name on open */
-      DFE_BADACC,               /* Bad file access mode */
-      DFE_BADOPEN,              /* Other open error */
-      DFE_NOTOPEN,              /* File can't be closed 'cause it isn't open */
-      DFE_CANTCLOSE,            /* fclose wouldn't work! */
-      DFE_READERROR,            /* There was a read error */
-      DFE_WRITEERROR,           /* There was a write error */
-      DFE_SEEKERROR,            /* There was a seek error */
-      DFE_RDONLY,               /* The DF is read only */
-      DFE_BADSEEK,              /* Attempt to seek past end of element */
-/* Low-level HDF I/O errors */
-      DFE_PUTELEM,              /* Hputelement failed in some way */
-      DFE_GETELEM,              /* Hgetelement failed in some way */
-      DFE_CANTLINK,             /* Can't initialize link information */
-      DFE_CANTSYNC,             /* Cannot syncronize memory with file */
-/* Old group interface errors */
-      DFE_BADGROUP,             /* Error from DFdiread in opening a group */
-      DFE_GROUPSETUP,           /* Error from DFdisetup in opening a group */
-      DFE_PUTGROUP,             /* Error when putting a tag/ref into a group */
-      DFE_GROUPWRITE,           /* Error when writing out a group */
-/* Internal HDF errors */
-      DFE_DFNULL,               /* DF is a null pointer */
-      DFE_ILLTYPE,              /* DF has an illegal type: internal error */
-      DFE_BADDDLIST,            /* The DD list is non-existent: internal error */
-      DFE_NOTDFFILE,            /* This is not a DF file and it is not 0 length */
-      DFE_SEEDTWICE,            /* The DD list already seeded: internal error */
-      DFE_NOSUCHTAG,            /* No such tag in the file: search failed */
-      DFE_NOFREEDD,             /* There are no free DD's left: internal error */
-      DFE_BADTAG,               /* illegal WILDCARD tag */
-      DFE_BADREF,               /* illegal WILDCARD reference # */
-      DFE_NOMATCH,              /* No (more) DDs which match specified tag/ref */
-      DFE_NOTINSET,             /* Warning: Set contained unknown tag: ignored */
-      DFE_BADOFFSET,            /* Illegal offset specified */
-      DFE_CORRUPT,              /* File is corrupted */
-      DFE_NOREF,                /* no more reference numbers are available */
-      DFE_DUPDD,                /* the new tag/ref is already used */
-      DFE_CANTMOD,              /* old element not exist, cannot modify */
-      DFE_DIFFFILES,            /* Attempt to merge objs in diff files */
-      DFE_BADAID,               /* Got a bogus aid */
-      DFE_OPENAID,              /* There are still active AIDs */
-      DFE_CANTFLUSH,            /* Can't flush DD back to file */
-      DFE_CANTUPDATE,           /* Cannot update the DD block */
-      DFE_CANTHASH,             /* Cannot add a DD to the hash table */
-      DFE_CANTDELDD,            /* Cannot delete a DD in the file */
-      DFE_CANTDELHASH,          /* Cannot delete a DD from the hash table */
-      DFE_CANTACCESS,           /* Cannot access specified tag/ref */
-      DFE_CANTENDACCESS,        /* Cannot end access to data element */
-      DFE_TABLEFULL,            /* Access table is full */
-      DFE_NOTINTABLE,           /* Cannot find element in table */
-/* Generic errors */
-      DFE_UNSUPPORTED,          /* Feature not currently supported */
-      DFE_NOSPACE,              /* Malloc failed */
-      DFE_BADCALL,              /* Calls in wrong order */
-      DFE_BADPTR,               /* NULL ptr argument */
-      DFE_BADLEN,               /* Invalid len specified */
-      DFE_NOTENOUGH,            /* space provided insufficient for size of data */
-      DFE_NOVALS,               /* Values not available */
-      DFE_ARGS,                 /* bad arguments to routine */
-      DFE_INTERNAL,             /* serious internal error */
-      DFE_NORESET,              /* Too late to modify this value */
-      DFE_GENAPP,               /* Generic application,level error */
-/* Generic interface errors */
-      DFE_UNINIT,               /* Interface was not initialized correctly */
-      DFE_CANTINIT,             /* Can't initialize an interface we depend on */
-      DFE_CANTSHUTDOWN,         /* Can't shut down an interface we depend on */
-/* General Dataset errors */
-      DFE_BADDIM,               /* negative or zero dimensions specified */
-      DFE_BADFP,                /* File contained an illegal floating point num */
-      DFE_BADDATATYPE,          /* unknown or unavailable data type specified */
-      DFE_BADMCTYPE,            /* unknown or unavailable machine type specified */
-      DFE_BADNUMTYPE,           /* unknown or unavailable number type specified */
-      DFE_BADORDER,             /* unknown or illegal array order specified */
-      DFE_RANGE,                /* improper range for attempted acess */
-      DFE_BADCONV,              /* Don't know how to convert data type */
-      DFE_BADTYPE,              /* Incompatible types specified */
-/* Compression errors */
-      DFE_BADSCHEME,            /* Unknown compression scheme specified */
-      DFE_BADMODEL,             /* Invalid compression model specified */
-      DFE_BADCODER,             /* Invalid compression encoder specified */
-      DFE_MODEL,                /* Error in modeling layer of compression */
-      DFE_CODER,                /* Error in encoding layer of compression */
-      DFE_CINIT,                /* Error in encoding initialization */
-      DFE_CDECODE,              /* Error in decoding compressed data */
-      DFE_CENCODE,              /* Error in encoding compressed data */
-      DFE_CTERM,                /* Error in encoding termination */
-      DFE_CSEEK,                /* Error seekging in encoded dataset */
-      DFE_MINIT,                /* Error in modeling initialization */
-      DFE_COMPINFO,             /* Invalid compression header */
-      DFE_CANTCOMP,             /* Can't compress an object */
-      DFE_CANTDECOMP,           /* Can't de-compress an object */
-      DFE_NOENCODER,            /* Encoder not available */
-/* Raster errors */
-      DFE_NODIM,                /* No dimension record associated with image */
-      DFE_BADRIG,               /* Error processing a RIG */
-      DFE_RINOTFOUND,           /* Can't find raster image */
-      DFE_BADATTR,              /* Bad Attribute */
-      DFE_LUTNOTFOUND,          /* No palette information for RIG */
-/* SDG/NDG errors */
-      DFE_BADTABLE,             /* the nsdg table is wrong */
-      DFE_BADSDG,               /* error processing an sdg */
-      DFE_BADNDG,               /* error processing an ndg */
-/* Vset errors */
-      DFE_VGSIZE,               /* Too many elements in VGroup */
-      DFE_VTAB,                 /* Elmt not in vtab[] */
-      DFE_CANTADDELEM,          /* Cannot add tag/ref to VGroup */
-      DFE_BADVGNAME,            /* Cannot set VGroup name */
-      DFE_BADVGCLASS,           /* Cannot set VGroup class */
-/* Vdata errors */
-      DFE_BADFIELDS,            /* Bad fields string passed to Vset routine */
-      DFE_NOVS,                 /* Counldn't find VS in file */
-      DFE_SYMSIZE,              /* Too many symbols in users table */
-      DFE_BADATTACH,            /* Cannot write to a previously attached VData */
-      DFE_BADVSNAME,            /* Cannot set VData name */
-      DFE_BADVSCLASS,           /* Cannot set VData class */
-      DFE_VSWRITE,              /* Error writing to VData */
-      DFE_VSREAD,               /* Error reading from VData */
-      DFE_BADVH,                /* Error in VData Header */
-      DFE_FIELDSSET,            /* Fields already set for vdata */
-/* High-level Vdata/Vset errors */
-      DFE_VSCANTCREATE,         /* Cannot create VData */
-      DFE_VGCANTCREATE,         /* Cannot create VGroup */
-/* Generic Vdata/Vset errors */
-      DFE_CANTATTACH,           /* Cannot attach to a VData/Vset */
-      DFE_CANTDETACH,           /* Cannot detach a VData/Vset with access 'w' */
-/* bit I/O errors */
-      DFE_BITREAD,              /* There was a bit-read error */
-      DFE_BITWRITE,             /* There was a bit-write error */
-      DFE_BITSEEK,              /* There was a bit-seek error */
-/* tbbt interface errors */
-      DFE_TBBTINS,              /* Failed to insert element into tree */
-/* bit-vector interface errors */
-      DFE_BVNEW,                /* Failed to create a bit-vector */
-      DFE_BVSET,                /* Failed when setting a bit in a bit-vector */
-      DFE_BVGET,                /* Failed when getting a bit in a bit-vector */
-      DFE_BVFIND                /* Failed when finding a bit in a bit-vector */
-  }
-#ifdef _H_ERR_MASTER_
-/* error_messages is the list of error messages in the system, kept as
-   error_code-message pairs.  To look up a message, a linear search is
-   required but efficiency should be okay. */
-typedef struct error_messages_t
-  {
-      hdf_err_code_t error_code;
-      const char *str;
-  }
-PRIVATE const struct error_messages_t error_messages[] =
-    {DFE_NONE,          "No error"},
-/* Low-level I/O errors */
-    {DFE_FNF,           "File not found"},
-    {DFE_DENIED,        "Access to file denied"},
-    {DFE_ALROPEN,       "File already open"},
-    {DFE_TOOMANY,       "Too Many AID's or files open"},
-    {DFE_BADNAME,       "Bad file name on open"},
-    {DFE_BADACC,        "Bad file access mode"},
-    {DFE_BADOPEN,       "Error opening file"},
-    {DFE_NOTOPEN,       "File can't be closed; It isn't open"},
-    {DFE_CANTCLOSE,     "Unable to close file"},
-    {DFE_READERROR,     "Read error"},
-    {DFE_WRITEERROR,    "Write error"},
-    {DFE_SEEKERROR,     "Error performing seek operation"},
-    {DFE_RDONLY,        "Attempt to write to read-only HDF file"},
-    {DFE_BADSEEK,       "Attempt to seek past end of element"},
-/* Low-level HDF I/O errors */
-    {DFE_PUTELEM,       "Hputelement failed in some way"},
-    {DFE_GETELEM,       "Hgetelement failed in some way"},
-    {DFE_CANTLINK,      "Can't initialize link information"},
-    {DFE_CANTSYNC,      "Cannot syncronize memory with file"},
-/* Old group interface errors */
-    {DFE_BADGROUP,      "Error from DFdiread in opening a group"},
-    {DFE_GROUPSETUP,    "Error from DFdisetup in opening a group"},
-    {DFE_PUTGROUP,      "Error when putting a tag/ref into a group"},
-    {DFE_GROUPWRITE,    "Error when writing out a group"},
-/* Internal HDF errors */
-    {DFE_DFNULL,        "DF has a null pointer"},
-    {DFE_ILLTYPE,       "Internal error: DF has an illegal type"},
-    {DFE_BADDDLIST,     "Internal error: The DD list is non-existent"},
-    {DFE_NOTDFFILE,     "This is not an HDF file"},
-    {DFE_SEEDTWICE,     "Internal error: The DD list is already seeded"},
-    {DFE_NOSUCHTAG,     "No such tag in the file: search failed"},
-    {DFE_NOFREEDD,      "There are no free DD's left"},
-    {DFE_BADTAG,        "Illegal WILDCARD tag"},
-    {DFE_BADREF,        "Illegal WILDCARD reference"},
-    {DFE_NOMATCH,       "No (more) DDs which match specified tag/ref"},
-    {DFE_NOTINSET,      "Set contained unknown tag: ignored"},
-    {DFE_BADOFFSET,     "Illegal offset specified"},
-    {DFE_CORRUPT,       "File is corrupted"},
-    {DFE_NOREF,         "No more reference numbers are available"},
-    {DFE_DUPDD,         "Tag/ref is already used"},
-    {DFE_CANTMOD,       "Old element does not exist, cannot modify"},
-    {DFE_DIFFFILES,     "Attempt to merge objects in different files"},
-    {DFE_BADAID,        "Unable to create a new AID"},
-    {DFE_OPENAID,       "There are still active AIDs"},
-    {DFE_CANTFLUSH,     "Cannot flush the changed DD back to the file"},
-    {DFE_CANTUPDATE,    "Cannot update the DD block"},
-    {DFE_CANTHASH,      "Cannot add a DD to the hash table"},
-    {DFE_CANTDELDD,     "Cannot delete a DD in the file"},
-    {DFE_CANTDELHASH,   "Cannot delete a DD from the hash table"},
-    {DFE_CANTACCESS,    "Cannot access specified tag/ref"},
-    {DFE_CANTENDACCESS, "Cannot end access to data element"},
-    {DFE_TABLEFULL,     "Access table is full"},
-    {DFE_NOTINTABLE,    "Cannot find element in table"},
-/* Generic errors */
-    {DFE_UNSUPPORTED,   "Feature not currently supported"},
-    {DFE_NOSPACE,       "Internal error: Out of space"},
-    {DFE_BADCALL,       "Calls in wrong order"},
-    {DFE_BADPTR,        "NULL ptr argument"},
-    {DFE_BADLEN,        "Invalid length specified"},
-    {DFE_NOTENOUGH,     "Space provided insufficient for size of data"},
-    {DFE_NOVALS,        "Values not available"},
-    {DFE_ARGS,          "Invalid arguments to routine"},
-    {DFE_INTERNAL,      "HDF Internal error"},
-    {DFE_NORESET,       "Can not reset this value"},
-    {DFE_GENAPP,        "Generic application-level error"},
-/* Generic interface errors */
-    {DFE_UNINIT,        "Interface was not initialized correctly"},
-    {DFE_CANTINIT,      "Can't initialize an interface we depend on"},
-    {DFE_CANTSHUTDOWN,  "Can't shut down an interface we depend on"},
-/* Dataset errors */
-    {DFE_BADDIM,        "Negative or zero dimensions specified"},
-    {DFE_BADFP,         "File contained an illegal floating point number"},
-    {DFE_BADDATATYPE,   "Unknown or unavailable data type specified"},
-    {DFE_BADMCTYPE,     "Unknown or unavailable machine type specified"},
-    {DFE_BADNUMTYPE,    "Unknown or unavailable number type specified"},
-    {DFE_BADORDER,      "Unknown or illegal array order specified"},
-    {DFE_RANGE,         "Improper range for attempted access"},
-    {DFE_BADCONV,       "Don't know how to convert data type"},
-    {DFE_BADTYPE,       "Incompatible type specified"},
-/* Compression errors */
-    {DFE_BADSCHEME,     "Unknown compression scheme specified"},
-    {DFE_BADMODEL,      "Invalid compression model specified"},
-    {DFE_BADCODER,      "Invalid compression coder specified"},
-    {DFE_MODEL,         "Error in modeling layer of compression"},
-    {DFE_CODER,         "Error in encoding layer of compression"},
-    {DFE_CINIT,         "Error in encoding initialization"},
-    {DFE_CDECODE,       "Error in decoding compressed data"},
-    {DFE_CENCODE,       "Error in encoding compressed data"},
-    {DFE_CTERM,         "Error in encoding termination"},
-    {DFE_CSEEK,         "Error seeking in encoded dataset"},
-    {DFE_MINIT,         "Error in modeling initialization"},
-    {DFE_COMPINFO,      "Invalid compression header"},
-    {DFE_CANTCOMP,      "Can't compress an object"},
-    {DFE_CANTDECOMP,    "Can't de-compress an object"},
-    {DFE_NOENCODER,     "Encoder not available"},
-/* Raster errors */
-    {DFE_NODIM,         "No dimension record associated with image"},
-    {DFE_BADRIG,        "Error processing a RIG"},
-    {DFE_RINOTFOUND,    "Can't find raster image"},
-    {DFE_BADATTR,       "Bad Attribute"},
-    {DFE_LUTNOTFOUND,   "No palette information for RIG"},
-/* SDG/NDG errors */
-    {DFE_BADTABLE,      "The nsdg table is wrong"},
-    {DFE_BADSDG,        "Error processing an sdg"},
-    {DFE_BADNDG,        "Error processing an ndg"},
-/* Vset errors */
-    {DFE_VGSIZE,        "No more elements will fit in this VGroup"},
-    {DFE_VTAB,          "Element is not in VSet tables"},
-    {DFE_CANTADDELEM,   "Cannot add tag/ref to VGroup"},
-    {DFE_BADVGNAME,     "Cannot set VGroup name"},
-    {DFE_BADVGCLASS,    "Cannot set VGroup class"},
-/* Vdata errors */
-    {DFE_BADFIELDS,     "Unable to parse fields string correctly"},
-    {DFE_NOVS,          "Could not find specified VS or VG in file"},
-    {DFE_SYMSIZE,       "Too many symbols in table"},
-    {DFE_BADATTACH,     "Cannot write to a previously attached VData"},
-    {DFE_BADVSNAME,     "Cannot set VData name"},
-    {DFE_BADVSCLASS,    "Cannot set VData class"},
-    {DFE_VSWRITE,       "Error writing to VData"},
-    {DFE_VSREAD,        "Error reading from VData"},
-    {DFE_FIELDSSET,     "Fields already set for vdata"},
-/* High-level Vdata/Vset errors */
-    {DFE_VSCANTCREATE,  "Cannot create VData"},
-    {DFE_VGCANTCREATE,  "Cannot create VGroup"},
-/* Generic Vdata/Vset errors */
-    {DFE_CANTATTACH,    "Cannot attach to a VData"},
-    {DFE_CANTDETACH,    "Cannot detach a VData with access 'w'"},
-/* bit I/O errors */
-    {DFE_BITREAD,       "There was a bit-read error"},
-    {DFE_BITWRITE,      "There was a bit-write error"},
-    {DFE_BITSEEK,       "There was a bit-seek error"},
-/* tbbt interface errors */
-    {DFE_TBBTINS,       "Failed to insert element into tree"},
-/* bit-vector interface errors */
-    {DFE_BVNEW,         "Failed to create a bit-vector"},
-    {DFE_BVSET,         "Failed when setting a bit in a bit-vector"},
-    {DFE_BVGET,         "Failed when getting a bit in a bit-vector"},
-    {DFE_BVFIND,        "Failed when finding a bit in a bit-vector"}
-#endif /* _H_ERR_MASTER_ */
-#endif /* __HERR_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/hfile.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/hfile.h
deleted file mode 100755
index ad7f25e933e4eb52dfa4f4a6fcdf3902e18a5199..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/hfile.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1015 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
-/* $Id$ */
-/*+ hfile.h
-   *** Header for hfile.c, routines for low level data element I/O
-   + */
-#ifndef HFILE_H
-#define HFILE_H
-#include "tbbt.h"
-#include "bitvect.h"
-#include "atom.h"
-#include "linklist.h"
-#include "dynarray.h"
-/* Magic cookie for HDF data files */
-#define MAGICLEN 4  /* length */
-#define HDFMAGIC "\016\003\023\001"     /* ^N^C^S^A */
-/* sizes of elements in a file.  This is necessary because
-   the size of variables need not be the same as in the file
-   (cannot use sizeof) */
-#define DD_SZ 12    /* 2+2+4+4 */
-#define NDDS_SZ 2
-#define OFFSET_SZ 4
-/* invalid offset & length to indicate a partially defined element 
-* written to the HDF file i.e. can handle the case where the the
-* element is defined but not written out */
-#define INVALID_OFFSET -1
-#define INVALID_LENGTH -1
-/* ----------------------------- Version Tags ----------------------------- */
-/* Library version numbers */
-#define LIBVER_MAJOR    4
-#define LIBVER_MINOR    2 
-#define LIBVER_RELEASE  1 
-#define LIBVER_STRING   "NCSA HDF Version 4.2 Release 1, February 17, 2005"
-#define LIBVSTR_LEN    80   /* length of version string  */
-#define LIBVER_LEN  92      /* 4+4+4+80 = 92 */
-/* end of version tags */
-/* -------------------------- File I/O Functions -------------------------- */
-/* FILELIB -- file library to use for file access: 1 stdio, 2 fcntl
-   default to stdio library i.e. UNIX buffered I/O */
-#ifndef FILELIB
-#   define FILELIB UNIXBUFIO    /* UNIX buffered I/O is the default */
-#endif /* FILELIB */
-/* using C buffered file I/O routines to access files */
-#include <stdio.h>
-typedef FILE *hdf_file_t;
-#ifdef VMS
-/* For VMS, use "mbc=64" to improve performance     */
-#   define HI_OPEN(p, a)       (((a) & DFACC_WRITE) ? \
-                                fopen((p), "r+", "mbc=64") : \
-                                fopen((p), "r", "mbc=64"))
-#   define HI_CREATE(p)        (fopen((p), "w+", "mbc=64"))
-#else  /*  !VMS  */
-#if defined SUN && defined (__GNUC__)
-#   define HI_OPEN(p, a)       (((a) & DFACC_WRITE) ? \
-                                fopen((p), "r+") : fopen((p), "r"))
-#   define HI_CREATE(p)        (fopen((p), "w+"))
-#else /* !SUN w/ GNU CC */
-#   define HI_OPEN(p, a)       (((a) & DFACC_WRITE) ? \
-                                fopen((p), "rb+") : fopen((p), "rb"))
-#   define HI_CREATE(p)        (fopen((p), "wb+"))
-#endif /* !SUN w/ GNU CC */
-#endif /* VMS */
-#   define HI_READ(f, b, n)    (((size_t)(n) == (size_t)fread((b), 1, (size_t)(n), (f))) ? \
-                                SUCCEED : FAIL)
-#   define HI_WRITE(f, b, n)   (((size_t)(n) == (size_t)fwrite((b), 1, (size_t)(n), (f))) ? \
-                                SUCCEED : FAIL)
-#   define HI_CLOSE(f)   (fclose(f))
-#   define HI_FLUSH(f)   (fflush(f)==0 ? SUCCEED : FAIL)
-#   define HI_SEEK(f,o)  (fseek((f), (long)(o), SEEK_SET)==0 ? SUCCEED : FAIL)
-#   define HI_SEEK_CUR(f,o)  (fseek((f), (long)(o), SEEK_CUR)==0 ? SUCCEED : FAIL)
-#   define HI_SEEKEND(f) (fseek((f), (long)0, SEEK_END)==0 ? SUCCEED : FAIL)
-#   define HI_TELL(f)    (ftell(f))
-#   define OPENERR(f)    ((f) == (FILE *)NULL)
-#endif /* FILELIB == UNIXBUFIO */
-/* using UNIX unbuffered file I/O routines to access files */
-typedef int hdf_file_t;
-#   define HI_OPEN(p, a)       (((a) & DFACC_WRITE) ? \
-                                    open((p), O_RDWR) : open((p), O_RDONLY))
-#   define HI_CREATE(p)         (open((p), O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666))
-#   define HI_CLOSE(f)          (close(f))
-#   define HI_FLUSH(f)          (SUCCEED)
-#   define HI_READ(f, b, n)     (((n)==read((f), (char *)(b), (n))) ? SUCCEED : FAIL)
-#   define HI_WRITE(f, b, n)    (((n)==write((f), (char *)(b), (n))) ? SUCCEED : FAIL)
-#   define HI_SEEK(f, o)        (lseek((f), (off_t)(o), SEEK_SET)!=(-1) ? SUCCEED : FAIL)
-#   define HI_SEEKEND(f)        (lseek((f), (off_t)0, SEEK_END)!=(-1) ? SUCCEED : FAIL)
-#   define HI_TELL(f)           (lseek((f), (off_t)0, SEEK_CUR))
-#   define OPENERR(f)           (f < 0)
-#endif /* FILELIB == UNIXUNBUFIO */
-/* using special routines to redirect to Mac Toolkit I/O */
-typedef short hdf_file_t;
-#   define HI_OPEN(x,y)         mopen(x,y)
-#   define HI_CREATE(name)      mopen(name, DFACC_CREATE)
-#   define HI_CLOSE(x)          mclose(x)
-#   define HI_FLUSH(a)          (SUCCEED)
-#   define HI_READ(a,b,c)       mread(a, (char *) b, (int32) c)
-#   define HI_WRITE(a,b,c)      mwrite(a, (char *) b, (int32) c)
-#   define HI_SEEK(x,y)         mlseek(x, (int32 )y, 0)
-#   define HI_SEEKEND(x)        mlseek(x, 0L, 2)
-#   define HI_TELL(x)           mlseek(x,0L,1)
-#   define DF_OPENERR(f)        ((f) == -1)
-#   define OPENERR(f)           (f < 0)
-#endif /* FILELIB == MACIO */
-#ifdef NOT_USED     /* Deprecated routines, not supported any more */
-#if (FILELIB == PCIO)
-/* using special PC functions to enable reading/writing large chunks */
-typedef FILE *hdf_file_t;
-#   define HI_OPEN(p, a)       (((a) & DFACC_WRITE) ? \
-                                fopen((p), "rb+") : fopen((p), "rb"))
-#   define HI_CREATE(p)        (fopen((p), "wb+"))
-/* Alias the HI_READ and HI_WRITE macros to functions which can handle */
-/*  32-bits of data to read/write */
-#   define HI_READ(f, b, n)    (((int32)(n) == HDfreadbig((b), (n), (f))) ? \
-                                SUCCEED : FAIL)
-#   define HI_WRITE(f, b, n)   (((int32)(n) == HDfwritebig((b), (n), (f))) ? \
-                                SUCCEED : FAIL)
-#   define HI_CLOSE(f)          (fclose(f))
-#   define HI_FLUSH(f)          (fflush(f)==0 ? SUCCEED : FAIL)
-#   define HI_SEEK(f,o)  (fseek((f), (long)(o), SEEK_SET)==0 ? SUCCEED : FAIL)
-#   define HI_SEEKEND(f) (fseek((f), (long)0, SEEK_END)==0 ? SUCCEED : FAIL)
-#   define HI_TELL(f)           (ftell(f))
-#   define OPENERR(f)           ((f) == (FILE *)NULL)
-#endif /* FILELIB == PCIO */
-/* using special MS Windows functions to enable reading/writing large chunks */
-typedef HFILE hdf_file_t;
-#   define HI_OPEN(p, a)       (((a) & DFACC_WRITE) ? \
-                                _lopen((p), READ_WRITE) : _lopen((p), READ))
-#   define HI_CREATE(p)        (_lcreat((p), 0))
-/* Alias the HI_READ and HI_WRITE macros to functions which can handle */
-/*  32-bits of data to read/write */
-#   define HI_READ(f, b, n)    (((int32)(n) == HDfreadbig((b), (n), (f))) ? \
-                                SUCCEED : FAIL)
-#   define HI_WRITE(f, b, n)   (((int32)(n) == HDfwritebig((b), (n), (f))) ? \
-                                SUCCEED : FAIL)
-#   define HI_CLOSE(f)          (_lclose(f))
-#   define HI_FLUSH(f)          (0)
-#   define HI_SEEK(f, o)        (_llseek((f), (long)(o), SEEK_SET))
-#   define HI_SEEKEND(f)        (_llseek((f), (long)0, SEEK_END))
-#   define HI_TELL(f)           (_llseek((f),0l,SEEK_CUR))
-#   define OPENERR(f)           ((f) == (HFILE)HFILE_ERROR)
-#endif /* FILELIB == WINIO */
-/* using special Windows NT functions to enable reading/writing large chunks */
-typedef HFILE hdf_file_t;
-#   define HI_OPEN(p, a)       (((a) & DFACC_WRITE) ? \
-                        _lopen((p), OF_READWRITE) : _lopen((p), OF_READ))
-#   define HI_CREATE(p)        (_lcreat((p), 0))
-#   define HI_READ(f, b, n)    (((int32)(n) == _hread((f), (b), (n))) ? \
-                                SUCCEED : FAIL)
-#   define HI_WRITE(f, b, n)   (((int32)(n) == _hwrite((f), (b), (n))) ? \
-                                SUCCEED : FAIL)
-#   define HI_CLOSE(f) (_lclose(f)==0 ? SUCCEED : FAIL)
-#   define HI_FLUSH(f) (0)
-#   define HI_SEEK(f, o)       (_llseek((f), (long)(o), 0))
-#   define HI_SEEKEND(f) (_llseek((f), (long)0, 2))
-#   define HI_TELL(f)  (_llseek((f),0l,1))
-#   define OPENERR(f)  ((f) == (HFILE)HFILE_ERROR)
-#endif /* FILELIB == WINNTIO */
-#endif /* NOT_USED */
-#include "fmpio.h"
-/* using page buffered file I/O routines to access files */
-typedef MPFILE *hdf_file_t;
-#   define HI_OPEN(p, a)        (MPopen((p), (a)))
-#   define HI_CREATE(p)         (MPopen((p), DFACC_CREATE))
-#   define HI_CLOSE(f)          (MPclose(f))
-#   define HI_FLUSH(f)          (MPflush(f))
-#   define HI_READ(f, b, n)     (MPread((f), (char *)(b), (n)))
-#   define HI_WRITE(f, b, n)    (MPwrite((f), (char *)(b), (n)))
-#   define HI_SEEK(f, o)        (MPseek((f), (off_t)(o), SEEK_SET))
-#   define HI_SEEKEND(f)        (MPseek((f), (off_t)0, SEEK_END))
-#   define HI_TELL(f)           (MPseek((f), (off_t)0, SEEK_CUR))
-#   define OPENERR(f)           ((f) == (MPFILE *)NULL)
-#endif /* FILELIB == PAGEBUFIO */
-/* ----------------------- Internal Data Structures ----------------------- */
-/* The internal structure used to keep track of the files opened: an
-   array of filerec_t structures, each has a linked list of ddblock_t.
-   Each ddblock_t struct points to an array of dd_t structs. 
-   File Header(4 bytes)
-   ===================
-   <--- 32 bits ----->
-   ------------------
-   |HDF magic number |
-   ------------------
-   HDF magic number - 0x0e031301 (Hexadecimal)
-   Data Descriptor(DD - 12 bytes)
-   ==============================
-   <-  16 bits -> <- 16 bits -> <- 32 bits -> <- 32 bits ->
-   --------------------------------------------------------
-   |    Tag      | reference   |  Offset     |  Length    |
-   |             | number      |             |            |
-   --------------------------------------------------------
-        \____________/
-               V
-        tag/ref (unique data indentifier in file)
-   Tag  -- identifies the type of data, 16 bit unsigned integer whose
-           value ranges from 1 - 65535. Tags are assigned by NCSA.
-           The HDF tag space is divided as follows based on the 2 highest bits:
-              00: NCSA reserved ordinary tags
-              01: NCSA reserved special tags(i.e. regular tags made into 
-                                                  linked-block, external, 
-                                                  compressed or chunked.)
-              10, 11: User tags.
-           Current tag assingments are:
-           00001 - 32767  - reserved for NCSA use
-                            00001 - 16383 - NCSA regular tags
-                            16384 - 32767 - NCSA special tags
-           32768 - 64999  - user definable
-           65000 - 65535  - reserved for expansion of format
-   Refererence number - 16 bit unsigned integer whose assignment is not
-          gauranteed to be consecutive. Provides a way to distinguish 
-          elements with the same tag in the file.
-   Offset - Specifies the byte offset of the data element from the 
-            beginning of the file - 32 bit unsigned integer
-   Length - Indicates the byte length of the data element
-            32 bit unsigned integer
-   Data Descriptor Header(DDH - 6 bytes)
-   ====================================
-   <-  16 bits -> <- 32 bits ->
-   -----------------------------
-   | Block Size  | Next Block  |
-   -----------------------------
-   Block Size - Indicates the number of DD's in the DD Block,
-                16 bit unsigned integer value
-   Next Block - Gives the offset of the next DD Block. The last DD Block has
-                a ZERO(0) in the "Next Block" field in the DDH.
-                32 bit unsigned integer value
-   Data Descriptor Block(DDB - variable size)
-   ==========================================
-   <- DD Header -> <--------------- DD's --------------------->
-   --------------------------------------------------------...-
-   |Block | Next  | DD | DD | DD | DD | DD | DD | DD | DD |...|
-   |Size  | Block |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |   |
-   --------------------------------------------------------...-
-   <-------------------------- DD Block ---------------------->
-   Note: default number of DD's in a DD Block is 16
-   HDF file layout
-   =============================
-   (one example)
-   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-   | FH | DD Block | Data | DD Block | Data | DD Block | Data | .....
-   ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-/* record of each data decsriptor */
-typedef struct dd_t
-  {
-      uint16      tag;          /* Tag number of element i.e. type of data */
-      uint16      ref;          /* Reference number of element */
-      int32       length;       /* length of data element */
-      int32       offset;       /* byte offset of data element from */
-      struct ddblock_t *blk;    /* Pointer to the block this dd is in */
-  }                             /* beginning of file */
-/* version tags */
-typedef struct version_t
-  {
-      uint32      majorv;       /* major version number */
-      uint32      minorv;       /* minor version number */
-      uint32      release;      /* release number */
-      char        string[LIBVSTR_LEN + 1];  /* optional text description, len 80+1 */
-      int16       modified;     /* indicates file was modified */
-  }
-/* record of a block of data descriptors, mirrors structure of a HDF file.  */
-typedef struct ddblock_t
-  {
-      uintn       dirty;        /* boolean: should this DD block be flushed? */
-      int32       myoffset;     /* offset of this DD block in the file */
-      int16       ndds;         /* number of dd's in this block */
-      int32       nextoffset;   /* offset to the next ddblock in the file */
-      struct filerec_t *frec;   /* Pointer to the filerec this block is in */
-      struct ddblock_t *next;   /* pointer to the next ddblock in memory */
-      struct ddblock_t *prev;   /* Pointer to previous ddblock. */
-      struct dd_t *ddlist;      /* pointer to array of dd's */
-  }
-/* Tag tree node structure */
-typedef struct tag_info_str
-  {
-      uint16 tag;       /* tag value for this node */
-      /* Needs to be first in this structure */
-      bv_ptr b;         /* bit-vector to keep track of which refs are used */
-      dynarr_p d;       /* dynarray of the refs for this tag */
-  }tag_info;
-/* For determining what the last file operation was */
-typedef enum
-  {
-      H4_OP_UNKNOWN = 0,   /* Don't know what the last operation was (after fopen frex) */
-      H4_OP_SEEK,          /* Last operation was a seek */
-      H4_OP_WRITE,         /* Last operation was a write */
-      H4_OP_READ           /* Last operation was a read */
-  }
-/* File record structure */
-typedef struct filerec_t
-  {
-      char       *path;         /* name of file */
-      hdf_file_t  file;         /* either file descriptor or pointer */
-      uint16      maxref;       /* highest ref in this file */
-      intn        access;       /* access mode */
-      intn        refcount;     /* reference count / times opened */
-      intn        attach;       /* number of access elts attached */
-      intn        version_set;  /* version tag stuff */
-      version_t   version;      /* file version info */
-      /* Seek caching info */
-      int32      f_cur_off;    /* Current location in the file */
-      fileop_t    last_op;      /* the last file operation performed */
-      /* DD block caching info */
-      intn        cache;        /* boolean: whether caching is on */
-      intn        dirty;        /* boolean: if dd list needs to be flushed */
-      int32      f_end_off;    /* offset of the end of the file */
-      /* DD list pointers */
-      struct ddblock_t *ddhead; /* head of ddblock list */
-      struct ddblock_t *ddlast; /* end of ddblock list */
-      /* NULL DD pointers (for fast lookup of DFTAG_NULL) */
-      struct ddblock_t *ddnull; /* location of last ddblock with a DFTAG_NULL */
-      int32       ddnull_idx;   /* offset of the last location with DFTAG_NULL */
-      /* tag tree for file */
-      TBBT_TREE *tag_tree;      /* TBBT of the tags in the file */
-      /* annotation stuff for file */
-      intn       an_num[4];   /* Holds number of annotations found of each type */
-      TBBT_TREE *an_tree[4];  /* tbbt trees for each type of annotation in file 
-                               * i.e. file/data labels and descriptions.
-                               * This is done for faster searching of annotations
-                               * of a particular type. */
-  }
-/* bits for filerec_t 'dirty' flag */
-#define DDLIST_DIRTY   0x01     /* mark whether to flush dirty DD blocks */
-#define FILE_END_DIRTY 0x02     /* indicate that the file needs to be extended */
-/* Each access element is associated with a tag/ref to keep track of
-   the dd it is pointing at.  To facilitate searching for next dd's,
-   instead of pointing directly to the dd, we point to the ddblock and
-   index into the ddlist of that ddblock. */
-typedef struct accrec_t
-  {
-      /* Flags for this access record */
-      intn        appendable;   /* whether appends to the data are allowed */
-      intn        special;      /* special element ? */
-      intn        new_elem;     /* is a new element (i.e. no length set yet) */
-      int32       block_size;   /* size of the blocks for linked-block element*/
-      int32       num_blocks;   /* number blocks in the linked-block element */
-      uint32      access;       /* access codes */
-      uintn       access_type;  /* I/O access type: serial/parallel/... */
-      int32       file_id;      /* id of attached file */
-      atom_t      ddid;         /* DD id for the DD attached to */
-      int32       posn;         /* seek position with respect to start of element */
-      void *       special_info; /* special element info? */
-      struct funclist_t *special_func;  /* ptr to special function? */
-      struct accrec_t *next;    /* for free-list linking */
-  }
-/* Pointer to the access record node free list */
-static accrec_t *accrec_free_list=NULL;
-#endif /* HFILE_MASTER */
-/* this type is returned to applications programs or other special
-   interfaces when they need to know information about a given
-   special element.  This is all information that would not be returned
-   via Hinquire().  This should probably be a union of structures. */
-typedef struct sp_info_block_t
-  {
-      int16       key;          /* type of special element this is */
-      /* external elements */
-      int32       offset;       /* offset in the file */
-      char       *path;         /* file name - should not be freed by user */
-      /* linked blocks */
-      int32       first_len;    /* length of first block */
-      int32       block_len;    /* length of standard block */
-      int32       nblocks;      /* number of blocks per chunk */
-      /* compressed elements */
-      int32       comp_type;    /* compression type */
-      int32       model_type;   /* model type */
-      int32       comp_size;    /* size of compressed information */
-      /* variable-length linked blocks */
-      int32       min_block;    /* the minimum block size */
-    /* Chunked elements */
-      int32       chunk_size;   /* logical size of chunks */
-      int32       ndims;        /* number of dimensions */
-      int32       *cdims;       /* array of chunk lengths for each dimension */
-      /* Buffered elements */
-      int32       buf_aid;      /* AID of element buffered */
-  }
-/* a function table record for accessing special data elements.
-   special data elements of a key could be accessed through the list
-   of functions in array pointed to by tab. */
-typedef struct funclist_t
-  {
-      int32       (*stread) (accrec_t * rec);
-      int32       (*stwrite) (accrec_t * rec);
-      int32       (*seek) (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 offset, intn origin);
-      int32       (*inquire) (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 *pfile_id,
-                                 uint16 *ptag, uint16 *pref, int32 *plength,
-                               int32 *poffset, int32 *pposn, int16 *paccess,
-                                     int16 *pspecial);
-      int32       (*read) (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 length, void * data);
-      int32       (*write) (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 length, const void * data);
-      intn        (*endaccess) (accrec_t * access_rec);
-      int32       (*info) (accrec_t * access_rec, sp_info_block_t * info);
-      int32       (*reset) (accrec_t * access_rec, sp_info_block_t * info);
-  }
-typedef struct functab_t
-  {
-      int16       key;          /* the key for this type of special elt */
-      funclist_t *tab;          /* table of accessing functions */
-  }
-/* ---------------------- ID Types and Manipulation ----------------------- */
-/* each id, what ever the type, will be represented with a 32-bit word,
-   the most-significant 16 bits is a number unique for type.  The less-
-   significant 16 bits is an id unique to each type; in this, we use the
-   internal slot number. */
-#define FIDTYPE   1
-#define AIDTYPE   2
-#define GROUPTYPE 3
-#define SDSTYPE   4
-#define DIMTYPE   5
-#define CDFTYPE   6
-#define VGIDTYPE  8     /* also defined in vg.h for Vgroups */
-#define VSIDTYPE  9     /* also defined in vg.h for Vsets */
-#define BITTYPE   10    /* For bit-accesses */
-#define GRIDTYPE  11    /* for GR access */
-#define RIIDTYPE  12    /* for RI access */
-#define BADFREC(r)  ((r)==NULL || (r)->refcount==0)
-/* --------------------------- Special Elements --------------------------- */
-/* The HDF tag space is divided as follows based on the 2 highest bits:
-   00: NCSA reserved ordinary tags
-   01: NCSA reserved special tags(e.g. linked-block, external, compressed,..)
-   10, 11: User tags.
-   It is relatively cheap to operate with special tags within the NCSA
-   reserved tags range. For users to specify special tags and their
-   corresponding ordinary tag, the pair has to be added to the
-   special_table in hfile.c and SPECIAL_TABLE must be defined. */
-#define BASETAG(t)      (HDbase_tag(t))
-#define SPECIALTAG(t)   (HDis_special_tag(t))
-#define MKSPECIALTAG(t) (HDmake_special_tag(t))
-/* This macro converts a (potentially) special tag into a normal tag */
-#define BASETAG(t)      (uint16)((~(t) & 0x8000) ? ((t) & ~0x4000) : (t))
-/* This macro checks if a tag is special */
-#define SPECIALTAG(t)   (uint16)((~(t) & 0x8000) && ((t) & 0x4000))
-/* This macro (potentially) converts a regular tag into a special tag */
-#define MKSPECIALTAG(t) (uint16)((~(t) & 0x8000) ? ((t) | 0x4000) : DFTAG_NULL)
-#endif /*SPECIAL_TABLE */
-/* -------------------------- H-Layer Prototypes -------------------------- */
-   ** Functions to get information of special elt from other access records.
-   **   defined in hfile.c
-   ** These should really be HD... routines, but they are only used within
-   **   the H-layer...
- */
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-extern      "C"
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-    HDFLIBAPI accrec_t *HIget_access_rec
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI void HIrelease_accrec_node(accrec_t *acc);
-    HDFLIBAPI void * HIgetspinfo
-                (accrec_t * access_rec);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HPcompare_filerec_path
-                (const void * obj, const void * key);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HPcompare_accrec_tagref
-                (const void * rec1, const void * rec2);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HPgetdiskblock
-                (filerec_t * file_rec, int32 block_size, intn moveto);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HPfreediskblock
-                (filerec_t * file_rec, int32 block_offset, int32 block_size);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HDcheck_empty
-                (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, intn *emptySDS);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HDget_special_info
-                (int32 access_id, sp_info_block_t * info_block);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HDset_special_info
-                (int32 access_id, sp_info_block_t * info_block);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HP_read
-                (filerec_t *file_rec,void * buf,int32 bytes);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HPseek
-                (filerec_t *file_rec,int32 offset);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HP_write
-                (filerec_t *file_rec,const void * buf,int32 bytes);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn tagcompare
-                (void * k1, void * k2, intn cmparg);
-    HDFLIBAPI VOID tagdestroynode
-                (void * n);
-   ** from hblocks.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HLPstread
-                (accrec_t * access_rec);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HLPstwrite
-                (accrec_t * access_rec);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HLPseek
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 offset, int origin);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HLPread
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 length, void * data);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HLPwrite
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 length, const void * data);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HLPinquire
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 *pfile_id, uint16 *ptag, uint16 *pref,
-               int32 *plength, int32 *poffset, int32 *pposn, int16 *paccess,
-                 int16 *pspecial);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HLPendaccess
-                (accrec_t * access_rec);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HLPcloseAID
-                (accrec_t * access_rec);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HLPinfo
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, sp_info_block_t * info_block);
-   ** from hextelt.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HXPstread
-                (accrec_t * rec);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HXPstwrite
-                (accrec_t * rec);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HXPseek
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 offset, int origin);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HXPread
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 length, void * data);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HXPwrite
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 length, const void * data);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HXPinquire
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 *pfile_id, uint16 *ptag, uint16 *pref,
-               int32 *plength, int32 *poffset, int32 *pposn, int16 *paccess,
-                 int16 *pspecial);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HXPendaccess
-                (accrec_t * access_rec);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HXPcloseAID
-                (accrec_t * access_rec);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HXPinfo
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, sp_info_block_t * info_block);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HXPreset
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, sp_info_block_t * info_block);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HXPsetaccesstype
-                (accrec_t * access_rec);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HXPshutdown
-                (void);
-   ** from hcomp.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HCPstread
-                (accrec_t * rec);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HCPstwrite
-                (accrec_t * rec);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HCPseek
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 offset, int origin);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HCPinquire
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 *pfile_id, uint16 *ptag, uint16 *pref,
-               int32 *plength, int32 *poffset, int32 *pposn, int16 *paccess,
-                 int16 *pspecial);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HCPread
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 length, void * data);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HCPwrite
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 length, const void * data);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HCPendaccess
-                (accrec_t * access_rec);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HCPcloseAID
-                (accrec_t * access_rec);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HCPinfo
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, sp_info_block_t * info_block);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 get_comp_len
-	        (accrec_t* access_rec);
-   ** from hchunks.c - should be the same as found in 'hchunks.h'
- */
-#include "hchunks.h"
-#if defined (MAC) || defined (macintosh) || defined (SYMANTEC_C)
-    HDFLIBAPI hdf_file_t mopen
-                (char *filename, intn access);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 mclose
-                (hdf_file_t rn);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 mlseek
-                (hdf_file_t rn, int32 n, intn m);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 mread
-                (hdf_file_t rn, char *buf, int32 n);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 mwrite
-                (hdf_file_t rn, char *buf, int32 n);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn mstat
-                (char *path);
-#endif  /* macintosh */
-   ** from hbuffer.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HBPstread
-                (accrec_t * rec);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HBPstwrite
-                (accrec_t * rec);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HBPseek
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 offset, int origin);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HBPinquire
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 *pfile_id, uint16 *ptag, uint16 *pref,
-               int32 *plength, int32 *poffset, int32 *pposn, int16 *paccess,
-                 int16 *pspecial);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HBPread
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 length, void * data);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HBPwrite
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 length, const void * data);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HBPendaccess
-                (accrec_t * access_rec);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HBPcloseAID
-                (accrec_t * access_rec);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HBPinfo
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, sp_info_block_t * info_block);
-   ** from hcompri.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HRPstread
-                (accrec_t * rec);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HRPstwrite
-                (accrec_t * rec);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HRPseek
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 offset, int origin);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HRPinquire
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 *pfile_id, uint16 *ptag, uint16 *pref,
-               int32 *plength, int32 *poffset, int32 *pposn, int16 *paccess,
-                 int16 *pspecial);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HRPread
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 length, void * data);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HRPwrite
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 length, const void * data);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HRPendaccess
-                (accrec_t * access_rec);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HRPcloseAID
-                (accrec_t * access_rec);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HRPinfo
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, sp_info_block_t * info_block);
-   ** from hfiledd.c
- */
-     HTPstart - Initialize the DD list in memory
-    Reads the DD blocks from disk and creates the in-memory structures for
-    handling them.  This routine should only be called once for a given
-    file and HTPend should be called when finished with the DD list (i.e.
-    when the file is being closed).
-    Returns SUCCEED if successful and FAIL otherwise
-intn HTPstart(filerec_t *file_rec       /* IN:  File record to store info in */
-     HTPinit - Create a new DD list in memory
-    Creates a new DD list in memory for a newly created file.  This routine
-    should only be called once for a given file and HTPend should be called
-    when finished with the DD list (i.e.  when the file is being closed).
-    Returns SUCCEED if successful and FAIL otherwise
-intn HTPinit(filerec_t *file_rec,       /* IN: File record to store info in */
-    int16 ndds                          /* IN: # of DDs to store in each block */
-     HTPsync - Flush the DD list in memory
-    Syncronizes the in-memory copy of the DD list with the copy on disk by
-    writing out the DD blocks which have changed to disk.
-    Returns SUCCEED if successful and FAIL otherwise
-intn HTPsync(filerec_t *file_rec       /* IN:  File record to store info in */
-     HTPend - Terminate the DD list in memory
-    Terminates access to the DD list in memory, writing the DD blocks out to
-    the disk (if they've changed).  After this routine is called, no further
-    access to tag/refs (or essentially any other HDF objects) can be performed
-    on the file.
-    Returns SUCCEED if successful and FAIL otherwise
-intn HTPend(filerec_t *file_rec       /* IN:  File record to store info in */
-     HTPcreate - Create (and attach to) a tag/ref pair
-    Creates a new tag/ref pair in memory and inserts the tag/ref pair into the
-    DD list to be written out to disk.  This routine returns a DD id which can
-    be used in the other tag/ref routines to modify the DD.
-    Returns DD id if successful and FAIL otherwise
-atom_t HTPcreate(filerec_t *file_rec,   /* IN: File record to store info in */
-    uint16 tag,                         /* IN: Tag to create */
-    uint16 ref                          /* IN: ref to create */
-     HTPselect - Attach to an existing tag/ref pair
-    Attaches to an existing tag/ref pair.  This routine returns a DD id which
-    can be used in the other tag/ref routines to modify the DD.
-    Returns DD id if successful and FAIL otherwise
-atom_t HTPselect(filerec_t *file_rec,   /* IN: File record to store info in */
-    uint16 tag,                         /* IN: Tag to select */
-    uint16 ref                          /* IN: ref to select */
-     HTPendaccess - End access to an existing tag/ref pair
-    Ends access to an existing tag/ref pair.  Any further access to the tag/ref
-    pair may result in incorrect information being recorded about the DD in
-    memory or on disk.
-    Returns SUCCEED if successful and FAIL otherwise
-intn HTPendaccess(atom_t ddid           /* IN: DD id to end access to */
-     HTPdelete - Delete an existing tag/ref pair
-    Deletes a tag/ref from the file.  Also ends access to the tag/ref pair.
-    Any further access to the tag/ref pair may result in incorrect information
-    being recorded about the DD in memory or on disk.
-    Returns SUCCEED if successful and FAIL otherwise
-intn HTPdelete(atom_t ddid              /* IN: DD id to delete */
-     HTPupdate - Change the offset or length of an existing tag/ref pair
-    Updates a tag/ref in the file, allowing the length and/or offset to be
-    modified. Note: "INVALID_OFFSET" & "INVALID_LENGTH" are used to indicate
-    that the length or offset (respectively) is unchanged.
-    Returns SUCCEED if successful and FAIL otherwise
-intn HTPupdate(atom_t ddid,             /* IN: DD id to update */
-    int32 new_off,                      /* IN: new offset for DD */
-    int32 new_len                       /* IN: new length for DD */
-     HTPinquire - Get the DD information for a DD (i.e. tag/ref/offset/length)
-    Get the DD information for a DD id from the DD block.  Passing NULL for
-    any parameter does not try to update that parameter.
-    Returns SUCCEED if successful and FAIL otherwise
-intn HTPinquire(atom_t ddid,            /* IN: DD id to inquire about */
-    uint16 *tag,                        /* IN: tag of DD */
-    uint16 *ref,                        /* IN: ref of DD */
-    int32 *off,                         /* IN: offset of DD */
-    int32 *len                          /* IN: length of DD */
-     HTPis_special - Check if a DD id is associated with a special tag
-    Checks if the tag for the DD id is a special tag.
-    Returns TRUE(1)/FALSE(0) if successful and FAIL otherwise
-intn HTPis_special(atom_t ddid             /* IN: DD id to inquire about */
-    HTPdump_dds -- Dump out the dd information for a file
-    Prints out all the information (that you could _ever_ want to know) about
-    the dd blocks and dd list for a file.
-    returns SUCCEED (0) if successful and FAIL (-1) if failed.
-intn HTPdump_dds(int32 file_id,     /* IN: file ID of HDF file to dump info for */
-    FILE *fout                      /* IN: file stream to output to */
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-/* #define DISKBLOCK_DEBUG */
-#endif /* HFILE_MASTER */
-const uint8 diskblock_header[4]
-={0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef}
-#endif /* HFILE_MASTER */
-#endif /* HFILE_MASTER */
-const uint8 diskblock_tail[4]
-={0xfe, 0xeb, 0xda, 0xed}
-#endif /* HFILE_MASTER */
-#define DISKBLOCK_HSIZE sizeof(diskblock_header)
-#define DISKBLOCK_TSIZE sizeof(diskblock_tail)
-#endif /* DISKBLOCK_DEBUG */
-#endif                          /* HFILE_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/hkit.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/hkit.h
deleted file mode 100755
index bea56f142effdb3b353f0b81578cf976b311ca4b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/hkit.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
-/* $Id$ */
-/*+ hkit.h
-   ***  private header file for hkit routines
-   + */
-#ifndef __HKIT_H
-#include "hdf.h"
-#include "hfile.h"
-/* tag_messages is the list of tag descriptions in the system, kept as
-   tag-description pairs.  To look up a description, a linear search is
-   required but efficiency should be okay. */
-typedef struct tag_descript_t
-  {
-      uint16      tag;          /* tag for description ? */
-      const char *desc;         /* tag description ? */
-      const char *name;         /* tag name ? */
-  }
-/* stringizing macro */
-#if defined MIPSEL | defined KNRSUN | defined __SUNPRO_C
-#define string(x) #x
-#define string(x) "x"
-#endif /* MIPSEL */
-/*  NOTE:
- *        Please keep tag descriptions <= 30 characters - a
- *        lot of pretty-printing code depends on it.
- */
-PRIVATE const tag_descript_t tag_descriptions[] =
-/* low-level set */
-    {DFTAG_NULL, string(DFTAG_NULL), "No Data"},
-    {DFTAG_LINKED, string(DFTAG_LINKED), "Linked Blocks Indicator"},
-    {DFTAG_VERSION, string(DFTAG_VERSION), "Version Descriptor"},
-    {DFTAG_COMPRESSED, string(DFTAG_COMPRESSED), "Compressed Data Indicator"},
-    {DFTAG_CHUNK, string(DFTAG_CHUNK), "Data Chunk"},
-/* utility set */
-    {DFTAG_FID, string(DFTAG_FID), "File Identifier"},
-    {DFTAG_FD, string(DFTAG_FD), "File Description"},
-    {DFTAG_TID, string(DFTAG_TID), "Tag Identifier"},
-    {DFTAG_TD, string(DFTAG_TD), "Tag Description"},
-    {DFTAG_DIL, string(DFTAG_DIL), "Data Id Label"},
-    {DFTAG_DIA, string(DFTAG_DIA), "Data Id Annotation"},
-    {DFTAG_NT, string(DFTAG_NT), "Number type"},
-    {DFTAG_MT, string(DFTAG_MT), "Machine type"},
-    {DFTAG_FREE, string(DFTAG_FREE), "Free space"},
-      /* raster-8 Tags */
-    {DFTAG_ID8, string(DFTAG_ID8), "Image Dimensions-8"},
-    {DFTAG_IP8, string(DFTAG_IP8), "Image Palette-8"},
-    {DFTAG_RI8, string(DFTAG_RI8), "Raster Image-8"},
-    {DFTAG_CI8, string(DFTAG_CI8), "RLE Compressed Image-8"},
-    {DFTAG_II8, string(DFTAG_II8), "Imcomp Image-8"},
-      /* Raster Image Tags */
-    {DFTAG_ID, string(DFTAG_ID), "Image Dimensions"},
-    {DFTAG_LUT, string(DFTAG_LUT), "Image Palette"},
-    {DFTAG_RI, string(DFTAG_RI), "Raster Image Data"},
-    {DFTAG_CI, string(DFTAG_CI), "Compressed Image"},
-    {DFTAG_RIG, string(DFTAG_RIG), "Raster Image Group"},
-    {DFTAG_LD, string(DFTAG_LD), "Palette Dimension"},
-    {DFTAG_MD, string(DFTAG_MD), "Matte Dimension"},
-    {DFTAG_MA, string(DFTAG_MA), "Matte Data"},
-    {DFTAG_CCN, string(DFTAG_CCN), "Color Correction"},
-    {DFTAG_CFM, string(DFTAG_CFM), "Color Format"},
-    {DFTAG_AR, string(DFTAG_AR), "Aspect Ratio"},
-    {DFTAG_DRAW, string(DFTAG_DRAW), "Sequenced images"},
-    {DFTAG_RUN, string(DFTAG_RUN), "Runable program / script"},
-    {DFTAG_XYP, string(DFTAG_XYP), "X-Y position"},
-    {DFTAG_MTO, string(DFTAG_MTO), "M/c-Type override"},
-      /* Tektronix */
-    {DFTAG_T14, string(DFTAG_T14), "TEK 4014 Data"},
-    {DFTAG_T105, string(DFTAG_T105), "TEK 4105 data"},
-      /* Scientific / Numeric Data Sets */
-    {DFTAG_SDG, string(DFTAG_SDG), "Scientific Data Group"},
-    {DFTAG_SDD, string(DFTAG_SDD), "SciData dimension record"},
-    {DFTAG_SD, string(DFTAG_SD), "Scientific Data"},
-    {DFTAG_SDS, string(DFTAG_SDS), "SciData scales"},
-    {DFTAG_SDL, string(DFTAG_SDL), "SciData labels"},
-    {DFTAG_SDU, string(DFTAG_SDU), "SciData units"},
-    {DFTAG_SDF, string(DFTAG_SDF), "SciData formats"},
-    {DFTAG_SDM, string(DFTAG_SDM), "SciData max/min"},
-    {DFTAG_SDC, string(DFTAG_SDC), "SciData coordsys"},
-    {DFTAG_SDT, string(DFTAG_SDT), "Transpose"},
-    {DFTAG_SDLNK, string(DFTAG_SDLNK), "Links related to the dataset"},
-    {DFTAG_NDG, string(DFTAG_NDG), "Numeric Data Group"},
-    {DFTAG_CAL, string(DFTAG_CAL), "Calibration information"},
-    {DFTAG_FV, string(DFTAG_FV), "Fill value information"},
-      /* V Group Tags */
-    {DFTAG_VG, string(DFTAG_VG), "Vgroup"},
-    {DFTAG_VH, string(DFTAG_VH), "Vdata"},
-    {DFTAG_VS, string(DFTAG_VS), "Vdata Storage"},
-      /* Compression Schemes */
-    {DFTAG_RLE, string(DFTAG_RLE), "Run Length Encoding"},
-    {DFTAG_IMCOMP, string(DFTAG_IMCOMP), "IMCOMP Encoding"},
-    {DFTAG_JPEG, string(DFTAG_JPEG), "24-bit JPEG Encoding"},
-    {DFTAG_GREYJPEG, string(DFTAG_GREYJPEG), "8-bit JPEG Encoding"},
-    {DFTAG_JPEG5, string(DFTAG_JPEG5), "24-bit JPEG Encoding"},
-    {DFTAG_GREYJPEG5, string(DFTAG_GREYJPEG5), "8-bit JPEG Encoding"}
-/* nt_message is the list of NT descriptions in the system, kept as
-   NT-description pairs.  To look up a description, a linear search is
-   required but efficiency should be okay. */
-typedef struct nt_descript_t
-  {
-      int32       nt;           /* nt for description */
-      const char *name;         /* nt name */
-      const char *desc;         /* nt description */
-  }
-PRIVATE const nt_descript_t nt_descriptions[] =
-/* Masks for types */
-    {DFNT_NATIVE, string(DFNT_NATIVE), "native format"},
-    {DFNT_CUSTOM, string(DFNT_CUSTOM), "custom format"},
-    {DFNT_LITEND, string(DFNT_LITEND), "little-endian format"},
-    {DFNT_NONE, string(DFNT_NONE), "number-type not set"},
-/* Floating point types */
-    {DFNT_FLOAT32, string(DFNT_FLOAT32), "32-bit floating point"},
-    {DFNT_FLOAT64, string(DFNT_FLOAT64), "64-bit floating point"},
-    {DFNT_FLOAT128, string(DFNT_FLOAT128), "128-bit floating point"},
-/* Integer types */
-    {DFNT_INT8, string(DFNT_INT8), "8-bit signed integer"},
-    {DFNT_UINT8, string(DFNT_UINT8), "8-bit unsigned integer"},
-    {DFNT_INT16, string(DFNT_INT16), "16-bit signed integer"},
-    {DFNT_UINT16, string(DFNT_UINT16), "16-bit unsigned integer"},
-    {DFNT_INT32, string(DFNT_INT32), "32-bit signed integer"},
-    {DFNT_UINT32, string(DFNT_UINT32), "32-bit unsigned integer"},
-    {DFNT_INT64, string(DFNT_INT64), "64-bit signed integer"},
-    {DFNT_UINT64, string(DFNT_UINT64), "64-bit unsigned integer"},
-    {DFNT_INT128, string(DFNT_INT128), "128-bit signed integer"},
-    {DFNT_UINT128, string(DFNT_UINT128), "128-bit unsigned integer"},
-/* Character types */
-    {DFNT_CHAR8, string(DFNT_CHAR8), "8-bit signed char"},
-    {DFNT_UCHAR8, string(DFNT_UCHAR8), "8-bit unsigned char"},
-    {DFNT_CHAR16, string(DFNT_CHAR16), "16-bit signed char"},
-    {DFNT_UCHAR16, string(DFNT_UCHAR16), "16-bit unsigned char"}
-#endif /* __HKIT_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/hntdefs.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/hntdefs.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 64a2770985250c49a9569b0663edbf60f02b15ba..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/hntdefs.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
-/* $Id$ */
-/*+ hnt.h
-   *** This file contains all the number-type definitions for HDF
-   + */
-#ifndef _HNT_H
-#define _HNT_H
-/* masks for types */
-#define DFNT_HDF      0x00000000    /* standard HDF format  */
-#define DFNT_NATIVE   0x00001000    /* native format        */
-#define DFNT_CUSTOM   0x00002000    /* custom format        */
-#define DFNT_LITEND   0x00004000    /* Little Endian format */
-#define DFNT_MASK     0x00000fff    /* format mask */
-/* type info codes */
-#define DFNT_NONE        0  /* indicates that number type not set */
-#define DFNT_QUERY       0  /* use this code to find the current type */
-#define DFNT_VERSION     1  /* current version of NT info */
-#define DFNT_FLOAT32     5
-#define DFNT_FLOAT       5  /* For backward compat; don't use */
-#define DFNT_FLOAT64     6
-#define DFNT_DOUBLE      6  /* For backward compat; don't use */
-#define DFNT_FLOAT128    7  /* No current plans for support */
-#define DFNT_INT8       20
-#define DFNT_UINT8      21
-#define DFNT_INT16      22
-#define DFNT_UINT16     23
-#define DFNT_INT32      24
-#define DFNT_UINT32     25
-#define DFNT_INT64      26
-#define DFNT_UINT64     27
-#define DFNT_INT128     28  /* No current plans for support */
-#define DFNT_UINT128    30  /* No current plans for support */
-#define DFNT_UCHAR8      3  /* 3 chosen for backward compatibility */
-#define DFNT_UCHAR       3  /* uchar=uchar8 for backward combatibility */
-#define DFNT_CHAR8       4  /* 4 chosen for backward compatibility */
-#define DFNT_CHAR        4  /* uchar=uchar8 for backward combatibility */
-#define DFNT_CHAR16     42  /* No current plans for support */
-#define DFNT_UCHAR16    43  /* No current plans for support */
-/* Type info codes for Native Mode datasets */
-#define DFNT_NFLOAT128  (DFNT_NATIVE | DFNT_FLOAT128)   /* Unsupported */
-#define DFNT_NINT8      (DFNT_NATIVE | DFNT_INT8)
-#define DFNT_NINT16     (DFNT_NATIVE | DFNT_INT16)
-#define DFNT_NINT32     (DFNT_NATIVE | DFNT_INT32)
-#define DFNT_NINT64     (DFNT_NATIVE | DFNT_INT64)
-#define DFNT_NINT128    (DFNT_NATIVE | DFNT_INT128)     /* Unsupported */
-#define DFNT_NUINT128   (DFNT_NATIVE | DFNT_UINT128)    /* Unsupported */
-#define DFNT_NCHAR      (DFNT_NATIVE | DFNT_CHAR8)  /* backward compat */
-#define DFNT_NUCHAR     (DFNT_NATIVE | DFNT_UCHAR8)     /* backward compat */
-#define DFNT_NCHAR16    (DFNT_NATIVE | DFNT_CHAR16)     /* Unsupported */
-#define DFNT_NUCHAR16   (DFNT_NATIVE | DFNT_UCHAR16)    /* Unsupported */
-/* Type info codes for Little Endian data */
-#define DFNT_LFLOAT128  (DFNT_LITEND | DFNT_FLOAT128)   /* Unsupported */
-#define DFNT_LINT8      (DFNT_LITEND | DFNT_INT8)
-#define DFNT_LINT16     (DFNT_LITEND | DFNT_INT16)
-#define DFNT_LINT32     (DFNT_LITEND | DFNT_INT32)
-#define DFNT_LINT64     (DFNT_LITEND | DFNT_INT64)
-#define DFNT_LINT128    (DFNT_LITEND | DFNT_INT128)     /* Unsupported */
-#define DFNT_LUINT128   (DFNT_LITEND | DFNT_UINT128)    /* Unsupported */
-#define DFNT_LCHAR      (DFNT_LITEND | DFNT_CHAR8)  /* backward compat */
-#define DFNT_LUCHAR     (DFNT_LITEND | DFNT_UCHAR8)     /* backward compat */
-#define DFNT_LCHAR16    (DFNT_LITEND | DFNT_CHAR16)     /* Unsupported */
-#define DFNT_LUCHAR16   (DFNT_LITEND | DFNT_UCHAR16)    /* Unsupported */
-/* class info codes for int */
-#define        DFNTI_MBO       1    /* Motorola byte order 2's compl */
-#define        DFNTI_VBO       2    /* Vax byte order 2's compl */
-#define        DFNTI_IBO       4    /* Intel byte order 2's compl */
-/* class info codes for float */
-#define        DFNTF_NONE      0    /* indicates subclass is not set */
-#define        DFNTF_HDFDEFAULT 1   /* hdf default float format is ieee */
-#define        DFNTF_IEEE      1    /* IEEE format */
-#define        DFNTF_VAX       2    /* Vax format */
-#define        DFNTF_CRAY      3    /* Cray format */
-#define        DFNTF_PC        4    /* PC floats - flipped IEEE */
-#define        DFNTF_CONVEX    5    /* CONVEX native format */
-#define        DFNTF_VP        6    /* Fujitsu VP native format */
-#define        DFNTF_CRAYMPP   7    /* Cray MPP format */
-/* class info codes for char */
-#define        DFNTC_BYTE      0    /* bitwise/numeric field */
-#define        DFNTC_ASCII     1    /* ASCII */
-#define        DFNTC_EBCDIC    5    /* EBCDIC */
-/* array order */
-#define        DFO_FORTRAN     1    /* column major order */
-#define        DFO_C           2    /* row major order */
-/* Sizes of number types                                            */
-/* first the standard sizes of number types */
-#    define SIZE_FLOAT32    4
-#    define SIZE_FLOAT64    8
-#    define SIZE_FLOAT128  16   /* No current plans for support */
-#    define SIZE_INT8       1
-#    define SIZE_UINT8      1
-#    define SIZE_INT16      2
-#    define SIZE_UINT16     2
-#    define SIZE_INT32      4
-#    define SIZE_UINT32     4
-#    define SIZE_INT64      8
-#    define SIZE_UINT64     8
-#    define SIZE_INT128    16   /* No current plans for support */
-#    define SIZE_UINT128   16   /* No current plans for support */
-#    define SIZE_CHAR8      1
-#    define SIZE_CHAR       1   /* For backward compat char8 == char */
-#    define SIZE_UCHAR8     1
-#    define SIZE_UCHAR      1   /* For backward compat uchar8 == uchar */
-#    define SIZE_CHAR16     2   /* No current plans for support */
-#    define SIZE_UCHAR16    2   /* No current plans for support */
-/* then the native sizes of number types */
-/* Unusual number sizes */
-/* Cray (UNICOS) native number sizes:
-	Char = 8 bits, unsigned
-	Short=64 int=64 long=64 float=64 double=64 bits
-	Long double=128 bits
-	Char pointers = 64 bits
-	Int pointers = 64 bits
-/* T3D/T3E (CRAYMPP) native number sizes:
-	Char = 8 bits, unsigned
-	Short=32 int=64 long=64 float=32 double=64 bits
-	Long double=64 bits
-	Char pointers = 64 bits
-	Int pointers = 64 bits
-	Big endian, IEEE floating point
-/* IA64 (IA64) native number sizes:
-	Char = 8 bits, signed
-	Short=16 int=32 long=64 float=32 double=64 bits
-	Long double=64 bits
-	Char pointers = 64 bits
-	Int pointers = 64 bits
-	Little endian, IEEE floating point
-#if !defined(UNICOS)
-#    define SIZE_NFLOAT32    4
-#    define SIZE_NFLOAT64    8
-#    define SIZE_NFLOAT128  16  /* No current plans for support */
-#    define SIZE_NINT8       1
-#    define SIZE_NUINT8      1
-#if defined(CRAYMPP)
-#    define SIZE_NINT16      4
-#    define SIZE_NUINT16     4
-#    define SIZE_NINT16      2
-#    define SIZE_NUINT16     2
-#    define SIZE_NINT32      4
-#    define SIZE_NUINT32     4
-#    define SIZE_NINT64      8
-#    define SIZE_NUINT64     8
-#    define SIZE_NINT128    16  /* No current plans for support */
-#    define SIZE_NUINT128   16  /* No current plans for support */
-#    define SIZE_NCHAR8      1
-#    define SIZE_NCHAR       1  /* For backward compat char8 == char */
-#    define SIZE_NUCHAR8     1
-#    define SIZE_NUCHAR      1  /* For backward compat uchar8 == uchar */
-#if defined(CRAYMPP)
-#    define SIZE_NCHAR16     4  /* No current plans for support */
-#    define SIZE_NUCHAR16    4  /* No current plans for support */
-#    define SIZE_NCHAR16     2  /* No current plans for support */
-#    define SIZE_NUCHAR16    2  /* No current plans for support */
-#else  /* !!!!!! SOMEBODY NEEDS TO CHECK THESE !!!!! */
-#    define SIZE_NFLOAT32    8
-#    define SIZE_NFLOAT64    8
-#    define SIZE_NFLOAT128  16  /* No current plans for support */
-#    define SIZE_NINT8       1
-#    define SIZE_NUINT8      1
-#    define SIZE_NINT16      8
-#    define SIZE_NUINT16     8
-#    define SIZE_NINT32      8
-#    define SIZE_NUINT32     8
-#    define SIZE_NINT64      8
-#    define SIZE_NUINT64     8
-#    define SIZE_NINT128    16  /* No current plans for support */
-#    define SIZE_NUINT128   16  /* No current plans for support */
-#    define SIZE_NCHAR8      1
-#    define SIZE_NCHAR       1
-#    define SIZE_NCHAR       1  /* For backward compat char8 == char */
-#    define SIZE_NUCHAR8     1
-#    define SIZE_NUCHAR      1  /* For backward compat uchar8 == uchar */
-#    define SIZE_NCHAR16     2  /* No current plans for support */
-#    define SIZE_NUCHAR16    2  /* No current plans for support */
-#endif /* UNICOS */
-/* then the sizes of little-endian number types */
-#    define SIZE_LFLOAT32    4
-#    define SIZE_LFLOAT64    8
-#    define SIZE_LFLOAT128  16  /* No current plans for support */
-#    define SIZE_LINT8       1
-#    define SIZE_LUINT8      1
-#    define SIZE_LINT16      2
-#    define SIZE_LUINT16     2
-#    define SIZE_LINT32      4
-#    define SIZE_LUINT32     4
-#    define SIZE_LINT64      8
-#    define SIZE_LUINT64     8
-#    define SIZE_LINT128    16  /* No current plans for support */
-#    define SIZE_LUINT128   16  /* No current plans for support */
-#    define SIZE_LCHAR8      1
-#    define SIZE_LCHAR       1  /* For backward compat char8 == char */
-#    define SIZE_LUCHAR8     1
-#    define SIZE_LUCHAR      1  /* For backward compat uchar8 == uchar */
-#    define SIZE_LCHAR16     2  /* No current plans for support */
-#    define SIZE_LUCHAR16    2  /* No current plans for support */
-    /* sizes of different number types */
-#       define MACHINE_I8_SIZE     1
-#       define MACHINE_I16_SIZE    2
-#       define MACHINE_I32_SIZE    4
-#       define MACHINE_F32_SIZE    4
-#       define MACHINE_F64_SIZE    8
-    /* maximum size of the atomic data types */
-#       define MAX_NT_SIZE      16
-#endif /* _HNT_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/hproto.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/hproto.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 0a37068a1e93ed9617a567d07794fb2eb5483b52..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/hproto.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4221 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
-/* $Id$ */
-#ifndef _H_PROTO
-#define _H_PROTO
-/* Usefull macros, which someday might become actual functions */
-/* Wrappers for Hinquire. feb-2-92 */
-#define HQueryfileid(aid, fileid)     \
-  (Hinquire ((int32)   aid,  (int32*) fileid, (uint16*) NULL,\
-             (uint16*) NULL, (int32*) NULL,   (int32*)  NULL,\
-             (int32*)  NULL, (int16*) NULL,   (int16*)  NULL))
-#define HQuerytagref(aid, tag, ref) \
-  (Hinquire ((int32)   aid,  (int32*) NULL,   (uint16*) tag,\
-             (uint16*) ref,  (int32*) NULL,   (int32*)  NULL,\
-             (int32*)  NULL, (int16*) NULL,   (int16*)  NULL))
-#define HQuerylength(aid, length)     \
-  (Hinquire ((int32)    aid, (int32*) NULL, (uint16*) NULL,   \
-             (uint16*) NULL, (int32*) length,   (int32*)  NULL,   \
-             (int32*)  NULL, (int16*) NULL, (int16*)  NULL))
-#define HQueryoffset(aid, offset)     \
-  (Hinquire ((int32)    aid, (int32*) NULL, (uint16*) NULL,   \
-             (uint16*) NULL, (int32*) NULL,     (int32*)  offset, \
-             (int32*)  NULL, (int16*) NULL,     (int16*)  NULL))
-#define HQueryposition(aid, position) \
-  (Hinquire ((int32)    aid, (int32*) NULL, (uint16*) NULL,   \
-             (uint16*) NULL, (int32*) NULL, (int32*)  NULL,   \
-             (int32*) position, (int16*) NULL,  (int16*)  NULL))
-#define HQueryaccess(aid, access)     \
-  (Hinquire ((int32)    aid,    (int32*) NULL,   (uint16*) NULL,  \
-             (uint16*) NULL,    (int32*) NULL,   (int32*)  NULL,  \
-             (int32*)   NULL,   (int16*) access, (int16*)  NULL))
-#define HQueryspecial(aid, special) \
-  (Hinquire ((int32)    aid,    (int32*) NULL,  (uint16*) NULL,   \
-             (uint16*) NULL,    (int32*) NULL,  (int32*)  NULL,   \
-             (int32*)   NULL,   (int16*) NULL,  (int16*)  special))
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-extern      "C"
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-   ** from hfile.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Hopen
-                (const char *path, intn acc_mode, int16 ndds);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn Hclose
-                (int32 file_id);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Hstartread
-                (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn Hnextread
-                (int32 access_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, intn origin);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn Hexist
-                (int32 file_id, uint16 search_tag, uint16 search_ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn Hinquire
-                (int32 access_id, int32 * pfile_id, uint16 * ptag,
-          uint16 * pref, int32 * plength, int32 * poffset,
-        int32 * pposn, int16 * paccess, int16 * pspecial);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Hstartwrite
-                (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, int32 length);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Hstartaccess
-                (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, uint32 flags);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn Hsetlength
-                (int32 file_id, int32 length);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn Happendable
-                (int32 aid);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HPisappendable
-                (int32 aid);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HPregister_term_func
-                (hdf_termfunc_t term_func);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn Hseek
-                (int32 access_id, int32 offset, intn origin);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Htell
-                (int32 access_id);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Hread
-                (int32 access_id, int32 length, void * data);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Hwrite
-                (int32 access_id, int32 length, const void * data);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Htrunc
-                (int32 access_id, int32 trunc_len);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn Hendaccess
-                (int32 access_id);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HDgetc
-                (int32 access_id);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HDputc
-                (uint8 c, int32 access_id);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Hgetelement
-                (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, uint8 * data);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Hputelement
-                (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, const uint8 * data, int32 length);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Hlength
-                (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Hoffset
-                (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn Hsync
-                (int32 file_id);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn Hcache
-                (int32 file_id, intn cache_on);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn Hgetlibversion
-                (uint32 * majorv, uint32 * minorv,
-                 uint32 * releasev, char * string);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn Hgetfileversion
-                (int32 file_id, uint32 * majorv, uint32 * minorv,
-                 uint32 * release, char * string);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn Hsetaccesstype(int32 access_id, uintn accesstype);
-    HDFLIBAPI uint16 HDmake_special_tag
-                (uint16 tag);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HDis_special_tag
-                (uint16 tag);
-    HDFLIBAPI uint16 HDbase_tag
-                (uint16 tag);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  HDerr
-                (int32 file_id);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HDvalidfid
-                (int32 file_id);
-    HDFLIBAPI const char *HDgettagdesc
-                (uint16 tag);
-    HDFLIBAPI char *HDgettagsname
-                (uint16 tag);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HDgettagnum
-                (const char *tag_name);
-    HDFLIBAPI char *HDgetNTdesc
-                (int32 nt);
-    HDFLIBAPI const char *HDfidtoname
-                (int32 fid);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn Hishdf
-                (const char * filename);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn Hfidinquire
-                (int32 file_id, char ** fname, intn * acc_mode,
-                 intn * attach);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn Hshutdown(void);
-    HDFLIBAPI void HPend(void);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HDdont_atexit(void);
-   ** from hfiledd.c
- */
-     Hdupdd - Duplicate a data descriptor
-    Duplicates a data descriptor so that the new tag/ref points to the
-    same data element pointed to by the old tag/ref.  Return FAIL if
-    the given tag/ref are already in use.
-    returns SUCCEED (0) if successful, FAIL (-1) otherwise
-HDFLIBAPI intn Hdupdd(int32 file_id,      /* IN: File ID the tag/refs are in */
-        uint16 tag,             /* IN: Tag of new tag/ref */
-        uint16 ref,             /* IN: Ref of new tag/ref */
-        uint16 old_tag,         /* IN: Tag of old tag/ref */
-        uint16 old_ref          /* IN: Ref of old tag/ref */
-     Hnumber - Determine the number of objects of a given type
-    Determine how many objects of the given tag are in the file.
-    tag may be set to DFTAG_WILDCARD to get back the total number
-    of objects in the file.
-    Note, a return value of zero is not a fail condition.
-    the number of objects of type 'tag' else FAIL
-HDFLIBAPI int32 Hnumber(int32 file_id,    /* IN: File ID the tag/refs are in */
-        uint16 tag              /* IN: Tag to count */
-     Hnewref - Returns a ref that is guaranteed to be unique in the file
-    Returns a ref number that can be used with any tag to produce a
-    unique tag/ref.  Successive calls to Hnewref will generate a
-    strictly increasing sequence until the highest possible ref had been
-    returned, then Hnewref will return unused ref's starting from 1.
-    returns the ref number, 0 otherwise
-HDFLIBAPI uint16 Hnewref(int32 file_id        /* IN: File ID the tag/refs are in */
-    Htagnewref  - returns a ref that is unique in the file for a given tag
-    Returns a ref number that can be used with any tag to produce a
-    unique tag/ref.  Successive calls to Hnewref will generate a
-    strictly increasing sequence until the highest possible ref had been
-    returned, then Hnewref will return unused ref's starting from 1.
-    returns the ref number, 0 otherwise
-HDFLIBAPI uint16 Htagnewref(int32 file_id,    /* IN: File ID the tag/refs are in */
-        uint16 tag                  /* IN: Tag to search for a new ref for */
-    Hfind - locate the next object of a search in an HDF file
-    Searches for the `next' DD that fits the search tag/ref.  Wildcards
-    apply.  If origin is DF_FORWARD, search from current position forwards
-    in the file, otherwise DF_BACKWARD searches backward from the current
-    position in the file.  If *find_tag and *find_ref are both set to
-    0, this indicates the beginning of a search, and the search will
-    start from the beginning of the file if the direction is DF_FORWARD
-    and from the and of the file if the direction is DF_BACKWARD.
-    returns SUCCEED (0) if successful and FAIL (-1) otherwise
-HDFLIBAPI intn Hfind(int32 file_id,       /* IN: file ID to search in */
-        uint16 search_tag,      /* IN: the tag to search for (can be DFTAG_WILDCARD) */
-        uint16 search_ref,      /* IN: ref to search for (can be DFREF_WILDCARD) */
-        uint16 *find_tag,       /* IN: if (*find_tag==0) and (*find_ref==0) then start search */
-                                /* OUT: tag matching the search tag */
-        uint16 *find_ref,       /* IN: if (*find_tag==0) and (*find_ref==0) then start search */
-                                /* OUT: ref matching the search ref */
-        int32 *find_offset,     /* OUT: offset of the data element found */
-        int32 *find_length,     /* OUT: length of the data element found */
-        intn direction          /* IN: Direction to search in: */
-                                /*  DF_FORWARD searches forward from the current location */
-                                /*  DF_BACKWARD searches backward from the current location */
-     HDcheck_tagref - Checks to see if tag/ref is in DD list i.e. created already
-     Routine checks to see if tag/ref exists in the DD list i.e. has
-     been created.
-     0-> tag/ref does not exist
-     1-> tag/ref exists
-    -1-> function failed
-HDcheck_tagref(int32  file_id, /* IN: id of file */
-               uint16 tag,     /* IN: Tag to check */
-               uint16 ref      /* IN: ref to check */);
-   HDreuse_tagref -- reuse a data descriptor preserving tag/ref
-   Reuses the data descriptor of tag/ref in the dd list of the file.
-   The tag/ref must already exist in the DD list.
-   This routine is unsafe and may leave a file in a condition that is
-   not usable by some routines.  Use with care. Not valid for
-   special elments right now. Used for allowing the data to change
-   and move somewhere else in the file for non-special elements.
-   Must be carefully if apply to higher-level objects like GR's and SDS
-   that are comprised of other objects. 
-   Usefull when re-writing simple elements whose size changes while
-   preserving the original tag/ref of the element since other elements
-   might refer to this element by tag/ref e.g. in a Vgroup.
-   returns SUCCEED (0) if successful, FAIL (-1) otherwise
-HDreuse_tagref(int32 file_id, /* IN: id of file */
-               uint16 tag,    /* IN: tag of data descriptor to reuse */
-               uint16 ref     /* IN: ref of data descriptor to reuse */ );
-     Hdeldd - Delete a data descriptor
-    Deletes a data descriptor of tag/ref from the dd list of the file.
-    This routine is unsafe and may leave a file in a condition that is
-    not usable by some routines.  Use with care.
-    For example, if this element is contained in a Vgroup, that group
-    will *NOT* get updated to reflect that this element has been deleted.
-    returns SUCCEED (0) if successful, FAIL (-1) otherwise
-HDFLIBAPI intn Hdeldd(int32 file_id,      /* IN: File ID the tag/refs are in */
-        uint16 tag,             /* IN: Tag of tag/ref to delete */
-        uint16 ref              /* IN: Ref of tag/ref to delete */
-   ** from hdfalloc.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI void * HDmemfill
-                (void * dest, const void * src, uint32 item_size, uint32 num_items);
-    HDFLIBAPI char *HIstrncpy
-                (char * dest, const char * source, int32 len);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HDspaceleft
-                (void);
-#if defined(MALLOC_CHECK) || defined(_HDFDLL_)
-    HDFPUBLIC extern void * HDmalloc
-                (uint32 qty);
-    HDFPUBLIC extern void * HDrealloc
-                (void * where, uint32 qty);
-    HDFPUBLIC extern void * HDcalloc
-                (uint32 n, uint32 size);
-    HDFPUBLIC extern void HDfree
-                (void * ptr);
-#endif /* defined MALLOC_CHECK */
-#if defined VMS || defined macintosh || defined MAC || defined SYMANTEC_C || defined MIPSEL || defined NEXT || defined CONVEX || defined IBM6000 || defined SUN || defined IRIX || defined _HDFDLL_
-    HDFPUBLIC extern char *HDstrdup
-                (const char *s);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HDc2fstr
-                (char * str, intn len);
-    HDFLIBAPI char *HDf2cstring
-                (_fcd fdesc, intn len);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HDflush
-                (int32 file_id);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HDpackFstring
-                (char * src, char * dest, intn len);
-   ** from hblocks.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HLcreate
-                (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, int32 block_length,
-                 int32 number_blocks);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HLconvert
-                (int32 aid, int32 block_length, int32 number_blocks);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  HDinqblockinfo
-                (int32 aid, int32 *length, int32 *first_length, int32 *block_length,
-                 int32 *number_blocks);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HLsetblockinfo
-                (int32 aid, int32 block_size, int32 num_blocks);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HLgetblockinfo
-                (int32 aid, int32* block_size, int32* num_blocks);
-   ** from hextelt.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HXcreate
-                (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, const char * extern_file_name,
-                 int32 offset, int32 start_len);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HXsetcreatedir
-                (const char *dir);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HXsetdir
-                (const char *dir);
-   ** from hcomp.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HCcreate
-                (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref,
-                 comp_model_t model_type, model_info * m_info,
-                 comp_coder_t coder_type, comp_info * c_info);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HCPgetcompress
-                (int32 file_id, uint16 data_tag, uint16 data_ref, 
-		 comp_coder_t *coder_type, comp_info * c_info);
-    HDFPUBLIC intn HCget_config_info ( comp_coder_t coder_type, uint32 *compression_config_info);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HCPquery_encode_header(comp_model_t model_type, model_info * m_info,
-             comp_coder_t coder_type, comp_info * c_info);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HCPencode_header(uint8 *p, comp_model_t model_type, model_info * m_info,
-             comp_coder_t coder_type, comp_info * c_info);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HCPdecode_header(uint8 *p, comp_model_t *model_type, model_info * m_info,
-             comp_coder_t *coder_type, comp_info * c_info);
-   ** from cszip.c
- */
-     HDFLIBAPI intn HCPsetup_szip_parms ( comp_info *c_info, int32 nt, int32 ncomp, int32 ndims, int32 *dims, int32 *cdims);
-   ** from hbuffer.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HBconvert
-                (int32 aid);
-   ** from hcompri.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 HRPconvert
-                (int32 fid, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, int32 xdim, int32 ydim,int16 scheme, comp_info *cinfo, uintn pixel_size);
-   ** from herr.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI const char *HEstring
-                (hdf_err_code_t error_code);
-    HDFLIBAPI void HEpush
-                (hdf_err_code_t error_code, const char * function_name,
-                 const char * file_name, intn line);
-    HDFLIBAPI void HEreport
-                (const char *,...);
-    HDFLIBAPI void HEprint
-                (FILE * stream, int32 print_level);
-    HDFLIBAPI int16 HEvalue
-                (int32 level);
-    HDFLIBAPI void HEPclear
-                (void);
- 	HDFLIBAPI intn HEshutdown(void);
-   ** from hbitio.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Hstartbitread
-                (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Hstartbitwrite
-                (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, int32 length);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn Hbitappendable
-                (int32 bitid);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn Hbitwrite
-                (int32 bitid, intn count, uint32 data);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn Hbitread
-                (int32 bitid, intn count, uint32 *data);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn Hbitseek
-                (int32 bitid, int32 byte_offset, intn bit_offset);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn Hgetbit
-                (int32 bitid);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Hendbitaccess
-                (int32 bitfile_id, intn flushbit);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn HPbitshutdown(void);
-   ** from dfcomp.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFputcomp
-                (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, const uint8 * image,
-        int32 xdim, int32 ydim, uint8 * palette, uint8 * newpal,
-                 int16 scheme, comp_info * cinfo);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFgetcomp
-                (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, uint8 * image,
-                 int32 xdim, int32 ydim, uint16 scheme);
-   ** from dfrle.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 DFCIrle
-                (const void * buf, void * bufto, int32 len);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 DFCIunrle
-                (uint8 * buf, uint8 *bufto, int32 outlen, int resetsave);
-   ** from dfimcomp.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI void DFCIimcomp
-                (int32 xdim, int32 ydim, const uint8 *in, uint8 out[],
-                 uint8 in_pal[], uint8 out_pal[], int mode);
-    HDFLIBAPI void DFCIunimcomp
-                (int32 xdim, int32 ydim, uint8 in[], uint8 out[]);
-   ** from dfjpeg.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFCIjpeg
-                (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, int32 xdim, int32 ydim,
-                 const void * image, int16 scheme, comp_info * scheme_info);
-   ** from dfunjpeg.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFCIunjpeg
-                (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, void * image, int32 xdim,
-                 int32 ydim, int16 scheme);
-   ** from dfgroup.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 DFdiread
-                (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFdiget
-                (int32 list, uint16 * ptag, uint16 * pref);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFdinobj
-                (int32 list);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 DFdisetup
-                (int maxsize);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFdiput
-                (int32 list, uint16 tag, uint16 ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFdiwrite
-                (int32 file_id, int32 list, uint16 tag, uint16 ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI void DFdifree
-    			(int32 groupID);
-   ** from dfp.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFPgetpal
-                (const char * filename, void * palette);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFPputpal
-                (const char * filename, const void * palette, intn overwrite, const char * filemode);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFPaddpal
-                (const char * filename, const void * palette);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFPnpals
-                (const char * filename);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFPreadref
-                (const char * filename, uint16 ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFPwriteref
-                (const char * filename, uint16 ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFPrestart
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI uint16 DFPlastref
-                (void);
-   ** from dfr8.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFR8setcompress
-                (int32 scheme, comp_info * cinfo);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFR8getdims
-                (const char * filename, int32 * pxdim, int32 * pydim,
-                 int * pispal);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFR8getimage
-                (const char * filename, uint8 * image, int32 xdim, int32 ydim,
-                 uint8 * pal);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFR8setpalette
-                (uint8 * pal);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFR8putimage
-                (const char * filename, const void * image, int32 xdim, int32 ydim, uint16 compress);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFR8addimage
-                (const char * filename, const void * image, int32 xdim, int32 ydim, uint16 compress);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFR8nimages
-                (const char * filename);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFR8readref
-                (const char * filename, uint16 ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFR8writeref
-                (const char * filename, uint16 ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFR8restart
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI uint16 DFR8lastref
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFR8getpalref(uint16 *pal_ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFR8Pshutdown(void);
-   ** from dfgr.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRgetlutdims
-                (const char * filename, int32 * pxdim, int32 * pydim,
-                 intn * pncomps, intn * pil);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRreqlutil
-                (intn il);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRgetlut
-                (const char * filename, void * lut, int32 xdim, int32 ydim);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRgetimdims
-                (const char * filename, int32 * pxdim, int32 * pydim,
-                 intn * pncomps, intn * pil);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRreqimil
-                (intn il);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRgetimage
-                (const char * filename, void * image, int32 xdim, int32 ydim);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRsetcompress
-                (int32 scheme, comp_info * cinfo);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRsetlutdims
-                (int32 xdim, int32 ydim, intn ncomps, intn il);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRsetlut
-                (void * lut, int32 xdim, int32 ydim);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRaddlut
-                (const char * filename, void * lut, int32 xdim, int32 ydim);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRsetimdims
-                (int32 xdim, int32 ydim, intn ncomps, intn il);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRaddimage
-                (const char * filename, void * image, int32 xdim, int32 ydim);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRputimage
-                (const char * filename, void * image, int32 xdim, int32 ydim);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRreadref
-                (const char * filename, uint16 ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI uint16 DFGRIlastref
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRIgetdims
-                (const char * filename, int32 * pxdim, int32 * pydim,
-                 intn * pncomps, intn * pil, intn type);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRIreqil
-                (intn il, intn type);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRIgetimlut
-                (const char * filename, void * imlut, int32 xdim, int32 ydim, intn type,
-                 intn isfortran, int *compressed, uint16 *compr_type, int *has_pal);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRIsetdims
-                (int32 xdim, int32 ydim, intn ncomps, intn type);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRIsetil
-                (intn il, intn type);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRIrestart
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRIaddimlut
-                (const char * filename, const void * imlut, int32 xdim, int32 ydim, intn type,
-                 intn isfortran, intn newfile);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFGRPshutdown(void);
-   ** from df24.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DF24getdims
-                (const char * filename, int32 * pxdim, int32 * pydim,
-                 intn * pil);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DF24reqil
-                (intn il);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DF24getimage
-                (const char * filename, void * image, int32 xdim, int32 ydim);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DF24setdims
-                (int32 xdim, int32 ydim);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DF24setil
-                (intn il);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DF24setcompress
-                (int32 type, comp_info * cinfo);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DF24restart
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DF24addimage
-                (const char * filename, const void * image, int32 xdim, int32 ydim);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DF24putimage
-                (const char * filename, const void * image, int32 xdim, int32 ydim);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DF24nimages
-                (const char * filename);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DF24readref
-                (const char * filename, uint16 ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI uint16 DF24lastref
-                (void);
-   ** from dfan.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 DFANgetlablen
-                (const char * filename, uint16 tag, uint16 ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFANgetlabel
-                (const char * filename, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, char * label,
-                 int32 maxlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 DFANgetdesclen
-                (const char * filename, uint16 tag, uint16 ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFANgetdesc
-                (const char * filename, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, char * desc,
-                 int32 maxlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 DFANgetfidlen
-                (int32 file_id, intn isfirst);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 DFANgetfid
-                (int32 file_id, char * id, int32 maxlen, intn isfirst);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 DFANgetfdslen
-                (int32 file_id, intn isfirst);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 DFANgetfds
-                (int32 file_id, char * desc, int32 maxlen, intn isfirst);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFANputlabel
-                (const char * filename, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, char * label);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFANputdesc
-                (const char * filename, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, char * desc,
-                 int32 desclen);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFANaddfid
-                (int32 file_id, char * id);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFANaddfds
-                (int32 file_id, char * desc, int32 desclen);
-    HDFLIBAPI uint16 DFANlastref
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFANlablist
-                (const char * filename, uint16 tag, uint16 reflist[],
-         char * labellist, intn listsize, intn maxlen, intn startpos);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFANclear
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFANIclear
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI uint16 DFANIlocate
-                (int32 file_id, int type, uint16 tag, uint16 ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFANIaddentry
-                (int type, uint16 annref, uint16 datatag, uint16 dataref);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 DFANIgetannlen
-                (const char * filename, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, int type);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFANIgetann
-                (const char * filename, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, uint8 * ann,
-                 int32 maxlen, int type);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFANIputann
-                (const char * filename, uint16 tag, uint16 ref, uint8 * ann,
-                 int32 annlen, int type);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFANIlablist
-                (const char * filename, uint16 tag, uint16 reflist[],
-            uint8 * labellist, int listsize, int maxlen, int startpos,
-                 int isfortran);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFANIaddfann
-                (int32 file_id, char * ann, int32 annlen, int type);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 DFANIgetfannlen
-                (int32 file_id, int type, int isfirst);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 DFANIgetfann
-                (int32 file_id, char * ann, int32 maxlen, int type, int isfirst);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFANPshutdown(void);
-   ** from dfsd.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDgetdims
-                (const char * filename, intn * prank, int32 sizes[], intn maxrank);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDgetdatastrs
-                (char * label, char * unit, char * format, char * coordsys);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDgetdimstrs
-                (int dim, char * label, char * unit, char * format);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDgetdatalen
-                (int * llabel, int * lunit, int * lformat, int * lcoordsys);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDgetdimlen
-                (int dim, int * llabel, int * lunit, int * lformat);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDgetdimscale
-                (intn dim, int32 maxsize, void * scale);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDgetrange
-                (void * pmax, void * pmin);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDgetdata
-                (const char * filename, intn rank, int32 maxsizes[], void * data);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDsetlengths
-                (int maxlen_label, int maxlen_unit, int maxlen_format,
-                 int maxlen_coordsys);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDsetdims
-                (intn rank, int32 dimsizes[]);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDsetdatastrs
-                (const char * label, const char * unit, const char * format, const char * coordsys);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDsetdimstrs
-                (int dim, const char * label, const char * unit, const char * format);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDsetdimscale
-                (intn dim, int32 dimsize, void * scale);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDsetrange
-                (void * maxi, void * mini);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDputdata
-                (const char * filename, intn rank, int32 dimsizes[], void * data);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDadddata
-                (const char * filename, intn rank, int32 dimsizes[], void * data);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDrestart
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 DFSDndatasets
-                (char * filename);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDclear
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI uint16 DFSDlastref
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDreadref
-                (char * filename, uint16 ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDgetslice
-                (const char * filename, int32 winst[], int32 windims[], void * data,
-                 int32 dims[]);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDstartslice
-                (const char * filename);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDputslice
-                (int32 winend[], void * data, int32 dims[]);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDendslice
-                (void);
-                (int32 numbertype);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDsetorder
-                (int arrayorder);
-                (int32 * pnumbertype);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFSDpre32sdg
-                (char * filename, uint16 ref, intn * ispre32);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDsetcal
-                (float64 cal, float64 cal_err, float64 ioff,
-                 float64 ioff_err, int32 cal_nt);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDgetcal
-                (float64 * pcal, float64 * pcal_err, float64 * pioff,
-                 float64 * pioff_err, int32 * cal_nt);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDwriteref
-                (const char * filename, uint16 ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDsetfillvalue
-                (void * fill_value);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDgetfillvalue
-                (void * fill_value);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDstartslab
-                (const char * filename);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDwriteslab
-                (int32 start[], int32 stride[], int32 count[],
-                 void * data);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDendslab
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFSDreadslab
-                (const char *filename, int32 start[], int32 slab_size[],
-             int32 stride[], void * buffer, int32 buffer_size[]);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFSDPshutdown(void);
-   ** from dfconv.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFKNTsize
-                (int32 number_type);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 DFKisnativeNT
-                (int32 numbertype);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 DFKislitendNT
-                (int32 numbertype);
-                (int32 numbertype, int32 machinetype);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKsetNT
-                (int32 ntype);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 DFKconvert
-                (void * source, void * dest, int32 ntype, int32 num_elm,
-                 int16 acc_mode, int32 source_stride, int32 dest_stride);
-   ** from dfknat.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKnb1b
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKnb2b
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKnb4b
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKnb8b
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-   ** from dfkswap.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKsb2b
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKsb4b
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKsb8b
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-   ** from dfkcray.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKui2i
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKui2s
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKuo2i
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKuo2s
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKui4i
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKui4s
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKuo4i
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKuo4s
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKui4f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKuo4f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKui8f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKuo8f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlui2i
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlui2s
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKluo2i
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKluo2s
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlui4i
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlui4s
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKluo4i
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKluo4s
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlui4f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKluo4f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlui8f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKluo8f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-/* CRAY-MPP */
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKmi2i
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKmi2s
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKmo2b
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlmi2i
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlmi2s
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlmo2b
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-   ** from dfkvms.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKvi4f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKvo4f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKvi8f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKvo8f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlvi4f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlvo4f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlvi8f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlvo8f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-   ** from dfkconv.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKci4f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKco4f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKci8f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKco8f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlci4f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlco4f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlci8f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlco8f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-   ** from dfkfuji.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKpi4f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKpo4f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKpi8f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKpo8f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlpi4f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlpo4f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlpi8f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn DFKlpo8f
-                (void * s, void * d, uint32 num_elm, uint32 source_stride, uint32 dest_stride);
-   ** from dfanF.c
- */
-#ifndef DFAN_FNAMES
-#   define  DFAN_FNAMES
-#   define ndaiganl  FNAME(DAIGANL)
-#   define ndaigann  FNAME(DAIGANN)
-#   define ndaipann  FNAME(DAIPANN)
-#   define ndailist  FNAME(DAILIST)
-#   define ndalref   FNAME(DALREF)
-#   define ndaclear  FNAME(DACLEAR)
-#   define ndfanlastref     FNAME(DFANLASTREF)
-#   define ndfanaddfds      FNAME(DFANADDFDS)
-#   define ndfangetfidlen   FNAME(DFANGETFIDLEN)
-#   define ndfangetfdslen   FNAME(DFANGETFDSLEN)
-#   define ndfangetfid      FNAME(DFANGETFID)
-#   define ndfangetfds      FNAME(DFANGETFDS)
-#   define ndaafds          FNAME(DAAFDS)
-#   define ndagfidl         FNAME(DAGFIDL)
-#   define ndagfdsl         FNAME(DAGFDSL)
-#   define ndagfid          FNAME(DAGFID)
-#   define ndagfds          FNAME(DAGFDS)
-#   define ndaiafid         FNAME(DAIAFID)
-#else                           /* DF_CAPFNAMES */
-#   define ndaiganl  FNAME(daiganl)
-#   define ndaigann  FNAME(daigann)
-#   define ndaipann  FNAME(daipann)
-#   define ndailist  FNAME(dailist)
-#   define ndalref   FNAME(dalref)
-#   define ndaclear  FNAME(daclear)
-#   define ndfanlastref     FNAME(dfanlastref)
-#   define ndfanaddfds      FNAME(dfanaddfds)
-#   define ndfangetfidlen   FNAME(dfangetfidlen)
-#   define ndfangetfdslen   FNAME(dfangetfdslen)
-#   define ndfangetfid      FNAME(dfangetfid)
-#   define ndfangetfds      FNAME(dfangetfds)
-#   define ndaafds          FNAME(daafds)
-#   define ndagfidl         FNAME(dagfidl)
-#   define ndagfdsl         FNAME(dagfdsl)
-#   define ndagfid          FNAME(dagfid)
-#   define ndagfds          FNAME(dagfds)
-#   define ndaiafid         FNAME(daiafid)
-#endif                          /* DF_CAPFNAMES */
-#endif                          /* DFAN_FNAMES */
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndaiganl
-                (_fcd filename, intf * tag, intf * ref, intf * type,
-                 intf * fnlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndaigann
-                (_fcd filename, intf * tag, intf * ref, _fcd annotation,
-                 intf * maxlen, intf * type, intf * fnlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndaipann
-                (_fcd filename, intf * tag, intf * ref, _fcd annotation,
-                 intf * annlen, intf * type, intf * fnlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndailist
-                (_fcd filename, intf * tag, intf reflist[], _fcd labellist,
-          intf * listsize, intf * maxlen, intf * startpos,
-                 intf * fnlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndalref
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndaclear
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfanlastref
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfanaddfds
-                (intf * dfile, _fcd desc, intf * desclen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfangetfidlen
-                (intf * dfile, intf * isfirst);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfangetfdslen
-                (intf * dfile, intf * isfirst);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfangetfid
-                (intf * dfile, _fcd id, intf * maxlen, intf * isfirst);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfangetfds
-                (intf * dfile, _fcd id, intf * maxlen, intf * isfirst);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndaafds
-                (intf * dfile, _fcd desc, intf * desclen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndagfidl
-                (intf * dfile, intf * isfirst);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndagfdsl
-                (intf * dfile, intf * isfirst);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndagfid
-                (intf * dfile, _fcd id, intf * maxlen, intf * isfirst);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndagfds
-                (intf * dfile, _fcd id, intf * maxlen, intf * isfirst);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndaiafid
-                (intf * dfile, _fcd id, intf * idlen);
-   ** from dfr8F.c
- */
-#ifndef DFR8_FNAMES
-#   define DFR8_FNAMES
-#   define nd8spal   FNAME(D8SPAL)
-#   define nd8first  FNAME(D8FIRST)
-#   define nd8igdim  FNAME(D8IGDIM)
-#   define nd8igimg  FNAME(D8IGIMG)
-#   define nd8ipimg  FNAME(D8IPIMG)
-#   define nd8iaimg  FNAME(D8IAIMG)
-#   define nd8irref  FNAME(D8IRREF)
-#   define nd8iwref  FNAME(D8IWREF)
-#   define nd8inims  FNAME(D8INIMS)
-#   define nd8lref   FNAME(D8LREF)
-#   define ndfr8lastref      FNAME(DFR8LASTREF)
-#   define ndfr8setpalette   FNAME(DFR8SETPALETTE)
-#   define ndfr8restart  FNAME(DFR8RESTART)
-#   define nd8scomp  FNAME(D8SCOMP)
-#   define ndfr8scompress FNAME(DFR8SCOMPRESS)
-#   define nd8sjpeg  FNAME(D8SJPEG)
-#   define ndfr8sjpeg FNAME(DFR8SJPEG)
-#else                           /* !DF_CAPFNAMES */
-#   define nd8spal   FNAME(d8spal)
-#   define nd8first  FNAME(d8first)
-#   define nd8igdim  FNAME(d8igdim)
-#   define nd8igimg  FNAME(d8igimg)
-#   define nd8ipimg  FNAME(d8ipimg)
-#   define nd8iaimg  FNAME(d8iaimg)
-#   define nd8irref  FNAME(d8irref)
-#   define nd8iwref  FNAME(d8iwref)
-#   define nd8inims  FNAME(d8inims)
-#   define nd8lref   FNAME(d8lref)
-#   define ndfr8lastref      FNAME(dfr8lastref)
-#   define ndfr8setpalette   FNAME(dfr8setpalette)
-#   define ndfr8restart  FNAME(dfr8restart)
-#   define nd8scomp  FNAME(d8scomp)
-#   define ndfr8scompress FNAME(dfr8scompress)
-#   define nd8sjpeg  FNAME(d8sjpeg)
-#   define ndfr8sjpeg FNAME(dfr8sjpeg)
-#endif                          /* DF_CAPFNAMES */
-#endif                          /* DFR8_FNAMES */
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nd8spal
-                (_fcd pal);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nd8first
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nd8igdim
-                (_fcd filename, intf * xdim, intf * ydim, intf * ispal,
-                 intf * lenfn);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nd8igimg
-                (_fcd filename, _fcd image, intf * xdim, intf * ydim,
-                 _fcd pal, intf * lenfn);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nd8ipimg
-                (_fcd filename, _fcd image, intf * xdim, intf * ydim,
-                 intf * compress, intf * lenfn);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nd8iaimg
-                (_fcd filename, _fcd image, intf * xdim, intf * ydim,
-                 intf * compress, intf * lenfn);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nd8irref
-                (_fcd filename, intf * ref, intf * fnlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nd8iwref
-                (_fcd filename, intf * ref, intf * fnlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nd8inims
-                (_fcd filename, intf * fnlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nd8lref
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfr8lastref
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfr8setpalette
-                (_fcd pal);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfr8restart
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nd8scomp
-                (intf * scheme);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfr8scompress
-                (intf * scheme);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nd8sjpeg
-                (intf * quality, intf * force_baseline);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfr8sjpeg
-                (intf * quality, intf * force_baseline);
-   ** from dfsdF.c
- */
-#ifndef DFSD_FNAMES
-#   define DFSD_FNAMES
-#   define ndsgdast  FNAME(DSGDAST)
-#   define ndsgdisc  FNAME(DSGDISC)
-#   define ndsgrang  FNAME(DSGRANG)
-#   define ndssdims  FNAME(DSSDIMS)
-#   define ndssdisc  FNAME(DSSDISC)
-#   define ndssrang  FNAME(DSSRANG)
-#   define ndsclear  FNAME(DSCLEAR)
-#   define ndsslens  FNAME(DSSLENS)
-#   define ndsgdiln  FNAME(DSGDILN)
-#   define ndsgdaln  FNAME(DSGDALN)
-#   define ndsfirst  FNAME(DSFIRST)
-#   define ndspslc   FNAME(DSPSLC)
-#   define ndseslc   FNAME(DSESLC)
-#   define ndsgnt    FNAME(DSGNT)
-#   define ndssnt    FNAME(DSSNT)
-#   define ndsigdim  FNAME(DSIGDIM)
-#   define ndsigdat  FNAME(DSIGDAT)
-#   define ndsipdat  FNAME(DSIPDAT)
-#   define ndsiadat  FNAME(DSIADAT)
-#   define ndsigdas  FNAME(DSIGDAS)
-#   define ndsigslc  FNAME(DSIGSLC)
-#   define ndsigdis  FNAME(DSIGDIS)
-#   define ndsisslc  FNAME(DSISSLC)
-#   define ndsisdas  FNAME(DSISDAS)
-#   define ndsisdis  FNAME(DSISDIS)
-#   define ndsirref  FNAME(DSIRREF)
-#   define ndslref   FNAME(DSLREF)
-#   define ndsinum   FNAME(DSINUM)
-#   define ndsip32s  FNAME(DSIP32S)
-#   define ndsscal   FNAME(DSSCAL)
-#   define ndsgcal   FNAME(DSGCAL)
-#   define ndfsdgetdatastrs  FNAME(DFSDGETDATASTRS)
-#   define ndfsdgetdimscale  FNAME(DFSDGETDIMSCALE)
-#   define ndfsdgetrange     FNAME(DFSDGETRANGE)
-#   define ndfsdsetdims      FNAME(DFSDSETDIMS)
-#   define ndfsdsetdimscale  FNAME(DFSDSETDIMSCALE)
-#   define ndfsdsetrange     FNAME(DFSDSETRANGE)
-#   define ndfsdclear        FNAME(DFSDCLEAR)
-#   define ndfsdsetlengths   FNAME(DFSDSETLENGTHS)
-#   define ndfsdgetdimlen    FNAME(DFSDGETDIMLEN)
-#   define ndfsdgetdatalen   FNAME(DFSDGETDATALEN)
-#   define ndfsdrestart      FNAME(DFSDRESTART)
-#   define ndfsdputslice     FNAME(DFSDPUTSLICE)
-#   define ndfsdendslice     FNAME(DFSDENDSLICE)
-#   define ndfsdsetnt        FNAME(DFSDSETNT)
-#   define ndfsdgetnt        FNAME(DFSDGETNT)
-#   define ndfsdlastref      FNAME(DFSDLASTREF)
-#   define ndsiwref          FNAME(DSIWREF)
-#   define ndssfill          FNAME(DSSFILL)
-#   define ndsgfill          FNAME(DSGFILL)
-#   define ndsisslab         FNAME(DSISSLAB)
-#   define ndswslab          FNAME(DSWSLAB)
-#   define ndseslab          FNAME(DSESLAB)
-#   define ndsirslab         FNAME(DSIRSLAB)
-#   define ndsgdast  FNAME(dsgdast)
-#   define ndsgdisc  FNAME(dsgdisc)
-#   define ndsgrang  FNAME(dsgrang)
-#   define ndssdims  FNAME(dssdims)
-#   define ndssdisc  FNAME(dssdisc)
-#   define ndssrang  FNAME(dssrang)
-#   define ndsclear  FNAME(dsclear)
-#   define ndsslens  FNAME(dsslens)
-#   define ndsgdiln  FNAME(dsgdiln)
-#   define ndsgdaln  FNAME(dsgdaln)
-#   define ndsfirst  FNAME(dsfirst)
-#   define ndspslc   FNAME(dspslc)
-#   define ndseslc   FNAME(dseslc)
-#   define ndsgnt    FNAME(dsgnt)
-#   define ndssnt    FNAME(dssnt)
-#   define ndsigdim  FNAME(dsigdim)
-#   define ndsigdat  FNAME(dsigdat)
-#   define ndsipdat  FNAME(dsipdat)
-#   define ndsiadat  FNAME(dsiadat)
-#   define ndsigdas  FNAME(dsigdas)
-#   define ndsigslc  FNAME(dsigslc)
-#   define ndsigdis  FNAME(dsigdis)
-#   define ndsisslc  FNAME(dsisslc)
-#   define ndsisdas  FNAME(dsisdas)
-#   define ndsisdis  FNAME(dsisdis)
-#   define ndsirref  FNAME(dsirref)
-#   define ndslref   FNAME(dslref)
-#   define ndsinum   FNAME(dsinum)
-#   define ndsip32s  FNAME(dsip32s)
-#   define ndsscal   FNAME(dsscal)
-#   define ndsgcal   FNAME(dsgcal)
-#   define ndfsdgetdatastrs  FNAME(dfsdgetdatastrs)
-#   define ndfsdgetdimscale  FNAME(dfsdgetdimscale)
-#   define ndfsdgetrange     FNAME(dfsdgetrange)
-#   define ndfsdsetdims      FNAME(dfsdsetdims)
-#   define ndfsdsetdimscale  FNAME(dfsdsetdimscale)
-#   define ndfsdsetrange     FNAME(dfsdsetrange)
-#   define ndfsdclear        FNAME(dfsdclear)
-#   define ndfsdsetlengths   FNAME(dfsdsetlengths)
-#   define ndfsdgetdimlen    FNAME(dfsdgetdimlen)
-#   define ndfsdgetdatalen   FNAME(dfsdgetdatalen)
-#   define ndfsdrestart      FNAME(dfsdrestart)
-#   define ndfsdputslice     FNAME(dfsdputslice)
-#   define ndfsdendslice     FNAME(dfsdendslice)
-#   define ndfsdsetnt        FNAME(dfsdsetnt)
-#   define ndfsdgetnt        FNAME(dfsdgetnt)
-#   define ndfsdlastref      FNAME(dfsdlastref)
-#   define ndsiwref          FNAME(dsiwref)
-#   define ndssfill          FNAME(dssfill)
-#   define ndsgfill          FNAME(dsgfill)
-#   define ndsisslab         FNAME(dsisslab)
-#   define ndswslab          FNAME(dswslab)
-#   define ndseslab          FNAME(dseslab)
-#   define ndsirslab         FNAME(dsirslab)
-#endif                          /* DF_CAPFNAMES */
-#endif                          /* DFSD_FNAMES */
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndsgdisc
-                (intf * dim, intf * maxsize, void * scale);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndsgrang
-                (void * pmax, void * pmin);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndssdims
-                (intf * rank, intf dimsizes[]);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndssdisc
-                (intf * dim, intf * dimsize, void * scale);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndssrang
-                (void * max, void * min);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndsclear
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndsslens
-                (intf * maxlen_label, intf * maxlen_unit,
-                 intf * maxlen_format, intf * maxlen_coordsys);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndsgdiln
-                (intf * dim, intf * llabel, intf * lunit,
-                 intf * lformat);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndsgdaln
-                (intf * llabel, intf * lunit, intf * lformat,
-                 intf * lcoordsys);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndsfirst
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndspslc
-                (intf windims[], void * data, intf dims[]);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndseslc
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndssnt
-                (intf * numbertype);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndsgnt
-                (intf * pnumbertype);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndsigdim
-                (_fcd filename, intf * prank, intf sizes[],
-                 intf * maxrank, intf * lenfn);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndsigdat
-                (_fcd filename, intf * rank, intf maxsizes[],
-                 void * data, intf * fnlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndsipdat
-                (_fcd filename, intf * rank, intf dimsizes[],
-                 void * data, intf * fnlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndsiadat
-                (_fcd filename, intf * rank, intf dimsizes[],
-                 void * data, intf * fnlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndsigslc
-                (_fcd filename, intf winst[], intf windims[],
-                 void * data, intf dims[], intf * fnlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndsisslc
-                (_fcd filename, intf * fnlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndsirref
-                (_fcd filename, intf * ref, intf * fnlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndslref
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndsinum
-                (_fcd filename, intf * len);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndsip32s
-                (_fcd filename, intf * ref, intf * ispre32, intf * len);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfsdgetdatastrs
-                (_fcd label, _fcd unit, _fcd format, _fcd coordsys);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfsdgetdimstrs
-                (intf * dim, _fcd label, _fcd unit, _fcd format);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfsdgetdimscale
-                (intf * dim, intf * maxsize, void * scale);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfsdgetrange
-                (void * pmax, void * pmin);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfsdsetdims
-                (intf * rank, intf dimsizes[]);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfsdsetdimscale
-                (intf * dim, intf * dimsize, void * scale);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfsdsetrange
-                (void * max, void * min);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfsdclear
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfsdsetlengths
-                (intf * maxlen_label, intf * maxlen_unit,
-                 intf * maxlen_format, intf * maxlen_coordsys);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfsdgetdimlen
-                (intf * dim, intf * llabel, intf * lunit,
-                 intf * lformat);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfsdgetdatalen
-                (intf * llabel, intf * lunit, intf * lformat,
-                 intf * lcoordsys);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfsdrestart
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfsdputslice
-                (intf windims[], void * data, intf dims[]);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfsdendslice
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfsdsetnt
-                (intf * numbertype);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfsdgetnt
-                (intf * pnumbertype);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfsdlastref
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndsisdis
-                (intf * dim, _fcd flabel, _fcd funit, _fcd fformat,
-             intf * llabel, intf * lunit, intf * lformat);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndsigdis
-                (intf * dim, _fcd label, _fcd unit, _fcd format,
-             intf * llabel, intf * lunit, intf * lformat);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndsisdas
-                (_fcd flabel, _fcd funit, _fcd fformat, _fcd fcoordsys,
-            intf * isfortran, intf * llabel, intf * lunit,
-                 intf * lformat, intf * lcoordsys);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndsigdas
-                (_fcd label, _fcd unit, _fcd format, _fcd coordsys, intf * llabel,
-             intf * lunit, intf * lformat, intf * lcoord);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndsscal
-                (float64 * cal, float64 * cal_err, float64 * ioff,
-                 float64 * ioff_err, intf * cal_type);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndsgcal
-                (float64 * cal, float64 * cal_err, float64 * ioff,
-                 float64 * ioff_err, intf * cal_type);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndswref
-                (_fcd filename, intf * fnlen, intf * ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndssfill
-                (void * fill_value);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndsgfill
-                (void * fill_value);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndssslab
-                (_fcd filename, intf * fnlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndswslab
-                (intf start[], intf  stride[],
-                 intf  cont[], void * data);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndseslab
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI	FRETVAL(intf) ndsiwref
-		(_fcd filename, intf * fnlen, intf * ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI	FRETVAL(intf) ndsisslab
-		(_fcd filename, intf * fnlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI	FRETVAL(intf) ndsirslab
-		(_fcd filename, intf * fnlen, intf start[], intf slab_size[],
-	         intf stride[], void * buffer, intf buffer_size[]);
-   ** from dfpF.c
- */
-#ifndef DFP_FNAMES
-#   define DFP_FNAMES
-#   define ndpigpal  FNAME(DPIGPAL)
-#   define ndpippal  FNAME(DPIPPAL)
-#   define ndpinpal  FNAME(DPINPAL)
-#   define ndpiwref  FNAME(DPIWREF)
-#   define ndpirref  FNAME(DPIRREF)
-#   define ndprest   FNAME(DPREST)
-#   define ndplref   FNAME(DPLREF)
-#   define ndfprestart   FNAME(DFPRESTART)
-#   define ndfplastref   FNAME(DFPLASTREF)
-#else                           /* !DF_CAPNAMES */
-#   define ndpigpal  FNAME(dpigpal)
-#   define ndpippal  FNAME(dpippal)
-#   define ndpinpal  FNAME(dpinpal)
-#   define ndpiwref  FNAME(dpiwref)
-#   define ndpirref  FNAME(dpirref)
-#   define ndprest   FNAME(dprest)
-#   define ndplref   FNAME(dplref)
-#   define ndfprestart   FNAME(dfprestart)
-#   define ndfplastref   FNAME(dfplastref)
-#endif                          /* DF_CAPFNAMES */
-#endif                          /* DFP_FNAMES */
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndpigpal
-                (_fcd filename, _fcd pal, intf  * fnlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndpippal
-                (_fcd filename, _fcd pal, intf  * overwrite, _fcd filemode,
-                 intf  * fnlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndpinpal
-                (_fcd filename, intf  * fnlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndpirref
-                (_fcd filename, intf  * ref, intf  * fnlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndpiwref
-                (_fcd filename, intf  * ref, intf  * fnlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndprest
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndplref
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfprestart
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfplastref
-                (void);
-   ** from df24F.c
- */
-#ifndef DF24_FNAMES
-#   define DF24_FNAMES
-#   define nd2reqil  FNAME(D2REQIL)
-#   define ndf24reqil    FNAME(DF24REQIL)
-#   define nd2sdims  FNAME(D2SDIMS)
-#   define ndf24setdims  FNAME(DF24SETDIMS)
-#   define nd2setil  FNAME(D2SETIL)
-#   define ndf24setil    FNAME(DF24SETIL)
-#   define nd2first  FNAME(D2FIRST)
-#   define ndf24restart  FNAME(DF24RESTART)
-#   define nd2igdim  FNAME(D2IGDIM)
-#   define nd2igimg  FNAME(D2IGIMG)
-#   define nd2iaimg  FNAME(D2IAIMG)
-#   define nd2irref  FNAME(D2IRREF)
-#   define nd2inimg  FNAME(D2INIMG)
-#   define nd2lref   FNAME(D2LREF)
-#   define nd2scomp  FNAME(D2SCOMP)
-#   define ndf24scompress FNAME(DF24SCOMPRESS)
-#   define nd2sjpeg  FNAME(D2SJPEG)
-#   define ndf24sjpeg FNAME(DF24SJPEG)
-#   define nd2reqil  FNAME(d2reqil)
-#   define ndf24reqil    FNAME(df24reqil)
-#   define nd2sdims  FNAME(d2sdims)
-#   define ndf24setdims  FNAME(df24setdims)
-#   define nd2setil  FNAME(d2setil)
-#   define ndf24setil    FNAME(df24setil)
-#   define nd2first  FNAME(d2first)
-#   define ndf24restart  FNAME(df24restart)
-#   define nd2igdim  FNAME(d2igdim)
-#   define nd2igimg  FNAME(d2igimg)
-#   define nd2iaimg  FNAME(d2iaimg)
-#   define nd2irref  FNAME(d2irref)
-#   define nd2inimg  FNAME(d2inimg)
-#   define nd2lref   FNAME(d2lref)
-#   define nd2scomp  FNAME(d2scomp)
-#   define ndf24scompress FNAME(df24scompress)
-#   define nd2sjpeg  FNAME(d2sjpeg)
-#   define ndf24sjpeg FNAME(df24sjpeg)
-#endif                          /* DF_CAPFNAMES */
-#endif                          /* DF24_FNAMES */
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nd2reqil
-                (intf  * il);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nd2sdims
-                (intf  * xdim, intf  * ydim);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nd2igdim
-                (_fcd filename, intf  * pxdim, intf  * pydim, intf  * pil,
-                 intf  * fnlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nd2igimg
-                (_fcd filename, _fcd image, intf  * xdim, intf  * ydim,
-                 intf  * fnlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nd2iaimg
-                (_fcd filename, _fcd image, intf  * xdim, intf  * ydim,
-                 intf  * fnlen, intf  * newfile);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nd2setil
-                (intf  * il);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nd2first
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndf24reqil
-                (intf  * il);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndf24setdims
-                (intf  * xdim, intf  * ydim);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndf24setil
-                (intf  * il);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndf24restart
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nd2irref
-                (_fcd filename, intf  * ref, intf  * fnlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nd2inimg
-                (_fcd filename, intf  * fnlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nd2lref
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nd2scomp
-                (intf * scheme);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndf24scompress
-                (intf * scheme);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nd2sjpeg
-                (intf * quality, intf * force_baseline);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndf24sjpeg
-                (intf * quality, intf * force_baseline);
-   ** from dfF.c
- */
-#ifndef DF_FNAMES
-#   define DF_FNAMES
-#   define ndfiaccess FNAME(DFIACCESS)
-#   define ndfiopen  FNAME(DFIOPEN)
-#   define ndfclose  FNAME(DFCLOSE)
-#   define ndfdesc   FNAME(DFDESC)
-#   define ndfdup    FNAME(DFDUP)
-#   define ndfdel    FNAME(DFDEL)
-#   define ndfstart  FNAME(DFSTART)
-#   define ndfread   FNAME(DFREAD)
-#   define ndfseek   FNAME(DFSEEK)
-#   define ndfwrite  FNAME(DFWRITE)
-#   define ndfupdate FNAME(DFUPDATE)
-#   define ndfget    FNAME(DFGET)
-#   define ndfput    FNAME(DFPUT)
-#   define ndfsfind  FNAME(DFSFIND)
-#   define ndffind   FNAME(DFFIND)
-#   define ndferrno  FNAME(DFERRNO)
-#   define ndfnewref FNAME(DFNEWREF)
-#   define ndfnumber FNAME(DFNUMBER)
-#   define ndfstat   FNAME(DFSTAT)
-#   define ndfiishdf FNAME(DFIISHDF)
-#else                           /* !DF_CAPFNAMES */
-#   define ndfiaccess FNAME(dfiaccess)
-#   define ndfiopen  FNAME(dfiopen)
-#   define ndfclose  FNAME(dfclose)
-#   define ndfdesc   FNAME(dfdesc)
-#   define ndfdup    FNAME(dfdup)
-#   define ndfdel    FNAME(dfdel)
-#   define ndfstart  FNAME(dfstart)
-#   define ndfread   FNAME(dfread)
-#   define ndfseek   FNAME(dfseek)
-#   define ndfwrite  FNAME(dfwrite)
-#   define ndfupdate FNAME(dfupdate)
-#   define ndfget    FNAME(dfget)
-#   define ndfput    FNAME(dfput)
-#   define ndfsfind  FNAME(dfsfind)
-#   define ndffind   FNAME(dffind)
-#   define ndferrno  FNAME(dferrno)
-#   define ndfnewref FNAME(dfnewref)
-#   define ndfnumber FNAME(dfnumber)
-#   define ndfstat   FNAME(dfstat)
-#   define ndfiishdf FNAME(dfiishdf)
-#endif                          /* DF_CAPFNAMES */
-#endif                          /* DF_FNAMES */
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfiopen
-                (_fcd name, intf  * acc_mode, intf  * defdds, intf  * namelen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfclose
-                (intf  * dfile);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfdesc
-                (intf  * dfile, intf  ptr[][4], intf  * begin,
-                 intf  * num);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfdup
-                (intf  * dfile, intf  * tag, intf  * ref, intf  * otag,
-                 intf  * oref);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfdel
-                (intf  * dfile, intf  * tag, intf  * ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfiaccess
-                (intf  * dfile, intf  * tag, intf  * ref, _fcd acc_mode, intf  * acclen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfstart
-                (intf  * dfile, intf  * tag, intf  * ref, char  * acc_mode);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfread
-                (intf  * dfile, _fcd ptr, intf  * len);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfseek
-                (intf  * dfile, intf  * offset);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfwrite
-                (intf  * dfile, _fcd ptr, intf  * len);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfupdate
-                (intf  * dfile);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfget
-                (intf  * dfile, intf  * tag, intf  * ref, _fcd ptr);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfput
-                (intf  * dfile, intf  * tag, intf  * ref, _fcd ptr, intf  * len);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfsfind
-                (intf  * dfile, intf  * tag, intf  * ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndffind
-                (intf  * dfile, intf  * itag, intf  * iref, intf  * len);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndferrno
-                (void);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfnewref
-                (intf  * dfile);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfnumber
-                (intf  * dfile, intf  * tag);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfiishdf
-                (_fcd name, intf  * namelen);
-   ** from dfutil.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI uint16 DFfindnextref
-                (int32 file_id, uint16 tag, uint16 lref);
-   ** from dfutilF.c
- */
-#   define DFUTIL_FNAMES
-#   define ndfindnr          FNAME(DFINDNR)
-#   define ndffindnextref    FNAME(DFFINDNEXTREF)
-#   define ndfindnr          FNAME(dfindnr)
-#   define ndffindnextref    FNAME(dffindnextref)
-#endif                          /* DF_CAPFNAMES */
-#endif                          /* DFUTIL_FNAMES */
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfindnr
-                (intf  * dfile, intf  * tag, intf  * lref);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndffindnextref
-                (intf  * dfile, intf  * tag, intf  * lref);
-   ** from herrF.c
- */
-#ifndef HERR_FNAMES
-#   define HERR_FNAMES
-#   define nheprnt   FNAME(HEPRNT)
-#   define nheprntc   FNAME(HEPRNTC)
-#   define nhestringc FNAME(HESTRINGC)
-#   define nheprnt   FNAME(heprnt)
-#   define nheprntc   FNAME(heprntc)
-#   define nhestringc FNAME(hestringc)
-#endif                          /* DF_CAPFNAMES */
-#endif                          /* HERR_FNAMES */
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(void) nheprnt
-                (intf  * print_levels);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nheprntc
-                (_fcd filename, intf  * print_levels, intf *namelen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nhestringc
-				(intf *error_code,_fcd error_message, intf *len);
-   ** from hfileF.c
- */
-#   define HFILE_FNAMES
-# if defined(UNIX386) || (!(defined INTEL86) && !(defined WIN32))
-#   define nhiopen   FNAME(HIOPEN)
-#   define nhclose   FNAME(HCLOSE)
-#   define nhnumber  FNAME(HNUMBER)
-#   define nhxisdir  FNAME(HXISDIR)
-#   define nhxiscdir FNAME(HXISCDIR)
-#   define nhddontatexit FNAME(HDDONTATEXIT)
-#   define nhglibverc FNAME(HGLIBVERC)
-#   define nhgfilverc FNAME(HGFILVERC)
-#   define nhiishdf   FNAME(HIISHDF)
-#  else                                   /* !sl */
-#   define nhiopen   FNAME(HIOPEN)
-#   define nhiclose   FNAME(HICLOSE)
-#   define nhinumbr  FNAME(HINUMBR)
-#   define nhxisdir  FNAME(HXISDIR)
-#   define nhxiscdir FNAME(HXISCDIR)
-#   define nhddontatexit FNAME(HDDONTATEXIT)
-#   define nhglibverc FNAME(HGLIBVERC)
-#   define nhgfilverc FNAME(HGFILVERC)
-#   define nhiishdf   FNAME(HIISHDF)
-#  endif
-# if defined(UNIX386) || (!(defined INTEL86) && !(defined WIN32))
-#   define nhiopen   FNAME(hiopen)
-#   define nhclose   FNAME(hclose)
-#   define nhnumber  FNAME(hnumber)
-#   define nhxisdir  FNAME(hxisdir)
-#   define nhxiscdir FNAME(hxiscdir)
-#   define nhddontatexit FNAME(hddontatexit)
-#   define nhglibverc FNAME(hglibverc)
-#   define nhgfilverc FNAME(hgfilverc)
-#   define nhiishdf   FNAME(hiishdf)
-#  else                                   /* !sl */
-#   define nhiopen   FNAME(hiopen)
-#   define nhiclose   FNAME(hiclose)
-#   define nhinumbr  FNAME(hinumbr)
-#   define nhxisdir  FNAME(hxisdir)
-#   define nhxiscdir FNAME(hxiscdir)
-#   define nhddontatexit FNAME(hddontatexit)
-#   define nhglibverc FNAME(hglibverc)
-#   define nhgfilverc FNAME(hgfilverc)
-#   define nhiishdf   FNAME(hiishdF)
-#  endif
-#endif                          /* DF_CAPFNAMES */
-#endif                          /* HFILE_FNAMES */
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nhiopen
-                (_fcd name, intf  * acc_mode, intf  * defdds, intf  * namelen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nhclose
-                (intf  * file_id);
-    HDFLIBAPI	FRETVAL(intf) nhnumber
-		(intf  * file_id, intf  * tag);
-    HDFLIBAPI	FRETVAL(intf) nhxisdir
-		(_fcd dir, intf * dirlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI	FRETVAL(intf) nhxiscdir
-		(_fcd dir, intf * dirlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf)
-                nhddontatexit(void);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf)   
-                nhglibverc(intf *major_v, intf *minor_v, intf *release,
-                _fcd string, intf *len);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf)
-                nhgfilverc(intf *file_id, intf *major_v, intf *minor_v,
-                intf *release, _fcd string, intf *len);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nhiishdf
-                (_fcd name, intf  * namelen);
-   ** from dfufp2im.c
- */
-#   define DFUFP2I_FNAMES
-#   define nduif2i       FNAME(DUIF2I)
-#   define nduif2i       FNAME(duif2i)
-#endif                          /* DF_CAPFNAMES */
-#endif                          /* DFUFP2I_FNAMES */
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(int) nduif2i
-                (int32  * hdim, int32  * vdim, float32  * max,
-        float32  * min, float32  hscale[], float32  vscale[],
-                 float32  data[], _fcd palette, _fcd outfile,
-              int  * ct_method, int32  * hres, int32  * vres,
-                 int  * compress, int  * lenfn);
-    HDFLIBAPI int  DFUfptoimage
-                (int32 hdim, int32 vdim, float32 max, float32 min,
-       float32  * hscale, float32  * vscale, float32  * data,
-                 uint8  * palette, char  * outfile, int ct_method,
-                 int32 hres, int32 vres, int compress);
-/* for Multi-file fortran Annotation inteface */
-#ifndef MFAN_FNAMES
-#   define  MFAN_FNAMES
-# if defined(UNIX386) || (!(defined INTEL86) && !(defined WIN32))
-#  define nafstart      FNAME(AFSTART)
-#  define naffileinfo   FNAME(AFFILEINFO)
-#  define nafend        FNAME(AFEND)
-#  define nafcreate     FNAME(AFCREATE)
-#  define naffcreate    FNAME(AFFCREATE)
-#  define nafselect     FNAME(AFSELECT)
-#  define nafnumann     FNAME(AFNUMANN)
-#  define nafannlist    FNAME(AFANNLIST)
-#  define nafannlen     FNAME(AFANNLEN)
-#  define nafwriteann   FNAME(AFWRITEANN)
-#  define nafreadann    FNAME(AFREADANN)
-#  define nafendaccess  FNAME(AFENDACCESS)
-#  define nafgettagref  FNAME(AFGETTAGREF)
-#  define nafidtagref   FNAME(AFIDTAGREF)
-#  define naftagrefid   FNAME(AFTAGREFID)
-#  define nafatypetag   FNAME(AFATYPETAG)
-#  define naftagatype   FNAME(AFTAGATYPE)
-# else                                     /* !sl */
-#  define nafistart     FNAME(AFISTART)
-#  define nafifinf      FNAME(AFIFINF)
-#  define nafiend       FNAME(AFIEND)
-#  define naficreat     FNAME(AFICREAT)
-#  define nafifcreat    FNAME(AFIFCREAT)
-#  define nafiselct     FNAME(AFISELCT)
-#  define nafinann      FNAME(AFINANN)
-#  define nafialst      FNAME(AFIALST)
-#  define nafialen      FNAME(AFIALEN)
-#  define nafiwann      FNAME(AFIWANN)
-#  define nafirann      FNAME(AFIRANN)
-#  define nafiendac     FNAME(AFIENDAC)
-#  define nafigtr       FNAME(AFIGTR)
-#  define nafiid2tr     FNAME(AFIID2TR)
-#  define nafitr2id     FNAME(AFITR2ID)
-#  define nafitp2tg     FNAME(AFITP2TG)
-#  define nafitg2tp     FNAME(AFITG2TP)
-# endif
-#else  /* !DF_CAPFNAMES */
-# if defined(UNIX386) || (!(defined INTEL86) && !(defined WIN32))
-#  define nafstart      FNAME(afstart)
-#  define naffileinfo   FNAME(affileinfo)
-#  define nafend        FNAME(afend)
-#  define nafcreate     FNAME(afcreate)
-#  define naffcreate    FNAME(affcreate)
-#  define nafselect     FNAME(afselect)
-#  define nafnumann     FNAME(afnumann)
-#  define nafannlist    FNAME(afannlist)
-#  define nafannlen     FNAME(afannlen)
-#  define nafwriteann   FNAME(afwriteann)
-#  define nafreadann    FNAME(afreadann)
-#  define nafendaccess  FNAME(afendaccess)
-#  define nafgettagref  FNAME(afgettagref)
-#  define nafidtagref   FNAME(afidtagref)
-#  define naftagrefid   FNAME(aftagrefid)
-#  define nafatypetag   FNAME(afatypetag)
-#  define naftagatype   FNAME(aftagatype)
-# else                                       /* !sl */
-#  define nafistart     FNAME(afistart)
-#  define nafifinf      FNAME(afifinf)
-#  define nafiend       FNAME(afiend)
-#  define naficreat     FNAME(aficreat)
-#  define nafifcreat    FNAME(afifcreat)
-#  define nafiselct     FNAME(afiselct)
-#  define nafinann      FNAME(afinamm)
-#  define nafialst      FNAME(afialst)
-#  define nafialen      FNAME(afialen)
-#  define nafiwann      FNAME(afiwann)
-#  define nafirann      FNAME(afirann)
-#  define nafiendac     FNAME(afiendac)
-#  define nafigtr       FNAME(afigtr)
-#  define nafiid2tr     FNAME(afiid2tr)
-#  define nafitr2id     FNAME(afitr2id)
-#  define nafitp2tg     FNAME(afitp2tg)
-#  define nafitg2tp     FNAME(afitg2tp)
-# endif
-#endif /* DF_CAPFNAMES */
-#endif /* MFAN_FNAMES */
-/* Multi-file Annotation C-stubs for fortan interface found in mfanf.c */
-nafstart(intf *file_id);
-naffileinfo(intf *an_id, intf *num_flabel, intf *num_fdesc, intf *num_olabel,
-            intf *num_odesc);
-nafend(intf *an_id);
-nafcreate(intf *an_id, intf *etag, intf *eref, intf *atype);
-naffcreate(intf *an_id, intf *atype);
-nafselect(intf *an_id, intf *idx, intf *atype);
-nafnumann(intf *an_id, intf *atype, intf *etag, intf *eref);
-nafannlist(intf *an_id, intf *atype, intf *etag, intf *eref, intf alist[]);
-nafannlen(intf *ann_id);
-nafwriteann(intf *ann_id,_fcd ann, intf *annlen);
-nafreadann(intf *ann_id,_fcd ann, intf *maxlen);
-nafendaccess(intf *ann_id);
-nafgettagref(intf *an_id, intf *idx, intf *type, intf *tag, intf *ref);
-nafidtagref(intf *ann_id, intf *tag, intf *ref);
-naftagrefid(intf *an_id, intf *tag, intf *ref);
-nafatypetag(intf *atype);
-naftagatype(intf *tag);
-/* Multi-file Annotation C-routines found in mfan.c */
-HDFLIBAPI int32 ANstart(int32 file_id);
-HDFLIBAPI intn  ANfileinfo(int32 an_id, int32 *n_file_label, int32 *n_file_desc,
-                        int32 *n_obj_label, int32 *n_obj_desc);
-HDFLIBAPI int32 ANend(int32 an_id);
-HDFLIBAPI int32 ANcreate(int32 an_id, uint16 elem_tag, uint16 elem_ref, 
-                      ann_type type);
-HDFLIBAPI int32 ANcreatef(int32 an_id, ann_type type);
-HDFLIBAPI int32 ANselect(int32 an_id, int32 idx, ann_type type);
-HDFLIBAPI intn  ANnumann(int32 an_id, ann_type type, uint16 elem_tag, 
-                      uint16 elem_ref);
-HDFLIBAPI intn  ANannlist(int32 an_id, ann_type type, uint16 elem_tag, 
-                       uint16 elem_ref, int32 ann_list[]);
-HDFLIBAPI int32 ANannlen(int32 ann_id);
-HDFLIBAPI int32 ANwriteann(int32 ann_id, const char *ann, int32 annlen);
-HDFLIBAPI int32 ANreadann(int32 ann_id, char *ann, int32 maxlen);
-HDFLIBAPI intn  ANendaccess(int32 ann_id);
-HDFLIBAPI int32 ANget_tagref(int32 an_id, int32 idx, ann_type type,
-                          uint16 *ann_tag, uint16 *ann_ref);
-HDFLIBAPI int32 ANid2tagref(int32 an_id, uint16 *ann_tag, uint16 *ann_ref);
-HDFLIBAPI int32 ANtagref2id(int32 an_id, uint16 ann_tag, uint16 ann_ref);
-HDFLIBAPI uint16 ANatype2tag(ann_type atype);
-HDFLIBAPI ann_type ANtag2atype(uint16 atag);
-HDFLIBAPI intn ANdestroy(void);
-/* for Multi-file fortran GR interface */
-#ifndef MFGR_FNAMES
-#   define  MFGR_FNAMES
-# if defined(UNIX386) || (!(defined INTEL86) && !(defined WIN32))
-#  define nmgstart      FNAME(MGSTART)
-#  define nmgfinfo      FNAME(MGFINFO)
-#  define nmgend        FNAME(MGEND)
-#  define nmgicreat     FNAME(MGICREAT)
-#  define nmgselct      FNAME(MGSELCT)
-#  define nmgin2ndx     FNAME(MGIN2NDX)
-#  define nmggiinf      FNAME(MGGIINF)
-#  define nmgwcimg      FNAME(MGWCIMG)
-#  define nmgrcimg      FNAME(MGRCIMG)
-#  define nmgwrimg      FNAME(MGWRIMG)
-#  define nmgrdimg      FNAME(MGRDIMG)
-#  define nmgendac      FNAME(MGENDAC)
-#  define nmgid2rf      FNAME(MGID2RF)
-#  define nmgr2idx      FNAME(MGR2IDX)
-#  define nmgrltil      FNAME(MGRLTIL)
-#  define nmgrimil      FNAME(MGRIMIL)
-#  define nmggltid      FNAME(MGGLTID)
-#  define nmgglinf      FNAME(MGGLINF)
-#  define nmgwrlut      FNAME(MGWRLUT)
-#  define nmgwclut      FNAME(MGWCLUT)
-#  define nmgrdlut      FNAME(MGRDLUT)
-#  define nmgrclut      FNAME(MGRCLUT)
-#  define nmgisxfil     FNAME(MGISXFIL)
-#  define nmgssctp      FNAME(MGSACTP)
-#  define nmgiscatt     FNAME(MGISCATT)
-#  define nmgisattr     FNAME(MGISATTR)
-#  define nmgatinf      FNAME(MGATINF)
-#  define nmggcatt      FNAME(MGGCATT)
-#  define nmggnatt      FNAME(MGGNATT)
-#  define nmggattr      FNAME(MGGATTR)
-#  define nmgifndat     FNAME(MGIFNDAT)
-# define nmgcgichnk        FNAME(MGCGICHNK)
-# define nmgcrcchnk        FNAME(MGCRCCHNK)
-# define nmgcrchnk         FNAME(MGCRCHNK)
-# define nmgcscchnk        FNAME(MGCSCCHNK)
-# define nmgcschnk         FNAME(MGCSCHNK)
-# define nmgcwcchnk        FNAME(MGCWCCHNK)
-# define nmgcwchnk         FNAME(MGCWCHNK)
-# define nmgcscompress     FNAME(MGCSCOMPRESS)
-# define nmgcgcompress     FNAME(MGCGCOMPRESS)
-# define nmglt2rf         FNAME(MGLT2RF)
-# define nmgcgnluts       FNAME(MGCGNLUTS)
-# else                                  /* !sl */
-#  define nmgistrt      FNAME(MGISTRT)
-#  define nmgifinf      FNAME(MGIFINF)
-#  define nmgiend       FNAME(MGIEND)
-#  define nmgicreat     FNAME(MGICREAT)
-#  define nmgislct      FNAME(MGISLCT)
-#  define nmgin2ndx     FNAME(MGIN2NDX)
-#  define nmgigiinf     FNAME(MGIGIINF)
-#  define nmgiwcim      FNAME(MGIWCIM)
-#  define nmgircim      FNAME(MGIRCIM)
-#  define nmgiwimg      FNAME(MGIWIMG)
-#  define nmgirimg      FNAME(MGIRIMG)
-#  define nmgiendac     FNAME(MGIENDAC)
-#  define nmgiid2r      FNAME(MGIID2R)
-#  define nmgir2dx      FNAME(MGIR2DX)
-#  define nmgiltil      FNAME(MGILTIL)
-#  define nmgiimil      FNAME(MGIIMIL)
-#  define nmgiglid      FNAME(MGIGLID)
-#  define nmgiglinf     FNAME(MGIGLINF)
-#  define nmgiwrlt      FNAME(MGIWRLT)
-#  define nmgiwclt      FNAME(MGIWCLT)
-#  define nmgirdlt      FNAME(MGIRDLT)
-#  define nmgirclt      FNAME(MGIRCLT)
-#  define nmgisxfil     FNAME(MGISXFIL)
-#  define nmgiactp      FNAME(MGIACTP)
-#  define nmgiscatt     FNAME(MGISCATT)
-#  define nmgisattr     FNAME(MGISATTR)
-#  define nmgiainf      FNAME(MGIAINF)
-#  define nmgigcat      FNAME(MGIGCAT)
-#  define nmgignat      FNAME(MGIGNAT)
-#  define nmgigatt      FNAME(MGIGATT)
-#  define nmgifndat     FNAME(MGIFNDAT)
-# define nmgcgichnk        FNAME(MGCGICHNK)
-# define nmgcrcchnk        FNAME(MGCRCCHNK)
-# define nmgcrchnk         FNAME(MGCRCHNK)
-# define nmgcscchnk        FNAME(MGCSCCHNK)
-# define nmgcschnk         FNAME(MGCSCHNK)
-# define nmgcwcchnk        FNAME(MGCWCCHNK)
-# define nmgcwchnk         FNAME(MGCWCHNK)
-# define nmgcscompress     FNAME(MGCSCOMPRESS)
-# define nmgcgcompress     FNAME(MGCGCOMPRESS)
-# define nmglt2rf         FNAME(MGLT2RF)
-# define nmgcgnluts       FNAME(MGCGNLUTS)
-# endif
-#else  /* !DF_CAPFNAMES */
-# if defined(UNIX386) || (!(defined INTEL86) && !(defined WIN32))
-#  define nmgstart      FNAME(mgstart)
-#  define nmgfinfo      FNAME(mgfinfo)
-#  define nmgend        FNAME(mgend)
-#  define nmgicreat     FNAME(mgicreat)
-#  define nmgselct      FNAME(mgselct)
-#  define nmgin2ndx     FNAME(mgin2ndx)
-#  define nmggiinf      FNAME(mggiinf)
-#  define nmgwcimg      FNAME(mgwcimg)
-#  define nmgrcimg      FNAME(mgrcimg)
-#  define nmgwrimg      FNAME(mgwrimg)
-#  define nmgrdimg      FNAME(mgrdimg)
-#  define nmgendac      FNAME(mgendac)
-#  define nmgid2rf      FNAME(mgid2rf)
-#  define nmgr2idx      FNAME(mgr2idx)
-#  define nmgrltil      FNAME(mgrltil)
-#  define nmgrimil      FNAME(mgrimil)
-#  define nmggltid      FNAME(mggltid)
-#  define nmgglinf      FNAME(mgglinf)
-#  define nmgwrlut      FNAME(mgwrlut)
-#  define nmgwclut      FNAME(mgwclut)
-#  define nmgrdlut      FNAME(mgrdlut)
-#  define nmgrclut      FNAME(mgrclut)
-#  define nmgisxfil     FNAME(mgisxfil)
-#  define nmgssctp      FNAME(mgsactp)
-#  define nmgiscatt     FNAME(mgiscatt)
-#  define nmgisattr     FNAME(mgisattr)
-#  define nmgatinf      FNAME(mgatinf)
-#  define nmggcatt      FNAME(mggcatt)
-#  define nmggnatt      FNAME(mggnatt)
-#  define nmggattr      FNAME(mggattr)
-#  define nmgifndat     FNAME(mgifndat)
-# define nmgcgichnk        FNAME(mgcgichnk)
-# define nmgcrcchnk        FNAME(mgcrcchnk)
-# define nmgcrchnk         FNAME(mgcrchnk)
-# define nmgcscchnk        FNAME(mgcscchnk)
-# define nmgcschnk         FNAME(mgcschnk)
-# define nmgcwcchnk        FNAME(mgcwcchnk)
-# define nmgcwchnk         FNAME(mgcwchnk)
-# define nmgcscompress     FNAME(mgcscompress)
-# define nmgcgcompress     FNAME(mgcgcompress)
-# define nmglt2rf         FNAME(mglt2rf)
-# define nmgcgnluts       FNAME(mgcgnluts)
-# else                                    /* !sl */
-#  define nmgistrt      FNAME(mgistrt)
-#  define nmgifinf      FNAME(mgifinf)
-#  define nmgiend        FNAME(mgiend)
-#  define nmgicreat     FNAME(mgicreat)
-#  define nmgislct      FNAME(mgislct)
-#  define nmgin2ndx     FNAME(mgin2ndx)
-#  define nmgigiinf      FNAME(mgigiinf)
-#  define nmgiwcim      FNAME(mgiwcim)
-#  define nmgircim      FNAME(mgircim)
-#  define nmgwimg      FNAME(mgiwimg)
-#  define nmgrimg      FNAME(mgirimg)
-#  define nmgiendac      FNAME(mgiendac)
-#  define nmgiid2r      FNAME(mgiid2r)
-#  define nmgir2dx      FNAME(mgir2dx)
-#  define nmgiltil      FNAME(mgiltil)
-#  define nmgiimil      FNAME(mgiimil)
-#  define nmgiglid      FNAME(mgiglid)
-#  define nmgiglinf     FNAME(mgiglinf)
-#  define nmgiwrlt      FNAME(mgiwrlt)
-#  define nmgiwclt      FNAME(mgiwclt)
-#  define nmgirdlt      FNAME(mgirdlt)
-#  define nmgirclt      FNAME(mgirclt)
-#  define nmgisxfil     FNAME(mgisxfil)
-#  define nmgiactp      FNAME(mgiactp)
-#  define nmgiscatt     FNAME(mgiscatt)
-#  define nmgisattr     FNAME(mgisattr)
-#  define nmgiainf      FNAME(mgiainf)
-#  define nmgigcat      FNAME(mgigcat)
-#  define nmgignat      FNAME(mgignat)
-#  define nmgigatt      FNAME(mgigatt)
-#  define nmgifndat     FNAME(mgifndat)
-# define nmgcgichnk        FNAME(mgcgichnk)
-# define nmgcrcchnk        FNAME(mgcrcchnk)
-# define nmgcrchnk         FNAME(mgcrchnk)
-# define nmgcscchnk        FNAME(mgcscchnk)
-# define nmgcschnk         FNAME(mgcschnk)
-# define nmgcwcchnk        FNAME(mgcwcchnk)
-# define nmgcwchnk         FNAME(mgcwchnk)
-# define nmgcscompress     FNAME(mgcscompress)
-# define nmgcgcompress     FNAME(mgcgcompress)
-# define nmglt2rf         FNAME(mglt2rf)
-# define nmgcgnluts       FNAME(mgcgnluts)
-# endif
-#endif /* DF_CAPFNAMES */
-#endif /* MFGR_FNAMES */
-/* Multi-file GR C-stubs for FORTRAN interface found in mfgrf.c */
-HDFLIBAPI FRETVAL(intf)     /* !sl */
-nmgiwimg(intf * riid, intf *start, intf *stride, intf *count, VOIDP data);
-HDFLIBAPI FRETVAL(intf)     /* !sl */
-nmgirimg(intf * riid, intf *start, intf *stride, intf *count, VOIDP data);
-HDFLIBAPI FRETVAL(intf)     /* !sl */
-nmgignat(intf * riid, intf *idx, VOIDP data);
-nmgstart(intf * fid);
-nmgfinfo(intf * grid,intf *n_datasets,intf *n_attrs);
-nmgend(intf * grid);
-nmgicreat(intf * grid, _fcd name, intf *ncomp, intf *nt, intf *il, intf dimsizes[2], intf *nlen);
-nmgselct(intf * grid, intf *idx);
-nmgin2ndx(intf * grid, _fcd name, intf *nlen);
-nmggiinf(intf * riid, _fcd name, intf *ncomp, intf *nt, intf *il, intf *dimsizes, intf *nattr);
-nmgwcimg(intf * riid, intf *start, intf *stride, intf *count, _fcd data);
-nmgrcimg(intf * riid, intf *start, intf *stride, intf *count, _fcd data);
-nmgwrimg(intf * riid, intf *start, intf *stride, intf *count, void * data);
-nmgrdimg(intf * riid, intf *start, intf *stride, intf *count, void * data);
-nmgendac(intf * riid);
-nmgid2rf(intf * riid);
-nmgr2idx(intf * grid, intf *ref);
-nmgrltil(intf * riid, intf *il);
-nmgrimil(intf * riid, intf *il);
-nmggltid(intf * riid, intf *lut_index);
-nmgglinf(intf * lutid, intf *ncomp, intf *nt, intf *il, intf *nentries);
-nmgwrlut(intf * lutid, intf *ncomp, intf *nt, intf *il, intf *nentries, void * data);
-nmgwclut(intf * lutid, intf *ncomp, intf *nt, intf *il, intf *nentries, _fcd data);
-nmgrdlut(intf * lutid, void * data);
-nmgrclut(intf * lutid, _fcd data);
-nmgisxfil(intf * riid, _fcd filename, intf *offset, intf *nlen);
-nmgsactp(intf * riid, intf *accesstype);
-nmgiscatt(intf * riid, _fcd name, intf *nt, intf *count, _fcd data, intf *nlen);
-nmgisattr(intf * riid, _fcd name, intf *nt, intf *count, void * data, intf *nlen);
-nmgatinf(intf * riid, intf *idx, _fcd name, intf *nt, intf *count);
-nmggcatt(intf * riid, intf *idx, _fcd data);
-nmggnatt(intf * riid, intf *idx, void * data);
-nmggattr(intf * riid, intf *idx, void * data);
-nmgifndat(intf * riid, _fcd name, intf *nlen);
-     nmgcgichnk(intf *id, intf *dim_length, intf *flags);
-       nmgcrcchnk(intf *id, intf *start, _fcd char_data);
-       nmgcrchnk(intf *id, intf *start, VOIDP num_data);
-       nmgcscchnk(intf *id, intf *maxcache, intf *flags);
-      nmgcschnk(intf *id, intf *dim_length, intf *comp_type,
-                intf *comp_prm);
-       nmgcwcchnk(intf *id, intf *start, _fcd char_data);
-       nmgcwchnk(intf *id, intf *start, VOIDP num_data);
-       nmgcscompress(intf *id, intf *comp_type, intf *comp_prm);
-       nmgcgcompress(intf *id, intf *comp_type, intf *comp_prm);
-       nmglt2rf(intf *id);
-       nmgcgnluts(intf *id);
-/* Multi-file Raster C-routines found in mfgr.c */
-HDFLIBAPI intn rigcompare(void * k1, void * k2, intn cmparg);
-HDFLIBAPI int32 GRstart(int32 hdf_file_id);
-HDFLIBAPI intn GRfileinfo(int32 grid,int32 *n_datasets,int32 *n_attrs);
-HDFLIBAPI intn GRend(int32 grid);
-HDFLIBAPI int32 GRcreate(int32 grid,const char *name,int32 ncomp,int32 nt,int32 il,
-    int32 dimsizes[2]);
-HDFLIBAPI int32 GRselect(int32 grid,int32 idx);
-HDFLIBAPI int32 GRnametoindex(int32 grid,const char *name);
-HDFLIBAPI intn GRgetiminfo(int32 riid,char *name,int32 *ncomp,int32 *nt,int32 *il,
-    int32 dimsizes[2],int32 *n_attr);
-HDFLIBAPI intn GRgetnluts(int32 riid);
-HDFLIBAPI intn GRwriteimage(int32 riid,int32 start[2],int32 stride[2],
-    int32 count[2],void * data);
-HDFLIBAPI intn GRreadimage(int32 riid,int32 start[2],int32 stride[2],
-    int32 count[2],void * data);
-HDFLIBAPI intn GRendaccess(int32 riid);
-HDFLIBAPI uint16 GRidtoref(int32 riid);
-HDFLIBAPI int32 GRreftoindex(int32 grid,uint16 ref);
-HDFLIBAPI intn GRreqlutil(int32 riid,intn il);
-HDFLIBAPI intn GRreqimageil(int32 riid,intn il);
-HDFLIBAPI int32 GRgetlutid(int32 riid,int32 idx);
-HDFLIBAPI uint16 GRluttoref(int32 lutid);
-HDFLIBAPI intn GRgetlutinfo(int32 riid,int32 *ncomp,int32 *nt,
-    int32 *il,int32 *nentries);
-HDFLIBAPI intn GRwritelut(int32 riid,int32 ncomps,int32 nt,
-    int32 il,int32 nentries,void * data);
-HDFLIBAPI intn GRreadlut(int32 lutid,void * data);
-HDFLIBAPI intn GRsetexternalfile(int32 riid,const char *filename,int32 offset);
-HDFLIBAPI intn GRsetaccesstype(int32 riid,uintn accesstype);
-HDFLIBAPI intn GRsetcompress(int32 riid,comp_coder_t comp_type,comp_info *cinfo);
-HDFLIBAPI intn GRgetcompress(int32 riid,comp_coder_t* comp_type,comp_info *cinfo);
-HDFLIBAPI intn GRsetattr(int32 id,const char *name,int32 attr_nt,int32 count,const void * data);
-HDFLIBAPI intn GRattrinfo(int32 id,int32 idx,char *name,int32 *attr_nt,int32 *count);
-HDFLIBAPI intn GRgetattr(int32 id,int32 idx,void * data);
-HDFLIBAPI int32 GRfindattr(int32 id,const char *name);
-HDFLIBAPI intn GRPshutdown(void);
-/*=== HDF_CHUNK_DEF same as in mfhdf.h - moved here  ====*/
-/* Bit flags used for SDsetchunk(), SDgetchunkinfo() 
-   GRsetchunk() and GRgetchunkinfo(). Note that GRs do not support NBIT */
-#define HDF_NONE    0x0
-#define HDF_CHUNK   0x1
-#define HDF_COMP    0x3
-#define HDF_NBIT    0x5
-/* Cache flags */
-#define HDF_CACHEALL 0x1
-/* Chunk Defintion, Note that GRs need only 2 dimensions for the chunk_lengths */
-typedef union hdf_chunk_def_u
-    /* Chunk Lengths only */
-    int32   chunk_lengths[MAX_VAR_DIMS]; /* chunk lengths along each dimension */
-    struct 
-    {   /* For Compression info */
-        int32      chunk_lengths[MAX_VAR_DIMS]; /* chunk lengths along each dimension */
-        int32      comp_type;    /* Compression type */
-        int32      model_type;   /* Compression model type */
-        comp_info  cinfo;        /* Compression info struct */
-        model_info minfo;        /* Compression model info struct */
-    }comp;
-    struct 
-    { /* For NBIT, Used by SDS and not by GR */
-        int32 chunk_lengths[MAX_VAR_DIMS]; /* chunk lengths along each dimension */
-        intn  start_bit; /* offset of the start bit in the data */
-        intn  bit_len;   /* number of bits to store */
-        intn  sign_ext;  /* whether to sign extend or not */
-        intn  fill_one;  /* whether to fill with 1's or not (0's) */
-    } nbit;
-/*=== GR Chunking Routines  ====*/
-      GRsetchunk   -- make GR a chunked GR
-      This routine makes the GR a chunked GR according to the chunk
-      definition passed in.
-      The image currently cannot be special already.  i.e. NBIT,
-      COMPRESSED, or EXTERNAL. This is an Error.
-      The defintion of the HDF_CHUNK_DEF union with relvant fields is:
-      typedef union hdf_chunk_def_u
-      {
-         int32   chunk_lengths[2];  Chunk lengths along each dimension
-         struct 
-          {   
-            int32     chunk_lengths[2]; Chunk lengths along each dimension
-            int32     comp_type;                   Compression type 
-            comp_info cinfo;                       Compression info struct 
-          }comp;
-      } HDF_CHUNK_DEF
-      The simplist is the 'chunk_lengths' array specifiying chunk 
-      lengths for each dimension where the 'flags' argument set to 
-      'HDF_CHUNK';
-      COMPRESSION is set by using the 'HDF_CHUNK_DEF' structure to set the
-      appropriate compression information along with the required chunk lengths
-      for each dimension. The compression information is the same as 
-      that set in 'SDsetcompress()'. The bit-or'd'flags' argument' is set to 
-      'HDF_CHUNK | HDF_COMP'.
-      See the example in pseudo-C below for further usage.
-      The maximum number of Chunks in an HDF file is 65,535.
-      The performance of the GRxxx interface with chunking is greatly
-      affected by the users access pattern over the image and by
-      the maximum number of chunks set in the chunk cache. The cache contains 
-      the Least Recently Used(LRU cache replacment policy) chunks. See the
-      routine GRsetchunkcache() for further info on the chunk cache and how 
-      to set the maximum number of chunks in the chunk cache. A default chunk 
-      cache is always created.
-      The following example shows the organization of chunks for a 2D iamge.
-      e.g. 4x4 image with 2x2 chunks. The array shows the layout of
-           chunks in the chunk array.
-            4 ---------------------                                           
-              |         |         |                                                 
-        Y     |  (0,1)  |  (1,1)  |                                       
-        ^     |         |         |                                      
-        |   2 ---------------------                                       
-        |     |         |         |                                               
-        |     |  (0,0)  |  (1,0)  |                                      
-        |     |         |         |                                           
-        |     ---------------------                                         
-        |     0         2         4                                       
-        ---------------> X                                                       
-        --Without compression--:
-        {                                                                    
-        HDF_CHUNK_DEF chunk_def;
-        .......                                                                    
-        -- Set chunk lengths --                                                    
-        chunk_def.chunk_lengths[0]= 2;                                                     
-        chunk_def.chunk_lengths[1]= 2; 
-        -- Set Chunking -- 
-        GRsetchunk(riid, chunk_def, HDF_CHUNK);                      
-         ......                                                                  
-        }                                                                           
-        --With compression--:
-        {                                                                    
-        HDF_CHUNK_DEF chunk_def;
-        .......                
-        -- Set chunk lengths first --                                                    
-        chunk_def.chunk_lengths[0]= 2;                                                     
-        chunk_def.chunk_lengths[1]= 2;
-        -- Set compression --
-        chunk_def.comp.cinfo.deflate.level = 9;
-        chunk_def.comp.comp_type = COMP_CODE_DEFLATE;
-        -- Set Chunking with Compression --
-        GRsetchunk(riid, chunk_def, HDF_CHUNK | HDF_COMP);                      
-         ......                                                                  
-        }                                                                           
-HDFLIBAPI intn GRsetchunk
-    (int32 riid,             /* IN: raster access id */
-     HDF_CHUNK_DEF chunk_def, /* IN: chunk definition */
-     int32 flags              /* IN: flags */);
-     GRgetchunkinfo -- get Info on GR
-     This routine gets any special information on the GR. If its chunked,
-     chunked and compressed or just a regular GR. Currently it will only
-     fill the array of chunk lengths for each dimension as specified in
-     the 'HDF_CHUNK_DEF' union. You can pass in a NULL for 'chunk_def'
-     if don't want the chunk lengths for each dimension.
-     Additionaly if successfull it will return a bit-or'd value in 'flags' 
-     indicating if the GR is:
-     Chunked                  -> flags = HDF_CHUNK
-     Chunked and compressed   -> flags = HDF_CHUNK | HDF_COMP 
-     Non-chunked              -> flags = HDF_NONE
-     e.g. 4x4 array - Pseudo-C
-     {
-     int32   rcdims[3];
-     HDF_CHUNK_DEF rchunk_def;
-     int32   cflags;
-     ...
-     rchunk_def.chunk_lengths = rcdims;
-     GRgetchunkinfo(riid, &rchunk_def, &cflags);
-     ...
-     }
-HDFLIBAPI intn GRgetchunkinfo
-    (int32 riid,              /* IN: Raster access id */
-     HDF_CHUNK_DEF *chunk_def, /* IN/OUT: chunk definition */
-     int32 *flags              /* IN/OUT: flags */);
-     GRwritechunk  -- write the specified chunk to the GR
-     This routine writes a whole chunk of data to the chunked GR 
-     specified by chunk 'origin' for the given GR and can be used
-     instead of GRwriteimage() when this information is known. This
-     routine has less overhead and is much faster than using GRwriteimage().
-     Origin specifies the co-ordinates of the chunk according to the chunk
-     position in the overall chunk array.
-     'datap' must point to a whole chunk of data.
-     See GRsetchunk() for a description of the organization of chunks in an GR.
-HDFLIBAPI intn GRwritechunk
-    (int32 riid,      /* IN: raster access id */
-     int32 *origin,    /* IN: origin of chunk to write */
-     const void *datap /* IN: buffer for data */);
-     GRreadchunk   -- read the specified chunk to the GR
-     This routine reads a whole chunk of data from the chunked GR
-     specified by chunk 'origin' for the given GR and can be used
-     instead of GRreadimage() when this information is known. This
-     routine has less overhead and is much faster than using GRreadimage().
-     Origin specifies the co-ordinates of the chunk according to the chunk
-     position in the overall chunk array.
-     'datap' must point to a whole chunk of data.
-     See GRsetchunk() for a description of the organization of chunks in an GR.
-HDFLIBAPI intn GRreadchunk
-    (int32 riid,      /* IN: raster access id */
-     int32 *origin,    /* IN: origin of chunk to read */
-     void  *datap      /* IN/OUT: buffer for data */);
-     GRsetchunkcache -- maximum number of chunks to cache 
-     Set the maximum number of chunks to cache.
-     The cache contains the Least Recently Used(LRU cache replacment policy) 
-     chunks. This routine allows the setting of maximum number of chunks that 
-     can be cached, 'maxcache'.
-     The performance of the GRxxx interface with chunking is greatly
-     affected by the users access pattern over the image and by
-     the maximum number of chunks set in the chunk cache. The number chunks 
-     that can be set in the cache is process memory limited. It is a good 
-     idea to always set the maximum number of chunks in the cache as the 
-     default heuristic does not take into account the memory available for 
-     the application.
-     By default when the GR is promoted to a chunked element the 
-     maximum number of chunks in the cache 'maxcache' is set to the number of
-     chunks along the last dimension.
-     The values set here affects the current object's caching behaviour.
-     If the chunk cache is full and 'maxcache' is greater then the
-     current 'maxcache' value, then the chunk cache is reset to the new
-     'maxcache' value, else the chunk cache remains at the current
-     'maxcache' value.
-     If the chunk cache is not full, then the chunk cache is set to the
-     new 'maxcache' value only if the new 'maxcache' value is greater than the
-     current number of chunks in the cache.
-     Use flags argument of 'HDF_CACHEALL' if the whole object is to be cached 
-     in memory, otherwise pass in zero(0). Currently you can only
-     pass in zero.
-    See GRsetchunk() for a description of the organization of chunks in an GR.
-     Returns the 'maxcache' value for the chunk cache if successful 
-     and FAIL otherwise
-HDFLIBAPI intn GRsetchunkcache
-    (int32 riid,     /* IN: raster access id */
-     int32 maxcache,  /* IN: max number of chunks to cache */
-     int32 flags      /* IN: flags = 0, HDF_CACHEALL */);
-     Hmpset - set pagesize and maximum number of pages to cache on next open/create
-     Set the pagesize and maximum number of pages to cache on the next 
-     open/create of a file. A pagesize that is a power of 2 is recommended.
-     The values set here only affect the next open/creation of a file and
-     do not change a particular file's paging behaviour after it has been
-     opened or created. This maybe changed in a later release.
-     Use flags arguement of 'MP_PAGEALL' if the whole file is to be cached 
-     in memory otherwise passs in zero.
-     Returns SUCCEED if successful and FAIL otherwise
-     This calls the real routine MPset().
-     Currently 'maxcache' has to be greater than 1. Maybe use special 
-     case of 0 to specify you want to turn page buffering off or use
-     the flags arguement. 
-HDFLIBAPI int  Hmpset(int pagesize, /* IN: pagesize to use for next open/create */
-                   int maxcache, /* IN: max number of pages to cache */
-                   int flags     /* IN: flags = 0, MP_PAGEALL */);
-     Hmpget - get last pagesize and max number of pages cached for open/create
-     This gets the last pagesize and maximum number of pages cached for 
-     the last open/create of a file.
-     Returns SUCCEED.
-     This routine calls the real routine MPget().
-HDFLIBAPI int  Hmpget(int *pagesize, /*OUT: pagesize to used in last open/create */
-                   int *maxcache, /*OUT: max number of pages cached in last open/create */
-                   int flags      /* IN: */);
-#endif /* HAVE_FMPOOL */
-/* Vset interface functions (used to be in vproto.h) */
-/* Useful macros, which someday might become actuall functions */
- * macros for VSinquire
- * all these macros should be public for users
- */
-#define VSQuerycount(vs, count) \
-        (VSinquire (vs, (int32 *) count, (int32*) NULL, (char*) NULL, (int32*) NULL, (char*) NULL))
-#define VSQueryinterlace(vs, intr) \
-        (VSinquire (vs, (int32 *) NULL, (int32*) intr, (char*) NULL, (int32*) NULL, (char*) NULL))
-#define VSQueryfields(vs, flds) \
-        (VSinquire (vs, (int32 *) NULL, (int32*) NULL, (char*) flds, (int32*) NULL, (char*) NULL))
-#define VSQueryvsize(vs, size) \
-        (VSinquire (vs, (int32 *) NULL, (int32*) NULL, (char*) NULL, (int32*) size, (char*) NULL))
-#define VSQueryname(vs, name) \
-        (VSinquire (vs, (int32 *) NULL, (int32*) NULL, (char*) NULL, (int32*) NULL, (char*) name))
-   ** from vattr.c
- */
-   HDFLIBAPI intn Vsetattr
-                (int32 vgid,  const char *attrname, int32 datatype,
-                 int32 count, const void * values);
-   HDFLIBAPI intn Vnattrs
-                (int32 vgid);
-   HDFLIBAPI intn Vfindattr
-                (int32 vgid, const char *attrname);
-   HDFLIBAPI intn Vattrinfo
-                (int32 vgid, intn attrindex, char *name, 
-                 int32 *datatype, int32 *count, int32 *size);
-   HDFLIBAPI intn Vgetattr
-                (int32 vgid, intn attrindex, void * values);
-   HDFLIBAPI int32 Vgetversion
-                (int32 vgid);
-   HDFLIBAPI intn VSfindex
-                 (int32 vsid, const char *fieldname, int32 *fldindex);
-   HDFLIBAPI intn VSsetattr
-                (int32 vsid, int32 findex, const char *attrname,
-                 int32 datatype, int32 count, const void * values);
-   HDFLIBAPI intn VSnattrs
-                (int32 vsid);
-   HDFLIBAPI intn VSfnattrs
-                (int32 vsid, int32 findex);
-   HDFLIBAPI intn VSfindattr
-                (int32 vsid, int32 findex, const char *attrname);
-   HDFLIBAPI intn VSattrinfo
-                (int32 vsid, int32 findex, intn attrindex,
-                 char *name, int32 *datatype, int32 *count, 
-                 int32 *size);
-   HDFLIBAPI intn VSgetattr
-                (int32 vsid, int32 findex, intn attrindex,
-                  void * values);
-   HDFLIBAPI intn VSisattr
-                (int32 vsid);
-   ** from vconv.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 vicheckcompat
-                (HFILEID f);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 vimakecompat
-                (HFILEID f);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 vcheckcompat
-                (char  * fs);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 vmakecompat
-                (char  * fs);
-   ** from vg.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VSelts
-                (int32 vkey);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VSgetinterlace
-                (int32 vkey);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn VSsetinterlace
-                (int32 vkey, int32 interlace);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VSgetfields
-                (int32 vkey, char  * fields);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn VSfexist
-                (int32 vkey, char  * fields);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VSsizeof
-                (int32 vkey, char  * fields);
-    HDFLIBAPI void VSdump
-                (int32 vkey);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VSsetname
-                (int32 vkey, const char  * vsname);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VSsetclass
-                (int32 vkey, const char  * vsclass);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VSgetname
-                (int32 vkey, char  * vsname);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VSgetclass
-                (int32 vkey, char  * vsclass);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn VSinquire
-                (int32 vkey, int32  * nelt, int32  * interlace,
-           char  * fields, int32  * eltsize, char  * vsname);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VSlone
-                (HFILEID f, int32  * idarray, int32 asize);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Vlone
-                (HFILEID f, int32  * idarray, int32 asize);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Vfind
-                (HFILEID f, const char  * vgname);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VSfind
-                (HFILEID f, const char  * vsname);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Vfindclass
-                (HFILEID f, const char  * vgclass);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VSfindclass
-                (HFILEID f, const char  * vsclass);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn VSsetblocksize
-                (int32 vkey, int32 block_size);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn VSsetnumblocks
-                (int32 vkey, int32 num_blocks);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn VSgetblockinfo
-                (int32 vkey, int32* block_size, int32* num_blocks);
-    HDFLIBAPI void Vsetzap
-                (void);
-   ** from vgp.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI intn vcompare
-                (void * k1, void * k2, intn cmparg);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn vcompareref
-                (void * k1, void * k2, intn cmparg);
-    HDFLIBAPI void vdestroynode
-                (void * n);
-    HDFLIBAPI void vtfreekey
-                (void * k);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn Vinitialize
-                (HFILEID f);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn Vfinish
-                (HFILEID f);
-                (char *path, intn acc_mode, int16 ndds);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn Vclose
-                (HFILEID f);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 vexistvg
-                (HFILEID f, uint16 vgid);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Vattach
-                (HFILEID f, int32 vgid, const char  * accesstype);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Vdetach
-                (int32 vkey);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Vinsert
-                (int32 vkey, int32 vskey);
-    /* note: 2nd arg of Vinsert can also be (VGROUP *) */
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Vflocate
-                (int32 vkey, char  * field);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn Vinqtagref
-                (int32 vkey, int32 tag, int32 ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Vntagrefs
-                (int32 vkey);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Vnrefs
-                (int32 vkey,int32 tag);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Vgettagrefs
-                (int32 vkey, int32  tagarray[], int32  refarray[], int32 n);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn Vgettagref
-                (int32 vkey, int32 which, int32  * tag, int32  * ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VQueryref
-                (int32 vkey);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VQuerytag
-                (int32 vkey);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Vaddtagref
-                (int32 vkey, int32 tag, int32 ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Ventries
-                (HFILEID f, int32 vgid);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Vsetname
-                (int32 vkey, const char  * vgname);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Vsetclass
-                (int32 vkey, const char  * vgclass);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn Visvg
-                (int32 vkey, int32 id);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn Visvs
-                (int32 vkey, int32 id);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Vgetid
-                (HFILEID f, int32 vgid);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Vgetnext
-                (int32 vkey, int32 id);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Vgetname
-                (int32 vkey, char  * vgname);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Vgetclass
-                (int32 vkey, char  * vgclass);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn Vinquire
-                (int32 vkey, int32  * nentries, char  * vgname);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 Vdelete
-                (int32 f, int32 ref);
-   Vdeletetagref - delete tag/ref pair in Vgroup
-    Deletes the given tag/ref pair from the Vgroup.  If the given tag/ref pair 
-    does not exist in the vgroup the routine will return FAIL. Users should use 
-    Vinqtagref() to check if the tag/ref pair exists before deleting.
-    Returns SUCCEED if the tag/ref pair is deleted from Vgroup and
-    FAIL if unsuccessful.
-Vdeletetagref(int32 vkey, /* IN: vgroup key */ 
-              int32 tag,  /* IN: tag to delete in vgroup */
-              int32 ref   /* IN: ref to delete in vgroup */);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn VPshutdown(void);
-   ** from vparse.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 scanattrs
-                (const char  * attrs, int32  * attrc, char  *** attrv);
-   ** from vhi.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VHstoredata
-                (HFILEID f, const char  * field, const uint8  *buf, int32 n, int32 datatype,
-                 const char  * vsname, const char  * vsclass);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VHstoredatam
-                (HFILEID f, const char * field, const uint8  *buf, int32 n, int32 datatype,
-                 const char  * vsname, const char  * vsclass, int32 order);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VHmakegroup
-                (HFILEID f, int32  tagarray[], int32  refarray[], int32 n,
-                    const char * vgname, const char  * vgclass);
-   ** from vio.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI intn VSPhshutdown(void);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 vexistvs
-                (HFILEID f, uint16 vsref);
-    HDFLIBAPI void vsdestroynode
-                (void * n);
-    HDFLIBAPI void vfdestroynode
-                (void * n);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VSattach
-                (HFILEID f, int32 vsref, const char  * accesstype);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VSdetach
-                (int32 vkey);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VSQuerytag
-                (int32 vkey);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VSQueryref
-                (int32 vkey);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VSgetid
-                (HFILEID f, int32 vsref);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VSgetversion
-                (int32 vkey);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VSdelete
-                (int32 f, int32 ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VSappendable
-                (int32 vkey, int32 blk);
-   ** from vsfld.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI intn VSsetfields
-                (int32 vkey, const char  * fields);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn VSfdefine
-                (int32 vkey, const char  * field, int32 localtype, int32 order);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VFnfields
-                (int32 vkey);
-    HDFLIBAPI char *VFfieldname
-                (int32 vkey, int32 idx);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VFfieldtype
-                (int32 vkey, int32 idx);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VFfieldisize
-                (int32 vkey, int32 idx);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VFfieldesize
-                (int32 vkey, int32 idx);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VFfieldorder
-                (int32 vkey, int32 idx);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn VSsetexternalfile
-		(int32 vkey, const char *filename, int32 offset);
-    HDFLIBAPI intn VSfpack
-                (int32 vsid, intn packtype, const char *fields_in_buf,
-                void * buf, intn bufsz, intn n_records, 
-                const char *fields, void * fldbufpt[]);
-   ** from vrw.c
- */
-    HDFLIBAPI intn VSPshutdown(void);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VSseek
-                (int32 vkey, int32 eltpos);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VSread
-                (int32 vkey, uint8  buf[], int32 nelt, int32 interlace);
-    HDFLIBAPI int32 VSwrite
-                (int32 vkey, const uint8  buf[], int32 nelt, int32 interlace);
-   ** from vgF.c
- */
-#ifndef VG_FNAMES
-#   define VG_FNAMES
-# if defined(UNIX386) || (!(defined INTEL86) && !(defined WIN32))
-#   define  ndfivopn FNAME(DFIVOPN)
-#   define  ndfvclos FNAME(DFVCLOS)
-#   define  nvatchc  FNAME(VATCHC)
-#   define  nvdtchc  FNAME(VDTCHC)
-#   define  nvgnamc  FNAME(VGNAMC)
-#   define  nvgclsc  FNAME(VGCLSC)
-#   define  nvinqc   FNAME(VINQC)
-#   define  nvdeletec FNAME(VDELETEC)
-#   define  nvgidc   FNAME(VGIDC)
-#   define  nvgnxtc  FNAME(VGNXTC)
-#   define  nvsnamc  FNAME(VSNAMC)
-#   define  nvsclsc  FNAME(VSCLSC)
-#   define  nvinsrtc FNAME(VINSRTC)
-#   define  nvisvgc  FNAME(VISVGC)
-#   define  nvisvsc  FNAME(VISVSC)
-#   define  nvsatchc FNAME(VSATCHC)
-#   define  nvsdtchc FNAME(VSDTCHC)
-#   define  nvsqref  FNAME(VSQREF)
-#   define  nvsqtag  FNAME(VSQTAG)
-#   define  nvsgver  FNAME(VSGVER)
-#   define  nvsseekc FNAME(VSSEEKC)
-#   define  nvsgnamc FNAME(VSGNAMC)
-#   define  nvsgclsc FNAME(VSGCLSC)
-#   define  nvsinqc  FNAME(VSINQC)
-#   define  nvsfexc  FNAME(VSFEXC)
-#   define  nvsfndc  FNAME(VSFNDC)
-#   define  nvsgidc  FNAME(VSGIDC)
-#   define  nvsdltc  FNAME(VSDLTC)
-#   define  nvsapp   FNAME(VSAPP)
-#   define  nvssnamc FNAME(VSSNAMC)
-#   define  nvssclsc FNAME(VSSCLSC)
-#   define  nvssfldc FNAME(VSSFLDC)
-#   define  nvssintc FNAME(VSSINTC)
-#   define  nvsfdefc FNAME(VSFDEFC)
-#   define  nvssextfc FNAME(VSSEXTFC)
-#   define  nvfnflds FNAME(VFNFLDS)
-#   define  nvffnamec FNAME(VFFNAMEC)
-#   define  nvfftype FNAME(VFFTYPE)
-#   define  nvffisiz FNAME(VFFISIZ)
-#   define  nvffesiz FNAME(VFFESIZ)
-#   define  nvffordr FNAME(VFFORDR)
-#   define  nvsfrdc  FNAME(VSFRDC)
-#   define  nvsfrd   FNAME(VSFRD)
-#   define  nvsreadc FNAME(VSREADC)
-#   define  nvsfwrt  FNAME(VSFWRT)
-#   define  nvsfwrtc FNAME(VSFWRTC)
-#   define  nvswritc FNAME(VSWRITC)
-#   define  nvsgintc FNAME(VSGINTC)
-#   define  nvseltsc FNAME(VSELTSC)
-#   define  nvsgfldc FNAME(VSGFLDC)
-#   define  nvssizc  FNAME(VSSIZC)
-#   define  nventsc  FNAME(VENTSC)
-#   define  nvlonec  FNAME(VLONEC)
-#   define  nvslonec FNAME(VSLONEC)
-#   define  nvfindc  FNAME(VFINDC)
-#   define  nvfndclsc FNAME(VFNDCLSC)
-#   define  nvhscdc  FNAME(VHSCDC)
-#   define  nvhsdc   FNAME(VHSDC)
-#   define  nvhscdmc FNAME(VHSCDMC)
-#   define  nvhsdmc  FNAME(VHSDMC)
-#   define  nvhmkgpc FNAME(VHMKGPC)
-#   define  nvflocc  FNAME(VFLOCC)
-#   define  nvinqtrc FNAME(VINQTRC)
-#   define  nvntrc   FNAME(VNTRC)
-#   define  nvnrefs  FNAME(VNREFS)
-#   define  nvgttrsc FNAME(VGTTRSC)
-#   define  nvqref   FNAME(VQREF)
-#   define  nvqtag   FNAME(VQTAG)
-#   define  nvgttrc  FNAME(VGTTRC)
-#   define  nvadtrc  FNAME(VADTRC)
-#   define  nvfstart FNAME(VFSTART)
-#   define  nvfend   FNAME(VFEND)
-#   define  nvsqfnelt   FNAME(VSQFNELT)
-#   define  nvsqfintr   FNAME(VSQFINTR)
-#   define  nvsqfldsc   FNAME(VSQFLDSC)
-#   define  nvsqfvsiz   FNAME(VSQFVSIZ)
-#   define  nvsqnamec   FNAME(VSQNAMEC)
-#   define  nvsfccpk    FNAME(VSFCCPK)
-#   define  nvsfncpk    FNAME(VSFNCPK)
-#   define  nvdtrc      FNAME(VDTRC)
-#   define  nvscfcls    FNAME(VSCFCLS)
-#   define  nvscsetblsz FNAME(VSCSETBLSZ)
-#   define  nvscsetnmbl FNAME (VSCSETNMBL)
-#   define  nvscgblinfo FNAME(VSCGBLINFO)
-#  else                                /* !sl */
-#   define  ndfivopn FNAME(DFIVOPN)
-#   define  ndfvclos FNAME(DFVCLOS)
-#   define  nvatchc  FNAME(VATCHC)
-#   define  nvdtchc  FNAME(VDTCHC)
-#   define  nvgnamc  FNAME(VGNAMC)
-#   define  nvgclsc  FNAME(VGCLSC)
-#   define  nvinqc   FNAME(VINQC)
-#   define  nvdeletec FNAME(VDELETEC)
-#   define  nvgidc   FNAME(VGIDC)
-#   define  nvgnxtc  FNAME(VGNXTC)
-#   define  nvsnamc  FNAME(VSNAMC)
-#   define  nvsclsc  FNAME(VSCLSC)
-#   define  nvinsrtc FNAME(VINSRTC)
-#   define  nvisvgc  FNAME(VISVGC)
-#   define  nvfistart FNAME(VFISTART)
-#   define  nvfiend  FNAME(VFIEND)
-#   define  nvisvsc  FNAME(VISVSC)
-#   define  nvsatchc FNAME(VSATCHC)
-#   define  nvsdtchc FNAME(VSDTCHC)
-#   define  nvsiqref FNAME(VSIQREF)
-#   define  nvsiqtag FNAME(VSIQTAG)
-#   define  nvsigver FNAME(VSIGVER)
-#   define  nvsseekc FNAME(VSSEEKC)
-#   define  nvsgnamc FNAME(VSGNAMC)
-#   define  nvsgclsc FNAME(VSGCLSC)
-#   define  nvsinqc  FNAME(VSINQC)
-#   define  nvsfexc  FNAME(VSFEXC)
-#   define  nvsfndc  FNAME(VSFNDC)
-#   define  nvsgidc  FNAME(VSGIDC)
-#   define  nvsdltc  FNAME(VSDLTC)
-#   define  nvsapp   FNAME(VSAPP)
-#   define  nvssnamc FNAME(VSSNAMC)
-#   define  nvssclsc FNAME(VSSCLSC)
-#   define  nvssfldc FNAME(VSSFLDC)
-#   define  nvssintc FNAME(VSSINTC)
-#   define  nvsfdefc FNAME(VSFDEFC)
-#   define  nvssextfc FNAME(VSSEXTFC)
-#   define  nvfinflds FNAME(VFINFLDS)
-#   define  nvfifnm  FNAME(VFIFNM)
-#   define  nvfiftp  FNAME(VFIFTP)
-#   define  nvfifisz FNAME(VFIFISZ)
-#   define  nvfifesz FNAME(VFIFESZ)
-#   define  nvfifodr FNAME(VFIFODR)
-#   define  nvsfirdc FNAME(VSFIRDC)
-#   define  nvsfird  FNAME(VSFIRD)
-#   define  nvsreadc FNAME(VSREADC)
-#   define  nvsfiwrc FNAME(VSFIWRC)
-#   define  nvsfiwr  FNAME(VSFIWR)
-#   define  nvswritc FNAME(VSWRITC)
-#   define  nvsgintc FNAME(VSGINTC)
-#   define  nvseltsc FNAME(VSELTSC)
-#   define  nvsgfldc FNAME(VSGFLDC)
-#   define  nvssizc  FNAME(VSSIZC)
-#   define  nventsc  FNAME(VENTSC)
-#   define  nvlonec  FNAME(VLONEC)
-#   define  nvslonec FNAME(VSLONEC)
-#   define  nvfindc  FNAME(VFINDC)
-#   define  nvfndclsc FNAME(VFNDCLSC)
-#   define  nvhsdc   FNAME(VHSDC)
-#   define  nvhscdc  FNAME(VHSCDC)
-#   define  nvhscdmc FNAME(VHSCDMC)
-#   define  nvhsdmc  FNAME(VHSDMC)
-#   define  nvhmkgpc FNAME(VHMKGPC)
-#   define  nvflocc  FNAME(VFLOCC)
-#   define  nvfirefs FNAME(VFIREFS)
-#   define  nvfiqref  FNAME(VFIQREF)
-#   define  nvfiqtag  FNAME(VFIQTAG)
-#   define  nvinqtrc FNAME(VINQTRC)
-#   define  nvntrc   FNAME(VNTRC)
-#   define  nvgttrsc FNAME(VGTTRSC)
-#   define  nvgttrc  FNAME(VGTTRC)
-#   define  nvadtrc  FNAME(VADTRC)
-#   define  nvsiqintr FNAME(VSIQINTR)
-#   define  nvsiqnelt FNAME(VSIQNELT)
-#   define  nvsqfldsc   FNAME(VSQFLDSC)
-#   define  nvsiqvsz    FNAME(VSIQVSZ)
-#   define  nvsqnamec   FNAME(VSQNAMEC)
-#   define  nvsfccpk    FNAME(VSFCCPK)
-#   define  nvsfncpk    FNAME(VSFNCPK)
-#   define  nvdtrc      FNAME(VDTRC)
-#   define  nvscfcls    FNAME(VSCFCLS)
-#   define  nvscsetblsz FNAME(VSCSETBLSZ)
-#   define  nvscsetnmbl FNAME (VSCSETNMBL)
-#   define  nvscgblinfo FNAME(VSCGBLINFO)
-#  endif
-#else                           /* !DF_CAPFNAMES */
-# if defined(UNIX386) || (!(defined INTEL86) && !(defined WIN32))
-#   define  ndfivopn FNAME(dfivopn)
-#   define  ndfvclos FNAME(dfvclos)
-#   define  nvatchc  FNAME(vatchc)
-#   define  nvdtchc  FNAME(vdtchc)
-#   define  nvgnamc  FNAME(vgnamc)
-#   define  nvgclsc  FNAME(vgclsc)
-#   define  nvinqc   FNAME(vinqc)
-#   define  nvdeletec FNAME(vdeletec)
-#   define  nvgidc   FNAME(vgidc)
-#   define  nvgnxtc  FNAME(vgnxtc)
-#   define  nvsnamc  FNAME(vsnamc)
-#   define  nvsclsc  FNAME(vsclsc)
-#   define  nvinsrtc FNAME(vinsrtc)
-#   define  nvisvgc  FNAME(visvgc)
-#   define  nvisvsc  FNAME(visvsc)
-#   define  nvsatchc FNAME(vsatchc)
-#   define  nvsdtchc FNAME(vsdtchc)
-#   define  nvsqref  FNAME(vsqref)
-#   define  nvsqtag  FNAME(vsqtag)
-#   define  nvsgver  FNAME(vsgver)
-#   define  nvsseekc FNAME(vsseekc)
-#   define  nvsgnamc FNAME(vsgnamc)
-#   define  nvsgclsc FNAME(vsgclsc)
-#   define  nvsinqc  FNAME(vsinqc)
-#   define  nvsfexc  FNAME(vsfexc)
-#   define  nvsfndc  FNAME(vsfndc)
-#   define  nvsgidc  FNAME(vsgidc)
-#   define  nvsdltc  FNAME(vsdltc)
-#   define  nvsapp   FNAME(vsapp)
-#   define  nvssnamc FNAME(vssnamc)
-#   define  nvssclsc FNAME(vssclsc)
-#   define  nvssfldc FNAME(vssfldc)
-#   define  nvssintc FNAME(vssintc)
-#   define  nvsfdefc FNAME(vsfdefc)
-#   define  nvssextfc FNAME(vssextfc)
-#   define  nvfnflds FNAME(vfnflds)
-#   define  nvffnamec FNAME(vffnamec)
-#   define  nvfftype FNAME(vfftype)
-#   define  nvffisiz FNAME(vffisiz)
-#   define  nvffesiz FNAME(vffesiz)
-#   define  nvffordr FNAME(vffordr)
-#   define  nvsfrdc  FNAME(vsfrdc)
-#   define  nvsfrd   FNAME(vsfrd)
-#   define  nvsreadc FNAME(vsreadc)
-#   define  nvsfwrtc FNAME(vsfwrtc)
-#   define  nvsfwrt  FNAME(vsfwrt)
-#   define  nvswritc FNAME(vswritc)
-#   define  nvsgintc FNAME(vsgintc)
-#   define  nvseltsc FNAME(vseltsc)
-#   define  nvsgfldc FNAME(vsgfldc)
-#   define  nvssizc  FNAME(vssizc)
-#   define  nventsc  FNAME(ventsc)
-#   define  nvlonec  FNAME(vlonec)
-#   define  nvslonec FNAME(vslonec)
-#   define  nvfindc  FNAME(vfindc)
-#   define  nvfndclsc FNAME(vfndclsc)
-#   define  nvhscdc  FNAME(vhscdc)
-#   define  nvhsdc   FNAME(vhsdc)
-#   define  nvhscdmc  FNAME(vhscdmc)
-#   define  nvhsdmc  FNAME(vhsdmc)
-#   define  nvhmkgpc FNAME(vhmkgpc)
-#   define  nvflocc  FNAME(vflocc)
-#   define  nvinqtrc FNAME(vinqtrc)
-#   define  nvntrc   FNAME(vntrc)
-#   define  nvnrefs  FNAME(vnrefs)
-#   define  nvgttrsc FNAME(vgttrsc)
-#   define  nvqref   FNAME(vqref)
-#   define  nvqtag   FNAME(vqtag)
-#   define  nvgttrc  FNAME(vgttrc)
-#   define  nvadtrc  FNAME(vadtrc)
-#   define  nvfstart FNAME(vfstart)
-#   define  nvfend   FNAME(vfend)
-#   define  nvsqfnelt   FNAME(vsqfnelt)
-#   define  nvsqfintr   FNAME(vsqfintr)
-#   define  nvsqfldsc   FNAME(vsqfldsc)
-#   define  nvsqfvsiz   FNAME(vsqfvsiz)
-#   define  nvsqnamec   FNAME(vsqnamec)
-#   define  nvsfccpk    FNAME(vsfccpk)
-#   define  nvsfncpk    FNAME(vsfncpk)
-#   define  nvdtrc      FNAME(vdtrc)
-#   define  nvscfcls    FNAME(vscfcls)
-#   define  nvscsetblsz FNAME(vscsetblsz)
-#   define  nvscsetnmbl FNAME (vscsetnmbl)
-#   define  nvscgblinfo FNAME(vscgblinfo)
-#  else                            /* !sl */
-#   define  ndfivopn FNAME(dfivopn)
-#   define  ndfvclos FNAME(dfvclos)
-#   define  nvatchc  FNAME(vatchc)
-#   define  nvdtchc  FNAME(vdtchc)
-#   define  nvgnamc  FNAME(vgnamc)
-#   define  nvgclsc  FNAME(vgclsc)
-#   define  nvinqc   FNAME(vinqc)
-#   define  nvdeletec FNAME(vdeletec)
-#   define  nvgidc   FNAME(vgidc)
-#   define  nvgnxtc  FNAME(vgnxtc)
-#   define  nvsnamc  FNAME(vsnamc)
-#   define  nvsclsc  FNAME(vsclsc)
-#   define  nvinsrtc FNAME(vinsrtc)
-#   define  nvisvgc  FNAME(visvgc)
-#   define  nvfistart FNAME(vfistart)
-#   define  nvfiend  FNAME(vfiend)
-#   define  nvisvsc  FNAME(visvsc)
-#   define  nvsatchc FNAME(vsatchc)
-#   define  nvsdtchc FNAME(vsdtchc)
-#   define  nvsiqref FNAME(vsiqref)
-#   define  nvsiqtag FNAME(vsiqtag)
-#   define  nvsigver FNAME(vsigver)
-#   define  nvsseekc FNAME(vsseekc)
-#   define  nvsgnamc FNAME(vsgnamc)
-#   define  nvsgclsc FNAME(vsgclsc)
-#   define  nvsinqc  FNAME(vsinqc)
-#   define  nvsfexc  FNAME(vsfexc)
-#   define  nvsfndc  FNAME(vsfndc)
-#   define  nvsgidc  FNAME(vsgidc)
-#   define  nvsdltc  FNAME(vsdltc)
-#   define  nvsapp   FNAME(vsapp)
-#   define  nvssnamc FNAME(vssnamc)
-#   define  nvssclsc FNAME(vssclsc)
-#   define  nvssfldc FNAME(vssfldc)
-#   define  nvssintc FNAME(vssintc)
-#   define  nvsfdefc FNAME(vsfdefc)
-#   define  nvssextfc FNAME(vssextfc)
-#   define  nvfinflds FNAME(vfinflds)
-#   define  nvfifnm  FNAME(vfifnm)
-#   define  nvfiftp  FNAME(vfiftp)
-#   define  nvfifisz FNAME(vfifisz)
-#   define  nvfifesz FNAME(vfifesz)
-#   define  nvfifodr FNAME(vfifodr)
-#   define  nvsfirdc FNAME(vsfirdc)
-#   define  nvsfird  FNAME(vsfird)
-#   define  nvsreadc FNAME(vsreadc)
-#   define  nvsfiwrc FNAME(vsfiwrc)
-#   define  nvsfiwr  FNAME(vsfiwr)
-#   define  nvswritc FNAME(vswritc)
-#   define  nvsgintc FNAME(vsgintc)
-#   define  nvseltsc FNAME(vseltsc)
-#   define  nvsgfldc FNAME(vsgfldc)
-#   define  nvssizc  FNAME(vssizc)
-#   define  nventsc  FNAME(ventsc)
-#   define  nvlonec  FNAME(vlonec)
-#   define  nvslonec FNAME(vslonec)
-#   define  nvfindc  FNAME(vfindc)
-#   define  nvfndclsc FNAME(vfndclsc)
-#   define  nvhsdc   FNAME(vhsdc)
-#   define  nvhscdc  FNAME(vhscdc)
-#   define  nvhscdmc FNAME(vhscdmc)
-#   define  nvhsdmc  FNAME(vhsdmc)
-#   define  nvhmkgpc FNAME(vhmkgpc)
-#   define  nvflocc  FNAME(vflocc)
-#   define  nvfirefs FNAME(vfirefs)
-#   define  nvfiqref  FNAME(vfiqref)
-#   define  nvfiqtag  FNAME(vfiqtag)
-#   define  nvinqtrc FNAME(vinqtrc)
-#   define  nvntrc   FNAME(vntrc)
-#   define  nvgttrsc FNAME(vgttrsc)
-#   define  nvgttrc  FNAME(vgttrc)
-#   define  nvadtrc  FNAME(vadtrc)
-#   define  nvsiqintr FNAME(vsiqintr)
-#   define  nvsiqnelt FNAME(vsiqnelt)
-#   define  nvsqfldsc   FNAME(vsqfldsc)
-#   define  nvsiqvsz   FNAME(vsiqvsz)
-#   define  nvsqnamec   FNAME(vsqnamec)
-#   define  nvsfccpk    FNAME(vsfccpk)
-#   define  nvsfncpk    FNAME(vsfncpk)
-#   define  nvdtrc      FNAME(vdtrc)
-#   define  nvscfcls    FNAME(vscfcls)
-#   define  nvscsetblsz FNAME(vscsetblsz)
-#   define  nvscsetnmbl FNAME (vscsetnmbl)
-#   define  nvscgblinfo FNAME(vscgblinfo)
-#  endif
-#endif                          /* DF_CAPFNAMES */
-#endif                          /* VG_FNAMES */
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfivopn
-                (_fcd filename, intf  * acc_mode, intf  * defdds, intf  * namelen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) ndfvclos
-                (intf  * file_id);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvatchc
-                (intf  * f, intf  * vgid, _fcd accesstype);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvdtchc
-                (intf  * vkey);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvgnamc
-                (intf  * vkey, _fcd vgname);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvgclsc
-                (intf  * vkey, _fcd vgclass);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvinqc
-                (intf  * vkey, intf  * nentries, _fcd vgname);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvdeletec
-                (intf  *f, intf  * vkey);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvgidc
-                (intf  * f, intf  * vgid);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvgnxtc
-                (intf  * vkey, intf  * id);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsnamc
-                (intf  * vkey, _fcd vgname, intf  * vgnamelen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsclsc
-                (intf  * vkey, _fcd vgclass, intf  * vgclasslen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvinsrtc
-                (intf  * vkey, intf  * vobjptr);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvisvgc
-                (intf  * vkey, intf  * id);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvfstart
-                (intf  * f);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvfend
-                (intf  * f);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvisvsc
-                (intf  * vkey, intf  * id);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsatchc
-                (intf  * f, intf  * vsref, _fcd accesstype);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsdtchc
-                (intf  * vkey);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsqref
-                (intf  * vkey);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsqtag
-                (intf  * vkey);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsqnfld
-                (intf * vkey);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsgver
-                (intf  * vkey);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsseekc
-                (intf  * vkey, intf  * eltpos);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsgnamc
-                (intf  * vkey, _fcd vsname, intf *vsnamelen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsgclsc
-                (intf  * vkey, _fcd vsclass, intf *vsclasslen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsinqc
-                (intf  * vkey, intf  * nelt, intf  * interlace, _fcd fields,
-		intf  * eltsize, _fcd vsname, intf *fieldslen, intf *vsnamelen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsfexc
-                (intf  * vkey, _fcd fields, intf  * fieldslen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsfndc
-                (intf  * f, _fcd name, intf  * namelen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsgidc
-                (intf  * f, intf  * vsref);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsdltc
-                (intf  * f, intf  * vsref);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsapp
-                (intf  * vkey, intf  *blk);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvssnamc
-                (intf  * vkey, _fcd vsname, intf  * vsnamelen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvssclsc
-                (intf  * vkey, _fcd vsclass, intf  * vsclasslen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvssfldc
-                (intf  * vkey, _fcd fields, intf  * fieldslen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvssintc
-                (intf  * vkey, intf  * interlace);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsfdefc
-                (intf  * vkey, _fcd field, intf  * localtype,
-                 intf  * order, intf  * fieldlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvssextfc
-                (intf  * vkey, _fcd fname, intf  * offset,
-                 intf  * fnamelen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvfnflds
-                (intf  * vkey);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvffnamec
-                (intf  * vkey, intf  *idx, _fcd fname, intf *len);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvfftype
-                (intf  * vkey, intf  *idx);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvffisiz
-                (intf  * vkey, intf  *idx);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvffesiz
-                (intf  * vkey, intf  *idx);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvffordr
-                (intf  * vkey, intf  *idx);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsfrdc
-                (intf  * vkey, _fcd  cbuf, intf  * nelt,
-                 intf  * interlace);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsfrd
-                (intf  * vkey, intf  * buf, intf  * nelt,
-                 intf  * interlace);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsreadc
-                (intf  * vkey, uint8  * buf, intf  * nelt,
-                 intf  * interlace);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsfwrtc
-                (intf  * vkey, _fcd  cbuf, intf  * nelt,
-                 intf  * interlace);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsfwrt
-                (intf  * vkey, intf  * buf, intf  * nelt,
-                 intf  * interlace);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvswritc
-                (intf  * vkey, uint8  * buf, intf  * nelt,
-                 intf  * interlace);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsgintc
-                (intf  * vkey);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvseltsc
-                (intf  * vkey);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsgfldc
-                (intf  * vkey, _fcd fields);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvssizc
-                (intf  * vkey, _fcd fields, intf  * fieldslen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nventsc
-                (intf  * f, intf  * vgid);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvlonec
-                (intf  * f, intf  * idarray, intf  * asize);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvslonec
-                (intf  * f, intf  * idarray, intf  * asize);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvfindc
-                (intf  * f, _fcd name, intf  * namelen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvfndclsc
-                (intf  * f, _fcd vgclass, intf  * classlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvhscdc
-                (intf  * f, _fcd field, _fcd  cbuf, intf  * n, 
-                 intf  * datatype, _fcd vsname, _fcd vsclass, 
-                 intf  * fieldlen, intf  * vsnamelen,
-                 intf  * vsclasslen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvhsdc
-                (intf  * f, _fcd field, uint8  * buf, intf  * n, 
-                 intf  * datatype, _fcd vsname, _fcd vsclass, 
-                 intf  * fieldlen, intf  * vsnamelen,
-                 intf  * vsclasslen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvhscdmc
-                (intf  * f, _fcd field, _fcd  cbuf, intf  * n,
-                 intf  * datatype, _fcd vsname, _fcd vsclass, 
-                 intf  * order, intf  * fieldlen, intf * vsnamelen,
-                 intf  * vsclasslen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvhsdmc
-                (intf  * f, _fcd field, uint8  * buf, intf  * n,
-                 intf  * datatype, _fcd vsname, _fcd vsclass, 
-                 intf  * order, intf  * fieldlen, intf * vsnamelen,
-                 intf  * vsclasslen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvhmkgpc
-                (intf  * f, intf  * tagarray, intf  * refarray, intf  * n,
-                 _fcd vgname, _fcd vgclass, intf  * vgnamelen, intf  * vgclasslen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvflocc
-                (intf  * vkey, _fcd field, intf  * fieldlen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvinqtrc
-                (intf  * vkey, intf  * tag, intf  * ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvntrc
-                (intf  * vkey);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvnrefs
-                (intf  * vkey, intf  *tag);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvqref
-                (intf  * vkey);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvqtag
-                (intf  * vkey);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvgttrsc
-                (intf  * vkey, intf  * tagarray, intf  * refarray, intf  * n);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvgttrc
-                (intf  * vkey, intf  * which, intf  * tag, intf  * ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvadtrc
-                (intf  * vkey, intf  * tag, intf  * ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvdtrc
-                (intf  * vkey, intf  * tag, intf  * ref);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsqfnelt
-                (intf * vkey, intf * nelt);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsqfintr
-                (intf * vkey, intf * interlace);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsqfldsc
-                (intf * vkey, _fcd fields, intf *fieldslen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsqfvsiz
-                (intf * vkey, intf * size);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsqnamec  
-                (intf * vkey, _fcd name, intf *namelen);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsfccpk
-                (intf *vs, intf *packtype, _fcd buflds, intf *buf, intf *bufsz,
-        intf *nrecs, _fcd pckfld, _fcd fldbuf, intf *buflds_len, intf *fld_len);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvsfncpk
-                (intf *vs, intf *packtype, _fcd buflds, intf *buf, intf *bufsz,
-        intf *nrecs, _fcd pckfld, intf *fldbuf, intf *buflds_len, intf *fld_len);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvscsetblsz
-                (intf *id, intf *block_size);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvscsetnmbl
-                (intf *id, intf *num_blocks);
-    HDFLIBAPI      FRETVAL(intf) nvscgblinfo
-                (intf *id, intf *block_size, intf *num_blocks);
-  ** from vattrf.c
- */
-#  define VATTR_FNAMES
-# if defined(UNIX386) || (!(defined INTEL86) && !(defined WIN32))
-#  define nvsfcfdx   FNAME(VSFCFDX)
-#  define nvsfcsat   FNAME(VSFCSAT)
-#  define nvsfcsca   FNAME(VSFCSCA)
-#  define nvsfnats   FNAME(VSFNATS)
-#  define nvsffnas   FNAME(VSFFNAS)
-#  define nvsfcfda   FNAME(VSFCFDA)
-#  define nvsfcain   FNAME(VSFCAIN)
-#  define nvsfgnat   FNAME(VSFGNAT)
-#  define nvsfgcat   FNAME(VSFGCAT)
-#  define nvsfisat   FNAME(VSFISAT)
-#  define nvfcsatt   FNAME(VFCSATT)
-#  define nvfcscat   FNAME(VFCSCAT)
-#  define nvfnatts   FNAME(VFNATTS)
-#  define nvfcfdat   FNAME(VFCFDAT)
-#  define nvfainfo   FNAME(VFAINFO)
-#  define nvfgnatt   FNAME(VFGNATT)
-#  define nvfgcatt   FNAME(VFGCATT)
-#  define nvfgver    FNAME(VFGVER)
-# else                          /* !sl */
-#  define nvsfcfdx   FNAME(VSFCFDX)
-#  define nvsfcsat   FNAME(VSFCSAT)
-#  define nvsfcsca   FNAME(VSFCSCA)
-#  define nvsfcnats  FNAME(VSFCNATS)
-#  define nvsfcfnas  FNAME(VSFCFNAS)
-#  define nvsfcfda   FNAME(VSFCFDA)
-#  define nvsfcainf  FNAME(VSFCAINF)
-#  define nvsfcgna   FNAME(VSFCGNA)
-#  define nvsfcgca   FNAME(VSFCGCA)
-#  define nvsfcisa   FNAME(VSFCISA)
-#  define nvfcsatt   FNAME(VFCSATT)
-#  define nvfcscat   FNAME(VFCSCAT)
-#  define nvfcnats   FNAME(VFCNATS)
-#  define nvfcfdat   FNAME(VFCFDAT)
-#  define nvfcainf   FNAME(VFCAINF)
-#  define nvfcgnat   FNAME(VFCGNAT)
-#  define nvfcgcat   FNAME(VFCGCAT)
-#  define nvfcgver   FNAME(VFCGVER)
-# endif
-#else       /* !DF_CAPFNAMES  */
-# if defined(UNIX386) || (!(defined INTEL86) && !(defined WIN32))
-#  define nvsfcfdx   FNAME(vsfcfdx)
-#  define nvsfcsat   FNAME(vsfcsat)
-#  define nvsfcsca   FNAME(vsfcsca)
-#  define nvsfnats   FNAME(vsfnats)
-#  define nvsffnas   FNAME(vsffnas)
-#  define nvsfcfda   FNAME(vsfcfda)
-#  define nvsfcain   FNAME(vsfcain)
-#  define nvsfgnat   FNAME(vsfgnat)
-#  define nvsfgcat   FNAME(vsfgcat)
-#  define nvsfisat   FNAME(vsfisat)
-#  define nvfcsatt   FNAME(vfcsatt)
-#  define nvfcscat   FNAME(vfcscat)
-#  define nvfnatts   FNAME(vfnatts)
-#  define nvfcfdat   FNAME(vfcfdat)
-#  define nvfainfo   FNAME(vfainfo)
-#  define nvfgnatt   FNAME(vfgnatt)
-#  define nvfgcatt   FNAME(vfgcatt)
-#  define nvfgver    FNAME(vfgver)
-# else                           /* !sl */
-#  define nvsfcfdx   FNAME(vsfcfdx)
-#  define nvsfcsat   FNAME(vsfcsat)
-#  define nvsfcsca   FNAME(vsfcsca)
-#  define nvsfcnats  FNAME(vsfcnats)
-#  define nvsfcfnas  FNAME(vsfcfnas)
-#  define nvsfcfda   FNAME(vsfcfda)
-#  define nvsfcainf  FNAME(vsfcainf)
-#  define nvsfcgna   FNAME(vsfcgna)
-#  define nvsfcgca   FNAME(vsfcgca)
-#  define nvsfcisa   FNAME(vsfcisa)
-#  define nvfcsatt   FNAME(vfcsatt)
-#  define nvfcscat   FNAME(vfcscat)
-#  define nvfcnats   FNAME(vfcnats)
-#  define nvfcfdat   FNAME(vfcfdat)
-#  define nvfcainf   FNAME(vfcainf)
-#  define nvfcgnat   FNAME(vfcgnat)
-#  define nvfcgcat   FNAME(vfcgcat)
-#  define nvfcgver   FNAME(vfcgver)
-# endif
-#endif   /* DF_CAPFNAMES */
-#endif   /* VATTR_FNAMES  */
-   HDFLIBAPI   FRETVAL(intf) nvsfcfdx
-            (intf *vsid, _fcd fldnm, intf *findex, intf *fldnmlen);
-   HDFLIBAPI   FRETVAL(intf) nvsfcsat
-            (intf *vsid, intf *findex, _fcd attrnm, intf *dtype,
-             intf *count, intf *values, intf *attrnmlen);
-   HDFLIBAPI   FRETVAL(intf) nvsfcsca
-            (intf *vsid, intf *findex, _fcd attrnm, intf *dtype,
-             intf *count, _fcd values, intf *attrnmlen);
-   HDFLIBAPI   FRETVAL(intf) nvsfnats
-            (intf *vsid);
-   HDFLIBAPI   FRETVAL(intf) nvsffnas
-            (intf *vsid, intf *findex);
-   HDFLIBAPI   FRETVAL(intf) nvsfcfda
-            (intf *vsid, intf *findex, _fcd attrnm, intf *attrnmlen);
-   HDFLIBAPI   FRETVAL(intf) nvsfcain
-            (intf *vsid, intf *findex, intf *aindex, _fcd attrname,
-             intf *dtype, intf *count, intf *size, intf *attrnamelen);
-   HDFLIBAPI   FRETVAL(intf) nvsfgnat
-            (intf *vsid, intf *findex, intf *aindex, intf *values);
-   HDFLIBAPI   FRETVAL(intf) nvsfgcat
-            (intf *vsid, intf *findex, intf *aindex, _fcd values);
-   HDFLIBAPI   FRETVAL(intf) nvsfisat
-            (intf *vsid);
-   HDFLIBAPI   FRETVAL(intf) nvfcsatt
-            (intf *vgid, _fcd attrnm, intf *dtype,
-             intf *count, intf *values, intf *attrnmlen);
-   HDFLIBAPI   FRETVAL(intf) nvfcscat
-            (intf *vgid, _fcd attrnm, intf *dtype, intf *count,
-             _fcd values, intf *attrnmlen);
-   HDFLIBAPI   FRETVAL(intf) nvfnatts
-            (intf *vgid);
-   HDFLIBAPI   FRETVAL(intf) nvfcfdat
-            (intf *vgid, _fcd attrnm, intf *attrnmlen);
-   HDFLIBAPI   FRETVAL(intf) nvfainfo
-            (intf *vgid, intf *aindex, _fcd attrname,
-             intf *dtype, intf *count, intf *size);
-   HDFLIBAPI   FRETVAL(intf) nvfgnatt
-            (intf *vgid, intf *aindex, intf *values);
-   HDFLIBAPI   FRETVAL(intf) nvfgcatt
-            (intf *vgid, intf *aindex, _fcd values);
-   HDFLIBAPI   FRETVAL(intf) nvfgver
-            (intf *vgid);
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-#endif                          /* _H_PROTO */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/linklist.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/linklist.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 9e3a817749f0125939fb47667774c7c78055d9f1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/linklist.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
-/* $Id$ */
- * File:    linklist.h
- * Purpose: header file for linked list API
- * Dependencies: 
- * Invokes:
- * Contents:
- * Structure definitions: 
- * Constant definitions: 
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* avoid re-inclusion */
-#ifndef __LINKLIST_H
-#define __LINKLIST_H
-#include "hdf.h"
-/* Definitions for linked-list creation flags */
-#define HUL_UNSORTED_LIST   0x0000
-#define HUL_SORTED_LIST     0x0001
-/* Type of the function to compare objects & keys */
-typedef intn (*HULsearch_func_t)(const VOIDP obj, const VOIDP key);
-/* Type of the function to compare two objects */
-typedef intn (*HULfind_func_t)(const VOIDP obj1, const VOIDP obj2);
-/* Linked list information structure used */
-typedef struct node_info_struct_tag {
-    VOIDP *obj_ptr;         /* pointer associated with the linked list node */
-    struct node_info_struct_tag *next;   /* link to list node */
-  }node_info_t;
-/* Linked list head structure */
-typedef struct list_head_struct_tag {
-    uintn count;            /* # of nodes in the list */
-    uintn flags;            /* list creation flags */
-    HULfind_func_t cmp_func;    /* node comparison function */
-    node_info_t *node_list; /* pointer to a linked list of nodes */
-    node_info_t *curr_node; /* pointer to the current node when iterating */
-  }list_head_t;
-#if defined LIST_MASTER | defined LIST_TESTER
-/* Define this in only one place */
-/* Pointer to the list node free list */
-static node_info_t *node_free_list=NULL;
-#endif /* LIST_MASTER */
-/* Useful routines for generally private use */
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-extern      "C"
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-     HULcreate_list - Create a linked list
-    Creates a linked list.  The list may either be sorted or un-sorted, based
-    on the comparison function.
-    Returns a pointer to the list if successful and NULL otherwise
-list_head_t *HULcreate_list(HULfind_func_t find_func    /* IN: object comparison function */
-     HULdestroy_list - Destroys a linked list
-    Destroys a linked list created by HULcreate_list().  This function
-    walks through the list and frees all the nodes, then frees the list head.
-    Note: this function does not (currently) free the objects in the nodes,
-    it just leaves 'em hanging.
-    Returns SUCCEED/FAIL.
-intn HULdestroy_list(list_head_t *lst    /* IN: list to destroy */
-     HULadd_node - Adds an object to a linked-list
-    Adds an object to the linked list.  If the list is sorted, the comparison
-    function is used to determine where to insert the node, otherwise it is
-    inserted at the head of the list.
-    Returns SUCCEED/FAIL.
-intn HULadd_node(list_head_t *lst,  /* IN: list to modify */
-    VOIDP obj                       /* IN: object to add to the list */
-     HULsearch_node - Search for an object in a linked-list
-    Locate an object in a linked list using a key and comparison function.
-    Returns a pointer to the object found in the list, or NULL on failure.
-VOIDP HULsearch_node(list_head_t *lst,  /* IN: list to search */
-    HULsearch_func_t srch_func,       /* IN: function to use to find node */
-    VOIDP key                       /* IN: key of object to search for */
-     HULfirst_node - Get the first object in a linked-list
-    Returns the first object in a linked-list and prepares the list for
-    interating through.
-    Returns a pointer to the first object found in the list, or NULL on failure.
-VOIDP HULfirst_node(list_head_t *lst   /* IN: list to search */
-     HULnext_node - Get the next object in a linked-list
-    Returns the next object in a linked-list by walking through the list
-    Returns a pointer to the next object found in the list, or NULL on failure.
-VOIDP HULnext_node(list_head_t *lst   /* IN: list to search */
-     HULremove_node - Removes an object from a linked-list
-    Remove an object from a linked list.  The key and comparison function are
-    provided locate the object to delete.
-    Returns a pointer to the object deleted from the list, or NULL on failure.
-VOIDP HULremove_node(list_head_t *lst,  /* IN: list to modify */
-    HULsearch_func_t srch_func,       /* IN: function to use to find node to remove */
-    VOIDP key                       /* IN: object to add to the list */
-    HULshutdown
-    Terminate various global items.
-    intn HULshutdown()
-    Returns SUCCEED/FAIL
-    Free various buffers allocated in the HUL routines.
-    Should only ever be called by the "atexit" function HDFend
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-#endif /* __LINKLIST_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/mfan.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/mfan.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 9865cc7a0641d3c4f91cc778f66f23c723c402a0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/mfan.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
-/* $Id$ */
- * File:    mfan.h
- * Author:  GeorgeV
- * Purpose: header file for the Multi-file Annotation Interface
- * Invokes: 
- * Contents:
- *          Structure definitions: ANnode, ANentry
- *          Constant definitions:  AN_DATA_LABEL, AN_DATA_DESC
- *          (-moved to hdf.h)      AN_FILE_LABEL, AN_FILE_DESC
- *
- *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-#ifndef _MFAN_H  /* avoid re-inclusion */
-#define _MFAN_H
-#include "hdf.h"
-#if 0
-/* enumerated types of the varous annotation types 
- * NOTE: moved to hdf.h since they are used by end users. */
-typedef enum 
-  AN_DATA_LABEL = 0, /* Data label */
-  AN_DATA_DESC,      /* Data description */
-  AN_FILE_LABEL,     /* File label */
-  AN_FILE_DESC       /* File description */
-} ann_type;
-#ifdef MFAN_C
-/* PRIVATE variables and definitions */
-/* This sturcture is used to find which file the annotation belongs to
- * and use the subsequent file specific annotation 'key' to find the 
- * annotation. The annotation atom group(ANIDGROUP) keeps track of 
- * all anotations across the file. */
-typedef struct ANnode
-  int32   file_id;  /* which file this annotation belongs to */
-  int32   ann_key;  /* type/ref: used to find annotation in corresponding
-                       TBBT in filerec_t->tree[]. */
-  intn    new_ann;  /* flag */
-} ANnode;
- * This structure is an entry in the label/desc tree
- * for a label/desc in the file, it gives the ref of the label/desc,
- * and the tag/ref of the data item to which the label/desc relates 
- * The filerec_t->an_tree[] TBBT members will contain these entries.
- **/
-typedef struct ANentry
-  int32   ann_id;      /* annotation id */
-  uint16  annref;      /* ref of annotation */
-  uint16  elmtag;      /* tag of data */
-  uint16  elmref;      /* ref of data */
-} ANentry;
-/* This is the size of the hash tables used for annotation IDs */
-#define ANATOM_HASH_SIZE    64
-/* Used to create unique 32bit keys from annotation type and reference number 
- *  This key is used to add nodes to a corresponding TBBT in 
- *  filrerec_t->an_tree[]. 
- *  ----------------------------
- *  | type(16bits) | ref(16bits) |
- *  -----------------------------*/
-#define AN_CREATE_KEY(t,r) ((((int32)t & 0xffff) << 16) | r)
-/* Obtain Reference number from key */
-#define AN_KEY2REF(k)      ((uint16)((int32)k & 0xffff))
-/* Obtain Annotation type from key */
-#define AN_KEY2TYPE(k)     ((int32)((int32)k >> 16))
-#else /* !MFAN_C */
-/* WE are NOT in main ANNOTATION source file
- * Nothing EXPORTED except Public fcns */
-    ANdestroy -- Un-Initialize Annotation Interface
-    Unallocates global annotaton node list and file list.
-extern intn ANdestroy(void);
-   ANstart - open file for annotation handling
-   Start annotation handling on the file return a annotation ID to the file.
-   A file ID or FAIL.
-extern int32 ANstart(int32 file_id /* IN: file to start annotation access on */);
-   ANfileinfo - Report high-level information about the ANxxx interface for a given file.
-   Reports general information about the number of file and object(i.e. data)
-   annotations in the file. This routine is generally used to find
-   the range of acceptable indices for ANselect calls.
-   Returns SUCCEED if successful and FAIL othewise
-extern intn  ANfileinfo(int32 an_id,         /* IN:  annotation interface id */
-                        int32 *n_file_label, /* OUT: the # of file labels */
-                        int32 *n_file_desc,  /* OUT: the # of file descriptions */
-                        int32 *n_obj_label,  /* OUT: the # of object labels */ 
-                        int32 *n_obj_desc    /* OUT: the # of object descriptions */);
-   ANend - End annotation access to file file
-   End annotation access to file.
-   SUCCEED if successful and  FAIL otherwise.
-extern int32 ANend(int32 an_id /* IN: Annotation ID of file to close */);
-   ANcreate - create a new element annotation and return a handle(id)
-   Creates a data annotation, returns an 'an_id' to work with the new 
-   annotation which can either be a label or description.
-   Valid annotation types are AN_DATA_LABEL for data labels and 
-   AN_DATA_DESC for data descriptions.
-        An ID to an annotation which can either be a label or description.
-extern int32 ANcreate(int32 an_id,     /* IN: annotation interface ID */
-                      uint16 elem_tag, /* IN: tag of item to be assigned annotation */
-                      uint16 elem_ref, /* IN: reference number of itme to be assigned ann*/
-                      ann_type type    /* IN: annotation type */);
-	ANcreatef - create a new file annotation and return a handle(id)
-    Creates a file annotation, returns an 'an_id' to work with the new 
-    file annotation which can either be a label or description.
-    Valid annotation types are AN_FILE_LABEL for file labels and
-    AN_FILE_DESC for file descritpions.
-        An ID to an annotation which can either be a file label or description
-extern int32 ANcreatef(int32 an_id,  /* IN: annotation interface ID */
-                       ann_type type /* IN:  annotation type */);
-	ANselect - get an annotation ID from index of 'type'
-    Get an annotation Id from index of 'type'.
-    The position index is ZERO based
-    An ID to an annotation type which can either be a label or description 
-extern int32 ANselect(int32 an_id,  /* IN: annotation interface ID */
-                      int32 index,  /* IN: index of annottion to get ID for */
-                      ann_type type /* IN: annotation type */);
-   ANnumann - find number of annotation of 'type' that  match the given element tag/ref 
-   Find number of annotation of 'type' for the given element 
-   tag/ref pair.Should not be used for File labels and
-   descriptions.
-   number of annotation found if successful and FAIL (-1) otherwise
-extern intn  ANnumann(int32 an_id,     /* IN: annotation interface id */
-                      ann_type type,   /* IN: annotation type */
-                      uint16 elem_tag, /* IN: tag of item of which this is annotation */
-                      uint16 elem_ref  /* IN: ref of item of which this is annotation*/);
-   ANannlist - generate list of annotation ids of 'type' that match the given element tag/ref 
-   Find and generate list of annotation ids of 'type' for the given 
-   element tag/ref pair.Should not be used for File labels and
-   descriptions.
-   number of annotations ids found if successful and FAIL (-1) otherwise
-extern intn  ANannlist(int32 an_id,     /* IN: annotation interface id */
-                       ann_type type,   /* IN: annotation type */
-                       uint16 elem_tag, /* IN: tag of item of which this is annotation */
-                       uint16 elem_ref, /* IN: ref of item of which this is annotation*/
-                       int32 ann_list[] /* OUT: array of ann_id's that match criteria.*/);
-   ANannlen - get length of annotation givne annotation id
-   Uses the annotation id to find ann_key & file_id
-   length of annotation if successful and FAIL (-1) otherwise
-extern int32 ANannlen(int32 ann_id /* IN: annotation id */);
-   ANwriteann - write annotation given ann_id
-   Checks for pre-existence of given annotation, replacing old one if it
-   exists. Writes out annotation.
-   SUCCEED (0) if successful and FAIL (-1) otherwise
-extern int32 ANwriteann(int32 ann_id,    /* IN: annotation id */
-                        const char *ann, /* IN: annotation to write */
-                        int32 annlen     /* IN: length of annotation*/);
-   ANreadann - read annotation given ann_id
-   Gets tag and ref of annotation.  Finds DD for that annotation.
-   Reads the annotation, taking care of NULL terminator, if necessary.
-   SUCCEED (0) if successful and FAIL (-1) otherwise
-extern int32 ANreadann(int32 ann_id, /* IN: annotation id (handle) */
-                       char *ann,    /* OUT: space to return annotation in */
-                       int32 maxlen  /* IN: size of space to return annotation in */);
-	ANendaccess - end access to an annotation given it's id
-    Terminates access to an annotation. For now does nothing
-    SUCCEED(0) or FAIL(-1)
-extern intn  ANendaccess(int32 ann_id /* IN: annotation id */);
-   ANget_tagref - get tag/ref pair for annotation based on type and index
-   Get the tag/ref of the annotation based on  the type and index of the 
-   annotation. The position index is zero based
-   A tag/ref pairt to an annotation type which can either be a 
-   label or description.
-extern int32 ANget_tagref(int32 an_id,    /* IN: annotation interface ID */
-                          int32 index,    /* IN: index of annotation to get tag/ref for*/
-                          ann_type type,  /* IN: annotation type */
-                          uint16 *ann_tag,/* OUT: Tag for annotation */ 
-                          uint16 *ann_ref /* OUT: ref for annotation */);
-   ANid2tagref -- get tag/ref given annotation id
-   Uses the annotation id to find ann_node entry which contains ann_ref
-   SUCCEED(0) if successful and FAIL (-1) otherwise. 
-extern int32 ANid2tagref(int32 ann_id,    /* IN: annotation id */
-                         uint16 *ann_tag, /* OUT: Tag for annotation */
-                         uint16 *ann_ref  /* OUT: ref for annotation */);
-   ANtagref2id -- get annotation id given tag/ref
-   Gets the annotation id of the annotation given the tag/ref of
-   the annotation itself and the annotation interface id.
-   Annotation id of annotation if successful and FAIL(-1) otherwise. 
-extern int32 ANtagref2id(int32 an_id,    /* IN  Annotation interface id */
-                         uint16 ann_tag, /* IN: Tag for annotation */
-                         uint16 ann_ref  /* IN: ref for annotation */);
-   ANatype2tag - annotation type to corresponding annotation TAG
-   Translate annotation type to corresponding TAG.
-   Returns TAG corresponding to annotatin type.
-extern uint16 ANatype2tag(ann_type atype /* IN: Annotation type */);
-   ANtag2atype - annotation TAG to corresponding annotation type
-   Translate annotation TAG to corresponding atype
-   Returns type corresponding to annotatin TAG.
-extern ann_type ANtag2atype(uint16 atag /* IN: annotation tag */);
-#endif /* !MFAN_C */
-#endif /* _MFAN_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/mfgr.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/mfgr.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 9459b81a33dc638ab68c96a6810f016eca824c7a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/mfgr.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
-/* $Id$ */
- * File:    mfgr.h
- * Purpose: header file for multi-file general raster information
- * Dependencies: 
- * Invokes:
- * Contents:
- * Structure definitions: 
- * Constant definitions: 
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* avoid re-inclusion */
-#ifndef __MFGR_H
-#define __MFGR_H
-/* Interlace types available */
-typedef int16 gr_interlace_t;
-#define MFGR_INTERLACE_PIXEL		0    /* pixel interlacing scheme */
-#define MFGR_INTERLACE_LINE		    1    /* line interlacing scheme */
-#define MFGR_INTERLACE_COMPONENT 	2    /* component interlacing scheme */
-#if defined MFGR_MASTER | defined MFGR_TESTER
-#include "hfile.h"
-#include "tbbt.h"       /* Get tbbt routines */
-/* This is the size of the hash tables used for GR & RI IDs */
-#define GRATOM_HASH_SIZE    32
-/* The tag of the attribute data */
-#define RI_TAG      DFTAG_VG    /* Current RI groups are stored in Vgroups */
-#define ATTR_TAG    DFTAG_VH    /* Current GR attributes are stored in VDatas */
-/* The default threshhold for attributes which will be cached */
-#define GR_ATTR_THRESHHOLD  2048    
-#define VALIDRIINDEX(i,gp) ((i)>=0 && (i)<(gp)->gr_count)
- * Each gr_info_t maintains 2 threaded-balanced-binary-tress: one of
- * raster images and one of global attributes
- */
-typedef struct gr_info {
-    int32       hdf_file_id;    /* the corresponding HDF file ID (must be first in the structure) */
-    uint16      gr_ref;         /* ref # of the Vgroup of the GR in the file */
-    int32       gr_count;       /* # of image entries in gr_tab so far */
-    TBBT_TREE  *grtree;         /* Root of image B-Tree */
-    uintn       gr_modified;    /* whether any images have been modified */
-    int32       gattr_count;    /* # of global attr entries in gr_tab so far */
-    TBBT_TREE  *gattree;        /* Root of global attribute B-Tree */
-    uintn       gattr_modified; /* whether any global attributes have been modified */
-    intn        access;         /* the number of active pointers to this file's GRstuff */
-    uint32      attr_cache;     /* the threshhold for the attribute sizes to cache */
-} gr_info_t;
-typedef struct at_info {
-    int32 index;            /* index of the attribute (needs to be first in the struct) */
-    int32 nt;               /* number type of the attribute */
-    int32 len;              /* length/order of the attribute */
-    uint16 ref;             /* ref of the attribute (stored in VData) */
-    uintn data_modified;    /* flag to indicate whether the attribute data has been modified */
-    uintn new_at;           /* flag to indicate whether the attribute was added to the Vgroup */
-    char *name;             /* name of the attribute */
-    void * data;             /* data for the attribute */
-} at_info_t;
-typedef struct dim_info {
-    uint16  dim_ref;            /* reference # of the Dim record */
-    int32   xdim,ydim,          /* dimensions of the image */
-            ncomps,             /* number of components of each pixel in image */
-            nt,                 /* number type of the components */
-            file_nt_subclass;   /* number type subclass of data on disk */
-    gr_interlace_t il;          /* interlace of the components (stored on disk) */
-    uint16  nt_tag,nt_ref;      /* tag & ref of the number-type info */
-    uint16  comp_tag,comp_ref;  /* tag & ref of the compression info */
-} dim_info_t;
-typedef struct ri_info {
-    int32   index;              /* index of this image (needs to be first in the struct) */
-    uint16  ri_ref;             /* ref # of the RI Vgroup */
-    uint16  rig_ref;            /* ref # of the RIG group */
-    gr_info_t *gr_ptr;          /* ptr to the GR info that this ri_info applies to */
-    dim_info_t img_dim;         /* image dimension information */
-    dim_info_t lut_dim;         /* palette dimension information */
-    uint16  img_tag,img_ref;    /* tag & ref of the image data */
-    int32   img_aid;            /* AID for the image data */
-    intn    acc_perm;           /* Access permission (read/write) for image AID */
-    uint16  lut_tag,lut_ref;    /* tag & ref of the palette data */
-    gr_interlace_t im_il;       /* interlace of image when next read (default PIXEL) */
-    gr_interlace_t lut_il;      /* interlace of LUT when next read */
-    uintn data_modified;        /* whether the image or palette data has been modified */
-    uintn meta_modified;        /* whether the image or palette meta-info has been modified */
-    uintn attr_modified;        /* whether the attributes have been modified */
-    char   *name;               /* name of the image */
-    int32   lattr_count;        /* # of local attr entries in ri_info so far */
-    TBBT_TREE *lattree;         /* Root of the local attribute B-Tree */
-    intn access;                /* the number of times this image has been selected */
-    uintn use_buf_drvr;         /* access to image needs to be through the buffered special element driver */
-    uintn use_cr_drvr;          /* access to image needs to be through the compressed raster special element driver */
-    uintn comp_img;             /* whether to compress image data */
-    comp_coder_t comp_type;     /* compression type */
-    comp_info cinfo;            /* compression information */
-    uintn ext_img;              /* whether to make image data external */
-    char *ext_name;             /* name of the external file */
-    int32 ext_offset;           /* offset in the external file */
-    uintn acc_img;              /* whether to make image data a different access type */
-    uintn acc_type;             /* type of access-mode to get image data with */
-    uintn fill_img;             /* whether to fill image, or just store fill value */
-    void * fill_value;           /* pointer to the fill value (NULL means use default fill value of 0) */
-    uintn store_fill;           /* whether to add fill value attribute or not */
-} ri_info_t;
-/* Useful raster routines for generally private use */
-HDFLIBAPI intn GRIil_convert(const void * inbuf,gr_interlace_t inil,void * outbuf,
-        gr_interlace_t outil,int32 dims[2],int32 ncomp,int32 nt);
-extern VOID GRIgrdestroynode(void * n);
-extern VOID GRIattrdestroynode(void * n);
-extern VOID GRIridestroynode(void * n);
-#endif /* __MFGR_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/mstdio.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/mstdio.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 0af1d823029443ab9baa679f87cca2a0fe672b56..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/mstdio.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
-/* $Id$ */
- * File:    mstdio.h
- * Purpose: Header file for stdio-like modeling information.
- * Dependencies: should be included after hdf.h
- * Invokes:
- * Contents: Structures & definitions for stdio modeling.  This header
- *              should only be included in hcomp.c and mstdio.c.
- * Structure definitions:
- * Constant definitions:
- *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/* avoid re-inclusion */
-#ifndef __MSTDIO_H
-#define __MSTDIO_H
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-extern      "C"
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-   ** from mstdio.c
- */
-    extern int32 HCPmstdio_stread
-                (accrec_t * rec);
-    extern int32 HCPmstdio_stwrite
-                (accrec_t * rec);
-    extern int32 HCPmstdio_seek
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 offset, int origin);
-    extern int32 HCPmstdio_inquire
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 *pfile_id, uint16 *ptag, uint16 *pref,
-               int32 *plength, int32 *poffset, int32 *pposn, int16 *paccess,
-                 int16 *pspecial);
-    extern int32 HCPmstdio_read
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 length, void * data);
-    extern int32 HCPmstdio_write
-                (accrec_t * access_rec, int32 length, const void * data);
-    extern intn HCPmstdio_endaccess
-                (accrec_t * access_rec);
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-/* model information about stdio model */
-typedef struct
-    int32      pos;            /* postion ? */
-extern funclist_t mstdio_funcs; /* functions to perform run-length encoding */
-funclist_t  mstdio_funcs =
-{                               /* functions to perform run-length encoding */
-    HCPmstdio_stread,
-    HCPmstdio_stwrite,
-    HCPmstdio_seek,
-    HCPmstdio_inquire,
-    HCPmstdio_read,
-    HCPmstdio_write,
-    HCPmstdio_endaccess
-#endif /* __MSTDIO_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/netcdf.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/netcdf.h
deleted file mode 100755
index bae79fa0db81359fb06aaca5b1699af97306ee6c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/netcdf.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,581 +0,0 @@
-/* Generated automatically from netcdf.h.in by configure. */
- *	Copyright 1993, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
- *
- *  Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided
- * that the above copyright notice appear in all copies, that both that
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
- * documentation, and that the name of UCAR/Unidata not be used in
- * advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software
- * without specific, written prior permission.  UCAR makes no
- * representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose.
- * It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.  It is
- * provided with no support and without obligation on the part of UCAR
- * Unidata, to assist in its use, correction, modification, or enhancement.
- *
- */
-/* "$Id$" */
-#ifndef _NETCDF_
-#define _NETCDF_
-//RWR Modification Start 07/14/98
-//#include "api_adpt.h"
-#include "hdfi.h"
-//RWR Modification End
- * The definitions ncvoid, USE_ENUM, and MAX_NC_OPEN, may need to be set
- * properly for your installation.
- */
- * Argument type in user functions (deprecated, backward compatibility)
- */
-#ifndef UD_NO_VOID
-#define ncvoid    void
-/* system doesn't have void type */
-#define ncvoid    char
- *   If xdr_enum works properly on your system, you can define 
- * USE_ENUM so that nc_type is an enum. 
- * Otherwise, delete this definition so that the nc_type is
- * an int and the valid values are #defined.
- */
-#define USE_ENUM
- * The following macro is provided for backward compatibility only.  If you
- * are a new user of netCDF, then you may safely ignore it.  If, however,
- * you have an existing archive of netCDF files that use default
- * floating-point fill values, then you should know that the definition of
- * the default floating-point fill values changed with version 2.3 of the
- * netCDF package.  Prior to this release, the default floating-point fill
- * values were not very portable:  their correct behavior depended not only
- * upon the particular platform, but also upon the compilation
- * environment.  This led to the definition of new, default floating-point
- * fill values that are portable across all platforms and compilation
- * environments.  If you wish, however, to obtain the old, non-portable
- * floating-point fill values, then the following macro should have a true
- *
- * Implementation details are contained in the section below on fill values.
- */
- * 	Fill values
- * These values are stuffed into newly allocated space as appropriate.
- * The hope is that one might use these to notice that a particular datum
- * has not been set.
- */
-#define FILL_BYTE	((char)-127)		/* Largest Negative value */
-#define FILL_CHAR	((char)0)
-#define FILL_SHORT	((short)-32767)
-#define FILL_LONG	((long)-2147483647)
-#   define FILL_FLOAT	9.9692099683868690e+36 /* near 15 * 2^119 */
-#   define FILL_DOUBLE	9.9692099683868690e+36
-#else	/* NC_OLD_FILLVALUES below */
- * This section is provided for backward compatibility only.  Using
- * XDR infinities for floating-point fill values has caused more problems
- * than it has solved.  We encourage you to define your own data-specific
- * fill values rather than use default ones (see `_FillValue' below).
- * If, however, you *must* use default fill values, then you should use
- * the above fill values rather than the ones in this section.
- */
- * XDR_F_INFINITY is a float value whose EXTERNAL (xdr)
- * represention is ieee floating infinity.
- * XDR_D_INFINITY is a double value whose EXTERNAL (xdr)
- * represention is ieee double floating point infinity.
- * These are used as default fill values below.
- *
- * This section shows three techniques for setting these:
- *  Direct assignment (vax, cray) - works for non IEEE machines
- *		Doesn't work when IEEE machines don't allow
- *      float or double constants whose values are infinity.
- *  Use of a union (preferred portable method) - should work on
- *      any ANSI compiler with IEEE floating point representations,
- *      modulo byte order and sizeof() considerations.
- *  Use of pointer puns - may work with many older compilers
- *      which don't allow intialization of unions.
- *      Often doesn't work with compilers which have strict
- *      alignment rules.
- */ 
-    /* Direct assignment. All cases should be mutually exclusive */
-#ifdef vax
-#define	XDR_D_INFINITY	1.7014118346046923e+38
-#define	XDR_F_INFINITY	1.70141173e+38
-#endif /* vax */
-#ifdef cray
-#define	XDR_D_INFINITY	1.797693134862313000e+308
-#endif /* cray */
-#ifdef notdef /* you might want to try these, on an IEEE machine */
-#define XDR_D_INFINITY	1.797693134862315900e+308
-#define XDR_F_INFINITY	3.40282357e+38
-#ifdef __STDC__
-    /* Use of a union, assumes IEEE representation and 1 byte unsigned char */
-#ifndef    XDR_D_INFINITY
-#define USE_D_UNION
-     union xdr_d_union {unsigned char bb[8]; double dd;} ;
-     extern union xdr_d_union xdr_d_infs ;  /* instantiated in array.c */
-#define XDR_D_INFINITY    (xdr_d_infs.dd)
-#endif /* !XDR_D_INFINITY */
-#ifndef    XDR_F_INFINITY
-#define USE_F_UNION
-     union xdr_f_union {unsigned char bb[4]; float ff;} ;
-     extern union xdr_f_union xdr_f_infs ;  /* instantiated in array.c */
-#define  XDR_F_INFINITY    (xdr_f_infs.ff)
-#endif /* !XDR_F_INFINITY */
-#else /* __STDC__ */
-    /* Use of a pointer pun, assumes IEEE representation, 4 byte long */
-#ifndef    XDR_D_INFINITY
-#define USE_D_LONG_PUN
-     extern long xdr_d_infinity[] ;  /* instantiated in array.c */
-#define XDR_D_INFINITY *(double *)xdr_d_infinity
-#endif /* !XDR_D_INFINITY */
-#ifndef    XDR_F_INFINITY
-#define USE_F_LONG_PUN
-     extern long xdr_f_infinity ;  /* instantiated in array.c */
-#define XDR_F_INFINITY *((float *)&xdr_f_infinity)
-#endif /* !XDR_F_INFINITY */
-#endif /* __STDC__ */
-/* End of INFINITY           section */
-#define FILL_FLOAT	XDR_F_INFINITY	/* IEEE Infinity */
-#endif	/* NC_OLD_FILLVALUES above */
- *  masks for the struct NC flags field; passed in as 'mode' arg to
- * nccreate and ncopen.
- *
- */
-#define NC_RDWR  1		/* read/write, 0 => readonly */
-#define NC_CREAT 2		/* in create phase, cleared by ncendef */
-#define NC_EXCL  4		/* on create, don't destroy existing file */
-#define NC_INDEF 8		/* in define mode, cleared by ncendef */
-#define NC_NSYNC 0x10	/* synchronise numrecs on change */
-#define NC_HSYNC 0x20	/* synchronise whole header on change */
-#define NC_NDIRTY 0x40	/* numrecs has changed */
-#define NC_HDIRTY 0x80  /* header info has changed */
-#define NC_NOFILL 0x100	/* Don't fill vars on endef and increase of record */
-#define NC_LINK 0x8000	/* isa link */
-#define NC_FILL 0	/* argument to ncsetfill to clear NC_NOFILL */
- * 'mode' arguments for nccreate and ncopen
- */
-#define NC_NOWRITE   0
-#define NC_WRITE     NC_RDWR
- * 'size' argument to ncdimdef for an unlimited dimension
- */
-#define NC_UNLIMITED 0L
- * attribute id to put/get a global attribute
- */
-#define NC_GLOBAL -1
-#ifndef HDF
- * This can be as large as the maximum number of stdio streams
- * you can have open on your system.
- */
-#define MAX_NC_OPEN 32
- * These maximums are enforced by the interface, to facilitate writing
- * applications and utilities.  However, nothing is statically allocated to
- * these sizes internally.
- */
-#define MAX_NC_DIMS 5000	 /* max dimensions per file */
-#define MAX_NC_ATTRS 3000	 /* max global or per variable attributes */
-#define MAX_NC_VARS 5000	 /* max variables per file */
-#define MAX_NC_NAME 256		 /* max length of a name */
-#define MAX_VAR_DIMS 32          /* max per variable dimensions */
- * Added feature. 
- * If you wish a variable to use a different value than the above
- * defaults, create an attribute with the same type as the variable
- * and the following reserved name. The value you give the attribute
- * will be used as the fill value for that variable.
- */
-#define _FillValue	"_FillValue"
-#else /* HDF */
-#include "hlimits.h"  /* Hard coded constants for HDF library */
-#endif /* HDF */
-#ifdef USE_ENUM
- *  The netcdf data types
- */
-typedef enum {
-	NC_UNSPECIFIED, /* private */
-	/* private */
-} nc_type ;
-typedef int nc_type ;
-#define	NC_UNSPECIFIED 0 /* private */
-#define	NC_BYTE 1
-#define	NC_CHAR 2
-#define	NC_SHORT 3
-#define	NC_LONG 4
-#define	NC_FLOAT 5
-#define	NC_DOUBLE 6
-	/* private */
-#define	NC_BITFIELD 7
-#define	NC_STRING 8
-#define	NC_IARRAY 9
-#define	NC_DIMENSION 10
-#define	NC_VARIABLE 11
-#define	NC_ATTRIBUTE 12
- * C data types corresponding to netCDF data types:
- */
-/* Don't use these or the C++ interface gets confused
-typedef char  ncchar;
-typedef char  ncbyte;
-typedef short ncshort;
-typedef float ncfloat;
-typedef double        ncdouble;
- * Variables/attributes of type NC_LONG should use the C type 'nclong'
- */
-#ifdef __alpha
-typedef int     nclong;   
-typedef long    nclong;         /* default, compatible type */
- * Global netcdf error status variable
- *  Initialized in error.c
- */
-#define	NC_NOERR	0	/* No Error */
-#define	NC_EBADID	1	/* Not a netcdf id */
-#define	NC_ENFILE	2	/* Too many netcdfs open */
-#define	NC_EEXIST	3	/* netcdf file exists && NC_NOCLOBBER */
-#define	NC_EINVAL	4	/* Invalid Argument */
-#define	NC_EPERM	5	/* Write to read only */
-#define	NC_ENOTINDEFINE	6	/* Operation not allowed in data mode */
-#define	NC_EINDEFINE	7	/* Operation not allowed in define mode */
-#define	NC_EINVALCOORDS	8	/* Coordinates out of Domain */
-#define	NC_EMAXDIMS	9	/* MAX_NC_DIMS exceeded */
-#define	NC_ENAMEINUSE	10	/* String match to name in use */
-#define NC_ENOTATT	11	/* Attribute not found */
-#define	NC_EMAXATTS	12	/* MAX_NC_ATTRS exceeded */
-#define NC_EBADTYPE	13	/* Not a netcdf data type */
-#define NC_EBADDIM	14	/* Invalid dimension id */
-#define NC_EUNLIMPOS	15	/* NC_UNLIMITED in the wrong index */
-#define	NC_EMAXVARS	16	/* MAX_NC_VARS exceeded */
-#define NC_ENOTVAR	17	/* Variable not found */
-#define NC_EGLOBAL	18	/* Action prohibited on NC_GLOBAL varid */
-#define NC_ENOTNC	19	/* Not a netcdf file */
-#define NC_ESTS         20      /* In Fortran, string too short */
-#define NC_EMAXNAME     21      /* MAX_NC_NAME exceeded */
-#define NC_ENTOOL       NC_EMAXNAME   /* Backward compatibility */
-#define NC_EUNLIMIT     22      /* NC_UNLIMITED size already in use */
-#define	NC_EXDR		32	/* */
-#define	NC_SYSERR	-1
-extern int ncerr ;
- * Global options variable. Used to determine behavior of error handler.
- *  Initialized in lerror.c
- */
-#define	NC_FATAL	1
-#define	NC_VERBOSE	2
-HDFLIBAPI int ncopts ;	/* default is (NC_FATAL | NC_VERBOSE) */
- * NB: The following feature-test line is too long in order to accomodate a 
- * bug in the VMS 5.3 C compiler.
- */
-#   if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
-#       define	HAVE_PROTOTYPES
-#   endif
-#undef PROTO
-#   define	PROTO(x)	x
-#   define	PROTO(x)	()
-#include "hdf2netcdf.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-HDFLIBAPI int nccreate	PROTO((
-    const char*	path,
-    int		cmode
-HDFLIBAPI int ncopen	PROTO((
-    const char*	path,
-    int		mode
-HDFLIBAPI int ncredef	PROTO((
-    int		cdfid
-HDFLIBAPI int ncendef	PROTO((
-    int		cdfid
-HDFLIBAPI int ncclose	PROTO((
-    int		cdfid
-HDFLIBAPI int ncinquire	PROTO((
-    int		cdfid,
-    int*	ndims,
-    int*	nvars,
-    int*	natts, 
-    int*	recdim
-HDFLIBAPI int ncsync	PROTO((
-    int		cdfid
-HDFLIBAPI int ncabort	PROTO((
-    int		cdfid
-HDFLIBAPI int ncdimdef	PROTO((
-    int		cdfid,
-    const char*	name,
-    long	length
-HDFLIBAPI int ncdimid	PROTO((
-    int		cdfid,
-    const char*	name
-HDFLIBAPI int ncdiminq	PROTO((
-    int		cdfid,
-    int		dimid,
-    char*	name,
-    long*	length
-HDFLIBAPI int ncdimrename	PROTO((
-    int		cdfid,
-    int		dimid,
-    const char*	name
-HDFLIBAPI int ncvardef	PROTO((
-    int		cdfid,
-    const char*	name,
-    nc_type	datatype, 
-    int		ndims,
-    const int*	dim
-HDFLIBAPI int ncvarid	PROTO((
-    int		cdfid,
-    const char*	name
-HDFLIBAPI int ncvarinq	PROTO((
-    int		cdfid,
-    int		varid,
-    char*	name,
-    nc_type*	datatype,
-    int*	ndims,
-    int*	dim,
-    int*	natts
-HDFLIBAPI int ncvarput1	PROTO((
-    int		cdfid,
-    int		varid,
-    const long*	coords,
-    const void*	value
-HDFLIBAPI int ncvarget1	PROTO((
-    int		cdfid,
-    int		varid,
-    const long*	coords,
-    void*	value
-HDFLIBAPI int ncvarput	PROTO((
-    int		cdfid,
-    int		varid,
-    const long*	start,
-    const long*	count, 
-    const void*	value
-HDFLIBAPI int ncvarget	PROTO((
-    int		cdfid,
-    int		varid,
-    const long*	start,
-    const long*	count, 
-    void*	value
-HDFLIBAPI int ncvarputs	PROTO((
-    int		cdfid,
-    int		varid,
-    const long*	start,
-    const long*	count,
-    const long*	stride,
-    const void*	values
-HDFLIBAPI int ncvargets	PROTO((
-    int		cdfid,
-    int		varid,
-    const long*	start,
-    const long*	count,
-    const long*	stride,
-    void*	values
-HDFLIBAPI int ncvarputg	PROTO((
-    int		cdfid,
-    int		varid,
-    const long*	start,
-    const long*	count,
-    const long*	stride,
-    const long*	imap,
-    const void* values
-HDFLIBAPI int ncvargetg	PROTO((
-    int		cdfid,
-    int		varid,
-    const long*	start,
-    const long*	count,
-    const long*	stride,
-    const long*	imap,
-    void*	values
-HDFLIBAPI int ncvarrename	PROTO((
-    int		cdfid,
-    int		varid,
-    const char*	name
-HDFLIBAPI int ncattput	PROTO((
-    int		cdfid,
-    int		varid,
-    const char*	name, 
-    nc_type	datatype,
-    int		len,
-    const void*	value
-HDFLIBAPI int ncattinq	PROTO((
-    int		cdfid,
-    int		varid,
-    const char*	name, 
-    nc_type*	datatype,
-    int*	len
-HDFLIBAPI int ncattget	PROTO((
-    int		cdfid,
-    int		varid,
-    const char*	name, 
-    void*	value
-HDFLIBAPI int ncattcopy	PROTO((
-    int		incdf,
-    int		invar,
-    const char*	name, 
-    int		outcdf,
-    int		outvar
-HDFLIBAPI int ncattname	PROTO((
-    int		cdfid,
-    int		varid,
-    int		attnum,
-    char*	name
-HDFLIBAPI int ncattrename	PROTO((
-    int		cdfid,
-    int		varid,
-    const char*	name, 
-    const char*	newname
-HDFLIBAPI int ncattdel	PROTO((
-    int		cdfid,
-    int		varid,
-    const char*	name
-HDFLIBAPI int nctypelen	PROTO((
-    nc_type	datatype
-HDFLIBAPI int ncsetfill	PROTO((
-    int		cdfid,
-    int		fillmode
-HDFLIBAPI int ncrecinq		PROTO((
-    int		cdfid,
-    int*	nrecvars,
-    int*	recvarids,
-    long*	recsizes
-HDFLIBAPI int ncrecget		PROTO((
-    int		cdfid,
-    long	recnum,
-    void**	datap
-HDFLIBAPI int ncrecput		PROTO((
-    int		cdfid,
-    long	recnum,
-    void* const* datap
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* _NETCDF_ */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/tbbt.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/tbbt.h
deleted file mode 100755
index eebf864df29f7b509acce231ecd9cf1d959187c4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/tbbt.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
-/* $Id$ */
-/* "tbbt.h" -- Data types/routines for threaded, balanced, binary trees. */
-/* Extended from Knuth 6.2.3, Algorithm A */
-#ifndef TBBT_H
-#define TBBT_H
-#ifdef lint     /* lint always complains but may complain more if... */
-# define   TBBT_INTERNALS   /* TBBT_INTERNALS not always defined */
-#endif /* lint */
-typedef struct tbbt_node TBBT_NODE;
-/* Threaded node structure */
-struct tbbt_node
-  {
-      VOIDP       data;         /* Pointer to user data to be associated with node */
-      VOIDP       key;          /* Field to sort nodes on */
-# define   PARENT  0
-# define   LEFT    1
-# define   RIGHT   2
-      TBBT_NODE  *link[3];      /* Pointers to parent, left child, and right child */
-# define  Parent    link[PARENT]
-# define  Lchild    link[LEFT]
-# define  Rchild    link[RIGHT]
-# define  TBBT_FLAG unsigned long
-# define  TBBT_LEAF unsigned long
-      TBBT_FLAG   flags;        /* Combination of the following bit fields: */
-# define  TBBT_HEAVY(s) s       /* If the `s' sub-tree is deeper than the other */
-# define  TBBT_DOUBLE   4       /* If "heavy" sub-tree is two levels deeper */
-# define  TBBT_INTERN   8       /* If node is internal (has two children) */
-# define  TBBT_CHILD(s) ( TBBT_INTERN | TBBT_HEAVY(s) )
-      TBBT_LEAF   lcnt;         /* count of left children */
-      TBBT_LEAF   rcnt;         /* count of right children */
-# define  LeftCnt(node) ( (node)->lcnt )    /* Left descendants */
-# define  RightCnt(node) ( (node)->rcnt )   /* Left descendants */
-#if defined macintosh || defined MAC || defined SYMANTEC_C     /* Macro substitution limit */
-# define  Cnt(node,s)   ( 1==(s) ? LeftCnt(node) : RightCnt(node) )
-#else                           /* !macintosh */
-# define  Cnt(node,s)   ( LEFT==(s) ? LeftCnt(node) : RightCnt(node) )
-#endif                          /* !macintosh */
-# define  HasChild(n,s) ( Cnt(n,s)>0 )
-# define  Heavy(n,s)    ( (s) & (LeftCnt(n)>RightCnt(n) ? LEFT : \
-                 LeftCnt(n)==RightCnt(n) ? 0 : RIGHT))
-# define  Intern(n)     ( LeftCnt(n) && RightCnt(n) )
-# define  UnBal(n)      ( LeftCnt(n)>RightCnt(n) ? LEFT : \
-                 LeftCnt(n)==RightCnt(n) ? 0 : RIGHT)
-# define  Double(n)     ( TBBT_DOUBLE & (n)->flags )
-# define  Other(side)   ( LEFT + RIGHT - (side) )
-# define  Delta(n,s)    (  ( Heavy(n,s) ? 1 : -1 )                          \
-                            *  ( Double(n) ? 2 : UnBal(n) ? 1 : 0 )  )
-# define  SetFlags(n,s,b,i)   (  ( -2<(b) && (b)<2 ? 0 : TBBT_DOUBLE )   \
-    |  ( 0>(b) ? TBBT_HEAVY(s) : (b)>0 ? TBBT_HEAVY(Other(s)) : 0 )        \
-    |  ( (i) ? TBBT_INTERN : 0 )  )
-  };
-/* Pointer to the tbbt node free list */
-static TBBT_NODE *tbbt_free_list=NULL;
-typedef struct tbbt_tree TBBT_TREE;
-/* Threaded tree structure */
-struct tbbt_tree
-  {
-      TBBT_NODE  *root;
-      unsigned long count;      /* The number of nodes in the tree currently */
-      uintn       fast_compare; /* use a faster in-line compare (with casts) instead of function call */
-      intn        (*compar) (VOIDP k1, VOIDP k2, intn cmparg);
-      intn        cmparg;
-#endif                          /* TBBT_INTERNALS */
-  };
-/* Define the "fast compare" values */
-#define TBBT_FAST_UINT16_COMPARE    1
-#define TBBT_FAST_INT32_COMPARE     2
-#endif /* TBBT_INTERNALS */
-/* Return maximum of two scalar values (use arguments w/o side effects): */
-#define   Max(a,b)  ( (a) > (b) ? (a) : (b) )
-/* These routines are designed to allow use of a general-purpose balanced tree
- * implimentation.  These trees are appropriate for maintaining in memory one
- * or more lists of items, each list sorted according to key values (key values
- * must form a "completely ordered set") where no two items in a single list
- * can have the same key value.  The following operations are supported:
- *     Create an empty list
- *     Add an item to a list
- *     Look up an item in a list by key value
- *     Look up the Nth item in a list
- *     Delete an item from a list
- *     Find the first/last/next/previous item in a list
- *     Destroy a list
- * Each of the above operations requires Order(log(N)) time where N is the
- * number of items in the list (except for list creation which requires
- * constant time and list destruction which requires Order(N) time if the user-
- * supplied free-data-item or free-key-value routines require constant time).
- * Each of the above operations (except create and destroy) can be performed
- * on a subtree.
- *
- * Each node of a tree has associated with it a generic pointer (void *) which
- * is set to point to one such "item" and a generic pointer to point to that
- * item's "key value".  The structure of the items and key values is up to the
- * user to define.  The user must specify a method for comparing key values.
- * This routine takes three arguments, two pointers to key values and a third
- * integer argument.  You can specify a routine that expects pointers to "data
- * items" rather than key values in which case the pointer to the key value in
- * each node will be set equal to the pointer to the data item.
- *
- * Since the "data item" pointer is the first field of each tree node, these
- * routines may be used without this "tbbt.h" file.  For example, assume "ITM"
- * is the structre definition for the data items you want to store in lists:
- * ITM ***tbbtdmake( int (*cmp)(void *,void *,int), int arg );
- * ITM **root= NULL;        (* How to create an empty tree w/o tbbtdmake() *)
- * ITM **tbbtdfind( ITM ***tree, void *key, ITM ***pp );
- * ITM **tbbtfind( ITM **root, void *key, int (*cmp)(), int arg, ITM ***pp );
- * ITM **tbbtdless( ITM ***tree, void *key, ITM ***pp );
- * ITM **tbbtless( ITM **root, void *key, int (*cmp)(), int arg, ITM ***pp );
- * ITM **tbbtindx( ITM **root, long indx );
- * ITM **tbbtdins( ITM ***tree, ITM *item, void *key );
- * ITM **tbbtins( ITM ***root, ITM *item, void *key, int (*cmp)(), int arg );
- * ITM *tbbtrem( ITM ***root, ITM **node, void **kp );
- * ITM **tbbtfirst( ITM **root ), **tbbtlast( ITM **root );
- * ITM **tbbtnext( ITM **node ), **tbbtprev( ITM **node );
- * ITM ***tbbtdfree( ITM ***tree, void (*df)(ITM *), void (*kf)(void *) );
- * void tbbtfree( ITM ***root, void (*df)(ITM *), void (*kf)(void *) );
- */
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-extern      "C"
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-    TBBT_TREE  *tbbtdmake
-                (intn (*compar) (VOIDP, VOIDP, intn), intn arg, uintn fast_compare);
-/* Allocates and initializes an empty threaded, balanced, binary tree and
- * returns a pointer to the control structure for it.  You can also create
- * empty trees without this function as long as you never use tbbtd* routines
- * (tbbtdfind, tbbtdins, tbbtdfree) on them.
- * Examples:
- *     int keycmp();
- *     TBBT_ROOT *root= tbbtdmake( keycmp, (int)keysiz , 0);
- * or
- *     void *root= tbbtdmake( strcmp, 0 , 0);
- * or
- *     void *root= tbbtdmake( keycmp, (int)keysiz , TBBT_FAST_UINT16_COMPARE);
- * or
- *     TBBT_NODE *root= NULL;        (* Don't use tbbtd* routines *)
- * `cmp' is the routine to be used to compare two key values [in tbbtdfind()
- * and tbbtdins()].  The arguments to `cmp' are the two keys to compare
- * and `arg':  (*cmp)(k1,k2,arg).  `cmp' is expected to return 0 if its first
- * two arguments point to identical key values, -1 (or any integer less than 0)
- * if k1 points to a key value lower than that pointed to by k2, and 1 (or any
- * integer greater than 0) otherwise.  If `cmp' is NULL, memcmp is used.  If
- * `cmp' is NULL and `arg' is not greater than 0L, `1+strlen(key1)' is used in
- * place of `arg' to emulate strcmp():  memcmp( k1, k2, 1+strlen(k1) ).  You
- * can use strcmp() directly (as in the second example above) as long as your C
- * compiler does not assume strcmp() will always be passed exactly 2 arguments
- * (only newer, ANSI-influenced C compilers are likely to be able to make this
- * kind of assumption).  You can also use a key comparison routine that expects
- * pointers to data items rather than key values.
- *  The "fast compare" option is for keys of simple numeric types (currently
- *      uint16 and int32) and avoids the function call for faster searches in
- *      some cases.  The key comparison routine is still required for some
- *      insertion routines which use it.
- *
- * Most of the other routines expect a pointer to a root node of a tree, not
- * a pointer to the tree's control structure (only tbbtdfind(), tbbtdins(),
- * and tbbtdfree() expect pointers to control structures).  However TBBT_TREE
- * is just defined as "**TBBT_NODE" (unless you have defined TBBT_INTERNALS so
- * you have access to the internal structure of the nodes) so
- *     TBBT_TREE *tree1= tbbtdmake( NULL, 0 );
- * is equivalent to
- *     TBBT_NODE **tree1= tbbtdmake( NULL, 0 );
- * So could be used as:
- *     node= tbbtdfind( tree1, key, NULL );
- *     node= tbbtfind( *tree1, key, compar, arg, NULL );
- *     node= tbbtdless( tree1, key, NULL );
- *     node= tbbtless( *tree1, key, compar, arg, NULL );
- *     node= tbbtdins( tree1, item, key );
- *     node= tbbtins( tree1, item, key, compar, arg );
- *     item= tbbtrem( tree1, tbbtdfind(tree1,key,NULL), NULL );
- *     item= tbbtrem( tree1, tbbtfind(*tree1,key,compar,arg,NULL), NULL );
- *     tree1= tbbtdfree( tree1, free, NULL );       (* or whatever *)
- * while
- *     TBBT_NODE *root= NULL;
- * would be used like:
- *     node= tbbtfind( root, key );
- *     node= tbbtins( &root, item, key );
- *     node= tbbtrem( &root, tbbtfind(root,key), NULL );
- *     tbbtfree( &root, free, NULL );               (* or whatever *)
- * Never use tbbtfree() on a tree allocated with tbbtdmake() or on a sub-tree
- * of ANY tree.  Never use tbbtdfree() except on a tbbtdmake()d tree.
- */
-    TBBT_NODE  *tbbtdfind
-                (TBBT_TREE * tree, VOIDP key, TBBT_NODE ** pp);
-    TBBT_NODE  *tbbtfind
-                (TBBT_NODE * root, VOIDP key, intn (*cmp) (VOIDP, VOIDP, intn),
-                 intn arg, TBBT_NODE ** pp);
-    TBBT_NODE  *tbbtdless
-                (TBBT_TREE * tree, VOIDP key, TBBT_NODE ** pp);
-    TBBT_NODE  *tbbtless
-                (TBBT_NODE * root, VOIDP key, intn (*cmp) (VOIDP, VOIDP, intn),
-                 intn arg, TBBT_NODE ** pp);
-/* Locate a node based on the key given.  A pointer to the node in the tree
- * with a key value matching `key' is returned.  If no such node exists, NULL
- * is returned.  Whether a node is found or not, if `pp' is not NULL, `*pp'
- * will be set to point to the parent of the node we are looking for (or that
- * node that would be the parent if the node is not found).  tbbtdfind() is
- * used on trees created using tbbtdmake() (so that `cmp' and `arg' don't have
- * to be passed).  tbbtfind() can be used on the root or any subtree of a tree
- * create using tbbtdmake() and is used on any tree (or subtree) created with-
- * out using tbbtdmake().  tbbtless() & tbbtdless() work exactly like tbbtfind()
- * and tbbtdfind() except that they find the node with a key which is less than
- * or equal to the key given to them.
- */
-    TBBT_NODE  *tbbtindx
-                (TBBT_NODE * root, int32 indx);
-/* Locate the node that has `indx' nodes with lesser key values.  This is like
- * an array lookup with the first item in the list having index 0.  For large
- * values of `indx', this call is much faster than tbbtfirst() followed by
- * `indx' tbbtnext()s.  Thus `tbbtindx(&root,0L)' is equivalent to (and almost
- * as fast as) `tbbtfirst(root)'.
- */
-    TBBT_NODE  *tbbtdins
-                (TBBT_TREE * tree, VOIDP item, VOIDP key);
-    TBBT_NODE  *tbbtins
-                (TBBT_NODE ** root, VOIDP item, VOIDP key, intn (*cmp) (VOIDP, VOIDP, intn), intn arg);
-/* Insert a new node to the tree having a key value of `key' and a data pointer
- * of `item'.  If a node already exists in the tree with key value `key' or if
- * malloc() fails, NULL is returned (no node is inserted), otherwise a pointer
- * to the inserted node is returned.  `cmp' and `arg' are as for tbbtfind().
- */
-    VOIDP       tbbtrem
-                (TBBT_NODE ** root, TBBT_NODE * node, VOIDP *kp);
-/* Remove the node pointed to by `node' from the tree with root `root'.  The
- * data pointer for the deleted node is returned.  If the second argument is
- * NULL, NULL is returned.  If `kp' is not NULL, `*kp' is set to point to the
- * key value for the deleted node.  Examples:
- *     data= tbbtrem( tree, tbbtdfind(tree,key), &kp );  free(data);  free(kp);
- *     data= tbbtrem( &root, tbbtfind(root,key,compar,arg), NULL );
- *     data= tbbtrem( &tree->root, tbbtdfind(tree,key), NULL );
- */
-    TBBT_NODE  *tbbtfirst
-                (TBBT_NODE * root);
-    TBBT_NODE  *tbbtlast
-                (TBBT_NODE * root);
-/* Returns a pointer to node from the tree with the lowest(first)/highest(last)
- * key value.  If the tree is empy NULL is returned.  Examples:
- *     node= tbbtfirst(*tree);
- *     node= tbbtfirst(root);
- *     node= tbbtlast(tree->root);
- *     node= tbbtlast(node);        (* Last node in a sub-tree *)
- */
-    TBBT_NODE  *tbbtnext
-                (TBBT_NODE * node);
-    TBBT_NODE  *tbbtprev
-                (TBBT_NODE * node);
-/* Returns a pointer the node from the tree with the next highest (previous
- * lowest) key value relative to the node pointed to by `node'.  If `node'
- * points the last (first) node of the tree, NULL is returned.
- */
-    TBBT_TREE  *tbbtdfree
-                (TBBT_TREE * tree, VOID(*fd) (VOIDP), VOID(*fk) (VOIDP));
-    VOID        tbbtfree
-                (TBBT_NODE ** root, VOID(*fd) (VOIDP), VOID(*fk) (VOIDP));
-/* Frees up an entire tree.  `fd' is a pointer to a function that frees/
- * destroys data items, and `fk' is the same for key values.
- *     void free();
- *       tree= tbbtdfree( tree, free, free );
- *       tbbtfree( &root, free, free );
- * is a typical usage, where keys and data are individually malloc()d.  If `fk'
- * is NULL, no action is done for the key values (they were allocated on the
- * stack, as a part of each data item, or together with one malloc() call, for
- * example) and likewise for `fd'.  tbbtdfree() always returns NULL and
- * tbbtfree() always sets `root' to be NULL.
- */
-    VOID        tbbtprint
-                (TBBT_NODE * node);
-/* Prints out the data in a node */
-    VOID        tbbtdump
-                (TBBT_TREE * tree, intn method);
-/* Prints an entire tree.  The method variable determines which sort of
- * traversal is used:
- *      -1 : Pre-Order Traversal
- *       1 : Post-Order Traversal
- *       0 : In-Order Traversal
- */
-    long        tbbtcount
-                (TBBT_TREE * tree);
-/* Terminate the buffers used in the tbbt*() interface */
-    intn tbbt_shutdown(void);
-#if defined c_plusplus || defined __cplusplus
-#endif                          /* c_plusplus || __cplusplus */
-#endif                          /* TBBT_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/vg.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/vg.h
deleted file mode 100755
index eb46fd04e4c731f51399f929ce52818087c14d83..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_hdf/vg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
- * NCSA HDF                                                                 *
- * Software Development Group                                               *
- * National Center for Supercomputing Applications                          *
- * University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                               *
- * 605 E. Springfield, Champaign IL 61820                                   *
- *                                                                          *
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying             *
- * hdf/COPYING file.                                                        *
- *                                                                          *
- ****************************************************************************/
-/* $Id$ */
-* vg.h
-* Part of HDF VSet interface
-* defines symbols and structures used in all v*.c files
-* This include file depends on the basic HDF *.h files hdfi.h and hdf.h.
-* An 'S' in the comment means that that data field is saved in the HDF file.
-#ifndef _VG_H
-#define _VG_H
-/* --------------  H D F    V S E T   tags  ---------------------------- */
-/* In what versions were these valid? */
-#define OLD_VGDESCTAG   61820   /* tag for a vgroup d */
-#define OLD_VSDESCTAG   61821   /* tag for a vdata descriptor */
-#define OLD_VSDATATAG   61822   /* tag for actual raw data of a vdata */
-/* re-define what new ones are. Don't know why there are two sets but
-   made them conform to what was in 'htags.h' */
-#define _HDF_VSPACK 0
-#define _HDF_VSUNPACK 1
-#define VG_ATTR_SET 0x00000001  /* this vgroup has attribute(s) */
-#define VS_ATTR_SET 0x00000001  /* this vdata has attribute(s) */
-#define _HDF_VDATA -1		/* used in vdata attr interface
-                           findex to represent the entire vdata  */
-#define _HDF_ENTIRE_VDATA _HDF_VDATA /* if users have already  used
-                            _HDF_ENTIRE_VDATA since 4.1b1 was out */
-/* Size of the atom hash table */
-#define VATOM_HASH_SIZE 256
-/* .................................................................. */
-#define VSET_NEW_VERSION	4  /* if attr or other new features are set */
-#define VSET_VERSION		3  /* DO NOT CHANGE!! */
-#define VSET_OLD_VERSION	2  /* All version <= 2 use old type mappings */
-#define VSET_OLD_TYPES		VSET_OLD_VERSION  /* For backward compatibility */
-/* Only include the library header if the VSET_INTERFACE macro is defined */
-#include "vgint.h"          /* Library VSet information header */
-#endif /* VSET_INTERFACE */
-#endif                          /* _VG_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/asm/atomic.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/asm/atomic.h
deleted file mode 100755
index f2d2b872f065f8bb4b8f8d8a49fb10af1d7d145e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/asm/atomic.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * File:    atomic.h
- *
- * Purpose: Declaration of Linux like atomic functions for the
- *          Win32 platform.
- *
- * Created: 21st November 2003
- * Updated: 19th September 2005
- *
- * Home:    http://synesis.com.au/software/
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2003-2005, Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
- *   list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- *   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- *   and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * - Neither the names of Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software nor the names of
- *   any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- *   this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-#ifndef _WIN32
-# error This file is only currently defined for compilation on Win32 systems
-#endif /* _WIN32 */
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * Constants and definitions
- */
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * Typedefs
- */
-typedef signed long		atomic_t;
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * API functions
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-#define ATOMIC_INIT(i)		(i)
-void    atomic_set(atomic_t volatile *v, int i);
-int     atomic_write(atomic_t volatile *v, int i);
-int     atomic_read(atomic_t volatile *v);
-void    atomic_add(int i, atomic_t volatile *v);
-void    atomic_sub(int i, atomic_t volatile *v);
-void    atomic_inc(atomic_t volatile *v);
-void    atomic_dec(atomic_t volatile *v);
-/** Returns the previous value */
-int     atomic_inc_and_test(atomic_t volatile *v);
-/** Returns the previous value */
-int     atomic_dec_and_test(atomic_t volatile *v);
-/** Returns the previous value */
-int     atomic_add_and_test(int i, atomic_t volatile *v);
-/** Returns the previous value */
-int     atomic_sub_and_test(int i, atomic_t volatile *v);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/dirent.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/dirent.h
deleted file mode 100755
index fdf73948b4c9340286fa3d60e21ffe990df4dffc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/dirent.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * File:    dirent.h
- *
- * Purpose: Declaration of the opendir() API functions and types for the
- *          Win32 platform.
- *
- * Created: 19th October 2002
- * Updated: 21st September 2005
- *
- * Home:    http://synesis.com.au/software/
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
- *   list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- *   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- *   and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * - Neither the names of Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software nor the names of
- *   any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- *   this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/** \file dirent.h
- *
- * Contains the declarations for the opendir()/readdir() API.
- */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/** \weakgroup unixem Synesis Software UNIX Emulation for Win32
- * \brief The UNIX emulation library
- */
-/** \weakgroup unixem_dirent opendir()/readdir() API
- * \ingroup UNIXem unixem
- * \brief This API provides facilities for enumerating the contents of directories
- * @{
- */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-#ifndef _WIN32
-# error This file is only currently defined for compilation on Win32 systems
-#endif /* _WIN32 */
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * Includes
- */
-#include <stddef.h>
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * Constants and definitions
- */
-#ifndef NAME_MAX
-# define NAME_MAX   (260)   /*!< \brief The maximum number of characters (including null terminator) in a directory entry name */
-#endif /* !NAME_MAX */
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * Typedefs
- */
-typedef struct dirent_dir   DIR; /*!< \brief Handle type for ANSI directory enumeration. \note dirent_dir is defined internally */
-typedef struct wdirent_dir  wDIR; /*!< \brief Handle type for Unicode directory enumeration. \note dirent_dir is defined internally */
-/** \brief Results structure for readdir()
- */
-struct dirent
-    char    d_name[NAME_MAX + 1];      /*!< file name (null-terminated) */
-    int     d_mode;
-/** \brief Results structure for wreaddir()
- */
-struct wdirent
-    wchar_t d_name[NAME_MAX + 1];   /*!< file name (null-terminated) */
-    int     d_mode;
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * API functions
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-/** \brief Returns a pointer to the next directory entry.
- *
- * This function opens the directory named by filename, and returns a
- * directory to be used to in subsequent operations. NULL is returned
- * if name cannot be accessed, or if resources cannot be acquired to
- * process the request.
- *
- * \param name The name of the directory to search
- * \return The directory handle from which the entries are read or NULL
- */
-DIR             *opendir(const char *name);
-/** \brief Identical semantics to opendir(), but for Unicode searches.
- */
-wDIR            *wopendir(const wchar_t *name);
-/** \brief Closes a directory handle
- *
- * This function closes a directory handle that was opened with opendir()
- * and releases any resources associated with that directory handle.
- *
- * \param dir The directory handle from which the entries are read
- * \return 0 on success, or -1 to indicate error.
- */
-int             closedir(DIR *dir);
-/** \brief Identical semantics to closedir(), but for Unicode searches.
- */
-int             wclosedir(wDIR *dir);
-/** \brief Resets a directory search position
- *
- * This function resets the position of the named directory handle to
- * the beginning of the directory.
- *
- * \param dir The directory handle whose position should be reset
- */
-void            rewinddir(DIR *dir);
-/** \brief Identical semantics to rewinddir(), but for Unicode searches.
- */
-void            wrewinddir(wDIR *dir);
-/** \brief Returns a pointer to the next directory entry.
- *
- * This function returns a pointer to the next directory entry, or NULL upon
- * reaching the end of the directory or detecting an invalid seekdir() operation
- *
- * \param dir The directory handle from which the entries are read
- * \return A dirent structure or NULL
- */
-struct dirent   *readdir(DIR *dir);
-/** \brief Identical semantics to readdir(), but for Unicode searches.
- */
-struct wdirent  *wreaddir(wDIR *dir);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/** @} // end of group unixem_dirent */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/dlfcn.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/dlfcn.h
deleted file mode 100755
index ecb71485bb77936a0c6616823e11410bfb04388d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/dlfcn.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * File:    dlfcn.h
- *
- * Purpose: Declaration of the dlopen, dlclose(), dlsym() and dlerror() API
- *          functions.
- *
- * Created: 1st January 2004
- * Updated: 19th September 2005
- *
- * Home:    http://synesis.com.au/software/
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2004-2005, Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
- *   list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 
- * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- *   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- *   and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * - Neither the names of Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software nor the names of
- *   any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- *   this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/** \file dlfcn.h
- *
- * Contains the declarations for the dlopen() API.
- */
-#include <sys/types.h>
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/** \weakgroup unixem Synesis Software UNIX Emulation for Win32
- * \brief The UNIX emulation library
- */
-/** \weakgroup unixem_dlopen dlopen() API
- * \ingroup UNIXem unixem
- * \brief This API provides facilities for manipulating dynamically loaded
- * executable modules
- * @{
- */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-#ifndef _WIN32
-# error This file is only currently defined for compilation on Win32 systems
-#endif /* _WIN32 */
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * Constants and definitions
- */
-#define RTLD_LAZY           (0x00001)       /*!< Lazy function call binding. */
-#define RTLD_NOW            (0x00002)       /*!< Immediate function call binding. */
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * API functions
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-/** \brief Loads the given module, 
- *
- * \param moduleName The name of the module. The name is passed through to Win32's
- * LoadLibrary(), so the value of this parameter is interpreted according to Win32's
- * loading rules.
- * \param mode The loading mode. This is ignored on Win32 platforms, and the function
- * always behaves as if RTLD_NOW was specified
- * \note 
- */
-void        *dlopen(char const *moduleName, int mode);
-/** \brief Closes the given module
- *
- * \param hModule The handle of the executable module to close
- * \retval 0 success
- * \retval !0 failure. dlerror() will return an error string
- */
-int         dlclose(void *hModule);
-/** \brief Looks up a symbol
- *
- * \param hModule The handle of the executable module in which to search for the symbol
- * \param symbolName The name of the symbol
- * \return The pointer to the symbol, or NULL if no matching symbol was found
- * \retval NULL The symbol was not found
- */
-void        *dlsym(void *hModule, char const *symbolName);
-/** \brief Returns a descriptive string for the last error
- *
- * \return A pointer to a string describing the last error, or NULL.
- * \retval NULL No error occured, or dlerror() already called
- * \note Each call to this function resets it, so that a second call will always return NULL
- */
-char const  *dlerror(void);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/** @} // end of group unixem_dlopen */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/glob.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/glob.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 5a698600fb509ffc5260011863a7fd03c5ef24f5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/glob.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * File:    glob.h
- *
- * Purpose: Declaration of the glob() API functions and types for the
- *          Win32 platform.
- *
- * Created: 13th November 2002
- * Updated: 19th September 2005
- *
- * Home:    http://synesis.com.au/software/
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
- *   list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- *   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- *   and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * - Neither the names of Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software nor the names of
- *   any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- *   this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/** \file glob.h
- *
- * Contains the declarations for the glob() API.
- */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/** \weakgroup unixem Synesis Software UNIX Emulation for Win32
- * \brief The UNIX emulation library
- */
-/** \weakgroup unixem_glob glob() API
- * \ingroup UNIXem unixem
- * \brief This API provides facilities for enumerating the file-system contents
- * @{
- */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-#ifndef _WIN32
-# error This file is only currently defined for compilation on Win32 systems
-#endif /* _WIN32 */
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * Constants and definitions
- */
-/* Error codes */
-#define GLOB_NOSPACE    (1)             /*!< \brief (Error result code:) An attempt to allocate memory failed, or if errno was 0 GLOB_LIMIT was specified in the flags and ARG_MAX patterns were matched. */
-#define GLOB_ABORTED    (2)             /*!< \brief (Error result code:) The scan was stopped because an error was encountered and either GLOB_ERR was set or (*errfunc)() returned non-zero. */
-#define GLOB_NOMATCH    (3)             /*!< \brief (Error result code:) The pattern does not match any existing pathname, and GLOB_NOCHECK was not set int flags. */
-#define GLOB_NOSYS      (4)             /*!< \brief (Error result code:) . */
-#define GLOB_ABEND      GLOB_ABORTED    /*!< \brief (Error result code:) . */
-/* Flags */
-#define GLOB_ERR            0x00000001  /*!< \brief Return on read errors. */
-#define GLOB_MARK           0x00000002  /*!< \brief Append a slash to each name. */
-#define GLOB_NOSORT         0x00000004  /*!< \brief Don't sort the names. */
-#define GLOB_DOOFFS         0x00000008  /*!< \brief Insert PGLOB->gl_offs NULLs. Supported from version 1.6 of UNIXEm. */
-#define GLOB_NOCHECK        0x00000010  /*!< \brief If nothing matches, return the pattern. Supported from version 1.6 of UNIXEm. */
-#define GLOB_APPEND         0x00000020  /*!< \brief Append to results of a previous call. Not currently supported in this implementation. */
-#define GLOB_NOESCAPE       0x00000040  /*!< \brief Backslashes don't quote metacharacters. Has no effect in this implementation, since escaping is not supported. */
-#define GLOB_PERIOD         0x00000080  /*!< \brief Leading `.' can be matched by metachars. Supported from version 1.6 of UNIXEm. */
-#define GLOB_MAGCHAR        0x00000100  /*!< \brief Set in gl_flags if any metachars seen. Supported from version 1.6 of UNIXEm. */
-/* #define GLOB_ALTDIRFUNC     0x00000200 */  /*!< \brief Use gl_opendir et al functions. Not currently supported in this implementation. */
-/* #define GLOB_BRACE          0x00000400 */  /*!< \brief Expand "{a,b}" to "a" "b". Not currently supported in this implementation. */
-#define GLOB_NOMAGIC        0x00000800  /*!< \brief If no magic chars, return the pattern. Supported from version 1.6 of UNIXEm. */
-#define GLOB_TILDE          0x00001000  /*!< \brief Expand ~user and ~ to home directories. Partially supported from version 1.6 of UNIXEm: leading ~ is expanded to %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%. */
-#define GLOB_ONLYDIR        0x00002000  /*!< \brief Match only directories. This implementation guarantees to only return directories when this flag is specified. */
-#define GLOB_TILDE_CHECK    0x00004000  /*!< \brief Like GLOB_TILDE but return an GLOB_NOMATCH even if GLOB_NOCHECK specified. Supported from version 1.6 of UNIXEm. */
-#define GLOB_ONLYFILE       0x00008000  /*!< \brief Match only files. Supported from version 1.6 of UNIXEm. */
-#define GLOB_NODOTSDIRS     0x00010000  /*!< \brief Elide "." and ".." directories from wildcard searches. Supported from version 1.6 of UNIXEm. */
-#define GLOB_LIMIT          0x00020000  /*!< \brief Limits the search to the number specified by the caller in gl_matchc. Supported from version 1.6 of UNIXEm. */
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * Typedefs
- */
-/** \brief Result structure for glob()
- *
- * This structure is used by glob() to return the results of the search.
- */
-typedef struct
-  int   gl_pathc;   /*!< count of total paths so far */
-  int   gl_matchc;  /*!< count of paths matching pattern */
-  int   gl_offs;    /*!< reserved at beginning of gl_pathv */
-  int   gl_flags;   /*!< returned flags */
-  char  **gl_pathv; /*!< list of paths matching pattern */
-} glob_t;
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * API functions
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-/** \brief Generates pathnames matching a pattern
- *
- * This function is a pathname generator that implements the rules for
- * file name pattern matching used by the UNIX shell.
- *
- * \param pattern The pattern controlling the search
- * \param flags A combination of the <b>GLOB_*</b> flags
- * \param errfunc A function that is called each time part of the search processing fails
- * \param pglob Pointer to a glob_t structure to receive the search results
- * \return 0 on success, otherwise one of the <b>GLOB_*</b> error codes
- */
-int glob( char const  *pattern
-        , int         flags
-#if defined(__COMO__)
-        , int       (*errfunc)(char const *, int)
-#else /* ? compiler */
-        , const int (*errfunc)(char const *, int)
-#endif /* compiler */
-        , glob_t      *pglob);
-/** \brief Frees the results of a call to glob
- *
- * This function releases any memory allocated in a call to glob. It must
- * always be called for a successful call to glob.
- *
- * \param pglob Pointer to a glob_t structure to receive the search results
- */
-void globfree(glob_t *pglob);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/** @} // end of group unixem_glob */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/sys/mman.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/sys/mman.h
deleted file mode 100755
index c53003f94ebd689e022b7ca1cf9f52750f435ef4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/sys/mman.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * File:    mman.h (sys/mman.h)
- *
- * Purpose: Declaration of the mmap() and munmap() API functions.
- *
- * Created: 18th December 2003
- * Updated: 21st September 2005
- *
- * Home:    http://synesis.com.au/software/
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2003-2005, Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
- *   list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 
- * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- *   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- *   and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * - Neither the names of Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software nor the names of
- *   any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- *   this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/** \file sys/mman.h
- *
- * Contains the declarations for the mmap() API.
- */
-#if defined(__MWERKS__)
-# include <sys/stat.h>	/* For off_t */
-#endif /* compiler */
-#include <sys/types.h>
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/** \weakgroup unixem Synesis Software UNIX Emulation for Win32
- * \brief The UNIX emulation library
- */
-/** \weakgroup unixem_mmap mmap() API
- * \ingroup UNIXem unixem
- * \brief This API provides facilities for manipulating memory-mapped files
- * @{
- */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-#ifndef _WIN32
-# error This file is only currently defined for compilation on Win32 systems
-#endif /* _WIN32 */
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * Constants and definitions
- */
-#define PROT_READ       (0x01)          /*!< \brief page can be read */
-#define PROT_WRITE      (0x02)          /*!< \brief page can be written */
-#define PROT_EXEC       (0x04)          /*!< \brief page can be executed */
-#define PROT_NONE       (0x00)          /*!< \brief page can not be accessed */
-#define MAP_PRIVATE     (0x02)          /*!< \brief Changes are private */
-#define MAP_ANONYMOUS   (0x20)          /*!< \brief Ignore fd and offset parameters */
-#define MAP_FIXED       (0x10)          /*!< \brief Interpret addr exactly */
-#define MAP_FAILED      ((void*)-1)     /*!< \brief Returned from mmap() when the mapping fails */
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * API functions
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-/** \brief Maps a file into memory, and returns a pointer to it
- *
- * \param addr Suggested address for the mapping
- * \param len The number of bytes in the mapped region. The combination of
- * len and offset must not exceed the length of the mapped file
- * \param prot Either PROT_NONE, or a combination of the other PROT_* flags
- * \param flags One of MAP_PRIVATE, MAP_ANONYMOUS or MAP_FIXED.
- * \param fd The file descriptor of the file to map, or -1 to allocate an anonymous map
- * \param offset The offset within the file to start the mapped region
- *
- * \retval pointer to mapped region if successful
- * \retval MAP_FAILED if failed
- *
- * \note The current implementation supports the following three modes:
- * 1. Read-only file; 2. Read-write file; 3. Anonymous Read-write block of
- * system paging file.
- */
-void *mmap(void *addr, size_t len, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset);
-/** \brief Deletes a mapped region
- *
- * The munmap() system call deletes the mappings for the specified address
- * range, and causes further references to addresses within the range to
- * generate invalid memory references.
- *
- * \param addr The base address of the mapped region to unmap
- * \param len The length of the mapped region. Ignore in the Win32 implementation
- *
- * \retval 0 if successful
- * \retval -1 if failed
- */
-int munmap(void *addr, size_t len);
-/** \brief Writes any dirty pages within the given range to disk
- *
- * \param addr The base address of the mapped region
- * \param len The length of the mapped region to flush to disk. Will be rounded up
- * to next page boundary.
- * \param flags Ignored
- */
-int msync(void *addr, size_t len, int flags);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/** @} // end of group unixem_mmap */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/sys/time.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/sys/time.h
deleted file mode 100755
index effc027ba9c97882e7a30a50ad028960a6d8a521..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/sys/time.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * File:    time.h (sys/time.h)
- *
- * Purpose: Declaration of the gettimeofday() API function and supporting
- *          types for the Win32 platform.
- *
- * Created: 8th December 2002
- * Updated: 21st September 2005
- *
- * Home:    http://synesis.com.au/software/
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2002-2005, Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
- *   list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- *   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- *   and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * - Neither the names of Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software nor the names of
- *   any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- *   this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/** \file sys/time.h
- *
- * Contains time functions and types.
- */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/** \weakgroup unixem Synesis Software UNIX Emulation for Win32
- * \brief The UNIX emulation library
- */
-/** \weakgroup unixem_time time() API
- * \ingroup UNIXem unixem
- * \brief Time functions and types
- * @{
- */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-/** \brief A representation of current time, used by gettimeofday().
- *
- * This structure represents the time, in seconds and microseconds, since Jan.
- * 1, 1970, in UTC. Returned by the gettimeofday() function.
- */
-#if !defined(_WINSOCKAPI_) && \
-	!defined(_WINSOCK2API_) && \
-	!defined(_WINSOCK2_H) && \
-	!defined(_TIMEVAL_DEFINED)
-	(	!defined(__GNUC__) || \
-		!defined(_TIMEVAL_DEFINED))
-struct timeval
-    long tv_sec;    /*!< The number of seconds, since Jan. 1, 1970, in the time value. */
-    long tv_usec;   /*!< The number of microseconds in the time value. */
-# if !defined(_TIMEVAL_DEFINED)
-# endif /* __GNUC__ */
-/** \brief
- *
- * This structure is NOT used in any meaningful way by the gettimeofday() function
- * implementation in this library.
- */
-struct timezone
-    int tz_minuteswest; /*!< minutes west of Greenwich. */
-    int tz_dsttime;     /*!< type of dst corrections to apply. */
-/** \brief Accesses the current UTC time
- *
- * Retrieves the current time and timezone information, relative to Greenwich Mean Time
- *
- * \param tv Pointer to a timeval structure to receive the time information
- * \param tz Pointer to a timezone structure to receive the timezone information
- */
-extern void gettimeofday(struct timeval *tv, struct timezone *tz);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/** @} // end of group unixem_time */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/sys/uio.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/sys/uio.h
deleted file mode 100755
index fbc39ff78b97e58fcfa12c259223b7e7cedae507..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/sys/uio.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * File:    uio.h (sys/uio.h)
- *
- * Purpose: Vector file read/write.
- *
- * Created: 19th September 2005
- * Updated: 21st September 2005
- *
- * Home:    http://synesis.com.au/software/
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2005, Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
- *   list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- *   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- *   and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * - Neither the names of Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software nor the names of
- *   any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- *   this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/** \file sys/uio.h
- *
- * Vector file read/write.
- */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/** \weakgroup unixem Synesis Software UNIX Emulation for Win32
- * \brief The UNIX emulation library
- */
-/** \weakgroup unixem_uio uio() API
- * \ingroup UNIXem unixem
- * \brief UIO functions and types
- * @{
- */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * Typedefs
- */
-/* TODO: Check which compilers (' libraries) define this for Win32. */
-typedef signed long		ssize_t;
-struct iovec
-    void    *iov_base;  /* Base address */
-    size_t  iov_len;    /* Number of bytes referenced */
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * Functions
- */
-ssize_t readv(int fd, struct iovec const *vector, int count);
-ssize_t writev(int fd, struct iovec const *vector, int count);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/** @} // end of group unixem_time */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/unistd.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/unistd.h
deleted file mode 100755
index bf431bde8f5e088f28a1bd0ed59af485fac07419..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/unistd.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * File:    unistd.h
- *
- * Purpose: Declaration of the .
- *
- * Created: 1st November 2003
- * Updated: 21st September 2005
- *
- * Home:    http://synesis.com.au/software/
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2003-2005, Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
- *   list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- *   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- *   and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * - Neither the names of Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software nor the names of
- *   any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- *   this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/** \file unistd.h
- *
- * Contains standard limits and declarations.
- */
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * Includes
- */
-#include <stddef.h>     /* for size_t */
-#include <sys/types.h>  /* for mode_t */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/** \weakgroup unixem Synesis Software UNIX Emulation for Win32
- * \brief The UNIX emulation library
- */
-/** \weakgroup unixem_unistd unistd.h
- * \ingroup UNIXem unixem
- * \brief Standard limits and declarations
- * @{
- */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-#ifndef _WIN32
-# error This file is only currently defined for compilation on Win32 systems
-#endif /* _WIN32 */
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * Constants and definitions
- */
-//#ifndef PATH_MAX
-//# define PATH_MAX   (260)   /*!< \brief The maximum number of characters (including null terminator) in a directory entry name */
-//#endif /* !PATH_MAX */
-        _PC_LINK_MAX                    /*!< The maximum number of links to the file. */
-#define _PC_LINK_MAX            _PC_LINK_MAX
-    ,   _PC_MAX_CANON                   /*!< Maximum number of bytes in canonical input line. Applicable only to terminal devices. */
-#define _PC_MAX_CANON           _PC_MAX_CANON
-    ,   _PC_MAX_INPUT                   /*!< Maximum number of bytes allowed in an input queue. Applicable only to terminal devices. */
-#define _PC_MAX_INPUT           _PC_MAX_INPUT
-    ,   _PC_NAME_MAX                    /*!< Maximum number of bytes in a file name, not including a nul terminator. This number can range from 14 through 255. This value is applicable only to a directory file. */
-#define _PC_NAME_MAX            _PC_NAME_MAX
-    ,   _PC_PATH_MAX                    /*!< Maximum number of bytes in a path name, including a nul terminator. */
-#define _PC_PATH_MAX            _PC_PATH_MAX
-    ,   _PC_PIPE_BUF                    /*!< Maximum number of bytes guaranteed to be written atomically. This value is applicable only to a first-in-first-out (FIFO). */
-#define _PC_PIPE_BUF            _PC_PIPE_BUF
-    ,   _PC_CHOWN_RESTRICTED            /*!< Returns 0 if the use of the chown subroutine is restricted to a process with appropriate privileges, and if the chown subroutine is restricted to changing the group ID of a file only to the effective group ID of the process or to one of its supplementary group IDs. */
-    ,   _PC_NO_TRUNC                    /*!< Returns 0 if long component names are truncated. This value is applicable only to a directory file. */
-#define _PC_NO_TRUNC            _PC_NO_TRUNC
-    ,   _PC_VDISABLE                    /*!< This is always 0. No disabling character is defined. This value is applicable only to a terminal device. */
-#define _PC_VDISABLE            _PC_VDISABLE
-    ,   _PC_AIX_DISK_PARTITION          /*!< Determines the physical partition size of the disk. 
-The _PC_AIX_DISK_PARTITION variable is available only to the root user. */
-    ,   _PC_AIX_DISK_SIZE               /*!< Determines the disk size in megabytes. 
-The _PC_AIX_DISK_SIZE variable is available only to the root user.
-The _PC_FILESIZEBITS and PC_SYNC_IO flags apply to AIX 4.3 and later releases. */
-#define _PC_AIX_DISK_SIZE           _PC_AIX_DISK_SIZE
-    ,   _PC_FILESIZEBITS                /*!< Returns the minimum number of bits required to hold the file system's maximum file size as a signed integer. The smallest value returned is 32. */
-    ,   _PC_SYNC_IO                     /*!< Returns -1 if the file system does not support the Synchronized Input and Output option. Any value other than -1 is returned if the file system supports the option. */
-#define _PC_SYNC_IO                 _PC_SYNC_IO
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * API functions
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-/** \brief Creates a hardlink.
- *
- * This function creates a link from \c originalFile to \c linkName.
- *
- * \param originalFile Path of the original file
- * \param linkName Path of the link
- *
- * \return O on success, or -1 if there is an error
- *
- * \note Hardlink support is only available on Windows 2000 and later, and only
- *        works within a single drive.
- */
-int link(const char *originalFile, const char *linkName);
-/** \brief Unlinks a file or directory
- *
- * \param path The path of the file or directory to unlink
- *
- * \return O on success, or -1 if there is an error
- */
-int unlink(const char *path);
-/** \brief Change the current working directory.
- *
- * This function changes the current working directory to the directory
- * specified by dirName. dirName must refer to an existing directory.
- *
- * \param dirName Path of new working directory
- * \return O on success, or -1 if there is an error
- */
-int chdir(const char *dirName);
-/** \brief Get the current working directory
- *
- * This function gets the full path of the current working directory
- * and stores it in buffer.
- *
- * \param buffer Storage location for the current working directory
- * \param max_len Maximum length of path (in characters)
- * \return buffer on success, or NULL to indicate error.
- */
-char *getcwd(char *buffer, size_t max_len);
-#if !defined(__MWERKS__)
-/** \brief Creates the given directory
- *
- * This function creates the named directory.
- *
- * \param dirName Path of directory to remove
- * \param mode The access permissions of the directory
- *
- * \return O on success, or -1 if there is an error
- */
-int mkdir(const char *dirName, unsigned mode);
-#endif /* !__MWERKS__ */
-/** \brief Removes the given directory
- *
- * This function removes the named directory.
- *
- * \param dirName Path of directory to remove
- * \return O on success, or -1 if there is an error
- */
-int rmdir(const char *dirName);
-/** \brief Closes a file
- *
- * \param handle The handle of the file to be closed
- * \return 0 on success, or -1 if there is an error
- */
-int close(int handle);
-/** \brief Creates a pipe
- *
- * \param handles An array of two handles. handles[0] will be set to the
- * read stream. handels[1] will be set to the write stream
- * \return 0 on success, or -1 if there is an error
- */
-/* int pipe(int handles[2]); */
-/** \brief Returns the size, in bytes, of the page size
- */
-int getpagesize(void);
-/** \brief Provides access to various system limits not available at compile time
- */
-long pathconf(char const *path, int name);
-/** \brief Turns \c path into a fully qualified path, resolving all symbolic 
- * links, multiple /, /./ and /../
- *
- * \param path The relative path to be converted into absolute form
- * \param resolvedPath Pointer to a buffer to receive the path. This must contain
- *  sufficient storage for a valid path
- */
-char *realpath(char const *path, char resolvedPath[]);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/** @} // end of group unixem_unistd */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/unixem/implicit_link.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/unixem/implicit_link.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 3b9e65a439bb53d766d2b469884838ffbe29f1e4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/unixem/implicit_link.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * File:    unixem/implicit_link.h
- *
- * Purpose: Implicit linking for the UNIXEm API.
- *
- * Created: 29th August 2005
- * Updated: 29th August 2005
- *
- * Home:    http://synesis.com.au/software/
- *
- * Copyright 1994-2005, Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
- *   list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 
- * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- *   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- *   and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * - Neither the names of Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software nor the names of
- *   any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- *   this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/** \file unixem/implicit_link.h Implicit linking for the UNIXEm API
- */
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * Version
- */
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * Includes
- */
-#include <unixem/unixem.h>
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * Implicit linking
- */
-#if defined(WIN32) || \
-    defined(_WIN32)
-# if defined(__BORLANDC__) || \
-     /* defined(__DMC__) || */ \
-     defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) || \
-     defined(__MWERKS__) || \
-     defined(_MSC_VER)
-# endif /* compiler */
-#  if defined(__BORLANDC__)
-#   if __BORLANDC__ == 0x0550
-#    define UNIXEM_IMPL_LINK_COMPILER_NAME          "bc55"
-#   elif (__BORLANDC__ == 0x0551)
-#    define UNIXEM_IMPL_LINK_COMPILER_NAME          "bc551"
-#   elif (__BORLANDC__ == 0x0560)
-#    define UNIXEM_IMPL_LINK_COMPILER_NAME          "bc56"
-#   elif (__BORLANDC__ == 0x0564)
-#    define UNIXEM_IMPL_LINK_COMPILER_NAME          "bc564"
-#   else /* ? __BORLANDC__ */
-#    error Unrecognised value of __BORLANDC__
-#   endif /* __BORLANDC__ */
-#  elif defined(__DMC__)
-#   define UNIXEM_IMPL_LINK_COMPILER_NAME           "dm"
- */
-#  elif defined(__INTEL_COMPILER)
-#   if (__INTEL_COMPILER == 600)
-#    define UNIXEM_IMPL_LINK_COMPILER_NAME          "icl6"
-#   elif (__INTEL_COMPILER == 700)
-#    define UNIXEM_IMPL_LINK_COMPILER_NAME          "icl7"
-#   elif (__INTEL_COMPILER == 800)
-#    define UNIXEM_IMPL_LINK_COMPILER_NAME          "icl8"
-#   else /* ? __INTEL_COMPILER */
-#    error Unrecognised value of __INTEL_COMPILER
-#   endif /* __INTEL_COMPILER */
-#  elif defined(__MWERKS__)
-#   if ((__MWERKS__ & 0xFF00) == 0x2400)
-#    define UNIXEM_IMPL_LINK_COMPILER_NAME          "cw7"
-#   elif ((__MWERKS__ & 0xFF00) == 0x3000)
-#    define UNIXEM_IMPL_LINK_COMPILER_NAME          "cw8"
-#   elif ((__MWERKS__ & 0xFF00) == 0x3200)
-#    define UNIXEM_IMPL_LINK_COMPILER_NAME          "cw9"
-#   else /* ? __MWERKS__ */
-#    error Unrecognised value of __MWERKS__
-#   endif /* __MWERKS__ */
-#  elif defined(_MSC_VER)
-#   if _MSC_VER == 1000
-#    define UNIXEM_IMPL_LINK_COMPILER_NAME          "vc4"
-#   elif _MSC_VER == 1020
-#    define UNIXEM_IMPL_LINK_COMPILER_NAME          "vc42"
-#   elif _MSC_VER == 1100
-#    define UNIXEM_IMPL_LINK_COMPILER_NAME          "vc5"
-#   elif _MSC_VER == 1200
-#    define UNIXEM_IMPL_LINK_COMPILER_NAME          "vc6"
-#   elif _MSC_VER == 1300
-#    define UNIXEM_IMPL_LINK_COMPILER_NAME          "vc7"
-#   elif _MSC_VER == 1310
-#    define UNIXEM_IMPL_LINK_COMPILER_NAME          "vc71"
-#   elif _MSC_VER == 1400
-#    define UNIXEM_IMPL_LINK_COMPILER_NAME          "vc8"
-#   else /* ? _MSC_VER */
-#    error Unrecognised value of _MSC_VER
-#   endif /* _MSC_VER */
-#  else /* ? compiler */
-#   error Unrecognised compiler
-#  endif /* compiler */
-# if defined(__MT__) || \
-     defined(_REENTRANT) || \
-     defined(_MT)
-#  if defined(_DLL) || \
-      defined(__DLL)
-#   define UNIXEM_IMPL_LINK_THREADING_TYPE          ".dll"
-#  else /* ? dll */
-#   define UNIXEM_IMPL_LINK_THREADING_TYPE          ".mt"
-#  endif /* dll */
-# else /* ? mt */
-#   define UNIXEM_IMPL_LINK_THREADING_TYPE          ""
-# endif /* mt */
-# if !defined(NDEBUG) && \
-     defined(_DEBUG)
-#  define UNIXEM_IMPL_LINK_DEBUG_TYPE               ".debug"
-# else /* ? debug */
-#  define UNIXEM_IMPL_LINK_DEBUG_TYPE               ""
-# endif /* debug */
-#  pragma message("lib: " UNIXEM_IMPL_LINK_LIBRARY_NAME)
-#  pragma comment(lib, UNIXEM_IMPL_LINK_LIBRARY_NAME)
-#endif /* Win32 */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/unixem/internal/util.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/unixem/internal/util.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 4e2369ede1be47bd1ee15a5c8c5eed3dcf285d68..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/unixem/internal/util.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * File:    unixem/internal/util.h
- *
- * Purpose: Internal utility header for the UNIXEm API.
- *
- * Created: 2nd September 2005
- * Updated: 2nd September 2005
- *
- * Home:    http://synesis.com.au/software/
- *
- * Copyright 1994-2005, Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
- *   list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 
- * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- *   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- *   and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * - Neither the names of Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software nor the names of
- *   any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- *   this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/** \file unixem/internal/util Internal utility header for the UNIXEm API
- */
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * Version
- */
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * Includes
- */
-#include <unixem/unixem.h>
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * Macros
- */
-# define NUM_ELEMENTS(x)        (sizeof(x) / sizeof(0[x]))
-#endif /* !NUM_ELEMENTS */
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * Function declarations
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-int		errno_from_Win32(unsigned long);
-/** Gets the drive letter of the current working directory
- *
- * \retval Either an uppercase letter, or '\0' on failure;
- */
-char	get_current_drive(void);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-} /* extern "C" */
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/unixem/unixem.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/unixem/unixem.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 24442d87db48c5ad48c774773df31be185cae04b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/inc_unix2win/unixem/unixem.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * File:    unixem/unixem.h
- *
- * Purpose: Root header for the UNIXEm API.
- *
- * Created: 29th August 2005
- * Updated: 2nd September 2005
- *
- * Home:    http://synesis.com.au/software/
- *
- * Copyright 1994-2005, Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- *
- * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
- *   list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 
- * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- *   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- *   and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * - Neither the names of Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software nor the names of
- *   any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- *   this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- *
- * ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/** \file unixem/unixem.h Root header for the UNIXEm API
- */
-/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- * Version
- */
- * The major version number of UNIXEm
- */
- * The minor version number of UNIXEm
- */
- * The revision version number of UNIXEm
- */
-/** \def UNIXEM_VER
- * The current composite version number of UNIXEm
- */
-#define UNIXEM_VER_MAJOR       1
-#define UNIXEM_VER_MINOR       6
-# define UNIXEM_VER_1_0_1       0x01000100
-# define UNIXEM_VER_1_1_1       0x01010100
-# define UNIXEM_VER_1_2_1       0x01020100
-# define UNIXEM_VER_1_3_1       0x01030100
-# define UNIXEM_VER_1_4_1       0x01040100
-# define UNIXEM_VER_1_5_1       0x01050100
-# define UNIXEM_VER_1_5_2       0x01050200
-# define UNIXEM_VER_1_5_3       0x01050300
-# define UNIXEM_VER_1_6_1       0x01060100
-# define UNIXEM_VER             UNIXEM_VER_1_6_1
-# define UNIXEM_VER             0x01060100
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
-/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jchuff.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jchuff.h
deleted file mode 100755
index fa4643a4e79b509a042cd33d8f8322817ef104e5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jchuff.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
- * jchuff.h
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1991-1996, Thomas G. Lane.
- * This file is part of the Independent JPEG Group's software.
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying README file.
- *
- * This file contains declarations for Huffman entropy encoding routines
- * that are shared between the sequential encoder (jchuff.c) and the
- * progressive encoder (jcphuff.c).  No other modules need to see these.
- */
-/* Derived data constructed for each Huffman table */
-typedef struct {
-  unsigned int ehufco[256];	/* code for each symbol */
-  char ehufsi[256];		/* length of code for each symbol */
-  /* If no code has been allocated for a symbol S, ehufsi[S] contains 0 */
-} c_derived_tbl;
-/* Short forms of external names for systems with brain-damaged linkers. */
-#define jpeg_make_c_derived_tbl	jMkCDerived
-#define jpeg_gen_optimal_table	jGenOptTbl
-/* Expand a Huffman table definition into the derived format */
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_make_c_derived_tbl
-	JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, JHUFF_TBL * htbl, c_derived_tbl ** pdtbl));
-/* Generate an optimal table definition given the specified counts */
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_gen_optimal_table
-	JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, JHUFF_TBL * htbl, long freq[]));
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jconfig.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jconfig.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 1673c5d99cf85f1471c9edb7c8dd8399935ea313..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jconfig.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-/* jconfig.vc --- jconfig.h for Microsoft Visual C++ on Windows 95 or NT. */
-/* see jconfig.doc for explanations */
-#ifndef _JCONFIG_H_
-#define _JCONFIG_H_
-/* #define void char */
-/* #define const */
-#define HAVE_STDDEF_H
-#define HAVE_STDLIB_H
-#undef NEED_FAR_POINTERS	/* we presume a 32-bit flat memory model */
-/* Define "boolean" as unsigned char, not int, per Windows custom */
-#ifndef __RPCNDR_H__		/* don't conflict if rpcndr.h already read */
-typedef unsigned char boolean;
-#define HAVE_BOOLEAN		/* prevent jmorecfg.h from redefining it */
-#endif /* JPEG_INTERNALS */
-#define BMP_SUPPORTED		/* BMP image file format */
-#define GIF_SUPPORTED		/* GIF image file format */
-#define PPM_SUPPORTED		/* PBMPLUS PPM/PGM image file format */
-#undef RLE_SUPPORTED		/* Utah RLE image file format */
-#define TARGA_SUPPORTED		/* Targa image file format */
-#define TWO_FILE_COMMANDLINE	/* optional */
-#define USE_SETMODE		/* Microsoft has setmode() */
-#undef PROGRESS_REPORT		/* optional */
-#endif /* JPEG_CJPEG_DJPEG */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jdct.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jdct.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 04192a266ae148072feecb5feff6bca796c2b71a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jdct.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
- * jdct.h
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1994-1996, Thomas G. Lane.
- * This file is part of the Independent JPEG Group's software.
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying README file.
- *
- * This include file contains common declarations for the forward and
- * inverse DCT modules.  These declarations are private to the DCT managers
- * (jcdctmgr.c, jddctmgr.c) and the individual DCT algorithms.
- * The individual DCT algorithms are kept in separate files to ease 
- * machine-dependent tuning (e.g., assembly coding).
- */
- * A forward DCT routine is given a pointer to a work area of type DCTELEM[];
- * the DCT is to be performed in-place in that buffer.  Type DCTELEM is int
- * for 8-bit samples, INT32 for 12-bit samples.  (NOTE: Floating-point DCT
- * implementations use an array of type FAST_FLOAT, instead.)
- * The DCT inputs are expected to be signed (range +-CENTERJSAMPLE).
- * The DCT outputs are returned scaled up by a factor of 8; they therefore
- * have a range of +-8K for 8-bit data, +-128K for 12-bit data.  This
- * convention improves accuracy in integer implementations and saves some
- * work in floating-point ones.
- * Quantization of the output coefficients is done by jcdctmgr.c.
- */
-typedef int DCTELEM;		/* 16 or 32 bits is fine */
-typedef INT32 DCTELEM;		/* must have 32 bits */
-typedef JMETHOD(void, forward_DCT_method_ptr, (DCTELEM * data));
-typedef JMETHOD(void, float_DCT_method_ptr, (FAST_FLOAT * data));
- * An inverse DCT routine is given a pointer to the input JBLOCK and a pointer
- * to an output sample array.  The routine must dequantize the input data as
- * well as perform the IDCT; for dequantization, it uses the multiplier table
- * pointed to by compptr->dct_table.  The output data is to be placed into the
- * sample array starting at a specified column.  (Any row offset needed will
- * be applied to the array pointer before it is passed to the IDCT code.)
- * Note that the number of samples emitted by the IDCT routine is
- * DCT_scaled_size * DCT_scaled_size.
- */
-/* typedef inverse_DCT_method_ptr is declared in jpegint.h */
- * Each IDCT routine has its own ideas about the best dct_table element type.
- */
-typedef MULTIPLIER ISLOW_MULT_TYPE; /* short or int, whichever is faster */
-typedef MULTIPLIER IFAST_MULT_TYPE; /* 16 bits is OK, use short if faster */
-#define IFAST_SCALE_BITS  2	/* fractional bits in scale factors */
-typedef INT32 IFAST_MULT_TYPE;	/* need 32 bits for scaled quantizers */
-#define IFAST_SCALE_BITS  13	/* fractional bits in scale factors */
-typedef FAST_FLOAT FLOAT_MULT_TYPE; /* preferred floating type */
- * Each IDCT routine is responsible for range-limiting its results and
- * converting them to unsigned form (0..MAXJSAMPLE).  The raw outputs could
- * be quite far out of range if the input data is corrupt, so a bulletproof
- * range-limiting step is required.  We use a mask-and-table-lookup method
- * to do the combined operations quickly.  See the comments with
- * prepare_range_limit_table (in jdmaster.c) for more info.
- */
-#define IDCT_range_limit(cinfo)  ((cinfo)->sample_range_limit + CENTERJSAMPLE)
-#define RANGE_MASK  (MAXJSAMPLE * 4 + 3) /* 2 bits wider than legal samples */
-/* Short forms of external names for systems with brain-damaged linkers. */
-#define jpeg_fdct_islow		jFDislow
-#define jpeg_fdct_ifast		jFDifast
-#define jpeg_fdct_float		jFDfloat
-#define jpeg_idct_islow		jRDislow
-#define jpeg_idct_ifast		jRDifast
-#define jpeg_idct_float		jRDfloat
-#define jpeg_idct_4x4		jRD4x4
-#define jpeg_idct_2x2		jRD2x2
-#define jpeg_idct_1x1		jRD1x1
-/* Extern declarations for the forward and inverse DCT routines. */
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_fdct_islow JPP((DCTELEM * data));
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_fdct_ifast JPP((DCTELEM * data));
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_fdct_float JPP((FAST_FLOAT * data));
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_idct_islow
-    JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, jpeg_component_info * compptr,
-	 JCOEFPTR coef_block, JSAMPARRAY output_buf, JDIMENSION output_col));
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_idct_ifast
-    JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, jpeg_component_info * compptr,
-	 JCOEFPTR coef_block, JSAMPARRAY output_buf, JDIMENSION output_col));
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_idct_float
-    JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, jpeg_component_info * compptr,
-	 JCOEFPTR coef_block, JSAMPARRAY output_buf, JDIMENSION output_col));
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_idct_4x4
-    JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, jpeg_component_info * compptr,
-	 JCOEFPTR coef_block, JSAMPARRAY output_buf, JDIMENSION output_col));
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_idct_2x2
-    JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, jpeg_component_info * compptr,
-	 JCOEFPTR coef_block, JSAMPARRAY output_buf, JDIMENSION output_col));
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_idct_1x1
-    JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, jpeg_component_info * compptr,
-	 JCOEFPTR coef_block, JSAMPARRAY output_buf, JDIMENSION output_col));
- * Macros for handling fixed-point arithmetic; these are used by many
- * but not all of the DCT/IDCT modules.
- *
- * All values are expected to be of type INT32.
- * Fractional constants are scaled left by CONST_BITS bits.
- * CONST_BITS is defined within each module using these macros,
- * and may differ from one module to the next.
- */
-#define ONE	((INT32) 1)
-/* Convert a positive real constant to an integer scaled by CONST_SCALE.
- * Caution: some C compilers fail to reduce "FIX(constant)" at compile time,
- * thus causing a lot of useless floating-point operations at run time.
- */
-#define FIX(x)	((INT32) ((x) * CONST_SCALE + 0.5))
-/* Descale and correctly round an INT32 value that's scaled by N bits.
- * We assume RIGHT_SHIFT rounds towards minus infinity, so adding
- * the fudge factor is correct for either sign of X.
- */
-#define DESCALE(x,n)  RIGHT_SHIFT((x) + (ONE << ((n)-1)), n)
-/* Multiply an INT32 variable by an INT32 constant to yield an INT32 result.
- * This macro is used only when the two inputs will actually be no more than
- * 16 bits wide, so that a 16x16->32 bit multiply can be used instead of a
- * full 32x32 multiply.  This provides a useful speedup on many machines.
- * Unfortunately there is no way to specify a 16x16->32 multiply portably
- * in C, but some C compilers will do the right thing if you provide the
- * correct combination of casts.
- */
-#ifdef SHORTxSHORT_32		/* may work if 'int' is 32 bits */
-#define MULTIPLY16C16(var,const)  (((INT16) (var)) * ((INT16) (const)))
-#ifdef SHORTxLCONST_32		/* known to work with Microsoft C 6.0 */
-#define MULTIPLY16C16(var,const)  (((INT16) (var)) * ((INT32) (const)))
-#ifndef MULTIPLY16C16		/* default definition */
-#define MULTIPLY16C16(var,const)  ((var) * (const))
-/* Same except both inputs are variables. */
-#ifdef SHORTxSHORT_32		/* may work if 'int' is 32 bits */
-#define MULTIPLY16V16(var1,var2)  (((INT16) (var1)) * ((INT16) (var2)))
-#ifndef MULTIPLY16V16		/* default definition */
-#define MULTIPLY16V16(var1,var2)  ((var1) * (var2))
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jdhuff.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jdhuff.h
deleted file mode 100755
index bcc3ab1271e5157b000b7e099feec60f570ac80a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jdhuff.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
- * jdhuff.h
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1991-1996, Thomas G. Lane.
- * This file is part of the Independent JPEG Group's software.
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying README file.
- *
- * This file contains declarations for Huffman entropy decoding routines
- * that are shared between the sequential decoder (jdhuff.c) and the
- * progressive decoder (jdphuff.c).  No other modules need to see these.
- */
-/* Short forms of external names for systems with brain-damaged linkers. */
-#define jpeg_make_d_derived_tbl	jMkDDerived
-#define jpeg_fill_bit_buffer	jFilBitBuf
-#define jpeg_huff_decode	jHufDecode
-/* Derived data constructed for each Huffman table */
-#define HUFF_LOOKAHEAD	8	/* # of bits of lookahead */
-typedef struct {
-  /* Basic tables: (element [0] of each array is unused) */
-  INT32 mincode[17];		/* smallest code of length k */
-  INT32 maxcode[18];		/* largest code of length k (-1 if none) */
-  /* (maxcode[17] is a sentinel to ensure jpeg_huff_decode terminates) */
-  int valptr[17];		/* huffval[] index of 1st symbol of length k */
-  /* Link to public Huffman table (needed only in jpeg_huff_decode) */
-  JHUFF_TBL *pub;
-  /* Lookahead tables: indexed by the next HUFF_LOOKAHEAD bits of
-   * the input data stream.  If the next Huffman code is no more
-   * than HUFF_LOOKAHEAD bits long, we can obtain its length and
-   * the corresponding symbol directly from these tables.
-   */
-  int look_nbits[1<<HUFF_LOOKAHEAD]; /* # bits, or 0 if too long */
-  UINT8 look_sym[1<<HUFF_LOOKAHEAD]; /* symbol, or unused */
-} d_derived_tbl;
-/* Expand a Huffman table definition into the derived format */
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_make_d_derived_tbl JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
-				JHUFF_TBL * htbl, d_derived_tbl ** pdtbl));
- * Fetching the next N bits from the input stream is a time-critical operation
- * for the Huffman decoders.  We implement it with a combination of inline
- * macros and out-of-line subroutines.  Note that N (the number of bits
- * demanded at one time) never exceeds 15 for JPEG use.
- *
- * We read source bytes into get_buffer and dole out bits as needed.
- * If get_buffer already contains enough bits, they are fetched in-line
- * by the macros CHECK_BIT_BUFFER and GET_BITS.  When there aren't enough
- * bits, jpeg_fill_bit_buffer is called; it will attempt to fill get_buffer
- * as full as possible (not just to the number of bits needed; this
- * prefetching reduces the overhead cost of calling jpeg_fill_bit_buffer).
- * Note that jpeg_fill_bit_buffer may return FALSE to indicate suspension.
- * On TRUE return, jpeg_fill_bit_buffer guarantees that get_buffer contains
- * at least the requested number of bits --- dummy zeroes are inserted if
- * necessary.
- */
-typedef INT32 bit_buf_type;	/* type of bit-extraction buffer */
-#define BIT_BUF_SIZE  32	/* size of buffer in bits */
-/* If long is > 32 bits on your machine, and shifting/masking longs is
- * reasonably fast, making bit_buf_type be long and setting BIT_BUF_SIZE
- * appropriately should be a win.  Unfortunately we can't do this with
- * something like  #define BIT_BUF_SIZE (sizeof(bit_buf_type)*8)
- * because not all machines measure sizeof in 8-bit bytes.
- */
-typedef struct {		/* Bitreading state saved across MCUs */
-  bit_buf_type get_buffer;	/* current bit-extraction buffer */
-  int bits_left;		/* # of unused bits in it */
-  boolean printed_eod;		/* flag to suppress multiple warning msgs */
-} bitread_perm_state;
-typedef struct {		/* Bitreading working state within an MCU */
-  /* current data source state */
-  const JOCTET * next_input_byte; /* => next byte to read from source */
-  size_t bytes_in_buffer;	/* # of bytes remaining in source buffer */
-  int unread_marker;		/* nonzero if we have hit a marker */
-  /* bit input buffer --- note these values are kept in register variables,
-   * not in this struct, inside the inner loops.
-   */
-  bit_buf_type get_buffer;	/* current bit-extraction buffer */
-  int bits_left;		/* # of unused bits in it */
-  /* pointers needed by jpeg_fill_bit_buffer */
-  j_decompress_ptr cinfo;	/* back link to decompress master record */
-  boolean * printed_eod_ptr;	/* => flag in permanent state */
-} bitread_working_state;
-/* Macros to declare and load/save bitread local variables. */
-	register bit_buf_type get_buffer;  \
-	register int bits_left;  \
-	bitread_working_state br_state
-#define BITREAD_LOAD_STATE(cinfop,permstate)  \
-	br_state.cinfo = cinfop; \
-	br_state.next_input_byte = cinfop->src->next_input_byte; \
-	br_state.bytes_in_buffer = cinfop->src->bytes_in_buffer; \
-	br_state.unread_marker = cinfop->unread_marker; \
-	get_buffer = permstate.get_buffer; \
-	bits_left = permstate.bits_left; \
-	br_state.printed_eod_ptr = & permstate.printed_eod
-#define BITREAD_SAVE_STATE(cinfop,permstate)  \
-	cinfop->src->next_input_byte = br_state.next_input_byte; \
-	cinfop->src->bytes_in_buffer = br_state.bytes_in_buffer; \
-	cinfop->unread_marker = br_state.unread_marker; \
-	permstate.get_buffer = get_buffer; \
-	permstate.bits_left = bits_left
- * These macros provide the in-line portion of bit fetching.
- * Use CHECK_BIT_BUFFER to ensure there are N bits in get_buffer
- * before using GET_BITS, PEEK_BITS, or DROP_BITS.
- * The variables get_buffer and bits_left are assumed to be locals,
- * but the state struct might not be (jpeg_huff_decode needs this).
- *	CHECK_BIT_BUFFER(state,n,action);
- *		Ensure there are N bits in get_buffer; if suspend, take action.
- *      val = GET_BITS(n);
- *		Fetch next N bits.
- *      val = PEEK_BITS(n);
- *		Fetch next N bits without removing them from the buffer.
- *	DROP_BITS(n);
- *		Discard next N bits.
- * The value N should be a simple variable, not an expression, because it
- * is evaluated multiple times.
- */
-#define CHECK_BIT_BUFFER(state,nbits,action) \
-	{ if (bits_left < (nbits)) {  \
-	    if (! jpeg_fill_bit_buffer(&(state),get_buffer,bits_left,nbits))  \
-	      { action; }  \
-	    get_buffer = (state).get_buffer; bits_left = (state).bits_left; } }
-#define GET_BITS(nbits) \
-	(((int) (get_buffer >> (bits_left -= (nbits)))) & ((1<<(nbits))-1))
-#define PEEK_BITS(nbits) \
-	(((int) (get_buffer >> (bits_left -  (nbits)))) & ((1<<(nbits))-1))
-#define DROP_BITS(nbits) \
-	(bits_left -= (nbits))
-/* Load up the bit buffer to a depth of at least nbits */
-EXTERN(boolean) jpeg_fill_bit_buffer
-	JPP((bitread_working_state * state, register bit_buf_type get_buffer,
-	     register int bits_left, int nbits));
- * Code for extracting next Huffman-coded symbol from input bit stream.
- * Again, this is time-critical and we make the main paths be macros.
- *
- * We use a lookahead table to process codes of up to HUFF_LOOKAHEAD bits
- * without looping.  Usually, more than 95% of the Huffman codes will be 8
- * or fewer bits long.  The few overlength codes are handled with a loop,
- * which need not be inline code.
- *
- * Notes about the HUFF_DECODE macro:
- * 1. Near the end of the data segment, we may fail to get enough bits
- *    for a lookahead.  In that case, we do it the hard way.
- * 2. If the lookahead table contains no entry, the next code must be
- *    more than HUFF_LOOKAHEAD bits long.
- * 3. jpeg_huff_decode returns -1 if forced to suspend.
- */
-#define HUFF_DECODE(result,state,htbl,failaction,slowlabel) \
-{ register int nb, look; \
-  if (bits_left < HUFF_LOOKAHEAD) { \
-    if (! jpeg_fill_bit_buffer(&state,get_buffer,bits_left, 0)) {failaction;} \
-    get_buffer = state.get_buffer; bits_left = state.bits_left; \
-    if (bits_left < HUFF_LOOKAHEAD) { \
-      nb = 1; goto slowlabel; \
-    } \
-  } \
-  if ((nb = htbl->look_nbits[look]) != 0) { \
-    DROP_BITS(nb); \
-    result = htbl->look_sym[look]; \
-  } else { \
-    nb = HUFF_LOOKAHEAD+1; \
-slowlabel: \
-    if ((result=jpeg_huff_decode(&state,get_buffer,bits_left,htbl,nb)) < 0) \
-	{ failaction; } \
-    get_buffer = state.get_buffer; bits_left = state.bits_left; \
-  } \
-/* Out-of-line case for Huffman code fetching */
-EXTERN(int) jpeg_huff_decode
-	JPP((bitread_working_state * state, register bit_buf_type get_buffer,
-	     register int bits_left, d_derived_tbl * htbl, int min_bits));
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jerror.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jerror.h
deleted file mode 100755
index fc2fffeac297bcee557400beefb7b6ce790e79a7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jerror.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
- * jerror.h
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1994-1997, Thomas G. Lane.
- * This file is part of the Independent JPEG Group's software.
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying README file.
- *
- * This file defines the error and message codes for the JPEG library.
- * Edit this file to add new codes, or to translate the message strings to
- * some other language.
- * A set of error-reporting macros are defined too.  Some applications using
- * the JPEG library may wish to include this file to get the error codes
- * and/or the macros.
- */
- * To define the enum list of message codes, include this file without
- * defining macro JMESSAGE.  To create a message string table, include it
- * again with a suitable JMESSAGE definition (see jerror.c for an example).
- */
-#ifndef JMESSAGE
-#ifndef JERROR_H
-/* First time through, define the enum list */
-/* Repeated inclusions of this file are no-ops unless JMESSAGE is defined */
-#define JMESSAGE(code,string)
-#endif /* JERROR_H */
-#endif /* JMESSAGE */
-typedef enum {
-#define JMESSAGE(code,string)	code ,
-#endif /* JMAKE_ENUM_LIST */
-JMESSAGE(JMSG_NOMESSAGE, "Bogus message code %d") /* Must be first entry! */
-/* For maintenance convenience, list is alphabetical by message code name */
-	 "Sorry, there are legal restrictions on arithmetic coding")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_BUFFER_MODE, "Bogus buffer control mode")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_COMPONENT_ID, "Invalid component ID %d in SOS")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_DCT_COEF, "DCT coefficient out of range")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_DCTSIZE, "IDCT output block size %d not supported")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_HUFF_TABLE, "Bogus Huffman table definition")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_IN_COLORSPACE, "Bogus input colorspace")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_LENGTH, "Bogus marker length")
-	 "Wrong JPEG library version: library is %d, caller expects %d")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_MCU_SIZE, "Sampling factors too large for interleaved scan")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_POOL_ID, "Invalid memory pool code %d")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_PRECISION, "Unsupported JPEG data precision %d")
-	 "Invalid progressive parameters Ss=%d Se=%d Ah=%d Al=%d")
-	 "Invalid progressive parameters at scan script entry %d")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_SAMPLING, "Bogus sampling factors")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_SCAN_SCRIPT, "Invalid scan script at entry %d")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_STATE, "Improper call to JPEG library in state %d")
-	 "JPEG parameter struct mismatch: library thinks size is %u, caller expects %u")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_BAD_VIRTUAL_ACCESS, "Bogus virtual array access")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_BUFFER_SIZE, "Buffer passed to JPEG library is too small")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_CANT_SUSPEND, "Suspension not allowed here")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_CCIR601_NOTIMPL, "CCIR601 sampling not implemented yet")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_COMPONENT_COUNT, "Too many color components: %d, max %d")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_CONVERSION_NOTIMPL, "Unsupported color conversion request")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_DAC_VALUE, "Bogus DAC value 0x%x")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_EMPTY_IMAGE, "Empty JPEG image (DNL not supported)")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_EMS_READ, "Read from EMS failed")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_EMS_WRITE, "Write to EMS failed")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_EOI_EXPECTED, "Didn't expect more than one scan")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_FILE_READ, "Input file read error")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_FILE_WRITE, "Output file write error --- out of disk space?")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_FRACT_SAMPLE_NOTIMPL, "Fractional sampling not implemented yet")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_HUFF_CLEN_OVERFLOW, "Huffman code size table overflow")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_HUFF_MISSING_CODE, "Missing Huffman code table entry")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_IMAGE_TOO_BIG, "Maximum supported image dimension is %u pixels")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_INPUT_EMPTY, "Empty input file")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_INPUT_EOF, "Premature end of input file")
-	 "Cannot transcode due to multiple use of quantization table %d")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_MISSING_DATA, "Scan script does not transmit all data")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_MODE_CHANGE, "Invalid color quantization mode change")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_NOTIMPL, "Not implemented yet")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_NOT_COMPILED, "Requested feature was omitted at compile time")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_NO_BACKING_STORE, "Backing store not supported")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_NO_HUFF_TABLE, "Huffman table 0x%02x was not defined")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_NO_IMAGE, "JPEG datastream contains no image")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_NO_QUANT_TABLE, "Quantization table 0x%02x was not defined")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_NO_SOI, "Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x%02x 0x%02x")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Insufficient memory (case %d)")
-	 "Cannot quantize more than %d color components")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_QUANT_FEW_COLORS, "Cannot quantize to fewer than %d colors")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_QUANT_MANY_COLORS, "Cannot quantize to more than %d colors")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_SOF_DUPLICATE, "Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOF markers")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_SOF_NO_SOS, "Invalid JPEG file structure: missing SOS marker")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_SOF_UNSUPPORTED, "Unsupported JPEG process: SOF type 0x%02x")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_SOI_DUPLICATE, "Invalid JPEG file structure: two SOI markers")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_SOS_NO_SOF, "Invalid JPEG file structure: SOS before SOF")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_TFILE_CREATE, "Failed to create temporary file %s")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_TFILE_READ, "Read failed on temporary file")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_TFILE_SEEK, "Seek failed on temporary file")
-	 "Write failed on temporary file --- out of disk space?")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_TOO_LITTLE_DATA, "Application transferred too few scanlines")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_UNKNOWN_MARKER, "Unsupported marker type 0x%02x")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_VIRTUAL_BUG, "Virtual array controller messed up")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_WIDTH_OVERFLOW, "Image too wide for this implementation")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_XMS_READ, "Read from XMS failed")
-JMESSAGE(JERR_XMS_WRITE, "Write to XMS failed")
-	 "Caution: quantization tables are too coarse for baseline JPEG")
-	 "Adobe APP14 marker: version %d, flags 0x%04x 0x%04x, transform %d")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_APP0, "Unknown APP0 marker (not JFIF), length %u")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_APP14, "Unknown APP14 marker (not Adobe), length %u")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_DAC, "Define Arithmetic Table 0x%02x: 0x%02x")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_DHT, "Define Huffman Table 0x%02x")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_DQT, "Define Quantization Table %d  precision %d")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_DRI, "Define Restart Interval %u")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_EMS_CLOSE, "Freed EMS handle %u")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_EMS_OPEN, "Obtained EMS handle %u")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_HUFFBITS, "        %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d %3d")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_JFIF, "JFIF APP0 marker: version %d.%02d, density %dx%d  %d")
-	 "Warning: thumbnail image size does not match data length %u")
-	 "JFIF extension marker: type 0x%02x, length %u")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_JFIF_THUMBNAIL, "    with %d x %d thumbnail image")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_MISC_MARKER, "Miscellaneous marker 0x%02x, length %u")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_PARMLESS_MARKER, "Unexpected marker 0x%02x")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_QUANTVALS, "        %4u %4u %4u %4u %4u %4u %4u %4u")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_QUANT_3_NCOLORS, "Quantizing to %d = %d*%d*%d colors")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_QUANT_NCOLORS, "Quantizing to %d colors")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_QUANT_SELECTED, "Selected %d colors for quantization")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_RECOVERY_ACTION, "At marker 0x%02x, recovery action %d")
-	 "Smoothing not supported with nonstandard sampling ratios")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_SOF, "Start Of Frame 0x%02x: width=%u, height=%u, components=%d")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_SOF_COMPONENT, "    Component %d: %dhx%dv q=%d")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_SOI, "Start of Image")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_SOS, "Start Of Scan: %d components")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_SOS_COMPONENT, "    Component %d: dc=%d ac=%d")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_SOS_PARAMS, "  Ss=%d, Se=%d, Ah=%d, Al=%d")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_TFILE_CLOSE, "Closed temporary file %s")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_TFILE_OPEN, "Opened temporary file %s")
-	 "JFIF extension marker: JPEG-compressed thumbnail image, length %u")
-	 "JFIF extension marker: palette thumbnail image, length %u")
-	 "JFIF extension marker: RGB thumbnail image, length %u")
-	 "Unrecognized component IDs %d %d %d, assuming YCbCr")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_XMS_CLOSE, "Freed XMS handle %u")
-JMESSAGE(JTRC_XMS_OPEN, "Obtained XMS handle %u")
-JMESSAGE(JWRN_ADOBE_XFORM, "Unknown Adobe color transform code %d")
-	 "Inconsistent progression sequence for component %d coefficient %d")
-	 "Corrupt JPEG data: %u extraneous bytes before marker 0x%02x")
-JMESSAGE(JWRN_HIT_MARKER, "Corrupt JPEG data: premature end of data segment")
-JMESSAGE(JWRN_HUFF_BAD_CODE, "Corrupt JPEG data: bad Huffman code")
-JMESSAGE(JWRN_JFIF_MAJOR, "Warning: unknown JFIF revision number %d.%02d")
-JMESSAGE(JWRN_JPEG_EOF, "Premature end of JPEG file")
-	 "Corrupt JPEG data: found marker 0x%02x instead of RST%d")
-JMESSAGE(JWRN_NOT_SEQUENTIAL, "Invalid SOS parameters for sequential JPEG")
-JMESSAGE(JWRN_TOO_MUCH_DATA, "Application transferred too many scanlines")
-#endif /* JMAKE_ENUM_LIST */
-/* Zap JMESSAGE macro so that future re-inclusions do nothing by default */
-#undef JMESSAGE
-#ifndef JERROR_H
-#define JERROR_H
-/* Macros to simplify using the error and trace message stuff */
-/* The first parameter is either type of cinfo pointer */
-/* Fatal errors (print message and exit) */
-#define ERREXIT(cinfo,code)  \
-  ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
-   (*(cinfo)->err->error_exit) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo)))
-#define ERREXIT1(cinfo,code,p1)  \
-  ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
-   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
-   (*(cinfo)->err->error_exit) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo)))
-#define ERREXIT2(cinfo,code,p1,p2)  \
-  ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
-   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
-   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[1] = (p2), \
-   (*(cinfo)->err->error_exit) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo)))
-#define ERREXIT3(cinfo,code,p1,p2,p3)  \
-  ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
-   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
-   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[1] = (p2), \
-   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[2] = (p3), \
-   (*(cinfo)->err->error_exit) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo)))
-#define ERREXIT4(cinfo,code,p1,p2,p3,p4)  \
-  ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
-   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
-   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[1] = (p2), \
-   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[2] = (p3), \
-   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[3] = (p4), \
-   (*(cinfo)->err->error_exit) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo)))
-#define ERREXITS(cinfo,code,str)  \
-  ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
-   strncpy((cinfo)->err->msg_parm.s, (str), JMSG_STR_PARM_MAX), \
-   (*(cinfo)->err->error_exit) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo)))
-#define MAKESTMT(stuff)		do { stuff } while (0)
-/* Nonfatal errors (we can keep going, but the data is probably corrupt) */
-#define WARNMS(cinfo,code)  \
-  ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
-   (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), -1))
-#define WARNMS1(cinfo,code,p1)  \
-  ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
-   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
-   (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), -1))
-#define WARNMS2(cinfo,code,p1,p2)  \
-  ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
-   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
-   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[1] = (p2), \
-   (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), -1))
-/* Informational/debugging messages */
-#define TRACEMS(cinfo,lvl,code)  \
-  ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
-   (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)))
-#define TRACEMS1(cinfo,lvl,code,p1)  \
-  ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
-   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
-   (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)))
-#define TRACEMS2(cinfo,lvl,code,p1,p2)  \
-  ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
-   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[0] = (p1), \
-   (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i[1] = (p2), \
-   (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)))
-#define TRACEMS3(cinfo,lvl,code,p1,p2,p3)  \
-  MAKESTMT(int * _mp = (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i; \
-	   _mp[0] = (p1); _mp[1] = (p2); _mp[2] = (p3); \
-	   (cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code); \
-	   (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)); )
-#define TRACEMS4(cinfo,lvl,code,p1,p2,p3,p4)  \
-  MAKESTMT(int * _mp = (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i; \
-	   _mp[0] = (p1); _mp[1] = (p2); _mp[2] = (p3); _mp[3] = (p4); \
-	   (cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code); \
-	   (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)); )
-#define TRACEMS5(cinfo,lvl,code,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5)  \
-  MAKESTMT(int * _mp = (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i; \
-	   _mp[0] = (p1); _mp[1] = (p2); _mp[2] = (p3); _mp[3] = (p4); \
-	   _mp[4] = (p5); \
-	   (cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code); \
-	   (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)); )
-#define TRACEMS8(cinfo,lvl,code,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8)  \
-  MAKESTMT(int * _mp = (cinfo)->err->msg_parm.i; \
-	   _mp[0] = (p1); _mp[1] = (p2); _mp[2] = (p3); _mp[3] = (p4); \
-	   _mp[4] = (p5); _mp[5] = (p6); _mp[6] = (p7); _mp[7] = (p8); \
-	   (cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code); \
-	   (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)); )
-#define TRACEMSS(cinfo,lvl,code,str)  \
-  ((cinfo)->err->msg_code = (code), \
-   strncpy((cinfo)->err->msg_parm.s, (str), JMSG_STR_PARM_MAX), \
-   (*(cinfo)->err->emit_message) ((j_common_ptr) (cinfo), (lvl)))
-#endif /* JERROR_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jinclude.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jinclude.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 0a4f15146aeb2070601838439e169509f6fe5b7d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jinclude.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
- * jinclude.h
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1991-1994, Thomas G. Lane.
- * This file is part of the Independent JPEG Group's software.
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying README file.
- *
- * This file exists to provide a single place to fix any problems with
- * including the wrong system include files.  (Common problems are taken
- * care of by the standard jconfig symbols, but on really weird systems
- * you may have to edit this file.)
- *
- * NOTE: this file is NOT intended to be included by applications using the
- * JPEG library.  Most applications need only include jpeglib.h.
- */
-/* Include auto-config file to find out which system include files we need. */
-#include "jconfig.h"		/* auto configuration options */
-#define JCONFIG_INCLUDED	/* so that jpeglib.h doesn't do it again */
- * We need the NULL macro and size_t typedef.
- * On an ANSI-conforming system it is sufficient to include <stddef.h>.
- * Otherwise, we get them from <stdlib.h> or <stdio.h>; we may have to
- * pull in <sys/types.h> as well.
- * Note that the core JPEG library does not require <stdio.h>;
- * only the default error handler and data source/destination modules do.
- * But we must pull it in because of the references to FILE in jpeglib.h.
- * You can remove those references if you want to compile without <stdio.h>.
- */
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
- * We need memory copying and zeroing functions, plus strncpy().
- * ANSI and System V implementations declare these in <string.h>.
- * BSD doesn't have the mem() functions, but it does have bcopy()/bzero().
- * Some systems may declare memset and memcpy in <memory.h>.
- *
- * NOTE: we assume the size parameters to these functions are of type size_t.
- * Change the casts in these macros if not!
- */
-#include <strings.h>
-#define MEMZERO(target,size)	bzero((void *)(target), (size_t)(size))
-#define MEMCOPY(dest,src,size)	bcopy((const void *)(src), (void *)(dest), (size_t)(size))
-#else /* not BSD, assume ANSI/SysV string lib */
-#include <string.h>
-#define MEMZERO(target,size)	memset((void *)(target), 0, (size_t)(size))
-#define MEMCOPY(dest,src,size)	memcpy((void *)(dest), (const void *)(src), (size_t)(size))
- * In ANSI C, and indeed any rational implementation, size_t is also the
- * type returned by sizeof().  However, it seems there are some irrational
- * implementations out there, in which sizeof() returns an int even though
- * size_t is defined as long or unsigned long.  To ensure consistent results
- * we always use this SIZEOF() macro in place of using sizeof() directly.
- */
-#define SIZEOF(object)	((size_t) sizeof(object))
- * The modules that use fread() and fwrite() always invoke them through
- * these macros.  On some systems you may need to twiddle the argument casts.
- * CAUTION: argument order is different from underlying functions!
- */
-#define JFREAD(file,buf,sizeofbuf)  \
-  ((size_t) fread((void *) (buf), (size_t) 1, (size_t) (sizeofbuf), (file)))
-#define JFWRITE(file,buf,sizeofbuf)  \
-  ((size_t) fwrite((const void *) (buf), (size_t) 1, (size_t) (sizeofbuf), (file)))
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jmemsys.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jmemsys.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 6d4c7f2ae411a265963e1f4a98fb4c44f5e781ab..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jmemsys.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
- * jmemsys.h
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1992-1996, Thomas G. Lane.
- * This file is part of the Independent JPEG Group's software.
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying README file.
- *
- * This include file defines the interface between the system-independent
- * and system-dependent portions of the JPEG memory manager.  No other
- * modules need include it.  (The system-independent portion is jmemmgr.c;
- * there are several different versions of the system-dependent portion.)
- *
- * This file works as-is for the system-dependent memory managers supplied
- * in the IJG distribution.  You may need to modify it if you write a
- * custom memory manager.  If system-dependent changes are needed in
- * this file, the best method is to #ifdef them based on a configuration
- * symbol supplied in jconfig.h, as we have done with USE_MSDOS_MEMMGR.
- */
-/* Short forms of external names for systems with brain-damaged linkers. */
-#define jpeg_get_small		jGetSmall
-#define jpeg_free_small		jFreeSmall
-#define jpeg_get_large		jGetLarge
-#define jpeg_free_large		jFreeLarge
-#define jpeg_mem_available	jMemAvail
-#define jpeg_open_backing_store	jOpenBackStore
-#define jpeg_mem_init		jMemInit
-#define jpeg_mem_term		jMemTerm
- * These two functions are used to allocate and release small chunks of
- * memory.  (Typically the total amount requested through jpeg_get_small is
- * no more than 20K or so; this will be requested in chunks of a few K each.)
- * Behavior should be the same as for the standard library functions malloc
- * and free; in particular, jpeg_get_small must return NULL on failure.
- * On most systems, these ARE malloc and free.  jpeg_free_small is passed the
- * size of the object being freed, just in case it's needed.
- * On an 80x86 machine using small-data memory model, these manage near heap.
- */
-EXTERN(void *) jpeg_get_small JPP((j_common_ptr cinfo, size_t sizeofobject));
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_free_small JPP((j_common_ptr cinfo, void * object,
-				  size_t sizeofobject));
- * These two functions are used to allocate and release large chunks of
- * memory (up to the total free space designated by jpeg_mem_available).
- * The interface is the same as above, except that on an 80x86 machine,
- * far pointers are used.  On most other machines these are identical to
- * the jpeg_get/free_small routines; but we keep them separate anyway,
- * in case a different allocation strategy is desirable for large chunks.
- */
-EXTERN(void FAR *) jpeg_get_large JPP((j_common_ptr cinfo,
-				       size_t sizeofobject));
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_free_large JPP((j_common_ptr cinfo, void FAR * object,
-				  size_t sizeofobject));
- * The macro MAX_ALLOC_CHUNK designates the maximum number of bytes that may
- * be requested in a single call to jpeg_get_large (and jpeg_get_small for that
- * matter, but that case should never come into play).  This macro is needed
- * to model the 64Kb-segment-size limit of far addressing on 80x86 machines.
- * On those machines, we expect that jconfig.h will provide a proper value.
- * On machines with 32-bit flat address spaces, any large constant may be used.
- *
- * NB: jmemmgr.c expects that MAX_ALLOC_CHUNK will be representable as type
- * size_t and will be a multiple of sizeof(align_type).
- */
-#ifndef MAX_ALLOC_CHUNK		/* may be overridden in jconfig.h */
-#define MAX_ALLOC_CHUNK  1000000000L
- * This routine computes the total space still available for allocation by
- * jpeg_get_large.  If more space than this is needed, backing store will be
- * used.  NOTE: any memory already allocated must not be counted.
- *
- * There is a minimum space requirement, corresponding to the minimum
- * feasible buffer sizes; jmemmgr.c will request that much space even if
- * jpeg_mem_available returns zero.  The maximum space needed, enough to hold
- * all working storage in memory, is also passed in case it is useful.
- * Finally, the total space already allocated is passed.  If no better
- * method is available, cinfo->mem->max_memory_to_use - already_allocated
- * is often a suitable calculation.
- *
- * It is OK for jpeg_mem_available to underestimate the space available
- * (that'll just lead to more backing-store access than is really necessary).
- * However, an overestimate will lead to failure.  Hence it's wise to subtract
- * a slop factor from the true available space.  5% should be enough.
- *
- * On machines with lots of virtual memory, any large constant may be returned.
- * Conversely, zero may be returned to always use the minimum amount of memory.
- */
-EXTERN(long) jpeg_mem_available JPP((j_common_ptr cinfo,
-				     long min_bytes_needed,
-				     long max_bytes_needed,
-				     long already_allocated));
- * This structure holds whatever state is needed to access a single
- * backing-store object.  The read/write/close method pointers are called
- * by jmemmgr.c to manipulate the backing-store object; all other fields
- * are private to the system-dependent backing store routines.
- */
-#define TEMP_NAME_LENGTH   64	/* max length of a temporary file's name */
-#ifdef USE_MSDOS_MEMMGR		/* DOS-specific junk */
-typedef unsigned short XMSH;	/* type of extended-memory handles */
-typedef unsigned short EMSH;	/* type of expanded-memory handles */
-typedef union {
-  short file_handle;		/* DOS file handle if it's a temp file */
-  XMSH xms_handle;		/* handle if it's a chunk of XMS */
-  EMSH ems_handle;		/* handle if it's a chunk of EMS */
-} handle_union;
-#endif /* USE_MSDOS_MEMMGR */
-typedef struct backing_store_struct * backing_store_ptr;
-typedef struct backing_store_struct {
-  /* Methods for reading/writing/closing this backing-store object */
-  JMETHOD(void, read_backing_store, (j_common_ptr cinfo,
-				     backing_store_ptr info,
-				     void FAR * buffer_address,
-				     long file_offset, long byte_count));
-  JMETHOD(void, write_backing_store, (j_common_ptr cinfo,
-				      backing_store_ptr info,
-				      void FAR * buffer_address,
-				      long file_offset, long byte_count));
-  JMETHOD(void, close_backing_store, (j_common_ptr cinfo,
-				      backing_store_ptr info));
-  /* Private fields for system-dependent backing-store management */
-  /* For the MS-DOS manager (jmemdos.c), we need: */
-  handle_union handle;		/* reference to backing-store storage object */
-  char temp_name[TEMP_NAME_LENGTH]; /* name if it's a file */
-  /* For a typical implementation with temp files, we need: */
-  FILE * temp_file;		/* stdio reference to temp file */
-  char temp_name[TEMP_NAME_LENGTH]; /* name of temp file */
-} backing_store_info;
- * Initial opening of a backing-store object.  This must fill in the
- * read/write/close pointers in the object.  The read/write routines
- * may take an error exit if the specified maximum file size is exceeded.
- * (If jpeg_mem_available always returns a large value, this routine can
- * just take an error exit.)
- */
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_open_backing_store JPP((j_common_ptr cinfo,
-					  backing_store_ptr info,
-					  long total_bytes_needed));
- * These routines take care of any system-dependent initialization and
- * cleanup required.  jpeg_mem_init will be called before anything is
- * allocated (and, therefore, nothing in cinfo is of use except the error
- * manager pointer).  It should return a suitable default value for
- * max_memory_to_use; this may subsequently be overridden by the surrounding
- * application.  (Note that max_memory_to_use is only important if
- * jpeg_mem_available chooses to consult it ... no one else will.)
- * jpeg_mem_term may assume that all requested memory has been freed and that
- * all opened backing-store objects have been closed.
- */
-EXTERN(long) jpeg_mem_init JPP((j_common_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_mem_term JPP((j_common_ptr cinfo));
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jmorecfg.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jmorecfg.h
deleted file mode 100755
index dbd0f1414720ac57c65f7de5ec4480d5a8d494bf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jmorecfg.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,369 +0,0 @@
- * jmorecfg.h
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1991-1997, Thomas G. Lane.
- * This file is part of the Independent JPEG Group's software.
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying README file.
- *
- * This file contains additional configuration options that customize the
- * JPEG software for special applications or support machine-dependent
- * optimizations.  Most users will not need to touch this file.
- */
-#ifndef _JMORECFG_H_
-#define _JMORECFG_H_
- * Define BITS_IN_JSAMPLE as either
- *   8   for 8-bit sample values (the usual setting)
- *   12  for 12-bit sample values
- * Only 8 and 12 are legal data precisions for lossy JPEG according to the
- * JPEG standard, and the IJG code does not support anything else!
- * We do not support run-time selection of data precision, sorry.
- */
-#define BITS_IN_JSAMPLE  8	/* use 8 or 12 */
- * Maximum number of components (color channels) allowed in JPEG image.
- * To meet the letter of the JPEG spec, set this to 255.  However, darn
- * few applications need more than 4 channels (maybe 5 for CMYK + alpha
- * mask).  We recommend 10 as a reasonable compromise; use 4 if you are
- * really short on memory.  (Each allowed component costs a hundred or so
- * bytes of storage, whether actually used in an image or not.)
- */
-#define MAX_COMPONENTS  10	/* maximum number of image components */
- * Basic data types.
- * You may need to change these if you have a machine with unusual data
- * type sizes; for example, "char" not 8 bits, "short" not 16 bits,
- * or "long" not 32 bits.  We don't care whether "int" is 16 or 32 bits,
- * but it had better be at least 16.
- */
-/* Representation of a single sample (pixel element value).
- * We frequently allocate large arrays of these, so it's important to keep
- * them small.  But if you have memory to burn and access to char or short
- * arrays is very slow on your hardware, you might want to change these.
- */
-/* JSAMPLE should be the smallest type that will hold the values 0..255.
- * You can use a signed char by having GETJSAMPLE mask it with 0xFF.
- */
-typedef unsigned char JSAMPLE;
-#define GETJSAMPLE(value)  ((int) (value))
-#else /* not HAVE_UNSIGNED_CHAR */
-typedef char JSAMPLE;
-#define GETJSAMPLE(value)  ((int) (value))
-#define GETJSAMPLE(value)  ((int) (value) & 0xFF)
-#endif /* CHAR_IS_UNSIGNED */
-#endif /* HAVE_UNSIGNED_CHAR */
-#define MAXJSAMPLE	255
-#define CENTERJSAMPLE	128
-#endif /* BITS_IN_JSAMPLE == 8 */
-#if BITS_IN_JSAMPLE == 12
-/* JSAMPLE should be the smallest type that will hold the values 0..4095.
- * On nearly all machines "short" will do nicely.
- */
-typedef short JSAMPLE;
-#define GETJSAMPLE(value)  ((int) (value))
-#define MAXJSAMPLE	4095
-#define CENTERJSAMPLE	2048
-#endif /* BITS_IN_JSAMPLE == 12 */
-/* Representation of a DCT frequency coefficient.
- * This should be a signed value of at least 16 bits; "short" is usually OK.
- * Again, we allocate large arrays of these, but you can change to int
- * if you have memory to burn and "short" is really slow.
- */
-typedef short JCOEF;
-/* Compressed datastreams are represented as arrays of JOCTET.
- * These must be EXACTLY 8 bits wide, at least once they are written to
- * external storage.  Note that when using the stdio data source/destination
- * managers, this is also the data type passed to fread/fwrite.
- */
-typedef unsigned char JOCTET;
-#define GETJOCTET(value)  (value)
-#else /* not HAVE_UNSIGNED_CHAR */
-typedef char JOCTET;
-#define GETJOCTET(value)  (value)
-#define GETJOCTET(value)  ((value) & 0xFF)
-#endif /* CHAR_IS_UNSIGNED */
-#endif /* HAVE_UNSIGNED_CHAR */
-/* These typedefs are used for various table entries and so forth.
- * They must be at least as wide as specified; but making them too big
- * won't cost a huge amount of memory, so we don't provide special
- * extraction code like we did for JSAMPLE.  (In other words, these
- * typedefs live at a different point on the speed/space tradeoff curve.)
- */
-/* UINT8 must hold at least the values 0..255. */
-typedef unsigned char UINT8;
-#else /* not HAVE_UNSIGNED_CHAR */
-typedef char UINT8;
-#else /* not CHAR_IS_UNSIGNED */
-typedef short UINT8;
-#endif /* CHAR_IS_UNSIGNED */
-#endif /* HAVE_UNSIGNED_CHAR */
-/* UINT16 must hold at least the values 0..65535. */
-typedef unsigned short UINT16;
-#else /* not HAVE_UNSIGNED_SHORT */
-typedef unsigned int UINT16;
-/* INT16 must hold at least the values -32768..32767. */
-#ifndef XMD_H			/* X11/xmd.h correctly defines INT16 */
-typedef short INT16;
-/* INT32 must hold at least signed 32-bit values. */
-#ifndef XMD_H			/* X11/xmd.h correctly defines INT32 */
-typedef int INT32;
-/* Datatype used for image dimensions.  The JPEG standard only supports
- * images up to 64K*64K due to 16-bit fields in SOF markers.  Therefore
- * "unsigned int" is sufficient on all machines.  However, if you need to
- * handle larger images and you don't mind deviating from the spec, you
- * can change this datatype.
- */
-typedef unsigned int JDIMENSION;
-#define JPEG_MAX_DIMENSION  65500L  /* a tad under 64K to prevent overflows */
-/* These macros are used in all function definitions and extern declarations.
- * You could modify them if you need to change function linkage conventions;
- * in particular, you'll need to do that to make the library a Windows DLL.
- * Another application is to make all functions global for use with debuggers
- * or code profilers that require it.
- */
-/* a function called through method pointers: */
-#define METHODDEF(type)		static type
-/* a function used only in its module: */
-#define LOCAL(type)		static type
-/* a function referenced thru EXTERNs: */
-#define GLOBAL(type)		type
-/* a reference to a GLOBAL function: */
-#define EXTERN(type)		extern type
-/* This macro is used to declare a "method", that is, a function pointer.
- * We want to supply prototype parameters if the compiler can cope.
- * Note that the arglist parameter must be parenthesized!
- * Again, you can customize this if you need special linkage keywords.
- */
-#define JMETHOD(type,methodname,arglist)  type (*methodname) arglist
-#define JMETHOD(type,methodname,arglist)  type (*methodname) ()
-/* Here is the pseudo-keyword for declaring pointers that must be "far"
- * on 80x86 machines.  Most of the specialized coding for 80x86 is handled
- * by just saying "FAR *" where such a pointer is needed.  In a few places
- * explicit coding is needed; see uses of the NEED_FAR_POINTERS symbol.
- */
-#ifndef FAR
-#define FAR  far
-#define FAR
- * On a few systems, type boolean and/or its values FALSE, TRUE may appear
- * in standard header files.  Or you may have conflicts with application-
- * specific header files that you want to include together with these files.
- * Defining HAVE_BOOLEAN before including jpeglib.h should make it work.
- */
-typedef int boolean;
-#ifndef FALSE			/* in case these macros already exist */
-#define FALSE	0		/* values of boolean */
-#ifndef TRUE
-#define TRUE	1
- * The remaining options affect code selection within the JPEG library,
- * but they don't need to be visible to most applications using the library.
- * To minimize application namespace pollution, the symbols won't be
- * defined unless JPEG_INTERNALS or JPEG_INTERNAL_OPTIONS has been defined.
- */
- * These defines indicate whether to include various optional functions.
- * Undefining some of these symbols will produce a smaller but less capable
- * library.  Note that you can leave certain source files out of the
- * compilation/linking process if you've #undef'd the corresponding symbols.
- * (You may HAVE to do that if your compiler doesn't like null source files.)
- */
-/* Arithmetic coding is unsupported for legal reasons.  Complaints to IBM. */
-/* Capability options common to encoder and decoder: */
-#define DCT_ISLOW_SUPPORTED	/* slow but accurate integer algorithm */
-#define DCT_IFAST_SUPPORTED	/* faster, less accurate integer method */
-#define DCT_FLOAT_SUPPORTED	/* floating-point: accurate, fast on fast HW */
-/* Encoder capability options: */
-#undef  C_ARITH_CODING_SUPPORTED    /* Arithmetic coding back end? */
-#define C_MULTISCAN_FILES_SUPPORTED /* Multiple-scan JPEG files? */
-#define C_PROGRESSIVE_SUPPORTED	    /* Progressive JPEG? (Requires MULTISCAN)*/
-#define ENTROPY_OPT_SUPPORTED	    /* Optimization of entropy coding parms? */
-/* Note: if you selected 12-bit data precision, it is dangerous to turn off
- * ENTROPY_OPT_SUPPORTED.  The standard Huffman tables are only good for 8-bit
- * precision, so jchuff.c normally uses entropy optimization to compute
- * usable tables for higher precision.  If you don't want to do optimization,
- * you'll have to supply different default Huffman tables.
- * The exact same statements apply for progressive JPEG: the default tables
- * don't work for progressive mode.  (This may get fixed, however.)
- */
-#define INPUT_SMOOTHING_SUPPORTED   /* Input image smoothing option? */
-/* Decoder capability options: */
-#undef  D_ARITH_CODING_SUPPORTED    /* Arithmetic coding back end? */
-#define D_MULTISCAN_FILES_SUPPORTED /* Multiple-scan JPEG files? */
-#define D_PROGRESSIVE_SUPPORTED	    /* Progressive JPEG? (Requires MULTISCAN)*/
-#define SAVE_MARKERS_SUPPORTED	    /* jpeg_save_markers() needed? */
-#define BLOCK_SMOOTHING_SUPPORTED   /* Block smoothing? (Progressive only) */
-#define IDCT_SCALING_SUPPORTED	    /* Output rescaling via IDCT? */
-#undef  UPSAMPLE_SCALING_SUPPORTED  /* Output rescaling at upsample stage? */
-#define UPSAMPLE_MERGING_SUPPORTED  /* Fast path for sloppy upsampling? */
-#define QUANT_1PASS_SUPPORTED	    /* 1-pass color quantization? */
-#define QUANT_2PASS_SUPPORTED	    /* 2-pass color quantization? */
-/* more capability options later, no doubt */
- * Ordering of RGB data in scanlines passed to or from the application.
- * If your application wants to deal with data in the order B,G,R, just
- * change these macros.  You can also deal with formats such as R,G,B,X
- * (one extra byte per pixel) by changing RGB_PIXELSIZE.  Note that changing
- * the offsets will also change the order in which colormap data is organized.
- * 1. The sample applications cjpeg,djpeg do NOT support modified RGB formats.
- * 2. These macros only affect RGB<=>YCbCr color conversion, so they are not
- *    useful if you are using JPEG color spaces other than YCbCr or grayscale.
- * 3. The color quantizer modules will not behave desirably if RGB_PIXELSIZE
- *    is not 3 (they don't understand about dummy color components!).  So you
- *    can't use color quantization if you change that value.
- */
-#define RGB_RED		0	/* Offset of Red in an RGB scanline element */
-#define RGB_GREEN	1	/* Offset of Green */
-#define RGB_BLUE	2	/* Offset of Blue */
-#define RGB_PIXELSIZE	3	/* JSAMPLEs per RGB scanline element */
-/* Definitions for speed-related optimizations. */
-/* If your compiler supports inline functions, define INLINE
- * as the inline keyword; otherwise define it as empty.
- */
-#ifndef INLINE
-#ifdef __GNUC__			/* for instance, GNU C knows about inline */
-#define INLINE __inline__
-#ifndef INLINE
-#define INLINE			/* default is to define it as empty */
-/* On some machines (notably 68000 series) "int" is 32 bits, but multiplying
- * two 16-bit shorts is faster than multiplying two ints.  Define MULTIPLIER
- * as short on such a machine.  MULTIPLIER must be at least 16 bits wide.
- */
-#define MULTIPLIER  int		/* type for fastest integer multiply */
-/* FAST_FLOAT should be either float or double, whichever is done faster
- * by your compiler.  (Note that this type is only used in the floating point
- * DCT routines, so it only matters if you've defined DCT_FLOAT_SUPPORTED.)
- * Typically, float is faster in ANSI C compilers, while double is faster in
- * pre-ANSI compilers (because they insist on converting to double anyway).
- * The code below therefore chooses float if we have ANSI-style prototypes.
- */
-#ifndef FAST_FLOAT
-#define FAST_FLOAT  float
-#define FAST_FLOAT  double
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jpegint.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jpegint.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 7ba30c3fa90e932ed4c702a90a442f01fa31729f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jpegint.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,388 +0,0 @@
- * jpegint.h
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1991-1996, Thomas G. Lane.
- * This file is part of the Independent JPEG Group's software.
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying README file.
- *
- * This file provides common declarations for the various JPEG modules.
- * These declarations are considered internal to the JPEG library; most
- * applications using the library shouldn't need to include this file.
- */
-/* Declarations for both compression & decompression */
-typedef enum {			/* Operating modes for buffer controllers */
-	JBUF_PASS_THRU,		/* Plain stripwise operation */
-	/* Remaining modes require a full-image buffer to have been created */
-	JBUF_SAVE_SOURCE,	/* Run source subobject only, save output */
-	JBUF_CRANK_DEST,	/* Run dest subobject only, using saved data */
-	JBUF_SAVE_AND_PASS	/* Run both subobjects, save output */
-/* Values of global_state field (jdapi.c has some dependencies on ordering!) */
-#define CSTATE_START	100	/* after create_compress */
-#define CSTATE_SCANNING	101	/* start_compress done, write_scanlines OK */
-#define CSTATE_RAW_OK	102	/* start_compress done, write_raw_data OK */
-#define CSTATE_WRCOEFS	103	/* jpeg_write_coefficients done */
-#define DSTATE_START	200	/* after create_decompress */
-#define DSTATE_INHEADER	201	/* reading header markers, no SOS yet */
-#define DSTATE_READY	202	/* found SOS, ready for start_decompress */
-#define DSTATE_PRELOAD	203	/* reading multiscan file in start_decompress*/
-#define DSTATE_PRESCAN	204	/* performing dummy pass for 2-pass quant */
-#define DSTATE_SCANNING	205	/* start_decompress done, read_scanlines OK */
-#define DSTATE_RAW_OK	206	/* start_decompress done, read_raw_data OK */
-#define DSTATE_BUFIMAGE	207	/* expecting jpeg_start_output */
-#define DSTATE_BUFPOST	208	/* looking for SOS/EOI in jpeg_finish_output */
-#define DSTATE_RDCOEFS	209	/* reading file in jpeg_read_coefficients */
-#define DSTATE_STOPPING	210	/* looking for EOI in jpeg_finish_decompress */
-/* Declarations for compression modules */
-/* Master control module */
-struct jpeg_comp_master {
-  JMETHOD(void, prepare_for_pass, (j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-  JMETHOD(void, pass_startup, (j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-  JMETHOD(void, finish_pass, (j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-  /* State variables made visible to other modules */
-  boolean call_pass_startup;	/* True if pass_startup must be called */
-  boolean is_last_pass;		/* True during last pass */
-/* Main buffer control (downsampled-data buffer) */
-struct jpeg_c_main_controller {
-  JMETHOD(void, start_pass, (j_compress_ptr cinfo, J_BUF_MODE pass_mode));
-  JMETHOD(void, process_data, (j_compress_ptr cinfo,
-			       JSAMPARRAY input_buf, JDIMENSION *in_row_ctr,
-			       JDIMENSION in_rows_avail));
-/* Compression preprocessing (downsampling input buffer control) */
-struct jpeg_c_prep_controller {
-  JMETHOD(void, start_pass, (j_compress_ptr cinfo, J_BUF_MODE pass_mode));
-  JMETHOD(void, pre_process_data, (j_compress_ptr cinfo,
-				   JSAMPARRAY input_buf,
-				   JDIMENSION *in_row_ctr,
-				   JDIMENSION in_rows_avail,
-				   JSAMPIMAGE output_buf,
-				   JDIMENSION *out_row_group_ctr,
-				   JDIMENSION out_row_groups_avail));
-/* Coefficient buffer control */
-struct jpeg_c_coef_controller {
-  JMETHOD(void, start_pass, (j_compress_ptr cinfo, J_BUF_MODE pass_mode));
-  JMETHOD(boolean, compress_data, (j_compress_ptr cinfo,
-				   JSAMPIMAGE input_buf));
-/* Colorspace conversion */
-struct jpeg_color_converter {
-  JMETHOD(void, start_pass, (j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-  JMETHOD(void, color_convert, (j_compress_ptr cinfo,
-				JSAMPARRAY input_buf, JSAMPIMAGE output_buf,
-				JDIMENSION output_row, int num_rows));
-/* Downsampling */
-struct jpeg_downsampler {
-  JMETHOD(void, start_pass, (j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-  JMETHOD(void, downsample, (j_compress_ptr cinfo,
-			     JSAMPIMAGE input_buf, JDIMENSION in_row_index,
-			     JSAMPIMAGE output_buf,
-			     JDIMENSION out_row_group_index));
-  boolean need_context_rows;	/* TRUE if need rows above & below */
-/* Forward DCT (also controls coefficient quantization) */
-struct jpeg_forward_dct {
-  JMETHOD(void, start_pass, (j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-  /* perhaps this should be an array??? */
-  JMETHOD(void, forward_DCT, (j_compress_ptr cinfo,
-			      jpeg_component_info * compptr,
-			      JSAMPARRAY sample_data, JBLOCKROW coef_blocks,
-			      JDIMENSION start_row, JDIMENSION start_col,
-			      JDIMENSION num_blocks));
-/* Entropy encoding */
-struct jpeg_entropy_encoder {
-  JMETHOD(void, start_pass, (j_compress_ptr cinfo, boolean gather_statistics));
-  JMETHOD(boolean, encode_mcu, (j_compress_ptr cinfo, JBLOCKROW *MCU_data));
-  JMETHOD(void, finish_pass, (j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-/* Marker writing */
-struct jpeg_marker_writer {
-  /* write_any_marker is exported for use by applications */
-  /* Probably only COM and APPn markers should be written */
-  JMETHOD(void, write_any_marker, (j_compress_ptr cinfo, int marker,
-				   const JOCTET *dataptr, unsigned int datalen));
-  JMETHOD(void, write_file_header, (j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-  JMETHOD(void, write_frame_header, (j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-  JMETHOD(void, write_scan_header, (j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-  JMETHOD(void, write_file_trailer, (j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-  JMETHOD(void, write_tables_only, (j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-/* Declarations for decompression modules */
-/* Master control module */
-struct jpeg_decomp_master {
-  JMETHOD(void, prepare_for_output_pass, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-  JMETHOD(void, finish_output_pass, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-  /* State variables made visible to other modules */
-  boolean is_dummy_pass;	/* True during 1st pass for 2-pass quant */
-/* Input control module */
-struct jpeg_input_controller {
-  JMETHOD(int, consume_input, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-  JMETHOD(void, reset_input_controller, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-  JMETHOD(void, start_input_pass, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-  JMETHOD(void, finish_input_pass, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-  /* State variables made visible to other modules */
-  boolean has_multiple_scans;	/* True if file has multiple scans */
-  boolean eoi_reached;		/* True when EOI has been consumed */
-/* Main buffer control (downsampled-data buffer) */
-struct jpeg_d_main_controller {
-  JMETHOD(void, start_pass, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, J_BUF_MODE pass_mode));
-  JMETHOD(void, process_data, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
-			       JSAMPARRAY output_buf, JDIMENSION *out_row_ctr,
-			       JDIMENSION out_rows_avail));
-/* Coefficient buffer control */
-struct jpeg_d_coef_controller {
-  JMETHOD(void, start_input_pass, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-  JMETHOD(int, consume_data, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-  JMETHOD(void, start_output_pass, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-  JMETHOD(int, decompress_data, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
-				 JSAMPIMAGE output_buf));
-  /* Pointer to array of coefficient virtual arrays, or NULL if none */
-  jvirt_barray_ptr *coef_arrays;
-/* Decompression postprocessing (color quantization buffer control) */
-struct jpeg_d_post_controller {
-  JMETHOD(void, start_pass, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, J_BUF_MODE pass_mode));
-  JMETHOD(void, post_process_data, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
-				    JSAMPIMAGE input_buf,
-				    JDIMENSION *in_row_group_ctr,
-				    JDIMENSION in_row_groups_avail,
-				    JSAMPARRAY output_buf,
-				    JDIMENSION *out_row_ctr,
-				    JDIMENSION out_rows_avail));
-/* Marker reading & parsing */
-struct jpeg_marker_reader {
-  JMETHOD(void, reset_marker_reader, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-  /* Read markers until SOS or EOI.
-   * Returns same codes as are defined for jpeg_consume_input:
-   */
-  JMETHOD(int, read_markers, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-  /* Read a restart marker --- exported for use by entropy decoder only */
-  jpeg_marker_parser_method read_restart_marker;
-  /* Application-overridable marker processing methods */
-  jpeg_marker_parser_method process_COM;
-  jpeg_marker_parser_method process_APPn[16];
-  /* State of marker reader --- nominally internal, but applications
-   * supplying COM or APPn handlers might like to know the state.
-   */
-  boolean saw_SOI;		/* found SOI? */
-  boolean saw_SOF;		/* found SOF? */
-  int next_restart_num;		/* next restart number expected (0-7) */
-  unsigned int discarded_bytes;	/* # of bytes skipped looking for a marker */
-/* Entropy decoding */
-struct jpeg_entropy_decoder {
-  JMETHOD(void, start_pass, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-  JMETHOD(boolean, decode_mcu, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
-				JBLOCKROW *MCU_data));
-/* Inverse DCT (also performs dequantization) */
-typedef JMETHOD(void, inverse_DCT_method_ptr,
-		(j_decompress_ptr cinfo, jpeg_component_info * compptr,
-		 JCOEFPTR coef_block,
-		 JSAMPARRAY output_buf, JDIMENSION output_col));
-struct jpeg_inverse_dct {
-  JMETHOD(void, start_pass, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-  /* It is useful to allow each component to have a separate IDCT method. */
-  inverse_DCT_method_ptr inverse_DCT[MAX_COMPONENTS];
-/* Upsampling (note that upsampler must also call color converter) */
-struct jpeg_upsampler {
-  JMETHOD(void, start_pass, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-  JMETHOD(void, upsample, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
-			   JSAMPIMAGE input_buf,
-			   JDIMENSION *in_row_group_ctr,
-			   JDIMENSION in_row_groups_avail,
-			   JSAMPARRAY output_buf,
-			   JDIMENSION *out_row_ctr,
-			   JDIMENSION out_rows_avail));
-  boolean need_context_rows;	/* TRUE if need rows above & below */
-/* Colorspace conversion */
-struct jpeg_color_deconverter {
-  JMETHOD(void, start_pass, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-  JMETHOD(void, color_convert, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
-				JSAMPIMAGE input_buf, JDIMENSION input_row,
-				JSAMPARRAY output_buf, int num_rows));
-/* Color quantization or color precision reduction */
-struct jpeg_color_quantizer {
-  JMETHOD(void, start_pass, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, boolean is_pre_scan));
-  JMETHOD(void, color_quantize, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
-				 JSAMPARRAY input_buf, JSAMPARRAY output_buf,
-				 int num_rows));
-  JMETHOD(void, finish_pass, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-  JMETHOD(void, new_color_map, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-/* Miscellaneous useful macros */
-#undef MAX
-#define MAX(a,b)	((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
-#undef MIN
-#define MIN(a,b)	((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
-/* We assume that right shift corresponds to signed division by 2 with
- * rounding towards minus infinity.  This is correct for typical "arithmetic
- * shift" instructions that shift in copies of the sign bit.  But some
- * C compilers implement >> with an unsigned shift.  For these machines you
- * must define RIGHT_SHIFT_IS_UNSIGNED.
- * RIGHT_SHIFT provides a proper signed right shift of an INT32 quantity.
- * It is only applied with constant shift counts.  SHIFT_TEMPS must be
- * included in the variables of any routine using RIGHT_SHIFT.
- */
-#define SHIFT_TEMPS	INT32 shift_temp;
-#define RIGHT_SHIFT(x,shft)  \
-	((shift_temp = (x)) < 0 ? \
-	 (shift_temp >> (shft)) | ((~((INT32) 0)) << (32-(shft))) : \
-	 (shift_temp >> (shft)))
-#define SHIFT_TEMPS
-#define RIGHT_SHIFT(x,shft)	((x) >> (shft))
-/* Short forms of external names for systems with brain-damaged linkers. */
-#define jinit_compress_master	jICompress
-#define jinit_c_master_control	jICMaster
-#define jinit_c_main_controller	jICMainC
-#define jinit_c_prep_controller	jICPrepC
-#define jinit_c_coef_controller	jICCoefC
-#define jinit_color_converter	jICColor
-#define jinit_downsampler	jIDownsampler
-#define jinit_forward_dct	jIFDCT
-#define jinit_huff_encoder	jIHEncoder
-#define jinit_phuff_encoder	jIPHEncoder
-#define jinit_marker_writer	jIMWriter
-#define jinit_master_decompress	jIDMaster
-#define jinit_d_main_controller	jIDMainC
-#define jinit_d_coef_controller	jIDCoefC
-#define jinit_d_post_controller	jIDPostC
-#define jinit_input_controller	jIInCtlr
-#define jinit_marker_reader	jIMReader
-#define jinit_huff_decoder	jIHDecoder
-#define jinit_phuff_decoder	jIPHDecoder
-#define jinit_inverse_dct	jIIDCT
-#define jinit_upsampler		jIUpsampler
-#define jinit_color_deconverter	jIDColor
-#define jinit_1pass_quantizer	jI1Quant
-#define jinit_2pass_quantizer	jI2Quant
-#define jinit_merged_upsampler	jIMUpsampler
-#define jinit_memory_mgr	jIMemMgr
-#define jdiv_round_up		jDivRound
-#define jround_up		jRound
-#define jcopy_sample_rows	jCopySamples
-#define jcopy_block_row		jCopyBlocks
-#define jzero_far		jZeroFar
-#define jpeg_zigzag_order	jZIGTable
-#define jpeg_natural_order	jZAGTable
-/* Compression module initialization routines */
-EXTERN(void) jinit_compress_master JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(void) jinit_c_master_control JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo,
-					 boolean transcode_only));
-EXTERN(void) jinit_c_main_controller JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo,
-					  boolean need_full_buffer));
-EXTERN(void) jinit_c_prep_controller JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo,
-					  boolean need_full_buffer));
-EXTERN(void) jinit_c_coef_controller JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo,
-					  boolean need_full_buffer));
-EXTERN(void) jinit_color_converter JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(void) jinit_downsampler JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(void) jinit_forward_dct JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(void) jinit_huff_encoder JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(void) jinit_phuff_encoder JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(void) jinit_marker_writer JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-/* Decompression module initialization routines */
-EXTERN(void) jinit_master_decompress JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(void) jinit_d_main_controller JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
-					  boolean need_full_buffer));
-EXTERN(void) jinit_d_coef_controller JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
-					  boolean need_full_buffer));
-EXTERN(void) jinit_d_post_controller JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
-					  boolean need_full_buffer));
-EXTERN(void) jinit_input_controller JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(void) jinit_marker_reader JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(void) jinit_huff_decoder JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(void) jinit_phuff_decoder JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(void) jinit_inverse_dct JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(void) jinit_upsampler JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(void) jinit_color_deconverter JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(void) jinit_1pass_quantizer JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(void) jinit_2pass_quantizer JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(void) jinit_merged_upsampler JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-/* Memory manager initialization */
-EXTERN(void) jinit_memory_mgr JPP((j_common_ptr cinfo));
-/* Utility routines in jutils.c */
-EXTERN(long) jdiv_round_up JPP((long a, long b));
-EXTERN(long) jround_up JPP((long a, long b));
-EXTERN(void) jcopy_sample_rows JPP((JSAMPARRAY input_array, int source_row,
-				    JSAMPARRAY output_array, int dest_row,
-				    int num_rows, JDIMENSION num_cols));
-EXTERN(void) jcopy_block_row JPP((JBLOCKROW input_row, JBLOCKROW output_row,
-				  JDIMENSION num_blocks));
-EXTERN(void) jzero_far JPP((void FAR * target, size_t bytestozero));
-/* Constant tables in jutils.c */
-extern const int jpeg_zigzag_order[]; /* natural coef order to zigzag order */
-extern const int jpeg_natural_order[]; /* zigzag coef order to natural order */
-/* Suppress undefined-structure complaints if necessary. */
-#ifndef AM_MEMORY_MANAGER	/* only jmemmgr.c defines these */
-struct jvirt_sarray_control { long dummy; };
-struct jvirt_barray_control { long dummy; };
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jpeglib.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jpeglib.h
deleted file mode 100755
index d1be8ddeff1bfee59f56d3ea04379f4b6f4d1c0e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jpeglib.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1096 +0,0 @@
- * jpeglib.h
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1991-1998, Thomas G. Lane.
- * This file is part of the Independent JPEG Group's software.
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying README file.
- *
- * This file defines the application interface for the JPEG library.
- * Most applications using the library need only include this file,
- * and perhaps jerror.h if they want to know the exact error codes.
- */
-#ifndef JPEGLIB_H
-#define JPEGLIB_H
- * First we include the configuration files that record how this
- * installation of the JPEG library is set up.  jconfig.h can be
- * generated automatically for many systems.  jmorecfg.h contains
- * manual configuration options that most people need not worry about.
- */
-#ifndef JCONFIG_INCLUDED	/* in case jinclude.h already did */
-#include "jconfig.h"		/* widely used configuration options */
-#include "jmorecfg.h"		/* seldom changed options */
-/* Version ID for the JPEG library.
- * Might be useful for tests like "#if JPEG_LIB_VERSION >= 60".
- */
-#define JPEG_LIB_VERSION  62	/* Version 6b */
-/* Various constants determining the sizes of things.
- * All of these are specified by the JPEG standard, so don't change them
- * if you want to be compatible.
- */
-#define DCTSIZE		    8	/* The basic DCT block is 8x8 samples */
-#define DCTSIZE2	    64	/* DCTSIZE squared; # of elements in a block */
-#define NUM_QUANT_TBLS      4	/* Quantization tables are numbered 0..3 */
-#define NUM_HUFF_TBLS       4	/* Huffman tables are numbered 0..3 */
-#define NUM_ARITH_TBLS      16	/* Arith-coding tables are numbered 0..15 */
-#define MAX_COMPS_IN_SCAN   4	/* JPEG limit on # of components in one scan */
-#define MAX_SAMP_FACTOR     4	/* JPEG limit on sampling factors */
-/* Unfortunately, some bozo at Adobe saw no reason to be bound by the standard;
- * the PostScript DCT filter can emit files with many more than 10 blocks/MCU.
- * If you happen to run across such a file, you can up D_MAX_BLOCKS_IN_MCU
- * to handle it.  We even let you do this from the jconfig.h file.  However,
- * we strongly discourage changing C_MAX_BLOCKS_IN_MCU; just because Adobe
- * sometimes emits noncompliant files doesn't mean you should too.
- */
-#define C_MAX_BLOCKS_IN_MCU   10 /* compressor's limit on blocks per MCU */
-#define D_MAX_BLOCKS_IN_MCU   10 /* decompressor's limit on blocks per MCU */
-/* Data structures for images (arrays of samples and of DCT coefficients).
- * On 80x86 machines, the image arrays are too big for near pointers,
- * but the pointer arrays can fit in near memory.
- */
-typedef JSAMPLE FAR *JSAMPROW;	/* ptr to one image row of pixel samples. */
-typedef JSAMPROW *JSAMPARRAY;	/* ptr to some rows (a 2-D sample array) */
-typedef JSAMPARRAY *JSAMPIMAGE;	/* a 3-D sample array: top index is color */
-typedef JCOEF JBLOCK[DCTSIZE2];	/* one block of coefficients */
-typedef JBLOCK FAR *JBLOCKROW;	/* pointer to one row of coefficient blocks */
-typedef JBLOCKROW *JBLOCKARRAY;		/* a 2-D array of coefficient blocks */
-typedef JBLOCKARRAY *JBLOCKIMAGE;	/* a 3-D array of coefficient blocks */
-typedef JCOEF FAR *JCOEFPTR;	/* useful in a couple of places */
-/* Types for JPEG compression parameters and working tables. */
-/* DCT coefficient quantization tables. */
-typedef struct {
-  /* This array gives the coefficient quantizers in natural array order
-   * (not the zigzag order in which they are stored in a JPEG DQT marker).
-   * CAUTION: IJG versions prior to v6a kept this array in zigzag order.
-   */
-  UINT16 quantval[DCTSIZE2];	/* quantization step for each coefficient */
-  /* This field is used only during compression.  It's initialized FALSE when
-   * the table is created, and set TRUE when it's been output to the file.
-   * You could suppress output of a table by setting this to TRUE.
-   * (See jpeg_suppress_tables for an example.)
-   */
-  boolean sent_table;		/* TRUE when table has been output */
-/* Huffman coding tables. */
-typedef struct {
-  /* These two fields directly represent the contents of a JPEG DHT marker */
-  UINT8 bits[17];		/* bits[k] = # of symbols with codes of */
-				/* length k bits; bits[0] is unused */
-  UINT8 huffval[256];		/* The symbols, in order of incr code length */
-  /* This field is used only during compression.  It's initialized FALSE when
-   * the table is created, and set TRUE when it's been output to the file.
-   * You could suppress output of a table by setting this to TRUE.
-   * (See jpeg_suppress_tables for an example.)
-   */
-  boolean sent_table;		/* TRUE when table has been output */
-/* Basic info about one component (color channel). */
-typedef struct {
-  /* These values are fixed over the whole image. */
-  /* For compression, they must be supplied by parameter setup; */
-  /* for decompression, they are read from the SOF marker. */
-  int component_id;		/* identifier for this component (0..255) */
-  int component_index;		/* its index in SOF or cinfo->comp_info[] */
-  int h_samp_factor;		/* horizontal sampling factor (1..4) */
-  int v_samp_factor;		/* vertical sampling factor (1..4) */
-  int quant_tbl_no;		/* quantization table selector (0..3) */
-  /* These values may vary between scans. */
-  /* For compression, they must be supplied by parameter setup; */
-  /* for decompression, they are read from the SOS marker. */
-  /* The decompressor output side may not use these variables. */
-  int dc_tbl_no;		/* DC entropy table selector (0..3) */
-  int ac_tbl_no;		/* AC entropy table selector (0..3) */
-  /* Remaining fields should be treated as private by applications. */
-  /* These values are computed during compression or decompression startup: */
-  /* Component's size in DCT blocks.
-   * Any dummy blocks added to complete an MCU are not counted; therefore
-   * these values do not depend on whether a scan is interleaved or not.
-   */
-  JDIMENSION width_in_blocks;
-  JDIMENSION height_in_blocks;
-  /* Size of a DCT block in samples.  Always DCTSIZE for compression.
-   * For decompression this is the size of the output from one DCT block,
-   * reflecting any scaling we choose to apply during the IDCT step.
-   * Values of 1,2,4,8 are likely to be supported.  Note that different
-   * components may receive different IDCT scalings.
-   */
-  int DCT_scaled_size;
-  /* The downsampled dimensions are the component's actual, unpadded number
-   * of samples at the main buffer (preprocessing/compression interface), thus
-   * downsampled_width = ceil(image_width * Hi/Hmax)
-   * and similarly for height.  For decompression, IDCT scaling is included, so
-   * downsampled_width = ceil(image_width * Hi/Hmax * DCT_scaled_size/DCTSIZE)
-   */
-  JDIMENSION downsampled_width;	 /* actual width in samples */
-  JDIMENSION downsampled_height; /* actual height in samples */
-  /* This flag is used only for decompression.  In cases where some of the
-   * components will be ignored (eg grayscale output from YCbCr image),
-   * we can skip most computations for the unused components.
-   */
-  boolean component_needed;	/* do we need the value of this component? */
-  /* These values are computed before starting a scan of the component. */
-  /* The decompressor output side may not use these variables. */
-  int MCU_width;		/* number of blocks per MCU, horizontally */
-  int MCU_height;		/* number of blocks per MCU, vertically */
-  int MCU_blocks;		/* MCU_width * MCU_height */
-  int MCU_sample_width;		/* MCU width in samples, MCU_width*DCT_scaled_size */
-  int last_col_width;		/* # of non-dummy blocks across in last MCU */
-  int last_row_height;		/* # of non-dummy blocks down in last MCU */
-  /* Saved quantization table for component; NULL if none yet saved.
-   * See jdinput.c comments about the need for this information.
-   * This field is currently used only for decompression.
-   */
-  JQUANT_TBL * quant_table;
-  /* Private per-component storage for DCT or IDCT subsystem. */
-  void * dct_table;
-} jpeg_component_info;
-/* The script for encoding a multiple-scan file is an array of these: */
-typedef struct {
-  int comps_in_scan;		/* number of components encoded in this scan */
-  int component_index[MAX_COMPS_IN_SCAN]; /* their SOF/comp_info[] indexes */
-  int Ss, Se;			/* progressive JPEG spectral selection parms */
-  int Ah, Al;			/* progressive JPEG successive approx. parms */
-} jpeg_scan_info;
-/* The decompressor can save APPn and COM markers in a list of these: */
-typedef struct jpeg_marker_struct FAR * jpeg_saved_marker_ptr;
-struct jpeg_marker_struct {
-  jpeg_saved_marker_ptr next;	/* next in list, or NULL */
-  UINT8 marker;			/* marker code: JPEG_COM, or JPEG_APP0+n */
-  unsigned int original_length;	/* # bytes of data in the file */
-  unsigned int data_length;	/* # bytes of data saved at data[] */
-  JOCTET FAR * data;		/* the data contained in the marker */
-  /* the marker length word is not counted in data_length or original_length */
-/* Known color spaces. */
-typedef enum {
-	JCS_UNKNOWN,		/* error/unspecified */
-	JCS_GRAYSCALE,		/* monochrome */
-	JCS_RGB,		/* red/green/blue */
-	JCS_YCbCr,		/* Y/Cb/Cr (also known as YUV) */
-	JCS_CMYK,		/* C/M/Y/K */
-	JCS_YCCK		/* Y/Cb/Cr/K */
-/* DCT/IDCT algorithm options. */
-typedef enum {
-	JDCT_ISLOW,		/* slow but accurate integer algorithm */
-	JDCT_IFAST,		/* faster, less accurate integer method */
-	JDCT_FLOAT		/* floating-point: accurate, fast on fast HW */
-#ifndef JDCT_DEFAULT		/* may be overridden in jconfig.h */
-#ifndef JDCT_FASTEST		/* may be overridden in jconfig.h */
-/* Dithering options for decompression. */
-typedef enum {
-	JDITHER_NONE,		/* no dithering */
-	JDITHER_ORDERED,	/* simple ordered dither */
-	JDITHER_FS		/* Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion dither */
-/* Common fields between JPEG compression and decompression master structs. */
-#define jpeg_common_fields \
-  struct jpeg_error_mgr * err;	/* Error handler module */\
-  struct jpeg_memory_mgr * mem;	/* Memory manager module */\
-  struct jpeg_progress_mgr * progress; /* Progress monitor, or NULL if none */\
-  void * client_data;		/* Available for use by application */\
-  boolean is_decompressor;	/* So common code can tell which is which */\
-  int global_state		/* For checking call sequence validity */
-/* Routines that are to be used by both halves of the library are declared
- * to receive a pointer to this structure.  There are no actual instances of
- * jpeg_common_struct, only of jpeg_compress_struct and jpeg_decompress_struct.
- */
-struct jpeg_common_struct {
-  jpeg_common_fields;		/* Fields common to both master struct types */
-  /* Additional fields follow in an actual jpeg_compress_struct or
-   * jpeg_decompress_struct.  All three structs must agree on these
-   * initial fields!  (This would be a lot cleaner in C++.)
-   */
-typedef struct jpeg_common_struct * j_common_ptr;
-typedef struct jpeg_compress_struct * j_compress_ptr;
-typedef struct jpeg_decompress_struct * j_decompress_ptr;
-/* Master record for a compression instance */
-struct jpeg_compress_struct {
-  jpeg_common_fields;		/* Fields shared with jpeg_decompress_struct */
-  /* Destination for compressed data */
-  struct jpeg_destination_mgr * dest;
-  /* Description of source image --- these fields must be filled in by
-   * outer application before starting compression.  in_color_space must
-   * be correct before you can even call jpeg_set_defaults().
-   */
-  JDIMENSION image_width;	/* input image width */
-  JDIMENSION image_height;	/* input image height */
-  int input_components;		/* # of color components in input image */
-  J_COLOR_SPACE in_color_space;	/* colorspace of input image */
-  double input_gamma;		/* image gamma of input image */
-  /* Compression parameters --- these fields must be set before calling
-   * jpeg_start_compress().  We recommend calling jpeg_set_defaults() to
-   * initialize everything to reasonable defaults, then changing anything
-   * the application specifically wants to change.  That way you won't get
-   * burnt when new parameters are added.  Also note that there are several
-   * helper routines to simplify changing parameters.
-   */
-  int data_precision;		/* bits of precision in image data */
-  int num_components;		/* # of color components in JPEG image */
-  J_COLOR_SPACE jpeg_color_space; /* colorspace of JPEG image */
-  jpeg_component_info * comp_info;
-  /* comp_info[i] describes component that appears i'th in SOF */
-  JQUANT_TBL * quant_tbl_ptrs[NUM_QUANT_TBLS];
-  /* ptrs to coefficient quantization tables, or NULL if not defined */
-  JHUFF_TBL * dc_huff_tbl_ptrs[NUM_HUFF_TBLS];
-  JHUFF_TBL * ac_huff_tbl_ptrs[NUM_HUFF_TBLS];
-  /* ptrs to Huffman coding tables, or NULL if not defined */
-  UINT8 arith_dc_L[NUM_ARITH_TBLS]; /* L values for DC arith-coding tables */
-  UINT8 arith_dc_U[NUM_ARITH_TBLS]; /* U values for DC arith-coding tables */
-  UINT8 arith_ac_K[NUM_ARITH_TBLS]; /* Kx values for AC arith-coding tables */
-  int num_scans;		/* # of entries in scan_info array */
-  const jpeg_scan_info * scan_info; /* script for multi-scan file, or NULL */
-  /* The default value of scan_info is NULL, which causes a single-scan
-   * sequential JPEG file to be emitted.  To create a multi-scan file,
-   * set num_scans and scan_info to point to an array of scan definitions.
-   */
-  boolean raw_data_in;		/* TRUE=caller supplies downsampled data */
-  boolean arith_code;		/* TRUE=arithmetic coding, FALSE=Huffman */
-  boolean optimize_coding;	/* TRUE=optimize entropy encoding parms */
-  boolean CCIR601_sampling;	/* TRUE=first samples are cosited */
-  int smoothing_factor;		/* 1..100, or 0 for no input smoothing */
-  J_DCT_METHOD dct_method;	/* DCT algorithm selector */
-  /* The restart interval can be specified in absolute MCUs by setting
-   * restart_interval, or in MCU rows by setting restart_in_rows
-   * (in which case the correct restart_interval will be figured
-   * for each scan).
-   */
-  unsigned int restart_interval; /* MCUs per restart, or 0 for no restart */
-  int restart_in_rows;		/* if > 0, MCU rows per restart interval */
-  /* Parameters controlling emission of special markers. */
-  boolean write_JFIF_header;	/* should a JFIF marker be written? */
-  UINT8 JFIF_major_version;	/* What to write for the JFIF version number */
-  UINT8 JFIF_minor_version;
-  /* These three values are not used by the JPEG code, merely copied */
-  /* into the JFIF APP0 marker.  density_unit can be 0 for unknown, */
-  /* 1 for dots/inch, or 2 for dots/cm.  Note that the pixel aspect */
-  /* ratio is defined by X_density/Y_density even when density_unit=0. */
-  UINT8 density_unit;		/* JFIF code for pixel size units */
-  UINT16 X_density;		/* Horizontal pixel density */
-  UINT16 Y_density;		/* Vertical pixel density */
-  boolean write_Adobe_marker;	/* should an Adobe marker be written? */
-  /* State variable: index of next scanline to be written to
-   * jpeg_write_scanlines().  Application may use this to control its
-   * processing loop, e.g., "while (next_scanline < image_height)".
-   */
-  JDIMENSION next_scanline;	/* 0 .. image_height-1  */
-  /* Remaining fields are known throughout compressor, but generally
-   * should not be touched by a surrounding application.
-   */
-  /*
-   * These fields are computed during compression startup
-   */
-  boolean progressive_mode;	/* TRUE if scan script uses progressive mode */
-  int max_h_samp_factor;	/* largest h_samp_factor */
-  int max_v_samp_factor;	/* largest v_samp_factor */
-  JDIMENSION total_iMCU_rows;	/* # of iMCU rows to be input to coef ctlr */
-  /* The coefficient controller receives data in units of MCU rows as defined
-   * for fully interleaved scans (whether the JPEG file is interleaved or not).
-   * There are v_samp_factor * DCTSIZE sample rows of each component in an
-   * "iMCU" (interleaved MCU) row.
-   */
-  /*
-   * These fields are valid during any one scan.
-   * They describe the components and MCUs actually appearing in the scan.
-   */
-  int comps_in_scan;		/* # of JPEG components in this scan */
-  jpeg_component_info * cur_comp_info[MAX_COMPS_IN_SCAN];
-  /* *cur_comp_info[i] describes component that appears i'th in SOS */
-  JDIMENSION MCUs_per_row;	/* # of MCUs across the image */
-  JDIMENSION MCU_rows_in_scan;	/* # of MCU rows in the image */
-  int blocks_in_MCU;		/* # of DCT blocks per MCU */
-  int MCU_membership[C_MAX_BLOCKS_IN_MCU];
-  /* MCU_membership[i] is index in cur_comp_info of component owning */
-  /* i'th block in an MCU */
-  int Ss, Se, Ah, Al;		/* progressive JPEG parameters for scan */
-  /*
-   * Links to compression subobjects (methods and private variables of modules)
-   */
-  struct jpeg_comp_master * master;
-  struct jpeg_c_main_controller * main;
-  struct jpeg_c_prep_controller * prep;
-  struct jpeg_c_coef_controller * coef;
-  struct jpeg_marker_writer * marker;
-  struct jpeg_color_converter * cconvert;
-  struct jpeg_downsampler * downsample;
-  struct jpeg_forward_dct * fdct;
-  struct jpeg_entropy_encoder * entropy;
-  jpeg_scan_info * script_space; /* workspace for jpeg_simple_progression */
-  int script_space_size;
-/* Master record for a decompression instance */
-struct jpeg_decompress_struct {
-  jpeg_common_fields;		/* Fields shared with jpeg_compress_struct */
-  /* Source of compressed data */
-  struct jpeg_source_mgr * src;
-  /* Basic description of image --- filled in by jpeg_read_header(). */
-  /* Application may inspect these values to decide how to process image. */
-  JDIMENSION image_width;	/* nominal image width (from SOF marker) */
-  JDIMENSION image_height;	/* nominal image height */
-  int num_components;		/* # of color components in JPEG image */
-  J_COLOR_SPACE jpeg_color_space; /* colorspace of JPEG image */
-  /* Decompression processing parameters --- these fields must be set before
-   * calling jpeg_start_decompress().  Note that jpeg_read_header() initializes
-   * them to default values.
-   */
-  J_COLOR_SPACE out_color_space; /* colorspace for output */
-  unsigned int scale_num, scale_denom; /* fraction by which to scale image */
-  double output_gamma;		/* image gamma wanted in output */
-  boolean buffered_image;	/* TRUE=multiple output passes */
-  boolean raw_data_out;		/* TRUE=downsampled data wanted */
-  J_DCT_METHOD dct_method;	/* IDCT algorithm selector */
-  boolean do_fancy_upsampling;	/* TRUE=apply fancy upsampling */
-  boolean do_block_smoothing;	/* TRUE=apply interblock smoothing */
-  boolean quantize_colors;	/* TRUE=colormapped output wanted */
-  /* the following are ignored if not quantize_colors: */
-  J_DITHER_MODE dither_mode;	/* type of color dithering to use */
-  boolean two_pass_quantize;	/* TRUE=use two-pass color quantization */
-  int desired_number_of_colors;	/* max # colors to use in created colormap */
-  /* these are significant only in buffered-image mode: */
-  boolean enable_1pass_quant;	/* enable future use of 1-pass quantizer */
-  boolean enable_external_quant;/* enable future use of external colormap */
-  boolean enable_2pass_quant;	/* enable future use of 2-pass quantizer */
-  /* Description of actual output image that will be returned to application.
-   * These fields are computed by jpeg_start_decompress().
-   * You can also use jpeg_calc_output_dimensions() to determine these values
-   * in advance of calling jpeg_start_decompress().
-   */
-  JDIMENSION output_width;	/* scaled image width */
-  JDIMENSION output_height;	/* scaled image height */
-  int out_color_components;	/* # of color components in out_color_space */
-  int output_components;	/* # of color components returned */
-  /* output_components is 1 (a colormap index) when quantizing colors;
-   * otherwise it equals out_color_components.
-   */
-  int rec_outbuf_height;	/* min recommended height of scanline buffer */
-  /* If the buffer passed to jpeg_read_scanlines() is less than this many rows
-   * high, space and time will be wasted due to unnecessary data copying.
-   * Usually rec_outbuf_height will be 1 or 2, at most 4.
-   */
-  /* When quantizing colors, the output colormap is described by these fields.
-   * The application can supply a colormap by setting colormap non-NULL before
-   * calling jpeg_start_decompress; otherwise a colormap is created during
-   * jpeg_start_decompress or jpeg_start_output.
-   * The map has out_color_components rows and actual_number_of_colors columns.
-   */
-  int actual_number_of_colors;	/* number of entries in use */
-  JSAMPARRAY colormap;		/* The color map as a 2-D pixel array */
-  /* State variables: these variables indicate the progress of decompression.
-   * The application may examine these but must not modify them.
-   */
-  /* Row index of next scanline to be read from jpeg_read_scanlines().
-   * Application may use this to control its processing loop, e.g.,
-   * "while (output_scanline < output_height)".
-   */
-  JDIMENSION output_scanline;	/* 0 .. output_height-1  */
-  /* Current input scan number and number of iMCU rows completed in scan.
-   * These indicate the progress of the decompressor input side.
-   */
-  int input_scan_number;	/* Number of SOS markers seen so far */
-  JDIMENSION input_iMCU_row;	/* Number of iMCU rows completed */
-  /* The "output scan number" is the notional scan being displayed by the
-   * output side.  The decompressor will not allow output scan/row number
-   * to get ahead of input scan/row, but it can fall arbitrarily far behind.
-   */
-  int output_scan_number;	/* Nominal scan number being displayed */
-  JDIMENSION output_iMCU_row;	/* Number of iMCU rows read */
-  /* Current progression status.  coef_bits[c][i] indicates the precision
-   * with which component c's DCT coefficient i (in zigzag order) is known.
-   * It is -1 when no data has yet been received, otherwise it is the point
-   * transform (shift) value for the most recent scan of the coefficient
-   * (thus, 0 at completion of the progression).
-   * This pointer is NULL when reading a non-progressive file.
-   */
-  int (*coef_bits)[DCTSIZE2];	/* -1 or current Al value for each coef */
-  /* Internal JPEG parameters --- the application usually need not look at
-   * these fields.  Note that the decompressor output side may not use
-   * any parameters that can change between scans.
-   */
-  /* Quantization and Huffman tables are carried forward across input
-   * datastreams when processing abbreviated JPEG datastreams.
-   */
-  JQUANT_TBL * quant_tbl_ptrs[NUM_QUANT_TBLS];
-  /* ptrs to coefficient quantization tables, or NULL if not defined */
-  JHUFF_TBL * dc_huff_tbl_ptrs[NUM_HUFF_TBLS];
-  JHUFF_TBL * ac_huff_tbl_ptrs[NUM_HUFF_TBLS];
-  /* ptrs to Huffman coding tables, or NULL if not defined */
-  /* These parameters are never carried across datastreams, since they
-   * are given in SOF/SOS markers or defined to be reset by SOI.
-   */
-  int data_precision;		/* bits of precision in image data */
-  jpeg_component_info * comp_info;
-  /* comp_info[i] describes component that appears i'th in SOF */
-  boolean progressive_mode;	/* TRUE if SOFn specifies progressive mode */
-  boolean arith_code;		/* TRUE=arithmetic coding, FALSE=Huffman */
-  UINT8 arith_dc_L[NUM_ARITH_TBLS]; /* L values for DC arith-coding tables */
-  UINT8 arith_dc_U[NUM_ARITH_TBLS]; /* U values for DC arith-coding tables */
-  UINT8 arith_ac_K[NUM_ARITH_TBLS]; /* Kx values for AC arith-coding tables */
-  unsigned int restart_interval; /* MCUs per restart interval, or 0 for no restart */
-  /* These fields record data obtained from optional markers recognized by
-   * the JPEG library.
-   */
-  boolean saw_JFIF_marker;	/* TRUE iff a JFIF APP0 marker was found */
-  /* Data copied from JFIF marker; only valid if saw_JFIF_marker is TRUE: */
-  UINT8 JFIF_major_version;	/* JFIF version number */
-  UINT8 JFIF_minor_version;
-  UINT8 density_unit;		/* JFIF code for pixel size units */
-  UINT16 X_density;		/* Horizontal pixel density */
-  UINT16 Y_density;		/* Vertical pixel density */
-  boolean saw_Adobe_marker;	/* TRUE iff an Adobe APP14 marker was found */
-  UINT8 Adobe_transform;	/* Color transform code from Adobe marker */
-  boolean CCIR601_sampling;	/* TRUE=first samples are cosited */
-  /* Aside from the specific data retained from APPn markers known to the
-   * library, the uninterpreted contents of any or all APPn and COM markers
-   * can be saved in a list for examination by the application.
-   */
-  jpeg_saved_marker_ptr marker_list; /* Head of list of saved markers */
-  /* Remaining fields are known throughout decompressor, but generally
-   * should not be touched by a surrounding application.
-   */
-  /*
-   * These fields are computed during decompression startup
-   */
-  int max_h_samp_factor;	/* largest h_samp_factor */
-  int max_v_samp_factor;	/* largest v_samp_factor */
-  int min_DCT_scaled_size;	/* smallest DCT_scaled_size of any component */
-  JDIMENSION total_iMCU_rows;	/* # of iMCU rows in image */
-  /* The coefficient controller's input and output progress is measured in
-   * units of "iMCU" (interleaved MCU) rows.  These are the same as MCU rows
-   * in fully interleaved JPEG scans, but are used whether the scan is
-   * interleaved or not.  We define an iMCU row as v_samp_factor DCT block
-   * rows of each component.  Therefore, the IDCT output contains
-   * v_samp_factor*DCT_scaled_size sample rows of a component per iMCU row.
-   */
-  JSAMPLE * sample_range_limit; /* table for fast range-limiting */
-  /*
-   * These fields are valid during any one scan.
-   * They describe the components and MCUs actually appearing in the scan.
-   * Note that the decompressor output side must not use these fields.
-   */
-  int comps_in_scan;		/* # of JPEG components in this scan */
-  jpeg_component_info * cur_comp_info[MAX_COMPS_IN_SCAN];
-  /* *cur_comp_info[i] describes component that appears i'th in SOS */
-  JDIMENSION MCUs_per_row;	/* # of MCUs across the image */
-  JDIMENSION MCU_rows_in_scan;	/* # of MCU rows in the image */
-  int blocks_in_MCU;		/* # of DCT blocks per MCU */
-  int MCU_membership[D_MAX_BLOCKS_IN_MCU];
-  /* MCU_membership[i] is index in cur_comp_info of component owning */
-  /* i'th block in an MCU */
-  int Ss, Se, Ah, Al;		/* progressive JPEG parameters for scan */
-  /* This field is shared between entropy decoder and marker parser.
-   * It is either zero or the code of a JPEG marker that has been
-   * read from the data source, but has not yet been processed.
-   */
-  int unread_marker;
-  /*
-   * Links to decompression subobjects (methods, private variables of modules)
-   */
-  struct jpeg_decomp_master * master;
-  struct jpeg_d_main_controller * main;
-  struct jpeg_d_coef_controller * coef;
-  struct jpeg_d_post_controller * post;
-  struct jpeg_input_controller * inputctl;
-  struct jpeg_marker_reader * marker;
-  struct jpeg_entropy_decoder * entropy;
-  struct jpeg_inverse_dct * idct;
-  struct jpeg_upsampler * upsample;
-  struct jpeg_color_deconverter * cconvert;
-  struct jpeg_color_quantizer * cquantize;
-/* "Object" declarations for JPEG modules that may be supplied or called
- * directly by the surrounding application.
- * As with all objects in the JPEG library, these structs only define the
- * publicly visible methods and state variables of a module.  Additional
- * private fields may exist after the public ones.
- */
-/* Error handler object */
-struct jpeg_error_mgr {
-  /* Error exit handler: does not return to caller */
-  JMETHOD(void, error_exit, (j_common_ptr cinfo));
-  /* Conditionally emit a trace or warning message */
-  JMETHOD(void, emit_message, (j_common_ptr cinfo, int msg_level));
-  /* Routine that actually outputs a trace or error message */
-  JMETHOD(void, output_message, (j_common_ptr cinfo));
-  /* Format a message string for the most recent JPEG error or message */
-  JMETHOD(void, format_message, (j_common_ptr cinfo, char * buffer));
-#define JMSG_LENGTH_MAX  200	/* recommended size of format_message buffer */
-  /* Reset error state variables at start of a new image */
-  JMETHOD(void, reset_error_mgr, (j_common_ptr cinfo));
-  /* The message ID code and any parameters are saved here.
-   * A message can have one string parameter or up to 8 int parameters.
-   */
-  int msg_code;
-#define JMSG_STR_PARM_MAX  80
-  union {
-    int i[8];
-    char s[JMSG_STR_PARM_MAX];
-  } msg_parm;
-  /* Standard state variables for error facility */
-  int trace_level;		/* max msg_level that will be displayed */
-  /* For recoverable corrupt-data errors, we emit a warning message,
-   * but keep going unless emit_message chooses to abort.  emit_message
-   * should count warnings in num_warnings.  The surrounding application
-   * can check for bad data by seeing if num_warnings is nonzero at the
-   * end of processing.
-   */
-  long num_warnings;		/* number of corrupt-data warnings */
-  /* These fields point to the table(s) of error message strings.
-   * An application can change the table pointer to switch to a different
-   * message list (typically, to change the language in which errors are
-   * reported).  Some applications may wish to add additional error codes
-   * that will be handled by the JPEG library error mechanism; the second
-   * table pointer is used for this purpose.
-   *
-   * First table includes all errors generated by JPEG library itself.
-   * Error code 0 is reserved for a "no such error string" message.
-   */
-  const char * const * jpeg_message_table; /* Library errors */
-  int last_jpeg_message;    /* Table contains strings 0..last_jpeg_message */
-  /* Second table can be added by application (see cjpeg/djpeg for example).
-   * It contains strings numbered first_addon_message..last_addon_message.
-   */
-  const char * const * addon_message_table; /* Non-library errors */
-  int first_addon_message;	/* code for first string in addon table */
-  int last_addon_message;	/* code for last string in addon table */
-/* Progress monitor object */
-struct jpeg_progress_mgr {
-  JMETHOD(void, progress_monitor, (j_common_ptr cinfo));
-  long pass_counter;		/* work units completed in this pass */
-  long pass_limit;		/* total number of work units in this pass */
-  int completed_passes;		/* passes completed so far */
-  int total_passes;		/* total number of passes expected */
-/* Data destination object for compression */
-struct jpeg_destination_mgr {
-  JOCTET * next_output_byte;	/* => next byte to write in buffer */
-  size_t free_in_buffer;	/* # of byte spaces remaining in buffer */
-  JMETHOD(void, init_destination, (j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-  JMETHOD(boolean, empty_output_buffer, (j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-  JMETHOD(void, term_destination, (j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-/* Data source object for decompression */
-struct jpeg_source_mgr {
-  const JOCTET * next_input_byte; /* => next byte to read from buffer */
-  size_t bytes_in_buffer;	/* # of bytes remaining in buffer */
-  JMETHOD(void, init_source, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-  JMETHOD(boolean, fill_input_buffer, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-  JMETHOD(void, skip_input_data, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, long num_bytes));
-  JMETHOD(boolean, resync_to_restart, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo, int desired));
-  JMETHOD(void, term_source, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-/* Memory manager object.
- * Allocates "small" objects (a few K total), "large" objects (tens of K),
- * and "really big" objects (virtual arrays with backing store if needed).
- * The memory manager does not allow individual objects to be freed; rather,
- * each created object is assigned to a pool, and whole pools can be freed
- * at once.  This is faster and more convenient than remembering exactly what
- * to free, especially where malloc()/free() are not too speedy.
- * NB: alloc routines never return NULL.  They exit to error_exit if not
- * successful.
- */
-#define JPOOL_PERMANENT	0	/* lasts until master record is destroyed */
-#define JPOOL_IMAGE	1	/* lasts until done with image/datastream */
-typedef struct jvirt_sarray_control * jvirt_sarray_ptr;
-typedef struct jvirt_barray_control * jvirt_barray_ptr;
-struct jpeg_memory_mgr {
-  /* Method pointers */
-  JMETHOD(void *, alloc_small, (j_common_ptr cinfo, int pool_id,
-				size_t sizeofobject));
-  JMETHOD(void FAR *, alloc_large, (j_common_ptr cinfo, int pool_id,
-				     size_t sizeofobject));
-  JMETHOD(JSAMPARRAY, alloc_sarray, (j_common_ptr cinfo, int pool_id,
-				     JDIMENSION samplesperrow,
-				     JDIMENSION numrows));
-  JMETHOD(JBLOCKARRAY, alloc_barray, (j_common_ptr cinfo, int pool_id,
-				      JDIMENSION blocksperrow,
-				      JDIMENSION numrows));
-  JMETHOD(jvirt_sarray_ptr, request_virt_sarray, (j_common_ptr cinfo,
-						  int pool_id,
-						  boolean pre_zero,
-						  JDIMENSION samplesperrow,
-						  JDIMENSION numrows,
-						  JDIMENSION maxaccess));
-  JMETHOD(jvirt_barray_ptr, request_virt_barray, (j_common_ptr cinfo,
-						  int pool_id,
-						  boolean pre_zero,
-						  JDIMENSION blocksperrow,
-						  JDIMENSION numrows,
-						  JDIMENSION maxaccess));
-  JMETHOD(void, realize_virt_arrays, (j_common_ptr cinfo));
-  JMETHOD(JSAMPARRAY, access_virt_sarray, (j_common_ptr cinfo,
-					   jvirt_sarray_ptr ptr,
-					   JDIMENSION start_row,
-					   JDIMENSION num_rows,
-					   boolean writable));
-  JMETHOD(JBLOCKARRAY, access_virt_barray, (j_common_ptr cinfo,
-					    jvirt_barray_ptr ptr,
-					    JDIMENSION start_row,
-					    JDIMENSION num_rows,
-					    boolean writable));
-  JMETHOD(void, free_pool, (j_common_ptr cinfo, int pool_id));
-  JMETHOD(void, self_destruct, (j_common_ptr cinfo));
-  /* Limit on memory allocation for this JPEG object.  (Note that this is
-   * merely advisory, not a guaranteed maximum; it only affects the space
-   * used for virtual-array buffers.)  May be changed by outer application
-   * after creating the JPEG object.
-   */
-  long max_memory_to_use;
-  /* Maximum allocation request accepted by alloc_large. */
-  long max_alloc_chunk;
-/* Routine signature for application-supplied marker processing methods.
- * Need not pass marker code since it is stored in cinfo->unread_marker.
- */
-typedef JMETHOD(boolean, jpeg_marker_parser_method, (j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-/* Declarations for routines called by application.
- * The JPP macro hides prototype parameters from compilers that can't cope.
- * Note JPP requires double parentheses.
- */
-#define JPP(arglist)	arglist
-#define JPP(arglist)	()
-/* Short forms of external names for systems with brain-damaged linkers.
- * We shorten external names to be unique in the first six letters, which
- * is good enough for all known systems.
- * (If your compiler itself needs names to be unique in less than 15 
- * characters, you are out of luck.  Get a better compiler.)
- */
-#define jpeg_std_error		jStdError
-#define jpeg_CreateCompress	jCreaCompress
-#define jpeg_CreateDecompress	jCreaDecompress
-#define jpeg_destroy_compress	jDestCompress
-#define jpeg_destroy_decompress	jDestDecompress
-#define jpeg_stdio_dest		jStdDest
-#define jpeg_stdio_src		jStdSrc
-#define jpeg_set_defaults	jSetDefaults
-#define jpeg_set_colorspace	jSetColorspace
-#define jpeg_default_colorspace	jDefColorspace
-#define jpeg_set_quality	jSetQuality
-#define jpeg_set_linear_quality	jSetLQuality
-#define jpeg_add_quant_table	jAddQuantTable
-#define jpeg_quality_scaling	jQualityScaling
-#define jpeg_simple_progression	jSimProgress
-#define jpeg_suppress_tables	jSuppressTables
-#define jpeg_alloc_quant_table	jAlcQTable
-#define jpeg_alloc_huff_table	jAlcHTable
-#define jpeg_start_compress	jStrtCompress
-#define jpeg_write_scanlines	jWrtScanlines
-#define jpeg_finish_compress	jFinCompress
-#define jpeg_write_raw_data	jWrtRawData
-#define jpeg_write_marker	jWrtMarker
-#define jpeg_write_m_header	jWrtMHeader
-#define jpeg_write_m_byte	jWrtMByte
-#define jpeg_write_tables	jWrtTables
-#define jpeg_read_header	jReadHeader
-#define jpeg_start_decompress	jStrtDecompress
-#define jpeg_read_scanlines	jReadScanlines
-#define jpeg_finish_decompress	jFinDecompress
-#define jpeg_read_raw_data	jReadRawData
-#define jpeg_has_multiple_scans	jHasMultScn
-#define jpeg_start_output	jStrtOutput
-#define jpeg_finish_output	jFinOutput
-#define jpeg_input_complete	jInComplete
-#define jpeg_new_colormap	jNewCMap
-#define jpeg_consume_input	jConsumeInput
-#define jpeg_calc_output_dimensions	jCalcDimensions
-#define jpeg_save_markers	jSaveMarkers
-#define jpeg_set_marker_processor	jSetMarker
-#define jpeg_read_coefficients	jReadCoefs
-#define jpeg_write_coefficients	jWrtCoefs
-#define jpeg_copy_critical_parameters	jCopyCrit
-#define jpeg_abort_compress	jAbrtCompress
-#define jpeg_abort_decompress	jAbrtDecompress
-#define jpeg_abort		jAbort
-#define jpeg_destroy		jDestroy
-#define jpeg_resync_to_restart	jResyncRestart
-/* Default error-management setup */
-EXTERN(struct jpeg_error_mgr *) jpeg_std_error
-	JPP((struct jpeg_error_mgr * err));
-/* Initialization of JPEG compression objects.
- * jpeg_create_compress() and jpeg_create_decompress() are the exported
- * names that applications should call.  These expand to calls on
- * jpeg_CreateCompress and jpeg_CreateDecompress with additional information
- * passed for version mismatch checking.
- * NB: you must set up the error-manager BEFORE calling jpeg_create_xxx.
- */
-#define jpeg_create_compress(cinfo) \
-    jpeg_CreateCompress((cinfo), JPEG_LIB_VERSION, \
-			(size_t) sizeof(struct jpeg_compress_struct))
-#define jpeg_create_decompress(cinfo) \
-    jpeg_CreateDecompress((cinfo), JPEG_LIB_VERSION, \
-			  (size_t) sizeof(struct jpeg_decompress_struct))
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_CreateCompress JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo,
-				      int version, size_t structsize));
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_CreateDecompress JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
-					int version, size_t structsize));
-/* Destruction of JPEG compression objects */
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_destroy_compress JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_destroy_decompress JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-/* Standard data source and destination managers: stdio streams. */
-/* Caller is responsible for opening the file before and closing after. */
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_stdio_dest JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, FILE * outfile));
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_stdio_src JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, FILE * infile));
-/* Default parameter setup for compression */
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_set_defaults JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-/* Compression parameter setup aids */
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_set_colorspace JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo,
-				      J_COLOR_SPACE colorspace));
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_default_colorspace JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_set_quality JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, int quality,
-				   boolean force_baseline));
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_set_linear_quality JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo,
-					  int scale_factor,
-					  boolean force_baseline));
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_add_quant_table JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, int which_tbl,
-				       const unsigned int *basic_table,
-				       int scale_factor,
-				       boolean force_baseline));
-EXTERN(int) jpeg_quality_scaling JPP((int quality));
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_simple_progression JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_suppress_tables JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo,
-				       boolean suppress));
-EXTERN(JQUANT_TBL *) jpeg_alloc_quant_table JPP((j_common_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(JHUFF_TBL *) jpeg_alloc_huff_table JPP((j_common_ptr cinfo));
-/* Main entry points for compression */
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_start_compress JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo,
-				      boolean write_all_tables));
-EXTERN(JDIMENSION) jpeg_write_scanlines JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo,
-					     JSAMPARRAY scanlines,
-					     JDIMENSION num_lines));
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_finish_compress JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-/* Replaces jpeg_write_scanlines when writing raw downsampled data. */
-EXTERN(JDIMENSION) jpeg_write_raw_data JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo,
-					    JSAMPIMAGE data,
-					    JDIMENSION num_lines));
-/* Write a special marker.  See libjpeg.doc concerning safe usage. */
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_write_marker
-	JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, int marker,
-	     const JOCTET * dataptr, unsigned int datalen));
-/* Same, but piecemeal. */
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_write_m_header
-	JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, int marker, unsigned int datalen));
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_write_m_byte
-	JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, int val));
-/* Alternate compression function: just write an abbreviated table file */
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_write_tables JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-/* Decompression startup: read start of JPEG datastream to see what's there */
-EXTERN(int) jpeg_read_header JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
-				  boolean require_image));
-/* Return value is one of: */
-#define JPEG_SUSPENDED		0 /* Suspended due to lack of input data */
-#define JPEG_HEADER_OK		1 /* Found valid image datastream */
-#define JPEG_HEADER_TABLES_ONLY	2 /* Found valid table-specs-only datastream */
-/* If you pass require_image = TRUE (normal case), you need not check for
- * a TABLES_ONLY return code; an abbreviated file will cause an error exit.
- * JPEG_SUSPENDED is only possible if you use a data source module that can
- * give a suspension return (the stdio source module doesn't).
- */
-/* Main entry points for decompression */
-EXTERN(boolean) jpeg_start_decompress JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(JDIMENSION) jpeg_read_scanlines JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
-					    JSAMPARRAY scanlines,
-					    JDIMENSION max_lines));
-EXTERN(boolean) jpeg_finish_decompress JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-/* Replaces jpeg_read_scanlines when reading raw downsampled data. */
-EXTERN(JDIMENSION) jpeg_read_raw_data JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
-					   JSAMPIMAGE data,
-					   JDIMENSION max_lines));
-/* Additional entry points for buffered-image mode. */
-EXTERN(boolean) jpeg_has_multiple_scans JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(boolean) jpeg_start_output JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
-				       int scan_number));
-EXTERN(boolean) jpeg_finish_output JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(boolean) jpeg_input_complete JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_new_colormap JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(int) jpeg_consume_input JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-/* Return value is one of: */
-/* #define JPEG_SUSPENDED	0    Suspended due to lack of input data */
-#define JPEG_REACHED_SOS	1 /* Reached start of new scan */
-#define JPEG_REACHED_EOI	2 /* Reached end of image */
-#define JPEG_ROW_COMPLETED	3 /* Completed one iMCU row */
-#define JPEG_SCAN_COMPLETED	4 /* Completed last iMCU row of a scan */
-/* Precalculate output dimensions for current decompression parameters. */
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_calc_output_dimensions JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-/* Control saving of COM and APPn markers into marker_list. */
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_save_markers
-	JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, int marker_code,
-	     unsigned int length_limit));
-/* Install a special processing method for COM or APPn markers. */
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_set_marker_processor
-	JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo, int marker_code,
-	     jpeg_marker_parser_method routine));
-/* Read or write raw DCT coefficients --- useful for lossless transcoding. */
-EXTERN(jvirt_barray_ptr *) jpeg_read_coefficients JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_write_coefficients JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo,
-					  jvirt_barray_ptr * coef_arrays));
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_copy_critical_parameters JPP((j_decompress_ptr srcinfo,
-						j_compress_ptr dstinfo));
-/* If you choose to abort compression or decompression before completing
- * jpeg_finish_(de)compress, then you need to clean up to release memory,
- * temporary files, etc.  You can just call jpeg_destroy_(de)compress
- * if you're done with the JPEG object, but if you want to clean it up and
- * reuse it, call this:
- */
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_abort_compress JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_abort_decompress JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo));
-/* Generic versions of jpeg_abort and jpeg_destroy that work on either
- * flavor of JPEG object.  These may be more convenient in some places.
- */
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_abort JPP((j_common_ptr cinfo));
-EXTERN(void) jpeg_destroy JPP((j_common_ptr cinfo));
-/* Default restart-marker-resync procedure for use by data source modules */
-EXTERN(boolean) jpeg_resync_to_restart JPP((j_decompress_ptr cinfo,
-					    int desired));
-/* These marker codes are exported since applications and data source modules
- * are likely to want to use them.
- */
-#define JPEG_RST0	0xD0	/* RST0 marker code */
-#define JPEG_EOI	0xD9	/* EOI marker code */
-#define JPEG_APP0	0xE0	/* APP0 marker code */
-#define JPEG_COM	0xFE	/* COM marker code */
-/* If we have a brain-damaged compiler that emits warnings (or worse, errors)
- * for structure definitions that are never filled in, keep it quiet by
- * supplying dummy definitions for the various substructures.
- */
-#ifndef JPEG_INTERNALS		/* will be defined in jpegint.h */
-struct jvirt_sarray_control { long dummy; };
-struct jvirt_barray_control { long dummy; };
-struct jpeg_comp_master { long dummy; };
-struct jpeg_c_main_controller { long dummy; };
-struct jpeg_c_prep_controller { long dummy; };
-struct jpeg_c_coef_controller { long dummy; };
-struct jpeg_marker_writer { long dummy; };
-struct jpeg_color_converter { long dummy; };
-struct jpeg_downsampler { long dummy; };
-struct jpeg_forward_dct { long dummy; };
-struct jpeg_entropy_encoder { long dummy; };
-struct jpeg_decomp_master { long dummy; };
-struct jpeg_d_main_controller { long dummy; };
-struct jpeg_d_coef_controller { long dummy; };
-struct jpeg_d_post_controller { long dummy; };
-struct jpeg_input_controller { long dummy; };
-struct jpeg_marker_reader { long dummy; };
-struct jpeg_entropy_decoder { long dummy; };
-struct jpeg_inverse_dct { long dummy; };
-struct jpeg_upsampler { long dummy; };
-struct jpeg_color_deconverter { long dummy; };
-struct jpeg_color_quantizer { long dummy; };
-#endif /* JPEG_INTERNALS */
- * The JPEG library modules define JPEG_INTERNALS before including this file.
- * The internal structure declarations are read only when that is true.
- * Applications using the library should not include jpegint.h, but may wish
- * to include jerror.h.
- */
-#include "jpegint.h"		/* fetch private declarations */
-#include "jerror.h"		/* fetch error codes too */
-#endif /* JPEGLIB_H */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jversion.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jversion.h
deleted file mode 100755
index b903be7d468ca5034afdca10efe5cdaa7161a51f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/jversion.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
- * jversion.h
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1991-1996, Thomas G. Lane.
- * This file is part of the Independent JPEG Group's software.
- * For conditions of distribution and use, see the accompanying README file.
- *
- * This file contains software version identification.
- */
-#define JVERSION	"6a  7-Feb-96"
-#define JCOPYRIGHT	"Copyright (C) 1996, Thomas G. Lane"
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/machdep.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/machdep.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 055749fc48824609251fc719ae6da69aef4dd512..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/machdep.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
-/* $Header: machdep.h,v 1.1 96/07/15 15:06:52 cmf Exp $ */
- * Copyright (c) 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 Sam Leffler
- * Copyright (c) 1991 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and 
- * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided
- * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in
- * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of
- * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or
- * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written
- * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics.
- * 
- * 
- */
-#ifndef _MACHDEP_
-#define	_MACHDEP_
- * Machine dependent definitions:
- *   o floating point formats
- *   o byte ordering
- *
- * NB, there are lots of assumptions here:
- *   - 32-bit natural integers	(sign extension code)
- *   - native float is 4 bytes	(floating point conversion)
- *   - native double is 8 bytes	(floating point conversion)
- */
-#if defined(sun) || defined(sparc) || defined(stellar) || defined(MIPSEB) || defined(hpux) || defined(apollo) || defined(NeXT) || defined(_IBMR2)
-#define	BIGENDIAN	1
-#define	IEEEFP
-#endif /* sun || sparc || stellar || MIPSEB || hpux || apollo || NeXT || _IBMR2 */
-/* MIPSEL = MIPS w/ Little Endian byte ordering (e.g. DEC 3100) */
-#if defined(MIPSEL)
-#define	BIGENDIAN	0
-#define	IEEEFP
-#endif /* MIPSEL */
-#ifdef transputer
-#define	BIGENDIAN	0
-#define	IEEEFP			/* IEEE floating point supported */
-#endif /* transputer */
-#if defined(m386) || defined(M_I86) || defined(i386)
-#define BIGENDIAN	0
-#define IEEEFP			/* IEEE floating point supported */
-#endif /* m386 || M_I86 || i386 */
-#ifdef IEEEFP
-typedef	struct ieeedouble nativedouble;
-typedef	struct ieeefloat nativefloat;
-#define	ISFRACTION(e)	(1022 - 4 <= (e) && (e) <= 1022 + 15)
-#define	EXTRACTFRACTION(dp, fract) \
-   ((fract) = ((unsigned long)(1<<31)|((dp)->native.mant<<11)|\
-      ((dp)->native.mant2>>21)) >> (1022+16-(dp)->native.exp))
-#define	EXTRACTEXPONENT(dp, exponent) ((exponent) = (dp)->native.exp)
-#define	TIFFSwabArrayOfFloat(fp,n)  TIFFSwabArrayOfLong((unsigned long *)fp,n)
-#define	TIFFSwabArrayOfDouble(dp,n) TIFFSwabArrayOfLong((unsigned long *)dp,2*n)
-#endif /* IEEEFP */
-#ifdef tahoe
-#define	BIGENDIAN	1
-typedef	struct {
-	unsigned	sign:1;
-	unsigned	exp:8;
-	unsigned	mant:23;
-	unsigned	mant2;
-} nativedouble;
-typedef	struct {
-	unsigned	sign:1;
-	unsigned	exp:8;
-	unsigned	mant:23;
-} nativefloat;
-#define	ISFRACTION(e)	(128 - 4 <= (e) && (e) <= 128 + 15)
-#define	EXTRACTFRACTION(dp, fract) \
-    ((fract) = ((1<<31)|((dp)->native.mant<<8)|((dp)->native.mant2>>15)) >> \
-	(128+16-(dp)->native.exp))
-#define	EXTRACTEXPONENT(dp, exponent) ((exponent) = (dp)->native.exp - 2)
- * Beware, over/under-flow in conversions will
- * result in garbage values -- handling it would
- * require a subroutine call or lots more code.
- */
-#define	NATIVE2IEEEFLOAT(fp) { \
-    if ((fp)->native.exp) \
-        (fp)->ieee.exp = (fp)->native.exp - 129 + 127;	/* alter bias */\
-#define	IEEEFLOAT2NATIVE(fp) { \
-    if ((fp)->ieee.exp) \
-        (fp)->native.exp = (fp)->ieee.exp - 127 + 129; 	/* alter bias */\
-#define	IEEEDOUBLE2NATIVE(dp) { \
-    if ((dp)->native.exp = (dp)->ieee.exp) \
-	(dp)->native.exp += -1023 + 129; \
-    (dp)->native.mant = ((dp)->ieee.mant<<3)|((dp)->native.mant2>>29); \
-    (dp)->native.mant2 <<= 3; \
-/* the following is to work around a compiler bug... */
-#define	SIGNEXTEND(a,b)	{ char ch; ch = (a); (b) = ch; }
-#define	TIFFSwabArrayOfFloat(fp,n)  TIFFSwabArrayOfLong((unsigned long *)fp,n)
-#define	TIFFSwabArrayOfDouble(dp,n) TIFFSwabArrayOfLong((unsigned long *)dp,2*n)
-#endif /* tahoe */
-#ifdef vax
-#define	BIGENDIAN	0
-typedef	struct {
-	unsigned	mant1:7;
-	unsigned	exp:8;
-	unsigned	sign:1;
-	unsigned	mant2:16;
-	unsigned	mant3;
-} nativedouble;
-typedef	struct {
-	unsigned	mant1:7;
-	unsigned	exp:8;
-	unsigned	sign:1;
-	unsigned	mant2:16;
-} nativefloat;
-#define	ISFRACTION(e)	(128 - 4 <= (e) && (e) <= 128 + 15)
-#define	EXTRACTFRACTION(dp, fract) \
-    ((fract) = ((1<<31)|((dp)->native.mant1<<16)|(dp)->native.mant2)) >> \
-	(128+16-(dp)->native.exp))
-#define	EXTRACTEXPONENT(dp, exponent) ((exponent) = (dp)->native.exp - 2)
- * Beware, these do not handle over/under-flow
- * during conversion from ieee to native format.
- */
-#define	NATIVE2IEEEFLOAT(fp) { \
-    float_t t; \
-    if (t.ieee.exp = (fp)->native.exp) \
-	t.ieee.exp += -129 + 127; \
-    t.ieee.sign = (fp)->native.sign; \
-    t.ieee.mant = ((fp)->native.mant1<<16)|(fp)->native.mant2; \
-    *(fp) = t; \
-#define	IEEEFLOAT2NATIVE(fp) { \
-    float_t t; int v = (fp)->ieee.exp; \
-    if (v) v += -127 + 129;		/* alter bias of exponent */\
-    t.native.exp = v;			/* implicit truncation of exponent */\
-    t.native.sign = (fp)->ieee.sign; \
-    v = (fp)->ieee.mant; \
-    t.native.mant1 = v >> 16; \
-    t.native.mant2 = v;\
-    *(fp) = v; \
-#define	IEEEDOUBLE2NATIVE(dp) { \
-    double_t t; int v = (dp)->ieee.exp; \
-    if (v) v += -1023 + 129; 		/* if can alter bias of exponent */\
-    t.native.exp = v;			/* implicit truncation of exponent */\
-    v = (dp)->ieee.mant; \
-    t.native.sign = (dp)->ieee.sign; \
-    t.native.mant1 = v >> 16; \
-    t.native.mant2 = v;\
-    t.native.mant3 = (dp)->mant2; \
-    *(dp) = t; \
-#define	TIFFSwabArrayOfFloat(fp,n)  TIFFSwabArrayOfLong((unsigned long *)fp,n)
-#define	TIFFSwabArrayOfDouble(dp,n) TIFFSwabArrayOfLong((unsigned long *)dp,2*n)
-#endif /* vax */
- * These unions are used during floating point
- * conversions.  The macros given above define
- * the conversion operations.
- */
-typedef	struct ieeedouble {
-#if BIGENDIAN == 1
-#if !defined(_IBMR2)
-	unsigned	sign:1;
-	unsigned	exp:11;
-	unsigned long	mant:20;
-	unsigned	mant2;
-#else /* _IBMR2 */
-	unsigned	sign:1;
-	unsigned	exp:11;
-	unsigned	mant:20;
-	unsigned	mant2;
-#endif /* _IBMR2 */
-#if !defined(vax)
-#ifdef INT_16_BIT	/* MSDOS C compilers */
-	unsigned long	mant2;
-	unsigned long	mant:20;
-	unsigned long	exp:11;
-	unsigned long	sign:1;
-#else /* 32 bit ints */
-	unsigned	mant2;
-	unsigned long	mant:20;
-	unsigned	exp:11;
-	unsigned	sign:1;
-#endif /* 32 bit ints */
-	unsigned long	mant:20;
-	unsigned	exp:11;
-	unsigned	sign:1;
-	unsigned	mant2;
-#endif /* !vax */
-} ieeedouble;
-typedef	struct ieeefloat {
-#if BIGENDIAN == 1
-#if !defined(_IBMR2)
-	unsigned	sign:1;
-	unsigned	exp:8;
-	unsigned long	mant:23;
-#else /* _IBMR2 */
-	unsigned	sign:1;
-	unsigned	exp:8;
-	unsigned	mant:23;
-#endif /* _IBMR2 */
-#ifdef INT_16_BIT	/* MSDOS C compilers */
-	unsigned long	mant:23;
-	unsigned long	exp:8;
-	unsigned long	sign:1;
-#else /* 32 bit ints */
-	unsigned long	mant:23;
-	unsigned	exp:8;
-	unsigned	sign:1;
-#endif /* 32 bit ints */
-} ieeefloat;
-typedef	union {
-	ieeedouble	ieee;
-	nativedouble	native;
-	char		b[8];
-	double		d;
-} double_t;
-typedef	union {
-	ieeefloat	ieee;
-	nativefloat	native;
-	char		b[4];
-	float		f;
-} float_t;
-#endif /* _MACHDEP_ */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/port.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/port.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 806bedfa6bded9c628f8164db8ca47747a041eb7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/port.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- * Warning, this file was automatically created by the TIFF configure script
- * VERSION:	 v3.5.5
- * DATE:	 Fri Oct 6 16:24:03 MET DST 2000
- * TARGET:	 sparc-sun-solaris2.7
- * CCOMPILER:	 /usr/local/bin/gcc-2.95.2 19991024 (release)
- */
-#ifndef _PORT_
-#define _PORT_ 1
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#define HAVE_MMAP 1
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-typedef double dblparam_t;
-#ifdef __STRICT_ANSI__
-#define	INLINE	__inline__
-#define	INLINE	inline
-#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/t4.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/t4.h
deleted file mode 100755
index fa4f5f75d0f837e490c26accae3b0f70c5e1e231..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/t4.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id$ */
- * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler
- * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and 
- * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided
- * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in
- * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of
- * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or
- * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written
- * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics.
- * 
- * 
- */
-#ifndef _T4_
-#define	_T4_
- * CCITT T.4 1D Huffman runlength codes and
- * related definitions.  Given the small sizes
- * of these tables it does not seem
- * worthwhile to make code & length 8 bits.
- */
-typedef struct tableentry {
-    unsigned short length;	/* bit length of g3 code */
-    unsigned short code;	/* g3 code */
-    short	runlen;		/* run length in bits */
-} tableentry;
-#define	EOL	0x001	/* EOL code value - 0000 0000 0000 1 */
-/* status values returned instead of a run length */
-#define	G3CODE_EOL	-1	/* NB: ACT_EOL - ACT_WRUNT */
-#define	G3CODE_EOF	-3	/* end of input data */
-#define	G3CODE_INCOMP	-4	/* incomplete run code */
- * Note that these tables are ordered such that the
- * index into the table is known to be either the
- * run length, or (run length / 64) + a fixed offset.
- *
- * NB: The G3CODE_INVALID entries are only used
- *     during state generation (see mkg3states.c).
- */
-#ifdef G3CODES
-const tableentry TIFFFaxWhiteCodes[] = {
-    { 8, 0x35, 0 },	/* 0011 0101 */
-    { 6, 0x7, 1 },	/* 0001 11 */
-    { 4, 0x7, 2 },	/* 0111 */
-    { 4, 0x8, 3 },	/* 1000 */
-    { 4, 0xB, 4 },	/* 1011 */
-    { 4, 0xC, 5 },	/* 1100 */
-    { 4, 0xE, 6 },	/* 1110 */
-    { 4, 0xF, 7 },	/* 1111 */
-    { 5, 0x13, 8 },	/* 1001 1 */
-    { 5, 0x14, 9 },	/* 1010 0 */
-    { 5, 0x7, 10 },	/* 0011 1 */
-    { 5, 0x8, 11 },	/* 0100 0 */
-    { 6, 0x8, 12 },	/* 0010 00 */
-    { 6, 0x3, 13 },	/* 0000 11 */
-    { 6, 0x34, 14 },	/* 1101 00 */
-    { 6, 0x35, 15 },	/* 1101 01 */
-    { 6, 0x2A, 16 },	/* 1010 10 */
-    { 6, 0x2B, 17 },	/* 1010 11 */
-    { 7, 0x27, 18 },	/* 0100 111 */
-    { 7, 0xC, 19 },	/* 0001 100 */
-    { 7, 0x8, 20 },	/* 0001 000 */
-    { 7, 0x17, 21 },	/* 0010 111 */
-    { 7, 0x3, 22 },	/* 0000 011 */
-    { 7, 0x4, 23 },	/* 0000 100 */
-    { 7, 0x28, 24 },	/* 0101 000 */
-    { 7, 0x2B, 25 },	/* 0101 011 */
-    { 7, 0x13, 26 },	/* 0010 011 */
-    { 7, 0x24, 27 },	/* 0100 100 */
-    { 7, 0x18, 28 },	/* 0011 000 */
-    { 8, 0x2, 29 },	/* 0000 0010 */
-    { 8, 0x3, 30 },	/* 0000 0011 */
-    { 8, 0x1A, 31 },	/* 0001 1010 */
-    { 8, 0x1B, 32 },	/* 0001 1011 */
-    { 8, 0x12, 33 },	/* 0001 0010 */
-    { 8, 0x13, 34 },	/* 0001 0011 */
-    { 8, 0x14, 35 },	/* 0001 0100 */
-    { 8, 0x15, 36 },	/* 0001 0101 */
-    { 8, 0x16, 37 },	/* 0001 0110 */
-    { 8, 0x17, 38 },	/* 0001 0111 */
-    { 8, 0x28, 39 },	/* 0010 1000 */
-    { 8, 0x29, 40 },	/* 0010 1001 */
-    { 8, 0x2A, 41 },	/* 0010 1010 */
-    { 8, 0x2B, 42 },	/* 0010 1011 */
-    { 8, 0x2C, 43 },	/* 0010 1100 */
-    { 8, 0x2D, 44 },	/* 0010 1101 */
-    { 8, 0x4, 45 },	/* 0000 0100 */
-    { 8, 0x5, 46 },	/* 0000 0101 */
-    { 8, 0xA, 47 },	/* 0000 1010 */
-    { 8, 0xB, 48 },	/* 0000 1011 */
-    { 8, 0x52, 49 },	/* 0101 0010 */
-    { 8, 0x53, 50 },	/* 0101 0011 */
-    { 8, 0x54, 51 },	/* 0101 0100 */
-    { 8, 0x55, 52 },	/* 0101 0101 */
-    { 8, 0x24, 53 },	/* 0010 0100 */
-    { 8, 0x25, 54 },	/* 0010 0101 */
-    { 8, 0x58, 55 },	/* 0101 1000 */
-    { 8, 0x59, 56 },	/* 0101 1001 */
-    { 8, 0x5A, 57 },	/* 0101 1010 */
-    { 8, 0x5B, 58 },	/* 0101 1011 */
-    { 8, 0x4A, 59 },	/* 0100 1010 */
-    { 8, 0x4B, 60 },	/* 0100 1011 */
-    { 8, 0x32, 61 },	/* 0011 0010 */
-    { 8, 0x33, 62 },	/* 0011 0011 */
-    { 8, 0x34, 63 },	/* 0011 0100 */
-    { 5, 0x1B, 64 },	/* 1101 1 */
-    { 5, 0x12, 128 },	/* 1001 0 */
-    { 6, 0x17, 192 },	/* 0101 11 */
-    { 7, 0x37, 256 },	/* 0110 111 */
-    { 8, 0x36, 320 },	/* 0011 0110 */
-    { 8, 0x37, 384 },	/* 0011 0111 */
-    { 8, 0x64, 448 },	/* 0110 0100 */
-    { 8, 0x65, 512 },	/* 0110 0101 */
-    { 8, 0x68, 576 },	/* 0110 1000 */
-    { 8, 0x67, 640 },	/* 0110 0111 */
-    { 9, 0xCC, 704 },	/* 0110 0110 0 */
-    { 9, 0xCD, 768 },	/* 0110 0110 1 */
-    { 9, 0xD2, 832 },	/* 0110 1001 0 */
-    { 9, 0xD3, 896 },	/* 0110 1001 1 */
-    { 9, 0xD4, 960 },	/* 0110 1010 0 */
-    { 9, 0xD5, 1024 },	/* 0110 1010 1 */
-    { 9, 0xD6, 1088 },	/* 0110 1011 0 */
-    { 9, 0xD7, 1152 },	/* 0110 1011 1 */
-    { 9, 0xD8, 1216 },	/* 0110 1100 0 */
-    { 9, 0xD9, 1280 },	/* 0110 1100 1 */
-    { 9, 0xDA, 1344 },	/* 0110 1101 0 */
-    { 9, 0xDB, 1408 },	/* 0110 1101 1 */
-    { 9, 0x98, 1472 },	/* 0100 1100 0 */
-    { 9, 0x99, 1536 },	/* 0100 1100 1 */
-    { 9, 0x9A, 1600 },	/* 0100 1101 0 */
-    { 6, 0x18, 1664 },	/* 0110 00 */
-    { 9, 0x9B, 1728 },	/* 0100 1101 1 */
-    { 11, 0x8, 1792 },	/* 0000 0001 000 */
-    { 11, 0xC, 1856 },	/* 0000 0001 100 */
-    { 11, 0xD, 1920 },	/* 0000 0001 101 */
-    { 12, 0x12, 1984 },	/* 0000 0001 0010 */
-    { 12, 0x13, 2048 },	/* 0000 0001 0011 */
-    { 12, 0x14, 2112 },	/* 0000 0001 0100 */
-    { 12, 0x15, 2176 },	/* 0000 0001 0101 */
-    { 12, 0x16, 2240 },	/* 0000 0001 0110 */
-    { 12, 0x17, 2304 },	/* 0000 0001 0111 */
-    { 12, 0x1C, 2368 },	/* 0000 0001 1100 */
-    { 12, 0x1D, 2432 },	/* 0000 0001 1101 */
-    { 12, 0x1E, 2496 },	/* 0000 0001 1110 */
-    { 12, 0x1F, 2560 },	/* 0000 0001 1111 */
-    { 12, 0x1, G3CODE_EOL },	/* 0000 0000 0001 */
-    { 9, 0x1, G3CODE_INVALID },	/* 0000 0000 1 */
-    { 10, 0x1, G3CODE_INVALID },	/* 0000 0000 01 */
-    { 11, 0x1, G3CODE_INVALID },	/* 0000 0000 001 */
-    { 12, 0x0, G3CODE_INVALID },	/* 0000 0000 0000 */
-const tableentry TIFFFaxBlackCodes[] = {
-    { 10, 0x37, 0 },	/* 0000 1101 11 */
-    { 3, 0x2, 1 },	/* 010 */
-    { 2, 0x3, 2 },	/* 11 */
-    { 2, 0x2, 3 },	/* 10 */
-    { 3, 0x3, 4 },	/* 011 */
-    { 4, 0x3, 5 },	/* 0011 */
-    { 4, 0x2, 6 },	/* 0010 */
-    { 5, 0x3, 7 },	/* 0001 1 */
-    { 6, 0x5, 8 },	/* 0001 01 */
-    { 6, 0x4, 9 },	/* 0001 00 */
-    { 7, 0x4, 10 },	/* 0000 100 */
-    { 7, 0x5, 11 },	/* 0000 101 */
-    { 7, 0x7, 12 },	/* 0000 111 */
-    { 8, 0x4, 13 },	/* 0000 0100 */
-    { 8, 0x7, 14 },	/* 0000 0111 */
-    { 9, 0x18, 15 },	/* 0000 1100 0 */
-    { 10, 0x17, 16 },	/* 0000 0101 11 */
-    { 10, 0x18, 17 },	/* 0000 0110 00 */
-    { 10, 0x8, 18 },	/* 0000 0010 00 */
-    { 11, 0x67, 19 },	/* 0000 1100 111 */
-    { 11, 0x68, 20 },	/* 0000 1101 000 */
-    { 11, 0x6C, 21 },	/* 0000 1101 100 */
-    { 11, 0x37, 22 },	/* 0000 0110 111 */
-    { 11, 0x28, 23 },	/* 0000 0101 000 */
-    { 11, 0x17, 24 },	/* 0000 0010 111 */
-    { 11, 0x18, 25 },	/* 0000 0011 000 */
-    { 12, 0xCA, 26 },	/* 0000 1100 1010 */
-    { 12, 0xCB, 27 },	/* 0000 1100 1011 */
-    { 12, 0xCC, 28 },	/* 0000 1100 1100 */
-    { 12, 0xCD, 29 },	/* 0000 1100 1101 */
-    { 12, 0x68, 30 },	/* 0000 0110 1000 */
-    { 12, 0x69, 31 },	/* 0000 0110 1001 */
-    { 12, 0x6A, 32 },	/* 0000 0110 1010 */
-    { 12, 0x6B, 33 },	/* 0000 0110 1011 */
-    { 12, 0xD2, 34 },	/* 0000 1101 0010 */
-    { 12, 0xD3, 35 },	/* 0000 1101 0011 */
-    { 12, 0xD4, 36 },	/* 0000 1101 0100 */
-    { 12, 0xD5, 37 },	/* 0000 1101 0101 */
-    { 12, 0xD6, 38 },	/* 0000 1101 0110 */
-    { 12, 0xD7, 39 },	/* 0000 1101 0111 */
-    { 12, 0x6C, 40 },	/* 0000 0110 1100 */
-    { 12, 0x6D, 41 },	/* 0000 0110 1101 */
-    { 12, 0xDA, 42 },	/* 0000 1101 1010 */
-    { 12, 0xDB, 43 },	/* 0000 1101 1011 */
-    { 12, 0x54, 44 },	/* 0000 0101 0100 */
-    { 12, 0x55, 45 },	/* 0000 0101 0101 */
-    { 12, 0x56, 46 },	/* 0000 0101 0110 */
-    { 12, 0x57, 47 },	/* 0000 0101 0111 */
-    { 12, 0x64, 48 },	/* 0000 0110 0100 */
-    { 12, 0x65, 49 },	/* 0000 0110 0101 */
-    { 12, 0x52, 50 },	/* 0000 0101 0010 */
-    { 12, 0x53, 51 },	/* 0000 0101 0011 */
-    { 12, 0x24, 52 },	/* 0000 0010 0100 */
-    { 12, 0x37, 53 },	/* 0000 0011 0111 */
-    { 12, 0x38, 54 },	/* 0000 0011 1000 */
-    { 12, 0x27, 55 },	/* 0000 0010 0111 */
-    { 12, 0x28, 56 },	/* 0000 0010 1000 */
-    { 12, 0x58, 57 },	/* 0000 0101 1000 */
-    { 12, 0x59, 58 },	/* 0000 0101 1001 */
-    { 12, 0x2B, 59 },	/* 0000 0010 1011 */
-    { 12, 0x2C, 60 },	/* 0000 0010 1100 */
-    { 12, 0x5A, 61 },	/* 0000 0101 1010 */
-    { 12, 0x66, 62 },	/* 0000 0110 0110 */
-    { 12, 0x67, 63 },	/* 0000 0110 0111 */
-    { 10, 0xF, 64 },	/* 0000 0011 11 */
-    { 12, 0xC8, 128 },	/* 0000 1100 1000 */
-    { 12, 0xC9, 192 },	/* 0000 1100 1001 */
-    { 12, 0x5B, 256 },	/* 0000 0101 1011 */
-    { 12, 0x33, 320 },	/* 0000 0011 0011 */
-    { 12, 0x34, 384 },	/* 0000 0011 0100 */
-    { 12, 0x35, 448 },	/* 0000 0011 0101 */
-    { 13, 0x6C, 512 },	/* 0000 0011 0110 0 */
-    { 13, 0x6D, 576 },	/* 0000 0011 0110 1 */
-    { 13, 0x4A, 640 },	/* 0000 0010 0101 0 */
-    { 13, 0x4B, 704 },	/* 0000 0010 0101 1 */
-    { 13, 0x4C, 768 },	/* 0000 0010 0110 0 */
-    { 13, 0x4D, 832 },	/* 0000 0010 0110 1 */
-    { 13, 0x72, 896 },	/* 0000 0011 1001 0 */
-    { 13, 0x73, 960 },	/* 0000 0011 1001 1 */
-    { 13, 0x74, 1024 },	/* 0000 0011 1010 0 */
-    { 13, 0x75, 1088 },	/* 0000 0011 1010 1 */
-    { 13, 0x76, 1152 },	/* 0000 0011 1011 0 */
-    { 13, 0x77, 1216 },	/* 0000 0011 1011 1 */
-    { 13, 0x52, 1280 },	/* 0000 0010 1001 0 */
-    { 13, 0x53, 1344 },	/* 0000 0010 1001 1 */
-    { 13, 0x54, 1408 },	/* 0000 0010 1010 0 */
-    { 13, 0x55, 1472 },	/* 0000 0010 1010 1 */
-    { 13, 0x5A, 1536 },	/* 0000 0010 1101 0 */
-    { 13, 0x5B, 1600 },	/* 0000 0010 1101 1 */
-    { 13, 0x64, 1664 },	/* 0000 0011 0010 0 */
-    { 13, 0x65, 1728 },	/* 0000 0011 0010 1 */
-    { 11, 0x8, 1792 },	/* 0000 0001 000 */
-    { 11, 0xC, 1856 },	/* 0000 0001 100 */
-    { 11, 0xD, 1920 },	/* 0000 0001 101 */
-    { 12, 0x12, 1984 },	/* 0000 0001 0010 */
-    { 12, 0x13, 2048 },	/* 0000 0001 0011 */
-    { 12, 0x14, 2112 },	/* 0000 0001 0100 */
-    { 12, 0x15, 2176 },	/* 0000 0001 0101 */
-    { 12, 0x16, 2240 },	/* 0000 0001 0110 */
-    { 12, 0x17, 2304 },	/* 0000 0001 0111 */
-    { 12, 0x1C, 2368 },	/* 0000 0001 1100 */
-    { 12, 0x1D, 2432 },	/* 0000 0001 1101 */
-    { 12, 0x1E, 2496 },	/* 0000 0001 1110 */
-    { 12, 0x1F, 2560 },	/* 0000 0001 1111 */
-    { 12, 0x1, G3CODE_EOL },	/* 0000 0000 0001 */
-    { 9, 0x1, G3CODE_INVALID },	/* 0000 0000 1 */
-    { 10, 0x1, G3CODE_INVALID },	/* 0000 0000 01 */
-    { 11, 0x1, G3CODE_INVALID },	/* 0000 0000 001 */
-    { 12, 0x0, G3CODE_INVALID },	/* 0000 0000 0000 */
-extern	const tableentry TIFFFaxWhiteCodes[];
-extern	const tableentry TIFFFaxBlackCodes[];
-#endif /* _T4_ */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/tif_dir.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/tif_dir.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 59c671a123d9558ed6d608df1a90c5610ee20a1e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/tif_dir.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-/* $Header: tif_dir.h,v 1.1 01/01/15 15:24:36 cmf Exp $ */
- * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler
- * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and 
- * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided
- * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in
- * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of
- * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or
- * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written
- * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics.
- * 
- * 
- */
-#ifndef _TIFFDIR_
-#define	_TIFFDIR_
- * ``Library-private'' Directory-related Definitions.
- */
- * Internal format of a TIFF directory entry.
- */
-typedef	struct {
-	/* bit vector of fields that are set */
-	u_long	td_fieldsset[FIELD_SETLONGS];
-	uint32	td_imagewidth, td_imagelength, td_imagedepth;
-	uint32	td_tilewidth, td_tilelength, td_tiledepth;
-	uint32	td_subfiletype;
-	uint16	td_bitspersample;
-	uint16	td_sampleformat;
-	uint16	td_compression;
-	uint16	td_photometric;
-	uint16	td_threshholding;
-	uint16	td_fillorder;
-	uint16	td_orientation;
-	uint16	td_samplesperpixel;
-	uint32	td_rowsperstrip;
-	uint16	td_minsamplevalue, td_maxsamplevalue;
-	double	td_sminsamplevalue, td_smaxsamplevalue;
-	float	td_xresolution, td_yresolution;
-	uint16	td_resolutionunit;
-	uint16	td_planarconfig;
-	float	td_xposition, td_yposition;
-	uint16	td_pagenumber[2];
-	uint16*	td_colormap[3];
-	uint16	td_halftonehints[2];
-	uint16	td_extrasamples;
-	uint16*	td_sampleinfo;
-	double	td_stonits;
-	char*	td_documentname;
-	char*	td_artist;
-	char*	td_datetime;
-	char*	td_hostcomputer;
-	char*	td_imagedescription;
-	char*	td_make;
-	char*	td_model;
-	char*	td_software;
-	char*	td_pagename;
-	tstrip_t td_stripsperimage;
-	tstrip_t td_nstrips;		/* size of offset & bytecount arrays */
-	uint32*	td_stripoffset;
-	uint32*	td_stripbytecount;
-	uint16	td_nsubifd;
-	uint32*	td_subifd;
-	float*	td_ycbcrcoeffs;
-	uint16	td_ycbcrsubsampling[2];
-	uint16	td_ycbcrpositioning;
-	float*	td_whitepoint;
-	float*	td_primarychromas;
-	float*	td_refblackwhite;
-	uint16*	td_transferfunction[3];
-	uint16	td_inkset;
-	uint16	td_ninks;
-	uint16	td_dotrange[2];
-	int	td_inknameslen;
-	char*	td_inknames;
-	char*	td_targetprinter;
-	uint32	td_profileLength;
-	void	*td_profileData;
-	uint32	td_photoshopLength;
-	void	*td_photoshopData;
-	uint32	td_richtiffiptcLength;
-	void	*td_richtiffiptcData;
-        /* Begin Pixar Tag values. */
-        uint32	td_imagefullwidth, td_imagefulllength;
- 	char*	td_textureformat;
- 	char*	td_wrapmodes;
- 	float	td_fovcot;
- 	float*	td_matrixWorldToScreen;
- 	float*	td_matrixWorldToCamera;
- 	/* End Pixar Tag Values. */
-} TIFFDirectory;
- * Field flags used to indicate fields that have
- * been set in a directory, and to reference fields
- * when manipulating a directory.
- */
- * FIELD_IGNORE is used to signify tags that are to
- * be processed but otherwise ignored.  This permits
- * antiquated tags to be quietly read and discarded.
- * Note that a bit *is* allocated for ignored tags;
- * this is understood by the directory reading logic
- * which uses this fact to avoid special-case handling
- */ 
-#define	FIELD_IGNORE			0
-/* multi-item fields */
-#define	FIELD_POSITION			4
-/* single-item fields */
-#define	FIELD_FILLORDER			10
-#define	FIELD_MAKE			13
-#define	FIELD_MODEL			14
-#define	FIELD_PAGENAME			21
-#define	FIELD_COLORMAP			26
-#define FIELD_ARTIST			27
-#define FIELD_DATETIME			28
-#define FIELD_SOFTWARE			30
-#define FIELD_TILEDEPTH			36
-#define	FIELD_INKSET			45
-#define	FIELD_INKNAMES			46
-#define	FIELD_DOTRANGE			47
-#define	FIELD_SUBIFD			49
-#define FIELD_PHOTOSHOP			52
-#define FIELD_STONITS			54
-/* Begin PIXAR */
-#define FIELD_WRAPMODES			58
-#define FIELD_FOVCOT			59
-/* end of support for well-known tags; codec-private tags follow */
-#define	FIELD_CODEC			62	/* base of codec-private tags */
- * Pseudo-tags don't normally need field bits since they
- * are not written to an output file (by definition).
- * The library also has express logic to always query a
- * codec for a pseudo-tag so allocating a field bit for
- * one is a waste.   If codec wants to promote the notion
- * of a pseudo-tag being ``set'' or ``unset'' then it can
- * do using internal state flags without polluting the
- * field bit space defined for real tags.
- */
-#define	FIELD_PSEUDO			0
-#define	TIFFExtractData(tif, type, v) \
-    ((uint32) ((tif)->tif_header.tiff_magic == TIFF_BIGENDIAN ? \
-        ((v) >> (tif)->tif_typeshift[type]) & (tif)->tif_typemask[type] : \
-	(v) & (tif)->tif_typemask[type]))
-#define	TIFFInsertData(tif, type, v) \
-    ((uint32) ((tif)->tif_header.tiff_magic == TIFF_BIGENDIAN ? \
-        ((v) & (tif)->tif_typemask[type]) << (tif)->tif_typeshift[type] : \
-	(v) & (tif)->tif_typemask[type]))
-typedef	struct {
-	ttag_t	field_tag;		/* field's tag */
-	short	field_readcount;	/* read count/TIFF_VARIABLE/TIFF_SPP */
-	short	field_writecount;	/* write count/TIFF_VARIABLE */
-	TIFFDataType field_type;	/* type of associated data */
-	u_short	field_bit;		/* bit in fieldsset bit vector */
-	u_char	field_oktochange;	/* if true, can change while writing */
-	u_char	field_passcount;	/* if true, pass dir count on set */
-	char	*field_name;		/* ASCII name */
-} TIFFFieldInfo;
-#define	TIFF_ANY	TIFF_NOTYPE	/* for field descriptor searching */
-#define	TIFF_VARIABLE	-1		/* marker for variable length tags */
-#define	TIFF_SPP	-2		/* marker for SamplesPerPixel tags */
-#define	TIFF_VARIABLE2	-3		/* marker for uint32 var-length tags */
-extern	const int tiffDataWidth[];	/* table of tag datatype widths */
-#define BITn(n)				(((u_long)1L)<<((n)&0x1f)) 
-#define BITFIELDn(tif, n)		((tif)->tif_dir.td_fieldsset[(n)/32]) 
-#define TIFFFieldSet(tif, field)	(BITFIELDn(tif, field) & BITn(field)) 
-#define TIFFSetFieldBit(tif, field)	(BITFIELDn(tif, field) |= BITn(field))
-#define TIFFClrFieldBit(tif, field)	(BITFIELDn(tif, field) &= ~BITn(field))
-#define	FieldSet(fields, f)		(fields[(f)/32] & BITn(f))
-#define	ResetFieldBit(fields, f)	(fields[(f)/32] &= ~BITn(f))
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
-extern "C" {
-extern	void _TIFFSetupFieldInfo(TIFF*);
-extern	void _TIFFMergeFieldInfo(TIFF*, const TIFFFieldInfo[], int);
-extern	void _TIFFPrintFieldInfo(TIFF*, FILE*);
-extern	const TIFFFieldInfo* _TIFFFindFieldInfo(TIFF*, ttag_t, TIFFDataType);
-extern	const TIFFFieldInfo* _TIFFFieldWithTag(TIFF*, ttag_t);
-extern	TIFFDataType _TIFFSampleToTagType(TIFF*);
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
-#endif /* _TIFFDIR_ */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/tif_fax3.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/tif_fax3.h
deleted file mode 100755
index a9f1fcb23b389f4dd08a641abae475ecb911bbf8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/tif_fax3.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,522 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id$ */
- * Copyright (c) 1990-1997 Sam Leffler
- * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and 
- * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided
- * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in
- * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of
- * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or
- * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written
- * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics.
- * 
- * 
- */
-#ifndef _FAX3_
-#define	_FAX3_
- * TIFF Library.
- *
- * CCITT Group 3 (T.4) and Group 4 (T.6) Decompression Support.
- *
- * Decoder support is derived, with permission, from the code
- * in Frank Cringle's viewfax program;
- *      Copyright (C) 1990, 1995  Frank D. Cringle.
- */
-#include "tiff.h"
- * To override the default routine used to image decoded
- * spans one can use the pseduo tag TIFFTAG_FAXFILLFUNC.
- * The routine must have the type signature given below;
- * for example:
- *
- * fillruns(unsigned char* buf, uint32* runs, uint32* erun, uint32 lastx)
- *
- * where buf is place to set the bits, runs is the array of b&w run
- * lengths (white then black), erun is the last run in the array, and
- * lastx is the width of the row in pixels.  Fill routines can assume
- * the run array has room for at least lastx runs and can overwrite
- * data in the run array as needed (e.g. to append zero runs to bring
- * the count up to a nice multiple).
- */
-typedef	void (*TIFFFaxFillFunc)(unsigned char*, uint32*, uint32*, uint32);
- * The default run filler; made external for other decoders.
- */
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
-extern "C" {
-extern	void _TIFFFax3fillruns(unsigned char*, uint32*, uint32*, uint32);
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
-/* finite state machine codes */
-#define S_Null		0
-#define S_Pass		1
-#define S_Horiz		2
-#define S_V0		3
-#define S_VR		4
-#define S_VL		5
-#define S_Ext		6
-#define S_TermW		7
-#define S_TermB		8
-#define S_MakeUpW	9
-#define S_MakeUpB	10
-#define S_MakeUp	11
-#define S_EOL		12
-typedef struct {		/* state table entry */
-	unsigned char State;	/* see above */
-	unsigned char Width;	/* width of code in bits */
-	uint32	Param;		/* unsigned 32-bit run length in bits */
-} TIFFFaxTabEnt;
-extern	const TIFFFaxTabEnt TIFFFaxMainTable[];
-extern	const TIFFFaxTabEnt TIFFFaxWhiteTable[];
-extern	const TIFFFaxTabEnt TIFFFaxBlackTable[];
- * The following macros define the majority of the G3/G4 decoder
- * algorithm using the state tables defined elsewhere.  To build
- * a decoder you need some setup code and some glue code. Note
- * that you may also need/want to change the way the NeedBits*
- * macros get input data if, for example, you know the data to be
- * decoded is properly aligned and oriented (doing so before running
- * the decoder can be a big performance win).
- *
- * Consult the decoder in the TIFF library for an idea of what you
- * need to define and setup to make use of these definitions.
- *
- * NB: to enable a debugging version of these macros define FAX3_DEBUG
- *     before including this file.  Trace output goes to stdout.
- */
-#ifndef EndOfData
-#define EndOfData()	(cp >= ep)
- * Need <=8 or <=16 bits of input data.  Unlike viewfax we
- * cannot use/assume a word-aligned, properly bit swizzled
- * input data set because data may come from an arbitrarily
- * aligned, read-only source such as a memory-mapped file.
- * Note also that the viewfax decoder does not check for
- * running off the end of the input data buffer.  This is
- * possible for G3-encoded data because it prescans the input
- * data to count EOL markers, but can cause problems for G4
- * data.  In any event, we don't prescan and must watch for
- * running out of data since we can't permit the library to
- * scan past the end of the input data buffer.
- *
- * Finally, note that we must handle remaindered data at the end
- * of a strip specially.  The coder asks for a fixed number of
- * bits when scanning for the next code.  This may be more bits
- * than are actually present in the data stream.  If we appear
- * to run out of data but still have some number of valid bits
- * remaining then we makeup the requested amount with zeros and
- * return successfully.  If the returned data is incorrect then
- * we should be called again and get a premature EOF error;
- * otherwise we should get the right answer.
- */
-#ifndef NeedBits8
-#define NeedBits8(n,eoflab) do {					\
-    if (BitsAvail < (n)) {						\
-	if (EndOfData()) {						\
-	    if (BitsAvail == 0)			/* no valid bits */	\
-		goto eoflab;						\
-	    BitsAvail = (n);			/* pad with zeros */	\
-	} else {							\
-	    BitAcc |= ((uint32) bitmap[*cp++])<<BitsAvail;		\
-	    BitsAvail += 8;						\
-	}								\
-    }									\
-} while (0)
-#ifndef NeedBits16
-#define NeedBits16(n,eoflab) do {					\
-    if (BitsAvail < (n)) {						\
-	if (EndOfData()) {						\
-	    if (BitsAvail == 0)			/* no valid bits */	\
-		goto eoflab;						\
-	    BitsAvail = (n);			/* pad with zeros */	\
-	} else {							\
-	    BitAcc |= ((uint32) bitmap[*cp++])<<BitsAvail;		\
-	    if ((BitsAvail += 8) < (n)) {				\
-		if (EndOfData()) {					\
-		    /* NB: we know BitsAvail is non-zero here */	\
-		    BitsAvail = (n);		/* pad with zeros */	\
-		} else {						\
-		    BitAcc |= ((uint32) bitmap[*cp++])<<BitsAvail;	\
-		    BitsAvail += 8;					\
-		}							\
-	    }								\
-	}								\
-    }									\
-} while (0)
-#define GetBits(n)	(BitAcc & ((1<<(n))-1))
-#define ClrBits(n) do {							\
-    BitsAvail -= (n);							\
-    BitAcc >>= (n);							\
-} while (0)
-#ifdef FAX3_DEBUG
-static const char* StateNames[] = {
-    "Null   ",
-    "Pass   ",
-    "Horiz  ",
-    "V0     ",
-    "VR     ",
-    "VL     ",
-    "Ext    ",
-    "TermW  ",
-    "TermB  ",
-    "MakeUpW",
-    "MakeUpB",
-    "MakeUp ",
-    "EOL    ",
-#define DEBUG_SHOW putchar(BitAcc & (1 << t) ? '1' : '0')
-#define LOOKUP8(wid,tab,eoflab) do {					\
-    int t;								\
-    NeedBits8(wid,eoflab);						\
-    TabEnt = tab + GetBits(wid);					\
-    printf("%08lX/%d: %s%5d\t", (long) BitAcc, BitsAvail,		\
-	   StateNames[TabEnt->State], TabEnt->Param);			\
-    for (t = 0; t < TabEnt->Width; t++)					\
-	DEBUG_SHOW;							\
-    putchar('\n');							\
-    fflush(stdout);							\
-    ClrBits(TabEnt->Width);						\
-} while (0)
-#define LOOKUP16(wid,tab,eoflab) do {					\
-    int t;								\
-    NeedBits16(wid,eoflab);						\
-    TabEnt = tab + GetBits(wid);					\
-    printf("%08lX/%d: %s%5d\t", (long) BitAcc, BitsAvail,		\
-	   StateNames[TabEnt->State], TabEnt->Param);			\
-    for (t = 0; t < TabEnt->Width; t++)					\
-	DEBUG_SHOW;							\
-    putchar('\n');							\
-    fflush(stdout);							\
-    ClrBits(TabEnt->Width);						\
-} while (0)
-#define SETVAL(x) do {							\
-    *pa++ = RunLength + (x);						\
-    printf("SETVAL: %d\t%d\n", RunLength + (x), a0);			\
-    a0 += x;								\
-    RunLength = 0;							\
-} while (0)
-#define LOOKUP8(wid,tab,eoflab) do {					\
-    NeedBits8(wid,eoflab);						\
-    TabEnt = tab + GetBits(wid);					\
-    ClrBits(TabEnt->Width);						\
-} while (0)
-#define LOOKUP16(wid,tab,eoflab) do {					\
-    NeedBits16(wid,eoflab);						\
-    TabEnt = tab + GetBits(wid);					\
-    ClrBits(TabEnt->Width);						\
-} while (0)
- * Append a run to the run length array for the
- * current row and reset decoding state.
- */
-#define SETVAL(x) do {							\
-    *pa++ = RunLength + (x);						\
-    a0 += (x);								\
-    RunLength = 0;							\
-} while (0)
- * Synchronize input decoding at the start of each
- * row by scanning for an EOL (if appropriate) and
- * skipping any trash data that might be present
- * after a decoding error.  Note that the decoding
- * done elsewhere that recognizes an EOL only consumes
- * 11 consecutive zero bits.  This means that if EOLcnt
- * is non-zero then we still need to scan for the final flag
- * bit that is part of the EOL code.
- */
-#define	SYNC_EOL(eoflab) do {						\
-    if (EOLcnt == 0) {							\
-	for (;;) {							\
-	    NeedBits16(11,eoflab);					\
-	    if (GetBits(11) == 0)					\
-		break;							\
-	    ClrBits(1);							\
-	}								\
-    }									\
-    for (;;) {								\
-	NeedBits8(8,eoflab);						\
-	if (GetBits(8))							\
-	    break;							\
-	ClrBits(8);							\
-    }									\
-    while (GetBits(1) == 0)						\
-	ClrBits(1);							\
-    ClrBits(1);				/* EOL bit */			\
-    EOLcnt = 0;				/* reset EOL counter/flag */	\
-} while (0)
- * Cleanup the array of runs after decoding a row.
- * We adjust final runs to insure the user buffer is not
- * overwritten and/or undecoded area is white filled.
- */
-#define	CLEANUP_RUNS() do {						\
-    if (RunLength)							\
-	SETVAL(0);							\
-    if (a0 != lastx) {							\
-	badlength(a0, lastx);						\
-	while (a0 > lastx && pa > thisrun)				\
-	    a0 -= *--pa;						\
-	if (a0 < lastx) {						\
-	    if (a0 < 0)							\
-		a0 = 0;							\
-	    if ((pa-thisrun)&1)						\
-		SETVAL(0);						\
-	    SETVAL(lastx - a0);						\
-	} else if (a0 > lastx) {					\
-	    SETVAL(lastx);						\
-	    SETVAL(0);							\
-	}								\
-    }									\
-} while (0)
- * Decode a line of 1D-encoded data.
- *
- * The line expanders are written as macros so that they can be reused
- * but still have direct access to the local variables of the "calling"
- * function.
- *
- * Note that unlike the original version we have to explicitly test for
- * a0 >= lastx after each black/white run is decoded.  This is because
- * the original code depended on the input data being zero-padded to
- * insure the decoder recognized an EOL before running out of data.
- */
-#define EXPAND1D(eoflab) do {						\
-    for (;;) {								\
-	for (;;) {							\
-	    LOOKUP16(12, TIFFFaxWhiteTable, eof1d);			\
-	    switch (TabEnt->State) {					\
-	    case S_EOL:							\
-		EOLcnt = 1;						\
-		goto done1d;						\
-	    case S_TermW:						\
-		SETVAL(TabEnt->Param);					\
-		goto doneWhite1d;					\
-	    case S_MakeUpW:						\
-	    case S_MakeUp:						\
-		a0 += TabEnt->Param;					\
-		RunLength += TabEnt->Param;				\
-		break;							\
-	    default:							\
-		unexpected("WhiteTable", a0);				\
-		goto done1d;						\
-	    }								\
-	}								\
-    doneWhite1d:							\
-	if (a0 >= lastx)						\
-	    goto done1d;						\
-	for (;;) {							\
-	    LOOKUP16(13, TIFFFaxBlackTable, eof1d);			\
-	    switch (TabEnt->State) {					\
-	    case S_EOL:							\
-		EOLcnt = 1;						\
-		goto done1d;						\
-	    case S_TermB:						\
-		SETVAL(TabEnt->Param);					\
-		goto doneBlack1d;					\
-	    case S_MakeUpB:						\
-	    case S_MakeUp:						\
-		a0 += TabEnt->Param;					\
-		RunLength += TabEnt->Param;				\
-		break;							\
-	    default:							\
-		unexpected("BlackTable", a0);				\
-		goto done1d;						\
-	    }								\
-	}								\
-    doneBlack1d:							\
-	if (a0 >= lastx)						\
-	    goto done1d;						\
-    }									\
-eof1d:									\
-    prematureEOF(a0);							\
-    CLEANUP_RUNS();							\
-    goto eoflab;							\
-done1d:									\
-    CLEANUP_RUNS();							\
-} while (0)
- * Update the value of b1 using the array
- * of runs for the reference line.
- */
-#define CHECK_b1 do {							\
-    if (pa != thisrun) while (b1 <= a0 && b1 < lastx) {			\
-	b1 += pb[0] + pb[1];						\
-	pb += 2;							\
-    }									\
-} while (0)
- * Expand a row of 2D-encoded data.
- */
-#define EXPAND2D(eoflab) do {						\
-    while (a0 < lastx) {						\
-	LOOKUP8(7, TIFFFaxMainTable, eof2d);				\
-	switch (TabEnt->State) {					\
-	case S_Pass:							\
-	    CHECK_b1;							\
-	    b1 += *pb++;						\
-	    RunLength += b1 - a0;					\
-	    a0 = b1;							\
-	    b1 += *pb++;						\
-	    break;							\
-	case S_Horiz:							\
-	    if ((pa-thisrun)&1) {					\
-		for (;;) {	/* black first */			\
-		    LOOKUP16(13, TIFFFaxBlackTable, eof2d);		\
-		    switch (TabEnt->State) {				\
-		    case S_TermB:					\
-			SETVAL(TabEnt->Param);				\
-			goto doneWhite2da;				\
-		    case S_MakeUpB:					\
-		    case S_MakeUp:					\
-			a0 += TabEnt->Param;				\
-			RunLength += TabEnt->Param;			\
-			break;						\
-		    default:						\
-			goto badBlack2d;				\
-		    }							\
-		}							\
-	    doneWhite2da:;						\
-		for (;;) {	/* then white */			\
-		    LOOKUP16(12, TIFFFaxWhiteTable, eof2d);		\
-		    switch (TabEnt->State) {				\
-		    case S_TermW:					\
-			SETVAL(TabEnt->Param);				\
-			goto doneBlack2da;				\
-		    case S_MakeUpW:					\
-		    case S_MakeUp:					\
-			a0 += TabEnt->Param;				\
-			RunLength += TabEnt->Param;			\
-			break;						\
-		    default:						\
-			goto badWhite2d;				\
-		    }							\
-		}							\
-	    doneBlack2da:;						\
-	    } else {							\
-		for (;;) {	/* white first */			\
-		    LOOKUP16(12, TIFFFaxWhiteTable, eof2d);		\
-		    switch (TabEnt->State) {				\
-		    case S_TermW:					\
-			SETVAL(TabEnt->Param);				\
-			goto doneWhite2db;				\
-		    case S_MakeUpW:					\
-		    case S_MakeUp:					\
-			a0 += TabEnt->Param;				\
-			RunLength += TabEnt->Param;			\
-			break;						\
-		    default:						\
-			goto badWhite2d;				\
-		    }							\
-		}							\
-	    doneWhite2db:;						\
-		for (;;) {	/* then black */			\
-		    LOOKUP16(13, TIFFFaxBlackTable, eof2d);		\
-		    switch (TabEnt->State) {				\
-		    case S_TermB:					\
-			SETVAL(TabEnt->Param);				\
-			goto doneBlack2db;				\
-		    case S_MakeUpB:					\
-		    case S_MakeUp:					\
-			a0 += TabEnt->Param;				\
-			RunLength += TabEnt->Param;			\
-			break;						\
-		    default:						\
-			goto badBlack2d;				\
-		    }							\
-		}							\
-	    doneBlack2db:;						\
-	    }								\
-	    CHECK_b1;							\
-	    break;							\
-	case S_V0:							\
-	    CHECK_b1;							\
-	    SETVAL(b1 - a0);						\
-	    b1 += *pb++;						\
-	    break;							\
-	case S_VR:							\
-	    CHECK_b1;							\
-	    SETVAL(b1 - a0 + TabEnt->Param);				\
-	    b1 += *pb++;						\
-	    break;							\
-	case S_VL:							\
-	    CHECK_b1;							\
-	    SETVAL(b1 - a0 - TabEnt->Param);				\
-	    b1 -= *--pb;						\
-	    break;							\
-	case S_Ext:							\
-	    *pa++ = lastx - a0;						\
-	    extension(a0);						\
-	    goto eol2d;							\
-	case S_EOL:							\
-	    *pa++ = lastx - a0;						\
-	    NeedBits8(5,eof2d);						\
-	    if (GetBits(5))						\
-		unexpected("EOL", a0);					\
-	    EOLcnt = 1;							\
-	    goto eol2d;							\
-	default:							\
-	badMain2d:							\
-	    unexpected("MainTable", a0);				\
-	    goto eol2d;							\
-	badBlack2d:							\
-	    unexpected("BlackTable", a0);				\
-	    goto eol2d;							\
-	badWhite2d:							\
-	    unexpected("WhiteTable", a0);				\
-	    goto eol2d;							\
-	eof2d:								\
-	    prematureEOF(a0);						\
-	    CLEANUP_RUNS();						\
-	    goto eoflab;						\
-	}								\
-    }									\
-    if (RunLength) {							\
-	if (RunLength + a0 < lastx) {					\
-	    /* expect a final V0 */					\
-	    NeedBits8(1,eof2d);						\
-	    if (!GetBits(1))						\
-		goto badMain2d;						\
-	    ClrBits(1);							\
-	}								\
-	SETVAL(0);							\
-    }									\
-eol2d:									\
-    CLEANUP_RUNS();							\
-} while (0)
-#endif /* _FAX3_ */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/tif_predict.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/tif_predict.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 52ce8cba5ad209bc4cdf67f58f9819352806d070..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/tif_predict.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-/* $Header: tif_predict.h,v 1.1 01/01/15 15:24:36 cmf Exp $ */
- * Copyright (c) 1995-1997 Sam Leffler
- * Copyright (c) 1995-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and 
- * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided
- * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in
- * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of
- * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or
- * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written
- * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics.
- * 
- * 
- */
-#ifndef _TIFFPREDICT_
-#define	_TIFFPREDICT_
- * ``Library-private'' Support for the Predictor Tag
- */
- * Codecs that want to support the Predictor tag must place
- * this structure first in their private state block so that
- * the predictor code can cast tif_data to find its state.
- */
-typedef struct {
-	int	predictor;		/* predictor tag value */
-	int	stride;			/* sample stride over data */
-	tsize_t	rowsize;		/* tile/strip row size */
-	TIFFPostMethod	pfunc;		/* horizontal differencer/accumulator */
-	TIFFCodeMethod	coderow;	/* parent codec encode/decode row */
-	TIFFCodeMethod	codestrip;	/* parent codec encode/decode strip */
-	TIFFCodeMethod	codetile;	/* parent codec encode/decode tile */
-	TIFFVGetMethod	vgetparent;	/* super-class method */
-	TIFFVSetMethod	vsetparent;	/* super-class method */
-	TIFFPrintMethod	printdir;	/* super-class method */
-	TIFFBoolMethod	setupdecode;	/* super-class method */
-	TIFFBoolMethod	setupencode;	/* super-class method */
-} TIFFPredictorState;
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
-extern "C" {
-extern	int TIFFPredictorInit(TIFF*);
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
-#endif /* _TIFFPREDICT_ */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/tiff.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/tiff.h
deleted file mode 100755
index f4e08027c614ca1158a45ced31ffc2bced39d52e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/tiff.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,440 +0,0 @@
-/* $Header: tiff.h,v 1.3 01/01/15 15:24:31 cmf Exp $ */
- * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler
- * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and 
- * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided
- * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in
- * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of
- * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or
- * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written
- * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics.
- * 
- * 
- */
-#ifndef _TIFF_
-#define	_TIFF_
- * Tag Image File Format (TIFF)
- *
- * Based on Rev 6.0 from:
- *    Developer's Desk
- *    Aldus Corporation
- *    411 First Ave. South
- *    Suite 200
- *    Seattle, WA  98104
- *    206-622-5500
- */
-#define	TIFF_VERSION	42
-#define	TIFF_BIGENDIAN		0x4d4d
-#define	TIFF_LITTLEENDIAN	0x4949
- * Intrinsic data types required by the file format:
- *
- * 8-bit quantities	int8TIFF/uint8TIFF
- * 16-bit quantities	int16TIFF/uint16TIFF
- * 32-bit quantities	int32TIFF/uint32TIFF
- * strings		unsigned char*
- */
-/*#ifdef __STDC__
-typedef	signed char int8TIFF;*/	/* NB: non-ANSI compilers may not grok */
-typedef	char int8TIFF;
-#endif  Modif Regine*/
-typedef	char int8TIFF;
-typedef	unsigned char uint8TIFF;
-typedef	short int16TIFF;
-typedef	unsigned short uint16TIFF;	/* sizeof (uint16TIFF) must == 2 */
-#if defined(__alpha) ||defined(__LP64__)||defined(__sparcv9) ||  (defined(_MIPS_SZLONG) && _MIPS_SZLONG == 64)
-typedef	int int32TIFF;
-typedef	unsigned int uint32TIFF;	/* sizeof (uint32TIFF) must == 4 */
-typedef	long int32TIFF;
-typedef	unsigned long uint32TIFF;	/* sizeof (uint32TIFF) must == 4 */
-#endif /* _TIFF_DATA_TYPEDEFS_ */
-/*	For TIFFReassignTagToIgnore */
-enum TIFFIgnoreSense /* IGNORE tag table */
-typedef	struct {
-	uint16TIFF	tiff_magic;	/* magic number (defines byte order) */
-	uint16TIFF	tiff_version;	/* TIFF version number */
-	uint32TIFF	tiff_diroff;	/* byte offset to first directory */
-} TIFFHeader;
- * TIFF Image File Directories are comprised of
- * a table of field descriptors of the form shown
- * below.  The table is sorted in ascending order
- * by tag.  The values associated with each entry
- * are disjoint and may appear anywhere in the file
- * (so long as they are placed on a word boundary).
- *
- * If the value is 4 bytes or less, then it is placed
- * in the offset field to save space.  If the value
- * is less than 4 bytes, it is left-justified in the
- * offset field.
- */
-typedef	struct {
-	uint16TIFF	tdir_tag;	/* see below */
-	uint16TIFF	tdir_type;	/* data type; see below */
-	uint32TIFF  tdir_count;	/* number of items; length in spec */
-	uint32TIFF  tdir_offset;	/* byte offset to field data */
-} TIFFDirEntry;
- * NB: In the comments below,
- *  - items marked with a + are obsoleted by revision 5.0,
- *  - items marked with a ! are introduced in revision 6.0.
- *  - items marked with a % are introduced post revision 6.0.
- *  - items marked with a $ are obsoleted by revision 6.0.
- */
- * Tag data type information.
- *
- * Note: RATIONALs are the ratio of two 32-bit integer values.
- */
-typedef	enum {
-	TIFF_NOTYPE	= 0,	/* placeholder */
-	TIFF_BYTE	= 1,	/* 8-bit unsigned integer */
-	TIFF_ASCII	= 2,	/* 8-bit bytes w/ last byte null */
-	TIFF_SHORT	= 3,	/* 16-bit unsigned integer */
-	TIFF_LONG	= 4,	/* 32-bit unsigned integer */
-	TIFF_RATIONAL	= 5,	/* 64-bit unsigned fraction */
-	TIFF_SBYTE	= 6,	/* !8-bit signed integer */
-	TIFF_UNDEFINED	= 7,	/* !8-bit untyped data */
-	TIFF_SSHORT	= 8,	/* !16-bit signed integer */
-	TIFF_SLONG	= 9,	/* !32-bit signed integer */
-	TIFF_SRATIONAL	= 10,	/* !64-bit signed fraction */
-	TIFF_FLOAT	= 11,	/* !32-bit IEEE floating point */
-	TIFF_DOUBLE	= 12	/* !64-bit IEEE floating point */
-} TIFFDataType;
- * TIFF Tag Definitions.
- */
-#define	TIFFTAG_SUBFILETYPE		254	/* subfile data descriptor */
-#define	    FILETYPE_REDUCEDIMAGE	0x1	/* reduced resolution version */
-#define	    FILETYPE_PAGE		0x2	/* one page of many */
-#define	    FILETYPE_MASK		0x4	/* transparency mask */
-#define	TIFFTAG_OSUBFILETYPE		255	/* +kind of data in subfile */
-#define	    OFILETYPE_IMAGE		1	/* full resolution image data */
-#define	    OFILETYPE_REDUCEDIMAGE	2	/* reduced size image data */
-#define	    OFILETYPE_PAGE		3	/* one page of many */
-#define	TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH		256	/* image width in pixels */
-#define	TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH		257	/* image height in pixels */
-#define	TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE		258	/* bits per channel (sample) */
-#define	TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION		259	/* data compression technique */
-#define	    COMPRESSION_NONE		1	/* dump mode */
-#define	    COMPRESSION_CCITTRLE	2	/* CCITT modified Huffman RLE */
-#define	    COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX3	3	/* CCITT Group 3 fax encoding */
-#define	    COMPRESSION_CCITTFAX4	4	/* CCITT Group 4 fax encoding */
-#define	    COMPRESSION_LZW		5       /* Lempel-Ziv  & Welch */
-#define	    COMPRESSION_OJPEG		6	/* !6.0 JPEG */
-#define	    COMPRESSION_JPEG		7	/* %JPEG DCT compression */
-#define	    COMPRESSION_NEXT		32766	/* NeXT 2-bit RLE */
-#define	    COMPRESSION_CCITTRLEW	32771	/* #1 w/ word alignment */
-#define	    COMPRESSION_PACKBITS	32773	/* Macintosh RLE */
-#define	    COMPRESSION_THUNDERSCAN	32809	/* ThunderScan RLE */
-/* codes 32895-32898 are reserved for ANSI IT8 TIFF/IT <dkelly@etsinc.com) */
-#define	    COMPRESSION_IT8CTPAD	32895   /* IT8 CT w/padding */
-#define	    COMPRESSION_IT8LW		32896   /* IT8 Linework RLE */
-#define	    COMPRESSION_IT8MP		32897   /* IT8 Monochrome picture */
-#define	    COMPRESSION_IT8BL		32898   /* IT8 Binary line art */
-/* compression codes 32908-32911 are reserved for Pixar */
-#define     COMPRESSION_PIXARFILM	32908   /* Pixar companded 10bit LZW */
-#define	    COMPRESSION_PIXARLOG	32909   /* Pixar companded 11bit ZIP */
-#define	    COMPRESSION_DEFLATE		32946	/* Deflate compression */
-#define     COMPRESSION_ADOBE_DEFLATE   8       /* Deflate compression, as recognized by Adobe */
-/* compression code 32947 is reserved for Oceana Matrix <dev@oceana.com> */
-#define     COMPRESSION_DCS             32947   /* Kodak DCS encoding */
-#define	    COMPRESSION_JBIG		34661	/* ISO JBIG */
-#define     COMPRESSION_SGILOG		34676	/* SGI Log Luminance RLE */
-#define     COMPRESSION_SGILOG24	34677	/* SGI Log 24-bit packed */
-#define	TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC		262	/* photometric interpretation */
-#define	    PHOTOMETRIC_MINISWHITE	0	/* min value is white */
-#define	    PHOTOMETRIC_MINISBLACK	1	/* min value is black */
-#define	    PHOTOMETRIC_RGB		2	/* RGB color model */
-#define	    PHOTOMETRIC_PALETTE		3	/* color map indexed */
-#define	    PHOTOMETRIC_MASK		4	/* $holdout mask */
-#define	    PHOTOMETRIC_SEPARATED	5	/* !color separations */
-#define	    PHOTOMETRIC_YCBCR		6	/* !CCIR 601 */
-#define	    PHOTOMETRIC_CIELAB		8	/* !1976 CIE L*a*b* */
-#define     PHOTOMETRIC_LOGL		32844	/* CIE Log2(L) */
-#define     PHOTOMETRIC_LOGLUV		32845	/* CIE Log2(L) (u',v') */
-#define	TIFFTAG_THRESHHOLDING		263	/* +thresholding used on data */
-#define	    THRESHHOLD_BILEVEL		1	/* b&w art scan */
-#define	    THRESHHOLD_HALFTONE		2	/* or dithered scan */
-#define	    THRESHHOLD_ERRORDIFFUSE	3	/* usually floyd-steinberg */
-#define	TIFFTAG_CELLWIDTH		264	/* +dithering matrix width */
-#define	TIFFTAG_CELLLENGTH		265	/* +dithering matrix height */
-#define	TIFFTAG_FILLORDER		266	/* data order within a byte */
-#define	    FILLORDER_MSB2LSB		1	/* most significant -> least */
-#define	    FILLORDER_LSB2MSB		2	/* least significant -> most */
-#define	TIFFTAG_DOCUMENTNAME		269	/* name of doc. image is from */
-#define	TIFFTAG_IMAGEDESCRIPTION	270	/* info about image */
-#define	TIFFTAG_MAKE			271	/* scanner manufacturer name */
-#define	TIFFTAG_MODEL			272	/* scanner model name/number */
-#define	TIFFTAG_STRIPOFFSETS		273	/* offsets to data strips */
-#define	TIFFTAG_ORIENTATION		274	/* +image orientation */
-#define	    ORIENTATION_TOPLEFT		1	/* row 0 top, col 0 lhs */
-#define	    ORIENTATION_TOPRIGHT	2	/* row 0 top, col 0 rhs */
-#define	    ORIENTATION_BOTRIGHT	3	/* row 0 bottom, col 0 rhs */
-#define	    ORIENTATION_BOTLEFT		4	/* row 0 bottom, col 0 lhs */
-#define	    ORIENTATION_LEFTTOP		5	/* row 0 lhs, col 0 top */
-#define	    ORIENTATION_RIGHTTOP	6	/* row 0 rhs, col 0 top */
-#define	    ORIENTATION_RIGHTBOT	7	/* row 0 rhs, col 0 bottom */
-#define	    ORIENTATION_LEFTBOT		8	/* row 0 lhs, col 0 bottom */
-#define	TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL		277	/* samples per pixel */
-#define	TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP		278	/* rows per strip of data */
-#define	TIFFTAG_STRIPBYTECOUNTS		279	/* bytes counts for strips */
-#define	TIFFTAG_MINSAMPLEVALUE		280	/* +minimum sample value */
-#define	TIFFTAG_MAXSAMPLEVALUE		281	/* +maximum sample value */
-#define	TIFFTAG_XRESOLUTION		282	/* pixels/resolution in x */
-#define	TIFFTAG_YRESOLUTION		283	/* pixels/resolution in y */
-#define	TIFFTAG_PLANARCONFIG		284	/* storage organization */
-#define	    PLANARCONFIG_CONTIG		1	/* single image plane */
-#define	    PLANARCONFIG_SEPARATE	2	/* separate planes of data */
-#define	TIFFTAG_PAGENAME		285	/* page name image is from */
-#define	TIFFTAG_XPOSITION		286	/* x page offset of image lhs */
-#define	TIFFTAG_YPOSITION		287	/* y page offset of image lhs */
-#define	TIFFTAG_FREEOFFSETS		288	/* +byte offset to free block */
-#define	TIFFTAG_FREEBYTECOUNTS		289	/* +sizes of free blocks */
-#define	TIFFTAG_GRAYRESPONSEUNIT	290	/* $gray scale curve accuracy */
-#define	    GRAYRESPONSEUNIT_10S	1	/* tenths of a unit */
-#define	    GRAYRESPONSEUNIT_100S	2	/* hundredths of a unit */
-#define	    GRAYRESPONSEUNIT_1000S	3	/* thousandths of a unit */
-#define	    GRAYRESPONSEUNIT_10000S	4	/* ten-thousandths of a unit */
-#define	    GRAYRESPONSEUNIT_100000S	5	/* hundred-thousandths */
-#define	TIFFTAG_GRAYRESPONSECURVE	291	/* $gray scale response curve */
-#define	TIFFTAG_GROUP3OPTIONS		292	/* 32 flag bits */
-#define	    GROUP3OPT_2DENCODING	0x1	/* 2-dimensional coding */
-#define	    GROUP3OPT_UNCOMPRESSED	0x2	/* data not compressed */
-#define	    GROUP3OPT_FILLBITS		0x4	/* fill to byte boundary */
-#define	TIFFTAG_GROUP4OPTIONS		293	/* 32 flag bits */
-#define	    GROUP4OPT_UNCOMPRESSED	0x2	/* data not compressed */
-#define	TIFFTAG_RESOLUTIONUNIT		296	/* units of resolutions */
-#define	    RESUNIT_NONE		1	/* no meaningful units */
-#define	    RESUNIT_INCH		2	/* english */
-#define	    RESUNIT_CENTIMETER		3	/* metric */
-#define	TIFFTAG_PAGENUMBER		297	/* page numbers of multi-page */
-#define	TIFFTAG_COLORRESPONSEUNIT	300	/* $color curve accuracy */
-#define	    COLORRESPONSEUNIT_10S	1	/* tenths of a unit */
-#define	    COLORRESPONSEUNIT_100S	2	/* hundredths of a unit */
-#define	    COLORRESPONSEUNIT_1000S	3	/* thousandths of a unit */
-#define	    COLORRESPONSEUNIT_10000S	4	/* ten-thousandths of a unit */
-#define	    COLORRESPONSEUNIT_100000S	5	/* hundred-thousandths */
-#define	TIFFTAG_TRANSFERFUNCTION	301	/* !colorimetry info */
-#define	TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE		305	/* name & release */
-#define	TIFFTAG_DATETIME		306	/* creation date and time */
-#define	TIFFTAG_ARTIST			315	/* creator of image */
-#define	TIFFTAG_HOSTCOMPUTER		316	/* machine where created */
-#define	TIFFTAG_PREDICTOR		317	/* prediction scheme w/ LZW */
-#define	TIFFTAG_WHITEPOINT		318	/* image white point */
-#define	TIFFTAG_PRIMARYCHROMATICITIES	319	/* !primary chromaticities */
-#define	TIFFTAG_COLORMAP		320	/* RGB map for pallette image */
-#define	TIFFTAG_HALFTONEHINTS		321	/* !highlight+shadow info */
-#define	TIFFTAG_TILEWIDTH		322	/* !rows/data tile */
-#define	TIFFTAG_TILELENGTH		323	/* !cols/data tile */
-#define TIFFTAG_TILEOFFSETS		324	/* !offsets to data tiles */
-#define TIFFTAG_TILEBYTECOUNTS		325	/* !byte counts for tiles */
-#define	TIFFTAG_BADFAXLINES		326	/* lines w/ wrong pixel count */
-#define	TIFFTAG_CLEANFAXDATA		327	/* regenerated line info */
-#define	    CLEANFAXDATA_CLEAN		0	/* no errors detected */
-#define	    CLEANFAXDATA_REGENERATED	1	/* receiver regenerated lines */
-#define	    CLEANFAXDATA_UNCLEAN	2	/* uncorrected errors exist */
-#define	TIFFTAG_CONSECUTIVEBADFAXLINES	328	/* max consecutive bad lines */
-#define	TIFFTAG_SUBIFD			330	/* subimage descriptors */
-#define	TIFFTAG_INKSET			332	/* !inks in separated image */
-#define	    INKSET_CMYK			1	/* !cyan-magenta-yellow-black */
-#define	TIFFTAG_INKNAMES		333	/* !ascii names of inks */
-#define	TIFFTAG_NUMBEROFINKS		334	/* !number of inks */
-#define	TIFFTAG_DOTRANGE		336	/* !0% and 100% dot codes */
-#define	TIFFTAG_TARGETPRINTER		337	/* !separation target */
-#define	TIFFTAG_EXTRASAMPLES		338	/* !info about extra samples */
-#define	    EXTRASAMPLE_UNSPECIFIED	0	/* !unspecified data */
-#define	    EXTRASAMPLE_ASSOCALPHA	1	/* !associated alpha data */
-#define	    EXTRASAMPLE_UNASSALPHA	2	/* !unassociated alpha data */
-#define	TIFFTAG_SAMPLEFORMAT		339	/* !data sample format */
-#define	    SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT		1	/* !unsigned integer data */
-#define	    SAMPLEFORMAT_INT		2	/* !signed integer data */
-#define	    SAMPLEFORMAT_IEEEFP		3	/* !IEEE floating point data */
-#define	    SAMPLEFORMAT_VOID		4	/* !untyped data */
-#define	TIFFTAG_SMINSAMPLEVALUE		340	/* !variable MinSampleValue */
-#define	TIFFTAG_SMAXSAMPLEVALUE		341	/* !variable MaxSampleValue */
-#define	TIFFTAG_JPEGTABLES		347	/* %JPEG table stream */
- * Tags 512-521 are obsoleted by Technical Note #2
- * which specifies a revised JPEG-in-TIFF scheme.
- */
-#define	TIFFTAG_JPEGPROC		512	/* !JPEG processing algorithm */
-#define	    JPEGPROC_BASELINE		1	/* !baseline sequential */
-#define	    JPEGPROC_LOSSLESS		14	/* !Huffman coded lossless */
-#define	TIFFTAG_JPEGIFOFFSET		513	/* !pointer to SOI marker */
-#define	TIFFTAG_JPEGIFBYTECOUNT		514	/* !JFIF stream length */
-#define	TIFFTAG_JPEGRESTARTINTERVAL	515	/* !restart interval length */
-#define	TIFFTAG_JPEGLOSSLESSPREDICTORS	517	/* !lossless proc predictor */
-#define	TIFFTAG_JPEGPOINTTRANSFORM	518	/* !lossless point transform */
-#define	TIFFTAG_JPEGQTABLES		519	/* !Q matrice offsets */
-#define	TIFFTAG_JPEGDCTABLES		520	/* !DCT table offsets */
-#define	TIFFTAG_JPEGACTABLES		521	/* !AC coefficient offsets */
-#define	TIFFTAG_YCBCRCOEFFICIENTS	529	/* !RGB -> YCbCr transform */
-#define	TIFFTAG_YCBCRSUBSAMPLING	530	/* !YCbCr subsampling factors */
-#define	TIFFTAG_YCBCRPOSITIONING	531	/* !subsample positioning */
-#define	    YCBCRPOSITION_CENTERED	1	/* !as in PostScript Level 2 */
-#define	    YCBCRPOSITION_COSITED	2	/* !as in CCIR 601-1 */
-#define	TIFFTAG_REFERENCEBLACKWHITE	532	/* !colorimetry info */
-/* tags 32952-32956 are private tags registered to Island Graphics */
-#define TIFFTAG_REFPTS			32953	/* image reference points */
-#define TIFFTAG_REGIONTACKPOINT		32954	/* region-xform tack point */
-#define TIFFTAG_REGIONWARPCORNERS	32955	/* warp quadrilateral */
-#define TIFFTAG_REGIONAFFINE		32956	/* affine transformation mat */
-/* tags 32995-32999 are private tags registered to SGI */
-#define	TIFFTAG_MATTEING		32995	/* $use ExtraSamples */
-#define	TIFFTAG_DATATYPE		32996	/* $use SampleFormat */
-#define	TIFFTAG_IMAGEDEPTH		32997	/* z depth of image */
-#define	TIFFTAG_TILEDEPTH		32998	/* z depth/data tile */
-/* tags 33300-33309 are private tags registered to Pixar */
- * are set when an image has been cropped out of a larger image.  
- * They reflect the size of the original uncropped image.
- * to determine the position of the smaller image in the larger one.
- */
-#define TIFFTAG_PIXAR_IMAGEFULLWIDTH    33300   /* full image size in x */
-#define TIFFTAG_PIXAR_IMAGEFULLLENGTH   33301   /* full image size in y */
- /* Tags 33302-33306 are used to identify special image modes and data
-  * used by Pixar's texture formats.
-  */
-#define TIFFTAG_PIXAR_TEXTUREFORMAT	33302	/* texture map format */
-#define TIFFTAG_PIXAR_WRAPMODES		33303	/* s & t wrap modes */
-#define TIFFTAG_PIXAR_FOVCOT		33304	/* cotan(fov) for env. maps */
-/* tag 33405 is a private tag registered to Eastman Kodak */
-#define TIFFTAG_WRITERSERIALNUMBER      33405   /* device serial number */
-/* tag 33432 is listed in the 6.0 spec w/ unknown ownership */
-#define	TIFFTAG_COPYRIGHT		33432	/* copyright string */
-/* IPTC TAG from RichTIFF specifications */
-#define TIFFTAG_RICHTIFFIPTC    33723
-/* 34016-34029 are reserved for ANSI IT8 TIFF/IT <dkelly@etsinc.com) */
-#define TIFFTAG_IT8SITE			34016	/* site name */
-#define TIFFTAG_IT8COLORSEQUENCE	34017	/* color seq. [RGB,CMYK,etc] */
-#define TIFFTAG_IT8HEADER		34018	/* DDES Header */
-#define TIFFTAG_IT8RASTERPADDING	34019	/* raster scanline padding */
-#define TIFFTAG_IT8BITSPERRUNLENGTH	34020	/* # of bits in short run */
-#define TIFFTAG_IT8BITSPEREXTENDEDRUNLENGTH 34021/* # of bits in long run */
-#define TIFFTAG_IT8COLORTABLE		34022	/* LW colortable */
-#define TIFFTAG_IT8IMAGECOLORINDICATOR	34023	/* BP/BL image color switch */
-#define TIFFTAG_IT8BKGCOLORINDICATOR	34024	/* BP/BL bg color switch */
-#define TIFFTAG_IT8IMAGECOLORVALUE	34025	/* BP/BL image color value */
-#define TIFFTAG_IT8BKGCOLORVALUE	34026	/* BP/BL bg color value */
-#define TIFFTAG_IT8PIXELINTENSITYRANGE	34027	/* MP pixel intensity value */
-#define TIFFTAG_IT8TRANSPARENCYINDICATOR 34028	/* HC transparency switch */
-#define TIFFTAG_IT8COLORCHARACTERIZATION 34029	/* color character. table */
-/* tags 34232-34236 are private tags registered to Texas Instruments */
-#define TIFFTAG_FRAMECOUNT              34232   /* Sequence Frame Count */
-/* tag 34750 is a private tag registered to Adobe? */
-#define TIFFTAG_ICCPROFILE		34675	/* ICC profile data */
-/* tag 34377 is private tag registered to Adobe for PhotoShop */
-#define TIFFTAG_PHOTOSHOP				34377 
-/* tag 34750 is a private tag registered to Pixel Magic */
-#define	TIFFTAG_JBIGOPTIONS		34750	/* JBIG options */
-/* tags 34908-34914 are private tags registered to SGI */
-#define	TIFFTAG_FAXRECVPARAMS		34908	/* encoded Class 2 ses. parms */
-#define	TIFFTAG_FAXSUBADDRESS		34909	/* received SubAddr string */
-#define	TIFFTAG_FAXRECVTIME		34910	/* receive time (secs) */
-/* tags 37439-37443 are registered to SGI <gregl@sgi.com> */
-#define TIFFTAG_STONITS			37439	/* Sample value to Nits */
-/* tag 34929 is a private tag registered to FedEx */
-#define	TIFFTAG_FEDEX_EDR		34929	/* unknown use */
-/* tag 65535 is an undefined tag used by Eastman Kodak */
-#define TIFFTAG_DCSHUESHIFTVALUES       65535   /* hue shift correction data */
- * The following are ``pseudo tags'' that can be
- * used to control codec-specific functionality.
- * These tags are not written to file.  Note that
- * these values start at 0xffff+1 so that they'll
- * never collide with Aldus-assigned tags.
- *
- * If you want your private pseudo tags ``registered''
- * (i.e. added to this file), send mail to sam@sgi.com
- * with the appropriate C definitions to add.
- */
-#define	TIFFTAG_FAXMODE			65536	/* Group 3/4 format control */
-#define	    FAXMODE_CLASSIC	0x0000		/* default, include RTC */
-#define	    FAXMODE_NORTC	0x0001		/* no RTC at end of data */
-#define	    FAXMODE_NOEOL	0x0002		/* no EOL code at end of row */
-#define	    FAXMODE_BYTEALIGN	0x0004		/* byte align row */
-#define	    FAXMODE_WORDALIGN	0x0008		/* word align row */
-#define	TIFFTAG_JPEGQUALITY		65537	/* Compression quality level */
-/* Note: quality level is on the IJG 0-100 scale.  Default value is 75 */
-#define	TIFFTAG_JPEGCOLORMODE		65538	/* Auto RGB<=>YCbCr convert? */
-#define	    JPEGCOLORMODE_RAW	0x0000		/* no conversion (default) */
-#define	    JPEGCOLORMODE_RGB	0x0001		/* do auto conversion */
-#define	TIFFTAG_JPEGTABLESMODE		65539	/* What to put in JPEGTables */
-#define	    JPEGTABLESMODE_QUANT 0x0001		/* include quantization tbls */
-#define	    JPEGTABLESMODE_HUFF	0x0002		/* include Huffman tbls */
-#define	TIFFTAG_FAXFILLFUNC		65540	/* G3/G4 fill function */
-#define	TIFFTAG_PIXARLOGDATAFMT		65549	/* PixarLogCodec I/O data sz */
-#define	    PIXARLOGDATAFMT_8BIT	0	/* regular u_char samples */
-#define	    PIXARLOGDATAFMT_8BITABGR	1	/* ABGR-order u_chars */
-#define	    PIXARLOGDATAFMT_11BITLOG	2	/* 11-bit log-encoded (raw) */
-#define	    PIXARLOGDATAFMT_12BITPICIO	3	/* as per PICIO (1.0==2048) */
-#define	    PIXARLOGDATAFMT_16BIT	4	/* signed short samples */
-#define	    PIXARLOGDATAFMT_FLOAT	5	/* IEEE float samples */
-/* 65550-65556 are allocated to Oceana Matrix <dev@oceana.com> */
-#define TIFFTAG_DCSIMAGERTYPE           65550   /* imager model & filter */
-#define     DCSIMAGERMODEL_M3           0       /* M3 chip (1280 x 1024) */
-#define     DCSIMAGERMODEL_M5           1       /* M5 chip (1536 x 1024) */
-#define     DCSIMAGERMODEL_M6           2       /* M6 chip (3072 x 2048) */
-#define     DCSIMAGERFILTER_IR          0       /* infrared filter */
-#define     DCSIMAGERFILTER_MONO        1       /* monochrome filter */
-#define     DCSIMAGERFILTER_CFA         2       /* color filter array */
-#define     DCSIMAGERFILTER_OTHER       3       /* other filter */
-#define TIFFTAG_DCSINTERPMODE           65551   /* interpolation mode */
-#define     DCSINTERPMODE_NORMAL        0x0     /* whole image, default */
-#define     DCSINTERPMODE_PREVIEW       0x1     /* preview of image (384x256) */
-#define TIFFTAG_DCSBALANCEARRAY         65552   /* color balance values */
-#define TIFFTAG_DCSCORRECTMATRIX        65553   /* color correction values */
-#define TIFFTAG_DCSGAMMA                65554   /* gamma value */
-#define TIFFTAG_DCSTOESHOULDERPTS       65555   /* toe & shoulder points */
-#define TIFFTAG_DCSCALIBRATIONFD        65556   /* calibration file desc */
-/* Note: quality level is on the ZLIB 1-9 scale. Default value is -1 */
-#define	TIFFTAG_ZIPQUALITY		65557	/* compression quality level */
-#define	TIFFTAG_PIXARLOGQUALITY		65558	/* PixarLog uses same scale */
-/* 65559 is allocated to Oceana Matrix <dev@oceana.com> */
-#define TIFFTAG_DCSCLIPRECTANGLE	65559	/* area of image to acquire */
-#define TIFFTAG_SGILOGDATAFMT		65560	/* SGILog user data format */
-#define     SGILOGDATAFMT_FLOAT		0	/* IEEE float samples */
-#define     SGILOGDATAFMT_16BIT		1	/* 16-bit samples */
-#define     SGILOGDATAFMT_RAW		2	/* uninterpreted data */
-#define     SGILOGDATAFMT_8BIT		3	/* 8-bit RGB monitor values */
-#endif /* _TIFF_ */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/tiffcomp.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/tiffcomp.h
deleted file mode 100755
index bd2d86d3c33d616d38ca5cdb5e92d8ae442b7d09..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/tiffcomp.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
-/* $Header: tiffcomp.h,v 1.3 01/01/15 15:24:32 cmf Exp $ */
- * Copyright (c) 1990-1997 Sam Leffler
- * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and 
- * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided
- * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in
- * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of
- * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or
- * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written
- * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics.
- * 
- * 
- */
-#ifndef _COMPAT_
-#define	_COMPAT_
- * This file contains a hodgepodge of definitions and
- * declarations that are needed to provide compatibility
- * between the native system and the base implementation
- * that the library assumes.
- *
- * NB: This file is a mess.
- */
- * Setup basic type definitions and function declaratations.
- */
- * Simplify Acorn RISC OS identifier (to avoid confusion with Acorn RISC iX
- * and with defunct Unix Risc OS)
- * No need to specify __arm - hey, Acorn might port the OS, no problem here!
- */
-#ifdef __acornriscos
-#undef __acornriscos
-#if defined(__acorn) && defined(__riscos)
-#define __acornriscos
-#if defined(__MWERKS__) || defined(THINK_C)
-#include <unix.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#if defined(__PPCC__) || defined(__SC__) || defined(__MRC__)
-#include <types.h>
-#elif !defined(__MWERKS__) && !defined(THINK_C) && !defined(__acornriscos) && !defined(applec)
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#if defined(VMS)
-#include <file.h>
-#include <unixio.h>
-#elif !defined(__acornriscos)
-#include <fcntl.h>
- * This maze of checks controls defines or not the
- * target system has BSD-style typdedefs declared in
- * an include file and/or whether or not to include
- * <unistd.h> to get the SEEK_* definitions.  Some
- * additional includes are also done to pull in the
- * appropriate definitions we're looking for.
- */
-#if defined(__MWERKS__) || defined(THINK_C) || defined(__PPCC__) || defined(__SC__) || defined(__MRC__)
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#define	BSDTYPES
-#define	HAVE_UNISTD_H	0
-#elif defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_Windows)
-#define	BSDTYPES
-#elif defined(OS2_16) || defined(OS2_32)
-#define	BSDTYPES
-#elif defined(__acornriscos)
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#define	BSDTYPES
-#define	HAVE_UNISTD_H	0
-#elif defined(VMS)
-#define	HAVE_UNISTD_H	0
-#define	HAVE_UNISTD_H	1
- * The library uses the ANSI C/POSIX SEEK_*
- * definitions that should be defined in unistd.h
- * (except on system where they are in stdio.h and
- * there is no unistd.h).
- */
-#if !defined(SEEK_SET) && HAVE_UNISTD_H
-#include <unistd.h>
- * The library uses memset, memcpy, and memcmp.
- * ANSI C and System V define these in string.h.
- */
-#include <string.h>
- * The BSD typedefs are used throughout the library.
- * If your system doesn't have them in <sys/types.h>,
- * then define BSDTYPES in your Makefile.
- */
-#if defined(BSDTYPES)
-typedef	unsigned char u_char;
-typedef	unsigned short u_short;
-typedef	unsigned int u_int;
-typedef	unsigned long u_long;
- * dblparam_t is the type that a double precision
- * floating point value will have on the parameter
- * stack (when coerced by the compiler).
- */
-/* Note: on MacPowerPC "extended" is undefined. So only use it for 68K-Macs */
-#if defined(__SC__) || defined(THINK_C)
-typedef extended dblparam_t;
-typedef double dblparam_t;
- * If your compiler supports inline functions, then
- * set INLINE appropriately to get the known hotspots
- * in the library expanded inline.
- */
-#if defined(__GNUC__)
-#if defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)
-#define	INLINE	__inline__
-#define	INLINE	inline
-#else /* !__GNUC__ */
-#define	INLINE
- * GLOBALDATA is a macro that is used to define global variables
- * private to the library.  We use this indirection to hide
- * brain-damage in VAXC (and GCC) under VAX/VMS.  In these
- * environments the macro places the variable in a non-shareable
- * program section, which ought to be done by default (sigh!)
- *
- * Apparently DEC are aware of the problem as this behaviour is the
- * default under VMS on AXP.
- *
- * The GNU C variant is untested.
- */
-#if defined(VAX) && defined(VMS)
-#if defined(VAXC)
-#define GLOBALDATA(TYPE,NAME)	extern noshare TYPE NAME
-#if defined(__GNUC__)
-	asm("_$$PsectAttributes_NOSHR$$" #NAME)
-#else	/* !VAX/VMS */
-#if defined(__acornriscos)
- * osfcn.h is part of C++Lib on Acorn C/C++, and as such can't be used
- * on C alone. For that reason, the relevant functions are
- * implemented in tif_acorn.c, and the elements from the header
- * file are included here.
- */
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
-#include <osfcn.h>
-#define	O_RDONLY	0
-#define	O_WRONLY	1
-#define	O_RDWR		2
-#define	O_APPEND	8
-#define	O_CREAT		0x200
-#define	O_TRUNC		0x400
-typedef long off_t;
-extern int open(const char *name, int flags, int mode);
-extern int close(int fd);
-extern int write(int fd, const char *buf, int nbytes);
-extern int read(int fd, char *buf, int nbytes);
-extern off_t lseek(int fd, off_t offset, int whence);
-extern int creat(const char *path, int mode);
-#endif /* __cplusplus */
-#endif /* __acornriscos */
-/* Bit and byte order, the default is MSB to LSB */
-#ifdef VMS
-#endif /* _COMPAT_ */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/tiffconf.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/tiffconf.h
deleted file mode 100755
index b7f75a26a75d6429878e270e2181b0acaec4cfec..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/tiffconf.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-/* $Header: tiffconf.h,v 1.3 01/01/15 15:24:32 cmf Exp $ */
- * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler
- * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and 
- * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided
- * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in
- * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of
- * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or
- * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written
- * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics.
- * 
- * 
- */
-#ifndef _TIFFCONF_
-#define	_TIFFCONF_
- * Library Configuration Definitions.
- *
- * This file defines the default configuration for the library.
- * If the target system does not have make or a way to specify
- * #defines on the command line, this file can be edited to
- * configure the library.  Otherwise, one can override portability
- * and configuration-related definitions from a Makefile or command
- * line by defining FEATURE_SUPPORT and COMPRESSION_SUPPORT (see below).
- */
- * General portability-related defines:
- *
- * HAVE_IEEEFP		define as 0 or 1 according to the floating point
- *			format suported by the machine
- * BSDTYPES		define this if your system does NOT define the
- *			usual 4BSD typedefs u_int et. al.
- * HAVE_MMAP		enable support for memory mapping read-only files;
- *			this is typically deduced by the configure script
- * HOST_FILLORDER	native cpu bit order: one of FILLORDER_MSB2LSB
- *			or FILLODER_LSB2MSB; this is typically set by the
- *			configure script
- * HOST_BIGENDIAN	native cpu byte order: 1 if big-endian (Motorola)
- *			or 0 if little-endian (Intel); this may be used
- *			in codecs to optimize code
- * USE_64BIT_API	set to 1 if tif_unix.c should use lseek64(),
- *                      fstat64() and stat64 allowing 2-4GB files.
- */
-#ifndef HAVE_IEEEFP
-#define	HAVE_IEEEFP	1
-#ifndef USE_64BIT_API
-#  define USE_64BIT_API	0
- * Feature support definitions:
- *
- *    COLORIMETRY_SUPPORT enable support for 6.0 colorimetry tags
- *    YCBCR_SUPPORT	enable support for 6.0 YCbCr tags
- *    CMYK_SUPPORT	enable support for 6.0 CMYK tags
- *    ICC_SUPPORT	enable support for ICC profile tag
- *    PHOTOSHOP_SUPPORT enable support for PHOTOSHOP resource tag
- *    IPTC_SUPPORT  enable support for RichTIFF IPTC tag
- */
-#define	ICC_SUPPORT
-#endif /* FEATURE_SUPPORT */
- * Compression support defines:
- *
- *    CCITT_SUPPORT	enable support for CCITT Group 3 & 4 algorithms
- *    PACKBITS_SUPPORT	enable support for Macintosh PackBits algorithm
- *    LZW_SUPPORT	enable support for LZW algorithm
- *    THUNDER_SUPPORT	enable support for ThunderScan 4-bit RLE algorithm
- *    NEXT_SUPPORT	enable support for NeXT 2-bit RLE algorithm
- *    OJPEG_SUPPORT	enable support for 6.0-style JPEG DCT algorithms
- *			(no builtin support, only a codec hook)
- *    JPEG_SUPPORT	enable support for post-6.0-style JPEG DCT algorithms
- *			(requires freely available IJG software, see tif_jpeg.c)
- *    ZIP_SUPPORT	enable support for Deflate algorithm
- *			(requires freely available zlib software, see tif_zip.c)
- *    PIXARLOG_SUPPORT	enable support for Pixar log-format algorithm
- *    LOGLUV_SUPPORT	enable support for LogLuv high dynamic range encoding
- */
-#define	LZW_SUPPORT
- * If JPEG compression is enabled then we must also include
- * support for the colorimetry and YCbCr-related tags.
- */
-#endif /* JPEG_SUPPORT */
- * ``Orthogonal Features''
- *
- * STRIPCHOP_DEFAULT	default handling of strip chopping support (whether
- *			or not to convert single-strip uncompressed images
- *			to mutiple strips of ~8Kb--to reduce memory use)
- * SUBIFD_SUPPORT	enable support for SubIFD tag (thumbnails and such)
- */
-#define	STRIPCHOP_DEFAULT	TIFF_STRIPCHOP	/* default is to enable */
-#define	SUBIFD_SUPPORT		1	/* enable SubIFD tag (330) support */
-#endif /* _TIFFCONF_ */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/tiffio.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/tiffio.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 50e063ba294046bc964b33f27cc22d242d775110..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/tiffio.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
-/* $Header: tiffio.h,v 1.3 01/01/15 15:24:33 cmf Exp $ */
- * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler
- * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and 
- * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided
- * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in
- * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of
- * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or
- * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written
- * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics.
- * 
- * 
- */
-#ifndef _TIFFIO_
-#define	_TIFFIO_
- * TIFF I/O Library Definitions.
- */
-#include "tiff.h"
- * This define can be used in code that requires
- * compilation-related definitions specific to a
- * version or versions of the library.  Runtime
- * version checking should be done based on the
- * string returned by TIFFGetVersion.
- */
-#define	TIFFLIB_VERSION	19970127	/* January 27, 1997 */
- * TIFF is defined as an incomplete type to hide the
- * library's internal data structures from clients.
- */
-typedef	struct tiff TIFF;
- * The following typedefs define the intrinsic size of
- * data types used in the *exported* interfaces.  These
- * definitions depend on the proper definition of types
- * in tiff.h.  Note also that the varargs interface used
- * to pass tag types and values uses the types defined in
- * tiff.h directly.
- *
- * NB: ttag_t is unsigned int and not unsigned short because
- *     ANSI C requires that the type before the ellipsis be a
- *     promoted type (i.e. one of int, unsigned int, pointer,
- *     or double) and because we defined pseudo-tags that are
- *     outside the range of legal Aldus-assigned tags.
- * NB: tsize_t is int32TIFF and not uint32TIFF because some functions
- *     return -1.
- * NB: toff_t is not off_t for many reasons; TIFFs max out at
- *     32-bit file offsets being the most important, and to ensure
- *     that it is unsigned, rather than signed.
- */
-typedef	uint32TIFF ttag_t;		/* directory tag */
-typedef	uint16TIFF tdir_t;		/* directory index */
-typedef	uint16TIFF tsample_t;	/* sample number */
-typedef	uint32TIFF tstrip_t;	/* strip number */
-typedef uint32TIFF ttile_t;		/* tile number */
-typedef	int32TIFF tsize_t;		/* i/o size in bytes */
-typedef	void* tdata_t;		/* image data ref */
-typedef	uint32TIFF toff_t;		/* file offset */
-#if !defined(__WIN32__) && (defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32))
-#define __WIN32__
-/* MODIF PC NT */
-#undef _WINDOWS
-#undef __WIN32__
-#undef _Windows
-#if defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_Windows)
-#include <windows.h>
-#ifdef __WIN32__
-DECLARE_HANDLE(thandle_t);	/* Win32 file handle */
-typedef	HFILE thandle_t;	/* client data handle */
-typedef	void* thandle_t;	/* client data handle */
-#ifndef NULL
-#define	NULL	0
- * Flags to pass to TIFFPrintDirectory to control
- * printing of data structures that are potentially
- * very large.   Bit-or these flags to enable printing
- * multiple items.
- */
-#define	TIFFPRINT_NONE		0x0		/* no extra info */
-#define	TIFFPRINT_STRIPS	0x1		/* strips/tiles info */
-#define	TIFFPRINT_CURVES	0x2		/* color/gray response curves */
-#define	TIFFPRINT_COLORMAP	0x4		/* colormap */
-#define	TIFFPRINT_JPEGQTABLES	0x100		/* JPEG Q matrices */
-#define	TIFFPRINT_JPEGACTABLES	0x200		/* JPEG AC tables */
-#define	TIFFPRINT_JPEGDCTABLES	0x200		/* JPEG DC tables */
- * RGBA-style image support.
- */
-typedef	unsigned char TIFFRGBValue;		/* 8-bit samples */
-typedef struct _TIFFRGBAImage TIFFRGBAImage;
- * The image reading and conversion routines invoke
- * ``put routines'' to copy/image/whatever tiles of
- * raw image data.  A default set of routines are 
- * provided to convert/copy raw image data to 8-bit
- * packed ABGR format rasters.  Applications can supply
- * alternate routines that unpack the data into a
- * different format or, for example, unpack the data
- * and draw the unpacked raster on the display.
- */
-typedef void (*tileContigRoutine)
-    (TIFFRGBAImage*, uint32TIFF*, uint32TIFF, uint32TIFF, uint32TIFF, uint32TIFF, int32TIFF, int32TIFF,
-	unsigned char*);
-typedef void (*tileSeparateRoutine)
-    (TIFFRGBAImage*, uint32TIFF*, uint32TIFF, uint32TIFF, uint32TIFF, uint32TIFF, int32TIFF, int32TIFF,
-	unsigned char*, unsigned char*, unsigned char*, unsigned char*);
- * RGBA-reader state.
- */
-typedef struct {				/* YCbCr->RGB support */
-	TIFFRGBValue* clamptab;			/* range clamping table */
-	int*	Cr_r_tab;
-	int*	Cb_b_tab;
-	int32TIFF*	Cr_g_tab;
-	int32TIFF*	Cb_g_tab;
-	float	coeffs[3];			/* cached for repeated use */
-struct _TIFFRGBAImage {
-	TIFF*	tif;				/* image handle */
-	int	stoponerr;			/* stop on read error */
-	int	isContig;			/* data is packed/separate */
-	int	alpha;				/* type of alpha data present */
-	uint32TIFF	width;				/* image width */
-	uint32TIFF	height;				/* image height */
-	uint16TIFF	bitspersample;			/* image bits/sample */
-	uint16TIFF	samplesperpixel;		/* image samples/pixel */
-	uint16TIFF	orientation;			/* image orientation */
-	uint16TIFF	photometric;			/* image photometric interp */
-	uint16TIFF*	redcmap;			/* colormap pallete */
-	uint16TIFF*	greencmap;
-	uint16TIFF*	bluecmap;
-						/* get image data routine */
-	int	(*get)(TIFFRGBAImage*, uint32TIFF*, uint32TIFF, uint32TIFF);
-	union {
-	    void (*any)(TIFFRGBAImage*);
-	    tileContigRoutine	contig;
-	    tileSeparateRoutine	separate;
-	} put;					/* put decoded strip/tile */
-	TIFFRGBValue* Map;			/* sample mapping array */
-	uint32TIFF** BWmap;				/* black&white map */
-	uint32TIFF** PALmap;			/* palette image map */
-	TIFFYCbCrToRGB* ycbcr;			/* YCbCr conversion state */
-        int	row_offset;
-        int     col_offset;
- * Macros for extracting components from the
- * packed ABGR form returned by TIFFReadRGBAImage.
- */
-#define	TIFFGetR(abgr)	((abgr) & 0xff)
-#define	TIFFGetG(abgr)	(((abgr) >> 8) & 0xff)
-#define	TIFFGetB(abgr)	(((abgr) >> 16) & 0xff)
-#define	TIFFGetA(abgr)	(((abgr) >> 24) & 0xff)
- * A CODEC is a software package that implements decoding,
- * encoding, or decoding+encoding of a compression algorithm.
- * The library provides a collection of builtin codecs.
- * More codecs may be registered through calls to the library
- * and/or the builtin implementations may be overridden.
- */
-typedef	int (*TIFFInitMethod)(TIFF*, int);
-typedef struct {
-	char*		name;
-	uint16TIFF		scheme;
-	TIFFInitMethod	init;
-} TIFFCodec;
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
-extern "C" {
-typedef	void (*TIFFErrorHandler)(const char*, const char*, va_list);
-typedef	tsize_t (*TIFFReadWriteProc)(thandle_t, tdata_t, tsize_t);
-typedef	toff_t (*TIFFSeekProc)(thandle_t, toff_t, int);
-typedef	int (*TIFFCloseProc)(thandle_t);
-typedef	toff_t (*TIFFSizeProc)(thandle_t);
-typedef	int (*TIFFMapFileProc)(thandle_t, tdata_t*, toff_t*);
-typedef	void (*TIFFUnmapFileProc)(thandle_t, tdata_t, toff_t);
-typedef	void (*TIFFExtendProc)(TIFF*); 
-extern	const char* TIFFGetVersion(void);
-extern	const TIFFCodec* TIFFFindCODEC(uint16TIFF);
-extern	TIFFCodec* TIFFRegisterCODEC(uint16TIFF, const char*, TIFFInitMethod);
-extern	void TIFFUnRegisterCODEC(TIFFCodec*);
-extern	tdata_t _TIFFmalloc(tsize_t);
-extern	tdata_t _TIFFrealloc(tdata_t, tsize_t);
-extern	void _TIFFmemset(tdata_t, int, tsize_t);
-extern	void _TIFFmemcpy(tdata_t, const tdata_t, tsize_t);
-extern	int _TIFFmemcmp(const tdata_t, const tdata_t, tsize_t);
-extern	void _TIFFfree(tdata_t);
-extern	void TIFFClose(TIFF*);
-extern	int TIFFFlush(TIFF*);
-extern	int TIFFFlushData(TIFF*);
-extern	int TIFFGetField(TIFF*, ttag_t, ...);
-extern	int TIFFVGetField(TIFF*, ttag_t, va_list);
-extern	int TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(TIFF*, ttag_t, ...);
-extern	int TIFFVGetFieldDefaulted(TIFF*, ttag_t, va_list);
-extern	int TIFFReadDirectory(TIFF*);
-extern	tsize_t TIFFScanlineSize(TIFF*);
-extern	tsize_t TIFFRasterScanlineSize(TIFF*);
-extern	tsize_t TIFFStripSize(TIFF*);
-extern	tsize_t TIFFVStripSize(TIFF*, uint32TIFF);
-extern	tsize_t TIFFTileRowSize(TIFF*);
-extern	tsize_t TIFFTileSize(TIFF*);
-extern	tsize_t TIFFVTileSize(TIFF*, uint32TIFF);
-extern	uint32TIFF TIFFDefaultStripSize(TIFF*, uint32TIFF);
-extern	void TIFFDefaultTileSize(TIFF*, uint32TIFF*, uint32TIFF*);
-extern	int TIFFFileno(TIFF*);
-extern	int TIFFGetMode(TIFF*);
-extern	int TIFFIsTiled(TIFF*);
-extern	int TIFFIsByteSwapped(TIFF*);
-extern	int TIFFIsUpSampled(TIFF*);
-extern	int TIFFIsMSB2LSB(TIFF*);
-extern	uint32TIFF TIFFCurrentRow(TIFF*);
-extern	tdir_t TIFFCurrentDirectory(TIFF*);
-extern	tdir_t TIFFNumberOfDirectories(TIFF*);
-extern	uint32TIFF TIFFCurrentDirOffset(TIFF*);
-extern	tstrip_t TIFFCurrentStrip(TIFF*);
-extern	ttile_t TIFFCurrentTile(TIFF*);
-extern	int TIFFReadBufferSetup(TIFF*, tdata_t, tsize_t);
-extern	int TIFFWriteBufferSetup(TIFF*, tdata_t, tsize_t);
-extern  int TIFFWriteCheck(TIFF*, int, const char *);
-extern  int TIFFCreateDirectory(TIFF*);
-extern	int TIFFLastDirectory(TIFF*);
-extern	int TIFFSetDirectory(TIFF*, tdir_t);
-extern	int TIFFSetSubDirectory(TIFF*, uint32TIFF);
-extern	int TIFFUnlinkDirectory(TIFF*, tdir_t);
-extern	int TIFFSetField(TIFF*, ttag_t, ...);
-extern	int TIFFVSetField(TIFF*, ttag_t, va_list);
-extern	int TIFFWriteDirectory(TIFF *);
-extern	int TIFFReassignTagToIgnore(enum TIFFIgnoreSense, int);
-#if defined(c_plusplus) || defined(__cplusplus)
-extern	void TIFFPrintDirectory(TIFF*, FILE*, long = 0);
-extern	int TIFFReadScanline(TIFF*, tdata_t, uint32TIFF, tsample_t = 0);
-extern	int TIFFWriteScanline(TIFF*, tdata_t, uint32TIFF, tsample_t = 0);
-extern	int TIFFReadRGBAImage(TIFF*, uint32TIFF, uint32TIFF, uint32TIFF*, int = 0);
-extern	void TIFFPrintDirectory(TIFF*, FILE*, long);
-extern	int TIFFReadScanline(TIFF*, tdata_t, uint32TIFF, tsample_t);
-extern	int TIFFWriteScanline(TIFF*, tdata_t, uint32TIFF, tsample_t);
-extern	int TIFFReadRGBAImage(TIFF*, uint32TIFF, uint32TIFF, uint32TIFF*, int);
-extern	int TIFFReadRGBAStrip(TIFF*, tstrip_t, uint32TIFF * );
-extern	int TIFFReadRGBATile(TIFF*, uint32TIFF, uint32TIFF, uint32TIFF * );
-extern	int TIFFRGBAImageOK(TIFF*, char [1024]);
-extern	int TIFFRGBAImageBegin(TIFFRGBAImage*, TIFF*, int, char [1024]);
-extern	int TIFFRGBAImageGet(TIFFRGBAImage*, uint32TIFF*, uint32TIFF, uint32TIFF);
-extern	void TIFFRGBAImageEnd(TIFFRGBAImage*);
-extern	TIFF* TIFFOpen(const char*, const char*);
-extern	TIFF* TIFFFdOpen(int, const char*, const char*);
-extern	TIFF* TIFFClientOpen(const char*, const char*,
-	    thandle_t,
-	    TIFFReadWriteProc, TIFFReadWriteProc,
-	    TIFFSeekProc, TIFFCloseProc,
-	    TIFFSizeProc,
-	    TIFFMapFileProc, TIFFUnmapFileProc);
-extern	const char* TIFFFileName(TIFF*);
-extern	void TIFFError(const char*, const char*, ...);
-extern	void TIFFWarning(const char*, const char*, ...);
-extern	TIFFErrorHandler TIFFSetErrorHandler(TIFFErrorHandler);
-extern	TIFFErrorHandler TIFFSetWarningHandler(TIFFErrorHandler);
-extern	TIFFExtendProc TIFFSetTagExtender(TIFFExtendProc);
-extern	ttile_t TIFFComputeTile(TIFF*, uint32TIFF, uint32TIFF, uint32TIFF, tsample_t);
-extern	int TIFFCheckTile(TIFF*, uint32TIFF, uint32TIFF, uint32TIFF, tsample_t);
-extern	ttile_t TIFFNumberOfTiles(TIFF*);
-extern	tsize_t TIFFReadTile(TIFF*,
-	    tdata_t, uint32TIFF, uint32TIFF, uint32TIFF, tsample_t);
-extern	tsize_t TIFFWriteTile(TIFF*,
-	    tdata_t, uint32TIFF, uint32TIFF, uint32TIFF, tsample_t);
-extern	tstrip_t TIFFComputeStrip(TIFF*, uint32TIFF, tsample_t);
-extern	tstrip_t TIFFNumberOfStrips(TIFF*);
-extern	tsize_t TIFFReadEncodedStrip(TIFF*, tstrip_t, tdata_t, tsize_t);
-extern	tsize_t TIFFReadRawStrip(TIFF*, tstrip_t, tdata_t, tsize_t);
-extern	tsize_t TIFFReadEncodedTile(TIFF*, ttile_t, tdata_t, tsize_t);
-extern	tsize_t TIFFReadRawTile(TIFF*, ttile_t, tdata_t, tsize_t);
-extern	tsize_t TIFFWriteEncodedStrip(TIFF*, tstrip_t, tdata_t, tsize_t);
-extern	tsize_t TIFFWriteRawStrip(TIFF*, tstrip_t, tdata_t, tsize_t);
-extern	tsize_t TIFFWriteEncodedTile(TIFF*, ttile_t, tdata_t, tsize_t);
-extern	tsize_t TIFFWriteRawTile(TIFF*, ttile_t, tdata_t, tsize_t);
-extern	void TIFFSetWriteOffset(TIFF*, toff_t);
-extern	void TIFFSwabShort(uint16TIFF*);
-extern	void TIFFSwabLong(uint32TIFF*);
-extern	void TIFFSwabDouble(double*);
-extern	void TIFFSwabArrayOfShort(uint16TIFF*, unsigned long);
-extern	void TIFFSwabArrayOfLong(uint32TIFF*, unsigned long);
-extern	void TIFFSwabArrayOfDouble(double*, unsigned long);
-extern	void TIFFReverseBits(unsigned char *, unsigned long);
-extern	const unsigned char* TIFFGetBitRevTable(int);
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
-#endif /* _TIFFIO_ */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/tiffiop.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/tiffiop.h
deleted file mode 100755
index e86fff4debb77446cb176c2b07352c22f840d641..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/tiffiop.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
-/* $Header: tiffiop.h,v 1.3 01/01/15 15:24:34 cmf Exp $ */
- * Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam Leffler
- * Copyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and 
- * its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided
- * that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in
- * all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of
- * Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising or
- * publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written
- * permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics.
- * 
- * 
- */
-#ifndef _TIFFIOP_
-#define	_TIFFIOP_
- * ``Library-private'' definitions.
- */
- * UNIX systems should run the configure script to generate
- * a port.h file that reflects the system capabilities.
- * Doing this obviates all the dreck done in tiffcomp.h.
- */
-#if defined(unix) || defined(__unix)
-#include "port.h"
-#include "tiffconf.h"
-#include "tiffconf.h"
-#include "tiffcomp.h"
-#include "tiffio.h"
-#include "tif_dir.h"
-#ifndef TRUE
-#define	TRUE	1
-#define	FALSE	0
- * Typedefs for ``method pointers'' used internally.
- */
-typedef	unsigned char tidataval_t;	/* internal image data value type */
-typedef	tidataval_t* tidata_t;		/* reference to internal image data */
-typedef	void (*TIFFVoidMethod)(TIFF*);
-typedef	int (*TIFFBoolMethod)(TIFF*);
-typedef	int (*TIFFPreMethod)(TIFF*, tsample_t);
-typedef	int (*TIFFCodeMethod)(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t);
-typedef	int (*TIFFSeekMethod)(TIFF*, uint32);
-typedef	void (*TIFFPostMethod)(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t);
-typedef	int (*TIFFVSetMethod)(TIFF*, ttag_t, va_list);
-typedef	int (*TIFFVGetMethod)(TIFF*, ttag_t, va_list);
-typedef	void (*TIFFPrintMethod)(TIFF*, FILE*, long);
-typedef	uint32 (*TIFFStripMethod)(TIFF*, uint32);
-typedef	void (*TIFFTileMethod)(TIFF*, uint32*, uint32*);
-struct tiff {
-	char*		tif_name;	/* name of open file */
-	int		tif_fd;		/* open file descriptor */
-	int		tif_mode;	/* open mode (O_*) */
-	uint32		tif_flags;
-#define	TIFF_FILLORDER		0x0003	/* natural bit fill order for machine */
-#define	TIFF_DIRTYHEADER	0x0004	/* header must be written on close */
-#define	TIFF_DIRTYDIRECT	0x0008	/* current directory must be written */
-#define	TIFF_BUFFERSETUP	0x0010	/* data buffers setup */
-#define	TIFF_CODERSETUP		0x0020	/* encoder/decoder setup done */
-#define	TIFF_BEENWRITING	0x0040	/* written 1+ scanlines to file */
-#define	TIFF_SWAB		0x0080	/* byte swap file information */
-#define	TIFF_NOBITREV		0x0100	/* inhibit bit reversal logic */
-#define	TIFF_MYBUFFER		0x0200	/* my raw data buffer; free on close */
-#define	TIFF_ISTILED		0x0400	/* file is tile, not strip- based */
-#define	TIFF_MAPPED		0x0800	/* file is mapped into memory */
-#define	TIFF_POSTENCODE		0x1000	/* need call to postencode routine */
-#define	TIFF_INSUBIFD		0x2000	/* currently writing a subifd */
-#define	TIFF_UPSAMPLED		0x4000	/* library is doing data up-sampling */ 
-#define	TIFF_STRIPCHOP		0x8000	/* enable strip chopping support */
-	toff_t		tif_diroff;	/* file offset of current directory */
-	toff_t		tif_nextdiroff;	/* file offset of following directory */
-	TIFFDirectory	tif_dir;	/* internal rep of current directory */
-	TIFFHeader	tif_header;	/* file's header block */
-        tidata_t        tif_clientdir;  /* client TIFF directory */
-	const int*	tif_typeshift;	/* data type shift counts */
-	const long*	tif_typemask;	/* data type masks */
-	uint32		tif_row;	/* current scanline */
-	tdir_t		tif_curdir;	/* current directory (index) */
-	tstrip_t	tif_curstrip;	/* current strip for read/write */
-	toff_t		tif_curoff;	/* current offset for read/write */
-	toff_t		tif_dataoff;	/* current offset for writing dir */
-	uint16		tif_nsubifd;	/* remaining subifds to write */
-	toff_t		tif_subifdoff;	/* offset for patching SubIFD link */
-/* tiling support */
-	uint32 		tif_col;	/* current column (offset by row too) */
-	ttile_t		tif_curtile;	/* current tile for read/write */
-	tsize_t		tif_tilesize;	/* # of bytes in a tile */
-/* compression scheme hooks */
-	TIFFBoolMethod	tif_setupdecode;/* called once before predecode */
-	TIFFPreMethod	tif_predecode;	/* pre- row/strip/tile decoding */
-	TIFFBoolMethod	tif_setupencode;/* called once before preencode */
-	TIFFPreMethod	tif_preencode;	/* pre- row/strip/tile encoding */
-	TIFFBoolMethod	tif_postencode;	/* post- row/strip/tile encoding */
-	TIFFCodeMethod	tif_decoderow;	/* scanline decoding routine */
-	TIFFCodeMethod	tif_encoderow;	/* scanline encoding routine */
-	TIFFCodeMethod	tif_decodestrip;/* strip decoding routine */
-	TIFFCodeMethod	tif_encodestrip;/* strip encoding routine */
-	TIFFCodeMethod	tif_decodetile;	/* tile decoding routine */
-	TIFFCodeMethod	tif_encodetile;	/* tile encoding routine */
-	TIFFVoidMethod	tif_close;	/* cleanup-on-close routine */
-	TIFFSeekMethod	tif_seek;	/* position within a strip routine */
-	TIFFVoidMethod	tif_cleanup;	/* cleanup state routine */
-	TIFFStripMethod	tif_defstripsize;/* calculate/constrain strip size */
-	TIFFTileMethod	tif_deftilesize;/* calculate/constrain tile size */
-	tidata_t	tif_data;	/* compression scheme private data */
-/* input/output buffering */
-	tsize_t		tif_scanlinesize;/* # of bytes in a scanline */
-	tsize_t		tif_scanlineskew;/* scanline skew for reading strips */
-	tidata_t	tif_rawdata;	/* raw data buffer */
-	tsize_t		tif_rawdatasize;/* # of bytes in raw data buffer */
-	tidata_t	tif_rawcp;	/* current spot in raw buffer */
-	tsize_t		tif_rawcc;	/* bytes unread from raw buffer */
-/* memory-mapped file support */
-	tidata_t	tif_base;	/* base of mapped file */
-	toff_t		tif_size;	/* size of mapped file region (bytes) */
-	TIFFMapFileProc	tif_mapproc;	/* map file method */
-	TIFFUnmapFileProc tif_unmapproc;/* unmap file method */
-/* input/output callback methods */
-	thandle_t	tif_clientdata;	/* callback parameter */
-	TIFFReadWriteProc tif_readproc;	/* read method */
-	TIFFReadWriteProc tif_writeproc;/* write method */
-	TIFFSeekProc	tif_seekproc;	/* lseek method */
-	TIFFCloseProc	tif_closeproc;	/* close method */
-	TIFFSizeProc	tif_sizeproc;	/* filesize method */
-/* post-decoding support */
-	TIFFPostMethod	tif_postdecode;	/* post decoding routine */
-/* tag support */
-	TIFFFieldInfo**	tif_fieldinfo;	/* sorted table of registered tags */
-	int		tif_nfields;	/* # entries in registered tag table */
-	TIFFVSetMethod	tif_vsetfield;	/* tag set routine */
-	TIFFVGetMethod	tif_vgetfield;	/* tag get routine */
-	TIFFPrintMethod	tif_printdir;	/* directory print routine */
-#define	isPseudoTag(t)	(t > 0xffff)	/* is tag value normal or pseudo */
-#define	isTiled(tif)	(((tif)->tif_flags & TIFF_ISTILED) != 0)
-#define	isMapped(tif)	(((tif)->tif_flags & TIFF_MAPPED) != 0)
-#define	isFillOrder(tif, o)	(((tif)->tif_flags & (o)) != 0)
-#define	isUpSampled(tif)	(((tif)->tif_flags & TIFF_UPSAMPLED) != 0)
-#define	TIFFReadFile(tif, buf, size) \
-	((*(tif)->tif_readproc)((tif)->tif_clientdata,buf,size))
-#define	TIFFWriteFile(tif, buf, size) \
-	((*(tif)->tif_writeproc)((tif)->tif_clientdata,buf,size))
-#define	TIFFSeekFile(tif, off, whence) \
-	((*(tif)->tif_seekproc)((tif)->tif_clientdata,(toff_t)(off),whence))
-#define	TIFFCloseFile(tif) \
-	((*(tif)->tif_closeproc)((tif)->tif_clientdata))
-#define	TIFFGetFileSize(tif) \
-	((*(tif)->tif_sizeproc)((tif)->tif_clientdata))
-#define	TIFFMapFileContents(tif, paddr, psize) \
-	((*(tif)->tif_mapproc)((tif)->tif_clientdata,paddr,psize))
-#define	TIFFUnmapFileContents(tif, addr, size) \
-	((*(tif)->tif_unmapproc)((tif)->tif_clientdata,addr,size))
- * Default Read/Seek/Write definitions.
- */
-#ifndef ReadOK
-#define	ReadOK(tif, buf, size) \
-	(TIFFReadFile(tif, (tdata_t) buf, (tsize_t)(size)) == (tsize_t)(size))
-#ifndef SeekOK
-#define	SeekOK(tif, off) \
-	(TIFFSeekFile(tif, (toff_t) off, SEEK_SET) == (toff_t) off)
-#ifndef WriteOK
-#define	WriteOK(tif, buf, size) \
-	(TIFFWriteFile(tif, (tdata_t) buf, (tsize_t) size) == (tsize_t) size)
-/* NB: the uint32 casts are to silence certain ANSI-C compilers */
-#define	TIFFhowmany(x, y) ((((uint32)(x))+(((uint32)(y))-1))/((uint32)(y)))
-#define	TIFFroundup(x, y) (TIFFhowmany(x,y)*((uint32)(y)))
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
-extern "C" {
-extern	int _TIFFgetMode(const char*, const char*);
-extern	int _TIFFNoRowEncode(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t);
-extern	int _TIFFNoStripEncode(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t);
-extern	int _TIFFNoTileEncode(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t);
-extern	int _TIFFNoRowDecode(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t);
-extern	int _TIFFNoStripDecode(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t);
-extern	int _TIFFNoTileDecode(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t, tsample_t);
-extern	void _TIFFNoPostDecode(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t);
-extern  int  _TIFFNoPreCode (TIFF*, tsample_t); 
-extern	int _TIFFNoSeek(TIFF*, uint32);
-extern	void _TIFFSwab16BitData(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t);
-extern	void _TIFFSwab32BitData(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t);
-extern	void _TIFFSwab64BitData(TIFF*, tidata_t, tsize_t);
-extern	int TIFFFlushData1(TIFF*);
-extern	void TIFFFreeDirectory(TIFF*);
-extern	int TIFFDefaultDirectory(TIFF*);
-extern	int TIFFSetCompressionScheme(TIFF*, int);
-extern	int TIFFSetDefaultCompressionState(TIFF*);
-extern	uint32 _TIFFDefaultStripSize(TIFF*, uint32);
-extern	void _TIFFDefaultTileSize(TIFF*, uint32*, uint32*);
-extern	void _TIFFsetByteArray(void**, void*, long);
-extern	void _TIFFsetString(char**, char*);
-extern	void _TIFFsetShortArray(uint16**, uint16*, long);
-extern	void _TIFFsetLongArray(uint32**, uint32*, long);
-extern	void _TIFFsetFloatArray(float**, float*, long);
-extern	void _TIFFsetDoubleArray(double**, double*, long);
-extern	void _TIFFprintAscii(FILE*, const char*);
-extern	void _TIFFprintAsciiTag(FILE*, const char*, const char*);
-extern	int TIFFInitDumpMode(TIFF*, int);
-extern	int TIFFInitPackBits(TIFF*, int);
-extern	int TIFFInitCCITTRLE(TIFF*, int), TIFFInitCCITTRLEW(TIFF*, int);
-extern	int TIFFInitCCITTFax3(TIFF*, int), TIFFInitCCITTFax4(TIFF*, int);
-extern	int TIFFInitThunderScan(TIFF*, int);
-extern	int TIFFInitNeXT(TIFF*, int);
-extern	int TIFFInitLZW(TIFF*, int);
-extern	int TIFFInitOJPEG(TIFF*, int);
-extern	int TIFFInitJPEG(TIFF*, int);
-extern	int TIFFInitJBIG(TIFF*, int);
-extern	int TIFFInitZIP(TIFF*, int);
-extern	int TIFFInitPixarLog(TIFF*, int);
-extern	int TIFFInitSGILog(TIFF*, int);
-#ifdef VMS
-extern	const TIFFCodec _TIFFBuiltinCODECS[];
-extern	TIFFCodec _TIFFBuiltinCODECS[];
-#if defined(__cplusplus)
-#endif /* _TIFFIOP_ */
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/uvcode.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/uvcode.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 8d96e445837c1843d19a34301cec1e0c08b02e5a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/uvcode.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-/* Version 1.0 generated April 7, 1997 by Greg Ward Larson, SGI */
-#define UV_SQSIZ	(float)0.003500
-#define UV_NDIVS	16289
-#define UV_VSTART	(float)0.016940
-#define UV_NVS		163
-static struct {
-	float	ustart;
-	short	nus, ncum;
-}	uv_row[UV_NVS] = {
-	(float)0.247663,	4,	0,
-	(float)0.243779,	6,	4,
-	(float)0.241684,	7,	10,
-	(float)0.237874,	9,	17,
-	(float)0.235906,	10,	26,
-	(float)0.232153,	12,	36,
-	(float)0.228352,	14,	48,
-	(float)0.226259,	15,	62,
-	(float)0.222371,	17,	77,
-	(float)0.220410,	18,	94,
-	(float)0.214710,	21,	112,
-	(float)0.212714,	22,	133,
-	(float)0.210721,	23,	155,
-	(float)0.204976,	26,	178,
-	(float)0.202986,	27,	204,
-	(float)0.199245,	29,	231,
-	(float)0.195525,	31,	260,
-	(float)0.193560,	32,	291,
-	(float)0.189878,	34,	323,
-	(float)0.186216,	36,	357,
-	(float)0.186216,	36,	393,
-	(float)0.182592,	38,	429,
-	(float)0.179003,	40,	467,
-	(float)0.175466,	42,	507,
-	(float)0.172001,	44,	549,
-	(float)0.172001,	44,	593,
-	(float)0.168612,	46,	637,
-	(float)0.168612,	46,	683,
-	(float)0.163575,	49,	729,
-	(float)0.158642,	52,	778,
-	(float)0.158642,	52,	830,
-	(float)0.158642,	52,	882,
-	(float)0.153815,	55,	934,
-	(float)0.153815,	55,	989,
-	(float)0.149097,	58,	1044,
-	(float)0.149097,	58,	1102,
-	(float)0.142746,	62,	1160,
-	(float)0.142746,	62,	1222,
-	(float)0.142746,	62,	1284,
-	(float)0.138270,	65,	1346,
-	(float)0.138270,	65,	1411,
-	(float)0.138270,	65,	1476,
-	(float)0.132166,	69,	1541,
-	(float)0.132166,	69,	1610,
-	(float)0.126204,	73,	1679,
-	(float)0.126204,	73,	1752,
-	(float)0.126204,	73,	1825,
-	(float)0.120381,	77,	1898,
-	(float)0.120381,	77,	1975,
-	(float)0.120381,	77,	2052,
-	(float)0.120381,	77,	2129,
-	(float)0.112962,	82,	2206,
-	(float)0.112962,	82,	2288,
-	(float)0.112962,	82,	2370,
-	(float)0.107450,	86,	2452,
-	(float)0.107450,	86,	2538,
-	(float)0.107450,	86,	2624,
-	(float)0.107450,	86,	2710,
-	(float)0.100343,	91,	2796,
-	(float)0.100343,	91,	2887,
-	(float)0.100343,	91,	2978,
-	(float)0.095126,	95,	3069,
-	(float)0.095126,	95,	3164,
-	(float)0.095126,	95,	3259,
-	(float)0.095126,	95,	3354,
-	(float)0.088276,	100,	3449,
-	(float)0.088276,	100,	3549,
-	(float)0.088276,	100,	3649,
-	(float)0.088276,	100,	3749,
-	(float)0.081523,	105,	3849,
-	(float)0.081523,	105,	3954,
-	(float)0.081523,	105,	4059,
-	(float)0.081523,	105,	4164,
-	(float)0.074861,	110,	4269,
-	(float)0.074861,	110,	4379,
-	(float)0.074861,	110,	4489,
-	(float)0.074861,	110,	4599,
-	(float)0.068290,	115,	4709,
-	(float)0.068290,	115,	4824,
-	(float)0.068290,	115,	4939,
-	(float)0.068290,	115,	5054,
-	(float)0.063573,	119,	5169,
-	(float)0.063573,	119,	5288,
-	(float)0.063573,	119,	5407,
-	(float)0.063573,	119,	5526,
-	(float)0.057219,	124,	5645,
-	(float)0.057219,	124,	5769,
-	(float)0.057219,	124,	5893,
-	(float)0.057219,	124,	6017,
-	(float)0.050985,	129,	6141,
-	(float)0.050985,	129,	6270,
-	(float)0.050985,	129,	6399,
-	(float)0.050985,	129,	6528,
-	(float)0.050985,	129,	6657,
-	(float)0.044859,	134,	6786,
-	(float)0.044859,	134,	6920,
-	(float)0.044859,	134,	7054,
-	(float)0.044859,	134,	7188,
-	(float)0.040571,	138,	7322,
-	(float)0.040571,	138,	7460,
-	(float)0.040571,	138,	7598,
-	(float)0.040571,	138,	7736,
-	(float)0.036339,	142,	7874,
-	(float)0.036339,	142,	8016,
-	(float)0.036339,	142,	8158,
-	(float)0.036339,	142,	8300,
-	(float)0.032139,	146,	8442,
-	(float)0.032139,	146,	8588,
-	(float)0.032139,	146,	8734,
-	(float)0.032139,	146,	8880,
-	(float)0.027947,	150,	9026,
-	(float)0.027947,	150,	9176,
-	(float)0.027947,	150,	9326,
-	(float)0.023739,	154,	9476,
-	(float)0.023739,	154,	9630,
-	(float)0.023739,	154,	9784,
-	(float)0.023739,	154,	9938,
-	(float)0.019504,	158,	10092,
-	(float)0.019504,	158,	10250,
-	(float)0.019504,	158,	10408,
-	(float)0.016976,	161,	10566,
-	(float)0.016976,	161,	10727,
-	(float)0.016976,	161,	10888,
-	(float)0.016976,	161,	11049,
-	(float)0.012639,	165,	11210,
-	(float)0.012639,	165,	11375,
-	(float)0.012639,	165,	11540,
-	(float)0.009991,	168,	11705,
-	(float)0.009991,	168,	11873,
-	(float)0.009991,	168,	12041,
-	(float)0.009016,	170,	12209,
-	(float)0.009016,	170,	12379,
-	(float)0.009016,	170,	12549,
-	(float)0.006217,	173,	12719,
-	(float)0.006217,	173,	12892,
-	(float)0.005097,	175,	13065,
-	(float)0.005097,	175,	13240,
-	(float)0.005097,	175,	13415,
-	(float)0.003909,	177,	13590,
-	(float)0.003909,	177,	13767,
-	(float)0.002340,	177,	13944,
-	(float)0.002389,	170,	14121,
-	(float)0.001068,	164,	14291,
-	(float)0.001653,	157,	14455,
-	(float)0.000717,	150,	14612,
-	(float)0.001614,	143,	14762,
-	(float)0.000270,	136,	14905,
-	(float)0.000484,	129,	15041,
-	(float)0.001103,	123,	15170,
-	(float)0.001242,	115,	15293,
-	(float)0.001188,	109,	15408,
-	(float)0.001011,	103,	15517,
-	(float)0.000709,	97,	15620,
-	(float)0.000301,	89,	15717,
-	(float)0.002416,	82,	15806,
-	(float)0.003251,	76,	15888,
-	(float)0.003246,	69,	15964,
-	(float)0.004141,	62,	16033,
-	(float)0.005963,	55,	16095,
-	(float)0.008839,	47,	16150,
-	(float)0.010490,	40,	16197,
-	(float)0.016994,	31,	16237,
-	(float)0.023659,	21,	16268,
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/version.h b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/version.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 0638b1f3c65888205978032e89ddf6084f394d7b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/inc/version.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-#define VERSION "LIBTIFF, Version 3.5.5\nCopyright (c) 1988-1996 Sam Leffler\nCopyright (c) 1991-1996 Silicon Graphics, Inc."
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/lib/hd421md.lib b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/lib/hd421md.lib
deleted file mode 100755
index 3f0bcc8cd247270dd944014eb35894be8ce016f2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/lib/hd421md.lib and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/lib/hm421md.lib b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/lib/hm421md.lib
deleted file mode 100755
index 4e336528d4e156577125a55f270e97857c68ebeb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/lib/hm421md.lib and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/lib/libjpeg.lib b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/lib/libjpeg.lib
deleted file mode 100755
index 63cedb3a355ab1071cbb44606931753f4a5023de..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/lib/libjpeg.lib and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/lib/tiff.lib b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/lib/tiff.lib
deleted file mode 100755
index 9ea4ec10a02a06d6670b58f1a30624226a662fb7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/lib/tiff.lib and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/lib/unix2win.lib b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/lib/unix2win.lib
deleted file mode 100755
index 5a7f5551b2e943a26b1bb48d3c622096dda94ce1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/lib/unix2win.lib and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/CMakeLists.txt b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100755
index 3a6e63d003fc19e4f4e0261ffa3f8b6cdd5c97e1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-# Sources of non-templated classes.
-        cai_fonctions.c
-        cai_bsq.c
-        cai_bip.c
-        cai_inria.c
-        cai_onera.c
-        cai_bil.c
-        cai_lum.c
-        cai_gessimu.c
-        cai_grilles.c
-        cai_tiff.c 
-        cai_jpeg.c 
-        cai_rasterfile.c
-        cai_DonAux.c 
-        cai_radar.c 
-        cai_spot.c 
-        cai_bandeau.c 
- )
-INSTALL_TARGETS(/lib/otb cai )
-INSTALL_FILES(/include/otb/Utilities/CAI "(\\.h)$")
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_DonAux.c b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_DonAux.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 1bd123f3df410f1c6c824bdd53665bdd637f2817..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_DonAux.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3873 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                           */
-/* PROJET:   COUCHE ACCES IMAGE                                              */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* NOM DU MODULE    :   CAI_DONAUX.c                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* DATE DE CREATION:  Janvier 95                                             */
-/* AUTEUR:  jl PASCAL   m RAYNAL       (CISI)                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE: ce module est charge de toutes les operations de lecture/ecriture   */
-/*       sur les fichiers de donnees auxiliaires.			     */
-/*	  il permet en outre de creer un nouveau fichier,ou de detruire un   */
-/*       fichier existant                                                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* LANGAGE: C                                                                */
-/* VERSION: V1                                                               */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : DM : modifications pour compatibilite HP64bits      */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : prototypage des fonctions                      */
-/*                Inclusion des fichiers STANDARDS (.h)                      */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>   
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <malloc.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <sys/uio.h>
-/*                Inclusion des fichiers de CONSTANTES (.cct)                */
-#define _CAI_IMAGE
-#define IN_CAI_DA
-#include "cai_image.h"
-/* Variable pour la  gestion en configuration                                 */
-static char *rcs_id="$Header: cai_DonAux.c,v 1.10 01/01/15 15:24:40 cmf Exp $";
-/*                Inclusion des fichiers de TYPES (.cty)                     */
-/*                Inclusion des AUTRES fichiers                              */
-/*                Definition des CONSTANTES propres                          */
-#define maxi(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
-#define mini(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (b) : (a))
-/*                Definition des TYPES propres                               */
-typedef enum { CAI_DEBUT = 0 , CAI_ETAT31 = 1 } CAI_ETAT3;
-typedef enum { CAI_INFERIEUR = 0 , CAI_SUPERIEUR = 1 , CAI_FIN = 2 , CAI_AUTRES = 3 } CAI_EVT3;
-typedef enum { CAI_DEBUTDEC = 0 , CAI_ETAT11 = 1 , CAI_ETAT12 = 2 , CAI_ETAT13 = 3 ,
-		 CAI_ETAT14 = 4 , CAI_FINDEC = 5 , CAI_BLOCVIDE=6 , CAI_ERR11 = 11 , CAI_ERR13 =13} CAI_ETAT1;
-typedef enum { CAI_PAR_OUV = 0 , CAI_PAR_FERM = 1 , CAI_DONNEE = 2 , CAI_INF = 3 ,
-		 CAI_BLANC = 4 } CAI_EVT1;
-typedef enum { CAI_DEBUTYPE = 0 , CAI_ETAT21 = 1 , CAI_ETAT22 = 2 , CAI_ETAT23 = 3 , 
-		 CAI_ENTIER = 4 , CAI_ASC = 5 , CAI_REEL = 6 , CAI_ERR21 = 11 } CAI_ETAT2;
-typedef enum { CAI_POINT = 0 , CAI_GUILL = 1 , CAI_ESPACE = 2 , CAI_CHIFFRE = 3 ,
-		 CAI_SIGNE = 4 , CAI_AUTRE = 5 } CAI_EVT2;
-/*                Declaration des OPERATIONS INTERNES (static)               */
-static CAI_OK_KO cai_lirecleDA(CAI_FILE_DA *fd,long  ad_deb,char * mot_cle, 
-			       long *ad_suiv,long * ad_deb_mcc);
- static CAI_OK_KO cai_liredonneeDA(CAI_FILE_DA *fd,long ad_deb, void **don_lue, 
-				  CAI_TYPE *type_lu,int *nb_lig_lu, 
-  			          int *nb_col_lu, long *taille_cell_lu );
- static CAI_OK_KO cai_deplaceficDA(CAI_FILE_DA *fd ,long debut,long deplacement);
- static CAI_OK_KO cai_lireficDA(CAI_FILE_DA *fd,long  ad_deb,char *buff);
- static CAI_OK_KO cai_ecrireficDA(CAI_FILE_DA *fd,long ad_deb,
-				  long taille, char **buff );
- static CAI_OK_KO cai_decodedonDA(long taille_buf, char buff[],long ad_deb,
-			   CAI_TYPE *type_lu,int *nb_lig_lu,int *nb_elt_lu,
-			   int *nb_elt_alloc,long *taille_cell_lu, 
-  			   void  **don_lue, CAI_ETAT1 *etat1,long *ad_fin_dec);
- static CAI_OK_KO cai_analyseDA(char car, CAI_EVT1 *evt2);
- static CAI_OK_KO cai_typeDA(char car, CAI_EVT2 *evt2);
- static CAI_OK_KO cai_recherchecleDA(long taille_buf,char *buff,
-				    long ad_deb,char *mot_cle,long *ad_suiv); 
- static CAI_OK_KO cai_mot_cleDA(char car, CAI_EVT3 *evt3);
- static CAI_OK_KO cai_ecritDA_buf(CAI_FILE_DA *fd,char *mot_cle,
-				 CAI_TYPE type,int nb_lig,int nb_col,
-			         long taille_cell, void *donnee,
-				 int indic_ecrit,char **da_ascii);
-/*                Definition des RESSOURCES IMPORTEES (extern)               */
-/*                Definition des RESSOURCES EXPORTEES                        */
-/*                Definition des RESSOURCES PROPRES (static)                 */
-static int autom1[6][5]={{ 1,11,11, 6, 0},
-			 { 2,11,11,13, 1},
-			 {11, 4, 3,13, 2},
-			 {11, 4, 3,13, 3},
-			 { 2, 5,11,13, 4}};
-static int autom2[4][6]={{ 3, 2,11, 1, 1,11},
-			 { 3,11, 4, 1,11,11},
-			 { 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 2},
-			 { 3,11, 6, 3, 3, 3}}; 
-static int autom3[2][4]={{  1, 0,  -1, 0},
-			 { -25, 2, -24, 1}};
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                Definition des OPERATIONS EXTERNES                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION: cai_openDA                                                     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE:  Cette operation externe  est charge d'ouvrir le fichier de donnees */
-/*	auxiliaires .Elle retourne une structure de type CAI_FILE_DA qui permet  */
-/*      par la suite de manipuler le contenu du fichier .		     */
-/*	mode d'ouverture  CAI_ECRITURE ou CAI_LECTURE            	     */	  
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL:                                                         */
-/*									     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION:                                                                  */
-/* CODES RETOUR: CAI_OK ou CAI_KO						     */
-/*	" erreur a l'ouverture du fichier %s "				     */
-/*	" erreur d'allocation memoire "					     */
-CAI_FILE_DA *cai_openDA(char *nom_fichier, char *type_image, 	
-	    			  int nb_can,CAI_MODE_OUVERTURE mode_ouv)
-int	flags;   /* flag utilise pour la fonction open */
-int	mode;    /* valeur du umask utilise pou la fonction open */
-int	fd;      /* descripteur du fichier ouvert */
-CAI_FILE_DA *donaux; /* structure descriptive du fichier de donnees auxiliaires */
-CAI_CHAINE fichier_da; /*fichier de donnees auxiliaires */
-int	i;	 /* indice de boucle */
-int 	canal;   /* flag indiquant si je suis en mono ou en multispectral */
-int    trouve;	 /* flag indiquant si le format a ete reconnu */
-/*		 	DEBUT DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-donaux = NULL;
-/*-- on concatene a la fin le CAI_SUF_FORMAT en fonction du format de l'image traitee --*/
-if (nb_can ==1 )
-	{
-/*--- cas monospectral ---*/
-	canal=0;
-	}
-	{
-/*--- cas multispectral ---*/
-	canal=1;
-	}
-/* reconnaissance du format  */
-for( i = 0 ; i< CAI_NB_FORMAT ; i++)
-      {
-       if(strcmp(type_image,CAI_NOM_FORMAT[i]) == 0 )
-	       {
-		strcat(fichier_da,CAI_SUF_FORMAT[canal][i]);		
-		trouve=1;
-	       }
-      }
-if (trouve == 0)
-	{
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: format de l'image non reconnu ( %s )",type_image);
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*-- on concatene a la fin du nom de fichier le CAI_SUF_FORMAT des donnees auxiliaires --*/
-/*CD allocation dynamique de la structure de donnees auxiliaires */
-donaux = (CAI_FILE_DA *)malloc(sizeof(CAI_FILE_DA));
-if (donaux == NULL)
-	{
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur d'allocation a l'ouverture du fichier de donnees auxiliaires %s",fichier_da);
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*CD en fonction du mode d'ouverture , ouverture du fichier		*/
-if (mode_ouv == CAI_LECTURE) 
-	{
-	flags = O_RDONLY;
-	fd = open(fichier_da,flags);
-	}
-	{
-	flags = O_RDWR|O_CREAT;
-	mode  = PERMS;
-	fd = open(fichier_da,flags,mode);	
-	}
-/*CD si erreur on sort avec messsage " erreur a l'ouverture 		*/
-if (fd == -1)
-	{
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur a l'ouverture du fichier de donnees auxiliaires %s",fichier_da);
-         if (donaux != NULL)
-	 {
-	  free(donaux);
-          donaux = NULL;
-	  }
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-	{
-/*CD initialisations des pointeurs de la structure CAI_FILE_DA     	*/
-/*CD ( buffers de lecture , liste de mots cles , longueurs ...)		*/ 
-	strcpy(donaux->nom_fichier,fichier_da);
-	donaux->descr = fd;
-	donaux->buffer=NULL;
-	donaux->taille_buffer = CAI_TAILLE_BUFFER;
-	donaux->taille_buffer_lu=0;
-	donaux->num_buffer=-1;
-	donaux->liste_mot_cle=NULL;
-	donaux->ad_mot_cle=NULL;
-	donaux->ad_donnee=NULL;
-	donaux->nb_mot_cle=-1;
-	donaux->ad_dern_mot_cle=-1;
-/*CD allocation dynamique du buffer */
-	donaux->buffer = (char *)malloc(CAI_TAILLE_BUFFER + 1);
-	if (donaux->buffer == NULL)
-	{
-		sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur d'allocation a l'ouverture du fichier de donnees auxiliaires %s",fichier_da);
-               if (donaux != NULL)
-	       {
-		free(donaux);
-        	donaux = NULL;
-	       }
-	    goto ERREUR;
-	}
-	}
-/*CD fin de l'operation en cas nominal  				     */
-/*CD fin de l'operation en cas d'erreur 				     */
-  return(NULL);
-/*		 	FIN DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION: cai_closeDA                                                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE: Cette operation externe est chargee de fermer le fichier de donnees */
-/* auxiliaires precedenment ouvert ( operation cai_openDA )		     */
-/* la zone memoire reservee lors des operations precedentes dans la structure*/
-/* CAI_FILE_DA 								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL:                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION:                                                                  */
-/* CODES RETOUR: CAI_OK ou CAI_KO						     */
-/*	" erreur a la fermeture du fichier %s "				     */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_closeDA(CAI_FILE_DA *fd)
-CAI_OK_KO	retour;		/* code retour appel fonction */
-/*		 	DEBUT DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-retour = CAI_OK;
-if (fd ==NULL)
-	{
-	retour = CAI_ERREUR_OUV;
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur a la fermeture d'un fichier de donnees auxiliaires ");
-		goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*CD fermeture du fichier 						     */
-/* desallocation des buffer alloues */
-/*CD si le pointeurs de la structure CAI_FILE_DA sont <> NULL		     */
-/*CD	la memoire allouee est liberee 					     */
-if (fd->buffer != NULL)
-	{
-	free(fd->buffer);
-        fd->buffer = NULL;
-	}
-if (fd->liste_mot_cle != NULL)
-	{
-	free(fd->liste_mot_cle);
-        fd->liste_mot_cle = NULL;
-   	}
-if (fd->ad_mot_cle != NULL)
-	{
-	free(fd->ad_mot_cle);
-        fd->ad_mot_cle= NULL;
-	}
-if (fd->ad_donnee != NULL)
-	{
-	free(fd->ad_donnee);
-        fd->ad_donnee = NULL;
-	}
-fd = NULL;
-/*CD fin de l'operation en cas nominal  				     */
-/*CD fin de l'operation en cas degrade  				     */
-/*		 	FIN DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION: cai_removeDA                                                   */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE: Cette operation externe est charge de detruire un fichier de donnees*/
-/*   auxiliaires.                                                            */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL:                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION:                                                                  */
-/* CODES RETOUR: CAI_OK ou CAI_KO				             */
-/*	" erreur a la destrucution du fichier %s "			     */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_removeDA(char *nom_fichier,char *type_image,int nb_can)
-int	cr; /* code retour */
-CAI_CHAINE fichier_da; /*fichier de donnees auxiliaires */
-int	i;	 /* indice de boucle */
-int 	canal;   /* flag indiquant si je suis en mono ou en multispectral */
-int    trouve;	 /* flag indiquant si le format a ete reconnu */
-/*		 	DEBUT DE L'OPERATION	         		     */
-/*-- on concatene a la fin le CAI_SUF_FORMAT en fonction du format de l'image traitee --*/
-if (nb_can ==1 )
-	{
-/*--- cas monospectral ---*/
-	canal=0;
-	}
-	{
-/*--- cas multispectral ---*/
-	canal=1;
-	}
-/* reconnaissance du format  */
-for( i = 0 ; i< CAI_NB_FORMAT ; i++)
-      {
-       if(strcmp(type_image,CAI_NOM_FORMAT[i]) == 0 )
-	       {
-		strcat(fichier_da,CAI_SUF_FORMAT[canal][i]);		
-		trouve=1;
-	       }
-      }
-if (trouve == 0)
-	{
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: format de l'image non reconnu ( %s )",type_image);
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*-- on concatene a la fin du nom de fichier le CAI_SUF_FORMAT des donnees auxiliaires --*/
-if (cr != 0)
-	{
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"destruction du fichier de donnees auxiliaires %s impossible",fichier_da);
-	goto ERREUR;	
-	}
-/*		 	FIN DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION:  cai_modifieDA                                                 */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE:  Cette operation modifie le contenu d'une donnee auxiliaire issue du*/
-/*	fichier de DA.							     */
-/*	Toutes les autres donnees sont conservees dans le fichier .Si le mot */
-/*	cle n'est pas trouve, une erreur est detectee.			     */
-/*      NB : le fichier doit au prealable avoir ete ouvert en mode CAI_ECRITURE  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL:                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION:                                                                  */
-/* CODES RETOUR: CAI_OK ou CAI_KO						     */
-/* "erreur fichier ouvert en mode lecture "				     */ 
-CAI_OK_KO cai_modifieDA(CAI_FILE_DA *fd,char *mot_cle,
-				    CAI_TYPE type,int nb_lig,int nb_col, 	
-  	        	            long taille_cell,void *donnee)
-int	i;	/* indice de boucle */
-int	indic;  /* indicateur de recherche du mot cle a modifier */
-long	p1;	/* pointeur sur le mot cle a modifier */
-long	p2;	/* pointeur sur le mot cle suivant */
-int	num_mot_cle; /* numero du mot cle a modifier */ 
-CAI_OK_KO   cr;	/* code retour */
-off_t   offset;	  	
-off_t   offreel;
-long	taille_init; /* taille en octets de la donnee a modifier */
-long	taille_fin; /* taille en octets de la donnee a modifier */
-int	indic_ecrit; /* indicateur d'ecriture dans un fichier */
-char  * da_ascii;  /* pointeur sur la donnee formatee a ecrire */
-long	deplacement; /* valeur du trou a faire dans le fichier */
-/*		 	DEBUT DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*CD on verifie au prealable que le fichier est effectivement ouvert */
-/*CD SINON on sort en erreur */
-if ( fd ==NULL ) 
-	{
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture du fichier de donnees auxiliaires");
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*CD on appelle alors l'operation de liste de tous les mots cles 	     */
-/*CD	si la liste n'existe pas					     */
-if (fd->nb_mot_cle == -1)
-	{
-	cr=cai_listeDA(fd);
-	if (cr != CAI_OK )
-		{
-		goto ERREUR;
-		}		
-	}
-/*CD recherche du mot cle */
-while (indic == CAI_NON_TROUVE && i < fd->nb_mot_cle)
-	{
-	if (strncmp(mot_cle,(char *)(fd->liste_mot_cle + i),CAI_TAILLE_MAX_CLEDA) == 0 )
-		{
-		indic = CAI_TROUVE; 
-		num_mot_cle=i;
-		}
-	i++;
-	}
-/*CD SI le mot cle n'existe pas 					     */
-if (indic == CAI_NON_TROUVE)
-	{
-/*CD	ALORS on sort en erreur        					     */
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur : le mot cle %s n'existe pas dans le fichier",mot_cle);
-	goto ERREUR; 
-	}
-	{
-/*CD	SINON on recupere le pointeur sur le mot cle dans le fichier (p1)    */	
-	p1 = *(fd->ad_mot_cle + num_mot_cle);
-/*CD		ainsi que le pointeur sur le mot cle suivant (p2)	     */
-/*CD	SI le mot cle a modifier est le dernier mot cle			     */
-	if ( num_mot_cle == fd->nb_mot_cle -1)
-		{
-/*CD on se positionne sur la fin du fichier ( rewind ) 		     */
-		offset=0;
-		offreel=lseek(fd->descr,offset,SEEK_END);
-/*CD SI erreur on sort "erreur lors d'un lseek du fichier de DA " 	     */
-		if ( offreel == -1)
-			{
-			cr=CAI_PB_LSEEK;
-			sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur lors du lseek sur le  fichier %s",fd->nom_fichier);
-			goto ERREUR;
-			}
-		offreel=lseek(fd->descr,offset,SEEK_CUR);
-/*CD SI erreur on sort "erreur lors d'un lseek du fichier de DA " 	     */
-		if ( offreel == -1)
-			{
-			cr=CAI_PB_LSEEK;
-			sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur lors du lseek sur le  fichier %s",fd->nom_fichier);
-			goto ERREUR;
-			}
-		p2=offreel;
-		}
-	else
-/*CD	SINON */
-		{
-		p2= *(fd->ad_mot_cle + num_mot_cle+1);
-		}
-/*CD	FIN SI le mot cle a modifier est le dernier mot cle		     */
-/*CD		la taille de la donnee a modifier est p2 - p1 octets ti      */
-	taille_init = p2 - p1;
-/*CD		on formate dans une chaine de caracteres  la donnee a ecrire */
-/*CD		(operation interne)( terminee par un \0)		     */
-	indic_ecrit=0;
-	cr=cai_ecritDA_buf(fd,		/* [E] file descriptor du fichier de DA 	*/
-		   	mot_cle,	/* [E] mot cle associe aux donnees auxiliaires 	*/
-		        type,		/* [E] type des donnees a ecrire		*/
-		        nb_lig,		/* [E] nombre de lignes du tableau a ecrire	*/
-		        nb_col,		/* [E] nombre de colonnes du tableau a ecrire	*/
-		        taille_cell,	/* [E] taille maxi en octets d'un element	*/
-					/*     (significatif si type = ascii)		*/
-		   	donnee,	        /* [E] pointeur sur la zone memoire a ecrire	*/
-		        indic_ecrit,	/* [E] indicateur si ecriture du buffer dans 	*/
-					/*     le fichier (=1) sinon (=0)	        */
-		   	&da_ascii	/* buffer de la DA en ascii (sous forme 	*/
-					/* de x fois CAI_TAILLE_MAX_LIGDA caracteres)	*/
-		  );
-	if (cr != CAI_OK)
-		{
-		goto ERREUR;
-		}
-/*CD		la taille de la donnee a ecrire est la taille de la chaine tf*/
-	taille_fin=(long)strlen(da_ascii);	
-/*CD		on cree alors un trou dans le fichier de DA de taille  tf-ti */
-/*CD		en commencant a l'adresse p2 ( operation interne )	     */
-	deplacement= taille_fin -taille_init;
-	cr=cai_deplaceficDA( 
-				fd  ,	  /* [E] file descripteur du fichier ouvert en lecture ecriture  */
-			        p2,     /* [E] adresse de debut de la zone a deplacer */
-			        deplacement/* [E] valeur deplacement <0 on racourcit le fichier  */
-					  /*     valeur deplacement >0 on allonge le fichier    */
-			   );
-	if (cr != CAI_OK)
-		{
-		goto ERREUR;
-		}
-/*CD		on ecrit alors la donnee a ecrire a partir de l'adresse p1   */
-/*CD			(operation interne qui ecrit directement la chaine ) */
-/*CD			de caracteres precedente)			     */
-	cr=cai_ecrireficDA(
-			     fd,      /* [E] structure decrivant le fichier de donnees auxiliaires  */
-			     p1,      /* [E] adresse dans le fichier ou ecrire le buffer */ 
-			     taille_fin,      /* [E] taille de la chaine ascii a ecrire */
-         	      	     &da_ascii        /* [E] chaine a ecrire*/
-		   );
-	if (cr != CAI_OK)
-		{
-		goto ERREUR;
-		}
-/*CD		liberation de la chaine de caracteres allouee		     */
-	if ( da_ascii != NULL)
-		{
-		free(da_ascii);
-	        da_ascii = NULL;
-		}
-	}
-/*CD    FINSI le mot cle existe						     */		
-/*CD on met a jour la structure CAI_FILE_DA ( buffer , liste ...)		     */ 
-if (fd->liste_mot_cle != NULL)
-	{
-	free(fd->liste_mot_cle);
-        fd->liste_mot_cle=NULL;
-	}
-if (fd->ad_mot_cle != NULL)
-	{
-	free(fd->ad_mot_cle);
-	fd->ad_mot_cle= NULL;
-	}
-if (fd->ad_donnee != NULL)
-	{
-	free(fd->ad_donnee);
-        fd->ad_donnee= NULL;
-	}
-/*CD fin de l'operation en cas nominal  				     */
-/*CD fin de l'operation en cas d'erreur 				     */
-if (da_ascii != NULL)
-	{
-	free(da_ascii);
-         da_ascii=NULL;
-	}
-/*CD on met a jour la structure CAI_FILE_DA ( buffer , liste ...)		     */ 
-if (fd->liste_mot_cle != NULL)
-	{
-	free(fd->liste_mot_cle);
-        fd->liste_mot_cle = NULL;
-	}
-if (fd->ad_mot_cle != NULL)
-	{
-	free(fd->ad_mot_cle);
-	fd->ad_mot_cle=NULL;
-	}
-if (fd->ad_donnee != NULL)
-	{
-	free(fd->ad_donnee);
-	fd->ad_donnee=NULL;
-	}
-/*		 	  FIN  DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION:  cai_detruitDA                                                 */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE:  Cette operation detruit le contenu d'une donnee auxiliaire issue du*/
-/*	fichier de DA.							     */
-/*	Toutes les autres donnees sont conservees dans le fichier .	     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL:                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION:                                                                  */
-/* CODES RETOUR: CAI_OK ou CAI_KO					     */
-/* "erreur fichier ouvert en mode lecture "				     */ 
-CAI_OK_KO cai_detruitDA(CAI_FILE_DA *fd,char *mot_cle)
-int	i;	/* indice de boucle */
-int	indic;  /* indicateur de recherche du mot cle a modifier */
-long	p1;	/* pointeur sur le mot cle a modifier */
-long	p2;	/* pointeur sur le mot cle suivant */
-int	num_mot_cle; /* numero du mot cle a modifier */ 
-CAI_OK_KO   cr;	/* code retour */
-off_t   offset;	  	
-off_t   offreel;
-long	taille_init; /* taille en octets de la donnee a modifier */
-long	deplacement; /* valeur du trou a faire dans le fichier */ 
-/*		 	DEBUT DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*CD on verifie au prealable que le fichier est effectivement ouvert */
-/*CD SINON on sort en erreur */
-if ( fd ==NULL ) 
-	{
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture du fichier de donnees auxiliaires");
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*CD on appelle alors l'operation de liste de tous les mots cles 	     */
-/*CD	si la liste n'existe pas					     */
-if (fd->nb_mot_cle == -1)
-	{
-	cr=cai_listeDA(fd);
-	if (cr != CAI_OK )
-		{
-		goto ERREUR;
-		}		
-	}
-/*CD recherche du mot cle */
-while (indic == CAI_NON_TROUVE && i < fd->nb_mot_cle)
-	{
-	if (strncmp(mot_cle,(char *)(fd->liste_mot_cle + i),CAI_TAILLE_MAX_CLEDA) == 0 )
-		{
-		indic = CAI_TROUVE; 
-		num_mot_cle=i;
-		}
-	i++;
-	}
-/*CD SI le mot cle n'existe pas 					     */
-if (indic == CAI_NON_TROUVE)
-	{
-/*CD	ALORS on sort en erreur        					     */
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur : le mot cle %s n'existe pas dans le fichier",mot_cle);
-	goto ERREUR; 
-	}
-	{
-/*CD	SINON on recupere le pointeur sur le mot cle dans le fichier (p1)    */	
-	p1 = *(fd->ad_mot_cle + num_mot_cle);
-/*CD		ainsi que le pointeur sur le mot cle suivant (p2)	     */
-/*CD	SI le mot cle a detruire est le dernier mot cle			     */
-	if ( num_mot_cle == fd->nb_mot_cle -1)
-		{
-/*CD on se positionne sur la fin du fichier ( rewind ) 		     */
-		offset=0;
-		offreel=lseek(fd->descr,offset,SEEK_END);
-/*CD SI erreur on sort "erreur lors d'un lseek du fichier de DA " 	     */
-		if ( offreel == -1)
-			{
-			cr=CAI_PB_LSEEK;
-			sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur lors du lseek sur le  fichier %s",fd->nom_fichier);
-			goto ERREUR;
-			}
-		offreel=lseek(fd->descr,offset,SEEK_CUR);
-/*CD SI erreur on sort "erreur lors d'un lseek du fichier de DA " 	     */
-		if ( offreel == -1)
-			{
-			cr=CAI_PB_LSEEK;
-			sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur lors du lseek sur le  fichier %s",fd->nom_fichier);
-			goto ERREUR;
-			}
-		p2=offreel;
-		}
-	else
-/*CD	SINON */
-		{
-		p2= *(fd->ad_mot_cle + num_mot_cle+1);
-		}
-/*CD	FIN SI le mot cle a detruire est le dernier mot cle		     */
-/*CD		la taille de la donnee a detruire est p2 - p1 octets ti      */
-/*CD		on cree alors un trou dans le fichier de DA de taille ti(<0) */
-/*CD		en commencant a l'adresse p2 ( operation interne )	     */
-	taille_init = p2 - p1;
-	deplacement= -taille_init;
-	cr=cai_deplaceficDA( 
-				fd  ,	  /* [E] file descripteur du fichier ouvert en lecture ecriture  */
-			        p2,     /* [E] adresse de debut de la zone a deplacer */
-			        deplacement/* [E] valeur deplacement <0 on racourcit le fichier  */
-					  /*     valeur deplacement >0 on allonge le fichier    */
-			   );
-	if (cr != CAI_OK)
-		{
-		goto ERREUR;
-		}
-	}
-/*CD    FINSI le mot cle existe						     */		
-/*CD on met a jour la structure CAI_FILE_DA ( buffer , liste ...)		     */ 
-if (fd->liste_mot_cle != NULL)
-	{
-	free(fd->liste_mot_cle);
-        fd->liste_mot_cle=NULL;
-	}
-if (fd->ad_mot_cle != NULL)
-	{
-	free(fd->ad_mot_cle);
-	fd->ad_mot_cle=NULL;
-	}
-if (fd->ad_donnee != NULL)
-	{
-	free(fd->ad_donnee);
-	fd->ad_donnee=NULL;
-	}
-/*CD fin de l'operation en cas nominal  				     */
-if (fd->liste_mot_cle != NULL)
-	{
-	free(fd->liste_mot_cle);
-        fd->liste_mot_cle=NULL;
-	}
-if (fd->ad_mot_cle != NULL)
-	{
-	free(fd->ad_mot_cle);
-	fd->ad_mot_cle=NULL;
-	}
-if (fd->ad_donnee != NULL)
-	{
-	free(fd->ad_donnee);
-	fd->ad_donnee=NULL;
-	}
-/*CD fin de l'operation en cas d'erreur 				     */
-/*		 	  FIN  DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION:  cai_caractDA                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE:  cette operation externe est chargee de trouver le type et la taille*/
-/*   d'une donnee auxiliaire lue dans un fichier precedenment ouvert.        */
-/*   Il s'agit donc apres localisation du mot cle de lire le type de la donne*/
-/*    puis de compter le nombres de cellules de ce type dans la ligne.       */
-/*   Dans le cas d'une donnee de type CAI_ASCII la taille maxi de la cellule est */
-/*   aussi indiquee a l'appelant.                                            */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL:                                                         */
-/* cette operation doit etre appele apres ouverture prealable du fichier     */
-/* de donnees auxiliaires.						     */  
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION:                                                                  */
-/* CODES RETOUR: CAI_OK ou CAI_KO						     */
-/*   si CAI_KO l'erreur peut etre affiche via la variable globale CAI_ERREUR     */
-/*   " fichier de donnees auxiliaires %s non ouvert"			     */ 
-/*   " mot cle non present dans le fichier de donnees auxiliaires %s"        */
-/*   " aucun mot cle dans le fichier %s"			             */
-/*   " taille du mot cle lue %s superieure a la limite %d ou egale a 0"      */ 
-/*   " erreur a la lecture du fichier de donnees auxiliaires %s"             */
-/*   " parenthese ouvrante non detectee (mot cle %s )                        */ 
-/*   " parenthese fermante  non detectee (mot cle %s )                       */
-/*   " nombre de niveaux de parentheses superieur a 2 ( mot cle %s )         */ 	
-/*   " % dimension du tableau non constante (mot cle %s)                     */
-/*   " % dimension du tableau = 0     (mot cle %s)                           */
-/*   " type de la donnee lue %s non reconnue (mot cle %s)                    */
-/*   " erreur lors du decodage de la donnee lue %s" (mot cle)                */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_lirecaractDA(CAI_FILE_DA *fd,char *mot_cle,
-				    CAI_TYPE *type,int *nb_lig,int *nb_col, 	
-  	        	            long *taille_cell)
-CAI_MOT_CLE mot_cle_lu;    /* mot cle courant lu dans le fichier */
-int	indic_mot_cle; /* indicateur de recherche du mot cle */
-int	num_mot_cle;   /* numero du mot cle recherche */
-long	ad_mot_cle;    /* adresse du debut du mot cle courant */	
-long    ad_donnee;     /* adresse de la donnee apres le mot cle trouve */ 		
-long	adresse_deb;   /* adresse de debut de recherche du mot cle */
-CAI_OK_KO	cr;	       /* code retour des operations */		
-void	*don_lue;      /* donnees lue en interne par l'operation cai_liredonneeDA */
-int	i;	       /* indice de boucle */	
-/*		 	DEBUT DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*CD initialisations  */
-indic_mot_cle = CAI_NON_TROUVE;
-/*CD on verifie au prealable que le fichier est effectivement ouvert */
-/*CD SINON on sort en erreur */
-if ( fd ==NULL ) 
-	{
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture du fichier de donnees auxiliaires");
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*CD SI la liste des mots cles est en memoire 			*/
-if ( fd->nb_mot_cle != -1 ) 
-	{
-/*CD ALORS on scrute cette liste jusqu'a trouver le mot cle */
-	while (i< fd->nb_mot_cle && indic_mot_cle == CAI_NON_TROUVE )
-		{
-		if ( strncmp(mot_cle,(char *)(fd->liste_mot_cle + i),CAI_TAILLE_MAX_CLEDA) == 0 )
-			{
-			indic_mot_cle = CAI_TROUVE;
-			num_mot_cle    = i;
-/*CD	   on recupere alors le pointeur sur la zone fichier apres ce mot cle */
-			ad_donnee=*(fd->ad_donnee + i);
-			strcpy(mot_cle_lu,(char *)(fd->liste_mot_cle +i));
-			ad_mot_cle=*(fd->ad_mot_cle + i);
-			}
-		i++;
-		}
-	}
-	{
-/*CD SINON							*/	
-/*CD   on se positionne au debut du fichier ( adresse_deb = 0)  */
-	adresse_deb = 0;	
-/*CD   on cherche le premier mot cle a partir de cette adresse (operation interne basee sur un automate) */
-	cr = cai_lirecleDA(fd,     /* [E] file descriptor du fichier a lire  */
-        	      	   adresse_deb,   /* [E] adresse de debut de recherche */
-	        	   mot_cle_lu,  /* [S] mot cle suivant lu ( termine par \0)*/
-		           &ad_donnee, /* [S] adresse du premier caractere suivant le mot cle */
-		           &ad_mot_cle /* [S] adresse du premier caractere du mot cle */
- 		   	  );
-/*CD    si erreur on sort */
-	if (cr != CAI_OK && cr != CAI_EOF) {
-			goto ERREUR;
-			}	
-/*CD   si aucun mot cle trouve on sort en erreur "aucun mot cle dans le fichier" */  
-	if (cr == CAI_EOF)
-		{
-		sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur fichier sans mot cle( %s) ",fd->nom_fichier);
-		goto ERREUR;
-		}
-/*CD   TANT QUE  mot_cle non trouve &  pas erreur */
-	while ( cr == CAI_OK  && indic_mot_cle == CAI_NON_TROUVE )
-		{
-/*CD   	  si le mot cle est egal au mot cle demande alors mot_cle trouve */
-		if ( strcmp(mot_cle,mot_cle_lu) == 0)
-			{
-			indic_mot_cle = CAI_TROUVE;
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			adresse_deb = ad_donnee;
-/*CD      si mot_cle non trouve on cherche le mot cle suivant (operation interne basee sur un automate) */
-/*CD      cette operation necessite : un pointeur sur la zone fichier ou l'on recherche le mot cle suivant */
-/*CD      cette operation ramene : le mot cle suivant et le pointeur sur la zone fichier apres ce mot cle */
-			cr = cai_lirecleDA(fd,     /* [E] file descriptor du fichier a lire  */
-        	      	   		   adresse_deb,   /* [E] adresse de debut de recherche */
-	        	   		   mot_cle_lu,  /* [S] mot cle suivant lu (termine par \0)*/
-		           		   &ad_donnee, /* [S] adresse du premier caractere suivant le mot cle */
-		           		   &ad_mot_cle/* [S] adresse du premier caractere du mot cle */
- 		   	  		   );
-			}
-/*CD   FIN TANT QUE pas erreur & mot_cle non trouve */
-		}
-	}
-/*CD FINSI */
-if (cr != CAI_OK && cr != CAI_EOF) 
-	{
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*CD 	SI fin de fichier on sort en erreur "mot cle non present */
-if ( indic_mot_cle == CAI_NON_TROUVE ) 
-	{
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Mot cle :%s non trouve dans le fichier :%s",mot_cle,fd->nom_fichier);
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*CD on sauvegarde alors dans la structure fd les info sur le dernier mot cle */
-fd->ad_dern_mot_cle = ad_mot_cle;
-fd->ad_dern_donnee  = ad_donnee;
-/*CD a partir du mot cle trouve on analyse syntaxiquement la ligne jusqu'au prochain mot cle */
-/*CD (operation interne effectuant le decodage et donnant : le type de donnee , le nombres de lignes */
-/*CD le nombre de colonnes , la taille maxi d'un element , un pointeur sur le tableau lu */
-/*CD ( ce tableau a ete alloue dynamiquement par cette operation) 		*/
-			fd,         /* [E] file descriptor du fichier a lire  */
-        	      	ad_donnee,  /* [E] adresse de debut de recherche */
-	        	&don_lue,    /* [S] donnee lue */
-			type,    /* [S] type de la donnee lue (CAI_ENTIER4,CAI_REEL8,CAI_ASCII,CAI_BLOC)*/
-			nb_lig,  /* [S] nombre de lignes du tableau lu  */
-			nb_col,  /* [S] nombre de colonnes du tableau lu  */  
-		        taille_cell/* [S] taille maxi en octet d'un element du tableau lu ( significatif
-					 pourla donnee CAI_ASCII )*/   
-		      );
-/*CD si erreur de decodage on sort en erreur */
-if (cr != CAI_OK ) {
-	if (cr == CAI_EOF ){
-		sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur fichier de DA incomplet (mot cle %s)",mot_cle);
-		}
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*CD liberation place memoire alloue par l'operation interne precedente  */
-if (don_lue != NULL)
-	{
-	free(don_lue);
-	don_lue=NULL;
-	}
-/*CD fin de l'operation en cas nominal  				     */
-/*CD fin de l'operation en cas d'erreur 				     */
-/*CD liberation place memoire alloue par l'operation interne precedente  */
-if (don_lue != NULL)
-	{
-	free(don_lue);
-	don_lue=NULL;
-	}
-/*		 	FIN DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION:  cai_lireDA                                                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE:  Cette operation externe est chargee de lire une donne associee a un*/
-/*	mot cle dans le fichier de donnees auxiliaires precedenment ouvert.  */
-/*        Il s'agit donc apres localisation du mot cle de lire la donnee et  */
-/*    toutes les informations associees(nb_lig,nb_col,taille_cell).	     */
-/*    	  On verifie alors la coherence entre les informations lues et celles*/
-/*    issues des arguments donnes par l'appelant.			     */
-/*	  Si les 3 informations sont coherentes la donnee est recopiee dans  */
-/*    la zone memoire reservee par l'appelant.				     */ 	    		
-/* 	                                                                     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL:                                                         */
-/* cette operation doit etre appele apres ouverture prealable du fichier     */
-/* de donnees auxiliaires.						     */
-/* pour une souplesse d'utilisation maximum il est utilise d'appeler au      */
-/* prealable l'operation  cai_lirecaractDA puis de reserver la place memoire */
-/* necessaire                           				     */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION:                                                                  */
-/* CODES RETOUR: CAI_OK ou CAI_KO				             */
-/*   si CAI_KO l'erreur peut etre affiche via la variable globale CAI_ERREUR */
-/*   " fichier de donnees auxiliaires %s non ouvert"			     */ 
-/*   " mot cle non present dans le fichier de donnees auxiliaires %s"        */
-/*   " aucun mot cle dans le fichier %s"			             */
-/*   " taille du mot cle lue %s superieure a la limite %d ou egale a 0"      */ 
-/*   " erreur a la lecture du fichier de donnees auxiliaires %s"             */
-/*   " parenthese ouvrante non detectee (mot cle %s )                        */ 
-/*   " parenthese fermante  non detectee (mot cle %s )                       */
-/*   " nombre de niveaux de parentheses superieur a 2 ( mot cle %s )         */ 	
-/*   " % dimension du tableau non constante (mot cle %s)                     */
-/*   " % dimension du tableau = 0     (mot cle %s)                           */
-/*   " type de la donnee lue %s non reconnue (mot cle %s)                    */
-/*   " erreur lors du decodage de la donnee lue %s" (mot cle %s)             */
-/*   " incoherence entre nblig lue (%d) et nblig specifiee (%d) (mot cle %s) */  	
-/*   " incoherence entre nbcol lue (%d) et nbcol specifiee (%d) (mot cle %s) */ 
-/*   " incoherence entre taille_cell lue (%d) et taille_cell  specifiee (%d) */
-/*            (mot cle %s) 						     */  	
-CAI_OK_KO cai_lireDA(CAI_FILE_DA *fd,char *mot_cle,
-				    CAI_TYPE *type,int *nb_lig,int *nb_col, 	
-  	        	            long *taille_cell,void *donnee)
-int	i;	       /* indice de boucle */
-int     j;	       /* indice de boucle */	 	
-CAI_MOT_CLE mot_cle_lu;    /* mot cle courant lu dans le fichier */
-int	indic_mot_cle; /* indicateur de recherche du mot cle */
-int	num_mot_cle;   /* numero du mot cle recherche */
-long	ad_mot_cle;    /* adresse du debut du mot cle courant */	
-long    ad_donnee;     /* adresse de la donnee apres le mot cle trouve */ 		
-long	adresse_deb;   /* adresse de debut de recherche du mot cle */
-CAI_OK_KO	cr;	       /* code retour des operations */		
-void	*don_lue;      /* donnees lue en interne par l'operation cai_liredonneeDA */	
-char    *don_asc;      /* donnee ascii lue */
-long int *don_ent;     /* donnee entiere lue */				
-double   *don_ree;     /* donnee reelle lue */
-CAI_TYPE	type_lu;       /* type de la donnee lue CAI_ENTIER4 ou CAI_REEL8 ou CAI_BLOC*/
-int	nb_lig_lu;     /* nombre de lignes lues */
-int     nb_col_lu;     /* nombre de colonnes lues */
-long	taille_cell_lu;/* taille de la cellule CAI_ASCII maxi lue */
-char    *donnee_a;     /* donnee ascii lue */
-long int  *donnee_li;  /* donnee entiere a renseigner*/				
-double    *donnee_d;   /* donnee reelle  a renseigner*/
-float     *donnee_f;   /* donnee reelle  a renseigner*/
-double    reel;	       /* variable de travail */	 
-long int  entier;      /* variable de travail */
-/*		 	DEBUT DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*CD initialisations */
-indic_mot_cle = CAI_NON_TROUVE;
-type_lu= CAI_INCONNU;
-/*CD on verifie que le type fait partie des types reconnus */
-if ( *type != CAI_ENTIER4 && *type != CAI_REEL4 && *type != CAI_REEL8 && *type  != CAI_ASCII && *type !=CAI_BLOC)
-	{
-	cr = CAI_ERR_TYP;
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"type :%d non reconnu ( 1:CAI_ENTIER4 2:CAI_REEL4 3:CAI_REEL8 4:CAI_ASCII 5:CAI_BLOC)",*type);
-	goto ERREUR;
-	} 
-/*CD on verifie au prealable que le fichier est effectivement ouvert */
-/*CD SINON on sort en erreur */
-if ( fd ==NULL ) 
-	{
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture du fichier de donnees auxiliaires");
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*CD SI le dernier mot cle lu dans CAI_FILE_DA n'existe pas ou  n'est pas egal au mot cle recherche */ 
-if (fd->ad_dern_mot_cle == -1 || strncmp(mot_cle,fd->dernier_mot_cle,CAI_TAILLE_MAX_CLEDA) != 0 )
-	{ 
-/*CD SI la liste des mots cles est en memoire 			*/
-	if ( fd->nb_mot_cle != -1 ) 
-		{
-/*CD ALORS on scrute cette liste jusqu'a trouver le mot cle */
-		while (i< fd->nb_mot_cle && indic_mot_cle == CAI_NON_TROUVE )
-			{
-			if ( strncmp(mot_cle,(char *)(fd->liste_mot_cle +i),CAI_TAILLE_MAX_CLEDA) == 0 )
-				{
-				indic_mot_cle = CAI_TROUVE;
-				num_mot_cle    = i;
-/*CD	   on recupere alors le pointeur sur la zone fichier apres ce mot cle */
-				ad_donnee=*(fd->ad_donnee + i);
-				strcpy(mot_cle_lu,(char *)(fd->liste_mot_cle +i));
-				ad_mot_cle=*(fd->ad_mot_cle + i);
-				}
-			i++;
-			}
-		}
-	else
-		{
-/*CD SINON	*/
-/*CD   on se positionne au debut du fichier ( adresse_deb = 0)*/
-		adresse_deb = 0;	
-/*CD   on cherche le premier mot cle a partir de cette adresse (operation interne basee sur un automate) */
-		cr = cai_lirecleDA(fd,     /* [E] file descriptor du fichier a lire  */
-        	      	   adresse_deb,   /* [E] adresse de debut de recherche */
-	        	   mot_cle_lu,  /* [S] mot cle suivant lu ( termine par \0)*/
-		           &ad_donnee, /* [S] adresse du premier caractere suivant le mot cle */
-		           &ad_mot_cle /* [S] adresse du premier caractere du mot cle */
- 		   	  );
-/*CD    si erreur on sort */
-		if (cr != CAI_OK && cr != CAI_EOF) {
-			goto ERREUR;
-			}	
-/*CD   si aucun mot cle trouve on sort en erreur "aucun mot cle dans le fichier" */  
-		if ( cr == CAI_EOF)
-			{
-			sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur fichier sans mot cle( %s)",fd->nom_fichier);
-			goto ERREUR;
-			}
-/*CD   TANT QUE  mot_cle non trouve &  pas erreur */
-		while (cr == CAI_OK && indic_mot_cle == CAI_NON_TROUVE )
-			{
-/*CD   	  si le mot cle est egal au mot cle demande alors mot_cle trouve */
-			if ( strcmp(mot_cle,mot_cle_lu) == 0)
-				{
-				indic_mot_cle = CAI_TROUVE;
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				adresse_deb = ad_donnee;
-/*CD      si mot_cle non trouve on cherche le mot cle suivant (operation interne basee sur un automate) */
-/*CD      cette operation necessite : un pointeur sur la zone fichier ou l'on recherche le mot cle suivant */
-/*CD      cette operation ramene : le mot cle suivant et le pointeur sur la zone fichier apres ce mot cle */
-				cr = cai_lirecleDA(fd,     /* [E] file descriptor du fichier a lire  */
-        	      	   		   adresse_deb,   /* [E] adresse de debut de recherche */
-	        	   		   mot_cle_lu,  /* [S] mot cle suivant lu (termine par \0)*/
-		           		   &ad_donnee, /* [S] adresse du premier caractere suivant le mot cle */
-		           		   &ad_mot_cle/* [S] adresse du premier caractere du mot cle */
- 		   	  		   );
-				}
-/*CD    FIN TANT QUE pas erreur & mot_cle non trouve */
-			}
-/*CD	FIN SI LISTE MOT CLE presente en memoire*/	
-		}
-/*CD FIN SI le dernier mot cle lu dans CAI_FILE_DA n'existe pas ou  n'est pas egal au mot cle recherche */ 
-	if (cr != CAI_OK && cr != CAI_EOF) 
-		{
-		goto ERREUR;
-		}
-/*CD 	SI fin de fichier on sort en erreur "mot cle non present */
-	if ( indic_mot_cle == CAI_NON_TROUVE ) 
-		{
-		sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Mot cle :%s non trouve dans le fichier :%s",mot_cle,fd->nom_fichier);
-		goto ERREUR;
-		}
-/*CD on sauvegarde alors dans la structure fd les info sur le dernier mot cle */
-	strcpy(fd->dernier_mot_cle,mot_cle_lu);
-	fd->ad_dern_mot_cle = ad_mot_cle;
-	fd->ad_dern_donnee  = ad_donnee;
-	}
-/*CD SINON	*/
-	{
-	indic_mot_cle = CAI_TROUVE;
-	ad_donnee = fd->ad_dern_donnee;	
-	ad_mot_cle= fd ->ad_dern_mot_cle;
-	strcpy(mot_cle_lu,fd->dernier_mot_cle);
-	}
-/*CD a partir du mot cle trouve on analyse syntaxiquement la ligne jusqu'au prochain mot cle */
-/*CD (operation interne effectuant le decodage et donnant : le type de donnee (entier ou reel ou CAI_ASCII),*/
-/*CD le nombres de lignes */
-/*CD le nombre de colonnes , la taille maxi d'un element , un pointeur sur le tableau lu */
-/*CD ( ce tableau a ete alloue dynamiquement par cette operation) 	       		 */
-			fd,         /* [E] file descriptor du fichier a lire  */
-        	      	ad_donnee,  /* [E] adresse de debut de recherche */
-	        	&don_lue,    /* [S] donnee lue */
-			&type_lu,    /* [S] type de la donnee lue (CAI_ENTIER4,CAI_REEL8,CAI_ASCII,CAI_BLOC)*/
-			&nb_lig_lu,  /* [S] nombre de lignes du tableau lu  */
-			&nb_col_lu,  /* [S] nombre de colonnes du tableau lu  */  
-		        &taille_cell_lu/* [S] taille maxi en octet d'un element du tableau lu ( significatif
-					 pourla donnee CAI_ASCII )*/   
-		      );
-/*CD si erreur de decodage on sort en erreur */
-if (cr != CAI_OK ) {
-	if (cr == CAI_EOF){
-		sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur fichier de DA incomplet (mot cle %s)",mot_cle);
-		}
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*CD on effectue les controles de coherence : */
-/*CD type_lu = type  ( entier reel ou CAI_ASCII)*/
-/*CD nblig_lu = nblig */
-/*CD nbcol_lu = nb_col */
-/*CD taille_cell_lu <= taille_cell */
-/*CD SI difference on sort en erreur "incoherence entre " */  
-/*CD NB : une lecture en reel4 de reel ecrit en reel8 n'est pas une erreur */
-/* donnee de type entiere */
-if ( type_lu == CAI_ENTIER4) 
-	{
- 	if (*type != CAI_ENTIER4)
-		{
-		cr = CAI_KO;
-		sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"type lu (%d) incoherent avec le type specifie ( %d) ",type_lu,*type);
-		goto ERREUR;
-		}
-	if (nb_lig_lu != *nb_lig || nb_col_lu != *nb_col)
-		{
-		cr = CAI_KO;
-		sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"dim lue incoherente avec la dimension specifiee");
-		goto ERREUR;
-		} 
-/*CD le pointeur sur le tableau alloue par l'appelant est caste au type donne par l'appelant  */
-/*CD le pointeur sur le tableau alloue par l'operation de decodage est caste au type_lu */
-	don_ent   = (long int *)don_lue;
-	donnee_li = (long int *)donnee;
-	i=0;
-/*CD TANT QUE lig <= nblig_lu et non erreur */ 
-	while ( i < nb_lig_lu && cr ==CAI_OK)
-		{
-		j=0;
-/*CD 	TANT QUE col <= nbcol_lu et non erreur */ 
-		while ( j < nb_col_lu && cr ==CAI_OK)
-			{
-			entier = *(don_ent + i*nb_col_lu + j);
-			*(donnee_li +i*nb_col_lu + j) = entier;
-			j++;			
-			}
-/*CD 	FIN TANT QUE col <= nbcol_lu et non erreur */ 
-		i++;
-		}
-/*CD 	FIN TANT QUE lig <= nblig_lu et non erreur */ 
-	if (cr != CAI_OK )
-		{
-		goto ERREUR;
-		}
-	}
-/* donnee de type reelle */
-if ( type_lu == CAI_REEL8) 
-	{
-	if (*type != CAI_REEL4 && *type != CAI_REEL8)
-		{
-		cr=CAI_KO;
-		sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"type lu (%d) incoherent avec le type specifie ( %d)",type_lu,*type);
-		goto ERREUR;
-		}
-	if (nb_lig_lu != *nb_lig || nb_col_lu != *nb_col)
-		{
-		cr=CAI_KO;
-		sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"dim lue incoherente avec la dimension specifiee ");
-		goto ERREUR;
-		} 
-/*CD le pointeur sur le tableau alloue par l'appelant est caste au type donne par l'appelant  */
-/*CD le pointeur sur le tableau alloue par l'operation de decodage est caste au type_lu */
-	don_ree = (double *)don_lue;
-	donnee_f = (float *)donnee;
-	donnee_d = (double *)donnee;
-	i=0;
-/*CD TANT QUE lig <= nblig_lu et non erreur */ 
-	while ( i < nb_lig_lu)
-		{
-		j=0;
-/*CD 	TANT QUE col <= nbcol_lu et non erreur */ 
-		while ( j < nb_col_lu)
-			{
-			reel = *(don_ree + i*nb_col_lu + j);
-			if (*type == CAI_REEL4)
-				{
-				*(donnee_f + i*nb_col_lu + j) = reel;
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				*(donnee_d + i*nb_col_lu + j) = reel;
-				}
-			j++;			
-			}
-/*CD 	FIN TANT QUE col <= nbcol_lu et non erreur */
-		i++; 
-		}
-/*CD 	FIN TANT QUE lig <= nblig_lu et non erreur */ 
-	}
-/* donnee de type CAI_ASCII */
-if (type_lu == CAI_ASCII )
-	{
-	if (*type != CAI_ASCII )
-		{
-		cr=CAI_KO;
-		sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"type lu (%d) incoherent avec le type specifie ( %d)",type_lu,*type);
-		goto ERREUR;
-		}
-	if (nb_lig_lu != *nb_lig || nb_col_lu != *nb_col)
-		{
-		cr=CAI_KO;
-		sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"dim lue incoherente avec la dimension specifiee ");
-		goto ERREUR;
-		} 
-	if (taille_cell_lu > *taille_cell)
-		{
-		cr=CAI_KO;
-		sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"longueur max des donnees CAI_ASCII lues (%d) incoherente avec la taille specifie (%d)"
-			,taille_cell_lu,*taille_cell);
-		goto ERREUR;
-		}
-/*CD le pointeur sur le tableau alloue par l'appelant est caste au type donne par l'appelant  */
-/*CD le pointeur sur le tableau alloue par l'operation de decodage est caste au type_lu */
-	don_asc = (char *)don_lue;
-	donnee_a = (char *)donnee;
-	i=0;
-	j=0;
-/*CD TANT QUE lig <= nblig_lu et non erreur */ 
-	while ( i < nb_lig_lu)
-		{
-		j=0;
-/*CD 	TANT QUE col <= nbcol_lu et non erreur */ 
-		while ( j < nb_col_lu)
-			{
-			strcpy(donnee_a + (i*nb_col_lu + j)* (*taille_cell),don_asc + (i*nb_col_lu + j)*CAI_TAILLE_MAX_ASCII);
-			j++;
-			}
-/*CD 	FIN TANT QUE col <= nbcol_lu et non erreur */
-		i++;
-		}
-/*CD 	FIN TANT QUE lig <= nblig_lu et non erreur */ 
-	}
-/*CD liberation place memoire alloue par l'operation interne precedente  */
-if (don_lue != NULL)
-	{
-	free(don_lue);
-	don_lue=NULL;
-	}
-/* donnee de type CAI_BLOC */
-if (type_lu == CAI_BLOC)
-	{
-	if (*type != CAI_BLOC )
-		{
-		sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"type lu (%d) incoherent avec le type specifie ( %d)",type_lu,*type);
-		goto ERREUR;
-		}
-	}
-/*CD fin de l'operation en cas nominal  				     */
-/*CD fin de l'operation en cas d'erreur 				     */
-/*CD liberation place memoire alloue par l'operation interne precedente  */
-if (don_lue != NULL)
-	{
-	free(don_lue);
-	don_lue=NULL;
-	}
-/*		 	FIN DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*                                                                           	*/
-/* OPERATION: cai_listeDA                                                    	*/
-/*                                                                           	*/
-/* ROLE:  Cette operation recherche la liste des mots cles presents dans un 	*/
-/*	  fichier de Donnees Auxiliaires                                        */
-/*                                                                           	*/
-/* ATTENTION : cette fonction s'alloue de l'espace memoire qu'il conviendra de 	*/
-/* liberer a la fin du traitement                                               */
-/*                                                                           	*/
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL:                                                         	*/
-/*                                                                          	*/
-/* VERSION:                                                                  	*/
-/* CODE RETOUR : CAI_OK ou CAI_KO							*/
-/*	" taille d'un mot cle lu superieure a la limite "			*/
-/*	" erreur a la lecture du fichier de donnees auxiliaires "		*/
-CAI_OK_KO cai_listeDA(CAI_FILE_DA *fd)
-long	adr_deb;	/* adresse dans le fichier de DA */
-long	ad_suiv;	/* adresse du premier caractere suivant un mot cle */
-long	ad_deb_mcc;	/* adresse du premier caractere des donnees du mot cle */
-long	*ad;		/* adresse pour copie */
-int	nb_mot_cle;	/* nombre de mots cle trouves dans le fichier */
-size_t	taille;		/* taille du buffer a allouer */
-CAI_OK_KO	retour;		/* code retour appel fonctions */
-CAI_MOT_CLE mot_cle;	/* mot cle trouve*/
-char 	*adr_copie;	/* adresse pour copie de mots cle */
-int	nb_bloc;	/* nombre de realloc realises +1 */
-off_t   offset;	  	
-off_t   offreel;
-/*		 	DEBUT DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*CD initialisation a zero du nombre de mots cle trouves 		     	*/
-nb_mot_cle = 0;
-nb_bloc = 1;
-/*CD on verifie au prealable que le fichier est effectivement ouvert	 	*/
-/*CD SINON on sort en erreur 							*/
-if ( fd == NULL ) 
-	{
-	retour = CAI_ERREUR_OUV;
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Dans listeDA, fichier de donnees auxiliaires non ouvert");
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*CD Positionnement en debut de fichier						*/
-/*CD on se positionne sur le debut du fichier ( rewind ) 		     */
-/*CD Allocation d'un espace memoire contenant la liste des mots cles trouves 	*/
-/*CD Allocation d'espaces memoire contenant les adresses des mots cles		*/
-/*CD et les adresses des donnees associees a chaque mot cle 			*/
-/*CD (il faut essayer d'allouer un maximum de place representative afin 	*/
-/*CD d'eviter un trop grand nombre de realloc)					*/
-fd->liste_mot_cle = (CAI_MOT_CLE *)malloc (taille);
-if (fd->liste_mot_cle == NULL) 
-	{
-	retour = CAI_ERR_ALLOC;
-	sprintf (CAI_ERREUR," erreur allocation memoire pour liste mots cle ");
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-taille = CAI_NB_MAX_CLE * sizeof(int);
-fd->ad_mot_cle = (long *)malloc (taille);
-if (fd->ad_mot_cle == NULL) 
-	{
-	retour = CAI_ERR_ALLOC;
-	sprintf (CAI_ERREUR," erreur allocation memoire pour adresse mots cle ");
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-taille = CAI_NB_MAX_CLE * sizeof(int);
-fd->ad_donnee = (long *)malloc (taille);
-if (fd->ad_donnee == NULL) 
-	{
-	retour = CAI_ERR_ALLOC;
-	sprintf (CAI_ERREUR," erreur allocation memoire pour adresse donnees d'un mots cle ");
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*CD Adr_deb = adresse debut de fichier						*/
-adr_deb = 0;
-/*CD Recherche du premier mot cle du fichier(cai_lirecleDA)			*/
-/*CD Si erreur de recherche, sortie en erreur					*/
-retour = cai_lirecleDA (fd, 		/* structure du fichier a lire */
-			adr_deb, 	/* adresse du debut de recherche dans le fichier */
-			mot_cle,	/* mot cle trouve */
-			&ad_suiv, 	/* adresse dans le fichier du premier caractere suivant le mot cle */
-			&ad_deb_mcc) ;	/* adresse dans le fichier du premier caractere du mot cle */
-if (retour != CAI_OK && retour != CAI_EOF) 
-	{
-	sprintf (CAI_ERREUR," erreur recherche du premier mot cle ");
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*CD TANT QUE il existe des mots cles dans le fichier				*/
-while (retour != CAI_EOF)
-	{
-/*CD 	si la liste des mots cle est saturee alors reallocation du double de 	*/
-/*CD	   place pour les mots cle et les adresse de ces mots			*/
-	if (nb_mot_cle == (CAI_NB_MAX_CLE * nb_bloc))
-		{
-		nb_bloc = nb_bloc + 1;
-		taille = CAI_TAILLE_MAX_CLEDA * CAI_NB_MAX_CLE * nb_bloc;
-		fd->liste_mot_cle = (CAI_MOT_CLE *)realloc (fd->liste_mot_cle, taille);
-		if (fd->liste_mot_cle == NULL) 
-			{
-			retour = CAI_ERR_ALLOC;
-			sprintf (CAI_ERREUR," erreur re-allocation memoire pour liste mots cle - bloc %d ", nb_bloc);
-			goto ERREUR;
-			}
-		taille = CAI_NB_MAX_CLE * sizeof(int) * nb_bloc;
-		fd->ad_mot_cle = (long *)realloc (fd->ad_mot_cle, taille);
-		if (fd->ad_mot_cle == NULL) 
-			{
-			retour = CAI_ERR_ALLOC;
-			sprintf (CAI_ERREUR," erreur re-allocation memoire pour adresse mots cle - bloc %d ", nb_bloc);
-			goto ERREUR;
-			}
-		taille = CAI_NB_MAX_CLE * sizeof(int) * nb_bloc;
-		fd->ad_donnee = (long *)realloc (fd->ad_donnee, taille);
-		if (fd->ad_donnee == NULL) 
-			{
-			retour = CAI_ERR_ALLOC;
-			sprintf (CAI_ERREUR," erreur re-allocation memoire pour donnees d un mots cle - bloc %d", nb_bloc);
-			goto ERREUR;
-			}
-		}
-/*CD	sauvegarde du mot cle trouve dans liste_mot_cle				*/
-	adr_copie =(char *)(fd->liste_mot_cle + nb_mot_cle);
-	strncpy (adr_copie, mot_cle, CAI_TAILLE_MAX_CLEDA);
-/*CD	sauvegarde de l'adresse dans le fichier du mot cle trouve tab_adresse	*/
-/*CD 	et de l'adresse du premier caractere des donnees associees au mot cle	*/
-	ad = (long *)(fd->ad_mot_cle + nb_mot_cle);
-	*ad = ad_deb_mcc;
-	ad = (long *)(fd->ad_donnee + nb_mot_cle);
-	*ad = ad_suiv;
-/*CD	incrementation du nombre de mots cle trouves				*/
-	nb_mot_cle = nb_mot_cle + 1;
-/*CD	recherche du mot cle suivant dans le fichier (cai_lirecleDA)		*/
-	adr_deb = ad_suiv;
-	retour = cai_lirecleDA (fd, 		/* structure du fichier a lire */
-			     	adr_deb, 	/* adresse du debut de recherche dans le fichier */
-			        mot_cle,	/* mot cle trouve */
-			        &ad_suiv, 	/* adresse dans le fichier du premier caractere suivant le mot cle */
-			        &ad_deb_mcc);	/* adresse dans le fichier du premier caractere du mot cle */
-	if (retour != CAI_OK && retour != CAI_EOF) 
-		{
-		sprintf (CAI_ERREUR," erreur recherche d un mot cle ");
-		goto ERREUR;
-		}
-	}	/*CD FIN TANT QUE (plus de mots cle)		*/	
-/* CD Sauvegarde du nombre de mots cle trouves					*/
-fd->nb_mot_cle = nb_mot_cle;
-/* Fin du traitement nominal			        		     */
-retour =  CAI_OK;
-return (retour);
-/* traitement degrade : 			        		     */
-if (fd != NULL)
-	{
-if (fd->liste_mot_cle != NULL)
-	{
-	free(fd->liste_mot_cle);
-        fd->liste_mot_cle=NULL;
-	}
-if (fd->ad_mot_cle != NULL)
-	{
-	free(fd->ad_mot_cle);
-	fd->ad_mot_cle=NULL;
-	}
-if (fd->ad_donnee != NULL)
-	{
-	free(fd->ad_donnee);
-	fd->ad_donnee=NULL;
-        }
-	fd->nb_mot_cle = -1;
-	}
-return (retour);
-/*		 	FIN DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*                                                                           	*/
-/* OPERATION:  cai_ajoute DA                                                  	*/
-/*                                                                           	*/
-/* ROLE:  Cette operation ajoute a la fin du fichier de DA une donnee  		*/
-/*        auxiliaire								*/
-/*                                                                           	*/
-/*                                                                           	*/
-/*                                                                           	*/
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL:                                                         	*/
-/*	Cette operation doit etre appelee apres ouverture prealable du fichier	*/
-/*	de Donnees Auxiliaires							*/
-/*                                                                           	*/
-/* VERSION:                                                                  	*/
-/*										*/
-/* CODE RETOUR : CAI_OK ou CAI_KO						*/
-/*Si CAI_KO, l'erreur peut etre affichee via la variable globale CAI_ERREUR	*/
-/*	" fichier de donnees auxiliaires %s non ouvert "			*/
-/*	" erreur de positionnement en fin de fichier "				*/
-/*	" erreur d'ecriture dans le fichier "					*/
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ajouteDA(CAI_FILE_DA *fd,char *mot_cle,
-				    CAI_TYPE type,int nb_lig,int nb_col, 	
-  	        	            long taille_cell,void *donnee)
-CAI_OK_KO	retour;	/* code retour des fonctions */
-int	i;		/* indice de boucle */
-int	indic_ecrit;    /* indic ecritur DA ds fichier(=1 si ecriture = 0 sinon)*/
-char	* da_ascii;	/* buffer de la DA en ascii (sous forme 	*/
-			/* de x fois CAI_TAILLE_MAX_LIGDA caracteres)	*/
-int	indic_mot_cle; 	/* indicateur de recherche du mot cle */
-/*		 	DEBUT DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-  da_ascii=NULL;
-/*CD on verifie au prealable que le fichier est effectivement ouvert	 	*/
-/*CD SINON on sort en erreur 							*/
-if ( fd == NULL ) 
-	{
-	retour = CAI_ERREUR_OUV;
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Dans ajouteDA, fichier de donnees auxiliaires non ouvert");
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*CD on verifie que le type fait partie des types reconnus 			*/
-if ( type != CAI_ENTIER4 && type != CAI_REEL4 && type != CAI_REEL8 && type  != CAI_ASCII & type !=CAI_BLOC)
-	{
-	retour = CAI_ERR_TYP;
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"type :%d non reconnu ( 1:CAI_ENTIER4 2:CAI_REEL4 3:CAI_REEL8 4:CAI_ASCII 5:CAI_BLOC )",type);
-	goto ERREUR;
-	} 
-/*CD on verifie que la DA n'existe pas deja (cai_listeDA)			*/
-if (fd->nb_mot_cle <= 0)
-	{
-	retour = cai_listeDA (fd);
-	if (retour != CAI_OK)  goto ERREUR;
-	}
-indic_mot_cle = CAI_NON_TROUVE;
-i = 0;
-while (i< fd->nb_mot_cle && indic_mot_cle == CAI_NON_TROUVE )
-	{
-	if ( strncmp(mot_cle,(char *)(fd->liste_mot_cle +i), CAI_TAILLE_MAX_CLEDA) == 0 )  
-		indic_mot_cle = CAI_TROUVE;
-	i = i + 1;
-	}
-if (indic_mot_cle == CAI_TROUVE)
-	{
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Dans ajouteDA, mot cle %s deja existant ",mot_cle);
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*CD On ecrit la DA dans un buffer intermediaire et dans le fichier  		*/
-indic_ecrit = 1;
-retour = cai_ecritDA_buf( 
-		   	fd,		/* [E] file descriptor du fichier de DA 	*/
-		   	mot_cle,	/* [E] mot cle associe aux donnees auxiliaires 	*/
-		   	type,		/* [E] type des donnees a ecrire		*/
-		   	nb_lig,		/* [E] nombre de lignes du tableau a ecrire	*/
-		   	nb_col,		/* [E] nombre de colonnes du tableau a ecrire	*/
-		   	taille_cell,	/* [E] taille maxi en octets d'un element	*/
-					/*     (significatif si type = ascii)		*/
-		   	donnee,		/* [E] pointeur sur la zone memoire a ecrire	*/
-		   	indic_ecrit,	/* [E] indicateur si ecriture du buffer dans 	*/
-					/*     le fichier (=1) sinon (=0)		*/
-		   	&da_ascii);	/* [S] buffer de la DA en ascii (sous forme 	*/
-					/* de x fois CAI_TAILLE_MAX_LIGDA caracteres)	*/
-if (retour != CAI_OK) goto ERREUR;
-/* Fin du traitement nominal			        		     */
-if (da_ascii != NULL)
- free(da_ascii);
- }
-retour = CAI_OK;
-return (retour);
-/* traitement degrade : 			        		     */
-if (da_ascii != NULL)
- free(da_ascii);
-return (retour);
-/*		 	FIN DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                Definition des OPERATIONS INTERNES                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION: cai_lirecleDA()                                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE: cette operation interne recherche le mot cle suivant detecte        */
-/* apres une "adresse dans le fichier ".				     */
-/* cette operation retourne le mot cle suivant s'il existe ainsi qu'une adresse*/
-/* sur le premier caractere suivant ce mot cle                               */
-/*  NB : la notion d'adresse ici est relative au fichier :c.a.d              */
-/* 	1er octet du fichier = adresse 0                                     */
-/* 	2eme octet du fichier = adresse 1 ...                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL:                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION:                                                                  */
-/* CODE RETOUR : CAI_OK ou CAI_KO 					     */
-/*   " mot cle non present dans le fichier de donnees auxiliaires %s"        */
-/*   " taille du mot cle lue %s superieure a la limite %d ou egale a 0"      */ 
-/*   " erreur a la lecture du fichier de donnees auxiliaires %s"             */
-static CAI_OK_KO cai_lirecleDA(CAI_FILE_DA *fd,long  ad_deb,char * mot_cle, 
-			       long *ad_suiv,long * ad_deb_mcc)
-CAI_OK_KO 	cr;	/* code retour */
-long	num;	/* numero du buffer courant */
-long 	ad_deb_buff;  /* adresse de debut du buffer */
-long     ad_deb_rel;   /* adresse de debut de recherche relative au buffer courant */
-long     ad_suivante;  /*  adresse du premier caractere suivant le mot cle courant */
-long     taille_buff_courant;  /* taille du buffer lu */
-char   *buff_courant; /* buffer courant */ 
-CAI_MOT_CLE mot_cle_courant;/* mot cle courant */
-off_t   offset;	  	
-off_t   offreel;
-long     nb_buffer;	/* nombre de buffer dans le fichier */
-/*		 	DEBUT DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*CD dans CAI_FILE_DA on prevoit un indicateur qui vaut -1 si aucun buffer       		*/
-/*CD n'a pas deja ete lu et qui vaut sinon le numero du buffer lu dans le fichier 	*/
-/*CD on prevoit aussi la taille du buffer lu ainsi que l'allocation statique du buffer 	*/  
-/*CD et le decalage entre 2 buffer consecutifs ( fixe a  taille_buff/2)		        */ 
-/*CD initialisations 								 	*/ 
-/*CD on recherche alors le nombre de buffer dans le fichier */
-/*CD on se positionne sur la fin du fichier ( rewind ) 		     */
-/*CD SI erreur on sort "erreur lors d'un lseek du fichier de DA " 	     */
-if ( offreel == -1)
-	{
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur lors du lseek sur le  fichier %s",fd->nom_fichier);
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*CD SI erreur on sort "erreur lors d'un lseek du fichier de DA " 	     */
-if ( offreel == -1)
-	{
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur lors du lseek sur le  fichier %s",fd->nom_fichier);
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-if ( offreel < ad_deb)
-	{
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur adresse de recherche en dehors du fichier (%d)",ad_deb);
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-nb_buffer = (offreel / (fd->taille_buffer/2) ) + 1; 
-/*CD on commence par calculer le premier buffer a lire par : num = 2 * ad_deb/(fd->taille buffer) */
-num= (ad_deb/(fd->taille_buffer/2));
-ad_deb_buff = num * (fd->taille_buffer /2);
-/*CD SI indicateur != num 								*/
-if ( num != fd->num_buffer)
-	{
-/*CD 	lecture du buffer num a partir de l'adresse num*fd->taille_buffer/2 et de taille*/
-/*CD     fd->taille_buffer*2 (operation interne )					*/
-	cr=cai_lireficDA(
-		    fd, /* [E] structure decrivant le fichier de donnees auxiliaires */
-	            ad_deb_buff,      /* [E] adresse du premier octet a lire */ 
-        	    fd->buffer    /* [E/S] buffer a remplir */
-		   );
-/*CD    SI erreur on sort 								*/
-	if (cr != CAI_OK)
-		{
-		goto ERREUR;
-		}
-/* initialisation du numero de buffer */
-	fd->num_buffer=num;
-	buff_courant = fd->buffer;
-	taille_buff_courant = fd->taille_buffer_lu;	
-	}
-	{
-/*CD SINON tab = fd ->ad_buffer 							*/
-	buff_courant = fd->buffer;
-	taille_buff_courant = fd->taille_buffer_lu;	
-	}
-ad_deb_rel = ad_deb - ad_deb_buff;
-/*CD TANT QUE mot_cle non trouve et non EOF						*/
-while ( cr !=CAI_OK && taille_buff_courant > 0 && cr != CAI_EOF && cr != CAI_PAS_MC)
-	{
-/*CD 	recherche du mot cle dans le buffer buff on retourne le mot  cle,sa longueur et */
-/*CD    l'adresse dans le tableau du caractere suivant le mot cle (operation interne )  */
-/*CD NB: attention au cas ou le mot cle peut etre coupe                                 */ 
-	cr=cai_recherchecleDA( 
-			        taille_buff_courant,/* [E] taille du buffer a scanner en octets  */
-        	      	        buff_courant,     /* [E] buffer a scanner */
-		                ad_deb_rel,	  /* [E] adresse a partir de laquelle il faut scanner le buffer */
-	        	        mot_cle_courant,  /* [S] mot cle suivant lu */
-		                &ad_suivante	  /* [S] adresse du premier caractere suivant le mot cle */
-				);
-/*CD si erreur on sort */
-	if (cr != CAI_OK && cr != CAI_EOF && cr != CAI_PAS_MC)
-		{
-		goto ERREUR;
-		}
-/*CD  Si mot_cle non trouve et non EOF  on incremente le numero de buffer 		*/
-	if ( (cr == CAI_EOF||cr == CAI_PAS_MC) && num+1< nb_buffer)
-		{
-/* calcul de l'adresse de debut de recherche */
-		ad_deb_rel=0;
-/*CD 		lecture du buffer num a partir de l'adresse num*fd->taille_buffer/2 et de taille */
-/*CD     	fd->taille_buffer*2 (operation interne )				*/
-		num=num+1;
-		ad_deb_buff = num * (fd->taille_buffer /2);
-		cr=cai_lireficDA(
-		  	  fd, /* [E] structure decrivant le fichier de donnees auxiliaires */
-	          	  ad_deb_buff,      /* [E] adresse du premier octet a lire */ 
-        	  	  fd->buffer    /* [E/S] buffer a remplir */
-		  	 );
-/*CD    SI erreur on sort 								*/
-		if (cr != CAI_OK)
-			{
-			goto ERREUR;
-			}
-/* initialisation du numero de buffer */
-		fd->num_buffer=num;
-/*CD       		on met a jour les variables locales  				*/
-		buff_courant = fd->buffer;
-		taille_buff_courant = fd->taille_buffer_lu;
-		cr=CAI_KO;
-		} 		
-	}
-/*CD FIN TANT QUE mot_cle non trouve 							*/
-/*CD SI mot_cle trouve 									*/
-if (cr == CAI_OK)
-	{
-/*CD	le mot cle est recopie dans l'argument de sortie				*/
-	strcpy(mot_cle,mot_cle_courant);
-/*CD	 l'adresse dans le tableau du caractere suivant le mot cle est convertie en     */
-/*CD 	 adresse absolue dans le fichier ad_suiv = num*fd->taille_buff/2 + (ad_suiv-ad_deb)*/
-	*ad_suiv = (num * fd->taille_buffer/2) + ad_suivante;
-/*CD	 l'adresse dans le tableau du premier caractere du  mot cle est convertie en    */
-/*CD 	 adresse absolue dans le fichier ad_deb_mc = ad_suiv -long 			*/
-	*ad_deb_mcc=*ad_suiv -strlen(mot_cle) - 2;
-	}
-/*CD SI EOF plus de mot cle  			*/
-if (cr == CAI_PAS_MC) 
-	{
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-if (taille_buff_courant ==0 || cr == CAI_EOF)
-	{
-	cr=CAI_EOF;
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*CD fin de l'operation en cas nominal  				     */
-/*CD fin de l'operation en cas d'erreur 				     */
-/*		 	FIN DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION: cai_liredonneeDA                                               */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE: Cette operation interne analyse syntaxiquement les donnees stockees */
-/* apres un mot cle jusqu'au prochain mot_cle du fichier ou EOF.	     */
-/* Elle permet donc de determiner le type , la taille  de la donnee .        */
-/*       ( ENTIER REEL OU CAI_ASCII)            ( 2 dim maxi )		     */
-/* Elle s'alloue de plus la place necessaire au stockage de cette donnees.   */ 
-/* pour les donnees CAI_ASCII , le stockage se fait de maniere contigue en   */
-/* memoire dans un tableau de cellules de taille fixe (taille_max).          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL:                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION:                                                                  */
-/* CODE RETOUR : CAI_OK ou CAI_KO 					     */
-/*   " erreur a la lecture du fichier de donnees auxiliaires %s"             */
-/*   " parenthese ouvrante non detectee (mot cle %s )                        */ 
-/*   " parenthese fermante  non detectee (mot cle %s )                       */
-/*   " nombre de niveaux de parentheses superieur a 2 ( mot cle %s )         */ 	
-/*   " % dimension du tableau non constante (mot cle %s)                     */
-/*   " % dimension du tableau = 0     (mot cle %s)                           */
-/*   " type de la donnee lue %s non reconnue (mot cle %s)                    */
-/*   " erreur lors du decodage de la donnee lue %s" (mot cle %s)             */
-static CAI_OK_KO cai_liredonneeDA(CAI_FILE_DA *fd,long ad_deb, void **don_lue, 
-				  CAI_TYPE *type_lu,int *nb_lig_lu, 
-  			          int *nb_col_lu, long *taille_cell_lu )
-CAI_OK_KO 	cr;		/* code retour */
-long	num;		/* numero du buffer courant */
-long 	ad_deb_buff;    /* adresse de debut du buffer */
-long     ad_deb_rel;     /* adresse de debut de recherche relative au buffer courant */
-long     taille_buff_courant;  /* taille du buffer lu */
-char   *buff_courant;   /* buffer courant */ 
-off_t   offset;	  	
-off_t   offreel;
-long     nb_buffer;	/* nombre de buffer dans le fichier */
-int     nb_lig;         /* nombre de lignes */
-int     nb_elt;		/* nombre d'elements */
-long  	taille_maxi;	/* taille maxi d'une donnee ascii */
-CAI_ETAT1   etat1;		/* etat de l'automate de decodage */
-CAI_TYPE    type;		/* type de la donnee */
-int	nb_elt_alloues;	/* nombre d'elements alloues */
-long	ad_fin_decodage; /* adresse de fin du decodage effectif du buffer */
-/*		 	DEBUT DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/* dans CAI_FILE_DA on prevoit un indicateur qui vaut zero si aucun buffer       */
-/* n'a pas deja ete lu et qui vaut sinon le numero du buffer lu dans le fichier 	*/
-/* on prevoit aussi la taille du buffer lu ainsi que l'allocation statique du buffer 	*/  
-/* et le decalage entre 2 buffer consecutifs ( fixe a  taille_buff/2)		*/ 
-/*CD initialisations 								 	*/ 
-nb_lig = 1;
-nb_elt = 0;
-taille_maxi = 0;
-etat1  = CAI_DEBUTDEC; 
-/*CD on recherche alors le nombre de buffer dans le fichier */
-/*CD on se positionne sur la fin du fichier ( rewind ) 		     */
-/*CD SI erreur on sort "erreur lors d'un lseek du fichier de DA " 	     */
-if ( offreel == -1)
-	{
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur lors du lseek sur le  fichier %s",fd->nom_fichier);
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*CD SI erreur on sort "erreur lors d'un lseek du fichier de DA " 	     */
-if ( offreel == -1)
-	{
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur lors du lseek sur le  fichier %s",fd->nom_fichier);
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-if ( offreel <= ad_deb)
-	{
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur adresse de recherche en dehors du fichier (%d)",ad_deb);
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-nb_buffer = (offreel / (fd->taille_buffer/2) ) + 1; 
-/*CD on commence par calculer le premier buffer a lire par : num = 2 * ad_deb/(fd->taille buffer) */
-num= (ad_deb/(fd->taille_buffer/2));
-ad_deb_buff = num * (fd->taille_buffer /2);
-/*CD SI indicateur != num 								*/
-if ( num != fd->num_buffer)
-	{
-/*CD 	lecture du buffer num a partir de l'adresse num*fd->taille_buffer/2 et de taille*/
-/*CD     fd->taille_buffer*2 (operation interne )					*/
-	cr=cai_lireficDA(
-		    fd, /* [E] structure decrivant le fichier de donnees auxiliaires */
-	            ad_deb_buff,      /* [E] adresse du premier octet a lire */ 
-        	    fd->buffer    /* [E/S] buffer a remplir */
-		   );
-/*CD    SI erreur on sort 								*/
-	if (cr != CAI_OK)
-		{
-		goto ERREUR;
-		}
-/* initialisation du numero de buffer */
-	fd->num_buffer=num;
-	buff_courant = fd->buffer;
-	taille_buff_courant = fd->taille_buffer_lu;	
-	}
-	{
-/*CD SINON tab = fd ->ad_buffer 							*/
-	buff_courant = fd->buffer;
-	taille_buff_courant = fd->taille_buffer_lu;	
-	}
-/*CD	calcul de l'adresse relative du debut de la recherche dans le buffer            */
-/*CD ad_deb_buff = ad_deb - num* fd->taille buffer/2             			*/
-ad_deb_rel = ad_deb - ad_deb_buff;
-/*CD TANT QUE statut <> lu et non EOF         					*/
-while ( etat1 != CAI_FINDEC && cr != CAI_EOF && taille_buff_courant > 0)
-	{
-/*CD 	lecture de la donnee  dans le buffer buff on retourne le tableau des donnees qui*/
-/*CD    ont ete lues (tableau eventuellement incomplet) , la taille du tableau lu       */
-/*CD	, le type , la dimension1 , le nb elt , la taille maxi , si incomplet le        */
-/*CD    statut de l'automate est retourne (operation interne)			        */ 
-/*CD    NB: attention au cas ou la donnee peut etre coupe                               */ 
-	cr=cai_decodedonDA(
-			   taille_buff_courant,   /* [E] taille du buffer a scanner en octets  */
-        	      	   buff_courant,          /* [E] buffer a scanner */
-		           ad_deb_rel,	          /* [E] adresse a partir de laquelle il faut scanner le buffer */
-			   &type,      	          /* [E/S] type de la donnee lue (=CAI_INCONNU lors du premier appel) */
-			   &nb_lig,    	/* [E/S] nombre de lignes du tableau lu   ( = 0 lors du premier appel) */
-			   &nb_elt,     /* [E/S] nombre d'elements du tableau lu  ( = 0 lors du premier appel) */
-			   &nb_elt_alloues,     /* [E/S] nombre d'elements du tableau lu ( = 0 lors du premier appel)*/
-		           &taille_maxi,/*[E/S] taill max en octet d'un elt du tab lu (=0 lors du premier appel*/
-					       /* significatif exclusivement pour des donnees CAI_ASCII */	
-	        	   don_lue,      /* [E/S] donnee lue */
-			   &etat1,        /* [E/S] etat de l'auto ( = DEBUT_DECODAGE lors du premier appel )*/
-		           &ad_fin_decodage     /* [E/S] adresse de fin du decodage effectif du  buffer */
-		     );
-/*CD si erreur on sort */
-	if (cr != CAI_OK && cr != CAI_EOF)
-		{
-		goto ERREUR;
-		}
-/*CD  Si mot_cle non trouve et non EOF  on incremente le numero de buffer 		*/
-	if ( cr == CAI_EOF && num+1< nb_buffer)
-		{
-/*CD 		lecture du buffer num a partir de l'adresse num*fd->taille_buffer/2 et de taille */
-/*CD     	fd->taille_buffer*2 (operation interne )				*/
-		num=num+1;
-		ad_deb_buff = num * (fd->taille_buffer /2);
-		cr=cai_lireficDA(
-		  	  fd, /* [E] structure decrivant le fichier de donnees auxiliaires */
-	          	  ad_deb_buff,      /* [E] adresse du premier octet a lire */ 
-        	  	  fd->buffer    /* [E/S] buffer a remplir */
-		  	 );
-/*CD    SI erreur on sort 								*/
-		if (cr != CAI_OK)
-			{
-			goto ERREUR;
-			}
-/* initialisation du numero de buffer */
-		fd->num_buffer=num;
-/*CD       		on met a jour les variables locales  				*/
-		buff_courant = fd->buffer;
-		taille_buff_courant = fd->taille_buffer_lu;
-/*CD		calcul de l'adresse relative du debut de la recherche dans le buffer    */
-/*CD 		ad_deb_buff = ad_deb_buff(donnee par l'operation precedente) -          */
-/*CD				fd->taille buffer/2  ( decalage entre 2 buffers)	*/
-		ad_deb_rel = ad_fin_decodage - (fd->taille_buffer/2);			
-		} 		
-	}
-/*CD FIN TANT QUE statut <> lu et non EOF 						*/
-/*CD	si statut <> lu et EOF on sort en erreur "erreur fichier de DA incomplet (mot cle %s) */
-if (  etat1 != CAI_FINDEC && etat1 != CAI_DEBUTDEC && (cr == CAI_EOF || taille_buff_courant == 0) )
-	{
-	cr == CAI_EOF;
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-	{
-	if (etat1 == CAI_DEBUTDEC && (cr == CAI_EOF || taille_buff_courant == 0) )
-		{
-		type=CAI_BLOC;
-		}
-	}
-/*CD fin de l'operation en cas nominal  				     */
-*nb_col_lu= nb_elt/nb_lig;
-*type_lu = type;
-/*CD fin de l'operation en cas d'erreur 				     */
-*nb_col_lu= nb_elt/nb_lig;
-*type_lu = type;
-/*		 	FIN DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION: cai_deplaceficDA                                               */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE: Cette operation interne cree un trou ou compacte un fichier de DA.  */
-/*	precedenment ouvert en lecture ecriture . 			     */
-/*	ex1 : avant [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++]			     */
-/*	                         |--> deplacement			     */
-/*				 V					     */ 		
-/*                             ad_deb                                        */
-/*	      apres [+++++++++++++   ++++++++++++++]			     */
-/*	                         |--> deplacement			     */
-/*				 V					     */ 		
-/*                             ad_deb                                        */
-/*	ex2 : avant [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++]			     */
-/*	           deplacement<--|					     */
-/*				 V					     */ 		
-/*                             ad_deb                                        */
-/*	      apres [++++++++++++++++++++++++]				     */
-/*	                      |				     	   	     */
-/*			      V						     */ 		
-/*                             ad_deb                                        */
-/* NB: on lit et on ecrit des buffers de taille fd->taille_buffer	     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL:                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION:                                                                  */
-static CAI_OK_KO cai_deplaceficDA(CAI_FILE_DA *fd ,long debut,long deplacement)
-CAI_OK_KO fin_fichier_avant_transfert;	/* fin fichier origine */
-long nb_octets_a_transferer;		/* nombre total d'octets a transferer */
-long nb_octets_transferes;		/* nombre total d'octets transferes */
-long nb_octets_a_lire;			/* longueur courante du buffer a lire */
-long nb_octets_lus;			/* longueur du buffer lu */
-long adresse_debut_buffer;		/* adresse debut courante a lire */
-CAI_OK_KO retour; 
-off_t cr; /* code retour des fonctions appelees */
-long   cr2;
-/*		 	DEBUT DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-retour =lseek(fd->descr,0L,SEEK_END);
-if ( retour == -1) 
-	{
-	 sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur lors d'un lseek sur le fichier de DA");
-	 retour=CAI_PB_LSEEK ;
-	 goto ERREUR; /* pb lseek */
-	}
-if ( debut < 0) {
-	 sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur debut de la zone a deplacer negative (%d)",debut);
-	 retour=CAI_DEB_NEG;
-	 goto ERREUR; /* debut negatif */
-	}
-if ( debut > fin_fichier_avant_transfert) {
-	 sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur debut de la zone a deplacer en dehors du fichier ",debut);
-	 retour=CAI_FIN_DEP;
-	 goto ERREUR; /* pb debut en dehors du fichier */
-	}
-if ( debut + deplacement < 0) {
-	 sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"pb de tassement: deplacement de la zone impossible ");
-	 goto ERREUR; /* pb tassement du fichier en tete */
-	}
-nb_octets_a_transferer=fin_fichier_avant_transfert - debut;
-if ( deplacement >= 0)
-	{
-	adresse_debut_buffer=maxi(debut,fin_fichier_avant_transfert - fd->taille_buffer);
-	}
-	{
-	adresse_debut_buffer=debut;
-	}
-/*CD TANT QUE tous les octets n'ont pas ete transferes */
-while (nb_octets_transferes < nb_octets_a_transferer)
-	{
-	nb_octets_a_lire = mini(fd->taille_buffer, nb_octets_a_transferer - nb_octets_transferes);
-	cr = lseek(fd->descr,adresse_debut_buffer,SEEK_SET);
-	if(  cr != adresse_debut_buffer)
-		{
-	 	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur lors d'un lseek sur le fichier de DA");
-		retour=CAI_PB_LSEEK;
-		goto ERREUR;
-		} 
-	nb_octets_lus = read(fd->descr,fd->buffer,nb_octets_a_lire);
-	if (nb_octets_lus != nb_octets_a_lire)
-		{
-	 	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur de lecture dans le fichier de DA");
-		retour=CAI_PB_READ;
-		goto ERREUR;
-		}
-	cr= lseek(fd->descr,adresse_debut_buffer+deplacement,SEEK_SET);
-	if ( cr != (adresse_debut_buffer + deplacement))
-		{
-	 	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur lors d'un lseek sur le fichier de DA");
-		retour=CAI_PB_LSEEK;
-		goto ERREUR;
-		}
-	cr2=write(fd->descr,fd->buffer,nb_octets_lus);
-	if ( cr2 != nb_octets_lus )
-		{
-	 	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur d'ecriture dans le fichier de DA");
-		retour=CAI_PB_WRITE;
-		goto ERREUR;		
-		}
-	nb_octets_transferes = nb_octets_transferes + nb_octets_lus;
-	if ( deplacement >= 0)
-		{
-		adresse_debut_buffer=maxi( adresse_debut_buffer - fd->taille_buffer,debut);
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		adresse_debut_buffer=mini( adresse_debut_buffer + fd->taille_buffer,fin_fichier_avant_transfert);
-		}
-	}
-/*CD FIN TANT QUE tous les octets n'ont pas ete transferes */
-if (deplacement < 0 )
-	{
-	retour=ftruncate(fd->descr,(size_t)(fin_fichier_avant_transfert+deplacement));
-	if (retour != 0)
-		{
-	 	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur lors d'un ftruncate sur le fichier de DA");
-		retour=CAI_PB_FTRUNC;
-		goto ERREUR;
-		}
-	}
-/*CD fin de l'operation en cas nominal  				     */
-/*CD fin de l'operation en cas d'erreur 				     */
-/*		 	FIN DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION: cai_lireficDA                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE: Cette operation interne lit dans le fichier de DA un buffer a partir*/
-/*    d'une adresse specifiee par l'utilisateur d'un nombre d'octets specifie*/
-/*      par l'utilisateur .                      		             */
-/*         ( utilisation de  lseek , read ) 	     	        	     */
-/*         ( buffer probable de 4096 octets)                                 */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL:                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION:                                                                  */
-/* CODE RETOUR : CAI_OK ou CAI_KO 						     */
-/*   " erreur lors du rewind sur le fichier de DA "			     */
-/*   " erreur lors du fseek sur le fichier de DA ( ad_deb =%d) "	     */ 	
-/*   " erreur a la lecture du fichier de donnees auxiliaires %s"             */
-static CAI_OK_KO cai_lireficDA(CAI_FILE_DA *fd,long  ad_deb,char *buff)
-off_t offset;  /* offset dans le fichier de donnees auxiliaires */
-off_t offreel; /* offset reel obtenu apres lseek */
-long   nb_lus;   /* nombres d'octets lus */
-CAI_OK_KO cr;      /* code retour */	
-/*		 	DEBUT DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*CD on se positionne sur le debut du fichier ( rewind ) 		     */
-/*CD SI erreur on sort "erreur lors du rewind du fichier de DA " 	     */
-if ( offreel == -1)
-	{
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur lors du rewind du fichier %s",fd->nom_fichier);
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*CD on se deplace de ad_deb octets dans le fichier (fseek) 		     */
-/*CD SI erreur on sort " erreur lors du lseek du fichier de DA (ad_deb=%d)"  */  
-if ( offreel == -1)
-	{
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur lors du lseek sur le fichier %s",fd->nom_fichier);
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*CD SI erreur on sort "erreur lors du fseek du fichier de DA " 	     */
-/*CD on lit le buffer ( read )			 	             */
-if (nb_lus == -1)
-	{
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur lors du read sur le fichier %s",fd->nom_fichier);
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-*(buff + nb_lus)= '\0';
-/*CD SI taille_ecrite <> taille buff on sort " erreur a l'ecriture du fichier de donnee ..."       */
-if ( nb_lus != fd->taille_buffer)
-	{
-	fd->taille_buffer_lu=nb_lus;
-	}
-	{
-	fd->taille_buffer_lu=fd->taille_buffer;
-	}
-/*CD fin de l'operation en cas nominal  				     */
-/*CD fin de l'operation en cas d'erreur 				     */
-/*		 	FIN DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION: cai_ecrireficDA                                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE: Cette operation interne ecrit dans un fichier de DA temporaire un buffer a partir*/
-/* 	d'une adresse specifiee par l'utilisateur d'un nombre d'octets specifie*/
-/*      par l'utilisateur .                      		             */
-/*         ( utilisation de rewind , fseek , write ) 			     */
-/*         ( buffer probable de 4096 octets)                                 */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL:                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION:                                                                  */
-/* CODE RETOUR : CAI_OK ou CAI_KO 						     */
-/*   " erreur lors du rewind sur le fichier de DA "			     */
-/*   " erreur lors du fseek sur le fichier de DA ( ad_deb =%d) "	     */ 	
-/*   " erreur a l'ecriture du fichier de donnees auxiliaires %s"             */
-static CAI_OK_KO cai_ecrireficDA(CAI_FILE_DA *fd,long ad_deb,
-				  long taille, char **buff )
-off_t offset;  /* offset dans le fichier de donnees auxiliaires */
-off_t offreel; /* offset reel obtenu apres lseek */
-long   nb_ecrits;   /* nombres d'octets ecrit */
-CAI_OK_KO cr;      /* code retour */	
-/*		 	DEBUT DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*CD on se positionne sur le debut  du fichier ( lseek ) 		     */
-/*CD SI erreur on sort "erreur lors du rewind du fichier de DA " 	     */
-if ( offreel == -1)
-	{
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur lors du lseek sur le fichier %s",fd->nom_fichier);
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*CD on se deplace de ad_deb octets dans le fichier (fseek) 		     */
-/*CD SI erreur on sort " erreur lors du lseek du fichier de DA (ad_deb=%d)"  */  
-if ( offreel == -1)
-	{
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur lors du lseek sur le fichier %s",fd->nom_fichier);
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*CD on ecrit le buffer ( write )			 	             */
-/*CD SI taille_ecrite <> taille buff on sort " erreur a l'ecriture du fichier de donnee ..."       */
-if ( nb_ecrits != taille)
-	{
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur lors du write sur le fichier %s",fd->nom_fichier);
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*CD fin de l'operation en cas nominal  				     */
-/*CD fin de l'operation en cas d'erreur 				     */
-/*		 	FIN DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION: cai_decodedonDA                                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE:  Cette operation interne  decode une donnee sous la forme           */
-/* ENTIER: (( 1 2 24 ) ( 4 5 6 )) ou REEL: ((1. 2. 24.) (4. 5. 6.))          */
-/* ASCII: (( "1" "2" "24" ) ( "4" "5" "6" ))                                 */
-/* BLOC ( donnee vide )							     */
-/* cette operation commence par rechercher la premiere donnee pour determiner*/
-/* le type de donnee puis decode  chaque donnee , alloue la place necessaire */
-/* et parcourt ainsi tout le buffer					     */		  
-/*   NB: Si la donnee est coupee on rend a l'appelant le statut "en cours"   */
-/* ainsi qu'un pointeur sur le caractere suivant la derniere donnee lus et   */
-/* l'etat de l'automate .			                             */
-/* la place est alloue par cette operation mais l'appelant se charge de la   */
-/* liberer si besoin.							     */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ETAT = ( DEBUT DECODAGE <=> ATTENTE ((	0			     */	
-/*          ATTENTE (				1			     */
-/*	    ATTENTE DONNEE			2			     */	
-/*	    ATTENTE DONNEE ou )			3			     */					
-/*	    ATTENTE ) ou (   			4			     */	
-/* 	    FIN decodage   			5			     */	
-/*	    BLOC				6			     */
-/*	    ERREUR parenthese	                11			     */	
-/*	    ERREUR fin de donne prematuree      13			     */	
-/* CARACTERE = (							     */
-/*		)							     */	
-/*		AUTRE							     */
-/*		<       						     */
-/*		BLANC ou TAB ou \N				             */
-/*	etat: CARACTERE  (    )    AUTRE <     BLANC ou TAB ou \n   	     */
-/*	0		 1   11   11     6        0			     */
-/*	1		 2   11   11    13  	  1			     */
-/*	2		11    4    3    13        2			     */
-/*	3		11    4    3    13        3			     */
-/*	4		 2    5   11    13 	  4 			     */
-/*									     */
-/* dans les etats 2 et 3 si l'evenement  = AUTRE on passe a un nouvel        */
-/*   automate	( remarque :si 2 dimensions on passe de l'etat 4 a l'etat 2  */
-/*									     */	
-/* ETAT1 =  Debut decodage donnee			0		     */
-/*	    attente point(reel) ou blanc (entier)	1		     */
-/*          attente " 					2		     */	
-/*          attente BLANC ou TAB ou \n			3		     */		   
-/*	    ENTIER                	 		4	             */
-/*	    chaine de caracteres			5		     */ 	
-/*          REEL 					6		     */
-/*	    erreur donnee				11		     */
-/* CARACTERE1 = .							     */
-/*              "							     */
-/*		BLANC ou TAB ou \n					     */
-/*		CHIFFRE							     */
-/*		SIGNE							     */	
-/*              AUTRE							     */	
-/*									     */
-/*	etat :caractere1 . 	" BLANC ou TAB ou \n ou ) CHIFFRE SIGNE AUTRE*/
-/*	0	         3 	2          11              1      1     11   */	
-/*      1		 3     11           4              1     11     11   */
-/*	2                2      5           2 		   2      2      2   */	
-/*	3		 3     11           6              3      3      3   */  
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL:                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION:                                                                  */
-/* CODE RETOUR : CAI_OK ou CAI_KO 						     */
-/*	"ERREUR donnee non presente ( mot cle %s)"			     */
-/*	"erreur parenthese ( mot cle %s)"				     */
-/*	"erreur fin de donnee prematuree ( mot cle %s)			     */
-/*      "erreur type de donne non reconnu"  				     */
-/*	"erreur de decodage de la donne (mot cle %s) "			     */	 
-static CAI_OK_KO cai_decodedonDA(long taille_buf, char buff[],long ad_deb,
-			   CAI_TYPE *type_lu,int *nb_lig_lu,int *nb_elt_lu,
-			   int *nb_elt_alloc,long *taille_cell_lu, 
-  			   void  **don_lue, CAI_ETAT1 *etat1,long *ad_fin_dec)
-long 	indice;     /* indice de parcourt du buffer */
-CAI_TYPE type;      /* type de la donnee decodee */
-int	nb_lig;     /* nombre de lignes de la donnee */
-int 	nb_elt;     /* nombre d'elements de la donnee */
-long	taille_max; /* taille max d'une cellule CAI_ASCII */
-int	cr;	    /* code retour de la fonction */
-CAI_OK_KO   code;       /* code retour */  
-char    car;	    /* caractere courant traite */
-CAI_ETAT1	etat1_prec; /* etat precedent de niveau 1 */
-CAI_EVT1    evt1;       /* evenement de niveau 1 detectee */
-CAI_ETAT2   etat2;      /* etat de niveau 2 ( determination du type ) */
-CAI_EVT2    evt2;       /* evenement de niveau2			  */
-long    ad_deb_do;   /* adresse de debut de la donnee courante */
-long int *entier;   /* pointeur sur donnees entieres */
-double   *reel;     /* pointeur sur donnees reelles */
-char     *asc;      /* pointeur sur donnees ascii */ 
-int    nb_elt_alloues;/* nombres d'elements alloues */ 
-long	taille;	    /* taille d'une donnee a decoder */		
-int	nb_col;	    /* nombre de colonnes */
-/*		 	DEBUT  DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/* initialisations 							     */
-type= *type_lu;
-nb_lig= *nb_lig_lu;
-nb_elt= *nb_elt_lu;
-taille_max = *taille_cell_lu;
-nb_elt_alloues= *nb_elt_alloc;
-if (type == CAI_ASCII)
-	{
-	asc=(char *) *don_lue;
-	}
-	{
-	if (type == CAI_REEL8)
-		{
-		reel=(double *) *don_lue;
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		if (type == CAI_ENTIER4)
-			{
-			entier=(long int *) *don_lue;
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			asc = (char *)malloc(CAI_TAILLE_MAX_ASCII);
-			if (asc == NULL )
-				{
-				sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur d'allocation lors de la lecture de la donnees");
-				cr=CAI_ERR_ALLOC;
-				goto ERREUR;
-				}
-			reel=(double *)asc;
-			entier=(long int *)asc;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-/* TANT QUE  non erreur et non fin decodage et indice < taille buffer 		*/
-while( *etat1 >= 0 && *etat1 != CAI_FINDEC && indice < taille_buf)
-	{
-/* 	car = buff[indice]						        */
-/* 	etat1_prec=etat1							*/
-	car = buff[indice];	
-	etat1_prec=*etat1;
-/* 	fonction interne testant ( ) < BLANC ou TAB ou n AUTRE 		*/
-	code=cai_analyseDA(
-			car,          /* [E] caractere a tester */
-			&evt1         /* [S] evenement detecte */ 
-		        );
-/*	etat1 = automate1[etat1][evt1]						*/
-	*etat1 = autom1[*etat1][evt1];
-/*      si erreur on affiche le messsage associe et on sort			*/	
-	if (*etat1 > 10)
-		{
-		switch (*etat1) {
-			case CAI_ERR11:cr = CAI_ERR_FORME_FIC;
-				sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur: forme donnee non coherente");  
-				break;
-			case CAI_ERR13:cr = CAI_ERR_FIN_DO;
-				sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur: fin de donnee prematuree"); 
-				break;
-			default:cr = CAI_KO;
-				sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur automate1 non reconnue");
-				break; 
-			}
-		goto ERREUR;
-		}
-/*	si etat1= 2 et etat1_prec=4 			*/
-/*			dim2 = dim2 + 1			*/
-	if ( *etat1 == CAI_ETAT12 && etat1_prec == CAI_ETAT14)
-		{
-		nb_lig=nb_lig + 1;
-		}
-/* sauvegarde ad_deb_do */
-	ad_deb_do=indice+1;
-	if ( *etat1 == CAI_BLOCVIDE )
-		{
-		type=CAI_BLOC;
-		nb_lig=1;
-		nb_elt=0;
-		*etat1 = CAI_FINDEC;
-		}
-/*	SI (etat1=3)					*/
-	if ( *etat1 == CAI_ETAT13)
-		{
-/*		initialisation etat2					        */
-		etat2= CAI_DEBUTYPE;
-/*		sauvegarde ad_deb_do						*/ 
-		ad_deb_do=indice;
-/*		TANT QUE etat2 non REEL et non ENTIER et non ASCII et indice < taille buffer */
-		while ( etat2 != CAI_REEL && etat2 != CAI_ENTIER && etat2 != CAI_ASC && indice <taille_buf )
-			{
-/*		  fonction interne testant . " CHIFFRE SIGNE BLANC AUTRE        */
-			code=cai_typeDA(
-			     car,       /* [E] caractere a tester */
-			     &evt2         /* [S] evenement detecte */ 
-		        	);
-/*		  etat2 = automate2[etat2][evt2]			        */
-			etat2=autom2[etat2][evt2];
-/*      si erreur on affiche le messsage associe et on sort			*/	
-			if (etat2 > 10)
-				{
-				switch (etat2) {
-					case CAI_ERR21:cr = CAI_ERR_TYP;
-					sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur: type de donnee non coherente");  
-					break;
-				default:cr = CAI_KO;
-					sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur automate2 non reconnue");
-					break; 
-					}
-				goto ERREUR;
-				}
-/*		  l'indice est incremente					*/
-			indice ++;
-			car = buff[indice];	
-			}
-/*		FIN TANT QUE non erreur et non REEL et non ENTIER et non ASCII  */
-/* SI on arrive en fin de buffer sans avoir decode la donnee */
-		if ( indice == taille_buf && (etat2 != CAI_REEL || etat2 != CAI_ENTIER || etat2 != CAI_ASC))
-		    {
-			cr= CAI_EOF;
-		    }
-		else
-		   {
-  		   if (etat2 == CAI_ASC || type == CAI_ASCII )
-			{
-			if (etat2 != CAI_ASC || (type != CAI_ASCII && type != CAI_INCONNU))
-				{
-				sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: melange de type dans une meme donnee");
-				cr=CAI_ERR_ASCII;
-				goto ERREUR;
-				}
-			type=CAI_ASCII;
-/*		si CAI_ASCII  allocation et decodage entre ad_deb+1 et ad_fin -1	*/
-/*	     ( verification que la taille est inferieure a la taille max CAI_ASCII) */
-			taille= (indice) - (ad_deb_do) -2 + 1;
-			if (taille  >= CAI_TAILLE_MAX_ASCII)
-				{
-				sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"donnee ascii de taille sup a CAI_TAILLE_MAX_ASCII (%d)",taille);
-				cr=CAI_ERR_ASCII;
-				goto ERREUR;
-				} 
-/* 			allocation de CAI_NB_ALLOC element reel entier et ASCII */
-/*			par un realloc d'un ascii ( taille max) et sscanf(%s)	*/
-			if (nb_elt_alloues <= nb_elt)
-				{
-				asc = (char *)realloc(asc,CAI_TAILLE_MAX_ASCII*(CAI_NB_ALLOC + nb_elt_alloues));
-				if (asc != NULL )
-					{
-					nb_elt_alloues = CAI_NB_ALLOC + nb_elt_alloues;
-					}
-				else
-					{
-					sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur d'allocation lors de la lecture de la donnees");
-					cr=CAI_ERR_ALLOC;
-					goto ERREUR;
-					}
-				}
-				strncpy(asc + (nb_elt*CAI_TAILLE_MAX_ASCII),buff+ad_deb_do+1,taille-1);
-				*(asc + (nb_elt)*CAI_TAILLE_MAX_ASCII +taille -1 )='\0';
-/*			   taille_max = sup (taille_max,taille)     */
-			taille_max=maxi(taille,taille_max);
-/*		nbelt = nbelt + 1						*/
-			nb_elt=nb_elt +1;
-			}
-		   else
-			{
-			 indice--;
-/*		si REEL allocation et decodage entre ad_deb et ad_fin-1   	*/
-/*			par un realloc d'un reel et sscanf(%lf)			*/
-			if (etat2 == CAI_REEL || type == CAI_REEL8)
-				{
-				if (etat2 != CAI_REEL || (type != CAI_REEL8 && type != CAI_INCONNU))
-					{
-					sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: melange de types dans une meme donnee");
-					cr=CAI_ERR_REEL;
-					goto ERREUR;
-					}
-				type = CAI_REEL8;				
-/* 			allocation de CAI_NB_ALLOC element reel  */
-				if (nb_elt_alloues <= nb_elt)
-					{
-					reel=(double *)realloc(reel,sizeof(double)*(CAI_NB_ALLOC + nb_elt_alloues));
-					if (reel != NULL )
-						{
-						nb_elt_alloues = CAI_NB_ALLOC + nb_elt_alloues;
-						}
-					else
-						{
-						sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur d'allocation lors de la lecture de la donnees");
-						cr=CAI_ERR_ALLOC;
-						goto ERREUR;
-						}
-					}
-				code=sscanf(buff+ad_deb_do," %lf",reel+nb_elt);
-				if (code != 1)
-					{
-					sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur de decodage de la donnee reelle (element %d)",nb_elt);
-					cr=CAI_ERR_REEL;
-					goto ERREUR;
-					}
-				}
-			else							
-				{
-				if (etat2 != CAI_ENTIER || (type != CAI_ENTIER4 && type != CAI_INCONNU))
-					{
-					sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: melange de type dans une meme donnee");
-					cr=CAI_ERR_ENTIER;
-					goto ERREUR;
-					}
-				type = CAI_ENTIER4;
-/*		si ENTIER allocation et decodage entre ad_deb et ad_fin -1	*/
-/*			par un realloc d'un entier4 et sscanf(%d)		*/
-/* 			allocation de CAI_NB_ALLOC element entier  */
-				if (nb_elt_alloues <= nb_elt)
-					{
-					entier=(long int *)realloc(entier,sizeof(long int)*(CAI_NB_ALLOC+nb_elt_alloues));
-					if (entier != NULL )
-						{
-						nb_elt_alloues = CAI_NB_ALLOC + nb_elt_alloues;
-						}
-					else
-						{
-						sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur d'allocation lors de la lecture de la donnees");
-						cr=CAI_ERR_ALLOC;
-						goto ERREUR;
-						}
-					}
-				code =sscanf(buff+ad_deb_do," %ld",
-						entier+nb_elt);
-				if (code != 1)
-					{
-					sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur de decodage de la donnee entier(element %d)",nb_elt);
-					cr=CAI_ERR_ENTIER;
-					goto ERREUR;
-					}
-				}
-/*		nbelt = nbelt + 1						*/			
-			nb_elt=nb_elt +1;
-			}
-/* FIN SI on arrive en fin de buffer sans avoir decode la donnee */
-/* on se positionne sur le dernier caractere de la donnee 	*/
-		   indice--;
-		   }
-		*etat1 = CAI_ETAT12;
-/* FIN SI (etat1=3)					*/
-		}
-/*	FIN SI									*/
-/*      l'indice est incremente						  	*/
-	indice++;
-	}
-/* FIN TANT QUE  non erreur et non fin decodage et indice < taille buffer 	*/
-if (indice == taille_buf)
-	{
-	cr=CAI_EOF;
-	}
-if (*etat1 == CAI_FINDEC)
-	{ 
-/* nb_col = nbelt  nb_lig						  	*/
-	nb_col = (nb_elt/nb_lig);
-/* SI nb_lig . nb_col <> nbelt alors erreur dans le nombre d'elements d'une ligne*/
-	if ( (nb_lig * nb_col) != nb_elt)
-		{
-		sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Nombre d'elements decodes incoherent (nb_elt:%d nb_lig:%d)",nb_elt,nb_lig);
-		cr=CAI_ERR_DIM;
-		goto ERREUR;
-		}
-	}
-/* nb_elt_lu = nb_elt							     */
-/* nb_lig_lu = dim2 							     */
-/* etat1 = etat1							     */
-/* type_lu  = type							     */
-/* taille_cell_lu= CAI_REEL8 ou CAI_ENTIER4 ou CAI_ASCII( taille max ) 	             */
-/* ad_fin_dec= ad_fin  ( pour lecture du prochain buffer si besoin) 	     */  
-if (type == CAI_ASCII)
-	{
-	*don_lue=(void *)asc;
-	}
-	{
-	if (type == CAI_REEL8)
-		{
-		*don_lue=(void *)reel;
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		*don_lue=(void *)entier;
-		}
-	}
-/*CD fin de l'operation en cas nominal  				     */
-/*CD fin de l'operation en cas d'erreur 				     */
-/* affectation pour pouvoir liberer la place allouee ( par l'appelant )*/
-if (type == CAI_ASCII)
-	{
-	*don_lue=(void *)asc;
-	}
-	{
-	if (type == CAI_REEL8)
-		{
-		*don_lue=(void *)reel;
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		*don_lue=(void *)entier;
-		}
-	}
-/*		 	FIN DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION: cai_analyseDA                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE: Cette operation interne est un automate qui teste les caracteres    */
-/*       ( , ) , AUTRE , <  , BLANC ou TAB ou  \N		             */
-/* 									     */
-/*      								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL:                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION:                                                                  */
-/* CODE RETOUR : CAI_OK ou CAI_KO 						     */
-static CAI_OK_KO cai_analyseDA(char car, CAI_EVT1 *evt1)
-/*		 	DEBUT DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*CD si  char = '('  evt1 = 0 					*/
-if (car == '(' )
-	{
-	*evt1 = CAI_PAR_OUV;
-	}
-	{
-/*CD sinon si  char = ')' evt1 = 1 				*/
-	if (car == ')' )
-		{
-		*evt1 = CAI_PAR_FERM;
-		}
-	else
-		{
-/*CD 	   sinon si char = '<' evt1 = 3 			*/
-		if (car == '<' )
-			{
-			*evt1=CAI_INF;
-			}
-		else
-			{
-/*CD 		 sinon si char = BLANC ou TAB ou n evt1= 4 	*/
-			if (car==' ' || car=='	' || car=='\n')
-				{
-				*evt1=CAI_BLANC;
-				}
-			else
-				{		
-/*CD		       sinon evt1 = 2 				*/
-				*evt1=CAI_DONNEE;
-				}
-/*CD			fin si					*/
-			}
-/*CD		 fin si						*/
-		}
-/*CD	   fin si						*/
-	}
-/*CD fin si							*/	
-        return(CAI_OK);	
-/*		 	FIN DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION: cai_typeDA                                                     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE: Cette operation interne est un automate qui teste les caracteres    */
-/*       . , " , BLANC ou TAB ou \n ou ), CHIFFRE	, SIGNE	, AUTRE	     */	
-/* 									     */
-/*      								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL:                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION:                                                                  */
-/* CODE RETOUR : CAI_OK ou CAI_KO 					     */
-static CAI_OK_KO cai_typeDA(char car, CAI_EVT2 *evt2)
-/*		 	DEBUT DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*CD si  char = '.'  evt1 = 0 					*/
-if (car == '.' )
-	{
-	*evt2=CAI_POINT;
-	}
-	{
-/*CD sinon si  char = '"' evt1 = 1 				*/
-	if (car=='"' )
-		{
-		*evt2=CAI_GUILL;
-		}
-	else
-		{
-/*CD 	   sinon si char = BLANC ou TAB ou \n ou ) evt1 = 2 	*/
-		if (car==' ' || car=='	' || car=='\n' || car==')' )
-			{
-			*evt2=CAI_ESPACE;
-			}
-			{
-/*CD 		 sinon si char = CHIFFRE  (isdigit) evt1= 3       	*/
-			if ( isdigit(car) != 0)
-				{
-				*evt2=CAI_CHIFFRE;
-				}
-			else
-				{
-/*CD		       sinon si char = SIGNE  evt1= 4	        */
-				if ( car == '+' || car =='-')
-					{
-					*evt2=CAI_SIGNE;
-					}
-				else
-					{
-/*CD			     sinon evt1= 5			*/	
-					*evt2=CAI_AUTRE;
-					}
-				}
-/*CD		       fin si					*/
-			}
-/*CD		 fin si						*/
-		}
-/*CD	   fin si						*/
-	}
-/*CD fin si							*/
-        return(CAI_OK);
-/*		 	FIN DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*                                                                           	*/
-/* OPERATION: cai_recherchecleDA                                               	*/
-/*                                                                           	*/
-/* ROLE: Cette operation interne recherche un mot cle dans le buffer buff.   	*/
-/*  (de taille specifiee dans CAI_FILE_DA). on retourne le mot  cle, sa longueur  	*/
-/*  et l'adresse dans le tableau du caractere suivant le mot cle .           	*/
-/* NB: attention au cas ou le mot cle est coupe on renvoie un statut 		*/
-/*  "non trouve" comme si rien n'avait pu etre detecte                          */
-/*                                                                           	*/
-/* ETAT = ( DEBUT DECODAGE <=> ATTENTE <	0				*/
-/*          ATTENTE >				1				*/
-/*          FIN DECODAGE			2	|			*/
-/*          ERREUR Syntaxe (<...<) 		CAI_ERR_CROCHET	| status de	*/
-/*          ERREUR Donnee non presente		CAI_EOF| retour			*/
-/*          ERREUR fin de donnee prematuree	CAI_PAS_MC	|		*/
-/*										*/
-/* CARACTERE = <  >  AUTRE  FIN_FICHIER						*/
-/*										*/
-/*	Etat : CARACTERE     	<	>	AUTRE	FIN_FICHIER		*/
-/*	0			 1	 0	0	-1			*/
-/*	1			-25	 2	1	-24			*/
-/*                                                                           	*/
-/*                                                                           	*/
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL:                                                         	*/
-/*                                                                           	*/
-/* VERSION:                                                                  	*/
-/*										*/
-static CAI_OK_KO cai_recherchecleDA(long taille_buf,char *buff,
-				    long ad_deb,char *mot_cle,long *ad_suiv)
-long	retour;			/* code retour */
-char *	indice;		     	/* indice de parcourt du buffer */
-int	nb_car;			/* nombre de caracteres du mot cle */
-char	*ad;			/* adresse d'un caractere */
-long	adr_deb_mot;		/* adresse debut de mot cle */
-CAI_ETAT3	etat;			/* etat de niveau 3 */
-CAI_EVT3	evt3;			/* evenement de niveau 3 */
-char	c;			/* caractere courant traite */
-/*		 	DEBUT DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*CD Initialisation : On se positionne a l'adresse a partir de laquelle il 	*/
-/*CD		      faut scanner le buffer 					*/
-/*CD On recherche le premier caractere < (strchr)				*/
-indice =(char *) strchr ((char *)(buff+ad_deb), '<');
-/*CD Si le code retour de strchr est NULL (< non trouve), erreur rencontree,	*/
-if (indice == NULL)
-	{
-	retour = CAI_EOF;
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"erreur: pas de mots cle a partir de l adresse %d", ad_deb); 
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*CD On sauvegarde l'adresse relative  de debut du mot cle			*/
-adr_deb_mot = (long)(indice - buff) + 1;
-/*CD On utilise un automate pour analyser les caracteres (en les comptant) ;	*/
-/*CD	on sort de l'analyse avec :  2 fin decodage ok				*/
-/*CD				     -1 erreur syntaxe ( <    < )		*/
-/*CD				     -3 On n'a pas assez de donnees pour 	*/
-/*CD					analyser integralement le mot cle       */
-etat = 0;
-nb_car = 0;
-while (etat != 2 && etat != CAI_PAS_MC && etat != CAI_ERR_CROCHET)
-	{
-	ad = (char *)(indice + nb_car);
-	c = *ad;
-	nb_car = nb_car + 1;
-	retour =cai_mot_cleDA(c,       		/* [E] caractere a tester */
-			      &evt3);         	/* [S] evenement detecte */ 
-	etat = autom3 [etat] [evt3];
-	}
-nb_car = nb_car -2;
-/*CD si etat erreur : envoi message */
-if (etat == CAI_PAS_MC)
-	{
-	retour = CAI_PAS_MC;
-	sprintf (CAI_ERREUR,"le mot cle n'est pas inclu entierement dans le buffer");
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-if (etat == CAI_ERR_CROCHET )
-	{
-	retour = CAI_ERR_CROCHET;
-	sprintf (CAI_ERREUR,"2 crochets ouvrant < < ont ete detecte dans le mot cle");
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*CD si mot cle trop long, erreur */
-if (nb_car > CAI_TAILLE_MAX_CLEDA)
-	{
-	retour = CAI_CLE_TROP_LONG;
-	sprintf (CAI_ERREUR,"le mot cle est trop long");
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*CD si decodage ok et si le mot cle n'est pas trop long,			*/
-if (etat ==2 )
-	{
-/*CD 	sauvegarde du mot cle, de sa longueur, et de l'adresse du premier	*/
-/*CD	caractere suivant le mot cle						*/
-	memcpy (mot_cle,(indice + 1), nb_car);
-	*(mot_cle + nb_car) = '\0';
-	*ad_suiv = adr_deb_mot + nb_car + 1;
-	}
-/* Fin du traitement nominal			        		     */
-retour = CAI_OK;
-return (retour);
-/* traitement degrade : 			        		     */
-return (retour);
-/*		 	FIN DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION: cai_decodeautom3DA                                             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE: Cette operation interne est un automate qui teste les caracteres    */
-/*       < > fin_buffer blanc (' ' '\n') autre				     */	
-/* 									     */
-/*      								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL:                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION:                                                                  */
-/* CODE RETOUR : CAI_OK ou CAI_KO 						     */
-static CAI_OK_KO cai_mot_cleDA(char car, CAI_EVT3 *evt3)
-/*		 	DEBUT DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*CD si  char = ' ' ou \n  	evt3 = ESPACE					*/
-/*CD si  char = '<' 		evt3 = INFERIEUR				*/
-/*CD si char = '>' 		evt3 = SUPERIEUR				*/
-/*CD si char = \0  		evt3 = FIN     					*/
-/*CD sinon 			evt3 = AUTRES  		      			*/
-switch (car)
-	{
-	case (' ') :
-		*evt3 = CAI_ESPACE;
-		break;
-	case  ('\n') :
-		*evt3 = CAI_ESPACE;
-		break;
-	case '<' :
-		*evt3 = CAI_INFERIEUR;
-		break;
-	case '>' :
-		*evt3 = CAI_SUPERIEUR;
-		break;
-	case '\0' :
-		*evt3 = CAI_FIN;
-		break;
-	default:
-		*evt3 = CAI_AUTRES;
-		break;
-	}
-return (CAI_OK);
-/*		 	FIN DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION:  cai_ecritDA_buf                                               */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE:  Cette operation ecrit une DA dans un buffer			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL:                                                         */
-/*	Cette operation doit etre appelee apres ouverture prealable fichier  */
-/*	de Donnees Auxiliaires						     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION:                                                                  */
-/*									     */
-/* CODE RETOUR : CAI_OK ou CAI_KO					     */
-/*  si CAI_KO, l'erreur peut etre affichee via la variable globale CAI_ERREUR*/
-/*	" fichier de donnees auxiliaires %s non ouvert "		     */
-/*	" erreur de positionnement en fin de fichier "			     */
-/*	" erreur d'ecriture dans le fichier "				     */
-static CAI_OK_KO cai_ecritDA_buf(CAI_FILE_DA *fd,char *mot_cle,
-				 CAI_TYPE type,int nb_lig,int nb_col,
-			         long taille_cell, void *donnee,
-				 int indic_ecrit,char **da_ascii)
-CAI_OK_KO	retour;				/* code retour des fonctions */
-char	don_ascii[CAI_TAILLE_MAX_LIGDA];/* buffer contenant une donnee en ascii */
-char	* pt_don;			/* pointeur sur don_ascii utilise pour l'ascii */
-char 	* pt_ascii;			/* pointe sur da_ascii a l'emplacement du premier caractere libre*/
-int	lig;				/* indice de boucle sur les lignes */
-int	col;				/* indice de boucle sur les colonnes */	
-char	* pt_deb_lig;			/* pointe sur da_ascii a l'adresse de debut de derniere ligne 	*/
-int	nb_bloc;			/* nombre de blocs de CAI_TAILLE_BUFFER alloues pour da_ascii */
-long	*dbentier;			/* pointeur sur variable entiere double */
-float	*reel;				/* pointeur sur variable reelle simple precision */
-double	*dbreel;			/* pointeur sur variable double precision */
-long	longueur;			/* longueur significative d'un buffer */
-long	sauv_diff_deb;			/* difference d'adresse entre derniere ligne du buffer et debut du buffer */
-long	sauv_diff_cour;			/* difference d'adresse entre premier element libre du buffer et debut du buffer */
-char *    tempo;
-/*		 	DEBUT DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*CD initialisation des types */
-dbentier = (long *) donnee;
-reel = (float *) donnee;
-dbreel = (double *) donnee;
-/*CD Allocation d'un espace memoire pour le buffer d'ecriture de la donnee 	*/
-/*CD auxiliaire									*/
-/*CD (il faut essayer d'allouer un maximum de place representative afin 	*/
-/*CD d'eviter un trop grand nombre de realloc)					*/
-*da_ascii = NULL;
-*da_ascii = (char *)malloc (CAI_TAILLE_BUFFER);
-if (*da_ascii== NULL) 
-	{
-	retour = CAI_ERR_ALLOC;
-	sprintf (CAI_ERREUR," erreur allocation memoire pour DA ascii ");
-	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-         nb_bloc = 1;
-/*CD On ecrit dans le buffer, avec la syntaxe desiree le mot cle suivi d'un \n 	*/
-sprintf (*da_ascii, "<%s>\n", mot_cle);
-pt_ascii = *da_ascii + strlen (*da_ascii);
-pt_deb_lig = pt_ascii;
-/*CD Initialisation d'une ligne de caracteres ascii, si des donnees sont 	*/
-/*CD a ecrire									*/
-if ((nb_lig != 0 && nb_col != 0 ) || type == CAI_BLOC)
-	{
-	if (type == CAI_BLOC)
-		{
-		nb_lig=0;
-		}
-	else
-		{
-		*pt_deb_lig = '(';
-		pt_ascii = pt_ascii + 1;
-		}
-	}
-/*CD POUR chaque ligne des donnees						*/
-for (lig=0; lig < nb_lig; lig++)
-	{
-/*CD	Initialisation ( pour chaque ligne					*/
-	strcpy (pt_ascii ,"( ");
-	pt_ascii = pt_ascii + 2;
-/*CD	POUR chaque colonne de donnees						*/
-	for (col=0; col < nb_col; col++)
-		{
-/*CD 		Suivant le type des donnees (entier  double, 		        */
-/*CD		reel simple ou double, ascii), on ecrit dans le buffer 		*/
-/*CD		DON_ASCII dans un format donne (%d, %f, %lf, %s) la donnee	*/
-/*CD		suivie d'un blanc						*/
-		switch (type)
-			{
-			case CAI_ENTIER4:
-				sprintf(don_ascii, "%d ",
-				    *(dbentier+(nb_col*lig + col)) );
-				break;
-			case CAI_REEL4:
-				sprintf(don_ascii, "%#.6g ", *(reel+(nb_col*lig + col)));
-				break;
-			case CAI_REEL8:
-				sprintf(don_ascii, "%#.14g ", *(dbreel+(nb_col*lig + col)));
-				break;
-			case CAI_ASCII:
-				pt_don = don_ascii;
-				sprintf(pt_don, "\"");
-				pt_don = pt_don + 1;
-				tempo=((char *)donnee+(nb_col*lig + col)*taille_cell);
-				longueur = strlen (tempo);
-				memcpy (pt_don, tempo, longueur);
-				pt_don = pt_don + longueur;
-				sprintf(pt_don,"\" \0");
-				break;
-			default:
-				retour = CAI_ERREUR_ENCODE;
-				sprintf (CAI_ERREUR," erreur ecriture en ascii de donnee ");
-				goto ERREUR;
-			}
-/*CD		On determine la longueur significative de ce buffer DON_ASCII (sans \0)	*/
-		longueur = strlen (don_ascii);
-/*CD		SI cette longueur + taille significative de da_ascii + \n))\n\0 est 	*/
-/*CD		superieure a la taille allouee pour da_ascii, on se realloue		*/
-/*CD		de la place 								*/
-		if ( (longueur+5 + (long) pt_ascii - (long)&(**da_ascii)) > (CAI_TAILLE_BUFFER*nb_bloc) )
-			{
-			nb_bloc = nb_bloc + 1;
-			sauv_diff_deb = (long) pt_deb_lig - (long)&(**da_ascii);
-			sauv_diff_cour = (long) pt_ascii - (long)&(**da_ascii);
-			*da_ascii = (char *)realloc (*da_ascii, (CAI_TAILLE_BUFFER*nb_bloc));
-			if (*da_ascii== NULL) 
-				{
-				retour = CAI_ERR_ALLOC;
-				sprintf (CAI_ERREUR,
-		" erreur re-allocation memoire pour DA ascii-bloc %d ",
-			 nb_bloc);
-				goto ERREUR;
-				}
-			pt_deb_lig = *da_ascii + sauv_diff_deb;
-			pt_ascii =  *da_ascii + sauv_diff_cour;
-			}
-/*CD		SI avec cette longueur + taille de ligne est superieure a CAI_TAILLE_MAX_LIGDA caracteres	*/
-/*CD			A l'adresse courante  on ecrit \n dans le buffer da_ascii	                        */
-		if ( (longueur + (long)pt_ascii - (long)pt_deb_lig) >= CAI_TAILLE_MAX_LIGDA)
-			{
-			*pt_ascii = '\n';
-			pt_ascii = pt_ascii + 1;
-			pt_deb_lig = pt_ascii;
-			}
-/*CD		On recopie les donnees significatives de DON_ASCII dans le 	*/
-/*CD		buffer da_ascii a l'adresse pointeur				*/
-		strcpy (pt_ascii, don_ascii);
-		pt_ascii = pt_ascii + longueur;
-		}	/*CD 	FIN POUR (col)					*/
-/*CD	Initialisation ) apres les donnees de la ligne				*/
-/*CD	SI longueur de la ligne < CAI_TAILLE_MAX_LIGDA alors			*/
-/*CD		on ecrit \n							*/
-/*CD	SINON 									*/
-/*CD		on ecrit \n)\n							*/
-	if (lig != (nb_lig-1))
-		{
-		if ((pt_ascii - pt_deb_lig + 2) < (CAI_TAILLE_MAX_LIGDA) )
-			{
-			strcpy (pt_ascii ,")\n");
-			pt_ascii = pt_ascii + 2;
-			pt_deb_lig = pt_ascii;
-			}
-		else
-			{
-			strcpy (pt_ascii ,"\n)\n");
-			pt_ascii = pt_ascii + 3;
-			pt_deb_lig = pt_ascii;
-			}
-		}
-	else		/*CD on traite le cas de la derniere ligne */
-		{
-		if ((pt_ascii - pt_deb_lig + 3) < (CAI_TAILLE_MAX_LIGDA) )
-			{
-			strcpy (pt_ascii ,"))\n");
-			pt_ascii = pt_ascii + 3;
-			pt_deb_lig = pt_ascii;
-			}
-		else 
-			{
-			if ((pt_ascii - pt_deb_lig + 2) < (CAI_TAILLE_MAX_LIGDA) )
-				{
-				strcpy (pt_ascii ,")\n)\n");
-				pt_ascii = pt_ascii + 4;
-				pt_deb_lig = pt_ascii;
-				}
-			else
-				{
-				strcpy (pt_ascii ,"\n))\n");
-				pt_ascii = pt_ascii + 4;
-				pt_deb_lig = pt_ascii;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-}	/*CD FIN POUR (lig)					*/
-/*CD On ecrit \0 en fin de buffer						*/
-/*CD Si l'utilisateur le desire on ecrit en fin de fichier le buffer 		*/
-if (indic_ecrit == 1)
-	{
-/*CD 	On se positionne a la fin du fichier de DA.				*/
-	retour = lseek(fd->descr, 0L, SEEK_END);
-	if (retour == -1)
-		{
-		retour = CAI_PB_LSEEK;
-		sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Dans ajouteDA, erreur positionnement en fin de fichier");
-		goto ERREUR;
-		}
-/*CD 	On ecrit le buffer dans le fichier */
-	longueur = (long) strlen(*da_ascii);
-	write (fd->descr, *da_ascii, longueur);
-	} 	/* fin ecriture fichier */
-/*CD re-initialisations des pointeurs de la structure CAI_FILE_DA     		*/
-/*CD ( buffers de lecture , liste de mots cles , longueurs ...)			*/ 
-if (indic_ecrit == 1) {   
-	fd->num_buffer=-1;
-	fd->nb_mot_cle=-1;
-	if (fd->liste_mot_cle != NULL)
-	{
-	   free(fd->liste_mot_cle);
-          fd->liste_mot_cle=NULL;
-	}
-	if (fd->ad_mot_cle != NULL)
-	{
-	  free(fd->ad_mot_cle);
-	  fd->ad_mot_cle=NULL;
-	}
-	if (fd->ad_donnee != NULL)
-	{
-	   free(fd->ad_donnee);
-	   fd->ad_donnee=NULL;
-        }
-/* Fin du traitement nominal			        		     */
-retour = CAI_OK;
-return (retour);
-/* traitement degrade : 			        		     */
-        fd->num_buffer=-1;
-        fd->nb_mot_cle=-1;
-	if (fd->liste_mot_cle != NULL)
-	{
-	   free(fd->liste_mot_cle);
-          fd->liste_mot_cle=NULL;
-	}
-	if (fd->ad_mot_cle != NULL)
-	{
-	  free(fd->ad_mot_cle);
-	  fd->ad_mot_cle=NULL;
-	}
-	if (fd->ad_donnee != NULL)
-	{
-	   free(fd->ad_donnee);
-	   fd->ad_donnee=NULL;
-        }
-return (retour);
-/*		 	FIN DE L'OPERATION	        		     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION:  cai_lecture_colormap                                          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE:  lecture de la colormap dans les DA             		     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL:                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION:                                                                  */
-/*									     */
-/* CODE RETOUR : CAI_OK ou CAI_KO					     */
-/*  si CAI_KO, l'erreur peut etre affichee via la variable globale CAI_ERREUR*/
-/*									     */
- CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_colormap(CAI_IMAGE  *fdima)
-  CAI_MODE_OUVERTURE  mode;  /* mode de lecture du fichier de DA   	*/
-  char  mot_cle[9];	     /*  mot cle associe aux donnees colormap   */
-  CAI_TYPE   type;           /* type des donnees a lire                 */
-  int	  nb_lig;            /* nombre de lignes du tableau a lire 	*/
-  int	  nb_col;	     /* nombre de colonnes du tableau a lire	*/
-  long	  taille_cell;	     /* taille maxi en octets d'un element	*/
-			     /*     (significatif si type = ascii)	*/
-  CAI_OK_KO icr;	     /* compte-rendu de la fonction             */
-  CAI_FILE_DA  *fd;          /* Descripteur du fichier DA               */
-  char fic_DA[1024];	     /* nom fichier de donnees auxillaires      */
-  strcpy(fic_DA,fdima->NOM_IMAGE);
-/*** Ouverture du fichier de donnees auxilliaires ***/
-  mode = CAI_LECTURE;
-  fd=cai_openDA(fic_DA,fdima->TYPE_IMAGE,fdima->NB_CANAUX,mode);	
-  if (fd == NULL)
-  {
-    /*--- il n'y a pas de donnees Colormap ---*/
-    fdima->COLORMAP=0;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-/*** Recherche des caracteristiques des donnees Colormap ***/
-     strcpy(mot_cle,"COLORMAP");
-     mot_cle[8]='\0';
-     icr=cai_lirecaractDA(fd,mot_cle,&type,&nb_lig,&nb_col,&taille_cell);
-     if (icr != CAI_OK)
-       /*--- il n'y a pas de donnees Colormap ---*/
-       fdima->COLORMAP=0;
-     else
-     {
-/***      Lecture des donnees de Colormap ***/
-          fdima->TABCOLOR = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*768);
-	  icr = cai_lireDA(fd,mot_cle,&type,&nb_lig,&nb_col,
-			   &taille_cell,fdima->TABCOLOR);
-          if (icr == CAI_KO)
-               goto ERREUR;
-	  fdima->COLORMAP = nb_col*nb_lig;
-      }
-/*** Fermeture du fichier de Donnees Auxilliaires ***/
-     icr = cai_closeDA(fd);
-   }
-   return (CAI_OK);
-   return(CAI_KO);
-	Fin de l'operation cai_lecture_colormap
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION:  cai_ecriture_colormap                                          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE:  ecriture de la colormap dans les DA             		     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL:                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION:                                                                  */
-/*									     */
-/* CODE RETOUR : CAI_OK ou CAI_KO					     */
-/*  si CAI_KO, l'erreur peut etre affichee via la variable globale CAI_ERREUR*/
-/*									     */
- CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_colormap(CAI_IMAGE  *fdima)
-  CAI_MODE_OUVERTURE  mode;  /* mode de lecture du fichier de DA   	*/
-  char  mot_cle[13];	     /*  mot cle associe aux donnees colormap   */
-  CAI_TYPE   type;           /* type des donnees a ecrire               */
-  int	  nb_lig;            /* nombre de lignes du tableau a ecrire	*/
-  int	  nb_col;	     /* nombre de colonnes du tableau a ecrire  */
-  CAI_OK_KO icr;	     /* compte-rendu de la fonction             */
-  CAI_FILE_DA  *fd;          /* Descripteur du fichier DA               */
-  int Infos[3];              /* infos colormap pour attribution R V B   */
-  int taille_cell;
-  char fic_DA[1024];
-  strcpy(fic_DA,fdima->NOM_IMAGE);
-/*** Ouverture du fichier de donnees auxilliaires ***/
-  mode = CAI_ECRITURE;
-  fd=cai_openDA(fic_DA,fdima->TYPE_IMAGE,fdima->NB_CANAUX,mode);	
-  if (fd == NULL)
-     goto ERREUR;
-  else
-  {
-/*** Initialisation et ecriture du champ infos colormap ***/
-     strcpy(mot_cle,"COLORMAPINFO");
-     mot_cle[12]='\0';
-     nb_lig=1;
-     nb_col=3;
-     type = CAI_ENTIER4;
-     taille_cell= sizeof (int);
-     Infos[0]=1;
-     Infos[1]=1;
-     Infos[2]=1;
-     icr = cai_ajouteDA(fd,mot_cle,type,nb_lig,
-			nb_col,taille_cell,Infos);
-     if (icr == CAI_KO)
-        goto ERREUR;
-/*** Initialisation des caracteristiques des donnees Colormap ***/
-     strcpy(mot_cle,"COLORMAP");
-     mot_cle[8]='\0';
-     nb_lig=3;
-     nb_col=256;
-     type = CAI_ENTIER4;
-     taille_cell= sizeof (int);
-/*** Ecriture des donnees de Colormap ***/
-     icr = cai_ajouteDA(fd,mot_cle,type,nb_lig,
-			nb_col,taille_cell,fdima->TABCOLOR);
-     if (icr == CAI_KO)
-        goto ERREUR;
-/*** Fermeture du fichier de Donnees Auxilliaires ***/
-     icr = cai_closeDA(fd);
-   }
-   return (CAI_OK);
-   return(CAI_KO);
-	Fin de l'operation cai_ecriture_colormap
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_arcinfo.c b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_arcinfo.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 0f33a0b6eae49e2b89919c7d8f150710db66ed5f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_arcinfo.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1402 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                           */
-/* PROJET :    COUCHE ACCES IMAGE                                            */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MODULE :    cai_arcinfo.c                                                 */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE   :    Ce module rassemble toutes les fonctions d'acces aux images   */
-/* -------     stockees au format arcinfo version 7.4 et superieure          */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* AUTEUR :      R.CHAISEMARTIN     (CISI)                                   */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* DATE DE CREATION :    fevrier 1995                                        */
-/* -----------------						             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* LANGAGE : C                                                               */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V2                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                Inclusion des fichiers STANDARDS (.h)                      */
-# include <stdio.h>
-# include <string.h>
-# include <sys/types.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-# include <sys/stat.h>
-# include <fcntl.h>
-#define _CAI_IMAGE
-# include "cai_image.h"
-/* Variable pour la  gestion en configuration                                 */
-static char *rcs_id="$Header: cai_arcinfo.c,v 1.5 00/11/29 11:02:59 cmf Exp $";
-extern char *getenv();
-static void invert_oct();
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                Definition des OPERATIONS EXTERNES                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_liste_ima_arcinfo                                      */
-/* ----------                                                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de listage des images au format arcinfo                */
-/* ------                                                                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :      int cai_liste_ima_arcinfo(repert,tab_ima)         */
-/* -----------------                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     repert       (E) (char *)   : repertoire a explorer		     */
-/*     tab_ima      (S) (char ***) : pointeur sur tableau des images listees */
-/*                                    alloue par la fonction,il doit etre    */
-/*                                    LIBERE PAR L'APPELANT                  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_liste_ima_arcinfo   (S) (int)     : = -1 repertoire inexistant    */                                    /*					       = > 0 nombre d'images listees */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION :  V2                                                             */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-int cai_liste_ima_arcinfo (repert,
-		           tab_ima)
-char *repert;
-char ***tab_ima;
-   DIR *dirp;		/* pointeur sur structure ouverture repertoire */
-   struct dirent *dp;   /* structure resultat de la fonction readdir   */
-   char *pch0,*pch1;    /* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres          */
-   char *pch2,*pch3;    /* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres          */
-   char car;            /* variable de travail                         */  
-   int nb_ima;          /* nombre d'images arcinfo identifiees         */
-   int i;               /* indice de boucle                            */
-   INITIALISATION et ouverture du repertoire choisi
-  .........................................*/
-   nb_ima=0;
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   if(dirp!=NULL)
-   {
-   premiere passe pour comptabiliser les images du format donne
-      (EXTENSION =.lan ou .gis)
-     ..........................................*/
-   while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-   {
-     car='.';
-     pch0=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-     if (pch0 != NULL)
-     {
-       car='g';
-       pch1=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-       if ((pch1 != NULL)&&(pch1==pch0+1))
-       {
-         car='i';
-         pch2=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-         if ((pch2 != NULL)&&(pch2==pch1+1))
-         {
-           car='s';
-           pch3=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-           if ((pch3 != NULL)&&(pch3==pch2+1))
-           {
-              *pch0='\0';
-              *pch1=' ';
-	      *pch2=' ';
-              *pch3=' ';
-	      nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-           }
-         }
-       }
-       else
-       {
-         car='l';
-         pch1=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-         if ((pch1 != NULL)&&(pch1==pch0+1))
-         {
-           car='a';
-           pch2=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-           if ((pch2 != NULL)&&(pch2==pch1+1))
-           {
-             car='n';
-             pch3=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-             if ((pch3 != NULL)&&(pch3==pch2+1))
-             {
-                *pch0='\0';
-                *pch1=' ';
-	        *pch2=' ';
-                *pch3=' ';
-	        nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-             }
-           }
-         }
-       }
-     }
-   }
-    (void)closedir(dirp);
-     ......................................*/
-    *tab_ima = (char **) calloc(nb_ima,sizeof(char *));
-    for (i=0;i<nb_ima;i=i+1)
-      (*tab_ima)[i]=(char *)calloc(1,100);
-   deuxieme passe pour constituer la liste des images du format donne
-       (EXTENSION =.lan ou .gis)
-   ..........................................*/
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   nb_ima=0;
-   while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-   {
-     car='.';
-     pch0=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-     if (pch0 != NULL)
-     {
-       car='g';
-       pch1=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-       if ((pch1 != NULL)&&(pch1==pch0+1))
-       {
-         car='i';
-         pch2=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-         if ((pch2 != NULL)&&(pch2==pch1+1))
-         {
-           car='s';
-           pch3=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-           if ((pch3 != NULL)&&(pch3==pch2+1))
-           {
-              *pch0='\0';
-              *pch1=' ';
-	      *pch2=' ';
-              *pch3=' ';
-              strcpy((*tab_ima)[nb_ima],dp->d_name);
-	      nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-           }
-         }
-       }
-       else
-       {
-         car='l';
-         pch1=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-         if ((pch1 != NULL)&&(pch1==pch0+1))
-         {
-           car='a';
-           pch2=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-           if ((pch2 != NULL)&&(pch2==pch1+1))
-           {
-             car='n';
-             pch3=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-             if ((pch3 != NULL)&&(pch3==pch2+1))
-             {
-                *pch0='\0';
-                *pch1=' ';
-	        *pch2=' ';
-                *pch3=' ';
-                strcpy((*tab_ima)[nb_ima],dp->d_name);
-	        nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-             }
-           }
-         }
-       }
-     }
-   }
-    (void)closedir(dirp);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-     /* Erreur : Repertoire inexistant */
-      nb_ima=-1;
-   }
-    return(nb_ima);
-/* Fin de l'operation cai_liste_ima_arcinfo
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_lecture_arcinfo                                  */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture d'une image au format arcinfo   */
-/* -----     et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_arcinfo(nom_image,       */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_lecture_arcinfo (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb           */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */   /*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_arcinfo(repert,
-				     nom_image,
-				     nb_can,
-				     nboct_pix,
-				     nb_col,
-				     nb_lig)
-char *repert;
-char *nom_image;
-int  *nb_can;
-int  *nboct_pix;
-int  *nb_col;
-int  *nb_lig;
-   FILE *fic_in;		/* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   int  iret;			/* indicateur de retour ok ou pas           */
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   short ncan;			/* nombre de canaux dans le fichier en-tete */
-   char *deb,*deb1;		/* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres       */
-   char car[5];			/* indice du canal traite     		    */
-   char entete[6];		/* HEADER ou HEAD74 lu dans l'entete        */
-   int i,num;			/* indices				    */
-   short ipack;                 /* variables de travail                     */
-   int lg,col;                  /* variables de travail                     */
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   *nb_can=0;
-   *nb_lig=0;
-   *nb_col=0;
-   *nboct_pix=0;
-   iret=1;
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-   Constituion du nom du fichier entete
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if (strlen(repert)!= 0)
-   {
-     sscanf(repert,"%s",nom_fic);
-     strcat(nom_fic,"/");
-     strcat(nom_fic,nom_image);
-     strcat(nom_fic,".lan");
-     nom_fic[strlen(repert)+1+strlen(nom_image)+4]='\0';
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sscanf(nom_image,"%s",nom_fic);
-      strcat(nom_fic,".lan"); 
-      nom_fic[strlen(nom_image)+4]='\0';
-   }
-   Ouverture du fichier entete avec l'extension .lan
-  ..........................................*/
-   fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"r");
-   if (fic_in==NULL)
-   {
-    Test sur l'existence du fichier avec l'extension .gis
-  .......................................................*/
-     strncpy(&nom_fic[strlen(nom_fic)-4],".gis",4);
-     fic_in = fopen(nom_fic,"r");
-     if (fic_in == NULL)
-     {
-        iret=0;
-        strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier entete ARCINFO");
-      }
-    }
-    if (iret!=0)
-    {
-	/*-------------------------------------------
-          Verification de l'entete
-	  -------------------------------------------*/
-	  fread(entete,6,1,fic_in);
-           if (strncmp(entete,"HEAD74",6)!=0)
-          {
- 	     iret = 0;
-	     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Version autre que 7.4 non traitee");
-             goto ERREUR;
-          }
-	/*-------------------------------------------
-	  recuperation du nombre d'octets par pixel
-	  -------------------------------------------*/
-	  fread(&ipack,2,1,fic_in);
-          lg=sizeof(ipack)-1;
-	  invert_oct(&ipack,lg);
-	  if (ipack == 0)
-		*nboct_pix = 1;
-	  else if (ipack == 2)
-		*nboct_pix = 2;
-	  else
-	  {
-		iret = 0;
-		strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur : les donnees image doivent etre codees sur 8 ou 16 octets");
-             goto ERREUR;
-	  }
-	/*-------------------------------------------
-	  recuperation du nombre de canaux
-	  -------------------------------------------*/
-	  fread(&ncan,2,1,fic_in);
-          lg=sizeof(ncan)-1;
-	  invert_oct(&ncan,lg);
-	  *nb_can = (int) ncan;
-	/*-------------------------------------------
-          positionnement sur le nombre de colonnes
-	  -------------------------------------------*/
-	  fseek(fic_in,6,1);
-	/*-------------------------------------------
-	  recuperation du nombre de colonnes
-	  -------------------------------------------*/
-	  fread(nb_col,4,1,fic_in);
-	  lg = sizeof(*nb_col)-1;
-	  invert_oct(nb_col,lg);
-	  col=*nb_col;
-	/*-------------------------------------------
-	  recuperation du nombre de lignes
-	  -------------------------------------------*/
-	  fread(nb_lig,4,1,fic_in);
-	  lg = sizeof(*nb_lig)-1;
-	  invert_oct(nb_lig,lg);
-	/*-------------------------------------------
-	  Fermeture du fichier
-	  -------------------------------------------*/
-          fclose(fic_in);
-    }
-   if (iret !=0)
-   {
-  .....................................................*/
-    if (*nb_can == 1)
-		strcpy(car,".gis");
-    else
-		strcpy(car,".lan");
-     deb = image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-     deb1= image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN;
-     for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-     {
-       num=open(nom_fic,O_RDONLY,0);
-       if (num!= -1)
-       {
-           sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb);
-           strcat(deb,car);
-  	   deb=deb+100;
-           sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb1);
-           strcat(deb1,car);
-           deb1=deb1+100;
-           image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=num;
-           image1->POS_OCTET[i]=128+(i*col*(*nboct_pix));
-	 }
-        }
-     }
-    if (iret == 0)
-    {
-	return (NULL);
-     }
-    else
-    {
-      image1->NB_BITS_PIX=*nboct_pix;
-      return(image1);
-     }
-   return (NULL);
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_lecture_arcinfo
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_creation_arcinfo                                 */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de creation et d'ouverture en ecriture d'une image     */
-/* -----     au format arcinfo et de tous les fichiers qui la composent      */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL : CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_arcinfo(nom_image,       */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig,          */
-/*				                            label)           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*     nb_can         (E) (int )   : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (E) (int )   : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (E) (int )   : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (E) (int )   : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*     label          (E) (char *) : commentaire lie a l'image               */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_creation_arcinfo (S) (CAI_IMAGE *) : =NULL si pb            */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_arcinfo(repert,
-				      nom_image,
-				      nb_can,
-				      nboct_pix,
-				      nb_col,
-				      nb_lig,
-				      label)
-char *repert;
-char *nom_image;
-int  *nb_can;
-int  *nboct_pix;
-int  *nb_col;
-int  *nb_lig;
-char *label;
-   FILE *fic;		        /* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   int retour;			/* retour de fonction 			    */ 
-   int i,num;			/* indice 				    */
-   struct stat	buf_stat;	/* structure decrivant status de fichier    */
-  short	ipack;			/* indicateur de pack type des donnees      */
-  short	short_tempo;		/* short utilise pour inversion d'octets    */
-  int	int_tempo;		/* entier utilise pour inversion d'octets   */
-  int	lg;			/* longueur de l'entier - 1                 */
-  int taille;                   /* longueur de l'entete a ecrire            */
-  unsigned char *buff;          /* permet d'ecrire l'entete fichier arcinfo */
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-   ipack = 0;
-   Constitution du nom du fichier et verification qu'il
-   n'existe pas deja
-   pour un canal ,l'extension est .gis, sinon .lan
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if (strlen(repert)!= 0)
-   {
-      sscanf(repert,"%s",nom_fic);
-      strcat(nom_fic,"/");
-      strcat(nom_fic,nom_image);
-      if (*nb_can == 1)
-       strcat(nom_fic,".gis");
-      else
-       strcat(nom_fic,".lan");
-      nom_fic[strlen(repert)+1+strlen(nom_image)+4]='\0';
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sscanf(nom_image,"%s",nom_fic);
-      if (*nb_can == 1)
-       strcat(nom_fic,".gis");
-     else
-       strcat(nom_fic,".lan"); 
-      nom_fic[strlen(nom_image)+4]='\0';
-   }
-   retour = stat ( nom_fic , &buf_stat );
-   if ( retour == 0 )
-   { 
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "L'image %s ARCINFO existe \n" , nom_image );
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  Ouverture du fichier en ecriture 
-  Ecriture de l'entete
-  ..........................................................*/
-  fic = fopen(nom_fic,"w");
-  if (fic == NULL)
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Creation fichier %s impossible\n",nom_fic);
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   taille=128 + (*nb_can)*(*nb_col)*(*nboct_pix)*(*nb_lig) ;
-   buff = (unsigned char *) malloc(taille);
-   if ( fic == NULL )
-   {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur : probleme d'allocation \n" );
-	unlink(nom_fic);
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   memcpy ( buff , "HEAD74" , 6 );
-   if ( *nboct_pix == 1 )
-	ipack = 0;
-   else if ( *nboct_pix == 2 )
-	ipack = 2;
-    memcpy ( &buff[6] , &ipack , 2 );
-    short_tempo = (short) (*nb_can);
-    lg = sizeof(short_tempo)-1;
-    invert_oct(&short_tempo,lg);
-    memcpy ( &buff[8] , &short_tempo , 2 );
-    for ( i = 10 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-	buff[i] = 0;
-     }
-    int_tempo = *nb_col;
-    lg = sizeof(int_tempo)-1;
-    invert_oct(&int_tempo,lg);
-    memcpy ( &buff[16] , &int_tempo , 4 );
-    int_tempo = *nb_lig;
-    lg = sizeof(int_tempo)-1;
-    invert_oct(&int_tempo,lg);
-    memcpy ( &buff[20] , &int_tempo , 4 );
-    for ( i=24 ; i<taille ; i++ )
-    {
-	buff[i] = 0;
-    }
-    retour = fwrite ( buff , taille ,1 , fic);
-    if ( retour == 0 )
-    {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur : ecriture impossible dans fichier %s\n" ,nom_fic );
-	unlink(nom_fic);
-	goto ERREUR;
-     }
-     free (buff );
-     fclose(fic);
-   Ouverture du fichier pour ecriture radiometrie
-   ...............................................*/
-    num = open(nom_fic,O_RDWR,0);
-    if (num == -1)
-    {
-     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Creation %s impossible\n",nom_fic);
-     goto ERREUR;
-    }
-    for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-    {
-      image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=num;
-      image1->POS_OCTET[i]=128;
-    }
-  return (image1);
-  return(NULL);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_creation_arcinfo
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_lecture_canal_arcinfo                                  */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de lecture d'un canal d'une image Arcinfo              */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_arcinfo(image1, canal,    */       		      /* ------------------                        premiere_ligne,                 */
-/*                                           premiere_colonne,               */
-/*                                           nombre_lignes_lire ,            */
-/*                                           nombre_colonnes_lire,           */
-/*                                           pas_ligne ,pas_colonne,         */
-/*                 		             data_image )                    */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*     canal                (E) (int) : numero du canal a lire               */
-/*     premiere_ligne       (E) (int) : premiere ligne a lire dans l'image   */
-/*     premiere _colonne    (E) (int) : premiere colonne a lire dans l'image */
-/*     nombre_lignes_lire   (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a lire              */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_lire (E) (int) : nombre de colonnes a lire            */
-/*     pas_ligne            (E) (int) : pas en ligne                         */
-/*     pas_colonne          (E) (int) : pas en colonne                       */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels lus alloue et     */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_lecture_canal_arcinfo (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb            */
-/*                                                 = CAI_OK si OK            */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_arcinfo(image1 ,  
-                                    canal ,           
-    		                    premiere_ligne  ,   
-     		                    premiere_colonne,
-                                    nombre_lignes_lire ,
-                                    nombre_colonnes_lire,
-                                    pas_ligne ,          
-                                    pas_colonne,
-		                   data_image )        
-CAI_IMAGE *image1;
-int *canal ;          
-int *premiere_ligne  ;   
-int *premiere_colonne   ;
-int *nombre_lignes_lire ;
-int *nombre_colonnes_lire;
-int *pas_ligne ;                              
-int *pas_colonne;        
-unsigned char *data_image;
- int   num,i,j,k,n;         /* variables de travail                          */
- int pt_oct;		    /* position courante dans le fichier image       */
- int no_oct;                /* numero du premier octet a lire                */
- int iret;                  /* indicateur d'erreur                           */
- int lig;                   /* indice de boucle sur les lignes               */
- int   oct_pix;             /* nb octets par pixels                          */
- long  nb_oct;              /* nb oct =1er octet a lire - position courante  */
- long  oct_lig;             /* nb oct. par ligne en considerant taille pixel */
- unsigned char *buf_lec;    /* buffer lecture d'une  ligne                   */
- unsigned char *deb,*pch;   /* pointeur chaine pour transfert  buffer sortie */
-  Initialisations diverses
-  ..........................*/
-   iret=CAI_OK;
-   num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*canal-1];
-   oct_pix=image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-   oct_lig=oct_pix*image1->NB_COL;
-        allocation de memoire pour lire une ligne image
- ............................................. */
-   buf_lec = (unsigned char *) malloc(oct_lig);
-   if (buf_lec == NULL)
-   {
-      iret=CAI_KO;
-      strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Probleme allocation memoire");
-   }
-   else
-   {
-        Initialisation
-  ......................*/
-        lig=*premiere_ligne;
-        i=1;
-        pch=data_image;
-         Pour chaque ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-        while ((i <= *nombre_lignes_lire)&&(iret==CAI_OK))
-        {  
-	    Recherche de la position courante dans le fichier
-  ............................................*/
-            pt_oct=lseek(num,0L,1);
-            Calcul du numero du 1er octet a lire
-  ....................................*/
-	   no_oct=image1->POS_OCTET[*canal-1]+
-	          (lig-1)*image1->NB_COL*oct_pix*image1->NB_CANAUX;
-            Saut d'octets pour etre positionne sur la ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-            nb_oct=(long)(no_oct-pt_oct);
-            lseek(num,nb_oct,1);
-            lecture d'une ligne image
-  ................................................*/
-            n=read(num,buf_lec,oct_lig);
-            if (n<=0)
-            {
-             iret=CAI_KO;
-             strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture donnee image ARCINFO");
-            }
-            else
-            { 
-             Sauvegarde des donnees lues entenant compte du pas 
-             d'echantillonnage en colonne
-  ........................................*/           
-             deb=buf_lec+(*premiere_colonne-1)*oct_pix;
-             j=1;
-             while (j <= *nombre_colonnes_lire)
-	     {  
-               for (k=0;k<oct_pix;k=k+1)
-                {
-                  *(pch+k)=*(deb+k);
-                 }
-              j=j+1;
-              pch=pch+oct_pix;
-              deb=deb+(*pas_colonne*oct_pix);
-             }   
-            }
-          i=i+1;
-          lig=lig+(*pas_ligne);
-        }        
-	free(buf_lec);
-   }
-   return(iret);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_lecture_canal_arcinfo
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ecriture_canal_arcinfo                                 */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ecriture d'un canal d'une image arcinfo              */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_arcinfo(image1, canal,   */       		      /* ------------------                                 premiere_ligne,        */
-/*                                                    nombre_lignes_ecrire,  */
-/*                                                    nombre_colonnes_ecrire,*/
-/*                 		                      data_image )           */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)   : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier */
-/*     canal                 (E) (int) : numero du canal a ecrire            */
-/*     premiere_ligne        (E) (int) : premiere ligne a ecrire ds l'image  */
-/*     nombre_lignes_ecrire  (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_ecrire(E) (int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels ecris alloue et   */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ecriture_canal_arcinfo    (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb        */
-/*                                                     = CAI_OK si OK        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_arcinfo (image1 ,  
-                                      canal ,           
-    		                      premiere_ligne  ,   
-                                      nombre_lignes_ecrire ,
-                                      nombre_colonnes_ecrire,
-		                      data_image )        
-CAI_IMAGE *image1;
-int *canal ;          
-int *premiere_ligne  ;   
-int *nombre_lignes_ecrire ;
-int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire;
-unsigned char *data_image;
-long	position_first_lig;	/* position de la 1ere ligne a ecrire    */
-long	position_courante;	/* position courante dans le fichier     */
-long	deplacement;		/* deplacement a effectuer               */
-int	i_ligne;		/* compteur de lignes                    */
-unsigned char *buff_lig;	/* tableau contenant une ligne a ecrire  */
-int	cr_write;		/* code retour de write                  */
-int num;                        /* descripteur de fichier                */
-int nboct_pix;			/* nombre d'octets par pixel             */
-int nb_canaux;			/* nombre de canaux de l'image totale    */
-/* ................
-   Initialisations 
-  .................*/
-i_ligne = 0;
-num = image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*canal-1];
-nboct_pix = image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-nb_canaux = image1->NB_CANAUX;
-position_first_lig = 0;
-position_courante = 0;
-deplacement = 0;
-/* Calcul de la position de la premiere ligne a ecrire 	*/ 
-position_first_lig = (long) ( image1->POS_OCTET[*canal-1] + 
-     ((*canal) - 1) * (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) * nboct_pix
- + (*premiere_ligne - 1) * (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) * nboct_pix * nb_canaux );
-/* Recuperation de la position courante			*/
-position_courante = lseek ( num , 0L , 1 );
-/* Calcul du deplacement jusqu'a la 1ere ligne a ecrire	*/
-deplacement = position_first_lig - position_courante;
-/* TANT QUE il y a des lignes a ecrire                 	*/
-while (i_ligne < (*nombre_lignes_ecrire))
-/*	extraction de la ligne du tableau 		*/
-	buff_lig = data_image + (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) * nboct_pix * i_ligne;
-/*	deplacement jusqu'a la ligne a ecrire		*/
-	lseek ( num , deplacement , 1 ); 
-/*	ecriture de la ligne				*/
-	cr_write = write ( num , buff_lig , (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire)*nboct_pix );
-	if ( cr_write != (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire)*nboct_pix )
-	{
-		strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture canal image arcinfo\n" );
-		goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*	mise a jour du deplacement jusqu'a la ligne	*/
-/*	suivante                                   	*/
-	deplacement = ( nb_canaux - 1 ) * (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire)*nboct_pix;
-/*	incrementation du nombre de lignes		*/
-	i_ligne++;
-/* FIN TANT QUE						*/
-return (CAI_OK);
-return (CAI_KO);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ecriture_canal_arcinfo
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ferme_arcinfo                                          */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de fermeture d'une image au format arcinfo et de       */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent 			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_arcinfo(image1)                   */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ferme_arcinfo    (S) (CAI_OK_KO) :   = CAI_KO si pb               */
-/*                                              = CAI_OK si OK               */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO  cai_ferme_arcinfo (image1)
-CAI_IMAGE *image1;
- int iret;    /* code retour de l'operation      */
- int i_can;   /* indice du canal a fermer        */
- int num;     /* descripteur du fichier a fermer */
- iret=CAI_OK;
-   Fermeture du fichier qui contient tous les canaux
-  .............................................*/
-  num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[0];
-  close(num);
-  return (iret);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ferme_arcinfo
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_dest_ima_arcinfo                                       */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de destruction d'une image stocke en arcinfo et de     */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent  			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_arcinfo(format,nom_ima)        */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*     format       (E) (char *) : format de l'image a detruire              */
-/*     nom_image    (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a detruire avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_dest_ima_arcinfo (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb                 */
-/*                                            = CAI_OK si OK                 */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_arcinfo ( repertoire , 
-                                 nom_ima )
-char	*repertoire;		/* repertoire de stockage de l'image */
-char	*nom_ima;		/* nom de l'image */
-char	nom_fic_ima[1024];	/* nom du fichier entete a detruire */
-char    nom_ima_complet[1024];  /* repertoire + nom de l'image */
-int	cr_stat;		/* code retour de fonction status de fichier */
-struct stat buf_stat;		/* structure decrivant status de fichier */ 
-/* Constitution du nom du fichier       	*/
-if (strlen(repertoire) != 0)
- strcpy ( nom_ima_complet , repertoire );
- strcat ( nom_ima_complet, "/" );
- strcat ( nom_ima_complet , nom_ima );
- strcpy ( nom_ima_complet , nom_ima );
- strcpy(nom_fic_ima , nom_ima_complet);
- strcat ( nom_fic_ima , ".gis" );
- nom_fic_ima[strlen(nom_ima_complet)+4]='\0';
-/* le nombre de canaux etant inconnu, on construit */
-/* d'abord le nom d'un fichier image avec un seul  */
-/* canal et on teste son existence; si un tel      */
-/* fichier n'existe pas, on construit le nom d'un  */
-/* fichier image avec plusieurs canaux             */
-cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic_ima , &buf_stat );
-if ( cr_stat != 0 )
-	strncpy ( &nom_fic_ima[strlen(nom_fic_ima)-4] , ".lan" , 4 );
-	cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic_ima , &buf_stat );
-	if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-		unlink ( nom_fic_ima );
-	unlink ( nom_fic_ima );
-return (CAI_OK);
- Fin de l'operation cai_dest_ima_arcinfo
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                Definition des OPERATIONS INTERNES                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    invert_oct                                                 */
-/* ----------                                                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    Inversion des octets poids forts,poids faibles                  */
-/* ------                                                                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :      void invert_oct(s,nboct)                          */
-/* -----------------                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     s              (E/S) (char *) : chaine a inverser                     */
-/*     nboct          (E)   (int)    : longueur de la chaine                 */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION :  V2                                                             */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-static void invert_oct ( s , nboct )
-char *s;
-int nboct;
-	int c;
-	char *t;
-	for ( t=s+nboct ; s<t ; s++,t-- )
-	{
-		c=*s;
-		*s=*t;
-		*t=c;
-	}
-/* Fin de l'operation invert_oct */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_modifie_arcinfo                                  */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture d'une image au format arcinfo   */
-/* -----     et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_arcinfo(nom_image,       */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_modifie_arcinfo (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb           */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */   /*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_arcinfo(repert,
-				     nom_image,
-				     nb_can,
-				     nboct_pix,
-				     nb_col,
-				     nb_lig)
-char *repert;
-char *nom_image;
-int  *nb_can;
-int  *nboct_pix;
-int  *nb_col;
-int  *nb_lig;
-   FILE *fic_in;		/* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   int  iret;			/* indicateur de retour ok ou pas           */
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   short ncan;			/* nombre de canaux dans le fichier en-tete */
-   char *deb,*deb1;		/* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres       */
-   char car[5];			/* indice du canal traite     		    */
-   char entete[6];		/* HEADER ou HEAD74 lu dans l'entete        */
-   int i,num;			/* indices				    */
-   short ipack;                 /* variables de travail                     */
-   int lg,col;                  /* variables de travail                     */
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   *nb_can=0;
-   *nb_lig=0;
-   *nb_col=0;
-   *nboct_pix=0;
-   iret=1;
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-   Constituion du nom du fichier entete
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if (strlen(repert)!= 0)
-   {
-     sscanf(repert,"%s",nom_fic);
-     strcat(nom_fic,"/");
-     strcat(nom_fic,nom_image);
-     strcat(nom_fic,".lan");
-     nom_fic[strlen(repert)+1+strlen(nom_image)+4]='\0';
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sscanf(nom_image,"%s",nom_fic);
-      strcat(nom_fic,".lan"); 
-      nom_fic[strlen(nom_image)+4]='\0';
-   }
-   Ouverture du fichier entete avec l'extension .lan
-  ..........................................*/
-   fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"r");
-   if (fic_in==NULL)
-   {
-    Test sur l'existence du fichier avec l'extension .gis
-  .......................................................*/
-     strncpy(&nom_fic[strlen(nom_fic)-4],".gis",4);
-     fic_in = fopen(nom_fic,"r");
-     if (fic_in == NULL)
-     {
-        iret=0;
-        strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier entete ARCINFO");
-      }
-    }
-    if (iret!=0)
-    {
-	/*-------------------------------------------
-          Verification de l'entete
-	  -------------------------------------------*/
-	  fread(entete,6,1,fic_in);
-           if (strncmp(entete,"HEAD74",6)!=0)
-          {
- 	     iret = 0;
-	     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Version autre que 7.4 non traitee");
-             goto ERREUR;
-          }
-	/*-------------------------------------------
-	  recuperation du nombre d'octets par pixel
-	  -------------------------------------------*/
-	  fread(&ipack,2,1,fic_in);
-          lg=sizeof(ipack)-1;
-	  invert_oct(&ipack,lg);
-	  if (ipack == 0)
-		*nboct_pix = 1;
-	  else if (ipack == 2)
-		*nboct_pix = 2;
-	  else
-	  {
-		iret = 0;
-		strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,
-	"Erreur : les donnees image doivent etre codees sur 8 ou 16 octets");
-             goto ERREUR;
-	  }
-	/*-------------------------------------------
-	  recuperation du nombre de canaux
-	  -------------------------------------------*/
-	  fread(&ncan,2,1,fic_in);
-          lg=sizeof(ncan)-1;
-	  invert_oct(&ncan,lg);
-	  *nb_can = (int) ncan;
-	/*-------------------------------------------
-          positionnement sur le nombre de colonnes
-	  -------------------------------------------*/
-	  fseek(fic_in,6,1);
-	/*-------------------------------------------
-	  recuperation du nombre de colonnes
-	  -------------------------------------------*/
-	  fread(nb_col,4,1,fic_in);
-	  lg = sizeof(*nb_col)-1;
-	  invert_oct(nb_col,lg);
-	  col=*nb_col;
-	/*-------------------------------------------
-	  recuperation du nombre de lignes
-	  -------------------------------------------*/
-	  fread(nb_lig,4,1,fic_in);
-	  lg = sizeof(*nb_lig)-1;
-	  invert_oct(nb_lig,lg);
-	/*-------------------------------------------
-	  Fermeture du fichier
-	  -------------------------------------------*/
-          fclose(fic_in);
-    }
-   if (iret !=0)
-   {
-  .....................................................*/
-    if (*nb_can == 1)
-		strcpy(car,".gis");
-    else
-		strcpy(car,".lan");
-     deb = image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-     deb1= image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN;
-     for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-     {
-       num=open(nom_fic,O_RDWR,0);
-       if (num!= -1)
-       {
-           sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb);
-           strcat(deb,car);
-  	   deb=deb+100;
-           sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb1);
-           strcat(deb1,car);
-           deb1=deb1+100;
-           image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=num;
-           image1->POS_OCTET[i]=128+(i*col*(*nboct_pix));
-	 }
-        }
-     }
-    if (iret == 0)
-    {
-	return (NULL);
-     }
-    else
-    {
-      image1->NB_BITS_PIX=*nboct_pix;
-      return(image1);
-     }
-   return (NULL);
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_modifie_arcinfo
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_atg2.c b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_atg2.c
deleted file mode 100755
index f73661a1b307daa34c10e39633fe2e06137ad7cb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_atg2.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2170 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                           */
-/* PROJET :    COUCHE ACCES IMAGE                                            */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MODULE :    cai_atg2.c                                                    */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE   :    Ce module rassemble toutes les fonctions d'acces aux images   */
-/* -------     stockees au format atg2                                       */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* AUTEUR :      R.CHAISEMARTIN     (CISI)                                   */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* DATE DE CREATION :    fevrier 1995                                        */
-/* -----------------						             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* LANGAGE : C                                                               */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V2                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                Inclusion des fichiers STANDARDS (.h)                      */
-# include <stdio.h>
-# include <string.h>
-# include <sys/types.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-# include <sys/stat.h>
-# include <fcntl.h>
-#define _CAI_IMAGE
-# include "cai_image.h"
-/* Variable pour la  gestion en configuration                                 */
-static char *rcs_id="$Header: cai_atg2.c,v 1.5 98/10/19 10:29:06 cmf Exp $";
-extern char *getenv();
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                Definition des OPERATIONS EXTERNES                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_liste_ima_atg2                                         */
-/* ----------                                                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de listage des images au format atg2                   */
-/* ------                                                                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :      int cai_liste_ima_atg2(repert,tab_ima)            */
-/* -----------------                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     repert        (E) (char *)   : repertoire a explorer		     */
-/*     tab_ima       (S) (char ***) : pointeur sur tableau des images listees*/
-/*                                    alloue par la fonction,il doit etre    */
-/*                                    LIBERE PAR L'APPELANT                  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_liste_ima_atg2   (S) (int)     : = -1 repertoire inexistant       */                                    /*					    = > 0 nombre d'images listees    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION :  V2                                                             */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-int cai_liste_ima_atg2(repert,
-		       tab_ima)
-char *repert;
-char ***tab_ima;
-  DIR *dirp;		     /* pointeur sur structure ouverture repertoire */
-struct dirent *dp;   /* structure resultat de la fonction readdir   */
-struct dirent *cr_readdir; /* structure resultat de la fonction readdir   */
-  int nb_ima;         	     /* nombre d'images atg2 identifiees            */
-  DIR *ptr_sub_dir;          /* pointeur sur struct. ouverture repert. ima  */
-  char *str_sub_dir;         /* repertoire image atg2 a ouvrir              */
-  int cr_stat;               /* compte-rendu de la fonction stat            */
-  struct stat buf_stat;      /* structure retour de la fonction stat        */
-  int i;                     /* indice de boucle                            */
-   INITIALISATION et ouverture du repertoire choisi
-  .........................................*/
-   nb_ima=0;
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   if(dirp!=NULL)
-   {
-   premiere passe pour comptabiliser les images du format donne
-      SI C'EST  LE CAS : 
-    ..........................................*/
-   while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-   {
-      /* ne se traite pas lui-meme ni le repertoire pere */
-      if ((strcmp(dp->d_name,".")==0) || (strcmp(dp->d_name,"..")==0))
-         continue;
-      /* construction du nom complet de l'objet */
-      str_sub_dir = (char *) malloc(strlen(repert)+1+strlen(dp->d_name)+1);
-      if (str_sub_dir == NULL)
-      {
-        /* Erreur : probleme d'allocation memoire */
-          nb_ima=-3;
-          return(nb_ima);
-      }
-      strcpy(str_sub_dir,repert);
-      strcat(str_sub_dir,"/");
-      strcat(str_sub_dir,dp->d_name);
-      str_sub_dir[strlen(repert)+1+strlen(dp->d_name)]='\0';
-      /* on verifie que l'objet est un repertoire */
-       cr_stat = stat(str_sub_dir,&buf_stat);
-       if  ((cr_stat == -1) || ((buf_stat.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR))
-       {
-        /* acces impossible a l'objet ou l'objet n'est pas un repertoire */
-          free(str_sub_dir);
-          continue;
-       }
-       /* on verifie que l'objet est un repertoire ATG2 */
-       /* c'est a dire contenant un fichier ".gen"      */
-       ptr_sub_dir = opendir(str_sub_dir);
-       if(ptr_sub_dir!=NULL)
-       {   
-         while ((cr_readdir=readdir(ptr_sub_dir)) != NULL)
-         {
-          if (strcmp(".gen",cr_readdir->d_name) == 0)
-          {
-             /* c'est un repertoire ATG2 */
-	      nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-          }
-         }
-         closedir(ptr_sub_dir);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-        /* acces impossible a l'objet  */
-          free(str_sub_dir);
-          continue;
-        }
-       free(str_sub_dir);
-   }
-   closedir(dirp);
-     ......................................*/
-    *tab_ima = (char **) calloc(nb_ima,sizeof(char *));
-    for (i=0;i<nb_ima;i=i+1)
-      (*tab_ima)[i]=(char *)calloc(1,100);
-   deuxieme passe pour constituer la liste des images du format donne
-      SI C'EST  LE CAS : 
-   ..........................................*/
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   nb_ima=0;
-   while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-   {
-      /* ne se traite pas lui-meme ni le repertoire pere */
-      if ((strcmp(dp->d_name,".")==0) || (strcmp(dp->d_name,"..")==0))
-         continue;
-      /* construction du nom complet de l'objet */
-      str_sub_dir = (char *) malloc(strlen(repert)+1+strlen(dp->d_name)+1);
-      if (str_sub_dir == NULL)
-      {
-        /* Erreur : probleme d'allocation memoire */
-          nb_ima=-3;
-          return(nb_ima);
-      }
-      strcpy(str_sub_dir,repert);
-      strcat(str_sub_dir,"/");
-      strcat(str_sub_dir,dp->d_name);
-      str_sub_dir[strlen(repert)+1+strlen(dp->d_name)]='\0';
-      /* on verifie que l'objet est un repertoire */
-       cr_stat = stat(str_sub_dir,&buf_stat);
-       if  ((cr_stat == -1) || ((buf_stat.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR))
-       {
-        /* acces impossible a l'objet ou l'objet n'est pas un repertoire */
-          free(str_sub_dir);
-          continue;
-       }
-       /* on verifie que l'objet est un repertoire ATG2 */
-       /* c'est a dire contenant un fichier ".gen"      */
-       ptr_sub_dir = opendir(str_sub_dir);
-       if(ptr_sub_dir!=NULL)
-       {  
-         while ((cr_readdir=readdir(ptr_sub_dir)) != NULL)
-         {
-          if (strcmp(".gen",cr_readdir->d_name) == 0)
-          {
-             /* c'est un repertoire ATG2 */
-              strcpy((*tab_ima)[nb_ima],dp->d_name);
-	      nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-          }
-         }
-         closedir(ptr_sub_dir);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-        /* acces impossible a l'objet  */
-          free(str_sub_dir);
-          continue;
-        }
-       free(str_sub_dir);
-   }
-   closedir(dirp);
- }
-   else
- {
-   /* Erreur : Repertoire inexistant */
-     nb_ima=-1;
- }
-    return(nb_ima);
-/* Fin de l'operation cai_liste_ima_atg2
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_lecture_atg2                                     */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture d'une image au format atg2      */
-/* -----     et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_atg2(nom_image,          */
-/*  ---------------- 		                         nb_can,             */
-/*				                         nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                         nb_col,             */
-/*				                         nb_lig)             */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_lecture_atg2  (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)    : =NULL si pb            */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */   /*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-typedef struct {
-   char   rty[80];
-   char   rid[80];
-   char   prt[8];
-   char   nam[80];
-   int    str;
-   double lod;
-   double lad;
-   char   uniloa[8];
-   char   mbu[8];
-   int    cov;
-   int    fec;
-   int    poc;
-   int    lic;
-   int    alc;
-   int    sgc;
-   int    zna;
-   double psp;
-   char   imr[4];
-   int    arv;
-   int    brv;
-   double lso;
-   double pso;
-   char   txt[80];
-   int    nul;
-   int    nus;
-   int    nll;
-   int    nls;
-   int    nfl;
-   int    nfc;
-   int    pnc;
-   int    pnl;
-   int    cod;
-   int    rod;
-   int    por;
-   int    pcb;
-   int    pvb;
-   char   bad[80];
-   char   tif[2];
-   char   fmt[8];
-   char   pty[2];
-   int    ofs;
-   double mpl;
-   double mpc;
-   int    rol[100];
-   int    roc[100];
-} Fsro_format_data;
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_atg2(repert,
-				   nom_image,
-				   nb_can,
-				   nboct_pix,
-				   nb_col,
-				   nb_lig)
-char *repert;
-char *nom_image;
-int  *nb_can;
-int  *nboct_pix;
-int  *nb_col;
-int  *nb_lig;
-   int fic;			/* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   int  iret;			/* indicateur de retour ok ou pas           */
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char *deb,*deb1;		/* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres       */
-   char car[2];			/* indce du canal traite     		    */
-   int num,k,n;		        /* indice 				    */
-   Fsro_format_data fsro;       /* structure decrivant l'entete atg2        */
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   *nb_lig=0;
-   *nb_col=0;
-   *nboct_pix=0;
-   *nb_can=0;
-   iret=1;
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
- if (strlen(repert)!= 0)
- {
-   sscanf(repert,"%s",nom_fic);
-   strcat(nom_fic,"/");
-   strcat(nom_fic,nom_image);
-   strcat(nom_fic,"/");
-   strcat(nom_fic,".gen");
-   nom_fic[strlen(repert)+1+strlen(nom_image)+5]='\0';
-  }
- else
- {
-   sscanf(nom_image,"%s",nom_fic);
-   strcat(nom_fic,"/");
-   strcat(nom_fic,".gen");
-   nom_fic[strlen(nom_image)+5]='\0';
-  }
-   Ouverture du fichier entete
-  ..........................................*/
-   num=open(nom_fic,O_RDONLY,0);
-   if (num == -1)
-   {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier entete ATG2");
-    }
-   else
-   {
-       Lecture du fichier entete
-  ............................................*/
-          n=read( num , &fsro , sizeof(Fsro_format_data));
-	  if ( n <= 0 )
-	  {
-           sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture entete ATG2 %s\n",nom_fic),
-	   iret=0;
-	   return (NULL);
-	  }
-	  Fermeture du fichier entete ATG2
-  ..........................................*/
-	  close ( num );
-          Recuperation du nombre d'octets par pixel .
-  ....................................................*/
-	  if (fsro.pvb>16)
-  	  {
-	      iret=0;
-	      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Taille du pixel non traitable %d\n",fsro.pvb);
-	      return (NULL);
-	  }
-	  else
-	  {
-            if ((fsro.pvb%8)==0)
-	       *nboct_pix=fsro.pvb/8;
-            else
-	       *nboct_pix=fsro.pvb/8+1;
-            image1->NB_BITS_PIX = fsro.pvb;
-	  }
-          Recuperation de la taille d'un pave en lignes
-  ....................................................*/
-	  image1->LIGNES_PAVE=fsro.pnl;
-          Recuperation de la taille d'un pave en colonnes
-  ....................................................*/
-	  image1->COLONNES_PAVE=fsro.pnc;
-          Calcul du nombre de lignes : taille du pave*nombre de pave en ligne
-  ....................................................*/
-	  *nb_lig=fsro.nfl*image1->LIGNES_PAVE;
-          Calcul du nombre de colonnes: taille  pave*nombre  pave en colonnes
-  ....................................................*/
-	  *nb_col=fsro.nfc*image1->COLONNES_PAVE;
-         Recuperation du nombre de canaux en fonction du nom des fichiers .gds
-	 1 - test sur l'existence du fichier PAN.gds monochrome
-  ...........................................................*/
-        nom_fic[0]='\0';
-       if (strlen(repert)!= 0)
-       {
-          sscanf(repert,"%s",nom_fic);
-          strcat(nom_fic,"/");
-          strcat(nom_fic,nom_image);
-          strcat(nom_fic,"/PAN.gds");
-          nom_fic[strlen(repert)+1+strlen(nom_image)+8]='\0';
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          sscanf(nom_image,"%s",nom_fic);
-          strcat(nom_fic,"/PAN.gds");
-          nom_fic[strlen(nom_image)+8]='\0';
-        }
-        num=open(nom_fic,O_RDONLY,0);
-        if (num<=0)
-	{
-/*	  2 - test sur l'existence du fichier XS1.gds monochrome
-  ...........................................................*/
-          nom_fic[0]='\0';
-          if (strlen(repert)!= 0)
-          {
-            sscanf(repert,"%s",nom_fic);
-            strcat(nom_fic,"/");
-            strcat(nom_fic,nom_image);
-            strcat(nom_fic,"/XS1.gds");
-            nom_fic[strlen(repert)+1+strlen(nom_image)+8]='\0';
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            sscanf(nom_image,"%s",nom_fic);
-            strcat(nom_fic,"/XS1.gds");
-            nom_fic[strlen(nom_image)+8]='\0';
-          }
-          fic=open(nom_fic,O_RDONLY,0);
-          if (fic<=0)
-	  {
-	     iret=0;
-	     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur nombre de canaux incorrect ATG2\n");
-	     return (NULL);
-	  }
-	  else
-          {   
-	     close(fic);
-	     *nb_can=3;
-           }
-         }
-        else
-        {
-	  close(num);
-	  *nb_can=1;
-	}
-   }
-   if (iret !=0)
-   {
-      de ces fichiers
-  .....................................................*/
-     deb = image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-     deb1= image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN;
-     if (*nb_can==1)
-     {
-	 sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb);
-	 strcat(deb,"/PAN.gds");
-	 sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb1);
-	 strcat(deb1,"/PAN.gds");
-         nom_fic[0]='\0';
-         if (strlen(repert)!=0)
-         {
-          sscanf(repert,"%s",nom_fic);
-          strcat(nom_fic,"/");
-          strcat(nom_fic,nom_image);
-          strcat(nom_fic,"/PAN");
-          strcat(nom_fic,car);
-          strcat(nom_fic,".gds");
-          nom_fic[strlen(repert)+1+strlen(nom_image)+8]='\0';
-         }
-         else
-         {
-          sscanf(nom_image,"%s",nom_fic);
-          strcat(nom_fic,"/PAN");
-          strcat(nom_fic,car);
-          strcat(nom_fic,".gds");
-          nom_fic[strlen(nom_image)+8]='\0';
-         }
-         fic=open(nom_fic,O_RDONLY,0);
-         image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[0]=fic;
-         image1->POS_OCTET[0]=0;
-     }
-     else
-     {
-       k=1;    
-       while((k<=*nb_can)&&(k<CAI_NB_MAX_CAN))
-       {
-          sprintf(car,"%d",k);
-          sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb);
-          strcat(deb,"/XS");
-          strcat(deb,car);
-          strcat(deb,".gds");
-          deb=deb+100;
-          sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb1);
-          strcat(deb1,".XS");
-          strcat(deb1,car);
-          strcat(deb1,".gds");
-          deb1=deb1+100;
-          nom_fic[0]='\0';
-         if (strlen(repert)!=0)
-         {
-          sscanf(repert,"%s",nom_fic);
-          strcat(nom_fic,"/");
-          strcat(nom_fic,nom_image);
-          strcat(nom_fic,"/XS");
-          strcat(nom_fic,car);
-          strcat(nom_fic,".gds");
-          nom_fic[strlen(repert)+1+strlen(nom_image)+8]='\0';
-         }
-         else
-         {
-          sscanf(nom_image,"%s",nom_fic);
-          strcat(nom_fic,"/XS");
-          strcat(nom_fic,car);
-          strcat(nom_fic,".gds");
-          nom_fic[strlen(nom_image)+8]='\0';
-         }
-          fic=open(nom_fic,O_RDONLY,0);
-          if (fic != -1) 
-          {
-           image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[k-1]=fic;
-           image1->POS_OCTET[k-1]=0;
-           k=k+1;
-          }
-	  else
-          {
-	    iret=0;
-            strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"incoherence au niveau du nb fichiers canaux");
-	    return(NULL);
-          }
-       }
-     }
-     return (image1);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-     return(NULL);
-    }
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_lecture_atg2
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_creation_atg2                                    */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de creation et d'ouverture en ecriture d'une image     */
-/* -----     au format atg2 et de tous les fichiers qui la composent         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL : CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_atg2 (nom_image,         */
-/*  ---------------- 		                          nb_can,            */
-/*				                          nboct_pix,	     */
-/*				                          nb_col,            */
-/*				                          nb_lig,            */
-/*				                          label)             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*     nb_can         (E) (int )   : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (E) (int )   : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (E) (int )   : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (E) (int )   : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*     label          (E) (char *) : commentaire lie a l'image               */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_creation_atg2    (S) (CAI_IMAGE *) : =NULL si pb            */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_atg2(repert,
-				   nom_image,
-				   nb_can,
-				   nboct_pix,
-				   nb_col,
-				   nb_lig,
-				   label)
-char *repert;
-char *nom_image;
-int  *nb_can;
-int  *nboct_pix;
-int  *nb_col;
-int  *nb_lig;
-char *label;
-   int fic;		        /* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char repertoire_ima[1024];	/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char nom_fic_canal[1024];    /* nom fichier canal dont on teste existence*/
-   int retour;			/* retour de fonction 			    */ 
-   char car[3];			/* indice du canal traite     		    */
-   int i,num,can;		/* indice 				    */
-   struct stat	buf_stat;	/* structure decrivant status de fichier    */
-   Fsro_format_data fsro;	/* structure informations format image      */
-   char	nom_fic_tim[1024];	/* nom de fichier de travail 		   */
-   char	nom_fic_his[1024];	/* nom de fichier de travail		   */
-   char	nom_fic_bid[1024];	/* nom de fichier de travail 		   */
-   char	**tab_nom_tim;		/* tableau contenant les Tile index Maps   */ 
-   char	**tab_nom_his;		/* tableau contenant les histogrammes      */
-   char	**tab_nom_bid;		/* tableau contenant les caracteristiques des 
-				   plans */
-   FILE	*ptr_file_tim;		/* flot de fichier tim 			   */
-   FILE	*ptr_file_his;		/* flot de fichier his			   */
-   FILE	*ptr_file_bid;		/* flot de fichier bid			   */
-   unsigned char *ptr_buff_tim;	/* pointeur sur buffer tim 		   */
-   int	offset;			/* offset a ecrire dans fichier tim        */
-   char	str_cmd[100];		/* chaine de commande pour appels systeme  */
-   int	nb_blocs_ns;		/* nombre de blocs N/S			   */
-   int	nb_blocs_we;		/* nombre de blocs W/E 			   */
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
- image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* Construction du nom de la sous-directory 	 */
-/* d'accueil des fichiers			 */
- if (strlen(repert)!= 0)
- {
-   strcpy ( repertoire_ima , repert );
-   strcat ( repertoire_ima , "/" );
-   strcat ( repertoire_ima , nom_image );
-  repertoire_ima[strlen(repert)+1+strlen(nom_image)]='\0';
-  }
- else
- {
-   strcpy ( repertoire_ima , nom_image );
-   repertoire_ima[strlen(nom_image)]='\0';
- }
-/* verification que cette sous-directory         */
-/* n'existe pas deja				 */
-retour = stat ( repertoire_ima , &buf_stat );
-if (( retour != -1 ) && ( (buf_stat.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR ))
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "L'image %s atg2 existe \n" , nom_image );
-	goto ERREUR;
- }
-/* Creation de la sous-directory d'accueil des	 */
-/* fichiers					 */
-sprintf(str_cmd,"mkdir %s",repertoire_ima);
-/* Creation du fichier caracteristiques : .gen	 */
-strcpy ( nom_fic, repertoire_ima );
-strcat ( nom_fic, "/.gen" );
-fic = creat ( nom_fic,PERMS);
-if ( fic == -1 )
-   sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur : creation fichier %s impossible\n",nom_fic );
-   goto ERREUR;
-/* ecriture de l'enregistrement d'entete	 */
-/* Record in field */
-for (i=0;i<80;i++)
-   fsro.rty[i]='\0';
-for (i=0;i<80;i++)
-   fsro.rid[i]='\0';
-/* Data set id field */
-for (i=0;i<8;i++)
-   fsro.prt[i]='\0';
-for (i=0;i<80;i++)
-   fsro.nam[i]='\0';
-/* General information field */
-fsro.str = 3;
-fsro.lod = 0.0;
-fsro.lad = 0.0;
-for (i=0;i<8;i++)
-   fsro.uniloa[i]='\0';
-for (i=0;i<8;i++)
-   fsro.mbu[i]='\0';
-fsro.cov = 0;
-fsro.fec = 0;
-fsro.poc = 0;
-fsro.lic = 0;
-fsro.alc = 0;
-fsro.sgc = 0;
-fsro.zna = 0;
-fsro.psp = 0.0;
-for (i=0;i<4;i++)
-   fsro.imr[i]='\0';
-fsro.arv = 0;
-fsro.brv = 0;
-fsro.lso = 0.0;
-fsro.pso = 0.0;
-for (i=0;i<80;i++)
-/* Data set parameters fields */
-fsro.nul = 0;
-fsro.nus = 0;
-fsro.nll = 0;
-fsro.nls = 0;
-/* nombre de blocs N/S */
-if ( (*nb_lig) % 256 == 0 )
-        fsro.nfl = (*nb_lig) / 256;
-        fsro.nfl = (*nb_lig) / 256 + 1;
-/* nombre de blocs W/E */
-if ( (*nb_col) % 256 == 0 )
-        fsro.nfc = (*nb_col) / 256;
-        fsro.nfc = (*nb_col) / 256 + 1;
-/* taille des blocs */
-fsro.pnc = 256;
-fsro.pnl = 256;
-fsro.cod = 0;
-fsro.rod = 1;
-fsro.por = 0;
-fsro.pcb = 0;
-fsro.pvb = (*nboct_pix)*8;
-for (i=0;i<80;i++)
-   fsro.bad[i]='\0';
-for (i=0;i<2;i++)
-   fsro.tif[i]='\0';
-/* nombre de blocs W/S */
-/* Non Digest fiel - Specific ATG2/MULTISCOPE */
-for (i=0;i<8;i++)
-   fsro.fmt[i]='\0';
-for (i=0;i<2;i++)
-   fsro.pty[i]='\0';
-strcpy(fsro.pty,"S ");
-fsro.ofs = 0;
-fsro.mpl = 0.0;
-fsro.mpc = 0.0;
-for (i=0;i<100;i++)
-   fsro.rol[i]=0;
-for (i=0;i<100;i++)
-   fsro.roc[i]=0;
-retour = write ( fic , &fsro , sizeof(Fsro_format_data));
-if ( retour != sizeof(Fsro_format_data) )
-        sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur : ecriture impossible dans fichier %s\n",
-        nom_fic );
-        close(fic);
-        unlink(nom_fic);
-	goto ERREUR;
-close ( fic );
-/* Creation des fichiers :      		 */
-/* - Tile index Map				 */
-/* - Histo					 */
-/* - Caracterisitiques du plan			 */	
-tab_nom_tim = (char **) malloc ( (*nb_can) * sizeof(char *) );
-tab_nom_his = (char **) malloc ( (*nb_can) * sizeof(char *) );
-tab_nom_bid = (char **) malloc ( (*nb_can) * sizeof(char *) );
-for (can=0; can<*nb_can; can=can+1 )
-	strcpy ( nom_fic_tim , repertoire_ima );
-	strcpy ( nom_fic_his , repertoire_ima );
-	strcpy ( nom_fic_bid , repertoire_ima );
-	if (*nb_can == 1)
-	{
-		strcat ( nom_fic_tim , "/PAN.tim" );
-		nom_fic_tim[strlen(repertoire_ima)+8]='\0';
-		strcat ( nom_fic_his , "/PAN.his" );
-		nom_fic_his[strlen(repertoire_ima)+8]='\0';
-		strcat ( nom_fic_bid , "/PAN.bid" );
-		nom_fic_bid[strlen(repertoire_ima)+8]='\0';
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		strcat ( nom_fic_tim , "/XS" );
-		sprintf ( car , "%d" , can+1 );
-		strcat ( nom_fic_tim , car );
-		strcat ( nom_fic_tim , ".tim" );
-		nom_fic_tim[strlen(repertoire_ima)+3+strlen(car)+4]='\0';
-		strcat ( nom_fic_his , "/XS" );
-		sprintf ( car , "%d" ,can+1 );
-		strcat ( nom_fic_his , car );
-		strcat ( nom_fic_his , ".his" );
-		nom_fic_his[strlen(repertoire_ima)+3+strlen(car)+4]='\0';
-		strcat ( nom_fic_bid , "/XS" );
-		sprintf ( car , "%d" , can+1 );
-		strcat ( nom_fic_bid , car );
-		strcat ( nom_fic_bid , ".bid" );
-		nom_fic_bid[strlen(repertoire_ima)+3+strlen(car)+4]='\0';
-	}
-	tab_nom_tim[can] = (char *) malloc ( strlen(nom_fic_tim) + 1 );
-	strcpy ( tab_nom_tim[can] , nom_fic_tim );
-	tab_nom_his[can] = (char *) malloc ( strlen(nom_fic_his) + 1 );
-	strcpy ( tab_nom_his[can] , nom_fic_his );
-	tab_nom_bid[can] = (char *) malloc ( strlen(nom_fic_bid) + 1 );
-	strcpy ( tab_nom_bid[can] , nom_fic_bid );
-  }
-/* calcul du nombre de blocs */
-/* Blocs N/S */
-if ( (*nb_lig) % 256 == 0 )
-	nb_blocs_ns = (*nb_lig) / 256;
-	nb_blocs_ns = (*nb_lig) / 256 + 1;
-/* Blocs W/E */
-if ( (*nb_col) % (256/(*nboct_pix)) == 0 )
-	nb_blocs_we = (*nb_col) / (256/(*nboct_pix));
-	nb_blocs_we = (*nb_col) / (256/(*nboct_pix)) + 1;
-ptr_buff_tim = (unsigned char *) malloc ( nb_blocs_ns*nb_blocs_we*sizeof(int) );
-if ( ptr_buff_tim == NULL )
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur : probleme d'allocation \n" );
-	unlink(nom_fic);
-        free ( ptr_buff_tim );
-        free ( tab_nom_tim );
-        free ( tab_nom_his );
-        free ( tab_nom_bid );
-	goto ERREUR;
-for ( can = 0 ; can < (*nb_can) ; can++ )
-	ptr_file_tim = fopen ( tab_nom_tim[can] ,"w");
-	ptr_file_his = fopen ( tab_nom_his[can] ,"w");
-	ptr_file_bid = fopen ( tab_nom_bid[can] ,"w");
-	if ((ptr_file_tim == NULL) || (ptr_file_his == NULL) || (ptr_file_bid == NULL))
-	{
-		sprintf (CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur : creation fichier %s impossible\n",tab_nom_tim[can] );
-		unlink(nom_fic);
-		for(i=0;i<can;i++)
-		{
-			unlink(tab_nom_tim[i]);
-			unlink(tab_nom_his[i]);
-			unlink(tab_nom_bid[i]);
-		}
-                free ( ptr_buff_tim );
-                free ( tab_nom_tim );
-                free ( tab_nom_his );
-                free ( tab_nom_bid );
-		goto ERREUR;
-	}
-	for ( i = 0 ; i < nb_blocs_ns*nb_blocs_we ; i++ )
-	{
-		offset = 256*256*i + 1;
-		memcpy(&ptr_buff_tim[i*4],&offset,4);
-	}
-	retour = fwrite ( ptr_buff_tim , nb_blocs_ns*nb_blocs_we , sizeof(int) , ptr_file_tim );
-	if ( retour == 0 )
-	{
-		sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR ,"Erreur : ecriture impossible dans %s\n ",tab_nom_tim[can] );
-		unlink(nom_fic);
-		for(i=0;i<=can;i++)
-		{
-			unlink(tab_nom_tim[i]);
-			unlink(tab_nom_his[i]);
-			unlink(tab_nom_bid[i]);
-		}
-                free ( ptr_buff_tim );
-                free ( tab_nom_tim );
-                free ( tab_nom_his );
-                free ( tab_nom_bid );
-		goto ERREUR;
-	}
-	fclose ( ptr_file_tim );
-	fclose ( ptr_file_his );
-	fclose ( ptr_file_bid );
-/* Constitution du nom des fichiers a ecrire	 */
-/* et insertion dans les tableaux		 */
-for (can=0; can<*nb_can; can ++ )
-    nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';
-    strcpy ( nom_fic_canal , repertoire_ima );
-    if (*nb_can == 1)
-    {
-	strcat ( nom_fic_canal , "/PAN.gds" );
-	nom_fic_canal[strlen(repertoire_ima)+8]='\0';
-    }
-    else
-    {
-    	strcat ( nom_fic_canal , "/XS" );
-  	sprintf ( car , "%d" , can+1 );
-	strcat ( nom_fic_canal , car );
-	strcat ( nom_fic_canal , ".gds" );
-        nom_fic_canal[strlen(repertoire_ima)+3+strlen(car)+4]='\0';
-      }
-      num = creat(nom_fic_canal,PERMS);
-      if (num == -1)
-      {
-        sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Creation %s impossible\n",nom_fic_canal);
-	unlink(nom_fic);
-	for(i=0;i<=can;i++)
-	{
-			unlink(tab_nom_tim[i]);
-			unlink(tab_nom_his[i]);
-			unlink(tab_nom_bid[i]);
-	}
-        goto ERREUR;
-       }
-        image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[can]=num;
-        image1->POS_OCTET[can]=0;
-  }
-free ( ptr_buff_tim );
-free ( tab_nom_tim );
-free ( tab_nom_his );
-free ( tab_nom_bid );
-return (image1);
-  return(NULL);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_creation_atg2
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_lecture_canal_atg2                                     */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de lecture d'un canal d'une image atg2                 */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_atg2(image1, canal,       */       		      /* ------------------                             premiere_ligne,            */
-/*                                                premiere_colonne,          */
-/*                                                nombre_lignes_lire ,       */
-/*                                                nombre_colonnes_lire,      */
-/*                                                pas_ligne ,pas_colonne,    */
-/*                 		                  data_image )               */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*     canal                (E) (int) : numero du canal a lire               */
-/*     premiere_ligne       (E) (int) : premiere ligne a lire dans l'image   */
-/*     premiere _colonne    (E) (int) : premiere colonne a lire dans l'image */
-/*     nombre_lignes_lire   (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a lire              */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_lire (E) (int) : nombre de colonnes a lire            */
-/*     pas_ligne            (E) (int) : pas en ligne                         */
-/*     pas_colonne          (E) (int) : pas en colonne                       */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels lus alloue et     */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_lecture_canal_atg2 (S) (CAI_OK_KO) :    = CAI_KO si pb            */
-/*                                                 = CAI_OK si OK            */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_atg2(image1 ,  
-                                  canal ,           
-    		                  premiere_ligne  ,   
-     		                  premiere_colonne,
-                                  nombre_lignes_lire ,
-                                  nombre_colonnes_lire,
-                                  pas_ligne ,          
-                                  pas_colonne,
-		                  data_image )        
-CAI_IMAGE *image1;
-int *canal ;          
-int *premiere_ligne  ;   
-int *premiere_colonne   ;
-int *nombre_lignes_lire ;
-int *nombre_colonnes_lire;
-int *pas_ligne ;                              
-int *pas_colonne;        
-unsigned char *data_image;
- int   num,i,j,k,n,l,p;     /* variables de travail                          */
- int pt_oct;		    /* position courante dans le fichier image       */
- int no_oct;                /* numero du premier octet a lire                */
- int iret;                  /* indicateur d'erreur                           */
- int lig;                   /* indice de boucle sur les lignes               */
- int   oct_pix;             /* nb octets par pixels                          */
- long  nb_oct;              /* nb oct =1er octet a lire - position courante  */
- unsigned char *buf_lec;    /* buffer lecture d'un pave                      */
- unsigned char *buffer;     /* buffer lecture de taille_pave lignes completes*/
- unsigned char *deb,*pch;   /* pointeur chaine pour transfert  buffer sortie */
- long nb_oct_pave;          /* taille du pave en octets                      */
- unsigned char *ind_lec;    /* pointeur de travai pour transfert pave        */
- unsigned char *ind_tab;    /* pointeur de travai pour transfert pave        */
- int pave;                  /* nombre de paves colonnes dans une ligne       */
- int nbcol_tot;             /* nb pave*taille colonnes du pave               */
- int taille;                /* nbcol_tot*taille lignes pave                  */
- int bloc;		    /* indice de boucle sur les paves                */
- int nolig;		    /* indice de boucle sur les lignes               */
- int numlig;                /* numero de la ligne reconstituee               */
-  Initialisations
-  ........................*/
-   iret=CAI_OK;
-   num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*canal-1];
-   oct_pix=image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-   nb_oct_pave=oct_pix*image1->LIGNES_PAVE*image1->COLONNES_PAVE;
-   lig=*premiere_ligne;
-   i=0;
-   pch=data_image;
-        allocation de memoire pour lire une ligne image
- ............................................. */
-   pave=image1->NB_COL/image1->COLONNES_PAVE;
-   if ((image1->NB_COL%image1->COLONNES_PAVE)!=0)
-   {
-      pave=pave+1;
-   }
-   nbcol_tot=pave*image1->COLONNES_PAVE;
-   taille=nbcol_tot*image1->LIGNES_PAVE*oct_pix;
-   buf_lec = (unsigned char *) malloc(nb_oct_pave);
-   if (buf_lec == NULL)
-   {
-      iret=CAI_KO;
-      strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Probleme d'allocation memoire");
-      return(iret);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc(taille);
-      if (buffer == NULL)
-      {
-         iret=CAI_KO;
-         strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Probleme d'allocation memoire");
-         free(buf_lec);
-         return(iret);
-      }
-    }
-     Pour chaque ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-     while ((i < (*nombre_lignes_lire))&&(iret==CAI_OK))
-    {  
-       Recherche de la position courante dans le fichier
-  ............................................*/
-       pt_oct=lseek(num,0L,1);
-       Calcul du numero du 1er octet a lire
-  ....................................*/
-       nolig=((lig-1)/image1->LIGNES_PAVE)*image1->LIGNES_PAVE;  
-       no_oct=image1->POS_OCTET[*canal-1]+(nolig*nbcol_tot*oct_pix);
-       Saut d'octets pour etre positionne sur la ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-       nb_oct=(long)(no_oct-pt_oct);
-       lseek(num,nb_oct,1);
-       lecture de image1->LIGNES_PAVE lignes completes de nolig+1
-       a nolig+image1->LIGNES_PAVE
-  ................................................*/
-        for (bloc=1;bloc<=pave;bloc=bloc+1)
-	{
-/*        lecture d'un bloc de nb_oct_pave octets consecutifs */
-          n=read(num,buf_lec,nb_oct_pave);
-          if (n<=0)
-          {
-            iret=CAI_KO;
-            strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture donnee image atg2");
-          }
-          else
-          { 
-/*	   stockage du pave dans le tableau de image1->LIGNES_PAVE lignes 
-		completes */
-           ind_tab=buffer+(bloc-1)*image1->COLONNES_PAVE*oct_pix;
-	   ind_lec=buf_lec;
-	    for (l=1;l<=image1->LIGNES_PAVE;l=l+1)
-            {
-	      for (p=1;p<=image1->COLONNES_PAVE*oct_pix;p=p+1)
-	      {
-		*ind_tab=*ind_lec;
-		ind_tab=ind_tab+1;
-		ind_lec=ind_lec+1;
-	       }
-	       ind_tab=ind_tab+(nbcol_tot-image1->COLONNES_PAVE)*oct_pix;
-	     }
-	   }
-        }
-        Sauvegarde des donnees lues entenant compte du pas 
-             d'echantillonnage en colonne
-  ........................................*/       
-	if (iret == CAI_OK)
-	{
-         numlig=lig-nolig;
-	 deb=buffer+(numlig-1)*nbcol_tot*oct_pix+
-	            ((*premiere_colonne)-1)*oct_pix;
-	 while ((numlig<=image1->LIGNES_PAVE)&&(i<(*nombre_lignes_lire)))
-	 {
-           j=1;
-           while (j<=(*nombre_colonnes_lire))
-           {
-	     for (k=0;k<oct_pix;k=k+1)
-	     {
-		 *(pch+k)=*(deb+k);
- 	     }
-	     j=j+1;
-             pch=pch+oct_pix;
-	     deb=deb+((*pas_colonne)*oct_pix);
-	    }
-            numlig=numlig+(*pas_ligne);
-            deb=buffer+((numlig-1)*nbcol_tot*oct_pix)+
-               ((*premiere_colonne)-1)*oct_pix;           
-            lig=lig+(*pas_ligne);
-            i=i+1;
-	    }
-	  }
-   }
-	free(buffer);
-        free(buf_lec);
- 	return(iret);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_lecture_canal_atg2
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ecriture_canal_atg2                                    */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ecriture d'un canal d'une image atg2                 */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL : CAI_OK_KO  cai_ecriture_canal_atg2 (image1, canal,     */       		      /* ------------------                               premiere_ligne,          */
-/*                                                  nombre_lignes_ecrire,    */
-/*                                                  nombre_colonnes_ecrire,  */
-/*                 		                    data_image )             */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)   : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier */
-/*     canal                 (E) (int) : numero du canal a ecrire            */
-/*     premiere_ligne        (E) (int) : premiere ligne a ecrire ds l'image  */
-/*     nombre_lignes_ecrire  (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_ecrire(E) (int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels ecris alloue et   */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ecriture_canal_atg2       (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb        */
-/*                                                     = CAI_OK si OK        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_atg2(image1 ,  
-                                  canal ,           
-    		                  premiere_ligne  ,   
-                                  nombre_lignes_ecrire ,
-                                  nombre_colonnes_ecrire,
-		                  data_image )        
-CAI_IMAGE *image1;
-int *canal ;          
-int *premiere_ligne  ;   
-int *nombre_lignes_ecrire ;
-int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire;
-unsigned char *data_image;
-int	nb_colon_correc;	/* nombre de colonnes multiple de 256         */
-int	nb_blocs;		/* nombre de paquets de 256 pixels            */
-int	i_bloc;			/* compteur de blocs			      */
-int	nb_last_pix;		/* nb initial de pixels dans le dernier bloc  */
-int	nb_blocs_prec_first_lig;/* nb de blocs avant 1ere ligne a ecrire      */
-int	nb_blocs_prec_lig;	/* nb de blocs avant ligne courante	      */
-int	pos_first_lig_ds_bloc;	/* position 1ere ligne a ecrire dans son bloc */
-int	pos_lig_ds_bloc;	/* position ligne courante dans son bloc      */
-long	position_first_oct;	/* position du 1er octet a ecrire 	      */
-long	position_courante;	/* position courante dans le fichier          */
-long	deplacement;		/* deplacement a effectuer		      */
-long	depla_bl;		/* deplacement a effectuer 		      */
-int	i_ligne;		/* compteur de lignes			      */
-unsigned char *buff_lig;	/* tableau contenant une ligne a ecrire       */
-unsigned char *buff_bloc;	/* tableau contenant un bloc a ecrire	      */
-int	taille_wr;		/* nombre d'elements du buffer a ecrire       */
-int	cr_write;		/* code retour de write			      */
-unsigned char *completion;	/* caractere completant les blocs 	      */
-int num;                        /* descripteur de fichier                     */
-int nboct_pix;			/* nombre d'octets par pixel                  */
-unsigned char *pch;		/* pointeur chaine servant au transfert       */
-int i;                          /* indice de boucle                           */
-/* initialisations */
-i_ligne = 0;
-num = image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*canal-1];
-nboct_pix = image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-/* Calcul du nombre de colonnes multiple de 256 de 	*/
-/* l'image a ecrire					*/
-if ( (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) % 256 == 0 )
-	nb_colon_correc = (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire);
-	nb_colon_correc = (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) - ((*nombre_colonnes_ecrire)%256) + 256;
-/* Calcul du nombre de blocs complets de 256 pixels 	*/
-/* sur une meme ligne (eventuellement completes par 0)	*/
-nb_blocs = nb_colon_correc / 256;
-/* Calcul du nombre de pixels presents initialement 	*/
-/* dans le dernier bloc d'une ligne			*/
-nb_last_pix = 256 - ( nb_colon_correc - (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) );
-/* Calcul du nombre de blocs de 256 lignes precedant la	*/
-/* premiere ligne a ecrire				*/
-/* Calcul de la position de la premiere ligne a ecrire 	*/
-/* au sein d'un bloc de 256 lignes			*/
-if ( *premiere_ligne <= 256 )
-	nb_blocs_prec_first_lig = 0;
-	pos_first_lig_ds_bloc = *premiere_ligne;
-else if ( (*premiere_ligne - 1) % 256 == 0 )
-	nb_blocs_prec_first_lig = (*premiere_ligne - 1) / 256;
-	pos_first_lig_ds_bloc = 1;
-	nb_blocs_prec_first_lig =
-	( (*premiere_ligne- 1 ) - (*premiere_ligne - 1)%256 ) / 256;
-	pos_first_lig_ds_bloc = 1 + (*premiere_ligne - 1)%256;
-/* Initialisations					*/
-pos_lig_ds_bloc = pos_first_lig_ds_bloc;
-nb_blocs_prec_lig = nb_blocs_prec_first_lig;
-/* POUR	chacune des lignes a ecrire	               	*/
-for ( i_ligne = 0 ; i_ligne < *nombre_lignes_ecrire ; i_ligne++ )
-/*	calcul de la position du premier octet de la	*/
-/*	ligne a ecrire					*/
-	position_first_oct = (long) ( image1->POS_OCTET[*canal-1]
-				+ 256 * nboct_pix * (pos_lig_ds_bloc - 1) 
-	        + 256 * nb_blocs_prec_lig * nb_colon_correc * nboct_pix );
-/*	recuperation de la position courante		*/
-	position_courante = lseek ( num , 0L , 1 );
-/*	deplacement jusqu'au premier octet a ecrire	*/
-	deplacement = position_first_oct - position_courante;
-	lseek ( num , deplacement , 1 ); 
-/*	extraction de la ligne du tableau 		*/
-	buff_lig = data_image +(*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) * nboct_pix * i_ligne;
-/*	initialisation du decalage de 255*256 pixels	*/
-	depla_bl = 0;
-/*	POUR	chacun des blocs de 256 pixels		*/
-	for ( i_bloc = 0 ; i_bloc < nb_blocs ; i_bloc++ )
-	{
-/*		deplacement 				*/
-		lseek ( num , depla_bl , 1 );
-/*		extraction d'un bloc de la ligne	*/
-		buff_bloc = buff_lig + i_bloc * 256 * nboct_pix;
-/*		determination du nombre d'octets a 	*/
-/*		ecrire					*/
-		if ( i_bloc == nb_blocs - 1 )
-                 {
-			taille_wr = nb_last_pix*nboct_pix;
-                 }
-		else
-                 {
-			taille_wr = 256 * nboct_pix;
-		  }
-/*		ecriture dans le fichier		*/
-		cr_write = write ( num , buff_bloc , taille_wr );
-		if ( cr_write != taille_wr )
-		{
-			strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture canal image atg2\n" );
-			goto ERREUR;
-		}
-/*		completion eventuelle du dernier bloc	*/
-		if ((i_bloc == nb_blocs - 1) && ((256 - nb_last_pix) > 0))
-		{
-			taille_wr = (256 - nb_last_pix)*nboct_pix;
-		        completion=(unsigned char *) malloc(taille_wr);
-                        pch=completion;
-		        for (i=0;i<taille_wr;i=i+1)
-                        {
-			    *pch='\0';
-                             pch=pch+1;
-			 }
-			cr_write = write ( num ,  completion  , taille_wr );
-			if ( cr_write != taille_wr )
-			{
-				strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture canal image atg2\n" );
-				goto ERREUR;
-			}
-			free(completion);
-		}
-/*		mise a jour du decalage de 255*256 pixels*/
-		depla_bl = 255*256*nboct_pix;
-/*	FIN POUR                                        */ 
-	}
-/*	mise a jour de la position de la ligne dans le	*/
-/*	bloc, et du nombre de blocs precedant la ligne	*/
-	if ( pos_lig_ds_bloc == 256 )
-	{
-		pos_lig_ds_bloc = 1;
-		nb_blocs_prec_lig++;
-	}
-	else
-		pos_lig_ds_bloc++;
-/* FIN POUR    						*/
-return (CAI_OK);
-return (CAI_KO);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ecriture_canal_atg2
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ferme_atg2                                             */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de fermeture d'une image au format atg2 et de          */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent 			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_atg2(image1)                      */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ferme_atg2       (S) (CAI_OK_KO) :   = CAI_KO si pb               */
-/*                                              = CAI_OK si OK               */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_atg2 (image1)
-CAI_IMAGE *image1;
- int iret;    /* code retour de l'operation      */
- int i_can;   /* indice du canal a fermer        */
- int num;     /* descripteur du fichier a fermer */
- iret=CAI_OK;
-   Fermeture des fichiers image 
-  .............................................*/
-   for (i_can=0;i_can<image1->NB_CANAUX;i_can=i_can+1)
-   {
-     num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i_can];
-     close(num);
-    }
-  return (iret);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ferme_atg2
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_dest_ima_atg2                                          */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de destruction d'une image stocke en atg2 et de        */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent  			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_atg2(format,nom_ima)           */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*     format       (E) (char *) : format de l'image a detruire              */
-/*     nom_image    (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a detruire avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_dest_ima_atg2    (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb                 */
-/*                                            = CAI_OK si OK                 */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_atg2 ( repertoire , 
-                              nom_ima )
-char	*repertoire;		/* repertoire de stockage de l'image */
-char	*nom_ima;		/* nom de l'image */
-int     iret ;                   /* code retour fonction de fermeture */
-int	i_can;			/* compteur de canaux */
-char	nom_fic_courant[1024];	/* nom du fichier entete a detruire */
-char    repertoire_ima[1024];   /* repertoire + nom de l'image */
-char    str_num_fic[6];         /* chaine numero du canal */
-int	numero_fic;		/* numero du fichier canal */
-char	str_cmd[100];		/* chaine de commande pour appels systeme */
-int	cr_stat;		/* code retour de fonction status de fichier */
-struct stat buf_stat;		/* structure decrivant status de fichier */ 
-CAI_IMAGE   *image1;             /* structure ouverture image */
-int         nb_can;	        /* nombre de canaux de l'image */
-int         nboct_pix;		/* nombre d'octets par pixel image */
-int         nb_col;	        /* nombre de colonnes de l'image */
-int         nb_lig;             /* nombre de lignes de l'image */
-/* Construction du nom de la sous-directory      */
-/* qui contient l'image ATG2                     */
-if (strlen(repertoire) != 0)
- strcpy ( repertoire_ima , repertoire );
- strcat ( repertoire_ima, "/" );
- strcat ( repertoire_ima , nom_ima );
- repertoire_ima[strlen(repertoire)+1+strlen(nom_ima)]='\0';
- strcpy ( repertoire_ima , nom_ima );
- repertoire_ima[strlen(nom_ima)]='\0';
-/* Extraction des caracteristiques de l'image 	*/
-/* du fichier entete par l'appel a la fonction	*/
-/* cai_ouvre_lecture_atg2			*/
-  image1 = cai_ouvre_lecture_atg2 ( repertoire,nom_ima, &nb_can ,&nboct_pix ,
-				    &nb_col , &nb_lig );	
-  if ( image1 == NULL) goto ERREUR;
-  image1->NB_CANAUX=nb_can;
-  image1->NB_COL=nb_col;
-  image1->NB_LIG=nb_lig;
-  image1->NBOCT_PIX=nboct_pix;
-  iret=cai_ferme_atg2(image1);
-/* Verification de l'existence de la sous-  	*/
-/* directory					*/
-cr_stat = stat ( repertoire_ima , &buf_stat );
-if ( cr_stat == -1 )
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR ,
-	"Erreur : acces impossible a %s\n" , repertoire_ima );
-	goto ERREUR;
-if ( (buf_stat.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR )
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR ,
-	"Erreur : %s n'est pas un repertoire\n" , repertoire_ima );
-	goto ERREUR;
-/* Constitution du nom des fichiers et 		*/
-/* destruction			 		*/
-strcpy ( nom_fic_courant , repertoire_ima );
-strcat ( nom_fic_courant , "/.gen" );
-cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic_courant , &buf_stat );
-if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-	unlink ( nom_fic_courant );
-if ( nb_can == 1 )
-	strcpy ( nom_fic_courant , repertoire_ima );
-	strcat ( nom_fic_courant , "/PAN.bid" );
-	nom_fic_courant[strlen(repertoire_ima)+8]='\0';
-	cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic_courant , &buf_stat );
-	if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-		unlink ( nom_fic_courant );
-	strcpy ( nom_fic_courant , repertoire_ima );
-	strcat ( nom_fic_courant , "/PAN.his" );
-	nom_fic_courant[strlen(repertoire_ima)+8]='\0';
-	cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic_courant , &buf_stat );
-	if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-		unlink ( nom_fic_courant );
-	strcpy ( nom_fic_courant , repertoire_ima );
-	strcat ( nom_fic_courant , "/PAN.gds" );
-	nom_fic_courant[strlen(repertoire_ima)+8]='\0';
-	cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic_courant , &buf_stat );
-	if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-		unlink ( nom_fic_courant );
-	strcpy ( nom_fic_courant , repertoire_ima );
-	strcat ( nom_fic_courant , "/PAN.tim" );
-	nom_fic_courant[strlen(repertoire_ima)+8]='\0';
-	cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic_courant , &buf_stat );
-	if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-		unlink ( nom_fic_courant );
-	i_can=1;
-	numero_fic=1;
-	while ( (i_can<=nb_can) && (numero_fic<10000) )
-	{
-		strcpy ( nom_fic_courant , repertoire_ima );
-		strcat ( nom_fic_courant , "/XS" );
-                sprintf ( str_num_fic , "%d" , numero_fic );
-                strcat ( nom_fic_courant , str_num_fic );
-                strcat ( nom_fic_courant , ".bid" );
-		cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic_courant , &buf_stat );
-		if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-			unlink ( nom_fic_courant );
-		strcpy ( nom_fic_courant , repertoire_ima );
-		strcat ( nom_fic_courant , "/XS" );
-                sprintf ( str_num_fic , "%d" , numero_fic );
-                strcat ( nom_fic_courant , str_num_fic );
-                strcat ( nom_fic_courant , ".his" );
-                nom_fic_courant[strlen(repertoire_ima)+3+strlen(str_num_fic)+4]='\0';
-		cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic_courant , &buf_stat );
-		if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-			unlink ( nom_fic_courant );
-		strcpy ( nom_fic_courant , repertoire_ima );
-		strcat ( nom_fic_courant , "/XS" );
-                sprintf ( str_num_fic , "%d" , numero_fic );
-                strcat ( nom_fic_courant , str_num_fic );
-                strcat ( nom_fic_courant , ".gds" );
-                nom_fic_courant[strlen(repertoire_ima)+3+strlen(str_num_fic)+4]='\0';
-		cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic_courant , &buf_stat );
-		if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-			unlink ( nom_fic_courant );
-		strcpy ( nom_fic_courant , repertoire_ima );
-		strcat ( nom_fic_courant , "/XS" );
-                sprintf ( str_num_fic , "%d" , numero_fic );
-                strcat ( nom_fic_courant , str_num_fic );
-                strcat ( nom_fic_courant , ".tim" );
-                nom_fic_courant[strlen(repertoire_ima)+3+strlen(str_num_fic)+4]='\0';
-		cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic_courant , &buf_stat );
-		if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-			unlink ( nom_fic_courant );
-		i_can++;
-		numero_fic++;
-        }
-sprintf(str_cmd,"rmdir %s",repertoire_ima);
-return (CAI_OK);
-return (CAI_KO);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_dest_ima_atg2
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_modifie_atg2                                     */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture ecriture d'une image au format  */
-/* -----     atg2 et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                   */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_atg2(nom_image,          */
-/*  ---------------- 		                         nb_can,             */
-/*				                         nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                         nb_col,             */
-/*				                         nb_lig)             */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_modifie_atg2  (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)    : =NULL si pb            */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */   /*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_atg2(repert,
-				   nom_image,
-				   nb_can,
-				   nboct_pix,
-				   nb_col,
-				   nb_lig)
-char *repert;
-char *nom_image;
-int  *nb_can;
-int  *nboct_pix;
-int  *nb_col;
-int  *nb_lig;
-   int fic;			/* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   int  iret;			/* indicateur de retour ok ou pas           */
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char *deb,*deb1;		/* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres       */
-   char car[2];			/* indce du canal traite     		    */
-   int num,k,n;		        /* indice 				    */
-   Fsro_format_data fsro;       /* structure decrivant l'entete atg2        */
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   *nb_lig=0;
-   *nb_col=0;
-   *nboct_pix=0;
-   *nb_can=0;
-   iret=1;
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
- if (strlen(repert)!= 0)
- {
-   sscanf(repert,"%s",nom_fic);
-   strcat(nom_fic,"/");
-   strcat(nom_fic,nom_image);
-   strcat(nom_fic,"/");
-   strcat(nom_fic,".gen");
-   nom_fic[strlen(repert)+1+strlen(nom_image)+5]='\0';
-  }
- else
- {
-   sscanf(nom_image,"%s",nom_fic);
-   strcat(nom_fic,"/");
-   strcat(nom_fic,".gen");
-   nom_fic[strlen(nom_image)+5]='\0';
-  }
-   Ouverture du fichier entete
-  ..........................................*/
-   num=open(nom_fic,O_RDONLY,0);
-   if (num == -1)
-   {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier entete ATG2");
-    }
-   else
-   {
-       Lecture du fichier entete
-  ............................................*/
-          n=read( num , &fsro , sizeof(Fsro_format_data));
-	  if ( n <= 0 )
-	  {
-           sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture entete ATG2 %s\n",nom_fic),
-	   iret=0;
-	   return (NULL);
-	  }
-	  Fermeture du fichier entete ATG2
-  ..........................................*/
-	  close ( num );
-          Recuperation du nombre d'octets par pixel .
-  ....................................................*/
-	  if (fsro.pvb>16)
-  	  {
-	      iret=0;
-	      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Taille du pixel non traitable %d\n",fsro.pvb);
-	      return (NULL);
-	  }
-	  else
-	  {
-            if ((fsro.pvb%8)==0)
-	       *nboct_pix=fsro.pvb/8;
-            else
-	       *nboct_pix=fsro.pvb/8+1;
-            image1->NB_BITS_PIX = fsro.pvb;
-	  }
-          Recuperation de la taille d'un pave en lignes
-  ....................................................*/
-	  image1->LIGNES_PAVE=fsro.pnl;
-          Recuperation de la taille d'un pave en colonnes
-  ....................................................*/
-	  image1->COLONNES_PAVE=fsro.pnc;
-          Calcul du nombre de lignes : taille du pave*nombre de pave en ligne
-  ....................................................*/
-	  *nb_lig=fsro.nfl*image1->LIGNES_PAVE;
-          Calcul du nombre de colonnes: taille  pave*nombre  pave en colonnes
-  ....................................................*/
-	  *nb_col=fsro.nfc*image1->COLONNES_PAVE;
-         Recuperation du nombre de canaux en fonction du nom des fichiers .gds
-	 1 - test sur l'existence du fichier PAN.gds monochrome
-  ...........................................................*/
-        nom_fic[0]='\0';
-       if (strlen(repert)!= 0)
-       {
-          sscanf(repert,"%s",nom_fic);
-          strcat(nom_fic,"/");
-          strcat(nom_fic,nom_image);
-          strcat(nom_fic,"/PAN.gds");
-          nom_fic[strlen(repert)+1+strlen(nom_image)+8]='\0';
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          sscanf(nom_image,"%s",nom_fic);
-          strcat(nom_fic,"/PAN.gds");
-          nom_fic[strlen(nom_image)+8]='\0';
-        }
-        num=open(nom_fic,O_RDONLY,0);
-        if (num<=0)
-	{
-/*	  2 - test sur l'existence du fichier XS1.gds monochrome
-  ...........................................................*/
-          nom_fic[0]='\0';
-          if (strlen(repert)!= 0)
-          {
-            sscanf(repert,"%s",nom_fic);
-            strcat(nom_fic,"/");
-            strcat(nom_fic,nom_image);
-            strcat(nom_fic,"/XS1.gds");
-            nom_fic[strlen(repert)+1+strlen(nom_image)+8]='\0';
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            sscanf(nom_image,"%s",nom_fic);
-            strcat(nom_fic,"/XS1.gds");
-            nom_fic[strlen(nom_image)+8]='\0';
-          }
-          fic=open(nom_fic,O_RDONLY,0);
-          if (fic<=0)
-	  {
-	     iret=0;
-	     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur nombre de canaux incorrect ATG2\n");
-	     return (NULL);
-	  }
-	  else
-          {   
-	     close(fic);
-	     *nb_can=3;
-           }
-         }
-        else
-        {
-	  close(num);
-	  *nb_can=1;
-	}
-   }
-   if (iret !=0)
-   {
-      de ces fichiers
-  .....................................................*/
-     deb = image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-     deb1= image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN;
-     if (*nb_can==1)
-     {
-	 sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb);
-	 strcat(deb,"/PAN.gds");
-	 sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb1);
-	 strcat(deb1,"/PAN.gds");
-         nom_fic[0]='\0';
-         if (strlen(repert)!=0)
-         {
-          sscanf(repert,"%s",nom_fic);
-          strcat(nom_fic,"/");
-          strcat(nom_fic,nom_image);
-          strcat(nom_fic,"/PAN");
-          strcat(nom_fic,car);
-          strcat(nom_fic,".gds");
-          nom_fic[strlen(repert)+1+strlen(nom_image)+8]='\0';
-         }
-         else
-         {
-          sscanf(nom_image,"%s",nom_fic);
-          strcat(nom_fic,"/PAN");
-          strcat(nom_fic,car);
-          strcat(nom_fic,".gds");
-          nom_fic[strlen(nom_image)+8]='\0';
-         }
-         fic=open(nom_fic,O_RDWR,0);
-         image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[0]=fic;
-         image1->POS_OCTET[0]=0;
-     }
-     else
-     {
-       k=1;    
-       while((k<=*nb_can)&&(k<CAI_NB_MAX_CAN))
-       {
-          sprintf(car,"%d",k);
-          sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb);
-          strcat(deb,"/XS");
-          strcat(deb,car);
-          strcat(deb,".gds");
-          deb=deb+100;
-          sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb1);
-          strcat(deb1,".XS");
-          strcat(deb1,car);
-          strcat(deb1,".gds");
-          deb1=deb1+100;
-          nom_fic[0]='\0';
-         if (strlen(repert)!=0)
-         {
-          sscanf(repert,"%s",nom_fic);
-          strcat(nom_fic,"/");
-          strcat(nom_fic,nom_image);
-          strcat(nom_fic,"/XS");
-          strcat(nom_fic,car);
-          strcat(nom_fic,".gds");
-          nom_fic[strlen(repert)+1+strlen(nom_image)+8]='\0';
-         }
-         else
-         {
-          sscanf(nom_image,"%s",nom_fic);
-          strcat(nom_fic,"/XS");
-          strcat(nom_fic,car);
-          strcat(nom_fic,".gds");
-          nom_fic[strlen(nom_image)+8]='\0';
-         }
-          fic=open(nom_fic,O_RDWR,0);
-          if (fic != -1) 
-          {
-           image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[k-1]=fic;
-           image1->POS_OCTET[k-1]=0;
-           k=k+1;
-          }
-	  else
-          {
-	    iret=0;
-            strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"incoherence au niveau du nb fichiers canaux");
-	    return(NULL);
-          }
-       }
-     }
-     return (image1);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-     return(NULL);
-    }
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_modifie_atg2
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_bandeau.c b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_bandeau.c
deleted file mode 100755
index d059d4f9216a14a090435274ca9de8d0691d7cd1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_bandeau.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,730 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                           */
-/* PROJET :    COUCHE ACCES IMAGE                                            */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MODULE :    cai_bandeau.c                                                 */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE   :    Ce module rassemble toutes les fonctions d'acces aux images   */
-/* -------     stockees au format bandeau                                    */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* AUTEUR :      R.CHAISEMARTIN     (CISI)                                   */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* DATE DE CREATION :    novembre 2005                                       */
-/* -----------------						             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* LANGAGE : C                                                               */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V5.3                                                            */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.3 : Prise en compte du format bandeau dans CAI          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                Inclusion des fichiers STANDARDS (.h)                      */
-# include <stdio.h>
-# include <string.h>
-# include <stdlib.h>
-# include <sys/types.h>
-# include <unistd.h>
-# include <dirent.h>
-# include <sys/stat.h>
-# include <fcntl.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#define _CAI_IMAGE
-# include "cai_image.h"
-/* Variable pour la  gestion en configuration                                 */
-static char *rcs_id="$Header$";
-extern char *getenv();
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                Definition des OPERATIONS EXTERNES                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_liste_ima_bandeau                                      */
-/* ----------                                                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de listage des images au format bandeau                */
-/* ------                                                                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :      int cai_liste_ima_bandeau(repert,tab_ima)         */
-/* -----------------                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     repert       (E) (char *)   : repertoire a explorer		     */
-/*     tab_ima      (S) (char ***) : pointeur sur tableau des images listees */
-/*                                    alloue par la fonction,il doit etre    */
-/*                                    LIBERE PAR L'APPELANT                  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_liste_ima_bandeau   (S) (long int)  : = -1 repertoiren inexistant */                                    /*					       = > 0 nombre d'images listees */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION :  V2                                                             */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-long int cai_liste_ima_bandeau (char *repert,
-		       char ***tab_ima)
-   DIR *dirp;		/* pointeur sur structure ouverture repertoire */
-   struct dirent *dp;   /* structure resultat de la fonction readdir   */
-   char *pch0,*pch1;    /* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres          */
-   char *pch2,*pch3;    /* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres          */
-   char car[6];         /* variable de travail                         */  
-   int nb_ima;          /* nombre d'images bandeau identifiees         */
-   int i;               /* indice de boucle                            */
-   long int diff,Long;
-   INITIALISATION et ouverture du repertoire choisi
-  .........................................*/
-   nb_ima=0;
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   if(dirp!=NULL)
-   {
-   premiere passe pour comptabiliser les images du format donne
-      (EXTENSION =.band)
-   ..........................................*/
-     while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-     {
-        sprintf(car,".band");
-        pch0=strstr(dp->d_name,car);
-        if (pch0 != NULL)
-        {
-             *pch0='\0';
-	     nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-         }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.4 : DM : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-        else
-        {
-           sprintf(car,".BAND");
-           pch1=strstr(dp->d_name,car);
-           if (pch1 != NULL)
-           {
-               *pch1='\0';
-	       nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-            }
-         }
-     }
-    (void)closedir(dirp);
-   if (nb_ima ==0) goto FIN;
-     ......................................*/
-    *tab_ima = (char **) calloc(nb_ima,sizeof(char *));
-    for (i=0;i<nb_ima;i=i+1)
-      (*tab_ima)[i]=(char *)calloc(1,100);
-   deuxieme passe pour constituer la liste des images du format donne
-      (EXTENSION =.band)
-   ..........................................*/
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   nb_ima=0;
-   while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-   {
-     sprintf(car,".band");
-     pch0=strstr(dp->d_name,car);
-     if (pch0 != NULL)
-     {
-             *pch0='\0';
-             strcpy((*tab_ima)[nb_ima],dp->d_name);
-	     nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-       }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.4 : DM : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-      else
-      {
-         sprintf(car,".BAND");
-         pch1=strstr(dp->d_name,car);
-         if (pch1 != NULL)
-         {
-             *pch1='\0';
-             strcpy((*tab_ima)[nb_ima],dp->d_name);
-	     nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-          }
-       }
-     }
-    (void)closedir(dirp);
- }
- else
- {
-    /* repertoire inexistant */
-     nb_ima=-1;
-  }
-  return(nb_ima);
-/* Fin de l'operation cai_liste_ima_bandeau
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_lecture_bandeau                                  */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture d'une image au format bandeau   */
-/* -----     et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :     CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_bandeau (nom_image,   */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels              */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_lecture_bandeau     (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb       */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_bandeau(char *repert,
-				 char *nom_image,
-				 int  *nb_can,
-				 int  *nboct_pix,
-				 int  *nb_col,
-				 int  *nb_lig)
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1,*image2;   /* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   int NbBandeaux;              /* nombre de bandeaux                       */
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char label[80];		/* contient un enregistrement du fichier    */
-   int retour;			/* retour de la fonction comparaison chaines*/ 
-   FILE *fic_in;		/* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   char format[20];		/* Format de stockage de chaque bandeau     */
-   int nbcan, nboctpix;
-   int nbcol,nblig;
-   int ific,num,ind;
-   CH50 tab_ima[20];
-   /*........................................
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   *nb_can=0;
-   *nb_lig=0;
-   *nb_col=0;
-   *nboct_pix=0;
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_lecture");
-     goto ERREUR;
-    }
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repert)== 0)
-	sprintf(repert,"./");
-   sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.band",repert,nom_image);
-   sprintf(image1->NOM_IMAGE,"%s/%s",repert,nom_image);
-  /*........................
-   Ouverture du fichier entete
-  ..........................................*/
-   fic_in=NULL;
-   fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"r");
-   if (fic_in==NULL)
-   {
-/* verification si extension en majuscule */
-      nom_fic[0]='\0';
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.BAND",repert,nom_image);
-      fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"r");
-      if (fic_in==NULL)
-      {
-          strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier entete BANDEAU-CNES");
-          goto ERREUR;
-     }
-   }
-     Decodage du nombre de BANDEAU
-  ............................................*/
-     fscanf(fic_in,"%s %d\n",label,&NbBandeaux);
-     retour=strncmp(label,"BANDEAU",7);
-     if (retour!=0)
-     {
-       sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,
-			"Informations incoherentes ligne BANDEAU dans %s",
-			nom_fic);
-       goto ERREUR;
-     }
-     Decodage du nombre du format
-  ............................................*/
-     fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",format);
-     Recuperation du nom de chaque bandeau
-  ............................................*/
-   for (ific=0;ific<NbBandeaux;ific++)
-   {   
-      fscanf(fic_in,"%s %d\n",label,&num);
-      strcpy(tab_ima[num-1],label);
-   }
-   Fermeture du fichier 
-  ......................................*/
-    if (fic_in!=NULL) 
-    {
-	fclose(fic_in);
-	fic_in=NULL;
-    }
-     Ouverture de chaque bandeau
-  ............................................*/
-   for (ific=0;ific<NbBandeaux;ific++)
-   {   
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s",repert,tab_ima[ific]);
-      image2 = cai_ouvre_lecture_image(nom_fic, format,&nbcan,
-                                      &nboctpix,&nbcol,&nblig); 
-      if (image2 == NULL)
-      {
-          sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture du bandeau %s \n",nom_fic);
-          goto ERREUR;
-      }
-      *nb_can = nbcan;
-      *nboct_pix = nboctpix;
-      *nb_col = nbcol;
-      *nb_lig = (*nb_lig) + nblig;
-      image1->POS_OCTET[ific]=0;
-      FBANDEAU[ific] = image2;
-   }
-     Initialisation du type de codage, indicateur d'inversion des octets,
-			nombre d'octets par pixel,
-  ........................................................*/
-     sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,image2->COD_PIX);
-     image1->NB_BITS_PIX = image2->NB_BITS_PIX;  
-     image1->NBOCT_PIX = image2->NBOCT_PIX;
-     image1->INV_OCTETS = image2->INV_OCTETS;
- On stocke l'information "nombre de bandeaux" dans ACCES_CANAL_INT
- qui n'est pas utilisé par ailleurs
-  ........................................................*/
-     image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[0] = NbBandeaux;
-     return(image1);
-    if (fic_in!=NULL) 
-    {
-	fclose(fic_in);
-	fic_in=NULL;
-    }
-     return (NULL);
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_lecture_bandeau
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_lecture_canal_bandeau                                  */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de lecture d'un canal d'une image bandeau              */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_bandeau(image1, canal,    */
-/* ------------------                            premiere_ligne,             */
-/*                                               premiere_colonne,           */
-/*                                               nombre_lignes_lire ,        */
-/*                                               nombre_colonnes_lire,       */
-/*                                               pas_ligne ,pas_colonne,     */
-/*                 		                data_image )                 */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*     canal                (E) (lint): numero du canal a lire               */
-/*     premiere_ligne       (E) (int) : premiere ligne a lire dans l'image   */
-/*     premiere _colonne    (E) (int) : premiere colonne a lire dans l'image */
-/*     nombre_lignes_lire   (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a lire              */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_lire (E) (int) : nombre de colonnes a lire            */
-/*     pas_ligne            (E) (int) : pas en ligne                         */
-/*     pas_colonne          (E) (int) : pas en colonne                       */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels lus alloue et     */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_lecture_canal_bandeau     (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb        */
-/*                                                 = CAI_OK si OK            */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_bandeau(CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,  
-                                int *canal ,           
-    		          	int *premiere_ligne  ,   
-     		          	int *premiere_colonne,
-                         	int *nombre_lignes_lire ,
-                          	int *nombre_colonnes_lire,
-                          	int *pas_ligne ,          
-                          	int *pas_colonne,
-		          	unsigned char *data_image )        
- int NbBandeaux;            /* Nombre de bandeaux constituant l'image        */
- int iret;                  /* indicateur d'erreur                           */
- long int oct_pix;          /* nb octets par pixels                          */
- long int oct_lig;          /* nb oct. par ligne en considerant taille pixel */
- int lig,ilig;              /* indice de boucle sur les lignes               */
- int ific;                  /* boucle sur le nombre de bandeaux              */
- CAI_IMAGE *image2;         /* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier image     */
- int BandDeb,Tot;           /* indicateur du bandeau de la premiere ligne    */
- int BandFin,Fin;           /* indicateur du bandeau de la derniere ligne    */
- unsigned char *buf_lec;    /* buffer lecture d'une  ligne                   */
- unsigned char *pch;        /* pointeur chaine pour transfert  buffer sortie */
- int Un;
-  Initialisations diverses
-  ..........................*/
-   NbBandeaux = image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[0];
-   iret=CAI_OK;
-   oct_pix=image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-   oct_lig=(*nombre_colonnes_lire)*oct_pix;
-   lig=*premiere_ligne;
-   ilig=1;
-   Un=1;
-   pch = data_image;
-        allocation de memoire pour lire une ligne image complete
- ............................................. */
-   buf_lec = (unsigned char *) calloc(oct_lig,sizeof(unsigned char));
-   if (buf_lec == NULL)
-   {
-      strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Probleme allocation memoire");
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   Recherche du bandeau dans lequel se trouve la premiere ligne à lire
- ............................................. */
-   BandDeb = -1;
-   ific=0;
-   Tot = 1;
-   while ((BandDeb == -1) && (ific<NbBandeaux))
-   {
-	if (ific != 0)  lig = lig - image2->NB_LIG;
-	image2 = FBANDEAU[ific];
- 	Tot = Tot + image2->NB_LIG;      
-        if ((*premiere_ligne) < Tot) BandDeb=ific;
-        ific = ific+1;
-   }
-   if (BandDeb == -1) 
-   {
-      strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Recherche du premier bandeau");
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   Recherche du bandeau dans lequel se trouve la derniere ligne à lire
- ............................................. */
-   BandFin = -1;
-   ific=0;
-   Fin = (*premiere_ligne)+(*nombre_lignes_lire)-1;
-   Tot = 0;
-   while ((BandFin == -1) && (ific<NbBandeaux))
-   {
-	image2 = FBANDEAU[ific];
- 	Tot = Tot + image2->NB_LIG;  
-        if (Fin <= Tot) BandFin=ific;
-        ific = ific+1;
-   }
-   if (BandFin == -1) 
-   {
-      strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Recherche du dernier bandeau");
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   ific = BandDeb;
-   image2 = FBANDEAU[ific];
-   if (BandDeb == BandFin)
-   {
-         iret = cai_lecture_canal(image2,*canal,
-				lig,*premiere_colonne,
-				*nombre_lignes_lire,*nombre_colonnes_lire,
-				*pas_ligne,*pas_colonne,data_image);
-	 if (iret != CAI_OK)
-                 goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      while (ilig <= (*nombre_lignes_lire))
-      {
-         iret = cai_lecture_canal(image2,*canal,lig,*premiere_colonne,Un,
-				  *nombre_colonnes_lire,*pas_ligne,
-				  *pas_colonne,buf_lec);
-	 if (iret != CAI_OK)
-                 goto ERREUR;
-	  memcpy ( pch, buf_lec , oct_lig );
-          pch = pch+oct_lig;
-          ilig=ilig+1;
-          lig=lig+(*pas_ligne);
-          if (lig > image2->NB_LIG)
-          {
-		lig = lig - image2->NB_LIG;
-                ific=ific+1;
-		if (ific<NbBandeaux)
-   		   image2 = FBANDEAU[ific];
-          }
-       }
-   } 
-   return(CAI_OK);
-   return(CAI_KO);
- }
-  Fin de l'operation cai_lecture_canal_bandeau
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ferme_bandeau                                          */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de fermeture d'une image au format bandeau et de       */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent 			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_bandeau(image1)                   */
-/* ------------------                                                        */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ferme_bandeau        (S) (CAI_OK_KO) :   = CAI_KO si pb           */
-/*                                              = CAI_OK si OK               */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_bandeau (CAI_IMAGE *image1)
-   int iret,retour;     /* code retour de l'operation                    */
-   int ific;            /* indice du bandeau a fermer                    */
-   int NbBandeaux;      /* Nombre de bandeaux constituant l'image        */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image2;   /* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier image     */
-   NbBandeaux = image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[0];
-   retour=CAI_OK;
-   Fermeture de tous les bandeaux
-  .............................................*/
-   for (ific=0;ific<NbBandeaux;ific++)
-   {   
-	image2 = FBANDEAU[ific];
-        iret = cai_ferme_image(image2);
-        if (iret != CAI_OK) retour=CAI_KO;
-   }
-  return (retour);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ferme_bandeau
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_dest_ima_bandeau                                       */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de destruction d'une image stocke en bandeau et de     */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent  			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_bandeau(repertoire,nom_ima)    */
-/* ------------------                                                        */
-/*     repertoire   (E) (char *) : repertoire de l'image a detruire          */
-/*     nom_image    (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a detruire avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_dest_ima_bandeau     (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb             */
-/*                                            = CAI_OK si OK                 */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_bandeau ( char *repertoire , 
-                     	     char *nom_ima )
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1,*image2;   /* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   int NbBandeaux;              /* nombre de bandeaux                       */
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char label[80];		/* contient un enregistrement du fichier    */
-   int retour;			/* retour de la fonction comparaison chaines*/ 
-   FILE *fic_in;		/* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   char format[20];		/* Format de stockage de chaque bandeau     */
-   CH50 tab_ima[20];
-   int num,ific;
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repertoire)== 0)
-	sprintf(repertoire,"./");
-   sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.band",repertoire,nom_ima);
-  /*........................
-   Ouverture du fichier entete
-  ..........................................*/
-   fic_in=NULL;
-   fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"r");
-   if (fic_in==NULL)
-   {
-/* verification si extension en majuscule */
-      nom_fic[0]='\0';
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.BAND",repertoire,nom_ima);
-      fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"r");
-      if (fic_in==NULL)
-      {
-          strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier entete BANDEAU-CNES");
-          goto ERREUR;
-     }
-   }
-     Decodage du nombre de BANDEAU
-  ............................................*/
-     fscanf(fic_in,"%s %d\n",label,&NbBandeaux);
-     retour=strncmp(label,"BANDEAU",7);
-     if (retour!=0)
-     {
-       sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,
-			"Informations incoherentes ligne BANDEAU dans %s",
-			nom_fic);
-       goto ERREUR;
-     }
-     Decodage du nombre du format
-  ............................................*/
-     fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",format);
-     Recuperation du nom de chaque bandeau
-  ............................................*/
-   for (ific=0;ific<NbBandeaux;ific++)
-   {   
-      fscanf(fic_in,"%s %d\n",label,&num);
-      strcpy(tab_ima[num-1],label);
-   }
-   Fermeture du fichier et destruction du fichier d'entete 
-  ......................................*/
-    if (fic_in!=NULL) 
-    {
-	fclose(fic_in);
-	fic_in=NULL;
-	unlink ( nom_fic );
-    }
-    destruction de chaque bandeau
-  ............................................*/
-   for (ific=0;ific<NbBandeaux;ific++)
-   {   
-         sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s",repertoire,tab_ima[ific]);
-	 retour = cai_destruction_image(format,nom_fic);
-   }
-   return(CAI_OK);
-   return(CAI_KO);
- Fin de l'operation cai_dest_ima_bandeau
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_bil.c b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_bil.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 672c3de0b9e79d5e4474563f0f65f941b03e237a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_bil.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1810 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                           */
-/* PROJET :    COUCHE ACCES IMAGE                                            */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MODULE :    cai_bil.c                                                     */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE   :    Ce module rassemble toutes les fonctions d'acces aux images   */
-/* -------     stockees au format bil                                        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* AUTEUR :      R.CHAISEMARTIN     (CISI)                                   */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* DATE DE CREATION :    Septembre 97                                        */
-/* -----------------						             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* LANGAGE : C                                                               */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 3.3 : DM : optimisation des acces                         */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 : FA : Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation  */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : FA : anomalie a la lecture d'images codees sur plus */
-/*			      de 1 octet                                     */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : DM : modifications pour compatibilite HP64bits      */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.4 : FA : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : FA : test sur  fclose  pour PC/LINUX                */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.6 : FA : pb ouverture en modification et ecriture       */
-/*    Modification pour compatibilite ouverture en modification              */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.0 : FA : pb lecture ligne d'une image 24000x24000       */
-/*                           EN 64bits, modification de int en long int      */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.1 : DM :  Maj du tag TYPE lorsque l'image est codée     */
-/* en reel  et que l'utilisateur le precise dans le param  "label"           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM :  prise en compte des I2,I4,UI2,UI4 et R8       */
-/*                             en lecture et ecriture                        */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM :  prise en compte de l'information INTEL ou IEEE*/
-/*                             en lecture et ecriture dans l'entete .hd      */
-/*                Inclusion des fichiers STANDARDS (.h)                      */
-# include <stdio.h>
-# include <string.h>
-# include <stdlib.h>
-# include <unistd.h>
-# include <sys/types.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-# include <sys/stat.h>
-# include <fcntl.h>
-#define _CAI_IMAGE
-#define IN_CAI_BIL
-# include "cai_image.h"
-/* Variable pour la  gestion en configuration                                 */
-static char *rcs_id="$Header: cai_bil.c,v 1.10 01/05/31 10:47:22 cmf Exp $";
-extern char *getenv();
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                Definition des OPERATIONS EXTERNES                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_liste_ima_bil                                          */
-/* ----------                                                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de listage des images au format bil                    */
-/* ------                                                                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :      int cai_liste_ima_bil(repert,tab_ima)             */
-/* -----------------                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     repert       (E) (char *)   : repertoire a explorer		     */
-/*     tab_ima      (S) (char ***) : pointeur sur tableau des images listees */
-/*                                    alloue par la fonction,il doit etre    */
-/*                                    LIBERE PAR L'APPELANT                  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_liste_ima_bil   (S) (int)     :     = -1 repertoire inexistant    */                                    /*					       = > 0 nombre d'images listees */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION :  V2                                                             */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-long int cai_liste_ima_bil (char *repert,
-		           char ***tab_ima)
-   DIR *dirp;		/* pointeur sur structure ouverture repertoire */
-   struct dirent *dp;   /* structure resultat de la fonction readdir   */
-   char *pch0,*pch1;    /* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres          */
-   char car;            /* variable de travail                         */  
-   int nb_ima;          /* nombre d'images bil identifiees             */
-   long int i;          /* indice de boucle                            */
-   long int ll,dif;     /* variables de travail                        */
-   char blanc;          /* caractere blanc                             */
-   INITIALISATION et ouverture du repertoire choisi
-  .........................................*/
-   nb_ima=0;
-   blanc=' ';
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   if(dirp!=NULL)
-   {
-   premiere passe pour comptabiliser les images du format donne
-      (EXTENSION =.bil)
-     ..........................................*/
-      while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-      {
-    	pch0=strstr(dp->d_name,".bil");
-     	if (pch0 != NULL)
-     	{
-        	ll = strlen(dp->d_name);
-        	dif = (long int)(dp->d_name-pch0);
-        	dif=labs(dif);
-        	pch1=pch0+4;
-        	if (((ll-4)==dif)||((*pch1)==blanc))
-	     		nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-    	 }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-	 else
-         {
-    		pch0=strstr(dp->d_name,".BIL");
-     	        if (pch0 != NULL)
-     	        {
-        	    ll = strlen(dp->d_name);
-        	    dif = (long int)(dp->d_name-pch0);
-        	    dif=labs(dif);
-        	    pch1=pch0+4;
-        	    if (((ll-4)==dif)||((*pch1)==blanc))
-	     		nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-     	        }
-    	 }
-      }
-    closedir(dirp);
-     ......................................*/
-    *tab_ima = (char **) calloc(nb_ima,sizeof(char *));
-    for (i=0;i<nb_ima;i=i+1)
-      (*tab_ima)[i]=(char *)calloc(1,100);
-   deuxieme passe pour constituer la liste des images du format donne
-       (EXTENSION =.lan ou .gis)
-   ..........................................*/
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   nb_ima=0;
-   while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-   {
-     pch0=strstr(dp->d_name,".bil");
-     if (pch0 != NULL)
-     {
-        ll = strlen(dp->d_name);
-        dif = (long)(dp->d_name-pch0);
-        dif=labs(dif);
-        pch1=pch0+4;
-        if (((ll-4)==dif)||((*pch1)==blanc))
-        {
-            *pch0='\0';
-            strcpy((*tab_ima)[nb_ima],dp->d_name);
-	    nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-        }
-     }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-	 else
-         {
-    		pch0=strstr(dp->d_name,".BIL");
-     	        if (pch0 != NULL)
-     	        {
-        	    ll = strlen(dp->d_name);
-        	    dif = (long int)(dp->d_name-pch0);
-        	    dif=labs(dif);
-        	    pch1=pch0+4;
-        	    if (((ll-4)==dif)||((*pch1)==blanc))
-	     		nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-               }
-    	 }
-   }   
-    closedir(dirp);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-     /* Erreur : Repertoire inexistant */
-      nb_ima=-1;
-   }
-    return(nb_ima);
-/* Fin de l'operation cai_liste_ima_bil
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_lecture_bil                                      */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture d'une image au format bil       */
-/* -----     et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_bil(nom_image,           */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels              */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_lecture_bil (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb               */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */   /*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_bil(char *repert,
-				    char * nom_image,
-				    int  *nb_can,
-				    int  *nboct_pix,
-				    int  *nb_col,
-				    int  *nb_lig)
-   FILE *fic_in;		/* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   int  iret;			/* indicateur de retour ok ou pas           */
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char nom_fic_canal[1024];    /* nom fichier canal dont on teste existence*/
-   char label[80];		/* contient un enregistrement du fichier    */
-   int nbbit;			/* nb de bits par pixel du fichier en-tete  */
-   int retour;			/* retour de la fonction comparaison chaines*/ 
-   char *deb,*deb1,*pch0;	/* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres       */
-   int i,num;			/* indice 				    */
-   int nbplan;			/* nombre de canaux dans le fichier en-tete */
-   char COD_PIX[80];	        /* type de codage du pixel (optionnel)      */
-   struct stat	buf_stat;	/* structure decrivant status de fichier    */
-   char *type_machine;          /* ordre rangement octets machine de travail*/
-   int cmp;			/* retour de comparaison de chaine          */
-   int reconnaissance_type;
-   /*........................................
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
- *nb_can=0;
- *nb_lig=0;
- *nb_col=0;
- *nboct_pix=0;
- iret=1;
- pch0=NULL;
- reconnaissance_type = -1;
- image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
- /*..................................
-   determination ordre de rangement 
-   des octets sur machine de travail
-  ......................................*/ 
-   type_machine = cai_test_pFpf();
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1: FA :Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation    */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
- if (image1==NULL)
- {
-    iret=0;
-    strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_lecture");
- }
- else
- {
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.bil_hd",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.bil_hd",nom_image);
-   }
-   Ouverture du fichier entete
-  ..........................................*/
-   fic_in=NULL;
-   fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"r");
-   if (fic_in==NULL)
-   {
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-      nom_fic[0]='\0';
-      if((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-      {
-          sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.BIL_HD",repert,nom_image);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-         sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.BIL_HD",nom_image);
-       }
-      fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"r");
-      if (fic_in==NULL)
-      {
-         iret=0;
-         strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier entete BIL-CNES");
-      }
-    }
-    if (iret !=0)
-    {
-     Decodage du commentaire
-  ......................................*/
-     fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-     retour=strncmp(label,"COMMENT",7);
-     if (retour!=0)
-     {
-	strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Informations incoherentes ligne COMMENT");
-	iret=0;
-      }
-     else
-     {
-        fgets(image1->COMMENT,80,fic_in);
- /*........................................
-        Decodage du nombre de canaux
-  .........................................*/
-        fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-	retour=strncmp(label,"CHANNELS",8);
-	if (retour!=0)
-	{
-	   strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Informations incoherentes ligne CHANNELS");
-	   iret=0;
-	 }
-	else
-	{
-	   fscanf(fic_in,"%d\n",&nbplan);
-           *nb_can=nbplan;
-	   Decodage du nombre de lignes
-  ........................................*/
-	    fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-	    retour=strncmp(label,"LINES",5);
-	    if (retour!=0)
-	    {
-	       strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Informations incoherentes ligne LINES");
-	       iret=0;
-	     }
-	     else
-	     {
-	       fscanf(fic_in,"%d\n",nb_lig);
-	  Decodage du nombre de colonnes
-  ........................................*/
-	       fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-	       retour=strncmp(label,"COLUMNS",7);
-	       if (retour!=0)
-	       {
-	    	 strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Informations incoherentes ligne COLUMNS");
-	    	 iret=0;
-	  	}
-	       else
-	       {
-		 fscanf(fic_in,"%d\n",nb_col);
-	  Decodage du nombre de bits par pixel
-  ........................................*/
-	  	 fgets(label,80,fic_in);
-	  	 retour=strncmp(label,"BITS PER PIXEL",14);
-		 if (retour!=0)
-	  	 {
-	    	   strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Informations incoherentes ligne BITS ");
-	    	   iret=0;
-	  	  }
-	  	 else
-	    	 {
-		   fscanf(fic_in,"%d\n",&nbbit);
-	  Decodage du type de codage du pixel (optionnel)
-  ........................................................*/
-     		   fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-     		   retour=strncmp(label,"TYPE",4);
-     		   if (retour==0)
-                   {
-      		      fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",COD_PIX);
-		      retour=1;
-                   }
-		   else
-		     sprintf(COD_PIX,"UND");
-        	   pch0=cai_En_majuscule( COD_PIX );
-/* 	Verification si type de codage reconnu */
-         	   reconnaissance_type = cai_istyp_connu(pch0);
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM :  prise en compte de l'information INTEL ou IEEE*/
-/*                             en lecture et ecriture dans l'entete .hd      */
-		   if (retour !=0) fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-		   retour=strncmp(label,"SENSCODAGE",10);
-	 	   if (retour!=0)
-	 	   {
-/*      Si absent, pas d'inversion      */    
-			image1->INV_OCTETS =0;
-			sprintf(image1->SENS_COD,type_machine);
-	 	    }
-		    else
-		    {
-  			 fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-  			 retour=strncmp(label,"IEEE",4);
-   			 if (retour==0)	
-				sprintf(image1->SENS_COD,"BE");
-   			 else
-				sprintf(image1->SENS_COD,"LE");
-   			 cmp = strncmp(type_machine,image1->SENS_COD,2);
-   			 if (cmp!=0)
- 	  				image1->INV_OCTETS =1;
-   			 else
-	 				 image1->INV_OCTETS =0;
-                     }	 	   
-		  }
-		}
-	      }
-	  }
-      }
-    }
-   Fermeture du fichier 
-  ......................................*/
-   if (fic_in !=NULL) fclose(fic_in);
-   if (iret !=0)
-   {
-     Initialisation du nombre d'octets par pixel
-  ........................................................*/
-        if ((nbbit%8)==0)
-		*nboct_pix=(int)(nbbit/8);
-       else
-		*nboct_pix=(int)((nbbit/8)+1);
-       if (reconnaissance_type != -1)
-       {
-	    	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"%s",COD_PIX);
-       }
-       else
-       {
-     	  sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"UND");
-          if (*nboct_pix==1)
-              sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"OCT");
-          else if (*nboct_pix==2)
-	      sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"I2");
-          else if (*nboct_pix==4)
-          {
-	     retour=strncmp(COD_PIX,"I4",2);
-             if (retour==0)
-	        sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"I4");
-             else
-             {
-	 	retour=strncmp(COD_PIX,"R4",2);
-          	if (retour==0)
-	    	  sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"R4");
-             }
-           }
-           else if (*nboct_pix==8)
-           {
-		sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"R8");	   
-           }
-         }
-  .....................................................*/
-     nom_fic[0]='\0';
-     nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';
-     if((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-     {
-       sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s/%s.bil",repert,nom_image);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-       sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s.bil",nom_image);
-      }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.4 : FA : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-     retour = stat ( nom_fic_canal , &buf_stat );
-     if ( retour != 0 )
-     { 
-       if((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-       {
-         sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s/%s.BIL",repert,nom_image);
-       }
-       else
-       {
-        sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s.BIL",nom_image);
-       }
-     }
-     deb = image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-     deb1= image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN;
-     num=open(nom_fic_canal,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY,0);
-     if (num!= -1)
-     {
-       for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-       {
-           sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb);
-  	   deb=deb+100;
-           sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb1);
-  	   deb1=deb1+100;
-           image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=num;
-           image1->POS_OCTET[i]=(*nb_col)*i*(*nboct_pix);
-        }
-      }
-      else
-         iret=0;
-     }
-    }
-    if (iret == 0)
-    {
-	return (NULL);
-     }
-    else
-    {
-      return(image1);
-     }
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_lecture_bil
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_creation_bil                                     */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de creation et d'ouverture en ecriture d'une image     */
-/* -----     au format bil et de tous les fichiers qui la composent          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL : CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_bil(nom_image,           */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig,          */
-/*				                            label)           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*     nb_can         (E) (int )   : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (E) (int )   : nombre d'octets par pixels              */
-/*     nb_lig         (E) (int )   : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (E) (int )   : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*     label          (E) (char *) : commentaire lie a l'image               */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_creation_bil (S) (CAI_IMAGE *) :     =NULL si pb            */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_bil(char *repert,
-				      char *nom_image,
-				      int *nb_can,
-				      int *nboct_pix,
-				      int *nb_col,
-				      int *nb_lig,
-				      char *label)
-   FILE *fic;		        /* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char nom_fic_canal[1024];    /* nom fichier canal dont on teste existence*/
-   int retour;			/* retour de fonction 			    */ 
-   char car[4];			/* indice du canal traite     		    */
-   int i,num,Coher;		/* indice 				    */
-   struct stat	buf_stat;	/* structure decrivant status de fichier    */
-   char *type_machine;          /* ordre rangement octets machine de travail*/
-   int reconnaissance_type;
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1: FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_creation");
-     goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   determination ordre de rangement 
-   des octets sur machine de travail
-  ......................................*/ 
-   type_machine = cai_test_pFpf();
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete et verification qu'il
-   n'existe pas deja
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-       sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.bil_hd",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-       sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.bil_hd",nom_image);
-   }
-   retour = stat ( nom_fic , &buf_stat );
-   if ( retour == 0 )
-   { 
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "L'image %s BIL existe \n" , nom_image );
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  constitution du nom de fichier correspondant a la radiometrie de l'image
-  Verification qu'il n'existe pas deja
-  Ouverture du fichier en ecriture
-  .................................................................*/
-   nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';
-   sscanf(nom_fic,"%s",nom_fic_canal);
-   nom_fic_canal[strlen(nom_fic_canal)-3]='\0';
-   retour = stat ( nom_fic_canal , &buf_stat );
-   if ( retour == 0 )
-   { 
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "L'image %s BIL existe \n" , nom_image );
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   num = open(nom_fic_canal,O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_BINARY,PERMS); 
-   if (num == -1)
-   {
-     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Creation %s impossible\n",nom_fic_canal);
-     goto ERREUR;
-   } 
-   for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-   {
-     image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=num;
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.6 : FA : pb ouverture en modification et ecriture       */
-/*    Modification pour compatibilite ouverture en modification              */
-     image1->POS_OCTET[i]=(*nb_col)*i*(*nboct_pix);
-    }
-  Ouverture du fichier entete en ecriture 
-  Ecriture du contenu
-  ..........................................................*/
-  fic = fopen(nom_fic,"w");
-  if (fic == NULL)
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Creation fichier %s impossible\n",nom_fic);
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  retour=fprintf ( fic , "COMMENT\n");
-  if (retour == 0)
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Ecriture %s impossible\n",nom_fic);
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  fprintf ( fic , "%s\n" , label );
-  fprintf ( fic , "CHANNELS\n" );
-  fprintf ( fic , "%3d\n" , *nb_can );
-  fprintf ( fic , "LINES\n" );
-  fprintf ( fic , "%5d\n" , *nb_lig );
-  fprintf ( fic , "COLUMNS\n" );
-  fprintf ( fic , "%5d\n" , *nb_col );
-  fprintf ( fic , "BITS PER PIXEL\n" );
-  fprintf ( fic , "%2d\n" , (*nboct_pix)*8 );
-  fprintf ( fic , "TYPE\n");
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM :  Maj du tag TYPE lorsque l'utilisateur le      */
-/*                                  precise dans le param  "label"           */
-/* Verification si type de codage reconnu dans le label */
-  reconnaissance_type = cai_istyp_connu(label);
-  if (reconnaissance_type == -1)
-  {
- 	if (*nboct_pix==1)
-    		sprintf ( image1->COD_PIX , "OCT" );
-  	else  if (*nboct_pix==2)
-   		sprintf ( image1->COD_PIX , "I2" );
-  	else if (*nboct_pix==4)
-  	{
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.1 : DM :  Maj du tag TYPE lorsque l'image est codée     */
-/* en reel  et que l'utilisateur le precise dans le param  "label"           */
-     		if ((strcasecmp(label,"R4") == 0)||
-			(strcasecmp(label,"FLOAT")== 0)||
-				(strcasecmp(label,"REEL") == 0))
-       			sprintf ( image1->COD_PIX , "R4" );
-     		else
-       			sprintf ( image1->COD_PIX , "I4" );     
-  	}
-  	else
-   		sprintf ( image1->COD_PIX , "UND" );
-    	fprintf ( fic , "%s\n",image1->COD_PIX );
-   }
-   else
-   {
-/* Verification de coherence entre le nb d'octets par pixel et le type donne */
-      Coher=1;
-      if(*nboct_pix == 1) 
-	 if (reconnaissance_type > 1) Coher=0;       
-      else if(*nboct_pix == 2) 
-	 if ((reconnaissance_type != 2) || (reconnaissance_type != 3)) Coher=0;
-      else if(*nboct_pix == 4) 
-	 if ((reconnaissance_type <4) || (reconnaissance_type > 6)) Coher=0;
-      else if(*nboct_pix == 8) 
-	 if (reconnaissance_type != 7)  Coher=0;
-      else 
-	   Coher = 0;
-      if (Coher == 0) 
-      {      	
-	  sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"incoherence entre TYPE et Nb bits par pixels\n");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-      }    
-      else
-      {
-     		sprintf ( image1->COD_PIX , "%s" ,label);
-     		fprintf ( fic , "%s\n", label );
-      }
-   }
-  fprintf ( fic , "SENSCODAGE\n" );
-  retour=strncmp(type_machine,"BE",2);
-  sprintf(image1->SENS_COD,"%s",type_machine);
-  if (retour == 0)
-     fprintf ( fic , "IEEE\n"  );
-  else
-     fprintf ( fic , "INTEL\n"  );
-/* Fermeture du fichier                          */
-  if (fic!=NULL) fclose ( fic );
-  return (image1);
-   if (fic !=NULL) cai_dest_ima_bil ( repert ,  nom_image );
-   return(NULL);
-  }
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_creation_bil
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_lecture_canal_bil                                      */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de lecture d'un canal d'une image BIL                  */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_bil(image1, canal,        */       		      /* ------------------                        premiere_ligne,                 */
-/*                                           premiere_colonne,               */
-/*                                           nombre_lignes_lire ,            */
-/*                                           nombre_colonnes_lire,           */
-/*                                           pas_ligne ,pas_colonne,         */
-/*                 		             data_image )                    */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*     canal                (E) (int) : numero du canal a lire               */
-/*     premiere_ligne       (E) (int) : premiere ligne a lire dans l'image   */
-/*     premiere _colonne    (E) (int) : premiere colonne a lire dans l'image */
-/*     nombre_lignes_lire   (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a lire              */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_lire (E) (int) : nombre de colonnes a lire            */
-/*     pas_ligne            (E) (int) : pas en ligne                         */
-/*     pas_colonne          (E) (int) : pas en colonne                       */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels lus alloue et     */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_lecture_canal_bil (S) (CAI_OK_KO) :     = CAI_KO si pb            */
-/*                                                 = CAI_OK si OK            */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_bil(CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,  
-                                    int *canal ,           
-    		                    int *premiere_ligne  ,   
-     		                    int *premiere_colonne,
-                                    int *nombre_lignes_lire ,
-                                    int *nombre_colonnes_lire,
-                                    int *pas_ligne ,          
-                                    int *pas_colonne,
-		                    unsigned char *data_image )        
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.0 : FA : pb lecture ligne d'une image 24000x24000       */
-/*            EN 64bits, modification de int no_oct en long int no_oct       */
- int   num,i,j,k ;          /* variables de travail                          */
- long pt_oct,n;		    /* position courante dans le fichier image       */
- long no_oct;                /* numero du premier octet a lire                */
- int iret;                  /* indicateur d'erreur                           */
- int lig;                   /* indice de boucle sur les lignes               */
- int   oct_pix;             /* nb octets par pixels                          */
- long  nb_oct;              /* nb oct =1er octet a lire - position courante  */
- long  oct_lig;             /* nb oct. par ligne en considerant taille pixel */
- unsigned char *buf_lec;    /* buffer lecture d'une  ligne                   */
- unsigned char *deb,*pch;   /* pointeur chaine pour transfert  buffer sortie */
- unsigned char *data_image2;/* pointeur donnees image pour inversion octets  */
- int taille_image,Nb;       /* taille en octets de l'image                   */
-  Initialisations diverses
-  ..........................*/
-   iret=CAI_OK;
-   num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*canal-1];
-   oct_pix=image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-   oct_lig=oct_pix*image1->NB_COL;
-        allocation de memoire pour lire une ligne image
- ............................................. */
-   buf_lec = (unsigned char *) calloc(oct_lig,sizeof(unsigned char));
-   if (buf_lec == NULL)
-   {
-      iret=CAI_KO;
-      strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Probleme allocation memoire");
-   }
-   else
-   {
-        Initialisation
-  ......................*/
-        lig=*premiere_ligne;
-        i=1;
-        pch=data_image;
-         Pour chaque ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-        while ((i <= *nombre_lignes_lire)&&(iret==CAI_OK))
-        {  
-	    Recherche de la position courante dans le fichier
-  ............................................*/
-            pt_oct=lseek(num,0L,1);
-            Calcul du numero du 1er octet a lire
-  ....................................*/
-	   no_oct=(long)image1->POS_OCTET[*canal-1]+
-	          ((long)(lig-1)*(long)image1->NB_COL*
-		  (long)oct_pix*(long)image1->NB_CANAUX);
-            Saut d'octets pour etre positionne sur la ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-            nb_oct=(long)(no_oct-pt_oct);
-            lseek(num,nb_oct,1);
-            lecture d'une ligne image
-  ................................................*/
-            n=read(num,buf_lec,oct_lig);
-            if (n<=0)
-            {
-             iret=CAI_KO;
-             strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture donnee image BIL");
-            }
-            else
-            { 
-             Sauvegarde des donnees lues entenant compte du pas 
-             d'echantillonnage en colonne
-  ........................................*/           
-             deb=buf_lec+(*premiere_colonne-1)*oct_pix;
-             j=1;
-             while (j <= *nombre_colonnes_lire)
-	     {  
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : FA : anomalie a la lecture d'images codees sur plus */
-/*			      de 1 octet                                     */
-               for (k=0;k<oct_pix;k=k+1)
-                {
-                  *(pch+k)=*(deb+k);
-                 }
-              j=j+1;
-              pch=pch+oct_pix;
-              deb=deb+(*pas_colonne*oct_pix);
-             }   
-            }
-          i=i+1;
-          lig=lig+(*pas_ligne);
-        }        
-	free(buf_lec);
-   }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM :  prise en compte de l'information INTEL ou IEEE*/
-/*                             en lecture et ecriture dans l'entete .hd      */
-   if ( (iret!= CAI_KO) && (image1->INV_OCTETS==1) && (oct_pix!=1) )
-   {
-        taille_image = (*nombre_lignes_lire)*oct_pix*(*nombre_colonnes_lire);
-        data_image2 = NULL;
-        data_image2 = (unsigned char *) calloc(taille_image,
-						sizeof(unsigned char));    
-        if (data_image2 == NULL)
-        {
-           strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoire cai_lecture_canal");
-           iret=CAI_KO;
-        }
-	else
-        {
-	    /*modification ordre selon nb octets par pixel*/
-       	    swab( (void*)(data_image), (void*)(data_image2), taille_image);
-	   if (oct_pix!=2)
-           { 
-              Nb = taille_image/2;
-	      cai_inverser_tableau(data_image, data_image2,Nb);
-	   }
-	   else 
-	     for (i=0; i<taille_image;i++)
-	     {
-	        /*stockage dans data_image*/
-	        data_image[i] = data_image2[i];
-	     }	
-           if (data_image2!= NULL) free(data_image2);
-        }   	   
-    }
-   return(iret);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_lecture_canal_bil
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ecriture_canal_bil                                     */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ecriture d'un canal d'une image bil                  */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_bil(image1, canal,       */       		      /* ------------------                                 premiere_ligne,        */
-/*                                                    nombre_lignes_ecrire,  */
-/*                                                    nombre_colonnes_ecrire,*/
-/*                 		                      data_image )           */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)   : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier */
-/*     canal                 (E) (int) : numero du canal a ecrire            */
-/*     premiere_ligne        (E) (int) : premiere ligne a ecrire ds l'image  */
-/*     nombre_lignes_ecrire  (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_ecrire(E) (int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels ecris alloue et   */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ecriture_canal_bil    (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb            */
-/*                                                     = CAI_OK si OK        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_bil (CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,  
-                                      int *canal ,           
-    		                      int *premiere_ligne  ,   
-                                      int *nombre_lignes_ecrire ,
-                                      int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire,
-		                      unsigned char *data_image )        
-long	position_first_lig;	/* position de la 1ere ligne a ecrire    */
-long	position_courante;	/* position courante dans le fichier     */
-long	deplacement;		/* deplacement a effectuer               */
-int	i_ligne;		/* compteur de lignes                    */
-unsigned char *buff_lig;	/* tableau contenant une ligne a ecrire  */
-long	cr_write;		/* code retour de write                  */
-int num;                        /* descripteur de fichier                */
-int nboct_pix;			/* nombre d'octets par pixel             */
-int nb_canaux;			/* nombre de canaux de l'image totale    */
-/* ................
-   Initialisations 
-  .................*/
-i_ligne = 0;
-num = image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*canal-1];
-nboct_pix = image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-nb_canaux = image1->NB_CANAUX;
-position_first_lig = 0;
-position_courante = 0;
-deplacement = 0;
-/* Calcul de la position de la premiere ligne a ecrire 	*/ 
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.6 : FA : pb ouverture en modification et ecriture       */
-/*    Modification pour compatibilite ouverture en modification              */
-position_first_lig = (long) ( image1->POS_OCTET[*canal-1] + 
- (*premiere_ligne - 1) * (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) * nboct_pix * nb_canaux );
-/* Recuperation de la position courante			*/
-position_courante = lseek ( num , 0L , 1 );
-/* Calcul du deplacement jusqu'a la 1ere ligne a ecrire	*/
-deplacement = position_first_lig - position_courante;
-/* TANT QUE il y a des lignes a ecrire                 	*/
-while (i_ligne < (*nombre_lignes_ecrire))
-/*	extraction de la ligne du tableau 		*/
-	buff_lig = data_image + (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) * nboct_pix * i_ligne;
-/*	deplacement jusqu'a la ligne a ecrire		*/
-	lseek ( num , deplacement , 1 ); 
-/*	ecriture de la ligne				*/
-	cr_write = write ( num , buff_lig,(*nombre_colonnes_ecrire)*nboct_pix );
-	if ( cr_write != (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire)*nboct_pix )
-	{
-		strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture canal image bil\n" );
-		goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*	mise a jour du deplacement jusqu'a la ligne	*/
-/*	suivante                                   	*/
-	deplacement = ( nb_canaux - 1 ) * (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire)*nboct_pix;
-/*	incrementation du nombre de lignes		*/
-	i_ligne++;
-/* FIN TANT QUE						*/
-return (CAI_OK);
-return (CAI_KO);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ecriture_canal_bil
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ferme_bil                                              */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de fermeture d'une image au format bil et de           */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent 			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_bil(image1)                       */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ferme_bil    (S) (CAI_OK_KO) :       = CAI_KO si pb               */
-/*                                              = CAI_OK si OK               */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO  cai_ferme_bil (CAI_IMAGE *image1)
- int iret;    /* code retour de l'operation      */
- int i_can;   /* indice du canal a fermer        */
- int num;     /* descripteur du fichier a fermer */
- iret=CAI_OK;
-   Fermeture du fichier qui contient tous les canaux
-  .............................................*/
-  num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[0];
-  if (num>0) close(num);
-  return (iret);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ferme_bil
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_dest_ima_bil                                           */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de destruction d'une image stocke en bil et de         */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent  			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_bil(repertoire,nom_ima)        */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*     repertoire   (E) (char *) : repertoire de l'image a detruire          */
-/*     nom_image    (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a detruire avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_dest_ima_bil (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb                     */
-/*                                            = CAI_OK si OK                 */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_bil ( char *repertoire , 
-                                 char *nom_ima )
-int	i_can;			/* compteur de canaux */
-int     iret;                   /* code retour fonction fermetrue lecture */
-char	str_num_canal[3];	/* suffixe numero du canal */
-char	nom_fic_entete[1024];	/* nom du fichier entete a detruire */
-char    nom_ima_complet[1024];  /* repertoire + nom de l'image */
-char	nom_fic_canal[1024];	/* nom du fichier canal a detruire */
-int	cr_stat;		/* code retour de fonction status de fichier */
-struct stat buf_stat;		/* structure decrivant status de fichier */ 
-CAI_IMAGE   *image1;             /* structure ouverture image */
-int         nb_can;	        /* nombre de canaux de l'image */
-int         nboct_pix;		/* nombre d'octets par pixel image */
-int         nb_col;	        /* nombre de colonnes de l'image */
-int         nb_lig;             /* nombre de lignes de l'image */
-/* Constitution du nom du fichier d'entete	*/
-if ((long)strlen(repertoire)!= 0)
-  sprintf ( nom_ima_complet ,"%s/%s", repertoire ,nom_ima);
-  strcpy ( nom_ima_complet , nom_ima);
-  sprintf(nom_fic_entete ,"%s.bil_hd", nom_ima_complet);
-/* Destruction du fichier d'entete		*/
-cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic_entete , &buf_stat );
-if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-	unlink ( nom_fic_entete );
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-  sprintf(nom_fic_entete ,"%s.BIL_HD", nom_ima_complet);
-  cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic_entete , &buf_stat );
-  if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-	unlink ( nom_fic_entete );
-/* Destruction du fichier radiometrie		*/
-sprintf(nom_fic_entete ,"%s.bil", nom_ima_complet);
-cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic_entete , &buf_stat );
-if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-	unlink ( nom_fic_entete );
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-  sprintf(nom_fic_entete ,"%s.BIL", nom_ima_complet);
-  cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic_entete , &buf_stat );
-  if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-	unlink ( nom_fic_entete );
-return (CAI_OK);
- Fin de l'operation cai_dest_ima_bil
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_modif_nbbitspix_bil                                    */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    permet de modifier le nombre de bits significatifs par pixel    */
-/* -----     dans l'entete de fichier (.hd)				     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_modif_nbbitspix_bil(image1,NbBitsPix)   */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*     NbBitsPix   (E) (int)          : nb de bits significatifs par pixel   */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_modif_nbbitspix_bil(CAI_IMAGE *image1,int NbBitsPix)
-  int Can;		/* indice de boucle sur les canaux */
-  char fichierE[1024];  /* fichier a traiter               */
-  char Command[1024];   /* Commande a envoyer au systeme   */
-  FILE *fic;		/* pointeur descripteur fichier    */
-  int pt_oct;		/* position courante ds le fichier */
-  int *Ref;             /* Reference du SDS des fichiers   */
-  char label[80];       /* contient un enregist  fichier   */
-  char repert[1024];    /* repertoire de stockage image    */
-  char image[1024];     /* nom de l'image a ouvrir         */
-  char car;		/* variable de travail             */
-  int icr,tempo;        /* code retour fonction            */
-  CAI_CHAINE *NomIma;
-  int retour;
-/* Ouverture du fichier d'entete */
-   fichierE[0]='\0';
-   sprintf(fichierE,"%s.bil_hd",image1->NOM_IMAGE);
-   fic = fopen(fichierE,"w");
-   if (fic == NULL)
-   {
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-      fichierE[0]='\0';
-      sprintf(fichierE,"%s.BIL_HD",image1->NOM_IMAGE);
-      fic = fopen(fichierE,"w");
-      if (fic == NULL)
-      {
-         sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,
-	   "Erreur: Modification fichier %s impossible\n",fichierE);
-          goto ERREUR;
-      }
-   }
-/* Modification du fichier d'entete */
-   rewind(fic);
-   fprintf ( fic , "COMMENT\n");
-   fprintf ( fic , "%s\n" ,image1->COMMENT);
-   fprintf ( fic , "CHANNELS\n" );
-   fprintf ( fic , "%3d\n" , image1->NB_CANAUX);
-   fprintf ( fic , "LINES\n" );
-   fprintf ( fic , "%5d\n" , image1->NB_LIG);
-   fprintf ( fic , "COLUMNS\n" );
-   fprintf ( fic , "%5d\n" , image1->NB_COL );
-   fprintf ( fic , "BITS PER PIXEL\n" );
-   fprintf ( fic , "%2d\n" , NbBitsPix );
-   fprintf ( fic , "TYPE\n");
-   fprintf ( fic , "%s\n",image1->COD_PIX );  
-   fprintf ( fic,  "SENSCODAGE\n");
-   retour=strncmp((char *)image1->SENS_COD,"BE",2);
-   if (retour == 0)
-     fprintf ( fic , "IEEE\n"  );
-   else
-     fprintf ( fic , "INTEL\n"  );
-  fclose ( fic );
-  return(CAI_OK);
-  return(CAI_KO);
- Fin de l'operation cai_modif_nbbitspix_bil
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_modifie_bil                                      */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lec-ecr d'une image au format bil       */
-/* -----     et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_bil(nom_image,           */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels              */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_modifie_bil (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb               */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */   /*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_bil(char *repert,
-				     char *nom_image,
-				     int  *nb_can,
-				     int  *nboct_pix,
-				     int  *nb_col,
-				     int  *nb_lig)
-   FILE *fic_in;		/* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   int  iret;			/* indicateur de retour ok ou pas           */
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char nom_fic_canal[1024];    /* nom fichier canal dont on teste existence*/
-   char label[80];		/* contient un enregistrement du fichier    */
-   int nbbit;			/* nb de bits par pixel du fichier en-tete  */
-   int retour;			/* retour de la fonction comparaison chaines*/ 
-   char *deb,*deb1,*pch0;	/* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres       */
-   int i,num;			/* indice 				    */
-   int nbplan;			/* nombre de canaux dans le fichier en-tete */
-   char COD_PIX[80];	        /* type de codage du pixel (optionnel)      */
-   struct stat	buf_stat;	/* structure decrivant status de fichier    */
-   char *type_machine;          /* ordre rangement octets machine de travail*/
-   int cmp;			/* retour de comparaison de chaine          */
-   int reconnaissance_type;
-   /*........................................
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
- *nb_can=0;
- *nb_lig=0;
- *nb_col=0;
- *nboct_pix=0;
- iret=1;
- pch0=NULL;
- reconnaissance_type = -1;
- image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
- /*..................................
-   determination ordre de rangement 
-   des octets sur machine de travail
-  ......................................*/ 
-   type_machine = cai_test_pFpf();
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1: FA :Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation    */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
- if (image1==NULL)
- {
-    iret=0;
-    strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_modifie");
- }
- else
- {
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.bil_hd",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.bil_hd",nom_image);
-   }
-   Ouverture du fichier entete
-  ..........................................*/
-   fic_in=NULL;
-   fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"r");
-   if (fic_in==NULL)
-   {
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-      nom_fic[0]='\0';
-      if((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-      {
-          sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.BIL_HD",repert,nom_image);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-         sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.BIL_HD",nom_image);
-       }
-      fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"r");
-      if (fic_in==NULL)
-      {
-         iret=0;
-         strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier entete BIL-CNES");
-      }
-    }
-    if (iret !=0)
-    {
-     Decodage du commentaire
-  ......................................*/
-     fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-     retour=strncmp(label,"COMMENT",7);
-     if (retour!=0)
-     {
-	strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Informations incoherentes ligne COMMENT");
-	iret=0;
-      }
-     else
-     {
-        fgets(image1->COMMENT,80,fic_in);
- /*........................................
-        Decodage du nombre de canaux
-  .........................................*/
-        fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-	retour=strncmp(label,"CHANNELS",8);
-	if (retour!=0)
-	{
-	   strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Informations incoherentes ligne CHANNELS");
-	   iret=0;
-	 }
-	else
-	{
-	   fscanf(fic_in,"%d\n",&nbplan);
-           *nb_can=nbplan;
-	   Decodage du nombre de lignes
-  ........................................*/
-	    fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-	    retour=strncmp(label,"LINES",5);
-	    if (retour!=0)
-	    {
-	       strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Informations incoherentes ligne LINES");
-	       iret=0;
-	     }
-	     else
-	     {
-	       fscanf(fic_in,"%d\n",nb_lig);
-	  Decodage du nombre de colonnes
-  ........................................*/
-	       fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-	       retour=strncmp(label,"COLUMNS",7);
-	       if (retour!=0)
-	       {
-	    	 strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Informations incoherentes ligne COLUMNS");
-	    	 iret=0;
-	  	}
-	       else
-	       {
-		 fscanf(fic_in,"%d\n",nb_col);
-	  Decodage du nombre de bits par pixel
-  ........................................*/
-	  	 fgets(label,80,fic_in);
-	  	 retour=strncmp(label,"BITS PER PIXEL",14);
-		 if (retour!=0)
-	  	 {
-	    	   strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Informations incoherentes ligne BITS ");
-	    	   iret=0;
-	  	  }
-	  	 else
-	    	 {
-		   fscanf(fic_in,"%d\n",&nbbit);
-	  Decodage du type de codage du pixel (optionnel)
-  ........................................................*/
-     		   fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-     		   retour=strncmp(label,"TYPE",4);
-     		   if (retour==0)
-                   {
-      		      fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",COD_PIX);
-		      retour=1;
-                   }
-		   else
-		     sprintf(COD_PIX,"UND");
-        	   pch0=cai_En_majuscule( COD_PIX );
-/* 	Verification si type de codage reconnu */
-         	   reconnaissance_type = cai_istyp_connu(pch0);
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM :  prise en compte de l'information INTEL ou IEEE*/
-/*                             en lecture et ecriture dans l'entete .hd      */
-		   if (retour !=0) fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-		   retour=strncmp(label,"SENSCODAGE",10);
-	 	   if (retour!=0)
-	 	   {
-/*      Si absent, pas d'inversion      */    
-			image1->INV_OCTETS =0;
-			sprintf(image1->SENS_COD,type_machine);
-	 	    }
-		    else
-		    {
-  			 fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-  			 retour=strncmp(label,"IEEE",4);
-   			 if (retour==0)	
-				sprintf(image1->SENS_COD,"BE");
-   			 else
-				sprintf(image1->SENS_COD,"LE");
-   			 cmp = strncmp(type_machine,image1->SENS_COD,2);
-   			 if (cmp!=0)
- 	  				image1->INV_OCTETS =1;
-   			 else
-	 				 image1->INV_OCTETS =0;
-                     }	 	   
-		  }
-		}
-	      }
-	  }
-      }
-    }
-   Fermeture du fichier 
-  ......................................*/
-   if (fic_in !=NULL) fclose(fic_in);
-   if (iret !=0)
-   {
-     Initialisation du nombre d'octets par pixel
-  ........................................................*/
-        if ((nbbit%8)==0)
-		*nboct_pix=(int)(nbbit/8);
-       else
-		*nboct_pix=(int)((nbbit/8)+1);
-       if (reconnaissance_type != -1)
-       {
-	    	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"%s",COD_PIX);
-       }
-       else
-       {
-     	  sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"UND");
-          if (*nboct_pix==1)
-              sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"OCT");
-          else if (*nboct_pix==2)
-	      sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"I2");
-          else if (*nboct_pix==4)
-          {
-	     retour=strncmp(COD_PIX,"I4",2);
-             if (retour==0)
-	        sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"I4");
-             else
-             {
-	 	retour=strncmp(COD_PIX,"R4",2);
-          	if (retour==0)
-	    	  sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"R4");
-             }
-           }
-           else if (*nboct_pix==8)
-           {
-		sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"R8");	   
-           }
-         }
-  .....................................................*/
-     nom_fic[0]='\0';
-     nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';
-     if((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-     {
-       sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s/%s.bil",repert,nom_image);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-       sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s.bil",nom_image);
-      }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.4 : FA : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-     retour = stat ( nom_fic_canal , &buf_stat );
-     if ( retour != 0 )
-     { 
-       if((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-       {
-         sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s/%s.BIL",repert,nom_image);
-       }
-       else
-       {
-        sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s.BIL",nom_image);
-       }
-     }
-     deb = image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-     deb1= image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN;
-     num=open(nom_fic_canal,O_RDWR|O_BINARY,0);
-     if (num!= -1)
-     {
-       for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-       {
-           sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb);
-  	   deb=deb+100;
-           sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb1);
-  	   deb1=deb1+100;
-           image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=num;
-           image1->POS_OCTET[i]=(*nb_col)*i*(*nboct_pix);
-        }
-      }
-      else
-         iret=0;
-     }
-    }
-    if (iret == 0)
-    {
-	return (NULL);
-     }
-    else
-    {
-      return(image1);
-     }
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_modifie_bil
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_bip.c b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_bip.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 6d7c52008956945a8f733b922209e5a386a0af95..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_bip.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1807 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                           */
-/* PROJET :    COUCHE ACCES IMAGE                                            */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MODULE :    cai_bip.c                                                     */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE   :    Ce module rassemble toutes les fonctions d'acces aux images   */
-/* -------     stockees au format bip                                        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* AUTEUR :      R.CHAISEMARTIN     (CISI)                                   */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* DATE DE CREATION :    Mai 1996                                            */
-/* -----------------						             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* LANGAGE : C                                                               */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V2                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 3.3 : DM : optimisation des acces                         */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 : FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation    */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : FA : modifications pour compatibilite HP64bits      */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.4 : DM : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : FA : test sur  fclose  pour PC/LINUX                */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM :  prise en compte des I2,I4,UI2,UI4 et R8       */
-/*                             en lecture et ecriture                        */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM :  prise en compte de l'information INTEL ou IEEE*/
-/*                             en lecture et ecriture dans l'entete .hd      */
-/*                Inclusion des fichiers STANDARDS (.h)                      */
-# include <stdio.h>
-# include <string.h>
-# include <stdlib.h>
-# include <unistd.h>
-# include <sys/types.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-# include <sys/stat.h>
-# include <fcntl.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#define _CAI_IMAGE
-#define IN_CAI_BIP
-# include "cai_image.h"
-/* Variable pour la  gestion en configuration                                 */
-static char *rcs_id="$Header: cai_bip.c,v 1.11 01/05/31 10:46:56 cmf Exp $";
-extern char *getenv();
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                Definition des OPERATIONS EXTERNES                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_liste_ima_bip                                          */
-/* ----------                                                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de listage des images au format bip                    */
-/* ------                                                                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :      int cai_liste_ima_bip(repert,tab_ima)             */
-/* -----------------                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     repert       (E) (char *)   : repertoire a explorer		     */
-/*     tab_ima      (S) (char ***) : pointeur sur tableau des images listees */
-/*                                    alloue par la fonction,il doit etre    */
-/*                                    LIBERE PAR L'APPELANT                  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_liste_ima_bip       (S) (int)     : = -1 repertoire inexistant    */                                    /*					       = > 0 nombre d'images listees */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION :  V2                                                             */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-long int cai_liste_ima_bip (char *repert,
-		           char ***tab_ima)
-   DIR *dirp;		/* pointeur sur structure ouverture repertoire */
-   struct dirent *dp;   /* structure resultat de la fonction readdir   */
-   char *pch0,*pch1;    /* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres          */ 
-   int nb_ima;          /* nombre d'images bip identifiees             */
-   int i;               /* indice de boucle                            */
-   long int ll,dif;     /* variables de travail                        */
-   char blanc;          /* caractere blanc                             */
-   INITIALISATION et ouverture du repertoire choisi
-  .........................................*/
-   nb_ima=0;
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   blanc = ' ';
-   if(dirp!=NULL)
-   {
-   premiere passe pour comptabiliser les images du format donne
-      (EXTENSION =.bip)
-   ..........................................*/
-   while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-   {
-     pch0=strstr(dp->d_name,".bip");
-     if (pch0 != NULL)
-     {
-        ll = (long int)strlen(dp->d_name);
-        dif = (long int)(dp->d_name-pch0);
-        dif=labs(dif);
-        pch1=pch0+4;
-        if (((ll-4)==dif)||((*pch1)==blanc))
-	     nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-     }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.4 : DM : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-	 else
-         {
-    		pch0=strstr(dp->d_name,".BIP");
-     	        if (pch0 != NULL)
-     	        {
-        	    ll = strlen(dp->d_name);
-        	    dif = (long int)(dp->d_name-pch0);
-        	    dif=labs(dif);
-        	    pch1=pch0+4;
-        	    if (((ll-4)==dif)||((*pch1)==blanc))
-	     		nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-     	        }
-    	 }
-   }
-    (void)closedir(dirp);
-     ......................................*/
-    *tab_ima = (char **) calloc(nb_ima,sizeof(char *));
-    for (i=0;i<nb_ima;i=i+1)
-      (*tab_ima)[i]=(char *)calloc(1,100);
-   deuxieme passe pour constituer la liste des images du format donne
-      (EXTENSION =.bip)
-   ..........................................*/
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   nb_ima=0;
-   while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-   {
-     pch0=strstr(dp->d_name,".bip");
-     if (pch0 != NULL)
-     {
-        ll = (long int)strlen(dp->d_name);
-        dif = (long int)(dp->d_name-pch0);
-        dif=labs(dif);
-        pch1=pch0+4;
-        if (((ll-4)==dif)||((*pch1)==blanc))
-        {
-            *pch0='\0';
-            strcpy((*tab_ima)[nb_ima],dp->d_name);
-	    nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-        }
-     }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.4 : DM : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-     else
-     {
-    	 pch0=strstr(dp->d_name,".BIP");
-     	 if (pch0 != NULL)
-     	 {
-        	    ll = strlen(dp->d_name);
-        	    dif = (long int)(dp->d_name-pch0);
-        	    dif=labs(dif);
-        	    pch1=pch0+4;
-        	    if (((ll-4)==dif)||((*pch1)==blanc))
-	     		nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-          }
-     }
-   }
-    (void)closedir(dirp);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-    /* repertoire inexistant */
-     nb_ima=-1;
-     }
-    return(nb_ima);
-/* Fin de l'operation cai_liste_ima_bip
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_lecture_bip                                      */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture d'une image au format bip       */
-/* -----     et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :     CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_bip (nom_image,       */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels              */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_lecture_bip     (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb           */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */   /*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_bip(char *repert,
-				    char * nom_image,
-				    int  *nb_can,
-				    int  *nboct_pix,
-				    int  *nb_col,
-				    int  *nb_lig)
-   FILE *fic_in;		/* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   int  iret;			/* indicateur de retour ok ou pas           */
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char nom_fic_canal[1024];    /* nom fichier canal dont on teste existence*/
-   char label[80];		/* contient un enregistrement du fichier    */
-   int nbbit;			/* nb de bits par pixel du fichier en-tete  */
-   int retour;			/* retour de la fonction comparaison chaines*/ 
-   char *deb,*deb1,*pch0;	/* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres       */
-   int i,num;			/* indice 				    */
-   int nbplan;			/* nombre de canaux dans le fichier en-tete */
-   char COD_PIX[80];	        /* type de codage du pixel (optionnel)      */
-   struct stat	buf_stat;	/* structure decrivant status de fichier    */
-   char *type_machine;          /* ordre rangement octets machine de travail*/
-   int cmp;			/* retour de comparaison de chaine          */
-   int reconnaissance_type;
-   /*........................................
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   *nb_can=0;
-   *nb_lig=0;
-   *nb_col=0;
-   *nboct_pix=0;
-   iret=1;
- /*..................................
-   determination ordre de rangement 
-   des octets sur machine de travail
-  ......................................*/ 
-   type_machine = cai_test_pFpf();
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1: FA Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_lecture");
-    }
-   else
-   {
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repert)!= 0)
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.bip_hd",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-     sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.bip_hd",nom_image);
-   }
-   Ouverture du fichier entete
-  ..........................................*/
-   fic_in=NULL;
-   fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"r");
-   if (fic_in==NULL)
-   {
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.4 : DM : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-      nom_fic[0]='\0';
-      if((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-      {
-          sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.BIP_HD",repert,nom_image);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-         sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.BIP_HD",nom_image);
-       }
-      fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"r");
-      if (fic_in==NULL)
-      {
-         iret=0;
-         strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier entete BIP-CNES");
-      }
-    }
-    if (iret !=0)
-    {
-     Decodage du commentaire
-  ......................................*/
-     fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-     retour=strncmp(label,"COMMENT",7);
-     if (retour!=0)
-     {
-	strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Informations incoherentes ligne COMMENT");
-	iret=0;
-      }
-     else
-     {
-        fgets(image1->COMMENT,80,fic_in);
- /*........................................
-        Decodage du nombre de canaux
-  .........................................*/
-        fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-	retour=strncmp(label,"CHANNELS",8);
-	if (retour!=0)
-	{
-	   strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Informations incoherentes ligne CHANNELS");
-	   iret=0;
-	 }
-	else
-	{
-	   fscanf(fic_in,"%d\n",&nbplan);
-           *nb_can=nbplan;
-	   Decodage du nombre de lignes
-  ........................................*/
-	    fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-	    retour=strncmp(label,"LINES",5);
-	    if (retour!=0)
-	    {
-	       strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Informations incoherentes ligne LINES");
-	       iret=0;
-	     }
-	     else
-	     {
-	       fscanf(fic_in,"%d\n",nb_lig);
-	  Decodage du nombre de colonnes
-  ........................................*/
-	       fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-	       retour=strncmp(label,"COLUMNS",7);
-	       if (retour!=0)
-	       {
-	    	 strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Informations incoherentes ligne COLUMNS");
-	    	 iret=0;
-	  	}
-	       else
-	       {
-		 fscanf(fic_in,"%d\n",nb_col);
-	  Decodage du nombre de bits par pixel
-  ........................................*/
-	  	 fgets(label,80,fic_in);
-	  	 retour=strncmp(label,"BITS PER PIXEL",14);
-		 if (retour!=0)
-	  	 {
-	    	   strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Informations incoherentes ligne BITS ");
-	    	   iret=0;
-	  	  }
-	  	 else
-	    	 {
-		   fscanf(fic_in,"%d\n",&nbbit);
-	  Decodage du type de codage du pixel (optionnel)
-  ........................................................*/
-     		   fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-     		   retour=strncmp(label,"TYPE",4);
-     		   if (retour==0)
-                   {
-      		      fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",COD_PIX);
-		      retour=1;
-                   }
-		   else
-		     sprintf(COD_PIX,"UND");
-        	   pch0=cai_En_majuscule( COD_PIX );
-/* 	Verification si type de codage reconnu */
-         	   reconnaissance_type = cai_istyp_connu(pch0);
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM :  prise en compte de l'information INTEL ou IEEE*/
-/*                             en lecture et ecriture dans l'entete .hd      */
-		   if (retour !=0) fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-		   retour=strncmp(label,"SENSCODAGE",10);
-	 	   if (retour!=0)
-	 	   {
-/*      Si absent, pas d'inversion      */    
-			image1->INV_OCTETS =0;
-			sprintf((char *)image1->SENS_COD,type_machine);
-	 	    }
-		    else
-		    {
-  			 fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-  			 retour=strncmp(label,"IEEE",4);
-   			 if (retour==0)	
-				sprintf((char *)image1->SENS_COD,"BE");
-   			 else
-				sprintf((char *)image1->SENS_COD,"LE");
-   			 cmp = strncmp(type_machine,image1->SENS_COD,2);
-   			 if (cmp!=0)
- 	  			image1->INV_OCTETS =1;
-   			 else
-	 			image1->INV_OCTETS =0;
-                     }	 	
-		  }
-		}
-	      }
-	  }
-      }
-    }
-   Fermeture du fichier 
-  ......................................*/
-   if (fic_in !=NULL) fclose(fic_in);
-   if (iret !=0)
-   {
-     Initialisation du nombre d'octets par pixel
-  ........................................................*/
-     if ((nbbit%8)==0)
-	*nboct_pix=(int)(nbbit/8);
-     else
-	*nboct_pix=(int)((nbbit/8)+1);
-     image1->NB_BITS_PIX=nbbit;
-     if (reconnaissance_type != -1)
-     {
-	    	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"%s",COD_PIX);
-     }
-     else
-     {
-     	  sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"UND");
-          if (*nboct_pix==1)
-              sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"OCT");
-          else if (*nboct_pix==2)
-	      sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"I2");
-          else if (*nboct_pix==4)
-          {
-	     retour=strncmp(COD_PIX,"I4",2);
-             if (retour==0)
-	        sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"I4");
-             else
-             {
-	 	retour=strncmp(COD_PIX,"R4",2);
-          	if (retour==0)
-	    	  sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"R4");
-             }
-           }
-           else if (*nboct_pix==8)
-           {
-		sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"R8");	   
-           }
-       }
-  .....................................................*/
-     nom_fic[0]='\0';
-     nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';
-     if ((long int)strlen(repert)!= 0)
-     {
-       sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s/%s.bip",repert,nom_image);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-       sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s.bip",nom_image);
-      }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.4 : FA : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-     retour = stat ( nom_fic_canal , &buf_stat );
-     if ( retour != 0 )
-     { 
-       if((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-       {
-         sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s/%s.BIP",repert,nom_image);
-       }
-       else
-       {
-        sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s.BIP",nom_image);
-       }
-     }
-     deb = image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-     deb1= image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN;
-     num=open(nom_fic_canal,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY,0);
-     if (num!= -1)
-     {
-       for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-       {
-           sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb);
-  	   deb=deb+100;
-           sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb1);
-  	   deb1=deb1+100;
-           image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=num;
-           image1->POS_OCTET[i]=0;
-        }
-      }
-      else
-         iret=0;
-     }
-    }
-    if (iret == 0)
-    {
-	return (NULL);
-     }
-    else
-    {
-      return(image1);
-     }
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_lecture_bip
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_creation_bip                                     */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de creation et d'ouverture en ecriture d'une image     */
-/* -----     au format bip et de tous les fichiers qui la composent          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :    CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_bip (nom_image,       */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig,          */
-/*				                            label)           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*     nb_can         (E) (int )   : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (E) (int )   : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (E) (int )   : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (E) (int )   : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*     label          (E) (char *) : commentaire lie a l'image               */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_creation_bip     (S) (CAI_IMAGE *) : =NULL si pb            */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_bip(char *repert,
-				      char *nom_image,
-				      int *nb_can,
-				      int *nboct_pix,
-				      int *nb_col,
-				      int *nb_lig,
-				      char *label)
-   FILE *fic;		        /* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char nom_fic_canal[1024];    /* nom fichier canal dont on teste existence*/
-   int retour;			/* retour de fonction 			    */ 
-   int i,num,Coher;		/* indice 				    */
-   struct stat	buf_stat;	/* structure decrivant status de fichier    */
-   char *type_machine;          /* ordre rangement octets machine de travail*/
-   int reconnaissance_type;
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1: FA Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_creation");
-     goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   determination ordre de rangement 
-   des octets sur machine de travail
-  ......................................*/ 
-   type_machine = cai_test_pFpf();
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete et verification qu'il
-   n'existe pas deja
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repert)!= 0)
-   {
-       sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.bip_hd",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-       sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.bip_hd",nom_image);
-   }
-   retour = stat ( nom_fic , &buf_stat );
-   if ( retour == 0 )
-   { 
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "L'image %s BIP existe \n" , nom_image );
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  constitution du nom de fichier correspondant a la radiometrie de l'image
-  Verification qu'il n'existe pas deja
-  Ouverture du fichier en ecriture
-  .................................................................*/
-   nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';
-   sscanf(nom_fic,"%s",nom_fic_canal);
-   nom_fic_canal[strlen(nom_fic_canal)-3]='\0';
-   retour = stat ( nom_fic_canal , &buf_stat );
-   if ( retour == 0 )
-   { 
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "L'image %s BIP existe \n" , nom_image );
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   num = open(nom_fic_canal,O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_BINARY,PERMS); 
-   if (num == -1)
-   {
-     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Creation %s impossible\n",nom_fic_canal);
-     goto ERREUR;
-   } 
-   for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-   {
-     image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=num;
-     image1->POS_OCTET[i]=0;
-    }
-  Ouverture du fichier entete en ecriture 
-  Ecriture du contenu
-  ..........................................................*/
-  fic = fopen(nom_fic,"w");
-  if (fic == NULL)
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Creation fichier %s impossible\n",nom_fic);
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  retour=fprintf ( fic , "COMMENT\n");
-  if (retour == 0)
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Ecriture %s impossible\n",nom_fic);
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  fprintf ( fic , "%s\n" , label );
-  fprintf ( fic , "CHANNELS\n" );
-  fprintf ( fic , "%3d\n" , *nb_can );
-  fprintf ( fic , "LINES\n" );
-  fprintf ( fic , "%5d\n" , *nb_lig );
-  fprintf ( fic , "COLUMNS\n" );
-  fprintf ( fic , "%5d\n" , *nb_col );
-  fprintf ( fic , "BITS PER PIXEL\n" );
-  fprintf ( fic , "%2d\n" , (*nboct_pix)*8 );
-  fprintf ( fic , "TYPE\n");
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM :  Maj du tag TYPE lorsque l'utilisateur le      */
-/*                                  precise dans le param  "label"           */
-/* Verification si type de codage reconnu dans le label */
-  reconnaissance_type = cai_istyp_connu(label);
-  if (reconnaissance_type == -1)
-  {
- 	if (*nboct_pix==1)
-    		sprintf ( image1->COD_PIX , "OCT" );
-  	else  if (*nboct_pix==2)
-   		sprintf ( image1->COD_PIX , "I2" );
-  	else if (*nboct_pix==4)
-  	{
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.1 : DM :  Maj du tag TYPE lorsque l'image est codée     */
-/* en reel  et que l'utilisateur le precise dans le param  "label"           */
-     		if ((strcasecmp(label,"R4") == 0)||
-			(strcasecmp(label,"FLOAT")== 0)||
-				(strcasecmp(label,"REEL") == 0))
-       			sprintf ( image1->COD_PIX , "R4" );
-     		else
-       			sprintf ( image1->COD_PIX , "I4" );     
-  	}
-  	else if (*nboct_pix==8)
-		sprintf ( image1->COD_PIX , "R8" );
-        else
-   		sprintf ( image1->COD_PIX , "UND" );
-    	fprintf ( fic , "%s\n",image1->COD_PIX );
-   }
-   else
-   {
-/* Verification de coherence entre le nb d'octets par pixel et le type donne */
-        Coher=1;
-	if(*nboct_pix == 1) 
-	    if (reconnaissance_type > 1) Coher=0;       
-	else if(*nboct_pix == 2) 
-	    if ((reconnaissance_type != 2) || (reconnaissance_type != 3)) Coher=0;
-	else if(*nboct_pix == 4) 
-	    if ((reconnaissance_type <4) || (reconnaissance_type > 6)) Coher=0;
-	else if(*nboct_pix == 8) 
-	    if (reconnaissance_type != 7)  Coher=0;
-        else 
-	   Coher = 0;
-        if (Coher == 0) 
-        {      	
-	  sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"incoherence entre TYPE et Nb bits par pixels\n");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-        }    
-	else
-        {
-     		sprintf ( image1->COD_PIX , "%s" ,label);
-     		fprintf ( fic , "%s\n", label );
-        }
-   }
-  fprintf ( fic , "SENSCODAGE\n" );
-  retour=strncmp(type_machine,"BE",2);
-  sprintf((char *)image1->SENS_COD,"%s",type_machine);
-  if (retour == 0)
-     fprintf ( fic , "IEEE\n"  );
-  else
-     fprintf ( fic , "INTEL\n"  );
-/* Fermeture du fichier                          */
-  fclose ( fic );
-  return (image1);
-   if (fic !=NULL) cai_dest_ima_bip ( repert ,  nom_image );
-   return(NULL);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_creation_bip
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_lecture_canal_bip                                      */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de lecture d'un canal d'une image bip                  */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_bip(image1, canal,        */       		      /* ------------------                            premiere_ligne,             */
-/*                                               premiere_colonne,           */
-/*                                               nombre_lignes_lire ,        */
-/*                                               nombre_colonnes_lire,       */
-/*                                               pas_ligne ,pas_colonne,     */
-/*                 		                data_image )                 */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*     canal                (E) (int) : numero du canal a lire               */
-/*     premiere_ligne       (E) (int) : premiere ligne a lire dans l'image   */
-/*     premiere _colonne    (E) (int) : premiere colonne a lire dans l'image */
-/*     nombre_lignes_lire   (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a lire              */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_lire (E) (int) : nombre de colonnes a lire            */
-/*     pas_ligne            (E) (int) : pas en ligne                         */
-/*     pas_colonne          (E) (int) : pas en colonne                       */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels lus alloue et     */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_lecture_canal_bip     (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb            */
-/*                                                 = CAI_OK si OK            */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_bip(CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,  
-                                    int *canal ,           
-    		                    int *premiere_ligne  ,   
-     		                    int *premiere_colonne,
-                                    int *nombre_lignes_lire ,
-                                    int *nombre_colonnes_lire,
-                                    int *pas_ligne ,          
-                                    int *pas_colonne,
-		                    unsigned char *data_image )
- int   num,i,j,k;           /* variables de travail                          */
- long pt_oct;		    /* position courante dans le fichier image       */
- long no_oct;               /* numero du premier octet a lire                */
- int iret;                  /* indicateur d'erreur                           */
- int lig;                   /* indice de boucle sur les lignes               */
- int   oct_pix;             /* nb octets par pixels                          */
- long   nb_oct;             /* nb oct =1er octet a lire - position courante  */
- int   oct_lig;             /* nb oct. par ligne en considerant taille pixel */
- int  nbcan;                /* nombre de canaux de l'image                   */
- unsigned char *buf_lec;    /* buffer lecture d'une  ligne                   */
- unsigned char *deb,*pch;   /* pointeur chaine pour transfert  buffer sortie */
- unsigned char *data_image2;/* pointeur donnees image pour inversion octets  */
- int taille_image,Nb;       /* taille en octets de l'image                   */
- long n;
-  Initialisations diverses
-  ..........................*/
-   iret=CAI_OK;
-   num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[(*canal)-1];
-   oct_pix=image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-   nbcan = image1->NB_CANAUX;
-   oct_lig=oct_pix*nbcan*(image1->NB_COL);
-        allocation de memoire pour lire une ligne image
- ............................................. */
-   buf_lec = (unsigned char *) malloc(oct_lig);
-   if (buf_lec == NULL)
-   {
-      iret=CAI_KO;
-      strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Probleme allocation memoire");
-   }
-   else
-   {
-        Initialisation
-  ......................*/
-        lig=*premiere_ligne;
-        i=1;
-        pch=data_image;
- /*.....................
-         Pour chaque ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-        while ((i <= (*nombre_lignes_lire))&&(iret==CAI_OK))
-        {  
-	    Recherche de la position courante dans le fichier
-  ............................................*/
-            pt_oct=(long int)lseek(num,0L,1);
-            Calcul du numero du 1er octet a lire
-  ....................................*/
-            no_oct=image1->POS_OCTET[(*canal)-1]+
-				((lig-1)*oct_lig);
-            Saut d'octets pour etre positionne sur la ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-            nb_oct=(long int)(no_oct-pt_oct);
-            lseek(num,nb_oct,1);
-            lecture d'une ligne image
-  ................................................*/
-            n=read(num,buf_lec,oct_lig);
-            if (n<=0)
-            {
-             iret=CAI_KO;
-             strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture donnee image BIP");
-            }
-            else
-            { 
-             Sauvegarde des donnees lues entenant compte du pas 
-             d'echantillonnage en colonne
-  ........................................*/   
-             deb=buf_lec+((*premiere_colonne)-1)*oct_pix*nbcan+
-			 ((*canal-1)*oct_pix);
-             j=1;
-             while (j <= (*nombre_colonnes_lire))
-	     {  
-               for (k=0;k<oct_pix;k=k+1)
-                {
-                  *(pch+k)=*(deb+k);
-                 }
-              pch=pch+oct_pix;
-              j=j+1;
-              deb=deb+((*pas_colonne)*oct_pix*nbcan);
-             }   
-            }
-          i=i+1;
-          lig=lig+(*pas_ligne);
-        }        
-	free(buf_lec);
-   }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM :  prise en compte de l'information INTEL ou IEEE*/
-/*                             en lecture et ecriture dans l'entete .hd      */
-   if ( (iret!= CAI_KO) && (image1->INV_OCTETS==1) && (oct_pix!=1) )
-   {
-        taille_image = (*nombre_lignes_lire)*oct_pix*(*nombre_colonnes_lire);
-        data_image2 = NULL;
-        data_image2 = (unsigned char *) calloc(taille_image,
-						sizeof(unsigned char));    
-        if (data_image2 == NULL)
-        {
-           strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoire cai_lecture_canal");
-           iret=CAI_KO;
-        }
-	else
-        {
-	    /*modification ordre selon nb octets par pixel*/
-       	    swab( (void*)(data_image), (void*)(data_image2), taille_image);
-	   if (oct_pix!=2)
-           { 
-              Nb = taille_image/2;
-	      cai_inverser_tableau(data_image, data_image2,Nb);
-	   }
-	   else 
-	     for (i=0; i<taille_image;i++)
-	     {
-	        /*stockage dans data_image*/
-	        data_image[i] = data_image2[i];
-	     }	
-           if (data_image2!= NULL) free(data_image2);
-        }   	   
-    }
-   return(iret);
- }
-  Fin de l'operation cai_lecture_canal_bip
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ecriture_canal_bip                                     */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ecriture d'un canal d'une image bip                  */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :      CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_bip(image1, canal,   */       		      /* ------------------                                 premiere_ligne,        */
-/*                                                    nombre_lignes_ecrire,  */
-/*                                                    nombre_colonnes_ecrire,*/
-/*                 		                      data_image )           */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)   : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier */
-/*     canal                 (E) (int) : numero du canal a ecrire            */
-/*     premiere_ligne        (E) (int) : premiere ligne a ecrire ds l'image  */
-/*     nombre_lignes_ecrire  (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_ecrire(E) (int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels ecris alloue et   */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ecriture_canal_bip        (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb        */
-/*                                                     = CAI_OK si OK        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_bip (CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,  
-                                      int *canal ,           
-    		                      int *premiere_ligne  ,   
-                                      int *nombre_lignes_ecrire ,
-                                      int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire,
-		                      unsigned char *data_image )
-long	position_first_lig;	/* position de la 1ere ligne a ecrire    */
-long	position_courante;	/* position courante dans le fichier     */
-long	deplacement;		/* deplacement a effectuer               */
-int	i_ligne;		/* compteur de lignes                    */
-unsigned char *buff_lig;	/* tableau contenant une ligne a ecrire  */
-long	cr_write;		/* code retour de write                  */
-int num;                        /* descripteur de fichier                */
-int nboct_pix;			/* nombre d'octets par pixel             */
-int nbcan;                      /* nombre de canaux de l'image           */
-int nboctet;                    /* nombre d'octets d'une ligne multi     */
-unsigned char *deb,*pch;	/* pointeur sur chaine pour transfert    */
-int i,j,k;			/* indice de boucle sur les colonnes     */
-long cr_read;			/* code retour de la fonction read       */
-/* initialisations */
-i_ligne = 0;
-num = image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*canal-1];
-nboct_pix = image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-nbcan = image1->NB_CANAUX;
-nboctet = (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire)*nbcan*nboct_pix;
-/* Calcul de la position de la premiere ligne a ecrire 	*/ 
-position_first_lig =(long) ( image1->POS_OCTET[(*canal)-1]+ 
-			    (( *premiere_ligne - 1) *nboctet));
-/* Recuperation de la position courante			*/
-position_courante = lseek ( num , 0L , 1 );
-/* Deplacement jusqu'a la premiere ligne a ecrire	*/
-deplacement = position_first_lig - position_courante;
-lseek ( num , deplacement , 1 ); 
-buff_lig=(unsigned char *)(calloc(nboctet,sizeof(unsigned char)));
-if (buff_lig == NULL)
-      strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Probleme d'allocation memoire ecriture");
-      goto ERREUR;
- }
-/* TANT QUE il y a des lignes a ecrire                 	*/
-while (i_ligne < (*nombre_lignes_ecrire))
-   cr_read=read(num,buff_lig,nboctet);
-   if (cr_read <0)
-	   {  
-	    strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture canal image BIP\n" );
-	    goto ERREUR;
-	    }
-   else
-	   {
-             if (cr_read==0)
-  	     {
-  		 for (i=0;i<nboctet;i++)
-     		   *(buff_lig+i)=0;
-                 deplacement=0;
-  	     }
-             else
-		deplacement= - nboctet;
-           }
-/*    Redeplacement jusqu'au premier pixel de la premiere ligne a ecrire*/
-      lseek ( num , deplacement , 1 ); 
-/*   chargement de la ligne entrelacant les pixels par rapport aux canaux*/
-   deb=buff_lig+((*canal)-1)*nboct_pix;
-   for (j=0;j<(*nombre_colonnes_ecrire);j=j+1)
-   {
-        for (k=0;k<nboct_pix;k=k+1)
-        {
-            *(deb+k)=*(pch+k);
-         }
-	pch=pch+nboct_pix;
-	deb=deb + (nboct_pix*nbcan);
-   }
-/*	ecriture de la ligne				*/
-   cr_write = write ( num , buff_lig , nboctet );
-   if ( cr_write != nboctet )
-   {  
-	 strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture canal image BIP\n" );
-	 goto ERREUR;
-   }
-/*	incrementation du nombre de lignes		*/
-	i_ligne++;
-/* FIN TANT QUE						*/
-return (CAI_OK);
-return (CAI_KO);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ecriture_canal_bip
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ferme_bip                                              */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de fermeture d'une image au format bip et de           */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent 			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_bip(image1)                       */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ferme_bip        (S) (CAI_OK_KO) :   = CAI_KO si pb               */
-/*                                              = CAI_OK si OK               */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_bip (CAI_IMAGE *image1)
- int iret;    /* code retour de l'operation      */
- int i_can;   /* indice du canal a fermer        */
- int num;     /* descripteur du fichier a fermer */
- iret=CAI_OK;
-   Fermeture de tous les canaux
-  .............................................*/
- for (i_can=0;i_can<image1->NB_CANAUX;i_can=i_can+1)
- {
-   num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i_can];
-   if (num>0) close(num);
- }
-  return (iret);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ferme_bip
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_dest_ima_bip                                           */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de destruction d'une image stocke en bip et de         */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent  			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_bip(repertoire,nom_ima)        */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*     repertoire   (E) (char *) : repertoire de l'image a detruire          */
-/*     nom_image    (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a detruire avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_dest_ima_bip     (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb                 */
-/*                                            = CAI_OK si OK                 */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_bip ( char *repertoire , 
-                     	     char *nom_ima )
-char	nom_fic_entete[1024];	/* nom du fichier entete a detruire */
-char    nom_ima_complet[1024];  /* repertoire + nom de l'image */
-int	cr_stat;		/* code retour de fonction status de fichier */
-struct stat buf_stat;		/* structure decrivant status de fichier */ 
-/* Constitution du nom du fichier d'entete	*/
-if ((long int)strlen(repertoire)!= 0)
-  sprintf ( nom_ima_complet ,"%s/%s", repertoire ,nom_ima);
-  strcpy ( nom_ima_complet , nom_ima);
-  sprintf(nom_fic_entete ,"%s.bip_hd", nom_ima_complet);
-/* Destruction du fichier d'entete		*/
-cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic_entete , &buf_stat );
-if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-	unlink ( nom_fic_entete );
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.4 : DM : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-  sprintf(nom_fic_entete ,"%s.BIP_HD", nom_ima_complet);
-  cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic_entete , &buf_stat );
-  if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-	unlink ( nom_fic_entete );
-/* Destruction du fichier radiometrie		*/
-  sprintf(nom_fic_entete ,"%s.bip", nom_ima_complet);
-  cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic_entete , &buf_stat );
-  if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-	unlink ( nom_fic_entete );
-  else
- {
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.4 : DM : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-  sprintf(nom_fic_entete ,"%s.BIP", nom_ima_complet);
-  cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic_entete , &buf_stat );
-  if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-	unlink ( nom_fic_entete );
-return (CAI_OK);
- Fin de l'operation cai_dest_ima_bip
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_modif_nbbitspix_bip                                    */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    permet de modifier le nombre de bits significatifs par pixel    */
-/* -----     dans l'entete de fichier (.hd)				     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_modif_nbbitspix_bip(image1,NbBitsPix)   */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*     NbBitsPix   (E) (int)          : nb de bits significatifs par pixel   */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_modif_nbbitspix_bip(CAI_IMAGE *image1,int NbBitsPix)
-  int Can;		/* indice de boucle sur les canaux */
-  char fichierE[1024];  /* fichier a traiter               */
-  char Command[1024];   /* Commande a envoyer au systeme   */
-  FILE *fic;		/* pointeur descripteur fichier    */
-  int pt_oct;		/* position courante ds le fichier */
-  int *Ref;             /* Reference du SDS des fichiers   */
-  char label[80];       /* contient un enregist  fichier   */
-  char repert[1024];    /* repertoire de stockage image    */
-  char image[1024];     /* nom de l'image a ouvrir         */
-  char car;		/* variable de travail             */
-  int icr,tempo,retour; /* code retour fonction            */
-  CAI_CHAINE *NomIma;
-/* Ouverture du fichier d'entete */
-   fichierE[0]='\0';
-   sprintf(fichierE,"%s.bip_hd",image1->NOM_IMAGE);
-   fic = fopen(fichierE,"w");
-   if (fic == NULL)
-   {
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.4 : DM : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-      fichierE[0]='\0';
-      sprintf(fichierE,"%s.BIP_HD",image1->NOM_IMAGE);
-      fic = fopen(fichierE,"w");
-      if (fic == NULL)
-      {
-         sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,
-	   "Erreur: Modification fichier %s impossible\n",fichierE);
-          goto ERREUR;
-      }
-   }
-/* Modification du fichier d'entete */
-   rewind(fic);
-   fprintf ( fic , "COMMENT\n");
-   fprintf ( fic , "%s\n" ,image1->COMMENT);
-   fprintf ( fic , "CHANNELS\n" );
-   fprintf ( fic , "%3d\n" , image1->NB_CANAUX);
-   fprintf ( fic , "LINES\n" );
-   fprintf ( fic , "%5d\n" , image1->NB_LIG);
-   fprintf ( fic , "COLUMNS\n" );
-   fprintf ( fic , "%5d\n" , image1->NB_COL );
-   fprintf ( fic , "BITS PER PIXEL\n" );
-   fprintf ( fic , "%2d\n" , NbBitsPix );
-   fprintf ( fic , "TYPE\n");
-   fprintf ( fic , "%s\n",image1->COD_PIX );  
-   fprintf ( fic,  "SENSCODAGE\n");
-   retour=strncmp((char *)image1->SENS_COD,"BE",2);
-   if (retour == 0)
-     fprintf ( fic , "IEEE\n"  );
-   else
-     fprintf ( fic , "INTEL\n"  );
-  fclose ( fic );
-  return(CAI_OK);
-  return(CAI_KO);
- Fin de l'operation cai_modif_nbbitspix_bip
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_modifie_bip                                      */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture/ecriture d'une image au format  */
-/* -----     bip  et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                   */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :     CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_bip (nom_image,       */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_modifie_bip     (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb           */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */   /*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_bip(char *repert,
-				     char *nom_image,
-				     int  *nb_can,
-				     int  *nboct_pix,
-				     int  *nb_col,
-				     int  *nb_lig)
-   FILE *fic_in;		/* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   int  iret;			/* indicateur de retour ok ou pas           */
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char nom_fic_canal[1024];    /* nom fichier canal dont on teste existence*/
-   char label[80];		/* contient un enregistrement du fichier    */
-   int nbbit;			/* nb de bits par pixel du fichier en-tete  */
-   int retour;			/* retour de la fonction comparaison chaines*/ 
-   char *deb,*deb1,*pch0;	/* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres       */
-   int i,num;			/* indice 				    */
-   int nbplan;			/* nombre de canaux dans le fichier en-tete */
-   char COD_PIX[80];	        /* type de codage du pixel (optionnel)      */
-   struct stat	buf_stat;	/* structure decrivant status de fichier    */
-   char *type_machine;          /* ordre rangement octets machine de travail*/
-   int cmp;			/* retour de comparaison de chaine          */
-   int reconnaissance_type;
-   /*........................................
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   *nb_can=0;
-   *nb_lig=0;
-   *nb_col=0;
-   *nboct_pix=0;
-   iret=1;
- /*..................................
-   determination ordre de rangement 
-   des octets sur machine de travail
-  ......................................*/ 
-   type_machine = cai_test_pFpf();
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1: FA Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_modifie");
-    }
-   else
-   {
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repert)!= 0)
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.bip_hd",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-     sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.bip_hd",nom_image);
-   }
-   Ouverture du fichier entete
-  ..........................................*/
-   fic_in=NULL;
-   fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"r");
-   if (fic_in==NULL)
-   {
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.4 : DM : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-      nom_fic[0]='\0';
-      if((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-      {
-          sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.BIP_HD",repert,nom_image);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-         sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.BIP_HD",nom_image);
-       }
-      fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"r");
-      if (fic_in==NULL)
-      {
-         iret=0;
-         strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier entete BIP-CNES");
-      }
-    }
-    if (iret !=0)
-    {
-     Decodage du commentaire
-  ......................................*/
-     fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-     retour=strncmp(label,"COMMENT",7);
-     if (retour!=0)
-     {
-	strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Informations incoherentes ligne COMMENT");
-	iret=0;
-      }
-     else
-     {
-        fgets(image1->COMMENT,80,fic_in);
- /*........................................
-        Decodage du nombre de canaux
-  .........................................*/
-        fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-	retour=strncmp(label,"CHANNELS",8);
-	if (retour!=0)
-	{
-	   strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Informations incoherentes ligne CHANNELS");
-	   iret=0;
-	 }
-	else
-	{
-	   fscanf(fic_in,"%d\n",&nbplan);
-           *nb_can=nbplan;
-	   Decodage du nombre de lignes
-  ........................................*/
-	    fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-	    retour=strncmp(label,"LINES",5);
-	    if (retour!=0)
-	    {
-	       strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Informations incoherentes ligne LINES");
-	       iret=0;
-	     }
-	     else
-	     {
-	       fscanf(fic_in,"%d\n",nb_lig);
-	  Decodage du nombre de colonnes
-  ........................................*/
-	       fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-	       retour=strncmp(label,"COLUMNS",7);
-	       if (retour!=0)
-	       {
-	    	 strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Informations incoherentes ligne COLUMNS");
-	    	 iret=0;
-	  	}
-	       else
-	       {
-		 fscanf(fic_in,"%d\n",nb_col);
-	  Decodage du nombre de bits par pixel
-  ........................................*/
-	  	 fgets(label,80,fic_in);
-	  	 retour=strncmp(label,"BITS PER PIXEL",14);
-		 if (retour!=0)
-	  	 {
-	    	   strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Informations incoherentes ligne BITS ");
-	    	   iret=0;
-	  	  }
-	  	 else
-	    	 {
-		   fscanf(fic_in,"%d\n",&nbbit);
-	  Decodage du type de codage du pixel (optionnel)
-  ........................................................*/
-     		   fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-     		   retour=strncmp(label,"TYPE",4);
-     		   if (retour==0)
-                   {
-      		      fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",COD_PIX);
-		      retour=1;
-                   }
-		   else
-		     sprintf(COD_PIX,"UND");
-        	   pch0=cai_En_majuscule( COD_PIX );
-/* 	Verification si type de codage reconnu */
-         	   reconnaissance_type = cai_istyp_connu(pch0);
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM :  prise en compte de l'information INTEL ou IEEE*/
-/*                             en lecture et ecriture dans l'entete .hd      */
-		   if (retour !=0) fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-		   retour=strncmp(label,"SENSCODAGE",10);
-	 	   if (retour!=0)
-	 	   {
-/*      Si absent, pas d'inversion      */    
-			image1->INV_OCTETS =0;
-			sprintf((char *)image1->SENS_COD,type_machine);
-	 	    }
-		    else
-		    {
-  			 fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-  			 retour=strncmp(label,"IEEE",4);
-   			 if (retour==0)	
-				sprintf((char *)image1->SENS_COD,"BE");
-   			 else
-				sprintf((char *)image1->SENS_COD,"LE");
-   			 cmp = strncmp(type_machine,image1->SENS_COD,2);
-   			 if (cmp!=0)
- 	  			image1->INV_OCTETS =1;
-   			 else
-	 			image1->INV_OCTETS =0;
-                     }	 	
-		  }
-		}
-	      }
-	  }
-      }
-    }
-   Fermeture du fichier 
-  ......................................*/
-   if (fic_in !=NULL) fclose(fic_in);
-   if (iret !=0)
-   {
-     Initialisation du nombre d'octets par pixel
-  ........................................................*/
-     if ((nbbit%8)==0)
-	*nboct_pix=(int)(nbbit/8);
-     else
-	*nboct_pix=(int)((nbbit/8)+1);
-     image1->NB_BITS_PIX=nbbit;
-     if (reconnaissance_type != -1)
-     {
-	    	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"%s",COD_PIX);
-     }
-     else
-     {
-     	  sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"UND");
-          if (*nboct_pix==1)
-              sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"OCT");
-          else if (*nboct_pix==2)
-	      sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"I2");
-          else if (*nboct_pix==4)
-          {
-	     retour=strncmp(COD_PIX,"I4",2);
-             if (retour==0)
-	        sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"I4");
-             else
-             {
-	 	retour=strncmp(COD_PIX,"R4",2);
-          	if (retour==0)
-	    	  sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"R4");
-             }
-           }
-           else if (*nboct_pix==8)
-           {
-		sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"R8");	   
-           }
-       }
-  .....................................................*/
-     nom_fic[0]='\0';
-     nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';
-     if ((long int)strlen(repert)!= 0)
-     {
-       sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s/%s.bip",repert,nom_image);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-       sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s.bip",nom_image);
-      }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.4 : FA : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-     retour = stat ( nom_fic_canal , &buf_stat );
-     if ( retour != 0 )
-     { 
-       if((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-       {
-         sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s/%s.BIP",repert,nom_image);
-       }
-       else
-       {
-        sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s.BIP",nom_image);
-       }
-     }
-     deb = image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-     deb1= image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN;
-     num=open(nom_fic_canal,O_RDWR|O_BINARY,0);
-     if (num!= -1)
-     {
-       for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-       {
-           sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb);
-  	   deb=deb+100;
-           sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb1);
-  	   deb1=deb1+100;
-           image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=num;
-           image1->POS_OCTET[i]=0;
-        }
-      }
-      else
-         iret=0;
-     }
-    }
-    if (iret == 0)
-    {
-	return (NULL);
-     }
-    else
-    {
-      return(image1);
-     }
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_modifie_bip
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_bsq.c b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_bsq.c
deleted file mode 100755
index ff5446f033203769686d4f373af9a2e1fc1e28d9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_bsq.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2009 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                           */
-/* PROJET :    COUCHE ACCES IMAGE                                            */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MODULE :    cai_bsq.c                                                     */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE   :    Ce module rassemble toutes les fonctions d'acces aux images   */
-/* -------     stockees au format bsq                                        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* AUTEUR :      R.CHAISEMARTIN     (CISI)                                   */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* DATE DE CREATION :    fevrier 1995                                        */
-/* -----------------						             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* LANGAGE : C                                                               */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V2                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 3.3: DM : optimisation des acces                          */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.0: DM : traitement des images en double precision       */
-/*			    en lecture, ecriture et modification             */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 : FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation    */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : FA : modifications pour compatibilite HP64bits      */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.4 : DM : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : FA : test sur  fclose  pour PC/LINUX                */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.1 : DM :  Maj du tag TYPE lorsque l'image est codée     */
-/* en reel  et que l'utilisateur le precise dans le param  "label"           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM :  prise en compte des I2,I4,UI2,UI4 et R8       */
-/*                             en lecture et ecriture                        */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM :  prise en compte de l'information INTEL ou IEEE*/
-/*                             en lecture et ecriture dans l'entete .hd      */
-/*                Inclusion des fichiers STANDARDS (.h)                      */
-# include <stdio.h>
-# include <string.h>
-# include <stdlib.h>
-# include <sys/types.h>
-# include <unistd.h>
-# include <dirent.h>
-# include <sys/stat.h>
-# include <fcntl.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#define _CAI_IMAGE
-#define IN_CAI_BSQ
-# include "cai_image.h"
-/* Variable pour la  gestion en configuration                                 */
-static char *rcs_id="$Header: cai_bsq.c,v 1.12 01/05/31 10:46:59 cmf Exp $";
-extern char *getenv();
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                Definition des OPERATIONS EXTERNES                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_liste_ima_bsq                                          */
-/* ----------                                                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de listage des images au format bsq                    */
-/* ------                                                                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :      int cai_liste_ima_bsq(repert,tab_ima)             */
-/* -----------------                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     repert       (E) (char *)   : repertoire a explorer		     */
-/*     tab_ima      (S) (char ***) : pointeur sur tableau des images listees */
-/*                                    alloue par la fonction,il doit etre    */
-/*                                    LIBERE PAR L'APPELANT                  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_liste_ima_bsq       (S) (long int)     : = -1 repertoire inexistant    */                                    /*					       = > 0 nombre d'images listees */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION :  V2                                                             */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-long int cai_liste_ima_bsq (char *repert,
-		       char ***tab_ima)
-   DIR *dirp;		/* pointeur sur structure ouverture repertoire */
-   struct dirent *dp;   /* structure resultat de la fonction readdir   */
-   char *pch0,*pch1;    /* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres          */
-   char *pch2,*pch3;    /* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres          */
-   char car;            /* variable de travail                         */  
-   int nb_ima;          /* nombre d'images bsq identifiees             */
-   int i;               /* indice de boucle                            */
-   long int diff,Long;
-   INITIALISATION et ouverture du repertoire choisi
-  .........................................*/
-   nb_ima=0;
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   if(dirp!=NULL)
-   {
-   premiere passe pour comptabiliser les images du format donne
-      (EXTENSION =.hd)
-   ..........................................*/
-   while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-   {
-     pch3=dp->d_name;
-     Long=(long int)strlen(dp->d_name);
-     car='.';
-     pch0=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-     if (pch0 != NULL)
-     {
-       car='h';
-       pch1=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-       if ((pch1 != NULL)&&(pch1==pch0+1))
-       {
-         car='d';
-         pch2=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-         if ((pch2 != NULL)&&(pch2==pch1+1))
-         {
-           diff=(long int)(pch2-pch3+1);
-           if(Long==diff)
-           {
-             *pch0='\0';
-             *pch1=' ';
-	     *pch2=' ';
-	     nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-           }
-         }
-       }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.4 : DM : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-      else
-      {
-         car='H';
-         pch1=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-         if ((pch1 != NULL)&&(pch1==pch0+1))
-         {
-           car='D';
-           pch2=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-           if ((pch2 != NULL)&&(pch2==pch1+1))
-           {
-             diff=(long int)(pch2-pch3+1);
-             if(Long==diff)
-             {
-               *pch0='\0';
-               *pch1=' ';
-	       *pch2=' ';
-	       nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-             }
-           }
-         }
-       }
-     }
-   }
-    (void)closedir(dirp);
-     ......................................*/
-    *tab_ima = (char **) calloc(nb_ima,sizeof(char *));
-    for (i=0;i<nb_ima;i=i+1)
-      (*tab_ima)[i]=(char *)calloc(1,100);
-   deuxieme passe pour constituer la liste des images du format donne
-      (EXTENSION =.hd)
-   ..........................................*/
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   nb_ima=0;
-   while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-   {
-     pch3=dp->d_name;
-     Long=(long int)strlen(dp->d_name);
-     car='.';
-     pch0=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-     if (pch0 != NULL)
-     {
-       car='h';
-       pch1=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-       if ((pch1 != NULL)&&(pch1==pch0+1))
-       {
-         car='d';
-         pch2=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-         if ((pch2 != NULL)&&(pch2==pch1+1))
-         {
-           diff=(long int)(pch2-pch3+1);
-           if(Long==diff)
-           {
-             *pch0='\0';
-             *pch1=' ';
-	     *pch2=' ';
-             strcpy((*tab_ima)[nb_ima],dp->d_name);
-	     nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-            }
-          }
-       }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.4 : DM : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-      else
-      {
-         car='H';
-         pch1=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-         if ((pch1 != NULL)&&(pch1==pch0+1))
-         {
-           car='D';
-           pch2=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-           if ((pch2 != NULL)&&(pch2==pch1+1))
-           {
-             diff=(long int)(pch2-pch3+1);
-             if(Long==diff)
-             {
-               *pch0='\0';
-               *pch1=' ';
-	       *pch2=' ';
-               strcpy((*tab_ima)[nb_ima],dp->d_name);
-	       nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-             }
-           }
-         }
-       }
-     }
-   }
-    (void)closedir(dirp);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-    /* repertoire inexistant */
-     nb_ima=-1;
-     }
-    return(nb_ima);
-/* Fin de l'operation cai_liste_ima_bsq
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_lecture_bsq                                      */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture d'une image au format bsq       */
-/* -----     et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :     CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_bsq (nom_image,       */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels              */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_lecture_bsq     (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb           */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */   /*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_bsq(char *repert,
-				 char *nom_image,
-				 int  *nb_can,
-				 int  *nboct_pix,
-				 int  *nb_col,
-				 int  *nb_lig)
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   long int  iret;		/* indicateur de retour ok ou pas           */
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char nom_fic_canal[1024];    /* nom fichier canal dont on teste existence*/
-   char label[80];		/* contient un enregistrement du fichier    */
-   int nbplan;			/* nombre de canaux dans le fichier en-tete */
-   int nbbit;			/* nb de bits par pixel du fichier en-tete  */
-   int retour;			/* retour de la fonction comparaison chaines*/ 
-   char *deb,*deb1,*pch0;	/* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres       */
-   char car[4];			/* indice du canal traite     		    */
-   int i,num,IndExtens;		/* indice 				    */
-   char Extens[25];		/* Extension possible du fichier	    */
-   char COD_PIX[5];   	        /* contient le type de codage du pixel      */
-   char *type_machine;          /* ordre rangement octets machine de travail*/
-   struct stat	buf_stat;	/* structure decrivant status de fichier    */
-   int cmp;			/* retour de comparaison de chaine          */
-   int reconnaissance_type;
-   char CAN[2];
-   FILE *fic_in;		/* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   /*........................................
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   *nb_can=0;
-   *nb_lig=0;
-   *nb_col=0;
-   *nboct_pix=0;
-   iret=1;
-   IndExtens = 0;
-   pch0=NULL;
-   reconnaissance_type = -1;
- /*..................................
-   determination ordre de rangement 
-   des octets sur machine de travail
-  ......................................*/ 
-   type_machine = cai_test_pFpf();
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 : FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_lecture");
-    }
-   else
-   {
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete
-  .................................................*/
-   pch0 = strstr(nom_image,".");
-   if (pch0 != NULL)
-   {
-	*pch0 = '\0';
-	pch0=pch0 + 1;
-	sprintf(Extens,"%s",pch0);
-	if (strcmp(Extens,"hd")!=0)
-			IndExtens=1;
-   }
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repert)!= 0)
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.hd",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.hd",nom_image);
-    }
-   sprintf(image1->NOM_IMAGE,"%s/%s",repert,nom_image);
-   Ouverture du fichier entete
-  ..........................................*/
-   fic_in=NULL;
-   fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"r");
-   if (fic_in==NULL)
-   {
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.4 : DM : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-      nom_fic[0]='\0';
-      if((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-      {
-          sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.HD",repert,nom_image);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-         sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.HD",nom_image);
-       }
-      sprintf(image1->NOM_IMAGE,"%s/%s",repert,nom_image);
-      fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"r");
-      if (fic_in==NULL)
-      {
-         iret=0;
-         strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier entete BSQ-CNES");
-      }
-    }
-    if (iret !=0)
-    {
-     Decodage des informations TYPE
-  ............................................*/
-      fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-     retour=strncmp(label,"TYPE",4);
-     if (retour!=0)
-     {
-       sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,
-			"Informations incoherentes ligne TYPE dans %s",
-			nom_fic);
-       iret=0;
-      }
-     else
-     {
-         fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",COD_PIX);
-         pch0=cai_En_majuscule( COD_PIX );
-/* Verification si type de codage reconnu */
-         reconnaissance_type = cai_istyp_connu(pch0);
-       Decodage du label          
-  ......................................*/
-	 fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-	 retour=strncmp(label,"LABEL",5);
-	 if (retour!=0)
-	 {
-	   sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,
-			"Informations incoherentes ligne LABEL dans %s",
-			nom_fic);
-	   iret=0;
-	  }
-	 else
-	 {
-	   fgets(image1->COMMENT,80,fic_in);
-           image1->COMMENT[strlen(image1->COMMENT)-1]='\0';
- /*........................................
-	Decodage du nombre de canaux
-  .........................................*/
-	   fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-	   retour=strncmp(label,"CHANNELS",8);
-	   if (retour!=0)
-	   {
-	     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,
-			"Informations incoherentes ligne CHANNELS dans  %s",
-			nom_fic);
-	     iret=0;
-	    }
-	   else
-	   {
-	     fscanf(fic_in,"%d\n",&nbplan);
-	  Decodage du nombre de lignes
-  ........................................*/
-	     fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-	     retour=strncmp(label,"LINES",5);
-	     if (retour!=0)
-	     {
-	       sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,
-			"Informations incoherentes ligne LINES dans %s",
-			nom_fic);
-	       iret=0;
-	      }
-	     else
-	     {
-	       fscanf(fic_in,"%d\n",nb_lig);
-	  Decodage du nombre de colonnes
-  ........................................*/
-	       fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-	       retour=strncmp(label,"COLUMNS",7);
-	       if (retour!=0)
-	       {
-	    	 sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,
-			"Informations incoherentes ligne COLUMNS dans %s",
-			nom_fic);
-	    	 iret=0;
-	  	}
-	       else
-	       {
-		 fscanf(fic_in,"%d\n",nb_col);
-	  Decodage du nombre de bits par pixel
-  ........................................*/
-	  	 fgets(label,80,fic_in);
-	  	 retour=strncmp(label,"BITS PER PIXEL",14);
-		 if (retour!=0)
-	  	 {
-	    	   sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,
-			"Informations incoherentes ligne BITS dans %s",
-			nom_fic);
-	    	   iret=0;
-	  	  }
-	  	 else
-	    	 {
-		   fscanf(fic_in,"%d\n",&nbbit);
-                   image1->NB_BITS_PIX = nbbit;
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM :  prise en compte de l'information INTEL ou IEEE*/
-/*                             en lecture et ecriture dans l'entete .hd      */
-       Decodage du sens de codage si présent
-  ......................................*/
-		   fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-		   retour=strncmp(label,"SENSCODAGE",10);
-	 	   if (retour!=0)
-	 	   {
-/*      Si absent, pas d'inversion      */    
-			image1->INV_OCTETS =0;
-			sprintf(image1->SENS_COD,type_machine);
-	 	    }
-	 	   else
-		   {
-  			 fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-  			 retour=strncmp(label,"IEEE",4);
-   			 if (retour==0)	
-				sprintf(image1->SENS_COD,"BE");
-   			 else
-				sprintf(image1->SENS_COD,"LE");
-   			 cmp = strncmp(type_machine,image1->SENS_COD,2);
-   			 if (cmp!=0)
-   			 {
-	  				image1->INV_OCTETS =1;
-   			 }
-   			 else
-  			 {
-	 				 image1->INV_OCTETS =0;
-   			 }
-                     }
-		  }
-		}
-	      }
-	    }
-	  }
-      }
-   Fermeture du fichier 
-  ......................................*/
-     if (fic_in!=NULL) 
-      {
-	fclose(fic_in);
-	fic_in=NULL;
-      }
-    }
-   if (iret !=0)
-   {
-     Initialisation du nombre d'octets par pixel
-  ........................................................*/
-       if ((nbbit%8)==0)
-		*nboct_pix=(int)(nbbit/8);
-       else
-		*nboct_pix=(int)((nbbit/8)+1);
-       if (reconnaissance_type != -1)
-       {
-	    	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"%s",COD_PIX);
-       }
-       else
-       {
-     	  sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"UND");
-          if (*nboct_pix==1)
-              sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"OCT");
-          else if (*nboct_pix==2)
-	      sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"I2");
-          else if (*nboct_pix==4)
-          {
-	     retour=strncmp(COD_PIX,"I4",2);
-             if (retour==0)
-	        sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"I4");
-             else
-             {
-	 	retour=strncmp(COD_PIX,"R4",2);
-          	if (retour==0)
-	    	  sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"R4");
-             }
-           }
-           else if (*nboct_pix==8)
-           {
-		sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"R8");	   
-           }
-         }
-  .....................................................*/
-       deb = image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-       deb1= image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN;
-      if ((nbplan==1)&&(IndExtens==1))
-      {
-/* Verification de l'existence du fichier demande et ouverture */
-          nom_fic[0]='\0';
-          if ((long int)strlen(repert)!= 0)
-             sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.%s",repert,nom_image,Extens);
- 	  else
-             sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.%s",nom_image,Extens);
-          nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';
-          sscanf(nom_fic,"%s",nom_fic_canal);
-          num=open(nom_fic_canal,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY,0);
-          if (num!= -1)
-          {
-            sprintf(deb,"%s.%s",nom_image,Extens);
-  	    deb=deb+100;
-            sprintf(deb1,"%s.%s",nom_image,Extens);
-            deb1=deb1+100;
-          }
-          image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*nb_can]=num;
-          image1->POS_OCTET[*nb_can]=0;
-          *nb_can=*nb_can+1;     
-      }
-      else
-      {
-     recherche du nombre de canaux de l'image si pas d'extension donnee
-  ..........................................................*/
-        nom_fic[0]='\0';
-        if ((long int)strlen(repert)!= 0)
-        {
-            sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.c",repert,nom_image);
-         }
-        else
-        {
-            sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.c",nom_image);
-         }
- /*****************************************************************************/
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.4 : FA : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-       sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s1",nom_fic);
-       retour = stat ( nom_fic_canal , &buf_stat );
-       if ( retour != 0 )
-       {
-           sprintf(CAN,"C");
-           if ((long int)strlen(repert)!= 0)
-           {
-               sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.C",repert,nom_image);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.C",nom_image);
-             }
-       }
-       else
-           sprintf(CAN,"c");
-        for (i=1;i<CAI_NB_MAX_CAN;i=i+1)
-        {
-          nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';
-          sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s%d",nom_fic,i);
-          num=open(nom_fic_canal,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY,0);
-          if (num!= -1)
-          {
-            if (*nb_can<CAI_NB_MAX_CAN)
-            {
-           	sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb);
-	   	strcat(deb,CAN);
-                sprintf(car,"%d",(*nb_can)+1);
-           	strcat(deb,car);
-  	   	deb=deb+100;
-           	sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb1);
-	   	strcat(deb1,CAN);
-           	strcat(deb1,car);
-           	deb1=deb1+100;
-             }
-             image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*nb_can]=num;
-             image1->POS_OCTET[*nb_can]=0;
-             *nb_can=*nb_can+1;     
-          }
-         }
-        if (*nb_can!=nbplan)
-        {
-       		sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,
-		"incoherence au niveau du nombre de fichiers canaux dans %s",
-		nom_fic);
-       		iret=0;
-         }
-      }
-     }
-    }
-    if (iret == 0)
-	return (NULL);
-    else
-      return(image1);
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_lecture_bsq
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_creation_bsq                                     */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de creation et d'ouverture en ecriture d'une image     */
-/* -----     au format bsq et de tous les fichiers qui la composent          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :    CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_bsq (nom_image,       */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig,          */
-/*				                            label)           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*     nb_can         (E) (int )   : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (E) (int )   : nombre d'octets par pixels              */
-/*     nb_lig         (E) (int )   : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (E) (int )   : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*     label          (E) (char *) : commentaire lie a l'image               */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_creation_bsq     (S) (CAI_IMAGE *) : =NULL si pb            */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_bsq(char *repert,
-				  char *nom_image,
-				  int  *nb_can,
-				  int  *nboct_pix,
-				  int  *nb_col,
-				  int  *nb_lig,
-				  char *label)
-   FILE *fic;		        /* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char nom_fic_canal[1024];    /* nom fichier canal dont on teste existence*/
-   int retour;			/* retour de fonction 			    */ 
-   char car[4];			/* indice du canal traite     		    */
-   int i,num;			/* indice 				    */
-   struct stat	buf_stat;	/* structure decrivant status de fichier    */
-   char *type_machine;          /* ordre rangement octets machine de travail*/
-   int reconnaissance_type;     
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 : FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_creation");
-     goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   determination ordre de rangement 
-   des octets sur machine de travail
-  ......................................*/ 
-   type_machine = cai_test_pFpf();
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete et verification qu'il
-   n'existe pas deja
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repert)!= 0)
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.hd",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.hd",nom_image);
-   }
-   retour = stat ( nom_fic , &buf_stat );
-   if ( retour == 0 )
-   { 
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "L'image %s BSQ existe \n" , nom_image );
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   sprintf(image1->NOM_IMAGE,"%s/%s",repert,nom_image);
-  Pour chaque canal de l'image,constitution du nom de fichier correspondant
-  Verification qu'il n'existe pas deja
-  Ouverture du fichier en ecriture
-  .................................................................*/
-  for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-  {
-   nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';
-   sprintf(car,"%d",i+1);
-   if (i+1<10)
-         car[1]='\0';
-   else
-   {
-      if (i+1<100)
-          car[2]='\0';
-      else
-           car[3]='\0';
-    }
-    if ((long int)strlen(repert)!= 0)
-    {
-      sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s/%s.c%s",repert,nom_image,car);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s.c%s",nom_image,car);
-   }
-   retour = stat ( nom_fic_canal , &buf_stat );
-   if ( retour == 0 )
-   { 
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "L'image %s BSQ existe \n" , nom_image );
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   num = open(nom_fic_canal,O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_BINARY,PERMS); 
-   if (num == -1)
-   {
-     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Creation %s impossible\n",nom_fic_canal);
-     goto ERREUR;
-   } 
-   image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=num;
-   image1->POS_OCTET[i]=0;
-  }
-  Ouverture du fichier entete en ecriture 
-  Ecriture du contenu
-  ..........................................................*/
-  fic = fopen(nom_fic,"w");
-  if (fic == NULL)
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Creation fichier %s impossible\n",nom_fic);
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  retour=fprintf ( fic , "TYPE\n");
-  if (retour == 0)
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Ecriture %s impossible\n",nom_fic);
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM :  Maj du tag TYPE lorsque l'utilisateur le      */
-/*                                  precise dans le param  "label"           */
-/* Verification si type de codage reconnu dans le label */
-  reconnaissance_type = cai_istyp_connu(label);
-  if (reconnaissance_type == -1)
-  {
- 	if (*nboct_pix==1)
-    		sprintf ( image1->COD_PIX , "OCT" );
-  	else  if (*nboct_pix==2)
-   		sprintf ( image1->COD_PIX , "I2" );
-  	else if (*nboct_pix==4)
-  	{
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.1 : DM :  Maj du tag TYPE lorsque l'image est codée     */
-/* en reel  et que l'utilisateur le precise dans le param  "label"           */
-     		if ((strcasecmp(label,"R4") == 0)||
-			(strcasecmp(label,"FLOAT")== 0)||
-				(strcasecmp(label,"REEL") == 0))
-       			sprintf ( image1->COD_PIX , "R4" );
-     		else
-       			sprintf ( image1->COD_PIX , "I4" );     
-  	}
-  	else
-   		sprintf ( image1->COD_PIX , "UND" );
-    	fprintf ( fic , "%s\n",image1->COD_PIX );
-   }
-   else
-   {
-     sprintf ( image1->COD_PIX , "%s" ,label);
-     fprintf ( fic , "%s\n", label );
-   }
-  fprintf ( fic , "LABEL\n" );
-  fprintf ( fic , "%s\n" , label );
-  fprintf ( fic , "CHANNELS\n" );
-  fprintf ( fic , "%3d\n" , *nb_can );
-  fprintf ( fic , "LINES\n" );
-  fprintf ( fic , "%5d\n" , *nb_lig );
-  fprintf ( fic , "COLUMNS\n" );
-  fprintf ( fic , "%5d\n" , *nb_col );
-  fprintf ( fic , "BITS PER PIXEL\n" );
-  fprintf ( fic , "%2d\n" , (*nboct_pix)*8 );
-  fprintf ( fic , "SENSCODAGE\n" );
-  retour=strncmp(type_machine,"BE",2);
-  sprintf(image1->SENS_COD,"%s",type_machine);
-  if (retour == 0)
-     fprintf ( fic , "IEEE\n"  );
-  else
-     fprintf ( fic , "INTEL\n"  );
-/* Fermeture du fichier                          */
-  fclose ( fic );
-  return (image1);
-  return(NULL);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_creation_bsq
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_lecture_canal_bsq                                      */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de lecture d'un canal d'une image bsq                  */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_bsq(image1, canal,        */       		      /* ------------------                            premiere_ligne,             */
-/*                                               premiere_colonne,           */
-/*                                               nombre_lignes_lire ,        */
-/*                                               nombre_colonnes_lire,       */
-/*                                               pas_ligne ,pas_colonne,     */
-/*                 		                data_image )                 */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*     canal                (E) (lint): numero du canal a lire               */
-/*     premiere_ligne       (E) (int) : premiere ligne a lire dans l'image   */
-/*     premiere _colonne    (E) (int) : premiere colonne a lire dans l'image */
-/*     nombre_lignes_lire   (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a lire              */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_lire (E) (int) : nombre de colonnes a lire            */
-/*     pas_ligne            (E) (int) : pas en ligne                         */
-/*     pas_colonne          (E) (int) : pas en colonne                       */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels lus alloue et     */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_lecture_canal_bsq     (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb            */
-/*                                                 = CAI_OK si OK            */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_bsq(CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,  
-                                int *canal ,           
-    		          	int *premiere_ligne  ,   
-     		          	int *premiere_colonne,
-                         	int *nombre_lignes_lire ,
-                          	int *nombre_colonnes_lire,
-                          	int *pas_ligne ,          
-                          	int *pas_colonne,
-		          	unsigned char *data_image )        
- int   num,i,j,k;           /* variables de travail                          */
- long int pt_oct;	    /* position courante dans le fichier image       */
- long int no_oct;           /* numero du premier octet a lire                */
- int iret;                  /* indicateur d'erreur                           */
- long int lig;              /* indice de boucle sur les lignes               */
- long int   oct_pix;        /* nb octets par pixels                          */
- long int nb_oct;           /* nb oct =1er octet a lire - position courante  */
- long int oct_lig;          /* nb oct. par ligne en considerant taille pixel */
- unsigned char *buf_lec;    /* buffer lecture d'une  ligne                   */
- unsigned char *deb,*pch;   /* pointeur chaine pour transfert  buffer sortie */
- unsigned char *data_image2;/* pointeur donnees image pour inversion octets  */
- int taille_image,Nb;       /* taille en octets de l'image                   */ 
- long int n;
-  Initialisations diverses
-  ..........................*/
-   iret=CAI_OK;
-   num=(int)image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[(*canal)-1];
-   oct_pix=image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-   oct_lig=oct_pix*(image1->NB_COL);
-/* verification si lecture image entiere */
-  if ((*nombre_lignes_lire==image1->NB_LIG)&&(*nombre_colonnes_lire==image1->NB_COL)
-       &&(*pas_ligne==1)&&(*pas_colonne==1))
-  {
-       oct_lig=oct_pix*(image1->NB_COL)*(image1->NB_LIG);
-    /* positionnement en debut de fichier */
-       pt_oct=lseek(num,0L,0);
-   /* lecture du canal complet */
-      n=read(num,data_image,oct_lig);
-      if (n<=0)
-      {
-             iret=CAI_KO;
-             sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture donnee image BSQ dans %s",
-		image1->NOM_IMAGE);
-       }
-        else
-             iret=CAI_OK;
-   }
-  else
-  {
-        allocation de memoire pour lire une ligne image
- ............................................. */
-   buf_lec = (unsigned char *) malloc(oct_lig);
-   if (buf_lec == NULL)
-   {
-      iret=CAI_KO;
-      strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Probleme allocation memoire");
-   }
-   else
-   {
-        Initialisation
-  ......................*/
-        lig=*premiere_ligne;
-        i=1;
-        pch=data_image;
- /*.....................
-         Pour chaque ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-        while ((i <= (*nombre_lignes_lire))&&(iret==CAI_OK))
-        {  
-	    Recherche de la position courante dans le fichier
-  ............................................*/
-            pt_oct=lseek(num,0L,1);
-            Calcul du numero du 1er octet a lire
-  ....................................*/
-            no_oct=image1->POS_OCTET[(*canal)-1]+((lig-1)*oct_lig);
-            Saut d'octets pour etre positionne sur la ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-            nb_oct=(long)(no_oct-pt_oct);
-            lseek(num,nb_oct,1);
-            lecture d'une ligne image
-  ................................................*/
-            n=read(num,buf_lec,oct_lig);
-            if (n<=0)
-            {
-             iret=CAI_KO;
-             sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture donnee image BSQ  %s",
-		image1->NOM_IMAGE);
-            }
-            else
-            { 
-             Sauvegarde des donnees lues entenant compte du pas 
-             d'echantillonnage en colonne
-  ........................................*/   
-             deb=buf_lec+((*premiere_colonne)-1)*oct_pix;
-             j=1;
-             while (j <= (*nombre_colonnes_lire))
-	     {  
-               for (k=0;k<oct_pix;k=k+1)
-                {
-                  *(pch+k)=*(deb+k);
-                 }
-              pch=pch+oct_pix;
-              j=j+1;
-              deb=deb+((*pas_colonne)*oct_pix);
-             }   
-            }
-          i=i+1;
-          lig=lig+(*pas_ligne);
-        }        
-	free(buf_lec);
-      }
-   }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM :  prise en compte de l'information INTEL ou IEEE*/
-/*                             en lecture et ecriture dans l'entete .hd      */
-   if ( (iret!= CAI_KO) && (image1->INV_OCTETS==1) && (oct_pix!=1) )
-   {
-        taille_image = (*nombre_lignes_lire)*oct_pix*(*nombre_colonnes_lire);
-        data_image2 = NULL;
-        data_image2 = (unsigned char *) calloc(taille_image,
-						sizeof(unsigned char));    
-        if (data_image2 == NULL)
-        {
-           strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoire cai_lecture_canal");
-           iret=CAI_KO;
-        }
-	else
-        {
-	    /*modification ordre selon nb octets par pixel*/
-       	    swab( (void*)(data_image), (void*)(data_image2), taille_image);
-	   if (oct_pix!=2)
-           { 
-              Nb = taille_image/2;
-	      cai_inverser_tableau(data_image, data_image2,Nb);
-	   }
-	   else 
-	     for (i=0; i<taille_image;i++)
-	     {
-	        /*stockage dans data_image*/
-	        data_image[i] = data_image2[i];
-	     }	
-           if (data_image2!= NULL) free(data_image2);
-        }   	   
-    }
-   return(iret);
- }
-  Fin de l'operation cai_lecture_canal_bsq
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ecriture_canal_bsq                                     */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ecriture d'un canal d'une image bsq                  */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :      CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_bsq(image1, canal,   */ 
-/* ------------------                                 premiere_ligne,        */
-/*                                                    nombre_lignes_ecrire,  */
-/*                                                    nombre_colonnes_ecrire,*/
-/*                 		                      data_image )           */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)   : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier */
-/*     canal                 (E) (long int) : numero du canal a ecrire       */
-/*     premiere_ligne        (E) (long int) : 1ere ligne a ecrire ds l'image */
-/*     nombre_lignes_ecrire  (E) (long int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire      */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_ecrire(E) (long int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire      */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels ecris alloue et   */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ecriture_canal_bsq        (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb        */
-/*                                                     = CAI_OK si OK        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_bsq (CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,  
-                            	  int *canal ,           
-    		            	  int *premiere_ligne  ,   
-                            	  int *nombre_lignes_ecrire ,
-                            	  int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire,
-		            	  unsigned char *data_image )        
- long int position_first_lig;	/* position de la 1ere ligne a ecrire    */
- long int position_courante;	/* position courante dans le fichier     */
- long int deplacement;		/* deplacement a effectuer               */
- int i_ligne;			/* compteur de lignes                    */
- unsigned char *buff_lig;	/* tableau contenant une ligne a ecrire  */
- long  int cr_write;		/* code retour de write                  */
- int num;                       /* descripteur de fichier                */
- int nboct_pix;		        /* nombre d'octets par pixel             */
- int tot_pix;                   /* nb de pixels total a ecrire           */
-/* initialisations */
-i_ligne = 0;
-num = image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*canal-1];
-nboct_pix = image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-/* verification si ecriture image entiere */
-  if ((*nombre_lignes_ecrire==image1->NB_LIG)&&
-		(*nombre_colonnes_ecrire==image1->NB_COL))
-  {
-       tot_pix=nboct_pix*(image1->NB_COL)*(image1->NB_LIG);
-    /* positionnement en debut de fichier */
-       position_first_lig=lseek(num,0L,0);
-   /* ecriture du canal complet */
-      cr_write = write ( num , data_image,tot_pix);
-      if (cr_write != tot_pix)
-      {
-              sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ecriture donnee image BSQ  %s",
-		image1->NOM_IMAGE);
-             goto ERREUR;
-       }
-   }
-  else
-  {
-/* Calcul de la position de la premiere ligne a ecrire 	*/ 
-position_first_lig =(long int) ( image1->POS_OCTET[*canal-1]+ 
-			    (( *premiere_ligne - 1) * (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire)
-		              * nboct_pix));
-/* Recuperation de la position courante			*/
-position_courante = lseek ( num , 0L , 1 );
-/* Deplacement jusqu'a la premiere ligne a ecrire	*/
-deplacement = position_first_lig - position_courante;
-lseek ( num , deplacement , 1 ); 
-/* TANT QUE il y a des lignes a ecrire                 	*/
-while (i_ligne < (*nombre_lignes_ecrire))
-/*	extraction de la ligne du tableau 		*/
-	buff_lig = data_image + (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) * nboct_pix * i_ligne;
-/*	ecriture de la ligne				*/
-	cr_write = write ( num , buff_lig ,
-			 (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) * nboct_pix );
-	if ( cr_write != (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire)*nboct_pix )
-	{
-	    sprintf( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture canal image bsq_cnes  %s",
-				   image1->NOM_IMAGE);
-		goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*	incrementation du nombre de lignes		*/
-	i_ligne++;
-/* FIN TANT QUE						*/
-  }
-return (CAI_OK);
-return (CAI_KO);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ecriture_canal_bsq
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ferme_bsq                                              */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de fermeture d'une image au format bsq et de           */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent 			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_bsq(image1)                       */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ferme_bsq        (S) (CAI_OK_KO) :   = CAI_KO si pb               */
-/*                                              = CAI_OK si OK               */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_bsq (CAI_IMAGE *image1)
- 	 int iret;    /* code retour de l'operation      */
- 	 int i_can;   /* indice du canal a fermer        */
- 	 int num;     /* descripteur du fichier a fermer */
- iret=CAI_OK;
-   Fermeture de tous les canaux
-  .............................................*/
- for (i_can=0;i_can<image1->NB_CANAUX;i_can=i_can+1)
- {
-   num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i_can];
-   if (num>0) close(num);
- }
-  return (iret);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ferme_bsq
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_dest_ima_bsq                                           */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de destruction d'une image stocke en bsq et de         */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent  			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_bsq(repertoire,nom_ima)        */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*     repertoire   (E) (char *) : repertoire de l'image a detruire          */
-/*     nom_image    (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a detruire avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_dest_ima_bsq     (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb                 */
-/*                                            = CAI_OK si OK                 */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_bsq ( char *repertoire , 
-                     	     char *nom_ima )
-int	i_can;			/* compteur de canaux */
-long int     iret;              /* code retour fonction fermetrue lecture */
-char	str_num_canal[3];	/* suffixe numero du canal */
-char	nom_fic_entete[1024];	/* nom du fichier entete a detruire */
-char    nom_ima_complet[1024];  /* repertoire + nom de l'image */
-char	nom_fic_canal[1024];	/* nom du fichier canal a detruire */
-long int	cr_stat;	/* code retour de fonction status de fichier */
-struct stat buf_stat;		/* structure decrivant status de fichier */ 
-CAI_IMAGE   *image1;            /* structure ouverture image */
-int         nb_can;	/* nombre de canaux de l'image */
-int         nboct_pix;	/* nombre d'octets par pixel image */
-int         nb_col;	/* nombre de colonnes de l'image */
-int         nb_lig;        /* nombre de lignes de l'image */
-/* Constitution du nom du fichier d'entete	*/
-if ((long int)strlen(repertoire)!= 0)
-  sprintf(nom_ima_complet,"%s/%s",repertoire,nom_ima);
-  sprintf(nom_ima_complet,"%s",nom_ima);
-  sprintf(nom_fic_entete ,"%s.hd", nom_ima_complet);
-/* Extraction des caracteristiques de l'image 	*/
-/* du fichier entete par l'appel a la fonction	*/
-/* cai_ouvre_lecture_bsq			*/
-  image1 = cai_ouvre_lecture_bsq ( repertoire,nom_ima, &nb_can ,&nboct_pix ,
-				   &nb_col , &nb_lig );	
-  if ( image1 == NULL) goto ERREUR;
-  image1->NB_CANAUX=nb_can;
-  image1->NB_COL=nb_col;
-  image1->NB_LIG=nb_lig;
-  image1->NBOCT_PIX=nboct_pix;
-  iret=cai_ferme_bsq(image1);
-/* Destruction du fichier d'entete		*/
-cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic_entete , &buf_stat );
-if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-	unlink ( nom_fic_entete );
-/* Constitution un a un des noms des fichiers	*/
-/* canaux et destruction 			*/
-for ( i_can = 0 ; i_can < nb_can ; i_can++ )
-	sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s.c%d",nom_ima_complet,i_can+1);
-	cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic_canal , &buf_stat );
-	if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-		unlink ( nom_fic_canal );
-	sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s.C%d",nom_ima_complet,i_can+1);
-	cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic_canal , &buf_stat );
-	if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-		unlink ( nom_fic_canal );
-return (CAI_OK);
-return (CAI_KO);
- Fin de l'operation cai_dest_ima_bsq
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_modif_nbbitspix_bsq                                    */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    permet de modifier le nombre de bits significatifs par pixel    */
-/* -----     dans l'entete de fichier (.hd)				     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_modif_nbbitspix_bsq(image1,NbBitsPix)   */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*     NbBitsPix   (E) (long int)     : nb de bits significatifs par pixel   */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_modif_nbbitspix_bsq(CAI_IMAGE *image1,int NbBitsPix)
-  char fichierE[1024];  /* fichier a traiter               */
-  FILE *fic;		/* pointeur descripteur fichier    */
-  int retour;
-/* Ouverture du fichier d'entete */
-   fichierE[0]='\0';
-   sprintf(fichierE,"%s.hd",image1->NOM_IMAGE);
-   fic = fopen(fichierE,"w");
-   if (fic == NULL)
-   {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,
-	"Erreur: Modification fichier %s impossible\n",fichierE);
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-/* Modification du fichier d'entete */
-   rewind(fic);
-   fprintf ( fic , "TYPE\n");
-   fprintf ( fic , "%s\n",image1->COD_PIX );
-   fprintf ( fic , "LABEL\n" );
-   fprintf ( fic , "%s\n" ,image1->COMMENT);
-   fprintf ( fic , "CHANNELS\n" );
-   fprintf ( fic , "%3d\n" , image1->NB_CANAUX);
-   fprintf ( fic , "LINES\n" );
-   fprintf ( fic , "%5d\n" , image1->NB_LIG);
-   fprintf ( fic , "COLUMNS\n" );
-   fprintf ( fic , "%5d\n" , image1->NB_COL );
-   fprintf ( fic , "BITS PER PIXEL\n" );
-   fprintf ( fic , "%2d\n" , NbBitsPix );
-   fprintf ( fic,  "SENSCODAGE\n");
-   retour=strncmp(image1->SENS_COD,"BE",2);
-   if (retour == 0)
-     fprintf ( fic , "IEEE\n"  );
-   else
-     fprintf ( fic , "INTEL\n"  );
-  fclose ( fic );
-  return(CAI_OK);
-  return(CAI_KO);
- Fin de l'operation cai_modif_nbbitspix_bsq
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_modifie_bsq                                      */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture-ecriture d'une image au format  */
-/* -----     bsq et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :     CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_bsq (nom_image,       */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels              */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_modifie_bsq     (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb           */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */   /*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_bsq(char *repert,
-				     char *nom_image,
-				     int  *nb_can,
-				     int  *nboct_pix,
-				     int  *nb_col,
-				     int  *nb_lig)
-   FILE *fic_in;		/* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   int  iret;			/* indicateur de retour ok ou pas           */
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char nom_fic_canal[1024];    /* nom fichier canal dont on teste existence*/
-   char label[80];		/* contient un enregistrement du fichier    */
-   int nbplan;			/* nombre de canaux dans le fichier en-tete */
-   int nbbit;			/* nb de bits par pixel du fichier en-tete  */
-   int retour;			/* retour de la fonction comparaison chaines*/ 
-   char *deb,*deb1,*pch0;	/* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres       */
-   char car[4];			/* indice du canal traite     		    */
-   int i,num,IndExtens;		/* indice 				    */
-   char Extens[25];		/* Extension possible du fichier	    */
-   struct stat	buf_stat;	/* structure decrivant status de fichier    */
-   char *type_machine;          /* ordre rangement octets machine de travail*/
-   int cmp;			/* retour de comparaison de chaine          */
-   int reconnaissance_type;
-   char CAN[2];
-   char COD_PIX[5];
-   /*........................................
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   *nb_can=0;
-   *nb_lig=0;
-   *nb_col=0;
-   *nboct_pix=0;
-   iret=1;
-   IndExtens = 0;
-   pch0=NULL;
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
- /*..................................
-   determination ordre de rangement 
-   des octets sur machine de travail
-  ......................................*/ 
-   type_machine = cai_test_pFpf();
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 : FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation    */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
- if (image1==NULL)
- {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_modifie");
- }
- else
- {
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete
-  .................................................*/
-   pch0 = strstr(nom_image,".");
-   if (pch0 != NULL)
-   {
-	*pch0 = '\0';
-	pch0=pch0 + 1;
-	sprintf(Extens,"%s",pch0);
-	if (strcmp(Extens,"hd")!=0)
-			IndExtens=1;
-   }
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repert)!= 0)
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.hd",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.hd",nom_image);
-   }
-   sprintf(image1->NOM_IMAGE,"%s/%s",repert,nom_image);
-   Ouverture du fichier entete
-  ..........................................*/
-   fic_in=NULL;
-   fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"r");
-   if (fic_in==NULL)
-   {
-     iret=0;
-     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier entete BSQ-CNES %s",
-			nom_fic);
-    }
-   else
-   {
-     Decodage des informations TYPE
-  ............................................*/
-     fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-     retour=strncmp(label,"TYPE",4);
-     if (retour!=0)
-     {
-       sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,
-			"Informations incoherentes ligne TYPE dans %s",
-			nom_fic);
-       iret=0;
-      }
-     else
-     {
-         fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",COD_PIX);
-         pch0=cai_En_majuscule( COD_PIX );
-/* Verification si type de codage reconnu */
-         reconnaissance_type = cai_istyp_connu(pch0);
-       Decodage du label          
-  ......................................*/
-	 fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-	 retour=strncmp(label,"LABEL",5);
-	 if (retour!=0)
-	 {
-	   sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,
-			"Informations incoherentes ligne LABEL dans %s",
-			nom_fic);
-	   iret=0;
-	  }
-	 else
-	 {
-	   fgets(image1->COMMENT,80,fic_in);
-           image1->COMMENT[strlen(image1->COMMENT)-1]='\0';
- /*........................................
-	Decodage du nombre de canaux
-  .........................................*/
-	   fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-	   retour=strncmp(label,"CHANNELS",8);
-	   if (retour!=0)
-	   {
-	     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,
-			"Informations incoherentes ligne CHANNELS dans %s",
-			nom_fic);
-	     iret=0;
-	    }
-	   else
-	   {
-	     fscanf(fic_in,"%d\n",&nbplan);
-	  Decodage du nombre de lignes
-  ........................................*/
-	     fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-	     retour=strncmp(label,"LINES",5);
-	     if (retour!=0)
-	     {
-	       sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,
-			"Informations incoherentes ligne LINES dans %s",
-			nom_fic);
-	       iret=0;
-	      }
-	     else
-	     {
-	       fscanf(fic_in,"%d\n",nb_lig);
-	  Decodage du nombre de colonnes
-  ........................................*/
-	       fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-	       retour=strncmp(label,"COLUMNS",7);
-	       if (retour!=0)
-	       {
-	    	 sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,
-			"Informations incoherentes ligne COLUMNS dans %s",
-			nom_fic);
-	    	 iret=0;
-	  	}
-	       else
-	       {
-		 fscanf(fic_in,"%d\n",nb_col);
-	  Decodage du nombre de bits par pixel
-  ........................................*/
-	  	 fgets(label,80,fic_in);
-	  	 retour=strncmp(label,"BITS PER PIXEL",14);
-		 if (retour!=0)
-	  	 {
-	    	   sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,
-			"Informations incoherentes ligne BITS dans %s",
-			nom_fic);
-	    	   iret=0;
-	  	  }
-	  	 else
-		   fscanf(fic_in,"%d\n",&nbbit);
-                   image1->NB_BITS_PIX = nbbit;
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM :  prise en compte de l'information INTEL ou IEEE*/
-/*                             en lecture et ecriture dans l'entete .hd      */
-       Decodage du sens de codage si présent
-  ......................................*/
-		   fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-		   retour=strncmp(label,"SENSCODAGE",10);
-	 	   if (retour!=0)
-	 	   {
-/*      Si absent, pas d'inversion      */    
-			image1->INV_OCTETS =0;
-			sprintf(image1->SENS_COD,type_machine);
-	 	    }
-	 	   else
-		   {
-  			 fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-  			 retour=strncmp(label,"IEEE",4);
-   			 if (retour==0)	
-				sprintf(image1->SENS_COD,"BE");
-   			 else
-				sprintf(image1->SENS_COD,"LE");
-   			 cmp = strncmp(type_machine,image1->SENS_COD,2);
-   			 if (cmp!=0)
-   			 {
-	  				image1->INV_OCTETS =1;
-   			 }
-   			 else
-  			 {
-	 				 image1->INV_OCTETS =0;
-   			 }
-                     }
-		  }
-		}
-	      }
-	    }
-	  }
-      }
-   Fermeture du fichier 
-  ......................................*/
-      if (fic_in !=NULL) 
-      {
-	fclose(fic_in);
-        fic_in=NULL;
-      }
-   }
-   if (iret !=0)
-   {
-     Initialisation du nombre d'octets par pixel
-  ........................................................*/
-       if ((nbbit%8)==0)
-		*nboct_pix=(int)(nbbit/8);
-       else
-		*nboct_pix=(int)((nbbit/8)+1);
-       if (reconnaissance_type != -1)
-	    	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"%s",COD_PIX);
-       else
-       {
-     	  sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"UND");
-          if (*nboct_pix==1)
-          	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"OCT");
-    	  else if (*nboct_pix==2)
-	  	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"I2");
-         else if (*nboct_pix==4)
-         {
-	  	retour=strncmp(COD_PIX,"I4",2);
-          	if (retour==0)
-	    	 	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"I4");
-          	else
-          	{
-	 		retour=strncmp(COD_PIX,"R4",2);
-          		if (retour==0)
-	    	  		sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"R4");
-                }
-           }
-          else if (*nboct_pix==8)
-	     sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"R8");
-      }
-  .....................................................*/
-       deb = image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-       deb1= image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN;
-      if ((nbplan==1)&&(IndExtens==1))
-      {
-/* Verification de l'existence du fichier demande et ouverture */
-          nom_fic[0]='\0';
-          if ((long int)strlen(repert)!= 0)
-             sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.%s",repert,nom_image,Extens);
- 	  else
-             sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.%s",nom_image,Extens);
-          nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';
-          sscanf(nom_fic,"%s",nom_fic_canal);
-          num=open(nom_fic_canal,O_RDWR|O_BINARY,0);
-          if (num!= -1)
-          {
-            sprintf(deb,"%s.%s",nom_image,Extens);
-  	    deb=deb+100;
-            sprintf(deb1,"%s.%s",nom_image,Extens);
-            deb1=deb1+100;
-          }
-          image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*nb_can]=num;
-          image1->POS_OCTET[*nb_can]=0;
-	  *nb_can = *nb_can + 1;
-      }
-      else
-      {
-     recherche du nombre de canaux de l'image si pas d'extension donnee
-  ..........................................................*/
-        nom_fic[0]='\0';
-        if ((long int)strlen(repert)!= 0)
-        {
-            sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.c",repert,nom_image);
-         }
-        else
-        {
-            sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.c",nom_image);
-         }
-         sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s1",nom_fic);
-         retour = stat ( nom_fic_canal , &buf_stat );
-         if ( retour != 0 )
-         {
-           sprintf(CAN,"C");
-           if ((long int)strlen(repert)!= 0)
-           {
-               sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.C",repert,nom_image);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.C",nom_image);
-             }
-         }
-         else
-           sprintf(CAN,"c");
-        for (i=1;i<CAI_NB_MAX_CAN;i=i+1)
-        {
-          nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';
-          sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s%d",nom_fic,i);
-          num=open(nom_fic_canal,O_RDWR|O_BINARY,0);
-          if (num!= -1)
-          {
-            if (*nb_can<CAI_NB_MAX_CAN)
-            {
-           	sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb);
-	   	strcat(deb,CAN);
-                sprintf(car,"%d",(*nb_can)+1);
-           	strcat(deb,car);
-  	   	deb=deb+100;
-           	sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb1);
-	   	strcat(deb1,CAN);
-           	strcat(deb1,car);
-           	deb1=deb1+100;
-             }
-             image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*nb_can]=num;
-             image1->POS_OCTET[*nb_can]=0;
-             *nb_can=*nb_can+1;     
-          }
-         }
-        if (*nb_can!=nbplan)
-        {
-       		sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,
-		"incoherence au niveau du nombre de fichiers canaux dans %s",
-		nom_fic);
-       		iret=0;
-         }
-      }
-     }
-    }
-    if (iret == 0)
-    {
-	return (NULL);
-     }
-    else
-    {
-      return(image1);
-     }
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_modifie_bsq
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_fonctions.c b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_fonctions.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 3acec1167687456b81609d90f2562949f79f1455..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_fonctions.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2499 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                           */
-/* PROJET :    COUCHE ACCES IMAGE                                            */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MODULE :    cai_fonctions.c                                               */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE   :    contient l'interface entre l'utilisateur et la Couche Acces   */
-/* -------     Image, avec les fonctionnalites de premier niveau             */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* AUTEUR :      R.CHAISEMARTIN     (CISI)                                   */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* DATE DE CREATION :    fevrier 1995                                        */
-/* -----------------						             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* LANGAGE : C                                                               */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V2                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 2 : DM : optimisation				     */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.0 : DM : integration du format GESSIMU (sept 1999)      */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.0 : DM : integration du format GRILLES (sept 1999)      */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : FA : modifications pour compatibilite HP64bits      */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : integration des formats SPOT1A4 et SPOT5       */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : modification lecture des repertoires pour PC   */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.4 : DM : suppression du format multiscope, modif SPOT5  */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.6 : DM : integration du format RADAR_CNES               */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.6 : FA  : avertissement des formats non disponibles     */
-/*                             en modification                               */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.8 : DM:  Sous Cygwin separateur='/' ou '\'              */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.3 : DM :  prise en compte du format bandeau             */
-/*                Inclusion des fichiers STANDARDS (.h)                      */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#define _CAI_IMAGE
-#define IN_CAI_FONC
-#include "cai_image.h"
- char IND_GRILLES;    /* indicateur si image ou grille */ 
- char IND_SPOT;       /* indicateur si SPOT1A4 (1),SPOT5BIL (B),SPOT5TIF(T) */
-/* Variable pour la  gestion en configuration                                 */
-static char *rcs_id="$Header: cai_fonctions.c,v 1.13 01/02/15 14:24:58 cmf Exp $";
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                Definition des OPERATIONS EXTERNES                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_liste_format                                           */
-/* ----------                                                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de listage des formats reconnus par la Couche Image    */
-/* ------                                                                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :      int cai_liste_format(tab_format,tab_suffixe)      */
-/* -----------------                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     tab_format[]   (S) (char **) : pointeur sur tableau des formats connus*/
-/*                                    alloue par la fonction,il doit etre    */
-/*                                    LIBERE PAR L'APPELANT                  */
-/*     tab_suffixe[]  (S) (char **) : pointeur sur le tableau des suffixes   */
-/*				      des formats reconnus : 1 pour 1 canal  */
-/*				           2 pour plusieurs canaux           */
-/*                                    alloue par la fonction,il doit etre    */
-/*                                    LIBERE PAR L'APPELANT                  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_liste_format(S) (long int)     :   nombre de formats reconnus par CAI  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION :  V2                                                             */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-long int cai_liste_format(char ***tab_format,char **(tab_suffixe[2]))                  
-long int nb;	        /* code retour de la fonction cai_liste_format  */
-long int i,j;
-     ......................................*/
-    nb=CAI_NB_FORMAT;
-    *tab_format  = (char **) calloc(nb,sizeof(char *));
-    tab_suffixe[0] = (char **) calloc(nb,sizeof(char *));
-    tab_suffixe[1] = (char **) calloc(nb,sizeof(char *));
-    for (i=0;i<nb;i++)
-    {
-      (*tab_format)[i]=(char *)calloc(1,20);
-      strcpy((*tab_format)[i],CAI_NOM_FORMAT[i]);
-      for (j=0;j<2;j++)
-      {
-        tab_suffixe[j][i]=(char *)calloc(1,8);
-        strcpy(tab_suffixe[j][i],CAI_SUF_FORMAT[j][i]);
-	}
-      }
-/* Fin de l'operation cai_liste_format
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_liste_image                                            */
-/* ----------                                                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de listage des images d'un format donne                */
-/* ------                                                                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :      int cai_liste_image(repert,type_image,tab_ima)    */
-/* -----------------                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     repert         (E) (char *)  : repertoire a explorer		     */
-/*     type_image     (E) (char *)  : format des images a lister             */
-/*     tab_ima[]      (S) (char **) : pointeur sur tableau des images listees*/
-/*                                    alloue par la fonction,il doit etre    */
-/*                                    LIBERE PAR L'APPELANT                  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_liste_image(S) (long int)     : =-1 repertoire inexistant	     */
-/*                                    =-2 format non pris en compte          */
-/*                                    =>0 nombre d'images listees            */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION :  V2                                                             */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-long int cai_liste_image(char *repert,
-                          char *type_image,
-                          char ***tab_ima)
- long int nb;	        /* code retour de la fonction cai_liste_image  */
- long int (*comp) ( );  /* pointeur sur fonction                       */
- DIR *dirp;		/* pointeur sur structure ouverture repertoire */ 
-   Initialisations 
-  ..................*/
-  nb=0;
-  CAI_ERREUR[0]='\0';
-  IND_GRILLES = '\0';
-  IND_SPOT = '\0';
-  Verification existence repertoire demande
-  ...............................................*/
-  dirp=opendir(repert);
-  if (dirp ==0)
-  {
-    /* repertoire demande inexistant */
-     nb=-1;
-    sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"repertoire %s inexistant \n",repert);
-  }
-  else
-  {
-  Initialisation d'un pointeur sur fonction dependant du format des images
-  ................................................ */
-   if (strcasecmp(type_image,"INRIA") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_liste_ima_inria) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"ONERA") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_liste_ima_onera) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"BSQ") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_liste_ima_bsq) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"BIP") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_liste_ima_bip) ;
-    }
-#ifdef _HDF16
-   else if (strncasecmp(type_image,"HDF",3) == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_liste_ima_hdf16) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"BIL") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_liste_ima_bil) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"LUM") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_liste_ima_lum) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"GESSIMU") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_liste_ima_gessimu) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"GDB") == 0)
-   {
-      IND_GRILLES = 'B';
-      comp = (cai_liste_ima_grilles) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"GDR") == 0)
-   {
-      IND_GRILLES = 'R';
-      comp = (cai_liste_ima_grilles) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"TIFF") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_liste_ima_tiff) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"RASTERFILE") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_liste_ima_sun_raster) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"JPEG") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_liste_ima_jpeg) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"SPOT1A4") == 0)
-   {
-      IND_SPOT = '1';
-      comp = (cai_liste_ima_spot) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"SPOT5TIF") == 0)
-   {
-      IND_SPOT = 'T';
-      comp = (cai_liste_ima_spot) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"SPOT5BIL") == 0)
-   {
-      IND_SPOT = 'B';
-      comp = (cai_liste_ima_spot) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"RADAR") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_liste_ima_radar) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"BANDEAU") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_liste_ima_bandeau) ;
-    }
-   else 
-    { 
-   /* format non connu de la Couche Acces Image */
-    nb = -2;
-    sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"format %s non reconnu \n",type_image);
-   }
-   /*...........................................
-   Appel de la fonction pointee par comp avec la liste des parametres
-   suivants : 
-	     repertoire de stockage des images
-             pointeur sur tableau contenant la liste des images a lister
-  ......................................................................*/
-   closedir(dirp);
-   if ( nb == 0 )
-   { 
-     if (IND_GRILLES == '\0')
-     {
-        if (IND_SPOT == '\0')
-	        nb = (*comp)(repert,tab_ima);
-	else
-	        nb = (*comp)(IND_SPOT,repert,tab_ima);
-      }
-      else
-	nb = (*comp)(IND_GRILLES,repert,tab_ima);
-    }
-  }
-   IND_GRILLES = '\0';
-   IND_SPOT    = '\0';
-   return (nb);
-/* Fin de l'operation cai_liste_image
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_lecture_image                                    */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture d'une image d'un format donne   */
-/* -----     et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_image (nom_image,        */
-/*  ---------------- 		                           type_image,       */
-/*                 		                           nb_can,           */
-/*				                           nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                           nb_col,           */
-/*				                           nb_lig)           */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*     type_image     (E) (char *) : format de l'image a ouvrir              */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_lecture_image (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)    : =NULL si pb            */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V3                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_image (char *nom_image,
-                  		    char *type_image,
-                 		    int  *nb_can,
-				    int  *nboct_pix,		
-				    int  *nb_col,
-				    int  *nb_lig)                  
- int nb;             	  /* indicateur d'erreurs rencontres              */
- CAI_IMAGE *image1;       /* descripteur de fichier retour fonction       */
- CAI_IMAGE *(*comp) ( );  /* pointeur sur fonction                        */
- char repert[1024];       /* repertoire de stockage de l'image            */
- char image[1024];        /* nom de l'image a ouvrir en lecture           */
- char format[20];         /* format de stockage de l'image a lire         */
- long int i,ind;          /* variables de travail                         */
- char *pch,*deb;          /* pointeurs de travail                         */
- long int nb1,nb2;	  /* indice de longueur significative             */
- char car;		  /* variable de travail                          */
- DIR *dirp;		  /* pointeur sur structure ouverture repertoire  */
- CAI_OK_KO icr;           /* Compte-rendu des fonctions DA                */
-  Initialisations
-  .......................*/
-  nb=1;
-  strcpy(format,type_image);
-  CAI_ERREUR[0]='\0';
-  IND_GRILLES = '\0';
-  IND_SPOT = '\0';
-   Recherche du type de fichier si reconnaissance automatique demande
-  ...................................................*/
-  if (strcasecmp(format,"AUTO")== 0)
-  {
-     for( i = 0 ; i< CAI_NB_EXTENSIONS ; i++)
-      {
-       if(strstr(nom_image,CAI_SUFFIXES[i]) != NULL )
-       {
-          ind=CAI_NUMEROS[i];
-          strcpy(format,CAI_NOM_FORMAT[ind]);
-       }
-    }
-  }
-  Initialisation d'un pointeur sur fonction dependant du format des images
-  ................................................ */
-   if (strcasecmp(format,"INRIA") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_lecture_inria) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(format,"ONERA") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_lecture_onera) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(format,"BSQ") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_lecture_bsq) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(format,"BIP") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_lecture_bip) ;
-    }
-#ifdef _HDF16
-   else if (strncasecmp(format,"HDF",3) == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_lecture_hdf16) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(format,"BIL") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_lecture_bil) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(format,"LUM") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_lecture_lum) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(format,"GESSIMU") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_lecture_gessimu) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(format,"GDB") == 0)
-   {
-      IND_GRILLES = 'B';
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_lecture_grilles) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(format,"GDR") == 0)
-   {
-      IND_GRILLES = 'R';
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_lecture_grilles) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(format,"TIFF") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_lecture_tiff) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(format,"RASTERFILE") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_lecture_sun_raster) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(format,"JPEG") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_lecture_jpeg) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"SPOT1A4") == 0)
-   {
-      IND_SPOT = '1';
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_lecture_spot) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"SPOT5TIF") == 0)
-   {
-      IND_SPOT = 'T';
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_lecture_spot) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"SPOT5BIL") == 0)
-   {
-      IND_SPOT = 'B';
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_lecture_spot) ;
-    }
-  else if (strcasecmp(format,"RADAR") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_lecture_radar) ;
-    }
-  else if (strcasecmp(format,"BANDEAU") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_lecture_bandeau) ;
-    }
-   else 
-    { 
-   /* format non connu de la Couche Acces Image */
-     nb = 0;
-     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"format %s non reconnu \n",format);
-   }
-   /*...............................................................
-      Separation du repertoire de stockage de l'image et du nom propre
-     .................................................................*/
-    if (nb == 1)
-    {
-      repert[0]='\0';
-      image[0]='\0';
-      car='/';
-#ifdef _WIN
-      car='\\';
-      pch=(char *)strrchr(nom_image,car);
-      if (pch == NULL) 
-      {
-         /* le repertoire est celui courant */
-           strcpy(repert,"./");
-#ifdef _WIN
-           strcpy(repert,".\\");
-           sscanf(nom_image,"%s",image);
-/* Modification septembre 98 demandee par H.Vadon           */
-/* Afin de permettre d'utiliser une image monocanale en BSQ */
-/* avec l'extension libre sans .c1 forcement		    */
-	   if (strcasecmp(format,"BSQ") != 0)
-           {
-           	car='.';
-           	pch=(char *)strrchr(image,car);
-           	if (pch != NULL)
-               		*pch='\0'; 
-           }       
-      }
-      else
-      {
-           nb1=( long int)(pch)-( long int)(nom_image);
-           strncpy(repert,nom_image,nb1);
-           repert[nb1]='\0';
-           deb=nom_image+nb1+1;
-           nb2=strlen(nom_image)-(nb1+1);
-	   strncpy(image,deb,nb2);
-           image[nb2]='\0';
-/* Modification septembre 98 demandee par H.Vadon           */
-/* Afin de permettre d'utiliser une image monocanale en BSQ */
-/* avec l'extension libre sans .c1 forcement		    */
-	   if (strcasecmp(format,"BSQ") != 0)
-           {
-           	car='.';
-           	pch=(char *)strrchr(image,car);
-           	if (pch != NULL)
-               		*pch='\0';    
-           }      
-     }
-   } 
-  Verification existence repertoire demande
-  ...............................................*/
-  if ( nb == 1 )
-  {
-    dirp=opendir(repert);
-    if (dirp ==(DIR *)NULL)
-    {
-    /* repertoire demande inexistant */
-     nb=0;
-     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"repertoire %s inexistant \n",repert);
-     }
-     else
-        closedir(dirp);
-    }
-   /*...........................................
-   Appel de la fonction pointee par comp avec la liste des parametres
-   suivants : 
-             repertoire de stockage de l'image
-  	     nom de l'image 
-             nombre de canaux
-	     nombre d'octets par pixels
-	     nombre de colonnes
-             nombre de lignes
-  ......................................................................*/
-    if ( nb == 1 )
-   {
-     if (IND_GRILLES == '\0')
-     {
-	if (IND_SPOT == '\0')
-            image1 = (*comp)(repert,image,nb_can,nboct_pix,nb_col,nb_lig);
-        else
-            image1 = (*comp)(IND_SPOT,repert,image,nb_can,nboct_pix,nb_col,
-						nb_lig);
-      }
-     else
-         image1 = (*comp)(IND_GRILLES,repert,image,nb_can,nboct_pix,nb_col,
-						nb_lig);
-     IND_GRILLES = '\0';
-     IND_SPOT = '\0';
-     if (image1 != NULL)
-     {
-       strcpy(image1->TYPE_IMAGE,format);
-       strcpy(image1->NOM_IMAGE,nom_image);
-       image1->NB_CANAUX=*nb_can;
-       image1->NB_COL=*nb_col;
-       image1->NB_LIG=*nb_lig;
-       image1->NBOCT_PIX=*nboct_pix;
-       image1->MODE=CAI_LECTURE;
-/***   Traitement de la Colormap si format autre que TIFF et RASTERFILE ***/
-       if ((strcasecmp(format,"RASTERFILE") != 0)&&(strcasecmp(format,"TIFF") != 0))
-       {
-        	icr = cai_lecture_colormap(image1);
-        	if ( icr == CAI_KO) 
-         		 return (NULL);
-        	else
-          		return (image1);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          return (image1);
-        }
-       }
-      else
-       return(NULL);
-    } 
-    else
-    {
-     return (NULL);
-    }
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_lecture_image.c
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_creation_image                                   */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de creation et d'ouverture en ecriture d'une image     */
-/* -----     dans un format donne et de tous les fichiers qui la composent   */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_image (nom_image,       */
-/*  ---------------- 		                           type_image,       */
-/*                 		                           nb_can,           */
-/*				                           nboct_pix,	     */
-/*				                           nb_col,           */
-/*				                           nb_lig,           */
-/*				                           label)            */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*     type_image     (E) (char *) : format de l'image a ouvrir              */
-/*     nb_can         (E) (int )   : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (E) (int )   : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (E) (int )   : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (E) (int )   : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*     label          (E) (char *) : commentaire lie a l'image               */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_creation_image (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)    : =NULL si pb           */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V3                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_image ( char *nom_image,
-                  		      char *type_image,
-                 		      int nb_can,
-				      int nboct_pix,		
-				      int nb_col,
-				      int nb_lig,
-				      char *label)                  
-  int nb;                 /* indicateur d'erreurs rencontres              */
- CAI_IMAGE *image1;       /* descripteur de fichier retour fonction       */
- CAI_IMAGE *(*comp) ( );  /* pointeur sur fonction                        */
- char repert[1024];       /* repertoire de stockage de l'image            */
- char image[1024];        /* nom de l'image a ouvrir en ecriture          */
- char *pch,*deb;          /* pointeurs de travail                         */
- long int nb1,nb2;        /* indice de longueur significative             */
- char car;		  /* variable de travail                          */
- DIR *dirp;		  /* pointeur sur structure ouverture repertoire  */
-  Initialisations
-  .......................*/
- nb=1; 
- CAI_ERREUR[0]='\0';
- IND_GRILLES = '\0';
- IND_SPOT = '\0';
-  Verification de la coherence des donnees en entree
-  .............................................................*/
-  if (nb_can<=0)
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Nombre du canal a ecrire incorrect"); 
-      nb=0;
-  }
-  if (nb_lig<=0)
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Nombre de lignes a ecrire incorrect"); 
-      nb=0;
-  }
-   if (nb_col<=0)
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Nombre de colonnes a ecrire incorrect"); 
-      nb=0;
-  }
-  Initialisation d'un pointeur sur fonction dependant du format des images
-  ................................................ */
-   if (strcasecmp(type_image,"INRIA") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_creation_inria) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"ONERA") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_creation_onera) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"BSQ") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_creation_bsq) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"BIP") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_creation_bip) ;
-    }
-#ifdef _HDF16
-   else if (strncasecmp(type_image,"HDF",3) == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_creation_hdf16) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"BIL") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_creation_bil) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"LUM") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_creation_lum) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"GESSIMU") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_creation_gessimu) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"GDB") == 0)
-   {
-      IND_GRILLES = 'B';
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_creation_grilles) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"GDR") == 0)
-   {
-      IND_GRILLES = 'R';
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_creation_grilles) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"TIFF") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_creation_tiff) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"RASTERFILE") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_creation_sun_raster) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"JPEG") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_creation_jpeg) ;
-    }
-  else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"SPOT1A4") == 0)
-   {
-      IND_SPOT = '1';
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_creation_spot) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"SPOT5TIF") == 0)
-   {
-      IND_SPOT = 'T';
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_creation_spot) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"SPOT5BIL") == 0)
-   {
-      IND_SPOT = 'B';
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_creation_spot) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"RADAR") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_creation_radar) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"BANDEAU") == 0)
-   {
-     nb = 0;
-     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Ecriture au format BANDEAU non prévue dans CAI \n");      
-    }
-   else 
-    { 
-   /* format non connu de la Couche Acces Image */
-     nb = 0;
-     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"format %s non reconnu \n",type_image);
-   }
-      /*...............................................................
-      Separation du repertoire de stockage de l'image et du nom propre
-     .................................................................*/
-    if (nb == 1)
-    {
-      repert[0]='\0';
-      image[0]='\0';
-      car = '/';
-#ifdef _WIN
-      car='\\';
-      pch=(char *)strrchr(nom_image,car);
-      if (pch == NULL) 
-      {
-         /* le repertoire est celui courant */
-           strcpy(repert,"./");
-#ifdef _WIN
-           strcpy(repert,".\\");
-             sscanf(nom_image,"%s",image);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-           nb1=( long int)(pch)-(long int)(nom_image);
-           strncpy(repert,nom_image,nb1);
-	   repert[nb1]='\0';
-           deb=nom_image+nb1+1;
-           nb2=strlen(nom_image)-(nb1+1);
-	   strncpy(image,deb,nb2);
-           image[nb2]='\0';
-           car='.';
-           pch=(char *)strrchr(image,car);
-           if (pch != NULL)
-               *pch='\0';      
-     }
-   }
-  Verification existence repertoire demande
-  ...............................................*/
-  if ( nb == 1 )
-  {
-    dirp=opendir(repert);
-    if (dirp ==0)
-    {
-    /* repertoire demande inexistant */
-     nb=0;
-     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"repertoire %s inexistant \n",repert);
-     }
-     else
-     {
-        closedir(dirp);
-     }
-    }
-   /*...........................................
-   Appel de la fonction pointee par comp avec la liste des parametres
-   suivants : 
-            repertoire de stockage de l'image
-     	     nom de l'image 
-             nombre de canaux
-	     nombre d'octets par pixels
-	     nombre de colonnes
-             nombre de lignes
-	     label lie a l'image
-  ......................................................................*/
-    if ( nb == 1 )
-    {
-     if ((long int)strlen(label)==0) 
-	strcpy(label,image);
-    if (IND_GRILLES == '\0')
-    {
-      if (IND_SPOT == '\0')
-        image1 = (*comp)(repert,image,&nb_can,&nboct_pix,&nb_col,&nb_lig,label);
-      else
-        image1 = (*comp)(IND_SPOT,repert,image,&nb_can,&nboct_pix,
-			        &nb_col,&nb_lig,label);
-     }
-     else
-      image1 = (*comp)(IND_GRILLES,repert,image,&nb_can,&nboct_pix,
-			&nb_col,&nb_lig,label);
-     IND_GRILLES = '\0';
-     IND_SPOT = '\0';
-     if (image1 != NULL)
-     {
-       strcpy(image1->COMMENT,label);
-       strcpy(image1->TYPE_IMAGE,type_image);
-       strcpy(image1->NOM_IMAGE,nom_image);
-       image1->NB_CANAUX=nb_can;
-       image1->NB_COL=nb_col;
-       image1->NB_LIG=nb_lig;
-       image1->NBOCT_PIX=nboct_pix;
-       image1->MODE=CAI_ECRITURE;
-       return (image1);
-     }
-     else
-        return(NULL);
-     }
-    else
-       return (NULL);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_creation_image.c
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_lecture_canal                                          */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de lecture d'un canal d'une image dans un format donne */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  int cai_lecture_canal(image1, canal, premiere_ligne,  */       		      /* ------------------                        premiere_colonne,               */
-/*                                           nombre_lignes_lire ,            */
-/*                                           nombre_colonnes_lire,           */
-/*                                           pas_ligne ,pas_colonne,         */
-/*                 		             data_image )                    */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*     premiere_ligne       (E) ( int) : premiere ligne a lire dans l'image   */
-/*     premiere _colonne    (E) ( int) : premiere colonne a lire dans l'image */
-/*     nombre_lignes_lire   (E) ( int) : nombre de lignes a lire              */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_lire (E) ( int) : nombre de colonnes a lire            */
-/*     canal                (E) ( int) : numero du canal a lire               */
-/*     pas_ligne            (E) ( int) : pas en ligne                         */
-/*     pas_colonne          (E) ( int) : pas en colonne                       */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels lus alloue et     */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_lecture_canal    (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_OK si correct            */
-/*                                            = CAI_KO si PB                 */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V3                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal(CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,  
-                            int canal ,           
-    		            int premiere_ligne  ,   
-     		            int premiere_colonne,
-                            int nombre_lignes_lire ,
-                            int nombre_colonnes_lire,
-                            int pas_ligne ,          
-                            int pas_colonne,
-		            unsigned char *data_image )        
- long int (*comp) ( );   /* pointeur sur fonction                      */
- char type_image[20];    /* format de stockage de l'image a lire       */
- long int retour;        /* indicateur d'erreur de l'operation         */
-  Initialisations
-  .......................*/
-  retour=CAI_OK;
-  strcpy( type_image,image1->TYPE_IMAGE);
-  CAI_ERREUR[0]='\0';
-  IND_GRILLES = '\0';
-  IND_SPOT = '\0';
-  Verification de la coherence des donnees en entree
-  .............................................................*/
-  if ((premiere_ligne<=0)||(premiere_ligne> image1->NB_LIG))
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Premiere ligne a lire incorrecte");
-      retour=CAI_KO;
-  }
-  else if ((premiere_colonne<=0)||(premiere_colonne> image1->NB_COL))
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Premiere colonne a lire incorrecte");
-      retour=CAI_KO;
-  }
-  else if ((canal<=0)||(canal> image1->NB_CANAUX))
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Numero du canal a lire incorrect"); 
-      retour=CAI_KO;
-  }
-  else if ((nombre_lignes_lire<=0)||
-	 ((nombre_lignes_lire + premiere_ligne -1) > image1->NB_LIG))
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Nombre de lignes a lire incorrect");
-      retour=CAI_KO;
-  }
-  else if ((nombre_colonnes_lire<=0)||
-	((nombre_colonnes_lire + premiere_colonne -1) > image1->NB_COL))
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Nombre de colonnes a lire incorrect");
-      retour=CAI_KO;
-  }
- if (retour == CAI_OK)
- {
-  Initialisation d'un pointeur sur fonction dependant du format des images
-  ................................................ */
-   if (strcasecmp(type_image,"INRIA") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_lecture_canal_inria) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"ONERA") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_lecture_canal_onera) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"BSQ") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_lecture_canal_bsq) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"BIP") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_lecture_canal_bip) ;
-    }
-#ifdef _HDF16
-   else if (strncasecmp(type_image,"HDF",3) == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_lecture_canal_hdf16) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"BIL") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_lecture_canal_bil) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"LUM") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_lecture_canal_lum) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"GESSIMU") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_lecture_canal_gessimu) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"GDB") == 0)
-   {
-       comp = (cai_lecture_canal_grilles) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"GDR") == 0)
-   {
-       comp = (cai_lecture_canal_grilles) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"TIFF") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_lecture_canal_tiff) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"RASTERFILE") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_lecture_canal_sun_raster) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"JPEG") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_lecture_canal_jpeg) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"SPOT1A4") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_lecture_canal_spot) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"SPOT5TIF") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_lecture_canal_spot) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"SPOT5BIL") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_lecture_canal_spot) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"RADAR") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_lecture_canal_radar) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"BANDEAU") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_lecture_canal_bandeau) ;
-    }
-   else 
-    { 
-   /* format non connu de la Couche Acces Image */
-     retour = CAI_KO;
-     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"format %s non reconnu \n",type_image);
-   }
- }
-   /*...........................................
-   Appel de la fonction pointee par comp avec la liste des parametres
-   suivants : 
-	 pointeur sur descripteur des fichiers
- 	 numero du canal a lire
- 	 premiere ligne a lire dans l'image
-	 premiere colonne a lire dans l'image
-	 nombre de lignes a lire
-	 nombre de colonnes a lire
-	 pas en ligne
-	 pas en colonne
-         tableau des pixels lus
-  ......................................................................*/
-   if ( retour == CAI_OK)
-   {
-           retour=(*comp)(image1 ,  
-                    &canal ,           
-    		    &premiere_ligne  ,   
-     		    &premiere_colonne   ,
-                    &nombre_lignes_lire ,
-                    &nombre_colonnes_lire,
-                    &pas_ligne ,          
-                    &pas_colonne, 
-                    data_image) ; 
- 	return(retour);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-     return (CAI_KO);
-    }
-  Fin de l'operation cai_lecture_canal.c
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ecriture_canal                                         */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ecriture d'un canal d'une image dans un format donne */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  int cai_ecriture_canal(image1, canal, premiere_ligne, */       		      /* ------------------                         nombre_lignes_ecrire,          */
-/*                                            nombre_colonnes_ecrire,        */
-/*                 		              data_image )                   */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)   : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier */
-/*     canal                 (E) ( int) : numero du canal a ecrire            */
-/*     premiere_ligne        (E) ( int) : premiere ligne a ecrire ds l'image  */
-/*     nombre_lignes_ecrire  (E) ( int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_ecrire(E) ( int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels a ecrire alloue   */
-/*                                      et libere par l'appelant             */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ecriture_canal    (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb                */
-/*                                             = CAI_OK si OK                */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V3                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal (CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,
-		 	      int canal ,
-			      int premiere_ligne,
-		              int nombre_lignes_ecrire ,
-			      int nombre_colonnes_ecrire,
-			      unsigned char *data_image )
- long int (*comp) ( );   /* pointeur sur fonction                      */
- char type_image[20];    /* format de stockage de l'image a ecrire     */
- long  int retour;       /* indicateur d'erreur de l'operation         */
-  Initialisations
-  .......................*/
-  retour=CAI_OK;
-  type_image[0]='\0';
-  strcpy( type_image,image1->TYPE_IMAGE);
-  CAI_ERREUR[0]='\0';
- /*................................................................
-  Verification de la coherence des donnees en entree
-  .............................................................*/
-/* sur la premiere ligne a ecrire */
-  if ((premiere_ligne<=0)||(premiere_ligne> image1->NB_LIG))
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Premiere ligne a ecrire incorrecte");
-      retour=CAI_KO;
-  }
-/* sur le numero du canal a ecrire */
-  if ((canal<=0)||(canal> image1->NB_CANAUX))
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Numero du canal a ecrire incorrect"); 
-      retour=CAI_KO;
-  }
-/* sur le nombre de lignes a ecrire */
-  if ((nombre_lignes_ecrire<=0)||
-	((nombre_lignes_ecrire + premiere_ligne-1) > image1->NB_LIG))
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Nombre de lignes a ecrire incorrect");
-      retour=CAI_KO;
-  }
-/* sur le nombre de colonnes a ecrire */
-  if ((nombre_colonnes_ecrire<=0)||
-		(nombre_colonnes_ecrire  > image1->NB_COL))
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Nombre de colonnes a ecrire incorrect");
-      retour=CAI_KO;
-  }
- if (retour == CAI_OK)
- {
-  Initialisation d'un pointeur sur fonction dependant du format des images
-  ................................................ */
-   if (strcasecmp(type_image,"INRIA") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ecriture_canal_inria) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"ONERA") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ecriture_canal_onera) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"BSQ") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ecriture_canal_bsq) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"BIP") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ecriture_canal_bip) ;
-    }
-#ifdef _HDF16
-   else if (strncasecmp(type_image,"HDF",3) == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ecriture_canal_hdf16) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"BIL") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ecriture_canal_bil) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"LUM") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ecriture_canal_lum) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"GESSIMU") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ecriture_canal_gessimu) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"GDB") == 0)
-   {
-       comp = (cai_ecriture_canal_grilles) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"GDR") == 0)
-   {
-       comp = (cai_ecriture_canal_grilles) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"TIFF") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ecriture_canal_tiff) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"RASTERFILE") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ecriture_canal_sun_raster) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"JPEG") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ecriture_canal_jpeg) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"SPOT1A4") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ecriture_canal_spot) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"SPOT5TIF") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ecriture_canal_spot) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"SPOT5BIL") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ecriture_canal_spot) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"RADAR") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ecriture_canal_radar) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"BANDEAU") == 0)
-   {
-     retour = CAI_KO;
-     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Ecriture au format BANDEAU non prévue dans CAI \n");      
-    }
-   else 
-    { 
-   /* format non connu de la Couche Acces Image */
-     retour = CAI_KO;
-     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"format %s non reconnu \n",type_image);
-   }
-  }
-   /*...........................................
-   Appel de la fonction pointee par comp avec la liste des parametres
-   suivants : 
-	 pointeur sur descripteur des fichiers
- 	 numero du canal a ecrire
- 	 premiere ligne a ecrire dans l'image
-	 nombre de lignes a ecrire
-	 nombre de colonnes a ecrire
-         tableau des pixels a ecrire
-  ......................................................................*/
-   if ( retour == CAI_OK)
-   {
-          retour=(*comp)(image1 ,  
-                    &canal ,           
-    		    &premiere_ligne  ,   
-                    &nombre_lignes_ecrire ,
-                    &nombre_colonnes_ecrire,
-                    data_image) ;  
-     }
-     return (retour);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ecriture_canal.c
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ferme_image                                            */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de fermeture d'une image dans un format donne et de    */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent 			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  int cai_ferme_image(image1)                           */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ferme_image    (S) (CAI_OK_KO) :    = CAI_KO si pb                */
-/*                                             = CAI_OK si OK                */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V3                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_image (CAI_IMAGE *image1)
- long int iret;           /* indicateur retour fonction   */
- long int (*comp)();      /* pointeur sur fonction        */
-  Initialisations
-  .......................*/
-  iret=CAI_OK;
-  CAI_ERREUR[0]='\0';
-  IND_GRILLES = '\0';
-  IND_SPOT = '\0';
-  Initialisation d'un pointeur sur fonction dependant du format des images
-  ................................................ */
-   if (strcasecmp(image1->TYPE_IMAGE,"INRIA") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ferme_inria) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(image1->TYPE_IMAGE,"ONERA") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ferme_onera) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(image1->TYPE_IMAGE,"BSQ") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ferme_bsq) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(image1->TYPE_IMAGE,"BIP") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ferme_bip) ;
-    }
-#ifdef _HDF16
-   else if (strncasecmp(image1->TYPE_IMAGE,"HDF",3) == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ferme_hdf16) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(image1->TYPE_IMAGE,"BIL") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ferme_bil) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(image1->TYPE_IMAGE,"LUM") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ferme_lum) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(image1->TYPE_IMAGE,"GESSIMU") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ferme_gessimu) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(image1->TYPE_IMAGE,"GDB") == 0)
-   {
-      IND_GRILLES = 'B';
-      comp = (cai_ferme_grilles) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(image1->TYPE_IMAGE,"GDR") == 0)
-   {
-      IND_GRILLES = 'R';
-      comp = (cai_ferme_grilles) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(image1->TYPE_IMAGE,"TIFF") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ferme_tiff) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(image1->TYPE_IMAGE,"RASTERFILE") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ferme_sun_raster) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(image1->TYPE_IMAGE,"JPEG") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ferme_jpeg) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(image1->TYPE_IMAGE,"SPOT1A4") == 0)
-   {
-      IND_SPOT = '1';
-      comp = (cai_ferme_spot) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(image1->TYPE_IMAGE,"SPOT5TIF") == 0)
-   {
-      IND_SPOT = 'T';
-      comp = (cai_ferme_spot) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(image1->TYPE_IMAGE,"SPOT5BIL") == 0)
-   {
-      IND_SPOT = 'B';
-      comp = (cai_ferme_spot) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(image1->TYPE_IMAGE,"RADAR") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ferme_radar) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(image1->TYPE_IMAGE,"BANDEAU") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ferme_bandeau) ;
-    }
-   else 
-    { 
-   /* format non connu de la Couche Acces Image */
-     iret = CAI_KO;
-     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"format %s non reconnu \n",image1->TYPE_IMAGE);
-   }
-   /*...........................................
-   Appel de la fonction pointee par comp avec la liste des parametres
-   suivants : 
-	     pointeur sur descripteur des fichiers de l'image
-  ......................................................................*/
-   if (( iret == CAI_OK ) && (image1 != NULL))
-   {
-/***   Traitement de la Colormap  ***/
-       if ((image1->COLORMAP !=0)&& ( image1->MODE == CAI_ECRITURE))
-       {
-        iret = cai_ecriture_colormap(image1);
-       }
-       if (image1->COLORMAP !=0)
-       {
-           free(image1->TABCOLOR);
-        }
-        if (IND_GRILLES == '\0')
-        {
-	   if (IND_SPOT == '\0')
-                iret = (*comp)(image1);
-	   else
-                iret = (*comp)(IND_SPOT,image1); 
-        }
-	else
-          iret = (*comp)(IND_GRILLES,image1);     
-    }
-    free(image1);
-    image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)NULL;
-    return (iret);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ferme_image.c
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_destruction_image                                      */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de destruction d'une image dans un format donne et de  */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent  			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL : int cai_destruction_image(format,nom_ima)              */ 
-/* ------------------                                                        */
-/*     format       (E) (char *) : format de l'image a detruire              */
-/*     nom_image    (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a detruire avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_destruction_image   (S) (CAI_OK_KO) :    = CAI_KO si pb           */
-/*                                                  = CAI_OK si OK           */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V3                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_destruction_image (char *format ,
-                                 char *nom_ima )
-long int (*ptr_dest_ima)();	/* ptr sur fctn de destruction d'une image */
-long int cr_cai;		/* code retour de fonction appellee        */
-long int i,ind;                 /* variables de travail                    */
-char repert[1024];              /* repertoire de stockage de l'image       */
-char image[1024];               /* nom de l'image a detruire sans repert   */
-char form[20];                  /* format de l'image a detruire            */
-char *pch,*deb;                 /* variables de travail                    */
-long int nb1,nb2;               /* variables de travail                    */
-char car;                       /* variables de travail                    */
- Initialisations 
-  ................*/
-cr_cai = CAI_OK;
-IND_GRILLES = '\0';
-IND_SPOT = '\0';
-   Recherche du type de fichier si reconnaissance automatique demande
-  ...................................................*/
-  if (strcasecmp(form,"AUTO")== 0)
-  {
-     for( i = 0 ; i< CAI_NB_EXTENSIONS ; i++)
-      {
-       if(strstr(nom_ima,CAI_SUFFIXES[i]) != NULL )
-       {
-          ind=CAI_NUMEROS[i];
-          strcpy(form,CAI_NOM_FORMAT[ind]);
-       }
-    }
-  }
-  Initialisation d'un pointeur sur fonction dependant du format des images
-  ................................................ */
-   if (strcasecmp(form,"INRIA") == 0)
-   {
-      ptr_dest_ima = (cai_dest_ima_inria) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(form,"ONERA") == 0)
-   {
-      ptr_dest_ima = (cai_dest_ima_onera) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(form,"BSQ") == 0)
-   {
-      ptr_dest_ima = (cai_dest_ima_bsq) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(form,"BIP") == 0)
-   {
-      ptr_dest_ima = (cai_dest_ima_bip) ;
-    }
-#ifdef _HDF16
-   else if (strncasecmp(form,"HDF",3) == 0)
-   {
-      ptr_dest_ima = (cai_dest_ima_hdf16) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(form,"BIL") == 0)
-   {
-      ptr_dest_ima = (cai_dest_ima_bil) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(form,"LUM") == 0)
-   {
-      ptr_dest_ima = (cai_dest_ima_lum) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(form,"GESSIMU") == 0)
-   {
-      ptr_dest_ima = (cai_dest_ima_gessimu) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(form,"GDB") == 0)
-   {
-      IND_GRILLES = 'B';
-      ptr_dest_ima = (cai_dest_ima_grilles) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(form,"GDR") == 0)
-   {
-      IND_GRILLES = 'R';
-      ptr_dest_ima = (cai_dest_ima_grilles) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(form,"TIFF") == 0)
-   {
-      ptr_dest_ima  = (cai_dest_ima_tiff) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(form,"RASTERFILE") == 0)
-   {
-      ptr_dest_ima = (cai_dest_ima_sun_raster) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(form,"JPEG") == 0)
-   {
-      ptr_dest_ima = (cai_dest_ima_jpeg) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(form,"SPOT1A4") == 0)
-   {
-      IND_SPOT = '1';
-      ptr_dest_ima = (cai_dest_ima_spot) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(form,"SPOT5TIF") == 0)
-   {
-      IND_SPOT = 'T';
-      ptr_dest_ima = (cai_dest_ima_spot) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(form,"SPOT5BIL") == 0)
-   {
-      IND_SPOT = 'B';
-      ptr_dest_ima = (cai_dest_ima_spot) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(form,"RADAR") == 0)
-   {
-      ptr_dest_ima = (cai_dest_ima_radar) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(form,"BANDEAU") == 0)
-   {
-      ptr_dest_ima = (cai_dest_ima_bandeau) ;
-    }
-   else 
-    { 
-   /* format non connu de la Couche Acces Image */
-    cr_cai = CAI_KO;
-    sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"format %s non reconnu \n",form);
-   }
-      /*...............................................................
-      Separation du repertoire de stockage de l'image et du nom propre
-     .................................................................*/
-    if (cr_cai ==CAI_OK)
-    {
-      repert[0]='\0';
-      image[0]='\0';
-      car='/';
-#ifdef _WIN
-      car='\\';
-      pch=(char *)strrchr(nom_ima,car);
-      if (pch == NULL) 
-      {
-         /* le repertoire est celui courant */
-           strcpy(repert,"./");
-#ifdef _WIN
-           strcpy(repert,".\\");
-           sscanf(nom_ima,"%s",image);
-           car='.';
-           pch=(char *)strrchr(image,car);
-           if (pch != NULL)
-               *pch='\0';          
-      }
-      else
-      {
-           nb1=(long int)(pch)-(long int)(nom_ima);
-           strncpy(repert,nom_ima,nb1);
-	   repert[nb1]='\0';
-           deb=nom_ima+nb1+1;
-           nb2=strlen(nom_ima)-(nb1+1);
-	   strncpy(image,deb,nb2);
-           image[nb2]='\0';
-           car='.';
-           pch=(char *)strrchr(image,car);
-           if (pch != NULL)
-               *pch='\0';          
-     }
-   }
-/* appel de la fonction pointee par ptr_dest_ima    */
-/* avec les parametres suivants :      		    */
-/* - repertoire de stockage de l'image		    */
-/* - nom de l'image			            */
-   if (cr_cai==CAI_OK)
-   {
-     if (IND_GRILLES == '\0')
-     {
-        if (IND_SPOT == '\0')
-             cr_cai = (*ptr_dest_ima)(repert, image);
-         else
-	     cr_cai = (*ptr_dest_ima)(IND_SPOT,repert, image);
-      }
-      else
-         cr_cai = (*ptr_dest_ima)(IND_GRILLES,repert, image);
-    }
-   return (cr_cai);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_destruction_image.c
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_modif_nbbitspix                                        */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction permetant de modifier le nombre de bits significatifs  */
-/* -----     par pixel (uniquement pour les formats BSQ ,BIP,BIL et HDF)     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* Remarque !! L'image doit deja etre ouverte                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  int cai_modif_nbbitspix(format,image1,NbBitsPix)      */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*     format      (E) (char *)       : format de l'image a modifier         */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*     NbBitsPix   (E) (long int)          : nb de bits significatifs par pixel   */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_modif_nbbitspix   (S) (CAI_OK_KO) :    = CAI_KO si pb             */
-/*                                                = CAI_OK si OK             */
-/*			= CAI_IMPOS si format autre que BSQ ou HDF16           */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V3                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_modif_nbbitspix ( char *format ,
-                                  CAI_IMAGE *image1,int NbBitsPix)
-long int cr_cai;		/* code retour de fonction appellee        */
-char form[20];                  /* format de l'image a modifier            */
-CAI_EXTENS *TabExtens;
- Initialisations 
-  ................*/
-TabExtens = NULL;
-cr_cai = CAI_OK;
-  Lancement de la fonction dependant du format des images
-  ................................................ */
-   if (strcasecmp(form,"BSQ") == 0)
-   {
-      cr_cai = cai_modif_nbbitspix_bsq(image1,NbBitsPix) ;
-    }
-#ifdef _HDF16
-   else if (strncasecmp(form,"HDF",3) == 0)
-   {
-      image1->NB_BITS_PIX = NbBitsPix;
-      cr_cai = cai_rename_fichiers_hdf16(image1,TabExtens) ;
-    }
-    else if (strcasecmp(form,"BIP") == 0)
-    {
-      cr_cai = cai_modif_nbbitspix_bip(image1,NbBitsPix) ;
-     }
-    else if (strcasecmp(form,"BIL") == 0)
-    {
-      cr_cai = cai_modif_nbbitspix_bil(image1,NbBitsPix) ;
-     }
-    else 
-    { 
-   /* Fonction non prevue pour un autre format */
-       cr_cai = CAI_IMPOS;
-       sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"format %s : modification non prevue \n",form);
-      }
-   return (cr_cai);
-/* Fin de l'operation cai_modif_nbbitspix
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_modifie_image                                    */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture-ecriture d'une image d'un format*/
-/* -----      donne et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                 */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_image (nom_image,        */
-/*  ---------------- 		                           type_image,       */
-/*                 		                           nb_can,           */
-/*				                           nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                           nb_col,           */
-/*				                           nb_lig)           */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*     type_image     (E) (char *) : format de l'image a ouvrir              */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_modifie_image (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)    : =NULL si pb            */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V3                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_image (char *nom_image,
-                  		    char *type_image,
-                 		    int  *nb_can,
-				    int  *nboct_pix,		
-				    int  *nb_col,
-				    int  *nb_lig)            
-  int nb;             /* indicateur d'erreurs rencontres              */
- CAI_IMAGE *image1;       /* descripteur de fichier retour fonction       */
- CAI_IMAGE *(*comp) ( );  /* pointeur sur fonction                        */
- char repert[1024];       /* repertoire de stockage de l'image            */
- char image[1024];        /* nom de l'image a ouvrir en lecture           */
- char format[20];         /* format de stockage de l'image a lire         */
- long int i,ind;          /* variables de travail                         */
- char *pch,*deb;          /* pointeurs de travail                         */
- long int nb1,nb2;        /* indice de longueur significative             */
- char car;		  /* variable de travail                          */
- DIR *dirp;		  /* pointeur sur structure ouverture repertoire  */
- CAI_OK_KO icr;           /* Compte-rendu des fonctions DA                */
-  Initialisations
-  .......................*/
-  nb=1;
-  strcpy(format,type_image);
-  CAI_ERREUR[0]='\0';
-  IND_GRILLES = '\0';
-  IND_SPOT = '\0';
-   Recherche du type de fichier si reconnaissance automatique demande
-  ...................................................*/
-  if (strcasecmp(format,"AUTO")== 0)
-  {
-     for( i = 0 ; i< CAI_NB_EXTENSIONS ; i++)
-      {
-       if(strstr(nom_image,CAI_SUFFIXES[i]) != NULL )
-       {
-          ind=CAI_NUMEROS[i];
-          strcpy(format,CAI_NOM_FORMAT[ind]);
-       }
-    }
-  }
-  Initialisation d'un pointeur sur fonction dependant du format des images
-  ................................................ */
-   if (strcasecmp(format,"INRIA") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_modifie_inria) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(format,"ONERA") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_modifie_onera) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(format,"BSQ") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_modifie_bsq) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(format,"BIP") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_modifie_bip) ;
-    }
-#ifdef _HDF16
-   else if (strncasecmp(format,"HDF",3) == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_modifie_hdf16) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(format,"BIL") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_modifie_bil) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(format,"LUM") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_modifie_lum) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(format,"GESSIMU") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_modifie_gessimu) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(format,"GDB") == 0)
-   {
-      IND_GRILLES = 'B';
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_modifie_grilles) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(format,"GDR") == 0)
-   {
-      IND_GRILLES = 'R';
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_modifie_grilles) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(format,"TIFF") == 0)
-   {
-/*     comp = (cai_ouvre_modifie_tiff) ; */
-      nb = 0;
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,
-		"fonction de modification non disponible pour TIFF");
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(format,"RASTERFILE") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_modifie_sun_raster) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(format,"JPEG") == 0)
-   {
-      nb = 0;
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"fonction de modification non disponible pour JPEG");
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"SPOT1A4") == 0)
-   {
-      IND_SPOT = '1';
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_modifie_spot) ;
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"SPOT5TIF") == 0)
-   {
-      IND_SPOT = 'T';
-/*      comp = (cai_ouvre_modifie_spot) ;*/
-      nb = 0;
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,
-		"fonction de modification non disponible pour SPOT5TIF");
-    }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"SPOT5BIL") == 0)
-   {
-      IND_SPOT = 'B';
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_modifie_spot) ;
-    }
-   else   if (strcasecmp(format,"RADAR") == 0)
-   {
-      comp = (cai_ouvre_modifie_radar) ;
-   }
-   else if (strcasecmp(type_image,"BANDEAU") == 0)
-   {
-     nb = 0;
-     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,
-	"fonction de modification non disponible pour BANDEAU \n");      
-    }
-   else 
-    { 
-   /* format non connu de la Couche Acces Image */
-     nb = 0;
-     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"format %s non reconnu \n",format);
-   }
-   /*...............................................................
-      Separation du repertoire de stockage de l'image et du nom propre
-     .................................................................*/
-    if (nb == 1)
-    {
-      repert[0]='\0';
-      image[0]='\0';
-      car='/';
-#ifdef _WIN
-      car='\\';
-      pch=(char *)strrchr(nom_image,car);
-      if (pch == NULL) 
-      {
-         /* le repertoire est celui courant */
-           strcpy(repert,"./");
-#ifdef _WIN
-           strcpy(repert,".\\");
-           sscanf(nom_image,"%s",image);
-           car='.';
-           pch=(char *)strrchr(image,car);
-           if (pch != NULL)
-               *pch='\0';        
-      }
-      else
-      {
-           nb1=(long int)(pch)-(long int)(nom_image);
-           strncpy(repert,nom_image,nb1);
-           repert[nb1]='\0';
-           deb=nom_image+nb1+1;
-           nb2=strlen(nom_image)-(nb1+1);
-	   strncpy(image,deb,nb2);
-           image[nb2]='\0';
-           car='.';
-           pch=(char *)strrchr(image,car);
-           if (pch != NULL)
-               *pch='\0';          
-     }
-   } 
-  Verification existence repertoire demande
-  ...............................................*/
-  if ( nb == 1 )
-  {
-    dirp=opendir(repert);
-    if (dirp ==(DIR *)NULL)
-    {
-    /* repertoire demande inexistant */
-     nb=0;
-     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"repertoire %s inexistant \n",repert);
-     }
-     else
-        closedir(dirp);
-    }
-   /*...........................................
-   Appel de la fonction pointee par comp avec la liste des parametres
-   suivants : 
-             repertoire de stockage de l'image
-  	     nom de l'image 
-             nombre de canaux
-	     nombre d'octets par pixels
-	     nombre de colonnes
-             nombre de lignes
-  ......................................................................*/
-    if ( nb == 1 )
-   {
-    if (IND_GRILLES == '\0')
-    {
-	if (IND_SPOT == '\0')
-            image1 = (*comp)(repert,image,nb_can,nboct_pix,nb_col,nb_lig);
-	else
-	    image1 = (*comp)(IND_SPOT,repert,image,nb_can,nboct_pix,nb_col,
-			 	nb_lig);
-    }
-    else
-        image1 = (*comp)(IND_GRILLES,repert,image,nb_can,nboct_pix,nb_col,
-			 nb_lig);
-     if (image1 != NULL)
-     {
-       strcpy(image1->TYPE_IMAGE,format);
-       strcpy(image1->NOM_IMAGE,nom_image);
-       image1->NB_CANAUX=*nb_can;
-       image1->NB_COL=*nb_col;
-       image1->NB_LIG=*nb_lig;
-       image1->NBOCT_PIX=*nboct_pix;
-       image1->MODE=CAI_ECRITURE;
-/***   Traitement de la Colormap si format autre que TIFF et RASTERFILE ***/
-       if ((strcasecmp(format,"RASTERFILE") != 0)&&(strcasecmp(format,"TIFF") != 0))
-       {
-        	icr = cai_lecture_colormap(image1);
-        	if ( icr == CAI_KO) 
-         		 return (NULL);
-        	else
-          		return (image1);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          return (image1);
-        }
-       }
-      else
-       return(NULL);
-    } 
-    else
-    {
-     return (NULL);
-    }
-/* Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_modifie_image
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_test_pFpf                                              */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de test qui determine ordre des poids forts et faible  */
-/* -----     pour lire correctement entete et image                          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  char *cai_test_pFpf()                                 */
-/*  ---------------- 		                                             */
-/*				                 			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
- char *cai_test_pFpf ()
- {
-/*variable contenant 3 caracteres*/
-static char type_code[3];
-/*codage sur 2 octets*/ 
-/*de la valeur 1*/
-unsigned short a=1;
-/*test sur la valeur 
-/*de l'octet de gauche*/
-if (*(char *) &a == 0) 
-	{
-	strcpy(type_code, "BE"); /*affectation d'une chaine de caracteres*/
-	}
-if (*(char *) &a == 1) 
-	{
-	strcpy(type_code, "LE"); /*affectation d'une chaine de caracteres*/
-	}
-/*retourne le contenu de la variable*/
-/*comme il s'agit de tableau pas besoin du &*/
-   Fin de l'operation cai_test_pFpf
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_inverser_tableau                                       */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'inversion des poids forts et faible                  */
-/* -----              							     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  cai_inverser_tableau(sortie, entree,nb)               */
-/*  ---------------- 		                                             */
-/*				                 			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-void cai_inverser_tableau(short *BufL,short *BufE,int Nb)
-  int pix;
-  for (pix=0;pix<Nb;pix=pix+2)
-  {
-    BufL[pix]=BufE[pix+1];
-    BufL[pix+1]=BufE[pix];
-  }
-   Fin de l'operation cai_inverser_tableau
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_En_majuscule                                           */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE : Cette fonction transforme la chaine de caracteres donnee en        */
-/* ROLE : parametre en majuscule et renvoie le resultat                      */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :                                                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* RETOUR : chaine en majuscule                                              */
-/*                                                                           */
-char* cai_En_majuscule( char *mot )
-   char *retour;
-   int i = 0;
-   /* allocation des pointeurs */
-   retour = (char*) NULL;
-   retour = (char*) calloc ( strlen ( mot ) + 1 , sizeof (char) );
-   if ( retour == NULL )
-   {
-     return (char*)NULL;
-   }
-   /* Parcourir la chaine */
-   while ( mot[i] != '\0' )
-   {   
-   /* transformer en majuscule la lettre lue */
-      retour[i] = toupper ( mot[i] );
-      i++;
-   }
-  /* retourner le resultat */ 
-  return retour;   
-   Fin de l'operation cai_En_majuscule
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_inverser_tableau_complet                               */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'inversion des poids forts et faible                  */
-/* -----              							     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  cai_inverser_tableau_complet(tableau,nbpix,tailpix)   */
-/*  ---------------- 		                                             */
-/*				                 			     */
-/*  tableau	(E) (* uchar)   : tableau à inverser                         */
-/*  nbpix	(E) (int)      : nb de pixels du tableau                     */
-/*  tailpix     (E) (int)      : nb d'octets d'un pixel                      */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-void cai_inverser_tableau_complet(unsigned char *tableau,int nbpix,int tailpix)
-  int pix,ind,oct;
-  unsigned char *temp; 
-  temp = (unsigned char *) calloc(tailpix,sizeof(unsigned char));
-  for (pix=0;pix<nbpix;pix=pix+1)
-  {
-     ind = pix*tailpix;
-     for (oct=0;oct<tailpix;oct++)
-     {
-       temp[oct] = tableau[ind + tailpix - oct -1 ];
-     }
-     for (oct=0;oct<tailpix;oct++)
-     {
-       tableau[ind + oct ] = temp[oct];
-     }
-  }
-   Fin de l'operation cai_inverser_tableau_complet
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_En_minuscule                                           */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE : Cette fonction transforme la chaine de caracteres donnee en        */
-/* ROLE : parametre en minuscule et renvoie le resultat                      */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :                                                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* RETOUR : chaine en majuscule                                              */
-/*                                                                           */
-char* cai_En_minuscule( char *mot )
-   char *retour;
-   int i = 0;
-   /* allocation des pointeurs */
-   retour = (char*) NULL;
-   retour = (char*) calloc ( strlen ( mot ) + 1 , sizeof (char) );
-   if ( retour == NULL )
-   {
-     return (char*)NULL;
-   }
-   /* Parcourir la chaine */
-   while ( mot[i] != '\0' )
-   {   
-   /* transformer en minuscule la lettre lue */
-   retour[i] = tolower ( mot[i] );
-   i++;
-   }
-  /* retourner le resultat */ 
-  return retour;   
-  }
-   Fin de l'operation cai_En_minuscule
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_istyp_connu                                            */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de verification si pixels de type connu ou non         */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :    retour = cai_istyp_connu(type_code)                 */
-/*  ---------------- 		                                             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     type_code    (E) (char *) : type de codage a verifier                 */
-/*     retour       (S) (int)    : 1 si OK reconnu                           */ 
-/*				   -1 si non reconnu			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-int cai_istyp_connu(char *type_code)
-	int ind;	 /* indice de boucle sur les types reconnus */
-	int trouve,icr;  /* indice pour la recherche                */
-/* Initialisations diverses */
-	trouve = -1;
-	ind = 0;
-	while ((trouve==-1)&&(ind< CAI_NB_TYPE))
-	{
-	  icr=strncmp(type_code,CAI_TYPE_CONNU[ind],strlen(type_code));
-	  if (icr==0)
-	       trouve=ind;
-	  else
-	       ind=ind+1;
-	}
-/* sortie normale */
-	return(trouve);
-   Fin de l'operation cai_istyp_connu
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_gessimu.c b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_gessimu.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 834a40b3a1dac92508cecaeaca5946b1adbb1b0b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_gessimu.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1233 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                           */
-/* PROJET :    COUCHE ACCES IMAGE                                            */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MODULE :    cai_gessimu.c                                                 */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE   :    Ce module rassemble toutes les fonctions d'acces aux images   */
-/* -------     stockees au format gessimu (format Alcatel monocanal)         */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* AUTEUR :      R.CHAISEMARTIN     (CISI)                                   */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* DATE DE CREATION :    Septembre 1999                                      */
-/* -----------------						             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* LANGAGE : C                                                               */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 : FA : Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation  */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : FA : verification que l'image est codee sur un seul */
-/*octet par pixel (contrainte du format)                                     */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : DM : modifications pour compatibilite HP64bits      */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : modifications fopen binaire pour PC/NT         */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.4 : DM : modifications open  binaire pour PC/NT         */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : FA : test sur  fclose  pour PC/LINUX                */
-/*                Inclusion des fichiers STANDARDS (.h)                      */
-# include <stdio.h>
-# include <string.h>
-# include <unistd.h>
-# include <stdlib.h>
-# include <sys/types.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-# include <sys/stat.h>
-# include <fcntl.h>
-#define _CAI_IMAGE
-# include "cai_image.h"
-/* Variable pour la  gestion en configuration                                 */
-static char *rcs_id="$Header: cai_gessimu.c,v 1.6 01/05/31 10:47:35 cmf Exp $";
-extern char *getenv();
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                Definition des OPERATIONS EXTERNES                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_liste_ima_gessimu                                      */
-/* ----------                                                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de listage des images au format gessimu                */
-/* ------                                                                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :      int cai_liste_ima_gessimu(repert,tab_ima)         */
-/* -----------------                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     repert       (E) (char *)   : repertoire a explorer		     */
-/*     tab_ima      (S) (char ***) : pointeur sur tableau des images listees */
-/*                                    alloue par la fonction,il doit etre    */
-/*                                    LIBERE PAR L'APPELANT                  */
-/*									     */
-/*   cai_liste_ima_gessimu   (S) (int)     :   = -1 repertoire inexistant    */                                    /*					       = > 0 nombre d'images listees */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION :  V2                                                             */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-long int cai_liste_ima_gessimu (char *repert,
-		           char ***tab_ima)
-   DIR *dirp;		/* pointeur sur structure ouverture repertoire */
-   struct dirent *dp;   /* structure resultat de la fonction readdir   */
-   char *pch0,*pch1;    /* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres          */
-   char car;            /* variable de travail                         */  
-   int nb_ima;          /* nombre d'images gessimu identifiees         */
-   long int i;          /* indice de boucle                            */
-   long int ll,dif;     /* variables de travail                        */
-   char blanc;          /* caractere blanc                             */
-   INITIALISATION et ouverture du repertoire choisi
-  .........................................*/
-   nb_ima=0;
-   blanc=' ';
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   if(dirp!=NULL)
-   {
-   premiere passe pour comptabiliser les images du format donne
-      (EXTENSION =.pfe)
-     ..........................................*/
-      while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-      {
-    	 pch0=strstr(dp->d_name,".pfe");
-     	if (pch0 != NULL)
-     	{
-        	ll = strlen(dp->d_name);
-        	dif = (long)(dp->d_name-pch0);
-        	dif=labs(dif);
-        	pch1=pch0+4;
-        	if (((ll-4)==dif)||((*pch1)==blanc))
-	     		nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-    	 }
-      }
-    (void)closedir(dirp);
-     ......................................*/
-    *tab_ima = (char **) calloc(nb_ima,sizeof(char *));
-    for (i=0;i<nb_ima;i=i+1)
-      (*tab_ima)[i]=(char *)calloc(1,100);
-   deuxieme passe pour constituer la liste des images du format donne
-       (EXTENSION =.pfe)
-   ..........................................*/
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   nb_ima=0;
-   while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-   {
-     pch0=strstr(dp->d_name,".pfe");
-     if (pch0 != NULL)
-     {
-        ll = strlen(dp->d_name);
-        dif = (long)(dp->d_name-pch0);
-        dif=labs(dif);
-        pch1=pch0+4;
-        if (((ll-4)==dif)||((*pch1)==blanc))
-        {
-            *pch0='\0';
-            strcpy((*tab_ima)[nb_ima],dp->d_name);
-	    nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-        }
-     }
-   }   
-    closedir(dirp);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-     /* Erreur : Repertoire inexistant */
-      nb_ima=-1;
-   }
-    return(nb_ima);
-/* Fin de l'operation cai_liste_ima_gessimu
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_lecture_gessimu                                  */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture d'une image au format gessimu   */
-/* -----    					                             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_gessimu(nom_image,       */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_lecture_gessimu (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb           */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */   /*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_gessimu(char *repert,
-				     char *nom_image,
-				     int *nb_can,
-				     int *nboct_pix,
-				     int *nb_col,
-				     int *nb_lig)
-   FILE *fic_in;		/* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   int  iret;			/* indicateur de retour ok ou pas           */
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char nom_fic_canal[1024];    /* nom fichier canal dont on teste existence*/
-   int nbbit;			/* nb de bits par pixel du fichier en-tete  */
-   int retour;			/* retour de la fonction comparaison chaines*/ 
-   int i,num;			/* indice 				    */
-   char type_cod[5];		/* type de codage du pixel		    */
-   int detec1,detecF;           /* 1er et dernier detecteur dans l'entete   */
-   int Tail_lig;	        /* taille d'une ligne sur disque (multi 4)  */
-   /*........................................
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   *nb_can=0;
-   *nb_lig=0;
-   *nb_col=0;
-   *nboct_pix=0;
-   iret=1;
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 : FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_lecture");
-    }
-   else
-   {
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-       sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.pfe",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.pfe",nom_image);
-   }
-   Ouverture du fichier entete
-  ..........................................*/
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : modifications fopen binaire pour PC/NT         */
-   fic_in=NULL;
-   fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"rb");
-   if (fic_in==NULL)
-   {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier entete GESSIMU");
-    }
-   else
-   {
-    positionnement sur le nombre de colonnes 
-  .............................................*/
-        fseek(fic_in,16,0);
-   recuperation du numero du premier detecteur
-  ...........................................*/
-	fread(&detec1,4,1,fic_in);
-   recuperation du dernier detecteur
-  ......................................*/
-	fread(&detecF,4,1,fic_in);
-   recuperation du nombre de lignes 
-  ......................................*/
-        fseek(fic_in,12,1);
-	fread(nb_lig,4,1,fic_in);
-   calcul du nombre de colonne 
-  ......................................*/
-	*nb_col = detecF - detec1 ;
-   initialisation du type de codage des pixels 
-  ......................................*/
-    	image1->NB_BITS_PIX=8;
-    	image1->NBOCT_PIX=1;
-	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"OCT");
-	*nboct_pix = image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-   initialisation du nb de canaux (toujours monocanal)
-  ......................................................*/
-	*nb_can = 1;
-   Calcul de la taille d'une ligne sur disque
-  ......................................................*/
-	Tail_lig = (((*nb_col-1)/4)+1)*4;
-  }
-   Fermeture du fichier 
-  ......................................*/
-   if (fic_in!=NULL) fclose(fic_in);
-   if (iret !=0)
-   {
-  .....................................................*/
-     nom_fic[0]='\0';
-     nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';
-     if ((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-     {
-       sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s/%s.pfe",repert,nom_image);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-       sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s.pfe",nom_image);
-      }
-     num=open(nom_fic_canal,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY,0);
-     if (num!= -1)
-     {
-       for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-       {
-           sscanf(nom_image,"%s",image1->NOM_FIC_CAN);
-           sscanf(nom_image,"%s",image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN);
-            image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=num;
-           image1->POS_OCTET[i]=Tail_lig;
-        }
-      }
-      else
-         iret=0;
-     }
-    }
-    if (iret == 0)
-    {
-	return (NULL);
-     }
-    else
-    {
-      return(image1);
-     }
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_lecture_gessimu
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_creation_gessimu                                 */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de creation et d'ouverture en ecriture d'une image     */
-/* -----     au format gessimu et de tous les fichiers qui la composent      */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL : CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_gessimu(nom_image,       */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig,          */
-/*				                            label)           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*     nb_can         (E) (int )   : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (E) (int )   : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 )         */
-/*     nb_lig         (E) (int )   : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (E) (int )   : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*     label          (E) (char *) : commentaire lie a l'image               */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_creation_gessimu (S) (CAI_IMAGE *) :     =NULL si pb        */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_gessimu(char *repert,
-				      char *nom_image,
-				      int  *nb_can,
-				      int  *nboct_pix,
-				      int  *nb_col,
-				      int  *nb_lig,
-				      char *label)
-   FILE *fic;		        /* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   long retour;			/* retour de fonction 			    */ 
-   int i,num;			/* indice 				    */
-   struct stat	buf_stat;	/* structure decrivant status de fichier    */
-   unsigned char *Header;       /* entete du fichier gessimu 	            */
-   int taille_entete;	        /* taille de l'entete		            */
-   int detec1,detecF;           /* numero du 1er et dernier detecteur       */
-   double h_moyen;
-/* Verification qu'un seul canal est demande */
-   if (*nb_can != 1)
-   {
-	image1 = NULL;
- 	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , 
-		"Une image GESSIMU ne peut contenir qu'un seul canal");
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : FA : verification que l'image est codee sur un seul */
-/*octet par pixel (contrainte du format)                                     */
-   if (*nboct_pix != 1)
-   {
-	image1 = NULL;
- 	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , 
-		"Une image GESSIMU ne peutetre codee que sur un seul octet par pixel");
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 : FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_creation");
-     goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete et verification qu'il
-   n'existe pas deja
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-       sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.pfe",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.pfe",nom_image);
-    }
-   retour = stat ( nom_fic , &buf_stat );
-   if ( retour == 0 )
-   { 
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "L'image %s GESSIMU existe \n" , nom_image );
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  Ouverture du fichier entete en ecriture 
-  Ecriture du contenu
-  ..........................................................*/
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : modifications fopen binaire pour PC/NT         */
-  fic = fopen(nom_fic,"wb");
-  if (fic == NULL)
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Creation fichier %s impossible\n",nom_fic);
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   taille_entete = (((*nb_col-1)/4)+1)*4;
-   Header = (unsigned char *) calloc(taille_entete,sizeof( unsigned char));
-   if (Header == NULL)
-   {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur alloc: Creation fichier %s impossible\n",
-				nom_fic);
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-/* ecriture du 1ER detecteur de l'image    */
-   detec1 = 1;
-   memcpy(&Header[16],&detec1 , 4 );
-/* ecriture du dernier detecteur de l'image     */
-   detecF = *nb_col;
-   memcpy(&Header[20],&detecF , 4 );
-/* ecriture du nombre de colonnes de l'image */
-   memcpy(&Header[24],nb_col , 4 );
-/* ecriture du nombre de lignes de l'image */
-   memcpy(&Header[36],nb_lig , 4 );
-/* ecriture de la taille d'une ligne multiple de 4 */
-   memcpy(&Header[40],&taille_entete , 4 );
-/* ecriture du h_moyen (double 0)               */
-   h_moyen = 0.;
-   memcpy(&Header[44],&h_moyen , 8 );
-   retour = fwrite ( Header , taille_entete , 1 , fic );
-   free(Header);
-   if ( retour == 0 )
-   {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR ,
-		 "Erreur : ecriture entete impossible dans fichier %s\n",
-		  nom_fic );
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-/* Fermeture du fichier                          */
-   fclose ( fic );
-   num = open(nom_fic,O_RDWR|O_BINARY,PERMS); 
-   if (num == -1)
-   {
-     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Creation %s impossible\n",nom_fic);
-     goto ERREUR;
-   } 
-   for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-   {
-     image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=num;
-     image1->POS_OCTET[i]=taille_entete;
-    }
-  return (image1);
-  return(NULL);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_creation_gessimu
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_lecture_canal_gessimu                                  */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de lecture d'un canal d'une image GESSIMU              */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_gessimu(image1, canal,    */       		      /* ------------------                        premiere_ligne,                 */
-/*                                           premiere_colonne,               */
-/*                                           nombre_lignes_lire ,            */
-/*                                           nombre_colonnes_lire,           */
-/*                                           pas_ligne ,pas_colonne,         */
-/*                 		             data_image )                    */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*     canal                (E) (int) : numero du canal a lire               */
-/*     premiere_ligne       (E) (int) : premiere ligne a lire dans l'image   */
-/*     premiere _colonne    (E) (int) : premiere colonne a lire dans l'image */
-/*     nombre_lignes_lire   (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a lire              */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_lire (E) (int) : nombre de colonnes a lire            */
-/*     pas_ligne            (E) (int) : pas en ligne                         */
-/*     pas_colonne          (E) (int) : pas en colonne                       */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels lus alloue et     */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_lecture_canal_gessimu (S) (CAI_OK_KO) :     = CAI_KO si pb        */
-/*                                                 = CAI_OK si OK            */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_gessimu(CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,  
-                                    int *canal ,           
-    		                    int *premiere_ligne  ,   
-     		                    int *premiere_colonne,
-                                    int *nombre_lignes_lire ,
-                                    int *nombre_colonnes_lire,
-                                    int *pas_ligne ,          
-                                    int *pas_colonne,
-		                    unsigned char *data_image )        
- int   num,i,j,k,kk;        /* variables de travail                          */
- long pt_oct,n;		    /* position courante dans le fichier image       */
- int no_oct;                /* numero du premier octet a lire                */
- int iret;                  /* indicateur d'erreur                           */
- int lig;                   /* indice de boucle sur les lignes               */
- int   oct_pix;             /* nb octets par pixels                          */
- long  nb_oct;              /* nb oct =1er octet a lire - position courante  */
- unsigned char *buf_lec;    /* buffer lecture d'une  ligne                   */
- unsigned char *deb,*pch;   /* pointeur chaine pour transfert  buffer sortie */
- int Tail_lig;		    /* Taille physique d'une ligne sur disque        */
-/* Verification qu'un seul canal est demande */
- if (*canal != 1)
- {
-	image1 = NULL;
- 	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , 
-		"Une image GESSIMU ne contient qu'un seul canal");
-        iret=CAI_KO;
- }
- else
- {
-  Initialisations diverses
-  ..........................*/
-   iret=CAI_OK;
-   num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*canal-1];
-   oct_pix=image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-   Tail_lig = (((image1->NB_COL-1)/4)+1)*4;
-   allocation de memoire pour lire une ligne image
- ............................................. */
-    buf_lec = (unsigned char *) calloc(Tail_lig,sizeof(unsigned char));
-    if (buf_lec == NULL)
-    {
-     	 	iret=CAI_KO;
-      		strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Probleme allocation memoire");
-     }
-     else
-     {
-        Initialisation
-  ......................*/
-            lig=*premiere_ligne;
-       	    i=1;
-            pch=data_image;
-         Pour chaque ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-           while ((i <= *nombre_lignes_lire)&&(iret==CAI_OK))
-           {  
-	    Recherche de la position courante dans le fichier
-  ............................................*/
-               pt_oct=lseek(num,0L,1);
-            Calcul du numero du 1er octet a lire
-  ....................................*/
-	      no_oct=image1->POS_OCTET[*canal-1]+(lig-1)*Tail_lig;
-            Saut d'octets pour etre positionne sur la ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-              nb_oct=(long)(no_oct-pt_oct);
-              lseek(num,nb_oct,1);
-            lecture d'une ligne image
-  ................................................*/
-              n=read(num,buf_lec,Tail_lig);
-              if (n<=0)
-              {
-             	iret=CAI_KO;
-             	strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture donnee image GESSIMU");
-              }
-              else
-              { 
-             Sauvegarde des donnees lues entenant compte du pas 
-             d'echantillonnage en colonne
-  ........................................*/           
-                 deb=buf_lec+(*premiere_colonne-1)*oct_pix;
-                 j=1;
-                 while (j <= *nombre_colonnes_lire)
-	         {  
-                  	 *pch=*deb;
-                  	 j=j+1;
-                	 pch=pch+1;
-                	 deb=deb+(*pas_colonne);
-                  }   
-              }
-              i=i+1;
-              lig=lig+(*pas_ligne);
-           }        
-	   free(buf_lec);
-      	}
-   }
-  return(iret);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_lecture_canal_gessimu
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ecriture_canal_gessimu                                 */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ecriture d'un canal d'une image gessimu              */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_gessimu(image1, canal,   */       		      /* ------------------                                 premiere_ligne,        */
-/*                                                    nombre_lignes_ecrire,  */
-/*                                                    nombre_colonnes_ecrire,*/
-/*                 		                      data_image )           */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)   : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier */
-/*     canal                 (E) (int) : numero du canal a ecrire            */
-/*     premiere_ligne        (E) (int) : premiere ligne a ecrire ds l'image  */
-/*     nombre_lignes_ecrire  (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_ecrire(E) (int) : nombre de colonnes a ecrire         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels ecris alloue et   */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ecriture_canal_gessimu    (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb        */
-/*                                                     = CAI_OK si OK        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_gessimu (CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,  
-                                      int *canal ,           
-    		                      int *premiere_ligne  ,   
-                                      int *nombre_lignes_ecrire ,
-                                      int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire,
-		                      unsigned char *data_image )        
-long	position_first_lig;	/* position de la 1ere ligne a ecrire    */
-long	position_courante;	/* position courante dans le fichier     */
-long	deplacement;		/* deplacement a effectuer               */
-unsigned char *buff_lig;	/* pointeur de travail  bandeau a ecrire */
-long	cr_write;		/* code retour de write                  */
-int num;                        /* descripteur de fichier                */
-int nboct_pix;			/* nombre d'octets par pixel             */
-int nb_canaux;			/* nombre de canaux de l'image totale    */
-int nboct_ecrire;		/* nb d'octets du bandeau a ecrire       */
-int Tail_lig;		        /* taille en octet d'une ligne (mult 4)  */
-int ind,i;			/* variables de travail			 */
-/* Verification qu'un seul canal est demande */
-   if (*canal != 1)
-   {
-		image1 = NULL;
- 		sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , 
-			"Une image GESSIMU ne contient qu'un seul canal");
-		goto ERREUR;
-   }
-/* ................
-   Initialisations 
-  .................*/
-   num = image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*canal-1];
-   nboct_pix = image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-   nb_canaux = 1;
-   position_first_lig = 0;
-   position_courante = 0;
-   deplacement = 0;
-   nboct_ecrire = 0;
-   Tail_lig = (((image1->NB_COL-1)/4)+1)*4;
-    buff_lig = NULL;
-    buff_lig = (unsigned char *) calloc(Tail_lig,sizeof(unsigned char));
-    if (buff_lig == NULL)
-    {
-       		strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Probleme allocation memoire");
-		goto ERREUR;
-     }
- /********************************************************/
-/* Calcul de la position de la premiere ligne a ecrire 	*/ 
-     position_first_lig = (long) ( image1->POS_OCTET[*canal-1] + 
- 		+ (*premiere_ligne - 1) * Tail_lig);
-/*  Recuperation de la position courante	        */
-    position_courante = lseek ( num , 0L , 1 );
-/* Calcul du deplacement jusqu'a la 1ere ligne a ecrire	*/
-   deplacement = position_first_lig - position_courante;
-/* deplacement jusqu'a la premiere ligne a ecrire      */
-   lseek ( num , deplacement , 1 ); 
-/* ecriture des lignes			       */
-   nboct_ecrire = *nombre_colonnes_ecrire;
-   ind = 0;
-   i = 0;
-   Pour chaque ligne a lire
-  .............................*/
-   while (i < *nombre_lignes_ecrire)
-   {  
-	    memcpy(buff_lig,&data_image[ind] , nboct_ecrire );
-	    cr_write = write ( num , buff_lig,Tail_lig);
-	    if ( cr_write !=  Tail_lig)
-	    {
-	    	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR , 
-				"Erreur ecriture canal image gessimu\n" );
-	        goto ERREUR;
-	    }
-            ind = ind + nboct_ecrire;
-	    i = i + 1;
-    }
-if (buff_lig != NULL) free(buff_lig);
-return (CAI_OK);
-if (buff_lig != NULL) free(buff_lig);
-return (CAI_KO);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ecriture_canal_gessimu
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ferme_gessimu                                          */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de fermeture d'une image au format gessimu et de       */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent 			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_gessimu(image1)                   */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ferme_gessimu    (S) (CAI_OK_KO) :       = CAI_KO si pb           */
-/*                                                  = CAI_OK si OK           */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO  cai_ferme_gessimu (CAI_IMAGE *image1)
- int iret;    /* code retour de l'operation      */
- int i_can;   /* indice du canal a fermer        */
- int num;     /* descripteur du fichier a fermer */
- iret=CAI_OK;
-   Fermeture du fichier qui contient tous les canaux
-  .............................................*/
-  num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[0];
-  if (num>0) close(num);
-  return (iret);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ferme_gessimu
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_dest_ima_gessimu                                       */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de destruction d'une image stocke en gessimu et de     */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent  			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_gessimu(repertoire,nom_ima)    */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*     repertoire   (E) (char *) : repertoire de l'image a detruire          */
-/*     nom_image    (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a detruire avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_dest_ima_gessimu (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb                 */
-/*                                            = CAI_OK si OK                 */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_gessimu ( char *repertoire , 
-                                 char *nom_ima )
-int	i_can;			/* compteur de canaux */
-int     iret;                   /* code retour fonction fermetrue lecture */
-char	str_num_canal[3];	/* suffixe numero du canal */
-char	nom_fic_entete[1024];	/* nom du fichier entete a detruire */
-char    nom_ima_complet[1024];  /* repertoire + nom de l'image */
-char	nom_fic_canal[1024];	/* nom du fichier canal a detruire */
-int	cr_stat;		/* code retour de fonction status de fichier */
-struct stat buf_stat;		/* structure decrivant status de fichier */ 
-CAI_IMAGE   *image1;             /* structure ouverture image */
-int         nb_can;	        /* nombre de canaux de l'image */
-int         nboct_pix;		/* nombre d'octets par pixel image */
-int         nb_col;	        /* nombre de colonnes de l'image */
-int         nb_lig;             /* nombre de lignes de l'image */
-/* Constitution du nom du fichier d'entete	*/
-if ((long)strlen(repertoire)!= 0)
-  sprintf( nom_ima_complet, "%s/%s" ,repertoire,nom_ima);
-  strcpy ( nom_ima_complet , nom_ima);
-  sprintf(nom_fic_entete ,"%s.pfe", nom_ima_complet);
-/* Destruction du fichier d'entete		*/
-cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic_entete , &buf_stat );
-if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-	unlink ( nom_fic_entete );
-return (CAI_OK);
- Fin de l'operation cai_dest_ima_gessimu
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_modifie_gessimu                                  */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture-ecriture d'une image au format  */
-/* -----     gessimu et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_gessimu(nom_image,       */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 )         */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_modifie_gessimu (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb           */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */   /*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_gessimu(char *repert,
-				     char *nom_image,
-				     int  *nb_can,
-				     int  *nboct_pix,
-				     int  *nb_col,
-				     int  *nb_lig)
-   FILE *fic_in;		/* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   int  iret;			/* indicateur de retour ok ou pas           */
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char nom_fic_canal[1024];    /* nom fichier canal dont on teste existence*/
-   int nbbit;			/* nb de bits par pixel du fichier en-tete  */
-   int retour;			/* retour de la fonction comparaison chaines*/ 
-   int i,num;			/* indice 				    */
-   char type_cod[5];		/* type de codage du pixel		    */
-   int detec1,detecF;           /* 1er et dernier detecteur dans l'entete   */
-   int Tail_lig;	        /* taille d'une ligne sur disque (multi 4)  */
-   /*........................................
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   *nb_can=0;
-   *nb_lig=0;
-   *nb_col=0;
-   *nboct_pix=0;
-   iret=1;
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 : FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
- if (image1==NULL)
- {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_modifie");
- }
- else
- {
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-       sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.pfe",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.pfe",nom_image);
-   }
-   Ouverture du fichier entete
-  ..........................................*/
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : modifications fopen binaire pour PC/NT         */
-   fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"rb");
-   if (fic_in==NULL)
-   {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier entete GESSIMU");
-    }
-   else
-   {
-    positionnement sur le nombre de colonnes 
-  .............................................*/
-        fseek(fic_in,16,0);
-   recuperation du numero du premier detecteur
-  ...........................................*/
-	fread(&detec1,4,1,fic_in);
-   recuperation du dernier detecteur
-  ......................................*/
-	fread(&detecF,4,1,fic_in);
-   recuperation du nombre de lignes 
-  ......................................*/
-        fseek(fic_in,12,1);
-	fread(nb_lig,4,1,fic_in);
-   calcul du nombre de colonne 
-  ......................................*/
-	*nb_col = detecF - detec1 ;
-   initialisation du type de codage des pixels 
-  ......................................*/
-    	image1->NB_BITS_PIX=8;
-    	image1->NBOCT_PIX=1;
-	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"OCT");
-	*nboct_pix = image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-   initialisation du nb de canaux (toujours monocanal)
-  ......................................................*/
-	*nb_can = 1;
-   Calcul de la taille d'une ligne sur disque
-  ......................................................*/
-	Tail_lig = (((*nb_col-1)/4)+1)*4;
-  }
-   Fermeture du fichier 
-  ......................................*/
-   if (fic_in!=NULL) fclose(fic_in);
-   if (iret !=0)
-   {
-  .....................................................*/
-     nom_fic[0]='\0';
-     nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';
-     if ((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-     {
-       sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s/%s.pfe",repert,nom_image);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-       sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s.pfe",nom_image);
-      }
-     num=open(nom_fic_canal,O_RDWR|O_BINARY,0);
-     if (num!= -1)
-     {
-       for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-       {
-           sscanf(nom_image,"%s",image1->NOM_FIC_CAN);
-           sscanf(nom_image,"%s",image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN);
-            image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=num;
-           image1->POS_OCTET[i]=Tail_lig;
-        }
-      }
-      else
-         iret=0;
-     }
-    }
-    if (iret == 0)
-    {
-	return (NULL);
-     }
-    else
-    {
-      return(image1);
-     }
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_modifie_gessimu
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_grilles.c b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_grilles.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 676b925c7bab74be3e84048fb93c5ecd84b6ee4f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_grilles.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1916 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                           */
-/* PROJET :    COUCHE ACCES IMAGE                                            */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MODULE :    cai_grilles.c                                                 */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE   :    Ce module rassemble toutes les fonctions d'acces aux images   */
-/* -------     stockees au format gdb (Grille de Decalages Bruts) et au      */
-/*	       format gdr (Grille de Decalages Restitues)		     */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* AUTEUR :      R.CHAISEMARTIN     (CISI)                                   */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* DATE DE CREATION :    Septembre 99                                        */
-/* -----------------						             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* LANGAGE : C                                                               */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 :FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : DM : modifications indications Big ou Little Endian */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : DM : modifications pour compatibilite HP64bits      */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM :fonctions de test machine et inversions         */
-/*			     deviennent generiques                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : modifications fopen binaire pour PC/NT         */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.4 : DM : modifications open binaire pour PC/NT          */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : FA : test sur  fclose  pour PC/LINUX                */
-/*                Inclusion des fichiers STANDARDS (.h)                      */
-# include <stdio.h>
-# include <string.h>
-# include <stdlib.h>
-# include <unistd.h>
-# include <sys/types.h>
-# include <dirent.h>
-# include <sys/stat.h>
-# include <fcntl.h>
-# include <malloc.h>
-# include <math.h>
-# include <unistd.h>
-#define _CAI_IMAGE
-#define IN_CAI_GRIL
-# include "cai_image.h"
-/* Variable pour la  gestion en configuration                                 */
-static char *rcs_id="$Header: cai_grilles.c,v 1.6 01/05/31 10:47:38 cmf Exp $";
-extern char *getenv();
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                Definition des OPERATIONS EXTERNES                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_liste_ima_grilles                                      */
-/* ----------                                                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de listage des images au format gdb                    */
-/* ------                                                                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  int cai_liste_ima_grilles(typ_grille,repert,tab_ima)  */
-/* -----------------                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     typ_grille   (E) (char)     : type de grille B=Brute, R=rectifiee     */
-/*     repert       (E) (char *)   : repertoire a explorer		     */
-/*     tab_ima      (S) (char ***) : pointeur sur tableau des images listees */
-/*                                    alloue par la fonction,il doit etre    */
-/*                                    LIBERE PAR L'APPELANT                  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_liste_ima_grilles   (S) (int)     : = -1 repertoire inexistant    */                                    
-/*					       = > 0 nombre d'images listees */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION :  V2                                                             */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-long int cai_liste_ima_grilles (char typ_grille,char *repert,char ***tab_ima)
-   DIR *dirp;		/* pointeur sur structure ouverture repertoire */
-   struct dirent *dp;   /* structure resultat de la fonction readdir   */
-   char *pch0,*pch1;    /* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres          */
-   char car;            /* variable de travail                         */  
-   int nb_ima;          /* nombre d'images gdb identifiees             */
-   long int i;          /* indice de boucle                            */
-   long int ll,dif;     /* variables de travail                        */
-   char blanc;          /* caractere blanc                             */
-   char extens[5];      /* extension recherchee                        */
-   INITIALISATION et ouverture du repertoire choisi
-  .........................................*/
-   extens[0]='\0';
-   if (typ_grille=='B')
-	strcpy(extens,".gdb");
-   else
-	strcpy(extens,".gdr");	
-   nb_ima=0;
-   blanc=' ';
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   if(dirp!=NULL)
-   {
-   premiere passe pour comptabiliser les images du format donne
-      (EXTENSION =.gdb pour Brute ou .gdr pour Rectifiee)
-     ......................................................*/
-      while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-      {
-    	 pch0=strstr(dp->d_name,extens);
-     	if (pch0 != NULL)
-     	{
-        	ll = strlen(dp->d_name);
-        	dif = (long)(dp->d_name-pch0);
-        	dif=labs(dif);
-        	pch1=pch0+4;
-        	if (((ll-4)==dif)||((*pch1)==blanc))
-	     		nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-    	 }
-      }
-   closedir(dirp);
-     .......................................................................*/
-    *tab_ima = (char **) calloc(nb_ima,sizeof(char *));
-    for (i=0;i<nb_ima;i=i+1)
-      (*tab_ima)[i]=(char *)calloc(1,100);
-   deuxieme passe pour constituer la liste des images du format donne
-       (EXTENSION =.gdb ou .gdr)
-   ..........................................*/
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   nb_ima=0;
-   while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-   {
-     pch0=strstr(dp->d_name,extens);
-     if (pch0 != NULL)
-     {
-        ll = strlen(dp->d_name);
-        dif = (long)(dp->d_name-pch0);
-        dif=labs(dif);
-        pch1=pch0+4;
-        if (((ll-4)==dif)||((*pch1)==blanc))
-        {
-            *pch0='\0';
-            strcpy((*tab_ima)[nb_ima],dp->d_name);
-	    nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-        }
-     }
-   }   
-   closedir(dirp);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-     /* Erreur : Repertoire inexistant */
-      nb_ima=-1;
-   }
-    return(nb_ima);
-/* Fin de l'operation cai_liste_ima_grilles
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_lecture_grilles                                  */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture d'une image format gdb ou gdr   */
-/* -----                            					     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_grilles(typ_grille,      */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nom_image,       */
-/*							    nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*     typ_grille     (E) (char)   : type de grille B=Brute, R=rectifiee     */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels              */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_lecture_grilles (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb           */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_grilles(char typ_grille,
-				     char *repert,
-				     char *nom_image,
-				     int  *nb_can,
-				     int  *nboct_pix,
-				     int  *nb_col,
-				     int  *nb_lig)
-   FILE *fic_in;		/* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier         */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image    */ 
-   int  iret;			/* indicateur de retour ok ou pas              */
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		       */
-   char nom_fic_canal[1024];    /* nom fichier canal dont on teste existence   */
-   int nbbit;			/* nb de bits par pixel du fichier en-tete     */
-   int retour;			/* retour de la fonction comparaison chaines   */ 
-   int i,num;			/* indice 				       */
-   char type_cod[5];		/* type de codage du pixel		       */
-   int temp;                    /* zone temporaire de lecture                  */
-   char extens[5];              /* extension recherchee                        */
-   char type_image[3];          /* type code+ordre rangement octets dans entete*/
-   char *type_machine;          /* ordre rangement octets machine travail      */
-   char  buf[59];               /* buffer contenant entete image               */
-   int v;	                /* comparaison type machine-type image         */
-   char *v1;                    /* comparaison type image avec chaine vide     */
-   int nb_col2, nb_lig2;        /* variables intermediaires inversion octets   */
-   int temp2,nb;                /* zone temporaire de lecture                  */
-   /*........................................
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   *nb_can=0;
-   *nb_lig=0;
-   *nb_col=0;
-   *nboct_pix=0;
-   iret=1;
-   type_machine = (char *) calloc(3,sizeof(char));
-   if (type_machine == NULL)
-   {
-      iret=0;
-      strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoire dans cai_ouvre_lecture");
-   }
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 :FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoire dans cai_ouvre_lecture");
-    }
-   else
-   {
-      extens[0]='\0';
-      if (typ_grille =='B')
-	strcpy(extens,".gdb");
-      else
-	strcpy(extens,".gdr");	
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete
-  .................................................*/
-      nom_fic[0]='\0';
-      if ((long)strlen(repert)!= 0)
-      {
-          sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s%s",repert,nom_image,extens);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-         sprintf(nom_fic,"%s%s",nom_image,extens);
-      }
-   Ouverture du fichier entete
-  ..........................................*/
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : modifications fopen binaire pour PC/NT         */
-      fic_in=NULL;
-      fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"rb");
-      if (fic_in==NULL)
-      {
-        iret=0;
-        strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier entete grille");
-      }
-      else
-      {
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : DM : modifications indications Big ou Little Endian */
-   recuperation infos completes format.gdb 
-  ......................................*/ 
-   if (typ_grille =='B')
-   	fread(buf,36,1,fic_in);
-   recuperation infos completes format.gdr 
-  ......................................*/ 
-   else fread(buf,56,1,fic_in);
-   recuperation du type de codage des pixels 
-  ......................................*/
-   memcpy(type_cod,&buf[8],4);
-        if (strncmp(type_cod,"FLOA",4) ==0)
-	{
-    	   image1->NB_BITS_PIX=32;
-    	   image1->NBOCT_PIX=4;
-	   sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"R4");
-           strcpy(type_image,"BE");
-           sprintf(image1->TYPE_COD,"FLOA");
-	}
-	else if (strncmp(type_cod,"FLOL",4) ==0)
-	{
-	   image1->NB_BITS_PIX=32;
-    	   image1->NBOCT_PIX=4;
-	   sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"R4");
-           strcpy(type_image,"LE");
-           sprintf(image1->TYPE_COD,"FLOL");
-	}
-	else 
-	{
-	  iret=0;
-     	  sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Type de codage GRILLE non reconnu : %s",type_cod);
-        }
-	*nboct_pix = image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-   determination ordre de rangement 
-   des octets sur machine de travail
-  ......................................*/   
-   	type_machine = cai_test_pFpf();  
- /*..................................
-   determination des autres infos 
-   en fonction inversion
-  ......................................*/  
-	v = strncmp(type_machine,type_image,2);
-	v1 = strrchr(type_image,'E');
-   recuperation du nombre de colonne 
-  ......................................*/
-	memcpy(nb_col,&buf[0],4);
-/*modification si (type_image et type_machine st differentes) */
-/*et si (type_image existe avec BE ou LE)*/
-        nb=2;
-	if ( (v!=0) &&  (v1!=NULL) ) 
-	{	
-		swab( (void*)nb_col, (void*)&nb_col2,4 );
-		cai_inverser_tableau((short *)nb_col, (short *)&nb_col2,nb);
-	}
-   recuperation du nombre de lignes 
-  ......................................*/
-	memcpy(nb_lig,&buf[4],4);
-/*modification si (type_image et type_machine st differentes) */
-/*et si (type_image existe avec BE ou LE)*/
-	if ( (v!=0) && (v1!=NULL) )
-	{
-		swab( (void*)nb_lig, (void*)&nb_lig2,4 );
-		cai_inverser_tableau((short *)nb_lig, (short *)&nb_lig2, nb);
-	}	      
-   recuperation du numero de ligne du 1er point de la matrice 
-  .....................................................................*/
-	memcpy(&temp,&buf[12],4);
-/*modification si (type_image et type_machine st differentes) */
-/*et si (type_image existe avec BE ou LE)*/
-	if ( (v!=0) &&  (v1!=NULL) ) 
-	{	
-		swab( (void*)&temp, (void*)&temp2,4 );
-		cai_inverser_tableau((short *)&temp, (short *)&temp2,nb);
-	}
-	image1->NUM_LIG_DEB = temp;
-   recuperation du numero de colonne du 1er point de la matrice 
-  .....................................................................*/
-	memcpy(&temp,&buf[16],4);
-/*modification si (type_image et type_machine st differentes) */
-/*et si (type_image existe avec BE ou LE)*/
-	if ( (v!=0) &&  (v1!=NULL) ) 
-	{	
-		swab( (void*)&temp, (void*)&temp2,4 );
-		cai_inverser_tableau((short *)&temp, (short *)&temp2, nb);
-	}
-	image1->NUM_COL_DEB = temp;
-   recuperation du pas de la grille le long des lignes 
-  .....................................................................*/
-	memcpy(&temp,&buf[20],4);
-/*modification si (type_image et type_machine st differentes) */
-/*et si (type_image existe avec BE ou LE)*/
-	if ( (v!=0) &&  (v1!=NULL) ) 
-	{	
-		swab( (void*)&temp, (void*)&temp2,4 );
-		cai_inverser_tableau((short *)&temp, (short *)&temp2,nb);
-	}
-	image1->PAS_GRIL_LIG = temp;
-   recuperation du pas de la grille le long des colonnes 
-    .....................................................................*/
-	memcpy(&temp,&buf[24],4);
-/*modification si (type_image et type_machine st differentes) */
-/*et si (type_image existe avec BE ou LE)*/
-	if ( (v!=0) &&  (v1!=NULL) ) 
-	{	
-		swab( (void*)&temp, (void*)&temp2,4 );
-		cai_inverser_tableau((short *)&temp, (short *)&temp2,nb);
-	}
-	image1->PAS_GRIL_COL = temp;
-   recuperation du decalage initial le long des lignes 
-  .....................................................................*/	
-	memcpy(&temp,&buf[28],4);
-/*modification si (type_image et type_machine st differentes) */
-/*et si (type_image existe avec BE ou LE)*/
-	if ( (v!=0) &&  (v1!=NULL) ) 
-	{	
-		swab( (void*)&temp, (void*)&temp2,4 );
-		cai_inverser_tableau((short *)&temp, (short *)&temp2,nb);
-	}
-	image1->DECAL_LIG = temp;
-   recuperation du decalage initial le long des colonnes  
-   .....................................................................*/	
-	memcpy(&temp,&buf[32],4);
-/*modification si (type_image et type_machine st differentes) */
-/*et si (type_image existe avec BE ou LE)*/
-	if ( (v!=0) &&  (v1!=NULL) ) 
-	{	
-		swab( (void*)&temp, (void*)&temp2,4 );
-		cai_inverser_tableau((short *)&temp,(short *) &temp2,nb);
-	}
-	image1->DECAL_COL = temp;
-   recuperation de la caracteristique de la grille si .gdr
-        if (typ_grille == 'R')
-        {
-	    memcpy(image1->CAR_GRIL,&buf[36],20);
-            *nb_can = 2;
-        }
-        else
-	    *nb_can = 3;
-     }
-/*    fin modifications   */ 
-   Fermeture du fichier 
-  ......................................*/
-      if (fic_in != NULL) fclose(fic_in);
-      if (iret !=0)
-      {
-  .....................................................*/
-        nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';
-        if ((long)strlen(repert)!= 0)
-        {
-          sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s/%s%s",repert,nom_image,extens);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s%s",nom_image,extens);
-        }
-        num=open(nom_fic_canal,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY,0);
-        if (num!= -1)
-        {
-          for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-          {
-            sscanf(nom_image,"%s",image1->NOM_FIC_CAN);
-            sscanf(nom_image,"%s",image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN);
-            image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=num;
-            image1->POS_OCTET[i]=((i*(*nb_lig))+1)*(*nb_col)*image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-          }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : DM : modifications indications Big ou Little Endian */
-	  if ( (v!=0) && (v1!=NULL) )
-	  {
-	     image1->INV_OCTETS =1;
-	  }
-	  else
-	  {
-	     image1->INV_OCTETS =0;
-	  }
-/*    fin modifications   */ 
-        }
-        else
-           iret=0;   
-      }
-    }
-    if (iret == 0)
-    {
-	return (NULL);
-     }
-    else
-    {
-      return(image1);
-     }
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_lecture_grilles
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_creation_grilles                                 */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de creation et d'ouverture en ecriture d'une image     */
-/* -----     au format gdb ou gdr (grilles brutes ou restituees)             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL : CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_grilles(typ_grille,      */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nom_image,       */
-/*							    nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig,          */
-/*				                            label)           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     typ_grille     (E) (char)   : type de grille B=Brute, R=rectifiee     */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*     nb_can         (E) (int )   : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (E) (int )   : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (E) (int )   : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (E) (int )   : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*     label          (E) (char *) : commentaire lie a l'image               */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_creation_grilles (S) (CAI_IMAGE *) : = NULL si pb           */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_grilles(char typ_grille,char *repert,
-				      char *nom_image,
-				      int  *nb_can,
-				      int  *nboct_pix,
-				      int  *nb_col,
-				      int  *nb_lig,
-				      char *label)
-   FILE *fic;		      /* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier            */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;         /* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image       */ 
-   char nom_fic[1024];	      /* nom du fichier en-tete		                */
-   long retour;		      /* retour de fonction 		                */ 
-   int i,num;		      /* indice 			                */
-   struct stat	buf_stat;     /* structure decrivant status de fichier          */
-   unsigned char *Header;     /* entete du fichier gdb 	                        */
-   int taille_entete;	      /* taille de l'entete	                        */
-   int temp;                  /* zone temporaire pour ecriture                  */
-   char extens[5];            /* extension recherchee                           */
-   int Min_nbcol;             /* nombre de colonnes minimums                    */
-   char *type_image;          /* type code+ordre rangement des octets ds entete */
-    extens[0]='\0';
-    if (typ_grille == 'B')
-    {
-        Min_nbcol = 9;  
-	strcpy(extens,".gdb");
-/* Verification que les trois plans sont demandes		  */
-/* 	-> plan1 : grille pour les decalages le long des lignes   */
-/*	-> plan2 : grille pour les decalages le long des colonnes */
-/*	-> plan3 : grille pour les indices de confiance		  */
-      if (*nb_can != 3)
-      {
-	image1 = NULL;
- 	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , 
-		"Une image GDB doit contenir trois plans");
-	goto ERREUR;
-       }
-     }
-     else
-     {
-/* Verification que les deux plans sont demandes		  */
-/* 	-> plan1 : grille pour les decalages le long des lignes   */
-/*	-> plan2 : grille pour les decalages le long des colonnes */
-      if (*nb_can != 2)
-      {
-	image1 = NULL;
- 	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , 
-		"Une image GDR doit contenir deux plans");
-	goto ERREUR;
-       }
-	strcpy(extens,".gdr");
-        Min_nbcol = 14;  
-     }
-/* Verification que le nombre minimum de colonnes est demande */
-    if ((*nb_col)< Min_nbcol)
-    {
-	image1 = NULL;
- 	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , 
-		"Une image doit contenir au moins %d colonnes",Min_nbcol);
-	goto ERREUR;
-    }
-    taille_entete = (*nb_col)*(*nboct_pix);
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-    image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 :FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_creation");
-     goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete et verification qu'il
-   n'existe pas deja
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long)strlen(repert)!= 0)
-   {
-       sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s%s",repert,nom_image,extens);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s%s",nom_image,extens);
-    }
-   retour = stat ( nom_fic , &buf_stat );
-   if ( retour == 0 )
-   { 
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "L'image %s GRILLE existe \n" , nom_image );
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  Ouverture du fichier entete en ecriture 
-  Ecriture du contenu
-  ..........................................................*/
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : modifications fopen binaire pour PC/NT         */
-  fic = fopen(nom_fic,"wb");
-  if (fic == NULL)
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Creation fichier %s impossible\n",nom_fic);
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   Header = (unsigned char *) calloc(taille_entete,sizeof( unsigned char));
-   if (Header == NULL)
-   {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur alloc: Creation fichier %s impossible\n",
-				nom_fic);
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-/* ecriture du nombre de colonnes de l'image */
-   memcpy(Header,nb_col , 4 );
-/* ecriture du nombre de lignes de l'image */
-   memcpy(&Header[4],nb_lig , 4 );
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : DM : modifications indications Big ou Little Endian */
-/* ecriture type de l'image dans la zone */
-/*    reservee au type de codage         */
-  /*....................................
-  test sur la machine de travail pour 
-         typer image en LE ou BE      
-  .....................................*/
-  type_image = cai_test_pFpf();
-/* ecriture type de codage de l'image */
-  if (*nboct_pix != 4)
-  {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR ,
-		 "Erreur : La grille foit etre codee en FLOAT\n");
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  else if ( (*nboct_pix == 4) && (strncmp(type_image,"BE",2)==0) )
-  {
-        memcpy(&Header[8],"FLOA" , 4 );
-    	image1->NBOCT_PIX=4;
-        sprintf(image1->TYPE_COD,"FLOA");
-  }
-  else if ( (*nboct_pix == 4) && (strncmp(type_image,"LE",2)==0) )
-  {	
-	memcpy(&Header[8],"FLOL" , 4 );
-	image1->NBOCT_PIX=4;
-        sprintf(image1->TYPE_COD,"FLOL");
-   }
-/* fin modifications   */
-/* ecriture de l'entete ainsi constituee dans le fichier       */
-    retour = fwrite ( Header , taille_entete , 1 , fic );
-   free(Header);
-   if ( retour == 0 )
-   {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR ,
-		 "Erreur : ecriture entete impossible dans fichier %s\n",
-		  nom_fic );
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-/* Fermeture du fichier                          */
-   fclose ( fic );
-   num = open(nom_fic,O_RDWR|O_BINARY,PERMS); 
-   if (num == -1)
-   {
-     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Creation %s impossible\n",nom_fic);
-     goto ERREUR;
-   } 
-   for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-   {
-     image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=num;
-     image1->POS_OCTET[i]=((i*(*nb_lig))+1)*(*nb_col)*image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-    }			 
-  return (image1);
-  return(NULL);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_creation_grilles
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_lecture_canal_grilles                                  */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de lecture d'un canal d'une image GDB ou GDR           */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_grilles(image1,           */       		      
-/* ------------------                        canal,premiere_ligne,           */
-/*                                           premiere_colonne,               */
-/*                                           nombre_lignes_lire ,            */
-/*                                           nombre_colonnes_lire,           */
-/*                                           pas_ligne ,pas_colonne,         */
-/*                 		             data_image )                    */
-/*									     */ 
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*     canal                (E) (int) : numero du canal a lire               */
-/*     premiere_ligne       (E) (int) : premiere ligne a lire dans l'image   */
-/*     premiere _colonne    (E) (int) : premiere colonne a lire dans l'image */
-/*     nombre_lignes_lire   (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a lire              */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_lire (E) (int) : nombre de colonnes a lire            */
-/*     pas_ligne            (E) (int) : pas en ligne                         */
-/*     pas_colonne          (E) (int) : pas en colonne                       */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels lus alloue et     */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_lecture_canal_grilles (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb            */
-/*                                                 = CAI_OK si OK            */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_grilles(CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,  
-                                    int *canal ,           
-    		                    int *premiere_ligne  ,   
-     		                    int *premiere_colonne,
-                                    int *nombre_lignes_lire ,
-                                    int *nombre_colonnes_lire,
-                                    int *pas_ligne ,          
-                                    int *pas_colonne,
-		                    unsigned char *data_image )        
- int   num,i,j,k,kk;        /* variables de travail                          */
- long pt_oct,n;		    /* position courante dans le fichier image       */
- int no_oct;                /* numero du premier octet a lire                */
- int iret;                  /* indicateur d'erreur                           */
- int lig;                   /* indice de boucle sur les lignes               */
- int   oct_pix;             /* nb octets par pixels                          */
- long  nb_oct;              /* nb oct =1er octet a lire - position courante  */
- long  oct_lig;             /* nb oct. par ligne en considerant taille pixel */
- unsigned char *buf_lec;    /* buffer lecture d'une  ligne                   */
- unsigned char *deb,*pch;   /* pointeur chaine pour transfert  buffer sortie */
- unsigned char *data_image2;/* pointeur donnees image pour inversion octets  */
- int taille_image;          /* taille en octets de l'image                   */ 
- int Nb;
-  Initialisations diverses
-  ..........................*/
-   iret=CAI_OK;
-   num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*canal-1];
-   oct_pix=image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-   taille_image = (*nombre_lignes_lire)*oct_pix*(*nombre_colonnes_lire);
-   data_image2 = NULL;
-   data_image2 = (unsigned char *) calloc(taille_image,sizeof(unsigned char));
-   if (data_image2 == NULL)
-   {
-      strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoire dans cai_lecture_canal");
-      iret=CAI_KO;
-      goto FIN;
-   }
-/* verification si lecture non sous-echantillonnee par bandeau */
-  if ((*nombre_colonnes_lire==image1->NB_COL)&&(*premiere_colonne==1)&&
-      (*pas_ligne==1)&&(*pas_colonne==1))
-  {
-       oct_lig=(*nombre_lignes_lire)*oct_pix*(image1->NB_COL);
-       pch=data_image;
-	Recherche de la position courante dans le fichier
-  ............................................*/
-        pt_oct=lseek(num,0L,1);
-        Calcul du numero du 1er octet a lire
-  ....................................*/
-        lig=*premiere_ligne;  
-	no_oct=image1->POS_OCTET[*canal-1]+
-	          (lig-1)*image1->NB_COL*oct_pix;
-        Saut d'octets pour etre positionne sur la ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-        nb_oct=(long)(no_oct-pt_oct);
-        lseek(num,nb_oct,1);
-        lecture des lignes completes
-  ................................................*/
-         n=read(num,pch,oct_lig);
-         if (n<=0)
-         {
-             	iret=CAI_KO;
-             	strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture donnee image grille");
-	        goto FIN;
-         }
-   }
-   else
-   {
-	oct_lig=oct_pix*image1->NB_COL;
-        allocation de memoire pour lire une ligne image
- ............................................. */
-        buf_lec=NULL;
-      	buf_lec = (unsigned char *) calloc(oct_lig,sizeof(unsigned char));
-      	if (buf_lec == NULL)
-      	{
-     	 	iret=CAI_KO;
-      		strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Probleme allocation memoire");
-      	}
-      	else
-      	{
-        Initialisation
-  ......................*/
-            lig=*premiere_ligne;
-       	    i=1;
-            pch=data_image;
-         Pour chaque ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-           while ((i <= *nombre_lignes_lire)&&(iret==CAI_OK))
-           {  
-	    Recherche de la position courante dans le fichier
-  ............................................*/
-               pt_oct=lseek(num,0L,1);
-            Calcul du numero du 1er octet a lire
-  ....................................*/
-	      no_oct=image1->POS_OCTET[*canal-1]+
-	          (lig-1)*image1->NB_COL*oct_pix;
-            Saut d'octets pour etre positionne sur la ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-              nb_oct=(long)(no_oct-pt_oct);
-              lseek(num,nb_oct,1);
-            lecture d'une ligne image
-  ................................................*/
-              n=read(num,buf_lec,oct_lig);
-              if (n<=0)
-              {
-             	iret=CAI_KO;
-             	strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture donnee image GRILLE");
-              }
-              else
-              { 
-             Sauvegarde des donnees lues entenant compte du pas 
-             d'echantillonnage en colonne
-  ........................................*/           
-                 deb=buf_lec+(*premiere_colonne-1)*oct_pix;
-                 j=1;
-                 while (j <= *nombre_colonnes_lire)
-	         {  
-                	for (k=0;k<oct_pix;k=k+1)
-                	{
-                  	  *(pch+k)=*(deb+k);
-                 	}
-                 	j=j+1;
-                	 pch=pch+oct_pix;
-                	 deb=deb+(*pas_colonne*oct_pix);
-                  }   
-              }
-              i=i+1;
-              lig=lig+(*pas_ligne);
-           }        
-	   free(buf_lec);
-           buf_lec=NULL;
-      	}
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : DM : modifications indications Big ou Little Endian */
-   Nb = taille_image/2;
-   if ( (iret!= CAI_KO) && (image1->INV_OCTETS==1) )
-   {
-	   /*modification ordre des 4 octets par pixel*/
-       	   swab( (void*)(data_image), (void*)(data_image2), taille_image);
-	   cai_inverser_tableau(data_image, data_image2,Nb);
-    }
-/*   fin modifications   */    
-  FIN:  
-   if (data_image2!= NULL) free(data_image2);
-  return(iret);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_lecture_canal_grilles
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ecriture_canal_grilles                                 */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ecriture d'un canal d'une image gdb                  */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_grilles(image1, canal,   */
-/* ------------------                                 premiere_ligne,        */
-/*                                                    nombre_lignes_ecrire,  */
-/*                                                    nombre_colonnes_ecrire,*/
-/*                 		                      data_image )           */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)   : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier */
-/*     canal                 (E) (int) : numero du canal a ecrire            */
-/*     premiere_ligne        (E) (int) : premiere ligne a ecrire ds l'image  */
-/*     nombre_lignes_ecrire  (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_ecrire(E) (int) : nombre de colonnes a ecrire         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels ecris alloue et   */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ecriture_canal_grilles    (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb        */
-/*                                                     = CAI_OK si OK        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_grilles (CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,  
-                                      int *canal ,           
-    		                      int *premiere_ligne  ,   
-                                      int *nombre_lignes_ecrire ,
-                                      int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire,
-		                      unsigned char *data_image )        
-long	position_first_lig;	/* position de la 1ere ligne a ecrire    */
-long	position_courante;	/* position courante dans le fichier     */
-long	deplacement;		/* deplacement a effectuer               */
-unsigned char *buff_lig;	/* pointeur de travail  bandeau a ecrire */
-long	cr_write;		/* code retour de write                  */
-int num;                        /* descripteur de fichier                */
-int nboct_pix;			/* nombre d'octets par pixel             */
-int nboct_ecrire;		/* nb d'octets du bandeau a ecrire       */
-/* ................
-   Initialisations 
-  .................*/
-	num = image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*canal-1];
-	nboct_pix = image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-	position_first_lig = 0;
-	position_courante = 0;
-	deplacement = 0;
-	nboct_ecrire = 0;
-/* Calcul de la position de la premiere ligne a ecrire 	*/ 
-	position_first_lig = (long) ( image1->POS_OCTET[*canal-1] + 
- 		+ (*premiere_ligne - 1) * 
-		(*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) * nboct_pix );
-/* Recuperation de la position courante			*/
-	position_courante = lseek ( num , 0L , 1 );
-/* Calcul du deplacement jusqu'a la 1ere ligne a ecrire	*/
-	deplacement = position_first_lig - position_courante;
-/*	deplacement jusqu'a la premiere ligne a ecrire*/
-	lseek ( num , deplacement , 1 ); 
-/*	poistion en debut de bandeau a ecrire  */
-	buff_lig = data_image; 
-/*	ecriture des lignes				*/
-	nboct_ecrire = (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire)*nboct_pix*
-			(*nombre_lignes_ecrire);
-	cr_write = write ( num , buff_lig,nboct_ecrire);
-	if ( cr_write !=  nboct_ecrire)
-	{
-	   strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture canal image grille\n" );
-	   goto ERREUR;
-	}
-return (CAI_OK);
-return (CAI_KO);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ecriture_canal_grilles
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ferme_grilles                                          */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de fermeture d'une image au format gdb  ou gdr         */
-/* -----     					   			     */
-/* Mise a Jour de l'entete si image ouverte en creation			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_grilles(typ_grille,image1)        */
-/* ------------------                                                        */
-/*									     */
-/*     typ_grille  (E) (char)     : type de grille B=Brute, R=rectifiee      */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ferme_grilles    (S) (CAI_OK_KO) :   = CAI_KO si pb               */
-/*                                              = CAI_OK si OK               */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO  cai_ferme_grilles (char typ_grille,CAI_IMAGE *image1)
- int iret;    			/* code retour de l'operation         */
- int i_can;   			/* indice du canal a fermer           */
- int num;     			/* descripteur du fichier a fermer    */
- unsigned char *Header;         /* entete du fichier gdb 	      */
- int taille_entete;		/* taille de l'entete a mettre a jour */
- long pt_oct,tempi;		/* position courante ds fichier image */
- int temp,i;                    /* variable temporaire                */
- char *type_image;              /* ordre rangement octets dans entete */
-/* Initialisations diverses */
-/* Mise a jour de l'entete si ouverture en creation */
-if (image1->MODE == CAI_ECRITURE)
-   taille_entete = 46; 
-   Header = (unsigned char *) calloc(taille_entete,sizeof( unsigned char));
-   if (Header == NULL)
-   {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,
-		"Erreur alloc: Mise a jour entete grille impossible\n");
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   pt_oct=lseek(num,0L,0);
-/* ecriture nombre de colonnes		               */
-   temp = image1->NB_COL;
-   memcpy(Header,&temp , 4 );
-/* ecriture nombre de ligne			       */
-   temp = image1->NB_LIG;
-   memcpy(&Header[4],&temp , 4 );
-/* ecriture du type de codage en fonctions de la taille du pixel */
-/* et du codage des Poids Forts, poids faibles                   */
-   memcpy(&Header[8],image1->TYPE_COD , 4 );
-   tempi = write ( num,Header , 12 );
-   if ( tempi == 0 )
-   {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR ,
-       "Erreur : MAJ entete a la fermeture impossible ds fichier grille\n");
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-/* ecriture du numero de ligne du 1er point de la matrice      */
-   temp = image1->NUM_LIG_DEB;
-   memcpy(Header,&temp , 4 );
-/* ecriture du numero de ligne du 1er point de la matrice      */
-   temp = image1->NUM_COL_DEB;
-   memcpy(&Header[4],&temp , 4 );
-/* ecriture du pas de la grille le long des lignes             */
-   temp = image1->PAS_GRIL_LIG;
-   memcpy(&Header[8],&temp , 4 );
-/* ecriture du pas de la grille le long des colonnes           */
-   temp = image1->PAS_GRIL_COL;
-   memcpy(&Header[12],&temp , 4 );
-/* ecriture du decalage initial le long des lignes             */
-   temp = image1->DECAL_LIG;
-   memcpy(&Header[16],&temp , 4 );
-/* ecriture du decalage initial le long des colonnes           */
-   temp = image1->DECAL_COL;
-   memcpy(&Header[20],&temp , 4 );
-/* ecriture de la caracteristique de la grille si gdr (restituee) */  
-  if (typ_grille == 'R')
-  {
-    memcpy(&Header[24],image1->CAR_GRIL, 20 );
-  }
-/* mise a jour de l'entete ainsi constituee dans le fichier    */
-   tempi = write ( num, Header , taille_entete );
-   free(Header);
-   if ( tempi == 0 )
-   {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR ,
-       "Erreur : MAJ entete a la fermeture impossible ds fichier grille\n");
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
- }
-   Fermeture du fichier qui contient tous les canaux
-  .............................................*/
-  if (num>0) close(num);
-  return (iret);
-  return(CAI_KO);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ferme_grilles
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_dest_ima_grilles                                       */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de destruction d'une image stocke en gdb ou gdr        */
-/* -----     				       			             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_grilles(typ_grille,repertoire, */
-/* ------------------      				nom_ima)             */
-/* 									     */
-/*     typ_grille   (E) (char)     : type de grille B=Brute, R=rectifiee     */
-/*     repertoire   (E) (char *) : repertoire de l'image a detruire          */
-/*     nom_image    (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a detruire avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_dest_ima_grilles (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb                 */
-/*                                            = CAI_OK si OK                 */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_grilles ( char typ_grille,char *repertoire , 
-                                 char *nom_ima )
-int	i_can;			/* compteur de canaux */
-int     iret;                   /* code retour fonction fermetrue lecture */
-char	str_num_canal[3];	/* suffixe numero du canal */
-char	nom_fic_entete[1024];	/* nom du fichier entete a detruire */
-char    nom_ima_complet[1024];  /* repertoire + nom de l'image */
-char	nom_fic_canal[1024];	/* nom du fichier canal a detruire */
-int	cr_stat;		/* code retour de fonction status de fichier */
-struct stat buf_stat;		/* structure decrivant status de fichier */ 
-CAI_IMAGE   *image1;             /* structure ouverture image */
-int         nb_can;	        /* nombre de canaux de l'image */
-int         nboct_pix;		/* nombre d'octets par pixel image */
-int         nb_col;	        /* nombre de colonnes de l'image */
-int         nb_lig;             /* nombre de lignes de l'image */
-char        extens[5];          /* extension recherchee         */
-   INITIALISATION et ouverture du repertoire choisi
-  .........................................*/
-   extens[0]='\0';
-   if (typ_grille=='B')
-	strcpy(extens,".gdb");
-   else
-	strcpy(extens,".gdr");	
-/* Constitution du nom du fichier d'entete	*/
-if ((long)strlen(repertoire)!=0)
-  sprintf( nom_ima_complet, "%s/%s" ,repertoire,nom_ima);
-  strcpy ( nom_ima_complet , nom_ima);
-  sprintf(nom_fic_entete ,"%s%s", nom_ima_complet,extens);
-/* Destruction du fichier d'entete		*/
-cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic_entete , &buf_stat );
-if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-	unlink ( nom_fic_entete );
-return (CAI_OK);
- Fin de l'operation cai_dest_ima_grilles
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_modifie_grilles                                  */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture-ecriture d'une image au format  */
-/* -----     gdb et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_grilles(typ_grille,      */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nom_image,       */
-/*							    nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*     typ_grille     (E) (char)   : type de grille B=Brute, R=restituee     */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_modifie_grilles (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb           */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */   
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_grilles(char typ_grille,char *repert,
-				     char *nom_image,
-				     int  *nb_can,
-				     int  *nboct_pix,
-				     int  *nb_col,
-				     int  *nb_lig)
-   FILE *fic_in;		/* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier         */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image    */ 
-   int  iret;			/* indicateur de retour ok ou pas              */
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		       */
-   char nom_fic_canal[1024];    /* nom fichier canal dont on teste existence   */
-   int nbbit;			/* nb de bits par pixel du fichier en-tete     */
-   int retour;			/* retour de la fonction comparaison chaines   */ 
-   int i,num;			/* indice 				       */
-   char type_cod[5];		/* type de codage du pixel		       */
-   int temp;                    /* zone temporaire de lecture                  */
-   char extens[5];
-   char type_image[3];          /* type code+ordre rangement octets dans entete*/
-   char *type_machine;          /* ordre rangement octets machine de travail   */
-   char  buf[59];               /* buffer contenant entete image               */
-   int v;                       /* comparaison type machine-type image         */
-   char *v1;	                /* comparaison type image avec chaine vide     */
-   int nb_col2, nb_lig2;        /* variables intermediaires inversion octets   */ 
-   int temp2,nb;                /* zone temporaire de lecture                  */
-   /*........................................
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
- nb=2;
- *nb_can=0;
- *nb_lig=0;
- *nb_col=0;
- *nboct_pix=0;
- iret=1;
- type_machine = (char *) calloc(3,sizeof(char));
- if (type_machine == NULL)
- {
-    iret=0;
-    strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoire dans cai_ouvre_modifie");
- }
- image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 :FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
- if (image1==NULL)
- {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_modifie");
- }
- else
- {
-   extens[0]='\0';
-   if (typ_grille == 'B')
-      strcpy(extens,".gdb");
-   else
-      strcpy(extens,".gdr");
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long)strlen(repert)!= 0)
-   {
-       sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s%s",repert,nom_image,extens);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s%s",nom_image,extens);
-   }
-   Ouverture du fichier entete
-  ..........................................*/
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : modifications fopen binaire pour PC/NT         */
-   fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"rb");
-   if (fic_in==NULL)
-   {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier entete GRILLE");
-    }
-   else
-   {
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : DM : modifications indications Big ou Little Endian */
-   /*..................................
-   recuperation infos completes format.gdb 
-  ......................................*/ 
-   if (typ_grille =='B')
-   	fread(buf,36,1,fic_in);
-   recuperation infos completes format.gdr 
-  ......................................*/ 
-   else fread(buf,56,1,fic_in);
-   recuperation du type de codage des pixels 
-  ......................................*/
-	memcpy(type_cod,&buf[8],4);
-        if (strncmp(type_cod,"FLOA",4) ==0)
-	{
-    	   image1->NB_BITS_PIX=32;
-    	   image1->NBOCT_PIX=4;
-	   sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"R4");
-           strcpy(type_image,"BE");
-           sprintf(image1->TYPE_COD,"FLOA");
-	}
-	else if (strncmp(type_cod,"FLOL",4) ==0)
-	{
-	   image1->NB_BITS_PIX=32;
-    	   image1->NBOCT_PIX=4;
-	   sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"R4");
-           strcpy(type_image,"LE");
-           sprintf(image1->TYPE_COD,"FLOL");
-	}
-	else 
-	{
-	  iret=0;
-     	  sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Type de codage GRILLE non reconnu : %s",type_cod);
-        }
-	*nboct_pix = image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-   determination ordre de rangement 
-   des octets sur machine de travail
-  ......................................*/   
-   	type_machine = cai_test_pFpf();  
- /*..................................
-   determination des autres infos 
-   en fonction inversion
-  ......................................*/  
-	v = strncmp(type_machine,type_image,2);
-	v1 = strrchr(type_image,'E');
-   recuperation du nombre de colonne 
-  ......................................*/
-	memcpy(nb_col,&buf[0],4);
-/*modification si (type_image et type_machine st differentes) */
-/*et si (type_image existe avec BE ou LE)*/
-	if ( (v!=0) &&  (v1!=NULL) ) 
-	{	
-		swab( (void*)nb_col, (void*)&nb_col2,4 );
-		cai_inverser_tableau((short *)nb_col, (short *)&nb_col2,nb);
-	}
-   recuperation du nombre de lignes 
-  ......................................*/
-	memcpy(nb_lig,&buf[4],4);
-/*modification si (type_image et type_machine st differentes) */
-/*et si (type_image existe avec BE ou LE)*/
-	if ( (v!=0) && (v1!=NULL) )
-	{
-		swab( (void*)nb_lig, (void*)&nb_lig2,4 );
-		cai_inverser_tableau((short *)nb_lig, (short *)&nb_lig2,nb);
-	}	      
-   recuperation du numero de ligne du 1er point de la matrice 
-  .....................................................................*/
-	memcpy(&temp,&buf[12],4);
-/*modification si (type_image et type_machine st differentes) */
-/*et si (type_image existe avec BE ou LE)*/
-	if ( (v!=0) &&  (v1!=NULL) ) 
-	{	
-		swab( (void*)&temp, (void*)&temp2,4 );
-		cai_inverser_tableau((short *)&temp,(short *) &temp2,nb);
-	}
-	image1->NUM_LIG_DEB = temp;
-   recuperation du numero de colonne du 1er point de la matrice 
-  .....................................................................*/
-	memcpy(&temp,&buf[16],4);
-/*modification si (type_image et type_machine st differentes) */
-/*et si (type_image existe avec BE ou LE)*/
-	if ( (v!=0) &&  (v1!=NULL) ) 
-	{	
-		swab( (void*)&temp, (void*)&temp2,4 );
-		cai_inverser_tableau((short *)&temp,(short *) &temp2,nb);
-	}
-	image1->NUM_COL_DEB = temp;
-   recuperation du pas de la grille le long des lignes 
-  .....................................................................*/
-	memcpy(&temp,&buf[20],4);
-/*modification si (type_image et type_machine st differentes) */
-/*et si (type_image existe avec BE ou LE)*/
-	if ( (v!=0) &&  (v1!=NULL) ) 
-	{	
-		swab( (void*)&temp, (void*)&temp2,4 );
-		cai_inverser_tableau((short *)&temp, (short *)&temp2,nb);
-	}
-	image1->PAS_GRIL_LIG = temp;
-   recuperation du pas de la grille le long des colonnes  
-   .....................................................................*/
-	memcpy(&temp,&buf[24],4);
-/*modification si (type_image et type_machine st differentes) */
-/*et si (type_image existe avec BE ou LE)*/
-	if ( (v!=0) &&  (v1!=NULL) ) 
-	{	
-		swab( (void*)&temp, (void*)&temp2,4 );
-		cai_inverser_tableau((short *)&temp,(short *) &temp2,nb);
-	}
-	image1->PAS_GRIL_COL = temp;
-   recuperation du decalage initial le long des lignes 
-  .....................................................................*/
-	memcpy(&temp,&buf[28],4);
-/*modification si (type_image et type_machine st differentes) */
-/*et si (type_image existe avec BE ou LE)*/
-	if ( (v!=0) &&  (v1!=NULL) ) 
-	{	
-		swab( (void*)&temp, (void*)&temp2,4 );
-		cai_inverser_tableau((short *)&temp, (short *)&temp2,nb);
-	}
-	image1->DECAL_LIG = temp;
-   recuperation du decalage initial le long des colonnes  
-   .....................................................................*/
-	memcpy(&temp,&buf[32],4);
-/*modification si (type_image et type_machine st differentes) */
-/*et si (type_image existe avec BE ou LE)*/
-	if ( (v!=0) &&  (v1!=NULL) ) 
-	{	
-		swab( (void*)&temp, (void*)&temp2,4 );
-		cai_inverser_tableau((short *)&temp, (short *)&temp2,nb);
-	}
-	image1->DECAL_COL = temp;
-   recuperation de la caracteristique de la grille si .gdr
-        if (typ_grille == 'R')
-        {
-	    memcpy(image1->CAR_GRIL,&buf[36],20);
-            *nb_can = 2;
-        }
-        else
-	    *nb_can = 3;
-     }
-/*  fin modifications   */
-   Fermeture du fichier 
-  ......................................*/
-   if (fic_in!=NULL) fclose(fic_in);
-   if (iret !=0)
-   {
-  .....................................................*/
-     nom_fic[0]='\0';
-     nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';
-     if ((long)strlen(repert)!= 0)
-     {
-       sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s/%s%s",repert,nom_image,extens);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-       sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s%s",nom_image,extens);
-      }
-     num=open(nom_fic_canal,O_RDWR|O_BINARY,0);
-     if (num!= -1)
-     {
-       for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-       {
-           sscanf(nom_image,"%s",image1->NOM_FIC_CAN);
-           sscanf(nom_image,"%s",image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN);
-            image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=num;
-           image1->POS_OCTET[i]=((i*(*nb_lig))+1)*(*nb_col)*image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-        }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : DM : modifications indications Big ou Little Endian */
-        if ( (v!=0) && (v1!=NULL) )
-	{
-	   image1->INV_OCTETS =1;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	   image1->INV_OCTETS =0;
-	}
-/*  fin modifications  */        
-      }
-      else
-         iret=0;
-    }
-  }
-  if (iret == 0)
-  {
-	return (NULL);
-   }
-  else
-  {
-      return(image1);
-   }
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_modifie_grilles
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_hdf.c b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_hdf.c
deleted file mode 100755
index ae8bff03e6499fac66c41882859c9483e29fe829..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_hdf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1779 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                           */
-/* PROJET :    COUCHE ACCES IMAGE                                            */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MODULE :    cai_hdf16.c                                                   */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE   :    Ce module rassemble toutes les fonctions d'acces aux images   */
-/* -------     stockees au format hdf                                        */ 
-/*		Seuls l'acces aux Scientific Data Set est possible, code en  */
-/*		8bits non signes ou 16 bits non signes                       */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* AUTEUR :      R.CHAISEMARTIN     (CISI)                                   */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* DATE DE CREATION :    Octobre 1996                                        */
-/* -----------------						             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* LANGAGE : C                                                               */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V2                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 3.3 : DM : optimisation du sous-echantillonnage           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.0 : DM : possibilite de traiter des images en R4 et R8  */
-/*			   flottant simple et double precision               */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 : FA : Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation  */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : DM : modifications pour compatibilite HP64bits      */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : FA : test sur  fclose  pour PC/LINUX                */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.8 : FA : pb sur le sous-echantillonnage-prise en compte */
-/*			   du nombre d'octets par pixel pour ssech en lignes */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.0 : DM : Identification ds l'entete des SDS par le nom  */
-/*			   ou par le numero indifferemment.                  */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.0 : DM : Prise en compte  images codées I4 en lecture   */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.0 : DM : Remplacer les appels systemes pour renommer un */
-/*                            fichier par la commande C rename               */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.1 : DM : Prise en compte en lecture des images codées en*/
-/*                            8, 16 et 32 bits signés                        */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM :  prise en compte des I2,I4,UI2,UI4 et R8       */
-/*                             en lecture et ecriture                        */
-/*                Inclusion des fichiers STANDARDS (.h)                      */
-# include <stdio.h>
-# include <string.h>
-# include <unistd.h>
-# include <sys/types.h>
-# include <dirent.h>
-# include <sys/stat.h>
-# include <fcntl.h>
-# include <errno.h>
-#define _CAI_IMAGE
-#define IN_CAI_HDF
-# include "cai_image.h"
-# include "hdf.h"
-/*# include "mfhdf.h"*/
-/* Variable pour la  gestion en configuration                                 */
-static char *rcs_id="$Header: cai_hdf.c,v 1.10 01/05/31 10:47:25 cmf Exp $";
-extern char *getenv();
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                Definition des OPERATIONS EXTERNES                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_liste_ima_hdf16                                        */
-/* ----------                                                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de listage des images au format hdf                    */
-/* ------                                                                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :      int cai_liste_ima_hdf16(repert,tab_ima)           */
-/* -----------------                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     repert       (E) (char *)   : repertoire a explorer		     */
-/*     tab_ima      (S) (char ***) : pointeur sur tableau des images listees */
-/*                                    alloue par la fonction,il doit etre    */
-/*                                    LIBERE PAR L'APPELANT                  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_liste_ima_hdf16       (S) (int)     : = -1 repertoire inexistant  */                                    /*					       = > 0 nombre d'images listees */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION :  V2                                                             */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-long int cai_liste_ima_hdf16 (char *repert,
-		       char ***tab_ima)
-   DIR *dirp;		/* pointeur sur structure ouverture repertoire */
-   struct dirent *dp;   /* structure resultat de la fonction readdir   */
-   char *pch0,*pch1;    /* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres          */
-   char car;            /* variable de travail                         */  
-   int nb_ima;          /* nombre d'images hdf identifiees             */
-   long int i;          /* indice de boucle                            */
-   long int ll,dif;     /* variables de travail                        */
-   char blanc;          /* caractere blanc                             */
-   INITIALISATION et ouverture du repertoire choisi
-  .........................................*/
-   nb_ima=0;
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   blanc = ' ';
-   if(dirp!=NULL)
-   {
-   premiere passe pour comptabiliser les images du format donne
-      (EXTENSION =.hdf)
-   ..........................................*/
-   while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-   {
-     pch0=strstr(dp->d_name,".hdf");
-     if (pch0 != NULL)
-     {
-        ll = (long int)strlen(dp->d_name);
-        dif = (long int)(dp->d_name-pch0);
-        dif=labs(dif);
-        pch1=pch0+4;
-/* MOD:VERSION:3.3:DM lecture de toutes les images dont l'extension commence */
-/*		    par .hdf. Cette modif permet de prendre en compte .hdf16 */
-/*ligne supprimee        if (((ll-4)==dif)||((*pch1)==blanc)) */
-	     nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-     }
-   }
-    (void)closedir(dirp);
-     ......................................*/
-    *tab_ima = (char **) calloc(nb_ima,sizeof(char *));
-    for (i=0;i<nb_ima;i=i+1)
-      (*tab_ima)[i]=(char *)calloc(1,100);
-   deuxieme passe pour constituer la liste des images du format donne
-      (EXTENSION =.hdf)
-   ..........................................*/
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   nb_ima=0;
-   while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-   {
-     pch0=strstr(dp->d_name,".hdf");
-     if (pch0 != NULL)
-     {
-        ll = strlen(dp->d_name);
-        dif = (long int)(dp->d_name-pch0);
-        dif=labs(dif);
-        pch1=pch0+4;
-/* MOD:VERSION:3.3:DM lecture de toutes les images dont l'extension commence */
-/*		    par .hdf. Cette modif permet de prendre en compte .hdf16 */
-/* ligne supprimee       if (((ll-4)==dif)||((*pch1)==blanc))
-        {*/
-            *pch0='\0';
-            strcpy((*tab_ima)[nb_ima],dp->d_name);
-	    nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-/*  ligne supprimee        }*/
-     }
-   }
-    (void)closedir(dirp);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-    /* repertoire inexistant */
-     nb_ima=-1;
-     }
-    return(nb_ima);
-/* Fin de l'operation cai_liste_ima_hdf16
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_lecture_hdf16                                    */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture d'une image au format hdf       */
-/* -----     et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :     CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_hdf16 (nom_image,     */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels              */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_lecture_hdf16     (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb         */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */   /*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_hdf16(char *repert,
-				 char *nom_image,
-				 int  *nb_can,
-				 int  *nboct_pix,
-				 int  *nb_col,
-				 int  *nb_lig)
-   FILE *fic_in;		/* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char nom_fic_canal[1024];    /* nom fichier canal dont on teste existence*/
-   char label[80];		/* contient un enregistrement du fichier    */
-   int nbbit;			/* nb de bits par pixel du fichier en-tete  */
-   int retour,icr;		/* retour de fonctions                      */ 
-   char *deb,*deb1;		/* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres       */
-   int num;		        /* indice 				    */
-   int nbplan;			/* nombre de canaux dans le fichier en-tete */
-   int plan;                    /* indice de boucle sur les canaux          */  
-   char nom_plan[100];          /* nom des fichiers plan                    */ 
-   int Ref,lon,Alpha;
-   int sds_id,status,attribute,num_type,nb_dim;
-   char name[MAX_NC_NAME];
-   int val_dim[MAX_VAR_DIMS];
-   int nbdataset,nfileattribut,retn,nbits;
-   char refSDS[50], sdsname[50];
-   int ind,isds;
-   int sds_trouve;
-   /*........................................
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   *nb_can=0;
-   *nb_lig=0;
-   *nb_col=0;
-   *nboct_pix=0;
-   fic_in = NULL;
-   nbplan=0;
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1: FA Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_lecture");
-     goto ERREUR;
-    }
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.hdf",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.hdf",nom_image);
-   }
-   Ouverture du fichier entete
-  ..........................................*/
-   fic_in=NULL;
-   fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"r");
-   if (fic_in==NULL)
-   {
-/* MOD:VERSION:3.3:DM on essaie avec .hdf16 comme extension (vieille version)*/
-/* Cette modif permet de prendre en compte .hdf16 du QIV                     */
-     strcat(nom_fic,"16");
-     fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"r");
-     if (fic_in==NULL)
-     {
-         strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier entete HDF");
-         goto ERREUR;
-      }
-   }
-   Pour chaque plan image lecture du nom du fichier correspondant
-   et de la position du SDS dans le fichier
-  ..................................................*/
-  fgets(label,80,fic_in);
-  retour=strncmp(label,"PLANES_ID",9);
-  if (retour!=0)
-  {
-	strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,
-	      "Informations incoherentes ligne PLANES_ID ");
-        goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   icr=2;
-   retour=1;
-   deb = image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-   deb1= image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN;
-   while ((icr==2)&&(retour!=0))
-   {
-      icr = fscanf(fic_in,"%s %s",nom_plan,refSDS);
-      if (icr==1) 
-      {
-	Ref=0;
-        icr=2;
-      }
-      retour=strncmp(nom_plan,"NB_BITS_PIX",11);
-      if ((icr==2)&&(retour!=0))
-      {  
-        retour=strncmp(nom_plan,"COMMENT",7);
-        if ((icr==2)&&(retour!=0))
-        {  
-  .....................................................*/
-          nom_fic[0]='\0';
-          nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';
-          if ((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-          {
-            sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s/%s",repert,nom_plan);
-           }
-          else
-          {
-            sscanf(nom_plan,"%s",nom_fic_canal);
-          }
-       test sur l'existence du fichier plan 
-       et ouverture du fichier plan
-  .......................................*/
-          num=SDstart(nom_fic_canal,DFACC_RDONLY);
-          if (num!= -1)
-          {
-              sscanf(nom_plan,"%s",deb);
-  	      deb=deb+100;
-              sscanf(nom_plan,"%s",deb1);
-  	      deb1=deb1+100;
-              image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[nbplan]=num;
-/*         Recuperation des informations generales */
-              retn=SDfileinfo(num,&nbdataset,&nfileattribut);
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.0 : DM : Identification ds l'entete des SDS par le nom  */
-/*			   ou par le numero indifferemment.                  */
-/* Verification si SDS identifie par son nom ou par son numero */
-              lon=strlen(refSDS ); 
-              Alpha=0;
-              for (ind=0;ind<lon;ind++)
-              {
-                  if (isalpha(refSDS[ind])!=0) Alpha=Alpha+1;
-              }
-              if (Alpha !=0)
-              {
-/*              Identification par nom de SDS boucle sur les SDS */
-/*              pour recuperer le numero de SDS                  */
-                sds_trouve = 0;
-                isds =0;
-                while ((isds<nbdataset)&&(sds_trouve==0))
-                {
-                   sds_id = SDselect(num,isds);
-/*                 Recuperation des infos du SDS                 */
-                  status = SDgetinfo(sds_id,sdsname,
-				        &nb_dim,val_dim,
-					&num_type,&attribute);
-    		   if ( strcmp ( sdsname, refSDS ) == 0 )
-    		   {
- /*      recuperer le numero de SD correspondant et repartir sur la version 
-        precedente*/
-                     Ref=isds;
-                     sds_trouve = 1;
-    		   }
-                   else
-			isds++;
-                 }
-                 if (sds_trouve == 0)
-                 {
-		   sprintf( CAI_ERREUR ,"Nom de SDS non trouve %s\0",refSDS);
-                   goto ERREUR;
-                 }
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                  Ref=atoi(refSDS);
-/*         Selection du Scientific Data Set contenant les donnees */
-                  sds_id = SDselect(num,Ref);
-                  status = SDgetinfo(sds_id,sdsname,
-				        &nb_dim,val_dim,
-					&num_type,&attribute);
-              }
-/* FIN MOD : VERSION : 5.0 : DM : Identification  SDS  */
-              image1->POS_OCTET[nbplan]=sds_id;
-/*         Verification que tous les plans ont la meme taille */
-              if (nbplan!=0)
-              {
-	        if ((*nb_lig!=val_dim[0])||(*nb_col!=val_dim[1]))
-                {            
-		   sprintf( CAI_ERREUR ,"Plans de taille differentes !\0");
-                   goto ERREUR;
-                }
-              }
-              *nb_lig=val_dim[0];
-              *nb_col=val_dim[1];
-              nbbit= num_type;  
-              nbplan=nbplan+1;
-           }
-           else
-           {
- 	     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR ,
-	       "Le fichier plan %s HDF n'existe pas\n" , nom_fic_canal );
-             goto ERREUR;
-           }
-        }
-        else
-          icr=99;
-      }
-   }
-  Decodage du nombre d'octets par pixel
-  ......................................*/
-  if ((retour==0)&&(icr!=99))
-  {
-    if (icr==2) 
-       image1->NB_BITS_PIX=Ref;
-    else
-       image1->NB_BITS_PIX=0;
-  Decodage du commentaire
-  ......................................*/
-     icr = fscanf(fic_in,"%s",label);
-     retour=strncmp(label,"COMMENT",7);
-     if (retour==0)
-		icr=99;
-  }
-  else
-       image1->NB_BITS_PIX=0;
-  Decodage du commentaire
-  ......................................*/
-  if (icr==99)
-     icr = fscanf(fic_in,"%s",image1->COMMENT);
-  else
-      strcpy(image1->COMMENT,"Pas de commentaire\0");
-/* Initialisation du nombre de plans */
-  *nb_can=nbplan;
-   Initialisation du nombre d'octets par pixel
-  ........................................................*/
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.1 : DM : Prise en compte en lecture des images codées en*/
-/*                            8, 16 et 32 bits signes                        */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM :  prise en compte des I2,I4,UI2,UI4 et R8       */
-/*                             en lecture et ecriture                        */
-   if (nbbit==DFNT_INT8)
-   {
-	*nboct_pix=1;
-        if (image1->NB_BITS_PIX==0)
-           image1->NB_BITS_PIX=8;
-	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"OCT");
-   }
-   else if (nbbit==DFNT_UINT8)
-   {
-	*nboct_pix=1;
-        if (image1->NB_BITS_PIX==0)
-           image1->NB_BITS_PIX=8;
-	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"UOCT");
-   }
-   else if (nbbit==DFNT_INT16)
-   {
-	*nboct_pix=2;
-        if (image1->NB_BITS_PIX==0)
-           image1->NB_BITS_PIX=16;
-	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"I2");
-   }
-   else if (nbbit==DFNT_UINT16)
-   {
-	*nboct_pix=2;
-        if (image1->NB_BITS_PIX==0) image1->NB_BITS_PIX=16;
-	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"UI2");
-   }
-/* MOD : 5.0 Prise en compte des images codées en I4 non signe*/
-   else if (nbbit==DFNT_INT32)
-   {
-	*nboct_pix=4;
-        if (image1->NB_BITS_PIX==0)
-           image1->NB_BITS_PIX=32;
-	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"I4");
-   }
-   else if (nbbit==DFNT_UINT32)
-   {
-	*nboct_pix=4;
-        if (image1->NB_BITS_PIX==0)
-           image1->NB_BITS_PIX=32;
-	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"UI4");
-   }
-   else if (nbbit==DFNT_FLOAT)
-   {
-	*nboct_pix=4;
-        if (image1->NB_BITS_PIX==0)
-           image1->NB_BITS_PIX=32;
-	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"R4");
-   }
-   else if (nbbit==DFNT_DOUBLE)
-   {
-	*nboct_pix=8;
-        if (image1->NB_BITS_PIX==0)
-           image1->NB_BITS_PIX=64;
-	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"R8");
-   }
-   else
-   {
- 	 sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR ,
-	   "Type de donnees non supporte par la Couche Acces Image\n" );
-         goto ERREUR;
-    }
-   Fermeture du fichier 
-  ......................................*/
-   if (fic_in!=NULL) fclose(fic_in);
-    sortie normale 
-  ....................*/
-      return(image1);
-    sortie degradee 
-  ....................*/
-   if (fic_in!=NULL)    fclose(fic_in);
-   for (plan=0;plan<nbplan;plan++)
-   {
-     num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[plan];
-     if (num!=-1) retn=SDend(num);
-   }
-   return (NULL);
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_lecture_hdf16
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_creation_hdf16                                   */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de creation et d'ouverture en ecriture d'une image     */
-/* -----     au format hdf et de tous les fichiers qui la composent          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :    CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_hdf16 (nom_image,     */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig,          */
-/*				                            label)           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*     nb_can         (E) (int )   : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (E) (int )   : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (E) (int )   : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (E) (int )   : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*     label          (E) (char *) : commentaire lie a l'image               */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_creation_hdf16     (S) (CAI_IMAGE *) : =NULL si pb          */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_hdf16(char *repert,
-				  char *nom_image,
-				  int  *nb_can,
-				  int  *nboct_pix,
-				  int  *nb_col,
-				  int  * nb_lig,
-				  char *label)
-   FILE *fic;		        /* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char nom_fic_canal[1024];    /* nom fichier canal dont on teste existence*/
-   int retour;			/* retour de fonction 			    */ 
-   char car[4];			/* indice du canal traite     		    */
-   int num;			/* indice 				    */
-   struct stat	buf_stat;	/* structure decrivant status de fichier    */
-   int plan;                    /* indice de boucle sur les canaux          */
-   char nom_plan[100];          /* nom des fichiers plan                    */ 
-   int dims[2],rank,sds_id; 
-   int nbbit,Ref,Coher;
-   char NomSDS[80];  
-   int reconnaissance_type;            
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1: FA Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_creation");
-     goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   NomSDS[0]='\0';
-   Ref=0;
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM :  Maj du  TYPE lorsque l'utilisateur le         */
-/*                                  precise dans le param  "label"           */
-/* Verification si type de codage reconnu dans le label */
-    reconnaissance_type = cai_istyp_connu(label);
-    if (reconnaissance_type == -1)
-    {
-     	if (*nboct_pix==1)
-       		 nbbit=DFNT_UINT8;
-      	else if (*nboct_pix==2)
-       		 nbbit=DFNT_UINT16;
-      	else if (*nboct_pix==4)
-        	nbbit=DFNT_FLOAT;
-      	else if (*nboct_pix==8)
-        	nbbit=DFNT_DOUBLE;
-     }
-     else
-     {
-/* Verification de coherence entre le nb d'octets par pixel et le type donne */
-        Coher=1;
-        if(*nboct_pix == 1) 
-        {
-	  nbbit=DFNT_INT8;
-	  if (reconnaissance_type > 1) Coher=0;  
-          else if (reconnaissance_type ==1)  nbbit=DFNT_UINT8;
-        }    
-	else if(*nboct_pix == 2) 
-        {
-          if (reconnaissance_type ==2 )  nbbit=DFNT_INT16;
-          else if (reconnaissance_type ==3 )  nbbit=DFNT_UINT16;
-          else Coher=0;  	  
-        }  	  
-	else if(*nboct_pix == 4) 
-        {
-          if (reconnaissance_type ==4 )  nbbit=DFNT_INT32;
-          else if (reconnaissance_type ==5 )  nbbit=DFNT_UINT32;
-          else if (reconnaissance_type ==6 )  nbbit=DFNT_FLOAT;
-          else Coher=0;  	  
-        }  
-	else if(*nboct_pix == 8) 
-        {
-	  if (reconnaissance_type == 7)  nbbit=DFNT_DOUBLE;
-	  else Coher = 0;
-        }
-        else 
-	   Coher = 0;
-        if (Coher == 0) 
-        {      	
-	  sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"incoherence entre TYPE et Nb bits par pixels\n");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-        }    
-    }
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete et verification qu'il
-   n'existe pas deja
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.hdf",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.hdf",nom_image);
-   }
-   retour = stat ( nom_fic , &buf_stat );
-   if ( retour == 0 )
-   { 
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "L'image %s HDF existe \n" , nom_image );
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  Ouverture du fichier entete en ecriture 
-  Ecriture du contenu
-  ..........................................................*/
-  fic = fopen(nom_fic,"w");
-  if (fic == NULL)
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Creation fichier %s impossible\n",nom_fic);
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  fprintf ( fic , "PLANES_ID\n" );
-  Pour chaque canal de l'image,constitution du nom de fichier correspondant
-  Verification qu'il n'existe pas deja
-  Ouverture du fichier en ecriture
-  .................................................................*/
-  for (plan=0;plan<*nb_can;plan++)
-  {
-     nom_plan[0]='\0';
-     nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';     
-     sprintf(nom_plan,"%s.b%d",nom_image,plan);
-     fprintf ( fic , "%s %d\n" , nom_plan,Ref );
-     if ((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-     {
-	sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s/%s",repert,nom_plan);
-     }
-     else
-     {
-    	 sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s",nom_plan);
-     }
-        retour = stat ( nom_fic_canal , &buf_stat );
-     if ( retour == 0 )
-     { 
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "L'image %s HDF existe \n" , nom_fic_canal );
-	goto ERREUR;
-     }
-/* ouverture du fichier */
-     num=SDstart(nom_fic_canal,DFACC_CREATE);
-     if (num == -1)
-     {
-        sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Creation %s impossible\n",nom_fic_canal);
-        goto ERREUR;
-      } 
-      image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[plan]=num;
-/* ouverture et creation du SDS */
-      rank=2;
-      dims[0]=*nb_lig;
-      dims[1]=*nb_col;
-      if((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-        strcpy(NomSDS,label);
-      else
-        strcpy(NomSDS,"SDS1");
-      sds_id=SDcreate(num,NomSDS,nbbit,rank,dims);
-      image1->POS_OCTET[plan]=sds_id;
-  }
-  retour=fprintf ( fic , "NB_BITS_PIX\n");
-  retour=fprintf ( fic , "%d\n" , (*nboct_pix)*8 );
-  retour=fprintf ( fic , "COMMENT\n");
-  retour=fprintf ( fic , "%s\n" , label );
-  if (retour == 0)
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Ecriture %s impossible\n",nom_fic);
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-/* Fermeture du fichier                          */
-  fclose ( fic );
-  return (image1);
-   return(NULL);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_creation_hdf16
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_lecture_canal_hdf16                                    */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de lecture d'un canal d'une image hdf                  */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_hdf16(image1, canal,      */       		      /* ------------------                            premiere_ligne,             */
-/*                                               premiere_colonne,           */
-/*                                               nombre_lignes_lire ,        */
-/*                                               nombre_colonnes_lire,       */
-/*                                               pas_ligne ,pas_colonne,     */
-/*                 		                data_image )                 */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*     canal                (E) (int) : numero du canal a lire               */
-/*     premiere_ligne       (E) (int) : premiere ligne a lire dans l'image   */
-/*     premiere _colonne    (E) (int) : premiere colonne a lire dans l'image */
-/*     nombre_lignes_lire   (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a lire              */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_lire (E) (int) : nombre de colonnes a lire            */
-/*     pas_ligne            (E) (int) : pas en ligne                         */
-/*     pas_colonne          (E) (int) : pas en colonne                       */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels lus alloue et     */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_lecture_canal_hdf16     (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb          */
-/*                                                 = CAI_OK si OK            */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_hdf16(CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,  
-                                int *canal ,           
-    		          	int *premiere_ligne  ,   
-     		          	int *premiere_colonne,
-                         	int *nombre_lignes_lire ,
-                          	int *nombre_colonnes_lire,
-                          	int *pas_ligne ,          
-                          	int *pas_colonne,
-		          	unsigned char *data_image )        
- int   num,n,ilig,k,j;      /* variables de travail                          */
- int iret;                  /* indicateur d'erreur                           */
- int edges[2],strides[2],start[2];
- unsigned char *buf,*deb,*pch;
- int nboct;
-  Initialisations diverses
-  ..........................*/
-   iret=CAI_OK;
-   num=image1->POS_OCTET[(*canal)-1];
-    if ((*pas_ligne==1)&&(*pas_colonne==1))
-    {
-       start[0]=(*premiere_ligne)-1;
-       start[1]=(*premiere_colonne)-1;
-       edges[0]=*nombre_lignes_lire;
-       edges[1]=*nombre_colonnes_lire;
-       strides[0]=*pas_ligne;
-       strides[1]=*pas_colonne;
-       n= SDreaddata(num,start,strides,edges,(VOIDP *)data_image);
-       if (n<0)
-       {
-             iret=CAI_KO;
-             strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture donnee image HDF");
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	nboct = (*nombre_lignes_lire)*(*pas_ligne)*
-				(image1->NB_COL)*(image1->NBOCT_PIX);
-	buf = (unsigned char *) calloc(nboct,sizeof(unsigned char));
-            lecture des lignes images
-  ................................................*/
-       start[0]=(*premiere_ligne)-1;
-       start[1]=0;
-       edges[0]=(((*nombre_lignes_lire)-1)*(*pas_ligne))+1;
-       edges[1]=image1->NB_COL;
-       strides[0]=1;
-       strides[1]=1;
-       n= SDreaddata(num,start,strides,edges,(VOIDP *)buf);
-       if (n<0)
-       {
-             iret=CAI_KO;
-             strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture donnee image HDF");
-        }
-        pch=data_image;
-             Sauvegarde des donnees lues entenant compte du pas 
-             d'echantillonnage en colonne
-  ........................................*/  
-        for (ilig=0;ilig<*nombre_lignes_lire;ilig++)
-        {
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.8 : FA : pb sur le sous-echantillonnage-prise en compte */
-/*			   du nombre d'octets par pixel pour ssech en lignes */
-             deb=buf+((ilig*(image1->NB_COL)*(*pas_ligne))+
-			((*premiere_colonne)-1))*image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-             j=1;
-             while (j <= (*nombre_colonnes_lire))
-	     {  
-               for (k=0;k<image1->NBOCT_PIX;k=k+1)
-                {
-                  *(pch+k)=*(deb+k);
-                 }
-              pch=pch+image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-              j=j+1;
-              deb=deb+((*pas_colonne)*image1->NBOCT_PIX);
-             }   
-         }
-          if (buf!=NULL) free(buf);
-    }
-   return(iret);
- }
-  Fin de l'operation cai_lecture_canal_hdf16
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ecriture_canal_hdf16                                   */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ecriture d'un canal d'une image hdf                  */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :      CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_hdf16(image1, canal, */       		      /* ------------------                                 premiere_ligne,        */
-/*                                                    nombre_lignes_ecrire,  */
-/*                                                    nombre_colonnes_ecrire,*/
-/*                 		                      data_image )           */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)   : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier */
-/*     canal                 (E) (int) : numero du canal a ecrire            */
-/*     premiere_ligne        (E) (int) : premiere ligne a ecrire ds l'image  */
-/*     nombre_lignes_ecrire  (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_ecrire(E) (int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels ecris alloue et   */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ecriture_canal_hdf16        (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb      */
-/*                                                     = CAI_OK si OK        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_hdf16 (CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,  
-                                      int *canal ,           
-    		                      int *premiere_ligne  ,   
-                                      int *nombre_lignes_ecrire ,
-                                      int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire,
-		                      unsigned char *data_image )
-int num,n;                        /* descripteur de fichier                */
-int edges[2],strides[2],start[2];
-/* initialisations */
-     num = image1->POS_OCTET[*canal-1];
-     start[0]=(*premiere_ligne)-1;
-     start[1]=0;
-     edges[0]=*nombre_lignes_ecrire;
-     edges[1]=*nombre_colonnes_ecrire;
-     n= SDwritedata(num,start,NULL,edges,(VOIDP *)data_image);
-     if (n<0)
-     {
-             strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture donnee image HDF");
-	     return (CAI_KO);
-      }
-return (CAI_OK);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ecriture_canal_hdf16
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ferme_hdf16                                            */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de fermeture d'une image au format hdf et de           */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent 			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_hdf16(image1)                     */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ferme_hdf16        (S) (CAI_OK_KO) :   = CAI_KO si pb             */
-/*                                              = CAI_OK si OK               */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_hdf16 (CAI_IMAGE *image1)
- int iret;    /* code retour de l'operation      */
- int i_can;   /* indice du canal a fermer        */
- int num;     /* descripteur du fichier a fermer */
- iret=CAI_OK;
-   Fermeture de tous les canaux
-  .............................................*/
- for (i_can=0;i_can<image1->NB_CANAUX;i_can=i_can+1)
- {
-   num = image1->POS_OCTET[i_can];
-   iret=SDendaccess(num);
-   num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i_can];
-   iret=SDend(num);
- }
-  return (iret);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ferme_hdf16
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_dest_ima_hdf16                                         */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de destruction d'une image stocke en hdf et de         */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent  			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_hdf16(format,nom_ima)          */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*     format       (E) (char *) : format de l'image a detruire              */
-/*     nom_image    (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a detruire avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_dest_ima_hdf16     (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb               */
-/*                                            = CAI_OK si OK                 */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_hdf16 (char *repertoire , 
-                     	      char *nom_ima )
-int	i_can;			/* compteur de canaux                        */
-long    iret;                   /* code retour fonction fermetrue lecture    */
-char	str_num_canal[3];	/* suffixe numero du canal                   */
-char	nom_fic_entete[1024];	/* nom du fichier entete a detruire          */
-char    nom_ima_complet[1024];  /* repertoire + nom de l'image               */
-char	nom_fic_canal[1024];	/* nom du fichier canal a detruire           */
-int	cr_stat;		/* code retour de fonction status de fichier */
-struct stat buf_stat;		/* structure decrivant status de fichier     */ 
-CAI_IMAGE   *image1;            /* structure ouverture image                 */
-int         nb_can;	        /* nombre de canaux de l'image               */
-int         nboct_pix;		/* nombre d'octets par pixel image           */
-int         nb_col;	        /* nombre de colonnes de l'image             */
-int         nb_lig;             /* nombre de lignes de l'image               */
-char    ptr_nom_fic_can[100*CAI_NB_MAX_CAN];  /* nom fichier canal traite    */
-char	nom_fichier[1024];	/* nom du fichier entete a detruire	     */
-char    chemin[1024];           /* repertoire + "/"			     */
-char *ptr,*deb;
-/* Constitution du nom du fichier d'entete	*/
-if ((long int)strlen(repertoire)!=0)
-  sprintf(nom_ima_complet,"%s/%s",repertoire,nom_ima);
-  sprintf ( chemin ,"%s/", repertoire );
-  strcpy ( nom_ima_complet , nom_ima);
-  strcpy ( chemin , "./");
-  strcpy(nom_fic_entete , nom_ima_complet);
-  strcat ( nom_fic_entete , ".hdf\0" );
-/* Extraction des caracteristiques de l'image 	*/
-/* et noms des fichiers plans                   */
-/* du fichier entete par l'appel a la fonction	*/
-/* cai_ouvre_lecture_image			*/
-  image1 = cai_ouvre_lecture_image ( nom_ima_complet,"HDF", &nb_can ,
-				     &nboct_pix ,&nb_col, &nb_lig );
-  if ( image1 == NULL) goto ERREUR;
-  ptr = ptr_nom_fic_can;
-  deb = image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-  for ( i_can = 0 ; i_can < nb_can ; i_can++ )
-  {
-      sscanf(deb,"%s",ptr);
-      deb=deb+100;
-      ptr=ptr+100;
-  }
-  ptr = ptr_nom_fic_can;
- iret=cai_ferme_image(image1);
- image1=NULL;
-/* Destruction des fichiers radiometrie		*/
-  for ( i_can = 0 ; i_can < nb_can ; i_can++ )
-  {
-	strncpy ( nom_fic_canal , ptr , 100 );
-	nom_fic_canal[99] = '\0';
-	strcpy ( nom_fichier , chemin );
-	strcat ( nom_fichier, nom_fic_canal );
-	nom_fichier[strlen(chemin)+strlen(nom_fic_canal)+1] = '\0';
-	cr_stat = stat ( nom_fichier , &buf_stat );
-	if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-		unlink ( nom_fichier );
-	ptr = ptr + 100;
-  }
-/* Destruction du fichier d'entete		*/
-cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic_entete , &buf_stat );
-if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-	unlink ( nom_fic_entete );
-/* MOD:VERSION:3.3:DM on essaie avec .hdf16 comme extension (vieille version)*/
-/* Cette modif permet de prendre en compte .hdf16 du QIV                     */
-     strcat(nom_fic_entete,"16");
-     cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic_entete , &buf_stat );
-     if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-	unlink ( nom_fic_entete );
-return (CAI_OK);
-  return((CAI_OK_KO)NULL);
- Fin de l'operation cai_dest_ima_hdf16
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_rename_fichiers_hdf16                                  */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    permet de modifier l'extension des plans d'une image HDF        */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_rename_fichiers_hdf16(image1,TabExtens) */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*     TabExtens   (E) (CAI_EXTENS *) : tableau des nouvelles extensions     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_rename_fichiers_hdf16(CAI_IMAGE *image1,CAI_EXTENS *TabExtens)
-  int Can;		/* indice de boucle sur les canaux */
-  char fichierE[1024];  /* fichier a traiter               */
-  char fichierS[1024];  /* nouveau nom du fichier          */
-  FILE *fic;		/* pointeur descripteur fichier    */
-  int pt_oct;		/* position courante ds le fichier */
-  int *Ref;             /* Reference du SDS des fichiers   */
-  char label[80];       /* contient un enregist  fichier   */
-  char repert[1024];    /* repertoire de stockage image    */
-  char image[1024];     /* nom de l'image a ouvrir         */
-  char *pch,*deb;       /* pointeurs de travail            */
-  long nb1,nb2;		/* indice de longueur significative*/
-  char car;		/* variable de travail             */
-  int icr,tempo;        /* code retour fonction            */
-  CAI_CHAINE *NomIma;
-/* Separation du repertoire de stockage de l'image et du nom propre */
-      repert[0]='\0';
-      image[0]='\0';
-      car='/';
-      pch=(char *)strrchr(image1->NOM_IMAGE,car);
-      if (pch == NULL) 
-      {
-         /* le repertoire est celui courant */
-           sscanf(image1->NOM_IMAGE,"%s",image);
-           car='.';
-           pch=(char *)strrchr(image,car);
-           if (pch != NULL)
-               *pch='\0';        
-      }
-      else
-      {
-           nb1=(long int)(pch)-(long int)(image1->NOM_IMAGE);
-           strncpy(repert,image1->NOM_IMAGE,nb1);
-           repert[nb1]='\0';
-           deb=image1->NOM_IMAGE+nb1+1;
-           nb2=strlen(image1->NOM_IMAGE)-(nb1+1);
-	   strncpy(image,deb,nb2);
-           image[nb2]='\0';
-           car='.';
-           pch=(char *)strrchr(image,car);
-           if (pch != NULL)
-               *pch='\0';          
-     }
-/* Ouverture du fichier d'entete */
-   fichierE[0]='\0';
-   sprintf(fichierE,"%s.hdf",image1->NOM_IMAGE);
-   fic = fopen(fichierE,"r+");
-   if (fic == NULL)
-   {
-/* MOD:VERSION:3.3:DM on essaie avec .hdf16 comme extension (vieille version)*/
-/* Cette modif permet de prendre en compte .hdf16 du QIV                     */
-         strcat(fichierE,"16");
-         fic = fopen(fichierE,"r+");
-         if (fic == NULL)
-         {
-            sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,
-	       "Erreur: Modification fichier %s impossible\n",fichierE);
-            goto ERREUR;
-         }
-   }
-/* Lecture des references de chaque plan */
-  Ref = (int *) calloc(image1->NB_CANAUX,sizeof(int));
-  fgets(label,80,fic);
-  icr=strncmp(label,"PLANES_ID",9);
-  if (icr!=0)
-  {
-	strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,
-	      "Informations incoherentes ligne PLANES_ID ");
-        goto ERREUR;
-   }
-/* Rename de chaque bande spectrale si necessaire */
-  NomIma = NULL;
-  NomIma = (CAI_CHAINE *)calloc(image1->NB_CANAUX,sizeof(CAI_CHAINE));
-  if (NomIma == NULL) goto ERREUR;
-  for(Can=0;Can<image1->NB_CANAUX;Can++)
-  {
-    icr = fscanf(fic,"%s%d",label,&tempo);
-    if (icr==1) 
-	Ref[Can]=0;
-    else
-       Ref[Can]=tempo;
-    if (TabExtens != NULL)
-    {
-      fichierE[0]='\0';
-      fichierS[0]='\0';  
-      sprintf(fichierE,"%s/%s",repert,label);
-      sprintf(fichierS,"%s%s",image1->NOM_IMAGE,TabExtens[Can]);
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.0 : DM : Remplacer les appels systemes pour renommer un */
-/*                            fichier par la commande C rename               */
-      rename(fichierE,fichierS);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-	strcpy(NomIma[Can],label);
-    }
-  }   
-/* Modification du fichier d'entete */
-   rewind(fic);
-   fprintf ( fic , "PLANES_ID\n" );
-   for(Can=0;Can<image1->NB_CANAUX;Can++)
-   {
-       tempo=Ref[Can];
-    if (TabExtens != NULL)
-       fprintf ( fic , "%s%s %d\n",image,TabExtens[Can],tempo);
-    else
-       fprintf ( fic , "%s %d\n",NomIma[Can],tempo);
-   }
-  fprintf ( fic , "NB_BITS_PIX\n");
-  fprintf ( fic , "%d\n" , image1->NB_BITS_PIX );
-  icr=fprintf ( fic , "COMMENT\n");
-  icr=fprintf ( fic , "%s\n" , image1->COMMENT );
-  fclose ( fic );
-  if (NomIma != NULL) free(NomIma);
-  return(CAI_OK);
-  return(CAI_KO);
- Fin de l'operation cai_rename_fichiers_hdf16
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_modifie_hdf16                                    */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture-ecriture d'une image au format  */
-/* -----     hdf et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :     CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_hdf16 (nom_image,     */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_modifie_hdf16     (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb         */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */   /*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_hdf16(char *repert,
-				 char *nom_image,
-				 int  *nb_can,
-				 int  *nboct_pix,
-				 int  *nb_col,
-				 int  *nb_lig)
-   FILE *fic_in;		/* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char nom_fic_canal[1024];    /* nom fichier canal dont on teste existence*/
-   char label[80];		/* contient un enregistrement du fichier    */
-   int nbbit;			/* nb de bits par pixel du fichier en-tete  */
-   int retour,icr;		/* retour de fonctions                      */ 
-   char *deb,*deb1;		/* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres       */
-   int num;			/* indice 				    */
-   int nbplan;			/* nombre de canaux dans le fichier en-tete */
-   int plan;                    /* indice de boucle sur les canaux          */
-   char nom_plan[100];          /* nom des fichiers plan                    */ 
-   int Ref;
-   int sds_id,status,attribute,num_type,nb_dim;
-   char name[MAX_NC_NAME];
-   int val_dim[MAX_VAR_DIMS];
-   int nbdataset,nfileattribut,retn,nbits;
-   /*........................................
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   *nb_can=0;
-   *nb_lig=0;
-   *nb_col=0;
-   *nboct_pix=0;
-   fic_in = NULL;
-   nbplan=0;
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1: FA Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
- if (image1==NULL)
- {
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_modifie");
-     goto ERREUR;
- }
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.hdf",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.hdf",nom_image);
-    }
-   Ouverture du fichier entete
-  ..........................................*/
-   fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"r");
-   if (fic_in==NULL)
-   {
-/* MOD:VERSION:3.3:DM on essaie avec .hdf16 comme extension (vieille version)*/
-/* Cette modif permet de prendre en compte .hdf16 du QIV                     */
-     strcat(nom_fic,"16");
-     fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"r");
-     if (fic_in==NULL)
-     {
-         strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier entete HDF");
-         goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    }
-   Pour chaque plan image lecture du nom du fichier correspondant
-   et de la position du SDS dans le fichier
-  ..................................................*/
-  fgets(label,80,fic_in);
-  retour=strncmp(label,"PLANES_ID",9);
-  if (retour!=0)
-  {
-	strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,
-	      "Informations incoherentes ligne PLANES_ID ");
-        goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   icr=2;
-   retour=1;
-   deb = image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-   deb1= image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN;
-   while ((icr==2)&&(retour!=0))
-   {
-      icr = fscanf(fic_in,"%s%d",nom_plan,&Ref);
-      if (icr==1) 
-      {
-	Ref=0;
-        icr=2;
-      }
-      retour=strncmp(nom_plan,"NB_BITS_PIX",11);
-      if ((icr==2)&&(retour!=0))
-      {  
-        retour=strncmp(nom_plan,"COMMENT",7);
-        if ((icr==2)&&(retour!=0))
-        {  
-  .....................................................*/
-          nom_fic[0]='\0';
-          nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';
-          if ((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-          {
-            sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s/%s",repert,nom_plan);
-            }
-          else
-          {
-            sscanf(nom_plan,"%s",nom_fic_canal);
-          }
-       test sur l'existence du fichier plan 
-       et ouverture du fichier plan
-  .......................................*/
-          num=SDstart(nom_fic_canal,DFACC_RDWR);
-          if (num!= -1)
-          {
-              sscanf(nom_plan,"%s",deb);
-  	      deb=deb+100;
-              sscanf(nom_plan,"%s",deb1);
-  	      deb1=deb1+100;
-              image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[nbplan]=num;
-/*         Recuperation des informations generales */
-              retn=SDfileinfo(num,&nbdataset,&nfileattribut);
-/*         Selection du Scientific Data Set contenant les donnees */
-              sds_id = SDselect(num,Ref);
-              image1->POS_OCTET[nbplan]=sds_id;
-/*         Recherche des attributs (taille, nb oct pix) */
-              status = SDgetinfo(sds_id,name,&nb_dim,val_dim,
-					&num_type,&attribute);
-/*         Verification que tous les plans ont la meme taille */
-              if (nbplan!=0)
-              {
-	        if ((*nb_lig!=val_dim[0])||(*nb_col!=val_dim[1]))
-                {            
-		   sprintf( CAI_ERREUR ,"Plans de taille differentes !\0");
-                   goto ERREUR;
-                }
-              }
-              *nb_lig=val_dim[0];
-              *nb_col=val_dim[1];
-              nbbit= num_type;  
-              nbplan=nbplan+1;
-           }
-           else
-           {
- 	     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR ,
-	       "Le fichier plan %s HDF n'existe pas\n" , nom_fic_canal );
-             goto ERREUR;
-           }
-        }
-        else
-          icr=99;
-      }
-   }
-  Decodage du nombre d'octets par pixel
-  ......................................*/
-  if ((retour==0)&&(icr!=99))
-  {
-    if (icr==2) 
-       image1->NB_BITS_PIX=Ref;
-    else
-       image1->NB_BITS_PIX=0;
-  Decodage du commentaire
-  ......................................*/
-     icr = fscanf(fic_in,"%s",label);
-     retour=strncmp(label,"COMMENT",7);
-     if (retour==0)
-		icr=99;
-  }
-  else
-       image1->NB_BITS_PIX=0;
-  Decodage du commentaire
-  ......................................*/
-  if (icr==99)
-     icr = fscanf(fic_in,"%s",image1->COMMENT);
-  else
-      strcpy(image1->COMMENT,"Pas de commentaire\0");
-/* Initialisation du nombre de plans */
-  *nb_can=nbplan;
-   Initialisation du nombre d'octets par pixel
-  ........................................................*/
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM :  prise en compte des I2,I4,UI2,UI4 et R8       */
-/*                             en lecture et ecriture                        */
-   if (nbbit==DFNT_INT8)
-   {
-	*nboct_pix=1;
-        if (image1->NB_BITS_PIX==0)
-           image1->NB_BITS_PIX=8;
-	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"OCT");
-   }
-   else if (nbbit==DFNT_UINT8)
-   {
-	*nboct_pix=1;
-        if (image1->NB_BITS_PIX==0)
-           image1->NB_BITS_PIX=8;
-	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"UOCT");
-   }
-   else if (nbbit==DFNT_INT16)
-   {
-	*nboct_pix=2;
-        if (image1->NB_BITS_PIX==0)
-           image1->NB_BITS_PIX=16;
-	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"I2");
-   }
-   else if (nbbit==DFNT_UINT16)
-   {
-	*nboct_pix=2;
-        if (image1->NB_BITS_PIX==0)
-           image1->NB_BITS_PIX=16;
-	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"UI2");
-   }
-/* MOD : 5.0 Prise en compte des images codées en I4 non signe*/
-   else if (nbbit==DFNT_INT32)
-   {
-	*nboct_pix=4;
-        if (image1->NB_BITS_PIX==0)
-           image1->NB_BITS_PIX=32;
-	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"I4");
-   }
-   else if (nbbit==DFNT_UINT32)
-   {
-	*nboct_pix=4;
-        if (image1->NB_BITS_PIX==0)
-           image1->NB_BITS_PIX=32;
-	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"UI4");
-   }
-   else if (nbbit==DFNT_FLOAT)
-   {
-	*nboct_pix=4;
-        if (image1->NB_BITS_PIX==0)
-           image1->NB_BITS_PIX=32;
-	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"R4");
-   }
-   else if (nbbit==DFNT_DOUBLE)
-   {
-	*nboct_pix=8;
-        if (image1->NB_BITS_PIX==0)
-           image1->NB_BITS_PIX=64;
-	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"R8");
-   }
-   else
-   {
- 	 sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR ,
-	   "Type de donnees non supporte par la Couche Acces Image\n" );
-         goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /*..................................
-   Fermeture du fichier 
-  ......................................*/
-   if (fic_in!=NULL) fclose(fic_in);
-    sortie normale 
-  ....................*/
-      return(image1);
-    sortie degradee 
-  ....................*/
-   if (fic_in!=NULL)    fclose(fic_in);
-   for (plan=0;plan<nbplan;plan++)
-   {
-     num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[plan];
-     if (num!=-1) retn=SDend(num);
-   }
-   return (NULL);
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_modifie_hdf16
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_inria.c b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_inria.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 79e85bd2fc527e1d4131646d300ea12200a03f41..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_inria.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1529 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                           */
-/* PROJET :    COUCHE ACCES IMAGE                                            */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MODULE :    cai_inria.c                                                   */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE   :    Ce module rassemble toutes les fonctions d'acces aux images   */
-/* -------     stockees au format inria                                      */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* AUTEUR :      R.CHAISEMARTIN     (CISI)                                   */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* DATE DE CREATION :    fevrier 1995                                        */
-/* -----------------						             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* LANGAGE : C                                                               */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V2                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 3.3 : DM:optimisation des acces                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.0 : DM: integration du module  ouverture en modification*/
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 :FA: Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation    */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : FA : verification que l'image est codee sur un ou 2 */
-/*octets par pixel (contrainte du format)                                    */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : DM : modifications pour compatibilite HP64bits      */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : modifications fopen binaire pour PC/NT         */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.4 : DM : modifications  open binaire pour PC/NT         */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : FA : test sur  fclose  pour PC/LINUX                */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.6 : FA: Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation   */
-/*			     memoire                                         */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : FA:  Correction  "PIXSIZE= %d bits\n"  au lieu de   */
-/*			       "PIXSIZE= bits\n" dans ouvre_creation         */
-/*                Inclusion des fichiers STANDARDS (.h)                      */
-# include <stdio.h>
-# include <string.h>
-# include <unistd.h>
-# include <sys/types.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-# include <sys/stat.h>
-# include <fcntl.h>
-# include <malloc.h>
-#define _CAI_IMAGE
-#define IN_CAI_INRIA
-# include "cai_image.h"
-/* Variable pour la  gestion en configuration                                 */
-static char *rcs_id="$Header: cai_inria.c,v 1.13 01/05/31 10:47:04 cmf Exp $";
-extern char *getenv();
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                Definition des OPERATIONS EXTERNES                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_liste_ima_inria                                        */
-/* ----------                                                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de listage des images au format inria                  */
-/* ------                                                                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :      int cai_liste_ima_inria(repert,tab_ima)           */
-/* -----------------                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     repert         (E) (char *)   : repertoire a explorer     	     */
-/*     tab_ima        (S) (char ***) : pointeur sur tableau  images listees  */
-/*                                    alloue par la fonction,il doit etre    */
-/*                                    LIBERE PAR L'APPELANT                  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_liste_ima_inria     (S) (int)     : = -1 repertoire inexistant    */                                    /*					       = > 0 nombre d'images listees */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION :  V2                                                             */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-long int cai_liste_ima_inria(char *repert,
-		       char ***tab_ima)
-   DIR *dirp;		/* pointeur sur structure ouverture repertoire */
-struct dirent *dp;   /* structure resultat de la fonction readdir   */
-   char *pch0,*pch1;    /* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres          */
-   char *pch2;          /* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres          */
-   char car;            /* variable de travail                         */  
-   int nb_ima;          /* nombre d'images inria identifiees           */
-   int i;		/* indice de boucle                            */
-   char nom_prec[100];  /* contient le nom du dernier fichier inria vu */
-   char pch3[100];      /* permet le transfert du nom de fichier trouve*/
-   initialisation et ouverture du repertoire
-  .........................................*/
-   nb_ima=0;
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   if(dirp!=NULL)
-   {
-   premiere passe pour comptabiliser les images du format donne
-      (EXTENSION =.xs)
-     ..........................................*/
-    strcpy(nom_prec,"11");
-    while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-    {
-     car='.';
-     pch0=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-     if (pch0 != NULL)
-     {
-       car='x';
-       pch1=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-       if ((pch1 != NULL)&&(pch1==pch0+1))
-       {
-         car='s';
-         pch2=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-         if ((pch2 != NULL)&&(pch2==pch1+1))
-           {
-              *pch0='\0';
-              *pch1=' ';
-	      *pch2=' ';
-              pch2=pch2+1;
-	      *pch2=' ';
-              pch2=pch2+1;
-              *pch2=' ';
-	      pch2=pch2+1;
-	      *pch2='\0';
-              strcpy(pch3,dp->d_name);
-              i=strcmp(nom_prec,pch3);
-              if (i!=0)
-              {
-                 strcpy(nom_prec,pch3);
-	         nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-              }
-           }
-       }
-     }
-   }
-    (void)closedir(dirp);
-     ......................................*/
-    *tab_ima = (char **) calloc(nb_ima,sizeof(char *));
-    for (i=0;i<nb_ima;i=i+1)
-      (*tab_ima)[i]=(char *)calloc(1,100);
-   deuxieme passe pour constituer la liste des images du format donne
-      (EXTENSION =.xs)
-   ..........................................*/
-  dirp=opendir(repert);
-   nb_ima=0;
-    strcpy(nom_prec,"11");
-    while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-    {
-     car='.';
-     pch0=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-     if (pch0 != NULL)
-     {
-       car='x';
-       pch1=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-       if ((pch1 != NULL)&&(pch1==pch0+1))
-       {
-         car='s';
-         pch2=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-         if ((pch2 != NULL)&&(pch2==pch1+1))
-           {
-              *pch0='\0';
-              *pch1=' ';
-	      *pch2=' ';
-              pch2=pch2+1;
-	      *pch2=' ';
-              pch2=pch2+1;
-              *pch2=' ';
-	      pch2=pch2+1;
-	      *pch2='\0';
-              strcpy(pch3,dp->d_name);
-              i=strcmp(nom_prec,pch3);
-              if (i!=0)
-              {
-                 strcpy(nom_prec,pch3);
-                 strcpy((*tab_ima)[nb_ima],dp->d_name);
-	         nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-              }
-           }
-       }
-     }
-   }
-    (void)closedir(dirp);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-     nb_ima=-1;
-   }
-    return(nb_ima);
-/* Fin de l'operation cai_liste_ima_inria
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_lecture_inria                                    */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture d'une image au format inria     */
-/* -----     et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :   CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_inria (nom_image,       */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_lecture_inria   (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb           */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */   /*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_inria(char *repert,
-				   char *nom_image,
-				   int  *nb_can,
-				   int  *nboct_pix,
-				   int  *nb_col,
-				   int  *nb_lig)
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   long  iret,k,n;		/* indicateur de retour ok ou pas           */
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char nom_fic_canal[1024];	/* nom du fichier canal a ouvrir	    */
-   char *deb,*deb1;		/* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres       */
-   char car[3];			/* indice du canal traite     		    */
-   int i,num;	                /* indice 				    */
-   char *buf_lec ;              /* buffer lecture entete inria              */
-   int nb_bits;		        /* nombre de bits par pixels                */
-   char str_no;                 /* variable de lecture                      */
-   short int n1;		/* variable de travail de lecture           */
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   *nb_lig=0;
-   *nb_col=0;
-   *nboct_pix=0;
-   *nb_can=0;
-   iret=1;
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.6: FA Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_lecture");
-    }
-   else
-   {
-  de ces fichiers
-  Recherche du nombre de canaux de l'image
-  .....................................................*/
-  deb = image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-  deb1= image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN;
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-       sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.xs",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.xs",nom_image);
-   }
-   for (i=0;i<50;i=i+1)
-   {
-         nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';
-         sscanf(nom_fic,"%s",nom_fic_canal);
-         sprintf(car,"%d",i);
-         strcat(nom_fic_canal,car);   
-         num=open(nom_fic_canal,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY,0);
-         if (num != -1)
-         {
-          if (*nb_can<CAI_NB_MAX_CAN)
-          {
-          sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb);
-          strcat(deb,".xs");
-          strcat(deb,car);
-          deb=deb+100;
-          sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb1);
-          strcat(deb1,".xs");
-          strcat(deb1,car);
-          deb1=deb1+100;
-          image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*nb_can]=num;
-	  *nb_can=*nb_can+1;
-          }
-         }
-     }
-     if ((*nb_can) == 0)
-     {
-        iret = 0;
-     }
-     else
-     {
-     Lecture du fichier entete
-  ............................................*/
-      buf_lec=(char *) calloc(256,sizeof(char));
-      if (buf_lec==NULL) 
-      {
-        iret=0;
-        strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoire dans cai_ouvre_lecture");
-      }
-      else
-      {
-     	num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[0];
-     	k=read(num,buf_lec,256);
-     	if (k!=256)
-     	{
-       		iret=0;
-       		strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture entete Inria");
-    	 }
-    	 else
-     	 {
-       Decodage de l'enregistrement (nouveu format inria)
-  .........................................*/
-        	if (buf_lec[10]=='4')
-        	{
-              		sscanf(&buf_lec[19],"%4d",nb_col);
-              		sscanf(&buf_lec[29],"%4d",nb_lig);
-	      		sscanf(&buf_lec[78],"%2d",&nb_bits);
-	      		/* le nombre recupere represente le nombre de */
-	      		/* bits ou le nombre d'octets codant un pixel */
-	      		/* cette information est transmise via le     */
-	      		/* parametre nboct_pix inutilise sur SUN   */
-	      		if ( (nb_bits==8) || (nb_bits==16) )
-	      			*nboct_pix = nb_bits/8;
-	      		else if ( (nb_bits==1) || (nb_bits==2) )
-				*nboct_pix =  nb_bits;
-              		image1->NB_BITS_PIX= nb_bits;
-              		for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-              		{
-                   		image1->POS_OCTET[i]=1024; 
-               		}
-          	}                        
-         	else
-         	{
-       Decodage de l'enregistrement (ancien format inria)
-  .........................................*/
-                 	lseek(num,0L,0);
-                 	n=read(num,(char*)&n1,2);
-                 	if (n<=0)
-	          	{
-        	    		 iret=0;
-          	    		 strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,
-					"Erreur lecture entete inria");
-        	  	}
-                 	*nb_col=(int)n1;
-                 	n=read(num,(char*)&n1,2);
-                 	if (n<=0)
-	          	{
-        	    		iret=0;
-          	     		strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,
-					"Erreur lecture entete inria");
-        	  	}
-                 	*nb_lig=(int)n1;
-                 	n=read(num,&str_no,1);
-                 	if (n<=0)
-	          	{
-        	     		iret=0;
-          	     		strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,
-					"Erreur lecture entete inria");
-        	  	}
-		  	nb_bits = (int)str_no;
-	      		/* le nombre recupere represente le nombre de */
-	      		/* bits ou le nombre d'octets codant un pixel */
-	      		/* cette information est transmise via le     */
-	      		/* parametre nboct_pix inutilise sur SUN   */
-	      		if ( (nb_bits==8) || (nb_bits==16) )
-	      			*nboct_pix = nb_bits/8;
-	      		else if ( (nb_bits==1) || (nb_bits==2) )
-				*nboct_pix = nb_bits;
-              		for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-              		{
-                  		 image1->POS_OCTET[i]=256;  
-              		} 
-        	}   
-        	if (*nboct_pix ==1)
-			sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"OCT");
-        	else
-			sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"I2");      
-      	 }
-      	free(buf_lec);        
-      }
-     }
-  }
-  if (iret == 0)
-  { 
-	return (NULL);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-	return (image1);
-   }
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_lecture_inria
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_creation_inria                                   */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de creation et d'ouverture en ecriture d'une image     */
-/* -----     au format inria et de tous les fichiers qui la composent        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL : CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_inria  (nom_image,       */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig,          */
-/*				                            label)           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*     nb_can         (E) (int )   : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (E) (int )   : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (E) (int )   : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (E) (int )   : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*     label          (E) (char *) : commentaire lie a l'image               */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_creation_inria   (S) (CAI_IMAGE *) : =NULL si pb            */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_inria(char *repert,
-				    char *nom_image,
-				    int  *nb_can,
-				    int  *nboct_pix,
-				    int  *nb_col,
-				    int  *nb_lig,
-				    char *label)
-   FILE *fic;		        /* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char nom_fic_canal[1024];    /* nom fichier canal dont on teste existence*/
-   int retour;			/* retour de fonction 			    */ 
-   char car[2];			/* indice du canal traite     		    */
-   int i,num;			/* indice 				    */
-   struct stat	buf_stat;	/* structure decrivant status de fichier    */
-   int i_oct,remplissage;       /* variables de travail                     */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : FA : verification que l'image est codee sur un ou 2 */
-/*octets par pixel (contrainte du format)                                    */
-   if ((*nboct_pix != 1)&&(*nboct_pix != 2))
-   {
-	image1 = NULL;
- 	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , 
-	 "Une image INRIA ne peutetre codee que sur un ou 2 octets par pixel");
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   image1 = NULL;
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 : FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_creation");
-     goto ERREUR;
-   }
-/* constitution du nom des fichiers a ecrire     */
-/* - si un canal : image.xs0			 */
-/* - si +sieurs canaux : image.xsi avec i=1->99	 */
-/* et insertion dans les tableaux                */
-/* SI l'image est panchromatique		 */
-  if (* nb_can == 1 )
-  {
-/*	constitution du nom du fichier avec	 */
-/*	l'extension .xs0 verif existence	 */
-   nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s/%s.xs0",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-       sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s.xs0",nom_image);
-   }
-   retour = stat ( nom_fic_canal , &buf_stat );
-   if ( retour == 0 )
-    { 
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "L'image %s INRIA existe \n" , nom_image );
-	goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/*	ecriture de l'entete dans le fichier     */
-/*	l'extension .xs0			 */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : modifications fopen binaire pour PC/NT         */
-   fic = fopen(nom_fic_canal,"wb");
-   if (fic == NULL)
-    {
-     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Creation %s impossible\n",nom_fic_canal);
-     goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   retour= fprintf ( fic , "#INRIMAGE-4#{\n" );
-   if ( retour == 0 )
-   {
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur : ecriture impossible dans fichier %s\n",
-	nom_fic_canal );
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   fprintf ( fic , "XDIM=%-4d\n" , *nb_col);
-   fprintf ( fic , "YDIM=%-4d\n" , *nb_lig );
-   fprintf ( fic , "ZDIM=%-2d\n" , 1 );
-   fprintf ( fic , "VDIM=%-2d\n" , 1 );
-   fprintf ( fic , "TYPE=unsigned fixed\n" );
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : FA:  Correction  "PIXSIZE= %d bits\n"  au lieu de   */
-/*			       "PIXSIZE= bits\n" dans ouvre_creation         */
-   fprintf ( fic , "PIXSIZE= %d bits\n" , (*nboct_pix)*8 );
-   if (*nboct_pix == 1)
-   {
-	fprintf ( fic , "SCALE=1**0\n" );
-	remplissage = 916;
-    }
-   else
-   {
-	fprintf ( fic , "SCALE=2**16\n" );
-	remplissage = 915;
-    }
-    fprintf ( fic , "CPU=sun\n" );
-    for ( i_oct = 0 ; i_oct < remplissage ; i_oct++ )
-    {
-	fprintf ( fic , "\n" );
-    }
-    fprintf ( fic , "##}\n" );
-    if (fic!=NULL) fclose(fic);
-/*  ouverture pour ecriture radiometrie	         */
-   num = open(nom_fic_canal,O_RDWR|O_BINARY,0);
-   if (num == -1)
-   {
-     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Creation %s impossible\n",nom_fic_canal);
-     goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[0]=num;
-   image1->POS_OCTET[0]=1024;
-  }
-/* SINON 					 */
-  else
-  {  
-/*	POUR chacun des canaux			 */
-   for ( i= 0 ; i < *nb_can ; i=i+1)
-   {
-/*  constitution du nom du fichier extension .xsi */
-    nom_fic[0]='\0';
-    if ((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-    {
-       sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s/%s.xs%d",repert,nom_image,i+1);
-    }
-   else
-   {
-       sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s.xs%d",nom_image,i+1);
-   }
-    retour = stat ( nom_fic_canal , &buf_stat );
-    if ( retour == 0 )
-    { 
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "L'image %s INRIA existe \n" , nom_image );
-	goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/*	ecriture de l'entete dans le fichier     */
-/*	l'extension .xsi+1			 */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : modifications fopen binaire pour PC/NT         */
-    fic = fopen(nom_fic_canal,"wb");
-    if (fic == NULL)
-    {
-     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Creation %s impossible\n",nom_fic_canal);
-     goto ERREUR;
-    }
-    retour= fprintf ( fic , "#INRIMAGE-4#{\n" );
-    if ( retour == 0 )
-    {
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur : ecriture impossible dans fichier %s\n",
-	nom_fic_canal );
-	goto ERREUR;
-    }
-    fprintf ( fic , "XDIM=%-4d\n" , *nb_col);
-    fprintf ( fic , "YDIM=%-4d\n" , *nb_lig );
-    fprintf ( fic , "ZDIM=%-2d\n" , 1 );
-    fprintf ( fic , "VDIM=%-2d\n" , 1 );
-    fprintf ( fic , "TYPE=unsigned fixed\n" );
-    fprintf ( fic , "PIXSIZE=%d bits\n" , (*nboct_pix)*8 );
-    if (*nboct_pix == 1)
-    {
-	fprintf ( fic , "SCALE=1**0\n" );
-	remplissage = 916;
-     }
-     else
-     {
-	fprintf ( fic , "SCALE=2**16\n" );
-	remplissage = 915;
-     }
-     fprintf ( fic , "CPU=sun\n" );
-     for ( i_oct = 0 ; i_oct < remplissage ; i_oct++ )
-     {
-	fprintf ( fic , "\n" );
-     }
-     fprintf ( fic , "##}\n" );
-     fclose(fic);
-/*  ouverture pour ecriture radiometrie	         */
-    num = open(nom_fic_canal,O_RDWR|O_BINARY,0);
-    if (num == -1)
-   {
-     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Creation %s impossible\n",nom_fic_canal);
-     goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=num;
-   image1->POS_OCTET[i]=1024;
-  }
- }
-  return (image1);
-  if (image1 !=NULL) free(image1);
-  return(NULL);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_creation_inria
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_lecture_canal_inria                                    */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de lecture d'un canal d'une image inria                */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_inria(image1, canal,      */       		      /* ------------------                              premiere_ligne,           */
-/*                                                 premiere_colonne,         */
-/*                                                 nombre_lignes_lire ,      */
-/*                                                 nombre_colonnes_lire,     */
-/*                                                 pas_ligne ,pas_colonne,   */
-/*                 		                   data_image )              */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*     canal                (E) (int) : numero du canal a lire               */
-/*     premiere_ligne       (E) (int) : premiere ligne a lire dans l'image   */
-/*     premiere _colonne    (E) (int) : premiere colonne a lire dans l'image */
-/*     nombre_lignes_lire   (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a lire              */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_lire (E) (int) : nombre de colonnes a lire            */
-/*     pas_ligne            (E) (int) : pas en ligne                         */
-/*     pas_colonne          (E) (int) : pas en colonne                       */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels lus alloue et     */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_lecture_canal_inria   (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb            */
-/*                                                 = CAI_OK si OK            */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_inria(CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,  
-                            	  int *canal ,           
-    		           	  int *premiere_ligne  ,   
-     		          	  int *premiere_colonne,
-                          	  int *nombre_lignes_lire ,
-                          	  int *nombre_colonnes_lire,
-                          	  int *pas_ligne ,          
-                          	  int *pas_colonne,
-		           	  unsigned char *data_image )        
- int   num,i,j;             /* variables de travail                          */
- long pt_oct,n;		    /* position courante dans le fichier image       */
- long no_oct;               /* numero du premier octet a lire                */
- long iret,k;               /* indicateur d'erreur                           */
- int lig;                   /* indice de boucle sur les lignes               */
- int   oct_pix;             /* nb octets par pixels                          */
- long  nb_oct;              /* nb oct =1er octet a lire - position courante  */
- long  oct_lig;             /* nb oct. par ligne en considerant taille pixel */
- unsigned char *buf_lec;    /* buffer lecture d'une  ligne                   */
- unsigned char *deb,*pch;   /* pointeur chaine pour transfert  buffer sortie */
-  Initialisations diverses
-  ..........................*/
-   iret=CAI_OK;
-   num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*canal-1];
-   oct_pix=image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-   oct_lig=oct_pix*image1->NB_COL;
-/* verification si lecture image entiere */
-  if ((*nombre_lignes_lire==image1->NB_LIG)&&(*nombre_colonnes_lire==image1->NB_COL)
-       &&(*pas_ligne==1)&&(*pas_colonne==1))
-  {
-       oct_lig=oct_pix*(image1->NB_COL)*(image1->NB_LIG);
-    /* positionnement en debut de fichier */
-       pt_oct=(long int)lseek(num,0L,0);
-   /* lecture du canal complet */
-      n=read(num,data_image,oct_lig);
-      if (n<=0)
-      {
-             iret=CAI_KO;
-             strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture donnee image INRIA");
-       }
-        else
-             iret=CAI_OK;
-   }
-  else
-  {
-        allocation de memoire pour lire une ligne image
- ............................................. */
-   buf_lec = (unsigned char *) calloc(oct_lig,sizeof(unsigned char));
-   if (buf_lec == NULL)
-   {
-      iret=CAI_KO;
-      strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Probleme allocation memoire");
-   }
-   else
-   {
-        Initialisation
-  ......................*/
-        lig=*premiere_ligne;
-        i=1;
-        pch=data_image;
-         Pour chaque ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-        while ((i <= *nombre_lignes_lire)&&(iret==CAI_OK))
-        {  
-	    Recherche de la position courante dans le fichier
-  ............................................*/
-            pt_oct=lseek(num,0L,1);
-            Calcul du numero du 1er octet a lire
-  ....................................*/
-            no_oct=image1->POS_OCTET[*canal-1]+((lig-1)*oct_lig);
-            Saut d'octets pour etre positionne sur la ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-            nb_oct=(long)(no_oct-pt_oct);
-            lseek(num,nb_oct,1);
-            lecture d'une ligne image
-  ................................................*/
-            n=read(num,buf_lec,oct_lig);
-            if (n<=0)
-            {
-             iret=CAI_KO;
-             strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture donnee image INRIA");
-             }
-            else
-            { 
-             Sauvegarde des donnees lues entenant compte du pas 
-             d'echantillonnage en colonne
-  ........................................*/           
-             deb=buf_lec+((*premiere_colonne)-1)*oct_pix;
-             j=1;
-             while (j <= *nombre_colonnes_lire)
-	     {  
-               for (k=0;k<oct_pix;k=k+1)
-                {
-                  *(pch+k)=*(deb+k);
-                 }
-              j=j+1;
-              deb=deb+((*pas_colonne)*oct_pix);
-	      pch=pch+oct_pix;
-             }   
-            }
-          i=i+1;
-          lig=lig+(*pas_ligne);
-        }        
-	free(buf_lec);
-     }
-   }
-   return(iret);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_lecture_canal_inria
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ecriture_canal_inria                                   */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ecriture d'un canal d'une image inria                */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :    CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_inria(image1, canal,   */       		      /* ------------------                                 premiere_ligne,        */
-/*                                                    nombre_lignes_ecrire,  */
-/*                                                    nombre_colonnes_ecrire,*/
-/*                 		                      data_image )           */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)   : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier */
-/*     canal                 (E) (int) : numero du canal a ecrire            */
-/*     premiere_ligne        (E) (int) : premiere ligne a ecrire ds l'image  */
-/*     nombre_lignes_ecrire  (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_ecrire(E) (int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels ecris alloue et   */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ecriture_canal_inria      (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb        */
-/*                                                     = CAI_OK si OK        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_inria (CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,  
-                                      int *canal ,           
-    		                      int *premiere_ligne  ,   
-                                      int *nombre_lignes_ecrire ,
-                                      int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire,
-		                      unsigned char *data_image )    
-long	position_first_lig;	/* position de la 1ere ligne a ecrire    */
-long	position_courante;	/* position courante dans le fichier     */
-long	deplacement;		/* deplacement a effectuer		 */
-int	i_ligne;		/* compteur de lignes 			 */
-unsigned char *buff_lig;	/* tableau contenant une ligne a ecrire  */
-long	cr_write;		/* code retour de write 		 */
-int num;                        /* descripteur de fichier		 */
-int nboct_pix;			/* nombre d'octets par pixel             */
-int tot_pix;                    /* nb de pixels total a ecrire           */
-/* initialisations */
-i_ligne = 0;
-num = image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*canal-1];
-nboct_pix = image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-/* verification si ecriture image entiere */
-  if ((*nombre_lignes_ecrire==image1->NB_LIG)&&
-		(*nombre_colonnes_ecrire==image1->NB_COL))
-  {
-       tot_pix=nboct_pix*(image1->NB_COL)*(image1->NB_LIG);
-    /* positionnement en debut de fichier */
-       position_first_lig=lseek(num,0L,0);
-   /* ecriture du canal complet */
-      cr_write = write ( num , data_image,tot_pix);
-      if (cr_write != nboct_pix)
-      {
-              strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ecriture donnee image INRIA");
-             goto ERREUR;
-       }
-   }
-  else
-  {
-/* Calcul de la position de la premiere ligne a ecrire 	*/ 
-position_first_lig =
-	(long) ( image1->POS_OCTET[*canal-1] + 
-               ((*premiere_ligne) - 1) *(*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) * nboct_pix );
-/* Recuperation de la position courante			*/
-position_courante = lseek ( num , 0L , 1 );
-/* Deplacement jusqu'a la premiere ligne a ecrire	*/
-deplacement = position_first_lig - position_courante;
-lseek ( num , deplacement , 1 ); 
-/* TANT QUE il y a des lignes a ecrire                 	*/
-while (i_ligne < (*nombre_lignes_ecrire))
-/*	extraction de la ligne du tableau 		*/
-	buff_lig = data_image +(*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) * nboct_pix * i_ligne;
-/*	ecriture de la ligne				*/
-	cr_write = write ( num , buff_lig ,(*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) * nboct_pix );
-	if ( cr_write !=(*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) * nboct_pix )
-	{
-		strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture canal image inria\n" );
-		goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*	incrementation du nombre de lignes		*/
-	i_ligne++;
-/* FIN TANT QUE						*/
-  }
-return (CAI_OK);
-return (CAI_KO);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ecriture_canal_inria
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ferme_inria                                            */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de fermeture d'une image au format inria et de         */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent 			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_inria(image1)                     */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ferme_inria      (S) (CAI_OK_KO) :   = CA_KO si pb                */
-/*                                              = CAI_OK si OK               */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_inria (CAI_IMAGE *image1)
- int iret;    /* code retour de l'operation      */
- int i_can;   /* indice du canal a fermer        */
- int num;     /* descripteur du fichier a fermer */
- iret=CAI_OK;
-   Fermeture des fichiers image 
-  .............................................*/
-   for (i_can=0;i_can<image1->NB_CANAUX;i_can=i_can+1)
-   {
-     num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i_can];
-     if (num>0) close(num);
-    }
-  return (iret);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ferme_inria
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_dest_ima_inria                                         */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de destruction d'une image stocke en inria et de       */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent  			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_inria(format,nom_ima)          */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*     format       (E) (char *) : format de l'image a detruire              */
-/*     nom_image    (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a detruire avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_dest_ima_inria   (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb                 */
-/*                                            = CAI_OK si OK                 */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO  cai_dest_ima_inria ( char *repertoire , 
-                       		char *nom_ima )
-int	i_can;			/* compteur de canaux */
-long     iret;                  /* code retour fonction fermetrue lecture */
-char	str_num_canal[3];	/* suffixe numero du canal */
-char	nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier entete a detruire */
-char    nom_ima_complet[1024];  /* repertoire + nom de l'image */
-char	nom_fic_canal[1024];	/* nom du fichier canal a detruire */
-int	cr_stat;		/* code retour de fonction status de fichier */
-struct stat buf_stat;		/* structure decrivant status de fichier */ 
-CAI_IMAGE   *image1;             /* structure ouverture image */
-int         nb_can;	        /* nombre de canaux de l'image */
-int         nboct_pix;		/* nombre d'octets par pixel image */
-int         nb_col;	        /* nombre de colonnes de l'image */
-int         nb_lig;             /* nombre de lignes de l'image */
-/* Constitution du nom du fichier d'entete	*/
-if ((long int)strlen(repertoire)!= 0)
-  sprintf ( nom_ima_complet, "%s/%s",repertoire,nom_ima );
-  strcpy ( nom_ima_complet , nom_ima);
-sprintf(nom_fic ,"%s.xs", nom_ima_complet);
-/* Extraction des caracteristiques de l'image 	*/
-/* du fichier entete par l'appel a la fonction	*/
-/* cai_ouvre_lecture_inria			*/
-  image1 = cai_ouvre_lecture_inria ( repertoire,nom_ima, &nb_can ,&nboct_pix ,
-				     &nb_col , &nb_lig );	
-  if ( image1 == NULL) goto ERREUR;
-  image1->NB_CANAUX=nb_can;
-  image1->NB_COL=nb_col;
-  image1->NB_LIG=nb_lig;
-  image1->NBOCT_PIX=nboct_pix;
-  iret=cai_ferme_inria(image1);
-  image1 = NULL;
-/* Recherche de tous les fichiers au nom 	*/
-/* de l'image comportant une extension  	*/
-/*.xsi avec i = 0 -> nb_can et destruction	*/
-for ( i_can = 0 ; i_can < nb_can+1 ; i_can++ )
-	nom_fic_canal[0] = '\0';
-	sscanf ( nom_fic , "%s" , nom_fic_canal );
-	sprintf ( str_num_canal , "%d" , i_can );
-	strcat ( nom_fic_canal , str_num_canal );
-	nom_fic_canal[strlen(nom_ima_complet)+3+strlen(str_num_canal)]='\0';
-	cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic_canal , &buf_stat );
-	if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-	{
-		/* le fichier existe => destruction */
-		unlink ( nom_fic_canal );
-	}
-return (CAI_OK);
-return (CAI_KO);
- Fin de l'operation cai_dest_ima_inria
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_modifie_inria                                    */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture-ecriture d'une image au format  */
-/* -----     inria et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :   CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_inria (nom_image,       */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_modifie_inria   (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb           */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */   /*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_inria(char *repert,
-				   char *nom_image,
-				   int  *nb_can,
-				   int  *nboct_pix,
-				   int  *nb_col,
-				   int  *nb_lig)
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   int  iret;			/* indicateur de retour ok ou pas           */
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char nom_fic_canal[1024];	/* nom du fichier canal a ouvrir	    */
-   char *deb,*deb1;		/* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres       */
-   char car[3];			/* indice du canal traite     		    */
-   int i,num;	                /* indice 				    */
-   char *buf_lec ;              /* buffer lecture entete inria              */
-   int nb_bits;		        /* nombre de bits par pixels                */
-   char str_no;                 /* variable de lecture                      */
-   short int n1;		/* variable de travail de lecture           */
-   long k,n;
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   *nb_lig=0;
-   *nb_col=0;
-   *nboct_pix=0;
-   *nb_can=0;
-   iret=1;
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1: FA Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoire dans cai_ouvre_modifie");
-    }
-   else
-   {
-  de ces fichiers
-  Recherche du nombre de canaux de l'image
-  .....................................................*/
-  deb = image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-  deb1= image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN;
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-       sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.xs",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.xs",nom_image);
-   }
-   for (i=0;i<50;i=i+1)
-   {
-         nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';
-         sscanf(nom_fic,"%s",nom_fic_canal);
-         sprintf(car,"%d",i);
-         strcat(nom_fic_canal,car);   
-         num=open(nom_fic_canal,O_RDWR|O_BINARY,0);
-         if (num != -1)
-         {
-          if (*nb_can<100)
-          {
-          sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb);
-          strcat(deb,".xs");
-          strcat(deb,car);
-          deb=deb+100;
-          sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb1);
-          strcat(deb1,".xs");
-          strcat(deb1,car);
-          deb1=deb1+100;
-          image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*nb_can]=num;
-	  *nb_can=*nb_can+1;
-          }
-         }
-     }
-     if ((*nb_can) == 0)
-     {
-        iret = 0;
-     }
-     else
-     {
-     Lecture du fichier entete
-  ............................................*/
-      buf_lec=(char *) calloc(256,sizeof(char));
-      if (buf_lec==NULL) 
-      {
-        iret=0;
-        strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoire dans cai_ouvre_modifie");
-      }
-      else
-      {
-     	num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[0];
-     	k=read(num,buf_lec,256);
-     	if (k!=256)
-     	{
-       		iret=0;
-       		strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture entete Inria");
-    	 }
-    	 else
-     	 {
-       Decodage de l'enregistrement (nouveu format inria)
-  .........................................*/
-        	if (buf_lec[10]=='4')
-        	{
-              		sscanf(&buf_lec[19],"%4d",nb_col);
-              		sscanf(&buf_lec[29],"%4d",nb_lig);
-	      		sscanf(&buf_lec[78],"%2d",&nb_bits);
-	      		/* le nombre recupere represente le nombre de */
-	      		/* bits ou le nombre d'octets codant un pixel */
-	      		/* cette information est transmise via le     */
-	      		/* parametre nboct_pix inutilise sur SUN   */
-	      		if ( (nb_bits==8) || (nb_bits==16) )
-	      			*nboct_pix = nb_bits/8;
-	      		else if ( (nb_bits==1) || (nb_bits==2) )
-				*nboct_pix =  nb_bits;
-              		image1->NB_BITS_PIX= nb_bits;
-              		for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-              		{
-                   		image1->POS_OCTET[i]=1024; 
-               		}
-          	}                        
-         	else
-         	{
-       Decodage de l'enregistrement (ancien format inria)
-  .........................................*/
-                 	lseek(num,0L,0);
-                 	n=read(num,(char*)&n1,2);
-                 	if (n<=0)
-	          	{
-        	    		 iret=0;
-          	    		 strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,
-					"Erreur lecture entete inria");
-        	  	}
-                 	*nb_col=(int)n1;
-                 	n=read(num,(char*)&n1,2);
-                 	if (n<=0)
-	          	{
-        	    		iret=0;
-          	     		strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,
-					"Erreur lecture entete inria");
-        	  	}
-                 	*nb_lig=(int)n1;
-                 	n=read(num,&str_no,1);
-                 	if (n<=0)
-	          	{
-        	     		iret=0;
-          	     		strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,
-					"Erreur lecture entete inria");
-        	  	}
-		  	nb_bits = (int)str_no;
-	      		/* le nombre recupere represente le nombre de */
-	      		/* bits ou le nombre d'octets codant un pixel */
-	      		/* cette information est transmise via le     */
-	      		/* parametre nboct_pix inutilise sur SUN   */
-	      		if ( (nb_bits==8) || (nb_bits==16) )
-	      			*nboct_pix = nb_bits/8;
-	      		else if ( (nb_bits==1) || (nb_bits==2) )
-				*nboct_pix = nb_bits;
-              		for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-              		{
-                  		 image1->POS_OCTET[i]=256;  
-              		} 
-        	}   
-        	if (*nboct_pix ==1)
-			sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"OCT");
-        	else
-			sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"I2");      
-      	 }
-      	free(buf_lec);        
-      }
-     }
-  }
-  if (iret == 0)
-  { 
-	return (NULL);
-  }
-  else
-  {
-	return (image1);
-  }
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_modifie_inria
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_jpeg.c b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_jpeg.c
deleted file mode 100755
index ef2176cbd067a636d437f7f356a4faed9404657a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_jpeg.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1008 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                           */
-/* PROJET :    COUCHE ACCES IMAGE                                            */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MODULE :    cai_jpeg.c                                                    */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE   :    Ce module rassemble toutes les fonctions d'acces aux images   */
-/* -------     stockees au format jpeg                                       */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* AUTEUR :      R.CHAISEMARTIN     (CISI)                                   */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* DATE DE CREATION :    Octobre 1998                                        */
-/* -----------------						             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* LANGAGE : C                                                               */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V4.0                                                            */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION :2 : DM :optimisation                                       */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 :FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 :FA:Verification que le nombre d'octets par pixel est */
-/* egal a 1 et le nombre de canaux est 1 ou 3. jpeg est un format de         */
-/* restitution							             */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : DM : modifications pour compatibilite HP64bits      */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : FA : test sur  fclose  pour PC/LINUX                */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.8 : FA : modifiation fermeture avant decompression      */
-/*                Inclusion des fichiers STANDARDS (.h)                      */
-# include <stdio.h>
-# include <string.h>
-# include <stdlib.h>
-# include <unistd.h>
-# include <sys/types.h>
-# include <dirent.h>
-# include <sys/stat.h>
-# include <fcntl.h>
-#define _CAI_IMAGE
-#define IN_CAI_JPEG
-# include "cai_image.h"
-/* Variable pour la  gestion en configuration                                 */
-static char *rcs_id="$Header: cai_jpeg.c,v 1.4 01/05/31 10:47:32 cmf Exp $";
-extern char *getenv();
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                Definition des OPERATIONS EXTERNES                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_liste_ima_jpeg                                         */
-/* ----------                                                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de listage des images au format jpeg                   */
-/* ------                                                                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :      int cai_liste_ima_jpeg(repert,tab_ima)            */
-/* -----------------                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     repert       (E) (char *)   : repertoire a explorer		     */
-/*     tab_ima      (S) (char ***) : pointeur sur tableau des images listees */
-/*                                    alloue par la fonction,il doit etre    */
-/*                                    LIBERE PAR L'APPELANT                  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_liste_ima_jpeg       (S) (int)     : = -1 repertoire inexistant   */                                    /*					       = > 0 nombre d'images listees */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION :  V2                                                             */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-long int cai_liste_ima_jpeg (char *repert,
-		               char ***tab_ima)
-   DIR *dirp;		/* pointeur sur structure ouverture repertoire */
-   struct dirent *dp;   /* structure resultat de la fonction readdir   */
-   char *pch0,*pch1;    /* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres          */ 
-   int nb_ima;          /* nombre d'images jpeg identifiees             */
-   long int i;          /* indice de boucle                            */
-   long int ll,dif;     /* variables de travail                        */
-   char blanc;          /* caractere blanc                             */
-   INITIALISATION et ouverture du repertoire choisi
-  .........................................*/
-   nb_ima=0;
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   blanc = ' ';
-   if(dirp!=NULL)
-   {
-   premiere passe pour comptabiliser les images du format donne
-      (EXTENSION =.jpg)
-   ..........................................*/
-   while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-   {
-     pch0=strstr(dp->d_name,".jpg");
-     if (pch0 != NULL)
-     {
-        ll = strlen(dp->d_name);
-        dif = (long)(dp->d_name-pch0);
-        dif=labs(dif);
-        pch1=pch0+4;
-        if (((ll-4)==dif)||((*pch1)==blanc))
-	     nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-     }
-   }
-    (void)closedir(dirp);
-     ......................................*/
-    *tab_ima = (char **) calloc(nb_ima,sizeof(char *));
-    for (i=0;i<nb_ima;i=i+1)
-      (*tab_ima)[i]=(char *)calloc(1,100);
-   deuxieme passe pour constituer la liste des images du format donne
-      (EXTENSION =.jpeg)
-   ..........................................*/
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   nb_ima=0;
-   while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-   {
-     pch0=strstr(dp->d_name,".jpg");
-     if (pch0 != NULL)
-     {
-        ll = strlen(dp->d_name);
-        dif = (long)(dp->d_name-pch0);
-        dif=labs(dif);
-        pch1=pch0+4;
-        if (((ll-4)==dif)||((*pch1)==blanc))
-        {
-            *pch0='\0';
-            strcpy((*tab_ima)[nb_ima],dp->d_name);
-	    nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-        }
-     }
-   }
-    (void)closedir(dirp);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-    /* repertoire inexistant */
-     nb_ima=-1;
-     }
-    return(nb_ima);
-/* Fin de l'operation cai_liste_ima_jpeg
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_lecture_jpeg                                     */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture d'une image au format jpeg      */
-/* -----     et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :     CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_jpeg (nom_image,      */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_lecture_jpeg     (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb           */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */   /*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_jpeg(char *repert,
-				 char *nom_image,
-				 int  *nb_can,
-				 int  *nboct_pix,
-				 int  *nb_col,
-				 int  *nb_lig)
-   FILE *fic_in;		/* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   int  iret;			/* indicateur de retour ok ou pas           */
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char nom_fic_canal[1024];    /* nom fichier canal dont on teste existence*/
-   char label[80];		/* contient un enregistrement du fichier    */
-   int nbbit;			/* nb de bits par pixel du fichier en-tete  */
-   int retour;			/* retour de la fonction comparaison chaines*/ 
-   char *deb,*deb1;		/* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres       */
-   int i,num;			/* indice 				    */
-   int nbplan;			/* nombre de canaux dans le fichier en-tete */
-   char COD_PIX[80];	        /* type de codage du pixel (optionnel)      */
-   struct jpeg_decompress_struct *cinfo;
-   static struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
-   /*........................................
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   *nb_can=0;
-   *nb_lig=0;
-   *nb_col=0;
-   *nboct_pix=0;
-   iret=1;
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-   cinfo = (struct jpeg_decompress_struct *)calloc(1,
-				sizeof(struct jpeg_decompress_struct));
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 :FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-   if ((image1==NULL)||(cinfo==NULL))
-   {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoire dans cai_ouvre_lecture");
-    }
-   else
-   {
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.jpg",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.jpg",nom_image);
-   }
-   Ouverture du fichier entete
-  ..........................................*/
-   fic_in=NULL;
-   fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"rb");
-   if (fic_in==NULL)
-   {
-     iret=0;
-     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier entete JPEG %s",nom_fic);
-     free(cinfo);
-     cinfo = NULL;
-     image1->ACCES_CANAL_JPEG_LEC=cinfo;
-    }
-   else
-   {
- 	cinfo->err=jpeg_std_error(&jerr);
- 	jpeg_create_decompress(cinfo);
- 	jpeg_stdio_src(cinfo,fic_in);
-        (void) jpeg_read_header(cinfo,TRUE);
-	jpeg_start_decompress(cinfo);
-        *nb_can = cinfo->num_components;
-        *nb_lig = cinfo->image_height;
-        *nb_col = cinfo->image_width;
-        *nboct_pix = 1;
-	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"OCT");
-        image1->ACCES_CANAL_JPEG_LEC=cinfo;
-        image1->ACCES_FILE_JPEG=fic_in;
-        image1->POS_OCTET[0]=CAI_JPEG_LECTURE;
-    }
-  .....................................................*/
-     nom_fic[0]='\0';
-     nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';
-    if((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-    {
-	sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s/%s.jpg",repert,nom_image);
-    }
-    else
-    {
- 	sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s.jpg",nom_image);
-    }
-    deb = image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-    deb1= image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN;
-    for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-    {
-           sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb);
-  	   deb=deb+100;
-           sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb1);
-  	   deb1=deb1+100;
-           image1->POS_OCTET[i]=0;
-    }
-   }
-   if (iret == 0)
-   {
-	return (NULL);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      return(image1);
-   }
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_lecture_jpeg
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_creation_jpeg                                    */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de creation et d'ouverture en ecriture d'une image     */
-/* -----     au format jpeg et de tous les fichiers qui la composent         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :    CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_jpeg (nom_image,      */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig,          */
-/*				                            label)           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*     nb_can         (E) (int )   : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (E) (int )   : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (E) (int )   : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (E) (int )   : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*     label          (E) (char *) : commentaire lie a l'image               */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_creation_jpeg     (S) (CAI_IMAGE *) : =NULL si pb           */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_jpeg(char *repert,
-				  char *nom_image,
-				  int  *nb_can,
-				  int  *nboct_pix,
-				  int  *nb_col,
-				  int  *nb_lig,
-				  char *label)
-   FILE *fic;		        /* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char nom_fic_canal[1024];    /* nom fichier canal dont on teste existence*/
-   int retour;			/* retour de fonction 			    */ 
-   int i,nboctet;		/* indice 				    */
-   struct stat	buf_stat;	/* structure decrivant status de fichier    */
-   struct jpeg_compress_struct *cinfo;
-   static struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 :FA:Verification que le nombre d'octets par pixel est */
-/* egal a 1 et le nombre de canaux est 1 ou 3. jpeg est un format de         */
-/* restitution							             */
-/* Verification sur le nombre d'octets par pixel */
-   if (*nboct_pix !=1)
-   {
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur une image jpeg ne peut etre codee que sur un seul octet");
-     goto ERREUR;
-   }
-/* Verification sur le nombre de canaux */
-   if ((*nb_can !=1)&&(*nb_can !=3))
-   {
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur une image jpeg a 1 ou 3 canaux exclusivement");
-     goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 :FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_creation");
-     goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   Constitution du nom du fichier  et verification qu'il
-   n'existe pas deja
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-	sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.jpg",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-	sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.jpg",nom_image);
-    }
-   retour = stat ( nom_fic , &buf_stat );
-   if ( retour == 0 )
-   { 
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "L'image %s JPEG existe \n" , nom_image );
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-/* allocation du tableau contenant l'image entiere */
-   nboctet = (*nb_col)*(*nb_lig)*(*nb_can);
-   image1->image_JPEG = (JSAMPLE *) calloc(nboctet,sizeof(JSAMPLE));
-   if (image1->image_JPEG==NULL)
-   {
-	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoire image JPEG");
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   Ouverture du fichier en ecriture avec allocation de la structure
-  .................................................................*/
-   cinfo = (struct jpeg_compress_struct *)calloc(1,
-				sizeof(struct jpeg_compress_struct));
-   if (cinfo==NULL)
-   {
-      strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_creation");
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   cinfo->err=jpeg_std_error(&jerr);
-/* Now we can initialize the JPEG compression object. */
-   jpeg_create_compress(cinfo);
-   fic = fopen(nom_fic,"wb"); 
-   if (fic == NULL)
-   {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Creation fichier %s impossible\n",nom_fic);
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   image1->ACCES_FILE_JPEG = fic;;
-   jpeg_stdio_dest(cinfo, fic);
-  /*  set parameters for compression */
-  /* First we supply a description of the input image.
-   * Four fields of the cinfo struct must be filled in:
-   */
-   cinfo->image_width = *nb_col; 	
-   cinfo->image_height = *nb_lig;
-   cinfo->input_components = *nb_can;	/* # of color components per pixel */
-   if (*nb_can==1)
-     cinfo->in_color_space = JCS_GRAYSCALE;
-   else
-     cinfo->in_color_space = JCS_RGB; /* colorspace of input image */
-  /* Now use the library's routine to set default compression parameters.
-   * (You must set at least cinfo.in_color_space before calling this,
-   * since the defaults depend on the source color space.)
-   */
-   jpeg_set_defaults(cinfo);
-  /* Now you can set any non-default parameters you wish to.
-   * Here we just illustrate the use of quality (quantization table) scaling:
-   */
-   jpeg_set_quality(cinfo, 90, TRUE /* limit to baseline-JPEG values */);
-  /* Start compressor */
-  /* TRUE ensures that we will write a complete interchange-JPEG file.
-   * Pass TRUE unless you are very sure of what you're doing.
-   */
-   jpeg_start_compress(cinfo, TRUE);
-   image1->ACCES_CANAL_JPEG_ECR = cinfo;
-   image1->NBOCT_PIX = 1;
-   return (image1);
-  return(NULL);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_creation_jpeg
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_lecture_canal_jpeg                                     */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de lecture d'un canal d'une image jpeg                 */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_jpeg(image1, canal,       */       		      /* ------------------                            premiere_ligne,             */
-/*                                               premiere_colonne,           */
-/*                                               nombre_lignes_lire ,        */
-/*                                               nombre_colonnes_lire,       */
-/*                                               pas_ligne ,pas_colonne,     */
-/*                 		                 data_image )                */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*     canal                (E) (int) : numero du canal a lire               */
-/*     premiere_ligne       (E) (int) : premiere ligne a lire dans l'image   */
-/*     premiere _colonne    (E) (int) : premiere colonne a lire dans l'image */
-/*     nombre_lignes_lire   (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a lire              */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_lire (E) (int) : nombre de colonnes a lire            */
-/*     pas_ligne            (E) (int) : pas en ligne                         */
-/*     pas_colonne          (E) (int) : pas en colonne                       */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels lus alloue et     */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_lecture_canal_jpeg     (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb           */
-/*                                                 = CAI_OK si OK            */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_jpeg(CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,  
-                                int *canal ,           
-    		          	int *premiere_ligne  ,   
-     		          	int *premiere_colonne,
-                         	int *nombre_lignes_lire ,
-                          	int *nombre_colonnes_lire,
-                          	int *pas_ligne ,          
-                          	int *pas_colonne,
-		          	unsigned char *data_image )        
- JSAMPARRAY buffer;
- struct jpeg_decompress_struct *cinfo;
- static struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
- int i,j,k,n;               /* variables de travail                          */
- int pt_oct;		    /* position courante dans le fichier image       */
- int no_oct;                /* numero du premier octet a lire                */
- int iret;                  /* indicateur d'erreur                           */
- int lig;                   /* indice de boucle sur les lignes               */
- int   oct_pix;             /* nb octets par pixels                          */
- long  nb_oct;              /* nb oct =1er octet a lire - position courante  */
- int  oct_lig;             /* nb oct. par ligne en considerant taille pixel */
- int  nbcan;               /* nombre de canaux de l'image                   */
- unsigned char *buf_lec;    /* buffer lecture d'une  ligne                   */
- unsigned char *deb,*pch;   /* pointeur chaine pour transfert  buffer sortie */
- FILE *infile;               /* acces au fichier jpeg                        */
-  Initialisations diverses
-  ..........................*/
-   iret=CAI_OK;
-   cinfo=image1->ACCES_CANAL_JPEG_LEC;
-   oct_pix=image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-   nbcan = image1->NB_CANAUX;
-   oct_lig=nbcan*(image1->NB_COL);
-if ((*premiere_ligne)-1 != cinfo->output_scanline)
-     cinfo->output_scanline = cinfo->image_height;
-     jpeg_finish_decompress(cinfo);
-     jpeg_destroy_decompress(cinfo);
-   infile = image1->ACCES_FILE_JPEG;
-   rewind(infile);
-   cinfo->err=jpeg_std_error(&jerr);
-   jpeg_create_decompress(cinfo);
-   jpeg_stdio_src(cinfo,infile);
-   (void) jpeg_read_header(cinfo,TRUE);
-   jpeg_start_decompress(cinfo); 
-        allocation de memoire pour lire une ligne image
- ............................................. */
-   buffer = (*cinfo->mem->alloc_sarray)((j_common_ptr)cinfo,
-			JPOOL_IMAGE,oct_lig,1);
-   if (buffer == NULL)
-   {
-      iret=CAI_KO;
-      strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Probleme allocation memoire JPEG");
-   }
-   else
-   {
-if ((*premiere_ligne)-1 != cinfo->output_scanline)
-/* positionnement jusqu'a la premiere ligne a lire */
-      for (lig=0;lig <(*premiere_ligne)-1;lig++)
-      {
-     		(void) jpeg_read_scanlines(cinfo,buffer,1);
-      }
-/* recuperation des lignes demandees */
-       lig=(*premiere_ligne)-1;
-       i=1;
-       pch = data_image;
-       while ((i <= (*nombre_lignes_lire))&&(iret==CAI_OK))
-       {  
-    	  cinfo->output_scanline = lig;
-    	  n = jpeg_read_scanlines(cinfo,buffer,1);             
-          if (n<=0)
-          {
-             iret=CAI_KO;
-             strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture donnee image JPEG");
-          }
-          else
-          { 
-             Sauvegarde des donnees lues entenant compte du pas 
-             d'echantillonnage en colonne
-  ........................................*/
-               deb = *buffer;  
-               deb=deb+((*premiere_colonne)-1)*nbcan+(*canal-1);
-               j=1;
-               while (j <= (*nombre_colonnes_lire))
-	       {  
-                  *pch=*deb;
-                  pch=pch+1;
-                  j=j+1;
-                  deb=deb+((*pas_colonne)*oct_pix*nbcan);
-                }   
-                i=i+1;
-                lig=lig+1;
-                j = 1;
-		while ((j < (*pas_ligne))&&(iret==CAI_OK)
-				&&(lig+1<(image1->NB_LIG)))
-                {
-    	           cinfo->output_scanline = lig;
-    	           n = jpeg_read_scanlines(cinfo,buffer,1);
-                   if (n<=0)
-                   {
-                     iret=CAI_KO;
-                     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture donnee image JPEG");
-                    }
-                    else
-			lig=lig+1;
-		    j = j+1;
-                }
-          } 
-        }        
-   }
-   return(iret);
- }
-  Fin de l'operation cai_lecture_canal_jpeg
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ecriture_canal_jpeg                                    */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ecriture d'un canal d'une image jpeg                 */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :      CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_jpeg(image1, canal,  */       		      /* ------------------                                 premiere_ligne,        */
-/*                                                    nombre_lignes_ecrire,  */
-/*                                                    nombre_colonnes_ecrire,*/
-/*                 		                      data_image )           */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)   : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier */
-/*     canal                 (E) (int) : numero du canal a ecrire            */
-/*     premiere_ligne        (E) (int) : premiere ligne a ecrire ds l'image  */
-/*     nombre_lignes_ecrire  (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_ecrire(E) (int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels ecris alloue et   */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ecriture_canal_jpeg        (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb       */
-/*                                                     = CAI_OK si OK        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_jpeg (CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,  
-                                      int *canal ,           
-    		                      int *premiere_ligne  ,   
-                                      int *nombre_lignes_ecrire ,
-                                      int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire,
-		                      unsigned char *data_image )
-int	i_ligne;		/* compteur de lignes                    */
-int num;                        /* descripteur de fichier                */
-int nboct_pix;			/* nombre d'octets par pixel             */
-int nbcan;                      /* nombre de canaux de l'image           */
-int nboctet;                    /* nombre d'octets d'une ligne multi     */
-int ires,ideb,col,indk;		/* indice 			         */
-/* initialisations */
-i_ligne = 0;
-nboct_pix = image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-nbcan = image1->NB_CANAUX;
-nboctet = (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire)*nbcan*(nboct_pix);
-/* TANT QUE il y a des lignes a ecrire                 	*/
-ires = ( *premiere_ligne - 1) *nboctet+(*canal-1);
-ideb = 0;
-while (i_ligne < (*nombre_lignes_ecrire))
-/*   chargement de la ligne entrelacant les pixels par rapport aux canaux*/
-   for (col=0;col<(*nombre_colonnes_ecrire);col++)
-   {
-        for (indk=0;indk<nboct_pix;indk++)
-        {
-	   image1->image_JPEG[ires] = data_image[ideb+indk];
-         }
-	ires = ires + (nboct_pix*nbcan);
-	ideb = ideb + nboct_pix;
-   }
-/*	incrementation du nombre de lignes		*/
-	i_ligne++;
-/* FIN TANT QUE						*/
-return (CAI_OK);
-return (CAI_KO);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ecriture_canal_jpeg
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ferme_jpeg                                             */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de fermeture d'une image au format jpeg et de          */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent 			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_jpeg(image1)                      */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ferme_jpeg        (S) (CAI_OK_KO) :   = CAI_KO si pb              */
-/*                                              = CAI_OK si OK               */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_jpeg (CAI_IMAGE *image1)
- int iret;     			        /* code retour de l'operation      */
- FILE *infile; 			        /* descripteur du fichier a fermer */
- struct jpeg_decompress_struct *cinfoL; /* structure du fichier a fermer   */
- struct jpeg_compress_struct *cinfoE;   /* structure du fichier a fermer   */
- JSAMPROW row_pointer[1];	        /* pointer to JSAMPLE row[s]       */
- int nboctet;			        /* nb d'octets par ligne           */
-/* initialisations */
-  iret=CAI_OK;
-if (image1 !=NULL)
-  nboctet = (image1->NB_COL)*(image1->NB_CANAUX);
-   Fermeture differente si lecture ou ecriture d'images
-  .............................................*/
-   if (image1->POS_OCTET[0]==CAI_JPEG_LECTURE)
-   {
-/* Fermeture d'image simple pour une lecture avec liberation des */
-/* espaces memoires					         */
-     cinfoL = image1->ACCES_CANAL_JPEG_LEC;
-     if (cinfoL != NULL)
-     {
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.8 : FA : modifiation fermeture avant decompression      */
-	cinfoL->output_scanline=image1->NB_LIG;
-       jpeg_finish_decompress(cinfoL);
-       jpeg_destroy_decompress(cinfoL);
-       free(cinfoL);
-       cinfoL = NULL; 
-     }    
-   }
-   else
-   {
-/* cas ecriture d'une image au format JPEG : avant de fermer l'image */
-/* ecriture compressee du tableau conteant l'image                   */
-     cinfoE = image1->ACCES_CANAL_JPEG_ECR;
-     if (cinfoE != NULL)
-     {
-         while (cinfoE->next_scanline < cinfoE->image_height)
-         {
-            /* jpeg_write_scanlines expects an array of pointers to scanlines.
-             * Here the array is only one element long, but you could pass
-             * more than one scanline at a time if that's more convenient.
-            */
-            row_pointer[0] =
-			& (image1->image_JPEG[cinfoE->next_scanline * nboctet]);
-            (void) jpeg_write_scanlines(cinfoE, row_pointer, 1);
-         }
-        /* Finish compression */
-        jpeg_finish_compress(cinfoE);
-       /* After finish_compress, we can close the output file. */
-       /*  release JPEG compression object */
-       /* This is an important step since it will release a good */
-       /* deal of memory. 				         */
-       jpeg_destroy_compress(cinfoE);
-       free(cinfoE);
-       cinfoL = NULL; 
-     }
-     if (image1->image_JPEG != NULL)
-     {
-	free(image1->image_JPEG);
-        image1->image_JPEG = NULL;
-     }
-   } 
-   infile=image1->ACCES_FILE_JPEG;
-   if (infile!=NULL) fclose(infile);
-  return (iret);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ferme_jpeg
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_dest_ima_jpeg                                          */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de destruction d'une image stocke en jpeg et de        */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent  			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_jpeg(repertoire,nom_ima)       */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*     repertoire   (E) (char *) : repertoire de l'image a detruire          */
-/*     nom_image    (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a detruire avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_dest_ima_jpeg     (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb                */
-/*                                            = CAI_OK si OK                 */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_jpeg ( char *repertoire , 
-                     	     char *nom_ima )
-char    nom_ima_complet[1024];  /* repertoire + nom de l'image */
-int	cr_stat;		/* code retour de fonction status de fichier */
-struct stat buf_stat;		/* structure decrivant status de fichier */ 
-/* Constitution du nom du fichier d'entete	*/
-if ((long)strlen(repertoire)!= 0)
-  sprintf(nom_ima_complet,"%s/%s.jpg",repertoire,nom_ima);
-  sprintf(nom_ima_complet,"./%s.jpg",nom_ima);
-/* Destruction du fichier 	*/
-cr_stat = stat ( nom_ima_complet , &buf_stat );
-if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-	unlink ( nom_ima_complet );
-return (CAI_OK);
- Fin de l'operation cai_dest_ima_jpeg
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_lum.c b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_lum.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 764e2103d5ccea97d56f0f446b2e245d42c18c66..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_lum.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1765 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                           */
-/* PROJET :    COUCHE ACCES IMAGE                                            */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MODULE :    cai_lum.c                                                     */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE   :    Ce module rassemble toutes les fonctions d'acces aux images   */
-/* -------     stockees au format lum                                        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* AUTEUR :      R.CHAISEMARTIN     (CISI)                                   */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* DATE DE CREATION :    Octobre 97                                          */
-/* -----------------						             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* LANGAGE : C                                                               */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 3.3 : DM:optimisation des acces                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.0 : DM:possibilite de lire des  images en R4            */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 :FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : DM : modifications indications Big ou Little Endian */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : DM : modifications pour compatibilite HP64bits      */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM :fonctions de test machine et inversions         */
-/*			     deviennent generiques                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : modifications fopen binaire pour PC/NT         */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.4 : DM : modifications  open binaire pour PC/NT         */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : FA : test sur  fclose  pour PC/LINUX                */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.8 : DM : Lecture des images codées de 9 à 16 bits en    */
-/*                            IEEE (BI) et INTEL (LI)                        */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM :  prise en compte des I4,UI2,UI4 et R8          */
-/*                            en lecture et ecriture en big et little endian */
-/*                Inclusion des fichiers STANDARDS (.h)                      */
-# include <stdio.h>
-# include <string.h>
-# include <sys/types.h>
-# include <stdlib.h>
-# include <unistd.h>
-# include <dirent.h>
-# include <sys/stat.h>
-# include <fcntl.h>
-# include <fcntl.h>
-# include <malloc.h>
-# include <math.h>
-# include <unistd.h>
-#define _CAI_IMAGE
-#define IN_CAI_LUM
-# include "cai_image.h"
-/* Variable pour la  gestion en configuration                                 */
-static char *rcs_id="$Header: cai_lum.c,v 1.11 01/05/31 10:47:29 cmf Exp $";
-extern char *getenv();
-int cai_recuptyp_lum(char *type_code, char *SensCode, int *nbbits, 
-							char *cod_pix);
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                Definition des OPERATIONS EXTERNES                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_liste_ima_lum                                          */
-/* ----------                                                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de listage des images au format lum                    */
-/* ------                                                                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :      int cai_liste_ima_lum(repert,tab_ima)             */
-/* -----------------                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     repert       (E) (char *)   : repertoire a explorer		     */
-/*     tab_ima      (S) (char ***) : pointeur sur tableau des images listees */
-/*                                    alloue par la fonction,il doit etre    */
-/*                                    LIBERE PAR L'APPELANT                  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_liste_ima_lum   (S) (int)     :     = -1 repertoire inexistant    */                                    
-/*					       = > 0 nombre d'images listees */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION :  V2                                                             */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-long int cai_liste_ima_lum (char *repert,
-		           char ***tab_ima)
-   DIR *dirp;		/* pointeur sur structure ouverture repertoire */
-   struct dirent *dp;   /* structure resultat de la fonction readdir   */
-   char *pch0,*pch1;    /* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres          */
-   char car;            /* variable de travail                         */  
-   int nb_ima;          /* nombre d'images lum identifiees             */
-   long int i;          /* indice de boucle                            */
-   long int ll,dif;     /* variables de travail                        */
-   char blanc;          /* caractere blanc                             */
-   INITIALISATION et ouverture du repertoire choisi
-  .........................................*/
-   nb_ima=0;
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   if(dirp!=NULL)
-   {
-   premiere passe pour comptabiliser les images du format donne
-      (EXTENSION =.lum)
-     ..........................................*/
-      while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-      {
-    	 pch0=strstr(dp->d_name,".lum");
-     	if (pch0 != NULL)
-     	{
-        	ll = strlen(dp->d_name);
-        	dif = (long)(dp->d_name-pch0);
-        	dif=labs(dif);
-        	pch1=pch0+4;
-        	if (((ll-4)==dif)||((*pch1)==blanc))
-	     		nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-    	 }
-      }
-    closedir(dirp);
-     ......................................*/
-    *tab_ima = (char **) calloc(nb_ima,sizeof(char *));
-    for (i=0;i<nb_ima;i=i+1)
-      (*tab_ima)[i]=(char *)calloc(1,100);
-   deuxieme passe pour constituer la liste des images du format donne
-       (EXTENSION =.lum)
-   ..........................................*/
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   nb_ima=0;
-   while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-   {
-     pch0=strstr(dp->d_name,".lum");
-     if (pch0 != NULL)
-     {
-        ll = strlen(dp->d_name);
-        dif = (long)(dp->d_name-pch0);
-        dif=labs(dif);
-        pch1=pch0+4;
-        if (((ll-4)==dif)||((*pch1)==blanc))
-        {
-            *pch0='\0';
-            strcpy((*tab_ima)[nb_ima],dp->d_name);
-	    nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-        }
-     }
-   }   
-    closedir(dirp);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-     /* Erreur : Repertoire inexistant */
-      nb_ima=-1;
-   }
-    return(nb_ima);
-/* Fin de l'operation cai_liste_ima_lum*/
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_lecture_lum                                      */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture d'une image au format lum       */
-/* -----     et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_lum(nom_image,           */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_lecture_lum (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb               */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */                                                                         /*                                                                           */  
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM :  prise en compte des UOCT, I4,UI2,UI4 et R8    */
-/*                            en lecture et ecriture en big et little endian */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_lum(char *repert,
-				     char *nom_image,
-				     int  *nb_can,
-				     int  *nboct_pix,
-				     int  *nb_col,
-				     int  *nb_lig)
-   FILE *fic_in;	      /* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier         */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;	      /* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image    */       
-   int  iret,icr;	      /* indicateur de retour ok ou pas              */
-   char nom_fic[1024];	      /* nom du fichier en-tete		             */
-   char nom_fic_canal[1024];  /* nom fichier canal dont on teste existence   */
-   int nbbits;		      /* nb de bits par pixel du fichier en-tete     */
-   int retour;		      /* retour de la fonction comparaison chaines   */ 
-   int i,num;		      /* indice 			             */
-   char *type_cod;	      /* type de codage du pixel                     */
-   char cod_pix[5];           /* codage du pixel                             */
-   char type_image[3];        /* type code+ordre rangement octets dans entete*/
-   char *type_machine;        /* ordre rangement octets machine travail      */
-   char  buf[15];             /* buffer contenant entete image               */
-   int v;	              /* comparaison type machine-type image         */
-   char *v1;                  /* comparaison type image avec chaine vide     */
-   int nb_col2, nb_lig2,nb;   /* variables intermediaires inversion octets   */
-   int taille;                /* nb d'octets par pixel                       */
-   /*........................................
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   nb=2;
-   *nb_can=0;
-   *nb_lig=0;
-   *nb_col=0;
-   *nboct_pix=0;
-   iret=1;
-   type_cod = NULL;
-   type_cod = (char *) calloc(5,sizeof(char)) ; 
-   type_machine = NULL;
-   type_machine = (char *) calloc(3,sizeof(char));
-   if (type_machine == NULL)
-   {
-      iret=0;
-      strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoire dans cai_ouvre_lecture");
-   }
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 :FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoire dans cai_ouvre_lecture");
-    }
-   else
-   {
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-       sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.lum",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.lum",nom_image);
-   }
-   Ouverture du fichier entete
-  ..........................................*/
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : modifications fopen binaire pour PC/NT         */
-   fic_in=NULL;
-   fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"rb");
-   if (fic_in==NULL)
-   {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier entete LUM");
-    }
-   else
-   {
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : DM : modifications indications Big ou Little Endian */
-   recuperation infos completes 
-  ......................................*/   
-   	fread(buf,12,1,fic_in);
-   recuperation du type de codage des pixels
-        et donc du type de l'image 
-  ......................................*/
-	memcpy(type_cod,&buf[8],4);
-	taille = cai_recuptyp_lum(type_cod,type_image,&nbbits,cod_pix);
-        if (taille != -1)
-        {
-            sprintf(image1->TYPE_COD,type_cod);
-	    image1->NB_BITS_PIX=nbbits;
-    	    image1->NBOCT_PIX=taille;
-	    sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,cod_pix);
-	    *nboct_pix = image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-	    *nb_can = 1;	
-        }
-	else
-	{
-	   iret=0;
-     	   sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Type de codage LUM non reconnu : %s",type_cod);
-           goto ERREUR;
-        }
- /*..................................
-   determination ordre de rangement 
-   des octets sur machine de travail
-  ......................................*/   
-   	type_machine = cai_test_pFpf();
- /*..................................
-   determination des autres infos 
-   en fonction inversion
-  ......................................*/  
-	v = strncmp(type_machine,type_image,2);
-	v1 = strrchr(type_image,'E');
-   recuperation du nombre de colonne 
-  ......................................*/
-	memcpy(nb_col,&buf[0],4);
-/*modification si (type_image et type_machine st differentes) */
-/*et si (type_image existe avec BE ou LE)*/
-	if ( (v!=0) &&  (v1!=NULL) ) 
-	{	
-		swab( (void*)nb_col, (void*)&nb_col2,4 );
-		cai_inverser_tableau((short *)nb_col, (short *)&nb_col2,nb);
-	}
-   recuperation du nombre de lignes 
-  ......................................*/
-	memcpy(nb_lig,&buf[4],4);
-/*modification si (type_image et type_machine st differentes) */
-/*et si (type_image existe avec BE ou LE)*/
-	if ( (v!=0) && (v1!=NULL) )
-	{
-		swab( (void*)nb_lig, (void*)&nb_lig2,4 );
-		cai_inverser_tableau((short *)nb_lig, (short *)&nb_lig2,nb);
-	}
-/* fin modifications  */
-  }
-   Fermeture du fichier 
-  ......................................*/
-  if (fic_in != NULL)  fclose(fic_in);
-   if (iret !=0)
-   {
-  .....................................................*/
-     nom_fic[0]='\0';
-     nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';
-     if ((long)strlen(repert)!=0)
-     {
-       sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s/%s.lum",repert,nom_image);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-       sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s.lum",nom_image);
-      }
-     num=open(nom_fic_canal,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY,0);
-     if (num!= -1)
-     {
-       for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-       {
-           sscanf(nom_image,"%s",image1->NOM_FIC_CAN);
-           sscanf(nom_image,"%s",image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN);
-           image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=num;
-           image1->POS_OCTET[i]=(*nb_col)*image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-	}
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : DM : modifications indications Big ou Little Endian */
-	   if ( (v!=0) && (v1!=NULL) )
-	   {
-		image1->INV_OCTETS =1;
-	   }
-	   else
-	   {
-		image1->INV_OCTETS =0;
-	   }
-/*    fin modifications   */ 
-      }
-      else
-         iret=0;
-     }
-    }
-//    if (type_cod!=NULL) free(type_cod);
-//    if (type_machine!=NULL) free(type_machine);
-    if (iret == 0)
-    {
-	return (NULL);
-     }
-    else
-    {
-      return(image1);
-     }
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_lecture_lum
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_creation_lum                                     */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de creation et d'ouverture en ecriture d'une image     */
-/* -----     au format lum et de tous les fichiers qui la composent          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL : CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_lum(nom_image,           */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig,          */
-/*				                            label)           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*     nb_can         (E) (int )   : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (E) (int )   : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (E) (int )   : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (E) (int )   : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*     label          (E) (char *) : commentaire lie a l'image               */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_creation_lum (S) (CAI_IMAGE *) :     =NULL si pb            */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_lum(char *repert,
-				      char * nom_image,
-				      int  *nb_can,
-				      int  *nboct_pix,
-				      int  *nb_col,
-				      int  *nb_lig,
-				      char *label)
-   FILE *fic;		      /* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier         */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;	      /* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image    */ 
-   char nom_fic[1024];	      /* nom du fichier en-tete		             */
-   long retour;		      /* retour de fonction 			     */ 
-   int i,num;		      /* indice 				     */
-   struct stat	buf_stat;     /* structure decrivant status de fichier       */
-   unsigned char *Header;     /* entete du fichier lum 	                     */
-   int taille_entete;	      /* taille de l'entete		             */
-   char *type_image;          /* type_code+infos ordre des octets dans entete*/
-   int reconnaissance_type;   /* taille du pixel                             */
-   fic = NULL;
-   image1=NULL;
-/* Verification qu'un seul canal est demande */
-   if (*nb_can != 1)
-   {
-	image1 = NULL;
- 	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , 
-		"Une image LUM ne peut contenir qu'un seul canal");
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 :FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_creation");
-     goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete et verification qu'il
-   n'existe pas deja
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-       sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.lum",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.lum",nom_image);
-    }
-   retour = stat ( nom_fic , &buf_stat );
-   if ( retour == 0 )
-   { 
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "L'image %s LUM existe \n" , nom_image );
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  Ouverture du fichier entete en ecriture 
-  Ecriture du contenu
-  ..........................................................*/
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : modifications fopen binaire pour PC/NT         */
-  fic = NULL;
-  fic = fopen(nom_fic,"wb");
-  if (fic == NULL)
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Creation fichier %s impossible\n",nom_fic);
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   taille_entete = (*nb_col)*(*nboct_pix);
-   Header = (unsigned char *) calloc(taille_entete,sizeof( unsigned char));
-   if (Header == NULL)
-   {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur alloc: Creation fichier %s impossible\n",
-				nom_fic);
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-/* ecriture du nombre de colonnes de l'image */
-   memcpy(Header,nb_col , 4 );
-/* ecriture du nombre de lignes de l'image */
-   memcpy(&Header[4],nb_lig , 4 );
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : DM : modifications indications Big ou Little Endian */
-/* ecriture du type de l'image dans la zone*/
-/*     reservee au type de codage          */
-  /*....................................
-  test sur la machine de travail pour 
-         typer image en LE ou BE      
-  .....................................*/
-  type_image = cai_test_pFpf();
-/* ecriture type de codage de l'image */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM :  Maj du tag TYPE lorsque l'utilisateur le      */
-/*                                  precise dans le param  "label"           */
-/* Verification si type de codage reconnu dans le label */
-  reconnaissance_type = cai_istyp_connu(label);
-  if (strncmp(type_image,"BE",2)==0)
-  {
-     if (*nboct_pix == 1) 
-     {
-	if (reconnaissance_type < 1)
- 	   sprintf(image1->TYPE_COD,"08BI");
-	else if (reconnaissance_type ==1)
-           sprintf(image1->TYPE_COD,"08BU");
-        else 
-        {
-	  sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"incoherence entre TYPE et Nb bits par pixels\n");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-        }          
-      }
-      else if (*nboct_pix == 2)
-      {
-	if (reconnaissance_type ==3)
-           sprintf(image1->TYPE_COD,"16BU");
-        else if ((reconnaissance_type == -1)|| (reconnaissance_type == 2))
-           sprintf(image1->TYPE_COD,"16BI");
-        else 
-        {
-	  sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"incoherence entre TYPE et Nb bits par pixels\n");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-        }     
-      }
-      else if (*nboct_pix == 4) 
-      {
-	if (reconnaissance_type ==4)
-           sprintf(image1->TYPE_COD,"32BI");
-        else if (reconnaissance_type ==5)
-           sprintf(image1->TYPE_COD,"32BU");
-        else if ((reconnaissance_type == -1)|| (reconnaissance_type == 6))
-           sprintf(image1->TYPE_COD,"FLOA");
-        else 
-        {
-	  sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"incoherence entre TYPE et Nb bits par pixels\n");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-        }     
-      }
-      else if (*nboct_pix == 8) 
-      {
-          if ((reconnaissance_type == -1)|| (reconnaissance_type ==7))
-               sprintf(image1->TYPE_COD,"R8B ");
-          else 
-          {
-	    sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"incoherence entre TYPE et Nbbits par pixels\n");
-	    goto ERREUR;
-           } 
-      }
-    }
-  else
-  {
-     if (*nboct_pix == 1) 
-     {
-	if (reconnaissance_type < 1)
- 	   sprintf(image1->TYPE_COD,"08LI");
-	else if (reconnaissance_type ==1)
-           sprintf(image1->TYPE_COD,"08LU");
-        else 
-        {
-	  sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"incoherence entre TYPE et Nb bits par pixels\n");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-        }      
-      }
-      else if (*nboct_pix == 2)
-      {
-	if (reconnaissance_type ==3)
-           sprintf(image1->TYPE_COD,"16LU");
-        else if ((reconnaissance_type == -1)|| (reconnaissance_type == 2))
-           sprintf(image1->TYPE_COD,"16LI");
-        else 
-        {
-	  sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"incoherence entre TYPE et Nb bits par pixels\n");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-        }     
-      }
-      else if (*nboct_pix == 4) 
-      {
-	if (reconnaissance_type ==4)
-           sprintf(image1->TYPE_COD,"32LI");
-        else if (reconnaissance_type ==5)
-           sprintf(image1->TYPE_COD,"32LU");
-        else if ((reconnaissance_type == -1)|| (reconnaissance_type == 6))
-           sprintf(image1->TYPE_COD,"FLOL");
-        else 
-        {
-	  sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"incoherence entre TYPE et Nb bits par pixels\n");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-        }     
-      }
-      else if (*nboct_pix == 8) 
-      {
-          if ((reconnaissance_type == -1)|| (reconnaissance_type ==7))
-               sprintf(image1->TYPE_COD,"R8L ");
-          else 
-          {
-	    sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"incoherence entre TYPE et Nbbits par pixels\n");
-	    goto ERREUR;
-           } 
-      }
-   }
-   memcpy(&Header[8],image1->TYPE_COD , 4 );
-/* fin modifications   */
-   retour = fwrite ( Header , taille_entete , 1 , fic );
-   free(Header);
-   if ( retour == 0 )
-   {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR ,
-		 "Erreur : ecriture entete impossible dans fichier %s\n",
-		  nom_fic );
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-/* Fermeture du fichier                          */
-   if (fic != NULL) fclose ( fic );
-   num = open(nom_fic,O_RDWR|O_BINARY,PERMS); 
-   if (num == -1)
-   {
-     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Creation %s impossible\n",nom_fic);
-     goto ERREUR;
-   } 
-   for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-   {
-     image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=num;
-     image1->POS_OCTET[i]=taille_entete;
-    }
-  return (image1);
-   if (fic !=NULL) cai_dest_ima_lum ( repert ,  nom_image );
-   return(NULL);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_creation_lum
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_lecture_canal_lum                                      */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de lecture d'un canal d'une image LUM                  */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_lum(image1, canal,        */  
-/* ------------------                        premiere_ligne,                 */
-/*                                           premiere_colonne,               */
-/*                                           nombre_lignes_lire ,            */
-/*                                           nombre_colonnes_lire,           */
-/*                                           pas_ligne ,pas_colonne,         */
-/*                 		             data_image )                    */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*     canal                (E) (int) : numero du canal a lire               */
-/*     premiere_ligne       (E) (int) : premiere ligne a lire dans l'image   */
-/*     premiere _colonne    (E) (int) : premiere colonne a lire dans l'image */
-/*     nombre_lignes_lire   (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a lire              */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_lire (E) (int) : nombre de colonnes a lire            */
-/*     pas_ligne            (E) (int) : pas en ligne                         */
-/*     pas_colonne          (E) (int) : pas en colonne                       */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels lus alloue et     */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_lecture_canal_lum (S) (CAI_OK_KO) :     = CAI_KO si pb            */
-/*                                                 = CAI_OK si OK            */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_lum(CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,  
-                                    int *canal ,           
-    		                    int * premiere_ligne  ,   
-     		                    int *premiere_colonne,
-                                    int *nombre_lignes_lire ,
-                                    int *nombre_colonnes_lire,
-                                    int *pas_ligne ,          
-                                    int *pas_colonne,
-		                    unsigned char *data_image )        
- int   num,i,j,k,kk;        /* variables de travail                          */
- long pt_oct,n;		    /* position courante dans le fichier image       */
- int no_oct;                /* numero du premier octet a lire                */
- int iret;                  /* indicateur d'erreur                           */
- int lig;                   /* indice de boucle sur les lignes               */
- int   oct_pix;             /* nb octets par pixels                          */
- long  nb_oct;              /* nb oct =1er octet a lire - position courante  */
- long  oct_lig;             /* nb oct. par ligne en considerant taille pixel */
- unsigned char *buf_lec;    /* buffer lecture d'une  ligne                   */
- unsigned char *deb,*pch;   /* pointeur chaine pour transfert  buffer sortie */
- unsigned char *data_image2;/* pointeur donnees image pour inversion octets  */
- int taille_image,Nb;       /* taille en octets de l'image                   */ 
-/* Verification qu'un seul canal est demande */
- if (*canal != 1)
- {
-	image1 = NULL;
- 	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , 
-		"Une image LUM ne contient qu'un seul canal");
-        iret=CAI_KO;
- }
- else
- {
-  Initialisations diverses
-  ..........................*/
-   iret=CAI_OK;
-   num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*canal-1];
-   oct_pix=image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-   taille_image = (*nombre_lignes_lire)*oct_pix*(*nombre_colonnes_lire);
-   data_image2 = NULL;
-   data_image2 = (unsigned char *) calloc(taille_image,sizeof(unsigned char));
-   if (data_image2 == NULL)
-   {
-      strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoire dans cai_lecture_canal");
-      iret=CAI_KO;
-      goto FIN;
-   }
-/* verification si lecture non sous-echantillonnee par bandeau */
-  if ((*nombre_colonnes_lire==image1->NB_COL)&&(*premiere_colonne==1)&&
-      (*pas_ligne==1)&&(*pas_colonne==1))
-  {
-       oct_lig=(*nombre_lignes_lire)*oct_pix*(image1->NB_COL);
-       pch=data_image;
-	Recherche de la position courante dans le fichier
-  ............................................*/
-        pt_oct=lseek(num,0L,1);
-        Calcul du numero du 1er octet a lire
-  ....................................*/
-        lig=*premiere_ligne;  
-	no_oct=image1->POS_OCTET[*canal-1]+
-	          (lig-1)*image1->NB_COL*oct_pix;
-        Saut d'octets pour etre positionne sur la ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-        nb_oct=(long)(no_oct-pt_oct);
-        lseek(num,nb_oct,1);
-        lecture des lignes completes
-  ................................................*/
-         n=read(num,pch,oct_lig);
-         if (n<=0)
-         {
-             	iret=CAI_KO;
-             	strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture donnee image LUM");
-	        goto FIN;
-         }
-   }
-   else
-   {
-	oct_lig=oct_pix*image1->NB_COL;
-        allocation de memoire pour lire une ligne image
- ............................................. */
-        buf_lec = NULL;
-      	buf_lec = (unsigned char *) calloc(oct_lig,sizeof(unsigned char));
-      	if (buf_lec == NULL)
-      	{
-     	 	iret=CAI_KO;
-      		strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Probleme allocation memoire");
-      	}
-      	else
-      	{
-        Initialisation
-  ......................*/
-            lig=*premiere_ligne;
-       	    i=1;
-            pch=data_image;
-         Pour chaque ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-           while ((i <= *nombre_lignes_lire)&&(iret==CAI_OK))
-           {  
-	    Recherche de la position courante dans le fichier
-  ............................................*/
-               pt_oct=lseek(num,0L,1);
-            Calcul du numero du 1er octet a lire
-  ....................................*/
-	      no_oct=image1->POS_OCTET[*canal-1]+
-	          (lig-1)*image1->NB_COL*oct_pix;
-            Saut d'octets pour etre positionne sur la ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-              nb_oct=(long)(no_oct-pt_oct);
-              lseek(num,nb_oct,1);
-            lecture d'une ligne image
-  ................................................*/
-              n=read(num,buf_lec,oct_lig);
-              if (n<=0)
-              {
-             	iret=CAI_KO;
-             	strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture donnee image LUM");
-              }
-              else
-              { 
-             Sauvegarde des donnees lues entenant compte du pas 
-             d'echantillonnage en colonne
-  ........................................*/           
-                 deb=buf_lec+(*premiere_colonne-1)*oct_pix;
-                 j=1;
-                 while (j <= *nombre_colonnes_lire)
-	         {  
-                	for (k=0;k<oct_pix;k=k+1)
-                	{
-                  	  *(pch+k)=*(deb+k);
-                 	}
-                 	j=j+1;
-                	 pch=pch+oct_pix;
-                	 deb=deb+(*pas_colonne*oct_pix);
-                  }   
-              }
-              i=i+1;
-              lig=lig+(*pas_ligne);
-           }        
-	   free(buf_lec);
-           buf_lec=NULL;
-      	}
-    }
-  }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : DM : modifications indications Big ou Little Endian */
-   if ( (iret!= CAI_KO) && (image1->INV_OCTETS==1) && (oct_pix!=1) )
-   {
-	/*modification ordre selon nb octets par pixel*/
-       	swab( (void*)(data_image), (void*)(data_image2), taille_image);
-	if (oct_pix!=2)
-        { 
-           Nb = taille_image/2;
-	   cai_inverser_tableau(data_image, data_image2,Nb);
-	}
-	else 
-	   for (i=0; i<taille_image;i++)
-	   {
-	   /*stockage dans data_image*/
-	   data_image[i] = data_image2[i];
-	   }	   
-    }
-/*   fin modifications   */    
- FIN:  
-   if (data_image2!= NULL) free(data_image2);
-  return(iret);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_lecture_canal_lum
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ecriture_canal_lum                                     */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ecriture d'un canal d'une image lum                  */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_lum(image1, canal,       */ 
-/* ------------------                                 premiere_ligne,        */
-/*                                                    nombre_lignes_ecrire,  */
-/*                                                    nombre_colonnes_ecrire,*/
-/*                 		                      data_image )           */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)   : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier */
-/*     canal                 (E) (int) : numero du canal a ecrire            */
-/*     premiere_ligne        (E) (int) : premiere ligne a ecrire ds l'image  */
-/*     nombre_lignes_ecrire  (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_ecrire(E) (int) : nombre de colonnes a ecrire         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels ecris alloue et   */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ecriture_canal_lum    (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb            */
-/*                                                     = CAI_OK si OK        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_lum (CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,  
-                                      int *canal ,           
-    		                      int *premiere_ligne  ,   
-                                      int *nombre_lignes_ecrire ,
-                                      int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire,
-		                      unsigned char *data_image )
-long	position_first_lig;	/* position de la 1ere ligne a ecrire    */
-long	position_courante;	/* position courante dans le fichier     */
-long	deplacement;		/* deplacement a effectuer               */
-unsigned char *buff_lig;	/* pointeur de travail  bandeau a ecrire */
-long	cr_write;		/* code retour de write                  */
-int num;                        /* descripteur de fichier                */
-int nboct_pix;			/* nombre d'octets par pixel             */
-int nb_canaux;			/* nombre de canaux de l'image totale    */
-int nboct_ecrire;		/* nb d'octets du bandeau a ecrire       */
-/* Verification qu'un seul canal est demande */
-	if (*canal != 1)
- 	{
-		image1 = NULL;
- 		sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , 
-			"Une image LUM ne contient qu'un seul canal");
-		goto ERREUR;
- 	}
-/* ................
-   Initialisations 
-  .................*/
-	num = image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*canal-1];
-	nboct_pix = image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-	nb_canaux = 1;
-	position_first_lig = 0;
-	position_courante = 0;
-	deplacement = 0;
-	nboct_ecrire = 0;
-/* Calcul de la position de la premiere ligne a ecrire 	*/ 
-	position_first_lig = (long) ( image1->POS_OCTET[*canal-1] + 
- 		+ (*premiere_ligne - 1) * 
-		(*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) * nboct_pix );
-/* Recuperation de la position courante			*/
-	position_courante = lseek ( num , 0L , 1 );
-/* Calcul du deplacement jusqu'a la 1ere ligne a ecrire	*/
-	deplacement = position_first_lig - position_courante;
-/*	deplacement jusqu'a la premiere ligne a ecrire*/
-	lseek ( num , deplacement , 1 ); 
-/*	position en debut de bandeau a ecrire  */
-	buff_lig = data_image; 
-/*	ecriture des lignes				*/
-	nboct_ecrire = (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire)*nboct_pix*
-			(*nombre_lignes_ecrire);
-	cr_write = write ( num , buff_lig,nboct_ecrire);
-	if ( cr_write !=  nboct_ecrire)
-	{
-		   strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture canal image lum\n" );
-		   goto ERREUR;
-	}
-return (CAI_OK);
-return (CAI_KO);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ecriture_canal_lum
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ferme_lum                                              */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de fermeture d'une image au format lum et de           */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent 			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_lum(image1)                       */  
-/* ------------------                                                        */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ferme_lum    (S) (CAI_OK_KO) :       = CAI_KO si pb               */
-/*                                              = CAI_OK si OK               */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO  cai_ferme_lum (CAI_IMAGE *image1)
- int iret;                 /* code retour de l'operation         */
- int num;                  /* descripteur du fichier a fermer    */
- unsigned char Header[12]; /* entete a MAJ si creation           */
- int temp;                 /* variable temporaire                */
- long pt_oct;		   /* position courante ds fichier image */
- long retour;
-/* Initialisations diverses */
- iret=CAI_OK;
- num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[0];
-/* Mise a jour de l'entete si ouverture en creation */
-if (image1->MODE == CAI_ECRITURE)
-   pt_oct=lseek(num,0L,0);
-/* ecriture nombre de colonnes		               */
-   temp = image1->NB_COL;
-   memcpy(Header,&temp , 4 );
-/* ecriture nombre de ligne			       */
-   temp = image1->NB_LIG;
-   memcpy(&Header[4],&temp , 4 );
-/* ecriture du type de codage en fonctions de la taille du pixel */
-/* et du codage des Poids Forts, poids faibles                   */
-   memcpy(&Header[8],image1->TYPE_COD , 4 );
-   retour = write ( num,Header , 12 );
-   if ( temp == 0 )
-   {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR ,
-       "Erreur : MAJ entete a la fermeture impossible ds fichier lum\n");
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   Fermeture du fichier qui contient tous les canaux
-  .............................................*/
-   if (num>0) close(num);
-  return (iret);
-  return(CAI_KO);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ferme_lum
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_dest_ima_lum                                           */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de destruction d'une image stocke en lum et de         */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent  			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_lum(repertoire,nom_ima)        */  
-/* ------------------                                                        */
-/*     repertoire   (E) (char *) : repertoire de l'image a detruire          */
-/*     nom_image    (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a detruire avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_dest_ima_lum (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb                     */
-/*                                            = CAI_OK si OK                 */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_lum ( char *repertoire , 
-                                 char *nom_ima )
-int	i_can;			/* compteur de canaux */
-int     iret;                   /* code retour fonction fermetrue lecture */
-char	str_num_canal[3];	/* suffixe numero du canal */
-char	nom_fic_entete[1024];	/* nom du fichier entete a detruire */
-char    nom_ima_complet[1024];  /* repertoire + nom de l'image */
-char	nom_fic_canal[1024];	/* nom du fichier canal a detruire */
-int	cr_stat;		/* code retour de fonction status de fichier */
-struct stat buf_stat;		/* structure decrivant status de fichier */ 
-CAI_IMAGE   *image1;             /* structure ouverture image */
-int         nb_can;	        /* nombre de canaux de l'image */
-int         nboct_pix;		/* nombre d'octets par pixel image */
-int         nb_col;	        /* nombre de colonnes de l'image */
-int         nb_lig;             /* nombre de lignes de l'image */
-/* Constitution du nom du fichier d'entete	*/
-if ((long)strlen(repertoire)!= 0)
-  sprintf( nom_ima_complet, "%s/%s" ,repertoire,nom_ima);
-  strcpy ( nom_ima_complet , nom_ima);
-  sprintf(nom_fic_entete ,"%s.lum", nom_ima_complet);
-/* Destruction du fichier d'entete		*/
-cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic_entete , &buf_stat );
-if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-	unlink ( nom_fic_entete );
-return (CAI_OK);
- Fin de l'operation cai_dest_ima_lum
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_modifie_lum                                      */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture-ecriture d'une image au format  */
-/* -----     lum et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_lum(nom_image,           */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_modifie_lum (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb               */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */                                                                            /*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_lum(char *repert,
-				     char *nom_image,
-				     int  *nb_can,
-				     int  *nboct_pix,
-				     int  *nb_col,
-				     int  *nb_lig)
-   FILE *fic_in;	      /* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier         */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;	      /* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image    */       
-   int  iret,icr;	      /* indicateur de retour ok ou pas              */
-   char nom_fic[1024];	      /* nom du fichier en-tete		             */
-   char nom_fic_canal[1024];  /* nom fichier canal dont on teste existence   */
-   int nbbits;		      /* nb de bits par pixel du fichier en-tete     */
-   int retour;		      /* retour de la fonction comparaison chaines   */ 
-   int i,num;		      /* indice 			             */
-   char *type_cod;	      /* type de codage du pixel                     */
-   char cod_pix[5];           /* codage du pixel                             */
-   char type_image[3];        /* type code+ordre rangement octets dans entete*/
-   char *type_machine;        /* ordre rangement octets machine travail      */
-   char  buf[15];             /* buffer contenant entete image               */
-   int v;	              /* comparaison type machine-type image         */
-   char *v1;                  /* comparaison type image avec chaine vide     */
-   int nb_col2, nb_lig2,nb;   /* variables intermediaires inversion octets   */
-   int taille;                /* nb d'octets par pixel                       */
-   /*........................................
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   nb=2;
-   *nb_can=0;
-   *nb_lig=0;
-   *nb_col=0;
-   *nboct_pix=0;
-   iret=1;
-   type_cod = NULL;
-   type_cod = (char *) calloc(5,sizeof(char)) ; 
-   type_machine = NULL;
-   type_machine = (char *) calloc(3,sizeof(char));
-   if (type_machine == NULL)
-   {
-      iret=0;
-      strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoire dans cai_ouvre_lecture");
-   }
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 :FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
- if (image1==NULL)
- {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_modifie");
- }
- else
- {
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-       sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.lum",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.lum",nom_image);
-   }
-   Ouverture du fichier entete
-  ..........................................*/
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : modifications fopen binaire pour PC/NT         */
-   fic_in=NULL;
-   fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"rb");
-   if (fic_in==NULL)
-   {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier entete LUM");
-    }
-   else
-   {
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : DM : modifications indications Big ou Little Endian */
- /*..................................
-   recuperation infos completes 
-  ......................................*/   
-   	fread(buf,12,1,fic_in);
-   /*..................................
-   recuperation du type de codage des pixels
-        et donc du type de l'image 
-  ......................................*/
-	memcpy(type_cod,&buf[8],4);
-	taille = cai_recuptyp_lum(type_cod,type_image,&nbbits,cod_pix);
-        if (taille != -1)
-        {
-            sprintf(image1->TYPE_COD,type_cod);
-	    image1->NB_BITS_PIX=nbbits;
-    	    image1->NBOCT_PIX=taille;
-	    sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,cod_pix);
-	    *nboct_pix = image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-	    *nb_can = 1;	
-        }
-	else
-	{
-	   iret=0;
-     	   sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Type de codage LUM non reconnu : %s",type_cod);
-           goto ERREUR;
-        }
- /*..................................
-   determination ordre de rangement 
-   des octets sur machine de travail
-  ......................................*/   
-   	type_machine = cai_test_pFpf();
- /*..................................
-   determination des autres infos 
-   en fonction inversion
-  ......................................*/  
-	v = strncmp(type_machine,type_image,2);
-	v1 = strrchr(type_image,'E');
-   recuperation du nombre de colonne 
-  ......................................*/
-	memcpy(nb_col,&buf[0],4);
-/*modification si (type_image et type_machine st differentes) */
-/*et si (type_image existe avec BE ou LE)*/
-	if ( (v!=0) && (v1!=NULL) )
-	{	
-		swab( (void*)nb_col, (void*)&nb_col2,4 );
-		cai_inverser_tableau((short *)nb_col, (short *)&nb_col2,nb);
-	}
-   recuperation du nombre de lignes 
-  ......................................*/
-	memcpy(nb_lig,&buf[4],4);
-/*modification si (type_image et type_machine st differentes) */
-/*et si (type_image existe avec BE ou LE)*/
-	if ( (v!=0) && (v1!=NULL) )
-	{
-		swab( (void*)nb_lig, (void*)&nb_lig2,4 );
-		cai_inverser_tableau((short *)nb_lig, (short *)&nb_lig2,nb);
-	}
-/*  fin modifications   */
-  }
-   Fermeture du fichier 
-  ......................................*/
-   if (fic_in != NULL) fclose(fic_in);
-   if (iret !=0)
-   {
-  .....................................................*/
-     nom_fic[0]='\0';
-     nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';
-     if ((long)strlen(repert)!=0)
-     {
-       sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s/%s.lum",repert,nom_image);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-      	 sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s.lum",nom_image);
-        }
-     num=open(nom_fic_canal,O_RDWR|O_BINARY,0);
-     if (num!= -1)
-     {
-       for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-       {
-           sscanf(nom_image,"%s",image1->NOM_FIC_CAN);
-           sscanf(nom_image,"%s",image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN);
-            image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=num;
-           image1->POS_OCTET[i]=(*nb_col)*image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-        }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : DM : modifications indications Big ou Little Endian */
-        if ( (v!=0) && (v1!=NULL) )
-	{
-	   image1->INV_OCTETS =1;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	   image1->INV_OCTETS =0;
-	}
-/*  fin modifications  */        
-      }
-      else
-         iret=0;
-     }
-    }
-    if (iret == 0)
-    {
-	return (NULL);
-     }
-    else
-    {
-      return(image1);
-     }
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_modifie_lum
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_recuptyp_lum                                           */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de verification si pixels de type lum ou non           */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  retour = cai_recuptyp_lum(type_code,SensCode,nbbits , */
-/*					             cod_pix)                */
-/*  ---------------- 		                                             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     type_code    (E) (char *) : type de codage a verifier                 */
-/*     SensCode     (S) (char *) : sens du codage BE ou LE                   */
-/*     nbbits       (S) (char *) : nombre de bits significatifs ds le pixel  */
-/*     cod_pix      (S) (char *) : codage du pixel                           */
-/*     retour       (S) (int)    : Taille du pixel en octet si OK reconnu    */ 
-/*				   -1 si non reconnu			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-int cai_recuptyp_lum(char *type_code, char *SensCode, int *nbbits, 
-							char *cod_pix)
-	int ind;	        /* indice de boucle sur les types reconnus */
-	int trouve,icr,taille;  /* indice pour la recherche                */
-        int mod2;		/* modulo2				   */
-        char* pch0;
-/* Initialisations diverses */
-	trouve = -1;
-	taille = -1;
-	*nbbits=-1;
-	ind = 0;
-        pch0=NULL;
-	while ((trouve==-1)&&(ind< CAI_NB_LUM))
-	{
-	  pch0=strstr(type_code,CAI_LUM_TYP[ind]);
-	  if (pch0!=NULL)
-	       trouve=ind;
-	  else
-	       ind=ind+1;
-	}
-	if (trouve !=-1)
-        {
-            mod2=ind%2;
-            if (mod2==0) sprintf(SensCode,"BE");
-		 else sprintf(SensCode,"LE");            
-	    if (ind < 4)
-            {
-               icr=sscanf(type_code,"%d",nbbits);
-               if (icr ==0) *nbbits=-1 ;
-	       else
-               {
-		    trouve =(int)(*nbbits/8);
-		    if ((*nbbits%8)!=0) taille =trouve+1;
-			else taille  = trouve;		    
-               } 
-	       pch0 = strstr(type_code,"U");
-               if (taille == 1)
-               {
-		  if (pch0==NULL) sprintf(cod_pix,"OCT");
-			else sprintf(cod_pix,"UOCT");
-               }
-               else if (taille == 2)
-               {
-		  if (pch0==NULL) sprintf(cod_pix,"I2");
-			else sprintf(cod_pix,"UI2");
-               }
-               else if (taille == 4)
-               {
-		  if (pch0==NULL) sprintf(cod_pix,"I4");
-			else sprintf(cod_pix,"UI4");
-               }
-               else taille=-1;
-            }
-            else if  ((ind ==4)||(ind==5) ) 
-            {
-                taille=4;
-	        *nbbits = 32;
-		sprintf(cod_pix,"R4");
-            }
-            else if ((ind ==6)||(ind==7) )
-            {
-                taille=8;
-	        *nbbits = 64;
-		sprintf(cod_pix,"R8");
-            }
-        }
-/* sortie normale */
-	return(taille);
-   Fin de l'operation cai_recuptyp_lum
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_mapsat.c b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_mapsat.c
deleted file mode 100755
index f50fe9c5f856c32fef16b5535061ee09427fc38c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_mapsat.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1080 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                           */
-/* PROJET :    COUCHE ACCES IMAGE                                            */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MODULE :    cai_mapsat.c                                                  */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE   :    Ce module rassemble toutes les fonctions d'acces aux images   */
-/* -------     stockees au format mapsat                                     */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* AUTEUR :      R.CHAISEMARTIN     (CISI)                                   */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* DATE DE CREATION :    fevrier 1995                                        */
-/* -----------------						             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* LANGAGE : C                                                               */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V2                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                Inclusion des fichiers STANDARDS (.h)                      */
-# include <stdio.h>
-# include <string.h>
-# include <sys/types.h>
-# include <dirent.h>
-# include <sys/stat.h>
-# include <fcntl.h>
-#define _CAI_IMAGE
-# include "cai_image.h"
-/* Variable pour la  gestion en configuration                                 */
-static char *rcs_id="$Header: cai_mapsat.c,v 1.4 98/07/21 14:54:07 cmf Exp $";
-extern char *getenv();
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                Definition des OPERATIONS EXTERNES                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_liste_ima_mapsat                                       */
-/* ----------                                                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de listage des images au format mapsat                 */
-/* ------                                                                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :      int cai_liste_ima_mapsat (repert,tab_ima)         */
-/* -----------------                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     repert        (E) (char *)   : repertoire a explorer		     */
-/*     tab_ima       (S) (char ***) : pointeur sur tableau des images listees*/
-/*                                    alloue par la fonction,il doit etre    */
-/*                                    LIBERE PAR L'APPELANT                  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_liste_ima_mapsat   (S) (int)     :  = -1 repertoire inexistant    */                                    /*					       = > 0 nombre d'images listees */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION :  V2                                                             */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-int cai_liste_ima_mapsat (repert,
-		          tab_ima)
-char *repert;
-char ***tab_ima;
-   DIR *dirp;		/* pointeur sur structure ouverture repertoire */
-struct dirent *dp;   /* structure resultat de la fonction readdir   */
-   char *pch0,*pch1;    /* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres          */
-   char *pch2;          /* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres          */
-   char car;            /* variable de travail                         */  
-   int nb_ima;          /* nombre d'images mapsat  identifiees         */
-   int i;               /* indice de boucle                            */
-  /*........................................
-   INITIALISATION et ouverture du repertoire choisi
-  .........................................*/
-   nb_ima=0;
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   if(dirp!=NULL)
-   {
-      (EXTENSION =.im ou .it)
-   ..........................................*/
-   while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-   {
-     car='.';
-     pch0=(char *)strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-     if (pch0 != NULL)
-     {
-       car='i';
-       pch1=(char *)strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-       if ((pch1 != NULL)&&(pch1==pch0+1))
-       {
-         car='m';
-         pch2=(char *)strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-         if ((pch2 != NULL)&&(pch2==pch1+1))
-           {
-              *pch0='\0';
-              *pch1=' ';
-	      *pch2=' ';
-	      pch2++;
-	      if (*pch2 == '\0' )
-	      {
-	       nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-	      }
-           }
-	 else         
-          {
-              car='t';
-              pch2=(char *)strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-              if ((pch2 != NULL)&&(pch2==pch1+1))
-              {
-                *pch0='\0';
-                *pch1=' ';
-	        *pch2=' ';
-	      	pch2++;
-	      	*pch2='\0';
-	         nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-               }
-	   }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    (void)closedir(dirp);
-     ......................................*/
-    *tab_ima = (char **) calloc(nb_ima,sizeof(char *));
-    for (i=0;i<nb_ima;i=i+1)
-      (*tab_ima)[i]=(char *)calloc(1,100);
-   deuxieme passe pour constituer la liste des images du format donne
-      (EXTENSION =.im ou .it)
-   ..........................................*/
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   nb_ima=0;
-   while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-   {
-     car='.';
-     pch0=(char *)strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-     if (pch0 != NULL)
-     {
-       car='i';
-       pch1=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-       if ((pch1 != NULL)&&(pch1==pch0+1))
-       {
-         car='m';
-         pch2=(char *)strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-         if ((pch2 != NULL)&&(pch2==pch1+1))
-           {
-              *pch0='\0';
-              *pch1=' ';
-	      *pch2=' ';
-	      pch2++;
-	      if (*pch2 == '\0' )
-	      {
-               strcpy((*tab_ima)[nb_ima],dp->d_name);
-	       nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-	      }
-           }
-	 else         
-          {
-              car='t';
-              pch2=(char *)strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-              if ((pch2 != NULL)&&(pch2==pch1+1))
-              {
-                *pch0='\0';
-                *pch1=' ';
-	        *pch2=' ';
-	      	pch2++;
-	      	*pch2='\0';
-                strcpy((*tab_ima)[nb_ima],dp->d_name);
-	         nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-               }
-	   }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    (void)closedir(dirp);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-     /* Erreur:Repertoire inexistant */
-        nb_ima=-1;
-   }
-    return(nb_ima);
- Fin de l'operation cai_liste_ima_mapsat
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_lecture_mapsat                                   */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture d'une image au format mapsat    */
-/* -----     et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_mapsat (nom_image,       */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_lecture_mapsat  (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb           */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */   /*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_mapsat(repert,
-				    nom_image,
-				    nb_can,
-				    nboct_pix,
-				    nb_col,
-				    nb_lig)
-char *repert;
-char *nom_image;
-int  *nb_can;
-int  *nboct_pix;
-int  *nb_col;
-int  *nb_lig;
-   FILE *fic_in;		/* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   int  iret;			/* indicateur de retour ok ou pas           */
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char *deb,*deb1;		/* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres       */
-   char car[4];			/* indice du canal traite     		    */
-   int i,fic;			/* indice 				    */
-   int RVB,MONO;                /* indique le nombre de canaux              */
-   char type_inf[5];            /* type fichier lu dans l'entete            */
-   char label[64];		/* label lu dans l'entete		    */
-   int lig,col;                 /* variables intermediaires                 */
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   *nb_can=0;
-   *nb_lig=0;
-   *nb_col=0;
-   *nboct_pix=0;
-   iret=1;
-   RVB=3;
-   MONO=1;
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-   Constitution du nom du fichier MAPSAT .it
-   et test sur son existence
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if (strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-      sscanf(repert,"%s",nom_fic);
-      strcat(nom_fic,"/");
-      strcat(nom_fic,nom_image);
-      strcat(nom_fic,".it");
-      nom_fic[strlen(repert)+1+strlen(nom_image)+3]='\0';
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sscanf(nom_image,"%s",nom_fic);
-      strcat(nom_fic,".it");
-      nom_fic[strlen(nom_image)+3]='\0';
-   }
-   fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"r");
-   *nb_can=RVB;
-   strncpy(car,".it",3);
-   car[3]='\0';
-   if (fic_in==NULL)
-    {
-     Test sur l'existence du fichier MAPSAT avec extension .im
-   ..........................................................*/
-     nom_fic[0]='\0';
-     if (strlen(repert)!=0)
-     {
-      sscanf(repert,"%s",nom_fic);
-      strcat(nom_fic,"/");
-      strcat(nom_fic,nom_image);
-      strcat(nom_fic,".im");
-      nom_fic[strlen(repert)+1+strlen(nom_image)+3]='\0';
-     }
-     else
-     {
-      sscanf(nom_image,"%s",nom_fic);
-      strcat(nom_fic,".im");
-      nom_fic[strlen(nom_image)+3]='\0';
-     }
-     fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"r");
-     *nb_can=MONO;
-     car[0]='\0';
-     strncpy(car,".im",3);
-     car[3]='\0';
-     if (fic_in==NULL)
-     {
-       iret=0;
-       strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur Ouverture Fichier MAPSAT");
-       return (NULL);
-      }
-     }
-    verification que le fichier est de type mapsat
-  ...................................................*/
-    fread(type_inf,4,1,fic_in);
-    pour une image trichrome
-  ......*/
-    if (*nb_can==RVB)
-    {
-      if (strncmp(type_inf,"ITRI",4) !=0)
-	{
-	   iret=0;
-	   strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"l'image n'est pas au format MAPSAT");
-           return (NULL);
-         }
-      }
-     pour une image monochrome
-  .....*/
-     if (*nb_can==MONO)
-     {
-       if (strncmp(type_inf,"IMON",4) !=0)
-	{
-	   iret=0;
-	   strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"l'image n'est pas au format MAPSAT");
-           return (NULL);
-         }
-      }
-     positionnement sur les infos a recuperer
-  .....*/
-     fread(label,64,1,fic_in);
-     fread(nb_lig,4,1,fic_in);
-     fread(nb_col,4,1,fic_in);
-     *nboct_pix=1;
-     image1->NB_BITS_PIX=8;
-     lig=*nb_lig;
-     col=*nb_col;
-  .....................................................*/
-     fclose (fic_in);
-     fic=open(nom_fic,O_RDONLY,0);
-     deb = image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-     deb1= image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN;
-     for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-     {
-           sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb);
-	   strcat(deb,car);
-  	   deb=deb+100;
-           sscanf(nom_image,"%s",deb1);
-           strcat(deb1,car);
-           deb1=deb1+100;
-           image1->POS_OCTET[i]=col+(i*lig*col);
-           image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=fic;
-      }
-      return(image1);
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_lecture_mapsat
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_creation_mapsat                                  */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de creation et d'ouverture en ecriture d'une image     */
-/* -----     au format mapsat et de tous les fichiers qui la composent       */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL : CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_mapsat (nom_image,       */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig,          */
-/*				                            label)           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*     nb_can         (E) (int )   : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (E) (int )   : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (E) (int )   : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (E) (int )   : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*     label          (E) (char *) : commentaire lie a l'image               */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_creation_mapsat  (S) (CAI_IMAGE *) : =NULL si pb            */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_mapsat(repert,
-				     nom_image,
-				     nb_can,
-				     nboct_pix,
-				     nb_col,
-				     nb_lig,
-				     label)
-char *repert;
-char *nom_image;
-int  *nb_can;
-int  *nboct_pix;
-int  *nb_col;
-int  *nb_lig;
-char *label;
-   FILE *fic;		        /* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   int retour;			/* retour de fonction 			    */ 
-   int i,num;			/* indice 				    */
-   struct stat	buf_stat;	/* structure decrivant status de fichier    */
-   unsigned char *ptr;          /* pointeur sur buffer fichier              */
-   int	taille_entete;		/* taille de l'entete en octets		    */
-   int pas_echantil;            /* pas d'echantillonnage de l'image         */
-   int taille_buff_label;	/* taille en octets du label a ecrire       */
-   char *buff_label;		/* pointeur sur la chaine label a ecrire    */
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete et verification qu'il
-   n'existe pas deja .Il n'y a qu'un fichier .it si multispectral
-   .im si monospectral
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if (strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-      sscanf(repert,"%s",nom_fic);
-      strcat(nom_fic,"/");
-      strcat(nom_fic,nom_image);
-      if (*nb_can == 1)
-       strcat(nom_fic,".im");
-      else
-       strcat(nom_fic,".it");
-      nom_fic[strlen(repert)+1+strlen(nom_image)+3]='\0';
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sscanf(nom_image,"%s",nom_fic);
-      if (*nb_can == 1)
-       strcat(nom_fic,".im");
-     else
-       strcat(nom_fic,".it"); 
-      nom_fic[strlen(nom_image)+3]='\0';
-   }
-   retour = stat ( nom_fic , &buf_stat );
-   if ( retour == 0 )
-   { 
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "L'image %s MAPSAT existe \n" , nom_image );
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-/* determination de la taille de l'entete :	 */
-/* taille de l'entete = taille d'une ligne, soit */
-/* nb_col et au minimum 128 octets	 	 */
-/* ecriture de l'entete                          */
-   taille_entete = ( *nb_col > 128 )? (*nb_col) : 128;
-   fic = fopen(nom_fic,"w");
-   if (fic == NULL)
-   {
-     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Creation %s impossible\n",nom_fic);
-     goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   ptr = (unsigned char *) malloc ( taille_entete );
-   if ( ptr == NULL )
-   {
-  	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur : probleme d'allocation MAPSAT\n" );
-	goto ERREUR;
-    }
-   if (*nb_can == 1) 
-   {
-	memcpy ( ptr , "IMON" , 4 );
-   }
-   else
-   {
-	memcpy ( ptr , "ITRI" , 4 );
-   }
-   taille_buff_label = ((int)(strlen(label))+1 > 65 )? 
-			 (int)(strlen(label))+1 : 65;
-   buff_label = (char *) malloc ( taille_buff_label*sizeof(char *) );
-   strcpy( buff_label , label );
-   for ( i = strlen(label) ; i < 64 ; i++ )
-   {
-	buff_label[i]=' ';
-   }
-   buff_label[64]='\0';
-   memcpy ( &ptr[4] , buff_label , 64 );
-   memcpy ( &ptr[68] , nb_lig , 4 );
-   memcpy ( &ptr[72] , nb_col , 4 );
-   memcpy ( &ptr[76] , nb_can , 4 );
-   pas_echantil = 0;
-   memcpy ( &ptr[80] , &pas_echantil , 4 );
-   for ( i = 84 ; i < taille_entete - 1 ; i++ )
-   {
-	ptr[i] = 0;
-   }
-   retour = fwrite ( ptr , taille_entete , 1 , fic );
-  if ( retour == 0 )
-  {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur : ecriture impossible dans fichier %s\n",
-	nom_fic );
-    goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  fclose ( fic );
-  free (ptr);
-   Ouverture du fichier pour ecriture radiometrie
-  ...................................................*/
-   num = open(nom_fic,O_RDWR,0);
-   if (num == -1)
-   {
-     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Creation %s impossible\n",nom_fic);
-     goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-   {
-     image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=num;
-     image1->POS_OCTET[i]=taille_entete;
-    }
-  return (image1);
-  return(NULL);
- /* 
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_creation_mapsat
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_lecture_canal_mapsat                                   */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de lecture d'un canal d'une image mapsat               */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_mapsat(image1, canal,     */       		      /* ------------------                               premiere_ligne,          */
-/*                                           	    premiere_colonne,        */
-/*                                           	    nombre_lignes_lire ,     */
-/*                                          	    nombre_colonnes_lire,    */
-/*                                           	    pas_ligne ,pas_colonne,  */
-/*                 		             	    data_image )             */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*     canal                (E) (int) : numero du canal a lire               */
-/*     premiere_ligne       (E) (int) : premiere ligne a lire dans l'image   */
-/*     premiere _colonne    (E) (int) : premiere colonne a lire dans l'image */
-/*     nombre_lignes_lire   (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a lire              */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_lire (E) (int) : nombre de colonnes a lire            */
-/*     pas_ligne            (E) (int) : pas en ligne                         */
-/*     pas_colonne          (E) (int) : pas en colonne                       */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels lus alloue et     */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_lecture_canal_mapsat (S) (CAI_OK_KO) :  = CAI_KO si pb            */
-/*                                                 = CAI_OK si OK            */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
- CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_mapsat(image1 ,  
-                            	    canal ,           
-    		       	 	    premiere_ligne  ,   
-     		          	    premiere_colonne,
-                         	    nombre_lignes_lire ,
-                        	    nombre_colonnes_lire,
-                        	    pas_ligne ,          
-                       	     	    pas_colonne,
-		       		    data_image )        
-CAI_IMAGE *image1;
-int *canal ;          
-int *premiere_ligne  ;   
-int *premiere_colonne   ;
-int *nombre_lignes_lire ;
-int *nombre_colonnes_lire;
-int *pas_ligne ;                              
-int *pas_colonne;        
-unsigned char *data_image;
- int   num,i,j,n;           /* variables de travail                          */
- int pt_oct;		    /* position courante dans le fichier image       */
- int no_oct;                /* numero du premier octet a lire                */
- int iret;                  /* indicateur d'erreur                           */
- int lig;                   /* indice de boucle sur les lignes               */
- int   oct_pix;             /* nb octets par pixels                          */
- long  nb_oct;              /* nb oct =1er octet a lire - position courante  */
- long  oct_lig;             /* nb oct. par ligne en considerant taille pixel */
- unsigned char *buf_lec;    /* buffer lecture d'une  ligne                   */
- unsigned char *deb,*pch;   /* pointeur chaine pour transfert  buffer sortie */
-  Initialisations diverses
-  ..........................*/
-   iret=CAI_OK;
-   num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*canal-1];
-   oct_pix=image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-   oct_lig=oct_pix*image1->NB_COL;
-   lig=*premiere_ligne;
-   i=1;
-   pch=data_image;
-        allocation de memoire pour lire une ligne image
- ............................................. */
-   buf_lec = (unsigned char *) malloc(oct_lig);
-   if (buf_lec == NULL)
-   {
-      iret=CAI_KO;
-      strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Probleme allocation memoire");
-   }
-   else
-   {
-         Pour chaque ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-        while ((i <= *nombre_lignes_lire)&&(iret==CAI_OK))
-        {  
-	    Recherche de la position courante dans le fichier
-  ............................................*/
-            pt_oct=lseek(num,0L,1);
-            Calcul du numero du 1er octet a lire
-  ....................................*/
-            no_oct=image1->POS_OCTET[*canal-1]+(lig-1)*image1->NB_COL;
-            Saut d'octets pour etre positionne sur la ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-            nb_oct=(long)(no_oct-pt_oct);
-            lseek(num,nb_oct,1);
-            lecture d'une ligne image
-  ................................................*/
-            n=read(num,buf_lec,image1->NB_COL);
-            if (n<=0)
-            {
-             iret=CAI_KO;
-             strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture donnee image mapsat");
-            }
-            else
-            { 
-             Sauvegarde des donnees lues entenant compte du pas 
-             d'echantillonnage en colonne
-  ........................................*/           
-             deb=buf_lec+(*premiere_colonne)-1;
-             j=1;
-             while (j <= *nombre_colonnes_lire)
-	     {                         
-              *pch=*deb;
-              pch=pch+1;
-              j=j+1;
-              deb=deb+(*pas_colonne);
-             }   
-            }
-          i=i+1;
-          lig=lig+(*pas_ligne);
-        }        
-	free(buf_lec);
-   }
-   return(iret);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_lecture_canal_mapsat
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ecriture_canal_mapsat                                  */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ecriture d'un canal d'une image mapsat               */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_mapsat (image1, canal,   */       		      /* ------------------                                 premiere_ligne,        */
-/*                                                    nombre_lignes_ecrire,  */
-/*                                                    nombre_colonnes_ecrire,*/
-/*                 		                      data_image )           */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)   : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier */
-/*     canal                 (E) (int) : numero du canal a ecrire            */
-/*     premiere_ligne        (E) (int) : premiere ligne a ecrire ds l'image  */
-/*     nombre_lignes_ecrire  (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_ecrire(E) (int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels ecris alloue et   */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ecriture_canal_mapsat     (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb        */
-/*                                                     = CAI_OK si OK        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_mapsat (image1 ,  
-                              	     canal ,           
-    		               	     premiere_ligne  ,   
-                           	     nombre_lignes_ecrire ,
-                          	     nombre_colonnes_ecrire,
-		          	     data_image )        
-CAI_IMAGE *image1;
-int *canal ;          
-int *premiere_ligne  ;   
-int *nombre_lignes_ecrire ;
-int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire;
-unsigned char *data_image;
-long	position_first_lig;	/* position de la 1ere ligne a ecrire	 */
-long	position_courante;	/* position courante dans le fichier     */
-long	deplacement;		/* deplacement a effectuer 		 */
-int	i_ligne;		/* compteur de lignes 			 */
-unsigned char *buff_lig;	/* tableau contenant une ligne a ecrire  */
-int	cr_write;		/* code retour de write			 */
-int num;                        /* descripteur de fichier                */
-int nboct_pix;			/* nombre d'octets par pixel             */
-  Initialisations 
- ................*/
-i_ligne = 0;
-num = image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*canal-1];
-nboct_pix = image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-/* Les donnees doivent etre codees sur 8 bits	 */
-if ( nboct_pix != 1 )
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur : les donnees doivent etre codees sur 8 bits\n");
-	goto ERREUR;
-/* Calcul de la position de la premiere ligne a ecrire 	*/ 
-position_first_lig = (long) ( image1->POS_OCTET[*canal-1] +
-	             (*canal - 1) * image1->NB_LIG* (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire)
-		     + ((*premiere_ligne) - 1) * (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) );
-/* Recuperation de la position courante			*/
-position_courante = lseek ( num , 0L , 1 );
-/* Deplacement jusqu'a la premiere ligne a ecrire	*/
-deplacement = position_first_lig - position_courante;
-lseek ( num , deplacement , 1 ); 
-/* TANT QUE il y a des lignes a ecrire                 	*/
-while (i_ligne < *nombre_lignes_ecrire)
-/*	extraction de la ligne du tableau 		*/
-	buff_lig = data_image + (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) * i_ligne;
-/*	ecriture de la ligne				*/
-	cr_write = write ( num , buff_lig , (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) );
-	if ( cr_write != (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) )
-	{
-		strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture canal image mapsat\n" );
-		goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*	incrementation du nombre de lignes		*/
-	i_ligne++;
-/* FIN TANT QUE						*/
-return (CAI_OK);
-return (CAI_KO);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ecriture_canal_mapsat
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ferme_mapsat                                           */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de fermeture d'une image au format mapsat et de        */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent 			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_mapsat (image1)                   */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ferme_mapsat     (S) (CAI_OK_KO) :   = CAI_KO si pb               */
-/*                                              = CAI_OK si OK               */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_mapsat (image1)
-CAI_IMAGE *image1;
- int iret;    /* code retour de l'operation      */
- int num;     /* descripteur du fichier a fermer */
- iret=CAI_OK;
-   Fermeture de tous les canaux qui sont tous contenus
-   dans un seul fichier .im ou .it suivant le nb de canaux
-  .............................................*/
-   num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[0];
-   close(num);
-  return (iret);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ferme_mapsat
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_dest_ima_mapsat                                        */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de destruction d'une image stocke en mapsat et de      */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent  			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_mapsat (format,nom_ima)        */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*     format       (E) (char *) : format de l'image a detruire              */
-/*     nom_image    (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a detruire avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_dest_ima_mapsat  (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb                 */
-/*                                            = CAI_OK si OK                 */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_mapsat ( repertoire , 
-                          	nom_ima )
-char	*repertoire;		/* repertoire de stockage de l'image */
-char	*nom_ima;		/* nom de l'image */
-int     iret;                   /* code retour fonction fermetrue lecture */
-char	nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier entete a detruire */
-char    nom_ima_complet[1024];  /* repertoire + nom de l'image */
-CAI_IMAGE   *image1;             /* structure ouverture image */
-int         nb_can;	        /* nombre de canaux de l'image */
-int         nboct_pix;		/* nombre d'octets par pixel image */
-int         nb_col;	        /* nombre de colonnes de l'image */
-int         nb_lig;             /* nombre de lignes de l'image */
-/* Constitution du nom du fichier 		*/
-if (strlen(repertoire)!= 0)
-  strcpy ( nom_ima_complet , repertoire );
-  strcat ( nom_ima_complet, "/" );
-  strcat ( nom_ima_complet , nom_ima );
-  strcpy ( nom_ima_complet , nom_ima);
-/* Extraction des caracteristiques de l'image 	*/
-/* du fichier entete par l'appel a la fonction	*/
-/* cai_ouvre_lecture_mapsat			*/
-  image1 = cai_ouvre_lecture_mapsat (repertoire, nom_ima, &nb_can ,&nboct_pix ,
-				      &nb_col , &nb_lig);
-  if ( image1 == NULL) goto ERREUR;
-  image1->NB_CANAUX=nb_can;
-  image1->NB_COL=nb_col;
-  image1->NB_LIG=nb_lig;
-  image1->NBOCT_PIX=nboct_pix;
-  iret=cai_ferme_mapsat(image1);
-/* constitution du fichier + extension en       */
-/* fonction du  nombre de canaux                */
-  nom_fic[0]='\0';
-  strcpy(nom_fic,nom_ima_complet);
-  if (nb_can == 1) 
-   {
-     strcat ( nom_fic , ".im" );
-     nom_fic[strlen(nom_ima_complet)+3]='\0';
-   }
-   else 
-   {
-     strcat ( nom_fic , ".it" );
-     nom_fic[strlen(nom_ima_complet)+3]='\0';
-   }
-/* Destruction du fichier image			*/
-  unlink ( nom_fic );
-  return (CAI_OK);
-return (CAI_KO);
- Fin de l'operation cai_dest_ima_mapsat
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_multis.c b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_multis.c
deleted file mode 100755
index a9d80866ef50324892e79d1492355ef9217bbb6c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_multis.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1985 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                           */
-/* PROJET :    COUCHE ACCES IMAGE                                            */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MODULE :    cai_multis.c                                                  */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE   :    Ce module rassemble toutes les fonctions d'acces aux images   */
-/* -------     stockees au format multiscope                                 */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* AUTEUR :      R.CHAISEMARTIN     (CISI)                                   */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* DATE DE CREATION :    fevrier 1995                                        */
-/* -----------------						             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* LANGAGE : C                                                               */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V2                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : FA : modifications pour compatibilite HP64bits      */
-/*                Inclusion des fichiers STANDARDS (.h)                      */
-# include <stdio.h>
-# include <string.h>
-# include <stdlib.h>
-# include <ctype.h>
-# include <unistd.h>
-# include <sys/types.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-# include <sys/stat.h>
-# include <fcntl.h>
-#define _CAI_IMAGE
-# include "cai_image.h"
-/* Variable pour la  gestion en configuration                                 */
-static char *rcs_id="$Header: cai_multis.c,v 1.8 01/05/31 10:47:08 cmf Exp $";
-extern char *getenv();
-static void inverser (char * s , int nboct );
-static void calculer_histo(CAI_IMAGE *image1, unsigned char *buffer ,
-				int nb_pix , int canal );
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                Definition des OPERATIONS EXTERNES                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_liste_ima_multis                                       */
-/* ----------                                                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de listage des images au format multiscope             */
-/* ------                                                                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :      int cai_liste_ima_multis (repert,tab_ima)         */
-/* -----------------                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     repert        (E) (char *)   : repertoire a explorer		     */
-/*     tab_ima       (S) (char ***) : pointeur sur tableau des images listees*/
-/*                                    alloue par la fonction,il doit etre    */
-/*                                    LIBERE PAR L'APPELANT                  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_liste_ima_multis    (S) (int)     : = -1 repertoire inexistant    */                                    /*					       = > 0 nombre d'images listees */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION :  V2                                                             */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-long int cai_liste_ima_multis (char *repert,
-		          char ***tab_ima)
-   DIR *dirp;		/* pointeur sur structure ouverture repertoire */
-struct dirent *dp;   /* structure resultat de la fonction readdir   */
-   char *pch0,*pch1;    /* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres          */
-   char *pch2,*pch3;    /* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres          */
-   char car;            /* variable de travail                         */  
-   int nb_ima;          /* nombre d'images multiscope identifiees      */
-   int i;		/* indice de boucle			       */
-   INITIALISATION et ouverture du repertoire choisi
-  .........................................*/
-   nb_ima=0;
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   if(dirp!=NULL)
-   {
-   premiere passe pour comptabiliser les images du format donne
-      (EXTENSION =.img)
-    ..........................................*/
-   while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-   {
-     car='.';
-     pch0=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-     if (pch0 != NULL)
-     {
-       car='i';
-       pch1=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-       if ((pch1 != NULL)&&(pch1==pch0+1))
-       {
-         car='m';
-         pch2=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-         if ((pch2 != NULL)&&(pch2==pch1+1))
-         {
-	      car='g';
-              pch3=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-              if ((pch3 != NULL)&&(pch3==pch2+1))
-	      {
-                *pch0='\0';
-              	*pch1=' ';
-	      	*pch2=' ';
-		*pch3=' ';
-	        nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-              }
-           }
-       }
-     }
-   }
-    (void)closedir(dirp);
-     ......................................*/
-    *tab_ima = (char **) calloc(nb_ima,sizeof(char *));
-    for (i=0;i<nb_ima;i=i+1)
-      (*tab_ima)[i]=(char *)calloc(1,100);
-   deuxieme passe pour constituer la liste des images du format donne
-      (EXTENSION =.img)
-   ..........................................*/
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   nb_ima=0;
-   while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-   {
-     car='.';
-     pch0=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-     if (pch0 != NULL)
-     {
-       car='i';
-       pch1=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-       if ((pch1 != NULL)&&(pch1==pch0+1))
-       {
-         car='m';
-         pch2=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-         if ((pch2 != NULL)&&(pch2==pch1+1))
-         {
-	      car='g';
-              pch3=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-              if ((pch3 != NULL)&&(pch3==pch2+1))
-	      {
-                *pch0='\0';
-              	*pch1=' ';
-	      	*pch2=' ';
-		*pch3=' ';
-                strcpy((*tab_ima)[nb_ima],dp->d_name);
-	        nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-              }
-           }
-       }
-     }
-   }
-    (void)closedir(dirp);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-     /* Repertoire inexistant */
-     nb_ima=-1;
-   }
-    return(nb_ima);
-/* Fin de l'operation cai_liste_ima_multis
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_lecture_multis                                   */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE : fonction d'ouverture en lecture d'une image au format multiscope   */
-/* -----     et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_multis (nom_image,       */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_lecture_multis  (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb           */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */   /*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_multis(char *repert,
-				    char *nom_image,
-				    int *nb_can,
-				    int *nboct_pix,
-				    int *nb_col,
-				    int *nb_lig)
-   FILE *fic;			/* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   int  iret;			/* indicateur de retour ok ou pas           */
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char nom_fic_canal[1024];	/* nom du fichier canal			    */
-   char nom_util_canal[1024];	/* nom du fichier utilisateur		    */
-   char *deb,*deb1;		/* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres       */
-   int num,retour,lon;	        /*  variables de travail                    */
-   short int type,fin;          /* variables de trvail			    */
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   *nb_lig=0;
-   *nb_col=0;
-   *nboct_pix=0;
-   *nb_can=0; 
-   iret=1;
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-      sscanf(repert,"%s",nom_fic);
-      strcat(nom_fic,"/");
-      strcat(nom_fic,nom_image);
-      strcat(nom_fic,".img");
-      nom_fic[strlen(repert)+1+strlen(nom_image)+4]='\0';
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sscanf(nom_image,"%s",nom_fic);
-      strcat(nom_fic,".img");
-      nom_fic[strlen(nom_image)+4]='\0';
-   }
-   Ouverture du fichier entete
-  ..........................................*/
-   fic=fopen(nom_fic,"rb");
-   if (fic == NULL)
-   {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier entete MULTISCOPE");
-    }
-   else
-   {
-          positionnement sur le nombre de colonnes
-	  fseek(fic,8,0);
-	  recuperation du nombre de colonnes */
-	  fread(nb_col,4,1,fic);
-	  inversion des octets pour compatibilite SUN */
-	  lon=sizeof(*nb_col)-1;
-	  inverser((char *)nb_col,lon);
-	  recuperation du nombre de lignes
-	  fread(nb_lig,4,1,fic);
-	  inversion des octets pour compatibilite SUN */
-	  lon=sizeof(*nb_lig)-1;
-	  inverser((char *)nb_lig,lon);
-	  initialisation du nombre d'octets par pixel
-	  *nboct_pix=1;
-          image1->NB_BITS_PIX=8;
-	  sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"OCT");
-	  positionnement sur le premier objet
-	  fseek(fic,114,1);
-	  retour=0;
-          deb = image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-          deb1= image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN;
-	  while (retour == 0)
-	  {
-/*...........Recuperation de tous les objets jusqu'a l'eof
-	     nom fichier,nom utilisateur et type de l'objet(avec inversion)
-	     fread(nom_fic_canal,14,1,fic);
-	     fread(nom_util_canal,40,1,fic);
-	     fread(&type,2,1,fic);
-	     lon=sizeof(type)-1;
-	     inverser((char *)&type,lon);
-	     if (type == 3)
-	      {
-                 Initialisation des tableaux contenant le nom de fichier
-                 et le nom utilisateur de chaque canal
-  .....................................................*/
-          	if (*nb_can<CAI_NB_MAX_CAN)
-          	{
-		  nom_fic_canal[0] = tolower(nom_fic_canal[0]);
-		  nom_fic_canal[1] = tolower(nom_fic_canal[1]);
-		  nom_fic_canal[2] = tolower(nom_fic_canal[2]);
-		  nom_fic_canal[9] = tolower(nom_fic_canal[9]);
-		  nom_fic_canal[10] = tolower(nom_fic_canal[10]);
-		  nom_fic_canal[11] = tolower(nom_fic_canal[11]);
-  	          nom_fic[0]='\0';
-                  if ((long int)strlen(repert) != 0)
-                  {
-                    sscanf(repert,"%s",nom_fic);
-                    strcat(nom_fic,"/");
-                    strcat(nom_fic,nom_fic_canal);
-                    nom_fic[strlen(repert)+1+strlen(nom_fic_canal)]='\0';
-       		   }
-       		  else
-       		  {
-                     sscanf(nom_fic_canal,"%s",nom_fic);
-                     nom_fic[strlen(nom_fic_canal)]='\0';
-    		  }
-        	  sscanf(nom_fic_canal,"%s",deb);
-	          deb=deb+100;
-        	  sscanf(nom_util_canal,"%s",deb1);
-	          deb1=deb1+100;
-                  num=open(nom_fic,O_RDONLY,0);
-                  if (num==-1)
-                  {
-                    iret=0;
-                    strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fi canal Multiscope");
-       		   }
-       		  else
-       		  {
-                    image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*nb_can]=num;
-		    image1->POS_OCTET[*nb_can]=1280;
-	            image1->NB_PIX_ECRITS[*nb_can]=0;
-                  }
-        	}
-	        *nb_can=*nb_can+1;
-	      }
-/*............Positionnement en fin de bloc */
-	      fseek(fic,70,1);
-  ............Test fin de fichier */
-	      fread(&fin,2,1,fic);
-	      retour=feof(fic);
-	  }      
-          Fermeture du fichier 
-  ......................................*/
-          fclose(fic);
-       }
-   if (iret != 0)
-      return (image1);
-    else
-     return(NULL);
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_lecture_multis
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_creation_multis                                  */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de creation et d'ouverture en ecriture d'une image     */
-/* -----     au format multiscope et de tous les fichiers qui la composent   */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL : CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_multis (nom_image,       */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig,          */
-/*				                            label)           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*     nb_can         (E) (int )   : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (E) (int )   : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (E) (int )   : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (E) (int )   : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*     label          (E) (char *) : commentaire lie a l'image               */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_creation_multis  (S) (CAI_IMAGE *) : =NULL si pb            */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_multis(char *repert,
-				     char *nom_image,
-				     int *nb_can,
-				     int *nboct_pix,
-				     int *nb_col,
-				     int *nb_lig,
-				     char *label)
-   FILE *fic;		        /* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char fichier[1024];          /* variable intermediaire		    */
-   char nom_fic_canal[1024];    /* nom fichier canal dont on teste existence*/
-   long int retour;		/* retour de fonction 			    */ 
-   char car3[3],car6[6];	/* indice du canal traite     		    */
-   int i,num,numero_fic;	/* indice 				    */
-   struct stat	buf_stat;	/* structure decrivant status de fichier    */
-   unsigned char *buff ;        /* buffer a ecrire                          */
-   int taille,nb;	        /* variables de travail sur taille fichier  */
-   char *deb;			/* pointeur sur chaine pour transfert       */
-   int	col_pix_1;		/* colonne du premier pixel		    */
-   int	lig_pix_1;		/* ligne du premier pixel 		    */
-   char	*nom_fic_carac;		/* nom relatif du fichier caracteristiques  */	
-   long int taille_nom_dos_vue; /* taille de fichier 			    */
-   char	*nom_dos_vue;		/* nom DOS de la vue			    */
-   long int taille_nom_dos_ima;	/* taille de fichier		            */
-   char	*nom_dos_ima;		/* nom DOS de l'image			    */
-   int	flag_sauvegarde;	/* flag de sauvegarde			    */
-   char	*nom_dos_obj;		/* nom DOS de l'objet			    */
-   char	nom_util[100+1];	/* intitule ou nom utilisateur		    */
-   int	flag_suppression;	/* flag de suppression 			    */
-   int	type_obj;		/* type de l'objet		            */
-   int	version;		/* version 				    */
-   int	filler;			/* filler				    */
-   int	dim_bloc;		/* dimension d'un bloc 			    */
-   int	presence_histo;		/* indicateur de presence des histogrammes  */
-   int	int_tempo;		/* entier utilise pour inversion d'octets   */
-   int	lon;			/* longueur de l'entier - 1                 */
-   int i_can;			/* indice de boucle sur les canaux          */
-   long li;
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete et verification qu'il
-   n'existe pas deja
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-      sscanf(repert,"%s",nom_fic);
-      strcat(nom_fic,"/");
-      strcat(nom_fic,nom_image);
-      strcat(nom_fic,".img");
-      nom_fic[strlen(repert)+1+strlen(nom_image)+4]='\0';
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sscanf(nom_image,"%s",nom_fic);
-      strcat(nom_fic,".img");
-      nom_fic[strlen(nom_image)+4]='\0';
-   }
-   retour = stat ( nom_fic , &buf_stat );
-   if ( retour == 0 )
-   { 
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "L'image %s MULTISCOPE existe \n" , nom_image );
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  Pour chaque canal de l'image,constitution du nom de fichier correspondant
-  Verification qu'il n'existe pas deja
-  Ouverture du fichier en ecriture
-  .................................................................*/
-  deb =(char *) image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-  i=0;
-  numero_fic=0;
-  while ((i<*nb_can)&& (numero_fic<10000))
-  {
-   nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';
-   fichier[0]='\0';
-   sprintf ( car6 , "%05d" , numero_fic );
-   strcat ( fichier,"fdo");
-   strcat ( fichier , car6);
-   strcat ( fichier , ".per" );
-   fichier[strlen(car6)+7]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repert) != 0)
-   {
-     sscanf(repert,"%s",nom_fic_canal);
-     strcat(nom_fic_canal,"/fdo");
-     strcat ( nom_fic_canal , car6 );
-     strcat ( nom_fic_canal , ".per" );
-     nom_fic_canal[strlen(repert)+4+strlen(car6)+4]='\0';
-    }
-    else
-    {
-     sscanf(fichier,"%s",nom_fic_canal);
-     nom_fic_canal[strlen(car6)+7]='\0';
-    }
-   retour = stat ( nom_fic_canal , &buf_stat );
-   if ( retour != 0 )  /* si ce fichier n'existe pas il peut etre creer */
-   {    
-      sscanf(fichier,"%s",deb);
-      i=i+1;
-      deb=deb+100;
-    }
-    numero_fic=numero_fic+1;
-   }
-   ecriture du fichier img et de l'entete des fichiers canaux
-  .................................................................*/
-  fic = fopen(nom_fic,"w");
-  if ( fic == NULL )
-   { 
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Creation image multiscope impossible \n" ,
-		   nom_image );
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-/* la taille du fichier entete doit etre multiple de 512 */
-   taille = 128*(1+(*nb_can));
-   nb=taille;
-   if ( taille % 512 == 0 )
-	taille = taille;
-   else
-	taille = taille - (taille%512) + 512;
-/* Ecriture des enregistrements d'entete et de   */
-/* description des objets :		         */
-/* 128 + n*128 octets avec n = nombre d'objets   */
-/* ecriture de l'enregistrement d'entete	 */
-   buff = (unsigned char *) calloc ( 128,sizeof(unsigned char) );
-   if ( buff == NULL )
-   {
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur : probleme d'allocation \n" );
-	unlink(nom_fic);
-	goto ERREUR;
-    }
-    col_pix_1 = 0;
-    int_tempo = col_pix_1;
-    lon = sizeof(int_tempo)-1;
-    inverser((char *)&int_tempo,lon);
-    memcpy ( buff , &int_tempo , 4 );
-    lig_pix_1 = 0;
-    int_tempo = lig_pix_1;
-    lon = sizeof(int_tempo)-1;
-    inverser((char *)&int_tempo,lon);
-    memcpy ( &buff[4] , &int_tempo , 4 );
-    int_tempo = (*nb_col);
-    lon = sizeof(int_tempo)-1;
-    inverser((char *)&int_tempo,lon);
-    memcpy ( &buff[8] , &int_tempo , 4 );
-    int_tempo = (*nb_lig);
-    lon = sizeof(int_tempo)-1;
-    inverser((char *)&int_tempo,lon);
-    memcpy ( &buff[12] , &int_tempo , 4 );
-/* construction du nom relatif du fichier */
-/* caracteristiques : nom_image.img */
-    nom_fic_carac = (char *) strrchr ( nom_fic , '/' ) + 1;
-   taille_nom_dos_vue =
-   ( (long int)(strlen(nom_fic_carac))-3 > 15 )? 
-	(long int)(strlen(nom_fic_carac))-3 : 15;
-     nom_dos_vue = (char *) malloc ( taille_nom_dos_vue*sizeof(char *) );
-    strncpy ( nom_dos_vue , nom_fic_carac , strlen(nom_fic_carac)-4 );
-    for ( li = (long int)(strlen(nom_fic_carac)-4) ; li < 14 ; li++ )
-    {
-	nom_dos_vue[li]=' ';
-    }
-    nom_dos_vue[14]='\0';
-   /* passage en majuscules */
-   for ( i = 0 ; i < 14 ; i++ )
-   {
-	nom_dos_vue[i] = toupper(nom_dos_vue[i]);
-    }
-/*    memcpy ( &buff[16] , nom_dos_vue , 14 ); */
-    taille_nom_dos_ima =
-         ( (long int)(strlen(nom_fic_carac))-3 > 15 )? 
-	   (long int)(strlen(nom_fic_carac))-3 : 15;
-    nom_dos_ima = (char *) malloc ( taille_nom_dos_ima*sizeof(char *) );
-    strncpy ( nom_dos_ima , nom_fic_carac , strlen(nom_fic_carac)-4 );
-    nom_dos_ima[strlen(nom_fic_carac)-4]='\0';
-    /* le nom DOS de l'image ne doit pas depasser 10 caracteres */
-    if ( (long int)(strlen(nom_dos_ima)) > 10 )
-	nom_dos_ima[10]='\0';
-    /* passage en majuscule */
-    for ( li = 0 ; li < (long int)(strlen(nom_dos_ima)) ; li++ )
-    {
-	nom_dos_ima[li] = toupper(nom_dos_ima[li]);
-     }
-     li = (long int)strlen(nom_dos_ima)+1 ;
-     memcpy ( &buff[30] , nom_dos_ima , li);
-/*     memcpy ( &buff[30+li] , "IMG" , 3 );
-     for ( li = 30+(long int)strlen(nom_dos_ima)+1+3 ; li < 44 ; li++ )
-     {
-	buff[li] = 0;
-      }*/
-     flag_sauvegarde = 0;
-     int_tempo = flag_sauvegarde;
-     lon = sizeof(int_tempo)-1;
-     inverser((char *)&int_tempo,lon);
-     memcpy ( &buff[44] , &int_tempo , 2 );
-/*    for ( i = 46 ; i < 128 ; i++ )
-    {
-	buff[i] = 0;
-    }*/
-   if ((*nb_can)==1)
-   	buff[46]='I';
-   retour = fwrite ( buff , 128 , 1 , fic );
-   if ( retour == 0 )
-   {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR ,"Ecriture impossible dans fichier %s\n" ,nom_fic);
-    unlink(nom_fic);
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-    free ( nom_dos_vue );
-    free ( nom_dos_ima );
-    free ( buff );
-/* POUR	    chacun des objets			 */
-   deb=image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-   for ( i_can= 0 ; i_can< *nb_can ; i_can++ )
-   {
-     buff = (unsigned char *) calloc ( 128,sizeof(unsigned char) );
-     if ( buff == NULL )
-     {
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur : probleme d'allocation \n" );
-	unlink(nom_fic);
-	goto ERREUR;
-      }
-/*   ecriture de la description de l'objet 	 */
-     flag_suppression = 1;
-     int_tempo = flag_suppression;
-     lon = sizeof(int_tempo)-1;
-     inverser((char *)&int_tempo,lon);
-     memcpy ( buff , &int_tempo , 2 );
-     nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';
-     sscanf(deb,"%s",nom_fic_canal);
-     deb=deb+100;
-     nom_dos_obj = (char *) calloc ( 15,sizeof(char *) );
-     strcpy ( nom_dos_obj , nom_fic_canal );
-     for ( li = (long int)strlen(nom_fic_canal) ; li < 14 ; li++ )
-     {
-		nom_dos_obj[li]='\0';
-      }
-      nom_dos_obj[14]='\0';
-      nom_dos_obj[0] = toupper(nom_dos_obj[0]);
-      nom_dos_obj[1] = toupper(nom_dos_obj[1]);
-      nom_dos_obj[2] = toupper(nom_dos_obj[2]);
-      nom_dos_obj[9] = toupper(nom_dos_obj[9]);
-      nom_dos_obj[10] = toupper(nom_dos_obj[10]);
-      nom_dos_obj[11] = toupper(nom_dos_obj[11]);
-      memcpy ( &buff[2] , nom_dos_obj , 14 );
-      for ( i = 6 ; i < 40 ; i++ )
-      {
-		nom_util[i]='\0';
-       }
-      nom_util[40]='\0';
-      sprintf(nom_util,"CANAL/PLAN%d",i_can+1);
-      memcpy ( &buff[16] , nom_util , 40 );
-      type_obj = 3;
-      int_tempo = type_obj;
-      lon = sizeof(int_tempo)-1;
-      inverser((char *)&int_tempo,lon);
-      memcpy ( &buff[56] , &int_tempo , 2 );
-      memcpy ( &buff[58] , "01-04-01 10:10" , 14 );
-      for ( i = 72 ; i < 128 ; i++ )
-      {
-		buff[i] = 0;
-      }
-     retour = fwrite ( buff , 128 , 1 , fic );
-     if ( retour == 0 )
-     {
-       sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR ,"Ecriture impossible dans fichier %s\n" ,nom_fic);
-       unlink(nom_fic);
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-      free(buff);
-   Ecriture de 0 jusqu'a la taille du fichier
-  .........................................................*/
-    if (nb != taille)
-    {
-       buff = (unsigned char *) calloc ( taille-nb,sizeof(unsigned char) );
-       if ( buff == NULL )
-       {
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur : probleme d'allocation \n" );
-	unlink(nom_fic);
-	goto ERREUR;
-        }
-       retour = fwrite ( buff , taille-nb , 1 , fic );
-       if ( retour == 0 )
-       {
-        sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR ,"Ecriture impossible dans fichier %s\n" ,nom_fic);
-        unlink(nom_fic);
-        goto ERREUR;
-        }
-       free(buff);
-      }
-    }
-    fclose(fic);
-  /*************************************************/
-  /* POUR      chacun des fichiers canaux	   */
-  /*************************************************/
-  deb=image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-  for ( i_can = 0 ; i_can< *nb_can ; i_can++ )
-  {
-/*	ouverture du fichier            	 */
-       fichier[0]='\0';
-      if ((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-      {
-       sscanf(repert,"%s",fichier);
-       strcat(fichier,"/");
-       strcat(fichier,deb);
-       }
-       else
-       {
-         sscanf(deb,"%s",fichier);
-        }
-       deb=deb+100;
-	fic = fopen ( fichier , "w" );
-	if ( fic == NULL )
-	{
-	   sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur : ouverture fichier %s impossible \n",
-		     fichier);
-		goto ERREUR ;
-	 }
-/*	ecriture de l'enregistrement d'entete	 */
-/*	du filler et des enregistrements	 */
-/*	histogrammes	 			 */
-/* 	24 + 232 + 4*256 octets 		 */
-/*	ecriture de l'enregistrement d'entete	 */
-	buff = (unsigned char *) calloc ( 24 ,sizeof(unsigned char));
-	if ( buff == NULL )
-	{
-		strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur : probleme d'allocation\n" );
-		goto ERREUR;
-	}
-	version = 1;
-	int_tempo = version;
-	lon = sizeof(int_tempo)-1;
-	inverser((char *)&int_tempo,lon);
-	memcpy ( buff , &int_tempo , 2 );
-	type_obj = 3;
-	int_tempo = type_obj;
-	lon = sizeof(int_tempo)-1;
-	inverser((char *)&int_tempo,lon);
-	memcpy ( &buff[2] , &int_tempo , 2 );
-/*	memcpy ( &buff[4] , "*CAI**" , 6 ); */
-	filler = 0;
-	int_tempo = filler;
-	lon = sizeof(int_tempo)-1;
-	inverser((char *)&int_tempo,lon);
-	memcpy ( &buff[10] , &int_tempo , 2 );
-	dim_bloc = 16;
-	int_tempo = dim_bloc;
-	lon = sizeof(int_tempo)-1;
-	inverser((char *)&int_tempo,lon);
-	memcpy ( &buff[12] , &int_tempo , 2 );
-	int_tempo = (*nb_lig);
-	lon = sizeof(int_tempo)-1;
-	inverser((char *)&int_tempo,lon);
-	memcpy ( &buff[14] , &int_tempo , 4 );
-	int_tempo = (*nb_col);
-	lon = sizeof(int_tempo)-1;
-	inverser((char *)&int_tempo,lon);
-	memcpy ( &buff[18] , &int_tempo , 4 );
-	presence_histo = 0;
-	int_tempo = presence_histo;
-	lon = sizeof(int_tempo)-1;
-	inverser((char *)&int_tempo,lon);
-	memcpy ( &buff[22] , &int_tempo , 2 );
-	retour = fwrite ( buff , 24 , 1 , fic );
-	if ( retour == 0 )
-	{
-	  sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur : ecriture impossible dans fichier %s\n", fichier );
-	  goto ERREUR;
-	}
-	free ( buff );
-/*	ecriture du filler a 0 			 */
-	buff = (unsigned char *) calloc ( 232 ,sizeof(unsigned char));
-	if ( buff == NULL )
-	{
-		strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur : probleme d'allocation\n" );
-		goto ERREUR;
-	}
-	retour = fwrite ( buff , 232 , 1 , fic );
-	if ( retour == 0 )
-	{
-	  sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur : ecriture impossible dans fichier %s\n", fichier );
-		goto ERREUR;
-	}
-	free ( buff );
-/*	ecriture des histogrammes a 0          	 */
-	/* initialisations de variables necessaire au calcul d'histogramme */
-	for ( i=0 ; i<256 ; i++ )
-	{
-		image1->HISTO[i_can][i]=0;
-	}
-	retour = fwrite ( image1->HISTO[i_can] , (sizeof(int)*256) , 1 , fic );
-	if ( retour == 0 )
-	{
-	  sprintf (CAI_ERREUR  , "Erreur : ecriture impossible dans fichier %s\n", fichier );
-		goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*	fermeture du fichier canal 		 */
-	fclose ( fic );
-         Ouverture du fichier canal pour ecriture radiometrie
-  .............................................................*/
-      num = open(fichier,O_RDWR,0);
-      image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i_can]=num;
-      image1->POS_OCTET[i_can]=24 +232+ 4*256;
-    }
-    free ( nom_dos_obj );
-  return (image1);
-  return(NULL);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_creation_multis
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_lecture_canal_multis                                   */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de lecture d'un canal d'une image multiscope           */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_multis(image1, canal,     */       		      /* ------------------                               premiere_ligne,          */
-/*                                          	    premiere_colonne,        */
-/*                                           	    nombre_lignes_lire ,     */
-/*                                           	    nombre_colonnes_lire,    */
-/*                                           	    pas_ligne ,pas_colonne,  */
-/*                 		             	    data_image )             */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*     canal                (E) (int) : numero du canal a lire               */
-/*     premiere_ligne       (E) (int) : premiere ligne a lire dans l'image   */
-/*     premiere _colonne    (E) (int) : premiere colonne a lire dans l'image */
-/*     nombre_lignes_lire   (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a lire              */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_lire (E) (int) : nombre de colonnes a lire            */
-/*     pas_ligne            (E) (int) : pas en ligne                         */
-/*     pas_colonne          (E) (int) : pas en colonne                       */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels lus alloue et     */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_lecture_canal_multis  (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb            */
-/*                                                 = CAI_OK si OK            */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_multis(CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,  
-                            	   int *canal ,           
-    		             	   int *premiere_ligne  ,   
-     		             	   int *premiere_colonne,
-                             	   int *nombre_lignes_lire ,
-                             	   int *nombre_colonnes_lire,
-                              	   int *pas_ligne ,          
-                             	   int *pas_colonne,
-		             	   unsigned char *data_image )        
- int   num,i,j;             /* variables de travail                          */
- long int pt_oct,n;	    /* position courante dans le fichier image       */
- int no_oct;                /* numero du premier octet a lire                */
- int iret;                  /* indicateur d'erreur                           */
- int lig;                   /* indice de boucle sur les lignes               */
- int l,p;		    /* variables de travail			     */
- long  nb_oct;              /* nb oct =1er octet a lire - position courante  */
- unsigned char *buf_lec;    /* buffer lecture d'une  ligne                   */
- unsigned char *deb,*pch;   /* pointeur chaine pour transfert  buffer sortie */
- unsigned char *buffer;     /* buffer de lecture d'un pave 16*16             */
- int pave;                  /* nombre de paves colonnes dans une ligne       */
- int taille;                /* nbcol_tot*taille lignes pave                  */
- int bloc;		    /* indice de boucle sur les paves                */
- int nolig;		    /* indice de boucle sur les lignes               */
- int numlig;                /* numero de la ligne reconstituee               */
- unsigned char *ind_lec;    /* pointeur de travai pour transfert pave        */
- unsigned char *ind_tab;    /* pointeur de travai pour transfert pave        */
- int nbcol16;               /* nb pave*taille colonnes du pave  (16)         */
-  Initialisations
-  ........................*/
-   iret=CAI_OK;
-   num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*canal-1];
-   lig=*premiere_ligne;
-   i=0;
-   pch=data_image;
-        allocation de memoire pour lire une ligne image
- ............................................. */
-   pave=image1->NB_COL/16;
-   if ((image1->NB_COL%16)!=0)
-   {
-      pave=pave+1;
-   }
-   nbcol16=pave*16;
-   taille=nbcol16*16;
-   buf_lec = (unsigned char *) malloc(256);
-   if (buf_lec == NULL)
-   {
-      iret=CAI_KO;
-      strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Probleme allocation memoire");
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc(taille);
-      if (buffer == NULL)
-      {
-         iret=CAI_KO;
-         strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Probleme allocation memoire");
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        lig=*premiere_ligne;
-        i=0;
-        pch=data_image;
-         Pour chaque ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-        while ((i < *nombre_lignes_lire)&&(iret==CAI_OK))
-        {  
-	    Recherche de la position courante dans le fichier
-  ............................................*/
-            pt_oct=lseek(num,0L,1);
-            Calcul du numero du 1er octet a lire
-  ....................................*/
-  	    nolig=((lig-1)/16)*16;
-            no_oct=image1->POS_OCTET[*canal-1]+(nolig*nbcol16);
-            Saut d'octets pour etre positionne sur la ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-            nb_oct=(long)(no_oct-pt_oct);
-            lseek(num,nb_oct,1);
-            lecture de 16 lignes completes de nolig+1 a nolig+16
-  ................................................*/
-	    for (bloc=1;bloc<=pave;bloc=bloc+1)
-	    {
-/*	      lecture d'un bloc de 256 octets consecutifs */
-              n=read(num,buf_lec,256);
-              if (n<=0)
-              {
-                iret=CAI_KO;
-                strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture donnee image multis");
-              }
-              else
-              { 
-/*	        stockage du pave dans le tableau de 16 lignes completes */
-		ind_tab=buffer+(bloc-1)*16;
-		ind_lec=buf_lec;
-	        for (l=1;l<=16;l=l+1)
-                {
-		  for (p=1;p<=16;p=p+1)
-		  {
-			*ind_tab=*ind_lec;
-			ind_tab=ind_tab+1;
-			ind_lec=ind_lec+1;
-	          }
-		  ind_tab=ind_tab+nbcol16-16;
-		}
-	       }
-              }
-             Sauvegarde des donnees lues entenant compte du pas 
-             d'echantillonnage en colonne
-  ........................................*/   
-	     if (iret==CAI_OK)
-	     {
-		numlig=lig-nolig;
-		deb=buffer+(numlig-1)*nbcol16+(*premiere_colonne)-1;
-	        while ((numlig<=16)&&(i<*nombre_lignes_lire))
-		{
-		  j=1;
-		  while (j<=*nombre_colonnes_lire)
-		  {
-		    *pch=*deb;
-		    pch=pch+1;
-		    j=j+1;
-		    deb=deb+(*pas_colonne);
-	          }
-		  numlig=numlig+(*pas_ligne);
-	          deb=buffer+(numlig-1)*nbcol16+(*premiere_colonne)-1;
-		  lig=lig+(*pas_ligne);
-		  i=i+1;
-	        }
-	      }
-        }
-	free(buffer);
-      }
-      free(buf_lec);
-   }
-   return(iret);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_lecture_canal_multis
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ecriture_canal_multis                                  */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ecriture d'un canal d'une image multiscope           */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_multis(image1, canal,    */       		      /* ------------------                                premiere_ligne,         */
-/*                                                   nombre_lignes_ecrire,   */
-/*                                                   nombre_colonnes_ecrire, */
-/*                 		                     data_image )            */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)   : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier */
-/*     canal                 (E) (int) : numero du canal a ecrire            */
-/*     premiere_ligne        (E) (int) : premiere ligne a ecrire ds l'image  */
-/*     nombre_lignes_ecrire  (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_ecrire(E) (int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels ecris alloue et   */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ecriture_canal_multis     (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb        */
-/*                                                     = CAI_OK si OK        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_multis (CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,  
-                                      int *canal ,           
-    		                      int *premiere_ligne  ,   
-                                      int *nombre_lignes_ecrire ,
-                                      int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire,
-		                      unsigned char *data_image )  
-int num;                        /* descripteur de fichier		     */
-int nboct_pix;			/* nombre d'octets par pixel                 */
-int	nb_colon_correc;	/* nombre de colonnes multiple de 16 	     */
-int	nb_blocs;		/* nombre de paquets de 16 pixels	     */
-int	i_bloc;			/* compteur de blocs			     */
-int	nb_last_pix;		/* nb initial de pixels dans le dernier bloc */
-int	nb_blocs_prec_first_lig;/* nb de blocs avant 1ere ligne a ecrire     */
-int	nb_blocs_prec_lig;	/* nb de blocs avant ligne courante 	     */
-int	pos_first_lig_ds_bloc;	/* position 1ere ligne a ecrire dans son bloc*/
-int	pos_lig_ds_bloc;	/* position ligne courante dans son bloc     */
-long	position_first_oct;	/* position du 1er octet a ecrire 	     */
-long	position_courante;	/* position courante dans le fichier 	     */
-long	deplacement;		/* deplacement a effectuer		     */
-long	depla_bl;		/* deplacement a effectuer		     */
-int	i_ligne;		/* compteur de lignes 			     */
-unsigned char *buff_lig;	/* tableau contenant une ligne a ecrire      */
-unsigned char *buff_bloc;	/* tableau contenant un bloc a ecrire        */
-int	taille_wr,octwr;	/* nombre d'elements du buffer a ecrire      */
-long int cr_write;		/* code retour de write 		     */
-int	i,can;			/* indice de boucle     		     */
-int Nb1; 		        /* Nombre d'octets de completion             */
-int NbL,NbC,i_can;
-unsigned char *buf;
-/* initialisations */
-i_ligne = 0;
-num = image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*canal-1];
-nboct_pix = image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-/* Les donnees doivent etre codees sur 8 bits	 */
-if ( nboct_pix != 1 )
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur : les donnees doivent etre codees sur 8 bits\n");
-	goto ERREUR;
-/* Calcul du nombre de colonnes multiple de 16 de 	*/
-/* l'image a ecrire					*/
-if ( (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) % 16 == 0 )
-	nb_colon_correc = (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire);
-	nb_colon_correc = (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) - ((*nombre_colonnes_ecrire)%16) + 16;
-/* Calcul du nombre de blocs complets de 16 pixels 	*/
-/* sur une meme ligne (eventuellement completes par 0)	*/
-nb_blocs = nb_colon_correc / 16;
-/* Calcul du nombre de pixels presents initialement 	*/
-/* dans le dernier bloc d'une ligne			*/
-nb_last_pix = 16 - ( nb_colon_correc - (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) );
-/* Calcul du nombre de blocs de 16 lignes precedant la	*/
-/* premiere ligne a ecrire				*/
-/* Calcul de la position de la premiere ligne a ecrire 	*/
-/* au sein d'un bloc de 16 lignes			*/
-if ( (*premiere_ligne) <= 16 )
-	nb_blocs_prec_first_lig = 0;
-	pos_first_lig_ds_bloc = (*premiere_ligne);
-else if ( ((*premiere_ligne) - 1) % 16 == 0 )
-	nb_blocs_prec_first_lig = ((*premiere_ligne) - 1) / 16;
-	pos_first_lig_ds_bloc = 1;
-	nb_blocs_prec_first_lig =
-	( ((*premiere_ligne) - 1 ) - ((*premiere_ligne) - 1)%16 ) / 16;
-	pos_first_lig_ds_bloc = 1 + ((*premiere_ligne) - 1)%16;
-/* Initialisations					*/
-pos_lig_ds_bloc = pos_first_lig_ds_bloc;
-nb_blocs_prec_lig = nb_blocs_prec_first_lig;
-/* POUR	chacune des lignes a ecrire	               	*/
-for ( i_ligne = 0 ; i_ligne < (*nombre_lignes_ecrire) ; i_ligne++ )
-/*	calcul de la position du premier octet de la	*/
-/*	ligne a ecrire					*/
-	position_first_oct = (long) ( image1->POS_OCTET[*canal-1] 
-			   + 16 * (pos_lig_ds_bloc - 1) 
-			   + 16 * nb_blocs_prec_lig * nb_colon_correc );
-/*	recuperation de la position courante		*/
-	position_courante = lseek ( num , 0L , 1 );
-/*	deplacement jusqu'au premier octet a ecrire	*/
-	deplacement = position_first_oct - position_courante;
-	lseek ( num , deplacement , 1 ); 
-/*	extraction de la ligne du tableau 		*/
-	buff_lig = data_image + (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) * i_ligne;
-/*	initialisation du decalage de 15*16 octets	*/
-	depla_bl = 0;
-/*	POUR	chacun des blocs de 16 pixels		*/
-	for ( i_bloc = 0 ; i_bloc < nb_blocs ; i_bloc++ )
-	{
-/*		deplacement 				*/
-		lseek ( num , depla_bl , 1 );
-/*		extraction d'un bloc de la ligne	*/
-		buff_bloc = buff_lig + i_bloc * 16;
-/*		determination du nombre de pixels a 	*/
-/*		ecrire					*/
-		if ( i_bloc == nb_blocs - 1 )
-			taille_wr = (int) nb_last_pix;
-		else
-			taille_wr = 16;
-                image1->NB_PIX_ECRITS[(*canal)-1] = 
-                      image1->NB_PIX_ECRITS[(*canal)-1] + taille_wr;
-/*		ecriture dans le fichier		*/
-		cr_write = write ( num , buff_bloc , taille_wr );
-		if ( cr_write != taille_wr )
-		{
-			strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR ,
-			"Erreur ecriture canal image multiscope\n" );
-			goto ERREUR;
-		}
-/*	        ecriture des colonnes de completion si necessaire */
-		octwr = 16 - taille_wr;
-                buf = (unsigned char *) calloc(octwr,sizeof(unsigned char));
-                if (buf==NULL)
-                {
-	          printf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur completion multiscope");
-                  return(CAI_KO);
-                }
- 		cr_write = write ( num , buf , octwr );
-		if ( cr_write != octwr )
-		{
-			strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR ,
-			"Erreur ecriture canal image multiscope\n" );
-			goto ERREUR;
-		}
-                free(buf);
-/*		calcul de l'histogramme 		*/
-		can=(*canal)-1;
-		calculer_histo (image1, buff_bloc , taille_wr , can);
-/*		mise a jour du decalage de 15*16 octets	*/
-		depla_bl = 15*16;
-/*	FIN POUR                                        */ 
-	}
-/*	mise a jour de la position de la ligne dans le	*/
-/*	bloc, et du nombre de blocs precedant la ligne	*/
-	if ( pos_lig_ds_bloc == 16 )
-	{
-		pos_lig_ds_bloc = 1;
-		nb_blocs_prec_lig++;
-	}
-	else
-		pos_lig_ds_bloc++;
-/* FIN POUR    						*/
-/* SI  on a ecrit le dernier pixel du canal             */
-if ( image1->NB_PIX_ECRITS[*canal-1] == image1->NB_COL*image1->NB_LIG )
-/* Ecriture des 0 de completions si necessaires */
-  NbL= image1->NB_LIG;
-  NbC= image1->NB_COL;
-  if ((NbL%16) !=0)
-  	NbL = ((NbL/16)+1)*16;
-  if ((NbC%16) !=0)
-  	NbC = ((NbC/16)+1)*16;
-  Nb1 = (NbL*NbC)+1280;
-  if (Nb1 !=0)
-  {
-        position_courante = lseek ( num , 0L , 1 );
-        deplacement = Nb1 - position_courante;
-        buf = (unsigned char *) calloc(deplacement,sizeof(unsigned char));
-        if (buf==NULL)
-        {
-	   printf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ecriture multiscope");
-           return(CAI_KO);
-        }
-   /* ecriture des octets a 0 pour bloc de 16 */
-        num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[(*canal)-1];
-        cr_write = write ( num , buf , deplacement );
-        free(buf);
-   }
-/* 	on ecrit l'histogramme dans le fichier          */
-/*	apres positionnement dans le fichier		*/
-        lseek ( num , 0L , 0 );
-        lseek ( num , 256L , 0 );
-	/* inversion des octets */
-	for ( i=0 ; i<256 ; i++ )
-	{
-		inverser((char *)&(image1->HISTO[(*canal)-1][i]),
-				(sizeof(int)-1));
-	}
-	cr_write = write ( num , image1->HISTO[(*canal)-1] , 
-				(sizeof(int)*256) );
-	if ( cr_write != (sizeof(int)*256) )
-	{
-		strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR ,
-			 "Erreur ecriture canal image multiscope\n" );
-		goto ERREUR;
-	}
-return (CAI_OK);
-return (CAI_KO);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ecriture_canal_multis
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ferme_multis                                           */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de fermeture d'une image au format multiscope et de    */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent 			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_multis(image1)                    */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ferme_multis     (S) (CAI_OK_KO) :   = CAI_KO si pb               */
-/*                                              = CAI_OK si OK               */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_multis (CAI_IMAGE *image1)
- int iret;    /* code retour de l'operation      */
- int i_can;   /* indice du canal a fermer        */
- int num;     /* descripteur du fichier a fermer */
- iret=CAI_OK;
-   Fermeture des fichiers image 
-  .............................................*/
-   for (i_can=0;i_can<image1->NB_CANAUX;i_can=i_can+1)
-   {
-     num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i_can];
-     close(num);
-    }
-  return (iret);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ferme_multis
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_dest_ima_multis                                        */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de destruction d'une image stocke en multiscope et de  */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent  			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_multis(format,nom_ima)         */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*     format       (E) (char *) : format de l'image a detruire              */
-/*     nom_image    (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a detruire avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_dest_ima_multis  (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb                 */
-/*                                            = CAI_OK si OK                 */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_multis (char *repertoire , 
-                               char *nom_ima )
-int	i_can;			/* compteur de canaux			    */
-long     iret;                  /* code retour fonction fermetrue lecture   */
-char	nom_fichier[1024];	/* nom du fichier entete a detruire	    */
-char    nom_ima_complet[1024];  /* repertoire + nom de l'image 		    */
-char	nom_fic_canal[1024];	/* nom du fichier canal a detruire 	    */
-char    chemin[1024];           /* repertoire + "/"			    */
-char    *ptr_nom_fic_can;       /* pointeur sur nom fichier canal traite    */
-int	cr_stat;		/* code retour de fonction status de fichier*/
-struct stat buf_stat;		/* structure decrivant status de fichier    */ 
-CAI_IMAGE   *image1;             /* structure ouverture image 		    */
-int         nb_can;	        /* nombre de canaux de l'image 		    */
-int         nboct_pix;		/* nombre d'octets par pixel image          */
-int         nb_col;	        /* nombre de colonnes de l'image	    */
-int         nb_lig;             /* nombre de lignes de l'image  	    */
-/* Constitution du nom du fichier d'entete	*/
-if ((long int)strlen(repertoire)!= 0)
-  strcpy ( nom_ima_complet , repertoire );
-  strcat ( nom_ima_complet, "/" );
-  strcpy ( chemin,nom_ima_complet );
-  strcat ( nom_ima_complet , nom_ima );
- chemin[strlen(repertoire)+1] = '\0';
-  strcpy ( nom_ima_complet , nom_ima);
-  chemin[0]='\0';
-strcpy(nom_fichier , nom_ima_complet);
-strcat ( nom_fichier , ".img" );
-/* Extraction des caracteristiques de l'image 	*/
-/* et noms des fichiers fdoxxxxx.per            */
-/* du fichier entete par l'appel a la fonction	*/
-/* cai_ouvre_lecture_multis			*/
-  image1 = cai_ouvre_lecture_multis ( repertoire,nom_ima, &nb_can ,&nboct_pix ,
-				      &nb_col, &nb_lig );	
-  if ( image1 == NULL) goto ERREUR;
-ptr_nom_fic_can = image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-for ( i_can = 0 ; i_can < nb_can ; i_can++ )
-	strncpy ( nom_fic_canal , ptr_nom_fic_can , 49 );
-	nom_fic_canal[49] = '\0';
-	strcpy ( nom_fichier , chemin );
-	strcat ( nom_fichier, nom_fic_canal );
-	nom_fichier[strlen(chemin)+12] = '\0';
-	cr_stat = stat ( nom_fichier , &buf_stat );
-	if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-		unlink ( nom_fichier );
-	ptr_nom_fic_can = ptr_nom_fic_can + 100;
- iret=cai_ferme_multis(image1);
-/* Destruction du fichier d'entete		*/
-strcpy(nom_fichier , nom_ima_complet);
-strcat ( nom_fichier , ".img" );
-cr_stat = stat ( nom_fichier , &buf_stat );
-if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-unlink ( nom_fichier );
-return (CAI_OK);
-return (CAI_KO);
- Fin de l'operation cai_dest_ima_multis
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                Definition des OPERATIONS INTERNES                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    inverser                                                   */
-/* ----------                                                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    Inversion des octets poids forts,poids faibles                  */
-/* ------                                                                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :      void inverser((char *)s,nboct)                            */
-/* -----------------                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     s              (E/S) (char *) : chaine a inverser                     */
-/*     nboct          (E)   (int)    : longueur de la chaine                 */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION :  V2                                                             */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-static void inverser ( char *s , int nboct )
-	int c;
-	char *t;
-	for ( t=s+nboct ; s<t ; s++,t-- )
-	{
-		c=*s;
-		*s=*t;
-		*t=c;
-	}
-/* Fin de l'operation inverser */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :   calculer_histo                                              */
-/* ----------                                                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    Inversion des octets poids forts,poids faibles                  */
-/* ------                                                                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :      void calculer_histo(s,nboct)                      */
-/* -----------------                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     s              (E/S) (char *) : chaine a inverser                     */
-/*     nboct          (E)   (int)    : longueur de la chaine                 */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION :  V2                                                             */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-static void calculer_histo (CAI_IMAGE *image1, unsigned char *buffer , 
-						int nb_pix , int canal )
-   int i_pix;     /* indice de boucle sur les pixels   */
-   int val_pix;   /* valeur du pixel traite	       */
-   for ( i_pix=0 ; i_pix<nb_pix ; i_pix++ )
-   {
-      val_pix = (int) buffer[i_pix];
-      image1->HISTO[canal][val_pix]++;
-   }
- Fin de l'operation calculer_histo    
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_modifie_multis                                   */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE : fonction d'ouverture en lecture-ecriture d'une image au format     */
-/* -----     multiscope et de tous les fichiers qui la composent             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_multis (nom_image,       */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_modifie_multis  (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb           */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */   /*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_multis(char *repert,
-				    char *nom_image,
-				    int  *nb_can,
-				    int  *nboct_pix,
-				    int  *nb_col,
-				    int  *nb_lig)
-   FILE *fic;			/* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   int  iret;			/* indicateur de retour ok ou pas           */
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char nom_fic_canal[1024];	/* nom du fichier canal			    */
-   char nom_util_canal[1024];	/* nom du fichier utilisateur		    */
-   char *deb,*deb1;		/* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres       */
-   int num,retour,lon;	        /*  variables de travail                    */
-   short int type,fin;          /* variables de trvail			    */
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   *nb_lig=0;
-   *nb_col=0;
-   *nboct_pix=0;
-   *nb_can=0; 
-   iret=1;
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-      sscanf(repert,"%s",nom_fic);
-      strcat(nom_fic,"/");
-      strcat(nom_fic,nom_image);
-      strcat(nom_fic,".img");
-      nom_fic[strlen(repert)+1+strlen(nom_image)+4]='\0';
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sscanf(nom_image,"%s",nom_fic);
-      strcat(nom_fic,".img");
-      nom_fic[strlen(nom_image)+4]='\0';
-   }
-   Ouverture du fichier entete
-  ..........................................*/
-   fic=fopen(nom_fic,"rb");
-   if (fic == NULL)
-   {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier entete MULTISCOPE");
-    }
-   else
-   {
-          positionnement sur le nombre de colonnes
-	  fseek(fic,8,0);
-	  recuperation du nombre de colonnes */
-	  fread(nb_col,4,1,fic);
-	  inversion des octets pour compatibilite SUN */
-	  lon=sizeof(*nb_col)-1;
-	  inverser((char *)nb_col,lon);
-	  recuperation du nombre de lignes
-	  fread(nb_lig,4,1,fic);
-	  inversion des octets pour compatibilite SUN */
-	  lon=sizeof(*nb_lig)-1;
-	  inverser((char *)nb_lig,lon);
-	  initialisation du nombre d'octets par pixel
-	  *nboct_pix=1;
-          image1->NB_BITS_PIX=8;
-	  sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"OCT");
-	  positionnement sur le premier objet
-	  fseek(fic,114,1);
-	  retour=0;
-          deb = image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-          deb1= image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN;
-	  while (retour == 0)
-	  {
-/*...........Recuperation de tous les objets jusqu'a l'eof
-	     nom fichier,nom utilisateur et type de l'objet(avec inversion)
-	     fread(nom_fic_canal,14,1,fic);
-	     fread(nom_util_canal,40,1,fic);
-	     fread(&type,2,1,fic);
-	     lon=sizeof(type)-1;
-	     inverser((char *)&type,lon);
-	     if (type == 3)
-	      {
-                 Initialisation des tableaux contenant le nom de fichier
-                 et le nom utilisateur de chaque canal
-  .....................................................*/
-          	if (*nb_can<CAI_NB_MAX_CAN)
-          	{
-		  nom_fic_canal[0] = tolower(nom_fic_canal[0]);
-		  nom_fic_canal[1] = tolower(nom_fic_canal[1]);
-		  nom_fic_canal[2] = tolower(nom_fic_canal[2]);
-		  nom_fic_canal[9] = tolower(nom_fic_canal[9]);
-		  nom_fic_canal[10] = tolower(nom_fic_canal[10]);
-		  nom_fic_canal[11] = tolower(nom_fic_canal[11]);
-  	          nom_fic[0]='\0';
-                  if ((long int)strlen(repert) != 0)
-                  {
-                    sscanf(repert,"%s",nom_fic);
-                    strcat(nom_fic,"/");
-                    strcat(nom_fic,nom_fic_canal);
-                    nom_fic[strlen(repert)+1+strlen(nom_fic_canal)]='\0';
-       		   }
-       		  else
-       		  {
-                     sscanf(nom_fic_canal,"%s",nom_fic);
-                     nom_fic[strlen(nom_fic_canal)]='\0';
-    		  }
-        	  sscanf(nom_fic_canal,"%s",deb);
-	          deb=deb+100;
-        	  sscanf(nom_util_canal,"%s",deb1);
-	          deb1=deb1+100;
-                  num=open(nom_fic,O_RDWR,0);
-                  if (num==-1)
-                  {
-                    iret=0;
-                    strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fi canal Multiscope");
-       		   }
-       		  else
-       		  {
-                    image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*nb_can]=num;
-		    image1->POS_OCTET[*nb_can]=1280;
-	            image1->NB_PIX_ECRITS[*nb_can]=0;
-                  }
-        	}
-	        *nb_can=*nb_can+1;
-	      }
-/*............Positionnement en fin de bloc */
-	      fseek(fic,70,1);
-  ............Test fin de fichier */
-	      fread(&fin,2,1,fic);
-	      retour=feof(fic);
-	  }      
-          Fermeture du fichier 
-  ......................................*/
-          fclose(fic);
-       }
-   if (iret != 0)
-      return (image1);
-    else
-     return(NULL);
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_modifie_multis
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_onera.c b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_onera.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 76b55d78ab5852dfebe0b5ab58523b865b37cacc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_onera.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1296 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                           */
-/* PROJET :    COUCHE ACCES IMAGE                                            */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MODULE :    cai_onera.c                                                   */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE   :    Ce module rassemble toutes les fonctions d'acces aux images   */
-/* -------     stockees au format onera                                      */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* AUTEUR :      R.CHAISEMARTIN     (CISI)                                   */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* DATE DE CREATION :    fevrier 1995                                        */
-/* -----------------						             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* LANGAGE : C                                                               */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V2                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 3.3: DM : optimisation des acces                          */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 :FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : FA : verification que l'image est codee sur un seul */
-/*octet par pixel (contrainte du format)                                     */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : DM : modifications pour compatibilite HP64bits      */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.4 : DM : modifications open et fopen pour PC NT         */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : FA : test sur  fclose  pour PC/LINUX                */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.6 : FA : erreur ouverture en modification               */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : FA : ecriture image entiere. Correction du test de  */
-/*                            retour sur le nb d'octets ecrits               */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.3 : FA : ouverture en lecture/ecriture                  */
-/*                Inclusion des fichiers STANDARDS (.h)                      */
-# include <stdio.h>
-# include <string.h>
-# include <stdlib.h>
-# include <unistd.h>
-# include <sys/types.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-# include <sys/stat.h>
-# include <fcntl.h>
-#define _CAI_IMAGE
-#define IN_CAI_ONERA
-# include "cai_image.h"
-/* Variable pour la  gestion en configuration                                 */
-static char *rcs_id="$Header: cai_onera.c,v 1.10 01/05/31 10:47:12 cmf Exp $";
-extern char *getenv();
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                Definition des OPERATIONS EXTERNES                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_liste_ima_onera                                        */
-/* ----------                                                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de listage des images au format onera                  */
-/* ------                                                                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :      int cai_liste_ima_onera(repert,tab_ima)           */
-/* -----------------                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     repert        (E) (char *)   : repertoire a explorer		     */
-/*     tab_ima       (S) (char ***) : pointeur sur tableau des images listees*/
-/*                                    alloue par la fonction,il doit etre    */
-/*                                    LIBERE PAR L'APPELANT                  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_liste_ima_onera     (S) (int)     : = -1 repertoire inexistant    */                                    /*					       = > 0 nombre d'images listees */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION :  V2                                                             */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-long int cai_liste_ima_onera (char *repert,
-		         	char ***tab_ima)
-   DIR *dirp;		/* pointeur sur structure ouverture repertoire */
-struct dirent *dp;   /* structure resultat de la fonction readdir   */
-   char *pch0,*pch1;    /* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres          */
-   char *pch2,*pch3;    /* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres          */
-   char car;            /* variable de travail                         */  
-   int nb_ima;          /* nombre d'images onera identifiees           */
-   int i;               /* indice de boucle                            */
-   INITIALISATION et ouverture du repertoire choisi
-  .........................................*/
-   nb_ima=0;
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   if(dirp!=NULL)
-   {
-  premiere passe pour comptabiliser les images du format donne
-      (EXTENSION =.inf)
-   ..........................................*/
-   while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-   {
-     car='.';
-     pch0=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-     if (pch0 != NULL)
-     {
-       car='i';
-       pch1=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-       if ((pch1 != NULL)&&(pch1==pch0+1))
-       {
-         car='n';
-         pch2=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-         if ((pch2 != NULL)&&(pch2==pch1+1))
-         {
-           car='f';
-           pch3=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-           if ((pch3 != NULL)&&(pch3==pch2+1))
-           {
-              *pch0='\0';
-              *pch1=' ';
-	      *pch2=' ';
-              *pch3=' ';
-	      nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-           }
-         }
-       }
-     }
-   }
-    closedir(dirp);
-     ......................................*/
-    *tab_ima = (char **) calloc(nb_ima,sizeof(char *));
-    for (i=0;i<nb_ima;i=i+1)
-      (*tab_ima)[i]=(char *)calloc(1,100);
-   deuxieme passe pour constituer la liste des images du format donne
-      (EXTENSION =.inf)
-   ..........................................*/
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   nb_ima=0;
-   while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-   {
-     car='.';
-     pch0=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-     if (pch0 != NULL)
-     {
-       car='i';
-       pch1=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-       if ((pch1 != NULL)&&(pch1==pch0+1))
-       {
-         car='n';
-         pch2=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-         if ((pch2 != NULL)&&(pch2==pch1+1))
-         {
-           car='f';
-           pch3=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-           if ((pch3 != NULL)&&(pch3==pch2+1))
-           {
-              *pch0='\0';
-              *pch1=' ';
-	      *pch2=' ';
-              *pch3=' ';
-              strcpy((*tab_ima)[nb_ima],dp->d_name);
-	      nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-           }
-         }
-       }
-     }
-   }
-    (void)closedir(dirp);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-    /* Repertoire inexistant */
-      nb_ima=-1;
-   }
-    return(nb_ima);
-/* Fin de l'operation cai_liste_ima_onera
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_lecture_onera                                    */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture d'une image au format onera     */
-/* -----     et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :   CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_onera (nom_image,       */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels (1)          */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_lecture_onera   (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb           */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */   /*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_onera(char *repert,
-				   char *nom_image,
-				   int *nb_can,
-				   int *nboct_pix,
-				   int *nb_col,
-				   int *nb_lig)
-   int fic;			/* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   int  iret;			/* indicateur de retour ok ou pas           */
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char *deb,*deb1;		/* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres       */
-   char car[2];			/* indice du canal traite     		    */
-   int num,ican;		/* indice 				    */
-   char *buf_lec ;              /* buffer lecture entete onera              */
-   long k;			/* indice 				    */
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   *nb_lig=0;
-   *nb_col=0;
-   *nboct_pix=0;
-   *nb_can=0;
-   iret=1;
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 :FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoire dans cai_ouvre_lecture");
-    }
-   else
-   {
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-       sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.inf",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.inf",nom_image);
-   }
-   Ouverture du fichier entete
-  ..........................................*/
-   num=open(nom_fic,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY,0);
-   if (num == -1)
-   {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier entete ONERA");
-    }
-   else
-   {
-     Lecture du fichier entete
-  ............................................*/
-     buf_lec=(char *) malloc(257);
-     if (buf_lec==NULL)
-     {
-       iret=0;
-       strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoire dans cai_ouvre_lecture");
-      }
-      else
-      {
-     k=read(num,buf_lec,256);
-     if (k<=0)
-      {
-         iret=0;
-         strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture entete Onera");
-         close(num);
-       }
-       else
-       {
-        buf_lec[k]='\0';
-       Initialisation du nombre d'octets par pixel . Pour onera les pixels
-	sont toujours codes sur 1 octet
-  ...............................................................*/
-	*nboct_pix=1;
-        image1->NB_BITS_PIX=8;
-        sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"OCT");
-       Decodage de l'enregistrement
-  .........................................*/
-          deb=buf_lec;
-          sscanf(deb,"%d%d%d",nb_col,nb_lig,nb_can);
- 	  close(num);
-        }
-        free(buf_lec);
-     }
-   }
-   if (iret !=0)
-   {
-      de ces fichiers
-  .....................................................*/
-     deb = image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-     deb1= image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN;
-     ican=1;    
-     while((ican<=*nb_can)&&(ican<CAI_NB_MAX_CAN))
-     {
-          sprintf(deb,"%s.%d",nom_image,ican);
-          deb=deb+100;
-          sprintf(deb1,"%s.%d",nom_image,ican);
-          deb1=deb1+100;
-          nom_fic[0]='\0';
-          if ((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-          {
-    		sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.%d",repert,nom_image,ican);
-          }
-	  else
-          {
-             sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.%d",nom_image,ican);
- 	  }
-          fic=open(nom_fic,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY,0);
-          if (fic != -1) 
-          {
-           image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[ican-1]=fic;
-           image1->POS_OCTET[ican-1]=0;
-           ican=ican+1;
-          }
-	  else
-          {
-	    iret=0;
-            strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"incoherence au niveau du nb fichiers canaux");
-	    return(NULL);
-          }
-       }
-      }
-    }
-    if (iret == 0)
-    {
-	return (NULL);
-     }
-    else
-    {
-      return(image1);
-     }
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_lecture_onera
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_creation_onera                                   */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de creation et d'ouverture en ecriture d'une image     */
-/* -----     au format onera et de tous les fichiers qui la composent        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :   CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_onera(nom_image,       */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig,          */
-/*				                            label)           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*     nb_can         (E) (int )   : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (E) (int )   : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 )         */
-/*     nb_lig         (E) (int )   : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (E) (int )   : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*     label          (E) (char *) : commentaire lie a l'image               */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_creation_onera   (S) (CAI_IMAGE *) : =NULL si pb            */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_onera(char *repert,
-				    char *nom_image,
-				    int *nb_can,
-				    int *nboct_pix,
-				    int *nb_col,
-				    int *nb_lig,
-				    char *label)
-   FILE *fic;		        /* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char nom_fic_canal[1024];    /* nom fichier canal dont on teste existence*/
-   int retour;			/* retour de fonction 			    */ 
-   char car[2];			/* indice du canal traite     		    */
-   int i,num;			/* indice 				    */
-   struct stat	buf_stat;	/* structure decrivant status de fichier    */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : FA : verification que l'image est codee sur un seul */
-/*octet par pixel (contrainte du format)                                     */
-   if (*nboct_pix != 1)
-   {
-	image1 = NULL;
- 	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , 
-		"Une image onera ne peutetre codee que sur un seul octet par pixel");
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 :FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_creation");
-     goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete et verification qu'il
-   n'existe pas deja
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.inf",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.inf",nom_image);
-   }
-   retour = stat ( nom_fic , &buf_stat );
-   if ( retour == 0 )
-   { 
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "L'image %s ONERA existe \n" , nom_image );
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  Pour chaque canal de l'image,constitution du nom de fichier correspondant
-  Verification qu'il n'existe pas deja
-  Ouverture du fichier en ecriture
-  .................................................................*/
-  for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-  {
-   nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s/%s.%d",repert,nom_image,i+1);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s.%d",nom_image,i+1); 
-   }
-   retour = stat ( nom_fic_canal , &buf_stat );
-   if ( retour == 0 )
-   { 
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "L'image %s ONERA existe \n" , nom_image );
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-    num = open(nom_fic_canal,O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_BINARY,PERMS); 
-   if (num == -1)
-   {
-     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Creation %s canl impossible\n",nom_fic_canal);
-     goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=num;
-   image1->POS_OCTET[i]=0;
-  }
-  Ouverture du fichier entete en ecriture 
-  Ecriture du contenu
-  ..........................................................*/
-  fic = fopen(nom_fic,"w");
-  if (fic == NULL)
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,
-	"Erreur: Creation fichier entete  %s impossible\n",
-	nom_fic);
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   fprintf ( fic , "%d\n" , *nb_col );
-   fprintf ( fic , "%d\n" , *nb_lig);
-   fprintf ( fic , "%d" , *nb_can );
-/* Fermeture du fichier                          */
- if (fic!=NULL)  fclose ( fic );
-  return (image1);
-  return(NULL);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_creation_onera
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_lecture_canal_onera                                    */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de lecture d'un canal d'une image onera                */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_onera(image1, canal,      */       		      /* ------------------                              premiere_ligne,           */
-/*                                          	   premiere_colonne,         */
-/*                                          	   nombre_lignes_lire ,      */
-/*                                          	   nombre_colonnes_lire,     */
-/*                                           	   pas_ligne ,pas_colonne,   */
-/*                 		             	   data_image )              */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*     canal                (E) (int) : numero du canal a lire               */
-/*     premiere_ligne       (E) (int) : premiere ligne a lire dans l'image   */
-/*     premiere _colonne    (E) (int) : premiere colonne a lire dans l'image */
-/*     nombre_lignes_lire   (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a lire              */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_lire (E) (int) : nombre de colonnes a lire            */
-/*     pas_ligne            (E) (int) : pas en ligne                         */
-/*     pas_colonne          (E) (int) : pas en colonne                       */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels lus alloue et     */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_lecture_canal_onera   (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb            */
-/*                                                 = CAI_OK si OK            */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_onera(CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,  
-                           	  int *canal ,           
-    		            	  int *premiere_ligne  ,   
-     		          	  int *premiere_colonne,
-                          	  int *nombre_lignes_lire ,
-                          	  int *nombre_colonnes_lire,
-                          	  int *pas_ligne ,          
-                          	  int *pas_colonne,
-		          	  unsigned char *data_image )        
- int   num,i,j;             /* variables de travail                          */
- long pt_oct,n;		    /* position courante dans le fichier image       */
- int no_oct;                /* numero du premier octet a lire                */
- int iret;                  /* indicateur d'erreur                           */
- int lig;                   /* indice de boucle sur les lignes               */
- int   oct_pix;             /* nb octets par pixels                          */
- long  nb_oct;              /* nb oct =1er octet a lire - position courante  */
- long  oct_lig;             /* nb oct. par ligne en considerant taille pixel */
- unsigned char *buf_lec;    /* buffer lecture d'une  ligne                   */
- unsigned char *deb,*pch;   /* pointeur chaine pour transfert  buffer sortie */
-  Initialisations diverses
-  ..........................*/
-   iret=CAI_OK;
-   num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*canal-1];
-   oct_pix=image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-   oct_lig=oct_pix*(image1->NB_COL);
-/* verification si lecture image entiere */
-  if ((*nombre_lignes_lire==image1->NB_LIG)&&(*nombre_colonnes_lire==image1->NB_COL)
-       &&(*pas_ligne==1)&&(*pas_colonne==1))
-  {
-       oct_lig=oct_pix*(image1->NB_COL)*(image1->NB_LIG);
-    /* positionnement en debut de fichier */
-       pt_oct=lseek(num,0L,0);
-   /* lecture du canal complet */
-      n=read(num,data_image,oct_lig);
-      if (n<=0)
-      {
-             iret=CAI_KO;
-             strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture donnee image ONERA");
-       }
-        else
-             iret=CAI_OK;
-   }
-  else
-  {
-        allocation de memoire pour lire une ligne image
- ............................................. */
-   buf_lec = (unsigned char *) malloc(oct_lig);
-   if (buf_lec == NULL)
-   {
-      iret=CAI_KO;
-      strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Probleme allocation memoire");
-   }
-   else
-   {
-        Initialisation
-  ......................*/
-        lig=*premiere_ligne;
-        i=1;
-        pch=data_image;
-         Pour chaque ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-        while ((i <= *nombre_lignes_lire)&&(iret==CAI_OK))
-        {  
-	    Recherche de la position courante dans le fichier
-  ............................................*/
-            pt_oct=lseek(num,0L,1);
-            Calcul du numero du 1er octet a lire
-  ....................................*/
-            no_oct=(lig-1)*image1->NB_COL;
-            Saut d'octets pour etre positionne sur la ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-            nb_oct=(long)(no_oct-pt_oct);
-            lseek(num,nb_oct,1);
-            lecture d'une ligne image
-  ................................................*/
-            n=read(num,buf_lec,image1->NB_COL);
-            if (n<=0)
-            {
-             iret=CAI_KO;
-             strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture donnee image onera");
-            }
-            else
-            { 
-             Sauvegarde des donnees lues entenant compte du pas 
-             d'echantillonnage en colonne
-  ........................................*/           
-             deb=buf_lec+(*premiere_colonne-1);
-             j=1;
-             while (j <= *nombre_colonnes_lire)
-	     {                         
-              *pch=*deb;
-              pch=pch+1;
-              j=j+1;
-              deb=deb+*pas_colonne;
-             }   
-            }
-          i=i+1;
-          lig=lig+*pas_ligne;
-        }        
-	free(buf_lec);
-      }
-   }
-   return(iret);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_lecture_canal_onera
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ecriture_canal_onera                                   */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ecriture d'un canal d'une image onera                */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL : CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_onera(image1, canal,      */       		      /* ------------------                                 premiere_ligne,        */
-/*                                                    nombre_lignes_ecrire,  */
-/*                                                    nombre_colonnes_ecrire,*/
-/*                 		                      data_image )           */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)   : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier */
-/*     canal                 (E) (int) : numero du canal a ecrire            */
-/*     premiere_ligne        (E) (int) : premiere ligne a ecrire ds l'image  */
-/*     nombre_lignes_ecrire  (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_ecrire(E) (int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels ecris alloue et   */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ecriture_canal_onera      (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb        */
-/*                                                     = CAI_OK si OK        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_onera (CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,  
-                                      int *canal ,           
-    		                      int *premiere_ligne  ,   
-                                      int *nombre_lignes_ecrire ,
-                                      int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire,
-		                      unsigned char *data_image ) 
-long	position_first_lig;	/* position de la 1ere ligne a ecrire 	*/
-long	position_courante;	/* position courante dans le fichier 	*/
-long	deplacement;		/* deplacement a effectuer		*/
-int	i_ligne;		/* compteur de lignes			*/
-unsigned char *buff_lig;	/* tableau contenant une ligne a ecrire */
-long	cr_write;		/* code retour de write			*/
-int num;                        /* descripteur de fichier 		*/
-int nboct_pix;			/* nombre d'octets par pixel            */
-int tot_pix;                    /* nb de pixels total a ecrire          */
-/* ................
-   Initialisations 
-  .................*/
-i_ligne = 0;
-num = image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*canal-1];
-nboct_pix = image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-/* Les donnees doivent etre codees sur 8 bits	 */
-if ( nboct_pix != 1 )
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur : les donnees doivent etre codees sur 8 bits\n");
-	goto ERREUR;
-/* verification si ecriture image entiere */
-  if ((*nombre_lignes_ecrire==image1->NB_LIG)&&
-		(*nombre_colonnes_ecrire==image1->NB_COL))
-  {
-       tot_pix=nboct_pix*(image1->NB_COL)*(image1->NB_LIG);
-    /* positionnement en debut de fichier */
-       position_first_lig=lseek(num,0L,0);
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : FA : ecriture image entiere. Correction du test de  */
-/*                            retour sur le nb d'octets ecrits               */
-/*           tot_pix au lieu de nboct_pix                                    */
-   /* ecriture du canal complet */
-      cr_write = write ( num , data_image,tot_pix);
-      if (cr_write != tot_pix)
-      {
-              strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ecriture donnee image ONERA");
-             goto ERREUR;
-       }
-   }
-  else
-  {
-/* Calcul de la position de la premiere ligne a ecrire 	*/ 
-position_first_lig =
-	(long) ( image1->POS_OCTET[*canal-1] +
-        (*premiere_ligne - 1) * (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) );
-/* Recuperation de la position courante			*/
-position_courante = lseek ( num , 0L , 1 );
-/* Deplacement jusqu'a la premiere ligne a ecrire	*/
-deplacement = position_first_lig - position_courante;
-lseek ( num, deplacement , 1 ); 
-/* TANT QUE il y a des lignes a ecrire                 	*/
-while (i_ligne < *nombre_lignes_ecrire)
-/*	extraction de la ligne du tableau 		*/
-	buff_lig = data_image + (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) * i_ligne;
-/*	ecriture de la ligne				*/
-	cr_write = write ( num , buff_lig ,(*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) );
-	if ( cr_write !=(*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) )
-	{
-		strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture canal image onera \n" );
-		goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*	incrementation du nombre de lignes		*/
-	i_ligne++;
-/* FIN TANT QUE						*/
- }
-return (CAI_OK);
-return (CAI_KO);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ecriture_canal_onera
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ferme_onera                                            */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de fermeture d'une image au format onera et de         */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent 			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_onera(image1)                     */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ferme_onera      (S) (CAI_OK_KO) :   = CAI_KO si pb               */
-/*                                              = CAI_OK si OK               */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_onera (CAI_IMAGE *image1)
- int iret;    /* code retour de l'operation      */
- int i_can;   /* indice du canal a fermer        */
- int num;     /* descripteur du fichier a fermer */
- iret=CAI_OK;
-   Fermeture des fichiers image 
-  .............................................*/
-   for (i_can=0;i_can<image1->NB_CANAUX;i_can=i_can+1)
-   {
-     num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i_can];
-     if (num>0) close(num);
-    }
-  return (iret);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ferme_onera
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_dest_ima_onera                                         */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de destruction d'une image stocke en onera et de       */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent  			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_onera(format,nom_ima)          */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*     format       (E) (char *) : format de l'image a detruire              */
-/*     nom_image    (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a detruire avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_dest_ima_onera   (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb                 */
-/*                                            = CAI_OK si OK                 */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_onera ( char *repertoire , 
-                      	       char *nom_ima )
-int	i_can;			/* compteur de canaux 			     */
-long     iret;                   /* code retour fonction fermetrue lecture    */
-char	str_num_canal[3];	/* suffixe numero du canal		     */
-char	nom_fic_entete[1024];	/* nom du fichier entete a detruire          */
-char    nom_ima_complet[1024];  /* repertoire + nom de l'image		     */
-char	nom_fic_canal[1024];	/* nom du fichier canal a detruire 	     */
-int	cr_stat;		/* code retour de fonction status de fichier */
-struct stat buf_stat;		/* structure decrivant status de fichier     */ 
-CAI_IMAGE   *image1;             /* structure ouverture image 		     */
-int         nb_can;	        /* nombre de canaux de l'image 		     */
-int         nboct_pix;		/* nombre d'octets par pixel image 	     */
-int         nb_col;	        /* nombre de colonnes de l'image 	     */
-int         nb_lig;             /* nombre de lignes de l'image		     */
-/* Constitution du nom du fichier d'entete	*/
-if ((long)strlen(repertoire)!= 0)
-  sprintf ( nom_ima_complet, "%s/%s",repertoire,nom_ima );
-  strcpy ( nom_ima_complet , nom_ima);
-sprintf(nom_fic_entete ,"%s.inf", nom_ima_complet);
-/* Extraction des caracteristiques de l'image 	*/
-/* du fichier entete par l'appel a la fonction	*/
-/* cai_ouvre_lecture_onera			*/
-  image1 = cai_ouvre_lecture_onera ( repertoire,nom_ima, &nb_can ,&nboct_pix ,
-				     &nb_col , &nb_lig);	
-  if ( image1 == NULL) goto ERREUR;
-  image1->NB_CANAUX=nb_can;
-  image1->NB_COL=nb_col;
-  image1->NB_LIG=nb_lig;
-  image1->NBOCT_PIX=nboct_pix;
-image1 = NULL;
-/* Destruction du fichier d'entete		*/
-cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic_entete , &buf_stat );
-if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-	unlink ( nom_fic_entete );
-/* Constitution un a un des noms des fichiers	*/
-/* canaux et destruction 			*/
-for ( i_can = 0 ; i_can < nb_can ; i_can++ )
-	sprintf( nom_fic_canal , "%s.%d" ,nom_ima_complet,i_can+1);
-  	cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic_canal , &buf_stat );
-	if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-		unlink ( nom_fic_canal );
-return (CAI_OK);
-return (CAI_KO);
- Fin de l'operation cai_dest-ima_onera
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_modifie_onera                                    */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture-ecriture d'une image au format  */
-/* -----     onera et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :   CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_onera (nom_image,       */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 )         */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_modifie_onera   (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb           */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */   /*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_onera(char *repert,
-				   char *nom_image,
-				   int  *nb_can,
-				   int  *nboct_pix,
-				   int  *nb_col,
-				   int  *nb_lig)
-   int fic;			/* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   int  iret;			/* indicateur de retour ok ou pas           */
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char *deb,*deb1;		/* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres       */
-   char car[2];			/* indice du canal traite     		    */
-   int num,ican;		/* indice 				    */
-   char *buf_lec ;              /* buffer lecture entete onera              */
-   long k;			/* indice 				    */
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   *nb_lig=0;
-   *nb_col=0;
-   *nboct_pix=0;
-   *nb_can=0;
-   iret=1;
- image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
- if (image1==NULL)
- {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_modifie");
- }
- else
- {
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.inf",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.inf",nom_image);
-   }
-   Ouverture du fichier entete
-  ..........................................*/
-   num=open(nom_fic,O_RDWR|O_BINARY,0);
-   if (num == -1)
-   {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier entete ONERA");
-    }
-   else
-   {     
-     Lecture du fichier entete
-  ............................................*/
-     buf_lec=(char *) malloc(257);
-     if (buf_lec==NULL)
-     {
-       iret=0;
-       strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_modifie");
-     }
-    else
-    {
-     k=read(num,buf_lec,256);
-     if (k<=0)
-      {
-         iret=0;
-         strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture entete Onera");
-         close(num);
-       }
-       else
-       {
-        buf_lec[k]='\0';
-       Initialisation du nombre d'octets par pixel . Pour onera les pixels
-	sont toujours codes sur 1 octet
-  ...............................................................*/
-	*nboct_pix=1;
-        image1->NB_BITS_PIX=8;
-        sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"OCT");
-       Decodage de l'enregistrement
-  .........................................*/
-          deb=buf_lec;
-          sscanf(deb,"%d%d%d",nb_col,nb_lig,nb_can);
- 	  close(num);
-        }
-        free(buf_lec);
-     }
-   }
-   if (iret !=0)
-   {
-      de ces fichiers
-  .....................................................*/
-     deb = image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-     deb1= image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN;
-     ican=1;    
-     while((ican<=*nb_can)&&(ican<CAI_NB_MAX_CAN))
-     {
-          sprintf(deb,"%s.%d",nom_image,ican);
-          deb=deb+100;
-          sprintf(deb1,"%s.%d",nom_image,ican);
-          deb1=deb1+100;
-          nom_fic[0]='\0';
-          if ((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-          {
-    		sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.%d",repert,nom_image,ican);
-          }
-	  else
-          {
-             sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.%d",nom_image,ican);
- 	  }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.3 : FA : ouverture en lecture/ecriture                  */
-          fic=open(nom_fic,O_RDWR|O_BINARY,0);
-          if (fic != -1) 
-          {
-           image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[ican-1]=fic;
-           image1->POS_OCTET[ican-1]=0;
-           ican=ican+1;
-          }
-	  else
-          {
-	    iret=0;
-            strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"incoherence au niveau du nb fichiers canaux");
-	    return(NULL);
-          }
-       }
-     }
-   }
-   if (iret==0)
-   {
-     return (NULL);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-     return(image1);
-    }
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_modifie_onera
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_radar.c b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_radar.c
deleted file mode 100755
index ebf80637a44cf6d4c18be17f58734606345c43fa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_radar.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1466 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                           */
-/* PROJET :    COUCHE ACCES IMAGE                                            */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MODULE :    cai_radar.c                                                   */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE   :    Ce module rassemble toutes les fonctions d'acces aux images   */
-/* -------     stockees au format radar                                      */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* AUTEUR :      R.CHAISEMARTIN     (CS)                                     */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* DATE DE CREATION :    Juin 2001                                           */
-/* -----------------						             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* LANGAGE : C                                                               */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V5.1                                                            */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 1.2 : FA : IMA-FA-011 pb inversion des octets complexes   */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.1 : DM :  Maj du tag COD_PIX lorsque l'image est codée  */
-/*                                            en reel  a partir du TYPE_CODE */
-/*                Inclusion des fichiers STANDARDS (.h)                      */
-# include <stdio.h>
-#ifndef _MSC_VER
-# include <strings.h>
-# include <stdlib.h>
-# include <sys/types.h>
-# include <unistd.h>
-# include <dirent.h>
-# include <sys/stat.h>
-# include <fcntl.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#define _CAI_IMAGE
-#define IN_CAI_RADAR
-# include "cai_image.h"
-/* Variable pour la  gestion en configuration                                 */
-static char *rcs_id="$Header$";
-extern char *getenv();
-#define FREE(A)        { if ((A)!=NULL) { free(A); (A)=NULL; } }
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                Definition des OPERATIONS EXTERNES                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_liste_ima_radar                                        */
-/* ----------                                                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de listage des images au format radar                  */
-/* ------                                                                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :      int cai_liste_ima_radar(repert,tab_ima)           */
-/* -----------------                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     repert       (E) (char *)   : repertoire a explorer		     */
-/*     tab_ima      (S) (char ***) : pointeur sur tableau des images listees */
-/*                                    alloue par la fonction,il doit etre    */
-/*                                    LIBERE PAR L'APPELANT                  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_liste_ima_radar  (S) (long int)   : = -1 repertoire inexistant    */ 
-/*					       = > 0 nombre d'images listees */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION :  V2                                                             */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-long int cai_liste_ima_radar (char *repert,
-		       char ***tab_ima)
-   DIR *dirp;		/* pointeur sur structure ouverture repertoire */
-   struct dirent *dp;   /* structure resultat de la fonction readdir   */
-   char *pch0,*pch1;    /* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres          */
-   int nb_ima;          /* nombre d'images radar identifiees           */
-   int ind;		/* indice de boucles			       */
-   INITIALISATION et ouverture du repertoire choisi
-  .........................................*/
-   nb_ima=0;
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   if(dirp!=NULL)
-   {
-   premiere passe pour comptabiliser les images du format donne
-      (EXTENSION =.rad ou .RAD)
-   ..........................................*/
-   while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-   {
-/* recherche de l'extension en minuscule */
-       pch0 = strstr(dp->d_name,".rad");
-       if (pch0==NULL)
-       {
-/* recherche de l'extension en majuscule */
-	 pch1=strstr(dp->d_name,".RAD");
-	 if ((pch1 != NULL)&&(*(pch1+4) == '\0'))
-         {
-		nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-         }
-       }
-      else
-      {
-	 if (*(pch0+4) == '\0')
-		nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-        }
-     }
-    (void)closedir(dirp);
-     ......................................*/
-    *tab_ima = (char **) calloc(nb_ima,sizeof(char *));
-    for (ind=0;ind<nb_ima;ind++)
-      (*tab_ima)[ind]=(char *)calloc(1,100);
-   deuxieme passe pour constituer la liste des images du format donne
-      (EXTENSION =.rar ou .RAD)
-   ..........................................*/
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   nb_ima=0;
-   while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-   {
-/* recherche de l'extension en minuscule */
-       pch0 = strstr(dp->d_name,".rad");
-       if (pch0==NULL)
-       {
-/* recherche de l'extension en majuscule */
-	 pch1=strstr(dp->d_name,".RAD");
-	 if ((pch1 != NULL)&&(*(pch1+4) == '\0'))
-         {
-		*pch1='\0';
-            	strcpy((*tab_ima)[nb_ima],dp->d_name);
-		nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-         }
-       }
-      else
-      {
-	 if (*(pch0+4) == '\0')
-         {
-		*pch0='\0';
-            	strcpy((*tab_ima)[nb_ima],dp->d_name);
-		nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-         }
-        }
-   }
-   (void)closedir(dirp);
- }
- else
- {
-    /* repertoire inexistant */
-     nb_ima=-1;
- }
- return(nb_ima);
-/* Fin de l'operation cai_liste_ima_radar
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_lecture_radar                                    */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture d'une image au format radar     */
-/* -----     et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :     CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_radar (nom_image,     */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels et par canal */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_lecture_radar     (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb         */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_radar(char *repert,
-				 char *nom_image,
-				 int  *nb_can,
-				 int  *nboct_pix,
-				 int  *nb_col,
-				 int  *nb_lig)
-   FILE *fic_in;		/* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char nom_fic_canal[1024];    /* nom fichier canal dont on teste existence*/
-   char label[80];		/* contient un enregistrement du fichier    */
-   int nbplan;			/* nombre de canaux dans le fichier en-tete */
-   int retour;			/* retour de la fonction comparaison chaines*/ 
-   char *deb,*pch0;	        /* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres       */
-   int ind,num;			/* indice 				    */
-   int nboct;			/* variables de travail			    */
-   int ind_typ;                 /* Indice du type de codage                 */
-   int is_Cplx;                 /* Indique si type complexe ou pas          */
-   char *type_machine;          /* ordre rangement octets machine de travail*/
-   int cmp;			/* retour de comparaison de chaine          */
-   /*........................................
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   *nb_can=0;
-   *nb_lig=0;
-   *nb_col=0;
-   *nboct_pix = 0;
-   pch0=NULL;
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-      strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_lecture");
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repert)== 0)
-	sprintf(repert,"./");
-   sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.rad",repert,nom_image);
-   sprintf(image1->NOM_IMAGE,"%s/%s",repert,nom_image);
-  /*........................
-   Ouverture du fichier entete
-  ..........................................*/
-   fic_in=NULL;
-   fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"r");
-   if (fic_in==NULL)
-   {
-/* verification si extension en majuscule */
-      nom_fic[0]='\0';
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.RAD",repert,nom_image);
-      fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"r");
-      if (fic_in==NULL)
-      {
-          strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier entete RADAR-CNES");
-          goto ERREUR;
-     }
-   }
- /*....................................
-    Decodage du nombre de colonnes
-  ............................................*/
-   retour=fscanf(fic_in,"%s",label);
-   pch0=strstr(label,"NBCOLONNES");
-   if (pch0==NULL)
-   {
-        sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Informations incoherentes NBCOLONNES dans %s",
-		nom_fic);
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   retour=fscanf(fic_in,"%d",nb_col);
- /*....................................
-    Decodage du nombre de lignes
-  ............................................*/
-   retour=fscanf(fic_in,"%s",label);
-   pch0=strstr(label,"NBLIGNES");
-   if (pch0==NULL)
-   {
-        sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Informations incoherentes NBLIGNES dans %s",
-		nom_fic);
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  retour=fscanf(fic_in,"%d",nb_lig);
- /*........................................
-    Decodage du nombre de plans
-  .........................................*/
-   retour=fscanf(fic_in,"%s",label);
-   pch0=strstr(label,"NBPLANS");
-   if (pch0==NULL)
-   {
-        sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Informations incoherentes NBPLANS dans %s",
-		nom_fic);
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  retour=fscanf(fic_in,"%d",&nbplan);
-  *nb_can=nbplan;
- /*........................................
-   Recuperation du type de codage du plan   .........................................*/
-   retour=fscanf(fic_in,"%s",label);
-   pch0=strstr(label,"TYPECODAGE");
-   if (pch0==NULL)
-   {
-        sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Informations incoherentes TYPECODAGE dans %s",
-		nom_fic);
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   retour=fscanf(fic_in,"%s",label);
-   pch0=cai_En_majuscule( label );
-/* Verification si type de codage reconnu et recuperation de la taille pixel*/
-   nboct = cai_istyp_radar(pch0,&ind_typ,&is_Cplx);
-   if (nboct == -1)
-   {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Type de codage du plan %s non reconnu ",
-							nom_fic_canal);
-      goto ERREUR;
-    }
-    *nboct_pix=nboct;
-    sprintf(image1->TYPE_COD,"%s",pch0);
-/* ...........................................................
-   Determination du sens de codage de la machine de travail
-  .............................................................*/
-    type_machine = cai_test_pFpf();
-   Recuperation du type de codage du plan (INTEL ou IEEE)  .......................................................*/
-   retour=fscanf(fic_in,"%s",label);
-   pch0=strstr(label,"SENSCODAGE");
-   if (pch0==NULL)
-   {
-        sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Informations incoherentes SENSCODAGE dans %s",
-		nom_fic);
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   retour=fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-   retour=strncmp(label,"IEEE",4);
-   if (retour==0)	
-	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"BE");
-   else
-	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"LE");
-   cmp = strncmp(type_machine,image1->COD_PIX,2);
-   if (cmp!=0)
-   {
-/* MOD : VERSION : 1.2 : FA : IMA-FA-011 pb inversion des octets complexes   */
-	if (is_Cplx==0)
-	  image1->INV_OCTETS =1;
-	else
-	  image1->INV_OCTETS =2;
-   }
-   else
-   {
-	  image1->INV_OCTETS =0;
-   }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.1 : DM :  Maj du tag COD_PIX lorsque l'image est codée  */
-/*                                            en reel  a partir du TYPE_CODE */
-/*****************************************************************************/    sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"%s",image1->TYPE_COD);
-	Pour chaque plan , decodage des caracteristiques du plans
-   deb=image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-   for (ind=0;ind<nbplan;ind++)
-   {
-/* Recuperation nom du plan */
-        retour=fscanf(fic_in,"%s",label);
-	sprintf(deb,"%s",label);
-        sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s/%s",repert,label);
-	deb = deb+100;
-/* Verification de l'existence du plan et ouverture */
-        num=open(nom_fic_canal,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY,0);
-        if (num!= -1)
-        {
- 		image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[ind]=num;
-          	image1->POS_OCTET[ind]=0;   
-        }
-	else
-	{
-           	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Impossible d'ouvrir le plan %s",
-							nom_fic_canal);
-	   	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-   }  
- /*..................................
-   Fermeture du fichier 
-  ......................................*/
-   if (fic_in!=NULL) fclose(fic_in);
-/* sortie nominale */
-     return(image1);
-/* sortie en erreur */
-     FREE(image1);
-     return (NULL);
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_lecture_radar
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_creation_radar                                   */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de creation et d'ouverture en ecriture d'une image     */
-/* -----     au format radar et de tous les fichiers qui la composent        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :    CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_radar (nom_image,     */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig,          */
-/*				                            typcode)         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*     nb_can         (E) (int )   : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (E) (int )   : nb d'octets pixels                      */
-/*     nb_lig         (E) (int )   : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (E) (int )   : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*     typcode        (E) (char *) : type de codage   de l'image             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_creation_radar     (S) (CAI_IMAGE *) : =NULL si pb          */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_radar(char *repert,
-				  char *nom_image,
-				  int  *nb_can,
-				  int  *nboct_pix,
-				  int  *nb_col,
-				  int  *nb_lig,
-				  char *typcode)
-   FILE *fic;		        /* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   int retour,retour1;		/* retour de fonction 			    */ 
-   int can,num;			/* indice 				    */
-   struct stat	buf_stat;	/* structure decrivant status de fichier    */
-   char *type_machine;          /* ordre rangement octets machine de travail*/
-   int ind_typ;			/* Indice du type de codage radar           */
-   int is_Cplx;                 /* Indique si type complexe ou pas          */
-   int nboct;
-   char *pch0;
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_creation");
-     goto ERREUR;
-   }
-/* Vérification si typecode est un type radar si non par défaut mettre und */
-   pch0=cai_En_majuscule( typcode );
-   nboct = cai_istyp_radar(pch0,&ind_typ,&is_Cplx);
-   if (nboct == -1)
-   {
-	sprintf(typcode,"und");
-   }
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete et verification qu'il
-   n'existe pas deja
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repert) == 0)
-	sprintf(repert,"./");
-/* Recherche avec l'extension en majuscule */
-   sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.RAD",repert,nom_image);
-   retour = stat ( nom_fic , &buf_stat );
-   if ( retour == 0 )
-   { 
-	unlink(nom_fic);
-   }
-/* Recherche avec l'extension en minuscule */
-   sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.rad",repert,nom_image);
-   retour = stat ( nom_fic , &buf_stat );
-   if ( retour == 0 )
-   { 
-	unlink(nom_fic);
-   }
-   sprintf(image1->NOM_IMAGE,"%s/%s",repert,nom_image);
-  Ouverture du fichier entete en ecriture 
-  Ecriture du contenu
-  ..........................................................*/
-  fic = fopen(nom_fic,"w");
-  if (fic == NULL)
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Creation fichier %s impossible\n",nom_fic);
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-/* Nombre de colonnes */
-  retour=fprintf ( fic , "NBCOLONNES ");
-  retour1=fprintf ( fic , "%d\n" , *nb_col );
-  if ((retour == 0)||(retour1 == 0))
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Ecriture %s impossible\n",nom_fic);
-      goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/* Nombre de lignes */
-  retour=fprintf ( fic , "NBLIGNES ");
-  retour1=fprintf ( fic , "%d\n" , *nb_lig );
-  if ((retour == 0)||(retour1 == 0))
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Ecriture %s impossible\n",nom_fic);
-      goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/* Nombre de plans */
-  retour=fprintf ( fic , "NBPLANS ");
-  retour1=fprintf ( fic , "%d\n" , *nb_can);
-  if ((retour == 0)||(retour1 == 0))
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Ecriture %s impossible\n",nom_fic);
-      goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  retour=fprintf ( fic , "TYPECODAGE ");
-  retour1=fprintf ( fic , "%s\n" , typcode );
-  if ((retour == 0)||(retour1 == 1))
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Ecriture %s impossible\n",nom_fic);
-      goto ERREUR;
-  }
- /*..................................
-   determination ordre de rangement 
-   des octets sur machine de travail
-  ......................................*/ 
-   type_machine = cai_test_pFpf();
-  retour=fprintf ( fic , "SENSCODAGE ");
-   if (strcmp(type_machine,"BE")==0)
- 	retour=fprintf ( fic , "IEEE\n");
-   else
-	retour=fprintf ( fic , "INTEL\n");
-   if (retour == 0)
-   {
-      	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Ecriture %s impossible\n",
-					nom_fic);
-      	goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  Pour chaque canal de l'image,constitution du nom de fichier correspondant
-  Verification qu'il n'existe pas deja
-  Ouverture du fichier en ecriture
-  .................................................................*/
-  pch0=cai_En_minuscule( typcode );
-  for (can=0;can<*nb_can;can++)
-  {
-       nom_fic[0]='\0';
-       if (*nb_can==1)
-         sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.%s",repert,nom_image,pch0);
-       else
-          sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s_%d.%s",repert,nom_image,can+1,pch0);
-       retour = stat ( nom_fic , &buf_stat );
-       if ( retour == 0 )
-       { 
-		unlink(nom_fic);
-       }
-       num = open(nom_fic,O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_BINARY,PERMS); 
-       if (num == -1)
-       {
-     		sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Creation %s impossible\n",
-				nom_fic);
-     		goto ERREUR;
-       } 
-       image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[can]=num;
-       image1->POS_OCTET[can]=0;
-       if (*nb_can==1)
-       {
-          retour1=fprintf ( fic , "%s.%s\n" , nom_image,pch0);
-	  snprintf(image1->NOM_FIC_CAN,100,"%s.%s",nom_image,pch0);
-	 *(image1->NOM_FIC_CAN+99)='\0';
-       }
-       else
-       {
-          retour1=fprintf ( fic , "%s_%d.%s\n" , nom_image,can+1,pch0);
-	  snprintf(image1->NOM_FIC_CAN+can*100,100,"%s_%d.%s",nom_image,can+1,pch0);
-	 *(image1->NOM_FIC_CAN+can*100+99)='\0';
-       }
-       if (retour1 == 1)
-       {
-      		sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Ecriture %s impossible\n",
-					nom_fic);
-      		goto ERREUR;
-  	}
-  }
-/* Fermeture du fichier                          */
-  fclose ( fic );
-  return (image1);
-  return(NULL);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_creation_radar
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_lecture_canal_radar                                    */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de lecture d'un canal d'une image radar                */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_radar(image1, canal,      */
-/* ------------------                            premiere_ligne,             */
-/*                                               premiere_colonne,           */
-/*                                               nombre_lignes_lire ,        */
-/*                                               nombre_colonnes_lire,       */
-/*                                               pas_ligne ,pas_colonne,     */
-/*                 		                data_image )                 */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*     canal                (E) (lint): numero du canal a lire               */
-/*     premiere_ligne       (E) (int) : premiere ligne a lire dans l'image   */
-/*     premiere _colonne    (E) (int) : premiere colonne a lire dans l'image */
-/*     nombre_lignes_lire   (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a lire              */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_lire (E) (int) : nombre de colonnes a lire            */
-/*     pas_ligne            (E) (int) : pas en ligne                         */
-/*     pas_colonne          (E) (int) : pas en colonne                       */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels lus alloue et     */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_lecture_canal_radar     (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb          */
-/*                                                 = CAI_OK si OK            */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_radar(CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,  
-                                int *canal ,           
-    		          	int *premiere_ligne  ,   
-     		          	int *premiere_colonne,
-                         	int *nombre_lignes_lire ,
-                          	int *nombre_colonnes_lire,
-                          	int *pas_ligne ,          
-                          	int *pas_colonne,
-		          	unsigned char *data_image )        
- int   num,i,j,k;         /* variables de travail                          */
- long int pt_oct;	  /* position courante dans le fichier image       */
- long int no_oct;         /* numero du premier octet a lire                */
- int iret;                /* indicateur d'erreur                           */
- long int lig;            /* indice de boucle sur les lignes               */
- long int oct_pix,octpix; /* nb octets par pixels                          */
- long int nb_oct;         /* nb oct =1er octet a lire - position courante  */
- long int oct_lig;        /* nb oct. par ligne en considerant taille pixel */
- unsigned char *buf_lec;  /* buffer lecture d'une  ligne                   */
- unsigned char *deb,*pch; /* pointeur chaine pour transfert  buffer sortie */
- long int n;
- int nbpix;
-  Initialisations diverses
-  ..........................*/
-   iret=CAI_OK;
-   num=(int)image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[(*canal)-1];
-   oct_pix=image1->NBOCT_PIX;;
-   oct_lig=oct_pix*(image1->NB_COL);
-        allocation de memoire pour lire une ligne image
- ............................................. */
-   buf_lec = (unsigned char *) calloc(oct_lig,sizeof(unsigned char));
-   if (buf_lec == NULL)
-   {
-      iret=CAI_KO;
-      strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Probleme allocation memoire");
-   }
-   else
-   {
-        Initialisation
-  ......................*/
-        lig=*premiere_ligne;
-        i=1;
-        pch=data_image;
- /*.....................
-         Pour chaque ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-        while ((i <= (*nombre_lignes_lire))&&(iret==CAI_OK))
-        {  
-	    Recherche de la position courante dans le fichier
-  ............................................*/
-            pt_oct=lseek(num,0L,1);
-            Calcul du numero du 1er octet a lire
-  ....................................*/
-            no_oct=image1->POS_OCTET[(*canal)-1]+((lig-1)*oct_lig);
-            Saut d'octets pour etre positionne sur la ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-            nb_oct=(long)(no_oct-pt_oct);
-            lseek(num,nb_oct,1);
-            lecture d'une ligne image
-  ................................................*/
-            n=read(num,buf_lec,oct_lig);
-            if (n<=0)
-            {
-             iret=CAI_KO;
-             sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture donnee image RADAR  %s",
-		                image1->NOM_IMAGE);
-            }
-            else
-            { 
-             Sauvegarde des donnees lues entenant compte du pas 
-             d'echantillonnage en colonne
-  ........................................*/   
-             deb=buf_lec+((*premiere_colonne)-1)*oct_pix;
-             j=1;
-             while (j <= (*nombre_colonnes_lire))
-	     {  
-                 for (k=0;k<oct_pix;k=k+1)
-                 {
-                    *(pch+k)=*(deb+k);
-                  }
-                  pch=pch+oct_pix;
-                 j=j+1;
-                 deb=deb+((*pas_colonne)*oct_pix);
-              }
-           }
-          i=i+1;
-          lig=lig+(*pas_ligne);
-	  if ((image1->INV_OCTETS==1) && (oct_pix!=1))
-          {
-            nbpix = (*nombre_lignes_lire)*(*nombre_colonnes_lire);
-	    cai_inverser_tableau_complet(data_image,(int)nbpix,(int)oct_pix);
-          }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 1.2 : FA : IMA-FA-011 pb inversion des octets complexes   */
-	  else if (image1->INV_OCTETS==2)
-	  {
-            nbpix = (*nombre_lignes_lire)*(*nombre_colonnes_lire)*2;
-	    octpix = oct_pix/2;
-	    cai_inverser_tableau_complet(data_image,(int)nbpix,(int)octpix);	 
-          }
-        } 
-	free(buf_lec);
-    }
-        return(iret);
- }
-  Fin de l'operation cai_lecture_canal_radar
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ecriture_canal_radar                                   */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ecriture d'un plan d'une image radar                 */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :     CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_radar(image1, canal,  */
-/* ------------------                                 premiere_ligne,        */
-/*                                                    nombre_lignes_ecrire,  */
-/*                                                    nombre_colonnes_ecrire,*/
-/*                 		                      data_image )           */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)   : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier */
-/*     canal            (E) (int)      : numero du canal a ecrire            */
-/*     premiere_ligne   (E)  (int)     : premiere ligne a ecrire ds l'image  */
-/*     nombre_lignes_ecrire  (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_ecrire(E) (int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels ecris alloue et   */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ecriture_canal_radar        (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb      */
-/*                                                     = CAI_OK si OK        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_radar (CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,  
-                            	  int *canal ,           
-    		            	  int *premiere_ligne  ,   
-                            	  int *nombre_lignes_ecrire ,
-                            	  int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire,
-		            	  unsigned char *data_image )        
- long int position_first_lig;	/* position de la 1ere ligne a ecrire    */
- long int position_courante;	/* position courante dans le fichier     */
- long int deplacement;		/* deplacement a effectuer               */
- int i_ligne;			/* compteur de lignes                    */
- unsigned char *buff_lig;	/* tableau contenant une ligne a ecrire  */
- long  int cr_write;		/* code retour de write                  */
- int num;                       /* descripteur de fichier                */
- int nboct_pix;		        /* nombre d'octets par pixel             */
- int tot_pix;                   /* nb de pixels total a ecrire           */
-/* initialisations */
-i_ligne = 0;
-num = image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*canal-1];
-nboct_pix = image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-/* verification si ecriture image entiere */
-  if ((*nombre_lignes_ecrire==image1->NB_LIG)&&
-		(*nombre_colonnes_ecrire==image1->NB_COL))
-  {
-       tot_pix=nboct_pix*(image1->NB_COL)*(image1->NB_LIG);
-    /* positionnement en debut de fichier */
-       position_first_lig=lseek(num,0L,0);
-   /* ecriture du canal complet */
-      cr_write = write ( num , data_image,tot_pix);
-      if (cr_write != tot_pix)
-      {
-              sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ecriture donnee image RADAR  %s",
-		image1->NOM_IMAGE);
-             goto ERREUR;
-       }
-   }
-  else
-  {
-/* Calcul de la position de la premiere ligne a ecrire 	*/ 
-position_first_lig =(long int) ( image1->POS_OCTET[*canal-1]+ 
-			    (( *premiere_ligne - 1) * (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire)
-		              * nboct_pix));
-/* Recuperation de la position courante			*/
-position_courante = lseek ( num , 0L , 1 );
-/* Deplacement jusqu'a la premiere ligne a ecrire	*/
-deplacement = position_first_lig - position_courante;
-lseek ( num , deplacement , 1 ); 
-/* TANT QUE il y a des lignes a ecrire                 	*/
-while (i_ligne < (*nombre_lignes_ecrire))
-/*	extraction de la ligne du tableau 		*/
-	buff_lig = data_image + (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) * nboct_pix * i_ligne;
-/*	ecriture de la ligne				*/
-	cr_write = write ( num , buff_lig ,
-			 (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) * nboct_pix );
-	if ( cr_write != (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire)*nboct_pix )
-	{
-	    sprintf( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture canal image radar_cnes  %s",
-				   image1->NOM_IMAGE);
-		goto ERREUR;
-	}
-/*	incrementation du nombre de lignes		*/
-	i_ligne++;
-/* FIN TANT QUE						*/
-  }
-return (CAI_OK);
-return (CAI_KO);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ecriture_canal_radar
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ferme_radar                                            */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de fermeture d'une image au format radar et de         */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent 			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_radar(image1)                     */
-/* ------------------                                                        */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ferme_radar        (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb               */
-/*                                              = CAI_OK si OK               */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_radar (CAI_IMAGE *image1)
- 	 int iret;    /* code retour de l'operation      */
- 	 int i_can;   /* indice du canal a fermer        */
- 	 int num;     /* descripteur du fichier a fermer */
- iret=CAI_OK;
-   Fermeture de tous les canaux
-  .............................................*/
- for (i_can=0;i_can<image1->NB_CANAUX;i_can=i_can+1)
- {
-   num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i_can];
-   if (num>0) close(num);
- }
-  return (iret);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ferme_radar
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_dest_ima_radar                                         */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de destruction d'une image stocke en radar et de       */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent  			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_radar(repertoire,nom_ima)      */
-/* ------------------                                                        */
-/*     repertoire   (E) (char *) : repertoire de l'image a detruire          */
-/*     nom_image    (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a detruire avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_dest_ima_radar     (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb               */
-/*                                            = CAI_OK si OK                 */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_radar ( char *repertoire , 
-                     	     char *nom_ima )
-int	i_can;			/* compteur de canaux */
-long int     iret;              /* code retour fonction fermeture lecture */
-char	nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier entete a detruire */
-long int	cr_stat;	/* code retour de fonction status de fichier */
-struct stat buf_stat;		/* structure decrivant status de fichier */ 
-CAI_IMAGE   *image1;            /* structure ouverture image */
-int         nb_can;	/* nombre de canaux de l'image */
-int         nboct_pix;	/* nombre d'octets par pixel image */
-int         nb_col;	/* nombre de colonnes de l'image */
-int         nb_lig;        /* nombre de lignes de l'image */
-char *pch;
-  if ((long int)strlen(repertoire)!= 0)
-       sprintf(repertoire,"./");
-/* Extraction des caracteristiques de l'image 	*/
-/* du fichier entete par l'appel a la fonction	*/
-/* cai_ouvre_lecture_radar			*/
-  image1 = cai_ouvre_lecture_radar ( repertoire,nom_ima, &nb_can ,&nboct_pix ,
-				   &nb_col , &nb_lig );	
-  if ( image1 == NULL) goto ERREUR;
-  image1->NB_CANAUX=nb_can;
-  image1->NB_COL=nb_col;
-  image1->NB_LIG=nb_lig;
-  image1->NBOCT_PIX=nboct_pix;
-/* Constitution un a un des noms des fichiers	*/
-/* canaux et destruction 			*/
-pch = image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-for ( i_can = 0 ; i_can < nb_can ; i_can++ )
-	sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s",repertoire,pch);
-	cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic , &buf_stat );
-	if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-		unlink ( nom_fic );
-        pch=pch+100;
-  iret=cai_ferme_radar(image1);
-/* Destruction du fichier d'entete		*/
-sprintf(nom_fic ,"%s/%s.RAD", repertoire,nom_ima);
-cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic , &buf_stat );
-if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-	unlink ( nom_fic );
-  sprintf(nom_fic ,"%s/%s.rad", repertoire,nom_ima);
-  cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic , &buf_stat );
-  if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-	unlink ( nom_fic );
-return (CAI_OK);
-return (CAI_KO);
- Fin de l'operation cai_dest_ima_radar
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_modifie_radar                                    */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture-ecriture d'une image au format  */
-/* -----     radar et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :     CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_radar (nom_image,     */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels              */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_modifie_radar     (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb         */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_radar(char *repert,
-				     char *nom_image,
-				     int  *nb_can,
-				     int  *nboct_pix,
-				     int  *nb_col,
-				     int  *nb_lig)
-   FILE *fic_in;		/* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char nom_fic_canal[1024];    /* nom fichier canal dont on teste existence*/
-   char label[80];		/* contient un enregistrement du fichier    */
-   int nbplan;			/* nombre de canaux dans le fichier en-tete */
-   int retour;			/* retour de la fonction comparaison chaines*/ 
-   char *deb,*pch0;	        /* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres       */
-   int ind,num;			/* indice 				    */
-   int nboct;			/* variables de travail			    */
-   int ind_typ;			/* Indice du type de codage radar           */
-   int is_Cplx;                 /* Indique si type complexe ou pas          */
-   char *type_machine;		/* Type de codage de la machine             */
-   int cmp;			/* variable de travail                      */
-   /*........................................
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   *nb_can=0;
-   *nb_lig=0;
-   *nb_col=0;
-   *nboct_pix = 0;
-   pch0=NULL;
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-      strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_modifie");
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repert)== 0)
-	sprintf(repert,"./");
-   sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.rad",repert,nom_image);
-   sprintf(image1->NOM_IMAGE,"%s/%s",repert,nom_image);
-  /*........................
-   Ouverture du fichier entete
-  ..........................................*/
-   fic_in=NULL;
-   fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"rw");
-   if (fic_in==NULL)
-   {
-/* verification si extension en majuscule */
-      nom_fic[0]='\0';
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.RAD",repert,nom_image);
-      fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"r");
-      if (fic_in==NULL)
-      {
-          strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier entete RADAR-CNES");
-          goto ERREUR;
-     }
-   }
- /*....................................
-    Decodage du nombre de colonnes
-  ............................................*/
-   retour=fscanf(fic_in,"%s",label);
-   pch0=strstr(label,"NBCOLONNES");
-   if (pch0==NULL)
-   {
-        sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Informations incoherentes NBCOLONNES dans %s",
-		nom_fic);
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   retour=fscanf(fic_in,"%d",nb_col);
- /*....................................
-    Decodage du nombre de lignes
-  ............................................*/
-   retour=fscanf(fic_in,"%s",label);
-   pch0=strstr(label,"NBLIGNES");
-   if (pch0==NULL)
-   {
-        sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Informations incoherentes NBLIGNES dans %s",
-		nom_fic);
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  retour=fscanf(fic_in,"%d",nb_lig);
- /*........................................
-    Decodage du nombre de plans
-  .........................................*/
-   retour=fscanf(fic_in,"%s",label);
-   pch0=strstr(label,"NBPLANS");
-   if (pch0==NULL)
-   {
-        sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Informations incoherentes NBPLANS dans %s",
-		nom_fic);
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  retour=fscanf(fic_in,"%d",&nbplan);
-  *nb_can=nbplan;
- /*........................................
-   Recuperation du type de codage du plan   .........................................*/
-   retour=fscanf(fic_in,"%s",label);
-   pch0=strstr(label,"TYPECODAGE");
-   if (pch0==NULL)
-   {
-        sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Informations incoherentes TYPECODAGE dans %s",
-		nom_fic);
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   retour=fscanf(fic_in,"%s",label);
-   pch0=cai_En_majuscule( label );
-/* Verification si type de codage reconnu et recuperation de la taille pixel*/
-   nboct = cai_istyp_radar(pch0,&ind_typ,&is_Cplx);
-   if (nboct == -1)
-   {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Type de codage du plan %s non reconnu ",
-							nom_fic_canal);
-      goto ERREUR;
-    }
-    *nboct_pix=nboct;
-    sprintf(image1->TYPE_COD,"%s",pch0);
-/* ...........................................................
-   Determination du sens de codage de la machine de travail
-  .............................................................*/
-    type_machine = cai_test_pFpf();
-   Recuperation du type de codage du plan (INTEL ou IEEE)  .......................................................*/
-   retour=fscanf(fic_in,"%s",label);
-   pch0=strstr(label,"SENSCODAGE");
-   if (pch0==NULL)
-   {
-        sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Informations incoherentes SENSCODAGE dans %s",
-		nom_fic);
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   retour=fscanf(fic_in,"%s\n",label);
-   retour=strncmp(label,"IEEE",4);
-   if (retour==0)	
-	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"BE");
-   else
-	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"LE");
-   cmp = strncmp(type_machine,image1->COD_PIX,2);
-   if (cmp!=0)
-   {
-/* MOD : VERSION : 1.2 : FA : IMA-FA-011 pb inversion des octets complexes   */
-	if (is_Cplx==0)
-	  image1->INV_OCTETS =1;
-	else
-	  image1->INV_OCTETS =2;
-   }
-   else
-   {
-	  image1->INV_OCTETS =0;
-   }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.1 : DM :  Maj du tag COD_PIX lorsque l'image est codée  */
-/*                                            en reel  a partir du TYPE_CODE */
-/*****************************************************************************/    sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"%s",image1->TYPE_COD);
-	Pour chaque plan , decodage des caracteristiques du plans
-   deb=image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-   for (ind=0;ind<nbplan;ind++)
-   {
-/* Recuperation nom du plan */
-        retour=fscanf(fic_in,"%s",label);
-	sprintf(deb,"%s",label);
-        sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s/%s",repert,label);
-	deb = deb+100;
-/* Verification de l'existence du plan et ouverture */
-        num=open(nom_fic_canal,O_RDWR|O_BINARY,0);
-        if (num!= -1)
-        {
- 		image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[ind]=num;
-          	image1->POS_OCTET[ind]=0;   
-        }
-	else
-	{
-           	sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Impossible d'ouvrir le plan %s",
-							nom_fic_canal);
-	   	goto ERREUR;
-	}
-   }  
- /*..................................
-   Fermeture du fichier 
-  ......................................*/
-   if (fic_in!=NULL) fclose(fic_in);
-/* sortie nominale */
-     return(image1);
-/* sortie en erreur */
-     FREE(image1);
-     return (NULL);
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_modifie_radar
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_istyp_radar                                            */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de verification si pixels de type radar ou non         */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :    retour = cai_istyp_radar(type_code)                 */
-/*  ---------------- 		                                             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     type_code    (E) (char *) : type de codage a verifier                 */
-/*     ind_typ      (S) (int *)  : indice du type des pixels                 */
-/*     is_Cplx      (S) (int *)  : 1 si type complexe, 0 si non              */
-/*     retour       (S) (int)    : nb d'octets par pixel si type reconnu     */ 
-/*				   -1 si non reconnu			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-int cai_istyp_radar(char *type_code,int *ind_typ,int *is_Cplx )
-	int ind;	 /* indice de boucle sur les types reconnus */
-	int trouve,icr;  /* indice pour la recherche                */
-/* Initialisations diverses */
-	trouve = 0;
-	ind = 0;
-	while ((trouve==0)&&(ind< CAI_NB_RADAR))
-	{
-	  icr=strncmp(type_code,CAI_RADAR_TYP[ind],strlen(type_code));
-	  if (icr==0) 
-		trouve=1;
-	  else
-	       ind=ind+1;
-	}
-	if (trouve ==1)
-	{
-	      *ind_typ=ind; 
-	      ind=CAI_RADAR_LONG[ind];
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		*ind_typ=-1; 
-	        ind=-1;
-	}
-	if (type_code[0]=='C')
-	    *is_Cplx=1;
-	else
-	    *is_Cplx=0;
-/* sortie normale */
-	return(ind);
-   Fin de l'operation cai_istyp_radar
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_rasterfile.c b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_rasterfile.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 15ebf31274c14fe462e17bfc6644c6734f83b1d4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_rasterfile.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1440 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                           */
-/* PROJET :    COUCHE ACCES IMAGE                                            */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MODULE :    cai_rasterfile.c                                              */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE   :    Ce module rassemble toutes les fonctions d'acces aux images   */
-/* -------     stockees au format rasterfile                                 */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* AUTEUR :      R.CHAISEMARTIN     (CISI)                                   */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* DATE DE CREATION :    fevrier 1995                                        */
-/* -----------------						             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* LANGAGE : C                                                               */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V2                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 3.3 : DM :optimisation des acces                          */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 :FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 :FA:Verification que le nombre de canaux est 1 ou 3.  */
-/* sunrasterfile est un format de  restitution	                             */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : DM : modifications pour compatibilite HP64bits      */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : modifications fopen binaire pour PC/NT         */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.4 : DM : modifications  open binaire pour PC/NT         */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : FA : test sur  fclose  pour PC/LINUX                */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : FA :  == au lieu de = simple                        */
-/*                                         image1->MODE == CAI_ECRITURE      */
-/*                Inclusion des fichiers STANDARDS (.h)                      */
-# include <stdio.h>
-# include <string.h>
-# include <stdlib.h>
-# include <unistd.h>
-# include <sys/types.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-# include <sys/stat.h>
-# include <fcntl.h>
-#define _CAI_IMAGE
-#define IN_CAI_RASTER
-# include "cai_image.h"
-/* Variable pour la  gestion en configuration                                 */
-static char *rcs_id="$Header: cai_rasterfile.c,v 1.11 01/05/31 10:47:16 cmf Exp $";
-extern char *getenv();
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                Definition des OPERATIONS EXTERNES                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_liste_ima_sun_raster                                   */
-/* ----------                                                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de listage des images au format rasterfile             */
-/* ------                                                                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :      int cai_liste_ima_sun_raster(repert,tab_ima)     */
-/* -----------------                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     repert        (E) (char *)   : repertoire a explorer		     */
-/*     tab_ima       (S) (char ***) : pointeur sur tableau des images listees*/
-/*                                    alloue par la fonction,il doit etre    */
-/*                                    LIBERE PAR L'APPELANT                  */
-/*									     */
-/*    cai_liste_ima_sun_raster (S) (int)     : = -1 repertoire inexistant    */                                    /*					       = > 0 nombre d'images listees */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION :  V2                                                             */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-long int cai_liste_ima_sun_raster (char *repert,
-		              	char ***tab_ima)
-   DIR *dirp;		/* pointeur sur structure ouverture repertoire */
-   struct dirent *dp;   /* structure resultat de la fonction readdir   */
-   char *pch0,*pch1;    /* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres          */
-   char *pch2,*pch3;    /* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres          */
-   char car;            /* variable de travail                         */  
-   int nb_ima;          /* nombre d'images rasterfile identifiees      */
-   int i;               /* indice de boucle                            */
-   INITIALISATION et ouverture du repertoire choisi
-  .........................................*/
-   nb_ima=0;
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   if(dirp!=NULL)
-   {
-  premiere passe pour comptabiliser les images du format donne
-      (EXTENSION =.srf)
- ..........................................*/
-   while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-   {
-     car='.';
-     pch0=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-     if (pch0 != NULL)
-     {
-       car='s';
-       pch1=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-       if ((pch1 != NULL)&&(pch1==pch0+1))
-       {
-         car='r';
-         pch2=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-         if ((pch2 != NULL)&&(pch2==pch1+1))
-         {
-	      car='f';
-              pch3=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-              if ((pch3 != NULL)&&(pch3==pch2+1))
-	      {
-                  *pch0=' ';
-              	  *pch1=' ';
-	      	  *pch2=' ';
-		  *pch3=' ';
-	          nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-              }
-           }
-       }
-     }
-   }
-    (void)closedir(dirp);
-     ......................................*/
-    *tab_ima = (char **) calloc(nb_ima,sizeof(char *));
-    for (i=0;i<nb_ima;i=i+1)
-      (*tab_ima)[i]=(char *)calloc(1,100);
-   deuxieme passe pour constituer la liste des images du format donne
-      (EXTENSION =.srf)
-   ..........................................*/
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   nb_ima=0;
-   while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-   {
-     car='.';
-     pch0=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-     if (pch0 != NULL)
-     {
-       car='s';
-       pch1=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-       if ((pch1 != NULL)&&(pch1==pch0+1))
-       {
-         car='r';
-         pch2=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-         if ((pch2 != NULL)&&(pch2==pch1+1))
-         {
-	      car='f';
-              pch3=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-              if ((pch3 != NULL)&&(pch3==pch2+1))
-	      {
-                  *pch0=' ';
-              	  *pch1=' ';
-	      	  *pch2=' ';
-		  *pch3=' ';
-                  strcpy((*tab_ima)[nb_ima],dp->d_name);
-	          nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-              }
-           }
-       }
-     }
-   }
-    (void)closedir(dirp);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-     /* Erreur:Repertoire inexistant */
-      nb_ima=-1;
-   }
-    return(nb_ima);
-/* Fin de l'operation cai_liste_ima_sun_raster
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_lecture_sun_raster                               */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture d'une image au format rasterfile*/
-/* -----     et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL : CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_sun_raster(nom_image,     */
-/*  ---------------- 		                              nb_can,        */
-/*				                              nboct_pix      */	
-/*				                              nb_col,        */
-/*				                              nb_lig)        */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  cai_ouvre_lecture_sun_raster (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb           */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */  
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_sun_raster(char *repert,
-				        char *nom_image,
-				        int *nb_can,
-				        int *nboct_pix,
-				        int *nb_col,
-				        int *nb_lig)
-   FILE *fic_in;		/* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   int  iret;			/* indicateur de retour ok ou pas           */
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char *deb,*deb1;		/* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres       */
-   int i,j,ind;			/* indice 				    */
-   int ras_type;                /* type de fichier raster                   */
-   int fic;			/* code retour fonction open		    */
-   unsigned char *colormap;     /* tableau de colormap                      */
-   unsigned char *pch;
-   int taille;
-   long li;
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   *nb_can=0;
-   *nb_lig=0;
-   *nb_col=0;
-   *nboct_pix=0;
-   iret=1;
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 :FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoire dans cai_ouvre_lecture");
-    }
-   else
-   {
-   Constitution du nom du fichier SUN_RASTER srf
-   .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.srf",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.srf",nom_image);
-   }
-   Ouverture du fichier entete
-  ..........................................*/
-   fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"rb");
-   if (fic_in==NULL)
-   {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier sun_raster");
-   }
-   else
-   {
-    positionnement sur le nombre de colonnes */
-    fseek(fic_in,4,0);
-/*  recuperation du nombre de colonnes 
-    li=fread(nb_col,4,1,fic_in);
- /*....................................
-     recuperation du nombre de lignes
-     fread(nb_lig,4,1,fic_in);
-     recuperation du nombre de canaux
-     fread(nb_can,4,1,fic_in);
-     if ((*nb_can!=8)&&(*nb_can!=24))
-     {
-       iret=0;
-       strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Profondeur encodage ni 8 ni 24. Format non traite");
-      }
-      else
-      {
-       *nb_can=(*nb_can)/8;
-       recuperation du type de fichier
-  ............................................*/
-        fseek(fic_in,4,1);
-        fread(&ras_type,4,1,fic_in);
-	if (ras_type!=1)
-        {
-          iret=0;
-          strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Type de fichier non standard.Non traite");
-         }
-         else
-         {
-	    recuperation du nombre d'octets de colormap
-  ............................................*/
-            fseek(fic_in,4,1);
-            fread(nboct_pix,4,1,fic_in);
-            image1->COLORMAP=*nboct_pix;
-	    if (image1->COLORMAP != 0)
-            {
-              lecture de la colormap si elle existe
-  ......................................................*/
-	      colormap = (unsigned char *) malloc(image1->COLORMAP);
-              image1->TABCOLOR = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*768);
-              if (image1->TABCOLOR == NULL)
-              {
-                iret=CAI_KO;
-                strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Probleme d'allocation memoire");
-               }
-              if (colormap == NULL)
-              {
-                iret=CAI_KO;
-                strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Probleme d'allocation memoire");
-               }
-               else
-               {
-	         li=fread(colormap,image1->COLORMAP,1,fic_in);
-                 pch=colormap;
-	         taille=(image1->COLORMAP/3);
--------------    recuperation pour chaque couleur R V B ----*/
-                 for(j=0;j<3;j++)
-                 {
-                   for (i=0;i<taille;i++)
-                   {
-		     ind=i+(j*256);
-                     image1->TABCOLOR[ind]=(int)(*pch);
-                     pch=pch+1;
-                   }
-                   for (i=taille;i<256;i++)
-                   {
-		     ind=i+(j*256);
-                     image1->TABCOLOR[ind]=0;
-                   }
-	          }
-                  free(colormap);
-                 }
-             }
-	    recuperation du nombre d'octets par pixel
-  .................................................*/
-	    *nboct_pix=1;
-            image1->NB_BITS_PIX=1;
-	    sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"OCT");
-            }
-           }
-        }
-	if (fic_in!=NULL) fclose(fic_in);
-  .....................................................*/
-     fic=NULL;
-     fic=open(nom_fic,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY,0);
-     if (fic == -1)
-      {
-	 iret=0;
-         strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier sun_raster");
-      }
-     else
-     {
-       deb = image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-       deb1= image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN;
-       for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-       {
-	   sprintf(deb,"%s.srf",nom_image);
-  	   deb=deb+100;
-	   sprintf(deb1,"%s.srf",nom_image);
-           deb1=deb1+100;
-           image1->POS_OCTET[i]=32+image1->COLORMAP;
-           image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=fic;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (iret == 0)
-	return (NULL);
-    else     
-    return(image1);
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_lecture_sun_raster
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_creation_sun_raster                              */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de creation et d'ouverture en ecriture d'une image     */
-/* -----     au format rasterfile et de tous les fichiers qui la composent   */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL : CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_sun_raster(nom_image,    */
-/*  ---------------- 		                               nb_can,       */
-/*				                               nboct_pix,    */
-/*				                               nb_col,       */
-/*				                               nb_lig,       */
-/*				                               label)        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*     nb_can         (E) (int )   : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (E) (int )   : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (E) (int )   : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (E) (int )   : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*     label          (E) (char *) : commentaire lie a l'image               */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  cai_ouvre_creation_sun_raster (S) (CAI_IMAGE *) : =NULL si pb            */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-#define RAS_MAGIC 0x59a66a95
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_sun_raster(char *repert,
-				  	 char *nom_image,
-				  	 int *nb_can,
-				  	 int *nboct_pix,
-				  	 int *nb_col,
-				  	 int *nb_lig,
-				  	 char *label)
-   FILE *fic;		        /* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   long retour;			/* retour de fonction 			    */ 
-   int i,num;			/* indice 				    */
-   struct stat	buf_stat;	/* structure decrivant status de fichier    */
-   unsigned char *buff;         /* pointeur sur buffer fichier              */
-   int	taille;		        /* taille du fichier en octets		    */
-   int     ras_depth;           /* profondeur d'encodage du pixel 8 ou 24   */
-   int     ras_magic;           /* nombre magique raster file               */
-   int     ras_length;          /* nb octets total de l'image               */
-   int     ras_type;		/* type de fichier 1=sun raster standard    */
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 :FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_creation");
-     goto ERREUR;
-   }
-/* Les donnees doivent etre codees sur 8 bits	 */
-   if ( *nboct_pix != 1 )
-   {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR ,
-	   "Erreur : les donnees doivent etre codees sur 8 bits\n");
-	goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 :FA:Verification que le nombre de canaux est 1 ou 3.  */
-/* sunrasterfile est un format de  restitution	                             */
-/* Verification sur le nombre de canaux 1(noir&blanc) ou 3 (RVB) */
-   if ((*nb_can !=1)&&(*nb_can !=3))
-   {
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur une image RASTERFILE a 1 ou 3 canaux exclusivement");
-     goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete et verification qu'il
-   n'existe pas deja .
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.srf",repert,nom_image);
-    }
-   else
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.srf",nom_image);
-   }
-    retour = stat ( nom_fic , &buf_stat );
-   if ( retour == 0 )
-   { 
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "L'image %s SUN_RASTER existe \n" , nom_image );
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-/* creation du fichier et reservation de la      */
-/* place necessaire a l'ecriture de l'entete	 */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : modifications fopen binaire pour PC/NT         */
-    fic = fopen ( nom_fic, "wb" );
-    if ( nom_fic == NULL )
-    {
-   	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur : creation fichier %s impossible\n" ,
-	nom_fic );
-	goto ERREUR;
-     }
-     taille=32 ;
-     buff = (unsigned char *) malloc (taille);
-     if ( buff== NULL )
-     {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur : probleme d'allocation \n" );
-	unlink(nom_fic);
-	goto ERREUR;
-      }
-       ras_length=(*nb_lig)*(*nb_col)*(*nb_can);
-       if ((*nb_col)%2!=0)
-         ras_length=ras_length+(*nb_lig);
-       ras_magic=RAS_MAGIC;
-       ras_depth=(*nb_can)*8;
-       ras_type=1;
-       memcpy ( &buff[0] , &ras_magic , 4);
-       memcpy ( &buff[4] , nb_col , 4 );
-       memcpy ( &buff[8] , nb_lig , 4 );
-       memcpy ( &buff[12] , &ras_depth , 4 );
-       memcpy ( &buff[16] , &ras_length, 4 );
-       memcpy ( &buff[20] , &ras_type, 4 );
-       for ( i = 24 ; i < taille ; i++ )
-       {
-	buff[i] = 0;
-        }
-        retour= fwrite ( buff , taille , 1 , fic );
-        if ( retour == 0 )
-        {
-	sprintf (CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur : ecriture impossible dans fichier %s\n",
-	nom_fic );
-	goto ERREUR;
-        }
-       free ( buff );
-       if (fic!=NULL) fclose(fic);
-   Ouverture du fichier pour ecriture radiometrie
-  ...................................................*/
-   num = open(nom_fic,O_RDWR|O_BINARY,0);
-   if (num == -1)
-   {
-     sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur: Creation %s impossible\n",nom_fic);
-     goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-   {
-     image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=num;
-     image1->POS_OCTET[i]=32;
-   }
-  return (image1);
-  return(NULL);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_creation_sun_raster
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_lecture_canal_sun_raster                               */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de lecture d'un canal d'une image rasterfile           */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL : CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_sun_raster(image1, canal,  */       		      /* ------------------                                  premiere_ligne,       */
-/*                                          	       premiere_colonne,     */
-/*                                          	       nombre_lignes_lire ,  */
-/*                                          	       nombre_colonnes_lire, */
-/*                                           	       pas_ligne ,           */
-/*						       pas_colonne,          */
-/*                 		             	       data_image )          */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*     canal                (E) (int) : numero du canal a lire               */
-/*     premiere_ligne       (E) (int) : premiere ligne a lire dans l'image   */
-/*     premiere _colonne    (E) (int) : premiere colonne a lire dans l'image */
-/*     nombre_lignes_lire   (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a lire              */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_lire (E) (int) : nombre de colonnes a lire            */
-/*     pas_ligne            (E) (int) : pas en ligne                         */
-/*     pas_colonne          (E) (int) : pas en colonne                       */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels lus alloue et     */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*  cai_lecture_canal_sun_raster (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb            */
-/*                                                 = CAI_OK si OK            */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_sun_raster( CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,  
-                         	        int *canal ,           
-    		         	        int *premiere_ligne  ,   
-     		        	 	int *premiere_colonne,
-                       	   	 	int *nombre_lignes_lire ,
-                         	 	int *nombre_colonnes_lire,
-                          		int *pas_ligne ,          
-                          		int *pas_colonne,
-		          		unsigned char *data_image )        
- int   num,i,j,k;           /* variables de travail                          */
- long pt_oct,n;		    /* position courante dans le fichier image       */
- int no_oct;                /* numero du premier octet a lire                */
- int iret;                  /* indicateur d'erreur                           */
- int lig;                   /* indice de boucle sur les lignes               */
- int   oct_pix;             /* nb octets par pixels                          */
- long  nb_oct;              /* nb oct =1er octet a lire - position courante  */
- unsigned char *buf_lec;    /* buffer lecture d'une  ligne                   */
- unsigned char *deb,*pch;   /* pointeur chaine pour transfert  buffer sortie */
- int Arrond;                /* pixels rajoutes pour arrondi 2 octets         */
-  Initialisations diverses
-  ..........................*/
-   iret=CAI_OK;
-   strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"        ");
-   lig=*premiere_ligne;
-   i=1;
-   pch=data_image;
-   num = image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*canal-1];
-   oct_pix = image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-        allocation de memoire pour lire une ligne image
- ............................................. */
-   buf_lec = (unsigned char *) malloc(image1->NB_COL*oct_pix*image1->NB_CANAUX);
-   if (buf_lec == NULL)
-   {
-      iret=CAI_KO;
-      strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Probleme d'allocation memoire");
-   }
-   else
-   {
-         Pour chaque ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-        while ((i <= *nombre_lignes_lire)&&(iret==CAI_OK))
-        {  
-	    Recherche de la position courante dans le fichier
-  ............................................*/
-            pt_oct=lseek(num,0L,1);
-            Calcul du numero du 1er octet a lire
-  ....................................*/
-            if ( image1->NB_COL%2 == 0 )
-               Arrond=0;
-            else
-	       Arrond=(lig-1);
-            no_oct= image1->POS_OCTET[*canal-1] + Arrond +
-		   (lig-1)*(image1->NB_COL)*(oct_pix)*(image1->NB_CANAUX);
-            Saut d'octets pour etre positionne sur la ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-            nb_oct=(long)(no_oct-pt_oct);
-            lseek(num,nb_oct,1);
-            lecture d'une ligne image
-  ................................................*/
-            n=read(num,buf_lec,(image1->NB_COL)*(oct_pix)*(image1->NB_CANAUX));
-            if (n<=0)
-            {
-             iret=CAI_KO;
-             strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture donnee image sun_raster");
-            }
-            else
-            { 
-             Sauvegarde des donnees lues en tenant compte du pas 
-             d'echantillonnage en colonne
-  ........................................*/           
-            deb=buf_lec+(((*premiere_colonne)-1)*(oct_pix)*(image1->NB_CANAUX))+
-		(image1->NB_CANAUX-(*canal));
-             j=1;
-             while (j <= *nombre_colonnes_lire)
-	     {                         
-		for(k=0;k<oct_pix;k++)
-		{
-              	     *(pch+k)=*(deb+k);
-		}
-              j=j+1;
-              pch=pch+oct_pix;
-              deb=deb+((*pas_colonne)*(oct_pix)*(image1->NB_CANAUX));
-             }   
-            }
-          i=i+1;
-          lig=lig+(*pas_ligne);
-        }        
-	free(buf_lec);
-   }
-   return(iret);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_lecture_canal_sun_raster
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ecriture_canal_sun_raster                              */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ecriture d'un canal d'une image rasterfile           */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL : CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_sun_raster(image1, canal, */       		      /* ------------------                                 premiere_ligne,        */
-/*                                                    nombre_lignes_ecrire,  */
-/*                                                    nombre_colonnes_ecrire,*/
-/*                 		                      data_image )           */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)   : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier */
-/*     canal                 (E) (int) : numero du canal a ecrire            */
-/*     premiere_ligne        (E) (int) : premiere ligne a ecrire ds l'image  */
-/*     nombre_lignes_ecrire  (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_ecrire(E) (int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels ecris alloue et   */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ecriture_canal_sun_raster (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb        */
-/*                                                     = CAI_OK si OK        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_sun_raster (CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,  
-                                      int *canal ,           
-    		                      int *premiere_ligne  ,   
-                                      int *nombre_lignes_ecrire ,
-                                      int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire,
-		                      unsigned char *data_image ) 
-long	position_first_lig;	/* position de la 1ere ligne a ecrire   */
-long	position_courante;	/* position courante dans le fichie	*/
-long	deplacement;		/* deplacement a effectuer		*/
-int	i_ligne;		/* compteur de lignes 			*/
-unsigned char *buff_lig;	/* tableau contenant une ligne a ecrire */
-long	cr_write;		/* code retour de write 		*/
-int num;                        /* descripteur de fichier 		*/
-int nboct_pix;			/* nombre d'octets par pixel            */
-int i,j;			/* indice de boucle sur les colonnes    */
-long  cr_read;			/* code retour de la fonction read      */
-int nb;				/* nombre d'octets lus par le read      */
-unsigned char *deb,*pch;	/* pointeur sur chaine pour transfert   */
-int nb_canaux;			/* nombre de canaux de l'image          */
-int Arrond;                     /* arrondi pour les lignes non paires   */
-/* ................
-   Initialisations 
-  .................*/
-i_ligne = 0;
-num = image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[(*canal)-1];
-nboct_pix = image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-nb_canaux = image1->NB_CANAUX;
-/* Les donnees doivent etre codees sur 8 bits	 */
-if ( nboct_pix != 1 )
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR ,
-	    "Erreur : les donnees doivent etre codees sur 8 bits\n");
-	goto ERREUR;
-/* Calcul de la position de la premiere ligne a ecrire 	*/ 
-if (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire%2 !=0)
-    Arrond=((*premiere_ligne) - 1);
-position_first_lig = (long) ( image1->POS_OCTET[*canal-1] + Arrond +
-       ((*premiere_ligne) - 1) *(*nombre_colonnes_ecrire)*nb_canaux );
-/* Recuperation de la position courante			*/
-position_courante = lseek ( num , 0L , 1 );
-/* Deplacement jusqu'au premier pixel de la premiere ligne a ecrire 	*/
-deplacement = position_first_lig - position_courante;
-lseek ( num , deplacement , 1 ); 
-if (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire%2 !=0)
-	nb=nb+1;
-buff_lig=(unsigned char *)(calloc(nb,sizeof(unsigned char)));
-if (buff_lig == NULL)
-      strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Probleme d'allocation memoire ecriture");
-      goto ERREUR;
- }
-/* TANT QUE il y a des lignes a ecrire                 	*/
-while (i_ligne < (*nombre_lignes_ecrire))
-if (cr_read <0)
-	   {  
-	    strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture canal image sun_raster\n" );
-	    goto ERREUR;
-	    }
-	   {
-             if (cr_read==0)
-  	     {
-  		 for (i=0;i<nb;i++)
-     		   *(buff_lig+i)=0;
-                 deplacement=0;
-  	     }
-             else
-		deplacement= - nb;
-           }
-/* Redeplacement jusqu'au premier pixel de la premiere ligne a ecrire 	*/
-lseek ( num , deplacement , 1 ); 
-/*chargement de la ligne en entrelacant les pixels par rapport aux canaux*/
-for (j=0;j<(*nombre_colonnes_ecrire);j=j+1)
-	*deb=*pch;
-	pch=pch+1;
-	deb=deb+nb_canaux;
-/*	ecriture de la ligne				*/
-	   cr_write = write ( num , buff_lig , nb );
-	   if ( cr_write != nb )
-	   {  
-	    strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture canal image sun_raster\n" );
-	    goto ERREUR;
-	    }
-/*	incrementation du nombre de lignes		*/
-	i_ligne++;
-/* FIN TANT QUE						*/
-return (CAI_OK);
-return (CAI_KO);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ecriture_canal_sun_raster
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ferme_sun_raster                                       */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de fermeture d'une image au format rasterfile et de    */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent 			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_sun_raster(image1)                */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ferme_sun_raster (S) (CAI_OK_KO) :   = CAI_KO si pb               */
-/*                                              = CAI_OK si OK               */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_sun_raster (CAI_IMAGE *image1)
- long           iret;	       /* code retour de l'operation      */
- int           num;	       /* descripteur du fichier a fermer */
- unsigned char *colormap;      /* tableau de colormap             */
- unsigned char *pch;           /* pointeur de travail             */
- int            i;	       /* indice de boucle		  */
- long int       pos_cour,li;   /* position courante               */
- long int       deplacement;   /* deplacement a effectuer         */
- unsigned char *buf;           /* buffer de lecture de l'image    */ 
- int taille;                   /* taille totale de l'image (oct)  */ 
- int val;		       /* variable intermediaire          */
- iret=CAI_OK;
- num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[0];
-   Traitement de la Colormap si ecriture
- .............................................*/
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : FA :  == au lieu de = simple                        */
-/*                                         image1->MODE == CAI_ECRITURE      */
-  if ((image1->COLORMAP !=0) && (image1->MODE == CAI_ECRITURE))
-  {
-/*--- recuperation de la position courante ---*/
-      pos_cour=lseek(num,0L,1);
-/*-- on se positionne sur le debut de la radiometrie  --*/
-      deplacement = 32 - pos_cour;
-      lseek(num,deplacement,1);
-/*--- lecture de l'image rasterfile ---*/
-      taille = image1->NB_LIG*image1->NB_COL*image1->NB_CANAUX;
-      buf = (unsigned char *)malloc(taille);
-      li=read(num,buf,taille);
-/*--- recuperation de la position courante ---*/
-      pos_cour=lseek(num,0L,1);
-/*-- on se positionne sur le debut des caracteristiques COLORMAP  --*/
-      deplacement = 24 - pos_cour;
-      lseek(num,deplacement,1);
-/*-- positionnement de l'indicateur de presence colormap --*/
-     val=1;
-     li=write(num,(char *)(&val),4);
-/*-- positionnement de la taille de la colormap --*/
-     val=image1->COLORMAP;
-     li=write(num,(char *)(&val),4);
-/*--- recuperation de la Colormap ---*/
-      colormap = (unsigned char *) malloc(image1->COLORMAP);
-      pch=colormap;
-      for (i=0;i<image1->COLORMAP;i++)
-      {
-        *pch = (unsigned char )(image1->TABCOLOR[i]);
-         pch=pch+1;
-      }
-/*--- ecriture des octets de colormap dans l'image ---*/
-     iret=write(num,colormap,image1->COLORMAP);
-     if (iret != image1->COLORMAP)
-     {
-        strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ecriture Colormap rasterfile ");
-        iret=CAI_KO;
-     }
-     else
-     {
-/*--- ecriture de l'image ---*/
-     iret=write(num,buf,taille);
-     }
-     free(buf);
-     free(colormap);
-   }
-   Fermeture de tous les canaux qui sont tous contenus
-   dans un seul fichier .srf
-  .............................................*/
-   if (num>0) close(num);
-  return (iret);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ferme_sun_raster
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_dest_ima_sun_raster                                    */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de destruction d'une image stocke en rasterfile et de  */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent  			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_sun_raster(format,nom_ima)     */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*     format       (E) (char *) : format de l'image a detruire              */
-/*     nom_image    (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a detruire avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*   cai_dest_ima_sun_raster (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb                */
-/*                                             = CAI_OK_KO si OK             */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_sun_raster (char * repertoire , 
-                              	    char *nom_ima )
-char	nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier entete a detruire 	     */
-char    nom_ima_complet[1024];  /* repertoire + nom de l'image 		     */
-int	cr_stat;		/* code retour de fonction status de fichier */
-struct stat buf_stat;		/* structure decrivant status de fichier     */ 
-/* Constitution du nom du fichier d'entete	*/
-if ((long)strlen(repertoire)!= 0)
-  sprintf ( nom_ima_complet, "%s/%s",repertoire,nom_ima );
-  strcpy ( nom_ima_complet , nom_ima);
-sprintf ( nom_fic , "%s.srf" ,nom_ima_complet);
-/* Destruction du fichier sun_raster 		*/
-cr_stat = stat ( nom_fic , &buf_stat );
-if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-	unlink ( nom_fic );
-return (CAI_OK);
- Fin de l'operation cai_dest_ima_sun_raster
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_modifie_sun_raster                               */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture-ecriture d'une image au format  */
-/* -----    rasterfile et de tous les fichiers qui la composent              */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL : CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_sun_raster(nom_image,     */
-/*  ---------------- 		                              nb_can,        */
-/*				                              nboct_pix      */	
-/*				                              nb_col,        */
-/*				                              nb_lig)        */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*  cai_ouvre_modifie_sun_raster (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb           */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */  
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_sun_raster(char *repert,
-				        char *nom_image,
-				        int  *nb_can,
-				        int  *nboct_pix,
-				        int  *nb_col,
-				        int  *nb_lig)
-   FILE *fic_in;		/* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   int  iret;			/* indicateur de retour ok ou pas           */
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char *deb,*deb1;		/* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres       */
-   int i,j,ind;			/* indice 				    */
-   int ras_type;                /* type de fichier raster                   */
-   int fic;			/* code retour fonction open		    */
-   unsigned char *colormap;     /* tableau de colormap                      */
-   unsigned char *pch;
-   int taille;
-   long li;
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   *nb_can=0;
-   *nb_lig=0;
-   *nb_col=0;
-   *nboct_pix=0;
-   iret=1;
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.1 :FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
- if (image1==NULL)
- {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_modifie");
- }
- else
- {
-   Constitution du nom du fichier SUN_RASTER srf
-   .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.srf",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.srf",nom_image);
-   }
-   Ouverture du fichier entete
-  ..........................................*/
-   fic_in=fopen(nom_fic,"rb");
-   if (fic_in==NULL)
-   {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier sun_raster");
-   }
-   else
-   {
-    positionnement sur le nombre de colonnes */
-    fseek(fic_in,4,0);
-/*  recuperation du nombre de colonnes 
-     li=fread(nb_col,4,1,fic_in);
- /*....................................
-     recuperation du nombre de lignes
-     fread(nb_lig,4,1,fic_in);
-     recuperation du nombre de canaux
-     fread(nb_can,4,1,fic_in);
-     if ((*nb_can!=8)&&(*nb_can!=24))
-     {
-       iret=0;
-       strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Profondeur encodage ni 8 ni 24. Format non traite");
-      }
-      else
-      {
-       *nb_can=(*nb_can)/8;
-       recuperation du type de fichier
-  ............................................*/
-        fseek(fic_in,4,1);
-        fread(&ras_type,4,1,fic_in);
-	if (ras_type!=1)
-        {
-          iret=0;
-          strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Type de fichier non standard.Non traite");
-         }
-         else
-         {
-	    recuperation du nombre d'octets de colormap
-  ............................................*/
-            fseek(fic_in,4,1);
-            fread(nboct_pix,4,1,fic_in);
-            image1->COLORMAP=*nboct_pix;
-	    if (image1->COLORMAP != 0)
-            {
-              lecture de la colormap si elle existe
-  ......................................................*/
-	      colormap = (unsigned char *) malloc(image1->COLORMAP);
-              image1->TABCOLOR = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*768);
-              if (image1->TABCOLOR == NULL)
-              {
-                iret=CAI_KO;
-                strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Probleme d'allocation memoire");
-               }
-              if (colormap == NULL)
-              {
-                iret=CAI_KO;
-                strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Probleme d'allocation memoire");
-               }
-               else
-               {
-	         li=fread(colormap,image1->COLORMAP,1,fic_in);
-                 pch=colormap;
-	         taille=(image1->COLORMAP/3);
--------------    recuperation pour chaque couleur R V B ----*/
-                 for(j=0;j<3;j++)
-                 {
-                   for (i=0;i<taille;i++)
-                   {
-		     ind=i+(j*256);
-                     image1->TABCOLOR[ind]=(int)(*pch);
-                     pch=pch+1;
-                   }
-                   for (i=taille;i<256;i++)
-                   {
-		     ind=i+(j*256);
-                     image1->TABCOLOR[ind]=0;
-                   }
-	          }
-                  free(colormap);
-                 }
-             }
-	    recuperation du nombre d'octets par pixel
-  .................................................*/
-	    *nboct_pix=1;
-            image1->NB_BITS_PIX=1;
-	    sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"OCT");
-            }
-           }
-        }
-	if (fic_in!=NULL) fclose(fic_in);
-  .....................................................*/
-     fic=open(nom_fic,O_RDWR|O_BINARY,0);
-     if (fic == -1)
-      {
-	 iret=0;
-         strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier sun_raster");
-      }
-     else
-     {
-       deb = image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-       deb1= image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN;
-       for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-       {
-	   sprintf(deb,"%s.srf",nom_image);
-  	   deb=deb+100;
-	   sprintf(deb1,"%s.srf",nom_image);
-           deb1=deb1+100;
-           image1->POS_OCTET[i]=32+image1->COLORMAP;
-           image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=fic;
-        }
-      }
-   }
-   if (iret == 0)
-	return (NULL);
-   else     
-      return(image1);
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_modifie_sun_raster
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_spot.c b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_spot.c
deleted file mode 100755
index ce687ed63742f7fe419cd1f38c9864f89b4c99ae..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_spot.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22134 +0,0 @@
-/* PROJET :    COUCHE ACCES IMAGE                                            */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MODULE :    cai_spot.c                                                    */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE   :    Ce module rassemble toutes les fonctions d'acces aux images   */
-/* -------     stockees au format spot                                       */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* AUTEUR :       (CS-SI)                                                    */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* DATE DE CREATION :  Octobre 2000                                          */
-/* -----------------						             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* LANGAGE : C                                                               */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.4 : DM : prise en compte  ecriture SPOT5 TIF et BIL     */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : FA : test sur  fclose  pour PC/LINUX                */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : FA : initialisation de image1=NULL a l'ouverture    */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : FA : anomalie sur sous-echantillonnage en lecture   */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : FA : erreur d'orthographe sur LATITUDE_ARGUMENT     */
-/*			      et Look_Angles				     */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : FA : erreur d'ecriture detector_id lookangle pour   */
-/*                            PAN                                            */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : FA : erreur conversion jour julien dans CAI         */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : FA : Initialisation du champ COD_PIX (OCT,I2 ou UND)*/
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : FA : erreur d'ecriture detector_id lookangle pour   */
-/*                            PAN                                            */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.6 : FA : indice ind_tab_gain non initialise dans boucle */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.6 : FA : correction anomalie ecriture SOURCE_ID         */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.6 : FA : pas d'ecriture <badlines> si pas de badlines   */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.6 : FA : erreur calcul de la datation des attitudes     */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : FA : erreur initialisation BYTEORDER en creation    */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : FA :  mot cle  lignes perdues LOST au lieu de LOSS  */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM :  LEAD_XX.dat devient METADATA.DIM              */
-/*			       IMAG_XX.bil (tif) devient IMAGERY.BIL (.TIF)  */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : FA :  Prise en compte date de la scene non shiftée */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'attribut href=""                   */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'attribut version="5.2"             */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'element PIXEL_ORIGIN               */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Deplacement de Simplified_Location_Model      */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'element lc_List                    */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'element pc_List                    */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout attribut href="http://www.spotimage.fr" */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'element DATA_TYPE                  */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : remplacement de SATURATE par SATURATED        */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : remplacement 255 par 1 dans les element LEVEL */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : remplacement de BAND par BAND_DESCRIPTION     */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : ajout de l'unite dans PHYSICAL_UNIT           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM :  Ajout de l'element  Bad_Line_List            */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM :  Ds les dates, utilisation du . au lieu de ,  */
-/*			       Separation de la date et heure par "T"       */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'element Look_Angles_List            */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'element Angles_List                 */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'element Angular_Speeds_List         */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'element Instrument_look_Angles_List */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : FA : SPECIAL_VALUE_TEXT  NODATA a la place NO_DATA  */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Version DIMAP passe de 2.0 à 2.9               */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Rajouter ALPHA_LEVEL unqiement pour SPOT4 MIR  */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.8 : FA : Rajout SCENE au début de chaine DATASET_NAME   */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.8 : FA : Enlever le signe + pour FRAME_ROW, FRAME_COL   */
-/*			      et pour TIE_POINTS_DATA_X et TIE_POINTS_DATA_Y */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.8 : FA : Blindage de la reconnaissance du fichier image */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.0 : DM : Remplacer les appels systemes pour renommer un */
-/*                            fichier par la commande C rename               */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : FA : DIMAP Ajouter un espace entre SCENE et numsat  */
-/*                            dans le DATASET_NAME                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : FA : DIMAP dans le DATASET_FRAME, inversion des deux*/
-/*                            derniers vertex : à mettre dans l'ordre        */
-/*				NO,NE,SE,SO                                  */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM : DIMAP remplissage des tags HORIZONTAL_CS_CODE  */
-/*                            et HORIZONTAL_CS_NAME avec des valeurs défauts */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM : DIMAP tag LOOK_ANGLE_LIST valeurs de PSI_X et  */
-/*                            PSI_Y 1er et dernier detecteur inverses        */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM : Prise en compte de la lecture sur systeme LE   */
-/*                            pour inversion des octets SPOT1A4              */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : FA : Correction sprintf(nom_fic,"IMAGERY") au lieu  */
-/*                                de sprintf(nom_fic,"IMAGERY",nom_rep)      */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : FA : Correction  de                                 */
-/*            sprintf(valeur,"%d", (ind_tab_gain+1+1500*i)) au lieu de       */
-/*		sprintf(valeur,"%f", (ind_tab_gain+1+1500*i))                */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.3 : DM :  portage de la couche CAI dans plateforme      */
-/*                             Microsof Visual C++ V6.0                      */
-/*                Inclusion des fichiers STANDARDS (.h)                      */
-# include <stdio.h>
-# include <string.h>
-# ifndef _MSC_VER
-# include <strings.h>
-# endif
-#include <stdlib.h>
-# include <sys/types.h>
-# include <dirent.h>
-# include <sys/stat.h>
-# include <fcntl.h>
-# include <malloc.h>
-# include <math.h>
-# include <unistd.h>
-# include <limits.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#define _CAI_IMAGE
-#define IN_CAI_SPOT
-# include "cai_image.h"
-/*                 Definition des CONSTANTES PROPRES                          */
-#define FREE(A)        { if ((A)!=NULL) { free(A); (A)=NULL; } }
-#define NB_SEC_PAR_JOUR 86400
-#define NB_MIN_PAR_JOUR 1440
-#define NB_HEURE_PAR_JOUR 24
-#define NB_JOURS_AN_BISSEX 366
-#define NB_CENTIEME_PAR_JOUR 8640000
-#define ANNEE_DEBUT_JULIEN 1950
-#define PI 3.141592653589
-/*                 Declaration des OPERATION INTERNES (static)                */
-static void cai_DMS_To_Float ( char DegMinSec [17] , double *Degre );
-static CAI_OK_KO cai_WriteElementXML ( FILE *desc , char *motCle ,
-                                             char *valeur );
-static CAI_OK_KO cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( FILE *des , char *TagName );
-static CAI_OK_KO cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( FILE *des , char *TagName );
-static CAI_OK_KO cai_WriteNulTagXML ( FILE *des , char *TagName );
-static CAI_OK_KO cai_WriteEnteteXML ( FILE *des );
-static CAI_OK_KO cai_WriteElementXMLWithAttribute ( FILE *desc ,
-                                                          char *motCle ,
-							  char *valeur,
-							  char *attribut,
-							  char *valat ,
-							  int type);
-static void cai_JulToGreg ( long nbjours , double nbsec , char* dategreg );
-static double cai_DegreeToRadian ( double angle_degree );
-static int cai_addtime ( char ret[26] , char temps[18] , double milisec );
-static int cai_recup_nom_spot(char typspot,char * str_repertoire ,
-						char * str_debut ,
-					        char **str_fichier );
-static CAI_OK_KO cai_lire_dimensions_spot5 ( char *fich_xml , int *nbcan ,
-					     int *nboct , int *nbcol ,
-					     int *nblig , char *byteorder ,
-					     int *skipbytes );
-static CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_spot1a4(char *repert,
-				   		char *nom_image,
-				   		int *nbca,
-				   		int *nboct_pix,
-				   		int *nbcol,
-				   		int *nblig,
-				   		char *label);
-static CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_spot5TIF(char *repert,
-				   		char *nom_image,
-				   		int *nbca,
-				   		int *nboct_pix,
-				   		int *nbcol,
-				   		int *nblig,
-				   		char *label);
-static CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_spot5BIL(char *repert,
-				   		char *nom_image,
-				   		int *nbca,
-				   		int *nboct_pix,
-				   		int *nbcol,
-				   		int *nblig,
-				   		char *label);
-static char* cai_spot5_gettoken ( FILE *MyFile );
-/* Variables globales                                                         */
-char *type_machine;         /* ordre rangement octets machine de travail     */
-static char Command[1024];  /* commande envoye au shell			     */
-/* Variable pour la  gestion en configuration                                 */
-static char *rcs_id="$Header: cai_spot.c,v 1.3 01/05/31 10:47:53 cmf Exp $";
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                Definition des OPERATIONS EXTERNES                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_liste_ima_spot                                         */
-/* ----------                                                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de determination des images au format spot             */
-/* ------                                                                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  int cai_liste_ima_spot(typspot,repert,tab_ima)        */
-/* -----------------                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     typspot      (E) (char)     : type spot (1=1a4,b=5bil ou t=5tif)      */
-/*     repert       (E) (char *)   : repertoire a explorer		     */
-/*     tab_ima      (S) (char ***) : pointeur sur tableau des images listees */
-/*                                    alloue par la fonction,il doit etre    */
-/*                                    LIBERE PAR L'APPELANT                  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_liste_ima_spot   (S) (int)     :     = -1 repertoire inexistant   */                                    /*					       = > 0 nombre d'images listees */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION :  V2                                                             */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-long int cai_liste_ima_spot (char typspot, char *repert,
-		             char ***tab_ima)
- {
-   DIR *dirp;		    /* pointeur sur structure ouverture repertoire   */
-   struct dirent *dp;       /* structure resultat de la fonction readdir     */
-   struct stat buf_stat;    /* structure contenant resultat stat             */
-   char *nom_entete_spot;   /* nom fichier entete image SPOT                 */
-   char *nom_trailer_spot;  /* nom fichier trailer image SPOT                */
-   char *nom_fic_spot;      /* nom fichier image SPOT                        */
-   char *nom_vol_spot;      /* nom fichier pour volume repertoire image SPOT */
-   char *nom_NULL_spot;     /* nom fichier volume NULL repertoire image SPOT */ 
-   int nb_ima;              /* nombre d'images lum identifiees               */                    
-   int cr,i;                /* compte rendu appel fonction                   */ 
-   int v1,v2;               /* comparaison nom repertoire avec . et ..       */
-   char path_rep[PATH_MAX]; /* chemin acces fichiers ds repertoire courant   */
-   INITIALISATION et ouverture du repertoire courant choisi
-  .........................................*/
-   nb_ima=0;
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   if(dirp!=NULL)
-   {
-   premiere passe pour comptabiliser les images du format donne
-     ..........................................*/
-    while( (dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL )
-    {
-    /********************************************/
-    /*  on ne doit pas tenir compte des . et .. */
-    /*      sous le repertoire courant          */
-    /*******************************************/
-    	v1 = strcmp(dp->d_name, ".");
-	v2 = strcmp(dp->d_name, "..");
-        if ( (v1 != 0) && (v2 != 0) )
-	{
-	   sprintf(path_rep, "%s/%s", repert, dp->d_name);
-	   /*--------------------------------*/		
-	   /*test sur exitence du repertoire */
-	   /*--------------------------------*/
-	   cr = stat(path_rep,&buf_stat);
-    	   if ( (cr!=-1) && ((buf_stat.st_mode&S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) )
-    	   {	     		
- /* verification existence des fichiers propres au format SPOT 1 a 4*/
-	     if (typspot == '1')
-             {
-    			if ( 
-	(cai_recup_nom_spot(typspot,path_rep,"lea",&nom_entete_spot) == 0) && 
-        (cai_recup_nom_spot(typspot,path_rep,"tra",&nom_trailer_spot) == 0) &&
-        (cai_recup_nom_spot(typspot,path_rep,"ima",&nom_fic_spot) == 0) &&
-        (cai_recup_nom_spot(typspot,path_rep,"vol",&nom_vol_spot) == 0) && 
-	( cai_recup_nom_spot(typspot,path_rep,"NUL",&nom_NULL_spot) == 0) )
-    			{
-				/*image SPOT1 4*/
-				nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-    			}
-              }      
-	      else if (typspot == 'B')
-              {
- /* verification existence des fichiers propres au format SPOT5 BIL */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : LEAD_01.DAT  devient METADATA.DIM  */
-		 if ( 
-	(cai_recup_nom_spot(typspot,path_rep,"METADATA.DIM",&nom_entete_spot) == 0) &&
-	(cai_recup_nom_spot(typspot,path_rep,"im",&nom_fic_spot) == 0) )
-			{
-			        /*image SPOT5 BIL*/
-				nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-			}
-              }
-	      else if (typspot == 'T')
-              {
- /* verification existence des fichiers propres au format SPOT5 TIF */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : LEAD_01.DAT  devient METADATA.DIM  */
-		 if ( 
-	(cai_recup_nom_spot(typspot,path_rep,"METADATA.DIM",&nom_entete_spot) == 0) &&
-	(cai_recup_nom_spot(typspot,path_rep,"im",&nom_fic_spot) == 0) )
-			{
-			        /*image SPOT5 TIF*/
-				nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-			}
-	      }
-     	   } /*fin if cr*/
-     	} /*fin if (v1 v2)*/
-     } /*fin while*/
-     /*fermeture du repertoire*/
-     (void)closedir(dirp);
-     ......................................*/
-    *tab_ima = (char **) calloc( nb_ima,sizeof(char *) );
-    for (i=0;i<nb_ima;i=i+1)
-      (*tab_ima)[i]=(char *)calloc(1,100);
-   deuxieme passe pour constituer la liste des images du format donne
-   ..........................................*/ 
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   nb_ima=0;
-   while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-   {
-   /**********************************************/
-   /*   on ne doit pas tenir compte des . et ..  */
-   /*       sous le repertoire courant           */
-   /**********************************************/
-      v1 = strcmp(dp->d_name, ".");
-      v2 = strcmp(dp->d_name, "..");
-      if ( (v1 != 0) && (v2 != 0) )
-      {		
-	sprintf(path_rep, "%s/%s", repert,dp->d_name);	
-	/*-------------------------------------*/
-	/*   test sur exitence du repertoire   */
-	/*-------------------------------------*/
-	cr = stat(path_rep,&buf_stat);
-    	if ( (cr!=-1) && ((buf_stat.st_mode&S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) )
-    	{	     		
-    	 /* verification existence des fichiers propres au format SPOT 1 a 4*/
-	     if (typspot == '1')
-             {
-    			if ( 
-	(cai_recup_nom_spot(typspot,path_rep,"lea",&nom_entete_spot) == 0) && 
-        (cai_recup_nom_spot(typspot,path_rep,"tra",&nom_trailer_spot) == 0) &&
-        (cai_recup_nom_spot(typspot,path_rep,"ima",&nom_fic_spot) == 0) &&
-        (cai_recup_nom_spot(typspot,path_rep,"vol",&nom_vol_spot) == 0) && 
-	( cai_recup_nom_spot(typspot,path_rep,"NUL",&nom_NULL_spot) == 0) )
-    			{
-				/*image SPOT1 4*/
-				nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-				strcpy( (*tab_ima)[nb_ima-1],dp->d_name );
-    			}
-              }      
-	      else if (typspot == 'B')
-              {
- /* verification existence des fichiers propres au format SPOT5 BIL */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : LEAD_01.DAT  devient METADATA.DIM  */
-		 if ( 
-	(cai_recup_nom_spot(typspot,path_rep,"METADATA.DIM",&nom_entete_spot) == 0) &&
-	(cai_recup_nom_spot(typspot,path_rep,"im",&nom_fic_spot) == 0) )
-			{
-			        /*image SPOT5 BIL*/
-				nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-				strcpy( (*tab_ima)[nb_ima-1],dp->d_name );
-			}
-              }
-	      else if (typspot == 'T')
-              {
- /* verification existence des fichiers propres au format SPOT5 TIF */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : LEAD_01.DAT  devient METADATA.DIM  */
-		 if ( 
-	(cai_recup_nom_spot(typspot,path_rep,"METADATA.DIM",&nom_entete_spot) == 0) &&
-	(cai_recup_nom_spot(typspot,path_rep,"im",&nom_fic_spot) == 0) )
-			{
-			        /*image SPOT5 TIF*/
-				nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-				strcpy( (*tab_ima)[nb_ima-1],dp->d_name );
-			}
-	      }
-  	   } /*fin if cr*/
-       	}/*fin if (v1 v2)*/	
-   }/*fin while*/
-    /*fermeture du repertoire*/ 
-   (void)closedir(dirp);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-     /* Erreur : Repertoire inexistant sous repertoire courant */
-      nb_ima=-1;
-   }
-    return(nb_ima);
-/* Fin de l'operation cai_liste_ima_spot*/
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_lecture_spot                                     */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture d'une image au format spot      */
-/* -----     et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_spot(typspot,nom_image,  */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     typspot        (E) (char)   : type spot (1=1a4,b=5bil ou t=5tif)      */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_lecture_spot (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb              */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */                                                                           /*                                                                           */  /* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_spot(char typspot,char *repert,
-				  char *nom_image,
-				  int *nb_can,
-				  int *nboct_pix,
-				  int *nb_col,
-				  int *nb_lig)
-DIR *dirp;		    /* pointeur sur structure ouverture repertoire   */
-CAI_IMAGE *image1;          /* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image      */ 
-struct dirent *dp;          /* structure resultat de la fonction readdir     */
-char fichier_clefs[1024];   /* Nom du fichier des donnees auxiliaires        */
-int i,j,k;		    /* Variables de boucle                           */
-int descrip_leader;	    /* Descripteur du fichier LEADER                 */
-int descrip_imagery;	    /* Descripteur du fichier IMAGERY                */
-int descrip_volume;	    /* Descripteur du fichier VOLUME                 */
-long cr_lseek;		    /* Code retour de lseek                          */
-long cr_read;		    /* Code retour de read                           */
-long lg_saut;		    /* Nombre d'octets a sauter                      */
-int  lg_enreg,lgtemp;	    /* longueur d'un enregistrement                  */
-int NbCan;                  /* nombre de canaux de l'image                   */
-int test1,test2,test3,test4,test5;/* test sur nom de fichiers                */
-int lg_entete;	            /* longueur de l'entete fichier IMAGERY          */
-int num,trouve;		    /* variable de test                              */
-char nom_fic[1024];         /* nom du fichier en-tete		             */
-char nom_fic_canal[1024];   /* nom fichier canal dont on teste existence     */
-char nom_rep[1024];         /* nom du repertoire image SPOT		     */
-char nom_fic_ima[1024];     /* nom du fichier imagery.dat	             */
-char nom_leader[1024];      /* nom du fichier leader		             */
-char path_rep[PATH_MAX];    /* chemin acces fichiers ds repertoire courant   */
-char nom_fic_spot5[PATH_MAX];/* chemin acces fichier image tiff ou BIL SPOT5 */
-char nom_ima_spot5[PATH_MAX];/* nom du fichier image spot5                   */
-char *pch0,*pch1;            /* pointeur sur chaine de caracteres            */
-char car[2],carpoint;           /* variable de travail                          */
-int type_spot;               /* type d'image spot                            */
-char byteorder[1];           /* Ordre de codage intel (LE) ou Motorola (BE)  */
-int skipbytes;               /* Taille entete pour les fichiers BIL SPOT5    */
-int Trouve;
-CAI_OK_KO icr;
-/* Donnees auxiliaires */
-char TABLEAU[1][257];	/* Variable intermediaire */
-/* premiere variable = pour le nombre d'elements = nbre de colonnes */
-/* deuxieme element = pour la taille de l'element */
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-  descrip_leader = 0;
-  descrip_imagery = 0;
-  descrip_volume = 0;
-  *nb_can=0;
-  *nb_lig=0;
-  *nb_col=0;
-  *nboct_pix=1;
-  type_spot=0;
-  trouve=0;
-  car[0]='/';
-#ifdef _WIN
-      car[0]='\\';
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : FA : initialisation de image1=NULL a l'ouverture    */
-   image1= NULL;   
- /*..................................
-   determination ordre de rangement 
-   des octets sur machine de travail
-  ......................................*/   
-  type_machine = cai_test_pFpf();
-/*	Determination du type d'image : SPOT 1 a 4 ou SPOT 5                  */
-sprintf(nom_rep, "%s%s%s", repert,car, nom_image);
- {
-  while( ((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL )&& (trouve ==0))
-  {
-  /*---------------------------------------------*/
-  /*  on ne doit pas tenir compte des . et ..    */
-  /*        sous le repertoire courant           */
-  /*---------------------------------------------*/
-   test1 = strcmp(dp->d_name, ".");
-   test2 = strcmp(dp->d_name, "..");
-   if ( (test1 != 0) && (test2 != 0) )
-   {
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.8 : FA : Blindage de la reconnaissance du fichier image */
-  /*---------------------------------------------*/
-  /*  on recherche le fichier Image              */
-  /*---------------------------------------------*/
-     test3 = strncasecmp(dp->d_name,"IMAG", 4);
-     if (test3 == 0)
-     {
-        test4 = strcasecmp(dp->d_name,"imagery.tif");
-        if (test4==0)  /* format SPOT5TIF */
-        {
-                type_spot = 2;
-		sprintf (nom_fic_spot5, "%s%s%s%s%s", repert, car,
-						nom_image, car,dp->d_name);
-		sprintf (nom_ima_spot5, "%s", dp->d_name);
-		trouve=1;
-        }
-        else 
-        {
-	    test4 = strcasecmp(dp->d_name,"imagery.bil");
-            if (test4==0)  /* format SPOT5BIL */
-            {
-                type_spot = 3;
-		sprintf (nom_fic_spot5, "%s%s%s%s%s", repert, car,
-						nom_image, car,dp->d_name);
-		sprintf (nom_ima_spot5, "%s", dp->d_name);
-		trouve=1;
-             }
-	     else /* format SPOT 1 a 4*/
-             {
-		carpoint = '.';
-                pch0 = strchr (dp->d_name, carpoint);
-		if  (pch0 == NULL)
-                {
-			type_spot = 1;     /* format SPOT 1 a 4*/
-     		        sprintf(nom_fic_ima, "%s%s%s%s%s", repert, car,
-						nom_image, car,dp->d_name);
-			trouve=1;
-                }
-                else if (strcasecmp(pch0,".DAT")== 0)
-                {
-			type_spot = 1;     /* format SPOT 1 a 4*/
-     		        sprintf(nom_fic_ima, "%s%s%s%s%s", repert, car,
-						nom_image, car,dp->d_name);
-			trouve=1;
-                }
-             }		
-        }
-     }
-    }
-  }
-  closedir(dirp); 
- }
-if (type_spot == 0)
-	sprintf (CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur : type d'image SPOT inconnu");
-	goto ERREUR;
-/* Verication ed la coherence du type spot annonce et du type spot trouve */
-if (((typspot == '1')&&(type_spot != 1))||
-		((typspot == 'T')&&(type_spot != 2))||
-		((typspot == 'B')&&(type_spot != 3)))
-	    sprintf (CAI_ERREUR,
-			"Erreur : L'image n'est pas du type SPOT annonce");
-	    goto ERREUR;
-if (type_spot == 1)
-   image1= NULL;    
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-   image1->ACCES_SPOT[0]=0;
-   image1->ACCES_SPOT[1]=0;
-/* tests sur les retours d'allocation  memoire                               */
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-       strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoire dans cai_ouvre_lecture");
-       goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/*	Ouverture des fichiers LEADER et IMAGERY en lecture		      */
-    sprintf(nom_rep, "%s%s%s", repert,car, nom_image);
-    dirp=opendir(nom_rep);
-    if(dirp!=NULL)
-    {
-      while( (dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL )
-      {
-  /*---------------------------------------------*/
-  /*  on ne doit pas tenir compte des . et ..    */
-  /*        sous le repertoire courant           */
-  /*---------------------------------------------*/
-        test1 = strcmp(dp->d_name, ".");
-        test2 = strcmp(dp->d_name, "..");
-        if ( (test1 != 0) && (test2 != 0) )
-        {
-     	   test3 = strncasecmp(dp->d_name,"LEAD", 4);
-     	   test4 = strncasecmp(dp->d_name,"IMAG", 4); 
-     	   test5 = strncasecmp(dp->d_name,"VOL", 3);   
-     /********************************************************/
-     /* tests de determination du fichier LEADER sous repert */
-     /********************************************************/
-           if (test3==0)
-           {
-     		 sprintf(path_rep, "%s%s%s%s%s", repert, car,nom_image, 
-								car,dp->d_name);
-      /*ouverture du fichier LEADER*/
-      		descrip_leader = open (path_rep, O_RDONLY |O_BINARY);
-      		if (descrip_leader == -1)
-      		{
-      	           strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,
-			"Erreur d'ouverture du fichier LEADER SPOT");
-       		   goto ERREUR;
-      		}        
-        /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
-	/* Lecture de la taille d'un enregistrement dans LEADER    */
-	/*---------------------------------------------------------*/
-		cr_lseek = lseek ( descrip_leader , 8L , 1 );
-		if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-		{
-		  strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur acces au fichier leader SPOT");
-		  goto ERREUR;
-		}
-		cr_read = read ( descrip_leader , &lg_enreg , 4 );
-		if ( cr_read == -1 )
-		{
-			strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur acces au fichier leader SPOT");
-			goto ERREUR;
-		}
-	        if (strcmp(type_machine,"LE")==0)
-                {
-		  swab( (void*)&lg_enreg, (void*)&lgtemp,4 );
-		  cai_inverser_tableau((short *)&lg_enreg, (short *)&lgtemp,2);
-                }
-	/*------------------------------------------------------*/
-	/* Retour au debut du fichier LEADER		        */
-	/*------------------------------------------------------*/
-		cr_lseek = lseek ( descrip_leader , 0L , 0 );
-		if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-		{
-			strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur acces au fichier leader SPOT");
-			goto ERREUR;
-		}
-        /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-	/* Saut de lg_enreg + 996 octets dans LEADER		*/
-	/*------------------------------------------------------*/
-		lg_saut = (long)(lg_enreg + 996);
-		cr_lseek = lseek ( descrip_leader , lg_saut , 0 );
-		if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-		{
-			strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur acces au fichier leader SPOT");
-			goto ERREUR;
-		}
-	/*------------------------------------------------------*/
-	/* Lecture du nombre de colonnes dans LEADER	        */
-	/*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  		cr_read = read (descrip_leader, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-		if ( cr_read != 16 )
-		{
-			strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur acces au fichier leader SPOT");
-			goto ERREUR;
-		}
-        	TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-        /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  		for (i=0;i<16;i++)
-  		{
-			TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-  		}
- 		sscanf ( TABLEAU[0], "%d", nb_col);
-	/*------------------------------------------------------*/
-	/* Lecture du nombre de lignes dans LEADER		*/
-	/*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  		cr_read = read (descrip_leader, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-		if ( cr_read != 16 )
-		{
-			strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur acces au fichier leader SPOT");
-			goto ERREUR;
-		}
-       		TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-        /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  		for (i=0;i<16;i++)
-  		{
-			TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-  		}
- 		sscanf ( TABLEAU[0], "%d", nb_lig);
-	/*------------------------------------------------------*/
-	/* Saut de 16 octets dans LEADER			*/
-	/*------------------------------------------------------*/
-		cr_lseek = lseek ( descrip_leader , 16L , 1 );
-		if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-		{
-			strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur acces au fichier leader SPOT");
-			goto ERREUR;
-		}
-	/*------------------------------------------------------*/
-	/* Lecture du nombre de canaux	dans LEADER		*/
-	/*------------------------------------------------------*/
- 		cr_read = read (descrip_leader, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-		if ( cr_read != 16 )
-		{
-			strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur acces au fichier leader SPOT");
-			goto ERREUR;
-		}
-        	TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-        /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  		for (i=0;i<16;i++)
-  		{
-			TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-  		}
- 		sscanf ( TABLEAU[0], "%d", nb_can);	
-   	   } /*fin test3 (v==0)*/
-          else  if (test5==0)
-          {
-    /********************************************************/
-    /* tests de determination du fichier VOLUME sous repert */
-    /********************************************************/
-      		sprintf(path_rep, "%s%s%s%s%s", repert, car,nom_image, 
-							car,dp->d_name);      
-      	/*ouverture du fichier VOLUME*/
-      		descrip_volume = open (path_rep, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY );
-      		if (descrip_volume == -1)
-      		{
-       		     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,
-			"Erreur d'ouverture du fichier VOLUME SPOT");
-       		     goto ERREUR;
-                 }
-           }
-    /********************************************************/
-    /* tests de determination du fichier IMAGERY sous repert */
-    /********************************************************/
-           else if (test4==0)
-           {   
-      /*ouverture du fichier IMAGERY*/
-      		descrip_imagery = open (nom_fic_ima, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY );
-      		if (descrip_imagery == -1)
-      		{
-      		   strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,
-			"Erreur d'ouverture du fichier IMAGERY SPOT");
-       	           goto ERREUR;
-      		}
-      /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-      /* Lecture de la taille de l'entete dans IMAGERY	      */
-      /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  		cr_lseek = lseek ( descrip_imagery , 8L , 1);
-  		if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-  		{
-			strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,
-			  "Erreur acces au fichier contenant donnees SPOT");
-			goto ERREUR;
-  		}	
-  		cr_read = read ( descrip_imagery , &lg_entete , 4 );
-  		if ( cr_read == -1 )
-  		{
-			strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,
-			  "Erreur acces au fichier contenant donnees SPOT");
-			goto ERREUR;
-  		}
-	        if (strcmp(type_machine,"LE")==0)
-                {
-		  swab( (void*)&lg_entete, (void*)&lgtemp,4 );
-		  cai_inverser_tableau((short *)&lg_entete, (short *)&lgtemp,2);
-                }
-    	  } /*fin else if test4*/
-        } /*fin else test1 test2*/
-     }  /*fin while*/
-     closedir(dirp); 
-   }  /*fin if (dirp=!NULL)*/
-/* verification que tous les fichiers necessaires (lead,imag et vol ont ete trouves */
-  if (descrip_leader == 0)
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur : Fichier Leader SPot1a4 absent");
-      goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  if (descrip_imagery == 0)
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur : Fichier imagery SPot1a4 absent");
-      goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  if (descrip_volume == 0)
-  {
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur : Fichier volume SPot1a4 absent");
-      goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  .....................................................*/
-  nom_fic[0]='\0';
-  nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';
-  sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s",nom_fic_ima);   
-  for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-  {
-    sscanf(nom_image,"%s",image1->NOM_FIC_CAN);
-    sscanf(nom_image,"%s",image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN);
-    image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=descrip_imagery;
-    image1->ACCES_SPOT[0]=descrip_leader;
-    image1->ACCES_SPOT[1]=descrip_volume;
-    image1->POS_OCTET[i]=lg_entete;	   
-  }
-    image1->TYPE_SPOT = type_spot;
-    image1->NBOCT_PIX = *nboct_pix;
- }  /* fin TYPE IMAGE SPOT 1 a 4 */ 
-    /*===========================*/
- else if (type_spot == 2)
- {
-/* Ouverture de l'image */
-    image1  = cai_ouvre_lecture_image (nom_fic_spot5, "TIFF", 
-                                        nb_can,nboct_pix,nb_col,nb_lig);
-  if (image1 == NULL)
-  {
-  	strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,
-		"Erreur acces au fichier image TIFF contenant donnees SPOT");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-   image1->NB_CANAUX = *nb_can  ;
-   image1->NBOCT_PIX = *nboct_pix  ;
-   image1->NB_COL =  *nb_col  ;
-   image1->NB_LIG = *nb_lig ;
-   image1->TYPE_SPOT = type_spot;
-   image1->ACCES_SPOT[0]=0;
-   image1->ACCES_SPOT[1]=0;
- }  /* fin TYPE IMAGE SPOT 5 TIFF */ 
-    /*============================*/
- else
- {
-   image1= NULL;    
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-   image1->ACCES_SPOT[0]=0;
-   image1->ACCES_SPOT[1]=0;
-/* tests sur les retours d'allocation  memoire                               */
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-       strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoire dans cai_ouvre_lecture");
-       goto ERREUR;
-    }
-   /* Recherche du leader Dimap */
-     dirp=opendir(nom_rep);
-     Trouve=0; 
-     if(dirp!=NULL)
-     {
-        while( (dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL )
-        {
-  /*---------------------------------------------*/
-  /*  on ne doit pas tenir compte des . et ..    */
-  /*        sous le repertoire courant           */
-  /*---------------------------------------------*/
-   	   test1 = strcmp(dp->d_name, ".");
-   	   test2 = strcmp(dp->d_name, "..");
-  	   if ( (test1 != 0) && (test2 != 0) )
-    	   {
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : LEAD_01.DAT  devient METADATA.DIM  */
-     	     test3 = strncasecmp(dp->d_name,"METADATA.DIM", 12);
-     /**************************************************************/
-     /* tests de determination du fichier METADATA.DIM sous repert */
-     /**************************************************************/
-     	     if (test3==0)
-     	     {
-      	          sprintf(nom_leader, "%s%s%s%s%s", repert,car, nom_image, 
-							   car, dp->d_name);
-/* Extraction du nombre de lig col can et nboct du fichier DIMAP */
-    		   icr = cai_lire_dimensions_spot5(nom_leader,nb_can,nboct_pix ,
-                               			   nb_col , nb_lig,byteorder,
-						   &skipbytes );
-	           if (icr != CAI_OK)
-                   {
-			goto ERREUR;
-                   }
-		   else
-			Trouve=1;
-             }
-            } /*fin else test1 test2*/
-         }  /*fin while*/
-         closedir(dirp); 
-      }  /*fin if (dirp=!NULL)*/
-      if (Trouve==0)
-      {
-	 sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,
-	  "Erreur Le fichier METADATA.DIM n'existe pas ou erreur de lecture");
-	 goto ERREUR;
-       }
-  .....................................................*/
-     nom_fic[0]='\0';
-     nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';
-     sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s",nom_fic_spot5);
-     num=open(nom_fic_canal,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY,0);
-     if (num!= -1)
-     {
-       for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-       {
-    		sscanf(nom_ima_spot5,"%s",image1->NOM_FIC_CAN);
-    		sscanf(nom_ima_spot5,"%s",image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN);
-    		image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=num;
-           	image1->POS_OCTET[i]=(*nb_col)*i*(*nboct_pix)+skipbytes;
-        }
-        image1->TYPE_SPOT = type_spot;
-        image1->NBOCT_PIX = *nboct_pix;
-        if (byteorder[0]=='M')
-        {
-	   if (strcmp(type_machine,"BE")==0)
-		image1->INV_OCTETS=0;
-	   else
-		image1->INV_OCTETS=1;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-	   if (strcmp(type_machine,"LE")==0)
-		image1->INV_OCTETS=0;
-	   else
-		image1->INV_OCTETS=1;
-        }
-      }
-      else
-      {
-  	strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,
-		"Erreur ouverture fichier BIL contenant donnees SPOT");
-	goto ERREUR;
-      }
- }  /* fin TYPE IMAGE SPOT 5 BIL */ 
-    /*===========================*/
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : FA : Initialisation du champ COD_PIX (OCT,I2 ou UND)*/
- if (*nboct_pix==1) 
-	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"OCT");
- else if (*nboct_pix==2) 
-	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"I2");
- else 
-	sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"UND");
- return(image1);
-  if (descrip_leader !=0) close(descrip_leader);
-  if (descrip_imagery !=0) close(descrip_imagery);
-  if (descrip_volume !=0) close(descrip_volume);
-  if (image1!=NULL) free(image1);
-  return(NULL);
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_lecture_spot
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_creation_spot                                    */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de creation et d'ouverture en ecriture d'une image     */
-/* -----     au format spot et de tous les fichiers qui la composent         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL : CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_spot(typspot,nom_image,  */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig,          */
-/*				                            label)           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     typspot        (E) (char )  : type d'images spot 91a4,5tif ou 5bil)   */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*     nb_can         (E) (int )   : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (E) (int )   : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (E) (int )   : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (E) (int )   : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*     label          (E) (char *) : commentaire lie a l'image               */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_creation_spot (S) (CAI_IMAGE *) :     =NULL si pb           */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_spot(char typspot,char *repert,
-				   char *nom_image,
-				   int *nbca,
-				   int *nboct_pix,
-				   int *nbcol,
-				   int *nblig,
-				   char *label)
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;	     /* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image     */
-   int icr;		     /* Code retour de fonctions                     */ 
-   INITIALISATIONS et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-  icr = CAI_OK;
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : FA : initialisation de image1=NULL a l'ouverture    */
-   image1= NULL; 
-/* test du type de machine sur laquelle est constituee l'image */
-  type_machine = cai_test_pFpf();
-  if (typspot=='1')
-	image1 = cai_ouvre_creation_spot1a4(repert,nom_image,nbca,
-				   nboct_pix,nbcol,nblig,label);
-  else if (typspot=='B')
-	image1 = cai_ouvre_creation_spot5BIL(repert,nom_image,nbca,
-				   nboct_pix,nbcol,nblig,label);
-  else if (typspot=='T')
-	image1 = cai_ouvre_creation_spot5TIF(repert,nom_image,nbca,
-				   nboct_pix,nbcol,nblig,label);
-  if (image1==NULL) icr=CAI_KO;
-  if (icr != CAI_OK)
-  {
-      if (image1!=NULL) free(image1);
-      image1 = NULL;
-  }
-  return(image1);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_creation_spot
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_lecture_canal_spot                                     */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de lecture d'un canal d'une image LUM                  */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_spot(image1, canal,       */ 
-/* ------------------                        premiere_ligne,                 */
-/*                                           premiere_colonne,               */
-/*                                           nombre_lignes_lire ,            */
-/*                                           nombre_colonnes_lire,           */
-/*                                           pas_ligne ,pas_colonne,         */
-/*                 		             data_image )                    */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*     canal                (E) (int) : numero du canal a lire               */
-/*     premiere_ligne       (E) (int) : premiere ligne a lire dans l'image   */
-/*     premiere _colonne    (E) (int) : premiere colonne a lire dans l'image */
-/*     nombre_lignes_lire   (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a lire              */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_lire (E) (int) : nombre de colonnes a lire            */
-/*     pas_ligne            (E) (int) : pas en ligne                         */
-/*     pas_colonne          (E) (int) : pas en colonne                       */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels lus alloue et     */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_lecture_canal_spot (S) (CAI_OK_KO) :     = CAI_KO si pb           */
-/*                                                 = CAI_OK si OK            */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_spot(CAI_IMAGE *image1,int *canal, 
-				 int *premiere_ligne, int *premiere_colonne, 
-		      		 int *nb_lig_lire, int *nb_col_lire, 
-				 int *pas_lig, int *pas_col, 
-				 unsigned char *data_image  )        
-DIR *dirp;		    /* pointeur sur structure ouverture repertoire   */
-struct dirent *dp;          /* structure resultat de la fonction readdir     */
-int descrip_imagery;	    /* descripteur du fichier imagery                */
-int nb_can;                 /* nombre de canaux de l'image SPOT              */
-int num,lig,i,j,k;          /* variables de travail                          */
-long  nb_oct;               /* nb oct =1er octet a lire - position courante  */
-long  oct_lig;              /* nb oct. par ligne en considerant taille pixel */
-long int offset;	    /* Deplacement dans le fichier                   */
-long cr_lseek;		    /* Code retour de lseek                          */
-long cr_read;		    /* Code retour de read                           */
-int lg_prefixe;	            /* longueur du prefixe d'une ligne               */
-int lg_suffixe;             /* longueur du suffixe d'une ligne               */
-int lg_entete ;             /* longueur de l'entete d'une ligne              */
-char *nom_fic;              /* nom contenant le chemin de l'image            */
-char path_rep[PATH_MAX];    /* chemin acces fichiers ds repertoire courant   */
-unsigned char *buf_lec;     /* buffer lecture d'une  ligne                   */
-long pt_oct;		    /* position courante dans le fichier image       */
-unsigned char *pch, *deb;   /* pointeur chaine pour transfert  buffer sortie */
-int no_oct;                 /* numero du premier octet a lire                */
-CAI_OK_KO icr;              /* code retour fonction                          */
-int taille_image;           /* Taille en octets de la zone a lire            */
-unsigned char *data_image2; /* pointeur donnees image pour inversion octets  */
-data_image2 = NULL;
-if ( (image1->TYPE_SPOT < 1) || (image1->TYPE_SPOT > 3) )
- {
-	sprintf (CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur : type d'image SPOT inconnu");
-	goto ERREUR;
- }
-else if (image1->TYPE_SPOT == 1)
- {
-  Initialisations diverses
-  ..........................*/
-  lg_prefixe = 32;
-  descrip_imagery = image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*canal-1];
-  nb_can = image1->NB_CANAUX;
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : FA : anomalie sur sous-echantillonnage en lecture   */
-/* Une ligne modifiee */
-  oct_lig = image1->NBOCT_PIX*(image1->NB_COL);
-  /*..............................................
-        allocation de memoire pour lire une ligne image
- ............................................. */
-   buf_lec = (unsigned char *) calloc(oct_lig,sizeof(unsigned char));
-   if (buf_lec == NULL)
-   {     
-      sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"ERREUR:Probleme allocation memoire\n");
-      goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   else
-   {
-    /*....................
-        Initialisation
-    ......................*/
-        lig=*premiere_ligne;
-        i=1;
-        pch=data_image;
-	lg_entete=image1->POS_OCTET[*canal-1];
-         Pour chaque ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-        while (i <= *nb_lig_lire)
-        {  
-	    Recherche de la position courante dans le fichier
-  ............................................*/
-            pt_oct = lseek(descrip_imagery,0L,1);
-	    if ( pt_oct == -1 )
-    		{
-       	 	 strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur acces au fichier contenant donnees SPOT");
-	  	 goto ERREUR;
-   		}	
-            Calcul du numero du 1er octet a lire
-	    no_oct=(*nblig-1)*lg_entete*nbcanaux+lg_entete*(canal-1)+lg_prefixe+(*canal-1)*lg_entete
-  ....................................*/
-	   no_oct = (lig-1)*lg_entete*nb_can+image1->POS_OCTET[*canal-1]+lg_prefixe+(*canal-1)*lg_entete;
-            Saut d'octets pour etre positionne sur la ligne a lire
-  .......................................*/
-            nb_oct=(long)(no_oct-pt_oct);
-            lseek(descrip_imagery,nb_oct,1);
-            lecture d'une ligne image
-  ................................................*/
-            cr_read=read(descrip_imagery,buf_lec,oct_lig);
-            if (cr_read==-1)
-            {             
-             strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur lecture donnee image SPOT");
-	     goto ERREUR;
-            }
-            else
-            { 
-             Sauvegarde des donnees lues en tenant compte du pas 
-             d'echantillonnage en colonne
-  ........................................*/           
-             deb = buf_lec+(*premiere_colonne-1)*image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-             j=1;
-	     while (j <= *nb_col_lire)
-	     {  
-               for (k=0;k<image1->NBOCT_PIX;k=k+1)
-                {
-                  *(pch+k)=*(deb+k);
-                }
-              j=j+1;
-              pch=pch+image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-              deb=deb+(*pas_col*image1->NBOCT_PIX);
-             }/*fin while j*/ 
-            }/*fin else*/
-          i=i+1;
-          lig=lig+(*pas_lig);
-        } /*fin while i*/        
-	free(buf_lec);
-   } /*fin else*/
- }  /* fin TYPE IMAGE SPOT 1 a 4 */ 
-    /*===========================*/
- else if (image1->TYPE_SPOT == 2)
- {
-	icr = cai_lecture_canal_tiff (image1, canal, 
-					premiere_ligne, premiere_colonne, 
-				 	nb_lig_lire, nb_col_lire, pas_lig, 
-					pas_col, data_image);
-	if (icr != CAI_OK)
-                 goto ERREUR;
- }  /* fin TYPE IMAGE SPOT 5 TIFF */ 
-    /*============================*/
- else 
- {
-	icr = cai_lecture_canal_bil (image1, canal, premiere_ligne, 
-				     premiere_colonne, nb_lig_lire, nb_col_lire,
-				      pas_lig, pas_col, data_image);
-	if (icr != CAI_OK)
-                 goto ERREUR;
-        else
-       {
-/* Si necessaire inversion des octets */
-          if ((image1->INV_OCTETS==1)&&(image1->NBOCT_PIX !=1))
-          {
-   	      taille_image = (*nb_lig_lire)*(*nb_col_lire)*(image1->NBOCT_PIX);
-  	      data_image2 = (unsigned char *) calloc(taille_image,
-				sizeof(unsigned char));
-              if (data_image2 == NULL)
-              {
-      		strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,
-			"Erreur allocation memoire dans cai_lecture_canal");
-      		goto ERREUR;
-   	      }
-      	      swab( (void*)(data_image), (void*)(data_image2), taille_image);
-	      for (i=0; i<taille_image;i++)
-	      {
-	   /*stockage dans data_image*/
-	         data_image[i] = data_image2[i];
-	       }	
-              free(data_image2);
-          }	     
-       }
- }  /* fin TYPE IMAGE SPOT 5 BIL */ 
-    /*===========================*/
-/* Sortie normale */
-  return (CAI_OK);
-/* Sortie degradee */
-  if (descrip_imagery>0) close(descrip_imagery);
-  return(NULL);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_lecture_canal_spot
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ecriture_canal_spot                                    */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ecriture d'un canal d'une image spot                 */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_spot(image1, canal,      */ 
-/* ------------------                                 premiere_ligne,        */
-/*                                                    nombre_lignes_ecrire,  */
-/*                                                    nombre_colonnes_ecrire,*/
-/*                 		                      data_image )           */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)   : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier */
-/*     canal                 (E) (int) : numero du canal a ecrire            */
-/*     premiere_ligne        (E) (int) : premiere ligne a ecrire ds l'image  */
-/*     nombre_lignes_ecrire  (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_ecrire(E) (int) : nombre de colonnes a ecrire         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels ecris alloue et   */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ecriture_canal_spot    (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb           */
-/*                                                     = CAI_OK si OK        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_spot (CAI_IMAGE *image1,
-					int *canal ,         
-					int *premiere_ligne  ,  
-					int *nombre_lignes_ecrire ,
-					int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire,
-					unsigned char *data_image )        
-  long	cr_write;		/* code retour de write                  */
-  unsigned char *buf_lec;	/* Buffer des radiometries               */
-  int descrip_imagery;	        /* Descripteur du fichier IMAGERY        */
-  int lgrec;
-  int i_ligne, j, i;
-  CAI_OK_KO icr;
-  int nb_can, nboct_pix,nboct,compl;
-  int no_oct,nblig,nbcol;
-  long deplacement;		/* deplacement a effectuer               */
-  long	position_courante;	/* position courante dans le fichier     */
-/* Variables intermediaires */
-  unsigned char BYTE[4];
-  unsigned char COMP[5300];
-  int VAR_LONG[2];
-  short int TAB_SHORT;
-  char TAB[3];
-icr = CAI_OK;
-if (image1->TYPE_SPOT ==1)
-/*   IMAGE SPOT1A4    */
-  /*...........................
-    Initialisations diverses
-    ..........................*/
-   i_ligne = 0;   
-   lgrec =  image1->POS_OCTET[*canal-1];  /*long entete image SPOT*/
-   descrip_imagery = image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[*canal-1];
-   nb_can = image1->NB_CANAUX;
-   nboct_pix = image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-   nboct= (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) * nboct_pix ;
-   compl= lgrec-nboct-100;
-   for (i=0;i<5300;i++) COMP[i]=0;
-   nbcol = image1->NB_COL;
-  /*......................................................*/
-  /* Calcul de la position du premier octet a ecrire      */ 
-  /*......................................................*/
-   no_oct = lgrec+(*premiere_ligne-1)*lgrec*nb_can+lgrec*(*canal-1);
-  /*......................................................*/
-  /* Recuperation de la position courante		  */
-  /*......................................................*/
-   position_courante = lseek ( descrip_imagery , 0L , 1 );
-  /*.......................................................*/
-  /* Calcul du deplacement jusqu'a la 1ere ligne a ecrire  */
-  /*.......................................................*/
-   deplacement = no_oct - position_courante;
-  /********************************************************/
-  /* TANT QUE il y a des lignes a ecrire                  */
-  /********************************************************/
-   buf_lec=data_image;
-   while (i_ligne < (*nombre_lignes_ecrire))
-   {
-      nblig=(*premiere_ligne)+i_ligne;
- /*.............................................*/
-  /*	deplacement jusqu'a la ligne a ecrire   */
-  /*............................................*/
-      lseek ( descrip_imagery , deplacement , 1 ); 
-  /******************************/
-  /* Pour le fichier IMAGE DATA */
-  /******************************/
-  /*initialisation des infos de l'entete de l'image dest*/
-      BYTE[0] = 237;
-      BYTE[1] = 237;
-      BYTE[2] = 18;
-      BYTE[3] = 18;
-      VAR_LONG[1] = lgrec;
-      VAR_LONG[0] = i_ligne+1;
-  /*ecriture dans le fichier image dest*/  
-      cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery , VAR_LONG , 4); 
-      if (cr_write != 4)
-      {
-        icr = CAI_KO;
-	goto FIN;
-      }
-      cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery , BYTE , 4);
-      if (cr_write != 4)
-      {
-        icr = CAI_KO;
-	goto FIN;
-      }
-      cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery , &VAR_LONG[1] , 4);
-      if (cr_write != 4)
-      {
-        icr = CAI_KO;
-	goto FIN;
-      }
-   /* Ecriture des prefixes : */
-      cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery, &nblig, 4);
-      if (cr_write != 4)
-      {
-        icr = CAI_KO;
-	goto FIN;
-      }
-      strcpy ( TAB,"  ");
-      cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery , TAB, 2);
-      if (cr_write != 2)	
-      {
-        icr = CAI_KO;
-	goto FIN;
-      }
-      TAB_SHORT = (short)(*canal);
-      cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery , &TAB_SHORT  , 2); 
-      if (cr_write !=2)
-      {
-        icr = CAI_KO;
-	goto FIN;
-      }
-      cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery , COMP  , 12); 
-      if (cr_write != 12)
-      {
-        icr = CAI_KO;
-	goto FIN;
-      }
-  /* Ecriture radiometries */
-      cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery , buf_lec ,nboct  );
-      if (cr_write != nboct)
-      {
-        icr = CAI_KO;
-	goto FIN;
-      }
-  /* ecriture des octets de completion */
-      cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery , COMP ,compl  );
-      if (cr_write != compl)
-      {
-        icr = CAI_KO;
-	goto FIN;
-      }
-  /* Ecriture des suffixes : */
-      cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery , COMP , 24); 
-      if (cr_write != 24)
-      {
-        icr = CAI_KO;
-	goto FIN;
-      }
-      cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery , &nbcol , 4);
-      if (cr_write != 4)
-      {
-        icr = CAI_KO;
-	goto FIN;
-      }
-      cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery , COMP, 40);
-      if (cr_write != 40)
-      {
-        icr = CAI_KO;
-	goto FIN;
-      }
-  /********************************************************/
-  /*	mise a jour du deplacement jusqu'a la ligne	*/
-  /*	suivante                                   	*/
-  /********************************************************/
-      deplacement = ( nb_can - 1 ) * lgrec;
-      buf_lec = buf_lec+nboct;
-  /********************************************************/
-  /*	incrementation du nombre de lignes		*/
-  /********************************************************/
-       i_ligne++;
-     } /*fin while*/
-else if (image1->TYPE_SPOT ==2)
-     icr = cai_ecriture_canal_tiff (image1,canal,premiere_ligne,  
-					nombre_lignes_ecrire ,
-					nombre_colonnes_ecrire,data_image);
-else if (image1->TYPE_SPOT ==3)
-/*   IMAGE SPOT5 BIL  */
-     icr = cai_ecriture_canal_bil(image1,canal,premiere_ligne,  
-					nombre_lignes_ecrire ,
-					nombre_colonnes_ecrire,data_image);
-FIN :
-  if (icr != CAI_OK)
-	  strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ecriture du fichier Imagery");
-  return (icr);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ecriture_canal_spot
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ferme_spot                                             */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de fermeture d'une image au format spot et de          */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent 			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_spot(typspot,image1)              */  /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*									     */
-/*     typspot     (E) (char )        : =1 spot1a4, =T spot5Tif,=B spot5Bil  */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ferme_spot    (S) (CAI_OK_KO) :       = CAI_KO si pb              */
-/*                                              = CAI_OK si OK               */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO  cai_ferme_spot (char typspot,CAI_IMAGE *image1)
- CAI_OK_KO iret;           /* code retour de l'operation         */
- int num;                  /* descripteur du fichier a fermer    */
- int temp;                 /* variable temporaire                */
- long pt_oct;		   /* position courante ds fichier image */
-/* Initialisations diverses */
- iret=CAI_OK;
- if (typspot == '1')
- {
-/* SPOT1a4 */
-    num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[0];
-/* Mise a jour de l'entete si ouverture en creation */
-   if (image1->MODE == CAI_ECRITURE)
-   {
-  	 pt_oct=lseek(num,0L,0);
-/* Mise a jour du niveau de pretraitement */
-   	 pt_oct=lseek(num,53L,1); 
-   	 pt_oct = write ( num,image1->NIVEAU , 2 );
-   	 if ( pt_oct == 0 )
-    	 {
-      	  sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR ,
-       	   "Erreur : MAJ impossible entete a la fermeture fichier SPOT1a4\n");
-          iret=CAI_KO;
-          goto ERREUR;
-    	}
-    }
-   Fermeture du fichier qui contient tous les canaux
-  .............................................*/
-    if (num>0) close(num);
-    if (image1->ACCES_SPOT[0]!=0) close(image1->ACCES_SPOT[0]);
-    if (image1->ACCES_SPOT[1]!=0) close(image1->ACCES_SPOT[1]);
-   }
-   else if (typspot == 'T')
-   {
-/*   SPOT5TIF */
-     iret = cai_ferme_tiff(image1);
-   }
-   else if (typspot == 'B')
-   {
-/*   SPOT5BIL */
-     iret = cai_ferme_bil(image1);
-   }
-  return (iret);
-  return(CAI_KO);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ferme_spot
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_dest_ima_spot                                          */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de destruction d'une image stockee en spot et de       */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent  			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL : CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_spot(typspot,repertoire,nom_ima)*/ /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*     typspot     (E) (char )        : =1 spot1a4, =T spot5Tif,=B spot5Bil  */
-/*     repertoire   (E) (char *) : repertoire de l'image a detruire          */
-/*     nom_image    (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a detruire avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_dest_ima_spot (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb                    */
-/*                                            = CAI_OK si OK                 */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_spot (char typspot, char *repertoire , 
-                              char *nom_ima )
-char	nom_fic[1024];	/* nom du repertoire a detruire */
-/* Constitution du nom du repertoire image      */
-if ((long)strlen(repertoire)!= 0)
-  sprintf( nom_fic, "%s/%s" ,repertoire,nom_ima);
-  strcpy ( nom_fic , nom_ima);
-/* Destruction du repertoire et de tous ses fichiers */
-     sprintf(Command,"rm -R %s",nom_fic);
-     system(Command);
-return (CAI_OK);
- Fin de l'operation cai_dest_ima_spot
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_modifie_spot                                     */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture-ecriture d'une image au format  */
-/* -----     spot et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                   */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_spot(typspot,nom_image,  */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     typspot        (E) (char)   : type spot (1=1a4,b=5bil ou t=5tif)      */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_modifie_spot (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb              */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */                                                                            /*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_spot(char typspot,char *repert,
-				  char *nom_image,
-				  int  *nb_can,
-				  int  *nboct_pix,
-				  int  *nb_col,
-				  int  *nb_lig)
-DIR *dirp;		    /* pointeur sur structure ouverture repertoire   */
-CAI_IMAGE *image1;          /* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image      */ 
-struct dirent *dp;          /* structure resultat de la fonction readdir     */
-char fichier_clefs[1024];   /* Nom du fichier des donnees auxiliaires        */
-int i,j,k;		    /* Variables de boucle                           */
-int descrip_leader;	    /* Descripteur du fichier LEADER                 */
-int descrip_imagery;	    /* Descripteur du fichier IMAGERY                */
-int descrip_volume;	    /* Descripteur du fichier VOLUME                 */
-long cr_lseek;		    /* Code retour de lseek                          */
-long cr_read;		    /* Code retour de read                           */
-long lg_saut;		    /* Nombre d'octets a sauter                      */
-int  lg_enreg,lgtemp;	    /* longueur d'un enregistrement                  */
-int NbCan;                  /* nombre de canaux de l'image                   */
-int test1,test2,test3,test4,test5;/* test sur nom de fichiers                */
-int lg_entete;	            /* longueur de l'entete fichier IMAGERY          */
-int num,trouve;		    /* variable de test                              */
-char nom_fic[1024];         /* nom du fichier en-tete		             */
-char nom_fic_canal[1024];   /* nom fichier canal dont on teste existence     */
-char nom_rep[1024];         /* nom du repertoire image SPOT		     */
-char nom_fic_ima[1024];     /* nom du fichier imagery.dat	             */
-char nom_leader[1024];      /* nom du fichier leader		             */
-char path_rep[PATH_MAX];    /* chemin acces fichiers ds repertoire courant   */
-char nom_fic_spot5[PATH_MAX];/* chemin acces fichier image tiff ou BIL SPOT5 */
-char nom_ima_spot5[PATH_MAX];/* nom du fichier image spot5                   */
-char *pch0;                  /* pointeur sur chaine de caracteres            */
-char car[2];                 /* variable de travail                          */
-int type_spot;               /* type d'image spot                            */
-char byteorder[1];           /* Ordre de codage intel (LE) ou Motorola (BE)  */
-int skipbytes;               /* Taille entete pour les fichiers BIL SPOT5    */
-CAI_OK_KO icr;
-int Trouve;
-/* Donnees auxiliaires */
-char TABLEAU[1][257];	/* Variable intermediaire */
-/* premiere variable = pour le nombre d'elements = nbre de colonnes */
-/* deuxieme element = pour la taille de l'element */
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
- type_spot=0;
- trouve=0;
- car[0]='/';
-#ifdef _WIN
-      car[0]='\\';
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : FA : initialisation de image1=NULL a l'ouverture    */
-   image1= NULL;   
- /*..................................
-   determination ordre de rangement 
-   des octets sur machine de travail
-  ......................................*/   
-  type_machine = cai_test_pFpf();
-/*	Determination du type d'image : SPOT 1 a 4 ou SPOT 5                  */
-sprintf(nom_rep, "%s%s%s", repert,car, nom_image);
- {
-  while( ((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL )&& (trouve ==0))
-  {
-  /*---------------------------------------------*/
-  /*  on ne doit pas tenir compte des . et ..    */
-  /*        sous le repertoire courant           */
-  /*---------------------------------------------*/
-   test1 = strcmp(dp->d_name, ".");
-   test2 = strcmp(dp->d_name, "..");
-   if ( (test1 != 0) && (test2 != 0) )
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.8 : FA : Blindage de la reconnaissance du fichier image */
-  /*---------------------------------------------*/
-  /*  on recherche le fichier Image              */
-  /*---------------------------------------------*/
-     test3 = strncasecmp(dp->d_name,"IMAG", 4);
-     if (test3 == 0)
-     {
-        test4 = strcasecmp(dp->d_name,"imagery.tif");
-        if (test4==0)  /* format SPOT5TIF */
-        {
-                type_spot = 2;
-		sprintf (nom_fic_spot5, "%s%s%s%s%s", repert, car,
-						nom_image, car,dp->d_name);
-		sprintf (nom_ima_spot5, "%s", dp->d_name);
-		trouve=1;
-        }
-        else 
-        {
-	    test4 = strcasecmp(dp->d_name,"imagery.bil");
-            if (test4==0)  /* format SPOT5BIL */
-            {
-                type_spot = 3;
-		sprintf (nom_fic_spot5, "%s%s%s%s%s", repert, car,
-						nom_image, car,dp->d_name);
-		sprintf (nom_ima_spot5, "%s", dp->d_name);
-		trouve=1;
-             }
-	     else /* format SPOT 1 a 4*/
-             {
-		car[0] = '.';
-                pch0 = strchr (dp->d_name, car[0]);
-		if  (pch0 == NULL)
-                {
-			type_spot = 1;     /* format SPOT 1 a 4*/
-     		        sprintf(nom_fic_ima, "%s/%s/%s", repert, 
-						nom_image, dp->d_name);
-			trouve=1;
-                }
-                else if (strcasecmp(pch0,".DAT")== 0)
-                {
-			type_spot = 1;     /* format SPOT 1 a 4*/
-     		        sprintf(nom_fic_ima, "%s%s%s%s%s", repert, car,
-						nom_image, car,dp->d_name);
-			trouve=1;
-                }
-             }		
-        }
-     }
-    }
-  }
-  closedir(dirp); 
- }
-if (type_spot == 0)
-	sprintf (CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur : type d'image SPOT inconnu");
-	goto ERREUR;
-/* Verication ed la coherence du type spot annonce et du type spot trouve */
-	if (((typspot == '1')&&(type_spot != 1))||
-		((typspot == 'T')&&(type_spot != 2))||
-		((typspot == 'B')&&(type_spot != 3)))
-	{
-	    sprintf (CAI_ERREUR,
-			"Erreur : L'image n'est pas du type SPOT annonce");
-	    goto ERREUR;
-	}
-if (type_spot == 1)
-   image1= NULL;    
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-   image1->ACCES_SPOT[0]=0;
-   image1->ACCES_SPOT[1]=0;
-/* tests sur les retours d'allocation  memoire                               */
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-       strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,
-	"Erreur allocation memoire dans cai_ouvre_modifie_image spot1a4");
-       goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/*	Ouverture des fichiers LEADER et IMAGERY en lecture		      */
-    sprintf(nom_rep, "%s/%s", repert, nom_image);
-    dirp=opendir(nom_rep);
-    if(dirp!=NULL)
-    {
-      while( (dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL )
-      {
-  /*---------------------------------------------*/
-  /*  on ne doit pas tenir compte des . et ..    */
-  /*        sous le repertoire courant           */
-  /*---------------------------------------------*/
-        test1 = strcmp(dp->d_name, ".");
-        test2 = strcmp(dp->d_name, "..");
-        if ( (test1 != 0) && (test2 != 0) )
-        {
-     	   test3 = strncasecmp(dp->d_name,"LEAD", 4);
-     	   test4 = strncasecmp(dp->d_name,"IMAG", 4); 
-     	   test5 = strncasecmp(dp->d_name,"VOL", 3);   
-     /********************************************************/
-     /* tests de determination du fichier LEADER sous repert */
-     /********************************************************/
-           if (test3==0)
-           {
-    		 sprintf(path_rep, "%s%s%s%s%s", repert, car,nom_image, 
-								car,dp->d_name);      
-      /*ouverture du fichier LEADER*/
-      		descrip_leader = open (path_rep, O_RDWR|O_BINARY );
-      		if (descrip_leader == -1)
-      		{
-      		  strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,
-				"Erreur d'ouverture du fichier LEADER SPOT1a4");
-       		  goto ERREUR;
-      		}
-        /*---------------------------------------------------------*/
-	/* Lecture de la taille d'un enregistrement dans LEADER    */
-	/*---------------------------------------------------------*/
-		cr_lseek = lseek ( descrip_leader , 8L , 1 );
-		if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-		{
-		  strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur acces au fichier leader SPOT1a4");
-		  goto ERREUR;
-		}
-		cr_read = read ( descrip_leader , &lg_enreg , 4 );
-		if ( cr_read == -1 )
-		{
-		  strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur acces au fichier leader SPOT1a4");
-		  goto ERREUR;
-		}
-	        if (strcmp(type_machine,"LE")==0)
-                {
-		   swab( (void*)&lg_enreg, (void*)&lgtemp,4 );
-		   cai_inverser_tableau((short *)&lg_enreg, (short *)&lgtemp,2);
-                }
-	/*------------------------------------------------------*/
-	/* Retour au debut du fichier LEADER		        */
-	/*------------------------------------------------------*/
-		cr_lseek = lseek ( descrip_leader , 0L , 0 );
-		if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-		{
-		  strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur acces au fichier leader SPOT1a4");
-		  goto ERREUR;
-		}
-        /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-	/* Saut de lg_enreg + 996 octets dans LEADER		*/
-	/*------------------------------------------------------*/
-		lg_saut = (long)(lg_enreg + 996);
-		cr_lseek = lseek ( descrip_leader , lg_saut , 0 );
-		if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-		{
-		  strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur acces au fichier leader SPOT1a4");
-		  goto ERREUR;
-		}
-	/*------------------------------------------------------*/
-	/* Lecture du nombre de colonnes dans LEADER	        */
-	/*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  		cr_read = read (descrip_leader, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-		if ( cr_read != 16 )
-		{
-		  strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur acces au fichier leader SPOT1a4");
-		  goto ERREUR;
-		}
-        	TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-        /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  		for (i=0;i<16;i++)
-  		{
-			TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-  		}
- 		sscanf ( TABLEAU[0], "%d", nb_col);
-	/*------------------------------------------------------*/
-	/* Lecture du nombre de lignes dans LEADER		*/
-	/*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  		cr_read = read (descrip_leader, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-		if ( cr_read != 16 )
-		{
-		  strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur acces au fichier leader SPOT1a4");
-		  goto ERREUR;
-		}
-       		TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-        /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  		for (i=0;i<16;i++)
-  		{
-			TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-  		}
- 		sscanf ( TABLEAU[0], "%d", nb_lig);
-	/*------------------------------------------------------*/
-	/* Saut de 16 octets dans LEADER			*/
-	/*------------------------------------------------------*/
-		cr_lseek = lseek ( descrip_leader , 16L , 1 );
-		if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-		{
-		  strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur acces au fichier leader SPOT1a4");
-		  goto ERREUR;
-		}
-	/*------------------------------------------------------*/
-	/* Lecture du nombre de canaux	dans LEADER		*/
-	/*------------------------------------------------------*/
- 		cr_read = read (descrip_leader, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-		if ( cr_read != 16 )
-		{
-		  strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur acces au fichier leader SPOT1a4");
-		  goto ERREUR;
-		}
-        	TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-        /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  		for (i=0;i<16;i++)
-  		{
-			TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-  		}
- 		sscanf ( TABLEAU[0], "%d", nb_can);	
-   	   } /*fin test3 (v==0)*/
-          else  if (test5==0)
-          {
-    /********************************************************/
-    /* tests de determination du fichier VOLUME sous repert */
-    /********************************************************/
-     		sprintf(path_rep, "%s%s%s%s%s", repert, car,nom_image, 
-							car,dp->d_name); 
-      	/*ouverture du fichier VOLUME*/
-      		descrip_volume = open (path_rep, O_RDWR|O_BINARY );
-      		if (descrip_volume == -1)
-      		{
-       		   strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,
-			"Erreur d'ouverture du fichier VOLUME SPOT1a4");
-       		   goto ERREUR;
-                 }
-           }
-    /********************************************************/
-    /* tests de determination du fichier IMAGERY sous repert */
-    /********************************************************/
-           else if (test4==0)
-           {   
-      /*ouverture du fichier IMAGERY*/
-      		descrip_imagery = open (nom_fic_ima, O_RDWR |O_BINARY);
-      		if (descrip_imagery == -1)
-      		{
-      		  strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,
-			"Erreur d'ouverture du fichier IMAGERY SPOT1a4");
-       		  goto ERREUR;
-      		}
-      /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-      /* Lecture de la taille de l'entete dans IMAGERY	      */
-      /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  		cr_lseek = lseek ( descrip_imagery , 8L , 1);
-  		if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-  		{
-		  strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,
-			"Erreur acces au fichier contenant donnees SPOT1a4");
-		  goto ERREUR;
-  		}	
-  		cr_read = read ( descrip_imagery , &lg_entete , 4 );
-  		if ( cr_read == -1 )
-  		{
-			strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,
-				"Erreur acces au fichier contenant donnees SPOT");
-			goto ERREUR;
-  		}
-	        if (strcmp(type_machine,"LE")==0)
-                {
-		   swab( (void*)&lg_entete, (void*)&lgtemp,4 );
-		   cai_inverser_tableau((short *)&lg_entete, 
-				(short *)&lgtemp,2);
-                }
-    	  } /*fin else if test4*/
-        } /*fin else test1 test2*/
-     }  /*fin while*/
-     closedir(dirp); 
-   }  /*fin if (dirp=!NULL)*/
-  .....................................................*/
-  for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-  {
-    image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=descrip_imagery;
-    image1->ACCES_SPOT[0]=descrip_leader;
-    image1->ACCES_SPOT[1]=descrip_volume;
-    image1->POS_OCTET[i]=lg_entete;	   
-  }
-    image1->TYPE_SPOT = type_spot;
-    image1->NBOCT_PIX = *nboct_pix;
- }  /* fin TYPE IMAGE SPOT 1 a 4 */ 
-    /*===========================*/
- else if (type_spot == 2)
- {
-/* Ouverture de l'image */
-    image1  = cai_ouvre_modifie_image (nom_fic_spot5, "TIFF", 
-                                        nb_can,nboct_pix,nb_col,nb_lig);
-  if (image1 == NULL)
-  {
-    strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,
-	"Erreur acces au fichier image TIFF contenant donnees SPOT5TIF");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-   image1->NB_CANAUX = *nb_can  ;
-   image1->NBOCT_PIX = *nboct_pix  ;
-   image1->NB_COL =  *nb_col  ;
-   image1->NB_LIG = *nb_lig ;
-   image1->TYPE_SPOT = type_spot;
-   image1->ACCES_SPOT[0]=0;
-   image1->ACCES_SPOT[1]=0;
- }  /* fin TYPE IMAGE SPOT 5 TIFF */ 
-    /*============================*/
- else
- {
-   image1= NULL;    
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-   image1->ACCES_SPOT[0]=0;
-   image1->ACCES_SPOT[1]=0;
-/* tests sur les retours d'allocation  memoire                               */
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-       strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,
-	"Erreur allocation memoire dans cai_ouvre_modifie_image SPOT5TIF");
-       goto ERREUR;
-    }
-   /* Recherche du leader Dimap */
-     dirp=opendir(nom_rep);
-     Trouve=0;
-     if(dirp!=NULL)
-     {
-        while( (dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL )
-        {
-  /*---------------------------------------------*/
-  /*  on ne doit pas tenir compte des . et ..    */
-  /*        sous le repertoire courant           */
-  /*---------------------------------------------*/
-   	   test1 = strcmp(dp->d_name, ".");
-   	   test2 = strcmp(dp->d_name, "..");
-  	   if ( (test1 != 0) && (test2 != 0) )
-    	   {
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : LEAD_01.DAT  devient METADATA.DIM  */
-     	     test3 = strncasecmp(dp->d_name,"METADATA.DIM", 12);
-     /**************************************************************/
-     /* tests de determination du fichier METADATA.DIM sous repert */
-     /**************************************************************/
-     	     if (test3==0)
-     	     {
-      	          sprintf(nom_leader, "%s%s%s%s%s", repert,car, nom_image, 
-							   car, dp->d_name);      
-/* Extraction du nombre de lig col can et nboct du fichier DIMAP */
-    		   icr = cai_lire_dimensions_spot5(nom_leader,nb_can,nboct_pix ,
-                               			   nb_col , nb_lig,byteorder,
-						   &skipbytes );
-	           if (icr != CAI_OK)
-                   {
-			goto ERREUR;
-                   }
-		   else
-			Trouve=1;
-             }
-           } /*fin else test1 test2*/
-         }  /*fin while*/
-         closedir(dirp); 
-      }  /*fin if (dirp=!NULL)*/
-      if (Trouve==0)
-      {
-	  sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,
-	  "Erreur Le fichier METADATA.DIM n'existe pas ou erreur de lecture");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-       }
-  .....................................................*/
-     nom_fic_canal[0]='\0';
-     sprintf(nom_fic_canal,"%s",nom_fic_spot5);
-     num=open(nom_fic_canal,O_RDWR|O_BINARY,0);
-     if (num!= -1)
-     {
-       for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-       {
-    		image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=num;
-           	image1->POS_OCTET[i]=(*nb_col)*i*(*nboct_pix)+skipbytes;
-        }
-        image1->TYPE_SPOT = type_spot;
-        image1->NBOCT_PIX = *nboct_pix;
-        if (byteorder[0]=='M')
-        {
-	   if (strcmp(type_machine,"BE")==0)
-		image1->INV_OCTETS=0;
-	   else
-		image1->INV_OCTETS=1;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-	   if (strcmp(type_machine,"LE")==0)
-		image1->INV_OCTETS=0;
-	   else
-		image1->INV_OCTETS=1;
-        }
-      }
-      else
-      {
-  	strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,
-		"Erreur ouverture fichier BIL contenant donnees SPOT5");
-	goto ERREUR;
-      }
- }  /* fin TYPE IMAGE SPOT 5 BIL */ 
-    /*===========================*/
- return(image1);
-  if (type_spot==1)
-  {
-     if (descrip_leader >0) close(descrip_leader);
-     if (descrip_imagery >0) close(descrip_imagery);
-     if (descrip_volume >0) close(descrip_volume);
-  } 
-  else 
-     icr = cai_ferme_spot(typspot,image1);
-  if (image1!=NULL) free(image1);
-  return(NULL);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_modifie_spot
-/*                                                                            */
-/*OPERATION  : cai_lead4to5spot                                               */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*ROLE : Cette operation genère un fichier XML de donnees auxiliaires SPOT5   */
-/*       a partir du fichier Leader donne en parametre                        */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*CONTEXTE D'APPEL :                                                          */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*RETOUR : CAI_OK si tout va bien , CAI_KO sinon                              */
-/*                                                                            */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : FA : erreur d'ecriture detector id lookangle pour PAN*/
-CAI_OK_KO cai_lead4to5spot ( CAI_IMAGE *desc_im  , char *repertoire )
-  CAI_OK_KO cr;
-  /* Variables destinees aux noms des fichiers manipules */
-  FILE *des;
-  char chemin_descripteur[1024] ;
-  /* Variables destinees aux controles de la lecture des fichiers */
-  /*  int desc_lead;*/
-  int BadFlag[4],Bad,type;
-  int desc_lead , desc_vol , desc_img;  
-  int detect_id;
-  int lg_enreg ;  /* longueur de l'enregistrement et retour de read */
-  long cr_lseek , lg_saut;  /* retour de lseek et saut demande                */
-  long cr_read;
-  int i , x , j , ind_gains;/* indices de boucle                              */
-  int can;
-  char TABLEAU[4][257];   /* variable destinee a la lecture des octets      */
-  /* Variables stockant les donnees auxiliaires lues */
-  int nb_col , nb_lig;        /* nbre de lignes et de colonnes       */
-  int K , J , nb_bs;          /* valeurs K,J,decalage et nbre canaux */
-  int ind_max;
-  int anneecal , moiscal , jourcal;
-  char scene_id[17]   ;         /* identifiant de scene                */
-  char grille_ref[8]  ;        /* grille de reference K J             */
-  char shift_val[2]   ;         /* shift value                         */
-  char latc[17] , lonc[17] ;  /* lat lon au centre de scene          */
-  char latse[17] , latso[17]; /* lat lon aux 4 coins                 */
-  char latne[17] , latno[17]; /*                                     */
-  char lonse[17] , lonso[17]; /*                                     */
-  char lonne[17] , lonno[17]; /*                                     */
-  char al[17] , bl[17] , cl[17];
-  char ap[17] , bp[17] , cp[17];
-  double lat_c  ,lon_c;       /* valeurs en double des latitudes et  */
-  double lat_se, lat_so;     /* longitudes au centre de scene et    */
-  double lon_se , lon_so;     /* 4 coins de scene                    */
-  double lat_ne , lat_no;
-  double lon_ne , lon_no;
-  double lat_nad , long_nad;
-  double yawdeg , yawrad;  
-  char colc1[17] , ligc1[17]; /* Lignes et colonnes aux 4 coins       */
-  char colc2[17] , ligc2[17];
-  char colc3[17] , ligc3[17];
-  char colc4[17] , ligc4[17];
-  int nbl_c , nbc_c; /* x y ligne et colonne centre de scene */
-  int ivaleur;
-  char Valeur[17];
-  char decal_lat[17];       /* Decalage latitude          */
-  char decal_lon[17];       /* Decalage longitude         */
-  char longnad[17];         /* latitude nadir             */
-  char latnad[17];          /* longitude nadir            */
-  char datecalib[11];
-  char datecentre[17];
-  char datecal[9];
-  char relativedatecalib[16][20];
-  int relativeannee  , relativemois  , relativejour ;
-  char mapproj[33] ;         /* Projection cartographique  */
-  char gains_a[4][9];       /* coefficient de calibration */
-  char gains_b[4][9];       /* offset de calibration      */
-  char nb_gains[4][5];      /* nombre de gains            */
-  char date[11] ;             /* date  d'acquisition        */
-  char stepnum[5] ;
-  char heure[10] ;           /* heure d'acquisition        */
-  char coupled[3]  , sec[3] ;     /* minute , seconde           */
-  char niv_trait[17] ;       /* niveau de traitement       */
-  char direct_playback[17] ;
-  char compression[17] ;
-  char instrument[6] ;      /* instrument HRV             */
-  char time_angle[73][27];
-  char timeyaw[3][27];
-  float gain_value[16][1500];
-  float dark_value[16][1500];
-  float anglin ;
-  short int val,valtemp ;
-  float val_float ;
-  int type_gain , ind_gain_val  , ind_dark_val ;
-  int  instrument_index  , ind_tab_gain  ;
-  int line[73] , line_raw[2] ;
-  char yaw[73][20] ,pitch[73][20] ,roll[73][20] ;
-  char yaw_angle[2][20] , pitch_angle[2][20] , roll_angle[2][20];
-  double psi_x_first[3] ,psi_y_first[3] ,psi_x_last[3] ,psi_y_last[3];
-  double psideg  , periodeligne ;
-  char lineperiod[13] , outofrange[3] ;
-  char ins_ind[2] ;
-  char sat_ind[2] ;
-  char mode_spect[17];      /* mode spectral              */
-  char satellite[5];       /* nom du satellite           */
-  int satellite_index ;
-  char revolution[17];      /* revolution number          */
-  char band_layout[17];
-  char spect_ind[17];       /* indicateur de bandes       */
-  char sat_alt[9];          /* altitude du satellite      */
-  char nb_leader[9];        /* nb enregistrements leader  */
-  char lg_leader[9] ;        /* lg enregistrements leader  */
-  char nb_imagery[9] ;       /* nb enregistrements imagery */
-  char lg_imagery[9] ;       /* lg enregistrements imagery */
-  char nbima_imagery[9] ;    /* nb enregist imagery image  */
-  char nb_trailer[9] ;       /* nb enregistrements trailer */
-  char lg_trailer[9] ;       /* lg enregistrements trailer */
-  char fpixraw[9] , flineraw[9] , fpix1b[9] , fline1b[9];
-  char taille_pixlig[17];   /* taille pixel sur les lignes   */
-  char taille_pixcol[17];   /* taille pixel sur les colonnes */
-  char x0[33] , y0[33];     /* coordonnees en pixel 1,1      */
-  char lgx[17] , lgy [17];  /* longueur image en X et Y      */
-  char im[17] , deltai[17] , jm[17] ,deltaj[17];
-  char lm[17] , deltal[17] , pm[17] , deltap[17];
-  char valeur[100];
-  char prod_info[31];
-  char mean[9];
-  char lowtresh[4][9];
-  char uptresh[4][9];
-  char firstwave[4][20];
-  double unwave ;
-  double wavelong ;
-  char wavelengthstep[4][20] , solar_irradiance[4][5];
-  char spectral_sensitivitie[4][64][6];
-  char shval[9] , segmentstart[9] , scenestart[9] , segmentend[9];
-  char resampling[3];
-  int utdatej , utdates;
-  char p7[17] ,p8[17] ,p9[17] ,p10[17] ;
-  char axis[13] , ascension[13] , latarg[13];
-  char ex[17] , ey[17] , inclin[13];
-  char coeffi[17] , ai[17] , bi[17] , ci[17] , di[17] , ei[17];
-  char coeffj[17] , aj[17] , bj[17] , cj[17];
-  char coeff_a[17] , aa[17] , ba[17] , ca[17] , da[17];
-  char coeff_b[17] , ab[17] , bb[17] , cb[17] , db[17] , eb[17];
-  char coeff_l[17] , a_l[17] , b_l[17] , d_l[17] , e_l[17] , c_l[17];
-  char coeff_p[17] , a_p[17] , b_p[17] , c_p[17];
-  char alswir[17] , blswir[17] , clswir[17] , apswir[17] , bpswir[17];
-  char cpswir[17],car[2];
-  int jourjul;
-  int datejul;
-  char clockvalue[13] ;
-  char clockperiod[13] ;
-  double period  , pico ;
-  char boardtime[13];
-  double X_loc[9] , Y_loc[9] , Z_loc[9];
-  double X_vel[9] , Y_vel[9] , Z_vel[9];
-  char time[9][28];
-  char dorisused[3];
-  char time_scenecenter[31];
-  char timecenter[18];
-  char angle_in[17] , angle_o[17]; /* angles incidence et orientation Nord */
-  char sunazim[17], sunelev[17];   /* azimut et elevation solaire          */
-  char *profile;
-  int signe , swir ;                /* signe des lat lon ( +1 ou -1 )       */
-  char mirror_step[17] ;     /* nombre de pas mirroir                */
-  int nbpix ;                /* nombre de pixels */
-  char satn , insn;
-  char insid, codecapt;
-  char a0 , a1 , m0 , m1 , j0 , j1 , h0 , h1 , mi0 , mi1 , s0 , s1 ;
-  char aprim0 , aprim1 , mprim0 , mprim1 , jprim0 , jprim1 , hprim0 , hprim1 , miprim0 , miprim1 , sprim0 , sprim1 ;
-  char datasetname[40];
-  char datasetname_centre[40];
-  char dsetname[25];
-  char dsetname_centre[25];
-  char toto[32] , coeffa[17] , coeffb[17], coeffc[17] , coeffd[17];
-  char coeffe[17] , coefff[17] , coeffap[17] , coeffbp[17] ;
-  char coeffcp[17] , coeffdp[17] , coeffep[17] , coefffp[17];
-  char rlma[17] , rlmb[17], rlmc[17] , rlmd[17];
-  char rlme[17] , rlmf[17] , rlmap[17] , rlmbp[17] ;
-  char rlmcp[17] , rlmdp[17] , rlmep[17] , rlmfp[17];
-  long jours[9];
-  long jourscenter ;
-  int nb_passage = 0;
-  double secondescenter ;
-  double secondes[9];
-  double milisecondes[9];
-  /* variables destinees a lire dans le voldir */
-  char job_id[17] , produser[13] , product_type[17];
-  char software_name[13] , processing_center[9];
-  int product_sec , product_min , product_heure;
-  int product_annee , product_jour , product_mois;
-  char copyright[100]  , source_description[200];
-  /* variables destinees a lire dans le imagery */
-  unsigned char bad_line[10000][4];
-/* Initialisations diverses */
-  for (i=0 ; i<16 ; i++)
-  {
-     for (j=0 ; j<1500 ; j++)
-     {
-	gain_value[i][j] = 0.0;
-	dark_value[i][j] = 0.0;
-     }
-  }
-  signe=1;
-  desc_lead = desc_im->ACCES_SPOT[0];
-  desc_vol = desc_im->ACCES_SPOT[1];
-  desc_img = desc_im->ACCES_CANAL_INT[0];
-      car[0]='/';
-#ifdef _WIN
-      car[0]='\\';
-  /* construction du chemin complet du fichier xml a generer */
-  sprintf ( chemin_descripteur , "%s%sSPOT_DIMAP.xml" , repertoire, car);
-  /********************************************************/
-  /*             LECTURE DU FICHIER LEADER                */
-  /********************************************************/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 8L , 1 );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /*   lecture de la longueur de l'enregistrement 	  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  lg_enreg = 0;
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead , &lg_enreg , 4 );
-  if ( cr_read == -1 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_read );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Retour au debut du fichier		  		  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 0L , 0 );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 52 octets                                    */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 52 , SEEK_SET );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /********************************************************/
-  /*           LEADER FILE DESCRIPTOR RECORD              */
-  /********************************************************/
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture du code capteur             		  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 13 );
-  if ( cr_read != 13 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][13] = '\0';
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 13 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  codecapt = '\0';
-  toto[0] ='\0';
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%c%s" , &codecapt , toto );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Retour au debut du fichier		  		  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 0L , 0 );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de lg_enreg + 20 octets 			  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  lg_saut = (long)( 3960 + 20);
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , lg_saut , SEEK_SET );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /********************************************************/
-  /*                LEADER HEADER RECORD                  */
-  /********************************************************/
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture des coeeficients K et J  			  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  for ( x = 0 ; x < 2 ; x++ )
-    {
-    cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[x], 3 );
-    if ( cr_read != 3 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    TABLEAU[x][3] = '\0';
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
-      {
-      TABLEAU[x][i] = TABLEAU[x][i] & 0177;
-      }
-    }
-  K=0;
-  J=0;
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0], "%d", &K );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[1], "%d", &J );
-  sprintf ( grille_ref , "%.3d%.3d" , K , J );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture de shift value        			  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* sauter le slash */
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 1 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead , TABLEAU[0] , 1 );
-  if ( cr_read != 1 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][1] = '\0';
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 1 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  shift_val[0]='\0';
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , shift_val );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 8 octets 			                  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 8 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture de l'identifiant de scene    		  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( scene_id , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , scene_id );
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : FA :  Prise en compte date de la scene non shiftée */
-/****************************************************************************/  strcpy ( datecentre , scene_id );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture de shift along track ( decal_lat )		  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( decal_lat , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , decal_lat );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture de shift along track ( decal_lon )		  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( decal_lon, "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , decal_lon );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture de la latitude du centre de la scene         */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( latc , "\0" );
-  lat_c=0;
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , latc );
-  cai_DMS_To_Float ( latc , &lat_c );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture de la longitude du centre de la scene        */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( lonc , "\0" );
-  lon_c=0;
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , lonc );
-  cai_DMS_To_Float ( lonc , &lon_c );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* lecture des coordonnees lignes au centre de scene    */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  nbc_c = 0;
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%d" , &nbc_c );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* lecture des coordonnees colonnes au centre de scene  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead , TABLEAU[0] , 16 );
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  nbl_c = 0;
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%d" , &nbl_c );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture de la latitude NO                            */  
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( latno , "\0" );
-  lat_no=0;
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , latno );
-  cai_DMS_To_Float ( latno , &lat_no );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture de la longitude NO                           */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( lonno , "\0" );
-  lon_no=0;
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , lonno );
-  cai_DMS_To_Float ( lonno , &lon_no );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture ligne coin NO                                */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( ligc1 , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" ,ligc1  );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture colonne coin NO                              */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( colc1 , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , colc1 );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture de la latitude NE                            */  
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( latne , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , latne );
-  cai_DMS_To_Float ( latne , &lat_ne );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture de la longitude NE                           */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( lonne , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , lonne );
-  cai_DMS_To_Float ( lonne , &lon_ne );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture ligne coin NE                                */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( ligc2 , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , ligc2 );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture colonne coin NE                              */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( colc2 , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , colc2 );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture de la latitude SO                            */  
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( latso , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , latso );
-  cai_DMS_To_Float ( latso , &lat_so );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture de la longitude SO                           */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';  
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( lonso , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , lonso );
-  cai_DMS_To_Float ( lonso , &lon_so );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture ligne coin SO                                */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( ligc3 , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , ligc3 );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture colonne coin SO                              */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( colc3 , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , colc3 );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture de la latitude SE                            */  
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( latse , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , latse );
-  cai_DMS_To_Float ( latse , &lat_se );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture de la longitude SE                           */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( lonse , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , lonse );
-  cai_DMS_To_Float ( lonse , &lon_se );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture ligne coin SE                                */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf (ligc4 , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , ligc4 );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture colonne coin SE                              */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( colc4 , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , colc4 );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture latitude nadir centre                        */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( latnad , "\0" );
-  lat_nad = 0;
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , latnad );
-  cai_DMS_To_Float ( latnad , &lat_nad );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture longitude nadir centre                       */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( longnad , "\0" );
-  long_nad = 0;
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , longnad );
-  cai_DMS_To_Float ( longnad , &long_nad );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture de l'angle d'orientation                     */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead , TABLEAU[0] , 16 );
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0'; 
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( angle_o , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , angle_o );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture de l'angle d'incidence                       */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead , TABLEAU[0] , 16 );
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( angle_in , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , angle_in );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture de l'azimut solaire                          */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( sunazim , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , sunazim );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture de l'elevation solaire                       */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( sunelev , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , sunelev );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture de l'altitude du satellite                   */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 8 );
-  if ( cr_read != 8 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][8] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( sat_alt , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , sat_alt );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 72 octets 			                  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 72 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture de la date                                   */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 8 );
-  if ( cr_read != 8 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][8] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  date[0]='\0';
-  mi0='\0';
-  mi1='\0';
-  a0='\0';
-  a1='\0';
-  m0='\0';
-  m1='\0';
-  j0='\0';
-  j1='\0';
-  miprim0='\0';
-  miprim1='\0';
-  aprim0='\0';
-  aprim1='\0';
-  mprim0='\0';
-  mprim1='\0';
-  jprim0='\0';
-  jprim1='\0';
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , date );
-  sscanf ( date , "%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c" , &mi0 , &mi1 , &a0 ,
-           &a1 , &m0 , &m1 , &j0 , &j1 );
-  sprintf ( date , "%c%c%c%c-%c%c-%c%c" , mi0 , mi1 , a0 , a1 , m0 , m1 , j0 , j1 );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture de l'heure                                   */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 9 );
-  if ( cr_read != 9 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][9] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  heure[0]='\0';
-  toto[0]='\0';
-  h0='\0';
-  h1='\0';
-  insid='\0';
-  insn='\0';
-  s1='\0';
-  s0='\0';
-  hprim0='\0';
-  hprim1='\0';
-  sprim1='\0';
-  sprim0='\0';
-  satn='\0';
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , heure );
-  sscanf ( heure , "%c%c%c%c%c%c%s" , &h0 , &h1 , &mi0 , &mi1 , &s0 , &s1 , toto );
-  sprintf ( heure , "%c%c:%c%c:%c%c" , h0 , h1 , mi0 , mi1 , s0 , s1 );
-  sscanf ( scene_id , "S%c%c%c%s" , &satn , &insid , &insn ,toto );
-  sprintf ( datasetname , "%c %.3d-%.3d %c%c/%c%c/%c%c %c%c:%c%c:%c%c %c %c\0" ,
-            satn , K , J , a0 , a1 , m0 , m1 , j0 , j1 , h0 ,
-	    h1 , mi0 , mi1 , s0 , s1 , insn , codecapt );
-  sscanf ( &datecentre[15] , "%c" , &sprim1 );
-  datecentre[15] = '\0' ;
-  sscanf ( &datecentre[14] , "%c" , &sprim0 );
-  datecentre[14] = '\0' ;
-  sscanf ( &datecentre[13] , "%c" , &miprim1 );
-  datecentre[13] = '\0' ;
-  sscanf ( &datecentre[12] , "%c" , &miprim0 );
-  datecentre[12] = '\0' ;
-  sscanf ( &datecentre[11] , "%c" , &hprim1 );
-  datecentre[11] = '\0' ;
-  sscanf ( &datecentre[10] , "%c" , &hprim0 );
-  datecentre[10] = '\0' ;
-  sscanf ( &datecentre[9] , "%c" , &jprim1 );
-  datecentre[9] = '\0' ;
-  sscanf ( &datecentre[8] , "%c" , &jprim0 );
-  datecentre[8] = '\0' ;
-  sscanf ( &datecentre[7] , "%c" , &mprim1 );
-  datecentre[7] = '\0' ;
-  sscanf ( &datecentre[6] , "%c" , &mprim0 );
-  datecentre[6] = '\0' ;
-  sscanf ( &datecentre[5] , "%c" , &aprim1 );
-  datecentre[5] = '\0' ;
-  sscanf ( &datecentre[4] , "%c" , &aprim0 );
-  datecentre[4] = '\0' ;
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.8 : FA : Rajout SCENE au début de chaine DATASET_NAME   */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM : DIMAP Ajouter un espace entre SCENE et numsat  */
-/*                            dans le DATASET_NAME                           */
-  sprintf ( datasetname_centre , "SCENE %c %.3d-%.3d %c%c/%c%c/%c%c %c%c:%c%c:%c%c %c %c\0" ,
-            satn , K , J , aprim0 , aprim1 , mprim0 , mprim1 , jprim0 , jprim1 ,hprim0 ,
-	    hprim1 , miprim0 , miprim1 , sprim0 , sprim1 , insn , codecapt );
-  sprintf ( dsetname , "%c%.3d%.3d%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c\0" ,
-            satn , K , J , a0 , a1 , m0 , m1 , j0 , j1 , h0 ,
-	    h1 , mi0 , mi1 , s0 , s1 , insn , codecapt );
-  sprintf ( dsetname_centre , "%c%.3d%.3d%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c\0" ,
-            satn , K , J , aprim0 , aprim1 , mprim0 , mprim1 , jprim0 , jprim1 , hprim0 ,
-            hprim1 , miprim0 , miprim1 , sprim0 , sprim1 , insn , codecapt );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 15 octets 			                  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 15 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture du nom de satellite                          */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 4);
-  if ( cr_read != 4 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][4] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( satellite , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , satellite );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture du num de satellite                          */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 12 );
-  if ( cr_read != 12 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][12] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  satellite_index = 0;
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] ,"%d" , &satellite_index ); 
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture du nom d'instrument                          */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  if ( satellite_index != 4 )
-    {
-    cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 3 );
-    if ( cr_read != 3 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    TABLEAU[0][3] = '\0';
-    /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-    /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
-      {
-      TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-      }
-   sprintf ( instrument , "\0" );
-   sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , instrument );
-    cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 13 );
-    if ( cr_read != 13 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    TABLEAU[0][13] = '\0';
-    /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-    /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 13 ; i++ )
-      {
-      TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-      }
-     instrument_index=0;      
-     sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%d" , &instrument_index );      
-    }
-  else
-    {
-    cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 5 );
-    if ( cr_read != 5 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    TABLEAU[0][5] = '\0';
-    /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-    /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ )
-      {
-      TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-      }
-     sprintf ( instrument , "\0" );   
-     sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , instrument );
-    cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 11 );
-    if ( cr_read != 11 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    TABLEAU[0][11] = '\0';
-    /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-    /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 11 ; i++ )
-      {
-      TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-      }
-      instrument_index=0;      
-     sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%d" , &instrument_index );      
-    }
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture du mode spectral                             */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-    sprintf ( mode_spect , "\0" );
-    sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , mode_spect );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture du revolution number                         */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( revolution , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , revolution );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture du nombre de pas mirroir                     */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( mirror_step , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , mirror_step );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture du mode de compression                       */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( compression , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , compression );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture du direct playback                           */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( direct_playback , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , direct_playback );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture du nombre_de_gains                           */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  for ( j=0  ; j < 4 ; j++ )
-  {
-    cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 4 );
-    if ( cr_read != 4 )
-    {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-    }
-    TABLEAU[0][4] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-    for ( i=0  ; i < 4 ; i++ )
-    {
-      TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-    sprintf(nb_gains[j],"\0");
-    sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , nb_gains[j] );
-  }
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture du step_num                                  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 4 );
-  if ( cr_read != 4 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][4] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( stepnum , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , stepnum );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture du coupled mode                              */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 2 );
-  if ( cr_read != 2 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][2] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i=0  ; i < 2 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( coupled , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , coupled );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 250 octets			                  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 250 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture du nombre de colonnes			  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */  
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i=0  ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  nb_col=0;
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0], "%d", &nb_col );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture du nombre de lignes			  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i=0  ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  nb_lig=0;
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0], "%d", &nb_lig );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture de bands layout                              */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i=0  ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( band_layout, "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , band_layout );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture du nombre de Bandes spectrales               */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  nb_bs=0;
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0], "%d", &nb_bs );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture indicateur de Bandes spectrales              */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-   sprintf ( spect_ind , "\0" );
-  strcpy ( spect_ind , TABLEAU[0] );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 240 octets                                  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 240 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture du niveau de traitement                       */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( niv_trait , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , niv_trait );
-  if (strlen(niv_trait)==0) sprintf ( niv_trait , "0" );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 32 octets                                    */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 32 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture de resampling method                          */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( resampling , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , resampling );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture de la taille des pixels sur les lignes        */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( taille_pixlig , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , taille_pixlig );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture de la taille des pixels sur les colonnes      */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( taille_pixcol , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , taille_pixcol );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture de la projection cartographique               */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 32);
-   if ( cr_read != 32 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-   goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][32] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i++)
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( mapproj , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , mapproj );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture longueur image en Y                           */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( lgy , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , lgy );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture longueur image en X                           */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16);
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( lgx , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , lgx );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture Mean_Rectification_Elevation (2A)             */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 9 );
-   if ( cr_read != 9 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][9] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( mean , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , mean );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 143 octets                                    */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 143 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coordonnees X pixel 1,1                       */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 12);
-   if ( cr_read != 12 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][12] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( x0 , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , x0 );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coordonnees Y pixel 1,1                       */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 12);
-   if ( cr_read != 12 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][12] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( y0, "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , y0 );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 96 octets                                    */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 96 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture date de calibration                           */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead , TABLEAU[0] , 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( datecal , "\0" );
-  jourcal=0;
-  moiscal=0;
-  anneecal=0;
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , datecal );
-  if (strlen(datecal) != 0)
-  {
-    sscanf ( &datecal[6] , "%d" , &jourcal );
-    datecal[6] = '\0';
-    sscanf ( &datecal[4] , "%d" , &moiscal );
-    datecal[4] = '\0';
-    sscanf ( datecal, "%d" , &anneecal );
-  }
-  sprintf ( datecalib , "%.4d-%.2d-%.2d" , anneecal , moiscal , jourcal );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff de calibration                          */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  for ( j = 0; j < 4 ; j++ )
-  {
-    cr_read = read ( desc_lead , TABLEAU[j] , 8 );
-     if ( cr_read != 8 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    TABLEAU[j][8] = '\0';
-    /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-    /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ )
-      {
-      TABLEAU[j][i] = TABLEAU[j][i] & 0177;
-      }
-      sprintf(gains_a[j],"\0");
-    sscanf ( TABLEAU[j] , "%s" , gains_a[j] );
-  }
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 480 octets                                   */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 480 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture offset de calibration                         */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  for ( j = 0; j < 4 ; j++ )
-  {
-    cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[j], 8 );
-    if ( cr_read != 8 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    TABLEAU[j][8] = '\0';
-    /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-    /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ )
-      {
-      TABLEAU[j][i] = TABLEAU[j][i] & 0177;
-      }
-    sprintf ( gains_b[j] , "\0" );
-    sscanf ( TABLEAU[j] , "%s" , gains_b[j] );
-  }
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 1191 octets                                  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 608 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture shift val                                     */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 8 );
-   if ( cr_read != 8 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][8] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( shval , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , shval );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 100 octets                                   */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 100 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture SWIR REGISTRATION FLAG                        */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  swir=0;
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%d" , &swir );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 459 octets                                   */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 459 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff a                                       */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( coeffa , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , coeffa );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff b                                       */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( coeffb , "\0" ) ;
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , coeffb );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff c                                       */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( coeffc , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , coeffc );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff d                                       */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-   sprintf ( coeffd , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , coeffd );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff e                                       */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( coeffe , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , coeffe );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff f                                       */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( coefff , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , coefff );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff ap                                      */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( coeffap , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , coeffap );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff bp                                      */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( coeffbp , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , coeffbp );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff cp                                      */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( coeffcp , "\0" ) ;
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , coeffcp );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff dp                                      */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( coeffdp , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , coeffdp );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff ep                                      */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( coeffep , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , coeffep );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff fp                                      */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( coefffp , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , coefffp );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 269 octets                                   */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 269 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /********************************************************/
-  /*         LEADER EPHEMERIS/ATTITUDE RECORD             */
-  /********************************************************/
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 3384 octets                                  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 20 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-     printf ( " erreur69\n" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  for ( j = 0; j < 9 ; j++ )
-    {
-    /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-    /* Lecture X , Y , Z location points                     */
-    /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-    cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 12 );
-     if ( cr_read != 12 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    TABLEAU[0][12] = '\0';
-    /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-    /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++ )
-      {
-      TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-      }
-    X_loc[j] =0.0;
-    sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%lf" , &X_loc[j] );
-    cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 12 );
-     if ( cr_read != 12 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    TABLEAU[0][12] = '\0';
-    /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-    /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++ )
-      {
-      TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-      }
-    Y_loc[j]= 0.0;
-    sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%lf" , &Y_loc[j] );
-    cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 12 );
-     if ( cr_read != 12 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    TABLEAU[0][12]='\0';
-    /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-    /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++ )
-      {
-      TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-      }
-    Z_loc[j] =0.0;
-    sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%lf" , &Z_loc[j] );
-    cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 12 );
-     if ( cr_read != 12 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    TABLEAU[0][12] = '\0';
-    /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-    /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++ )
-      {
-      TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-      }
-    X_vel[j] =0.0;
-    sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%lf" , &X_vel[j] );
-    cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 12 );
-     if ( cr_read != 12 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    TABLEAU[0][12] = '\0';
-    /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-    /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++ )
-      {
-      TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-      }
-    Y_vel[j] =0.0;
-    sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%lf" , &Y_vel[j] );
-    cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 12 );
-     if ( cr_read != 12 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    TABLEAU[0][12] = '\0';
-    /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-    /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++ )
-      {
-      TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-      }
-    Z_vel[j] =0.0;
-    sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%lf" , &Z_vel[j] );
-    /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-    /* Lecture satellite time                                */
-    /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-    cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 5 );
-     if ( cr_read != 5 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    TABLEAU[0][5]='\0';
-    /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-    /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ )
-      {
-      TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-      }
-    jours[j] =0 ;
-    sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%ld" , &jours[j] );
-    cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 23 );
-     if ( cr_read != 23 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    TABLEAU[0][23] = '\0';
-    /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-    /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 23 ; i++ )
-      {
-      TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-      }
-    sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , toto );
-    secondes[j] = (double) atof ( toto );
-    cai_JulToGreg ( jours[j] , secondes[j] , time[j] );
-    }
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture DORIS FLAG                                    */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 2 );
-   if ( cr_read != 2 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][2] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-   dorisused[0]='\0';
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , dorisused );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 24 octets                                    */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 24 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture line period                                   */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 12 );
-   if ( cr_read != 12 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][12] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( lineperiod , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , lineperiod );
-  periodeligne = atof ( lineperiod ) * 0.001;
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture outofrange                                    */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 2 );
-   if ( cr_read != 2 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][2] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( outofrange , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , outofrange );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 4 octets                                     */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 4 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture timescenecenter                               */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 30 );
-   if ( cr_read != 30 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][30] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 30 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( timecenter , "\0" );
-  sprintf ( time_scenecenter , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , time_scenecenter );
-  if (time_scenecenter[0]!='\0')
-  {
-      strcpy ( timecenter , time_scenecenter );
-     secondescenter = atof ( &time_scenecenter[5] );
-     time_scenecenter[5] = '\0';
-     jourscenter = 0;
-     sscanf ( time_scenecenter , "%ld" , &jourscenter );
-     cai_JulToGreg ( jourscenter , secondescenter , time_scenecenter );
-  }
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 6 octets                                     */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 6 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  for ( j = 0; j < 73 ; j++ )
-    {
-    /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-    /* Lecture attitude line number                          */
-    /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-    cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 4 );
-     if ( cr_read != 4 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    TABLEAU[0][4] = '\0';
-    /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-    /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ )
-      {
-      TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-      }
-    line[j] = 0 ;
-    sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%d" , &line[j] );
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.6 : FA : erreur calcul de la datation des attitudes     */
-    cai_addtime ( time_angle[j] ,  timecenter ,
-                                  ((double) ( line[j] - nbc_c ))*periodeligne );
-    /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-    /* Lecture rotation yaw axis                             */
-    /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-    cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 5 );
-     if ( cr_read != 5 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    TABLEAU[0][5] = '\0';
-    /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-    /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ )
-      {
-      TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-      }
-    yawdeg = atof ( TABLEAU[0] );
-    yawrad = cai_DegreeToRadian ( yawdeg ) * 0.000001;
-    if ( j == 72 )
-      {
-      strcpy ( yaw[j] , "" );
-      sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , yaw[j] );
-      if ( strcmp ( yaw[j] , "" ) !=0)
-        sprintf ( yaw[j] , "%.12lf" , yawrad );
-      }
-    else      
-      sprintf ( yaw[j] , "%.12lf" , yawrad );
-    /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-    /* Lecture rotation roll axis                            */
-    /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-    cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 5 );
-     if ( cr_read != 5 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    TABLEAU[0][5] = '\0';
-    /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-    /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ )
-      {
-      TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-      }
-    yawdeg = atof ( TABLEAU[0] ) * 0.000001;
-    yawrad = cai_DegreeToRadian ( yawdeg );
-    sprintf ( roll[j] , "%.12lf" , yawrad );
-    /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-    /* Lecture rotation pitch axis                           */
-    /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-    cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 5 );
-     if ( cr_read != 5 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    TABLEAU[0][5] = '\0';
-    /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-    /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ )
-      {
-      TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-      }
-    yawdeg = atof ( TABLEAU[0] ) * 0.000001;
-    yawrad = cai_DegreeToRadian ( yawdeg );
-    sprintf ( pitch[j] , "%.12lf" , yawrad );
-    /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-    /* Saut de 1 octet                                      */
-    /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-    cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 1 , SEEK_CUR );
-    if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    }
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture psi_x_first                                   */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 8 );
-   if ( cr_read != 8 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][8] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  /*  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , psi_x_first );*/
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture psi_x_last                                    */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 8 );
-   if ( cr_read != 8 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][8] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  /*  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , psi_x_last );*/
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture psi_y_first                                   */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 8 );
-   if ( cr_read != 8 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][8] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  /*  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , psi_y_first );*/
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture psi_y_last                                    */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 8 );
-   if ( cr_read != 8 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][8] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  /*  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , psi_x_last );*/
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 508 octets                                   */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 508 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  for ( j = 0; j < 2 ; j++ )
-  {
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture line number raw scene                         */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 8 );
-   if ( cr_read != 8 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][8] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  line_raw[j]= 0 ;
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%d" , &line_raw[j] );
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.6 : FA : erreur calcul de la datation des attitudes     */
-  cai_addtime ( timeyaw[j] ,  timecenter ,
-                             ((double) ( line_raw[j] - nbc_c ))*periodeligne );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture yaw_angle                                     */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 8 );
-   if ( cr_read != 8 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][8] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  yawdeg = atof ( TABLEAU[0] ) * 0.000001;
-  yawrad = cai_DegreeToRadian ( yawdeg );
-  sprintf ( yaw_angle[j] , "%.12lf" , yawrad );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture roll_angle                                    */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 8 );
-   if ( cr_read != 8 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][8] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  yawdeg = atof ( TABLEAU[0] ) * 0.000001;
-  yawrad = cai_DegreeToRadian ( yawdeg );
-  sprintf ( roll_angle[j] , "%.12lf" , yawrad );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture pitch_angle                                   */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 8 );
-   if ( cr_read != 8 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][8] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  yawdeg = atof ( TABLEAU[0] ) * 0.000001;
-  yawrad = cai_DegreeToRadian ( yawdeg );
-  sprintf ( pitch_angle[j] , "%.12lf" , yawrad );
-  }
-  if ( nb_bs == 1 )
-    ind_max = nb_bs;
-  else
-  if ( nb_bs == 3 )
-    ind_max = 2;
-  else
-    ind_max = 3;
-  for ( j = 0; j < ind_max ; j++ )
-  {
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture psi_x_first                                   */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 12 );
-   if ( cr_read != 12 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][12] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  cai_DMS_To_Float ( TABLEAU[0] , &psideg );
-  psi_x_first[j] = cai_DegreeToRadian ( psideg );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture psi_x_last                                    */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 12 );
-   if ( cr_read != 12 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][12] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  cai_DMS_To_Float ( TABLEAU[0] , &psideg );
-  psi_x_last[j] = cai_DegreeToRadian ( psideg );  
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture psi_y_first                                   */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 12 );
-   if ( cr_read != 12 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][12] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  cai_DMS_To_Float ( TABLEAU[0] , &psideg );
-  psi_y_first[j] = cai_DegreeToRadian ( psideg );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture psi_y_last                                    */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 12 );
-   if ( cr_read != 12 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][12] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  psideg = 0.0;
-  cai_DMS_To_Float ( TABLEAU[0] , &psideg );
-  psi_y_last[j] = cai_DegreeToRadian ( psideg );
-  }
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* saut different selon le nombre d'angles lus           */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  if ( ind_max == 1 )
-    {
-    /* saut de 8*12 octets */
-    /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-    /* Saut de 96 octets                                    */
-    /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-    cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 96 , SEEK_CUR );
-    if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    }
-  else
-  if ( ind_max == 2 )
-    {
-    /* saut de 4*12 octets */
-    /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-    /* Saut de 48 octets                                    */
-    /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-    cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 48 , SEEK_CUR );
-    if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    }
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture date julienne                                 */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 7 );
-   if ( cr_read != 7 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][7] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  jourjul=0;
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%d" , &jourjul );
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 5 );
-   if ( cr_read != 5 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][5] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  datejul=0;
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%d" , &datejul );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture major axis                                    */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 12 );
-   if ( cr_read != 12 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][12] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( axis , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , axis );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture ex                                            */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( ex , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , ex );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture ey                                            */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( ey , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , ey );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture inclinaison                                   */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 12 );
-   if ( cr_read != 12 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][12] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( inclin , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , inclin );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture ascension                                     */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 12 );
-   if ( cr_read != 12 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][12] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( ascension , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , ascension );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture latitude argument                             */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 12 );
-   if ( cr_read != 12 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][12] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( latarg , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , latarg );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture p7                                            */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( p7 , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , p7 );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture p8                                            */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( p8 , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , p8 );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture p9                                            */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 12 );
-   if ( cr_read != 12 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][12] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( p9 , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , p9 );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture p10                                            */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( p10 , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , p10 );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture segmentstart                                  */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 8 );
-   if ( cr_read != 8 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][8] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( segmentstart , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , segmentstart );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture scenestart                                    */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 8 );
-   if ( cr_read != 8 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][8] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( scenestart , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , scenestart );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture segmentend                                    */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 8 );
-   if ( cr_read != 8 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][8] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( segmentend , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , segmentend );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture UT date                                       */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 7 );
-   if ( cr_read != 7 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][7] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  utdatej=0;
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%d" , &utdatej );
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 5 );
-   if ( cr_read != 5 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][5] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  utdates=0;
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%d" , &utdates );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture clockvalue                                    */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 12 );
-   if ( cr_read != 12 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][12] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( clockvalue , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , clockvalue );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture clockperiod                                   */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 12 );
-   if ( cr_read != 12 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][12] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( clockperiod , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , clockperiod );  
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture boardtime                                     */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 12 );
-   if ( cr_read != 12 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][12] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( boardtime , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , boardtime );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 528 octets                                   */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 528 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /********************************************************/
-  /********************************************************/
-  ind_gain_val = 0;
-  ind_dark_val = 0;
-  for ( ind_gains = 0 ; ind_gains < 16 ; ind_gains++ )
-    {
-    /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-    /* Saut de 24 octets                                    */
-    /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-    cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 24 , SEEK_CUR );
-    if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-    /* Lecture du flag indiquant si c'est un gains ou dark  */
-    /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-    cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 4 );
-    if ( cr_read != 4 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    TABLEAU[0][4] = '\0';
-    /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-    /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ )
-      {
-      TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-      }
-    type_gain =0;
-    sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%d" , &type_gain );
-    /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-    /* Saut de 20 octets                                    */
-    /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-    cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 20 , SEEK_CUR );
-    if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-    /* Lecture date calibration de cette bande              */
-    /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-    cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 8 );
-    if ( cr_read != 8 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    TABLEAU[0][8] = '\0';
-    /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-    /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ )
-      {
-      TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-      }
-    relativeannee=0;
-    sscanf ( &(TABLEAU[0][4]) , "%d" , &relativeannee );
-    TABLEAU[0][4] = '\0';
-    relativemois=0;
-    sscanf ( &(TABLEAU[0][2]) , "%d" , &relativemois );
-    TABLEAU[0][2] = '\0';
-    relativejour=0;
-    sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%d" , &relativejour );
-    sprintf ( relativedatecalib[ind_gains] , "%.4d-%.2d-%.2d 00:00:00" , relativeannee ,
-              relativemois , relativejour );
-    /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-    /* Saut de 4 octets                                     */
-    /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-    cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 4 , SEEK_CUR );
-    if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    if ( type_gain == 1 )
-      {
-      for ( ind_tab_gain = 0 ; ind_tab_gain < 1500 ; ind_tab_gain++ )
-        {
-        /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-        /* Lecture des 1500 gains                               */
-        /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-        cr_read = read ( desc_lead, &val , 2 );
-        if ( cr_read != 2 )
-          {
-          sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-          goto ERREUR;
-          }
-         if (strcmp(type_machine,"LE")==0) 
-         { 
-	     swab((void*)&val,(void*)&valtemp,2);
-             val=valtemp;
-         }
-	 val_float = (float) val/10000.0;
-	 gain_value[ind_gain_val][ind_tab_gain] = val_float ;
-        }
-      ind_gain_val++;
-      }
-    else if ( type_gain == 2 )
-    {
-      for ( ind_tab_gain =0 ; ind_tab_gain < 1500 ; ind_tab_gain++ )
-        {
-        /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-        /* Lecture des 1500 darks                               */
-        /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-        cr_read = read ( desc_lead, &val, 2 );
-        if ( cr_read != 2 )
-          {
-          sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-          goto ERREUR;
-          }
-         if (strcmp(type_machine,"LE")==0) 
-         { 
-	     swab((void*)&val,(void*)&valtemp,2);
-             val=valtemp;
-         }
-	 val_float = (float) val/10.0;
-	 dark_value[ind_dark_val][ind_tab_gain] = val_float ;
-        }
-      ind_dark_val++;
-     }
-     else
-     {
-/* Valeurs non significatives . Saut de l'enregistrement */
-	 cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 3000 , SEEK_CUR );
-     }
-    /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-    /* Saut de 900 octets                                   */
-    /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-    cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 900 , SEEK_CUR );
-    if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }      
-    }
-  /********************************************************/
-  /*             LEADER MODELIZATION RECORD               */
-  /********************************************************/
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 16 octets                                    */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 16 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture first pixel of the raw scene                  */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 8 );
-   if ( cr_read != 8 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][8] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( fpixraw , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , fpixraw );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture first line of the raw scene                   */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 8 );
-   if ( cr_read != 8 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][8] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( flineraw , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , flineraw );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture first pixel 1b of the raw scene               */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 8 );
-   if ( cr_read != 8 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][8] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( fpix1b , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , fpix1b );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture first line 1b of the raw scene                */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 8 );
-   if ( cr_read != 8 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][8] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( fline1b , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , fline1b );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 32 octets                                    */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 32 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture al                                            */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( al , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , al );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture bl                                            */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( bl , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , bl );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture cl                                            */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( cl , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , cl );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture ap                                            */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( ap , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , ap );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture bp                                            */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( bp , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , bp );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture cp                                            */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( cp , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , cp );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 16 octets                                    */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 16 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture i_m                                           */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( im , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , im );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture delta_i                                       */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( deltai , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , deltai );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture j_m                                           */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( jm , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , jm );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture delta_j                                       */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( deltaj , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , deltaj );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture l_m                                           */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( lm , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , lm );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture delta_l                                       */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( deltal , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , deltal );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture p_m                                           */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( pm , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , pm );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture delta_p                                       */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( deltap , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , deltap );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 16 octets                                    */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 16 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff_i                                       */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( coeffi , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , coeffi );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture ai                                            */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( ai , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , ai );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture bi                                            */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( bi  , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , bi );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture ci                                            */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( ci , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , ci );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture di                                            */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( di , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , di );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture ei                                            */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( ei , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , ei );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff_j                                       */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( coeffj , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , coeffj );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture aj                                            */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( aj , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , aj );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture bj                                            */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( bj , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , bj );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture cj                                            */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( cj , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , cj );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff_a                                       */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( coeff_a , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , coeff_a );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture aa                                            */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( aa , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , aa );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture ba                                            */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( ba , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , ba );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture ca                                            */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( ca  , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , ca );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture da                                            */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( da  , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , da );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff_b                                       */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( coeff_b , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , coeff_b );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture ab                                            */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( ab , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , ab );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture bb                                            */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( bb , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , bb );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture cb                                            */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( cb , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , cb );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture db                                            */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( db , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , db );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture eb                                            */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( eb , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , eb );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 16 octets                                    */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 16 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff_l                                       */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( coeff_l , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , coeff_l );
-   /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture a_l                                           */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( a_l , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , a_l );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture b_l                                           */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( b_l , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , b_l );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture c_l                                           */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( c_l , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , c_l );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture d_l                                           */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( d_l , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , d_l );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture e_l                                           */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( e_l , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , e_l );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff_p                                       */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( coeff_p , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , coeff_p );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture a_p                                           */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( a_p , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , a_p );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture b_p                                           */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( b_p , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , b_p );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture c_p                                           */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( c_p , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , c_p );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 16 octets                                    */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 16 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture alswir                                        */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( alswir  , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , alswir );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture blswir                                        */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-   ;
-  sprintf ( blswir , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , blswir );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture clswir                                        */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( clswir , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , clswir );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture apswir                                        */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( apswir , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , apswir );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture bpswir                                        */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( bpswir  , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , bpswir );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture cpswir                                        */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( cpswir , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , cpswir );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 16 octets                                    */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 16 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /*     lecture de reverse simplified location model     */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff rlma                                    */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  TABLEAU[0][0]='\0'; 
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  strcpy ( rlma , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , rlma );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff rlmb                                    */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  strcpy ( rlmb , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , rlmb );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff rlmc                                    */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  strcpy ( rlmc , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" ,  rlmc);
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff rlmd                                    */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  strcpy ( rlmd , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , rlmd );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff rlme                                    */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  strcpy ( rlme , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , rlme );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff rlmf                                    */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  TABLEAU[0][0]='\0'; 
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  strcpy ( rlmf , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , rlmf );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff rlmap                                   */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  strcpy ( rlmap , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , rlmap );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff rlmbp                                   */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  strcpy ( rlmbp , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , rlmbp );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff rlmcp                                   */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( rlmcp  , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , rlmcp );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff rlmdp                                   */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( rlmdp , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , rlmdp );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff rlmep                                   */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( rlmep , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , rlmep );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture coeff rlmfp                                   */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-   if ( cr_read != 16 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( rlmfp , "\0" );
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , rlmfp );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 2792 octets                                  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 2792 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /********************************************************/
-  /*         LEADER GROUND CONTROL POINT RECORD           */
-  /********************************************************/
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 3960 octets                                  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 3960 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-     sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /********************************************************/
-  /*             LEADER HISTOGRAM RECORD                  */
-  /********************************************************/
-  for ( j = 0; j < nb_bs ; j++ )
-    {
-    /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-    /* Saut de 2470 octets                                  */
-    /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-    cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 2470 , SEEK_CUR );
-    if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-      {
-       sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-       goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-    /* Lecture lowthresh                                     */
-    /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-    cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 8 );
-     if ( cr_read != 8 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    TABLEAU[0][8] = '\0';
-    /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-    /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ )
-      {
-      TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-      }
-    sprintf ( lowtresh[j] , "\0" );
-    sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , lowtresh[j]  );
-    /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-    /* Lecture upthresh                                      */
-    /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-    cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 8 );
-     if ( cr_read != 8 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    TABLEAU[0][8] = '\0';
-    /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-    /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ )
-      {
-      TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-      }
-    sprintf ( uptresh[j] , "\0" );
-    sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , uptresh[j] );
-    /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-    /* Lecture firstwavelength                               */
-    /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-    cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 8 );
-     if ( cr_read != 8 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    TABLEAU[0][8] = '\0';
-    /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-    /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ )
-      {
-      TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-      }
-    unwave =0.0;
-    sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%lf" , &unwave );
-    sprintf ( firstwave[j] , "%.12lf" , unwave * 0.000001 );
-    /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-    /* Lecture wavelengthstep                                */
-    /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-    cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 4 );
-     if ( cr_read != 4 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    TABLEAU[0][4] = '\0';
-    /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-    /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ )
-      {
-      TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-      }
-    wavelong=0.0;
-    sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%lf" , &wavelong );
-    sprintf ( wavelengthstep[j] , "%.12lf" , wavelong * 0.000000001 );
-    /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-    /* Lecture des 64 coefficients                           */
-    /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-    for ( ind_tab_gain = 0  ; ind_tab_gain < 64 ; ind_tab_gain++ )
-      {  
-      cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 5 );
-      if ( cr_read != 5 )
-        {
-        sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-        goto ERREUR;
-        }
-      TABLEAU[0][5] = '\0';
-      /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-      /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-      for ( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ )
-        {
-        TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-        }
-      sprintf (  spectral_sensitivitie[j][ind_tab_gain] , "\0" );
-      sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , spectral_sensitivitie[j][ind_tab_gain] );
-      }
-    /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-    /* Lecture solar_irradiance                              */
-    /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-    cr_read = read ( desc_lead, TABLEAU[0], 4 );
-     if ( cr_read != 4 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    TABLEAU[0][4] = '\0';
-    /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-    /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ )
-      {
-      TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-      }
-     sprintf ( solar_irradiance[j] , "\0" );
-     sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%s" , solar_irradiance[j] );
-    /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-    /* Saut de 1138 octets                                  */
-    /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-    cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_lead , 1138 , SEEK_CUR );
-    if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-      {
-       sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Leader octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-       goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    }
-  /********************************************************/
-  /********************************************************/
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Retour au debut du fichier		  		  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_vol , 0L , 0 );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Volume Directory octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 60 octects 		  		  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_vol , 60 , SEEK_SET );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Volume Directory octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture job_id                                        */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_vol, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-   {
-   sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Volume Directory octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-   goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-    sprintf ( job_id , "\0" );
-  strcpy ( job_id , TABLEAU[0] );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture product_type                                  */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_vol, TABLEAU[0], 16 );
-  if ( cr_read != 16 )
-   {
-   sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Volume Directory octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-   goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  TABLEAU[0][16] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf( product_type, "\0" );
-  strcpy ( product_type , TABLEAU[0] );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 20 octects 		  		  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_vol , 20 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Volume Directory octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture product_date                                  */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture product_annee                                 */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_vol, TABLEAU[0], 4 );
-  if ( cr_read != 4 )
-   {
-   sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Volume Directory octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-   goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  TABLEAU[0][4] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  product_annee=0;
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%d" , &product_annee );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture product_mois                                  */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_vol, TABLEAU[0], 2 );
-  if ( cr_read != 2 )
-   {
-   sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Volume Directory octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-   goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  TABLEAU[0][2] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  product_mois=0;
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%d" , &product_mois );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture product_jour                                  */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_vol, TABLEAU[0], 2 );
-  if ( cr_read != 2 )
-   {
-   sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Volume Directory octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-   goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  TABLEAU[0][2] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  product_jour=0;
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%d" , &product_jour );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture product_heure                                 */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_vol, TABLEAU[0], 2 );
-  if ( cr_read != 2 )
-   {
-   sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Volume Directory octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-   goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  TABLEAU[0][2] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  product_heure =0;
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%d" , &product_heure );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture product_min                                   */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_vol, TABLEAU[0], 2 );
-  if ( cr_read != 2 )
-   {
-   sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Volume Directory octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-   goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  TABLEAU[0][2] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  product_min=0;
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%d" , &product_min );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture product_sec                                   */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_vol, TABLEAU[0], 2 );
-  if ( cr_read != 2 )
-   {
-   sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Volume Directory octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-   goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  TABLEAU[0][2] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  product_sec=0;
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%d" , &product_sec );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 2 octects 			  		  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_vol , 2 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Volume Directory octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture produser                                      */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_vol, TABLEAU[0], 12 );
-  if ( cr_read != 12 )
-   {
-   sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Volume Directory octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-   goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  TABLEAU[0][12] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( produser , "\0" );
-  strcpy ( produser , TABLEAU[0] );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture processing_center                             */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_vol, TABLEAU[0], 8 );
-  if ( cr_read != 8 )
-   {
-   sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Volume Directory octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-   goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  TABLEAU[0][8] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( processing_center , "\0" );
-  strcpy ( processing_center , TABLEAU[0] );
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture software_name                                 */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_vol, TABLEAU[0], 12 );
-  if ( cr_read != 12 )
-   {
-   sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Volume Directory octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-   goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  TABLEAU[0][12] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( software_name , "\0" );
-  strcpy ( software_name , TABLEAU[0] );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 1296 octects 			  	  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_vol , 1296 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Volume Directory octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture source_description                            */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_vol, TABLEAU[0], 104 );
-  if ( cr_read != 104 )
-   {
-   sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Volume Directory octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-   goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  TABLEAU[0][104] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 104 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  sprintf ( source_description , "\0" );
-  strcpy ( source_description , TABLEAU[0] );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 18 octects 			  	  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_vol , 18 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Volume Directory octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture copyright                                     */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_vol, TABLEAU[0], 14 );
-  if ( cr_read != 14 )
-   {
-   sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Volume Directory octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-   goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  TABLEAU[0][14] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 14 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  strcpy ( copyright , TABLEAU[0] );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 2 octects 			     	          */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_vol , 2 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Volume Directory octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  cr_read = read ( desc_vol, TABLEAU[0], 12 );
-  if ( cr_read != 12 )
-   {
-   sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Volume Directory octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-   goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  TABLEAU[0][12] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  strcat ( copyright , TABLEAU[0] );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 2 octects 			     	          */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_vol , 2 , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Volume Directory octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  cr_read = read ( desc_vol, TABLEAU[0], 10 );
-  if ( cr_read != 10 )
-   {
-   sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Volume Directory octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-   goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  TABLEAU[0][10] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  strcat ( copyright , TABLEAU[0] );
-  /********************************************************/
-  /*         LECTURE DU FICHIER IMAGERY                   */
-  /********************************************************/
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Retour au debut du fichier		  		  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_img , 0L , 0 );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Imagery octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de 186 octects 		    	          */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_img , 186 , SEEK_SET );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Imagery octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Lecture longueur enregistrement                       */
-  /*-------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_read = read ( desc_img, TABLEAU[0], 6 );
-  if ( cr_read != 6 )
-   {
-   sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Imagery octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-   goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  TABLEAU[0][6] = '\0';
-  /* Pour ne pas lire les char suivants */
-  /* On met un masque sur le 8ieme bit de chaque octet : */
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < 6 ; i++ )
-    {
-    TABLEAU[0][i] = TABLEAU[0][i] & 0177;
-    }
-  lg_enreg = 0;
-  sscanf ( TABLEAU[0] , "%d" , &lg_enreg );
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Retour au debut du fichier		  		  */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_img , 0L , SEEK_SET );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Imagery octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  /* Saut de lg_enreg octects 		    	          */
-  /*------------------------------------------------------*/
-  cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_img , (long) lg_enreg , SEEK_CUR );
-  if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Imagery octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  for ( j = 0; j < nb_lig ; j++ )
-    {
-    for ( can = 0 ; can < nb_bs ; can++ )
-      {
-      /*---------------------------------------------------*/
-      /* Saut de lg_enreg octects 		           */
-      /*---------------------------------------------------*/
-      cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_img , (long) ( lg_enreg - 69 ), SEEK_CUR );
-      if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-        {
-        sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Imagery octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-        goto ERREUR;
-        }
-      /*----------------------------------------------------*/
-      /* Lecture loss flag                                  */
-      /*----------------------------------------------------*/
-      cr_read = read ( desc_img , &bad_line[j][can] , 1 );
-      if ( cr_read != 1 )
-        {
-        sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Imagery octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-        goto ERREUR;
-        }
-      /*---------------------------------------------------*/
-      /* Saut de 68 octects 		                   */
-      /*---------------------------------------------------*/
-      cr_lseek = lseek ( desc_img , 68 , SEEK_CUR );
-      if ( cr_lseek == -1 )
-        {
-        sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Lecture du fichier Imagery octet %ld" , cr_lseek );
-        goto ERREUR;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  /********************************************************/
-  /*         OUVERTURE DU FICHIER XML PRODUIT             */
-  /********************************************************/
-  if ( ( des = fopen ( chemin_descripteur , "wb" ) ) == NULL )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Ouverture du fichier XML" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /********************************************************/
-  /********************************************************/
-  /* Entete du document XML */
-  cr = cai_WriteEnteteXML ( des );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur Ecriture du fichier XML" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Element Dimap_document */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Dimap_Document" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Dimap_Document" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Sous element Metadata_Id */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Metadata_Id" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Metadata_Id" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element METADATA_FORMAT */
-  /*****************************************************************************/
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Version DIMAP passe de 2.0 à 2.9               */
-  type=0;
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXMLWithAttribute ( des , "METADATA_FORMAT" , "DIMAP" ,
-                                          "version" , "2.9" ,type);
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element METADATA_FORMAT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element METADATA_PROFILE */
-  profile = (char*) NULL;
-  profile = (char*) calloc ( strlen ( niv_trait ) + 11 , sizeof (char) );
-  sprintf ( profile , "SPOTSCENE_%s" , niv_trait );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "METADATA_PROFILE" , profile );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element METADATA_PROFILE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  FREE ( profile );
- /* Fermeture de l'element Metadata_Id */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Metadata_Id" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Metadata_Id" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Sous element Dataset_Id */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Dataset_Id" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Dataset_Id" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element DATASET_NAME */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "DATASET_NAME" , datasetname_centre );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element DATASET_NAME" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element COPYRIGHT */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "COPYRIGHT" , copyright );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element COPYRIGHT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'attribut href=""                   */
-  /* sous element DATASET_TN_PATH */
-  type=1;
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXMLWithAttribute ( des , "DATASET_TN_PATH" , "" , "href" , "" ,type);
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element DATASET_TN_PATH" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element DATASET_TN_FORMAT */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "DATASET_TN_FORMAT" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element DATASET_TN_FORMAT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element DATASET_QL_PATH */
-  type=1;
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXMLWithAttribute ( des , "DATASET_QL_PATH" , "" , "href" , "",type );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element DATASET_QL_PATH" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element DATASET_QL_FORMAT */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "DATASET_QL_FORMAT" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element DATASET_QL_FORMAT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Dataset_Id */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Dataset_Id" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Dataset_Id" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Sous element Dataset_Frame */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Dataset_Frame" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Dataset_Frame" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Vertex */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Vertex" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Vertex" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element FRAME_LON */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%lf" , lon_no );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "FRAME_LON" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element FRAME_LON" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element FRAME_LAT */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%lf" , lat_no );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "FRAME_LAT" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element FRAME_LAT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.8 : FA : Enlever le signe + pour FRAME_ROW, FRAME_COL   */
-/* Coin NO */
-  /* sous element FRAME_ROW */
-    sscanf ( ligc1 , "%d" ,&ivaleur  );
-    sprintf(Valeur,"%d",ivaleur);
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "FRAME_ROW" , Valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element FRAME_ROW" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element FRAME_COL */
-    sscanf ( colc1 , "%d" ,&ivaleur  );
-    sprintf(Valeur,"%d",ivaleur);
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "FRAME_COL" , Valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element FRAME_COL" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Vertex */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Vertex" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Vertex" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Vertex */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Vertex" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Vertex" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element FRAME_LON */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%f" , lon_ne );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "FRAME_LON" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element FRAME_LON" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element FRAME_LAT */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%f" , lat_ne );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "FRAME_LAT" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element FRAME_LAT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /*****************************************************************************/
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.8 : FA : Enlever le signe + pour FRAME_ROW, FRAME_COL   */
-/* Coin NE */
-  /* sous element FRAME_ROW */
-    sscanf ( ligc2 , "%d" ,&ivaleur  );
-    sprintf(Valeur,"%d",ivaleur);
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "FRAME_ROW" , Valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element FRAME_ROW" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element FRAME_COL */
-    sscanf ( colc2 , "%d" ,&ivaleur  );
-    sprintf(Valeur,"%d",ivaleur);
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "FRAME_COL" , Valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element FRAME_COL" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Vertex */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Vertex" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Vertex" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : FA : DIMAP dans le DATASET_FRAME, inversion des deux*/
-/*                            derniers vertex : à mettre dans l'ordre        */
-/*				NO,NE,SE,SO : inversion de c3 et c4          */
-/* Coin SE */
-/* sous element Vertex */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Vertex" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Vertex" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element FRAME_LON */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%lf" , lon_se );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "FRAME_LON" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element FRAME_LON" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element FRAME_LAT */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%lf" , lat_se );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "FRAME_LAT" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element FRAME_LAT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.8 : FA : Enlever le signe + pour FRAME_ROW, FRAME_COL   */
-  /* sous element FRAME_ROW */
-    sscanf ( ligc4 , "%d" ,&ivaleur  );
-    sprintf(Valeur,"%d",ivaleur);
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "FRAME_ROW" , Valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element FRAME_ROW" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element FRAME_COL */
-    sscanf ( colc4 , "%d" ,&ivaleur  );
-    sprintf(Valeur,"%d",ivaleur);
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "FRAME_COL" , Valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element FRAME_COL" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Vertex */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Vertex" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Vertex" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* Coin SO */
-  /* sous element Vertex */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Vertex" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Vertex" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element FRAME_LON */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%lf" , lon_so );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "FRAME_LON" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element FRAME_LON" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element FRAME_LAT */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%lf" , lat_so );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "FRAME_LAT" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element FRAME_LAT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.8 : FA : Enlever le signe + pour FRAME_ROW, FRAME_COL   */
-/* sous element FRAME_ROW */
-    sscanf ( ligc3 , "%d" ,&ivaleur  );
-    sprintf(Valeur,"%d",ivaleur);
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "FRAME_ROW" , Valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element FRAME_ROW" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element FRAME_COL */
-     sscanf ( colc3 , "%d" ,&ivaleur  );
-    sprintf(Valeur,"%d",ivaleur);
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "FRAME_COL" , Valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element FRAME_COL" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Vertex */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Vertex" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Vertex" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Scene_Center */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Scene_Center" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Scene_Center" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element FRAME_LON */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%lf" , lon_c );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "FRAME_LON" ,  valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element FRAME_LON" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element FRAME_LAT */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%lf" , lat_c );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "FRAME_LAT" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element FRAME_LAT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element FRAME_ROW */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%d" , nbc_c );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "FRAME_ROW" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element FRAME_ROW" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element FRAME_COL */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%d" , nbl_c );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "FRAME_COL" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element FRAME_COL" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Scene_Center */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Scene_Center" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Scene_Center" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SCENE_ORIENTATION */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SCENE_ORIENTATION" , angle_o );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SCENE_ORIENTATION" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Dataset_Frame */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Dataset_Frame" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Dataset_Frame" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Dataset_Sources */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Dataset_Sources" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Dataset_Sources" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Source_Information */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Source_Information" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Source_Information" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SOURCE_TYPE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SOURCE_TYPE" , "SCENE" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SOURCE_TYPE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SOURCE_ID */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SOURCE_ID" , dsetname_centre );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SOURCE_ID" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SOURCE_DESCRIPTION */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SOURCE_DESCRIPTION" , source_description );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SOURCE_DESCRIPTION" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Scene_Source */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Scene_Source" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Scene_Source" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element GRID_REFERENCE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "GRID_REFERENCE" , grille_ref );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element GRID_REFERENCE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SHIFT_VALUE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SHIFT_VALUE" , shift_val );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SHIFT_VALUE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element IMAGING_DATE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "IMAGING_DATE" , date );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element IMAGING_DATE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element IMAGING_TIME */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "IMAGING_TIME" , heure );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element IMAGING_TIME" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element MISSION */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "MISSION" , satellite );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element MISSION" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element MISSION_INDEX */
-  sprintf ( sat_ind , "%d" , satellite_index );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "MISSION_INDEX" , sat_ind );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element MISSION_INDEX" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element INSTRUMENT */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "INSTRUMENT" , instrument );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element INSTRUMENT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element INSTRUMENT_INDEX */
-  sprintf ( ins_ind , "%d" , instrument_index );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "INSTRUMENT_INDEX" , ins_ind );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element INSTRUMENT_INDEX" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SENSOR_CODE */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%c" , codecapt );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SENSOR_CODE" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SENSOR_CODE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SCENE_PROCESSING_LEVEL */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SCENE_PROCESSING_LEVEL" , niv_trait );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SCENE_PROCESSING_LEVEL" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element INCIDENCE_ANGLE */
-  if ( angle_in[0] == 'L' )
-    {
-    sprintf ( valeur , "-%s" , &angle_in[1] );
-    }
-  else if (angle_in[0] != '\0')
-    {
-    sprintf ( valeur , "%s" , &angle_in[1] );
-    }
-   else
-	sprintf(valeur, "\0");
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "INCIDENCE_ANGLE" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element INCIDENCE_ANGLE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SUN_AZIMUT */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SUN_AZIMUTH" , sunazim );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SUN_AZIMUT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SUN_ELEVATION */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SUN_ELEVATION" , sunelev );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SUN_ELEVATION" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Imaging_Parameters */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Imaging_Parameters" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Imaging_Parameters" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element REVOLUTION_NUMBER */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "REVOLUTION_NUMBER" , revolution );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element REVOLUTION_NUMBER" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element COMPRESSION_MODE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "COMPRESSION_MODE" , compression );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element COMPRESSION_MODE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element DIRECT_PLAYBACK_INDICATOR */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "DIRECT_PLAYBACK_INDICATOR" , direct_playback );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element DIRECT_PLAYBACK_INDICATOR" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element REFOCUSING_STEP_NUM */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "REFOCUSING_STEP_NUM" , stepnum );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element REFOCUSING_STEP_NUM" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element COUPLED_MODE_FLAG */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "COUPLED_MODE_FLAG" , coupled );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element COUPLED_MODE_FLAG" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SWATH_MODE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SWATH_MODE" , "FULL" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SWATH_MODE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Imaging_Parameters */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Imaging_Parameters" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Imaging_Parameters" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Scene_Source */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Scene_Source" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Scene_Source" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Source_Information */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Source_Information" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Source_Information" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Dataset_Sources */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Dataset_Sources" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Dataset_Sources" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Coordinate_Reference_System */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Coordinate_Reference_System" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Coordinate_Reference_System" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'attribut version="5.2"              */
-  /* sous element GEO_TABLES */
-    type=0;
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXMLWithAttribute ( des , "GEO_TABLES" , "EPSG" , "version" , "5.2",type );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element GEO_TABLES" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Horizontal_CS */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Horizontal_CS" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Horizontal_CS" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element HORIZONTAL_CS_TYPE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "HORIZONTAL_CS_TYPE" , "GEOGRAPHIC" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element HORIZONTAL_CS_TYPE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM : DIMAP remplissage des tags HORIZONTAL_CS_CODE  */
-/*                            et HORIZONTAL_CS_NAME avec des valeurs défauts */
-  /* sous element HORIZONTAL_CS_CODE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "HORIZONTAL_CS_CODE" , "epsg:4326" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element HORIZONTAL_CS_CODE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element HORIZONTAL_CS_NAME */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "HORIZONTAL_CS_NAME" , "WGS 84" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element HORIZONTAL_CS_NAME" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Horizontal_CS */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Horizontal_CS" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Horizontal_CS" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Coordinate_Reference_System */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Coordinate_Reference_System" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Coordinate_Reference_System" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Raster_CS */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Raster_CS" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Raster_CS" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element RASTER_CS_TYPE */
-  if ( strncmp ( niv_trait , "2A" , 2 ) ==0 )
-    {
-    cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "RASTER_CS_TYPE" , "CELL" );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element RASTER_CS_TYPE" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    }
-  else
-    {
-    cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "RASTER_CS_TYPE" , "POINT" );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element RASTER_CS_TYPE" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'element PIXEL_ORIGIN               */
-  /* sous element PIXEL_ORIGIN */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PIXEL_ORIGIN" , "1" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element PIXEL_ORIGIN" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Raster_CS */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Raster_CS" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Raster_CS" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Geoposition */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Geoposition" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Geoposition" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Geoposition_Points */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Geoposition_Points" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Geoposition_Points" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Tie_Point */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Tie_Point" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Tie_Point" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_CRS_X */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%lf" , lon_no );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_CRS_X" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element TIE_POINTS_CRS_X" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Y */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%lf" , lat_no );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_CRS_Y" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Y" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z           */
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_DATA_X */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.8 : FA : Enlever le signe + pour TIE_POINTS_DATA_X et   */
-/*					TIE_POINTS_DATA_Y                    */
-     sscanf ( ligc1 , "%d" ,&ivaleur  );
-    sprintf(Valeur,"%d",ivaleur);
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_DATA_X" , Valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element TIE_POINTS_DATA_X" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_DATA_Y */
-     sscanf ( colc1 , "%d" ,&ivaleur  );
-    sprintf(Valeur,"%d",ivaleur);
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_DATA_Y" , Valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element TIE_POINTS_DATA_Y" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Tie_Point */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Tie_Point" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Tie_Point" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Tie_Point */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Tie_Point" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Tie_Point" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_CRS_X */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%f" , lon_ne );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_CRS_X" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element TIE_POINTS_CRS_X" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Y */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%f" , lat_ne );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_CRS_Y" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Y" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z           */
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.8 : FA : Enlever le signe + pour TIE_POINTS_DATA_X et   */
-/*					TIE_POINTS_DATA_Y                    */
-     sscanf ( ligc2 , "%d" ,&ivaleur  );
-    sprintf(Valeur,"%d",ivaleur);
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_DATA_X" , Valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element TIE_POINTS_DATA_X" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_DATA_Y */
-    sscanf ( colc2 , "%d" ,&ivaleur  );
-    sprintf(Valeur,"%d",ivaleur);
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_DATA_Y" , Valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element TIE_POINTS_DATA_Y" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Tie_Point */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Tie_Point" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Tie_Point" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Tie_Point */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Tie_Point" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Tie_Point" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_CRS_X */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%lf" , lon_so );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_CRS_X" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element TIE_POINTS_CRS_X" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Y */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%lf" , lat_so );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_CRS_Y" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Y" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z           */
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.8 : FA : Enlever le signe + pour TIE_POINTS_DATA_X et   */
-/*					TIE_POINTS_DATA_Y                    */
- /* sous element TIE_POINTS_DATA_X */
-     sscanf ( ligc3 , "%d" ,&ivaleur  );
-    sprintf(Valeur,"%d",ivaleur);
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_DATA_X" , Valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element TIE_POINTS_DATA_X" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_DATA_Y */
-    sscanf ( colc3 , "%d" ,&ivaleur  );
-    sprintf(Valeur,"%d",ivaleur);
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_DATA_Y" , Valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element TIE_POINTS_DATA_Y" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Tie_Point */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Tie_Point" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Tie_Point" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Tie_Point */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Tie_Point" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Tie_Point" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_CRS_X */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%lf" , lon_se );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_CRS_X" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element TIE_POINTS_CRS_X" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Y */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%lf" , lat_se );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_CRS_Y" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Y" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z           */
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /*****************************************************************************/
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.8 : FA : Enlever le signe + pour TIE_POINTS_DATA_X et   */
-/*					TIE_POINTS_DATA_Y                    */
- /* sous element TIE_POINTS_DATA_X */
-     sscanf ( ligc4 , "%d" ,&ivaleur  );
-    sprintf(Valeur,"%d",ivaleur);
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_DATA_X" , Valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element TIE_POINTS_DATA_X" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_DATA_Y */
-     sscanf ( colc4 , "%d" ,&ivaleur  );
-    sprintf(Valeur,"%d",ivaleur);
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_DATA_Y" , Valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element TIE_POINTS_DATA_Y" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Tie_Point */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Tie_Point" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Tie_Point" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Geoposition_Points */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Geoposition_Points" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Geoposition_Points" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Deplacement de Simplified_Location_Model       */
-  /* sous element Simplified_Location_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Simplified_Location_Model" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Simplified_Location_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Direct_Location_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Direct_Location_Model" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Direct_Location_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element lc_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "lc_List" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element lc_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element lc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "lc" , coeffa );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element lc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element lc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "lc" , coeffb );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element lc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element lc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "lc" , coeffc );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element lc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element lc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "lc" , coeffd );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element lc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element lc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "lc" , coeffe );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element lc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element lc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "lc" , coefff );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element lc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element lc_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "lc_List" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element lc_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element pc_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "pc_List" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element pc_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element pc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "pc" , coeffap );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element pc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element pc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "pc" , coeffbp );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element pc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element pc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "pc" , coeffcp );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element pc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element pc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "pc" , coeffdp );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element pc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element pc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "pc" , coeffep );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element pc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element pc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "pc" , coefffp );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element pc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element pc_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "pc_List" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element pc_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Direct_Location_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Direct_Location_Model" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Direct_Location_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Reverse_Location_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Reverse_Location_Model" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Reverse_Location_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element lc_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "lc_List" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element lc_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element lc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "lc" , rlma );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element lc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element lc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "lc" , rlmb );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element lc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element lc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "lc" , rlmc );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element lc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element lc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "lc" , rlmd );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element lc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element lc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "lc" , rlme );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element lc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element lc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "lc" , rlmf );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element lc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element lc_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "lc_List" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element lc_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element pc_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "pc_List" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element pc_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element pc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "pc" , rlmap );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element pc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element pc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "pc" , rlmbp );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element pc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element pc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "pc" , rlmcp );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element pc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element pc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "pc" , rlmdp );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element pc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element pc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "pc" , rlmep );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element pc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element pc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "pc" , rlmfp );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element pc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element pc_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "pc_List" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element pc_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Reverse_Location_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Reverse_Location_Model" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Reverse_Location_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Simplified_Location_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Simplified_Location_Model" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Simplified_Location_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Geoposition */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Geoposition" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Geoposition" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Production */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Production" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Production" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element DATASET_PRODUCER_NAME */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "DATASET_PRODUCER_NAME" , processing_center );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element DATASET_PRODUCER_NAME" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout attribut href="http://www.spotimage.fr"   */
-  /* sous element DATASET_PRODUCER_URL */
-  type=1;
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXMLWithAttribute ( des , "DATASET_PRODUCER_URL" , "" ,
-                                  "href" , "http://www.spotimage.fr" ,type);
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element DATASET_PRODUCER_URL" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element DATASET_PRODUCTION_DATE */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%.4d-%.2d-%.2d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d" , product_annee ,
-            product_mois , product_jour , product_heure , product_min ,
-	    product_sec );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "DATASET_PRODUCTION_DATE" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element DATASET_PRODUCTION_DATE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element PRODUCT_TYPE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PRODUCT_TYPE" , product_type );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element PRODUCT_TYPE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element PRODUCT_INFO */
-  sprintf ( prod_info , "Spot SYSTEM SCENE level %s" , niv_trait );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PRODUCT_INFO" , prod_info );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element PRODUCT_INFO" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element JOB_ID */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "JOB_ID" , job_id );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element JOB_ID" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Production_Facility */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Production_Facility" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Production_Facility" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SOFTWARE_NAME */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SOFTWARE_NAME" , software_name );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SOFTWARE_NAME" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SOFTWARE_VERSION */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SOFTWARE_VERSION" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SOFTWARE_VERSION" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element PROCESSING_CENTER */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PROCESSING_CENTER" , software_name );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element PROCESSING_CENTER" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Production_Facility */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Production_Facility" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Production_Facility" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Production */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Production" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Production" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Raster_Dimensions */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Raster_Dimensions" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Raster_Dimensions" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element NCOLS */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%d" , nb_col );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "NCOLS" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element NCOLS" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element NROWS */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%d" , nb_lig );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "NROWS" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element NROWS" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element NBANDS */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%d" , nb_bs );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "NBANDS" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element NBANDS" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Raster_Dimensions */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Raster_Dimensions" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Raster_Dimensions" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Raster_Encoding */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Raster_Encoding" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Raster_Encoding" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element NBITS */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "NBITS" , "8" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element NBITS" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'element DATA_TYPE                  */
-  /* sous element DATA_TYPE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "DATA_TYPE" , "UNSIGNED" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element DATA_TYPE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element BYTEORDER */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BYTEORDER" , "M" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element BYTEORDER" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element BANDS_LAYOUT */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BANDS_LAYOUT" , band_layout );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element BANDS_LAYOUT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-   /* sous element SKIPBYTES */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SKIPBYTES" , "0" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SKIPBYTES" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* sous element COMPRESSION_NAME */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "COMPRESSION_NAME" , "NONE" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element COMPRESSION_NAME" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Raster_Encoding */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Raster_Encoding" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Raster_Encoding" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Data_Processing */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Data_Processing" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Data_Processing" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element PROCESSING_LEVEL */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PROCESSING_LEVEL" , niv_trait );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element PROCESSING_LEVEL" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element GEOMETRIC_PROCESSING */
-  if ( strncmp ( niv_trait , "2A" , 2 ) == 0)
-    {
-    cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "GEOMETRIC_PROCESSING" , "CARTO" );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element GEOMETRIC_PROCESSING" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    }
-  else
-  if ( ( strncmp ( niv_trait , "1A" , 2 ) == 0) ||
-       ( strncmp ( niv_trait , "0" , 1 ) == 0) )
-    {
-    cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "GEOMETRIC_PROCESSING" , "RAW" );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element GEOMETRIC_PROCESSING" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    }
-  else
-    {
-    cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "GEOMETRIC_PROCESSING" , "SYSTEM" );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element GEOMETRIC_PROCESSING" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    }
-  /* sous element RADIOMETRIC_PROCESSING */
-  if ( strncmp ( niv_trait , "0" , 1 ) != 0)
-    {
-    cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "RADIOMETRIC_PROCESSING" , "SYSTEM" );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element RADIOMETRIC_PROCESSING" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    }
-  else
-    {
-    cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "RADIOMETRIC_PROCESSING" , "NONE" );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element RADIOMETRIC_PROCESSING" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    }
-  /* sous element SPECTRAL_PROCESSING */
-  if ( ( codecapt == 'I' ) && ( nb_bs == 3 ) )
-    {
-    cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SPECTRAL_PROCESSING" , "X" );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SPECTRAL_PROCESSING" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    }
-  else
-  if ( ( codecapt == 'M' ) && ( nb_bs == 3 ) )
-    {
-    cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SPECTRAL_PROCESSING" , "M+X" );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SPECTRAL_PROCESSING" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    }
-  else
-  if ( ( codecapt == 'M' ) && ( nb_bs == 4 ) )
-    {
-    cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SPECTRAL_PROCESSING" , "M+I" );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SPECTRAL_PROCESSING" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    }
-  /* sous element Processing_Options */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Processing_Options" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Processing_Options" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  if ( strncmp ( niv_trait , "1B" , 2 ) == 0)
-    {
-    cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "MEAN_RECTIFICATION_ELEVATION" , "0" );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element MEAN_RECTIFICATION_ELEVATION" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    }
-  else
-  if ( strncmp ( niv_trait , "2A" , 2 ) == 0)  
-    {
-    cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "MEAN_RECTIFICATION_ELEVATION" , mean );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element MEAN_RECTIFICATION_ELEVATION" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    }
-  /* sous element Dynamic_Stretch */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Dynamic_Stretch" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Dynamic_Stretch" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < nb_bs ; i++ )
-  {
-  /* sous element Thresholds */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Thresholds" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Thresholds" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element BAND_INDEX */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%d" , (i+1) );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BAND_INDEX" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element BAND_INDEX" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element LOW_THRESHOLD */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "LOW_THRESHOLD" , lowtresh[i] );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element LOW_THRESHOLD" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element HIGH_THRESHOLD */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "HIGH_THRESHOLD" , uptresh[i] );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element HIGH_THRESHOLD" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Thresholds */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Thresholds" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Thresholds" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Dynamic_Stretch */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Dynamic_Stretch" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Dynamic_Stretch" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element LINE_SHIFT */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "LINE_SHIFT" , shval );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element LINE_SHIFT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  if ( ( strcmp ( niv_trait , "1A" ) != 0) &&
-       ( strcmp ( niv_trait , "0" ) != 0) )
-  {
-  /* sous element RESAMPLING_METHOD */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "RESAMPLING_METHOD" , resampling );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element RESAMPLING_METHOD" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Sampling_Step */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Sampling_Step" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Sampling_Step" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SAMPLING_STEP_X */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SAMPLING_STEP_X" , taille_pixlig );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SAMPLING_STEP_X" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SAMPLING_STEP_Y */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SAMPLING_STEP_Y" , taille_pixcol );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SAMPLING_STEP_Y" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Sampling_Step */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Sampling_Step" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Sampling_Step" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  }
-  /* sous element SWIR_BAND_REGISTRATION_FLAG */
-  if ( swir == 1 )
-    cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SWIR_BAND_REGISTRATION_FLAG" , "Y" );
-  else
-    cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SWIR_BAND_REGISTRATION_FLAG" , "N" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SWIR_BAND_REGISTRATION_FLAG" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Processing_Options */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Processing_Options" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Processing_Options" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Data_Processing */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Data_Processing" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Data_Processing" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Data_Access */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Data_Access" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Data_Access" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element DATA_FILE_ORGANISATION */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "DATA_FILE_ORGANISATION" , "BAND_COMPOSITE" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element DATA_FILE_ORGANISATION" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element DATA_FILE_FORMAT */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "DATA_FILE_FORMAT" , "RAW" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element DATA_FILE_FORMAT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Data_File */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Data_File" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Data_File" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element DATA_FILE_PATH */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "DATA_FILE_PATH" , "./" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element DATA_FILE_PATH" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Data_File */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Data_File" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Data_File" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Data_Access */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Data_Access" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Data_Access" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Image_Display */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Image_Display" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Image_Display" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Band_Display_Order */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Band_Display_Order" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Band_Display_Order" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  if ( strncasecmp ( mode_spect , "PM" , 2) == 0)
-    {    
-    /* sous element RED_CHANNEL */
-    cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "RED_CHANNEL" , "1" );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element RED_CHANNEL" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }    
-    /* sous element GREEN_CHANNEL */
-    cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "GREEN_CHANNEL" , "1" );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element GREEN_CHANNEL" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }    
-    /* sous element BLUE_CHANNEL */
-    cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BLUE_CHANNEL" , "1" );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element BLUE_CHANNEL" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }    
-    }
-  else
-  if ( ( strncasecmp ( mode_spect , "XS" , 2) == 0)|| 
-       ( strncasecmp ( mode_spect , "XI" , 2) == 0) )
-    {
-    /* sous element RED_CHANNEL */
-    cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "RED_CHANNEL" , "3" );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element RED_CHANNEL" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }    
-    /* sous element GREEN_CHANNEL */
-    cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "GREEN_CHANNEL" , "2" );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element GREEN_CHANNEL" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }    
-    /* sous element BLUE_CHANNEL */
-    cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BLUE_CHANNEL" , "1" );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element BLUE_CHANNEL" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }    
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Band_Display_Order */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Band_Display_Order" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Band_Display_Order" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Special_Value */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Special_Value" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Special_Value" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SPECIAL_VALUE_INDEX */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SPECIAL_VALUE_INDEX" , "0" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SPECIAL_VALUE_INDEX" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : FA : SPECIAL_VALUE_TEXT  NODATA a la place NO_DATA  */
-  /* sous element SPECIAL_VALUE_TEXT */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SPECIAL_VALUE_TEXT" , "NODATA" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SPECIAL_VALUE_TEXT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }    
-  /* sous element Special_Value_Color */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Special_Value_Color" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Special_Value_Color" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element RED_LEVEL */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "RED_LEVEL" , "0" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element RED_LEVEL" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }    
-  /* sous element GREEN_LEVEL */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "GREEN_LEVEL" , "0" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element GREEN_LEVEL" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }    
-  /* sous element BLUE_LEVEL */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BLUE_LEVEL" , "0" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element BLUE_LEVEL" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }    
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Rajouter ALPHA_LEVEL unqiement pour SPOT4 MIR  */
-   if ((nb_bs == 4)&&(satellite_index==4))
-   {
-  /* sous element ALPHA_LEVEL */
-      cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "ALPHA_LEVEL" , "0" );
-      if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-        sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element ALPHA_LEVEL" );
-        goto ERREUR;
-       }    
-   } 
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Special_Value_Color */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Special_Value_Color" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Special_Value_Color" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Special_Value */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Special_Value" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Special_Value" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Special_Value */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Special_Value" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Special_Value" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SPECIAL_VALUE_INDEX */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SPECIAL_VALUE_INDEX" , "255" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SPECIAL_VALUE_INDEX" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }    
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : remplacement de SATURATE par SATURATED          */
-  /* sous element SPECIAL_VALUE_TEXT */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SPECIAL_VALUE_TEXT" , "SATURATED" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SPECIAL_VALUE_TEXT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }    
-  /* sous element Special_Value_Color */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Special_Value_Color" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Special_Value_Color" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : remplacement de 255 par 1 dans les element LEVEL*/
-  /* sous element RED_LEVEL */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "RED_LEVEL" , "1" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element RED_LEVEL" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }    
-  /* sous element GREEN_LEVEL */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "GREEN_LEVEL" , "1" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element GREEN_LEVEL" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }    
-  /* sous element BLUE_LEVEL */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BLUE_LEVEL" , "1" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element BLUE_LEVEL" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Rajouter ALPHA_LEVEL uniquement pour SPOT4 MIR */
-   if ((nb_bs == 4)&&(satellite_index==4))
-   {
-  /* sous element ALPHA_LEVEL */
-      cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "ALPHA_LEVEL" , "1" );
-      if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-        sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element ALPHA_LEVEL" );
-        goto ERREUR;
-       }    
-   } 
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Special_Value_Color */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Special_Value_Color" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Special_Value_Color" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Special_Value */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Special_Value" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Special_Value" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Image_Display */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Image_Display" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Image_Display" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Image_Interpretation */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Image_Interpretation" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Image_Interpretation" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  for ( j = 0; j < nb_bs ; j++ )
-    {
-    /* sous element Spectral_Band_Info */
-    cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Spectral_Band_Info" );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Spectral_Band_Info" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    /* sous element BAND_INDEX */
-    sprintf ( valeur , "%d" , (j+1) );
-    cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BAND_INDEX" , valeur );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element BAND_INDEX" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    /* sous element BAND_DESCRIPTION */
-    if ( nb_bs == 1 )
-      sprintf ( valeur , "PAN" );
-    else
-    if ( ( ( j == 0) || ( j == 1 ) ) || ( j == 2 ) )
-      sprintf ( valeur , "XS%d" , (j+1) );
-    else
-    if ( j == 3 )
-      sprintf ( valeur , "SWIR" );
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : remplacement de BAND par BAND_DESCRIPTION       */
-    cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BAND_DESCRIPTION" , valeur );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element BAND_DESCRIPTION" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-   /* sous element PHYSICAL_CALIBRATION_DATE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PHYSICAL_CALIBRATION_DATE" , datecalib );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element PHYSICAL_CALIBRATION_DATE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element PHYSICAL_BIAIS */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PHYSICAL_BIAIS" , gains_b[j] );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element PHYSICAL_BIAIS" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element PHYSICAL_GAIN */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PHYSICAL_GAIN" , gains_a[j] );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element PHYSICAL_GAIN" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : ajout de l'unite dans PHYSICAL_UNIT             */
-  /* sous element PHYSICAL_UNIT */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PHYSICAL_UNIT" , "equivalent radiance (W.m-2.Sr-1.um-1)" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element PHYSICAL_UNIT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Spectral_Band_Info */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Spectral_Band_Info" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Spectral_Band_Info" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Image_Interpretation */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Image_Interpretation" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Image_Interpretation" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Data_Strip */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Data_Strip" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Data_Strip" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Satellite_Time */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Satellite_Time" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Satellite_Time" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element UT_DATE */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%.7d %.5d.000000" , utdatej , utdates );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "UT_DATE" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element UT_DATE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element CLOCK_VALUE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "CLOCK_VALUE" , clockvalue );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element CLOCK_VALUE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element CLOCK_PERIOD */
-  if ( clockperiod[0] != '\0' )
-     sscanf ( clockperiod , "%lf" , &period );
-  else
-	period = 0.0;
-  pico =0.000000000001;
-  period = period * pico;
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%.12lf" , period );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "CLOCK_PERIOD" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element CLOCK_PERIOD" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element BOARD_TIME */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BOARD_TIME" , boardtime );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element BOARD_TIME" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Satellite_Time */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Satellite_Time" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Satellite_Time" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Ephemeris */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Ephemeris" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Ephemeris" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SATELLITE_ALTITUDE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SATELLITE_ALTITUDE" , sat_alt );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SATELLITE_ALTITUDE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element NADIR_LAT */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%lf" , lat_nad );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "NADIR_LAT" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element NADIR_LAT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element NADIR_LON */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%lf" , long_nad );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "NADIR_LON" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element NADIR_LON" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Points */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Points" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Points" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  for ( j = 0; j < 8 ; j++ )
-  {
-  /* sous element Point */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Point" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Point" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Location */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Location" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Location" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element X */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%.3lf" , X_loc[j]*1000.0 );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "X" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element X" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Y */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%.3lf" , Y_loc[j]*1000.0 );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "Y" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Y" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Z */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%.3lf" , Z_loc[j]*1000.0 );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "Z" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Z" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Location */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Location" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Location" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Velocity */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Velocity" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Velocity" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element X */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%.3lf" , X_vel[j]*1000.0 );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "X" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element X" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Y */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%.3lf" , Y_vel[j]*1000.0 );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "Y" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Y" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Z */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%.3lf" , Z_vel[j]*1000.0 );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "Z" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Z" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Velocity */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Velocity" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Velocity" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIME */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIME" , time[j] );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element TIME" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Point */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Point" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Point" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  }
-  if ( X_loc[8] != 0.0 )
-    {
-  /* sous element Point */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Point" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Point" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Location */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Location" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Location" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element X */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%.3lf" , X_loc[8] );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "X" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element X" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Y */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%.3lf" , Y_loc[8] );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "Y" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Y" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Z */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%.3lf" , Z_loc[8] );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "Z" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Z" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Location */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Location" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Location" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Velocity */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Velocity" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Velocity" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element X */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%.3lf" , X_vel[8]*1000.0 );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "X" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element X" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Y */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%lf" , Y_vel[8]*1000.0 );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "Y" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Y" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Z */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%.3lf" , Z_vel[8]*1000.0 );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "Z" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Z" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Velocity */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Velocity" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Velocity" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIME */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIME" , time[8] );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element TIME" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Point */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Point" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Point" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Points */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Points" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Points" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element DORIS_USED */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "DORIS_USED" , dorisused );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element DORIS_USED" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  if ( satellite_index == 4 )
-    {
-  /* sous element Orbital_Bulletin */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Orbital_Bulletin" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Orbital_Bulletin" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element UT_DATE */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%.7d %.5d.000000" , jourjul , datejul );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "UT_DATE" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element UT_DATE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element ELLIPSE_AXIS */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "ELLIPSE_AXIS" , axis );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element ELLIPSE_AXIS" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "ELLIPSE_ECCENTRICITY_VECTOR_EX" , ex );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element ELLIPSE_ECCENTRICITY_VECTOR_EX" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "ELLIPSE_ECCENTRICITY_VECTOR_EY" , ey );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element ELLIPSE_ECCENTRICITY_VECTOR_EY" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element ELLIPSE_INCLINATION */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "ELLIPSE_INCLINATION" , inclin );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element ELLIPSE_INCLINATION" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element RIGHT_ASCENSION */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "RIGHT_ASCENSION" , ascension );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element RIGHT_ASCENSION" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : FA : erreur d'orthographe sur LATITUDE_ARGUMENT     */
-/*			      et Look_Angles				     */
-  /* sous element LATITUDE_ARGUMENT */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "LATITUDE_ARGUMENT" , latarg );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element LATITUDE_ARGUMENT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element P7 */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "P7" , p7 );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element P7" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element P8 */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "P8" , p8 );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element P8" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element P9 */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "P9" , p9 );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element P9" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element P10 */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "P10" , p10 );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element P10" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Orbital_Bulletin */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Orbital_Bulletin" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Orbital_Bulletin" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Ephemeris */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Ephemeris" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Ephemeris" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Satellite_Attitudes */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Satellite_Attitudes" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Satellite_Attitudes" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Raw_Attitudes */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Raw_Attitudes" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Raw_Attitudes" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Aocs_Attitude */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Aocs_Attitude" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Aocs_Attitude" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'element Angles_List                 */
-  /* sous element Angles_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Angles_List" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Angles_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  for ( j = 0; j < 2 ; j++ )
-  {
-  /* sous element Angles */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Angles" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Angles" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIME */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIME" , timeyaw[j] );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element TIME" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element YAW */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "YAW" , yaw_angle[j] );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element YAW" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element PITCH */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PITCH" , pitch_angle[j] );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element PITCH" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element ROLL */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "ROLL" , roll_angle[j] );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element ROLL" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element OUT_OF_RANGE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "OUT_OF_RANGE" , "N" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element OUT_OF_RANGE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Angles */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Angles" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Angles" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Angles_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Angles_List" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Angles_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'element Angular_Speeds_List         */
-  /* sous element Angular_Speeds_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Angular_Speeds_List" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Angular_Speeds_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  for ( j = 0; j < 72 ; j++ )
-  {
-  /* sous element Angular_Speeds */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Angular_Speeds" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Angular_Speeds" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIME */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIME" , time_angle[j] );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element TIME" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element YAW */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "YAW" , yaw[j] );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element YAW" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element PITCH */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PITCH" , pitch[j] );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element PITCH" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element ROLL */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "ROLL" , roll[j] );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element ROLL" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element OUT_OF_RANGE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "OUT_OF_RANGE" , outofrange );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element OUT_OF_RANGE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Angular_Speeds */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Angular_Speeds" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Angular_Speeds" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  }
-  if ( strcmp ( yaw[72] , "" ) != 0)
-   {
-     /* sous element Angular_Speeds */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Angular_Speeds" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Angular_Speeds" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIME */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIME" , time_angle[72] );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element TIME" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element YAW */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "YAW" , yaw[72] );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element YAW" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element PITCH */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PITCH" , pitch[72] );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element PITCH" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element ROLL */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "ROLL" , roll[72] );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element ROLL" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element OUT_OF_RANGE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "OUT_OF_RANGE" , outofrange );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element OUT_OF_RANGE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Angular_Speeds */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Angular_Speeds" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Angular_Speeds" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Angular_Speeds_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Angular_Speeds_List" ); 
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Angular_Speeds_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-   /* Fermeture de l'element Aocs_Attitude */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Aocs_Attitude" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Aocs_Attitude" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Raw_Attitudes */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Raw_Attitudes" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Raw_Attitudes" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Satellite_Attitudes */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Satellite_Attitudes" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Satellite_Attitudes" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Sensor_Configuration */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Sensor_Configuration" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Sensor_Configuration" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Time_Stamp */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Time_Stamp" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Time_Stamp " );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element LINE_PERIOD */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%.12lf" , periodeligne );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "LINE_PERIOD" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element LINE_PERIOD" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SCENE_CENTER_TIME */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SCENE_CENTER_TIME" , time_scenecenter );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SCENE_CENTER_TIME" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SCENE_CENTER_LINE */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%d" , nbc_c );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SCENE_CENTER_LINE" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SCENE_CENTER_LINE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SCENE_CENTER_COL */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%d" , nbl_c );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SCENE_CENTER_COL" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SCENE_CENTER_COL" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Time_Stamp */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Time_Stamp" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Time_Stamp" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'element Instrument_look_Angles_List */
-  /* sous element Instrument_Look_Angles_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Instrument_Look_Angles_List" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Instrument_Look_Angles_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  j = 0;
-  while ( ( j < nb_bs ) && ( j < 3 ) )
-  {
-  /* sous element Instrument_Look_Angles */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Instrument_Look_Angles" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Instrument_Look_Angles" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element VALIDITY_DATE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "VALIDITY_DATE" , datecalib );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element VALIDITY_DATE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element BAND_INDEX */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%d" , (j+1) );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BAND_INDEX" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element BAND_INDEX" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'element Look_Angles_List            */
-  /* sous element Look_Angles_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Look_Angles_List" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Look_Angles_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Look_Angles */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Look_Angles" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Look_Angles" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element DETECTOR_ID */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "DETECTOR_ID" , "1" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element DETECTOR_ID" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM : DIMAP tag LOOK_ANGLE_LIST valeurs de PSI_X et  */
-/*                            PSI_Y 1er et dernier detecteur inverses        */
-  /* sous element PSI_X */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%lf" , psi_x_last[0] );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PSI_X" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element PSI_X" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element PSI_Y */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%lf" , psi_y_last[0] );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PSI_Y" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element PSI_Y" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Look_Angles */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Look_Angles" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Look_Angles" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Look_Angle */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Look_Angles" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Look_Angles" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element DETECTOR_ID */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : FA : erreur d'ecriture detector_id lookangle pour   */
-/*                            PAN                                            */
-  if ( nb_bs == 1 ) 
-     detect_id = 6000;
-  else
-     detect_id = 3000;
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%d" , detect_id );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "DETECTOR_ID" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element DETECTOR_ID" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element PSI_X */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%lf" , psi_x_first[0] );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PSI_X" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element PSI_X" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element PSI_Y */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%lf" , psi_y_first[0] );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PSI_Y" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element PSI_Y" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Look_Angles */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Look_Angles" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Look_Angles" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Look_Angles_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Look_Angles_List" ); 
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Look_Angles_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Instrument_Look_Angles */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Instrument_Look_Angles" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Instrument_Look_Angles" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  j++;
-  }
-  while ( ( nb_bs != 1 ) && ( j < nb_bs + 1 ) )
-  {
-  /* sous element Instrument_Look_Angles */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Instrument_Look_Angles" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Instrument_Look_Angles" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element VALIDITY_DATE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "VALIDITY_DATE" , datecalib );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element VALIDITY_DATE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element BAND_INDEX */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%d" , (j+1) );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BAND_INDEX" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element BAND_INDEX" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'element Look_Angles_List            */
-  /* sous element Look_Angles_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Look_Angles_List" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Look_Angles_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Look_Angles */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Look_Angles" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Look_Angles" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element DETECTOR_ID */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "DETECTOR_ID" , "1" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element DETECTOR_ID" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM : DIMAP tag LOOK_ANGLE_LIST valeurs de PSI_X et  */
-/*                            PSI_Y 1er et dernier detecteur inverses        */
-  /* sous element PSI_X */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%lf" , psi_x_last[j-2] );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PSI_X" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element PSI_X" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element PSI_Y */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%lf" , psi_y_last[j-2] );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PSI_Y" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element PSI_Y" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Look_Angles */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Look_Angles" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Look_Angles" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Look_Angles */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Look_Angles" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Look_Angles" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element DETECTOR_ID */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : FA : erreur d'ecriture detector_id lookangle pour   */
-/*                            PAN                                            */
-  if ( nb_bs == 1 )
-     detect_id = 6000;
-  else
-     detect_id = 3000;
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%d" , detect_id );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "DETECTOR_ID" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element DETECTOR_ID" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element PSI_X */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%lf" , psi_x_first[j-2] );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PSI_X" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element PSI_X" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element PSI_Y */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%lf" , psi_y_first[j-2] );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PSI_Y" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element PSI_Y" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Look_Angles */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Look_Angles" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Look_Angles" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Look_Angles_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Look_Angles_List" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Look_Angles_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Instrument_Look_Angles */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Instrument_Look_Angles" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Instrument_Look_Angles" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  j++;
-  }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Instrument_Look_Angles_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Instrument_Look_Angles_List" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Instrument_Look_Angles_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Mirror_Position */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Mirror_Position" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Mirror_Position" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element STEP_COUNT */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "STEP_COUNT" , mirror_step );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element STEP_COUNT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Mirror_Position */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Mirror_Position" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Mirror_Position" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Sensor_Configuration */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Sensor_Configuration" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Sensor_Configuration" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Frame_Counters */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Frame_Counters" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Frame_Counters" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SEGMENT_START */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SEGMENT_START" , segmentstart );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SEGMENT_START" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-   /* sous element SCENE_START */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SCENE_START" , scenestart );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SCENE_START" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SEGMENT_END */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SEGMENT_END" , segmentend );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SEGMENT_END" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Frame_Counters */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Frame_Counters" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Frame_Counters" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Data_Strip_Coordinates */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Data_Strip_Coordinates" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Data_Strip_Coordinates" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element FIRST_PIXEL_RAW */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "FIRST_PIXEL_RAW" , fpixraw );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element FIRST_PIXEL_RAW" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-   /* sous element FIRST_LINE_RAW */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "FIRST_LINE_RAW" , flineraw );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element FIRST_LINE_RAW" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element FIRST_PIXEL_1B */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "FIRST_PIXEL_1B" , fpix1b );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element FIRST_PIXEL_1B" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element FIRST_LINE_1B */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "FIRST_LINE_1B" , fline1b );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element FIRST_LINE_1B" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Data_Strip_Coordinates */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Data_Strip_Coordinates" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Data_Strip_Coordinates" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Models */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Models" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Models" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element OneB_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "OneB_Model" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element OneB_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Coordinate_Normalization */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Coordinate_Normalization" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Coordinate_Normalization" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element LINES_I_M */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "LINES_I_M" , im );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element LINES_I_M" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element LINES_DELTA_I */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "LINES_DELTA_I" , deltai );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element LINES_DELTA_I" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element COLUMNS_J_M */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "COLUMNS_J_M" , jm );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element COLUMNS_J_M" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element COLUMNS_DELTA_J */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "COLUMNS_DELTA_J" , deltaj );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element COLUMNS_DELTA_J" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element LINES_L_M */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "LINES_L_M" , lm );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element LINES_L_M" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element LINES_DELTA_L */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "LINES_DELTA_L" , deltal );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element LINES_DELTA_L" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element COLUMNS_P_M */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "COLUMNS_P_M" , pm );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element COLUMNS_P_M" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element COLUMNS_DELTA_P */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "COLUMNS_DELTA_P" , deltap );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element COLUMNS_DELTA_P" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Coordinate_Normalization */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Coordinate_Normalization" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Coordinate_Normalization" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Direct_OneB_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Direct_OneB_Model" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Direct_OneB_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element I */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "I" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element I" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , coeffi );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , ai );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , bi );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , ci );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , di );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , ei );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element I */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "I" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element I" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element J */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "J" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element J" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , coeffj );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , aj );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , bj );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , cj );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element J */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "J" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element J" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Direct_OneB_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Direct_OneB_Model" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Direct_OneB_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Reverse_OneB_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Reverse_OneB_Model" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Reverse_OneB_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element L */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "L" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element L" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , coeff_l );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , a_l );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , b_l );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , c_l );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , d_l );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , e_l );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element L */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "L" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element L" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element P */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "P" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element P" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , coeff_p );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , a_p );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , b_p );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , c_p );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element P */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "P" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element P" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Reverse_OneB_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Reverse_OneB_Model" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Reverse_OneB_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element A */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "A" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element A" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , coeff_a );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , aa );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , ba );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , ca );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , da );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element A */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "A" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element A" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element B */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "B" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element B" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , coeff_b );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , ab );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , bb );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , cb );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , db );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , eb );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element B */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "B" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element B" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element OneB_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "OneB_Model" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element OneB_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Attitude_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Attitude_Model" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Attitude_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element D_L */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "D_L" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element D_L" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element abc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "abc" , al );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element abc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element abc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "abc" , bl );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element abc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element abc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "abc" , cl );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element abc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element D_L */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "D_L" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element D_L" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element D_P */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "D_P" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element D_P" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element abc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "abc" , ap );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element abc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element abc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "abc" , bp );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element abc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element abc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "abc" , cp );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element abc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element D_P */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "D_P" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element D_P" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Attitude_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Attitude_Model" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Attitude_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SWIR_Registration_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "SWIR_Registration_Model" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SWIR_Registration_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element D_L */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "D_L" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element D_L" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element abc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "abc" , alswir );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element abc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element abc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "abc" , blswir );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element abc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element abc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "abc" , clswir );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element abc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element D_L */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "D_L" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element D_L" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element D_P */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "D_P" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element D_P" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element abc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "abc" , apswir );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element abc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element abc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "abc" , bpswir );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element abc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element abc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "abc" , cpswir );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element abc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element D_P */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "D_P" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element D_P" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element SWIR_Registration_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "SWIR_Registration_Model" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SWIR_Registration_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Models */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Models" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Models" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Sensor_Calibration */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Sensor_Calibration" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Sensor_Calibration" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element METHOD */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "METHOD" , "system" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element METHOD" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Calibration */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Calibration" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Calibration" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  for ( j = 0; j < nb_bs ; j++ )
-  {
-  /* sous element Band_Parameters */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Band_Parameters" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Band_Parameters" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element BAND_INDEX */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%d" , (j+1) );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BAND_INDEX" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element BAND_INDEX" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Gain_Section */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Gain_Section" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Gain_Section" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element GAIN_NUMBER */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "GAIN_NUMBER" , nb_gains[j] );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element GAIN_NUMBER" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element GAIN_ANALOG_VALUE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "GAIN_ANALOG_VALUE" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element GAIN_ANALOG_VALUE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Pixel_Parameters */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Pixel_Parameters" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Pixel_Parameters" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element G_DATE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "G_DATE" , relativedatecalib[2*j] );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element G_DATE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element DC_DATE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "DC_DATE" , relativedatecalib[2*j+nb_bs*2] );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element DC_DATE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Cells */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Cells" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Cells" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  if ( nb_bs == 1 )
-  {
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i ++ )
-    { /* MOD : VERSION 4.6 : FA : initialisation de ind_tab_gain dans la boucle */ 
-      for ( ind_tab_gain = 0  ; ind_tab_gain < 1500 ; ind_tab_gain ++ )
-        {
-        /* sous element Cell */
-        cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Cell" );
-        if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-          {
-          sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Cell" );
-          goto ERREUR;
-          }
-        /* sous element G */
-        sprintf ( valeur , "%5.4f" , gain_value[i][ind_tab_gain] ); 
-        cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "G" , valeur );
-        if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-          {
-          sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element G" );
-          goto ERREUR;
-          }
-        /* sous element DARK_CURRENT */
-        sprintf ( valeur , "%2.1f" , dark_value[i][ind_tab_gain] ); 
-        cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "DARK_CURRENT" , valeur );
-        if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-          {
-          sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element DARK_CURRENT" );
-          goto ERREUR;
-          }
-        /* Fermeture de l'element Cell */
-        cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Cell" );  
-        if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-          {
-          sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Cell" );
-          goto ERREUR;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    for ( i = 2*j ; i < 2*j+2 ; i++ )
-      {
-      for ( ind_tab_gain = 0 ; ind_tab_gain < 1500 ; ind_tab_gain ++ )
-        {
-        /* sous element Cell */
-        cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Cell" );
-        if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-          {
-          sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Cell" );
-          goto ERREUR;
-          }
-        /* sous element G */
-        sprintf ( valeur , "%5.4f" , gain_value[i][ind_tab_gain] ); 
-        cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "G" , valeur );
-        if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-          {
-          sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element G" );
-          goto ERREUR;
-          }
-        /* sous element DARK_CURRENT */
-        sprintf ( valeur , "%2.1f" , dark_value[i][ind_tab_gain] ); 
-        cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "DARK_CURRENT" , valeur );
-        if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-          {
-          sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element DARK_CURRENT" );
-          goto ERREUR;
-          }
-        /* Fermeture de l'element Cell */
-        cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Cell" );  
-        if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-          {
-          sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Cell" );
-          goto ERREUR;
-          }
-        }
-       }	
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Cells */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Cells" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Cells" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Pixel_Parameters */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Pixel_Parameters" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Pixel_Parameters" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Gain_Section */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Gain_Section" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Gain_Section" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Dead_Detectors */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Dead_Detectors" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Dead_Detectors" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element VALIDITY_DATE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "VALIDITY_DATE" , 
-					relativedatecalib[2*j+1] );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element VALIDITY_DATE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Bad_Pixels */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Bad_Pixels" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Bad_Pixels" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  if ( nb_bs == 1 )
-  {
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i ++ )
-    {
-      for ( ind_tab_gain = 0; ind_tab_gain < 1500 ; ind_tab_gain ++ )
-      {
-         if ( gain_value[i][ind_tab_gain] == (float) 0 )
-         {
-	    /* sous element Bad_Pixel */
-	    cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Bad_Pixel" );
-            if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-            {
-              sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Bad_Pixel" );
-              goto ERREUR;
-            }
-            /* sous element PIXEL_INDEX */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : FA : Correction  de                                 */
-/*            sprintf(valeur,"%d", (ind_tab_gain+1+1500*i)) au lieu de       */
-/*		sprintf(valeur,"%f", (ind_tab_gain+1+1500*i))                */
-            sprintf ( valeur , "%d" , (ind_tab_gain+1+1500*i) );
-            cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PIXEL_INDEX" , valeur );
-            if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-            {
-              sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element PIXEL_INDEX" );
-              goto ERREUR;
-            }
-          /* sous element BAD_PIXEL_STATUS */
-           cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , 
-           if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-           {
-              sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element BAD_PIXEL_STATUS" );
-              goto ERREUR;
-            }
-           /* Fermeture de l'element Bad_Pixel */
-          cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Bad_Pixel" );  
-          if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-          {
-            sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Bad_Pixel" );
-            goto ERREUR;
-          }
-        }
-      }	  
-    }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    nb_passage = 0;
-    for ( i = 2*j ; i < j*2 + 2 ; i++ )
-    {
-      for ( ind_tab_gain = 0 ; ind_tab_gain < 1500 ; ind_tab_gain ++ )
-      {
-          if ( gain_value[i][ind_tab_gain] == (float) 0 )
-          {
-	  /* sous element Bad_Pixel */
-	    cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Bad_Pixel" );
-            if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-            {
-               sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Bad_Pixel" );
-               goto ERREUR;
-            }
-          /* sous element PIXEL_INDEX */
-            sprintf ( valeur , "%d" , ( ind_tab_gain+1+1500*nb_passage ) );
-	    cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PIXEL_INDEX" , valeur );
-            if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-            {
-              sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element PIXEL_INDEX" );
-              goto ERREUR;
-            }
-          /* sous element BAD_PIXEL_STATUS */
-            cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , 
-           if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-           {
-             sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element BAD_PIXEL_STATUS" );
-             goto ERREUR;
-           }
-         /* Fermeture de l'element Bad_Pixel */
-           cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Bad_Pixel" );  
-           if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-           {
-             sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Bad_Pixel" );
-             goto ERREUR;
-           }
-	 }
-       }
-      if ( nb_passage == 0 )
-         nb_passage = 1;
-      else
-         nb_passage = 0;
-    }
-  }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Bad_Pixels */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Bad_Pixels" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Bad_Pixels" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-   /* Fermeture de l'element Dead_Detectors */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Dead_Detectors" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Dead_Detectors" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Band_Parameters */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Band_Parameters" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Band_Parameters" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  }
-   /* Fermeture de l'element Calibration */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Calibration" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Calibration" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Spectral_Sensitivities */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Spectral_Sensitivities" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Spectral_Sensitivities" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  for ( j = 0; j < nb_bs ; j++ )
-  {
-    /* sous element Band_Spectral_Sensitivities */
-    cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Band_Spectral_Sensitivities" );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Band_Spectral_Sensitivities" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-    }
-     sprintf( valeur , "%d" , ( j+1 ) );
-     /* sous element BAND_INDEX */
-     cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BAND_INDEX" , valeur );
-     if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-     {
-        sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element BAND_INDEX" );
-        goto ERREUR;
-     }
-  /* sous element FIRST_WAVELENGTH_VALUE */
-     cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , 
-			"FIRST_WAVELENGTH_VALUE" , firstwave[j] );
-     if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-     {
-       sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element FIRST_WAVELENGTH_VALUE" );
-       goto ERREUR;
-     }
-  /* sous element WAVELENGTH_STEP */
-     cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , 
-			"WAVELENGTH_STEP" , wavelengthstep[j] );
-     if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-     {
-        sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element WAVELENGTH_STEP" );
-        goto ERREUR;
-      }
-  /* sous element CALIBRATION_DATE */
-     cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "CALIBRATION_DATE" , "" );
-     if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-     {
-         sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element CALIBRATION_DATE" );
-         goto ERREUR;
-      }
-  /* sous element Spectral_Sensitivity_Values */
-     cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Spectral_Sensitivity_Values" );
-     if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-     {
-        sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Spectral_Sensitivity_Values" );
-        goto ERREUR;
-     }
-    for ( ind_tab_gain = 0  ; ind_tab_gain < 64 ; ind_tab_gain++ )
-    {
-    /* sous element SPECTRAL_SENSITIVITY_VALUE */
-        cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SPECTRAL_SENSITIVITY_VALUE" , 
-				spectral_sensitivitie[j][ind_tab_gain] );
-        if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-        {
-            sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SPECTRAL_SENSITIVITY_VALUE" );
-            goto ERREUR;
-         }
-     }
-    /* Fermeture de l'element Spectral_Sensitivity_Values */
-     cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Spectral_Sensitivity_Values" );  
-     if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-     {
-       sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Spectral_Sensitivity_Values" );
-       goto ERREUR;
-     }
-    /* Fermeture de l'element Band_Spectral_Sensitivities */
-    cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Band_Spectral_Sensitivities" );  
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Band_Spectral_Sensitivities" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-  }  
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Spectral_Sensitivities */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Spectral_Sensitivities" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Spectral_Sensitivities" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Solar_Irradiance */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Solar_Irradiance" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Solar_Irradiance" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  for ( j = 0; j < nb_bs ; j++ )
-  {
-    sprintf ( valeur , "%d" , ( j+1 ) );
-  /* sous element Band_Solar_Irradiance */
-    cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Band_Solar_Irradiance" );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-       sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Band_Solar_Irradiance" );
-       goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element BAND_INDEX */
-    cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BAND_INDEX" , valeur );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element BAND_INDEX" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-     }
-  /* sous element SOLAR_IRRADIANCE_VALUE */
-     cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SOLAR_IRRADIANCE_VALUE" , 
-			solar_irradiance[j] );
-     if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-     {
-        sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element SOLAR_IRRADIANCE_VALUE" );
-        goto ERREUR;
-      }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Band_Solar_Irradiance */
-    cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Band_Solar_Irradiance" );  
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-       sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Band_Solar_Irradiance" );
-       goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Solar_Irradiance */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Solar_Irradiance" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Solar_Irradiance" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Sensor_Calibration */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Sensor_Calibration" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Sensor_Calibration" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.6 : FA : pas d'écriture <badlines> si pas de badlines   */
-/* le test s'effectue pour chaque canal   */
-   Bad=0;
-   for (can=0;can<nb_bs;can++)
-      BadFlag[can]=0;
-   can=0;
-   j=0;
-   while ((can<nb_bs)&&(BadFlag[can]==0))
-   {	
-      j=0;
-      while ((j<nb_lig)&&(BadFlag[can]==0))
-      {
-	 if ( bad_line[j][can] != 0)
-	 {
-		BadFlag[can]=1; 
-		Bad=1;
-         }
-         j=j+1;
-       }
-      can=can+1;
-   }
- if (Bad==1)
- {
-  /* sous element Bad_Lines */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Bad_Lines" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Bad_Lines" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  }
-  for ( can = 0 ; can < nb_bs ; can++ )
-  {
-    if (BadFlag[can]==1)
-    {   
-    sprintf ( valeur , "%d" , (can+1) );
-  /* sous element Band_Bad_Lines */
-    cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Band_Bad_Lines" );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Band_Bad_Lines" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element BAND_INDEX */
-    cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BAND_INDEX" , valeur );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element BAND_INDEX" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM :  Ajout de l'element  Bad_Line_List             */
-   /* sous element Bad_Line_List */
-    cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Bad_Line_List" );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Bad_Line_List" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-    }
-    for ( j = 0; j < nb_lig ; j++ )
-    {    
-      if ( bad_line[j][can] == 1 )
-      {
-      /* sous element Bad_Line */
-        cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Bad_Line" );
-        if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-        {
-          sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Bad_Line" );
-          goto ERREUR;
-        }
-      /* sous element BL_INDEX */
-        sprintf ( valeur , "%d" , ( j+1 ) );
-        cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BL_INDEX" , valeur );
-        if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-        {
-          sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element BL_INDEX" );
-          goto ERREUR;
-        }
-       /* sous element BL_STATUS */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : FA :  mot cle  lignes perdues LOST au lieu de LOSS  */
-        cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BL_STATUS" , "LOST" );
-        if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-        {
-          sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element BL_STATUS" );
-          goto ERREUR;
-        }
-      /* Fermeture de l'element Bad_Line */
-        cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Bad_Line" );
-        if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-        {
-          sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Bad_Line" );
-          goto ERREUR;
-        }
-      }
-   else
-   {
-      if ( bad_line[j][can] == 2 )
-      {
-        /* sous element Bad_Line */
-        cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Bad_Line" );
-        if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-        {
-          sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Bad_Line" );
-          goto ERREUR;
-        }
-      /* sous element BL_INDEX */
-        sprintf ( valeur , "%d" , ( j+1 ) );
-        cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BL_INDEX" , valeur );
-        if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-        {
-          sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element BL_INDEX" );
-          goto ERREUR;
-        }
-       /* sous element BL_STATUS */
-        cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BL_STATUS" , "DEGRADED" );
-        if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-        {
-          sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element BL_STATUS" );
-          goto ERREUR;
-        }
-      /* Fermeture de l'element Bad_Line */
-        cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Bad_Line" );
-        if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-        {
-          sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Bad_Line" );
-          goto ERREUR;
-        }
-      } 
-    } 
-  } /* Fin boucle sur les lignes */
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Bad_Line_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Bad_Line_List" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Bad_Line_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Band_Bad_Lines */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Band_Bad_Lines" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Band_Bad_Lines" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  }
- }
- if (Bad==1)
- {
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Bad_Lines */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Bad_Lines" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Bad_Lines" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Data_Strip */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Data_Strip" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Data_Strip" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Dimap_Document */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Dimap_Document" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Dimap_Document" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* fermeture du fichier descripteur */
-  if (des!=NULL) fclose ( des );
-  return CAI_OK;
-  return CAI_KO;
-  }  
-	Fin de l'operation cai_lead4to5spot
-/*                                                                            */
-/*                 Definition des OPERATIONS INTERNES                         */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*OPERATION  : cai_ElementWriteXML                                            */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*ROLE : Cette operation ecrit un element XML dans le fichier donne en        */
-/*       parametre                                                            */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*CONTEXTE D'APPEL :                                                          */
-/*                                                                            */
-/* RETOUR : CAI_OK ou CAI_KO                                                  */
-/*                                                                            */
-static CAI_OK_KO cai_WriteElementXML ( FILE *desc , char *motCle , char *valeur )
- {
-  char *BaliseXmlOpen;
-  char *BaliseXmlClose;
-  BaliseXmlOpen = (char*) NULL;
-  BaliseXmlOpen = (char*) calloc ( strlen ( motCle ) + 3 , sizeof ( char ) );
-  BaliseXmlClose = (char*) NULL;
-  BaliseXmlClose = (char*) calloc ( strlen ( motCle ) + 4 , sizeof ( char ) );
-  sprintf ( BaliseXmlOpen , "<%s>" , motCle );
-  sprintf ( BaliseXmlClose , "</%s>" , motCle );
-  fprintf ( desc , "%s%s%s\n" , BaliseXmlOpen , valeur , BaliseXmlClose );
-  FREE ( BaliseXmlClose );
-  FREE ( BaliseXmlOpen );
-  return CAI_OK;
-  }
-	Fin de l'operation cai_WriteElementXML
-/*                                                                            */
-/*OPERATION  : cai_ElementWriteXMLWithAttribute                         */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*ROLE : Cette operation ecrit un element XML dans le fichier donne en        */
-/*       parametre                                                            */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*CONTEXTE D'APPEL :                                                          */
-/*                                                                            */
-/* RETOUR : CAI_OK ou CAI_KO                                                  */
-/*                                                                            */
-static CAI_OK_KO cai_WriteElementXMLWithAttribute ( FILE *desc ,
-                                                          char *motCle ,
-							  char *valeur,
-							  char *attribut,
-							  char *valat ,
-							  int type)
- {
-  char *BaliseXmlOpen;
-  char *BaliseXmlClose;
-  BaliseXmlOpen = (char*) NULL;
-  BaliseXmlOpen = (char*) calloc ( strlen ( motCle ) +
-                                   strlen ( attribut ) +
-				   strlen ( valat ) + 10 , sizeof ( char ) );
-  BaliseXmlClose = (char*) NULL;
-  BaliseXmlClose = (char*) calloc ( strlen ( motCle ) + 4 , sizeof ( char ) );
-  if (type==0)
-     sprintf ( BaliseXmlOpen , "<%s %s='%s'>" , motCle , attribut , valat );
-  else
-     sprintf ( BaliseXmlOpen , "<%s %s=\"%s\">" , motCle , attribut , valat );
-  sprintf ( BaliseXmlClose , "</%s>" , motCle );
-  fprintf ( desc , "%s%s%s\n" , BaliseXmlOpen , valeur , BaliseXmlClose );
-  FREE ( BaliseXmlClose );
-  FREE ( BaliseXmlOpen );
-  return CAI_OK;
-  }
-/*                                                                            */
-/*OPERATION  : cai_WriteOpenTagXML                                      */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*ROLE : Cette operation ecrit une balise ouvrante XML dans le fichier donne  */
-/*       en parametre                                                         */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*CONTEXTE D'APPEL :                                                          */
-/*                                                                            */
-/* RETOUR : CAI_OK ou CAI_KO                                                  */
-/*                                                                            */
-static CAI_OK_KO cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( FILE *des , char *TagName )
-  {
-  fprintf ( des , "<%s>\n" , TagName );
-  return CAI_OK;
-  }
-	Fin de l'operation cai_WriteOpenTagXML
-/*                                                                            */
-/*OPERATION  : cai_WriteCloseTagXML                                     */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*ROLE : Cette operation ecrit une balise fermante XML dans le fichier donne  */
-/*       en parametre                                                         */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*CONTEXTE D'APPEL :                                                          */
-/*                                                                            */
-/* RETOUR : CAI_OK ou CAI_KO                                                  */
-/*                                                                            */
-static CAI_OK_KO cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( FILE *des , char *TagName )
-  {
-  fprintf ( des , "</%s>\n" , TagName );
-  return CAI_OK;
-  }
-	Fin de l'operation cai_WriteCloseTagXML
-/*                                                                            */
-/*OPERATION  : cai_WriteNulTagXML                                       */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*ROLE : Cette operation ecrit une balise vide XML dans le fichier donne      */
-/*       en parametre                                                         */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*CONTEXTE D'APPEL :                                                          */
-/*                                                                            */
-/* RETOUR : CAI_OK ou CAI_KO                                                  */
-/*                                                                            */
-static CAI_OK_KO cai_WriteNulTagXML ( FILE *des , char *TagName )
-  {
-  fprintf ( des , "<%s/>\n" , TagName );
-  return CAI_OK;
-  }
-	Fin de l'operation cai_WriteNulTagXML
-/*                                                                            */
-/*OPERATION  :  cai_WriteEnteteXML                                      */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*ROLE : Cette operation ecrit l'entete d'un document XML                     */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*CONTEXTE D'APPEL :                                                          */
-/*                                                                            */
-/* RETOUR : CAI_OK ou CAI_KO                                                  */
-/*                                                                            */
-static CAI_OK_KO cai_WriteEnteteXML ( FILE *des )
-  {
-  fprintf ( des , "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n" );
-  return CAI_OK;  }
-	Fin de l'operation cai_WriteEnteteXML
-/*                                                                            */
-/*OPERATION  : cai_DMS_To_Float                                               */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*ROLE : Cette operation convertie une latitude/longitude exprimee en DDDMMSS */
-/*       sous forme de chaine de caracteres en Flotants                       */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*CONTEXTE D'APPEL :                                                          */
-/*                                                                            */
-/* RETOUR : la donnee exprimee en double                                      */
-/*                                                                            */
-static void cai_DMS_To_Float ( char DegMinSec [17] , double *Degre )
- {
-  /*-------------------------------*/
-  /* debut du code de l'operation  */
-  /*-------------------------------*/
-  int i;
-  int signe = 1;
-  long int ValD = 0 , ValM = 0;
-  double ValS = 0.0;
-  char ValDeg[4] = "";
-  char ValMin[3] = "";
-  char ValSec[6] = "";
-  if (strlen(DegMinSec) != 0)
-  {
-    /* Traitement du signe */
-    if ( (DegMinSec[0] == 'N') || (DegMinSec[0] == 'E') )
-       signe = 1;
-    if ( (DegMinSec[0] == 'S') || (DegMinSec[0] == 'W') )
-       signe = -1;
-    if ( (DegMinSec[0] == 'R') || ( DegMinSec[0] == '+') )
-       signe = 1;
-    if ( (DegMinSec[0] == 'L') || ( DegMinSec[0] == '-') )
-      signe = -1;
-  /* Traitement de la valeur absolue */
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
-      ValDeg[i] = DegMinSec[i+1];
-    ValDeg[3] = '\0';
-    sscanf( ValDeg , "%ld" , &ValD );
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ )
-      ValMin[i] = DegMinSec[i+4];
-    ValMin[2] = '\0';
-    sscanf( ValMin , "%ld" , &ValM );
-    for ( i = 0 ; i < 5 ; i++ )
-       ValSec[i] = DegMinSec[i+6];
-    ValSec[5] = '\0';
-    sscanf( ValSec , "%lf" , &ValS );
-    *Degre = (double)signe*((double)ValD + 
-			(double)ValM/60.0 + (double)ValS/3600.0);
-   }
-   else
-     *Degre = 0.0;
-  /*-----------------------------------------------*/
-  /* fin du code de l'operation cai_DMS_To_Float   */
-  /*-----------------------------------------------*/
-  } 
-/*                                                                            */
-/*OPERATION : cai_JulToGreg                                                   */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*ROLE : Convertir une date julienne en date gregorienne                      */
-/*ROLE :                                                                      */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*RETOUR :                                                                    */
-/*                                                                            */
-int nb_jours_mois[12] = { 31 , 28 , 31 , 30 , 31 , 30 , 31 , 31 , 30 , 31 , 30 , 31 };
-static void cai_JulToGreg ( long nbjours , double nbsec , char* dategreg )
- {
-  /*-----------------------------------*/
-  /* Declaration des variables locales */
-  /*-----------------------------------*/
-  int  an = ANNEE_DEBUT_JULIEN ;              /* annee debut = 1950 */
-  int  nb_jour_an = NB_JOURS_AN_NON_BISSEX ;  /* 1950 = annee non bissextile */
-  int  mois, jour, heure, minute, seconde, centieme ;
-  long  jourjulien = 0 ;
-  double  secjulien = 0. ;
-  /*---------------------------------------*/
-  /* DEBUT DE L'OPERATION   cai_JulToGreg  */
-  /*---------------------------------------*/
-  jourjulien = nbjours ;
-  secjulien = nbsec ;
-  /*---------------------------------------*/
-  /* Calculer l'annee gregorienne          */
-  /*---------------------------------------*/
-  while ( jourjulien >= (long)nb_jour_an )
-    {
-    an = an + 1;    
-    jourjulien = jourjulien - (long)nb_jour_an ;
-    /*------------------------------------------------*/
-    /* si anne bissextile mettre a jour le nb_jour_an */
-    /*------------------------------------------------*/
-    if ( ( ((an%4) == 0) && ((an%100) != 0) ) || (an%400 == 0) )
-      nb_jour_an = NB_JOURS_AN_BISSEX ;
-    else
-      nb_jour_an = NB_JOURS_AN_NON_BISSEX ; 
-    }
-  /*---------------------------------------*/
-  /* Attention : si l'annee est bissextile */
-  /* il faut modifier le mois de fevrier ! */
-  /*---------------------------------------*/
-  if ( nb_jour_an == NB_JOURS_AN_BISSEX )
-    nb_jours_mois[1] = 29 ;
-  /*---------------------------------------*/
-  /* Calculer le mois                      */
-  /*---------------------------------------*/
-  mois = 0 ;
-  while ( jourjulien >= (long)nb_jours_mois[mois] )
-    {
-    jourjulien = jourjulien - (long)nb_jours_mois[mois] ;
-    mois++;
-    }
-  /*---------------------------------------*/
-  /* Calculer le jour                      */
-  /*---------------------------------------*/
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : FA : erreur conversion jour julien dans CAI         */
-  jour = (int)jourjulien +1;
-  /*---------------------------------------*/
-  /* Calculer l'heure                      */
-  /*---------------------------------------*/
-  heure = (int) ( secjulien / 3600 ) ;
-  secjulien = secjulien - ( heure * 3600 ) ;
-  /*---------------------------------------*/
-  /* Calculer les minutes                  */
-  /*---------------------------------------*/
-  minute = (int) ( secjulien / 60 ) ;
-  secjulien = secjulien - ( minute * 60 ) ;
-  /*---------------------------------------*/
-  /* Calculer les secondes                 */
-  /*---------------------------------------*/
-  seconde = (int)secjulien  ;
-  secjulien = secjulien - seconde ;
-  /*---------------------------------------*/
-  /* Calculer les centiemes                */
-  /*---------------------------------------*/
-  centieme = (int) ( secjulien * 1000000.0 + 0.5 ) ;
-  /*---------------------------------------*/
-  /* Ecrire le resultat                    */
-  /*---------------------------------------*/
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM :  Ds les dates, utilisation du . au lieu de ,   */
-/*			       Separation de la date et heure par "T"        */
-  sprintf ( dategreg , "%.4d-%.2d-%.2dT%.2d:%.2d:%.2d.%.6d\0" , an , (mois +1) ,
-            jour , heure , minute , seconde , centieme );
-  } 
-/* Fin de l'operation cai_JulToGreg */
-/* Debut de l'operation cai_DegreeToRadian  */
-static double cai_DegreeToRadian ( double angle_degree )
-  {
-  return ( (angle_degree * (double )PI) / 180.0);
-  }
-/* Fin de l'operation cai_DegreeToRadian */
-/* Debut de l'operation cai_addtime  */
-static int cai_addtime ( char ret[26] , char temps[18] , double milisec )
-double sec;
-long lesjours=0;
-char retour[25]="";
-char variable[18]="";
-strcpy ( variable , temps );
-sec = atof ( &variable[5] ) + milisec;
-if ( sec < 0 )
-  {
-  sec = -sec;
-  lesjours--;
-  }
-variable[5] = '\0';
-sscanf ( variable , "%ld" , &lesjours );
-while ( sec >= NB_SEC_PAR_JOUR )
-  {
-  lesjours++;
-  sec = sec - NB_SEC_PAR_JOUR ;
-  }
-cai_JulToGreg ( lesjours , sec , retour );
-strcpy ( ret , retour );
-return CAI_OK;
-/* Fin de l'operation cai_addtime */
-/* Fonction permettant de retourner le nom d'un fichier a partir*/
-/* du nom du repertoire qui le contient et du debut de son nom  */
-/*                                                              */
-/* PARAMETRES :                                                 */
-/* typspot     (E) : type de spot (spot1a4, spot5 tif,spot5bil  */
-/* str_repertoire (E) : chaine donnant le nom du repertoire     */
-/* str_debut (E) : debut du nom du fichier                      */
-/* str_fichier (S) : nom complet du fichier                     */
-/*                                                              */
-/* VALEUR RETOURNEE :                                           */
-/* 0 : ok                                                       */
-/* 1 : ko                                                       */
-static int cai_recup_nom_spot (char typspot, char * str_repertoire ,
-				char * str_debut , char **str_fichier )
-     DIR *ptr_repertoire;
-     struct dirent *cr_readdir;
-     long lg_comp;
-     char str_comp[20];
-     int fic_trouve;
-     int retour;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"");
-     fic_trouve = 0;
-     retour = 0;
-     lg_comp = strlen(str_debut);
-/* --------------------------------------------------
-  Ouverture du repertoire et listage des fichiers
--------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Traitement suivant le type de spot */
- if (typspot=='1')
-/* Format SPOT1a4 */
-   ptr_repertoire = opendir(str_repertoire);
-   if (ptr_repertoire != NULL)
-   {
-     while ((cr_readdir=readdir(ptr_repertoire))!=NULL)
-     {
-       strncpy(str_comp,cr_readdir->d_name,lg_comp);
-       str_comp[lg_comp]='\0';  
-       if ((strcasecmp(str_comp,str_debut)==0) && (fic_trouve == 0)
-							 && (retour == 0))
-	 {
-	     *str_fichier = (char *) calloc(strlen(str_repertoire)+1+strlen(cr_readdir->d_name)+1, sizeof(char));
-	     if (*str_fichier != NULL)
-	     {
-		strcpy(*str_fichier,str_repertoire);
-	        strcat(*str_fichier,"/");
-		strcat(*str_fichier,cr_readdir->d_name);
-			(*str_fichier)[strlen(str_repertoire)+1+strlen(cr_readdir->d_name)]='\0';
-		fic_trouve++;
-	     }
-	     else
-	     {
-		strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur : Probleme d'allocation memoire");
-	        retour = 1;
-	     }
-          }
-	}
-	closedir(ptr_repertoire);
-	if (fic_trouve == 0)
-	{
-	    sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur : fichier %s/%s... n'existe pas",
-			str_repertoire,str_debut);
-	   retour = 1;
-	}
-   }
- }
- else if (typspot=='B')
-/* Format SPOT5 BIL */
-   ptr_repertoire = opendir(str_repertoire);
-   if (ptr_repertoire != NULL)
-   {
-     while ((cr_readdir=readdir(ptr_repertoire))!=NULL)
-     {
-       strncpy(str_comp,cr_readdir->d_name,lg_comp);
-       str_comp[lg_comp]='\0';
-       if ((strcasecmp(str_comp,str_debut)==0) && (fic_trouve == 0)
-							 && (retour == 0))
-       {
-         if (((strncasecmp(str_debut,"IM",2)== 0)&&
-		(((strstr(cr_readdir->d_name,".BIL")) != 0)||
-		  ((strstr(cr_readdir->d_name,".bil")) != 0)))||
-	      (strncasecmp(str_debut,"METADATA.DIM",12)== 0))
-         {
-	     *str_fichier = (char *) calloc(strlen(str_repertoire)+1+strlen(cr_readdir->d_name)+1, sizeof(char));
-	     if (*str_fichier != NULL)
-	     {
-		strcpy(*str_fichier,str_repertoire);
-	        strcat(*str_fichier,"/");
-		strcat(*str_fichier,cr_readdir->d_name);
-			(*str_fichier)[strlen(str_repertoire)+1+strlen(cr_readdir->d_name)]='\0';
-		fic_trouve++;
-	     }
-	     else
-	     {
-		strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur : Probleme d'allocation memoire");
-	        retour = 1;
-	     }
-           }
-          }
-	}
-	closedir(ptr_repertoire);
-	if (fic_trouve == 0)
-	{
-	    sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur : fichier %s/%s... n'existe pas",
-			str_repertoire,str_debut);
-	   retour = 1;
-	}
-   }
-else if (typspot=='T')
-/* Format SPOT5 TIF */
-   ptr_repertoire = opendir(str_repertoire);
-   if (ptr_repertoire != NULL)
-   {
-     while ((cr_readdir=readdir(ptr_repertoire))!=NULL)
-     {
-       strncpy(str_comp,cr_readdir->d_name,lg_comp);
-       str_comp[lg_comp]='\0';
-       if ((strcasecmp(str_comp,str_debut)==0) && (fic_trouve == 0)
-							 && (retour == 0))
-       {
-         if (((strncasecmp(str_debut,"IM",2)== 0)&&
-		(((strstr(cr_readdir->d_name,".TIF")) != 0)||
-		  ((strstr(cr_readdir->d_name,".tif")) != 0)))||
-	      (strncasecmp(str_debut,"METADATA.DIM",12)== 0))
-         {
-	     *str_fichier = (char *) calloc(strlen(str_repertoire)+1+strlen(cr_readdir->d_name)+1, sizeof(char));
-	     if (*str_fichier != NULL)
-	     {
-		strcpy(*str_fichier,str_repertoire);
-	        strcat(*str_fichier,"/");
-		strcat(*str_fichier,cr_readdir->d_name);
-			(*str_fichier)[strlen(str_repertoire)+1+strlen(cr_readdir->d_name)]='\0';
-		fic_trouve++;
-	     }
-	     else
-	     {
-		strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur : Probleme d'allocation memoire");
-	        retour = 1;
-	     }
-           }
-          }
-	}
-	closedir(ptr_repertoire);
-	if (fic_trouve == 0)
-	{
-	    sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur : fichier %s/%s... n'existe pas",
-			str_repertoire,str_debut);
-	   retour = 1;
-	}
-   }
-	retour=1;
-   return(retour);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_recup_nom_spot
-/*                                                                            */
-/*OPERATION  : cai_lire_dimensions_spot5                                      */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*ROLE : Cette operation lit dans le leader XML de SPOT5 les caracteristiques */
-/*       de l'image a lire                                                    */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*CONTEXTE D'APPEL :                                                          */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*RETOUR : CAI_OK si tout va bien , CAI_KO sinon                              */
-/*                                                                            */
-static CAI_OK_KO cai_lire_dimensions_spot5 ( char *fich_xml , int *nbcan ,
-					     int *nboct , int *nbcol ,
-					     int *nblig , char *byteorder,
-					     int *skipbytes )
-  /* variables locales */  
-  FILE *descripteur;    /* descripteur du fichier XML             */
-  char *maval;          /* variable servant a la lecture des mots */
-  int trouve = 0;       /* nombre de mot cles trouves             */
-  int ok_ncols  = 0;    /* indicateur de presence de NCOLS        */
-  int ok_nbits  = 0;    /* indicateur de presence de NBITS        */
-  int ok_nbands = 0;    /* indicateur de presence de NBANDS       */
-  int ok_nrows  = 0;    /* indicateur de presence de NROWS        */
-  int ok_byteorder = 0; /* indicateur de presence de BYTEORDER    */
-  int ok_skipbytes = 0; /* indicateur de presence de SKIPBYTES    */
-  int nbits;            /* nombre de bits par pixel               */
-  /* Initialisation par defaut */
-    if (strcmp(type_machine,"BE")==0)
-		byteorder[0]='M';
-    else
-		byteorder[0]='I';
-  /* ouvrir le fichier a lire */
-  if ( ( descripteur = fopen ( fich_xml , "rb" ) ) == NULL )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "erreur ouverure de fichier" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* tant que le fichier n'est pas a la fin */
-  while ( !feof ( descripteur ) )
-    {
-    /* lire un mot */
-    maval = cai_spot5_gettoken ( descripteur );
-    if ( maval == NULL ) goto ERREUR;
-    /* comparer le mot lu */    
-    if ( strcasecmp ( maval , NOMBRE_DE_BITS ) == 0 )
-      {
-      /* lire mot suivant */
-      maval = cai_spot5_gettoken ( descripteur );
-      if ( maval == NULL ) goto ERREUR;
-      /* en deduire la valeur */
-      sscanf ( maval , "%d" , &nbits );
-      *nboct = nbits / 8 ;
-      /* incrementer le nombre de champs trouves */
-      trouve++;
-      /* positionner le flag pour ce champs a 1 */
-      ok_nbits = 1;
-      }
-    else  
-    if ( strcasecmp ( maval , NOMBRE_DE_COLONNES ) == 0 )
-      {
-      /* lire mot suivant */
-      maval = cai_spot5_gettoken ( descripteur );
-      if ( maval == NULL ) goto ERREUR;
-      /* en deduire la valeur */
-      sscanf ( maval , "%d" , nbcol );
-      /* incrementer le nombre de champs trouves */
-      trouve++;
-      /* positionner le flag pour ce champs a 1 */
-      ok_ncols = 1;
-      }
-    else
-    if ( strcasecmp ( maval , NOMBRE_DE_CANAUX ) == 0 )
-      {
-      /* lire mot suivant */
-      maval = cai_spot5_gettoken ( descripteur );
-      if ( maval == NULL ) goto ERREUR;
-      /* en deduire la valeur */
-      sscanf ( maval , "%d" , nbcan );
-      /* incrementer le nombre de champs trouves */
-      trouve++;
-      /* positionner le flag pour ce champs a 1 */
-      ok_nbands = 1;      
-      }
-    else
-    if ( strcasecmp ( maval , NOMBRE_DE_LIGNES ) == 0 )
-      {
-      /* lire mot suivant */
-      maval = cai_spot5_gettoken ( descripteur );
-      if ( maval == NULL ) goto ERREUR;
-      /* en deduire la valeur */
-      sscanf ( maval , "%d" , nblig );
-      /* incrementer le nombre de champs trouves */
-      trouve++;
-      /* positionner le flag pour ce champs a 1 */
-      ok_nrows = 1;     
-      }
-    else
-    if ( strcasecmp ( maval , ORDRE_LECTURE_OCTETS ) == 0 )
-      {
-      /* lire mot suivant */
-      maval = cai_spot5_gettoken ( descripteur );
-      if ( maval == NULL ) goto ERREUR;
-      /* en deduire la valeur */
-      sscanf ( maval , "%c" , byteorder );
-      /* incrementer le nombre de champs trouves */
-      trouve++;
-      /* positionner le flag pour ce champs a 1 */
-      ok_byteorder = 1;
-      }
-    else
-    if ( strcasecmp ( maval , NB_OCTETS_A_SAUTER ) == 0 )
-      {
-      /* lire mot suivant */
-      maval = cai_spot5_gettoken ( descripteur );
-      if ( maval == NULL ) goto ERREUR;
-      /* en deduire la valeur */
-      sscanf ( maval , "%d" , skipbytes );
-      /* incrementer le nombre de champs trouves */
-      trouve++;
-      /* positionner le flag pour ce champs a 1 */
-      ok_skipbytes = 1;
-      }
-    /* liber la ressource */
-    FREE ( maval );
-    /* si les 6 mots a lire ont ete trouves , sortir de la boucle */    
-    if ( trouve == 6 )
-      break;
-    }
-  /* traiter les erreur dues au document */
-  if ( trouve != 6 )
-    {
-     if ( ok_ncols == 0 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "manque le tag %s dans le fichier DIMAP" , 
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    if ( ok_nbits == 0 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "manque le tag %s dans le fichier DIMAP" , 
-			     NOMBRE_DE_BITS );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    if ( ok_nrows == 0 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "manque le tag %s dans le fichier DIMAP" , 
-			     NOMBRE_DE_LIGNES );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-    if ( ok_nbands == 0 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "manque le tag %s dans le fichier DIMAP" , 
-			     NOMBRE_DE_CANAUX );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-     if ( ok_byteorder == 0 )
-     {      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "manque le tag %s dans le fichier DIMAP" , 
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-/* le skip byte n'est pas obligatoire */
-    if ( ok_skipbytes == 0 )
-      {
-	*skipbytes = 0;
-      }
-    }
-  /* fermeture du fichier */  
-  if (descripteur !=NULL) fclose ( descripteur );
-  /* liberation des ressources */  
-  FREE ( maval );
-  return CAI_OK;
-   FREE ( maval );
-   return CAI_KO;
-  }
- /* Fin de l'operation cai_lire_dimensions_spot5 */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*OPERATION  : cai_spot5_gettoken                                             */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*ROLE : Cette operation lit lit un mot dans le fichier donne en parametre    */
-/*        etretourne sa valeur en enlevent les eventuels caracteres < et >    */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*CONTEXTE D'APPEL :                                                          */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*RETOUR :  la valeur si tout va bien , CAI_KO sinon                          */
-/*                                                                            */
-static char* cai_spot5_gettoken ( FILE *MyFile )
-  char valeur[1024] = ""; /* variable servant a stocker le mot lu       */
-  char *ret;              /* variable retourne qui contiendra le mot lu */
-  char c;                 /* caractere lu                               */
-  int i = 0;              /* indice de la chaine de caractere valeur    */
-  /* lire le premier caractere */
-  if ( fscanf ( MyFile , "%c" , &c ) == 0 )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "erreur lecture xml" );
-    return (char*) NULL;
-    }
-  /* tester si le caractere est <,>,retour chariot, espace  */
-  /* auquel cas, sauter les blancs < , > , tabulations, etc */
-  /* et si on n'est pas en fin de fichier                   */
-  while ( ( ( ( c == '<' ) || ( c == ' ' ) ) || 
-          ( ( c == '>' ) || ( c == '\n' ) ) || 
-	  ( ( c == '\r' ) || ( c == '\t' ) ) )
-	  && ( !feof ( MyFile ) ) )
-    {
-    if ( fscanf ( MyFile , "%c" , &c ) == 0 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "erreur lecture xml" );
-      return (char*) NULL;
-      }
-    }
-  /* tant que que le mot n'est pas fini, lire les caracteres */
-  while ( ( ( c != '>' ) && ( c != '<' ) ) &&
-          ( ( c != ' ' ) && ( c != '\n' ) ) )
-    {
-    valeur[i] = c;
-    if ( fscanf ( MyFile , "%c" , &c ) == 0 )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "erreur lecture xml" );
-      return (char*) NULL;
-      }
-    i++;
-    }
-  /* terminer la chaine de caractere lue */
-  valeur[i+1] = '\0';
-  /* allouer la place pour la chaine qui contiendra le resultat */
-  ret = (char*) NULL;
-  ret = (char*) calloc ( strlen ( valeur ) + 1 , sizeof ( char ) );
-  /* copie du mot lu dans la variable resultat */
-  strcpy ( ret , valeur );
-  /* retour du resultat */
-  return ret;
-  }
-/* fin de l'operation cai_spot5_gettoken */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_creation_spot1a4                                 */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de creation et d'ouverture en ecriture d'une image     */
-/* -----     au format spot1a4 et de tous les fichiers qui la composent      */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL : CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_spot1a4(repert,          */
-/*  ---------------- 		                       nom_image,nb_can,     */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig,          */
-/*				                            label)           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     repert	      (E) (char *) : repertoire	de stockage		     */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir                 */
-/*     nb_can         (E) (int )   : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (E) (int )   : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (E) (int )   : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (E) (int )   : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*     label          (E) (char *) : commentaire lie a l'image               */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_creation_spot1a4 (S) (CAI_IMAGE *) :  =NULL si pb           */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-static CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_spot1a4(char *repert,
-				   		char *nom_image,
-				   		int *nbca,
-				   		int *nboct_pix,
-				   		int *nbcol,
-				   		int *nblig,
-				   		char *label)
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;        /* descripteur image			     */
-   char nom_fic[1024];	     /* nom du fichier en-tete		             */
-   char nom_rep[1024];	     /* nom du fichier en-tete		             */
-   int i,j,num,k;	     /* indice 				             */
-   int cr;                   /* compte rendu d'operation                     */
-   int retour;               /* compte rendu d'operation                     */
-   struct stat	buf_stat;    /* structure decrivant status de fichier        */
-   int descrip_leader;	     /* Descripteur du fichier LEADER                */
-   int descrip_trailer;	     /* Descripteur du fichier TRAILER               */
-   int descrip_volume;	     /* Descripteur du fichier VOLUME DIRECTORY      */
-   int descrip_null;	     /* Descripteur du fichier NULL VOLUME DIRECTORY */
-   int descrip_imagery;	     /* Descripteur du fichier IMAGERY               */
-   long cr_write;	     /* Code retour de write                         */
-   CAI_OK_KO icr;	     /* code retour ecriture dans DA                 */
-   int nouv_indic;           /* indice 				             */
-   char str_int4[5];	     /* Chaines intermediaires                       */
-   char str_int5[6];         /* Chaines intermediaires                       */
-   char str_int1[2];         /* Chaines intermediaires                       */
-   char mode[4];	     /* Mode spectral                                */
-   int lgrec;		     /* Longueur des enregistrements                 */
-   int nbrec;		     /* Nombre d'enregistrements de l'image          */
-   int nb;                   /* taille de l'image                            */
-   int Existe;		     /* Indicateur d'existence du repertoire image   */
-  char Message[200];
-  /* Variables intermediaires */
-   unsigned char BYTE[4];
-   int VAR_LONG[2];
-   char TAB[13000];  
-   char LEVEL[1];
-   char TAMP2[5][9];
-   int LgDate;
-   char StrDate[24];
-   time_t LocalTime;
-   int nbre_enreg;
-   INITIALISATIONS et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-  descrip_leader = -1;
-  descrip_trailer = -1;
-  descrip_volume = -1;
-  descrip_null = -1;
-  descrip_imagery = -1;
-  Existe = 0;
-  image1 = NULL;
-  image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-  if (image1==NULL)
-  {
-    strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,
-		"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_creation_spot1a4");
-    goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  if ((*nboct_pix) != 1 )
-  {
-    strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,
-	"Seul un octet par pixel est autorise pour l'ecriture SPOT1a4");
-    goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  sprintf(image1->NIVEAU,"0 ");
-/*   Constitution du nom du fichier LEADER et verification qu'il  */
-/*                    n'existe pas deja	                          */				
-  nom_fic[0]='\0';
-  if ((long)strlen(repert)!= 0)
-  {
-      sprintf(nom_rep,"%s/%s",repert,nom_image);     
-  }
-  else
-  {
-      sprintf(nom_rep,"%s",nom_image);
-  }
-  retour = stat ( nom_rep , &buf_stat );
-  /* si le repertoire image n'existe pas, le creer*/  
-  if ( retour != 0 )
-  {  
-      cr = mkdir (nom_rep,0775);
-      if (cr !=0)
-      {
-         sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , 
-		"probleme a la creation du repertoire image %s SPOT1A4 \n" ,
-		 nom_image );
-         goto ERREUR;
-      }
-  }
-  else
-    Existe = 1;
-  sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/LEAD_01.DAT",nom_rep);
-  retour = stat ( nom_fic , &buf_stat );
-  if ( retour == 0 )
-  { 
-       sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Le fichier %s LEADER SPOT1A4 existe \n" , 
-							nom_image );
-       goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/*	Ouverture du fichier LEADER en creation				     */
-  descrip_leader = open (nom_fic,O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_BINARY, PERMS );
-  if (descrip_leader == -1)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur de creation du fichier Leader SPOT1A4");
-    	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/* Pour le fichier FILE DESCRIPTOR */
-/* 1 RECORD */
-  VAR_LONG[0] = 1;
-  BYTE[0] = 63;
-  BYTE[1] = 192;
-  BYTE[2] = 18;
-  BYTE[3] = 18;
-  VAR_LONG[1] = 3960;
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , &VAR_LONG[0] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , &BYTE[0] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , &VAR_LONG[1] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy( TAB , "A   S4-ST-73-1CN 0 0               1");
-  cr_write  = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 36);
-  if (cr_write != 36)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  if (*nbca == 1)
-  {
-	strcpy(mode,"PAN");
-        strcpy(TAB,"SP0 P0  LEADBIL ");
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    if (*nbca == 3)
-    {
-	strcpy(mode,"XS ");
-        strcpy(TAB,"SP0 X0  LEADBIL ");
-    }
-    else
-    {
-     if (*nbca == 4)
-     {
-	strcpy(mode,"XI ");
-        strcpy(TAB,"SP0 I0  LEADBIL ");
-     }
-    }
-   }	
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader, TAB , 16);
-  if (cr_write != 16)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy( TAB , "FSEQ       1   4FTYP       5   4FLGT       9   4YNNN");
-  cr_write  = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 52);
-  if (cr_write != 52)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  for (i=0;i<13000;i++)
-  {
-	 strcpy ( &TAB[i]," ");
-  }
-  cr_write  = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 64);
-  if (cr_write != 64)
-  {
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy( TAB , "     1  3960    24  3960     1  3960     2    37 16A     2    21 16A");
-  cr_write  = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 68);
-  if (cr_write != 68)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
- for (i=0;i<81;i++)
-  {
-	 strcpy ( &TAB[i]," ");
-  }
-  strcpy( TAB , "     2   613 16A     2   629 16A     2   581 32A     2    85 32A     2  1317 64A");
-  cr_write  = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 80);
-  if (cr_write != 80)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
- for (i=0;i<50;i++)
-  {
-	 strcpy ( &TAB[i]," ");
-  }
-  strcpy( TAB , "     2  1029 16A     2  1061256A                ");
-  cr_write  = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 48);
-  if (cr_write != 48)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
- for (i=0;i<3600;i++)
-  {
-	 strcpy ( &TAB[i]," ");
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 3584);
-  if (cr_write != 3584)
-  {
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/* Pour le fichier HEADER */
-/* 1 RECORD */
-  VAR_LONG[0] = 2;
-  BYTE[0] = 18;
-  BYTE[1] = 18;
-  BYTE[2] = 18;
-  BYTE[3] = 18;
-  VAR_LONG[1] = 3960;
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , &VAR_LONG[0] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , BYTE , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , &VAR_LONG[1] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB, "   1");
-  cr_write  = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
- for (i=0;i<630;i++)
-  {
-	 strcpy ( &TAB[i]," ");
-  }
-   cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 628);
-  if (cr_write != 628)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-   /* Ecriture du mode spectral */
-   cr_write = write(descrip_leader,mode,3);
-   if (cr_write != 3)
-   {
-	 strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	 goto ERREUR;
-   }
-    cr_write = write(descrip_leader,TAB,360);
-    if (cr_write != 360)
-    {
-         strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-         goto ERREUR;
-    }
-   /* Initialisation du nombre de colonnes, du nombre de lignes et du nombre 
-   de canaux : */
-   sprintf(TAB,"%5d" , *nbcol);
-   cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 5);
-   if (cr_write != 5)
-   {
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   strcpy ( TAB, "               ");
-   cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 11);
-   if (cr_write != 11)
-   {
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   sprintf(TAB,"%5d" , *nblig);
-   cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 5);
-   if (cr_write != 5)
-   {
-	   strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	   goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   for (i=0;i<35;i++)
-   {
-	 strcpy(&TAB[i], " ");
-   }
-   cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 31);
-   if (cr_write != 31)
-   {
-	   strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	   goto ERREUR;
-   }
-  sprintf(TAB,"%d",*nbca);
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 1);
-  if (cr_write != 1)
-  {
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  }
-   for (i=0;i<2741;i++)
-   {
-	 strcpy(&TAB[i], " ");
-   }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 2740);
-  if (cr_write != 2740)
-  {
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB , "   1            3960              16            3960            ");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 64);
-  if (cr_write != 64)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB , "   1            3960               4            3960            ");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 64);
-  if (cr_write != 64)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB , "   1            3960            ");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 32);
-  if (cr_write != 32)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/* Pour le fichier EPHEMERIS/ATTITUDE */
-/* 1 RECORD */
-  VAR_LONG[0] = 3;
-  BYTE[0] = 246;
-  BYTE[1] = 36;
-  BYTE[2] = 18;
-  BYTE[3] = 18;
-  VAR_LONG[1] = 3960;
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , &VAR_LONG[0] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , BYTE , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , &VAR_LONG[1] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB , "   1");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  for (i=0;i<3945;i++)
-  {
-	 strcpy(&TAB[i], " ");
-  }
-/* Ecriture dans le fichier Leader */
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 3944);
-  if (cr_write != 3944)
-  {
-	strcpy(CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur acces au fichier Leader");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/* Pour le fichier RADIOMETRIC CALIBRATION */
-/* 16 RECORDS */
-  BYTE[0] = 63;
-  BYTE[1] = 36;
-  BYTE[2] = 18;
-  BYTE[3] = 18;
-  VAR_LONG[1] = 3960;
-  /*image source non SPOT*/
-/* Ecriture dans le fichier Leader */
-  for (i=0;i<16;i++)	/* Pour 16 records */
-  {
-	VAR_LONG[0] = 4+i;
-	cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , &VAR_LONG[0] , 4);
- 	if (cr_write != 4)
-  	{
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  	}
-  	cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , BYTE , 4);
-  	if (cr_write != 4)
-  	{
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  	}
-	cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , &VAR_LONG[1] , 4);
- 	if (cr_write != 4)
-  	{
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  	}
-  	cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 48);
-	if (cr_write != 48)
-	{
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  	}
-        for (j=0;j<3000;j=j+2)
-        {
-	   strcpy(&TAB[j], " ");
-	   strcpy(&TAB[j+1], "0");
-        }
-	cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 3000);
-	if ( cr_write != 3000)
-	{
-	  strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-	}
-        for (j=0;j<900;j++)
-        {
-	   strcpy(&TAB[j], " ");
-        }
-  	cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 900);
-	if (cr_write != 900)
-	{
-	  	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-			"Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	  	goto ERREUR;
-  	}
-  }
-/* 2 RECORD */
-for (i=0;i<2;i++)
-  VAR_LONG[0] = 20+i;
-  BYTE[0] = 8;
-  BYTE[1] = 21;
-  BYTE[2] = 48;
-  BYTE[3] = 35;
-  VAR_LONG[1] = 3960;
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , &VAR_LONG[0] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , BYTE , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , &VAR_LONG[1] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB , "   1");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB, 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  for (i=0;i<3950;i++)
-  {
-	 strcpy(&TAB[j], " ");
-  }
-  /* Ecriture dans le fichier Leader */
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 3944);
-  if ( cr_write != 3944)
-  {
-	  strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/* Pour  HISTOGRAM           */
-/* 4 RECORDS */
-  BYTE[0] = 192;
-  BYTE[1] = 36;
-  BYTE[2] = 18;
-  BYTE[3] = 18;
-  VAR_LONG[1] = 3960;
-  for (i=0;i<*nbca;i++)	/* nbca records */
-  {
-	VAR_LONG[0] = 22+i;
-	cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , &VAR_LONG[0] , 4);
-  	if (cr_write != 4)
-  	{
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  	}
-  	cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , BYTE , 4);
-  	if (cr_write != 4)
- 	{
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  	}
-	cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , &VAR_LONG[1] , 4);
-  	if (cr_write != 4)
-  	{
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  	}
-  	cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 3948);
-	if (cr_write != 3948)
-	{
-	  	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	  	goto ERREUR;
-  	}
-  }
-  if (*nbca!=4)
-  {
-    for (i=0;i<(4-(*nbca));i++)
-    {
-	VAR_LONG[0] = 22+i+(*nbca);
-	cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , &VAR_LONG[0] , 4);
-  	if (cr_write != 4)
-  	{
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  	}
-  	cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , BYTE , 4);
-  	if (cr_write != 4)
- 	{
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  	}
-	cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , &VAR_LONG[1] , 4);
-  	if (cr_write != 4)
-  	{
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  	}
-	if (*nbca == 1)
-	{
-          sprintf(TAB,"   %d",i+2);
-	}
-	if (*nbca == 3)
-	{
-	  strcpy(TAB,"   4");
-	}
-	cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 4);
-  	if (cr_write != 4)
-  	{
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  	}
-  	for (i=0;i<4000;i++)
-  	{
-		 strcpy(&TAB[j], " ");
-  	}
-        cr_write = write(descrip_leader, TAB, 3944);
-	if (cr_write != 3944)
-	{
-		strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-		goto ERREUR;
-	}
-     }
-  }
-/* Pour le fichier MAP PROJECTION */
-/* 1 RECORD */
-  VAR_LONG[0] = 26;
-  BYTE[0] = 36;
-  BYTE[1] = 36;
-  BYTE[2] = 18;
-  BYTE[3] = 18;
-  VAR_LONG[1] = 3960;
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , &VAR_LONG[0] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , BYTE , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , &VAR_LONG[1] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy(TAB, "   1");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  for (i=0;i<4000;i++)
-  {
-	 strcpy(&TAB[i], " ");
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 3944);
-  if (cr_write != 3944)
-  {
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/* Pour le fichier ANNOTATIONS */
-/* 1 RECORD */
-  VAR_LONG[0] = 27;
-  BYTE[0] = 18;
-  BYTE[1] = 219;
-  BYTE[2] = 18;
-  BYTE[3] = 18;
-  VAR_LONG[1] = 3960;
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , &VAR_LONG[0] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , BYTE , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , &VAR_LONG[1] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy(TAB, "   1   3");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 8);
-  if (cr_write != 8)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-   strcpy(TAB, "                                             ");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 32);
-  if (cr_write != 32)
-  {
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy(TAB, " 180  36VT  ");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 12);
-  if (cr_write != 12)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
- for (i=0;i<170;i++)
- { 
-	 strcpy ( &TAB[i]," ");
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 168);
-  if (cr_write != 168)
-  {
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy(TAB, " 360  98VZ1 ");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 12);
-  if (cr_write != 12)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  for (i=0;i<350;i++)
-  {
-	 strcpy ( &TAB[i]," ");
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 348);
-  if (cr_write != 348)
-  {
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy(TAB, " 540  60VZ2 ");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 12);
-  if (cr_write != 12)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  for (i=0;i<1120;i++)
-  {
-	 strcpy ( &TAB[i]," ");
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 1112);
-  if (cr_write != 1112)
-  {
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy(TAB, "   4 8  ");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 8);
-  if (cr_write != 8)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  for (i=0;i<2240;i++)
-  {
-	 strcpy(&TAB[i], " ");
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_leader , TAB , 2236);
-  if (cr_write != 2236)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Leader Spot1a4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/*       Fermeture du fichier LEADER          */
-  close (descrip_leader);
-/*   Constitution du nom du fichier TRAILER et verification qu'il */
-/*                    n'existe pas deja	                          */				
-  sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/TRAI_01.DAT",nom_rep);
-  retour = stat ( nom_fic , &buf_stat );
-  if ( retour == 0 )
-  { 
-       sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Le fichier %s TRAILER SPOT1A4 existe \n" , 
-				nom_image );
-       goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/*	Ouverture du fichier TRAILER en creation			     */
-  descrip_trailer =  open (nom_fic,O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_BINARY, PERMS );
-  if (descrip_trailer == -1)
-  {
-  	strcpy (CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture du fichier TRAILER SPOT1A4 ");
-  	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/* Pour le fichier FILE DESCRIPTOR */
-/* 1 RECORD */
-  VAR_LONG[0] = 1;
-  BYTE[0] = 63;
-  BYTE[1] = 192;
-  BYTE[2] = 18;
-  BYTE[3] = 18;
-  VAR_LONG[1] = 1080;
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_trailer , &VAR_LONG[0] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Trailer SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_trailer , BYTE , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Trailer SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_trailer , &VAR_LONG[1] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Trailer SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB , "A   S4-ST-73-1CN 0 0               3");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_trailer , TAB , 36);
-  if ( cr_write != 36)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Trailer SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy (TAB,"        TRAIBIL FSEQ       1   4FTYP       5   4FLGT       9   4YNNN");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_trailer , TAB , 68);
-  if ( cr_write != 68)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Trailer SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  for (i=0;i<70;i++)
-  {
-	 strcpy(&TAB[i], " ");
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_trailer , TAB , 64);
-  if ( cr_write != 64)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Trailer SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB , "   3    1080");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_trailer , TAB , 12);
-  if ( cr_write != 12)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Trailer SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  for (i=0;i<30;i++)
-  {
-	 strcpy(&TAB[i], " ");
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_trailer , TAB , 24);
-  if ( cr_write != 24)
-  {
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Trailer SPOT1A4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB , "     2    21  4N     2    35200A");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_trailer , TAB , 32);
-  if ( cr_write != 32)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Trailer SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  for (i=0;i<835;i++)
-  {
-	 strcpy(&TAB[i], " ");
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_trailer , TAB , 832);
-  if ( cr_write != 832)
-  {
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Trailer SPOT1A4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/* Pour le fichier TRAILER-QUALITY */
-/* 1 RECORD */
-  VAR_LONG[0] = 2;
-  BYTE[0] = 18;
-  BYTE[1] = 246;
-  BYTE[2] = 18;
-  BYTE[3] = 18;
-  VAR_LONG[1] = 1080;
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_trailer , &VAR_LONG[0] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Trailer SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_trailer , BYTE , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Trailer SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_trailer , &VAR_LONG[1] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Trailer SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB , "   1    ");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_trailer , TAB , 8);
-  if ( cr_write != 8)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Trailer SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  /*ecriture dans le fichier trailer*/
-  for (i=0;i<215;i++)
-  {
-	 strcpy(&TAB[i], " ");
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_trailer , TAB , 214);
-  if ( cr_write != 214)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture du fichier Trailer SPOT1A4");
- 	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB , "   1  1080");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_trailer , TAB , 10);
-  if ( cr_write != 10)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Trailer SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  for (i=0;i<840;i++)
-  {
-	 strcpy(&TAB[i], " ");
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_trailer , TAB , 836);
-  if ( cr_write != 836)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Trailer SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/* 1 RECORD */
-  VAR_LONG[0] = 3;
-  BYTE[0] = 18;
-  BYTE[1] = 246;
-  BYTE[2] = 18;
-  BYTE[3] = 18;
-  VAR_LONG[1] = 1080;
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_trailer , &VAR_LONG[0] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Trailer SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_trailer , BYTE , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Trailer SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_trailer , &VAR_LONG[1] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Trailer SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB , "   1");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_trailer , TAB , 4);
-  if ( cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Trailer SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  for (i=0;i<1070;i++)
-  {
-	 strcpy(&TAB[i], " ");
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_trailer , TAB, 1064);
-  if ( cr_write != 1064)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur ecriture du fichier Trailer SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/*        Fermeture du fichier TRAILER          */
-  close (descrip_trailer);
-/*   Constitution du nom du fichier VOLUME_DIRECTORY et           */
-/*      verification qu'il n'existe pas deja	                  */				
-  sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/VOLD_01.DAT",nom_rep);  
-  retour = stat ( nom_fic , &buf_stat );
-  if ( retour == 0 )
-  { 
-       sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR ,
-		 "Le fichier %s VOLUME_DIRECTORY SPOT1A4 existe \n" ,
-		 nom_image );
-       goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/*	Ouverture du fichier VOLUME DIRECTORY en creation		     */
-  descrip_volume = open (nom_fic,O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_BINARY, PERMS );
-  if (descrip_volume == -1)
-  {
-  	strcpy (CAI_ERREUR,
-		"Erreur de creation du fichier VOLUME DIRECTORY  SPOT1A4");
-  	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/* Pour le fichier VOLUME DESCRIPTOR */
-/* 1 RECORD */
-  VAR_LONG[0] = 1;
-  BYTE[0] =192;
-  BYTE[1] = 192;
-  BYTE[2] = 18;
-  BYTE[3] = 18;
-  VAR_LONG[1] = 360;
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume , &VAR_LONG[0] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory  SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume , BYTE , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory  SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume , &VAR_LONG[1] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory  SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB , "A   CCB-CCT-0002 A AECR_EXT_SPOT");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume, TAB, 32);
-  if (cr_write != 32)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR,
-		 "Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory  SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  for (i=0;i<70;i++)
-  {
-	 strcpy ( &TAB[i]," ");
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume, TAB, 68);
-  if (cr_write != 68)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory  SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/* Recuperation de la date systeme */
-  LocalTime = time(NULL);	/* Date calendaire */
-/* Ecriture dans une chaine de caracteres */
-  LgDate = 17;
-  strftime ( StrDate , LgDate , "%Y%m%d%H%M%S  ",localtime(&LocalTime));
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume,StrDate,16);
-  if (cr_write != 16)
-  {
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR,
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( &TAB[33], "   3   5");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume , TAB , 232);
-  if (cr_write != 232)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR,
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/* Pour le fichier FILE POINTER for Leader File */
-/* 1 RECORD */
-  VAR_LONG[0] = 2;
-  BYTE[0] =219;
-  BYTE[1] = 192;
-  BYTE[2] = 18;
-  BYTE[3] = 18;
-  VAR_LONG[1] = 360;
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume , &VAR_LONG[0] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume , BYTE , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume , &VAR_LONG[1] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR,
-		 "Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB,"A      1SP      LEADBIL LEADER FILE ");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume, TAB, 36);
-  if (cr_write != 36)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB , "                                   ");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume, TAB, 16);
-  if (cr_write != 16)
-  {
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB,"LEADMIXED BINARY AND ASCII      MBAA      27    3960    3960FIXED LENGHTFIXD    ");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume, TAB, 80);
-  if (cr_write != 80)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  for (i=0;i<217;i++)
-  {
-	 strcpy ( &TAB[i]," ");
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume, TAB, 216);
-  if (cr_write != 216)
-  {
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/* Pour le fichier FILE POINTER for Imagery File */
-/* 1 RECORD */
-  VAR_LONG[0] = 3;
-  BYTE[0] =219;
-  BYTE[1] = 192;
-  BYTE[2] = 18;
-  BYTE[3] = 18;
-  VAR_LONG[1] = 360;
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume , &VAR_LONG[0] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume , BYTE , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR,
-		 "Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume , &VAR_LONG[1] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB,"A      2SP      IMGYBIL IMAGERY FIL ");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume, TAB, 36);
-  if (cr_write != 36)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR,
-		 "Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB , "                IMGYBINARY ONLY                 BINO");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume, TAB, 52);
-  if (cr_write != 52)
-  {
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR,
-		 "Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB ,"000                     FIXED LENGTHFIXD");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume, TAB, 40);
-  if (cr_write != 40)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-   for (i=0;i<125;i++)
-   {
-	 strcpy ( &TAB[i]," ");
-   }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume, TAB, 120);
-  if (cr_write != 120)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR,
-		 "Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy(TAB,"000     ");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume, TAB, 100);
-  if (cr_write != 100)
-  {
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/* Pour le fichier FILE POINTER for Trailer File */
-/* 1 RECORD */
-  VAR_LONG[0] = 4;
-  BYTE[0] = 219;
-  BYTE[1] = 192;
-  BYTE[2] = 18;
-  BYTE[3] = 18;
-  VAR_LONG[1] = 360;
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume , &VAR_LONG[0] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR,
-		 "Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume , BYTE , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume , &VAR_LONG[1] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR,
-		 "Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB,"A      3SP      TRAIBIL TRAILER FILE");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume, TAB, 36);
-  if (cr_write != 36)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy(TAB,"                                    ");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume, TAB, 16);
-  if (cr_write != 16)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB,"TRAIMIXED BINARY AND ASCII      MBAA       3    1080    1080FIXED LENGTHFIXD");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume, TAB, 76);
-  if (cr_write != 76)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory  SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-   for (i=0;i<225;i++)
-   {
-	 strcpy ( &TAB[i]," ");
-   }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume, TAB, 220);
-  if (cr_write != 220)
-  {
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/* Pour le fichier TEXT */
-/* 1 RECORD */
-  VAR_LONG[0] = 5;
-  BYTE[0] = 18;
-  BYTE[1] = 63;
-  BYTE[2] = 18;
-  BYTE[3] = 18;
-  VAR_LONG[1] = 360;
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume , &VAR_LONG[0] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR,
-		 "Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume , BYTE , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume , &VAR_LONG[1] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR,
-		 "Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB,"A   PRODUCT:            SPOT");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume, TAB, 28);
-  if (cr_write != 28)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB,"             MODE       BIL  LEVEL    \r\n");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume, TAB, 40);
-  if (cr_write != 40)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-   for (i=0;i<50;i++)
-   {
-	 strcpy ( &TAB[i]," ");
-   }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume, TAB, 40);
-  if ( cr_write != 40)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR,
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB , "PROD. CNES_QTIS   COPYRIGHT CNES   ");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume , TAB , 35);
-  if (cr_write != 35)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/* Recuperation de la date systeme */
-  LocalTime = time(NULL);	/* Date calendaire */
-/* Ecriture dans une chaine de caracteres */
-  LgDate = 24;
-  strftime ( StrDate , LgDate , "%d %m %Y - %HH%MMN%SS" , 
-		localtime(&LocalTime));
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume, StrDate , 23);
-  if (cr_write != 23)
-  {
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR,
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB ,"\r\nSCENE               -       THE               ");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume , TAB , 48);
-  if (cr_write != 48)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB,"\r\nVOL : VOLUME 1 ORDER: ORDRE 1         \r\n");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume , TAB , 42);
-  if (cr_write != 42)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-   for (i=0;i<95;i++)
-   {
-	 strcpy ( &TAB[i]," ");
-   }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_volume , TAB , 92);
-  if (cr_write != 92)
-  {
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/*        Fermeture du fichier VOLUME           */
-  close (descrip_volume);
-/*   Constitution du nom du fichier NULL_VOLUME_DIRECTORY         */ 
-/*          et verification qu'il n'existe pas deja	          */				
-  sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/NULL_01.DAT",nom_rep);
-  retour = stat ( nom_fic , &buf_stat );
-  if ( retour == 0 )
-  { 
-       sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , 
-		"Le fichier %s NULL_VOLUME_DIRECTORY  SPOT1A4 existe \n" , 
-		nom_image );
-       goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/*	Ouverture du fichier NULL VOLUME DIRECTORY en creation		     */
-  descrip_null = open (nom_fic,O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_BINARY, PERMS );
-  if (descrip_null == -1)
-  {
-  	strcpy (CAI_ERREUR,
-		"Erreur de creation du fichier NULL VOLUME DIRECTORY SPOT1A4");
-  	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/* Pour le fichier NULL VOLUME DESCRIPTOR */
-/* 1 RECORD */
-  VAR_LONG[0] = 1;
-  BYTE[0] =192;
-  BYTE[1] = 192;
-  BYTE[2] = 63;
-  BYTE[3] = 18;
-  VAR_LONG[1] = 360;
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_null , &VAR_LONG[0] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Null Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_null , BYTE , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Null Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_null , &VAR_LONG[1] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Null Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR; 
- }
-  strcpy ( TAB , "A   CCB-CCT-0002 A A");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_null, TAB, 20);
-  if (cr_write != 20)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Null Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR; 
- }
-  for (i=0;i<340;i++)
-  {
-	 strcpy ( &TAB[i]," ");
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_null, TAB, 328);
-  if (cr_write != 328)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, 
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Null Volume Directory SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR; 
- }
-/*    Fermeture du fichier NULL VOLUME       */
-  close (descrip_null);
-/*   Constitution du nom du fichier IMAGERY et verification qu'il */
-/*                    n'existe pas deja	                          */				
-  sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/IMAG_01.DAT",nom_rep); 
-  retour = stat ( nom_fic , &buf_stat );
-  if ( retour == 0 )
-  { 
-       sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Le fichier %s IMAGERY SPOT1A4 existe \n" , 
-			nom_image );
-       goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/*	Ouverture du fichier IMAGERY en creation		             */
-  descrip_imagery = open (nom_fic,O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_BINARY, PERMS );
-  if (descrip_imagery == -1)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur de creation du fichier Imagerie SPOT1A4");
-    	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/* Pour le fichier FILE DESCRIPTOR */
-  /* Initialisation de nbrec et lgrec et des autres donnees utiles */
-   nb = (*nbcol)*(*nboct_pix);
-  /* Definition de lgrec : */
-  if (nb<=5300) 
-	 lgrec = 5400;
-  else if ((nb>5300) && (nb<=8540))
-	 lgrec = 8640;
-  else if ((nb>8540) && (nb<=10880))
-	 lgrec = 10980;
-  else if ((nb>10880) && (nb<=12140))
-	 lgrec = 12240;
-  else
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR , "Enregistrement trop long pour le fichier imagery");
-    	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  /* 1 RECORD */
-  VAR_LONG[0] = 1;
-  BYTE[0] = 63;
-  BYTE[1] = 192;
-  BYTE[2] = 18;
-  BYTE[3] = 18;
-  VAR_LONG[1] = lgrec;
-  nbrec = (*nbca)*(*nblig);
-  if (nbrec<10000)
-  {
-	 strcpy(&TAMP2[0][0]," ");
-	 strcpy(&TAMP2[0][1]," ");
-	 sprintf ( str_int4,"%d",nbrec);
-  	 for (i=0;i<4;i++)
-  	 {
-	  strcpy(&TAMP2[0][i+2],&str_int4[i]); 
-  	 }
-  }
-  else
-  { 
-	 strcpy(&TAMP2[0][0]," ");
-	 sprintf (str_int5,"%d",nbrec);
-	 for (i=0;i<5;i++)
-	 {
-		strcpy(&TAMP2[0][i+1],&str_int5[i]);
-	 }
-  }
-  if (lgrec<10000)
-  {
-	 strcpy(&TAMP2[1][0]," ");
-	 strcpy(&TAMP2[1][1]," ");
-	 sprintf ( str_int4,"%d",lgrec);
-  	 for (i=0;i<4;i++)
-  	 {
-	  	strcpy(&TAMP2[1][i+2],&str_int4[i]); 
-  	 }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-	 strcpy(&TAMP2[1][0]," ");
-	 sprintf (str_int5,"%d",lgrec);
-	 for (i=0;i<5;i++)
-	 {
-		strcpy(&TAMP2[1][i+1],&str_int5[i]);
-	 }
-  }
-  /* Initialisation du nombre de colonnes et du nombre de lignes : */
-  for (i=0;i<3;i++)
-  {
-	 strcpy ( &TAMP2[2][i]," ");
-	 strcpy ( &TAMP2[3][i]," ");
-  }
-  if (*nblig < 10000)
-  {
-	 strcpy ( &TAMP2[2][3] , "0");
-	 sprintf( str_int4 , "%d" , *nblig);
-	 for (j=0;j<4;j++)
-	 {
-		strcpy(&TAMP2[2][j+4],&str_int4[j]);
-	 }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-	 sprintf( str_int5, "%d", *nblig);
-	 for (j=0;j<5;j++)
-	 {
-		strcpy ( &TAMP2[2][j+3],&str_int5[j]);
-	 }
-  }
-  if (*nbcol < 10000)
-  {
-	 strcpy ( &TAMP2[3][3] , "0");
-	 sprintf ( str_int4 , "%d" , *nbcol);
-	 for (j=0;j<4;j++)
-	 {
-		strcpy ( &TAMP2[3][j+4],&str_int4[j]);
-	 }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-	 sprintf ( str_int5 , "%d" , *nbcol);
-	 for ( j=0;j<5;j++)
-	 {
-		strcpy ( &TAMP2[3][j+3],&str_int5[j]);
-	 }
-  }
-  for (i=0;i<4;i++)
-  {
-	  strcpy(&TAMP2[4][i]," "); 
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery , &VAR_LONG[0] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Imagery SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery , BYTE , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Imagery SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery , &VAR_LONG[1] , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Imagery SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB, "A   S4-ST-73-1CN 0 0               2");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery , TAB , 36);
-  if ( cr_write != 36)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Imagery SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/* Initialisation du mode spectral et du niveau : */
-   if ((mode[0]=='X')&&(mode[1]=='I'))
-         sprintf(TAB,"    I0  ");
-   else
-         sprintf(TAB,"    %.1s0  ",&mode[0]);
-  cr_write = write (descrip_imagery, TAB, 8);
-  if (cr_write != 8)
-  {
-	strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Imagery SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  /* Initialisation du niveau de traitement : */
-  LEVEL[0]=' ';
-  strcpy(TAB, "IMGYBIL FSEQ       1   4FTYP       5   4FLGT       9   4YNYN");
-  cr_write = write (descrip_imagery, TAB, 60);
-  if (cr_write != 60)
-  {
-	strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Imagery SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  for (i=0;i<70;i++)
-  {
-	 strcpy ( &TAB[i]," ");
-  }
-  cr_write = write (descrip_imagery, TAB, 64);
-  if (cr_write != 64)
-  {
-	strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Imagery SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write (descrip_imagery , TAMP2 , 6); 
-  if (cr_write != 6)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Imagery SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
- cr_write = write (descrip_imagery , TAMP2[1] , 6); 
-  if (cr_write != 6)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR, "Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Imagery SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write (descrip_imagery, TAB, 24);
-  if (cr_write != 24)
-  {
- 	strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Imagery SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  if (*nboct_pix == 1)
-  {
-	strcpy ( TAB ,"   8");
-  }
-  else if (*nboct_pix == 2)
-  {
-	strcpy ( TAB, "  16");
-  }
-  cr_write = write (descrip_imagery, TAB, 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
- 	strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Imagery SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-   for (i=0;i<15;i++)
-  {
-	 strcpy ( &TAB[i]," ");
-  }
-  strcpy(TAB, "   1   1    ");
-  cr_write = write (descrip_imagery, TAB, 12);
-  if (cr_write != 12)
-  {
- 	strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Imagery SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  sprintf(TAB,"%4.d",*nbca);
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery , TAB , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Imagery SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write (descrip_imagery, TAMP2[2], 8);
-  if (cr_write != 8)
-  {
-	strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Imagery SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  for (i=0;i<5;i++)
-  {
-	 strcpy ( &TAB[i]," ");
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB, "   0");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery , TAB , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Imagery SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
- cr_write = write (descrip_imagery, TAMP2[3], 8);
-  if (cr_write != 8)
-  {
-	strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Imagery SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  cr_write = write (descrip_imagery, TAMP2[4], 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Imagery SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  for (i=0;i<16;i++)
-  {
-	 strcpy ( &TAB[i]," ");
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB, "   0   0BIL  1");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery , TAB , 14);
-  if (cr_write != 14)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Imagery SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  sprintf(TAB,"%4.d",*nbca);
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery , TAB , 2);
-  if (cr_write != 2)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Imagery SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  for (i=0;i<6;i++)
-  {
-	 strcpy ( &TAB[i]," ");
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB, "  20");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery , TAB , 4);
-  if (cr_write != 4)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Imagery SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  if (lgrec == 5400)
-  {
-	strcpy(TAB , "    5300");
-  }
-  else
-  {
-	if (lgrec == 8640)
-	{
-	  strcpy(TAB , "    8540");
-	}
-	else
-	{
-	  if (lgrec == 10980)
-	  {
-		strcpy(TAB, "   10880");
-	  }
-	  else strcpy(TAB, "   12140");
-	}
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery , TAB , 8);
-  if (cr_write != 8)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Imagery SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB, "  28       1 4PB   5 4PB");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery , TAB , 24);
-  if (cr_write != 24)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Imagery SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB, "                              ");
-  if ( LEVEL[0] == 'A')
-  {
-	strcpy(TAB,"   9 4PB");
-  }
-  if (( LEVEL[0] == 'B') || (LEVEL[0] == ' '))
-  {
-	strcpy(TAB,"        ");
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery , TAB , 8);
-  if (cr_write != 8)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Imagery SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB , "  13 4PB  17 4PB");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery , TAB , 16);
-  if (cr_write != 16)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Imagery SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  for (i=0;i<40;i++)
-  {
-	 strcpy ( &TAB[i]," ");
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery , TAB , 32);
-  if (cr_write != 32)
-  {
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Imagery SPOT1A4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  if ( LEVEL[0] == 'A')
-  {
-	strcpy(TAB,"   1 2PB");
-  }
-  if (( LEVEL[0] == 'B')  || ( LEVEL[0] == ' '))
-  {
-	strcpy(TAB,"        ");
-  }
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery , TAB , 8);
-  if (cr_write != 8)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Imagery SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
- for (i=0;i<60;i++)
-  {
-	 strcpy ( &TAB[i]," ");
-  }  
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery , TAB , 56);
-  if (cr_write != 56)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Imagery SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  strcpy ( TAB, "   0   0     254");
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery , TAB , 16);
-  if (cr_write != 16)
-  {
-	strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Imagery SPOT1A4");
-	goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/* Mise a blanc de lgrec-180-268 = lgrec-448 octets */
-  for (i=0;i<5000;i++)
-  {
-	 strcpy ( &TAB[i]," ");
-  }  
-  k = lgrec-448;
-  cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery , TAB , k);
-  if (cr_write != k)
-  {
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Imagery SPOT1A4");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/* Ecriture de l'image entiere a vide */
-  nb=(*nblig)*(*nbca);
-  for (i=0;i<lgrec;i++)
-  {
-	 TAB[i]=0;
-  }  
-  for (i=0;i<nb;i++)
-  {
- 	cr_write = write ( descrip_imagery , TAB , lgrec);
-  	if (cr_write != lgrec)
-  	{
-	  strcpy ( CAI_ERREUR,
-		"Erreur d'ecriture du fichier Imagery SPOT1A4 a vide");	
-	  goto ERREUR;
-  	}
-    }
-  /*stockage de la long enregistrement et port */
- for (i=0;i<*nbca;i=i+1)
-   {
-    image1->ACCES_CANAL_INT[i]=descrip_imagery;
-    image1->POS_OCTET[i]=lgrec;
-   }
-  image1->TYPE_SPOT = 1;
-    /* Sortie sans erreur : */
-  return(image1);
-/* Sorties degradees : */
-/* Fermeture des fichiers et destructions */
-  if (descrip_leader>0) close(descrip_leader);
-  if (descrip_trailer>0) close(descrip_trailer);
-  if (descrip_volume>0) close(descrip_volume);
-  if (descrip_null>0) close(descrip_null);
-  if (descrip_imagery>0) close(descrip_imagery);
-  if (Existe==0)
-  {
-     sprintf(Command,"rm -R %s",nom_rep);
-     system(Command);
-  }
-  else
-  {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/LEAD_01.DAT",nom_rep);
-      unlink(nom_fic);
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/TRAI_01.DAT",nom_rep);
-      unlink(nom_fic);
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/VOLD_01.DAT",nom_rep);
-      unlink(nom_fic);
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/IMAG_01.DAT",nom_rep);
-      unlink(nom_fic);
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/NULL_01.DAT",nom_rep);
-      unlink(nom_fic);
-  }
-  return(NULL);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_creation_spot1a4
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_creation_spot5TIF                                */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de creation et d'ouverture en ecriture d'une image     */
-/* -----     au format spot5 TIFF et de tous les fichiers qui la composent   */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL : CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_spot5TIF(repert,         */
-/*  ---------------- 		                       nom_image,nb_can,     */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig,          */
-/*				                            label)           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     repert	      (E) (char *) : repertoire	de stockage		     */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir                 */
-/*     nb_can         (E) (int )   : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (E) (int )   : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (E) (int )   : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (E) (int )   : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*     label          (E) (char *) : commentaire lie a l'image               */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_creation_spot5TIF (S) (CAI_IMAGE *) :  =NULL si pb          */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-static CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_spot5TIF(char *repert,
-				   		char *nom_image,
-				   		int *nbca,
-				   		int *nboct_pix,
-				   		int *nbcol,
-				   		int *nblig,
-				   		char *label)
-   char nom_fic[1024];	     /* nom du fichier leader    	             */
-   char nom_ficM[1024];	     /* nom du fichier leader renomme 	             */
-   char nom_rep[1024];	     /* nom du repertoire image 	             */
-   CAI_OK_KO icr;            /* compte rendu d'operation                     */
-   struct stat	buf_stat;    /* structure decrivant status de fichier        */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;        /* descripteur image			     */
-   int Existe;		     /* Indicateur d'existence du repertoire image   */
-   int retour,cr;            /* retour de fonction stat                      */
-   INITIALISATIONS et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-  Existe = 0;
-/*   Constitution du repertoire image s'il n'existe pas deja      */
-  nom_fic[0]='\0';
-  if ((long)strlen(repert)!= 0)
-  {
-      sprintf(nom_rep,"%s/%s",repert,nom_image);     
-  }
-  else
-  {
-      sprintf(nom_rep,"%s",nom_image);
-  }
-  retour = stat ( nom_rep , &buf_stat );
-  /* si le repertoire image n'existe pas, le creer*/  
-  if ( retour != 0 )
-  {  
-      cr = mkdir (nom_rep,0775);
-      if (cr !=0)
-      {
-         sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , 
-		"probleme a la creation du repertoire image %s SPOT5TIFF \n" ,
-		 nom_image );
-         retour =0;
-         goto ERREUR;
-      }
-  }
-  else
-	Existe = 1;
-/*   Constitution du nom du fichier IMAGERY et verification qu'il */
-/*                    n'existe pas deja	                          */				/******************************************************************/
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM :  IMAG_01.TIF  devient IMAGERY.TIF  */
-  sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/IMAGERY.TIF",nom_rep); 
-  retour = stat ( nom_fic , &buf_stat );
-  if ( retour == 0 )
-  { 
-       sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Le fichier %s IMAGERY SPOT5TIFF existe \n" , 
-			nom_image );
-       goto ERREUR;
-  }
-  sprintf(nom_fic,"IMAGERY"); 
-  image1 = cai_ouvre_creation_tiff(nom_rep,nom_fic,nbca,
-				   nboct_pix,nbcol,nblig,label);
-  if (image1 == NULL)
-     goto ERREUR;
-/*   fichier LEADER : verification s'il existe pas deja           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : LEAD_01.DAT  devient METADATA.DIM  */
-  sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/METADATA.DIM",nom_rep);
-  retour = stat ( nom_fic , &buf_stat );
-  if ( retour == 0 )
-  { 
-       sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR ,"Le fichier %s METADATA.DIM SPOT5TIFF existe \n" , 
-							nom_image );
-       goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/*   fichier METADATA.DIM : constitution                          */
-   image1->NB_LIG = (*nblig);
-   image1->NB_COL = (*nbcol);
-   image1->NB_CANAUX = (*nbca);
-   image1->NBOCT_PIX = (*nboct_pix);
-   image1->TYPE_SPOT = 2;
-   icr = cai_creat_leader_spot5(image1,nom_fic);
-   if (icr !=CAI_OK)
-   {
-       sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur creation METADATA.DIM SPOT5TIFF" );
-       goto ERREUR;
-   }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.0 : DM : Remplacer les appels systemes pour renommer un */
-/*                            fichier par la commande C rename               */
-    /* Sortie sans erreur : */
-/* renommer l'image en majuscule */
-     sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/IMAGERY.tif",nom_rep);
-     sprintf(nom_ficM,"%s/IMAGERY.TIF",nom_rep);
-     rename(nom_fic,nom_ficM);
-  return(image1);
-/* Sorties degradees : */
-/* destruction du fichier leader et de l'image */
-/* et s'il n'existe pas du repertoire */ 
-  if (image1 != NULL)
-     icr = cai_ferme_tiff (image1);
-  if (Existe==0)
-  {
-     sprintf(Command,"rm -R %s",nom_rep);
-     system(Command);
-  }
-  return(NULL);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_creation_spot5TIF
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_creation_spot5BIL                                */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de creation et d'ouverture en ecriture d'une image     */
-/* -----     au format spot5 BIL et de tous les fichiers qui la composent    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL : CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_spot5BIL(repert,         */
-/*  ---------------- 		                       nom_image,nb_can,     */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig,          */
-/*				                            label)           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     repert	      (E) (char *) : repertoire	de stockage		     */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir                 */
-/*     nb_can         (E) (int )   : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (E) (int )   : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (E) (int )   : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (E) (int )   : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*     label          (E) (char *) : commentaire lie a l'image               */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_creation_spot5BIL (S) (CAI_IMAGE *) :  =NULL si pb          */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-static CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_spot5BIL(char *repert,
-				   		char *nom_image,
-				   		int *nbca,
-				   		int *nboct_pix,
-				   		int *nbcol,
-				   		int *nblig,
-				   		char *label)
-   char nom_fic[1024];	     /* nom du fichier leader    	             */
-   char nom_ficM[1024];	     /* nom du fichier leader renomme	             */
-   char nom_rep[1024],*Fic;  /* nom du repertoire image 	             */
-   CAI_OK_KO icr;            /* compte rendu d'operation                     */
-   struct stat	buf_stat;    /* structure decrivant status de fichier        */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;        /* descripteur image			     */
-   int Existe;		     /* Indicateur d'existence du repertoire image   */
-   int retour,cr;            /* retour de fonction stat                      */
-   INITIALISATIONS et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-  Existe = 0;
-/*   Constitution du repertoire image s'il n'existe pas deja      */
-  nom_fic[0]='\0';
-  if ((long)strlen(repert)!= 0)
-  {
-      sprintf(nom_rep,"%s/%s",repert,nom_image);     
-  }
-  else
-  {
-      sprintf(nom_rep,"%s",nom_image);
-  }
-  retour = stat ( nom_rep , &buf_stat );
-  /* si le repertoire image n'existe pas, le creer*/  
-  if ( retour != 0 )
-  {  
-      cr = mkdir (nom_rep,0775);
-      if (cr !=0)
-      {
-          sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , 
-		"probleme a la creation du repertoire image %s SPOT5BIL \n" ,
-		 nom_image );
-           goto ERREUR;
-      }
-  }
-  else
-	Existe = 1;
-/*   Constitution du nom du fichier IMAGERY et verification qu'il */
-/*                    n'existe pas deja	                          */				/******************************************************************/
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM :  IMAG_XX.bil  devient IMAGERY.BIL */
-  sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/IMAGERY.BIL",nom_rep); 
-  retour = stat ( nom_fic , &buf_stat );
-  if ( retour == 0 )
-  { 
-       sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Le fichier %s IMAGERY SPOT5BIL existe \n" , 
-			nom_image );
-       goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : FA : Correction sprintf(nom_fic,"IMAGERY") au lieu  */
-/*                                de sprintf(nom_fic,"IMAGERY",nom_rep)      */
-  sprintf(nom_fic,"IMAGERY");
-  image1 = cai_ouvre_creation_bil(nom_rep,nom_fic,nbca,
-				   nboct_pix,nbcol,nblig,label);
-  if (image1 == NULL)
-     goto ERREUR;
-  else
-  {
-/* destruction du fichier .bil_hd qui n'a aucune utilite pour Spot5 */
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/IMAGERY.bil_hd",nom_rep);
-      unlink(nom_fic);
-   }
-/*   fichier LEADER : verification s'il existe pas deja           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM :  LEAD_01.DAT  devient METADATA.DIM */
-  sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/METADATA.DIM",nom_rep);
-  retour = stat ( nom_fic , &buf_stat );
-  if ( retour == 0 )
-  { 
-       sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Le fichier %s METADATA.DIM SPOT5BIL existe \n" , 
-							nom_image );
-       goto ERREUR;
-  }
-/*   fichier METADATA.DIM : constitution                          */
-   image1->NB_LIG = (*nblig);
-   image1->NB_COL = (*nbcol);
-   image1->NB_CANAUX = (*nbca);
-   image1->NBOCT_PIX = (*nboct_pix);
-   image1->TYPE_SPOT = 3;
-   icr = cai_creat_leader_spot5(image1,nom_fic);
-   if (icr !=CAI_OK)
-   {
-       sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur creation METADATA.DIM SPOT5BIL" );
-       goto ERREUR;
-   }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.0 : DM : Remplacer les appels systemes pour renommer un */
-/*                            fichier par la commande C rename               */
-    /* Sortie sans erreur : */
-/* renommer l'image en majuscule */
-     sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/IMAGERY.bil",nom_rep);
-     sprintf(nom_ficM,"%s/IMAGERY.BIL",nom_rep);
-     rename(nom_fic,nom_ficM);
-     return(image1);
-/* Sorties degradees : */
-/* destruction du fichier leader et de l'image */
-/* et s'il n'existe pas du repertoire */ 
-  if (image1 != NULL)
-     icr = cai_ferme_bil (image1);
-  if (Existe==0)
-  {
-     sprintf(Command,"rm -R %s",nom_rep);
-     system(Command);
-  }
-  return(NULL);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_creation_spot5BIL
-/*                                                                            */
-/*OPERATION  : cai_creat_leader_spot5                                         */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*ROLE : Cette operation genère un fichier XML de donnees auxiliaires SPOT5   */
-/*       a partir des donnees cai_image passees en parametre                  */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*CONTEXTE D'APPEL :                                                          */
-/*                                                                            */
-/*RETOUR : CAI_OK si tout va bien , CAI_KO sinon                              */
-/*                                                                            */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : FA : erreur d'orthographe sur LATITUDE_ARGUMENT     */
-/*			      et Look_Angles				     */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : FA : erreur initialisation BYTEORDER en creation    */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_creat_leader_spot5 ( CAI_IMAGE *desc_im  , char *nom_fich )
- {
-  /* Code retour */
-  CAI_OK_KO cr;
-  /* Fichier XML a generer */
-  FILE *des;
-  /* Nombre de lignes de l'image */
-  int nblig;
-  /* Nombre de colonnes */
-  int nbcol;
-  /* Nombre de canaux */
-  int nbcan;
-  /* Nombre d'octets par pixel */
-  int nboct;
-  /* type de SPOT ( TIFF ou BIL ) */
-  int typeimg;
-  int type;
-  int i;
-  char valeur[200];
-  /* affectation des variables */
-  nblig = desc_im->NB_LIG;
-  nbcol = desc_im->NB_COL;
-  nbcan = desc_im->NB_CANAUX;
-  nboct = desc_im->NBOCT_PIX;
-  typeimg = desc_im->TYPE_SPOT;
-  /********************************************************/
-  /*         OUVERTURE DU FICHIER XML PRODUIT             */
-  /********************************************************/
-  if ( ( des = fopen ( nom_fich , "wb" ) ) == NULL )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Impossible de creer le fichier XML %s" , nom_fich );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /********************************************************/
-  /********************************************************/
-  /* Entete du document XML */
-  cr = cai_WriteEnteteXML ( des );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture entete XML" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Element Dimap_Document */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Dimap_Document" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Dimap_Document" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Sous element Metadata_Id */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Metadata_Id" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Metadata_Id" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element METADATA_FORMAT */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Version DIMAP passe de 2.0 à 2.9               */
-  type=0;
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXMLWithAttribute ( des , "METADATA_FORMAT" , "DIMAP" ,
-                                          "version" , "2.9",type );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element METADATA_FORMAT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element METADATA_PROFILE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "METADATA_PROFILE" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element METADATA_PROFILE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Metadata_Id */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Metadata_Id" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Metadata_Id" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Sous element Dataset_Id */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Dataset_Id" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Dataset_Id" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element DATASET_NAME */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "DATASET_NAME" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element DATASET_NAME" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element COPYRIGHT */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "COPYRIGHT" , "COPYRIGHT CNES" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element COPYRIGHT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'attribut href=""                   */
-  /* sous element DATASET_TN_PATH */
-  type=1;
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXMLWithAttribute ( des , "DATASET_TN_PATH" , "" , "href" , "" ,type);
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element DATASET_TN_PATH" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element DATASET_TN_FORMAT */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "DATASET_TN_FORMAT" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element DATASET_TN_FORMAT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element DATASET_QL_PATH */
-  type=1;
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXMLWithAttribute ( des , "DATASET_QL_PATH" , "" , "href" , "" ,type);
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element DATASET_QL_PATH" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element DATASET_QL_FORMAT */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "DATASET_QL_FORMAT" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element DATASET_QL_FORMAT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Dataset_Id */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Dataset_Id" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Dataset_Id" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Dataset_Sources */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Dataset_Sources" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Dataset_Sources" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Source_Information */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Source_Information" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Source_Information" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SOURCE_TYPE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SOURCE_TYPE" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element SOURCE_TYPE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SOURCE_ID */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SOURCE_ID" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element SOURCE_ID" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SOURCE_DESCRIPTION */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SOURCE_DESCRIPTION" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element SOURCE_DESCRIPTION" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Scene_Source */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Scene_Source" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Scene_Source" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element IMAGING_DATE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "IMAGING_DATE" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element IMAGING_DATE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element IMAGING_TIME */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "IMAGING_TIME" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element IMAGING_TIME" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element MISSION */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "MISSION" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element MISSION" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element MISSION_INDEX */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "MISSION_INDEX" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element MISSION_INDEX" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element INSTRUMENT */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "INSTRUMENT" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element INSTRUMENT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element INSTRUMENT_INDEX */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "INSTRUMENT_INDEX" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element INSTRUMENT_INDEX" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SENSOR_CODE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SENSOR_CODE" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element SENSOR_CODE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element INCIDENCE_ANGLE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "INCIDENCE_ANGLE" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element INCIDENCE_ANGLE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SUN_AZIMUT */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SUN_AZIMUTH" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element SUN_AZIMUT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SUN_ELEVATION */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SUN_ELEVATION" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element SUN_ELEVATION" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Imaging_Parameters */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Imaging_Parameters" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Imaging_Parameters" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element REVOLUTION_NUMBER */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "REVOLUTION_NUMBER" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element REVOLUTION_NUMBER" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element COMPRESSION_MODE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "COMPRESSION_MODE" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element COMPRESSION_MODE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element DIRECT_PLAYBACK_INDICATOR */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "DIRECT_PLAYBACK_INDICATOR" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element DIRECT_PLAYBACK_INDICATOR" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element REFOCUSING_STEP_NUM */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "REFOCUSING_STEP_NUM" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element REFOCUSING_STEP_NUM" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SWATH_MODE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SWATH_MODE" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element SWATH_MODE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Imaging_Parameters */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Imaging_Parameters" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Imaging_Parameters" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Scene_Source */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Scene_Source" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Scene_Source" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Source_Information */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Source_Information" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Source_Information" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Dataset_Sources */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Dataset_Sources" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Dataset_Sources" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Coordinate_Reference_System */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Coordinate_Reference_System" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Coordinate_Reference_System" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'attribut version="5.2"              */
-  /* sous element GEO_TABLES */
-    type=0;
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXMLWithAttribute ( des , "GEO_TABLES" , "" , "version" , "5.2" ,type);
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element GEO_TABLES" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Horizontal_CS */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Horizontal_CS" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Horizontal_CS" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element HORIZONTAL_CS_TYPE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "HORIZONTAL_CS_TYPE" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element HORIZONTAL_CS_TYPE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element HORIZONTAL_CS_CODE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "HORIZONTAL_CS_CODE" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element HORIZONTAL_CS_CODE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element HORIZONTAL_CS_NAME */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "HORIZONTAL_CS_NAME" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element HORIZONTAL_CS_NAME" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Horizontal_CS */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Horizontal_CS" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Horizontal_CS" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Coordinate_Reference_System */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Coordinate_Reference_System" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Coordinate_Reference_System" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Raster_CS */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Raster_CS" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Raster_CS" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element RASTER_CS_TYPE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "RASTER_CS_TYPE" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element RASTER_CS_TYPE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'element PIXEL_ORIGIN               */
-  /* sous element PIXEL_ORIGIN */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PIXEL_ORIGIN" , "1" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element PIXEL_ORIGIN" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Raster_CS */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Raster_CS" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Raster_CS" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Geoposition */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Geoposition" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Geoposition" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Geoposition_Points */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Geoposition_Points" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Geoposition_Points" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Tie_Point */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Tie_Point" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Tie_Point" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_CRS_X */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_CRS_X" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element TIE_POINTS_CRS_X" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Y */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_CRS_Y" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Y" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z           */
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_DATA_X */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_DATA_X" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element TIE_POINTS_DATA_X" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_DATA_Y */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_DATA_Y" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element TIE_POINTS_DATA_Y" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Tie_Point */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Tie_Point" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Tie_Point" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Tie_Point */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Tie_Point" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Tie_Point" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_CRS_X */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_CRS_X" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element TIE_POINTS_CRS_X" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Y */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_CRS_Y" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Y" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z           */
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_DATA_X */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_DATA_X" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element TIE_POINTS_DATA_X" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_DATA_Y */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_DATA_Y" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element TIE_POINTS_DATA_Y" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Tie_Point */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Tie_Point" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Tie_Point" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Tie_Point */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Tie_Point" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Tie_Point" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_CRS_X */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_CRS_X" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element TIE_POINTS_CRS_X" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Y */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_CRS_Y" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Y" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z           */
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_DATA_X */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_DATA_X" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element TIE_POINTS_DATA_X" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_DATA_Y */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_DATA_Y" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element TIE_POINTS_DATA_Y" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Tie_Point */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Tie_Point" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Tie_Point" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Tie_Point */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Tie_Point" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Tie_Point" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_CRS_X */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_CRS_X" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element TIE_POINTS_CRS_X" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Y */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_CRS_Y" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Y" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z           */
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element TIE_POINTS_CRS_Z" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_DATA_X */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_DATA_X" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element TIE_POINTS_DATA_X" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIE_POINTS_DATA_Y */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIE_POINTS_DATA_Y" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element TIE_POINTS_DATA_Y" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Tie_Point */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Tie_Point" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Tie_Point" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Geoposition_Points */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Geoposition_Points" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Geoposition_Points" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Deplacement de Simplified_Location_Model       */
-  /* sous element Simplified_Location_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Simplified_Location_Model" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Simplified_Location_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Direct_Location_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Direct_Location_Model" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Direct_Location_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'element lc_List                     */
-  /* sous element lc_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "lc_List" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element lc_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element lc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "lc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element lc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element lc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "lc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element lc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element lc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "lc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element lc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element lc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "lc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element lc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element lc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "lc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element lc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element lc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "lc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element lc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element lc_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "lc_List" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element lc_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'element pc_List                     */
-  /* sous element pc_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "pc_List" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element pc_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element pc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "pc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element pc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element pc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "pc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element pc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element pc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "pc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element pc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element pc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "pc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element pc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element pc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "pc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element pc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element pc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "pc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element pc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element pc_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "pc_List" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element pc_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Direct_Location_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Direct_Location_Model" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Direct_Location_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Reverse_Location_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Reverse_Location_Model" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Reverse_Location_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element lc_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "lc_List" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element lc_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element lc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "lc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element lc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element lc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "lc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element lc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element lc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "lc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element lc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element lc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "lc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element lc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element lc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "lc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element lc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element lc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "lc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element lc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element lc_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "lc_List" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element lc_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element pc_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "pc_List" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element pc_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element pc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "pc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element pc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element pc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "pc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element pc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element pc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "pc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element pc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element pc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "pc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element pc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element pc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "pc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element pc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element pc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "pc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element pc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element pc_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "pc_List" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element pc_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Reverse_Location_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Reverse_Location_Model" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Reverse_Location_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Simplified_Location_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Simplified_Location_Model" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Simplified_Location_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Geoposition */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Geoposition" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Geoposition" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Production */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Production" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Production" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element DATASET_PRODUCER_NAME */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "DATASET_PRODUCER_NAME" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element DATASET_PRODUCER_NAME" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout attribut href="http://www.spotimage.fr" */
-  /* sous element DATASET_PRODUCER_URL */
-  type=1;
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXMLWithAttribute ( des , "DATASET_PRODUCER_URL" , "" ,
-                                   "href" , "http://www.spotimage.fr" ,type);
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element DATASET_PRODUCER_URL" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element DATASET_PRODUCTION_DATE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "DATASET_PRODUCTION_DATE" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element DATASET_PRODUCTION_DATE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element PRODUCT_TYPE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PRODUCT_TYPE" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element PRODUCT_TYPE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element PRODUCT_INFO */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PRODUCT_INFO" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element PRODUCT_INFO" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Production_Facility */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Production_Facility" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Production_Facility" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SOFTWARE_NAME */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SOFTWARE_NAME" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element SOFTWARE_NAME" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SOFTWARE_VERSION */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SOFTWARE_VERSION" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element SOFTWARE_VERSION" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element PROCESSING_CENTER */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PROCESSING_CENTER" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element PROCESSING_CENTER" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Production_Facility */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Production_Facility" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Production_Facility" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Production */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Production" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Production" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Raster_Dimensions */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Raster_Dimensions" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Raster_Dimension" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element NCOLS */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%d" , nbcol );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "NCOLS" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element NCOLS" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element NROWS */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%d" , nblig );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "NROWS" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element NROWS" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element NBANDS */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%d" , nbcan );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "NBANDS" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element NBANDS" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Raster_Dimensions */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Raster_Dimensions" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Raster_Dimensions" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Raster_Encoding */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Raster_Encoding" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Raster_Encoding" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element NBITS */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%d" , nboct*8 );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "NBITS" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element NBITS" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'element DATA_TYPE                  */
-  /* sous element DATA_TYPE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "DATA_TYPE" , "UNSIGNED" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element DATA_TYPE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element BYTEORDER */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : FA : erreur initialisation BYTEORDER en creation    */
-  /* Initialisation par defaut */
-  if (strcmp(type_machine,"BE")==0)
-     cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BYTEORDER" , "M" );
-  else
-     cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BYTEORDER" , "I" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element BYTEORDER" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element BANDS_LAYOUT */
-  if ( typeimg == 3 )
-    sprintf ( valeur , "BIL" );
-  else
-    sprintf ( valeur , "" );  
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BANDS_LAYOUT" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element BANDS_LAYOUT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Raster_Encoding */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Raster_Encoding" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Raster_Encoding" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Data_Processing */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Data_Processing" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Data_Processing" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element PROCESSING_LEVEL */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PROCESSING_LEVEL" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element PROCESSING_LEVEL" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element GEOMETRIC_PROCESSING */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "GEOMETRIC_PROCESSING" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element GEOMETRIC_PROCESSING" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Processing_Options */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Processing_Options" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Processing_Options" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Dynamic_Stretch */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Dynamic_Stretch" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Dynamic_Stretch" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < nbcan ; i++ )
-  {
-  /* sous element Thresholds */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Thresholds" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Thresholds" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element BAND_INDEX */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%d" , (i+1) );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BAND_INDEX" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element BAND_INDEX" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element LOW_THRESHOLD */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "LOW_THRESHOLD" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element LOW_THRESHOLD" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element HIGH_THRESHOLD */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "HIGH_THRESHOLD" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element HIGH_THRESHOLD" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Thresholds */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Thresholds" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Thresholds" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Dynamic_Stretch */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Dynamic_Stretch" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Dynamic_Stretch" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Processing_Options */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Processing_Options" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Processing_Options" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Data_Processing */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Data_Processing" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Data_Processing" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Data_Access */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Data_Access" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Data_Access" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element DATA_FILE_ORGANISATION */
-  if ( typeimg == 3 )
-    sprintf ( valeur , "BAND_COMPOSITE" );
-  else
-    sprintf ( valeur , "" );  
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "DATA_FILE_ORGANISATION" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element DATA_FILE_ORGANISATION" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element DATA_FILE_FORMAT */
-  if ( typeimg == 3 )
-    sprintf ( valeur , "RAW" );
-  else
-    sprintf ( valeur , "TIFF" );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "DATA_FILE_FORMAT" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element DATA_FILE_FORMAT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Data_Access */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Data_Access" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Data_Access" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Image_Display */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Image_Display" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Image_Display" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Band_Display_Order */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Band_Display_Order" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Band_Display_Order" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-    /* sous element RED_CHANNEL */
-    cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "RED_CHANNEL" , "" );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element RED_CHANNEL" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }    
-    /* sous element GREEN_CHANNEL */
-    cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "GREEN_CHANNEL" , "" );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element GREEN_CHANNEL" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }    
-    /* sous element BLUE_CHANNEL */
-    cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BLUE_CHANNEL" , "" );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element BLUE_CHANNEL" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Band_Display_Order */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Band_Display_Order" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Band_Display_Order" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Special_Value */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Special_Value" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Special_Value" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SPECIAL_VALUE_INDEX */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SPECIAL_VALUE_INDEX" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element SPECIAL_VALUE_INDEX" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SPECIAL_VALUE_TEXT */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SPECIAL_VALUE_TEXT" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element SPECIAL_VALUE_TEXT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }    
-  /* sous element Special_Value_Color */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Special_Value_Color" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Special_Value_Color" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element RED_LEVEL */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "RED_LEVEL" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element RED_LEVEL" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }    
-  /* sous element GREEN_LEVEL */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "GREEN_LEVEL" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element GREEN_LEVEL" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }    
-  /* sous element BLUE_LEVEL */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BLUE_LEVEL" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element BLUE_LEVEL" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }    
-   if (nbcan == 4)
-   {
-  /* sous element ALPHA_LEVEL */
-      cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "ALPHA_LEVEL" , "" );
-      if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-        sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element ALPHA_LEVEL" );
-        goto ERREUR;
-       }    
-   } 
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Special_Value_Color */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Special_Value_Color" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Special_Value_Color" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Special_Value */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Special_Value" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Special_Value" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Special_Value */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Special_Value" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Special_Value" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SPECIAL_VALUE_INDEX */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SPECIAL_VALUE_INDEX" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element SPECIAL_VALUE_INDEX" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }    
-  /* sous element SPECIAL_VALUE_TEXT */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SPECIAL_VALUE_TEXT" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element SPECIAL_VALUE_TEXT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }    
-  /* sous element Special_Value_Color */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Special_Value_Color" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Special_Value_Color" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element RED_LEVEL */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "RED_LEVEL" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element RED_LEVEL" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }    
-  /* sous element GREEN_LEVEL */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "GREEN_LEVEL" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element GREEN_LEVEL" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }    
-  /* sous element BLUE_LEVEL */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BLUE_LEVEL" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element BLUE_LEVEL" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }    
-   if (nbcan == 4)
-   {
-  /* sous element ALPHA_LEVEL */
-      cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "ALPHA_LEVEL" , "" );
-      if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-        sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element ALPHA_LEVEL" );
-        goto ERREUR;
-       }    
-   } 
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Special_Value_Color */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Special_Value_Color" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Special_Value_Color" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Special_Value */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Special_Value" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Special_Value" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Image_Display */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Image_Display" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Image_Display" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Image_Interpretation */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Image_Interpretation" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Image_Interpretation" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  for ( i = 0; i < nbcan ; i++ )
-    {
-    /* sous element Spectral_Band_Info */
-    cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Spectral_Band_Info" );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Spectral_Band_Info" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-  /* sous element BAND_INDEX */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%d" , (i+1) );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BAND_INDEX" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element BAND_INDEX" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : remplacement de BAND par BAND_DESCRIPTION       */
-    /* sous element BAND_DESCRIPTION */
-    cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BAND_DESCRIPTION" , "" );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-      {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element BAND" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-      }
-  /* sous element PHYSICAL_CALIBRATION_DATE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PHYSICAL_CALIBRATION_DATE" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element PHYSICAL_CALIBRATION_DATE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element PHYSICAL_BIAIS */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PHYSICAL_BIAIS" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element PHYSICAL_BIAIS" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element PHYSICAL_GAIN */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PHYSICAL_GAIN" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element PHYSICAL_GAIN" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element PHYSICAL_UNIT */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PHYSICAL_UNIT" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element PHYSICAL_UNIT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Spectral_Band_Info */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Spectral_Band_Info" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Spectral_Band_Info" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Image_Interpretation */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Image_Interpretation" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Image_Interpretation" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Data_Strip */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Data_Strip" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Data_Strip" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Satellite_Time */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Satellite_Time" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Satellite_Time" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element UT_DATE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "UT_DATE" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element UT_DATE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element CLOCK_VALUE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "CLOCK_VALUE" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element CLOCK_VALUE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element CLOCK_PERIOD */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "CLOCK_PERIOD" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element CLOCK_PERIOD" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element BOARD_TIME */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BOARD_TIME" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element BOARD_TIME" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Satellite_Time */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Satellite_Time" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Satellite_Time" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Ephemeris */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Ephemeris" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Ephemeris" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SATELLITE_ALTITUDE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SATELLITE_ALTITUDE" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element SATELLITE_ALTITUDE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element NADIR_LAT */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "NADIR_LAT" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element NADIR_LAT" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element NADIR_LON */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "NADIR_LON" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element NADIR_LON" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Points */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Points" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Points" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  for ( i = 0; i < 8 ; i++ )
-  {
-  /* sous element Point */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Point" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Point" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Location */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Location" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Location" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element X */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "X" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element X" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Y */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "Y" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Y" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Z */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "Z" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Z" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Location */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Location" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Location" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Velocity */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Velocity" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Velocity" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element X */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "X" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element X" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Y */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "Y" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Y" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Z */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "Z" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Z" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Velocity */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Velocity" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Velocity" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element TIME */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "TIME" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element TIME" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Point */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Point" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Point" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Points */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Points" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Points" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element DORIS_USED */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "DORIS_USED" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element DORIS_USED" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Ephemeris */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Ephemeris" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Ephemeris" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Sensor_Configuration */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Sensor_Configuration" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Sensor_Configuration" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Time_Stamp */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Time_Stamp" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Time_Stamp" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element LINE_PERIOD */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "LINE_PERIOD" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element LINE_PERIOD" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SCENE_CENTER_TIME */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SCENE_CENTER_TIME" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element SCENE_CENTER_TIME" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SCENE_CENTER_LINE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SCENE_CENTER_LINE" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element SCENE_CENTER_LINE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SCENE_CENTER_COL */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SCENE_CENTER_COL" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element SCENE_CENTER_COL" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Time_Stamp */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Time_Stamp" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Time_Stamp" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'element Instrument_look_Angles_List */
-  /* sous element Instrument_Look_Angles_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Instrument_Look_Angles_List" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Instrument_Look_Angles_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  for ( i = 0 ; i < nbcan ; i++ )
-    {
-  /* sous element Instrument_Look_Angles */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Instrument_Look_Angles" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Instrument_Look_Angles" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element VALIDITY_DATE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "VALIDITY_DATE" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element VALIDITY_DATE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element BAND_INDEX */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%d" , (i+1) );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BAND_INDEX" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element BAND_INDEX" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.7 : DM : Ajout de l'element Look_Angles_List            */
-  /* sous element Look_Angles_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Look_Angles_List" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture element Look_Angles_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Look_Angles */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Look_Angles" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Look_Angles" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element DETECTOR_ID */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "DETECTOR_ID" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element DETECTOR_ID" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element PSI_X */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PSI_X" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element PSI_X" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element PSI_Y */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PSI_Y" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element PSI_Y" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Look_Angles */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Look_Angles" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Look_Angles" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Look_Angles */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Look_Angles" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Look_Angles" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element DETECTOR_ID */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "DETECTOR_ID" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element DETECTOR_ID" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element PSI_X */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PSI_X" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element PSI_X" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element PSI_Y */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "PSI_Y" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element PSI_Y" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Look_Angles */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Look_Angles" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Look_Angles" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Look_Angles_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Look_Angles_List" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Look_Angles_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Instrument_Look_Angles */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Instrument_Look_Angles" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Instrument_Look_Angles" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Instrument_Look_Angles_List */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Instrument_Look_Angles_List" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Instrument_Look_Angles_List" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Sensor_Configuration */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Sensor_Configuration" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Sensor_Configuration" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Frame_Counters */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Frame_Counters" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Frame_Counters" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SEGMENT_START */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SEGMENT_START" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element SEGMENT_START" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-   /* sous element SCENE_START */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SCENE_START" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element SCENE_START" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SEGMENT_END */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SEGMENT_END" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element SEGMENT_END" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Frame_Counters */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Frame_Counters" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Frame_Counters" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Data_Strip_Coordinates */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Data_Strip_Coordinates" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Data_Strip_Coordinates" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element FIRST_PIXEL_RAW */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "FIRST_PIXEL_RAW" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element FIRST_PIXEL_RAW" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-   /* sous element FIRST_LINE_RAW */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "FIRST_LINE_RAW" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element FIRST_LINE_RAW" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element FIRST_PIXEL_1B */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "FIRST_PIXEL_1B" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element FIRST_PIXEL_1B" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element FIRST_LINE_1B */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "FIRST_LINE_1B" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element FIRST_LINE_1B" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Data_Strip_Coordinates */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Data_Strip_Coordinates" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Data_Strip_Coordinates" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Models */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Models" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Models" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element OneB_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "OneB_Model" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element OneB_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Coordinate_Normalization */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Coordinate_Normalization" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Coordinate_Normalization" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element LINES_I_M */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "LINES_I_M" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element LINES_I_M" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element LINES_DELTA_I */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "LINES_DELTA_I" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element LINES_DELTA_I" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element COLUMNS_J_M */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "COLUMNS_J_M" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element COLUMNS_J_M" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element COLUMNS_DELTA_J */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "COLUMNS_DELTA_J" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element COLUMNS_DELTA_J" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element LINES_L_M */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "LINES_L_M" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element LINES_L_M" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element LINES_DELTA_L */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "LINES_DELTA_L" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element LINES_DELTA_L" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element COLUMNS_P_M */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "COLUMNS_P_M" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element COLUMNS_P_M" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element COLUMNS_DELTA_P */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "COLUMNS_DELTA_P" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element COLUMNS_DELTA_P" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Coordinate_Normalization */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Coordinate_Normalization" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Coordinate_Normalization" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Direct_OneB_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Direct_OneB_Model" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Direct_OneB_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element I */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "I" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element I" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element I */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "I" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element I" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element J */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "J" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element J" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element J */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "J" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element J" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Direct_OneB_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Direct_OneB_Model" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Direct_OneB_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Reverse_OneB_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Reverse_OneB_Model" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Reverse_OneB_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element L */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "L" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element L" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element L */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "L" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element L" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element P */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "P" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element P" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element P */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "P" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element P" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Reverse_OneB_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Reverse_OneB_Model" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Reverse_OneB_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element A */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "A" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element A" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element A */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "A" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element A" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element B */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "B" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element B" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element c */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "c" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element c" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element B */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "B" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element B" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element OneB_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "OneB_Model" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element OneB_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Attitude_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Attitude_Model" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Attitude_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element D_L */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "D_L" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element D_L" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element abc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "abc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element abc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element abc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "abc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element abc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element abc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "abc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element abc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element D_L */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "D_L" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element D_L" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element D_P */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "D_P" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element D_P" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element abc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "abc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element abc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element abc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "abc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element abc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element abc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "abc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element abc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element D_P */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "D_P" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element D_P" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Attitude_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Attitude_Model" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Attitude_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SWIR_Registration_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "SWIR_Registration_Model" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element SWIR_Registration_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element D_L */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "D_L" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element D_L" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element abc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "abc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element abc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element abc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "abc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element abc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element abc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "abc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element abc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element D_L */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "D_L" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element D_L" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element D_P */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "D_P" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element D_P" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element abc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "abc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element abc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element abc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "abc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element abc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element abc */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "abc" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element abc" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element D_P */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "D_P" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element D_P" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element SWIR_Registration_Model */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "SWIR_Registration_Model" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element SWIR_Registration_Model" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Models */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Models" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Models" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Sensor_Calibration */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Sensor_Calibration" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Sensor_Calibration" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element METHOD */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "METHOD" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element METHOD" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Calibration */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Calibration" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Calibration" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  for ( i = 0; i < nbcan ; i++ )
-  {
-  /* sous element Band_Parameters */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Band_Parameters" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Band_Parameters" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element BAND_INDEX */
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%d" , (i+1) );
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BAND_INDEX" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element BAND_INDEX" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Band_Parameters */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Band_Parameters" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Band_Parameters" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  }
-   /* Fermeture de l'element Calibration */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Calibration" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Calibration" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Spectral_Sensitivities */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Spectral_Sensitivities" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Spectral_Sensitivities" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  for ( i = 0; i < nbcan ; i++ )
-  {
-    /* sous element Band_Spectral_Sensitivities */
-    cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Band_Spectral_Sensitivities" );
-    if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-      sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Band_Spectral_Sensitivities" );
-      goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  sprintf( valeur , "%d" , ( i+1 ) );
-  /* sous element BAND_INDEX */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BAND_INDEX" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element BAND_INDEX" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element FIRST_WAVELENGTH_VALUE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "FIRST_WAVELENGTH_VALUE" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element FIRST_WAVELENGTH_VALUE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element WAVELENGTH_STEP */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "WAVELENGTH_STEP" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element WAVELENGTH_STEP" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element CALIBRATION_DATE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "CALIBRATION_DATE" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element CALIBRATION_DATE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Spectral_Sensitivity_Values */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Spectral_Sensitivity_Values" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Spectral_Sensitivity_Values" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SPECTRAL_SENSITIVITY_VALUE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SPECTRAL_SENSITIVITY_VALUE" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element SPECTRAL_SENSITIVITY_VALUE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Spectral_Sensitivity_Values */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Spectral_Sensitivity_Values" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Spectral_Sensitivity_Values" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Band_Spectral_Sensitivities */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Band_Spectral_Sensitivities" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Band_Spectral_Sensitivities" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  }  
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Spectral_Sensitivities */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Spectral_Sensitivities" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Spectral_Sensitivities" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element Solar_Irradiance */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Solar_Irradiance" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Solar_Irradiance" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  for ( i = 0; i < nbcan ; i++ )
-  {
-  sprintf ( valeur , "%d" , ( i+1 ) );
-  /* sous element Band_Solar_Irradiance */
-  cr = cai_WriteOpenTagXML ( des , "Band_Solar_Irradiance" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Band_Solar_Irradiance" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element BAND_INDEX */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "BAND_INDEX" , valeur );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element BAND_INDEX" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* sous element SOLAR_IRRADIANCE_VALUE */
-  cr = cai_WriteElementXML ( des , "SOLAR_IRRADIANCE_VALUE" , "" );
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element SOLAR_IRRADIANCE_VALUE" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Band_Solar_Irradiance */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Band_Solar_Irradiance" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Band_Solar_Irradiance" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Solar_Irradiance */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Solar_Irradiance" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Solar_Irradiance" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Sensor_Calibration */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Sensor_Calibration" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Sensor_Calibration" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* Fermeture de l'element Data_Strip */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Data_Strip" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Data_Strip" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
- /* Fermeture de l'element Dimap_Document */
-  cr = cai_WriteCloseTagXML ( des , "Dimap_Document" );  
-  if ( cr == CAI_KO )
-    {
-    sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur ecriture Element Dimap_document" );
-    goto ERREUR;
-    }
-  /* fermeture du fichier descripteur */
-  if (des!=NULL) fclose ( des );
-  return CAI_OK;
-  return CAI_KO;
-  }  
-  Fin de l'operation cai_creat_leader_spot5
diff --git a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_tiff.c b/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_tiff.c
deleted file mode 100755
index 3162c7542c067df71e1842670014d64c261b0430..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Utilities/CAI/cai_dll/src/cai_tiff.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1534 +0,0 @@
-/*                                                                           */
-/* PROJET :    COUCHE ACCES IMAGE                                            */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MODULE :    cai_tiff.c                                                    */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE   :    Ce module rassemble toutes les fonctions d'acces aux images   */
-/* -------     stockees au format tiff                                       */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* AUTEUR :      R.CHAISEMARTIN     (CISI)                                   */
-/* -------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* DATE DE CREATION :    fevrier 1995                                        */
-/* -----------------						             */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* LANGAGE : C                                                               */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/**							      		    **/
-/**	libtiff.a version 3.0				      		    **/
-/**							      		    **/
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V3.3                                                            */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 3.3: DM : optimisation des acces                          */
-/* MOD : VERSION :4.1 :FA: Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 :FA:Verification que le nombre d'octets par pixel est */
-/* egal a 1 et le nombre de canaux est 1 ou 3. tiff est un format de         */
-/* restitution							             */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 : DM : modifications pour compatibilite HP64bits      */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 :FA: Suppression de la contrainte sur le nb d'octets  */
-/* par pixel et du nombre de canaux                                          */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : DM : modification du nombre de lignes en ecriture   */
-/* dans le TAG ROWPERSTRIP pour manipulation aussi bien pour chaque ligne,   */
-/* tous les canaux qu pour chaque canal toutes les lignes                    */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.6 : FA : En ouverture en modification, ouverture en "a" */
-/* au lieu de "w"                                                            */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.9 : DM :  Lecture d'une image sur 1 bit. Chaque bit est */
-/*  expensé sur un octet avant d'être renvoyé à l'appelant                   */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.0 : DM :  A l'ouverture d'une image en lecture, renvoie */
-/* de COD_PIX à I4 ou R4 pour les images codees en I4 ou R4                  */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.0 : FA :  Image 1bit  :prise en compte de la lecture de */
-/*  portion de lignes ou de sous-echantillonnage                             */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.1 : FA :  Image 1bit  :prise en compte de la lecture de */
-/*  l'image en entier                                                        */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.1 : DM :  Mise à jour du tag SAMPLEFORMAT lorsque       */
-/* l'image est codée en reel  et que l'utilisateur le precise dans le param  */
-/* "label"                                                                   */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM :  prise en compte des I2,I4,UI2,UI4 et R8       */
-/*                             en lecture et ecriture                        */
-/*                Inclusion des fichiers STANDARDS (.h)                      */
-# include <stdio.h>
-# include <string.h>
-# include <stdlib.h>
-# include <unistd.h>
-# include <sys/types.h>
-#include <dirent.h>
-# include <sys/stat.h>
-# include <fcntl.h>
-#define _CAI_IMAGE
-#define IN_CAI_TIFF
-# include "cai_image.h"
-/* Variable pour la  gestion en configuration                                 */
-static char *rcs_id="$Header: cai_tiff.c,v 1.11 01/05/31 10:47:19 cmf Exp $";
-extern char *getenv();
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                Definition des OPERATIONS EXTERNES                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_liste_ima_tiff                                         */
-/* ----------                                                                */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de listage des images au format tiff                   */
-/* ------                                                                    */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :      int cai_liste_ima_tiff (repert,tab_ima)           */
-/* -----------------                                                         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     repert        (E) (char *)   : repertoire a explorer		     */
-/*     tab_ima       (S) (char ***) : pointeur sur tableau des images listees*/
-/*                                    alloue par la fonction,il doit etre    */
-/*                                    LIBERE PAR L'APPELANT                  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_liste_ima_tiff      (S) (int)     : = -1 repertoire inexistant    */                                    /*					       = > 0 nombre d'images listees */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION :  V2                                                             */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-long int cai_liste_ima_tiff (char *repert,
-		       		char ***tab_ima)
-   FILE *fp;		  /* descripteur de fichier. retour fopen        */
-   struct dirent *dp;     /* structure resultat de la fonction readdir   */
-   DIR *dirp;		  /* pointeur sur structure ouverture repertoire */
-   char *pch0;	          /* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres          */
-   unsigned short magic;  /* nombre magique de reconnaissance tiff       */
-   char nomfic[1024];     /* nom du fichier dont on verifie s'il est tiff*/
-   int nb_ima;            /* nombre d'images tiff  identifiees           */
-   int i;                 /* indice de boucle                            */
-   char car;              /* variable de travail                         */    
-   INITIALISATION et ouverture du repertoire choisi
-  .........................................*/
-   nb_ima=0;
-    dirp=opendir(repert);
-   if(dirp!=NULL)
-   {
-  premiere passe pour comptabiliser les images du format donne
-    lecture du nombre magique 
-      ........................................*/
-   while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-   {
-        nomfic[0]='\0';
-        sscanf(repert,"%s",nomfic);
-        strcat(nomfic,"/");
-        strcat(nomfic,dp->d_name);
-	fp=fopen(nomfic,"r");
-        if (fp != NULL)
-        {
-         fread(&magic,2,1,fp);
-         fclose(fp);
-         if ((magic == TIFF_BIGENDIAN)||(magic== TIFF_LITTLEENDIAN))
-          {
-	   nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-          }
-         }
-     }
-    (void)closedir(dirp);
-     ......................................*/
-    *tab_ima = (char **) calloc(nb_ima,sizeof(char *));
-    for (i=0;i<nb_ima;i=i+1)
-      (*tab_ima)[i]=(char *)calloc(1,100);
-   deuxieme passe pour constituer la liste des images du format donne
-    lecture du nombre magique 
-    si oui ,stockage dans la liste des images TIFF
-      ........................................*/
-   nb_ima=0;
-   dirp=opendir(repert);
-   while((dp=readdir(dirp))!=NULL)
-   {
-        nomfic[0]='\0';
-        sscanf(repert,"%s",nomfic);
-        strcat(nomfic,"/");
-        strcat(nomfic,dp->d_name);
-	fp=fopen(nomfic,"r");
-        if (fp != NULL)
-        {
-         fread(&magic,2,1,fp);
-         fclose(fp);
-         if ((magic == TIFF_BIGENDIAN)||(magic== TIFF_LITTLEENDIAN))
-          {
-/*         suppression de l'extension */
-           car='.';
-           pch0=strrchr(dp->d_name,car);
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-           if ((pch0 != NULL)&&((*(pch0+1)=='t')||(*(pch0+1)=='T')))
-           {
-               *pch0 =  '\0';
-               strcpy((*tab_ima)[nb_ima],dp->d_name);
-	       nb_ima=nb_ima+1;
-            }
-          }
-         }
-     }
-    (void)closedir(dirp);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-     /* Erreur:Repertoire inexistant */
-       nb_ima=-1;
-   }
-    return(nb_ima);
-/* Fin de l'operation cai_liste_ima_tiff
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_lecture_tiff                                     */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture d'une image au format tiff      */
-/* -----     et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                        */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :   CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_tiff (nom_image,        */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels              */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_lecture_tiff    (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb           */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */   /*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_lecture_tiff(char *repert,
-				  char *nom_image,
-				  int  *nb_can,
-				  int  *nboct_pix,
-				  int  *nb_col,
-				  int  *nb_lig)
-   TIFF *tif;		        /* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;	    	/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   int  iret,icr;		/* indicateur de retour ok ou pas           */
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char *deb,*deb1;		/* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres       */
-   char Extension[6];           /* extension du fichier .tiff ou .tif       */
-   int i,Coher;			/* indice 				    */
-   unsigned int imagelength;    /* nombre de lignes de l'image              */
-   unsigned int imagewidth;     /* nombre de colonnes de l'image	    */
-   short samplesperpixel;       /* nombre de canaux			    */
-   short compression;		/* indicateur de compression		    */
-   short photo;			/* indicateur de photometric interpretation */
-   short bitspersample;	        /* nombre de bits par pixels                */
-   short sampleformat;		/* type de codage du pixel                  */
-   int Istile;			/* indicateur de stockage en pave	    */
-   int Mode;			/* mode test existence d'un fichier         */
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   *nb_can=0;
-   *nb_lig=0;
-   *nb_col=0;
-   *nboct_pix=0;
-   iret=1;
-   Mode = F_OK;
-   icr= 0;
-   sprintf(Extension,".tiff");
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* MOD : VERSION :4.1 :FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoire dans cai_ouvre_lecture");
-    }
-   else
-   {
-   Constitution du nom du fichier TIFF 
-   .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.tiff",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.tiff",nom_image);
-   }
-/* test sur l'existence avec .tiff sinon .tif */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-      icr = access(nom_fic,Mode);
-      if (icr !=0)
-      {
-	nom_fic[strlen(nom_fic)-1]='\0';
-        Extension[4]='\0';
-        icr = access(nom_fic,Mode);
-        if (icr !=0)
-        {
-   	    sprintf(Extension,".TIF");
-   	    if ((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   	    {
-      		sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s%s",repert,nom_image,Extension);
-   	    }
-   	    else
-   	    {
-      		sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.%s",nom_image,Extension);
-   	    }
-        }
-      }
-    Ouverture du fichier entete
-  ..........................................*/
-    tif = TIFFOpen(nom_fic,"r");
-    if (tif==NULL)
-    {
-      iret=0;
-      strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier tiff");
-     }
-    else
-    {
-      verification si l'image n'est pas comprimee
-      TIFFGetField(tif,TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION,&compression);
-      if (compression != COMPRESSION_NONE)
-      {  
-        iret=0;
-        strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Le fichier tiff est comprime. Format non traite !");
-       }
-       else
-       {
-        verification si le fichier n'est pas code en pave
-        Istile=TIFFIsTiled(tif);
-        if (Istile!=0)
-         {  
-          iret=0;
-          strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Le fichier tiff est en paves . Format non traite !");
-         }
-         else
-          {
-	  recuperation du nombre de colonnes 
-	  TIFFGetField(tif,TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH,&imagewidth);
-   	  *nb_col=imagewidth;
-	  recuperation du nombre de lignes
-          TIFFGetField(tif,TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH,&imagelength);
-	  *nb_lig=imagelength;
-	  recuperation du nombre de canaux
-	  TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif,TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL,&samplesperpixel);
-          *nb_can=samplesperpixel;
-	  recuperation du nombre d'octets par pixel
-  .................................................*/
-/* Nombre de bits par pixels */
-          TIFFGetField(tif,TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE,&bitspersample);
-          if ((bitspersample %8)==0)
-		*nboct_pix=(int)(bitspersample/8);
-          else
-		*nboct_pix=(int)((bitspersample/8)+1);
-          image1->NB_BITS_PIX=bitspersample;
-	  recuperation du type de codage
-  .................................................*/
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.0 : DM :  A l'ouverture d'une image en lecture, renvoie */
-/* de COD_PIX à I4 ou R4 pour les images codees en I4 ou R4                  */
-          TIFFGetField(tif,TIFFTAG_SAMPLEFORMAT,&sampleformat);
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM :  prise en compte des I2,I4,UI2,UI4 et R8       */
-/*                             en lecture et ecriture                        */
-	  Coher = 1;
-	  if (*nboct_pix==1)
-          {
-	    sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"UOCT");
-	    if (sampleformat == SAMPLEFORMAT_INT) 
-		sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"OCT");
-	    else if (sampleformat != SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT) 
-		Coher=0;
-          }
-	  else if (*nboct_pix==2) 
-          {
-	    sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"UI2");
-	    if (sampleformat == SAMPLEFORMAT_INT) 
-		sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"I2");
-	    else if (sampleformat != SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT) 
-		Coher=0;
-          }
-	  else if (*nboct_pix==4)
-          {
-	     sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"I4");
-	     if (sampleformat == SAMPLEFORMAT_IEEEFP) 
-			sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"R4");
-              else if (sampleformat == SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT)
-			sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"UI4");
-              else if  (sampleformat != SAMPLEFORMAT_INT)
-		Coher=0;
-          }
-	  else if (*nboct_pix==8)
-          {
-	     sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"R8");
-	     if (sampleformat != SAMPLEFORMAT_IEEEFP) 
-				Coher=0;
-	  }
-	  else
-		 sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"UND");
-/* Recuperation du type de codages des pixels */
-          recuperation de l'indice de photometric interpretation
- ..............................................................*/
-        if ((photo<0)&&(photo>3))
-         {
-	  iret=0;
-          strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Photometric non connue . Format non traite !");
-         }
-        }
-       }
-      }
-     if (iret != 0)
-     {
-  .....................................................*/
-       deb = image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-       deb1= image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN;
-       for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-       {
-	   sprintf(deb,"%s%s",nom_image,Extension);
-  	   deb=deb+100;
-	   sprintf(deb1,"%s%s",nom_image,Extension);
-           deb1=deb1+100;
-           image1->POS_OCTET[i]=0;
-           image1->ACCES_CANAL_TIFF[i]=tif;
-        }
-      }
-     }
-     if (iret==0)
-     {
-    	return (NULL);
-      }
-      else  
-      {   
-        return(image1);
-      }
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_lecture_tiff
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_creation_tiff                                    */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de creation et d'ouverture en ecriture d'une image     */
-/* -----     au format tiff et de tous les fichiers qui la composent         */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :   CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_tiff (nom_image,       */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig,          */
-/*				                            label)           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*     nb_can         (E) (int )   : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (E) (int )   : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (E) (int )   : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (E) (int )   : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*     label          (E) (char *) : commentaire lie a l'image               */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_creation_tiff    (S) (CAI_IMAGE *) : =NULL si pb            */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_creation_tiff(char *repert,
-				   char *nom_image,
-				   int  *nb_can,
-				   int  *nboct_pix,
-				   int  *nb_col,
-				   int  *nb_lig,
-				   char *label)
-   TIFF *tif;		        /* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;		/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   int retour;			/* retour de fonction 			    */ 
-   int i;			/* indice 				    */
-   struct stat	buf_stat;	/* structure decrivant status de fichier    */
-   unsigned int imagelength;    /* nombre de lignes de l'image              */
-   unsigned int imagewidth;     /* nombre de colonnes de l'image	    */
-   short samplesperpixel;       /* nombre de canaux			    */
-   short photo;			/* indicateur de photometric interpretation */
-   int  rowsperstrip;           /* taille totale de l'image en octets       */
-   short bitspersample;		/* nombre de bits par pixels                */
-   short sampleformat;		/* type de codage du pixel                  */
-   int reconnaissance_type,Coher;
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 :FA: Suppression de la contrainte sur le nb d'octets  */
-/* par pixel et du nombre de canaux                                          */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.2 :FA:Verification que le nombre d'octets par pixel est */
-/* egal a 1 et le nombre de canaux est 1 ou 3. tiff est un format de         */
-/* restitution							             */
-/* Verification sur le nombre d'octets par pixel */
- /*  if (*nboct_pix !=1)
-   {
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur une image TIFF ne peut etre codee que sur un seul octet");
-     goto ERREUR;
-   }
-/* Verification sur le nombre de canaux */
-/*   if ((*nb_can !=1)&&(*nb_can !=3))
-   {
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur une image TIFF a 1 ou 3 canaux exclusivement");
-     goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* MOD : VERSION :4.1 :FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
-   if (image1==NULL)
-   {
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_creation");
-     goto ERREUR;
-   }
-   Constitution du nom du fichier entete et verification qu'il
-   n'existe pas deja
-  .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s.tif",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.tif",nom_image);
-   }
-   retour = stat ( nom_fic , &buf_stat );
-   if ( retour == 0 )
-   { 
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "L'image %s TIFF existe \n" , nom_image );
-	goto ERREUR;
-   }
-/* Ouverture du fichier 			 */ 
-tif = TIFFOpen ( nom_fic , "w");
-if ( tif == NULL )
-	sprintf ( CAI_ERREUR , "Erreur : ouverture fichier %s impossible \n" ,
-	nom_fic );
-	goto ERREUR ;
-/* Ecriture de l'enregistrement d'entete         */
-/* Nombre de colonnes */
-imagewidth=(unsigned int)(*nb_col);
-/* Nombre de lignes */
-imagelength=(unsigned int)(*nb_lig);
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.5 : DM : modification du nombre de lignes en ecriture   */
-/* dans le TAG ROWPERSTRIP pour manipulation aussi bien pour chaque ligne,   */
-/* tous les canaux qu pour chaque canal toutes les lignes                    */
-/* Nombre de lignes par strip */
-rowsperstrip = 1;
-/* Nombre de canaux */
-/* Indicateur de non compression */
-/* Nombre de bits par pixels */
-/* Type de codage du pixel */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.1 : DM :  Mise à jour du tag SAMPLEFORMAT lorsque       */
-/* l'image est codée en reel  et que l'utilisateur le precise dans le param  */
-/* "label"                                                                   */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM :  prise en compte des I2,I4,UI2,UI4 et R8       */
-/*                             en lecture et ecriture                        */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.3 : DM :   Correction erreur lorsque label non reconnu */
-/* Verification si type de codage reconnu dans le label */
-  reconnaissance_type = cai_istyp_connu(label);
-  if (reconnaissance_type == -1)
-  {
-     if (*nboct_pix == 1) sampleformat=SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT;
-     else if (*nboct_pix==2) sampleformat=SAMPLEFORMAT_INT;
-     else if ((*nboct_pix==4) && ((strcasecmp(label,"R4") == 0)||
-				(strcasecmp(label,"FLOAT")== 0)||
-				(strcasecmp(label,"REEL") == 0)))
-                                   sampleformat = SAMPLEFORMAT_IEEEFP;
-     else sampleformat=SAMPLEFORMAT_VOID;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-/* Verification de coherence entre le nb d'octets par pixel et le type donne */
-     Coher=1;
-     if(*nboct_pix == 1) 
-     {
-	sampleformat=SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT;
-	if (reconnaissance_type == 0)
- 	   sampleformat=SAMPLEFORMAT_INT;
-	else if (reconnaissance_type !=1)
-          Coher=0;  
-     }    
-     else if(*nboct_pix == 2) 
-     {
-	sampleformat=SAMPLEFORMAT_INT;
-	if (reconnaissance_type == 3)
- 	   sampleformat=SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT;
-	else if (reconnaissance_type !=2)
-          Coher=0;  
-     }
-     else if(*nboct_pix == 4) 
-     {
-	if (reconnaissance_type == 4)
- 	   sampleformat=SAMPLEFORMAT_INT;
-	else if (reconnaissance_type == 5)
- 	   sampleformat=SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT;
-	else if (reconnaissance_type !=6)
-          Coher=0; 
-     } 
-     else if(*nboct_pix == 8) 
-     {
-	if (reconnaissance_type != 7)  Coher=0;
-     }
-     else 
-	   Coher = 0;
-     if (Coher == 0) 
-     {      	
-	  sprintf(CAI_ERREUR,"incoherence entre TYPE et Nb bits par pixels\n");
-	  goto ERREUR;
-      }    
-      else
-      {
-     		sprintf ( image1->COD_PIX , "%s" ,label);
-       }
-   }
-  FIN MOD 5.1 */
-/*indicateur de photometric suivant le nombre de canaux */
-if (*nb_can==1)
- {
-   photo=1; 
-  }
-  {
-   photo=2;
-   }
-  for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-  {
-    image1->ACCES_CANAL_TIFF[i]=tif;
-    image1->POS_OCTET[i]=0;
-   }
-  return (image1);
-  cai_dest_ima_tiff ( repert , nom_image );
-  return(NULL);
- /* 
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_creation_tiff
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_lecture_canal_tiff                                     */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de lecture d'un canal d'une image tiff                 */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_tiff (image1, canal,      */       		      /* ------------------                              premiere_ligne,           */
-/*                                          	   premiere_colonne,         */
-/*                                          	   nombre_lignes_lire ,      */
-/*                                          	   nombre_colonnes_lire,     */
-/*                                           	   pas_ligne ,pas_colonne,   */
-/*                 		             	   data_image )              */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*     canal                (E) (int) : numero du canal a lire               */
-/*     premiere_ligne       (E) (int) : premiere ligne a lire dans l'image   */
-/*     premiere _colonne    (E) (int) : premiere colonne a lire dans l'image */
-/*     nombre_lignes_lire   (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a lire              */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_lire (E) (int) : nombre de colonnes a lire            */
-/*     pas_ligne            (E) (int) : pas en ligne                         */
-/*     pas_colonne          (E) (int) : pas en colonne                       */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels lus alloue et     */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_lecture_canal_tiff    (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb            */
-/*                                                 = CAI_OK si OK            */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.9 : DM :  Lecture d'une image sur 1 bit. Chaque bit est */
-/*  expensé sur un octet avant d'être renvoyé à l'appelant                   */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_lecture_canal_tiff(CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,  
-                          	 int *canal ,           
-    		          	 int *premiere_ligne  ,   
-     		          	 int *premiere_colonne,
-                           	 int *nombre_lignes_lire ,
-                           	 int *nombre_colonnes_lire,
-                          	 int *pas_ligne ,          
-                           	 int *pas_colonne,
-		           	 unsigned char *data_image )        
- TIFF *tif;		    /* descripteur de fichier , retour de TIFFOpen   */
- int num,i,j,k,val;         /* variables de travail                          */
- int mul,decal;             /* variables de travail                          */
- int iret;                  /* indicateur d'erreur                           */
- long lig;                  /* indice de boucle sur les lignes               */
- long  nb_oct;		    /* nb oct =1er octet a lire - position courante  */
- unsigned char *buf_lec;    /* buffer lecture d'une  ligne                   */
- unsigned char *deb,*pch;   /* pointeur chaine pour transfert  buffer sortie */
- int   oct_pix;             /* nb octets par pixels                          */
- unsigned char val1;
- unsigned char Masque[8]={1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128};
- int temp1,temp2,temp3;
-  Initialisations diverses
-  ..........................*/
-   iret=CAI_OK;
-   strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"        ");
-   tif=image1->ACCES_CANAL_TIFF[0];
-   oct_pix = image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-   pch=data_image;
-        allocation de memoire pour lire une ligne image
- ............................................. */
-   nb_oct=TIFFScanlineSize(tif);
-   if ((nb_oct==(image1->NB_COL)*(image1->NB_CANAUX))&&(image1->NB_CANAUX!=1))
-   {
-/* ligne multispectrale */
-      num=0;
-      val=(*canal-1);
-      mul=image1->NB_CANAUX;
-    }
-   else
-   {
-/* ligne monospectrale */
-      num=*canal-1;
-      mul=1;
-      val=0; 
-   }
-   buf_lec = (unsigned char *) malloc(nb_oct);
-   if (buf_lec == NULL)
-   {
-      iret=CAI_KO;
-      strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Probleme d'allocation memoire");
-   }
-   else
-   {
-        Initialisation
-  ......................*/
-        lig=(long)(*premiere_ligne); 
-	lig=lig-1;   
-        i=0;
-        if ( image1->NB_BITS_PIX!=1)
-        {
-          while (i<(*nombre_lignes_lire))
-            {
-	       TIFFReadScanline(tif,buf_lec,lig,num);
-               Sauvegarde des donnees lues entenant compte du pas 
-               d'echantillonnage en colonne
-  ........................................*/    
-               decal= ((*premiere_colonne-1)*mul*oct_pix)+val;   
-               deb=buf_lec+decal;
-               j=1;
-               while (j <= (*nombre_colonnes_lire))
-	       {  
-                  for (k=0;k<oct_pix;k=k+1)
-                  {
-                 	 *(pch+k)=*(deb+k);
-                  }
-                  pch=pch+oct_pix;
-                  j=j+1;
-                  deb=deb+((*pas_colonne)*oct_pix*mul);   
-               }   
-               i=i+1;
-               lig=lig+(long)(*pas_ligne);
-            } 
-        }
-        else  
-        {
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.9 : DM :  Lecture d'une image sur 1 bit. Chaque bit est */
-/*  expensé sur un octet avant d'être renvoyé à l'appelant                   */
-          while (i<(*nombre_lignes_lire))
-            {
-	       TIFFReadScanline(tif,buf_lec,lig,num);
-               Sauvegarde des donnees lues entenant compte du pas 
-               d'echantillonnage en colonne
-  ........................................*/   
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.0 : FA :  Image 1bit  :prise en compte de la lecture de */
-/*  portion de lignes ou de sous-echantillonnage                             */
-/* se déplacer jusqu'au premier paquet octet concerné */
-               decal= (*premiere_colonne-1)/8;           
-               deb=buf_lec+decal;
-               j=0;
-               while (j < (*nombre_colonnes_lire))
-	       {  
-		  val1 = *(deb);
-		  if (j==0)
-                  {
-/* se déplacer jusqu'à la première colonne concernée */
-                      k = (*premiere_colonne -1) - (decal*8);
-                  }
-		  else
-		    k=k-8;
-                  while ((k<8)&&(j <(*nombre_colonnes_lire)))
-                  {
-                       *(pch+j) = val1 & Masque[7-k];
-                        if (*(pch+j) != 0) *(pch+j)=1;
-			k=k+(*pas_colonne);
-                        j=j+1;
-                  }
-                  deb=deb+1;   
-               }   
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.1 : FA :  Image 1bit  :prise en compte de la lecture de */
-/*  l'image en entier                                                        */
-               pch=pch+(*nombre_colonnes_lire);
-/*FIN MOD */
-               i=i+1;
-               lig=lig+(long)(*pas_ligne);
-            } 
-        }
-    	free(buf_lec);
-   }
-   return(iret);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_lecture_canal_tiff
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ecriture_canal_tiff                                    */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ecriture d'un canal d'une image tiff                 */
-/* -----    								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL : CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_tiff (image1, canal,      */       		      /* ------------------                                 premiere_ligne,        */
-/*                                                    nombre_lignes_ecrire,  */
-/*                                                    nombre_colonnes_ecrire,*/
-/*                 		                      data_image )           */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)   : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier */
-/*     canal                 (E) (int) : numero du canal a ecrire            */
-/*     premiere_ligne        (E) (int) : premiere ligne a ecrire ds l'image  */
-/*     nombre_lignes_ecrire  (E) (int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*     nombre_colonnes_ecrire(E) (int) : nombre de lignes a ecrire           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     data_image  (S) (unsigned char): tableau des pixels ecris alloue et   */
-/*                                      libere par l'appelant                */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ecriture_canal_tiff       (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb        */
-/*                                                     = CAI_OK si OK        */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ecriture_canal_tiff(CAI_IMAGE *image1 ,  
-                                      int *canal ,           
-    		                      int *premiere_ligne  ,   
-                                      int *nombre_lignes_ecrire ,
-                                      int *nombre_colonnes_ecrire,
-		                      unsigned char *data_image ) 
-int nboct_pix;			/* nombre d'octets par pixel              */
-unsigned int row,sample;	/* variables intermediaires               */
-int	i_ligne,lig;		/* compteur de lignes			  */
-unsigned char *buff_lig;	/* tableau contenant une ligne a ecrire   */
-TIFF *tif;			/* descriteur de fichier,issu de TIFFopen */
-int icr;
-/* ................
-   Initialisations 
-  .................*/
-i_ligne = 0;
-tif = image1->ACCES_CANAL_TIFF[(*canal)-1];
-nboct_pix = image1->NBOCT_PIX;
-/* TANT QUE il y a des lignes a ecrire                 	*/
-while (i_ligne < (*nombre_lignes_ecrire))
-/*	extraction de la ligne du tableau 		*/
-	buff_lig = data_image + (*nombre_colonnes_ecrire) * nboct_pix * i_ligne;
-/*	ecriture de la ligne				*/
-	row=(unsigned int)(lig);
-	row=row-1;
-	sample=(unsigned int)(*canal);
-	sample=sample-1;
-        icr=TIFFWriteScanline(tif,buff_lig,row,sample);
-/*	incrementation du nombre de lignes		*/
-        lig=lig+1;
-	i_ligne++;
-/* FIN TANT QUE						*/
-return (CAI_OK);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ecriture_canal_tiff
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ferme_tiff                                             */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de fermeture d'une image au format tiff et de          */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent 			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_tiff (image1)                     */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*									     */
-/*     image1      (E) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : pointeur sur descripteur de fichier  */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_ferme_tiff       (S) (CAI_OK_KO) :   = CAI_KO si pb               */
-/*                                              = CAI_OK si OK               */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_ferme_tiff (CAI_IMAGE *image1)
- int iret;       /* code retour de l'operation      */
- TIFF *num;	/* descripteur du fichier a fermer */
- iret=CAI_OK;
-   Fermeture de tous les canaux qui sont tous contenus
-   dans un seul fichier .srf
-  .............................................*/
-   num=image1->ACCES_CANAL_TIFF[0];
-   TIFFClose(num);
-  return (iret);
-  Fin de l'operation cai_ferme_tiff
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_dest_ima_tiff                                          */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction de destruction d'une image stocke en onera et de       */
-/* -----     tous les fichiers qui la composent  			     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :  CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_tiff (format,nom_ima)          */       		      /* ------------------                                                        */
-/*     format       (E) (char *) : format de l'image a detruire              */
-/*     nom_image    (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a detruire avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     cai_dest_ima_tiff    (S) (CAI_OK_KO) : = CAI_KO si pb                 */
-/*                                            = CAI_OK si OK                 */ 
-/*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_OK_KO cai_dest_ima_tiff ( char *repertoire , 
-                       	      char *nom_ima )
-char	nom_fichier[1024];	/* nom du fichier entete a detruire 	     */
-char    nom_ima_complet[1024];  /* repertoire + nom de l'image               */
-int	cr_stat;		/* code retour de fonction status de fichier */
-struct stat buf_stat;		/* structure decrivant status de fichier     */
-int     Mode,icr; 
-/* Constitution du nom du fichier d'entete	*/
-if ((long)strlen(repertoire)!= 0)
-  sprintf ( nom_ima_complet, "%s/%s" ,repertoire,nom_ima);
-  strcpy ( nom_ima_complet , nom_ima);
-sprintf ( nom_fichier , "%s.tiff",nom_ima_complet );
-/* test sur l'existence avec .tiff sinon .tif */
- Mode = F_OK;
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
- icr = access(nom_fichier,Mode);
- if (icr !=0)
- {
-	nom_fichier[strlen(nom_fichier)-1]='\0';
-        icr = access(nom_fichier,Mode);
-        if (icr !=0)
-        {
-   	    if ((long int)strlen(repertoire)!=0)
-   	    {
-      		sprintf(nom_fichier,"%s/%s.TIF",repertoire,nom_ima_complet);
-   	    }
-   	    else
-   	    {
-      		sprintf(nom_fichier,"%s.TIF",nom_ima_complet);
-   	    }
-        }
- }
-/* Destruction du fichier TIFF   		*/
-cr_stat = stat ( nom_fichier , &buf_stat );
-if ( cr_stat == 0 )
-	unlink ( nom_fichier );
-	return (CAI_OK);
-   return (CAI_KO);
- Fin de l'operation cai_dest_ima_tiff
-/*                                                                           */
-/* OPERATION :    cai_ouvre_modifie_tiff                                     */
-/* ----------								     */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* ROLE :    fonction d'ouverture en lecture-ecriture d'une image au forma   */
-/* -----     tiff et de tous les fichiers qui la composent                   */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/* CONTEXTE D'APPEL :   CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_tiff (nom_image,        */
-/*  ---------------- 		                            nb_can,          */
-/*				                            nboct_pix,	     */	
-/*				                            nb_col,          */
-/*				                            nb_lig)          */
-/*     nom_image      (E) (char *) : nom de l'image a ouvrir avec repertoire */
-/*									     */
-/*     nb_can         (S) (int *)  : nombre de canaux de l'image             */
-/*     nboct_pix      (S) (int *)  : nombre d'octets par pixels (1 ou 2)     */
-/*     nb_lig         (S) (int *)  : nombre de lignes de l'image             */
-/*     nb_col         (S) (int *)  : nombre de colonnes de l'image           */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*     cai_ouvre_modifie_tiff    (S) (CAI_IMAGE *)  : = NULL si pb           */
-/*                                                    = structure contenant  */ 
-/*				toutes les informations necessaires au       */
-/*				traitement de l'image                        */   /*                                                                           */
-/* VERSION : V1                                                              */
-/* --------                                                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
-CAI_IMAGE *cai_ouvre_modifie_tiff(char *repert,
-				  char *nom_image,
-				  int  *nb_can,
-				  int  *nboct_pix,
-				  int  *nb_col,
-				  int  *nb_lig)
-   TIFF *tif;		        /* pointeur sur descripteur de fichier      */
-   CAI_IMAGE *image1;	    	/* pointeur su descripteur de fichier image */ 
-   int  iret,icr;		/* indicateur de retour ok ou pas           */
-   char nom_fic[1024];		/* nom du fichier en-tete		    */
-   char *deb,*deb1;		/* pointeurs sur chaine de caracteres       */
-   int i,Coher;			/* indice 				    */
-   unsigned int  imagelength;   /* nombre de lignes de l'image              */
-   unsigned int  imagewidth;    /* nombre de colonnes de l'image	    */
-   short samplesperpixel;       /* nombre de canaux			    */
-   short compression;		/* indicateur de compression		    */
-   short photo;			/* indicateur de photometric interpretation */
-   short bitspersample;	        /* nombre de bits par pixels                */
-   int Istile;			/* indicateur de stockage en pave	    */
-   short sampleformat;		/* type de codage du pixel                  */
-   int Mode;
-   char Extension[6];
-   INITIALISATION et allocation de place pour la structure CAI_IMAGE
-  .........................................*/
-   *nb_can=0;
-   *nb_lig=0;
-   *nb_col=0;
-   *nboct_pix=0;
-   iret=1;
-   Mode = F_OK;
-   icr = 0;
-   sprintf(Extension,".tiff");
-   image1 = (CAI_IMAGE *)calloc(1,sizeof(CAI_IMAGE));
-/* MOD : VERSION :4.1 :FA:Rajout des tests sur les retours d'allocation     */
-/*			   memoire                                           */
- if (image1==NULL)
- {
-     iret=0;
-     strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur allocation memoirem dans cai_ouvre_modifie");
- }
- else
- {
-   Constitution du nom du fichier TIFF 
-   .................................................*/
-   nom_fic[0]='\0';
-   if ((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   {
-	   sprintf(nom_fic,"%s%s.tiff",repert,nom_image);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.tiff",nom_image);
-   }
-/* test sur l'existence avec .tiff sinon .tif */
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.3 : DM : prise en compte des  extensions en majuscule   */
-      icr = access(nom_fic,Mode);
-      if (icr !=0)
-      {
-	nom_fic[strlen(nom_fic)-1]='\0';
-        Extension[4]='\0';
-        icr = access(nom_fic,Mode);
-        if (icr !=0)
-        {
-   	    sprintf(Extension,".TIF");
-   	    if ((long int)strlen(repert)!=0)
-   	    {
-      		sprintf(nom_fic,"%s/%s%s",repert,nom_image,Extension);
-   	    }
-   	    else
-   	    {
-      		sprintf(nom_fic,"%s.%s",nom_image,Extension);
-   	    }
-        }
-      }
-    Ouverture du fichier entete
-  ..........................................*/
-/* MOD : VERSION : 4.6 : FA : En ouverture en modification, ouverture en "r+" */
-/* au lieu de "w"                                                             */
-    tif = TIFFOpen(nom_fic,"r+");
-    if (tif==NULL)
-    {
-      iret=0;
-      strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Erreur ouverture fichier tiff");
-     }
-    else
-    {
-      verification si l'image n'est pas comprimee
-      TIFFGetField(tif,TIFFTAG_COMPRESSION,&compression);
-      if (compression != COMPRESSION_NONE)
-      {  
-        iret=0;
-        strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Le fichier tiff est comprime. Format non traite !");
-       }
-       else
-       {
-        verification si le fichier n'est pas code en pave
-        Istile=TIFFIsTiled(tif);
-        if (Istile!=0)
-         {  
-          iret=0;
-          strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Le fichier tiff est en paves . Format non traite !");
-         }
-         else
-          {
-	  recuperation du nombre de colonnes 
-	  TIFFGetField(tif,TIFFTAG_IMAGEWIDTH,&imagewidth);
-   	  *nb_col=imagewidth;
-	  recuperation du nombre de lignes
-          TIFFGetField(tif,TIFFTAG_IMAGELENGTH,&imagelength);
-	  *nb_lig=imagelength;
-	  recuperation du nombre de canaux
-	  TIFFGetFieldDefaulted(tif,TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL,&samplesperpixel);
-          *nb_can=samplesperpixel;
-	  recuperation du nombre d'octets par pixel
-  .................................................*/
-/* Nombre de bits par pixels */
-          TIFFGetField(tif,TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE,&bitspersample);
-          if ((bitspersample %8)==0)
-		*nboct_pix=(int)(bitspersample/8);
-          else
-		*nboct_pix=(int)((bitspersample/8)+1);
- /*.........................................
-	  recuperation du type de codage
-  .................................................*/
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.0 : DM :  A l'ouverture d'une image en lecture, renvoie */
-/* de COD_PIX à I4 ou R4 pour les images codees en I4 ou R4                  */
-          TIFFGetField(tif,TIFFTAG_SAMPLEFORMAT,&sampleformat);
-/* MOD : VERSION : 5.2 : DM :  prise en compte des I2,I4,UI2,UI4 et R8       */
-/*                             en lecture et ecriture                        */
-	  Coher = 1;
-	  if (*nboct_pix==1)
-          {
-	    sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"UOCT");
-	    if (sampleformat == SAMPLEFORMAT_INT) 
-		sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"OCT");
-	    else if (sampleformat != SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT) 
-		Coher=0;
-          }
-	  else if (*nboct_pix==2) 
-          {
-	    sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"UI2");
-	    if (sampleformat == SAMPLEFORMAT_INT) 
-		sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"I2");
-	    else if (sampleformat != SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT) 
-		Coher=0;
-          }
-	  else if (*nboct_pix==4)
-          {
-	     sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"I4");
-	     if (sampleformat == SAMPLEFORMAT_IEEEFP) 
-			sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"R4");
-              else if (sampleformat == SAMPLEFORMAT_UINT)
-			sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"UI4");
-              else if  (sampleformat != SAMPLEFORMAT_INT)
-		Coher=0;
-          }
-	  else if (*nboct_pix==8)
-          {
-	     sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"R8");
-	     if (sampleformat != SAMPLEFORMAT_IEEEFP) 
-				Coher=0;
-	  }
-	  else
-		 sprintf(image1->COD_PIX,"UND");
-/* Recuperation du type de codages des pixels */
-          recuperation de l'indice de photometric interpretation
- ..............................................................*/
-        if ((photo<0)&&(photo>3))
-         {
-	  iret=0;
-          strcpy(CAI_ERREUR,"Photometric non connue . Format non traite !");
-         }
-        }
-       }
-      }
-     }
-     if (iret != 0)
-     {
-  .....................................................*/
-       deb = image1->NOM_FIC_CAN;
-       deb1= image1->NOM_UTIL_CAN;
-       for (i=0;i<*nb_can;i=i+1)
-       {
-   	   sprintf(deb,"%s%s",nom_image,Extension);
-  	   deb=deb+100;
-  	   sprintf(deb1,"%s%s",nom_image,Extension);
-           deb1=deb1+100;
-           image1->POS_OCTET[i]=0;
-           image1->ACCES_CANAL_TIFF[i]=tif;
-        }
-    	return (image1);
-      }
-      else  
-      {   
-        return(NULL);
-      }
-   Fin de l'operation cai_ouvre_modifie_tiff