diff --git a/Code/IO/cai_image.h b/Code/IO/cai_image.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 067b926c658c2bdfd7a0eafb0f432dae47eef6a3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Code/IO/cai_image.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-  Program:   ORFEO Toolbox
-  Language:  C++
-  Date:      $Date$
-  Version:   $Revision$
-  Copyright (c) Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. All rights reserved.
-  See OTBCopyright.txt for details.
-     This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even 
-     the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR 
-     PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notices for more information.
-#ifndef __cai_image_h
-#define __cai_image_h
-#define CAI_OK				 0
-#define CAI_KO		 		 1
-#define CAI_IMPOS			 2
-#define CAI_EOF         		-1
-#define CAI_ERREUR_OUV  		-2
-#define CAI_PB_LSEEK    		-3
-#define CAI_DEB_NEG     		-4
-#define CAI_FIN_DEP     		-5
-#define CAI_ECRASEMENT  		-6
-#define CAI_PB_READ 			-7
-#define CAI_PB_WRITE    		-8
-#define CAI_PB_FTRUNC   		-9
-#define CAI_ERR_FORME_FIC 		-10
-#define CAI_ERR_DO      		-11
-#define CAI_ERR_TYP			-12
-#define CAI_ERR_FIN_DO     		-13
-#define CAI_ERR_ASCII   		-14
-#define CAI_ERR_ALLOC   		-15
-#define CAI_ERR_REEL    		-16
-#define CAI_ERR_ENTIER  		-17
-#define CAI_ERR_DIM			-18
-#define CAI_MOT_DEJA_EXISTE		-20
-#define CAI_ERREUR_ENCODE		-21
-#define CAI_ERR_ADRESSE			-22 
-#define CAI_CLE_TROP_LONG		-23
-#define CAI_MC_INCONNU			-24
-#define CAI_PAS_MC			-24
-#define CAI_ERR_CROCHET			-25
-#define CAI_TROUVE	         	-26
-#define CAI_NON_TROUVE       		-27
-/* constantes relatives aux types de donnees */
-#define CAI_INCONNU -1
-#define CAI_ENTIER4 1
-#define CAI_REEL4   2
-#define CAI_REEL8   3
-#define CAI_ASCII   4 
-#define CAI_BLOC    5
-#define CAI_NB_MAX_CAN 250
-#define PERMS 0666
-#define CAI_NB_TYPE 8
-#define CAI_NB_LUM 8
-static char CAI_ERREUR[1024]; 
-#ifndef _WIN
-#define O_BINARY 0
-typedef long int                        CAI_OK_KO;
-static char *CAI_TYPE_CONNU[CAI_NB_TYPE]= {"OCT","UOCT","I2","UI2","I4","UI4","R4","R8"};
-static char *CAI_LUM_TYP[CAI_NB_LUM]= {"BI","LI","BU","LU","FLOA","FLOL","R8B","R8L"};
-namespace otb
-/** \class cai_image 
- * tous les attributs sont déclarés PUBLIC pour assurer une compatibilité avec les fonctions de la CAI
- * et permettre une facilité de mise à jour
- *
- *
- */
-class CAI_IMAGE 
-  /** Construtor.*/
-  CAI_IMAGE() {};
-  /** Destructor.*/
-  ~CAI_IMAGE() {};
-	char TYPE_IMAGE[20];
-        char NOM_IMAGE[1024];
-        char COD_PIX[5];
-	int  INV_OCTETS;
-        int  NB_CANAUX;
-        int  NB_LIG;
-        int  NB_COL;
-        char COMMENT[80];
-        int  NB_BITS_PIX;
-        int  NUM_LIG_DEB;
-        int  NUM_COL_DEB;
-	int  PAS_GRIL_LIG;
-        int  PAS_GRIL_COL;
-	int  DECAL_LIG;
-	int  DECAL_COL;
-        char CAR_GRIL[20];
-        char TYPE_COD[5];
-        char NIVEAU[3];	   /* Niveau de traitement de l'image (SPOT)       */ 
-	int  TYPE_SPOT;    /* =1 SPOT 1a4 ; =2 SPOT5 TIFF ; =3  SPOT5  BIL */
-        int  ACCES_SPOT[2];/* 0 pour le leader et 1 pour le volume         */
-	char SENS_COD[3];
-        int   NBOCT_PIX;
-        int  POS_OCTET[CAI_NB_MAX_CAN];
-        int  HISTO[CAI_NB_MAX_CAN][256];
-        int  NB_PIX_ECRITS[CAI_NB_MAX_CAN];
-} // end namespace otb
-#endif // CAI_IMAGE__H