diff --git a/Code/BasicFilters/otbUnaryFunctorObjectListFilter.h b/Code/BasicFilters/otbUnaryFunctorObjectListFilter.h
index caff14bd21e60f4b3a6325c24854e00ac06accb1..6c9fd37a3ab2930045a369f447d9ff5da9aa523b 100644
--- a/Code/BasicFilters/otbUnaryFunctorObjectListFilter.h
+++ b/Code/BasicFilters/otbUnaryFunctorObjectListFilter.h
@@ -57,9 +57,6 @@ public:
   typedef typename TInputList::ConstIterator InputListIterator;
   typedef typename TOutputList::ConstIterator OutputListIterator;
-  typedef std::vector<OutputListPointer> OutputListForThreadType;
-//   typedef itk::DataObject::Pointer DataObjectPointer;
   /** Get the functor object.  The functor is returned by reference.
    * (Functors do not have to derive from itk::LightObject, so they do
@@ -88,22 +85,15 @@ protected:
   virtual ~UnaryFunctorObjectListFilter() {};
-  void GenerateData(void);
   /** Multi-threading implementation */
-  virtual void BeforeThreadedGenerateData();
   virtual void AfterThreadedGenerateData();
   /** startIndex and stopIndex represent the indices of the Objects to
   examine in thread threadId */
-  virtual void ThreadedGenerateData(unsigned int startIndex, unsigned int stopIndex,int threadId);
+  virtual void ThreadedGenerateData(unsigned int startIndex, unsigned int stopIndex, int threadId);
-  /** Static function used as a "callback" by the MultiThreader.  The threading
-   * library will call this routine for each thread, which will delegate the
-   * control to ThreadedGenerateData(). */
-  static ITK_THREAD_RETURN_TYPE ThreaderCallback( void *arg );
   /** Internal structure used for passing image data into the threading library */
   struct ThreadStruct
@@ -118,7 +108,7 @@ private:
   void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented
   FunctorType m_Functor;
-  OutputListForThreadType m_ObjectListPerThread;
 } // end namespace otb
diff --git a/Code/BasicFilters/otbUnaryFunctorObjectListFilter.txx b/Code/BasicFilters/otbUnaryFunctorObjectListFilter.txx
index 7ff0c8d92fb2ed557480acb3086df5c682ae20b6..f3121946697b29dc49a6bbe7c4e8262d20181802 100644
--- a/Code/BasicFilters/otbUnaryFunctorObjectListFilter.txx
+++ b/Code/BasicFilters/otbUnaryFunctorObjectListFilter.txx
@@ -35,54 +35,6 @@ UnaryFunctorObjectListFilter<TInputList,TOutputList,TFunction>
- * GenerateData apply the functor on each element of the list
- */
-template <class TInputList, class TOutputList, class TFunction  >
-  // Call a method that can be overridden by a subclass to perform
-  // some calculations prior to splitting the main computations into
-  // separate threads
-  this->BeforeThreadedGenerateData();
-  // Set up the multithreaded processing
-  ThreadStruct str;
-  str.Filter = this;
-  // Initializing object per thread
-  OutputListPointer defaultList;
-  m_ObjectListPerThread = OutputListForThreadType(this->GetNumberOfThreads(),defaultList);
-  // Setting up multithreader
-  this->GetMultiThreader()->SetNumberOfThreads(this->GetNumberOfThreads());
-  this->GetMultiThreader()->SetSingleMethod(this->ThreaderCallback, &str);
-  // multithread the execution
-  this->GetMultiThreader()->SingleMethodExecute();
-  // Call a method that can be overridden by a subclass to perform
-  // some calculations after all the threads have completed
-  this->AfterThreadedGenerateData();
-template <class TInputList, class TOutputList, class TFunction  >
-    void
-        UnaryFunctorObjectListFilter<TInputList,TOutputList,TFunction>
-  ::BeforeThreadedGenerateData()
-  this->AllocateOutputs();
 template <class TInputList, class TOutputList, class TFunction  >
@@ -90,7 +42,7 @@ UnaryFunctorObjectListFilter<TInputList,TOutputList,TFunction>
   InputListPointer inputPtr = this->GetInput();
-  m_ObjectListPerThread[threadId] = OutputListType::New();
+  this->m_ObjectListPerThread[threadId] = OutputListType::New();
   itk::ProgressReporter progress(this, threadId, stopIndex-startIndex);
@@ -105,7 +57,7 @@ UnaryFunctorObjectListFilter<TInputList,TOutputList,TFunction>
   while((count < stopIndex) && (it != inputPtr->End()))
-    m_ObjectListPerThread[threadId]->PushBack(m_Functor(it.Get()));
+    this->m_ObjectListPerThread[threadId]->PushBack(m_Functor(it.Get()));
@@ -122,10 +74,10 @@ template <class TInputList, class TOutputList, class TFunction  >
   // copy the lists to the output
   OutputListPointer outputPtr = this->GetOutput();
-  for (int i=0; i< m_ObjectListPerThread.size(); ++i)
+  for (int i=0; i< this->m_ObjectListPerThread.size(); ++i)
-    for(OutputListIterator it = m_ObjectListPerThread[i]->Begin();
-        it != m_ObjectListPerThread[i]->End();
+    for(OutputListIterator it = this->m_ObjectListPerThread[i]->Begin();
+        it != this->m_ObjectListPerThread[i]->End();
@@ -135,54 +87,6 @@ template <class TInputList, class TOutputList, class TFunction  >
-template <class TInputList, class TOutputList, class TFunction  >
-        UnaryFunctorObjectListFilter<TInputList,TOutputList,TFunction>
-  ::ThreaderCallback( void *arg )
-  ThreadStruct *str;
-  int threadId, threadCount;
-  unsigned int total,start, stop;
-  threadId = ((itk::MultiThreader::ThreadInfoStruct *)(arg))->ThreadID;
-  threadCount = ((itk::MultiThreader::ThreadInfoStruct *)(arg))->NumberOfThreads;
-  str = (ThreadStruct *)(((itk::MultiThreader::ThreadInfoStruct *)(arg))->UserData);
-  total = str->Filter->GetInput()->Size();
-  if (threadId < static_cast<int>(total))
-  {
-    // Split the adjacency matrix in strip of equal dimension
-    start = static_cast<unsigned int>( vcl_floor(
-                          total*static_cast<double>(threadId)/static_cast<double>(threadCount)+0.5
-                         ));
-    stop = static_cast<unsigned int>(vcl_floor(
-                          total*static_cast<double>(threadId+1)/static_cast<double>(threadCount)+0.5
-                         ));
-    if (stop > total)
-      stop = total;
-    // For very small list it might occur that start = stop. In this
-    // case the vertex at that index will be processed in the next strip.
-    if(start!=stop)
-    {
-      str->Filter->ThreadedGenerateData(start, stop, threadId);
-    }
-  }
-  // else
-  //   {
-  //   otherwise don't use this thread. Sometimes the threads dont
-  //   break up very well and it is just as efficient to leave a
-  //   few threads idle.
-  //   }
 } // end namespace otb
diff --git a/Code/Common/otbObjectListSource.h b/Code/Common/otbObjectListSource.h
index bd7254f8a06385876e45a6611e796f3f6a90be4d..b98887140c76492c4fe7b0576ee2a705af6ec547 100644
--- a/Code/Common/otbObjectListSource.h
+++ b/Code/Common/otbObjectListSource.h
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ namespace otb
           /** Ensure that the output lists are cleared before processing */
           virtual void  AllocateOutputs();
-  /** ObjectListSource can be implemented as a multithreaded filter.
+          /** ObjectListSource can be implemented as a multithreaded filter.
            * Therefore, this implementation provides a ThreadedGenerateData() routine
            * which is called for each processing thread. The output image data is
            * allocated automatically by the superclass prior to calling
@@ -183,9 +183,10 @@ namespace otb
            * "outputRegionForThread"
            * \sa ImageToImageFilter::ThreadedGenerateData(),
-   *     ImageToImageFilter::GenerateData()  */
+           *     ImageToImageFilter::GenerateData()  */
           virtual void GenerateData(void);
           ObjectListSource(const Self&); //purposely not implemented
           void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented
diff --git a/Code/Common/otbObjectListSource.txx b/Code/Common/otbObjectListSource.txx
index a9e119df214a86d631937fa9338ac8913b69a37b..2d1a8436c05bdd4aac6299dca98c4e24b9cdd8e5 100644
--- a/Code/Common/otbObjectListSource.txx
+++ b/Code/Common/otbObjectListSource.txx
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 #include "otbObjectListSource.h"
 #include "itkProgressReporter.h"
+#include "otbMath.h"
 namespace otb
@@ -144,6 +145,7 @@ namespace otb
     itkExceptionMacro("subclass should override this method!!!");
    * PrintSelf Method
diff --git a/Code/Common/otbObjectListToObjectListFilter.h b/Code/Common/otbObjectListToObjectListFilter.h
index 36ae611477bde288d1f57a8fb4cab3263087fa15..1669bfdcc9d205ed04a32d33f00f411b3484c985 100644
--- a/Code/Common/otbObjectListToObjectListFilter.h
+++ b/Code/Common/otbObjectListToObjectListFilter.h
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ namespace otb
           typedef itk::DataObject::Pointer DataObjectPointer;
+          typedef std::vector<OutputListPointer> OutputListForThreadType;
           virtual void SetInput( const InputListType *input);
           const InputListType * GetInput(void);
@@ -77,6 +78,35 @@ namespace otb
           /**PrintSelf method */
           virtual void PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, itk::Indent indent) const;
+          virtual void GenerateData(void);
+          /** Multi-threading implementation */
+          virtual void BeforeThreadedGenerateData();
+          virtual void AfterThreadedGenerateData() {};
+          virtual int SplitRequestedRegion(int threadId, int threadCount, unsigned int requestedElements, unsigned int& startIndex, unsigned int& stopIndex);
+          /** startIndex and stopIndex represent the indices of the Objects
+           * to examine in thread threadId */
+          virtual void ThreadedGenerateData(unsigned int startIndex, unsigned int stopIndex, int threadId);
+          /** Static function used as a "callback" by the MultiThreader.  The threading
+           * library will call this routine for each thread, which will delegate the
+           * control to ThreadedGenerateData(). */
+          static ITK_THREAD_RETURN_TYPE ThreaderCallback( void *arg );
+          /** Internal structure used for passing image data into the threading library */
+          struct ThreadStruct
+          {
+            Pointer Filter;
+          };
+          /** End Multi-threading implementation */
+          OutputListForThreadType m_ObjectListPerThread;
           ObjectListToObjectListFilter(const Self&); //purposely not implemented
           void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented
diff --git a/Code/Common/otbObjectListToObjectListFilter.txx b/Code/Common/otbObjectListToObjectListFilter.txx
index 020c309ba6303d3967da0739ccb2185de15431d7..79e8e68fd478f161e79297aeacfce9f5d60e1984 100644
--- a/Code/Common/otbObjectListToObjectListFilter.txx
+++ b/Code/Common/otbObjectListToObjectListFilter.txx
@@ -60,6 +60,126 @@ namespace otb
         (this->itk::ProcessObject::GetInput(0) );
+  template <class TInputList, class TOutputList>
+      int
+      ObjectListToObjectListFilter<TInputList,TOutputList>
+  ::SplitRequestedRegion(int threadId, int threadCount, unsigned int requestedElements, unsigned int& startIndex, unsigned int& stopIndex )
+  {
+    startIndex = static_cast<unsigned int>( vcl_floor(
+                                            requestedElements*static_cast<double>(threadId)/static_cast<double>(threadCount)+0.5
+                                                     ));
+    stopIndex = static_cast<unsigned int>(vcl_floor(
+                                          requestedElements*static_cast<double>(threadId+1)/static_cast<double>(threadCount)+0.5
+                                                   ));
+    if (stopIndex > requestedElements)
+      stopIndex = requestedElements;
+    //Note: check the itkImageSource.txx for the compuration done there.
+    // for now, there is no requested region for ObjectListFilter, so we don't
+    // compute anything here.
+    return threadCount;
+  }
+  /**
+   * GenerateData
+   */
+  template <class TInputList, class TOutputList>
+      void
+          ObjectListToObjectListFilter<TInputList,TOutputList>
+  ::GenerateData(void)
+  {
+  // Call a method that can be overridden by a subclass to perform
+  // some calculations prior to splitting the main computations into
+  // separate threads
+    this->BeforeThreadedGenerateData();
+  // Set up the multithreaded processing
+    ThreadStruct str;
+    str.Filter = this;
+  // Initializing object per thread
+    OutputListPointer defaultList;
+    this->m_ObjectListPerThread = OutputListForThreadType(this->GetNumberOfThreads(),defaultList);
+  // Setting up multithreader
+    this->GetMultiThreader()->SetNumberOfThreads(this->GetNumberOfThreads());
+    this->GetMultiThreader()->SetSingleMethod(this->ThreaderCallback, &str);
+  // multithread the execution
+    this->GetMultiThreader()->SingleMethodExecute();
+  // Call a method that can be overridden by a subclass to perform
+  // some calculations after all the threads have completed
+    this->AfterThreadedGenerateData();
+  }
+  template <class TInputList, class TOutputList>
+      void
+          ObjectListToObjectListFilter<TInputList,TOutputList>
+  ::BeforeThreadedGenerateData(void)
+  {
+    this->AllocateOutputs();
+  }
+  template <class TInputList, class TOutputList>
+      void
+      ObjectListToObjectListFilter<TInputList,TOutputList>
+  ::ThreadedGenerateData(unsigned int startIndex, unsigned int stopIndex,int threadId)
+  {
+  // The following code is equivalent to:
+  // itkExceptionMacro("subclass should override this method!!!");
+  // The ExceptionMacro is not used because gcc warns that a
+  // 'noreturn' function does return
+    itk::OStringStream message;
+    message << "itk::ERROR: " << this->GetNameOfClass()
+        << "(" << this << "): " << "Subclass should override this method!!!";
+    itk::ExceptionObject e_(__FILE__, __LINE__, message.str().c_str(),ITK_LOCATION);
+    throw e_;
+  }
+  template <class TInputList, class TOutputList>
+      ObjectListToObjectListFilter<TInputList,TOutputList>
+  ::ThreaderCallback( void *arg )
+  {
+    ThreadStruct *str;
+    int threadId, threadCount;
+    unsigned int total,start, stop;
+    unsigned int requestedElements;
+    threadId = ((itk::MultiThreader::ThreadInfoStruct *)(arg))->ThreadID;
+    threadCount = ((itk::MultiThreader::ThreadInfoStruct *)(arg))->NumberOfThreads;
+    str = (ThreadStruct *)(((itk::MultiThreader::ThreadInfoStruct *)(arg))->UserData);
+    requestedElements = str->Filter->GetInput()->Size();
+    total = str->Filter->SplitRequestedRegion(threadId, threadCount, requestedElements, start, stop);
+    if (threadId < static_cast<int>(total))
+    {
+    // For very small list it might occur that start = stop. In this
+    // case the vertex at that index will be processed in the next strip.
+      if(start!=stop)
+      {
+        str->Filter->ThreadedGenerateData(start, stop, threadId);
+      }
+    }
+  // else
+  //   {
+  //   otherwise don't use this thread. Sometimes the threads dont
+  //   break up very well and it is just as efficient to leave a
+  //   few threads idle.
+  //   }
+  }
    * PrintSelf Method