diff --git a/Modules/Filtering/ImageManipulation/include/otbImageToNoDataMaskFilter.h b/Modules/Filtering/ImageManipulation/include/otbImageToNoDataMaskFilter.h
index 69b1fd113541e4c7d402cd80be5f9bdd352600bc..df80e2a9a8bd778917d156926e25de8b75eaaeab 100644
--- a/Modules/Filtering/ImageManipulation/include/otbImageToNoDataMaskFilter.h
+++ b/Modules/Filtering/ImageManipulation/include/otbImageToNoDataMaskFilter.h
@@ -27,6 +27,11 @@ namespace otb
 namespace Functor
+/** \class NoDataFunctor
+ *  \brief Functor used by ImageToNoDataMaskFilter
+ *
+ *  See ImageToNoDataMaskFilter for complete documentation. 
+ */
 template <typename TInputPixel, typename TOutputPixel> 
 class NoDataFunctor
@@ -35,25 +40,42 @@ public:
-    m_InsideValue(1)
+    m_InsideValue(1),
+    m_NaNIsNoData(false)
   virtual ~NoDataFunctor(){}
   inline TOutputPixel operator()(const TInputPixel& in) const
-    return otb::IsNoData(in,m_Flags,m_Values)?m_OutsideValue:m_InsideValue;
+    return otb::IsNoData(in,m_Flags,m_Values,m_NaNIsNoData)?m_OutsideValue:m_InsideValue;
   std::vector<bool>   m_Flags;
   std::vector<double> m_Values;
   TOutputPixel        m_OutsideValue;
   TOutputPixel        m_InsideValue;
+  bool                m_NaNIsNoData;
 } // End namespace Functor
+/** \class ImageToNoDataMaskFilter 
+ *  \brief Builds a no-data mask image from no-data flags and values
+ *  
+ *  This filter reads the no-data flags (a boolean vector indicating
+ *  for each band if a no-data value exists) and values (the actual
+ *  value to be used as no-data for each band) from
+ *  MetaDataDictionary, and builds a binary mask indicating presence
+ *  or absence of no-data for each pixel.
+ * 
+ *  If NaNIsNoData is true, NaN pixels will also be considered as
+ *  no-data pixels.
+ * 
+ * \ingroup Streamed
+ * \ingroup MultiThreaded
+ * \ingroup OTBImageManipulation
+ */
 template <typename TInputImage, typename TOutputImage>
 class ImageToNoDataMaskFilter
   : public itk::UnaryFunctorImageFilter<TInputImage,
@@ -77,15 +99,31 @@ public:
   /** Creation through object factory macro */
   itkTypeMacro(SpectralAngleDistanceImageFilter, itk::ImageToImageFilter);
+  /**
+   * Set inside value of output mask. This value will be used to
+   * indicate absence of no-data for the pixel in the output mask
+   */ 
   void SetInsideValue(const typename TOutputImage::PixelType & value)
     this->GetFunctor().m_InsideValue = value;
+  /**
+   * Set outside value of output mask. This value will be used to
+   * indicate presence of no-data for the pixel in the output mask
+   */ 
   void SetOutsideValue(const typename TOutputImage::PixelType & value)
     this->GetFunctor().m_OutsideValue = value;
+  /**
+   * Set the NaN is no data flags
+   * \param nanIsNoData If true, NaN values will be considered as
+   * no-data as well (default is false)
+   */
+  void SetNaNIsNoData(bool nanIsNoData)
+  {
+    this->GetFunctor().m_NaNIsNoData=nanIsNoData;
+  }