diff --git a/.gitlab/issue_templates/documentation_changes.md b/.gitlab/issue_templates/documentation_changes.md
index d7189ba97f930404138940cb9d9bef4dcf7a963d..516ab7ab946eea7fc908ed9154390b6b2706b7fc 100644
--- a/.gitlab/issue_templates/documentation_changes.md
+++ b/.gitlab/issue_templates/documentation_changes.md
@@ -5,3 +5,5 @@ Can be a combination of CookBook, doxygen, blog, applications doc, websites
 ### Change requested
 Describe precisely the changes that are required.
+/label ~documentation 
diff --git a/.gitlab/issue_templates/release.md b/.gitlab/issue_templates/release.md
index fce450b8453dea9babc99fb33f604ed9faa10f89..7bf07303f9b8ae81e7ff0d17707916b7df7f70aa 100644
--- a/.gitlab/issue_templates/release.md
+++ b/.gitlab/issue_templates/release.md
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 We are ready to release OTB version MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. The following steps need to be done:
+## Release Candidate
 ### 1. Branches
 * [ ] **(if major or minor release)** Feature freeze: [create the new release branch](https://gitlab.orfeo-toolbox.org/orfeotoolbox/otb/wikis/Help-for-release-actions#create-release-branch)
@@ -8,21 +10,58 @@ We are ready to release OTB version MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. The following steps need
 ### 2. Housekeeping
 * [ ] In this story, make a list of blocking issues for the release (if any)
-* [ ] [Update the SuperBuild archive](https://gitlab.orfeo-toolbox.org/orfeotoolbox/otb/wikis/Help-for-release-actions#superbuild-archive) (if needed)
 * [ ] Update release notes (walk the GitLab MR merged history and log all improvements)
 * [ ] Update the date in RELEASE_NOTES.txt
+* [ ] Check [SonarQube](https://sonar.orfeo-toolbox.org/dashboard?id=orfeotoolbox-otb)
+* [ ] Run Debian [spelling](https://gitlab.orfeo-toolbox.org/orfeotoolbox/otb/wikis/Help-for-release-actions#spelling-check) checker
+* [ ] Run shellcheck script from [OTB-Devutils/Scripts/](https://gitlab.orfeo-toolbox.org/orfeotoolbox/otb-devutils/blob/master/Scripts/run_shellcheck.sh)
+* [ ] [Update translation](https://gitlab.orfeo-toolbox.org/orfeotoolbox/otb/wikis/Help-for-release-actions#translation-for-monteverdi-mapla) for Monteverdi and Mapla
+* [ ] [Sanity check the binary packages](https://gitlab.orfeo-toolbox.org/orfeotoolbox/otb/wikis/Help-for-release-actions#standalone-packages-sanity-check)
+    * [ ] Windows
+    * [ ] Linux
+    * [ ] Mac
+    * [ ] Test QGIS on qgis docker image
+### 3. Actual release
+Once all blocking issues are closed, and the previous steps are done:
+* [ ] [Tag the release candidate](https://gitlab.orfeo-toolbox.org/orfeotoolbox/otb/wikis/Help-for-release-actions#release-tag)
+* [ ] Update GIT_TAG for all official remote modules (if needed)
+### 4. Publish and plan next release
+* [ ]   [Prepare and upload source packages](https://gitlab.orfeo-toolbox.org/orfeotoolbox/otb/wikis/Help-for-release-actions#prepare-and-upload-source-packages)
+* [ ]   [Promote staging packages](https://gitlab.orfeo-toolbox.org/orfeotoolbox/otb/wikis/Help-for-release-actions#promote-staging-packages)
+* [ ]   [Update documentation](https://gitlab.orfeo-toolbox.org/orfeotoolbox/otb/wikis/Help-for-release-actions#update-documentation)
+    * [ ] Cookbook
+    * [ ] Doxygen
+* [ ] [Update the SuperBuild archive](https://gitlab.orfeo-toolbox.org/orfeotoolbox/otb/wikis/Help-for-release-actions#superbuild-archive)
+* [ ] Release Candidate announcement on the forum
+## Release
+### 1. Branches
+* [ ] Make sure the version number in `CMakeLists.txt` is MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH
+### 2. Housekeeping
+* [ ] In this story, make a list of blocking issues for the release (if any)
+* [ ] Fix compilation warnings on CI
+* [ ] Update release notes (walk the GitLab MR merged history and log all improvements)
+* [ ] Update the date in RELEASE_NOTES.txt
+* [ ] Check [SonarQube](https://sonar.orfeo-toolbox.org/dashboard?id=orfeotoolbox-otb)
 * [ ] Run Debian [spelling](https://gitlab.orfeo-toolbox.org/orfeotoolbox/otb/wikis/Help-for-release-actions#spelling-check) checker
 * [ ] Run shellcheck script from [OTB-Devutils/Scripts/](https://gitlab.orfeo-toolbox.org/orfeotoolbox/otb-devutils/blob/master/Scripts/run_shellcheck.sh)
 * [ ] [Update translation](https://gitlab.orfeo-toolbox.org/orfeotoolbox/otb/wikis/Help-for-release-actions#translation-for-monteverdi-mapla) for Monteverdi and Mapla
 * [ ] [Sanity check the binary packages](https://gitlab.orfeo-toolbox.org/orfeotoolbox/otb/wikis/Help-for-release-actions#standalone-packages-sanity-check)
-    * [ ]  Windows
-    * [ ]  Linux
-    * [ ]  Mac
+    * [ ] Windows
+    * [ ] Linux
+    * [ ] Mac
+    * [ ] Test QGIS on qgis docker image
 ### 3. Actual release
 Once all blocking issues are closed, and the previous steps are done:
-* [ ] [Tag the release or RC](https://gitlab.orfeo-toolbox.org/orfeotoolbox/otb/wikis/Help-for-release-actions#release-tag)
+* [ ] [Tag the release](https://gitlab.orfeo-toolbox.org/orfeotoolbox/otb/wikis/Help-for-release-actions#release-tag)
 * [ ] **(if major or minor release)**: Merge the release into develop
 * [ ] **(if it's the latest release)**: Merge the release into master
 * [ ] **(if patch release)**: Backport fixes
@@ -36,11 +75,12 @@ Once all blocking issues are closed, and the previous steps are done:
     * [ ] Doxygen
     * [ ] WordPress page "Home" and "Download" pages
 * [ ] Upload OTB source archive to [Zenodo](https://zenodo.org/) to create a unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
-* [ ] Send email to mailing list to announce the release
-* [ ] Release announcement on the blog
-* [ ] Announcement on social networks (twitter, google+)
+* [ ] [Update the SuperBuild archive](https://gitlab.orfeo-toolbox.org/orfeotoolbox/otb/wikis/Help-for-release-actions#superbuild-archive)
+* [ ] Release announcement
+    * [ ] On the [forum](https://forum.orfeo-toolbox.org/)
+    * [ ] On the [blog](https://www.orfeo-toolbox.org/blog/)
+	* [ ] On [Twitter](https://twitter.com/orfeotoolbox)
 * [ ] Forward announcement to news_item@osgeo.org ([OSGeo news](https://www.osgeo.org/foundation-news/))
-* [ ] Plan the next release (nominate new release manager, setup PSC meeting on IRC)
 * [ ] Remove public branches related to MR or bugfix merged before the release
 /label ~story
diff --git a/.mailmap b/.mailmap
index 457ea78798706975877fe2a5ec69e1b4017264ba..bd42eb271375706fd84d5da83fa1ec6aac743add 100644
--- a/.mailmap
+++ b/.mailmap
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Aurélie Emilien <aurelie.emilien@c-s.fr>
 Aurélie Emilien <aurelie.emilien@c-s.fr>                  Aurelie Emilien <aurelie.emilien@c-s.fr>
 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@debian.org>
 Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@debian.org>                      Bas Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl>
+Brad Hards <bradh@frogmouth.net>
 Carole Amiot <carole.amiot@cnes.fr>
 Carole Amiot <carole.amiot@cnes.fr>                       Carole Amiot <carole.amiot@thales-services.fr>
 Caroline Ruffel <caroline.ruffel@c-s.fr>
@@ -58,9 +59,8 @@ Julien Michel <julien.michel@cnes.fr>                     Julien Michel <julien.
 Julien Osman <julien.osman@csgroup.eu>                    Julien Osman <julien.osman@c-s.fr>
 Laurențiu Nicola <lnicola@dend.ro>                        Laurentiu Nicola <lnicola@dend.ro>
 Laurențiu Nicola <lnicola@dend.ro>                        Laurențiu Nicola <grayshade@gmail.com>
-Luc Hermitte <luc.hermitte@csgroup.eu>
-Luc Hermitte <luc.hermitte@csgroup.eu>                    Luc Hermitte <luc.hermitte@c-s.fr>
 Luc Hermitte <luc.hermitte@csgroup.eu>                    Luc Hermitte <luc.hermitte@cnes.fr>
+Luc Hermitte <luc.hermitte@csgroup.eu>                    Luc Hermitte <luc.hermitte@c-s.fr>
 Ludovic Hussonnois <ludovic.hussonnois@c-s.fr>
 Manuel Grizonnet <manuel.grizonnet@cnes.fr>
 Manuel Grizonnet <manuel.grizonnet@cnes.fr>               Grizonnet Manuel <manuel.grizonnet@cnes.fr>