From 85fc4c8c973a840c76613cf918a9de555edf6025 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?C=C3=A9dric=20Traizet?= <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2019 16:45:20 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] ENH: partial specialization for the DoInit method

 .../app/otbVectorClassifier.cxx               | 73 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../app/otbVectorRegression.cxx               | 63 ++++++++++++++++
 .../include/otbVectorPrediction.h             | 75 ++-----------------
 3 files changed, 142 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Modules/Applications/AppClassification/app/otbVectorClassifier.cxx b/Modules/Applications/AppClassification/app/otbVectorClassifier.cxx
index da553cfae0..62d6800210 100644
--- a/Modules/Applications/AppClassification/app/otbVectorClassifier.cxx
+++ b/Modules/Applications/AppClassification/app/otbVectorClassifier.cxx
@@ -27,6 +27,79 @@ namespace Wrapper
 using VectorClassifier = VectorPrediction<false, float, unsigned int>;
+  SetName("VectorClassifier");
+  SetDescription("Performs a classification of the input vector data according to a model file.");
+  SetDocAuthors("OTB-Team");
+  SetDocLongDescription("This application performs a vector data classification "
+    "based on a model file produced by the TrainVectorClassifier application."
+    "Features of the vector data output will contain the class labels decided by the classifier "
+    "(maximal class label = 65535). \n"
+    "There are two modes: \n"
+      "1) Update mode: add of the 'cfield' field containing the predicted class in the input file. \n"
+      "2) Write mode: copies the existing fields of the input file to the output file "
+         " and add the 'cfield' field containing the predicted class. \n"
+    "If you have declared the output file, the write mode applies. "
+    "Otherwise, the input file update mode will be applied.");
+  SetDocLimitations("Shapefiles are supported, but the SQLite format is only supported in update mode.");
+  SetDocSeeAlso("TrainVectorClassifier");
+  AddDocTag(Tags::Learning);
+  AddParameter(ParameterType_InputVectorData, "in", "Name of the input vector data");
+  SetParameterDescription("in","The input vector data file to classify.");
+  AddParameter(ParameterType_InputFilename, "instat", "Statistics file");
+  SetParameterDescription("instat", "A XML file containing mean and standard deviation to center"
+    "and reduce samples before classification, produced by ComputeImagesStatistics application.");
+  MandatoryOff("instat");
+  AddParameter(ParameterType_InputFilename, "model", "Model file");
+  SetParameterDescription("model", "Model file produced by TrainVectorClassifier application.");
+  AddParameter(ParameterType_String,"cfield","Output field");
+  SetParameterDescription("cfield","Field containing the predicted class."
+    "Only geometries with this field available will be taken into account.\n"
+    "The field is added either in the input file (if 'out' off) or in the output file.\n"
+    "Caution, the 'cfield' must not exist in the input file if you are updating the file.");
+  SetParameterString("cfield","predicted");
+  AddParameter(ParameterType_ListView, "feat", "Field names to be calculated");
+  SetParameterDescription("feat","List of field names in the input vector data used as features for training. "
+    "Put the same field names as the TrainVectorClassifier application.");
+  AddParameter(ParameterType_Bool, "confmap",  "Confidence map");
+  SetParameterDescription( "confmap", "Confidence map of the produced classification. The confidence index depends on the model: \n\n"
+    "* LibSVM: difference between the two highest probabilities (needs a model with probability estimates, so that classes probabilities can be computed for each sample)\n"
+    "* Boost: sum of votes\n"
+    "* DecisionTree: (not supported)\n"
+    "* KNearestNeighbors: number of neighbors with the same label\n"
+    "* NeuralNetwork: difference between the two highest responses\n"
+    "* NormalBayes: (not supported)\n"
+    "* RandomForest: Confidence (proportion of votes for the majority class). Margin (normalized difference of the votes of the 2 majority classes) is not available for now.\n"
+    "* SVM: distance to margin (only works for 2-class models)\n");
+  AddParameter(ParameterType_OutputFilename, "out", "Output vector data file");
+  MandatoryOff("out");
+  SetParameterDescription("out","Output vector data file storing sample values (OGR format)."
+    "If not given, the input vector data file is updated.");
+  // Doc example parameter settings
+  SetDocExampleParameterValue("in", "vectorData.shp");
+  SetDocExampleParameterValue("instat", "meanVar.xml");
+  SetDocExampleParameterValue("model", "svmModel.svm");
+  SetDocExampleParameterValue("out", "vectorDataLabeledVector.shp");
+  SetDocExampleParameterValue("feat", "perimeter  area  width");
+  SetDocExampleParameterValue("cfield", "predicted");
+  SetOfficialDocLink();
diff --git a/Modules/Applications/AppClassification/app/otbVectorRegression.cxx b/Modules/Applications/AppClassification/app/otbVectorRegression.cxx
index bba74a3152..02dd347096 100644
--- a/Modules/Applications/AppClassification/app/otbVectorRegression.cxx
+++ b/Modules/Applications/AppClassification/app/otbVectorRegression.cxx
@@ -27,6 +27,69 @@ namespace Wrapper
 using VectorRegression = VectorPrediction<true, float, float>;
+  SetName("VectorRegression");
+  SetDescription("Performs regression on the input vector data according to a model file.");
+  SetDocAuthors("OTB-Team");
+  SetDocLongDescription("This application performs a vector data regression "
+    "based on a model file produced by the TrainVectorRegression application."
+    "Features of the vector data output will contain the values predicted by the classifier. \n"
+    "There are two modes: \n"
+      "1) Update mode: add of the 'cfield' field containing the predicted value in the input file. \n"
+      "2) Write mode: copies the existing fields of the input file to the output file "
+         " and add the 'cfield' field containing the predicted value. \n"
+    "If you have declared the output file, the write mode applies. "
+    "Otherwise, the input file update mode will be applied.");
+  SetDocLimitations("Shapefiles are supported, but the SQLite format is only supported in update mode.");
+  SetDocSeeAlso("TrainVectorRegression");
+  AddDocTag(Tags::Learning);
+  AddParameter(ParameterType_InputVectorData, "in", "Name of the input vector data");
+  SetParameterDescription("in","The input vector data file to classify.");
+  AddParameter(ParameterType_InputFilename, "instat", "Statistics file");
+  SetParameterDescription("instat", "A XML file containing mean and standard deviation to center"
+    "and reduce samples before classification, produced by ComputeImagesStatistics application.");
+  MandatoryOff("instat");
+  AddParameter(ParameterType_InputFilename, "model", "Model file");
+  SetParameterDescription("model", "Model file produced by TrainVectorRegression application.");
+  AddParameter(ParameterType_String,"cfield","Output field");
+  SetParameterDescription("cfield","Field containing the predicted value."
+    "Only geometries with this field available will be taken into account.\n"
+    "The field is added either in the input file (if 'out' off) or in the output file.\n"
+    "Caution, the 'cfield' must not exist in the input file if you are updating the file.");
+  SetParameterString("cfield","predicted");
+  AddParameter(ParameterType_ListView, "feat", "Field names to be calculated");
+  SetParameterDescription("feat","List of field names in the input vector data used as features for training. "
+    "Put the same field names as the TrainVectorRegression application.");
+  AddParameter(ParameterType_OutputFilename, "out", "Output vector data file");
+  MandatoryOff("out");
+  SetParameterDescription("out","Output vector data file storing sample values (OGR format)."
+    "If not given, the input vector data file is updated.");
+  MandatoryOff("out");
+  // Doc example parameter settings
+  SetDocExampleParameterValue("in", "vectorData.shp");
+  SetDocExampleParameterValue("instat", "meanVar.xml");
+  SetDocExampleParameterValue("model", "rfModel.rf");
+  SetDocExampleParameterValue("out", "vectorDataLabeledVector.shp");
+  SetDocExampleParameterValue("feat", "perimeter  area  width");
+  SetDocExampleParameterValue("cfield", "predicted");
+  SetOfficialDocLink();
diff --git a/Modules/Applications/AppClassification/include/otbVectorPrediction.h b/Modules/Applications/AppClassification/include/otbVectorPrediction.h
index dfa537be48..247a2e4ace 100644
--- a/Modules/Applications/AppClassification/include/otbVectorPrediction.h
+++ b/Modules/Applications/AppClassification/include/otbVectorPrediction.h
@@ -92,74 +92,12 @@ private:
   void DoInit() override
-    SetName("VectorClassifier");
-    SetDescription("Performs a classification of the input vector data according to a model file.");
-    SetDocAuthors("OTB-Team");
-    SetDocLongDescription("This application performs a vector data classification "
-      "based on a model file produced by the TrainVectorClassifier application."
-      "Features of the vector data output will contain the class labels decided by the classifier "
-      "(maximal class label = 65535). \n"
-      "There are two modes: \n"
-        "1) Update mode: add of the 'cfield' field containing the predicted class in the input file. \n"
-        "2) Write mode: copies the existing fields of the input file to the output file "
-           " and add the 'cfield' field containing the predicted class. \n"
-      "If you have declared the output file, the write mode applies. "
-      "Otherwise, the input file update mode will be applied.");
-    SetDocLimitations("Shapefiles are supported, but the SQLite format is only supported in update mode.");
-    SetDocSeeAlso("TrainVectorClassifier");
-    AddDocTag(Tags::Learning);
-    AddParameter(ParameterType_InputVectorData, "in", "Name of the input vector data");
-    SetParameterDescription("in","The input vector data file to classify.");
-    AddParameter(ParameterType_InputFilename, "instat", "Statistics file");
-    SetParameterDescription("instat", "A XML file containing mean and standard deviation to center"
-      "and reduce samples before classification, produced by ComputeImagesStatistics application.");
-    MandatoryOff("instat");
-    AddParameter(ParameterType_InputFilename, "model", "Model file");
-    SetParameterDescription("model", "Model file produced by TrainVectorClassifier application.");
-    AddParameter(ParameterType_String,"cfield","Field class");
-    SetParameterDescription("cfield","Field containing the predicted class."
-      "Only geometries with this field available will be taken into account.\n"
-      "The field is added either in the input file (if 'out' off) or in the output file.\n"
-      "Caution, the 'cfield' must not exist in the input file if you are updating the file.");
-    SetParameterString("cfield","predicted");
-    AddParameter(ParameterType_ListView, "feat", "Field names to be calculated");
-    SetParameterDescription("feat","List of field names in the input vector data used as features for training. "
-      "Put the same field names as the TrainVectorClassifier application.");
-    AddParameter(ParameterType_Bool, "confmap",  "Confidence map");
-    SetParameterDescription( "confmap", "Confidence map of the produced classification. The confidence index depends on the model: \n\n"
-      "* LibSVM: difference between the two highest probabilities (needs a model with probability estimates, so that classes probabilities can be computed for each sample)\n"
-      "* Boost: sum of votes\n"
-      "* DecisionTree: (not supported)\n"
-      "* KNearestNeighbors: number of neighbors with the same label\n"
-      "* NeuralNetwork: difference between the two highest responses\n"
-      "* NormalBayes: (not supported)\n"
-      "* RandomForest: Confidence (proportion of votes for the majority class). Margin (normalized difference of the votes of the 2 majority classes) is not available for now.\n"
-      "* SVM: distance to margin (only works for 2-class models)\n");
-    AddParameter(ParameterType_OutputFilename, "out", "Output vector data file containing class labels");
-    SetParameterDescription("out","Output vector data file storing sample values (OGR format)."
-      "If not given, the input vector data file is updated.");
-    MandatoryOff("out");
-    // Doc example parameter settings
-    SetDocExampleParameterValue("in", "vectorData.shp");
-    SetDocExampleParameterValue("instat", "meanVar.xml");
-    SetDocExampleParameterValue("model", "svmModel.svm");
-    SetDocExampleParameterValue("out", "vectorDataLabeledVector.shp");
-    SetDocExampleParameterValue("feat", "perimeter  area  width");
-    SetDocExampleParameterValue("cfield", "predicted");
-    SetOfficialDocLink();
+    DoInitSpecialization();
+    //TODO add assert to check that parameters has been correctly defined
+  void DoInitSpecialization();
   void DoUpdateParameters() override
     if ( HasValue("in") )
@@ -288,10 +226,9 @@ private:
     typename ConfidenceListSampleType::Pointer quality;
-    bool computeConfidenceMap(GetParameterInt("confmap") && m_Model->HasConfidenceIndex() 
-                              && !m_Model->GetRegressionMode());
+    bool computeConfidenceMap(!m_Model->GetRegressionMode() && GetParameterInt("confmap") && m_Model->HasConfidenceIndex() );
-    if (!m_Model->HasConfidenceIndex() && GetParameterInt("confmap"))
+    if (!m_Model->GetRegressionMode() && !m_Model->HasConfidenceIndex() && GetParameterInt("confmap"))
       otbAppLogWARNING("Confidence map requested but the classifier doesn't support it!");