diff --git a/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/include/otbDEMHandler.h b/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/include/otbDEMHandler.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dd03da5d0bc670f14f90eec165182ba79ccdb31..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/include/otbDEMHandler.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2005-2020 Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
- *
- * This file is part of Orfeo Toolbox
- *
- *     https://www.orfeo-toolbox.org/
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#ifndef otbDEMHandler_h
-#define otbDEMHandler_h
-#include <cstdio>
-#include "itkIndent.h"
-#include "itkObject.h"
-#include "itkObjectFactory.h"
-#include "itkPoint.h"
-#include "OTBOSSIMAdaptersExport.h"
-#include <string>
-class ossimElevManager;
-namespace otb
-/** \class DEMHandler
- *
- * \brief Single access point for DEM data retrieval
- *
- * This class is the single configuration and access point for
- * elevation handling in images projections and localization
- * functions. Since this class is a singleton, there is no New() method. The
- * DEMHandler::Instance() method should be used instead.
- *
- * Please be aware that a proper instantiation and parameter setting
- * of this class is advised before any call to geometric filters or
- * functionalities. Ossim internal accesses to elevation are also
- * configured by this class and this will ensure consistency
- * throughout the library.
- *
- * The class allows configuring a directory containing DEM tiles
- * (DTED or SRTM supported) using the OpenDEMDirectory() method. The
- * OpenGeoidFile() method allows inputting a geoid file as well. Last,
- * a default height above ellipsoid can be set using the
- * SetDefaultHeightAboveEllipsoid() method.
- *
- * The class allows retrieving either height above ellipsoid or
- * height above Mean Sea Level (MSL).
- *
- * Here is the complete description of both methods output depending
- * on the class configuration for the SRTM DEM (in the following, no
- * SRTM means DEMDirectory not set, or no coverage for point, or
- * srtm_value is no_data).
- *
- * GetHeightAboveEllipsoid():
- * - SRTM and geoid both available: srtm_value + geoid_offset
- * - No SRTM but geoid available: geoid_offset
- * - SRTM available, but no geoid: srtm_value
- * - No SRTM and no geoid available: default height above ellipsoid
- *
- * GetHeightAboveMSL():
- * - SRTM and geoid both available: srtm_value
- * - No SRTM but geoid available: 0
- * - SRTM available, but no geoid: srtm_value
- * - No SRTM and no geoid available: 0
- *
- * Please note that OSSIM internal calls for sensor modeling use the
- * height above ellipsoid, and follow the same logic as the
- * GetHeightAboveEllipsoid() method.
- *
- * DEM directory can either contain DTED or SRTM formats.
- * \ingroup Images
- *
- *
- * \ingroup OTBOSSIMAdapters
- */
-class OTBOSSIMAdapters_EXPORT DEMHandler : public itk::Object
-  /** Standard class typedefs. */
-  typedef DEMHandler                    Self;
-  typedef itk::Object                   Superclass;
-  typedef itk::SmartPointer<Self>       Pointer;
-  typedef itk::SmartPointer<const Self> ConstPointer;
-  typedef itk::Point<double, 2> PointType;
-  /** Retrieve the singleton instance */
-  static Pointer Instance();
-  /** Run-time type information (and related methods). */
-  itkTypeMacro(DEMHandler, Object);
-  /** Try to open the DEM directory. */
-  virtual void OpenDEMDirectory(const char* DEMDirectory);
-  virtual void OpenDEMDirectory(const std::string& DEMDirectory);
-  /** return true if the directory contain DEM */
-  virtual bool IsValidDEMDirectory(const char* DEMDirectory);
-  /**
-   * \brief Open geoid file given its filename or throw an exception
-   * if geoid-file could not be loaded.
-   *
-   * \param geoidFile The filename of the geoid-file.
-   *
-   * \return <code>true</code> if geoid file has been changed or
-   * <code>false</code> if geod-file have been set before and could
-   * not be changed.
-   */
-  virtual bool OpenGeoidFile(const char* geoidFile);
-  /**
-   * \brief Open geoid file given its filename or throw an exception
-   * if geoid-file could not be loaded.
-   *
-   * \param geoidFile The filename of the geoid-file.
-   *
-   * \return <code>true</code> if geoid file has been changed or
-   * <code>false</code> if geod-file have been set before and could
-   * not be changed.
-   */
-  virtual bool OpenGeoidFile(const std::string& geoidFile);
-  /** Compute the height above MSL(Mean Sea Level) of a geographic point. */
-  virtual double GetHeightAboveMSL(double lon, double lat) const;
-  virtual double GetHeightAboveMSL(const PointType& geoPoint) const;
-  /** Compute the height above ellipsoid of a geographic point. */
-  virtual double GetHeightAboveEllipsoid(double lon, double lat) const;
-  virtual double GetHeightAboveEllipsoid(const PointType& geoPoint) const;
-  /** Set the default height above ellipsoid in case no information is available*/
-  virtual void SetDefaultHeightAboveEllipsoid(double h);
-  /** Set the default height above ellipsoid in case no information is available*/
-  double GetDefaultHeightAboveEllipsoid() const;
-  /**
-   * \return The number of elevation databases in the
-   * <code>ossimElevManager</code>.
-   */
-  unsigned int GetDEMCount() const;
-  /** Get DEM directory */
-  std::string GetDEMDirectory(unsigned int idx = 0) const;
-  /** Get Goid file */
-  std::string GetGeoidFile() const;
-  /**
-   * \brief Remove all the ossimElevationDatabases from the
-   * <code>ossimElevManager</code>.
-   */
-  void ClearDEMs();
-  DEMHandler();
-  ~DEMHandler() override
-  {
-  }
-  void PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, itk::Indent indent) const override;
-  // Ossim does not allow retrieving the geoid file path
-  // We therefore must keep it on our side
-  std::string m_GeoidFile;
-  // Ossim does not allow retrieving the default height above
-  // ellipsoid We therefore must keep it on our side
-  double m_DefaultHeightAboveEllipsoid;
-  static Pointer m_Singleton;
-} // namespace otb
diff --git a/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/include/otbSarSensorModelAdapter.h b/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/include/otbSarSensorModelAdapter.h
index 344db4c6593a701952c2758bb06a40c8a2a6d50f..da09001d15f7b817bc7fc1fedc7d01e16985aa8e 100644
--- a/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/include/otbSarSensorModelAdapter.h
+++ b/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/include/otbSarSensorModelAdapter.h
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 #include <memory>
-#include "otbDEMHandler.h"
+#include "otbOssimDEMHandler.h"
 #include "itkPoint.h"
 namespace ossimplugins
diff --git a/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/include/otbSensorModelAdapter.h b/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/include/otbSensorModelAdapter.h
index aa4726d4d9bd519261b0da5d9436651a57d62273..bdea12467e930ae77b455efc7458e6a2010581b3 100644
--- a/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/include/otbSensorModelAdapter.h
+++ b/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/include/otbSensorModelAdapter.h
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 #ifndef otbSensorModelAdapter_h
 #define otbSensorModelAdapter_h
-#include "otbDEMHandler.h"
+#include "otbOssimDEMHandler.h"
 class ossimProjection;
 class ossimTieGptSet;
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ private:
   InternalTiePointsContainerPointer m_TiePoints;
   /** Object that read and use DEM */
-  DEMHandler::Pointer m_DEMHandler;
+  OssimDEMHandler::Pointer m_DEMHandler;
 } // namespace otb
diff --git a/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/otb-module.cmake b/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/otb-module.cmake
index 346059b6ae76af48c428a79580aaf415e12fcbab..12a161c538fe4b5928ff8b5534b6248b8ac4fccd 100644
--- a/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/otb-module.cmake
+++ b/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/otb-module.cmake
@@ -32,13 +32,14 @@ ENABLE_SHARED
diff --git a/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/src/CMakeLists.txt b/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/src/CMakeLists.txt
index a12d2b6efcbb6c3ad743d06b588433c511915533..cc6dadd6ecf65f8ad112359b0dd3d5ffc8b9e6b0 100644
--- a/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
-  otbDEMHandler.cxx
+  otbOssimDEMHandler.cxx
diff --git a/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/src/otbDEMHandler.cxx b/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/src/otbDEMHandler.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 92c9ce40b3f46d19dcd534e4d688a3bd6d3a4c04..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/src/otbDEMHandler.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2005-2020 Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
- *
- * This file is part of Orfeo Toolbox
- *
- *     https://www.orfeo-toolbox.org/
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-#include "otbDEMHandler.h"
-#include "otbMacro.h"
-#include <cassert>
-#include "otb_ossim.h"
-#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
-#pragma GCC diagnostic push
-#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter"
-#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Woverloaded-virtual"
-#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wshadow"
-#include "ossim/elevation/ossimElevManager.h"
-#include "ossim/base/ossimGeoidManager.h"
-#include "ossim/base/ossimFilename.h"
-#include "ossim/base/ossimDirectory.h"
-#include "ossim/base/ossimGeoidEgm96.h"
-#include "ossim/base/ossimRefPtr.h"
-#include <ossim/elevation/ossimImageElevationDatabase.h>
-#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
-#include "ossim/elevation/ossimElevManager.h"
-#include "ossim/base/ossimGeoidManager.h"
-#include "ossim/base/ossimFilename.h"
-#include "ossim/base/ossimDirectory.h"
-#include "ossim/base/ossimGeoidEgm96.h"
-#include "ossim/base/ossimRefPtr.h"
-#include <ossim/elevation/ossimImageElevationDatabase.h>
-namespace otb
-/** Initialize the singleton */
-DEMHandler::Pointer DEMHandler::m_Singleton = nullptr;
-DEMHandler::Pointer DEMHandler::Instance()
-  if (m_Singleton.GetPointer() == nullptr)
-  {
-    m_Singleton = itk::ObjectFactory<Self>::Create();
-    if (m_Singleton.GetPointer() == nullptr)
-    {
-      m_Singleton = new DEMHandler;
-    }
-    m_Singleton->UnRegister();
-  }
-  return m_Singleton;
-DEMHandler::DEMHandler() : m_GeoidFile(""), m_DefaultHeightAboveEllipsoid(0)
-  assert(ossimElevManager::instance() != NULL);
-  ossimElevManager::instance()->setDefaultHeightAboveEllipsoid(m_DefaultHeightAboveEllipsoid);
-  // Force geoid fallback
-  ossimElevManager::instance()->setUseGeoidIfNullFlag(true);
-void DEMHandler::OpenDEMDirectory(const char* DEMDirectory)
-  assert(ossimElevManager::instance() != NULL);
-  ossimFilename ossimDEMDir(DEMDirectory);
-  if (!ossimElevManager::instance()->loadElevationPath(ossimDEMDir))
-  {
-    // In ossim elevation database factory code, the
-    // ossimImageElevationDatabase is explicitly disabled by a #if 0
-    // guard, because it causes problem when loading ossim related
-    // application. Therefore, we explicitly call
-    // ossimImageElevationDatabase here to allow for general elevation
-    // images support.
-    ossimRefPtr<ossimElevationDatabase> imageElevationDatabase = new ossimImageElevationDatabase;
-    if (!imageElevationDatabase->open(DEMDirectory))
-    {
-      itkExceptionMacro("Failed to open DEM Directory: " << ossimDEMDir);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      otbMsgDevMacro(<< "DEM directory contains general elevation image files: " << ossimDEMDir);
-      ossimElevManager::instance()->addDatabase(imageElevationDatabase.get());
-    }
-  }
-void DEMHandler::ClearDEMs()
-  assert(ossimElevManager::instance() != NULL);
-  ossimElevManager::instance()->clear();
-void DEMHandler::OpenDEMDirectory(const std::string& DEMDirectory)
-  OpenDEMDirectory(DEMDirectory.c_str());
-bool DEMHandler::IsValidDEMDirectory(const char* DEMDirectory)
-  assert(ossimElevManager::instance() != NULL);
-  // Try to load elevation source
-  bool result = ossimElevManager::instance()->loadElevationPath(DEMDirectory);
-  if (!result)
-  {
-    // we explicitly call ossimImageElevationDatabase here to allow for general elevation
-    // images support and test the open method to check if the directory .
-    ossimRefPtr<ossimElevationDatabase> imageElevationDatabase = new ossimImageElevationDatabase;
-    result                                                     = imageElevationDatabase->open(DEMDirectory);
-  }
-  return result;
-bool DEMHandler::OpenGeoidFile(const char* geoidFile)
-  if ((ossimGeoidManager::instance()->findGeoidByShortName("geoid1996")) == nullptr)
-  {
-    otbMsgDevMacro(<< "Opening geoid: " << geoidFile);
-    ossimFilename           geoid(geoidFile);
-    ossimRefPtr<ossimGeoid> geoidPtr = new ossimGeoidEgm96(geoid);
-    if (geoidPtr->getErrorStatus() == ossimErrorCodes::OSSIM_OK)
-    {
-      // Ossim does not allow retrieving the geoid file path
-      // We therefore must keep it on our side
-      m_GeoidFile = geoidFile;
-      otbMsgDevMacro(<< "Geoid successfully opened");
-      ossimGeoidManager::instance()->addGeoid(geoidPtr);
-      geoidPtr.release();
-      // The previous flag will be ignored if
-      // defaultHeightAboveEllipsoid is not NaN
-      assert(ossimElevManager::instance() != NULL);
-      ossimElevManager::instance()->setDefaultHeightAboveEllipsoid(ossim::nan());
-      return true;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      otbMsgDevMacro(<< "Failure opening geoid");
-      geoidPtr.release();
-      itkExceptionMacro(<< "Failed to open geoid file: '" << geoidFile << "'");
-      return false;
-    }
-  }
-  return false;
-bool DEMHandler::OpenGeoidFile(const std::string& geoidFile)
-  return OpenGeoidFile(geoidFile.c_str());
-double DEMHandler::GetHeightAboveMSL(double lon, double lat) const
-  double   height;
-  ossimGpt ossimWorldPoint;
-  ossimWorldPoint.lon = lon;
-  ossimWorldPoint.lat = lat;
-  assert(ossimElevManager::instance() != NULL);
-  height = ossimElevManager::instance()->getHeightAboveMSL(ossimWorldPoint);
-  return height;
-double DEMHandler::GetHeightAboveMSL(const PointType& geoPoint) const
-  return GetHeightAboveMSL(geoPoint[0], geoPoint[1]);
-double DEMHandler::GetHeightAboveEllipsoid(double lon, double lat) const
-  double   height;
-  ossimGpt ossimWorldPoint;
-  ossimWorldPoint.lon = lon;
-  ossimWorldPoint.lat = lat;
-  assert(ossimElevManager::instance() != NULL);
-  height = ossimElevManager::instance()->getHeightAboveEllipsoid(ossimWorldPoint);
-  return height;
-double DEMHandler::GetHeightAboveEllipsoid(const PointType& geoPoint) const
-  return GetHeightAboveEllipsoid(geoPoint[0], geoPoint[1]);
-void DEMHandler::SetDefaultHeightAboveEllipsoid(double h)
-  // Ossim does not allow retrieving the default height above
-  // ellipsoid We therefore must keep it on our side
-  m_DefaultHeightAboveEllipsoid = h;
-  assert(ossimElevManager::instance() != NULL);
-  ossimElevManager::instance()->setDefaultHeightAboveEllipsoid(h);
-double DEMHandler::GetDefaultHeightAboveEllipsoid() const
-  // Ossim does not allow retrieving the default height above
-  // ellipsoid We therefore must keep it on our side
-  return m_DefaultHeightAboveEllipsoid;
-unsigned int DEMHandler::GetDEMCount() const
-  assert(ossimElevManager::instance() != NULL);
-  return ossimElevManager::instance()->getNumberOfElevationDatabases();
-std::string DEMHandler::GetDEMDirectory(unsigned int idx) const
-  std::string demDir = "";
-  if (ossimElevManager::instance()->getNumberOfElevationDatabases() > 0)
-  {
-    assert(ossimElevManager::instance() != NULL);
-    demDir = ossimElevManager::instance()->getElevationDatabase(idx)->getConnectionString().string();
-  }
-  return demDir;
-std::string DEMHandler::GetGeoidFile() const
-  // Ossim does not allow retrieving the geoid file path
-  // We therefore must keep it on our side
-  return m_GeoidFile;
-void DEMHandler::PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, itk::Indent indent) const
-  Superclass::PrintSelf(os, indent);
-  os << indent << "DEMHandler" << std::endl;
-} // namespace otb
diff --git a/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/src/otbSensorModelAdapter.cxx b/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/src/otbSensorModelAdapter.cxx
index 629cf6e6ffdc0910acab7a2aab502bbfc54996df..2bcfbfaf448407fafacaeb44224cccecd2de1e4a 100644
--- a/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/src/otbSensorModelAdapter.cxx
+++ b/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/src/otbSensorModelAdapter.cxx
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ namespace otb
 SensorModelAdapter::SensorModelAdapter() : m_SensorModel(nullptr), m_TiePoints(nullptr) // FIXME keeping the original value but...
-  m_DEMHandler = DEMHandler::Instance();
+  m_DEMHandler = OssimDEMHandler::Instance();
   m_TiePoints  = new ossimTieGptSet();
diff --git a/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/test/otbDEMHandlerTest.cxx b/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/test/otbDEMHandlerTest.cxx
index 7388ca058ccfd4ea48dd233945c4f4bc20282d2d..7f0a84aa5bc90cb33bcf4b6fff3bf12a7286e1e0 100644
--- a/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/test/otbDEMHandlerTest.cxx
+++ b/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/test/otbDEMHandlerTest.cxx
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 #include "itkMacro.h"
-#include "otbDEMHandler.h"
+#include "otbOssimDEMHandler.h"
 int otbDEMHandlerTest(int argc, char* argv[])
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ int otbDEMHandlerTest(int argc, char* argv[])
   double      target        = atof(argv[7]);
   double      tolerance     = atof(argv[8]);
-  otb::DEMHandler::Pointer demHandler = otb::DEMHandler::Instance();
+  otb::OssimDEMHandler::Pointer demHandler = otb::OssimDEMHandler::Instance();
   bool fail = false;
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ int otbDEMHandlerTest(int argc, char* argv[])
   std::cout << "PrintSelf: " << demHandler << std::endl;
-  otb::DEMHandler::PointType point;
+  otb::OssimDEMHandler::PointType point;
   point[0] = longitude;
   point[1] = latitude;
diff --git a/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/test/otbRPCSolverAdapterTest.cxx b/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/test/otbRPCSolverAdapterTest.cxx
index 10f0514383e2e6b12ec7e8d14deb06250a698864..29a66c20241b323cdc9df36d693fe240d2efa3d3 100644
--- a/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/test/otbRPCSolverAdapterTest.cxx
+++ b/Modules/Adapters/OSSIMAdapters/test/otbRPCSolverAdapterTest.cxx
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ int otbRPCSolverAdapterTest(int argc, char* argv[])
   std::cout << "GeoTol: " << geoTol << " meters" << std::endl;
   std::cout << "ImgTol: " << imgTol << " pixels" << std::endl;
-  otb::DEMHandler::Pointer demHandler = otb::DEMHandler::Instance();
+  otb::OssimDEMHandler::Pointer demHandler = otb::OssimDEMHandler::Instance();
   if (demdir != "no")
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ int otbRPCSolverAdapterTest(int argc, char* argv[])
       currentWgs84Point = fwd2dTransform->TransformPoint(currentPoint);
-      double height = otb::DEMHandler::Instance()->GetHeightAboveEllipsoid(currentWgs84Point);
+      double height = otb::OssimDEMHandler::Instance()->GetHeightAboveEllipsoid(currentWgs84Point);
       Point3DType current3DWgs84Point;
       current3DWgs84Point[0] = currentWgs84Point[0];
diff --git a/Modules/Applications/AppProjection/app/otbGenerateRPCSensorModel.cxx b/Modules/Applications/AppProjection/app/otbGenerateRPCSensorModel.cxx
index ae0432c400e2f195840c0ea3937b9960e4ef91b9..7442f33305c6b92e10132cc7e6cc98fa5d2f1d21 100644
--- a/Modules/Applications/AppProjection/app/otbGenerateRPCSensorModel.cxx
+++ b/Modules/Applications/AppProjection/app/otbGenerateRPCSensorModel.cxx
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 #include "otbGenericRSTransform.h"
 #include "otbOGRDataSourceWrapper.h"
 #include "ogrsf_frmts.h"
+#include "otbDEMHandler.h"
 namespace otb
diff --git a/Modules/Applications/AppProjection/app/otbRefineSensorModel.cxx b/Modules/Applications/AppProjection/app/otbRefineSensorModel.cxx
index 4796181cba08ef9e5bb1fd86d7f796271173eb50..befd7c3773eaaf320db1bf8fa78aaa4a0fe87db8 100644
--- a/Modules/Applications/AppProjection/app/otbRefineSensorModel.cxx
+++ b/Modules/Applications/AppProjection/app/otbRefineSensorModel.cxx
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 #include "otbGenericRSTransform.h"
 #include "otbOGRDataSourceWrapper.h"
 #include "ogrsf_frmts.h"
+#include "otbDEMHandler.h"
 namespace otb
@@ -165,6 +166,7 @@ private:
         lat                            = atof(line.substr(pos, nextpos).c_str());
         z = otb::DEMHandler::Instance()->GetHeightAboveEllipsoid(lon, lat);
+        std::cout << "diff " << z <<  " " << otb::OssimDEMHandler::Instance()->GetHeightAboveEllipsoid(lon, lat) << std::endl;;
         otbAppLogDEBUG("Adding tie point x=" << x << ", y=" << y << ", z=" << z << ", lon=" << lon << ", lat=" << lat);
diff --git a/Modules/Filtering/ImageManipulation/otb-module.cmake b/Modules/Filtering/ImageManipulation/otb-module.cmake
index 06d3a62ac64327463c4d2b6729b4c4cbc5835bcf..82fae997aad1b336e04e7155b58ed95c7284da90 100644
--- a/Modules/Filtering/ImageManipulation/otb-module.cmake
+++ b/Modules/Filtering/ImageManipulation/otb-module.cmake
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ otb_module(OTBImageManipulation
diff --git a/Modules/Filtering/Projection/test/otbGenericRSResampleImageFilter.cxx b/Modules/Filtering/Projection/test/otbGenericRSResampleImageFilter.cxx
index 13fbd123fc4f37b83940f13096a6cea1a59a8289..4b9cce7b18ec575cdf2c994277d4d3c5356b70ae 100644
--- a/Modules/Filtering/Projection/test/otbGenericRSResampleImageFilter.cxx
+++ b/Modules/Filtering/Projection/test/otbGenericRSResampleImageFilter.cxx
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
 #include "itkUnaryFunctorImageFilter.h"
 #include "otbDEMHandler.h"
+#include "otbOssimDEMHandler.h"
 #include "otbUnaryImageFunctorWithVectorImageFilter.h"
 #include "otbGenericRSResampleImageFilter.h"
 #include "otbComplexToIntensityImageFilter.h"
@@ -128,10 +130,12 @@ int otbGenericRSResampleImageFilter(int argc, char* argv[])
   if (atoi(argv[12]) == 1) // mode = no DEM
+    otb::OssimDEMHandler::Instance()->SetDefaultHeightAboveEllipsoid(135.8);
   else if ((atoi(argv[12]) == 2) || (atoi(argv[12]) == 3)) // mode = DEM SRTM || DEM GTIFF
+    otb::OssimDEMHandler::Instance()->OpenDEMDirectory(argv[13]);
diff --git a/Modules/Filtering/Projection/test/otbGenericRSTransformGenericTest.cxx b/Modules/Filtering/Projection/test/otbGenericRSTransformGenericTest.cxx
index 9f01ebb03aa828e38f604aeaeb2f179e3eb36651..1f57dd1c2825112bf18e4959ceeab46bf43e8942 100644
--- a/Modules/Filtering/Projection/test/otbGenericRSTransformGenericTest.cxx
+++ b/Modules/Filtering/Projection/test/otbGenericRSTransformGenericTest.cxx
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 #include "itkEuclideanDistanceMetric.h"
 #include "otbSpatialReference.h"
 #include "otbGeographicalDistance.h"
+#include "otbDEMHandler.h"
 typedef otb::Image<unsigned short>                          ImageType;
 typedef otb::ImageFileReader<ImageType>                     ReaderType;
diff --git a/Modules/Filtering/Projection/test/otbTileImageFilterRSTransformTest.cxx b/Modules/Filtering/Projection/test/otbTileImageFilterRSTransformTest.cxx
index 24ece3588e42a48cfc7eabf63ea734941ca5381d..98ee1deee06ceec423e575484b83c78bece2d8b1 100644
--- a/Modules/Filtering/Projection/test/otbTileImageFilterRSTransformTest.cxx
+++ b/Modules/Filtering/Projection/test/otbTileImageFilterRSTransformTest.cxx
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 #include "otbGeographicalDistance.h"
 #include "otbGenericRSTransform.h"
 #include <iomanip>
+#include "otbDEMHandler.h"
 typedef otb::Image<unsigned int>             ImageType;
 typedef otb::TileImageFilter<ImageType>      TileImageFilterType;
diff --git a/Modules/IO/IOGDAL/src/CMakeLists.txt b/Modules/IO/IOGDAL/src/CMakeLists.txt
index f8c9342fdfdbbda40d4158ebb9f4335152ef0516..e47a84978705c8cf43684e3022c5b69963cde38d 100644
--- a/Modules/IO/IOGDAL/src/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Modules/IO/IOGDAL/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ set(OTBIOGDAL_SRC
+  otbDEMHandler.cxx
@@ -39,6 +40,7 @@ target_link_libraries(OTBIOGDAL
+   ${Boost_LIBRARIES}
diff --git a/Modules/Registration/DisparityMap/test/otbDisparityMapToDEMFilter.cxx b/Modules/Registration/DisparityMap/test/otbDisparityMapToDEMFilter.cxx
index 91c959f7bed1aaccbf8215fcda8a5e92048a303c..e9ec0b208b591419f54e313d4dc7acbbc92f1048 100644
--- a/Modules/Registration/DisparityMap/test/otbDisparityMapToDEMFilter.cxx
+++ b/Modules/Registration/DisparityMap/test/otbDisparityMapToDEMFilter.cxx
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
 #include "otbImageList.h"
 #include "otbVectorImageToImageListFilter.h"
+#include "otbDEMHandler.h"
 const unsigned int Dimension = 2;
 typedef float      PixelType;
diff --git a/Modules/Wrappers/ApplicationEngine/src/otbWrapperElevationParametersHandler.cxx b/Modules/Wrappers/ApplicationEngine/src/otbWrapperElevationParametersHandler.cxx
index 94997bd5a916143b4f6e70208daf233dd9a13f16..1e8f319c849c1ac800bbd959c28bfdb12ee1e165 100644
--- a/Modules/Wrappers/ApplicationEngine/src/otbWrapperElevationParametersHandler.cxx
+++ b/Modules/Wrappers/ApplicationEngine/src/otbWrapperElevationParametersHandler.cxx
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
 #include "otbWrapperElevationParametersHandler.h"
 #include "otbDEMHandler.h"
+#include "otbOssimDEMHandler.h"
 namespace otb
@@ -100,6 +102,8 @@ void ElevationParametersHandler::SetupDEMHandlerFromElevationParameters(const Ap
   // Set default elevation
   otb::DEMHandler::Instance()->SetDefaultHeightAboveEllipsoid(GetDefaultElevation(app, key));
+  otb::OssimDEMHandler::Instance()->SetDefaultHeightAboveEllipsoid(GetDefaultElevation(app, key));
   std::ostringstream oss;
   oss << "Elevation management: setting default height above ellipsoid to " << GetDefaultElevation(app, key) << " meters" << std::endl;
@@ -112,6 +116,8 @@ void ElevationParametersHandler::SetupDEMHandlerFromElevationParameters(const Ap
     oss << "Elevation management: using geoid file (" << GetGeoidFile(app, key) << ")" << std::endl;
     otb::DEMHandler::Instance()->OpenGeoidFile(GetGeoidFile(app, key));
+    otb::OssimDEMHandler::Instance()->OpenGeoidFile(GetGeoidFile(app, key));
@@ -124,6 +130,7 @@ void ElevationParametersHandler::SetupDEMHandlerFromElevationParameters(const Ap
       oss << "Elevation management: using DEM directory (" << demDirectory << ")" << std::endl;
+      otb::OssimDEMHandler::Instance()->OpenDEMDirectory(demDirectory);