diff --git a/Modules/Applications/AppClassification/include/otbTrainImagesBase.txx b/Modules/Applications/AppClassification/include/otbTrainImagesBase.txx
index 243086d2de0a4039b4ce8b04e42cc1168890bc41..deb34bfc735224c66b64ac8a4d3d15d0b98ed7b3 100644
--- a/Modules/Applications/AppClassification/include/otbTrainImagesBase.txx
+++ b/Modules/Applications/AppClassification/include/otbTrainImagesBase.txx
@@ -196,17 +196,20 @@ TrainImagesBase::SamplingRates TrainImagesBase::ComputeFinalMaximumSamplingRates
       // only fmt will be used for both training and validation samples
       // So we try to compute the total number of samples given input
       // parameters mt, mv and vtr.
-      if( mt > -1 && mv > -1 )
-        {
-        rates.fmt = mt + mv;
-        }
-      if( mt > -1 && mv <= -1 && vtr < 0.99999 )
+      if( mt > -1 && vtr < 0.99999 )
         rates.fmt = static_cast<long>(( double ) mt / ( 1.0 - vtr ));
-      if( mt <= -1 && mv > -1 && vtr > 0.00001 )
+      if( mv > -1 && vtr > 0.00001 )
-        rates.fmt = static_cast<long>(( double ) mv / vtr);
+        if( rates.fmt > -1 )
+          {
+          rates.fmt = std::min( rates.fmt, static_cast<long>(( double ) mv / vtr) );
+          }
+        else
+          {
+          rates.fmt = static_cast<long>(( double ) mv / vtr);
+          }
@@ -228,8 +231,10 @@ void TrainImagesBase::ComputeSamplingRate(const std::vector<std::string> &statis
     if( maximum > -1 )
+      std::ostringstream oss;
+      oss << maximum;
       GetInternalApplication( "rates" )->SetParameterString( "strategy", "constant", false );
-      GetInternalApplication( "rates" )->SetParameterInt( "strategy.constant.nb", static_cast<int>(maximum), false );
+      GetInternalApplication( "rates" )->SetParameterString( "strategy.constant.nb", oss.str(), false );