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otbComputeConfusionMatrix.cxx 22.7 KiB
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  • /*
     * Copyright (C) 2005-2017 Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
     * This file is part of Orfeo Toolbox
     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     * limitations under the License.
    #include "otbWrapperApplication.h"
    #include "otbWrapperApplicationFactory.h"
    #include "otbOGRDataSourceToLabelImageFilter.h"
    #include "itkImageRegionConstIterator.h"
    #include "otbRAMDrivenAdaptativeStreamingManager.h"
    #include "otbConfusionMatrixMeasurements.h"
    #include "otbContingencyTableCalculator.h"
    #include "otbContingencyTable.h"
    namespace otb
    namespace Wrapper
    /** Utility function to negate std::isalnum */
    bool IsNotAlphaNum(char c)
      return !std::isalnum(c);
    class ComputeConfusionMatrix : public Application
      /** Standard class typedefs. */
      typedef ComputeConfusionMatrix Self;
      typedef Application                   Superclass;
      typedef itk::SmartPointer<Self>       Pointer;
      typedef itk::SmartPointer<const Self> ConstPointer;
      /** Standard macro */
      itkTypeMacro(ComputeConfusionMatrix, otb::Application);
      typedef itk::ImageRegionConstIterator<Int32ImageType> ImageIteratorType;
      typedef otb::OGRDataSourceToLabelImageFilter<Int32ImageType> RasterizeFilterType;
      typedef RAMDrivenAdaptativeStreamingManager
        <Int32ImageType>                            RAMDrivenAdaptativeStreamingManagerType;
      typedef int                                              ClassLabelType;
      typedef unsigned long                                    ConfusionMatrixEltType;
      typedef itk::VariableSizeMatrix<ConfusionMatrixEltType>  ConfusionMatrixType;
      typedef std::map<
                       std::map<ClassLabelType, ConfusionMatrixEltType>
                      > OutputConfusionMatrixType;
      // filter type
      typedef otb::ConfusionMatrixMeasurements<ConfusionMatrixType, ClassLabelType> ConfusionMatrixMeasurementsType;
      typedef ConfusionMatrixMeasurementsType::MapOfClassesType                     MapOfClassesType;
      typedef ConfusionMatrixMeasurementsType::MeasurementType                      MeasurementType;
      typedef ContingencyTable<ClassLabelType>  ContingencyTableType;
      typedef ContingencyTableType::Pointer     ContingencyTablePointerType;
      Int32ImageType* m_Input = ITK_NULLPTR;
      Int32ImageType::Pointer m_Reference;
      RAMDrivenAdaptativeStreamingManagerType::Pointer m_StreamingManager;
      otb::ogr::DataSource::Pointer m_OgrRef;
      RasterizeFilterType::Pointer m_RasterizeReference;
        bool refhasnodata;
        bool prodhasnodata;
        int  prodnodata;
        int  refnodata;
      SetDescription("Computes the confusion matrix of a classification");
      // Documentation
      SetDocName("Confusion matrix Computation");
      SetDocLongDescription("This application computes the confusion matrix of a classification map relatively to a ground truth. "
          "This ground truth can be given as a raster or a vector data. Only reference and produced pixels with values different "
          "from NoData are handled in the calculation of the confusion matrix. The confusion matrix is organized the following way: "
          "rows = reference labels, columns = produced labels. In the header of the output file, the reference and produced class labels "
          "are ordered according to the rows/columns of the confusion matrix.");
      SetDocSeeAlso(" ");
      AddParameter(ParameterType_InputImage, "in", "Input Image");
      SetParameterDescription( "in", "The input classification image." );
      AddParameter(ParameterType_OutputFilename, "out", "Matrix output");
      SetParameterDescription("out", "Filename to store the output matrix (csv format)");
      AddParameter(ParameterType_Choice,"format","set the output format to contingency table or confusion matrix");
      SetParameterDescription("format","Choice of the output format as a contingency table for unsupervised algorithms"
              "or confusion matrix for supervised ones.");
      AddChoice("format.confusionmatrix","Choice of a confusion matrix as output.");
      AddChoice("format.contingencytable","Choice of a contingency table as output.");
      AddParameter(ParameterType_Choice,"ref","Ground truth");
      SetParameterDescription("ref","Choice of ground truth format");
      AddChoice("ref.raster","Ground truth as a raster image");
      AddChoice("ref.vector","Ground truth as a vector data file");
      AddParameter(ParameterType_InputImage,"","Input reference image");
      SetParameterDescription("","Input image containing the ground truth labels");
      AddParameter(ParameterType_InputFilename,"","Input reference vector data");
      SetParameterDescription("", "Input vector data of the ground truth");
      AddParameter(ParameterType_ListView,"ref.vector.field","Field name");
      SetParameterDescription("ref.vector.field","Field name containing the label values");
      AddParameter(ParameterType_Int,"ref.raster.nodata","Value for nodata pixels in ref raster");
      SetParameterDescription("ref.raster.nodata","Label to be treated as no data in ref raster.");
      AddParameter(ParameterType_Int,"ref.vector.nodata","Value for nodata pixels in ref vector");
      SetParameterDescription("ref.vector.nodata","Label to be treated as no data in ref vector. Please note that this value is always used in vector mode, to generate default values. Please set it to a value that does not correspond to a class label.");
      AddParameter(ParameterType_Int,"nodatalabel","Value for nodata pixels in input image");
      SetParameterDescription("nodatalabel","Label to be treated as no data in input image");
      // Doc example parameter settings
      SetDocExampleParameterValue("in", "clLabeledImageQB1.tif");
      SetDocExampleParameterValue("out", "ConfusionMatrix.csv");
      SetDocExampleParameterValue("ref", "vector");
      void DoUpdateParameters() ITK_OVERRIDE
        if ( HasValue("") )
          std::string vectorFile = GetParameterString("");
          ogr::DataSource::Pointer ogrDS =
            ogr::DataSource::New(vectorFile, ogr::DataSource::Modes::Read);
          ogr::Layer layer = ogrDS->GetLayer(0);
          ogr::Feature feature = layer.ogr().GetNextFeature();
          for(int iField=0; iField<feature.ogr().GetFieldCount(); iField++)
            std::string key, item = feature.ogr().GetFieldDefnRef(iField)->GetNameRef();
            key = item;
            std::string::iterator end = std::remove_if(key.begin(),key.end(),IsNotAlphaNum);
            std::transform(key.begin(), end, key.begin(), tolower);
            OGRFieldType fieldType = feature.ogr().GetFieldDefnRef(iField)->GetType();
            if(fieldType == OFTString || fieldType == OFTInteger || ogr::version_proxy::IsOFTInteger64(fieldType))
              std::string tmpKey="ref.vector.field."+key.substr(0, end - key.begin());
      void LogContingencyTable(const ContingencyTablePointerType& contingencyTable)
        otbAppLogINFO("Contingency table: reference labels (rows) vs. produced labels (cols)\n" << (*contingencyTable.GetPointer()));
      void m_WriteContingencyTable(const ContingencyTablePointerType& contingencyTable)
        std::ofstream outFile; this->GetParameterString( "out" ).c_str() );
        outFile << contingencyTable->ToCSV();
      std::string LogConfusionMatrix(MapOfClassesType* mapOfClasses, ConfusionMatrixType* matrix)
          // Compute minimal width
          size_t minwidth = 0;
          for (unsigned int i = 0; i < matrix->Rows(); i++)
            for (unsigned int j = 0; j < matrix->Cols(); j++)
              std::ostringstream os;
              os << (*matrix)(i,j);
              size_t size = os.str().size();
              if (size > minwidth)
                minwidth = size;
          MapOfClassesType::const_iterator it = mapOfClasses->begin();
          MapOfClassesType::const_iterator end = mapOfClasses->end();
          for(; it != end; ++it)
            std::ostringstream os;
            os << "[" << it->first << "]";
            size_t size = os.str().size();
            if (size > minwidth)
              minwidth = size;
          // Generate matrix string, with 'minwidth' as size specifier
          std::ostringstream os;
          // Header line
          for (size_t i = 0; i < minwidth; ++i)
            os << " ";
          os << " ";
          it = mapOfClasses->begin();
          end = mapOfClasses->end();
          for(; it != end; ++it)
            //os << "[" << it->first << "]" << " ";
            os << "[" << std::setw(minwidth - 2) << it->first << "]" << " ";
          os << std::endl;
          // Each line of confusion matrix
          it = mapOfClasses->begin();
          for (unsigned int i = 0; i < matrix->Rows(); i++)
            ClassLabelType label = it->first;
            os << "[" << std::setw(minwidth - 2) << label << "]" << " ";
            for (unsigned int j = 0; j < matrix->Cols(); j++)
              os << std::setw(minwidth) << (*matrix)(i,j) << " ";
            os << std::endl;
          otbAppLogINFO("Confusion matrix (rows = reference labels, columns = produced labels):\n" << os.str());
          return os.str();
      StreamingInitializationData InitStreamingData()
        m_Input = this->GetParameterInt32Image("in");
        sid.prodnodata = this->GetParameterInt("nodatalabel");
        sid.prodhasnodata = this->IsParameterEnabled("nodatalabel");
        if (GetParameterString("ref") == "raster")
          sid.refnodata = this->GetParameterInt("ref.raster.nodata");
          sid.refhasnodata = this->IsParameterEnabled("ref.raster.nodata");
          m_Reference = this->GetParameterInt32Image("");
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          // Force nodata to true since it will be generated during rasterization
          sid.refhasnodata = true;
          sid.refnodata = this->GetParameterInt("ref.vector.nodata");
          m_OgrRef = otb::ogr::DataSource::New(GetParameterString(""), otb::ogr::DataSource::Modes::Read);
          // Get field name
          std::vector<int> selectedCFieldIdx = GetSelectedItems("ref.vector.field");
            otbAppLogFATAL(<<"No field has been selected for data labelling!");
          std::vector<std::string> cFieldNames = GetChoiceNames("ref.vector.field");
          field = cFieldNames[selectedCFieldIdx.front()];
          m_RasterizeReference = RasterizeFilterType::New();
          m_Reference = m_RasterizeReference->GetOutput();
        m_StreamingManager = RAMDrivenAdaptativeStreamingManagerType::New();
        int availableRAM = GetParameterInt("ram");
        m_StreamingManager->SetAvailableRAMInMB( static_cast<unsigned int>( availableRAM ) );
        m_StreamingManager->PrepareStreaming(m_Input, m_Input->GetLargestPossibleRegion());
        sid.numberOfStreamDivisions = m_StreamingManager->GetNumberOfSplits();
        otbAppLogINFO("Number of stream divisions : "<<sid.numberOfStreamDivisions);
        return sid;
      void DoExecute() ITK_OVERRIDE
        StreamingInitializationData sid = InitStreamingData();
        if(GetParameterString("format") == "contingencytable")
          DoExecuteContingencyTable( sid );
          DoExecuteConfusionMatrix( sid );
      void DoExecuteContingencyTable(const StreamingInitializationData& sid)
        typedef ContingencyTableCalculator<ClassLabelType> ContingencyTableCalculatorType;
        ContingencyTableCalculatorType::Pointer calculator = ContingencyTableCalculatorType::New();
        for (unsigned int index = 0; index < sid.numberOfStreamDivisions; index++)
          RegionType streamRegion = m_StreamingManager->GetSplit( index );
          m_Input->SetRequestedRegion( streamRegion );
          m_Reference->SetRequestedRegion( streamRegion );
          ImageIteratorType itInput( m_Input, streamRegion );
          ImageIteratorType itRef( m_Reference, streamRegion );
          calculator->Compute( itRef, itInput,sid.refhasnodata,sid.refnodata,sid.prodhasnodata,sid.prodnodata);
        ContingencyTablePointerType contingencyTable = calculator->BuildContingencyTable();
      void DoExecuteConfusionMatrix(const StreamingInitializationData& sid)
        // Extraction of the Class Labels from the Reference image/rasterized vector data + filling of m_Matrix
        MapOfClassesType  mapOfClassesRef, mapOfClassesProd;
        MapOfClassesType::iterator  itMapOfClassesRef, itMapOfClassesProd;
        ClassLabelType labelRef = 0, labelProd = 0;
        int itLabelRef = 0, itLabelProd = 0;
        for (unsigned int index = 0; index < sid.numberOfStreamDivisions; index++)
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          RegionType streamRegion = m_StreamingManager->GetSplit(index);
          ImageIteratorType itInput(m_Input, streamRegion);
          ImageIteratorType itRef(m_Reference, streamRegion);
            labelRef = static_cast<ClassLabelType> (itRef.Get());
            labelProd = static_cast<ClassLabelType> (itInput.Get());
            // Extraction of the reference/produced class labels
            if ((!sid.refhasnodata || labelRef != sid.refnodata) && (!sid.prodhasnodata || labelProd != sid.prodnodata))
              // If the current labels have not been added to their respective mapOfClasses yet
              if (mapOfClassesRef.insert(MapOfClassesType::value_type(labelRef, itLabelRef)).second)
              if (mapOfClassesProd.insert(MapOfClassesType::value_type(labelProd, itLabelProd)).second)
              } // END if ((labelRef != nodata) && (labelProd != nodata))
          } // END of for (unsigned int index = 0; index < numberOfStreamDivisions; index++)
        // Filling the 2 headers for the output file
        const std::string commentRefStr = "#Reference labels (rows):";
        const std::string commentProdStr = "#Produced labels (columns):";
        const char separatorChar = ',';
        std::ostringstream ossHeaderRefLabels, ossHeaderProdLabels;
        // Filling ossHeaderRefLabels for the output file
        ossHeaderRefLabels << commentRefStr;
        MapOfClassesType::iterator itMapOfClassesRefEnd = mapOfClassesRef.end();
        itMapOfClassesRef = mapOfClassesRef.begin();
        while (itMapOfClassesRef != itMapOfClassesRefEnd)
          // labels labelRef of mapOfClassesRef are already sorted
          labelRef = itMapOfClassesRef->first;
          // SORTING the itMapOfClassesRef->second items of mapOfClassesRef
          mapOfClassesRef[labelRef] = indexLabelRef;
          otbAppLogINFO("mapOfClassesRef[" << labelRef << "] = " << mapOfClassesRef[labelRef]);
          ossHeaderRefLabels << labelRef;
          if (itMapOfClassesRef != itMapOfClassesRefEnd)
            ossHeaderRefLabels << separatorChar;
            ossHeaderRefLabels << std::endl;
        // Filling ossHeaderProdLabels for the output file
        ossHeaderProdLabels << commentProdStr;
        MapOfClassesType::iterator itMapOfClassesProdEnd = mapOfClassesProd.end();
        itMapOfClassesProd = mapOfClassesProd.begin();
        while (itMapOfClassesProd != itMapOfClassesProdEnd)
          // labels labelProd of mapOfClassesProd are already sorted
          labelProd = itMapOfClassesProd->first;
          // SORTING the itMapOfClassesProd->second items of mapOfClassesProd
          mapOfClassesProd[labelProd] = indexLabelProd;
          otbAppLogINFO("mapOfClassesProd[" << labelProd << "] = " << mapOfClassesProd[labelProd]);
          ossHeaderProdLabels << labelProd;
          if (itMapOfClassesProd != itMapOfClassesProdEnd)
            ossHeaderProdLabels << separatorChar;
            ossHeaderProdLabels << std::endl;
        std::ofstream outFile;>GetParameterString("out").c_str());
        // Writing the 2 headers
        outFile << ossHeaderRefLabels.str();
        outFile << ossHeaderProdLabels.str();
        // Initialization of the Confusion Matrix for the application LOG and for measurements
        int nbClassesRef = static_cast<int>(mapOfClassesRef.size());
        int nbClassesProd = static_cast<int>(mapOfClassesProd.size());
        // Formatting m_MatrixLOG from m_Matrix in order to make m_MatrixLOG a square matrix
        // from the reference labels in mapOfClassesRef
        indexLabelRef = 0;
        int indexLabelProdInRef = 0;
        // Initialization of m_MatrixLOG
        m_MatrixLOG.SetSize(nbClassesRef, nbClassesRef);
        for (itMapOfClassesRef = mapOfClassesRef.begin(); itMapOfClassesRef != itMapOfClassesRefEnd; ++itMapOfClassesRef)
          // labels labelRef of mapOfClassesRef are already sorted
          labelRef = itMapOfClassesRef->first;
          for (itMapOfClassesProd = mapOfClassesProd.begin(); itMapOfClassesProd != itMapOfClassesProdEnd; ++itMapOfClassesProd)
            // labels labelProd of mapOfClassesProd are already sorted
            labelProd = itMapOfClassesProd->first;
            // If labelProd is present in mapOfClassesRef
            if (mapOfClassesRef.count(labelProd) != 0)
              // Index of labelProd in mapOfClassesRef; itMapOfClassesRef->second elements are now SORTED
              indexLabelProdInRef = mapOfClassesRef[labelProd];
              m_MatrixLOG(indexLabelRef, indexLabelProdInRef) = m_Matrix[labelRef][labelProd];
            // Writing the ordered confusion matrix in the output file
            outFile << m_Matrix[labelRef][labelProd];
        // m_Matrix is cleared in order to remove old results in case of successive runs of the GUI application
        otbAppLogINFO("Reference class labels ordered according to the rows of the output confusion matrix: " << ossHeaderRefLabels.str());
        otbAppLogINFO("Produced class labels ordered according to the columns of the output confusion matrix: " << ossHeaderProdLabels.str());
        //otbAppLogINFO("Output confusion matrix (rows = reference labels, columns = produced labels):\n" << m_MatrixLOG);
        LogConfusionMatrix(&mapOfClassesRef, &m_MatrixLOG);
        // Measurements of the Confusion Matrix parameters
        ConfusionMatrixMeasurementsType::Pointer confMatMeasurements = ConfusionMatrixMeasurementsType::New();
        for (itMapOfClassesRef = mapOfClassesRef.begin(); itMapOfClassesRef != itMapOfClassesRefEnd; ++itMapOfClassesRef)
          labelRef = itMapOfClassesRef->first;
          indexLabelRef = itMapOfClassesRef->second;
          otbAppLogINFO("Precision of class [" << labelRef << "] vs all: " << confMatMeasurements->GetPrecisions()[indexLabelRef]);
          otbAppLogINFO("Recall of class [" << labelRef << "] vs all: " << confMatMeasurements->GetRecalls()[indexLabelRef]);
          otbAppLogINFO("F-score of class [" << labelRef << "] vs all: " << confMatMeasurements->GetFScores()[indexLabelRef] << std::endl);
        otbAppLogINFO("Precision of the different classes: " << confMatMeasurements->GetPrecisions());
        otbAppLogINFO("Recall of the different classes: " << confMatMeasurements->GetRecalls());
        otbAppLogINFO("F-score of the different classes: " << confMatMeasurements->GetFScores() << std::endl);
        otbAppLogINFO("Kappa index: " << confMatMeasurements->GetKappaIndex());
        otbAppLogINFO("Overall accuracy index: " << confMatMeasurements->GetOverallAccuracy());
      ConfusionMatrixType m_MatrixLOG;
      OutputConfusionMatrixType m_Matrix;