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  • OTB-v.5.8.0 - Changes since version 5.6.1 (November 8th, 2016)
    * Request for Changes (
      * Request for Changes-35: FineRegistration, performances increased
      * Request for Changes-51: Move Monteverdi into OTB
      * Request for Changes-52: Faster BandMathX
      * Request for changes-53: Connect applications in memory
      * Request for Changes-54: Get OTB ready for gdal derived subdatasets
      * Request for Changes-55: Monteverdi: Mouse-wheel zoom without CTRL
      * Request for Changes-56: Spot7 metadata support
      * Request for Changes-57: Migrate Cookbook to RST
      * Request for Changes-58: Sampling on multiple images
      * Request for Changes-59: Build support for msvc 2015 with OTB xdk
      * Request for Changes-60: Shorter Release Process
      * Request for Changes-61: Use codespell to fix common misspellings in source code
      * Request for Changes-62: Enhance text comparison in dashboard
      * Request for Changes-63: Refactor threading mechanism in sampling filters
      * Request for Changes-64: Missing RAM for persistent filters in application
      * Request for Changes-65: Add Shark Random forests implementation
      * Request for Changes-67: ClassificationMapRegularization option for isolated pixels only
      * Request for Changes-68: New sampling strategies in classification framework
    * Bugfixes :
      * Monteverdi
        * 0001298: Monteverdi crash with this image
        * 0001305: SuperBuild falling at BOOST build step
        * 0001283: GDAL overviews dialog pops under OTB-applications dock
        * 0001284: GDAL overviews default min-size = 4096 px
        * 0001282: Status-bar is not always disable at startup
        * 0001278: Add force OpenGL 1.x compatibility option
        * 0001267: Monteverdi: unclear "gdal overview" minimum size parameter
        * 0001274: SuperBuild GLUT compilation problem
        * 0001277: Missing icon(s) in color-dynamics widget
        * 0001275: Monteverdi: Histogram view problem with binary image
        * 0001300: monteverdi $input_filename crash with relative path
        * 0001303: Memory issue in Monteverdi with images with subdatasets (HDF4)
        * 0001299: Monteverdi shortcuts list needs some updates
        * 0001291: Word "Échiquier" is not displayed properly in layer stack (effect column)
      * OTB-Packaging
        * 0001290: Unable to run OTB applications from on Mac OS X
        * 0001297: No translation files in Windows standalone package (branch release-5.8)
      * Orfeo Toolbox (OTB)
        * 0001308: Typo in otbenv.profile and otbenv.cmd
        * 0001286: Sentinel-1 sensor metadata are not retrieved properly if application is run inside the SAFE directory
        * 0001287: Using S1 images in monteverdi is slow
        * 0001268: Patch for spelling error in 5.6.1
        * 0001306: SuperBuild falling at TIFF build step (GLUT_Xmu_LIBRARY NOTFOUND)
      * OTB-applications
        * 0001301: Mapla application does not provide translation files
    OTB-v.5.6.1 - Changes since version 5.6.0 (August 26th, 2016)
    * Bugfixes :
      * 0001262: OTB 5.7 vector sampler bug
      * 0001259: Patch for various spelling errors in 5.6.0
      * 0001258: Patch to only use OTB_GIT_STATUS_MESSAGE in message function if set.
      * 0001266: Fix covariance computation with high float values
    OTB-v.5.6.0 - Changes since version 5.4.0 (July 28th, 2016)
    * Request for Changes (
      * Request for Changes-49: Improve classification on vectors
      * Request for Changes-48: Add geometric correction to S1 Sensor Model 
      * Request for Changes-47: Improve the CompareImages app
      * Request for Changes-46: Sample extractor
      * Request for Changes-45: CMake uninstall target
      * Request for Changes-43: Update SuperBuild cmake script and thirdparty versions
      * Request for Changes-42: Generator for completion scripts
      * Request for Changes-40: clang modernize
      * Request for Changes-41: Provide a summary after cmake configuration 
      * Request for Changes-38: update gdal to 2.x version in superbuild
      * Request for Changes-37: Enhance ManageNodata application
      * Request for Changes-36: Samples selection filter
      * Request for Changes-26: MPI Image File Writer
    * Bugfixes:
      * MANTIS-1255: Remaining log when opening Sentinel1 product in Monteverdi
      * MANTIS-1254: Checking/Unchecking parameters re-enable execute button on running application
      * MANTIS-1252: msvc warning C4838 la conversion de 'double' en 'const float' requiert une conversion restrictive
      * MANTIS-1251: OTB Superbuild does not forward compiler versions to external projects anymore
      * MANTIS-1249: ioTvMultiChannelROI_*_JPEG2000_2_TIF_res5 are failing when using gdal openjpeg driver
      * MANTIS-1247: Patch for various spelling errors
      * MANTIS-1246: Inputs do not occupy the same physical space!
      * MANTIS-1243: apTvCl*RegressionTest_monovar failing due to error in opencv
      * MANTIS-1242: otbMapProjectionAdapter.cxx WARNING: Impossible to create the projection from Wkt: ossimUtmProjection
      * MANTIS-1241: dl_close appears on apTvClTrainMethodANNImagesClassifierQB1
      * MANTIS-1240: [ComputeImagesStatistics] Filename extension in uppercase are not supported
      * MANTIS-1238: Train regression with ANN crashes
      * MANTIS-1237: Inconsistent parameter order in OTB application
      * MANTIS-1234: more tests are failing in superbuild
      * MANTIS-1233: Exception in example Examples/Learning/TrainMachineLearningModelFromSamplesExample.cxx
      * MANTIS-1227: set all USE_SYSTEM_* to FALSE by default
      * MANTIS-1225: internal openjpeg driver and confusing OTB_USE_OPENJPEG
      * MANTIS-1223: Possible error in function "template <typename T> T InverseValue(const T & value)" defined in otbMath.h
      * MANTIS-1220: show last git commit message during cmake configure
      * MANTIS-1218: Segmentation fails - error message not understandable
      * MANTIS-1217: Degree symbol badly displayed in OTB applications
      * MANTIS-1215: OTB-FAQ page not found contribute.html (404)
      * MANTIS-1214: incorrect install instruction for Mac OSX in OTBCookBook 5.4
      * MANTIS-1213: incorrect years calculated in cookbook
      * MANTIS-1212: OTB windows package contains two copies of otbapp_* dll
      * MANTIS-1211: Patch for various spelling errors
      * MANTIS-1210: make fails at downloading 'LIBSVM'
      * MANTIS-1209: superbuild: fix qt build on osx
      * MANTIS-1208: Need to click in image view to force computation of quantiles (shortcut 'Q')
      * MANTIS-1207: OTB_SB_CMAKE_COMMAND uses in External_otb.cmake but not set
    OTB-v.5.4.0 - Changes since version 5.2.1 (2016/05/04)
    * Core
      * Ice is now a regular OTB module (RFC 23)
      * Masked iterator decorator (RFC 22)
      * Filter to analyse polygons for available samples (part of new sampling framework, RFC 29)
      * Faster resampling filter for rigid scaling and translation operations (RFC 30)
      * Modified behavior of reading/writing of TIFF RPC tags (RFC 31)
      * Allow a module to be built outside the OTB source tree (RFC 32)
      * Dashboard cleaning, part 1 (RFC 33)
      * Enhancement of SARDecompositions : Barnes, Huynen, Pauli decompositions (RFC 34)
    * Monteverdi
      * Take screenshot of current display (RFC 20)
      * Allow subdatasets import (RFC 21)
      * Disable GLSL shader if OpenGL version is lower than 2.0 (RFC 25)
      * Allow generation of gdal overviews when importing images (RFC 24)
    * Documentation:
      * Merge software guide into main OTB repository (RFC 17)
      * Remove random contributor list generation (RFC 28)
    * SuperBuild:
      * Add Monteverdi and its dependencies (glfw, GLEW, glut)
    * Bug fixed
      * Monteverdi2
        * 0001179: Using the Upper Bound mode for resolution lookup in preferences result in wrong resolution used
        * 0001197: Clicking on minimap to navigate result in monteverdi crashing
        * 0001178: Zoom to full resolution does not zoom to 1 image pixel = 1 screen pixel for georeferenced data
        * 0001203: Clicking on 1:1 button several time result in strange cycling behaviour
        * 0001205: Gamma slider effect inverted between full and quicklook view
        * 0001202: Wrong aspect ratio at loading
        * 0001148: OTB-applications not loaded
        * 0001196: OTB-application Quit button closes widget but not window when using Mapla
        * 0001147: With Monteverdi develop branch of today : opening large images with overview file leads to eating all available memory
        * 0001138: Numeric value editing hell
        * 0001136: Unable to open sensor products (with RPC) in Monteverdi
        * 0001159: TrainImageClassifier sample.vtr parameter is sometime ignored
        * 0001173: KDE grabs drag event before monteverdi, making image navigation impossible
        * 0001144: Unable to keep unconstrained dynamic mode
        * 0001156: Linux standalone package doesn't work on Fedora 22
        * 0001157: monteverdi crashes when trying to move the view without any images
        * 0001153: Superimpose app in PHR mode reports wrong origin/spacing/keywordlist
        * 0001154: Exception raised when opening LUM or LUM+HDR
        * 0001152: maximum number of class in KMean application limited to 255
        * 0001140: Lost pixel position information in layer stack
      * OTB-Packaging
        * 0001141: muparser 2.2.4 is missing in superbuild archive 5.2.1
        * 0001171: Crash in OGR : libproj-0.dll not found
        * 0001150: Can't "easily" deactivate LIBKML from OTB Superbuild
      * Orfeo Toolbox (OTB)
        * 0001206: Cannot maximize monteverdi window in standalone package
        * 0001177: SuperBuild fails at MVD configure step (release-5.4 branch)
        * 0001194: freeglut required x11 extension on osx
        * 0001188: deactivate openldap, openssl, libssh2 when building superbuild curl.
        * 0001190: use same compiler for all builds in the superbuild
        * 0001184: superbuild libtiff is using libjbig from system without warning
        * 0001185: minimal build of GDAL in superbuild
        * 0001187: superbuild cannot find Qt4 during OTB configure on osx
        * 0001193: deactivate finding osx framework for library
        * 0001163: Windows MinGW packages do not contain the libsvm classifier
        * 0001164: Monteverdi crashes when opening a tif without projection information
        * 0001167: GUI applications visual response after clicking the "Execute" button is slow and confusing
        * 0001158: Missing field in RefineSensorModel statistics file
        * 0001166: otbgui_MeanShiftSmoothing problem with Mode Search parameter
        * 0001169: add libsvm package to mxe and enable OTB_USE_LIBSVM
        * 0001143: Patch for various spelling errors
        * 0001151: GDAL_SB_EXTRA_OPTIONS can not take multiple options
        * 0001142: Fails to build with ITK 4.9.0 (itksys/FundamentalType.h: No such file or directory)
      * OTB-lib
        * 0001145: Ice doesn't clamp rendered values to the specified minimum of the range
        * 0001139: OGRLayerStreamStitchingFilter CommitTransaction fail is some cases
        * 0001137: GDALImageIO does not support SENTINEL2 sub-datasets
      * OTB-applications
        * 0001149: ReadImageInfo application crash with Sentinel1 (SLC SM product)
        * 0001162: Unable to perform Sentinel-1 SAR calibration on extract
        * 0001183: Unable to edit image path in Qt GUI wrapper with complex image
        * 0001182: Crash when editing InputImageParameter Qt widget
        * 0001161: Inconsistency of SAR calibration applications denomination
    OTB-v.5.2.1 - Changes since version 5.2.0 (2016/01/19)
    * Bugs fixed:
      * Mantis-1124: fix the use of Update_command and reorder the patch commands properly
      * Fix some Coverity reports
    * Superbuild:
      * Update OSSIM to latest stable and improve version checking during CMake configuration
    * Monteverdi:
      * Mantis-1096: QuicklookView
      * Mantis-1125: Use OTB_APPLICATION_PATH in startup files
    * Other:
      * Apply spelling patch from DebianGIS
      * Find only required itk components. Patch proposed by Debian.
      * Fix mxe gcc dir and list of system dlls exceptions
    OTB-v.5.2.0 - Changes since version 5.0.0 (2015/12/22)
    * Library (the corresponding requests for changes are mentioned):
      * Core
        * Read, write and manage no-data flags (RFC-1 & RFC-14)
        * Improve otb::DEMHandler interface (RFC-2)
        * Build examples based on available modules in OTB installation (RFC-3)
        * Helper functions for string operations using boost (RFC-6)
        * Gdal 2.0 support (RFC-11)
        * Enhancement of python wrapping (RFC-12)
      * Machine Learning
        * Provide quality index for classification
        * Regression mode in OTB and OTBApp (RFC-7)
      * SAR
        * Add basic support for Sentinel1 Product (RFC-4)
        * Update SAR radiometric calibration application in OTB (RFC-9)
        * New applications for SAR processing (RFC-10)
      * Applications
        * Improve ApplicationRegistry for application loading (RFC-15)
        * Provide a default output pixel type in applications (RFC-17)
      * SuperBuild
        * Provide a script to build the all-in-one SuperBuild archive (RFC-5)
        * Upgrade dependencies versions in SuperBuild (RFC-19)
        * New dependency : Freetype 2.6
        * ITK 4.7.1 -> 4.8.1
        * JPEG v9a -> turbo 1.4.1
        * OpenThreads 3.2 -> 3.4
        * Ossim r23092 -> r23537
        * GeoTIFF 1.4.0 -> 1.4.1
        * muParser 2.2.3 -> 2.2.5
        * OpenCV 2.4.10 -> 2.4.11
        * OpenSSL 1.0.1e -> 1.0.1p
        * Qt 4.8.6 -> 4.8.7
        * Swig 3.0.5 -> 3.0.7
        * TIFF 4.0.3 -> 4.0.6
    * Bug fixed:
      * Monteverdi2
        * 0001120: Unwanted zoom-to-extent when loading second image
        * 0001103: OutputProcessXMLParameter pre-initialization used even if disabled.
        * 0001111: Geoid-file <arning message needs restart displayed when not needed.
        * 0001118: Crash when restoring UI layout if quicklook view is visible at startup.
        * 0001104: Crash as soon as I open an image
        * 0001100: Crash when trying to Apply same parameters (dynamic, effects, color map...) on images with different number of bands
        * 0001072: I18nCoreApplication::ElevationSetup() exceptions not displayed
        * 0001070: otb::DEMHandler not updated properly when resetting DEM-directory and/or Geoid-file.
      * OTB-Packaging
        * 0001049: Last Monteverdi2 and Mapla release Win package crash when we try to import JP2 file
      * Orfeo Toolbox (OTB)
        * 0001051: CMake warnings when preparing SuperBuild configuration
        * 0001068: crash in otbcli_LSMSSegmentation
        * 0001080: there are some characters can not be recognized, which make compile errors
        * 0001088: Fedora 22 copr repo for OTB
        * 0001092: ITK (4.7.1) provided by SuperBuild do not compile with GCC version > 5
        * 0001090: SuperBuild Openthread download link broken
        * 0001081: GDAL RPC tags export prevent correct export of wkt in ortho-rectified image
        * 0001056: ComputeImagesStatistics applications produces incorrect std
        * 0001093: CMake with Ninja generator configure fails when OTB_USE_QT4=ON
        * 0001084: Deactivate all 3rd part components in OpenCV configuration
        * 0001077: Superbuild: Broken open scene graph archive link
        * 0001069: Unable to install gdal python bindings in custom install directory with OTB Superbuild
        * 0001065: Build OTB Examples based on available modules in OTB installation
        * 0001075: prTeEstimateRPCSensorModelExampleTest  always failing in examples
        * 0001074: Missing ITCopyright.txt in OTB sources
        * 0001066: missing file(Capitole-Shadows) from OTB-Data
        * 0001055: SuperBuild builds ogr2ogr without sqlite driver
      * OTB-lib
        * 0001082: ImageFileReader<> crashes after ApplicationRegistry::RefreshApplicationFactories() is called
        * 0001098: Exception raised when typing in input process XML parameter
        * 0001097: Cannot manually type in input vector data line-edit.
        * 0001085: Add a ::GetInput() accessor  to QtWidgetOutputImage/FilenameParameter
        * 0001083: Extended filename parameters not updated when calling ImageFileReader<>::SetFileName() several times
        * 0001078: Exception thrown (OTB-Ice) when opening image without projection info
        * 0001071: Add otb::DEMHandler ::ClearDEMDirectory() and ::ClearGeoidFile() interface.
      * OTB-applications
        * 0001119: Band Math X cannot manage large neighborhood (>=25x25 pixels)
        * 0001112: File not found if filename contains accents when using GUI
        * 0001059: Input and output image parameters require absolute path
        * 0001076: Application ComputeImagesStatistics gives wrong standard deviation
    OTB-v.5.0.0 - Changes since version 4.4.0 (2015/05/28)
    * Library:
      * Modularization
         * Code is now better organized in groups/modules/classes
         * ITK CMake architecture to handle module and dependencies is used
         * Modules can be deactivated at will with dependencies tracking
         * Third parties software are handled as module and can be deactivated
         * Tests and applications are embedded in modules
         * Writing of new module or update of existing modules is simplified by cmake magic
      * Remove deprecated code
         * MeanShiftVectorImageFilter  and MeanShiftImageFilter classes
         * CommandLineLauncher(const char * exp) and Load( const std::string & exp ) methods in CommandLineLauncher class
      * ThirdParties
        * No more internal versions of most third parties (except 6S, siftfast, ossimplugins)
          * Removed openjpeg sources from OTB source
          * Removed LibSVM sources from OTB source
          * Removed Edison sources from OTB source
          * Removed ConfigFile sources from OTB source
          * Removed LibKML sources from OTB source
        * Add support for external openjpeg 2.1
        * Third parties copyrights have been cleaned
      * Superbuild
        * A separate superbuild project has been added in the Superbuild repository
        * This download, configure and build all OTB dependencies from source and then build OTB. It replaces the removed internal versions.
        * Sources are checked out at configuration time or can be downloaded beforehand
        * Allow building a complete OTB with a handful of prerequisites (gcc, cmake, curl)
      * Doxygen
        * Classes are now organized by modules
        * Direct link to official ITK doxygen
      * Monteverdi2
        * 0001033: Crash when updating no data value in mv2
      * Documentation
        * 0001028: URL for online application documentation is not available anymoreon the orfeo website
        * 0001006: GetPixel is missing on the otb::Image page
      * OTB-lib
        * 0001039: ITK patches are not always used
        * 0001045: StreamingStatisticsMapFromLabelImageFilter can't be templated with otb::Image as support image
        * 0001023: malloc error in otb::SVMModel destructor
        * 0001041: Optimization of Band Math Image Filter (from 60M cycles to 40M cycles)
        * 0001040: Optimization of Concatenate VectorImage Filter (from 28M cycles to 8M cycles)
        * 0001043: Optimization of Multi to Mono Channel Extract ROI (from 8M cycles to 3M cycles)
        * 0001011: Need safeguards to test for ExtendedFilename parameters
        * 0001035: Unexpected maximum number of reader instances with open-jpeg driver
        * 0001022: RefineSensorModel Segfault
        * 0001042: Optimization of Image to VectorImage Cast Filter (from 47M cycles to 7M cycles)
        * 0000005: can not read unsigned char three channels data into otb::Image<unsigned char,2> properly
      * OTB-Packaging
        * 0001027: [ubuntugis package] OTB Applications in Ubuntu package do not use custom version of ITK UnaryFunctorImageFilter
        * 0001010: OTB MXE binary package is buggy
      * Orfeo Toolbox (OTB)
        * 0001047: Convolution test needs ITK with USE_FFTD
        * 0001038: Superbuild configuration fails on Debian Jessie
        * 0001024: QtWidgetStringListParameter is buggy
        * 0001026: In command line application launcher, image path and filename can not contain "--"
        * 0001044: OTB Windows 64bit -error cast from 'const short unsigned int*' to 'long unsigned int
        * 0001025: QtWidgetListViewParameter gets reset when changing another parameter in applications
        * 0001014: OTB does not compile with ITK 4.8
        * 0000597: Optical calibration gives values greater than 100% on PHR products
        * 0001047: Convolution test needs ITK with USE_FFTD
        * 0001030: When writing images with no SRS / kwl, a default WGS84 projection is assigned in gdalImageIO
      * OTB-applications
        * 0001032: otbgui_RadiometricIndices output image without spatial reference system EPSG code
        * 0001037: file and vector outputs need explicit relative paths
        * 0001036: TileFusion application crashes with SPOT-7 tiled images
        * 0000728: Inconsistent polygon number in concatenate vector data output
        * 0001031: Wrong projection for output vector of segmentation application
    OTB-v.4.4.0 - Changes since version 4.2.1 (2015/02/13)
    * Library:
      * Core:
        * Add a BandMathXImageFilter, otbParserX, otbParserXPlugins filters based on MuParserX
        * Correct a lot of issues related to Coverity scan
        * Giving access to probability estimates mode in libSVMMachineLearningModel and RandomForestsMachineLearningModel
        * Clean and update the header include into OTB
        * Enhance p to xs registration formula
        * Reduce Curl dependencies
        * Remove 6S dependency for VarSol computation
        * Clean and update the Mapnik adapters code into OTB
        * Add an option to limit the number of samples by class into otbListSampleGenerator
        * Fix BCO interpolation about coefficients normalization
        * Fix missing boost namespace
        * Fix Production date issue in IkonosImageMetadataInterface
        * Mark ancillary methods as deprecated otbWrapperCommandLineLauncher
        * Add regression mode to Random Forests
        * Add absorptances and fcover to SAIL code
        * Remove MeanShiftKernel file, duplicates of SVMKernel file, and not used anywhere
      * CMake:
        * Improve compatibility with cmake 3.0
      * Testing:
        * Avoid multiple declaration of same function over different compilation units
        * Add test to use SVM machine learning class in regression mode
        * Remove obsolete and not compiled anymore tests
        * Rewrite add_test declaration to have exe name on the first line. will help modularisation script
        * Use a single cmake var for referencing large inputs
      * Documentation:
        * Enhance Doxygen Documentation
    * Applications:
      * New:
        * New BandMathX application with awesome mathematical functions
        * New applications for learning/classification of geometries in a shapefile:
            * ComputeOGRLayersFeaturesStatistics
            * TrainOGRLayersClassifier
            * OGRLayerClassifier
      * Updated applications:
        * Smoothing: add conductance parameter for anidifusion which was added recently in ITK filter
        * Smoothing: keep the time step independent from the image spacing
        * HomologousPoint: proper computation of the opposite region
        * Rasterization: fix computation of output image extent
        * GridBasedImageResampling: fix the wrong channel number otbGridBasedImageResampling.
        * ColorMapping: clamp before cast to uchar
        * OpticalCalibration: the toc computation is no more marked as experimental
        * OpticalCalibration: add an internal test to check if RSR file is correctly set
        * BundleToPerfectSensor and SuperImpose: Allowing to force default mode with Pleiades images
        * SuperImpose: fix a bug in PHR mode detection logic
        * TrainImagesClassifier: add option to limit the min number of samples to the smallest class
        * MeanShiftSmoothing: add missing ram parameter
        * StereoRectificationGridGenerator: add warning message about image sizes when enabling inverse transformation estimations.
      * OTB-lib:
        * 0001003: logical bug in IkonosImageMetadataInterface ::GetPhysicalGain(),resolved,fixed,"In IkonosImageMetadataInterface::GetPhysicalGain()
        * 0001005: build error with otbUtilitiesTests
        * 0000987: update contents of README
        * 0000974: Bad processing of OTB Smoothing Anisotropic Filtering
      * OTB-Applications:
        * 0000975: OTB Applications which use OpenMP cannot be loaded with gcc version < 4.3.0
        * 0000976: Strange output for ColorMapping application with LUT computed on support image
    OTB-v.4.2.1 - Changes since version 4.2.0 (2014/09/19)
    * Bug fixed:
      * OTB-lib:
        * 0000973: Include directories in the wrong order
        * 0000764: otbcli_ComputeImagesStatistics doesn't error check output file location
        * other minor fix
    OTB-v.4.2.0 - Changes since version 4.0 (2014/09/04)
    * Library:
      * Core:
        * Major compliance upgrade with index coordinates convention between OTB,
          GDAL and OSSIM. OTB uses pixel centered convention, whereas GDAL and
          OSSIM use corner pixel convention. More details on JIRA #647 and Mantis
        * Major performance improvement of Haralick Texture computation (6 to 10 times
        * Add new texture feature (dissimilarity) in ScalarImageToAdvancedTexturesFilter
        * Improvements of Simulation code in order to be able to use the solar
          irradiance information when working with spectral responses for simulations.
        * Support Jpeg2000 images through GDAL drivers (can use OpenJpeg, Kakadu, ECW)
        * Reading/Writing RPC coefficients in GeoTIFF tags
        * Cleaning of ITK pending patches
        * Update internal ITK to 4.6.0
        * Support SPOT6 metadata
        * Integrate improvements from Monteverdi2
        * Support clang 3.5.1
        * Support MinGW compiler
        * API change on the TOC calibration filters, previous classes were not
          fully functional. Now supports any correction parameters set by user.
          See Examples/Radiometry/AtmosphericCorrectionSequencement.cxx for
          details on the migration.
        * Better support of atmospheric corrections for Pleiades images. Proper
          computation of satellite zenital angle using incidence angles and
          satellite orientation angle convention
    * Applications:
      * Updated applications :
        * Superimpose and BundleToPerfectSensor : Add a specific reprojection mode for PHR bundle
        * OpticalCalibration : parameters more flexible, allow users to overwrite metadata values
    * Bugs fixed:
    * Monteverdi2
        * 0000915: In mvd2 applications wrappers InputImageList parameters, only the first item of the list is dropable
        * 0000960: Drop from file explorer doest not work.
        * 0000928: Output results of applications are not selected in the dataset manager
        * 0000908: Vector-image model settings serialization persistence (gamma)
        * 0000919: Inconsistent no-data checks in StreamingVectorImageFilter<> and StreamingHistogramVectorImageFilter<>.
        * 0000918: Image-view shift on click
        * 0000907: Serialization/persistence of viewport settings
        * 0000906: Quantiles editing on mono-bands images.
        * 0000909: Color-setup on PANCHRO images.
        * 0000905: Calculation of zoom-extent in Quicklook-view.
        * 0000964: Wrong update of Gamme cursor position
        * 0000929: Drag and Drop in otb application a dataset leads to the disappearance of the dataset into the widget
        * 0000921: Application freezes at the end of image import.
        * 0000947: Droping dataset to the last subgroup of the data tree crash the application
        * 0000933: Drag a dataset from temporary in the dataset manager outside the tree leads to a crash
        * 0000903: Removing mvd2 directory content leads to a core dumped as startup
        * 0000920: Wide unzoom aborts application
        * 0000917: Applying same quantiles to all channels crash the application
        * 0000962: Monteverdi2 cannot be run on OSX (image file not found).
        * 0000924: Monteverdi2 does not start after the check of OpenGL was added
        * 0000923: Monteverdi2 does not start after the check of OpenGL was added
      * Documentation
        * 0000948: Softwareguide OTB 4-0 : section 14.2.2 SIFT Detector (from chapter 14 Feature Extraction) is empty.
      * OTB-lib
        * 0000955: Wrong computation of SFS Textures
        * 0000940: Some output states are not correctly manage into Qt Application
        * 0000939: crash with a GIF/BMP image with ColorInterp=Palette when we request overviews via GDAL
        * 0000966: VectorDataExtractROIApplication does a strange reprojection
        * 0000932: Error in LSMS
        * 0000936: Sub-pixel disparity filter is not compatible with disparity maps over subsampled grids
        * 0000914: MeanShiftSmoothing application foutpos parameters is always mandatory
        * 0000943: TrainImagesClassifier and ListSampleGenerator problem
        * 0000954: GeometriesChangeSpatialReference does not work
        * 0000949: BundleToPerfectSensor application: in PHR mode, the ourpur geom file is the XS one, not the PAN one
        * 0000926: OTB does not compile with clang 5.1
        * 0000968: CommandLineLauncher needs 2 passes to load parameters
        * 0000951: BundleToPerfectSensor application does not work in default mode with external ITK (internal ITK is fine)
        * 0000944: OTB does not compile with ITK4.6 git version
      * Monteverdi
        * 0000957: Unable to display input and output of ExtractRoadExample in transparency mode in Monteverdi
    OTB-v.4.0.0 - Changes since version 3.20 (2014/03/13)
    * Library:
      * Core:
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * [Breaking change !] Change OTB implementation and API to support ITK version 4.5
          * More information at
        * Refactor otbAttributesMapOpeningLabelMapFilter to be compatible with ITK 4.5
        * Remove FLTK based Visualization part from OTB: all these projects are now in Monteverdi
        * Rename EuclideanDistance as EuclideanDistanceMetric
        * Remove otbMaskedScalarImageToGreyLevelCoocurenceMatrixGenerator
        * Use local masks in otbHaralickTexturesImageFunction
        * Remove methods of otbSystem.h which can be replaced by similar ones in itksys/SystemTools.hxx
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * Move classes about Amplitude and Phase functors from visualization to basic filter
        * otbImageToLabelMapWithAttributesFilter inherits from itkImageToImageFilter instead of itkLabelMapFilter
        * Overload GenerateInputRequestedRegion in otbImageToLabelMapWithAttributesFilter
        * Override VerifyInputInformation in otbImportGeoInformationImageFilter
        * Adding a gamma parameter in VectorRescaleIntensityImageFilter to allow for gamma correction
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * Clean up JoinHistogramMI code
        * Fix race condition in BinaryFunctorNeighborhoodJoinHistogramImageFilter
        * Remove unused OTB_USE_SYSTEM_VXL and OTB_VXL_DIR from OTBConfig and UseOTB
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * Improve detection of Large Files Support by not unconditionnally defining LFS related macros
        * Support for Visual Studio 2012
        * Support for Visual Studio 2013
        * Support compilation in MacOSX 10.9 with latest XCode
        * Support for clang 3.5
      * Testing:
        * Correct multibaseline support
        * Move test related to amplitude and phase functor from visualization to basic filters
        * Use modern CMake style: no block-end arguments and all CMake command to lower case format
      * ThirdParties:
        * OTB support now ITK with version greater to 4.5.0 (internal and external)
        * Remove FLTK dependency
        * Remove GETTEXT dependency
        * Remove LIBLAS dependency
        * Remove PQXX dependency
        * Improve support of muparser 2.0
        * Deactivate the possibility offered by CURL to download multiple files in parallel
        * Support mapnik 2.2
    * Applications:
      * Updated applications:
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * ColorMapping : Remove dependency of ColorMapping to Visualization class
        * Convert : Adding gamma correction method the convert application
        * HomologousPointsExtraction : add mode.geobins.binsizey and mode.geobins.binstepy to allow for anisotropic geobins mode
        * HomologousPointsExtraction : new mode.geobins.margin parameter to only search inside image center.
      * Core framework:
        * Improve the support of XML parameters input/output file
        * Improve the input VectorData/Image/Filename parameter to give access to m_Input attribute
    * Monteverdi:
        * Support OTB-ITKv4 API
        * Integrate FLTK visualization framework into Monteverdi from OTB and offers the possiblitity to use it into external project.
        * Support of MacOSX 10.9 compilation
        * Improve support of Windows platform for otbViewer
        * Remove intertionalisation test from Monteverdi
    * Bugs fixed:
      * OTB-applications:
        * 0000884: InputImage parameter in java wrappers didn't overload the input parameters provided by input XML file
        * 0000883: InputImageList parameter in pyhton wrappers didn't overload the input parameters provided by input XML file
        * 0000873: BandMath application in gui mode "Save to xml" option doesn't save "exp" parameter
        * 0000836: Error in Exact Large-Scale Mean-Shift segmentation, step 2
        * 0000824: otbgui_Orthorectification : changing the input image does not update UTM parameters
        * 0000881: GenerateRPCSensorModel application generate stats file with wrong elevation value
      * OTB-lib:
        * 0000878: apTvDmStereoFramework fails with muParser 2.2
        * 0000850: apTvDmBlockMatchingTest Parser error Unexpected token if
        * 0000862: Cannot build OTB with mapnik 2.2
        * 0000858: cannot build otb tests with ITK trunk
        * 0000851: Build error on test 0000169-fftcomplextocomplex
        * 0000861: CMake detects mapnik 2.2.0 as mapnik 0.7
        * 0000859: Unable to compile OTB trunk with external ITK trunk
      * Orfeo Toolbox (OTB):
        * 0000849: otbgui applications scrambled file names
        * 0000863: ConvertSensorToGeoPoint  application in GUI mode execute button is not activate even if all parameters seem to be filled
        * 0000872: Internal ITK 4.4.2 and ITK 4.5.0 source codes are mixed together in the OTB internal ITK source directory
        * 0000864: MultiResolutionPyramid MTV2 is in an endless loop of generation if the parameter "Number of levels" is set with a negative value
        * 0000830: otb::PolyLineImageConstIterator returns reference to temporary variable
        * 0000823: problem with python wrapper for otbApplication 'rasterization'
      * Documentation:
        * 0000838: ITK classes disappeared from doxygen during migration to ITK 4.x
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
    OTB-v.3.20 - Changes since version 3.18.1 (2013/11/13)
    * Library
      * Core
        * Fix trapezoidal function in otb::FuzzyVariable
        * PleiadesImageMetadataInterface
          * update calibration absolute gains for Pleiades (values provided by CNES and not read from metadata anymore)
          * add calibration data for Pleiades 1B
        * StreamingStatisticsMapFromLabelImageFilter : change accumulator type to double instead of unsigned int
        * DEMHandler : support GeoTIFF as elevation
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * GenericRSResampleImageFilter & StreamingResampleImageFilter
          * add accessors for number of thread of deformation filter
          * set number of threads to 1 by default for the deformation field generator
        * SpotImageMetadataInterface : add relative spectral response for HRG1
        * MeanShiftSmoothingImageFilter : add range bandwidth parameter to adapt spectral radius to actual pixel value
        * StreamingStatisticsVectorImageFilter : protect against corner cases when image has 0 or 1 pixels
      * ThirdParties
        * Synced ossim plugins with the ossim repository
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
    * Applications
      * New applications :
        * Large scale MeanShift set of applications : LSMSSegmentation, LSMSSmallRegionMerging, LSMSVectorization
          * See recipe in the CookBook
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Updated applications :
        * ClassificationMapRegularization : handle images with label up to 65535
        * DimensionnalityReduction : added new parameter for saving transformation matrix
        * DownloadSRTMTiles : support projected input images
        * MeanShiftSmoothing : expose range bandwidth parameter
        * StereoFramework : deformation field are computed in float precision instead of double
        * TrainImageClassifier : fix ordering confusion matrix in case of arbitrary labels, like in ComputeConfusionMatrix
        * DimensionnalityReduction : add bounds for number of components depending on input image
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Core framework :
        * Fix otbgui_XXX scripts to check for existence of
        * Support saving and loading application parameters from/to XML files
        * Support extended filename for complex input images
        * QtWidgetModel emits a signal with associated exception in case an error occurs during application execution
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
    * Bugs fixed :
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * OTB library
        * 0000805: All links in html FAQ return Error 404
        * 0000776: computeImagesStatistics imagelist input confusing error
        * 0000804: str and int concatenate error in Python Wrapper Application.GetParameterValue
        * 0000775: DoUpdateGUI() doing nothing for some parameters in QtWidget Wrapper
        * 0000799: when using OTB Applications in graphic mode "Execute" button become clickable even if output data is not set
        * 0000801: Some mandatory parameter with RoleOutput  should not be set by user
        * 0000770: Output parameter does not appear anymore in the command line helper
        * 0000798: All the OTB app parameters are not all saved into the xml output file
        * 0000779: [OTB]otbTrainImagesClassifier generates an output *.CSV confusion matrix with a wrong header
        * 0000809: LSMS Vectorization application didn't support output file with "-" special character
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000807: otbKmzExport application generate weird kmz if the tilesize parameter is equal to zero
        * 0000808: otbDownloadSRTMTiles application seems to be broken
        * 0000803: otbApplicationLauncherCommandLine -inxml parameter does not retrieve pixel type for output image parameter
        * 0000794: Tiling mechanism didn't work into Large Scale MeanShift  application
        * 0000760: ClassificationMapRegularization output pixel values are always on 8 bits
        * 0000809: LSMS Vectorization application didn't support output file with "-" special character
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * 0000803: otbApplicationLauncherCommandLine -inxml parameter does not retrieve pixel type for output image parameter
        * 0000736: Error setting the index in RadiometricIndices application via python
        * 0000800: Watershed mode of segmentation application produce an image without CRS even if the input image has one
        * 0000806: Orthorectifcation application return black or weird output if we request an output in WGS projection
        * 0000755: otb-bin-qt 3.18.1 package on Ubuntu installation triggered a warning at installation
        * 0000801: Some mandatory parameter with RoleOutput should not be set by user
        * 0000770: Output parameter does not appear anymore in the command line helper
        * 0000793: Using dimensionality Reduction application with MAF algorithm and "Inverse output image" checked leads to crash
        * 0000773: [OTB]otbStreamingStatisticsMapFromLabelImageFilter wrongly counts and accumulates vectorpixel values
        * 0000398: OTB does not handle ortho-ready products properly
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Monteverdi2
        * 0000789: Crash when selecting badly imported dataset.
        * 0000787: Can't drag up in Quick look view with ortho product
        * 0000750: Importation of a dataset which didn't exist because otb-app didn't run
        * 0000791: Accuracy error when converting float (-4.31608963) to string.
        * 0000792: Checking "Load otb application from xml file" crashes monteverdi2 on any application
        * 0000785: ITK exception raised when/after importing lena512color.jp2
        * 0000754: VertexComponentAnalysis app output importing leads to mvd2 crash
        * 0000756: BandMath application does not get ready when adding multiple inputs
        * 0000777: Wrong cartographic coordinates in pixel description widget for geotif product
        * 0000749: Output of the applications are detected as inconsistent
        * 0000752: When we run a otb app the selection of the dataset into the database manager didn't move to the output file
        * 0000748: Drag and drop a dataset into a inputImageList widget of an otb-app didn't work with Win platform
        * 0000747: Drag and drop an image into MVD2 didn't work with Win platform
        * 0000746: Locked/unlocked button didn't work
        * 0000768: Monteverdi 0.5.0 package depend now on QWT
        * 0000790: Monteverdi 2 crashes when running segmentation
    OTB-v.3.18.1 - Changes since version 3.18.0 (2013/07/22)
    * Library
      * Core and Third Parties
        * Update the JPEG2000ImageIO to decrease cache consumption and avoid memory leak between OTB and internal OpenJPEG library
        * Improve the control over the generation of GDAL overviews with a new method to set the resolution factor
      * CMake
        * remove OTBParseArguments from OTB source because it is not used
      * Examples
        * Update HelloWorld example CMakeLists
      * Applications
        * Updated applications
          * Update Stereo application documentation example with new parameters
          * Add a log message about color mapping method used by application
        * Core Framework
          * Initialize properly QtWidgetChoiceParameter
        * Increase minimum cmake version to 2.8.3 wwhen build applications
    OTB-v.3.18 - Changes since version 3.16 (2013/07/05)
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
    Among the classical improvements and bug fixes to existing functionnalities, this release provides
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
    the following main functionnalities :
     * Huge improvements in Stereo framework, to compute DEM from stereo pairs :
       check the StereoFramework application !
     * Whole new classification framework, with seamless integration of all OpenCV classifiers in addition to the
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
       existing libSVM classifier, kept for backward compatibility : check the TrainImageClassifier application !
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
     * A classifiers fusion framework based on Dempster Shafer theory : check the FusionOfClassifications application !
    The full list of improvements comes here :
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
    * Library
      * Core and Third Parties
        * Expose Curl timeout as parameter
        * OGRLayerStreamStitchingFilter : fix issue #610 'Attempt to delete shape with feature id (405674), but it is marked deleted already.'
        * Preparation for ITKv4 : got rid of most patches in internal ITK version
        * Removal of old deprecated methods in all OTB classes
        * Fix mangling of internal OpenJPEG
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * Simpler and more automatic configuration and build on Windows based on OSGeo4W
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Basic filters
        * Add NoData value and flag for StreamingMinMaxVectorImageFilter
        * StreamingStatisticsImageFilter & StreamingStatisticsVectorImageFilter : support for skipping Nan and for a background value
      * Stereo
        * New classes :
          * DisparityMapTo3DFilter : convert disparity map in epipolar geometry to 3D image in epipolar geometry
          * MultiDisparityMapTo3DFilter : convert several disparity maps in sensor geometry to a 3D image in sensor geometry
          * LineOfSightOptimizer : algorithm to fuse several elevation values by line of sight optimisation
          * BijectionCoherencyFilter : from 2 disparity maps, compute coherency left-right and right-left, and output a mask of coherent disparities
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
          * Multi3DToDEMFilter : fuse several 3D images to produce an elevation map
          * DisparityTranslateFilter : filter to translate epipolar disparities into sensor disparities
        * PixelWiseBlockMatchingImageFilter : fix initialization of metric and disparities
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * PixelWiseBlockMatchingImageFilter : supports a shift on the subsampled grid
        * SubPixelDisparityImageFilter : supports a subsampled grid (with shift)
        * PixelWiseBlockMatchingImageFilter & SubPixelDisparityImageFilter : subsampled disparities are now consistent with the dispmap index spaces
      * IO
        * GDALImageIO : support reading overviews. "image.tif?&resol=3" is now supported as file name
        * Extended file names now supports the "box" key for writing only a subset of the image
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Learning
        * Generic framework of classification filters, integrating OpenCV classifiers and libSVM
          * New classes
            * MachineLearningModel
            * MachineLearningModelFactory
            * LibSVMMachineLearningModel, based on pre exsiting libsvm functionnalities
            * OpenCV based classifiers :
                BoostMachineLearningModel DecisionTreeMachineLearningModel GradientBoostedTreeMachineLearningModel
                KNearestNeighborsMachineLearningModel NeuralNetworkMachineLearningModel
                NormalBayesMachineLearningModel RandomForestsMachineLearningModel SVMMachineLearningModel
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * ConfusionMatrixCalculator : add correspondence between class label and indices
        * ConfusionMatrixMeasurements : add new class for computation of precision, recall and F-score
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Fuzzy
        * New Dempster Shafer based fusion of classifiers framework
          * Theory explained in
          * New classes : DSFusionOfClassifiersImageFilter, ConfusionMatrixToMassOfBelief
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Segmentation
        * Fix some numerical instabilities in mean shift segmentation filter
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Radiometry
        * Fix spectral sensitivity reading of Pleiades images
        * Add PHR 1B averaged solar irradiance provided by CNES
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
      * Applications
        * New applications
          * Added new SRTM tiles downloader (DownloadSRTMTiles)
          * Added new PLY file generator (GeneratePlyFile)
          * TrainImageClassifier and ImageClassifier : made TrainSVMImageClassifier & ImageSVMClassifier
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
            more generic and expose OpenCV classifiers.
            Check the migration guide at :
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * Updated applications
          * StereoFramework :
            * Handles several images in input by stereo couples
            * More robust block matching with coherency checking in both directions
            * Choice of metric for block matching
            * Optional median filtering for disparities
            * Add variance threshold on input images for masking pixels where variance is too low
            * Add support for final projection of DEM in other SRS than WGS84
          * ExtractROI : add a mode to fit another reference image
          * StereoRectificationGridGenerator : disable agvdem by default
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
          * StereoSensorModelToElevationMap application removed to avoid duplicating functionnalities provided by StereoFramework
          * MaxiumuAutocorrelationFactor application removed to avoid duplicating functionnalities provided by DimensionnalityReduction
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
          * BlockMatching : expose step parameter
          * BlockMatching : supports a shift on the subsampled grid
          * ColorMapping : remove flooding of logs
          * TrainImageClassifier & ComputeConfusionMatrix : enhance reporting of confusion matrix by displaying real labels
          * ReadImageInfo : add index of largest possible region
          * ComputeImageStatistics : support for background values, add progress reporting
          * CompareImages : use whole image when no ROI is provided
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
          * RigidTransformResample : all transformations are now synced to be from input space to output space
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
        * Core Framework
          * Manage UTF8 paths in GUI
          * Fix a crash in string list parameter widget in GUI
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
    * Monteverdi
    Julien Malik's avatar
    Julien Malik committed
    * Bug Fixes
      * OTB-lib
        * 0000707: Memory leaks in ApplicationWrappers
        * 0000712: weird result of DempsterShaffer fusion of classification
        * 0000685: UTF-8 paths not managed by Qt GUI in OTB Applications
        * 0000686: Input file paths are deleted in some input fields of Qt GUIs
        * 0000684: Impromptu cursor jumps in some input fields of Qt GUIs
      * Documentation
        * 0000643: Installation documentation is outdated
        * 0000720: [OTB Wiki] Unable to save an edited page with a hypertext link within it
      * OTB-applications
        * 0000704: results of otbcli_Segmentation reflexed
        * 0000711: Segmentation Fault and crash of applications after modifying any input  "ParameterType_StringList" field
        * 0000709: otbcli_ComputeImagesStatistics includes NaNs and background values
        * 0000710: otbcli_ComputeImagesStatistics "progress" switch doesn't work
        * 0000697: ComputeConfusionMatrix
        * 0000670: Confusion matrix report unclear
        * 0000723: CompareImage application without ROI parameter results in FATAL error
      * Monteverdi2
        * 0000632: Monteverdi2 crashes after zooming twice
        * 0000714: Import existing image in the database leads to a crash
        * 0000675: Filename too long
        * 0000708: MVD2 - Cache-dir removed from disk.
        * 0000664: Very long loading time the second time with TIFF product
        * 0000655: ProgressDialog does not close if error is displayed.
        * 0000646: Viewport is black or diminish when maximising or resizing the window before opening image
        * 0000645: Viewport goes black or diminish when maximising or resizing the window after opening image
        * 0000639: Using keyboard arrows with Monteverdi2 maximized grabs all keyboards events
        * 0000653: "monteverdi2 imagepath" creates a dataset model directory even if the image does not exist
        * 0000699: Datasets loaded through mvd2-viewer command-line are disabled
        * 0000679: Inconsistency between mouse cursor position and image displacement when dragging
        * 0000669: The application don't detect the fact that I didn't modify the settings
        * 0000668: Precision loss when loading/saving/reloading
        * 0000666: upper quantile is not set to 0.0 on integer image type, when using min/max button
        * 0000656: Import Windows does not close
        * 0000659: At first startup, 'mvd2' dir is not created but Monteverdi2 should create it
        * 0000660: Wrong display settings saved
        * 0000657: Radiometry values hide WGS84 coordinates in status bar
        * 0000654: When minimzing the window, all widgets are closed
        * 0000665: Monteverdi2-0.1 label in Startup menu does not have an icon
        * 0000644: Make Monteverdi2 window autofit to the screen's size
        * 0000638: Displacement in the image let a black line of pixels at the top of the full res window
        * 0000636: Displacement related to keyboard arrows is to small
        * 0000637: Displacements associated with vertical keyboard arrows are inverted with respect to Monteverdi 1.x
        * 0000633: Can not edit spinner fields in Video Color Dynamics widget
        * 0000634: Steps of Quantiles spin-box are to coarse
        * 0000718: Confirm dialog only displays MD5 name when deleting dataset.
        * 0000648: Deploy icons for Monteverdi2 in  packages and also for local build if possible
    OTB-v.3.16 - Changes since version 3.14.1 (2013/02/04)
    * Library
      * Core and Third Parties
        * Various enhancement of PleiadesImageMetadataInterface
        * Added GetEnhancedBandNames method in ImageMetadataInterface
        * Added read and write geom file support in OssimSensorModelAdapter
        * Refactoring of DEMHandler:
          * Turned the class into singleton
          * Made the DEMHandler the single configuration point for all elevation setup
          * Deprecated all methods from other classes allowing to configure elevation source
          * Added Exhaustive testing of all configuration cases (DEM, geoid, default)
          * Improved documentation
        * Refactoring of SensorModelAdapter:
          * Decreased size of the code
          * Made methods stick to what OSSIM does
        * Refactored RpcProjectionAdapter into RpcSolverAdapter
        * Updated ossim to r21971
      * IO
        * Added support for GDAL driver creation options in GDALImageIO
        * Added support for external geom files in ImageFileReader
        * Extended filenames
          * Added framework for extended filenames (see
          * Added support for extended filenames in ImageFileReader
          * Added support for extended filenames in ImageFileWriter
        * Refactored StreamingImageFileWriter and ImageFileWriter
          * ImageFileWriter is now the only class to use
          * StreamingImageFileWriter is a deprecated subclass provided for backward compatibility
          * Fixed a bug when the largest possible region could be asked in some cases
        * Refactored the GCPsToSensorModel filter
      * BasicFilters
        * Simplified computation of coefficients in Frost and Lee filters
      * Fusion
        * Added the LMVM fusion algorithm (kindly contributed by A. Tzotsos)
      * Radiometry
        * Updated solar irradiance for WV2 (kindly contributed by D. Duros)
        * Enhanced the TOA radiance computation for WV2 by integrating the effective bandwidth
      * Learning
        * Improved ListSample generation
          * Added support for interior rings
          * Fixed support for class minimum size
        * Added a filter for classification map regularization by majority voting
      * Segmentation
        * Added segmentation algorithm based on multiscale morphological structures classification
      * OBIA
        * Added a filter to compute mean radiometric values for each segment of a labeled image
      * Visualization
        * Added a method to change RegionGlComponent color in ImageView
        * Moved layer description in a single place
      * Applications
        * Framework
          * Modified the elevation parameters handling to be consistent with refactoring
        * New Applications
          * Added new radiometric indices application (RadiometricIndices)
          * Added new haralick and structural feature set texture extraction application (HaralickTextureExtraction, SFSTextureExtraction)
          * Added new morphological operation applications (BinaryMorphologicalOperation,GrayScaleMorphologicalOperation)
          * Added new local statistics extraction applications (LocalStatisticsExtraction)
          * Added new edge extraction application (EdgeExtraction)
          * Added new homologous points extraction application, including large scale extraction of tie points  (HomologousPointsExtraction)
          * Added new application to refine a sensor model from a geom file and a set of tie points (RefineSensorModel)
          * Added new pan-sharpening application with 3 different algorithms (PanSharpening)
          * Added new classification maps fusion application (FusionOfClassifications)
          * Added new classification map regularization application (ClassificationMapRegularization)
          * Added new confusion matrix computation application (ComputeConfusionMatrix)
          * Added new tile fusion application (TileFusion)
          * Added new end-to-end stereo pair to Digital Surface Model application (StereoFramework)
          * Added an optional clamp in OpticalCalibration application output
          * Added segmentation algorithm based on multiscale morphological structures classification in Segmentation application
          * Added an optional output to the ReadImageInfo application to write the keyword list to a geom file